CN 11-12-08

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Connecting What is most frustrating about sewing for you… and what is most pleasurable? Readers share their thoughts on the rewards and aggravations of sewing. To respond to our next question, visit us at Favorite: The most frustrating thing about sewing is not being able to find just the right fabric or trim to turn my vision into reality. The most pleasurable part is the first cut into fabric. I only cut after much planning and deliberation, so cutting the fabric is like hearing the start gun at the beginning of a race. It really energizes me. M.L., Heflin, LA

This issue’s favorite receives The Art of Embroidery by Françoise Tellier-Loumagne

The most frustrating and pleasant things about sewing for me are the same thing—my kids. As soon as I’m cutting something, three little ones crowd around my legs asking “Is that for me?” “Is it done yet?” “Do mine first!” It drives me nuts, but nothing compares to my daughter’s excitement when a new dress is ready for her to wear and the fact that she won’t take it off! P.M., Harvest, AL The most frustrating thing about sewing for me is the lack of understanding from women who do not sew. They have no idea the number of hours we put into completing a project, or the years of training and practice that went into building the skills we exhibit in our completed “works of art.” The most pleasurable part of sewing is the self-satisfaction I feel from completing a project to the best of my ability. Satisfying myself is much more important than sewing to please anyone else. N.P., Limerick, PA 88

The most frustrating thing is how limited my time for sewing is. I love the creative and design part. My mind can dream much faster than my fingers can work, making it hard to stand the time between dreaming and the most pleasurable part—seeing my child’s sweet face beaming above my creation! S.J., Valdosta, GA The most frustrating thing is that I don’t live near any heirloom or garment fabric stores. The most rewarding/pleasurable is seeing my daughter’s face when I have made her something! That is priceless! S.W., East Amherst, NY Most frustrating about sewing is the mess I’ve created from the last project. I can’t reach for and find what I want because it is out of place. I’m going to find and hire a “sewing room nanny” who will cleanup and reorganize after each project. R.H., Durham, NC The most frustrating thing about sewing is excessive use of the seam ripper, or unsewing! Sometimes I feel like when I sew I take one stitch forward, two stitches out. K.S., Knoxville, TN What is most pleasurable is the sense of creating something more beautiful to add to this world (besides, of course, my five children). What is most frustrating is that there are

ONLY 24 hours in the day in which to do it! I spend eight of those sleeping and must spend at least eight of them earning a living. V.P., Reno, NV It is so frustrating when pattern companies assume that you know everything about sewing. I am a fairly accomplished seamstress, but often I am stumped because the “pattern” assumes I know a certain technique. The instructions don’t seem to make sense. On the other hand, sewing a Wendy Schoen pattern is a dream. Her instructions are always exactly what they are supposed to be! T.B., Memphis, TN For me, the most frustrating thing about sewing is finding enough time for all the projects I come up with. The most pleasurable is when my little girl receives a compliment on her outfit and proudly says, “My mommy made it!” N.K., Prattville, AL


What creative ways have you used to convince your child to wear smocking for just one more year? Each issue our readers respond to a new topic. Share your stories, your special ways of doing things—and connect with readers all over the country. Visit our website and let us know what you’re thinking, or send your letter to Creative Needle Connecting, 1 Apollo Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. Creative Needle  |

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