Achieve Magazine Summer 2012

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what’s inside: health: men’s, women’s & kids’ health heart health • mind + body eye health • health profiles

wellness: nutrition • massage corporate wellness yoga • fiscal fitness booking some downtime

fitness: personal training running • cycling sports med outdoor adventure event calendar & more!

a•chieve (e chev) vb -

| -

table of

1. to finish: complete: win: succeed 2. to accomplish: obtain with effort 3. to perform by one’s own efforts


kathryn lee publisher / creative director john lee vp / director of sales & marketing

health 2 men’s health:

tips to keep your memory sharp

3 women’s health: depression

12 nutrition: to win, we must lose yoga: insomnia 13 nutrition: peak perfection 14 corporate wellness: food, mood and stress

Achieve is a quarterly health, wellness and fitness magazine published by Impressions Group, LLC. The covers, contents and ads in Achieve magazine are copyright protected and may NOT be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.

4 heart health: metabolic syndrome 6 mind + body: self belief —

16 massage: good tone in the “core”

Our staff has made every effort to insure the accuracy of the publication, however we assume no liability or responsibility for content, errors or omissions in any articles.

7 eye health: fruit may protect


8 health profiles

17 sports med: stretching cycling: mountain biking tips

Achieve welcomes the submission of any information, articles and photos. We will make every effort to include the submitted items, however, we cannot guarantee the inclusion or the return of materials.


18 running: 9 marathon strategies outdoor adventure: paddleboarding

10 fiscal fitness: investing strategies

19 personal training: do exercise in the

5 kids’ health: 7 summer safety tips the first step to greatness

against diabetes eye problems

for an evolving market

11 booking some downtime: On the Cover — Jennifer Lee at the 2011 Women's Stand Up Paddleboarding Final in O'ahu, Hawai'i. Photo by Rico Leffanta.

Race Directors, Event Planners Include your events in our calendar! Contact: or post on our website .

To advertise in Achieve Magazine call:


14 minutes

15 active adult: staying active helps to keep you young

summer heat—but don’t dehydrate

20 event calendar (july - oct. 2012)

a lettertoour


Achieve is growing! We’re taking the charm of our magazine and giving it an online home. We’ve always strived to deliver a quality magazine with engaging articles on health, wellness and fitness, backed by the area’s best advertisers! Now we’re taking that to the next level. We’re pleased to announce our partnership with HyLoMedia, a digital content provider, helping us launch a new interactive website, Facebook page and Twitter account, where we can stay connected with readers on a more frequent basis in a digital medium.

Deadline for the next issue: Sept. 1, 2012 For more information, contact:

Post Office Box 2627, Greenville, NC 27836 252.355.8345 phone / 252.355.4224 fax

© 2012

summer ‘12

Impressions Group, LLC

As always, we’ll publish and distribute Achieve, but now, we’ll extend what we do in print to serve readers with added content. We’ll provide ways for you to join in the conversation and opportunities for our ad partners to participate and grow with us. The website will become the spot you’ll visit to read the latest print edition, uncover added content, find upcoming events, and learn what’s new in health, wellness and fitness. We invite you to grow with Achieve as we venture into the future. Please visit our Facebook page ( Once there, be sure to “Like” us, so we can keep you up-to-date on the launch of our website, as well as what’s new in health, wellness and fitness.

Sincerely, Kathryn Lee Publisher/Creative Director

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health men’s health: tips to help keep your memory sharp Article by Dennis Thompson Jr. • Medically reviewed by Niya Jones, MD, MPH

As you get older, your memory may start slipping. But keeping your brain healthy with mental workouts and simple lifestyle guidelines could help avert something more serious. Normal age-related memory loss usually affects your recent memory, rather than your remote memory. For example, you might forget the name of a person you just met, or an item your wife wanted you to pick up from the store. But you would continue to accurately recall memories stored last week, or many years ago. Luckily, there are ways to fight the memory loss that occurs with aging. A combination of regular mental stimulation and maintaining physical health can keep your mind sharp into your late old age.

Tips for Keeping Memory Sharp Some ways to beat back memory loss include: Keep your brain active. Challenging your brain and mental abilities is believed to stimulate brain cells and keep your thinking sharp. Reading, writing, developing a new skill, or relearning old skills are ways to give your brain a

workout. You also can work on stimulating problem-solving and brain games and puzzles. These mental challenges should be a regular part of your life. Let go of stress. Prolonged stress over many weeks has been shown to cause memory loss by altering brain chemistry and damaging the hippocampus, which is where the brain stores new memories. Stay socially active. Relationships with other people can improve your mental performance. Social activities often are intellectually stimulating, which prompts good memory function. Friends also can provide support when you are feeling stressed. Research has linked loneliness with an increased risk of memory loss and dementia. Exercise. Working out can keep blood flowing to the brain, leaving your brain cells well-nourished with oxygen and nutrients. Don’t smoke or abuse alcohol. Smokers have been shown to perform worse than nonsmokers in memory studies and tests of thinking skills. Heavy alcohol use is also known to cause memory loss. Trauma. Head trauma is one of the major causes of memory loss, as well as something that can cause dementia later in life. Always use a helmet and other protective gear when participating in high-speed activities and contact sports.

When Memory Loss Is Serious How can you tell when your memory loss has become something worse, like a symptom of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? Here are some warning signs:

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Forgetting things at a noticeably increased rate. Everyone occasionally forgets about plans they have or where they’ve put things, but if you find yourself missing scheduled activities much more frequently or misplacing items a lot more than you used to, that could be a sign that you need to have checked out. Forgetting how to perform activities you’ve done many times before. No longer being able to balance a checkbook is one example. Finding it difficult to learn new things. You just can’t grasp something that’s being explained to you, even though you feel it should be simple. Repeating yourself. Telling the same stories, asking the same questions, or repeating the same phrases during a single conversation could be a sign of advanced memory loss. Confusion. If you’re suffering serious memory lapses, you might end up getting lost in a familiar place. You might also put something in an inappropriate place — your wallet in the oven, for example — because you can’t remember where it should be kept.

Serving Greenville and Eastern NC Since 1996

PO Box 2627, Greenville, NC 27836 252.355.8345

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If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, you should go see your family physician. The doctor will ask you questions to objectively test your memory and thinking skills, and do a physical exam and possibly other diagnostic tests. He may have suggestions to help you improve your memory function, and might even be able to prescribe medications known to help with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, if necessary.

achieve magazine

health women’s health: depression Article by Debra-Lynn B. Hook Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

cycle. PMDD is likely influenced by hormonal fluctuations, but excess weight, alcohol abuse, and a family history of the disorder appear to contribute to a woman’s risk. Many women with PMDD have also been diagnosed with major depression.

Menopause as a Cause of Depression Menopause can also put women at greater risk of some types of depression. Studies have suggested that women with no history of depression are two to four times more likely to report a depressive mood during menopause than they are before menopause. Women with a history of depression are five times more likely to have a major depressive episode during menopause.

When it comes to depression and the sexes, numbers tell the story: Depression in women is much more common than depression in men. According to the recent data from the Centers for Disease Control, 5.4% of people above age 12 in the U.S. have depression, 6.7% of women, but just 4% of men. About 12 million American women suffer with depression each year. Over the course of a lifetime, about 1 in 8 women develop clinical depression.

Factors at Play Genetic, social, environmental, and physiological factors contribute to women’s increased vulnerability to depression. Levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone fluctuate throughout a woman’s lifetime, including after childbirth and during menopause, which can contribute to depression. In addition, social pressures, such as expectations placed on women to be the main caregivers for both children and elderly parents, can play a role. Women also experience higher rates of sexual abuse, eating disorders, and poverty, which may contribute to depression.

As with pregnancy and childbirth, a combination of hormonal and psychological factors contribute to depression during menopuase. Estrogen and progesterone levels drop during menopause, which could play a role in the downshift in mood in many women. The physical effects of these hormonal changes, including trouble sleeping, hot flashes, night sweats, and fatigue, can further affect a woman’s mood. For many women, this major life transition also weighs heavily on their minds. While many factors can contribute to the onset of major depression, it’s the hormonal changes during different stages of a woman’s life that influence the depression rates among women. If you’re feeling symptoms of major depression, contact your health care provider. Getting the proper treatment can help you feel better and manage your depression.

Often, it’s the combination of several factors that triggers a depressive state. For example, after a woman gives birth, pregnancy hormones drop off severely, which can cause feelings of depression. In addition, the new challenges of caring for a baby can feel emotionally overwhelming. This can lead to a bout of “baby blues,” a common and short-lived feeling of sadness. Postpartum depression may start out like the “baby blues,” but depression lasts longer and is much more severe and debilitating, often impacting a new mother’s ability to attend to simple everyday tasks. In a recent CDC survey, 11%-18% of women reported “frequent” postpartum depressive symptoms.

Depression Symptoms and Menstruation Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that affects up to 75% of women during childbearing years, may also increase a woman’s vulnerability to depression. PMS occurs most commonly in women between their late 20s and early 40s, and among women with at least one child; symptoms can worsen as a woman approaches menopause. Many women with PMS experience depression-like symptoms, such as fatigue, sadness, hopelessness, and forgetfulness, in the week before their menstruation starts. But in some women, symptoms are so severe that a depressive disorder results. This is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). The National Institutes of Health estimate between 3 and 8% of women may experience PMDD before they begin their monthly menstrual

summer ‘12

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health heart health: metabolic syndrome Article from Vidant Health

If you could prevent type II diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, would you? Of course you would. While none of these diseases is completely preventable, you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting one. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of different conditions that tend to occur together and that can indicate high risk for heart disease and stroke. You have metabolic syndrome if you have at least three of the following: • A large waistline: 35 inches or larger in women; 40 inches or larger in men • Elevated blood pressure defined as systolic blood pressure of 130mmHg or higher or a diastolic pressure of 85mmHg or higher; or if you are already taking blood pressure medicine • A low HDL cholesterol level, also known as the good cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dL in males and 50mg/dl in females) • Elevated fasting triglycerides (greater than 150 mg/dL), or non-fasting triglycerides of at least 400mg/dl • Impaired fasting blood sugar of 100mg/dl (140mg/dl if non-fasting) or greater or taking medications to lower blood sugar. If you have metabolic syndrome, you are twice as likely to have a heart attack, or stroke. According to Dr. Rony Shammas, clinical and interventional cardiologist with Vidant Cardiology, the incidence of cardiovascular disease in eastern N.C. is among the highest in the U.S. With nearly one-third of the U.S. population diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, he says it’s likely that at

least one-third of the population in eastern N.C. carries this diagnosis. It’s estimated that up to 80% of cardiac problems could be potentially averted in patients with metabolic syndrome if cholesterol and blood pressure are optimally controlled. Shammas says the best way to treat metabolic syndrome and reduce your risk is through lifestyle modification. It starts with weight reduction and exercise and has a domino effect on the other factors. If you’re overweight, it’s likely your HDL cholesterol level is low, and your triglyceride level, blood glucose and your blood pressure are high. The average goal for weight reduction is seven-to-10% weight loss in one year. How can you achieve that? It’s back to the basics—fewer calories and more physical activity. Shammas recommends reducing your daily calorie intake between 500 and 1,000 calories and combine that with 30 minutes of dynamic exercise five days a week. Dynamic exercise means walking, swimming, hiking, or biking — a physical activity that gets your heart rate up. Making lifestyle modifications can be drastic for many people. And, despite best efforts, additional medication treatment may be needed to manage the risk factors in some patients. These patients are at increased risk, and an aggressive multifaceted treatment approach is required to lower their risk. Shammas says prevention is the greatest treatment tool available, but it takes patient engagement, compliance, and teamwork between patient and physician. “You need two hands to clap. One hand is the patient, and the other is the physician,” Shammas said. “The patient has the stronger hand.”

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achieve magazine

health kids’ health: 7 summer safety tips Article by by Maria Trimarchi from

The National Safe Kids Campaign estimates that every year, one in four kids ages 14 and younger will sustain an injury that requires medical attention. Forty percent of all injury-related emergency room visits and 42% of all injury deaths happen between May and August, they report, but it’s not all bad news. We can keep kids free from about 90% of these accidents by educating ourselves and our kids on how to stay safe while still enjoying summer vacation.

Bites & Stings Planning to spend time outside means planning to spray yourself and your kids with insect repellent — repellents don’t kill insects, but they can help reduce bites from mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other bothersome bugs. There are different types of repellents: those that contain DEET and those that don’t. Use insect repellents containing DEET on kids sparingly. Never use repellent on infants. Check the levels of DEET in formulas before applying to older kids — DEET can be toxic. Repellents with 10-30% concentrations of DEET can be used on exposed skin, clothing, and shoes but do not apply it to faces or hands. If you want to avoid DEET, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends repellents that contain picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus, both are non-toxic and able to reduce mosquito bites just as well as formulas with low levels of DEET.

Ticks Outdoorsy types aren’t the only ones who need to worry about ticks — you could pick one up in your own yard while gardening or playing outside. Prevent tick bites and tick-borne illnesses with these four steps: Clothing — It’s smart to wear light-colored clothing and shoes during the summer because they help keep you cooler — and, as it turns out, they help you spot any ticks that may be crawling on you. Also, although it won’t win you any fashion awards, tucking your pant legs into your socks can minimize ticks crawling up your legs or into your shoes. Repellent — Insect repellents that contain DEET or permethrin can reduce your chances of tick bites. DEET products may be applied directly to exposed skin (not skin under clothing) and to clothing, but should be used sparingly on kids — look for products with about 20% DEET concentration, and apply it to your child’s body, avoiding his or her face and hands. Permethrin should only be applied to clothing. Know Your Enemy — Ticks like to hang out in grassy or wooded areas, and they are especially fond of places that are moist or humid. Be Vigilant with Tick Checks — Do a tick check on everyone in the family every night. Contracting a tick-borne illness can take up to 36 hours if a tick isn’t removed, so be prompt and thorough. The CDC recommends you check under the arms, between the legs, around the waist, inside the navel, and don’t forget the hairline and scalp. Tick removal isn’t complicated but there is a technique. Use fine-tipped tweezers, not your bare fingers, to detach the tick. Hold the tick in the tweezers (get as close to the skin as you can) and pull upwards. Be steady, as twisting and turning could cause the tick’s mouth to break off under the skin (if that happens, use your tweezers to remove it). That’s it — it’s out! Disinfect the area and you’re done.

summer ‘12

Pool Safety According to SafeKids, in 2006 more than 3,700 kids younger than 5 years old were injured in near-drowning incidents, and every year, more than 830 kids ages 14 and younger die due to unintentional drowning. Never leave kids alone near the pool, no matter what their ages or swim capabilities are. Parents can and should take precautions around home pools, in addition to closely supervising kids while they swim. Installing fencing around pools, at least 5-feet high, all the way around and with a self-closing, self-latching gate, can prevent 50-90% of accidental drownings. Pool and gate alarms also help.

Playground Safety More than 205,000 kids visit emergency rooms with playground-related injuries every year, estimates the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Many of these injuries could be prevented with a little precaution and adult supervision. Check the playground equipment before letting kids play on it. Surfaces that are too hot can cause burns, and loose ropes — that aren’t secured on both ends — can cause accidental strangulation. The ground should be covered in a protective surface such as rubber mats, wood or rubber mulch or wood chips, never grass, asphalt or concrete. Proper surface materials could reduce the risk of head injury or other severe injury in the event of a fall. Also, be sure that your child’s clothing is playground-friendly: Remove any strings, such as those on hoodies, only let them wear closed-toed shoes at play and avoid clothing that is loose enough to catch on equipment.

Safe Rides Whether or not you wore a helmet as a child, it’s a must for kids these days. Nearly 300,000 kids make a visit to the emergency room every year with bikerelated injuries, some result in death or severe brain injury. Wearing a helmet can reduce your child’s risk of making such a visit. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) sets standards for helmets. Choose one with its safety seal on it. Also, check that your child’s bike is still large enough. Have your child straddle the top bar of his or her bike with feet flat on the ground. A 1-3” gap between the bar and your child’s body means it’s the correct size.

Sunburn According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, getting one blistering sunburn as a kid doubles your chances of developing melanoma. Regardless of age and skin type, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends adults and kids apply a water-resistant sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays every day of the year. Yes, even in winter and on cloudy days. Choose a sunscreen that’s at least SPF 30. Apply it 15-30 minutes before going outside. When using sunscreen, apply as much as would fill a shot glass — if you’re using sunscreen and insect repellent, apply sunscreen first, then repellent.

Poison Ivy Poison ivy, poison oak and sumac contain an oil called urushiol, which when it comes in contact with skin, causes an allergic reaction in about 85% of the population. The subsequent rash that develops will only appear where the skin came in contact with the oil — and luckily, it isn’t contagious, but it can spread through indirect contact (such as petting a dog that’s run through it). Symptoms of a poison ivy rash may include: itchy skin, redness or red streaks, small bumps or hives, and blisters that drain fluid when popped. The only way to avoid the rash is to avoid contact. Wearing clothing that covers a good amount of skin will help reduce risk. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends home treatment for mild cases, with cool showers and oatmeal baths. If itching and swelling become moderate to severe, a prescription medication can be used to reduce symptoms.

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health mind + body: self belief— the first step to greatness Article by Kieran Revell. Dubbed ‘The Success Wizard’ by clients and friends, Kieran is an International Specialist Success Coach, & Motivational Speaker. His programs are assisting individuals and corporations worldwide, to connect with and harness the incredible power of the human spirit, where true inspiration and courage often lie dormant. Visit Kieran at

‘Success is not governed by colour, creed, age or orientation: Success does not discriminate nor does it know boundaries. It does however depend upon dreams, persistence and self-belief. The moment you lose confidence in yourself, failure will follow.’ Each of us, irrespective of means or circumstance, strives for some aspect of greatness in our lives. Each of us is a genius in some aspect of our existence. There are things I can do brilliantly, which others cannot. Similarly, there are things which others can do that I can’t. These are the things which drive us to greatness and empower all aspects of our world. Unfortunately we often lose our way due to stress, outward pressures, distractions, reduced finances and a host of other impacting issues we allow to permeate our lives and derail us. Each of us has a true purpose in life: Many of us continue from the cradle to the grave without realising just what it is. Others still, have a perfect vision in their minds of just what it is they are destined to achieve and exactly what it will take to get to that special place. ‘Never be afraid of what you might achieve. Instead, be more afraid of what you might not.’ As children, we’re often told by those who should know better, that we’re not tall enough; smart enough; creative or good looking enough to do anything special with our lives. Often it’s a well-intentioned parent, sibling, friend, neighbor or complete stranger who negatively impacts our psyche and sets us on a path to nowhere. This can continue through our teenage, youth and young adult years to such an extent we actually believe the venom of others and adopt the negativity as our own. It impacts our lives and overshadows every aspect of our development. Very often, those who bombard us with negativity are endeavoring to shield us from disappointment (they have encountered) by imposing their values on us. They view our lives through their eyes and therefore, the image is distorted. ‘An acquired action will soon become a habit, with acceptance through quiet affirmation and dedicated application.’ Others however are jealous of our drive, focus and determination: Perhaps they secretly see we have exactly what it takes to rise to the top and they do their best to stall our evolution so we remain at their base level, so they can smugly say to us, “I told you so!” ‘I autograph each and every day of my life with my personal signature of success. Achievement comes because I commit to ownership of my positive, results-driven actions.’ There are several steps we can take to overcome these negative influences: 1. Build a wall of positive energy around ourselves by writing down our

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dreams and wishes in a journal. Wherever possible, refrain from including negative thoughts and emotions and instead be positive and upbeat; 2. Develop a Creation Board on which you post positive words, phrases and pictures. Look at it every day and empower your life, especially in those times when you feel the darkness of negativity descending on your life; 3. Enrich your life every day with positive affirmations, such as: • I am an incredibly creative person and my success is growing every day; • I am a beautiful, healthy and happy person and my wonderful life is unfolding before me; • Opportunities to be successful and abundant are manifesting every day in my life as I move closer to my dream of success and prosperity. By empowering your life, you’re signaling to the Universe your intention to capitalise on the innate gifts you possess and in so doing, move past the negative blocks which threaten your future. ‘The difference between success and failure is not just one’s ability to dream, but the courage to follow them and take steps necessary to embrace success.’ It is important you build your self-belief and know beyond question you are a special and gifted person. You must empower your dreams with continued positive affirmations every day and in spite of what others might say/do, never give ownership of your dreams to another. It could become a constant struggle. However, if you keep the horizon in sight and allow the light to shine on your life — even fleetingly — the moments of clarity and color will continue as you step from the darkness of oppressive associations, into the light and sunshine of opportunity. Never allow the mediocrity of others to impact your growth and development. Where they see failure, you must see success. Where they envisage only darkness, you must view sunshine and brightness. Where others see no future, you must embrace light, clarity and opportunity. ‘If you believe you can, you will: If you think you can’t, you won’t. Whatever you believe — you will inevitably become. Once you accept (positive thoughts and actions) negativity, you embrace (success) failure.’ Self-belief also supports self-respect and where these two powerful tools abide so too do focus, drive, determination and optimism. Keep hold of your dreams and goals, in spite of what others might say or do. Take charge of your destiny today and never allow darkness and gloom to dwell in your house. Wherever you go, you must create your future and nurture it through positive thoughts, words and actions every day. ‘My gratitude, love and optimism dictate the positive and lasting impact I have on others on a daily basis.’ I wish you all a wonderfully empowered life. Live with courage and purpose and know beyond question you are destined for greatness. Open the door to the many opportunities which manifest in your life today. Your future will unfold irrespective of what you do. Take affirmative action today to create something magnificent. You have the power: You possess the skills and you are enamored with the determination and skills to create and maintain a truly incredible existence. ‘Keep hold of your dreams and follow them, because they surely won’t follow you.’

achieve magazine

health Nutrients May Work Together The various vitamins and other nutrients in fruit probably work together to protect against eye complications, says April Carson, PhD, MSPH, of the University of Alabama. She wasn’t involved in the study, but chaired a session at the American Diabetes Association’s annual meeting, at which the study was presented. The study also showed that people who ate the most fruit got the most fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, potassium, and sodium in their diets. Carson indicated that the study has several strengths. For starters, the study followed people over time, rather than looking back at medical records to see how many people developed eye problems, she says.

eye health: fruit may protect against diabetes eye problems Article courtesy of Dr. Tim Klugh / Eye Care Center, 1100 West 15th Street, Washington, NC / 252.975.8040 or 1.800.738.8040. For more information contact Dr. Klugh or visit These findings in this article were presented at a medical conference and should be considered preliminary as they have not yet undergone the "peer review" process, in which outside experts scrutinize the data prior to publication in a medical journal.

Also, the analysis took into account other major risk factors for diabetic retinopathy, including age, sex, blood sugar levels, smoking and drinking habits, weight, and physical activity, Carson says. The major caveat: Most people in the study ate a low-fat diet. That means the results may not apply to people who get more fat in their diet, Tanaka says. Nearly 30% of U.S. adults with diabetes have diabetic retinopathy, and 4.4% have vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy, according to a CDC study from 2010.

Here’s another reason for people with diabetes to eat plenty of fruit: It may help prevent eye complications that can lead to vision loss. Japanese researchers studied 978 people with diabetes who filled out detailed food questionnaires. They were followed for eight years, during which time they were given annual eye exams. When the study started, they had no signs of eye problems. Over the next eight years, 258 of them developed diabetic retinopathy — the medical term for damage to the blood vessels in the retina, the lining of tissue at the back of the eye. Left untreated, it can lead to loss of sight. “Those who ate the most fruit were the least likely to develop diabetic retinopathy,” says study head Shiro Tanaka, PhD, of Kyoto University Hospital. People who ate an average of 9 ounces of fruit a day had half the risk of developing the eye condition over the eight-year period, compared with those who ate less than an ounce a day, the study showed. The odds were about 40% lower for people who ate an average of 3 to 5 ounces of fruit a day, compared with those who ate less than an ounce a day. However, the study does not show cause and effect. It shows a link between eating more fruit and lower risk of diabetic retinopathy, but it does not prove that fruit prevented the eye disease. Don’t think of your fruit in terms of ounces? For comparison, a medium apple, orange, or pear weighs about 6 ounces, a banana about 5 ounces.

summer ‘12

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health profiles

845-A Johns Hopkins Drive, Greenville, NC Phone: 252-413-2222 • Cynthia Lopez, MD, graduated from Wright State Medical School, was elected to the Alpha Omega Honor Society and received the PICO award for excellence in patient relations. She completed her internal medicine internship and neurology residency at The Ohio State University and fellowship training at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Lopez is the only neurologist in eastern North Carolina with fellowship training in both neuromuscular disease and electromyography from the Cleveland Clinic, ranked repeatedly as one of the top neurology hospitals by the U.S. News & World Report. She is also Botox® certified for conditions including chronic migraine headache, torticollis, hemifacial spasm, dystonia, and spasticity.

Cynthia L. Lopez, MD, FAANEM

Dr. Lopez is board certified in both Neurology and EMG, practicing diagnostic outpatient neurology with expertise in neuromuscular disease and EMG. The practice is committed to providing the highest quality care in a kind, compassionate manner. The practice is open Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment and is in network with most insurance companies. Please call for an EMG, general neurology and/or neuromuscular consultation at 252-413-2222 x1. The practice looks forward to serving you.

107 Oakmont Drive, Greenville, NC Phone: 252-321-2500 • Dr. Danny Qualliotine (Dr. “Q”) and staff are committed to putting our experience and skill to work to provide you the area’s best in preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Our patient-centered staff brings the highest standard of service and care to bring you a healthy, beautiful smile! Dr. Q and team strive to offer patients quality dental care in a warm, relaxing atmosphere, using the latest in technology and techniques. Services include: gentle cleanings, CEREC porcelain crowns, onlays, veneers, air abrasion (no-drill fillings), bonding, whitening, fillings, restoration of implants and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Q has extensive training in cosmetics and is one of the original users of the CEREC machine. He holds a U.S. patent on one of the CEREC process devices. Learn more at Dr. Q is a member of numerous national, state, and local dental organizations, including the American Dental Association, the Academy of Computerized Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry, and the N.C. Dental Society. Dr. Danny Qualliotine

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The office is located at 107 Oakmont Drive, Greenville. Call 252-321-2500 today for an appointment, and you’ll be on your way to a healthy smile.

achieve magazine

health profiles

Carolina Radiation Medicine / 21st Century Oncology is located at 801 WH Smith Boulevard in Greenville.

801 WH Smith Moye Boulevard, Greenville, NC 252-329-0025 • Leading edge technology and hometown personalized care Carolina Radiation Medicine /21st Century Oncology is the only nationallyaccredited radiation oncology practice in eastern NC. We meet or exceed national guidelines for radiation safety, quality of care, documentation, peer review and other criteria set by the independent accreditation arm of the American College of Radiation Oncology. Our practice features board certified attending physicians with decades of experience providing stateof-the-art cancer services: peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary care; patient navigation; RapidArc™ 2-minute treatment; CT scan-based IGRT; IMRT; cranial, body and Gamma Knife radiosurgery; Calypso® GPS for the Body;® prostate seed and HDR brachytherapy; SAVI® partial breast radiation (Center of Excellence); holistic and nutritional care; and expert second opinions.

joined ECU’s Brody School of Medicine as professor and chair of radiation oncology and served as director of the Leo W. Jenkins Cancer Center.

Ron Allison graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BS from Brooklyn College and an MD from State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical School. He completed an internship at Kings County Hospital Center and a residency at SUNY Health Science Center, named chief resident He then joined SUNY-Buffalo and the NCI designated Roswell Park Cancer Institute as attending physician and associate professor. In 2000, Dr. Allison

Andrej Hnatov received a BS in Anatomy and Cell Biology from The University of Saskatchewan, graduating with the President’s Medal for highest academic achievement, and an MD from the University of Saskatchewan, graduating with Great Distinction. He completed a five-year residency at the University of Manitoba in Winnepeg, Canada, named chief resident his final two years.

summer ‘12

Cynthia Ballenger graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS from NC State University and an MD with honors from UNC-Chapel Hill. She completed a fellowship in Pathology at Emory University, an internship in Internal Medicine at Moses H. Cone Hospital in Greensboro, and a residency in Radiation Oncology at UNC-Chapel Hill, named chief resident. Prior to joining 21st Century Oncology, Dr. Ballenger served on the faculty at Duke University and Emory University. She also served as Medical Director at the Albemarle Hospital Regional Oncology Center.

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wellness fiscal fitness: investing strategies for an evolving market Article by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of William F. (Bill) Taylor Jr., Financial Advisor in Greenville at 252-756-6900.

From the collapse of the technology bubble in the early 2000s to the subprime lending meltdown that started in 2008, the markets have been anything but predictable. Case in point: The political fight over U.S. debt policies in 2011 roiled the markets and led to an unprecedented downgrade of the nation’s credit. “We’ve seen two big pullbacks in the stock market within the last 10 years, and investors are justifiably fearful that the same thing could happen again,” says Scott Wren, Senior Equity Strategist at Wells Fargo Advisors. Fortunately, investors can use two key strategies to manage their savings in the midst of an unpredictable market. The important thing, Wren says, is to stick to the fundamentals.

based on day-to-day changes in the markets may actually move you further away from your financial goals. It’s extremely difficult—if not impossible — to accurately predict the direction in which financial markets are heading. Studies have shown that investors who try to time their jumps in and out of the stock market are often rewarded with subpar performance. For example, a recent study by research firm DALBAR, Inc. noted that the average equity fund investor earned an average annual return of 3.8 percent during the 20 years through 2010.* During the same period, the S&P 500 Index gained an average return of 9.1 percent a year. A primary reason for that underperformance, according to DALBAR, was investors’ habit of moving in and out of the market at the wrong times. “It’s very difficult for individual investors to time the market,” Wren points out. “Instead, we suggest that they should think about accumulating assets over a long period of time.”

Investors face a constant barrage of financial news and advice. From websites and newspapers to 24-hour cable news programs, recent market developments are sliced, diced and analyzed in granular detail.

This buy-and-hold philosophy may be difficult to follow — particularly during volatile periods in the market. But Wren notes that the financial markets often make considerable gains in the months and years following a downturn, and investors who stay on the sidelines and out of the stock market, for example, won’t fully benefit from those gains.

But that doesn’t mean you need to react to every breaking news item scrolling across the bottom of your TV screen. In fact, making investment decisions

“Investing for the long haul got a bad rap after the technology bubble burst and after the 2008 downturn,” he says. “But it’s a strategy worth believing in.”

Think Long Term

Review Your Asset Allocation Adopting a long-term investment perspective doesn’t mean taking a handsoff approach. In fact, it’s important to make regular adjustments to your portfolio. Doing so is not only likely to help keep your investment strategy on track but can also help you take advantage of bargains in the financial markets. Periodically rebalancing your investments requires you to shift your portfolio’s asset allocation — your mix of stocks, bonds and cash investments — back in line with your target allocation. For example, if stocks have performed poorly and bonds have performed well in recent months, you may find that stocks make up too small a portion of your portfolio while your bond stake is too large. Left unchecked, that unbalanced portfolio may be too conservative to keep you on track to reach long-term financial goals such as retirement. To help manage market volatility and assess opportunities that might arise, Wren recommends meeting with your Financial Advisor once a year to review your portfolio and rebalance your asset allocation if market moves have thrown it off-kilter. In highly volatile markets, you may want to schedule a second yearly review. Asset allocation cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. * DALBAR, Inc., “2011 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior: Helping Investors Change Behavior to Capture Alpha,” March 2011. The S & P 500 is an unmanaged weighted index of 500 stocks providing a broad indicator of price movement. Past performance is not indicative of future results and individual investors cannot directly purchase an index. Investments in securities and insurance products are: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANKGUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. 2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.


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achieve magazine

wellness booking some downtime: 14 minutes Reviewed by Tony Parker (t for Achieve Magazine.

Summer is here, London 2012 calls, the Tour de France is around the corner, Comrades Marathon has finished, records will be made, and records will be broken. It’s an exciting time to be involved with and following sports. Excitement fills the air, and records need to be broken. Except possibly one. In 2007 running legend Alberto Salazar set a record no one hopes to ever see broken. His world record? For 14 minutes, Salazar’s heart stopped beating on its own. Legends abound in the world of sport, and I never tire of reading about them. Alberto Salazar has a story to tell like no other. Driven to succeed, his passion took him to the precipice of death more than once, only to be brought back to Earth. What causes an athlete to push to the depths of suffering and hell, and then do it all over again? Each one of us has our own drivers, and often the driver can be found in our upbringing. A dominant figure permeates Salazar’s life as a boy growing up in the Boston area. Jose Salazar, Alberto’s father, was a man made for a Hollywood movie. A staunch supporter of the Cuban Revolution, he fought alongside Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and believed in a better world. Once betrayed by the leaders of the Revolution Jose fled Cuba and eventually brought his family to America. Recruited by the CIA, Jose was trained in the Everglades, but never made it back to Cuba. During Alberto’s formative years, he tells the story of

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his father using their home as a stage to fight for the Cuban exiles cause. As a young runner, Alberto fell in with the Greater Boston Track Club, and learned from the best. One of the notables was a young man with flowing hair who made running look easy. Bill Rodgers became one the best marathoners in the world, and was Alberto’s teammate. Salazar knew eventually it would be him who would be the best, and he set his life in motion to attain this goal. Alberto Salazar does crest the hill to become the best in the world, and then it all began to fall apart. On his way to the top he pushed himself probably harder than any other would have. His experience at Falmouth nearly leads to his death. With a temperature spiking at 108º, Last Rites were given, and he came back. He felt the experience made him tougher than other athletes and he continued to push. He won Boston in the Duel in the Sun against Dick Beardsley. But landed himself in the medical tent severely dehydrated. Speculation has it that this need to push may have caused his body to rebel. In a poignant, heartfelt manner, Salazar lets his reader into his bouts of depression. His goals were fading, and he realized he would never compete on the elite level again. Or would he? Alberto landed a position with Nike which took him around the world with the world’s best athletes. During this time he learned about a race in South Africa called Comrades. Salazar timed every footfall with prayer during the race, giving him one last win. 14 Minutes, Salazar’s memoir, is the tale of a remarkable man who survived, against all odds, 14 minutes if a stilled heart. He survived, by being lucky enough to be on the Nike campus with the best help available. Or it could be he survived so he could share his tale of courage and faith. Whatever the reason, and we are all the better for it. 14 Minutes is a summer must read.

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wellness nutrition: to win, we must lose. Article By: Kathryn Kolasa PhD, RD, LDN, Professor Emeritus, Brody School of Medicine, Dept. of Family Medicine, East Carolina University

“The obesity epidemic demands everyone’s attention” states the materials from The HBO-Institute of Medicine special, “The Weight of the Nation”. The four films: Consequences, Choices, Children in Crisis and Challenges, along with ten bonus shorts and a great website help us explore the factors that drive obesity in our bodies and in our communities. The Institute of Medicine recently stated that the problem IS solvable if only we all act. In the HBO series, we hear the message “To win, we have to lose” and “Together we can win”. We need to make healthier choices the easier choices in the places where we spend our time: home, child care, schools, worksites and communities including faith communities. In 2006, we were recognized as a “Fit Community” and continue to hold that designation, not because we ARE fit, but because our hospital system, the schools and university, the health department and lots of businesses and community groups are making an effort. If you haven’t already, go to and sign the Pledge for Progress. Consider hosting a screening of part or all of the documentary. You and your friends will be amazed by the stories of real people who have achieved lasting weight

yoga: insomnia

loss by making sustainable lifestyle changes, getting help from the experts like doctors and dietitians and exercise specialists, and by finding support around them. The website has great Discussion Guides (good reading even if you don’t see the films) that include the Take Away Message, The Big Picture, The Story behind the Story, the Shocking Statistics and the Discussion Triggers. Select the film that best fits your audience. I liked Choices where the power and rewards of losing weight, if you are overweight, are clearly demonstrated and the path to weight loss honestly described. If you care about the future of our country, watch Children in Crisis. The obesity epidemic affects our productivity, economic prosperity, national security and the future of our children. The Institute of Medicine has laid out the strategies that work. For most kids, one research group estimates that the energy gap is only 64 calories a day. So preventing a child from becoming obese means that most Caucasian kids should either burn up with activity or consume 46 fewer calories a day (about 4 ounces of juice or soda). For African-American kids the energy gap is 138 (the difference between a small and medium order of French fries) and for Hispanic kids, it’s 91 calories (one tortilla). The first step starts with you. Why not host a viewing of the HBO Series called “The Weight of Nation” at your worksite, book club, church or other place you gather people. You can borrow the series and a great Discussion Guide from the Pitt County Public Health Center. Contact Diana Vetter Craft at 252-902-2273 or Jean Wilkerson at 252-902-2275.

with their bodies than ever before, so we have to get back to basics and design a schedule for all tasks — including sleep.

Article by Paul Jerard from

At one time, or another, we’ve all experienced insomnia. Sometimes a lack of sleep just can’t be helped, such as: after the loss a loved one, going through a divorce, and losing a job. These are some of life’s serious crisis situations, where we have to take time to heal. However, if you’re continually losing sleep over trivial matters, the solutions in this article may aid you in getting a good night’s rest. Not every solution works for everyone. Try the easiest ideas and make them fit into your lifestyle. Do you have one or more problems, on your mind, that are troubling you at bedtime? If so, write them down and leave them on the kitchen table where you’ll sit in the morning. This is a form of compartmentalization, where your subconscious mind works on a solution, and you and your conscious mind get some needed rest. You’ll be surprised at what happens the following morning. The problem is has become much less important or your subconscious has found the solution. This technique is so powerful that many successful people use it, even when they don’t really have a problem. It keeps you organized, on a daily basis, so you’ll get more accomplished in life. That leads into the next idea, establishing a daily routine. Your body has a natural cycle, and most of us ignore it. Modern humans are more out of tune

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You should exercise every day, but your exercise routine should end two hours before bedtime, at the latest. This allows your body and mind “cool down” time. If you can exercise earlier in the day, feel free to do so. Exercise will give you extra energy during the day, and help you get a good night’s sleep, when you need it. If you don’t exercise, don’t feel alone, but do take action. Gentle Yoga postures are a great way to start. If you find the right Yoga teacher, you’ll learn controlled breathing (pranayama), stage-by-stage relaxation, and meditation, each a powerful technique for winding down before bedtime. You should always practice controlled breathing with either, stage-by-stage relaxation, or meditation. Some people practice stage-by-stage relaxation in bed and fall asleep in the process. This is not a bad thing, if your ultimate goal is to fall asleep. Now let’s look at a few other culprits, alcohol and hidden caffeine. Alcohol has a way of getting you to sleep, but the sleep is often interrupted during the night. Suggestion — if you enjoy drinking, have one drink; preferably wine, with your last meal. Another culprit is caffeine. Caffeine is found in coffee, many teas, many sodas, and a variety of other drinks. Read the labels. Recommendation: drink water later in the day, and give your body a rest from the caffeine. Here are a few additional ideas to take to bedtime. Eat very light, read a book about something peaceful, and take a shower or a bath. Hopefully these tips will be the solution to your insomnia. Sweet Dreams.

achieve magazine

wellness peak perfection: can, freeze and store summer garden harvests Article by Jenna Little, BS Nutrition & Dietetics, BA Communications. For more food ideas and tips visit

Bountiful produce is at your fingertips with the arrival of summer. Red ripened tomatoes, green zucchini, and yellow summer squash, paint the picture of farm stands and markets across eastern North Carolina. The summer brings many joys but nothing tops the availability of fresh and local produce. Choosing from an array of colors, flavors and varieties my senses are constantly engaged. Knowing that the season is only a few short months, I have decided to explore the world of canning and freezing in efforts to prolong the delicious harvest. Canning is the process of cooking and preserving foods in an anaerobic environment. The options are limitless and the recipes can be complex or simple. Unlike processed foods that contain preservatives and added sodium or sugar, canning at home can be a wholesome option. Freezing is another way to prolong the life of fresh foods. Cooking vegetables and fruits, and storing them in the freezer is a quick way to have access to produce year round.

Vegetable options for freezing: Corn on the cob Cream corn Lima beans Sweet peas Tomatoes Collards

Vegetable options for Canning: Stewed tomatoes Diced tomatoes Green Beans Carrots Beets Squash Sweet potatoes

Try This Tasty Recipe: Silver Queen Corn on or off the Cob Shuck the corn and remove the silks. Blanch the corn for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Remove and place in a bowl of ice water for 1-2 minutes or until cooled. Remove from ice water and pat dry. Cut the corn off the cob. Place in quart size freezer bags and place in freezer. When ready to eat, remove from freezer, place in saucepan, add water, boil, and season to taste. To freeze corn on the cob: Place ears of corn in freezer bags after cooling. Tip: Use bundt pan to hold corncob to remove corn easily. Place cob tip in the center ring of the pan and slice corn off the cob. Rotate cob as needed and allow the corn to collect in the bottom of pan.

Fruit options for freezing: Sliced peaches Strawberries Blueberries Blackberries Raspberries

Fruit options for canning: All fruits except melons

You can also prepare baby food by freezing or canning a variety of fruits and vegetables. For an easy freezing method, cook and puree produce and pour into a clean empty ice tray. Allow puree mixture to freeze and them pop the cubes out and store in a freezer tight container for quick, easy and proportioned baby food. Taking advantage of fresh produce now will keep your recipes and meals fresh year round. Freezing and canning at home can streamline your pantry by eliminating all of the unnecessary added ingredients and preservatives. Frozen or canned products can last for up to one year. For more information and guidance on freezing and canning fresh produce, visit and

spring ‘12

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wellness corporate wellness: food, mood and stress Article by Beverly Beuermann-King, CSP from

It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, you are irritated, your head is fuzzy and your eyes are having trouble focusing. You would love to find a corner and go to sleep, but there is no time. How about a coffee or a chocolate bar? Most of us instinctively reach for sweets or caffeine to give relief from the morning sluggishness or afternoon slump. We use sweets as a way of helping ourselves through stressful times. Those strategies might help, temporarily, but there is a downside to these methods. Many people choose sweets and caffeine as a substitute for proper nutrition. Poor eating strategies affect our brain chemistry and cause fatigue, apathy, apprehension, edginess and the blues. The brain has first call on the body’s available supply of nutrients, therefore, the first effects of nutritional deficiencies are often mental symptoms. Research shows that low levels of protein in a diet have a negative impact on the body’s production of neurotransmitters, which directly affect our mood and energy. Deficiencies in vitamins B1, B6, C, A, essential fatty acids, folic acid, niacin, magnesium, copper and iron also affect the fine balance of these neurotransmitters.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in Mental Health • Vitamin B1 or Thiamine is drained by simple sugars. B1 helps convert blood sugar into fuel. Without it, we can experience fatigue, depressive symptoms, irritability, anxiety, memory problems, insomnia and even thoughts of suicide. • Research has found a strong correlation between vitamin B6 deficiency and depressive symptoms • A lack of B12 can lead to mood swings, paranoia, irritability, confusion, dementia, hallucinations • Folic Acid assists in the creation of many neurotransmitters and can cause fatigue and dementia • Low levels of Vitamin C can produce depressive symptoms We know that food has a profound effect on our mood. But, what other relatively simple steps can we take to boost our energy, lift our mood and help us to focus?

10 Simple Strategies to Avoid the Sugar Blues 1. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Smaller balance meals are preferable to large meals 2. Use exercise or stretching to increase energy and lift the ‘fog’ 3. Eat protein earlier in the day – we metabolize proteins in a way that we get the full energy from them up to 5 hours later 4. Include fish in your weekly diet as the essential fatty acids they contain increase energy and improve mood 5. Eat complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and vegetables instead of simple sugars found in chocolate bars and candy, which give the quick high but a low plunge 6. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking a cool glass of water can boost energy in the middle of the afternoon slump 7. Avoid food additives such as colorants and preservatives which can have a negative allergic reaction in the body 8. Don’t buy foods high in sugar. If it is not sitting in the cupboard or desk drawer you are less likely to make snap decisions 9. Have healthy snacks readily available. Plan ahead and keep them in desk drawers, lockers or even in the glove box of your car 10. A daily supplement may be helpful, but don’t rely on it to replace healthy eating. Eat a variety of foods. We’ve all heard the saying ‘You are what you eat.’ Most of us connect this physical reactions. But, our brain is just as dependent on the food that we consume. Healthy food choices help us avoid the erratic blood sugar levels and associated mood swings, which can keep us mentally healthy.

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achieve magazine

wellness active adult: staying active helps to keep you young Article by Blake Hagen from

Staying physically active is one of the best things you can do for your health, no matter your age, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Staying active helps you heart, lungs, muscles, bones and can protect you against heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. You can stay active every day by participating in aerobic exercise, strength training exercises or by playing sports.

Strength Training Strength training is another type of exercise you can do to stay active and healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that regular strength training can improve bone and muscle health, relieve some symptoms of depression and help you control your weight. Your strengthtraining routine can include weight lifting, exercises with resistance bands, or exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups and abdominal crunches. The American Council on Exercise recommends training your major muscle groups at least two times each week.

Sports Sports can be a fun way for you to incorporate different types of exercise into your life. Many sports require continuous running, and other sports require using different muscle groups and skills. Playing racquetball, tennis, basketball or soccer can give you an excellent, workout. A research study from the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences from the University of Copenhagen found a game of recreational soccer could improve your cholesterol, help you lose weight and positively affect other risk factors for heart disease. Soccer and other sports are an effective way to stay active and healthy. References Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source: Staying Active The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: Fitness Fundamentals: Guidelines for Personal Exercise Programs "ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription"; Walter R. Thompson, Ph.D., ed.; 2010 The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Growing Stronger-Strength Training for Older Adults The American Council on Exercise: Strength Training 101

Aerobic Exercise Aerobic exercise is a popular way to stay active. Some aerobic exercises, such as walking, require only comfortable shoes and you can do them almost anywhere. Other aerobic exercises include cycling, swimming or jogging. The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports reports these types of activities require using your large muscle groups and help your heart and lungs become more efficient at delivering oxygen and other nutrients to different parts of your body. For health benefits, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on most days of the week and reports 60 minutes on most days of the week may be necessary for weight loss and weight-loss maintenance.

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. — Plato

summer ‘12

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wellness massage: good tone in the “core” Article by Rosalie Jacobi Hutchens, BFA, LMBT, NC License #5792 Touch Matters Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork 710-D Cromwell Drive, Greenville, NC • Phone (252) 717-0012 Email

There’s a lot of concern in health and fitness circles these days about the importance of good tone in the “core”, generally meaning the muscles around the pelvis: the lower abdominals (especially transversus abdominis), deep lumbars, and pelvic floor. The concern is spot on, since research indicates that dysfunction in these muscles is strongly associated with low back pain. Unfortunately, for many people core tone is something they know they should have, but don’t know how to get. Crunches won’t do it!

Alignment – just do it So let’s try a direct way of getting in touch with postural engagement of the central core muscles. Here’s a simple fact — these muscles are absolutely essential for getting the pelvis poised over the tops of the legs in standing or sitting. The easiest way, then, to get them to do their job is to assume the kind of alignment that demands their use.

Awareness comes first In less-than-optimal posture, the muscles around the pelvis (superficial and

deep) are usually quite compressed and braced. The pelvis is sinking onto the legs rather than poised over them. In most cases, one or both sides of the pelvis are sinking behind the top of the leg in the standing position. In sitting position, weight-bearing is often well behind the ischial tuberosities (sit bones), and the pelvis tilts back as the spine bends forward in the typical ‘slouchy’ posture.

Playing with micro-movements To try something different, first assume that you are one of those whose pelvis rests behind the very top of the leg when you’re standing. Now, notice that if you draw the tops of your legs back, there’s a point where the upper body— including the pelvis—needs to shift forward and up for you to keep your balance. This is the same thing you do when you start to bend forward to pick something up off the floor: the tops of the legs go back. If you keep playing with this, you’ll start to feel the ability to wobble more loosely around your hip joints as you stand. When the legs go back, the upper body goes forward; as the legs settle forward, the trunk rests back. Now, where’s the point of balance, where the lower and upper body come into alignment? See what you find. As your upper body becomes more poised over your legs, your posture may feel quite unfamiliar. “I’m leaning forward and sticking my butt out,” you say. Partly, it’s that you’re trying on a new posture. Secondly, the rest of your body is adapted to your usual posture, and other shifts may need to occur.

The core of the core As the pelvis shifts over the legs, you’ll probably feel the lower abdominal muscles are now firing quite nicely to stabilize you. Bringing your awareness to this area, notice that the pelvic floor and some of the low back muscles are firing as well. This is the beginning of core tone stabilizing... you in your new less-compressed alignment. Savor the feeling.

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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination. — Tommy LaSorda

fitness sports med: stretching

or physical therapist before beginning any stretching program.

Article from Vidant Health

If you are experiencing pain or any other symptoms associated with your running, an evaluation by a physical therapist at outpatient rehabilitation at the Vidant Wellness Center can be helpful in assessing your flexibility, strength, core stability, and any mechanical imbalances that may be creating problems for you when you run. They will then discuss treatment options with you and come up with a plan of care.

Running injuries are very common and can happen to anyone. Most injuries occur in the hips, knees, ankles, and feet of runners. Muscles and tendons that become tight are more prone to soreness and injury. To reduce muscle soreness and decrease your chances of injury, consider making stretching a regular part of your running routine.

When should I stretch? Try stretching at the end of a run when your muscles are warm and relaxed. Never stretch cold muscles. Stretching after a run will help remove lactic acid that has built up in your muscles. Lactic acid causes muscle soreness. By making stretching a regular habit, you can combat muscle soreness and prevent muscle tightening to help you recover faster from your exercise.

The type of treatment required can vary from person to person, depending on your problem. But some interventions include footwear/orthotics, core stability training and flexibility exercises, including myofascial release.

How should I stretch? Use static stretching at the end of your run. In a smooth motion, take your muscles to the end of their range and hold for 30 seconds. Do not bounce and do not over stretch. Repeat two or three times. Stretch both sides.

Hamstring stretch

These stretches are helpful and can be done easily: hamstring stretch, calf stretch, quadriceps stretch, IT Band stretch and the hip flexor stretch. If you’re currently injured, it’s recommended you first consult your physician

cycling: mountain biking tips Adapted from an article by David Alden of Twin Cities Sports for

You want to ride like the wind. You want to be fast. You want to roll over rocks, shoot up hills and smoothly descend near-vertical downhill sections. You want the fame, money and prestige that comes with being a pro cyclist. Or maybe you just want to ride local trails without crashing. No matter what your goals, you have to start with the basics. Whether you mountain bike for fitness or just to enjoy the outdoors, having good bike-handling skills and trail confidence will make it a better experience. We’ll get you started with these tips; the rest is up to you.

Maintain Your Bike— It is difficult to focus on the trail when you are listening to strange noises coming from your bike. Basic bike maintenance only takes a few minutes, and it can save you from a long walk, or worse, a trip to the emergency room. Even if you can’t fix your bike, checking it will give you the chance to take it into the shop before you hit the trail. Go over the entire bike and look for anything that is worn out, cracked, broken or just not working right. Minor problems at home can become big problems on the trail. Be sure that the bike is set up to fit you. A bike that is too big or too small will be hard to control. Ride With Better Riders Than Yourself— Not only will this help you to push yourself a little harder, but it’ll help you learn some of the riding habits of people who’ve been doing it longer. Watch how they position their bodies going up or downhill. Watch how they handle rough, rocky sections. Watch how they fix a flat tire miles from anywhere. These valuable skills can easily be picked up. Check with bike shops to find group rides in your area. Focus on Where You Want to Go— When you’re on the trail, look where

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you want to go, especially on trails with roots and rocks. If you look at the rock or tree that you’re trying to avoid, you’ll probably hit it. Instead, focus on the line that you want to take. This is called target fixation. There is a complicated explanation as to why this works, but don’t worry—it just does. Look ahead and find the line that you want, and you will ride smoother.

Relax— Whether you’re riding a rigid bike or a full suspension, the best suspension you have is your arms and legs. Stand up, relax and allow them to absorb the bumps and ruts on the trail. Once you learn to let the bike move beneath you, you’ll be able to float over obstacles. It also helps to relax your handlebar grip a bit. Hold firmly, not too tightly. White-knuckle death grips cause forearm and hand fatigue and make it harder to be in control.

Spin— Cadence, the rotation of cranks, is an important aspect of cycling. Professional cyclists spend a lot of time developing a good spin. If you pedal in squares, or with jerky downward strokes, you’re actually throwing yourself off balance and working harder. Spinning is not only more efficient, but it helps keep traction on loose trail conditions. Good cadence incorporates pedaling in circles and being in the right gear. If you’re geared too high, it will be difficult to power over things, and if you’re geared too low, you’ll spin out and jerk the bike around. If you change gears to keep the same pedaling RPMs, 70-100, you’ll find it’s easier to climb and pedal through rough areas.

Ride Everywhere— The more time you spend on your bike, the better you will get. Ride to the mailbox, the store, the coffee shop. This’ll help reinforce your riding skills as you ride up and down curbs, dodge potholes and outpace angry chihuahuas. Once you can easily ride down two or three stairs, you can approach trail obstacles with a little more confidence. You can read about cycling as much as you want, but nothing replaces saddle time. So with that in mind, put this down, gear up and get out and ride. I’ll see you on the trail.

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fitness running: 9 marathon strategies Article by Jason R. Karp, Ph.D. for

Respect — Tackling 26.2 miles is a long way to run. Respect the distance and prepare for it. Confidence comes from being prepared.

Pace — The best way to run your fastest possible race is by starting out at the pace you can maintain the entire race. So run the first mile at the pace you expect to average for the whole marathon. You can’t put running time in the bank. You will end up losing more time in the end than what you gained by being “ahead of schedule” in the beginning. No matter how strong your will is, the metabolic condition caused by running too fast too early will force you to slow down during subsequent stages of the race. While it may feel easy, especially in the marathon, to run the first mile of your race at the same pace as the last, your patience will pay huge dividends during that last mile. Ideally, the second half of your race should be equal to or slightly faster than the first half. This requires accurate knowledge of your fitness level, confidence to stick to your plan when others have taken the early pace out too fast, and a good dose of self-restraint. Workouts are invaluable for providing knowledge of your fitness level and predicting your average race pace.

Sugar — Research has shown fatigue can be delayed if simple carbohydrates (e.g., glucose and sucrose) are consumed during exercise. The carbohydrates should be easily digestible so they are absorbed quickly into the blood. Carry Gu packs or other gels or pick them up at an aid station and start ingesting them before you feel fatigued.

Water — Despite recent attention on hyponatremia (a decreased blood sodium content due to drinking too much water), the opposite—dehydration—is a

outdoor adventure: paddleboarding Article by Kelly Huffman.

The fast-growing sport of stand up paddleboarding (SUP) is a fun, easy way to go play on the water. With a minimum of equipment, you can paddle anything from ocean surf to lakes and rivers—no waves required. Paddleboarding offers an amazing full body workout and is becoming a favorite cross-training activity for skiers, snowboarders and other athletes. And since you’re standing at your full height, you’ll enjoy excellent views of everything from sea creatures to what’s on the horizon. It’s like walking on water!

Paddleboarding Gear You need just a few key pieces of equipment to enjoy this sport: • Stand up paddleboard: This is by far your most significant gear investment. Sizes are based on paddler’s weight and experience. More experienced and lighter paddlers can choose narrower boards. Novice paddlers should choose wider, flatter boards, which offer more stability. • Paddle: Stand up paddles have an angle or “elbow” in the shaft for maximum efficiency. Choose a paddle that’s roughly 6” to 8” taller than you are (though some manufacturers recommend an 8” to 10” differential). • PFD (Personal Flotation Device): The U.S. Coast Guard classifies stand up paddleboards as vessels, so wear a PFD whenever paddling navigable water. • Proper clothing: When cold, where hypothermia is a concern, wear a wetsuit or dry suit. When milder, wear shorts and a T-shirt or bathing suit. • Sun protection: Wear sunscreen and sunglasses.

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much bigger issue. Water is vital for chemical reactions that occur inside our cells, including energy production. When you sweat, you lose body water that can affect cellular processes. Blood volume decreases and becomes thicker if you don't replace fluids. The result is lower stroke volume, cardiac output and, ultimately, a decreased oxygen delivery to muscles. Your running performance starts to decline with only a 2-3% loss of body mass due to fluid loss.

Draft — It’s much easier to tuck behind someone and let him/her pull you along than it is to maintain the pace yourself. Let other people do the work as long as possible, especially if it’s windy. The oxygen cost of running (and perception of effort) increases when you run into a headwind. Let someone help.

BodyGlide — When you run for long periods of time, you can get chafed, making the marathon miserable. Apply BodyGlide or Vaseline before racing to places that rub... thighs, nipples, armpits, etc. Bathroom — Although the urge to go to the bathroom is often suppressed while running to conserve water, nervousness and anxiety often intensify that urge. So take care of business before the race. Rehearse — Marathon day is not the time to do anything differently. Do at least some of your long runs in the same clothes and shoes you plan to wear for the marathon. Don’t buy new shoes to wear in the race. Rehearse everything—shorts, socks, shoes, what you plan to carry on you, etc. Leave nothing to chance. Practice drinking water from a cup while running.

Divide — It can be overwhelming to think of running 26.2 miles all at once. So divide the marathon into smaller segments. Focus on each 5K or even each mile at a time. If you’re aiming for a specific time goal, focus on attaining that goal at each 5K checkpoint.

The Basics When you’re learning the sport, it’s best to start out in ideal conditions: flat, calm water that’s free of obstacles like boats and buoys. For beginners, kneel on the board rather than standing. Here are a few pointers to get you started: • Standing alongside the board, place your paddle across the deck of the board and use it as an outrigger. The paddle grip is on the rail (edge) of the board; the blade rests on the water. • Hold the board by the rails. One hand will also be holding the paddle grip. Pop yourself onto the board into a kneeling position, just behind the center point of the board. • From that kneeling position, get a feel for the balance point of the board. Nose shouldn’t pop up and tail shouldn’t dig in. Keep your hands on either side of the board to stabilize it. • Once you’re ready, stand up on the board one foot at a time. Place your feet where your knees were. You can also bring a friend to wade out with you. to help stabilize the board as you get the hang of standing. Stand up paddleboarding is relatively easy to learn, but expect the occasional fall. Once you’ve practiced balancing on the board in flat water, it’s time to take off on a paddleboarding excursion—where the real fun begins. You’ll need to learn some basic paddling and turning techniques, but once you’ve mastered the basics, there’s almost no limit to the watery worlds you can explore on your paddleboard. Play in the waves and surf, carve turns or learn new strokes. You might even want a narrower, more maneuverable board as you become adept. Meanwhile, get out there, enjoy the view and have a great time on your SUP!

achieve magazine

fitness personal training: do exercise in summer heat—but don’t dehydrate Article By: Missy Fulmer Jacobson, MA / Coordinator of Exercise Programming / Vidant Wellness Center / 252.847.7899

We all know that summertime brings about opportunities to participate in many physical activities and sports because the weather is much nicer and daylight hours are extended for several months. Summer is a wonderful time to spend outdoors, to be with family, and to reduce stress and get fit. Although exercising in the summer is most often connected with fun outside, there are definite do’s and don’ts to stay healthy during these warmer months. First, the Don’ts: • Don’t exercise between the hours of 10am and 3pm during extreme heat and humidity. • No matter what time of day, it is best not to exercise outside when temperatures are above 90 degrees. Keep your intensity down when both heat and humidity are elevated. • Don’t forget to refuel your muscles after playing hard: eat veggies, fruits and whole grains. • Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink-keep hydrated during the day and while exercising. • Don’t keep exercising when you begin to feel weak or tired; know the signs of heat exhaustion and stroke as well as dehydration.

Now, the Do’s: • Drink water…. before, during, and after exercising. • Exercise before 10am and after 3pm, especially when it is hot outside. • Wear light colored, loose, cotton clothing that allows sweat to evaporate. • Wear sunscreen and a hat; protect your skin. • Use shady areas outside, exercise facilities, and even malls for exercising when it’s the hottest outside.

Know about Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke and Dehydration Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke occur when the body’s temperature overpowers the body’s ability to regulate itself. Heat Stroke is a matter of life and death-it is life threatening. • Heat Exhaustion signs: dizziness, feeling nauseated or faint, excessive sweating • Heat Stroke signs: red-faced, feeling disoriented, sweating has stopped or minimized Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount that is being taken in. Since up to 75% of the body’s weight is water, obviously water makes up the majority of the body; therefore, it is critical to bodily functions. We lose water daily when we breathe, when we sweat to cool the body, when humidified air leaves our body and when we urinate or rid our bodies of waste. Dehydration occurs most often as a combination of too much water lost and not enough going in. Signs of dehydration range from thirst, dark colored urine, fatigue to nausea, disorientation, muscle fatigue or cramps, increased heart rate, to vomiting, seizures, difficulty breathing and unconsciousness. Although we know fluid replacement (water) is important especially when exercising; it is often important for endurance athletes to re-hydrate with fluids including electrolytes (sodium, phosphates, calcium, chloride and potassium) for improved bodily functions and enhanced athletic performance. Bottom line: don’t wait until you are thirsty. By this point you are already at or near dehydration. Consume adequate water and/or electrolytes for your body. Remember, although exercising is important all year long; try to enjoy the extended daylight hours of summer along with its warmer weather. Spring and summer are invigorating, but be careful. Know your limits. If you have a desk job inside an air-conditioned building, don’t be a weekend warrior. Begin your summertime workouts slowly, and build yourself up to tolerate the heat and humidity. Better yet, listen to your body. Have fun this summer, and enjoy exercising with your family!

summer ‘12

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fitness july-october 2012 Runs, Walks, Races, Events, etc. July 14

Denny's Challenge 5K, Cary /

July 21

Historic Beaufort Road Race, Beaufort / Triangle Expressway Trot II / Cary / Reality Race / Durham /

July 28

Run with HEART 5K, Morrisville /

Aug. 4

YMCA Sprint Triathlon, Goldsboro /

Aug. 11

The Crossing 1 Mile Swim, Littleton / Bella Rose Strides for Babies 5K, Cary /

Aug. 18

Family YMCA Youth Triathlon, Wilson / Water Park 5K Road Race and 1M, Greenville / Soldiers Reunion Run, Newton /

Aug. 25

Run for Life, Cary / ACCRF 5K Run, Dunn /

Sept. 1

Rockin’ & Running 5K, Cary /

Sept. 8

On the Run with Riley's Army / Sponsored by Winterville Parks and Recreation, Winterville / Stop Human Trafficking Now 5K, Greenville / North Hills 5K, Raleigh /

Sept. 15 5K Road Race, Farmville / Run, Walk, and Roll for Rehab 5K and 1M Greenville / Jack and Jill Ran Up the Hill, Morrisville / Sept. 22 The Run for Literacy 5K, Greenville / The Hampton Huddle 5K & Fun Run / Walk was held Sat., June 16, 2012 to benefit former ECU football player Spencer Hampton, who is battling cancer. The event was organized by friends of the family, Snap Fitness and East Carolina Road Racing. A great time was had for this great cause! Runners, walkers and even canine participants had a blast. Donations may be made to: Spencer Hampton Fund c/o Connie Corey 226 Commerce Street Greenville, NC 27858

Splash & Dash Kids Triathlon, Greenville / Oct. 13

Paws for Life 5K-9, Wake Forest /

Oct. 14

Halloween Hustle 5K and 1M, Greenville /

Oct. 20

Neuse River Bridge Run, New Bern / 5K Walk and Run / 10K Run / Half-Marathon

Oct. 27

CF Climb, Raleigh /

Oct. 28

The Monster Dash, Raleigh /

_______________________________________ The summer and fall are filled with events. Unfortunately, there are too many to list. Visit these sites for information on these and other events:,,,, and To submit to the calendar of events, email:

Photos provided by Allyson Rideout.

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achieve magazine

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