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Ecommerce In India: Trends To Watch Out For In 2023

Phygital Will Be In Focus

Tech-infused physical stores with digital inventories will level the playing field for offline retailers and enable them to compete with large online platforms and sellers. This becomes even more crucial as customers expect a similar product range available at better prices from offline retailers as offered by ecommerce platforms.


Last-mile delivery is perhaps the most critical part of the order-fullfillment cycle and can make or break the customer experience. With ONDC in play in 2022 and expanding in 2023, we will see more ecommerce focused logistics companies emerging in this segment.

Online Shopping To Go Deeper

he ecommerce user base in India is estimated to grow at 23% CAGR to reach 500 Mn by 2030. Both ecommerce brands and marketplaces want to tap into this growing user base in metros and non-metro locations.


While ecommerce companies have already latched on to voice shopping, localisation through vernacular languages to reach out to a vast, non-English-speaking consumer base is in the works. More and more brands will jump on the bandwagon as they seek to grow across Bharat.

Quick Commerce To Thrive

The trend which picked up its pace during Covid-19 will continue to entice users and investors alike. Instant deliveries or quick commerce has created a new wave of startups, driven M&As and gained investments in the past two years. In 2023, more and more D2C brands will make a play to tailor their distribution to fit quick commerce operations, just as FMCG giants have pivoted to cater to this channel in 2022.

SOURCE: INC42 www.inc42.com

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