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TodayIam goingt oSCHOOL wit hCarolandLewis.

andt heirmum askedt het eac her ift heyc oul dbringme,

Sc ary!

Iaskedmymum ifIc oul dgowit h t hem,andmymum askedt heirmum if Ic oul dgowit ht hem,

andt het eac her,MissKazmierski, said…


SoI’ m goingt osc hoolforoneday.

Idon’ thaveauniform,butCaroland Lewissayitdoesn’ tmat t er. . .

Mymum saysI’ vebeent osc hoolonc e before;shesaysIwentt o

Kindergart eninCanada.

Idon’ tremembert hat ,and,anyway,it wasonl yforafew weeks.


They’ vegivenmeal istof t hingst obringwit hme:

unhat , mys

c kedl unc h apa

nc ilc ase ape wit hpensand penc il sinside,

d. andBra ( Whent heysay‘ Brad’ ,t heydon’ treal l ymean Brad.Theymeant heanimat ionsofBradI’ ve c reat edonmypl ayer. )

Igetupext raearl yt oday.

Ihavemybreakfastearl yt oo,andgo out sidet ot al kt oTil l y.

Idon’ tl etheroutofheryardasI won’ tbeheret ot akec areofher,soI t al kt ohert hrought hegat e.She makest hesoundt hatmeansshereal l y real l ywant st oc omeovert opl ay.

’ y, l odayTil Nott ‘ m I’ lher,‘ el It ’ . hool osc goingt

Ist andbyt hefrontwindow oft hehouse,andwhenIseeCarolandLewisont heir wayac rosst hest reett opic kmeup,mymum handsmemyl unc handmybac kpac k, andIopent hefrontdoorandrunoutt omeetmyfriends.

Onourwayt here,Carolt el l smeafew oft herul es. . .

hhand?’ Whic ‘

1 .Whenyouwanttoaskaquestion,

putyourhandupfirstAndwait unt ilMissKazmierskisaysyourname.

’ er. t tmat Doesn’ ‘

y Whoism ‘ ner?’ part

2.Atbreaktime,lineupinpairs byt hec l assroom door.


me’ ‘

pens Whathapnor ‘ u ifyour ?’ shout

insidet hesc hool .

‘ Y ougetsentt o t heHeadmast er. ’

I’ m gl adt oknow t herul es.Exc eptnow,inst eadofl ooking right ened. forwardt ogoingt osc hoolt oday,I’ m al it t l ebit …f

Att hesc hool ,t herearesomany c hil drenint heiruniformsit ’ sl ikea bl ueandgreenriverfl owingt hrough t hegat es.

Carolmarc hesmet hrought he igknotinmy pl ayground.There’ sab st omac handI’ m findingithardt o swal l ow.

Ihol dCarol ’ shandt ight ,sot hatI don’ tl oseher.Lewisdisappearsand, whenIseehim next ,he’ sinabig groupofboys.

Everyoneisl ookingatme.

West opinfrontofawoman.Il ookup ather;shel ooksabitl ikeBet hany.

’ mierski, ’ MissKaz ‘ e. ic hisisAl t ‘ , s y a s l Caro

MissKazmierskil owershersel f downwardsunt ilherfac eist he samel evelasmine.Shesmil es.

’shesays, e, ic Al ‘ oour omet c wel ‘ ’ oday. hoolt sc

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