Focus - Summer 2020

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SAYING THANKS Thousands step up to support our urgent Covid-19 Relief Fund

EXTRA SUPPORT Emergency funding helps patients and staff on the front line

INTO ACTION Volunteers take centre stage to support our crisis response





Welcome to Focus

BELOW: A display of supportive messages for NHS staff at Hammersmith Hospital during the peak of the crisis.

Welcome to the Summer 2020 edition of Focus, the quarterly magazine from Imperial Health Charity. I’m writing this in the midst of the most extraordinary time in the history of the NHS as our hospitals begin to rebuild and recover after the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been an incredibly challenging period for the whole country and I hope that, wherever you’re reading this edition of Focus, you and your family are safe and well. So much has changed in the last few months. Not least in our hospitals, where our remarkable NHS colleagues have fought the virus on the front line and in doing so saved countless lives. I’d like to pay tribute to the courage, commitment and resolve that they have shown in recent weeks during the most extreme challenge they will likely ever face in their working lives. But there are also many others who have played an important role in supporting our hospitals through this unprecedented time. The hundreds of volunteers who delivered emergency supplies to NHS staff; the local businesses and community groups who donated food and drink to the front line; and the thousands of donors and fundraisers who supported our crisis response with their generosity and kindness. In this edition of Focus, we say thank you to everyone.

Ian Lush Chief Executive, Imperial Health Charity

THANK YOU ... for your incredible support in helping our hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic.



ver the last few months, the NHS has faced its greatest ever challenge - but thanks to you, we’ve been able to support our remarkable hospital heroes every step of the way. We launched an urgent fundraising appeal at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak to help vulnerable patients and hardworking NHS staff worst affected by the impact of the pandemic. And in their hour of need, you stepped forward to lend a helping hand. Thanks to your generous donations and incredible fundraising feats, we’ve raised more than £2 million to respond to the virus. This phenomenal show of support for our NHS has enabled us to

“At this moment of national crisis we’ve seen a remarkable resolve and generosity of spirit” 2

provide emergency support at the peak of the crisis as well as helping our hospitals recover and rebuild in the long term. By supporting staff wellbeing, providing financial aid to patients and their families, and implementing improved technology and infrastructure, we’ve been making a big impact for staff and patients during this difficult time. And we’ve also been working with our hospitals to understand how we can provide the best possble support beyond the here and now, and long into the future.

3,000+ donors contributed to our Covid-19 Relief Fund Ian Lush, Chief Executive of Imperial Health Charity, said: “The last few months has been an incredibly challenging time for us all, but at this moment of national crisis we’ve seen a remarkable resolve and generosity of spirit from all our fundraisers and supporters. “On behalf of everyone at Imperial Health Charity, I would like to say a huge thank you for your unwavering support and dedication.”

On behalf of our 14,000 NHS staff, thank you Our Covid-19 response would not have been possible without the phenomenal support we received from thousands of generous donors. Throughout the peak of the pandemic, we witnessed the most remarkable outpouring of kindness for our hospitals and we’d particularly like to recognise the many companies, philanthropists, trusts and foundations who made extraordinary gifts in aid of our appeal. This incredible generosity has enabled us to provide urgent help for staff and patients in the here and now, as well as offering long-term support as our hospitals recover and rebuild.


Sister snips to support appeal Chopping off 17 inches of hair is no small feat. But nurse Rashmita is no stranger to extreme hairdressing! This is the third time Rashmita has snipped off her hair for charity - and this time, she chose to support our Covid-19 Relief Fund. Originally from Nepal, Rashmita joined the Trust back in 2014 and currently works on Lilian Holland Ward at St Mary’s Hospital. She said: “Considering the current situation due to COVID-19, I wanted to raise some funds to contribute to the fight against this pandemic and protect my colleagues and front-line workers, along with the patients’ families.” Rashmita has raised over £1,000 in aid of the appeal, with the extra hair going to the Little Princess Trust to be made into a wig, However, due to the temporary closure of the hairdressers, Rashmita had to take matters into her own hands and cut off her hair by herself! THANK YOU Rashmita!

ABOVE: The ‘Crescent Kids’ have raised over £12,000 by walking and running round their communal garden

‘Crescent Kids’ raise £12,000 in garden walking challenge


team of superstar fundraisers raced past their original target to raise £12,000 for our Covid-19 Relief Fund. Children from Warrington Crescent in central London walked and ran 10 laps around their communal garden, covering six kilometres in total. The team of 11 friends, aged six to 11, were inspired by the heroic efforts of NHS staff - in particular, family friend Clare Leon-Villapalos, who works at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. The young runners said: “We decided to take on this challenge because we heard about everyone helping the NHS and raising money, so wanted to do our part. “We wanted to say thank you for

everything that Clare and the NHS are doing.” The ‘Crescent Kids’ have been overwhelmed by the support of friends and family who have sponsored them and left kind messages on their fundraising web page. “People have been so kind and generous”, they said. “We set a target of £1,000 and thought we would be very lucky if we got half of it. Today it is over 10 times that! Every time we check the amount, we can’t believe it.” From everyone at Imperial Health Charity, a big THANK YOU to the Crescent Kids!

Fuelling the front line


e want to say a huge thank you to the many local suppliers who donated food, drinks and other essential items to keep our NHS heroes going throughout the peak of the pandemic. We received phenomenal support from dozens of donors who delivered thousands of hot meals, lorry loads of bottled drinks and energy-boosting snacks. We’d particularly like to thank LEON, Soul Aid, London Irish Rugby Club, Hospitality For Heroes, Deliveroo, The Caring Foundation/Annabel’s and #FeedNHS for their extraordinary support over several months.

ABOVE: Our volunteers delivered thousands of meals, drinks and snacks donated by dozens of generous suppliers


Taking care of our NHS heroes Hospital staff on the front line of the coronavirus response have benefited from extra counselling sessions, thanks to your support. We’ve provided funding to expand the CONTACT counselling service at our hospitals, meaning hardworking staff can access additional psychological, mental and emotional support during this challenging time. Our funding has covered the cost of three extra counsellors, enabling CONTACT to provide an expanded service, including one-to-one and group support as well as a rapid response service for those in the most distressing situations.

Supporting staff and patients at the peak of the crisis Y

our incredible support has enabled us to spring into action and help our hospitals throughout the coronavirus crisis. At the peak of the pandemic, we were able to provide urgent support to NHS staff on the front line while stepping in to make the hospital experience better for thousands of patients. For hard-working hospital staff facing the most extreme pressure, your generous donations enabled us to fund additional counselling sessions - ensuring our NHS heroes have access to the best possible mental health and wellbeing support. We also invested in improvements to staff facilities, providing resource kits for more than 70 teams to set up special rest areas, known as ‘wobble rooms’, across our hospitals. To support patients during this distressing time, your donations helped us deliver tablet devices to hospital wards, giving those cut adrift from friends and family the opportunity to stay in touch using video call software. 4

We also delivered 1,000 care packs containing toiletries and other overnight essentials to patients at their bedsides, helping to make their time in hospital as comfortable as possible. Meanwhile, for the most vulnerable patients, we awarded emergency grants to help their families cope with the sudden financial shock of an extended stay in hospital. Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to play a vital role in helping our hospitals respond to their biggest ever challenge. You can read more about the impact we’ve made on the following pages.

“At the peak of the pandemic, we were able to provide urgent support to NHS staff on the front line while stepping in to make the hospital experience better for thousands of patients”

3 additional counsellors to support NHS staff “Responding to Covid-19 has been extremely challenging for staff in our hospitals and we are making sure we provide the best possible support at this difficult time,” said Fiona Blair, Head of Service at CONTACT.

“The charity’s support has ensured our staff can access psychological, mental and emotional support when they need it.” Counselling provides a safe and confidential place for staff to explore and talk through their concerns, thoughts and feelings with a trained professional. During the coronavirus pandemic, the CONTACT service has helped staff discover new ways to cope with the unique challenges they’re facing.


Keeping everyone connected with faster wifi and tablets


s our hospitals adapted to the crisis, working and communicating remotely quickly became one of the biggest challenges. To keep everyone well connected at this critical time, we stepped in to fund faster wifi - free for staff and patients to use across all our hospitals. Thanks to your support, we were

able to get the upgraded service up and running within a few days, enabling staff to access the internet and hold video conference meetings with a more reliable connection. We’ve also delivered dozens of tablet devices to wards across our hospitals so that patients who are unable to see their friends and family during their time in hospital can stay connected using video call software from their bedside. In total, more than 12,000 people have benefited every month from the free, faster internet access since it was upgraded in April.

12,000 users per month have benefited from faster wifi

Urgent support for families at time of crisis During these challenging times, we’ve been helping our most vulnerable patients cope with sudden and unexpected financial pressures. Emergency grants of up to £1,500 have provided extra support for patients and their families in urgent need as a result of their time in hospital. These grants have helped families cover the cost of travel, accommodation, food and other essentials during the crisis, removing an extra layer of concern and enabling them to focus fully on getting better.

ABOVE: Members of staff at Hammersmith Hospital take time to rest and recover in one of our ‘wobble room’ areas


Volunteers step in to help hospitals respond to Covid-19 I

mperial Health Charity volunteers have helped to provide vital support to NHS staff working on the front line of the response to coronavirus, with more than 300 people stepping forward to support our emergency operation. Since March, our Crisis Response Volunteers at Charing Cross, Hammersmith and St Mary’s hospitals have helped to keep NHS staff supplied with food and drink, delivering more than 170,000 meals to wards and departments across the Trust. They also played a critical role in enabling us to run three popup shops at the peak of the crisis, providing everyday essentials entirely free for NHS staff seven days a week. The incredible efforts of all our volunteers have ensured that hospital staff who would otherwise have found it difficult to visit local shops and supermarkets, have had

easy access to food, drinks, toiletries and other basic essentials. On top of all that, our volunteers helped day-in-day-out with countless important tasks - from delivering patients’ belongings sent in from home to advising visitors on hand hygiene and safety information. “We simply wouldn’t have been able to provide this essential support for our hospitals without the enormous contribution made by our volunteers,” said Sam Morris, Head of Volunteering at Imperial Health Charity. “We’re so grateful for every single person who stepped forward to show their support at this time of crisis.” To find out about the latest volunteering opportunities at our hospitals, you can visit

‘You’re amazing!’ - messages of thanks for our volunteer heroes ur time and “You have given yo get through energy to help us e and we such a difficult tim at.” will never forget th

“Thanks for always sm iling and being so kind an d friendly when I was feeling overwhelmed .”

a huge “You made such difference getting of this through the worst u.” yo pandemic. Thank



MAIN and BELOW: Volunteers delivered thousands of meals to NHS staff at Hammersmith Hospital during Covid-19

Our emergency response in numbers




volunteer hours

100,000+ visits to our staff shops

170,000+ meals delivered

94% volunteers feel they’ve made a positive contribution


Handy art packs for patients at their bedside We’ve produced hundreds of handy art packs to help patients take part in a range of creative activities during the coronavirus outbreak. Our art packs are full of ideas to encourage, inspire and support those in hospital during this stressful time. The packs were designed by Paper Birch artist Rhian Sutcliffe to support patients on elderly care wards, but we’ve now adapted them for patients to use across our hospitals. Alongside these practical art packs, we’ve also created an online magazine so that anyone, anywhere, can pick up our top tips for looking after your wellbeing under lockdown. We’ve made all of these resources available to our hard-working NHS staff as well, so that they can continue to enjoy art and creativity as a means to support their health and wellbeing at work.

Colourful new look for A&E

Exploring art and creativity during life under lockdown W

e believe that creativity is key to our health and wellbeing but life under lockdown has made it more challenging to stay active with art. Throughout the coronavirus crisis we’ve been working to make sure patients, NHS staff and those who are self-isolating at home have access to lots of fun, creative activities to support their wellbeing. 8

From virtual craft workshops that you can follow along at home to bedside art activity packs for patients staying in our hospitals, we’ve put art and creativity at the heart of our coronavirus support. You can read about some of our work on the following pages and to find out more about our arts engagement programme, you can visit

Colourful new artwork by Turner Prize nominee Mark Titchner has brought an uplifting new look to the A&E department at Charing Cross Hospital. The vibrant artwork, titled We Work Together, includes a series of positive, inspirational messages. Following conversations with NHS staff, Titchner included words of hope, pride and unity against a soft foliage background to contrast with the clinical environment of the hospital.


Video workshops boost wellbeing

ABOVE: Sisters Mariyah and Eiliyah take part in an art therapy session at St Mary’s Hospital before the coronavirus pandemic

‘Virtual’ art therapy helps children stay creative in hospital C

hildren at St Mary’s Hospital have been able to access ‘virtual’ art therapy to help them keep active during the coronavirus outbreak. Funded by ArtSocial Foundation, Art Therapist Alice Patrick (pictured) has been providing therapeutic support to young patients at the hospital since January 2020. Art therapy provides patients with the opportunity to explore a variety of creative art forms and activities, including drawing, painting, clay and plastering work. In response to the pandemic, Alice has adapted her role and is currently supporting the children’s wards at St Mary’s using video call platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

“Children with long-term health conditions need emotional support - now more than ever” The regular ‘virtual’ art sessions have helped to maintain a sense of normality for children with longterm health conditions during such an uncertain time.

We’ve been working with five artists to create a series of virtual craft workshop videos. The short videos include handy tutorials for people to follow along from the comfort of their own home. From writing poetry to creating collages, the virtual sessions have enabled our artists to continue providing positive art and wellbeing activities for patients and NHS staff remotely. “I’ve found it harder than ever to focus at the moment,” said artist Phoebe Rutherford. “With lots of worries buzzing about, for me the best thing has been drawing from life. “For half an hour or so everything slows and calms down - it’s a brilliant escape.” You can watch some of our video workshops on our website: patient-engagement-programme/ virtual-workshops

something reassuring and safe amidst so much uncertainty and anxiety,” Alice added. “It’s crucial that we’re able to support young people in the eye of the storm, but more importantly we must continue to do so on the other side.” ArtSocial Foundation specialises in providing disadvantaged children with a space to engage with art and other creative activities as a form of therapeutic support. The art therapy sessions have been supported by ArtSocial Foundation since January 2020.

“Children with long-term health conditions need emotional support, now more than ever,” said Alice. “It felt important that I remain consistent in my work.” While resources are more limited, Alice has been getting creative and encouraging the children to use art materials already by their bedsides from previous sessions. “The familiarity of the art materials alongside the consistency of the therapeutic space provides

To find out more about our arts engagement programme, you can visit patient-engagement-programme


Thank you to all our supporters! T

hroughout the coronavirus crisis, we’ve received incredible support from dozens of local businesses, community organisations, restaurants and suppliers who have generously donated huge amounts of food, drink, toiletries and other essential items to help us support NHS staff at our hospitals. We want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone listed below who reached out to offer their support during this difficult time. From delivering regular hot meals to feed our front-line NHS workers, to stocking staff rooms with teas and coffees, every donation has made a big difference.

ABOVE: Some of our volunteers unload a delivery of hot meals for NHS staff at Charing Cross Hospital.

Alice Sinclair

City Pantry

Fortnum & Mason


Coca Cola European Partners

Fruitful Office

AQUA Carpatica

Daisy Green




Helio Fenerich of Helio’s Kitchen

Beauty Banks


Hello! Magazine

Belgravia Shul & Marble Arch Synagogue



Bewley’s Tea and Coffee



Biosense Webster

DePuy Synthes

IMAGE Skincare

Boulangerie de Paris



Brigit’s Bakery

Edouard de Guitaut from Energy Future


Brown’s Hotel

ELEMIS & Olivia Rubin

Jane Ireland, Quack Quack Books



JM Posner Ltd


FairyBricks Charity

John Lewis and Partners

Coca Cola European Partners

Fondation Maintenant & Les Emplaqués

Johnson & Johnson

Chiswick Mutual Aid Group

Food Show Events

Julius Meinl Coffee



ABOVE: Staff receive a delivery of doughnuts at Charing Cross Hospital.

Negar Ram from Frontlinenhsfund

Nestlé UK Ltd New Kings Coffee NJC (cleaning products and services)

NOCCO Oli Coles and Hospitality for Heroes

Krispy Kreme

Origin Coffee

The Conservative Friends of Sri Lanka


pale green dot

The Dorchester


Pizza Hut

The Estée Lauder Companies UK & Ireland

Locket’s Kitchen


The First Mile

Lola’s Cupcakes


The Great British Bee Co

London Irish Rugby Club

PRESS Health Foods

The London Central Mosque Trust

Louisa Walters (The Restaurant Club)


The Mandeville Hotel

Lucozade Ribena Suntory

Seashell Restaurant

The Pallet Network Ltd

Malin & Goetz


The Yum Yum Food Company

Medidata Solutions

Soul Aid The Central Gurdwara London

TK Maxx (Charing Cross)


St Paul’s School

Tracy Lowy and her Living Rooms team

Metropolitan Police Lambeth

Sweet Freedom Ltd

Waitrose & Partners

Milly Giveaway

Swisse Me


Mira Mikati


White City Place


The Caring Foundation and Annabel’s

Zidac Laboratories

FOCUS • SUMMER 2020 11

You can support our work today and help our hospitals do more.

Your donation can help us improve patient care and provide extra support for NHS staff across our five hospitals. We rely on your generous support to help us continue our important work supporting the five London hospitals of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Your donation will enable us to help our hospitals do more by: • refurbishing hospital buildings and facilities • investing in ground-breaking research • funding additional medical equipment • supporting patients at times of extreme financial difficulty. 12

How can I make a donation?

Can I support you by taking part in a fundraising event?

1. Fill in a donation form Complete the form on page 13 of this magazine, tear it off and post it back to us at the following address:

Yes, absolutely! You can take part in one of our fundraising events or organise one of your own.

Imperial Health Charity 178-180 Edgware Road London W2 2DS 2. Donate online To make a donation online, visit 3. Give us a call To discuss your donation in confidence, call our fundraising team on 020 3640 7766.

1. Take part in one of our fundraising events We organise lots of fundraising events throughout the year. Take a look at our latest events at fundraising-events 2. Organise your own event Got an idea in mind already? We can help ensure your event is successful with support, promotional materials and hints to help you on your way. FOCUS • SUMMER 2020

Make a donation today Thank you for your generous support. To make a donation, please complete the form below, tear off this page and return it to: Imperial Health Charity, 178-180 Edgware Road, London, W2 2DS Title First name Surname Address

Postcode Email Phone no. I would like to donate


I would like to pay by cheque

Mastercard/Visa (delete as appropriate)

Please contact me about my donation

Name on card Card number Expiry date For every £1 you donate, Gift Aid allows us to claim 25p from HM Revenue & Customs, increasing the value of your donation at no extra cost to you. Please tick the box below.

I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat all donations I make or have made to Imperial Health Charity in the past four years as Gift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

We would like to keep you up to date with our work so that you can see how your support is making a real difference. If you would like to hear from us, please select from the following options: Post Email Phone Signature Date Imperial Health Charity is a registered charity, no. 1166084

FOCUS • SUMMER 2020 13

Working in partnership with

How to give Make a donation We rely on your support to continue our important work. To make a donation, please fill out the form on page 13, visit or call 020 3640 7766.

Fundraise Do you have an idea for a bake sale, a sporting challenge or a sponsored event? Fundraise for Imperial Health Charity and we’ll support you every step of the way. For upcoming events and fundraising ideas, visit or call 020 3640 7766.

Other ways to get involved Volunteer Volunteers play an important role in supporting our hospitals. To find out more about our latest volunteering opportunities, visit or call 020 3005 6391.

Apply for funding Are you a member of staff at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust? You may be eligible to apply for funding. To find out more, visit or call 020 3006 5328.

About us Imperial Health Charity helps our hospitals do more through grants, arts, volunteering and fundraising. We fund major redevelopments, research and medical equipment as well as helping patients and their families at times of extreme financial difficulty. Supporting the arts in healthcare, we manage an Arts Council accredited hospital art collection and run an arts engagement programme for patients and NHS staff. We also manage volunteering across all five hospitals, adding value to the work of staff and helping to improve the hospital experience for patients. Fundraising through major appeals and community events enables us to continue our important work.

Follow us on social media Find us online to keep up to date with all our latest news across grants, arts, volunteering and fundraising. @ImperialCharity /charityimperial @ImperialCharity

Imperial Health Charity 178–180 Edgware Road London W2 2DS T: 020 3640 7766 E:

Imperial Health Charity is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 1166084

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