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Omnichannel In India: Trends To Watch Out In 2023

Omnichannel experience to expand beyond online-offline

Checking a product online and buying it offline or vice-versa will give way to new distribution models. For instance, customers can buy things online and pick them up from a nearby brick-and-mortar store or buy them in-store but get them delivered to their chosen locations. Similarly, one can return a product online before a physical delivery or at a store after delivery instead of waiting for reverse logistics. In brief, the formats will vary in sync with customer convenience, and retailers must expand their services across online and offline channels.

Social media will remain a powerful channel

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are now popular among online shoppers. Therefore, a powerful social media presence will enhance a brand’s image and help build trust for new customers. According to Google’s research insight blog, Think with Google, half of the shoppers watch videos to help them decide what to buy, and 55% report watching videos in-store to remind themselves what they want to purchase.

Personalisation will be the key to success

Experts believe that personalisation will be the determining factor for success in omnichannel retail. According to the global marketing company Epsilon, 80% of customers report they are more likely to buy when offered a personalised experience, like discounts related to recent browsing. Making customers feel valuable should be an essential trait of retailers, especially when they handle multichannel shoppers.

Supply chain management will be crucial

Brands must be able to deal with issues like delayed product delivery and inadequate inventories featuring out-of-stock products. Good supply chain management (SCM) and cutting-edge tech solutions for inventory reconciliation are critical for omnichannel retailers.

24x7 Customer Support Will Be Essential

Omnichannel commerce demands 24x7 customer support for the best possible outcomes. While human assistance is required for complex issues, brands must look at virtual assistants/chatbots for initial customer engagement across geographies and time zones.