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Myparent sandIwil lbel eaving Mel bourneforgoodsoon.

Idon’ twantt ot hinkaboutit .

Beforewel eavet heSout hernHemisphere, wearegoingt odosomet hingmydadhas want edt odo. al ways


‘ Atl astIwil lful filoneofmymost prec iousdreamsandl ongesthel d ambit ions, ’hesays,whic hmakesmy mum andmegiggl e.

Wearegoingonasc ient ific expedit ionboatt oAn t arc t ic a. Wewil ll eavefrom New Zeal and.

Thet ripwil lt akeal ongt ime–

I’ m notevensurehow l ong itwil lt ake. . .


Thegoodnewsiswe’ regoingwit h someofmydad’ sworkc ol l eagues, andt heyarebringingt heirkidst oo.

Thebadnewsiswe’ ret akingat ut or wit hus,andt hatt ut orisnotBet hany.

Nopeopl el iveinAnt arc t ic a–apart from afew sc ient ist s,andt heyl ive t heret emporaril y.Therearenot rams. Thereisnowheret oskat eboard. Thereisnowheret oswim.

? Mainl y, itisfamousforbeingvery veryc ol d. Event houghwearegoingin summer, itwil lbec ol dert hant he c ol dest wint erday.

I’ ml ookingforwardt ost ayingont heboat .We’ l lhaveal it t l e c abinwit hat ripl e-dec kerbunkbed.

WhenwegetnearAnt arc t ic a,we’ l lgetoffourboat andint ozodiac sinordert ogoexpl ore.

Mydadisbringinghisfavourit ebook ofal lt imewit hhim,abookabout anot hersc ient ificexpedit iont o Ant arc t ic a.

I’ mt akingal lmyartsuppl ies,and l ot sandl ot sofbooksandgames.

It ’ sc al l ed‘ TheWorstJourneyint he Worl d’whic hIdonott hinkist he bestevert it l eforabook.


Wemightseewhal es.Wemightseeal bat rosses. WemightseeEmperorPenguins.

Wemightseepol arbears.

Onet hingI’ m surewe’ l lseeissnow.Andic e.Lot sandl ot sofic e. Mount ainsmadeofic e.A whol efrozenc ont inentatt hebot t om oft heworl d.

p!! heeel

I’ m exc it ed.Pl anningourt ripisfun.AnditmeansIhavesomet hingt ot hink aboutot hert hant hefac twe’ l lbel eavingMel bourneforgoodbeforel ong. . .

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