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Building An Impactful Shopping Experience

Today D2C brands are offering hyper-personalised experiences tailored through convenience. The idea is to enable consumers to control their shopping experiences themselves. Therefore, brands are building these enriching experiences based on the insights derived from a consumer’s decision-making process.

Omnichannel automation has facilitated an intelligent integration of technology even in offline stores. These integrated technologies help brands deliver a highly personalised and interactive shopping experience for all their consumers across channels. Technology automation is smoothly interwoven throughout the consumer’s journey, from researching and reviewing the product to clicking the purchase button. These integrations further help in building higher brand recall.

Capturing Bharatwide Retail Expansion

In today’s digital-first world, when D2C brands are hopping on the metaverse bandwagon, online brands are also exploring the traditional brick-and-mortar routes. The reason is simple: Enhancing brand visibility. An offline store adds to the digital store’s credibility, thus building consumer trust.

According to Statista, India has 190 Mn online shoppers, but the need for retail shelves will always be persistent. Bharat, namely, the Tier 2 cities and beyond, have a knack for exploring new brands, and omnichannel expansion is the only bet to drive that accessibility. While offline expansion is important to establish trust and loyalty among consumers for D2C brands, it is equally important to grow aggressively across the real Bharat through the right touchpoints, taking value-driven offerings to a large consumer base.

Omnichannel expansion is also helping D2C brands drive revenue growth and strong brand awareness. It is simple to achieve, as customers are targeted across channels with an active and personalised approach. So, to ensure that a consumer’s journey from ‘Add to Cart’ to ‘Proceed to Checkout’ is enriching, omnichannel is the way to go.