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June 2014 / Edition 725 / www.impactoevangelistico.net

The magazine that edifies your life




The adventure Of a lifetime


The return of the lost sheep


Distress of Nations

Death The gate to eternity June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

2 Impacto evangelistic


The time is at hand Rev. Gustavo Martínez Presidente Internacional del M.M.M.

“The time is at hand... And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be…Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:10, 12, 20.


he Lord will come back, according to the

having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be

Bible, when the world gives in even more to

holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). “Follow peace

its pleasures, wickedness, and lust, living a

with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the

wild life in every aspect of sin; then He shall come,

Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). We realize that is not the so-

suddenly, unexpectedly, when least expected.

cial, cultural, intellectual or family position, or where

The Bible says that the Church is like a virgin

we live, which guarantees that we will spend eternity

clothed and adorned for her husband without spot

with God, but the “holiness, without which no man

or wrinkle. Jesus Christ comes for this holy church,

shall see the Lord.”

not for denominations or a particular group. The Bi-

We sometimes ask: when will He come? The Bi-

ble says that all those who have accepted Christ, have

ble tells us in Mark 13:32-33: “But of that day and that

been born again, and live a holy life, are children of

hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven,


neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray:

We are not saved because of the work or the mi-

for ye know not when the time is.” So if someone tells you

nistry developed for mankind, but the Bible says we

that He is coming next month or gives you a date,

must be in Christ so as to not be ashamed at his co-

call them liar, heretic; that nobody knows, that will be

ming. “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall

surprise. He will come at any time, whether morning,

appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before

noon, or evening, so you have to be prepared.

him at his coming” (1 John 2:28). We must be in Him, be

Today is the day of salvation! Jesus is coming

of Him, live for Him, that when He appears, we have

soon! Leave behind you tepidity and conformism,


seek holiness. The true Church says: “Come, Lord Jesus”

“That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not

(Revelation 22:20). June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT www.impactoevangelistico.net America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia


Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz June 2014 / Edition N° 725 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

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INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF WMM INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice President Rev. Rubén Concepción Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Germany Argentina Aruba Australia Austria Belgium Belize Bolivia Bonaire Brasil Cameroon Canadá Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Curacao Dinamarca Ecuador El Salvador Spain United States The Philippines France Gabón Ghana Guatemala Equatorial Guinea French Guiana Guyana Inglesa Haití Holland

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The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a religious nonprofit organization duly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in the federal capital, Washington DC, with headquarters in both cities and in every state of the United States and other countries where we have established missionary Works. Important The offerings and donations in cash, equipment, real estate and bequests by will, in the benefit of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc.’s Work, are deductible from the income tax, and receipts issued by the WMM are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the Federal Government of the United States of America and of the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico. n

Visit our website Obtain uplifting information about God’s Work and keep up with the latest news. A customized access from anywhere in the world: www. impactoevangelistico.net n

If you wish Write to us at our postal address: Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. PO Box 363644 San Juan, P. R. 00936-3644 n

Copyright © 2009 Impacto Evangelistic Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc. (World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc.) All content of this magazine and each subsequent edition are duly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC USA. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction in any form and translation into other languages without prior permission of the Director are prohibited. Under international copyright agreements, they are crimes punishable by law. n

Doctrinal Statement The Worldwide Missionary Movement adheres to the fundamental doctrines of Scripture, such as: n

• The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21. • The Adorable Godhead in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:16-17, 17: 1-5; 28:19, John 17: 5, 24, 26, 16:32, 14:16, 23, 18:5, 6, 2 Peter 1:17,18; Revelation 5. • Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47, John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, 3:5-7. • The New Birth: John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9. • Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1, Titus 3:7. • Water Baptism by Inmersion, as commanded by Christ: Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:36-39. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in tongues according to: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 2:4. • Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16, 17, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, 15. • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15, 16, 1 John 2:6. • Ministry and Evangelization: Mark 16:15-20, Romans 10:15. • Tithing and Maintenance of the Work: Genesis 14:20, 28:22, Leviticus 27:30, Numbers 18:21-26, Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23, 1 Corinthians 15:5152, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Titus 2:13, Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Kingdom: Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:5-10, Zechariah 9:10, Revelation 19:20, 20:3-10. • New Heavens and New Earth: Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1.


Search us on:


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People want to know what happens after a person dies. Death is simply the door to eternity. Here are words of encouragement to help us understand death and enjoy life in a better way.

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Impacto Evangelistic Magazine

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How Great Thou Art!, translated countless times since it was released, is an everlasting poem that masterfully combines the greatness of God for who He is, the Creator of the universe. It was written in 1885 by Swedish poet Carl Gustav Boberg.

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The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued its annual report, highlighting the increasing persecution of Christian minorities in many countries.

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44 He was born man, but he walked the streets of several cities around the world dressed as a woman, offering his body as merchandise. When he knew the way of the Lord, he overcame homosexuality. Now, he is back in the fold.

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Susanna Wesley, one of the most renowned Christian of all times, was a humble servant of God who devoted her entire life to persevere in faith and to spiritually form a family full of global recognition. She is an example of perseverance and religious constancy.

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Events in: Peru, Italy, Chile, Spain, Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina.



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“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:25, 26.

68 June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

People want to know what happens after a person dies. Death is simply the door to eternity. Here are words of encouragement to help us understand death and enjoy life in a better way. Dr. David Jeremiah

What happens when a person 6 Impacto evangelistic


dies? June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia


nstead of simply saying “he died”, we say, “he passed away, he went to a better place, he departed this life.” A website says that there are hundred ways to say death without saying the word death. Someone said that it is foolish to think with euphemisms, because, as you can see, death does not have favorites or make temporary arrangements: “Farmers and sales executives live in the shadow of death, as well as the Nobel Prize winner and the prostitute, the mother and the child, the adolescent and the old man; the hearse awaits the surgeon that is going to transplant a heart but also waiting for the hopeful recipient.” Death does not respect anybody. ASPECTS OR FACES OF DEATH

In the Bible there are three different descriptions about death, the key Word is SEPARATION I. Physical death. What is physical death? Physical death is the separation of the soul and the spirit from the body. What happens when a person dies? Their body stays here and it is buried but the soul and the spirit go to be either with God or apart from God. And so physical death is first and foremost the separation between the body, the soul and the spirit. James 2:26 says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead...” When Rachel, the wife of the patriarch Jacob, died while giving birth to their son, the Bible says: “And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni…” (Gn. 35:18). Salo-

mon describes the separation this way: “And the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7). 8 Impacto evangelistic

What happens when a person dies? Their body stays here and it is buried but the soul and the spirit go to be either with God or apart from God. And so physical death is first and foremost the separation between the body, the soul and the spirit.

II. Spiritual death. We were all born spiritually dead; spiritual death is the separation of your soul from God. A person does not have any relationship with God, they are separated from Him because of sin, the

Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). When sin entered the world through Adam it spread to everyone, so that every unregenerate man and woman is dead spiritually, separated from God. So physical death is the separation of your soul from your body, spiritual death is the separation of your soul from God. III. The second death. “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the

COVER blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” (Heb. 2:14-15).

lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Rev.

20:13-15). The last form of death, second death, is the final banishment from God and the final affliction of mean people in hell following the great white throne judgment. In other words, physical death is the separation of your soul from your body, spiritual death is the separation of your soul from God, the second death is the separation of your soul from God forever and ever. All of us have been born

REASONS FOR NOT FEARING DEATH I. You do not have to fear death because the prince of death has been defeated. “As

Jesus destroyed death through death and He has freed us from the fear of death. In Forward I met a man who was very successful, but lived in the bandage of death. I visited him one time and he showed me his house. I noticed that there was an oxygen tank in every room. I asked “What is all this for?” He said, “I am concerned about death and I think that if I have a heart attack and I have an oxygen tank, I will be able to escape.” Just as David took the sword of Goliath and cut off his head with it, Jesus took the weapon of Satan and defeated him. When Christ by his own death paid the penalty for our sin, He took the sting out of the devil’s condemnation. Satan has to settle for winning the little battles because the battle that he started has already been lost to him forever. When Jesus came out of the grave, victorious over death, he took death out of Satan’s weaponry and he could no hurt us anymore. I remember a story about a couple who were taking breakfast. They had a dog sleeping on the window ledge. Suddenly, a bang rocked the room and made the dog fall on the floor. The couple wondered, what has caused all that commotion, until the saw a great stunned hawk lying next to the window. The bird had descended in a nosedive with its claws ready to take the dog without realizing that there

the children have partaken of flesh and


once, but if we are not born again through the spirit and the Word of God we will die twice; we will die physically when our soul is separated from our body and then we will die spiritually when our soul is separated from God forever. But, if we are born through the spirit and the Word of God we will not die a second time.

June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

g was a strong glass that protected the dog; a few minutes later, the hawk recovered and disappeared. That was exactly what happened at the cross, the devil wanted to get us with his claws; the power of resurrection provides an unbreakable protecting glass. Satan can crash all he wants, but he cannot hurt us, because the prince of death has been defeated. II. The power of death has been destroyed. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:55-57).

Death has no part in any future that belongs to any believer, when we get to heaven “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death”

(Rev. 21:4). III. The process of death has been described. The prince of death has been defeated, the power of death has been destroyed, the process of death has been described. People want to know what is going to happen when a person dies. There are many books that have been written by people who claim they have come back from grave; some of them are credible, most of them have been good only for sales, but you do not have to read any of those books to know what happens when you die because the Bible tells us. Jesus told what happens after death in Luke 16. This passage is about two men, one rich and one poor. The poor man’s name was Lazarus, we do not the rich man’s name but we know that he wore the

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finest clothing, he ate the finest food, and even the beggars lay at his door trying to get some crumbs. The poor man, Lazarus, was not only hungry but was very sick, covered with sores and stray dogs licked his sores. Now watch, Lazarus in fact possessed one thing that

no one could take away from him and that was his “love for God”, the rich man possessed one thing that he could not keep, “his life”. Jesus tells us that both men died. The beggar Lazarus was carried by heavenly angels to the bosom of Abraham; he was kissed by


the angels instead of licked by the dogs. The Bible says that the rich man died and in Hell, he lifted up his eyes, being in torments. God’s angels are ready to take you on life’s ultimate journey. God has a special angle assigned to bring you home. In the face of such assurance, why should you be afraid? 37:45 IV. The picture of death has been developed. The prince of death has been defeated, the power of death has been destroyed, the process of death has been described. Finally, the picture of death has been developed. Tyrone Marshall, chaplain of the U.S. Senate, had to speak to the cadets in the Annapolis Military School, — it was the day of Pearl Harbour (December 7th, 1941)— the auditorium was filled with

young men who will give their life. He told them the story of a dying child who was afraid of dying. The Little boy asked his mother, “what is it like to die?” The mother said, “Do you remember when you fell asleep on my bed and the next morning you will woke up in your own bed? Your father had taken you to your bed.” Then she said, “That is what death is like, it is like waking up in your own room.” Like this child, we are curious about the process of death. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Ps. 23:4). This is the

most read verse in funerals; through this passage the Bible teaches us that: 1). Death is journey, not a destination. The Bible says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”. Notice what it

says, “Though I walk through the valley”, it does not say, “I stay in the valley of the shadow of death.” In the psalm of the pastor, David sees death not as a destination but as a journey through a place. With God’s hand in ours we go through death to a place but death itself is not a destination, death is simply the process through which we go. My friend has written a book on this verse and he describes it this way: “Death does not speak of a cave or a dead end path, is a valley, which means it has an opening in both ends, and the emphasis is on going through it. This indicates a temporary stage, a transition, a brighter path ahead, a future of hope, for Christians problems are always temporary and blessings are always eternal, unlike nonChristians whose blessing are always temporary and whose problems are always eternal, valleys do not go on forever and the road ahead is always brighter for the child of God, as bright as His promises.” Death is a process you go through to get to the other side. Someone observed that death is an exit gat and heaven is an entrance but the two are arranged so closely that one opens as the other shuts. One person says that a dying man is lying at the gates of death and another says is lying at the gate of heaven; both are right because death is simply a passage through to life forever with God. Most of the time we would say that we are not afraid of death, we are just afraid of dying because we are afraid of what is it like, what

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WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

g the process is. But dying for a believer is not anything for us to fear, first of all the angels come and get us, and it is only a temporary moment we go through. 2). Death is a shadow, not a reality. The Bible puts it this way: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” My father was a pastor of a Church in Toledo, Ohio. The church was growing and they did not have enough room and they did not have any place where they can go and so they found an old mansion and they bought it. The mansion included a number of buildings, including a large on, and the church built a sort of an auditorium. I was a young boy by then, maybe about six, seven or eight years old. The parsonage was in the second floor. My job there was to take out the garbage every night. There was only one little light bulb, it was dark. I had to go down stairs and get to the front of the garage going from one extreme to the other, it was really frightening to me, the light cast the shadows that seem to move. The next day, I would get up, go to the same place, play and there was nothing to be afraid of, there was nothing there, it was just a shadow. Dr. Donald Gray Banjars, one of the great Biblical teachers of our generation, was driving back home after the funeral of his first wife and he had his children with him, and they were overwhelmed by the sorrow; he wondered how to console his children, and he had to stop when a huge truck passed by there and 12 Impacto evangelistic

the shadow swept over them. Dr. Banjars said, “Children, would you rather be run over by a truck or its shadow?” And they said, “The shadow is harmless.” He said, “Let me tell you something, two thousand years ago the truck run Jesus Christ in order that only the shadow would have to run over us.” The Bible says that death is a shadow and not a reality, no longer is it true that we have to fear it because Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (Jn.

11:25-26). 3). Death is lonely but you are never alone. Death is a journey not a destination; it is a

shadow not a reality; death is lonely but you are never alone. In this psalm there is grammatical detail. In the first part the psalmist talks about the pastor and describes him this way: “He leads me, He restores me, He makes me to lie down in green grass.” Then you get to the fourth verse and very abruptly the third person becomes the second person, David says, “You will be with me.” He moves from Him to You, he quits talking about the pastor and beings talking to him about God but in the midst of the shadows he realizes that God is right there and he begins to talk directly to Him. If you have ever walked through the valley with someone, you think


about God and suddenly you find yourself caught up in a conversation with Him. His presence suddenly changes your whole line of thought. Over the years, I have talked with many people who have traveled their darkest road and they have often told me that they never realized the presence of God when walking through that shadow. We do not have to be afraid because we might feel lonely, but actually we are not alone. I have talked with many people who have been in death’s waiting room and the experience has proven to me that God make His presence known as they walk through the valley. He reaches for their hands, whispers words of comfort

into their ears and is not limited to just the dying people but also for those who are suffering for the dying people, they also walk through the valley and God reaches out to them as well. The Bible is filled with comfort for those who might be suffering affliction. Psalm 46:1-2, says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fea…” Hebrews 13:5, says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

A man saw the significance and hope of death. He lost both of his parents at the age of 6; he also lost his brothers and sisters too because they were divided among relatives. He was taken by a kindly aunt and there he lived for

fifteen years until he became pastor. One day he received a letter of his aunt who was dying, she asked him, “What is awaiting me in death, is this the end?” The man loved her so much. He began the letter with the story of a 6-year-old boy who was waiting for the arrival of a woman who will become his mother. He wrote this: “I can still recall my disappointment when instead of coming for me yourself you sent your servant Caesar. I remember my tears and my anxiety as I was sat on the horse clinging tight to Caesar. Night felt before we finished the journey and I became lonely and afraid. Do you think she will go to bed before we arrive? —I asked Caesar. She will surely stay up for you; you will see her candle shining in the window— said Caesar. There certainly was your candle; you were waiting for me and you embraced me, and you had a great fire burning in the heart and a hot dinner. Then, you took me to my new room and you stayed with me until I fell asleep. Someday, aunt, God will to take you to your new home; do not fear the summons, you can trust God. Just like you were kind enough with me so many years ago, at the end of the road you will find love and a welcome waiting and you will be safe in God’s care.” Dear friend, if you want to go to heaven when you die, you have to take the decision now. The Bible says th0at you have to place confidence in Jesus Christ; He will give you eternal life. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom.



June 2014


What is death? WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

In the twentieth century, death used to be defined as cessation of heartbeat (cardiac arrest), as lack of reflexes and visible breath. Later, thanks to technological advances and better understanding of brain activity, death came to be defined

with an EEG as the absence of bioelectrical activity in the brain. To Christianity, death is a natural occurrence that will happen to everybody. To Christians, death is no loss of life, but life transformation.

Death is simply the door to eternity.

ASPECTS OR FACES OF DEATH In the Bible, there are three different descriptions of death. The key word is SEPARATION. I. Physical death. What is it? Physical death is the separation of soul and spirit from the body. What happens when someone dies? Their body stays here and is buried, but their soul and spirit go to God, or away from God. II. Spiritual death. We are all born spiritually dead. Spiritual death is the separation between the soul and God. That person has no personal relationship with God, is separated from Him because of sin. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). III. The second death. The last form of death – the second death – is the final separation from God and the final affliction of the wicked in hell after the judgment before the great white throne. In other words, physical death is the separation of soul and body, spiritual death is the separation of the soul and God, and the second death is the eternal separation of the soul and God. We die alone, but we are never alone. Death is a journey, not a destination. It is a shadow, not a reality. We die alone, but we are never alone. 14 Impacto evangelistic

You die alone, but you are never alone.

Death is a travel, not the destination; it's a shadow, not the reality; you die alone, but you are never alone.

Death is a journey, not a destination.

The Bible says, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” Note that it says, “Walk through the valley,” not, “I stay in the valley of the shadow of death.”


Death is a shadow, not a reality. The Bible says it this way: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.”

I. The prince of death has been defeated.

Jesus destroyed death by death, and delivered us from the fear of death. The devil wanted to catch us with his claws; however, because of what happened on the cross, the power of the resurrection provides us with an unbreakable safety glass. Satan can crash against it whenever he wants, but cannot harm us. The prince of death has been defeated.

II. The power of death has been destroyed.

Death has no part in the future that awaits the believer. When we go to Heaven, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death” (Revelation 21:4).

III. The dying process has been described.

The prince of death has been defeated, the power of death has been destroyed, and the process of death has been described.

IV. The picture of death has been revealed.

The prince of death has been defeated, the power of death has been destroyed, the process of death has been described, and finally the picture of death has been revealed.

This verse is the most read at funeral services. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” Psalm 23:4. When we go to Heaven, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death” Revelation 21:4. “And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:13-15. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. Solomon describes the separation in this way: “And the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. When Rachel, wife of the patriarch Jacob, died giving birth to her son, the Bible states: “And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing (for she died) that she called his name Benoni ...” Genesis 35:18. James 2:26 says, “The body without the spirit is dead ...”

June 2014


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WORK 16 Impacto evangelistic


1. Class of the ELIM Bible Institute 1979-80, in Puerto Rico. 2. Class of the ELIM Bible Institute 1981-82, in Puerto Rico. 3. The Ortiz Brothers along with reverends Gustavo Martínez and Enrique Centeno in the 90’s. 4. Wedding of Rev. Gustavo Martínez and Carmen Valencia held on February 16, 1980.



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June 2014


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The most persecuted

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued its annual report, highlighting the increasing persecution of Christian minorities in many countries.


ach year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom prepares a comprehensive report that gives an overview of the situation of religious belief and practice freedom in countries where this right is threatened. The 2014 annual report was recently published on its website and points out, as many other reports, increased hostilities on religious grounds in many parts of the world. It also urges the U.S. government to decisively intervene in the defense of religious minorities. The report ranks countries according to the extent 18 Impacto evangelistic

of harassment towards any religious practice. Accordingly, Christian minorities are the most affected, suffering much opposition in Muslim countries, even in those where minority has a wellestablished historical presence, such as Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical leaders have recently expressed their concern on these Middle Eastern countries in a joint statement. QUESTIONED PROGRESSIVISM

China, Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Vietnam, Iraq and Pakistan are among the countries of greatest concern to the commission. Also Iran, since its condition has paradoxically worsened since the reputedly moderate President Hassan Rouhani came to power, as evidenced by the fact that in February 2014 “at least 40 Christians were either in prison, detained or awaiting

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12.

trial because of their religious beliefs and activities.” Among them is Pastor Saeed Abedini, on whose behalf international organizations and governments of various countries have unsuccessfully interceded. Fears also come from Saudi Arabia, where the presence of any faith other than Islam is forbidden. “Not a single church or other non-Muslim house of worship exists in the country”, says the U.S. government report. It explains how even some textbooks of Riyad Schools “forgive violence against apostates and polytheists, and label Christians and Jewish as enemies.” TERROR

Nigeria is also mentioned, mainly because of the threat of Boko Haram, their main target of attacks in recent years being Christians. Burning churches, homes and businesses of Christians has characterized the violence


of the group that this month has become infamous to the international audiences with the mass kidnapping of underage schoolgirls. The paper also discusses the situation in Egypt after the fall of Morsi, and with it the inability of transitional governments to protect religious groups, particularly Christians. Also, amongst the worst violators of religious freedom and attackers against Christians is North Korea, where there is a “songbun system, which classifies families according to their loyalty to the Kim family; religious believers have

the lowest songbun rating. Spreading Christianity is a political crime. Many religious believers are incarcerated in infamous and penal labor camps.” COMMISSION’S WORK

The commission on religious freedom is an independent, bipartisan group that gives advice to the President, the Congress and the State Department, who can accept or reject the recommended designations that may be cause for penalties or other actions. Robert P. George, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, highlighted the

Taken from: http://www. protestantedigital. com/ES

importance of U.S. action in the promotion and defense of global religious freedom. “With religious freedom abuses occurring daily around the world against people of all faiths and those without religious faith, the United States must by words and deeds stand in solidarity to the persecuted”, said George. “Religious freedom is a fundamental human right recognized by international law that guarantees to all human beings the freedom to believe or not believe as their conscience leads, and live out their beliefs openly, peacefully and without fear”, stated u June 2014


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The Apocryphal (VIII) Gospels We continue with the installments of this fundamental book that denounces serious manipulations of the Word of God in the Apocryphal gospels. Rev. Domingo Fernández Dr. César Vidal Manzanares


s we have seen previously, the authors of PV’s notes show no respect for what the Bible states about the authors of its books. But that is not all. They even prefer the thesis of liberal theology rather than the clear teaching of Jesus, the Son of God. On this basis, it should be no surprise if the Messianic prophecies, fulfilled thanks to Him, were overshadowed – one of the reasons is because these are attributed to another person- in such a way that no one who hasn’t studied the Scriptures before can notice the different perspective. Below are some examples of this behavior. a) Isaiah 7:14 was not a Mes20 Impacto evangelistic

sianic prophecy: “The identification of this child has been subject to various discussions but most of modern interpreters consider that the sign given by the prophet (see Isa. 7:11) must have been a close event...Therefore, the child’s mother must have been a woman known to Ahaz, probably his own wife” (p. 868). Despite the clear testimony of the Evangelist Matthew (Matt. 1:22-23) the PV maintains it is not a Messianic prophecy and that the “woman” (not the virgin) was not Mary but perhaps the wife of Ahaz. b) Psalm 22 is not a Messianic prophecy. The PV has not only mutilated passage in Matthew 27:35 where Jesus fulfilled this psalm, but also omits any reference to his Messianic character. c) Psalm 45 was not originally a Messianic text: “It is a royal psalm but different from others because it is not a prayer addressed to the Lord, but a poem in honor of the king.

It was composed for the wedding of an Israelite monarch with a princess of the Phoenician city of Tyre (cf. v. 12 (13) and R 16:31). However, the great compliment that the king gave to the poem, converted it into a praise for the Messiah” (p. 702). Despite the clear testimony of Hebrews 1:8, where we can see that the text is Messianic, the PV identifies it with a poem in honor of a king. The foolishness of such a statement is evident when we confirm that the person to whom the psalm is addressed is called “God” (v. 6-7), something intolerable in the case of a king, but understandable in the case of the Messiah whose deity is affirmed in other passages of the Old Testament (Isaiah 9:6). d) Zechariah 12:10 is not a Messianic prophecy: “Him whom they have pierced: It is an allusion to a king or prophet murdered by the people, although there is insufficient information to accurately identify him” (p. 1216). Rejec-


ting John’s own testimony (Jn. 19:37), which states that the Jehovah pierced is Jesus, the PV says it’s not possible to know to whom the passage in Zechariah is directed. e) Isaiah 61:1 is not a Messianic prophecy: “(61:1-62:12) The prophet is presented here as the mouthpiece of God sent to announce to the poor a message of liberation” (p. 937). Contrary to the claim of Jesus Christ himself (Luke 4:18-21), the PV says that the text is not a Messianic prophecy and that it only refers to the prophet. f) Daniel 9:26 is not a Messianic prophecy: “This consecrated leader (lit. anointed) seems to be the Jewish high

priest Onias III, who was murdered in the year 170. C. cf. 2 Macc. 4:30-38.” Following liberal theology, PV’s annotator (or annotators) refuses to see in this passage a reference to the death of the Messiah and apply it to a secondary character like Onias III. According to the PV the epistles were not written by the apostles.

Liberal theology not only questioned the information that the Bible provides about the Old Testament, but also described -almost immediately- some of the writings of New Testament as fake. Only a

few of these -according to theological liberalism- were written by their authors, because they used anonymous individuals to hide under them. The PV accept those points of views as valid… is that a surprise for someone at this point? a) Some New Testament letters were not written by their authors: “But we must also take into account a common practice at that time: pseudonymity or pseudoepigraphy.” Sometimes an author (unknown to us) wrote using the name of an individual of renowned authority either to pick out writing the ideas expressed by this other


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g individual or to interpret them, giving them a literary form, being him the real responsible for the content. This was done even after the death of the alleged author. Several current exegetes think this is the case of some of the New Testament letters, as indicated opportunely. This fact does not diminish the authority or the religious value of these writings” (p. 1698). b) Ephesians was not written by Paul. “Some think that here we have the case of an anonymous author who uses a literary method known at the time: He writes in Paul’s name, basing his own exhibition in the doctrine taught by the apostle” (p. 1770). Despite the obvious testimony of Ephesians 1:1 and the internal evidence of the letter, the PV copies thesis of liberal theology. c) Colossians was not written by Paul: “Others believe that the letter could have been written by a disciple of Paul, even after his death” (p. 1787). Despite the clear testimony of Colossians 1:1 and the irrefutable internal evidence, the PV is not afraid to copy the liberal thesis about the authorship of Colossians. d) 2 Thessalonians was not written by Paul: “The lack of reference to the first letter, and other literary and content characteristics have led some to say that this letter- in spite of parallelism to 1 Thessalonianscould have been written by a disciple of Paul, after his death” (p. 1801). Despite the obvious testimony of 2 Thess. 1:1 and other internal evidence, the PV has no doubt to reproduce the liberal thesis on authorship of 2 Thessalonians. 22 Impacto evangelistic

etc. and abundant internal evidence, the PV does not hesitate to reproduce the liberal argument about the authorship of the last letters of Paul. f) The Second Letter of Peter was not written by him: “... Many think that this writing is the latest one of the New Testament and that perhaps it was composed in the early second century. Its author may have been a Christian teacher who appealed to the authority of Peter, to increase the authority to his teaching. This literary procedure was common at that time” (p. 1857). Despite the testimony of 2 Peter 1:1; 1:16-8, etc. and internal evidence, the PV does not hesitate to include the liberal thesis on the authorship of the Second Letter of Peter. In the PV, the activities of the devil are hidden from view.

e) Pastoral Letters were not written by Paul: “However, many others believe that Pastoral Letters correspond to a situation subsequent to the time in which Paul lived and that they were written by a disciple of Paul, according to the literature procedure used at that time (see the Introduction to the letters). In such cases, Pastoral Letters may have been written in the late first century” (p. 1805). Despite such obvious passages as 1 Timothy 1:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:1-2; 4:1-22; Titus 1:1,

An ailing characteristic -but nothing strange- of the liberal theology is that this has been trying to make the devil disappear from theological reflection. He has been described repeatedly by liberal authors as a mythological being without real existence (and, therefore, of whom we must not afraid) mentioned in the Bible at a very late stage and who is not necessarily in bad relationships with God even in some passages. The PV includes in its commentaries these aspects of liberal theology. a) Satan did not rebel against God, but this characteristic will be added in the New Testament: Job 1:6. “Accusing angel: lit. Satan (cf. Job 1:7-12, 2:1-7). This character does not have all the characteristics assigned to Satan in the New

HISTORY Testament. This is not about a demonic being, rebel against God, but of a celestial being that integrates the court of the Lord and converses familiarly with Him, but who tries to harm humans.” As can be seen, it is suggested that Satan is a human creation that has undergone an evolution. According to the liberal theology of the PV, his negative image is clear in the New Testament but not in the Old Testament. b) The fall of Satan is suppressed and is claimed to be a mythological reference used by Isaiah: Isaiah 14:12-15. “Here the king of Babylon is compared with the star of dawn, a star that the Canaanites had due to a god who had wanted to take the lead of the other gods (v. 13). This god, according to the beliefs of the Canaanites, lived in a mountain located at a distant point in the north. With this image, the author ridicules the pride and arrogance of the king of Babylon, implying that he will also be torn down as one pagan god. See the passage on the fall of the king of Tyre in Ezekiel 28:11-19.” c) Once again the reference to the fall of Satan is suppressed. Ezekiel 28:11-19 - despite being mentioned in footnote to Isaiah 14:12-15 –lacks any commentary. d) The reference to Satan is interpreted as a desire of not blaming the evil on God. 1 Chronicles 21:1. “Whereas here we are referring the accusing angel (lit. Satan), the parallel text of 2 Samuel 24:1 says: And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. This change is for preventing evil to be attributed directly to God.” In other words, God is the one who does evil but the author of

the biblical text tries to keep us aware of it and blames Satan! According to the PV, the Holy Spirit lacks personality in the Old Testament.

Finally, and within the broad framework of doctrinal aberrations to which the PV has accommodated, we must point out some of the references to the Holy Spirit. To begin with, it is not only written in lower case in the Old Testament, but also advocates point out that this is justified given the lack of difference between upper and lower cases in Hebrew. However, such an argument still lacks the slightest basis. Consistently this would force us to write “david” instead of “David “, “salomon” instead of “Solomon” and “jehova” instead of “Jehovah.” The fundamental reason why the Spirit becomes the “spirit” on a good number of passages in the PV is that those who have been involved in the development of such pitiful text intend to deny that the Holy Spirit is a divine person and affirm, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, that it is a force devoid of personality as the wind. This is evident in some notes as for Genesis 1, 2. After typing in the text “spirit of God”, it is stated: “The Hebrew word translated as spirit can also mean wind, breeze or breath. Moreover, the expression of God is sometimes used in the Old Testament as a complement to express the superlative (See Gen. 10.9, where great hunter is literally God’s hunter). That is why some interpreters believe that the final part of this verse refers to a strong wind that came and went over the waters. “

The characteristics of this work do not allow us to dwell more on this and other aspects of the PV that we have addressed in previous chapters. However, the examples are more than enough to show that the above version is an unfortunate example of how the Scriptures would never be treated by people who love them truly and consider that all the content in them is true. First, the PV mutilates a number of passages where essential truths to Christianity, as divinity of Christ, the doctrine of the atoning sacrifice of Christ or the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies, are stated. Second, it distorts the content of the passages relating to Christian life in such important topics as prayer or sexuality. Third, it unquestioningly patronizes Catholic and Adventist theology. Fourth, it gives a liberal view of theology which results, among other things, in obscuring prophecies fulfilled in Jesus as Messiah, depriving the Holy Spirit of personality, obscuring the sinister role of the Devil assimilating him as a mythological creation and in saying that a number of the statements of the Scriptures claims endorsed by the direct testimony of Christ and his apostles- are lies. In all these ways, the PV contains not only clearly blasphemous statements (Could we describe these statements in a different way?), but attempts to distort the pure message of the Scriptures, replacing it by other men’s opinions, opinions that are also clearly contrary to biblical teaching. The following chapters will be devoted to illustrating the roots from which such a bitter fruit comes u June 2014


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The adventure of a lifetime

Gladys Aylward, a housemaid from England, dared to trust God in the face of dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances. Her life inspired an incredible story of faith and determination.


he adventure of a lifetime”, by Janet and Geoff Benge, is an exciting and poignant story about the earthly life of Gladys Aylward, a Christian missionary who made a laborious and fruitful work for seventeen years to spread the good news in the Chinese territory. Aylward was born in England on February 24th, 1902, and became a noted woman because of her unwavering commitment of service and immense faith in the purposes of God Almighty. This way, she developed one of the most im24 Impacto evangelistic

portant works in the history of worldwide Christianity between 1932 and 1947, the most turbulent years of the twentieth century. Gladys Aylward straightened her fifty seven feet tall and peered over the edge of the wooden platform. Lurid flashes of orange light lit up the sky and the forest by the east. Loud snaps of artillery and canons invaded the darkness. She could see the railroad tracks coming. Although the train had passed over them less than one hour ago, they were already covered in that snow dust that would not stop falling, whitening it all. Gladys shook and curled up in her fur coat. She did not want to leave the platform to take a walk, but it was the only alternative. Daughter of Thomas and Rosina Aylward, Gladys decided to serve the Lord in

1920 after listening to a preacher about how rewarding and comforting it was to give one’s life for Jesus Christ. According to the Benge couple, Aylward began to seek ways to work for God from that moment and she did not discourage in spite of being a housemaid and having several economic difficulties. Five years later, she tried to join the China Inland Mission Center, but unfortunately her request was turned down. Nevertheless, God had reserved her a mission that would be covered by the mantle of victory. Her worst nightmare had come true. Gladys was sitting in a straight-backed chair while the principal of preparation center of the China Inland Mission Center was still jabbering. During those moments, she was hardly paying attention to his words. There was anything else g


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g to add. She would not be able to continue her studies. She was turned down from the center as she failed the Sacred Scriptures subject. Her rating was not good enough to be a missionary, besides her twenty years old that made her too mature according to the center regulations. But Gladys Aylward was determined to preach the Word of God, so she saved all the money she could to travel on October 15th, 1932 to Yangcheng, a city located in northern China. Escorted by her Bible, she reached that place after a perilous journey during which she had even passed through Russian territory only under the protection of the Lord. Once in China, the most populous country in the world, she joined Jeannie Lawson in her evangelizing work. She was an old woman who was about to open a Christian shelter named “The Inn of the Eight Happiness”, whose sole objective was to spread the Sacred Scriptures. Gladys remained true to her word. She visited the prisoners every day, read Bible stories for them and taught them basic personal hygiene habits. Moreover, she visited the director of the prison every day until he agreed to make some changes concerning the center direction. Although there was no extra money, Gladys managed to make the prisoner’s lives more “useful.” Some director’s friends agreed to donate two old looms to the prison and Gladys asked the town merchants for yarn. In addition, she asked a miller for a wheel so that the 26 Impacto evangelistic

LITERATURE Mandarin and sharing her evangelical faith: she would care of orphans and unwanted children. The Benge couple reveals that she became a Chinese citizen in 1936. Ai-we-deh, dear friend, Aiweh-deh -said the Mandarin-. I am a witness of your personality and actions and I would like to become a Christian, like you. The surprised guests gasped, but Gladys remained in silence. It could not be true. She was shocked. Even in the midst of violence and war, God kept on working little by little on the Mandarin’s heart. Gladys started to cry of gratitude. All her past and future efforts were and would worth it; anything else mattered since she had heard the Mandarin say that he would become Christian.

prisoners could grind their own grain. The book by Janet and Geoff Benge details that Gladys met a Mandarin and won his trust thanks to her missionary work. Therefore, he entrusted her the task of inspecting the Chinese families to prevent mothers from swaddling their children feet, as it was customary in China households at that time. During those days, her religious efforts took a new direction while traveling from village to village performing the task given by the

Afterwards, that small woman with a big faith in God won the trust and love of the Chinese people. Her various Christian activities, such as the care of abandoned children, always won the admiration of anyone who met her and also made her the main subject of international media. This way, she was interviewed in 1939, in the midst of the struggle between China and Japan, by the journalist Theodore White after her sacrificed efforts to assist the refugees in the Chinese mountains. The story was published in one of the most well-known magazines worldwide: the Time Magazine. Gladys embraced her onehundred children and promised them that she would pray for their welfare until their arrival

to Xi’an. Those children had a long trip to perform. There were more than three-hundred kilometers between Yangcheng and Xi’an. During fourteen days, they crossed mountain trails and the Yellow river. Some farmers helped them with some food. But despite the long journey, Gladys knew that it would worth it; the welfare of her children was her priority. They would be far away from the war zone and they would be safer in Xi’an. The authors of the book “The adventure of a lifetime”, first published in 1998, write on the epilogue that this courageous and selfless woman, who was turned down in London as a missionary, had never doubt that it was God who gave her the opportunity to dedicate her life to magnify His kingdom and glory with love, empathy and faith. A radio series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) immortalized her life, as well as a movie with Ingrid Bergman and many books and tales. Her life ended in January 3rd, 1970. Anyway, Gladys left England in ship to travel to Formosa during the first months of 1957. There, she lived with liberty and worked during her last days for the Chinese people. Once again, Gladys Aylward was Ai-weh-deh, the virtuous one. She taught biblical studies, cared for babies and children, traveled and preached the Gospel wherever she went. She never stopped working, and like Ms. Lawson many years ago, she felt very grateful when a young missionary arrived from England to help her u June 2014


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How Great Thou Art!


t was a warm day in 1885 when Carl Gustav Boberg, a Swedish preacher and writer, wrote a beautiful poem to glorify and praise God, that even today remains in place as an aged oak to shelter the followers of the Savior with a blanket of faith and hope. After witnessing a short and quick storm that hit the Swedish city of Mönsterås, Boberg, a man of strong Christian convictions, created this enduring poem, called at first “Oh great God,” inspired by the greatness of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, millions of people around the world still sing this beautiful hymn, known 28 Impacto evangelistic

worldwide as “How Great Thou Art”, and praise God through a song that exalts, extols and speak highly of the Almighty for who he is: the Creator of the universe. The piece was first published on March 13, 1886 on the local newspaper “Mönsterås Tidningen” and was first performed in a church in the Swedish province of Värmland in 1888. Later, when Boberg had already become the editor of Sanningsvittnet (The Witness of Truth), it was released in the edition of April 16, 1891. “How Great Thou Art!”, translated countless times since it was released, was popularized by the version of English Stuart Wesley Keene Hine, a missionary who preached the Word of God in Russia, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Britain, who first listened the song in 1931 during an evangelizing mission in the Carpathian Mountains, the second longest mountain range in Europe.

Boberg’s work, which has been performed in such different languages as Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Castilian, Slovak, Vietnamese and even Esperanto – the artificial auxiliary language created in 1887 –, had its turning point in 1954 when it was sung by George Beverly Shea, renowned Christian singer and composer, during one of the crusades of the popular preacher in London. From that moment, “How great Thou Art!” was spread throughout all five continents at the speed of lightning. There are over 1,700 documented recordings of the song so far. It has also been used in important TV shows and films around the world, and has been named as the favorite Christian song of at least three presidents of the United States. The most notable performers of this song are The Blackwood Brothers Quartet, Charlie Daniels, Tennessee


1 O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Refrain Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art! 2 When through the woods, and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees. When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze. 3 And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. 4 When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!”

Ernie Ford, Alan Jackson, Roy Rogers, The Statler Brothers, Yolanda Adams, Michael W. Smith, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, among others. “How Great Thou Art!” was undoubtedly the greatest work of Boberg, who was born on August 16, 1859 and published more than 60 poems and hymns. He was son of a carpenter, worked for some time as a sailor, and did not



or its majesty and greatness, “How Great Thou Art!” reached a worldwide fame in 1980 thanks to the huge success that recorded in the first edition of the awards for the best Christian music in Spanish. The Latin American Christian Music Academy (AMCL), organizer of the event, recognized it as the Song of the Year and honored it with the special award for excellence production of the year. In addition, the AMCL offered a well-deserved tribute to Carl Boberg, awarded him the posthumous special prize for composer of the year, and named him Person of the Year u

come to the feet of Christ until the age of 19. Then he became the editor of the weekly evangelical newspaper Sanningsvittnet from 1890 to 1916. Similarly, between 1912 and 1931, he was a member of the Swedish parliament. He also helped build the first two of the Swedish church hymnals. This prestigious servant of the Most High gave his soul to the Lord on January 17, 1940 u June 2014


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Christian Methodist

Susanna Wesley, one of the most renowned Christian of all times, was a humble servant of God who devoted her entire life to persevere in faith and to spiritually form a family full of global recognition. She is an example of perseverance and religious constancy.

Susan Pellowe


usanna Wesley was a wonderful woman with a remarkable personality full of faith who lived a quiet but influential life. She was born in England on January 20th, 1669. She demonstrated perseverance, strength and humbleness throughout her life, always honoring God, especially in her role as mother. She raised John and Charles Wesley. In spite of not having the opportunity of receiving a formal education, this wo30 Impacto evangelistic

man managed to successfully combine discipline and piety. Susanna was the last of twenty five children of a religious couple, Samuel Annesley and Mary Whitey. Her father, a noted scholar, beloved pastor, mentor of young followers of the Lord and recognized and respected preacher, taught her to read and think for herself and to believe in God above all things, although she had never gone to college. She was thoroughly educated and learned Latin, Greek and French. She had a great ability to judge books and people. Furthermore, she is one of the most complete characters, both spiritually and intellectually, of universal Christian history. In the intellectual level, she stood out for her faculties, perfect balance, besides of her deep piety for others. In the spiritual level, she devoted one hour every morning and every night to meditate and pray. Those reflections were recorded several times and it

represent a happy combination of good judgment and immense religious fervor. Two months after turning 20 years old, Susanna married Samuel Wesley on November 11th, 1688. He was a bright and pleasant young cleric whose father was also Christian: John Wesley. After living in London for a few years, they moved to the town of Epworth, North Lincolnshire, where they lived until April 1735. HOME CHURCH

Susanna Wesley lived in Epworth in a near perfect Christian home. There, in her “home church”, she planted the first seed of the Christian life of her many descendants, keeping it alive through her loving care. However, as in any life story, she faced adversity: nine of her nineteen children died at an early age − four of them being twins. She taught her offspring Latin and Greek, as well as classical studies, and



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g helped them grow a strong and indestructible love for the things of the Lord Almighty. She had her own private school where she taught their children six hours per day and gave them a loving and rigorous method which helped them to organize their lives, their priorities, their studies and build real value based on the Word of God. She instilled them obedience and respect for their parents from an early age according to the Bible. She taught her children to mourn quietly and to drink and eat only what they were given. She never allowed her children to eat between meals unless they were sick. Also, every evening at six o’clock, she conducted family prayer and at six-thirty she served dinner. Samuel, who was the first son to be well educated, learned the alphabet in a few hours. He began to study a day after turning five years old, and as soon as he learned the alphabet, he began to spell the first chapter of Genesis. The same method was applied to every single child. As soon as they learnt the alphabet, they were put to spell and read a line, and then a verse, and they would not stop until they read the assignment perfectly, either short or long. So was the family school in Epworth. Christianity marked their daily life. Susanna was the pastor of all her children and the minister of their spiritual needs. She taught them to faithfully attend church services, to give thanks for the food and to have a family meeting to study the Bible. Furthermore, each children had the opportunity to 32 Impacto evangelistic

Susanna is worldwide recognized as the Mother of Methodism since John Wesley, one of her nineteen children, founded that movement in accordance with the principles and values he received from his mother. This doctrine, undoubtedly, went around the world and made Wesley a martyr of the faith.

talk to her mother about his or her concerns and problems to find answers according to the will of God. She wanted each of her children to attain

salvation and eternal life, as well as to be useful in the work of God by proclaiming their faith. John Wesley was one of the highlights; he was not physically strong, but he was such a powerful tool in the hands of God: whenever people listened him speaking of Christ, they literally fell to their knees for forgiveness and salvation. EXAMPLE OF LIFE

Susanna endured several trials throughout her life that could have defeated her. For instan-


ce, his eldest son, Samuel, did not speak until he was five. During those years, she used to call him “son of my trials” and prayed for him the whole day. On the other hand, another of her sons suffocated when he was sleeping. His little body was brought to her without any previous warning for her to be prepared. Likewise, her twins died, as well as her first baby girl, Susanna. Between 1697 and 1701 five of her babies died. From a material point of view, the life of Susanna was a

unique story of misery, a sea of constant deprivation and financial failures. To make matters worse, her house burned down twice. But from a spiritual point of view, she had a life full of true wealth, glory and Christian victory because she never lost her high ideals or her sublime faith. In that regard, during an ordeal, she went to her room and wrote, “Although a man is born in misfortune −I believe they should be a few on earth−, considering the whole course

of his life, who has not received more mercy than afflictions and even more pleasures than pain. All my sufferings, for the care of Almighty God, contributed to promote my spiritual and eternal wellbeing. ¡Glory be to thee, O Lord!” Susanna is worldwide recognized as the Mother of Methodism since John Wesley, one of her nineteen children, founded that movement in accordance with the principles and values he received from his mother. This doctrine, undoubtedly, went around the world and made Wesley a martyr of the faith. Likewise, it was Charles Wesley, one of her offspring, who wrote most of the songs that are sung today with great devotion in all Christian churches all over the world. Susanna, supported by her husband Samuel Wesley, instilled in the heart of each of their offspring the unconditional love to Jesus Christ; despite having gone through a myriad of trials, she always remained firmly embraced to the Gospel. Susanna Wesley, who wrote a series of meditations and biblical commentaries for her own use, died on July 23rd, 1742 in the city of London. Most of her children were with her when she died. His son John bought the tomb where she was buried in “Bunhill Fields”, an old cemetery of London located in the north part, and later on he built his house very close by. He, who was one of her most beloved offspring, would relate in his journal that his mother’s death happened, “without any struggle. Her gaze was calm and composed before heading to the arms of her Lord” u June 2014


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The return of the lost sheep

He was born man, but he walked the streets of several cities around the world dressed as a woman, offering his body as merchandise. When he knew the way of the Lord, he overcame homosexuality. Now, he is back in the fold. Marlo Pérez Photos: family archive


uis Enrique Huamaní Antezana is not like any other man. Until about ten years ago, he did not even seem to be a male. On the street he could easily be confused with a woman. He was a transvestite who prostituted himself in a sinner vortex that seemed endless. Now fully regenerated, he journeys across Peru looking for other people who have fallen into the abyss of homosexuality to lead them on the path of God’s grace. He preaches to all of them his tortured past and his extraordi34 Impacto evangelistic

nary change after many years of doom. Reaching the ways of the Lord was not easy for this man who was born on June 12, 1972, in Lima, the capital of Peru. Since his childhood he had an effeminate behavior which led him to be victim of the mockery and negative comments of his neighbors. This deviation was reinforced by his excessive games with cosmetics and his mother’s dresses. This happened every time his mother left to do her nightly shows as “Nelly del Centro”, a popular singer in the world of Peruvian folklore. During these long absences, Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana wore his mother’s colorful clothes and the mirror reflected the girl who believed he had inside. Thus, he discovered the way of transvestism in a playful way. Since he was five years he used to wear his mother’s shoes and clothes and wore



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WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

g makeup like her. The effeminate characteristics of the child increased as he gained stature. Doña Nelly thought that it was all part of the pranks of his first and only son. Luis Enrique’s classmates did not think the same as they had already realized his effeminate gestures, so they used to mock him. - I had to fake a crush on a classmate for them to not bother me - he says now. THE RAPE

An incident ended up leading him to the path of sin. He was seduced and abused by a 17 year-old young man who helped his mother in a family business. After committing the crime, the rapist threatened to kill the little nine year-old boy in order not to obtain his silence. Not even his father, a police officer who visited him occasionally, knew about the abuse. He only noticed the apparent inclinations of his son. The best way to quell the comments of family members and his paternal frustration was humiliating the child. Despite the unsuccessful corrections to reform the “weird kid” in the neighborhood, Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana left school at the age of 15. Two years later, he began to use cosmetics, extravagant tight clothes and female hormones, which gradually transformed his body. - I started having sex with the neighborhood guys and exposing myself as a woman. For this reason, I think my family despised me- he tells. Over time, he got tired of 36 Impacto evangelistic

An incident ended up leading him to the path of sin. He was seduced and abused by a 17 year-old young man, who helped his mother in a family business. After committing the crime, the rapist threatened to kill the little boy in order to obtain his silence(…) Not even his father, a police officer who visited him occasionally, knew about the abuse. He only noticed the apparent inclinations of his son. The best way to quell the comments of family members and his paternal frustration was humiliating the child.


the constant humiliation of his stepfather and ran away from home to do what many homosexuals in Peru do: open a hair salon, an office he alternated with prostitution. MOTH

At the age of 18, Luis Enri-

que Huamaní Antezana was baptized “Patricia.” With this new profile, he wrapped himself in tight women’s clothes and walked the streets among the shadows to sell his body to the highest bidder. After suffering mistreatment of municipal night watchmen in the streets of Lima, he traveled to Argentina. Before leaving, he turned to the silicone to enhance his figure, allegedly female. He had surgery without anesthesia but endured the pain because he wanted to be a complete woman. When his mother saw him, she thought

she had lost her son forever. In the mid-1990s, at the age of 23, he was inArgentina. He lived almost snug in a small apartment along with other transvestites who slept during the day and worked during the night. Despite the inconveniences and harassment by the authorities, he had to settle because it was the only way to make the leap to Europe. While he was in Argentine, he managed to build his mother’s house in Peru. After five long years of illegal residence, he was deported by


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g the National Directorate of Migration of Argentina and returned home. At that time, he began to have some early symptoms of certain rare disease. WITHOUT REMEDY

When he installed in his mother’s house in Lima, Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana went again onto the streets and began to resort to drugs, alcohol and sex. Three months later, an acute and incessant stomach pain shut him in bed and plunged him into despair. A few days later, a doctor gave him bad news. “When they told me that I had AIDS, I feared the worst. I feared death; I thought I was too young to die. It looked like a flee-beaten dog lying in bed and did not go out because I didn’t want the neighbors to feel sorry for me”, he says. As the weeks went by, he thinned so much that only the silicones stuck out from his skeletal body. At the drop of a hat, a messenger of God visited him and became his doctor. It was Brother Fernando Ñaupari, an ex-homosexual changed by the Lord. It was then that Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana surrendered to the Gospel and made his way back in an Evangelical church. There he spent the next few weeks and met others who were in a similar situation. However, temptation reappeared; a character from the past made him take the wrong path again. The homosexual who had taken him to Argentina reappeared in his neighborhood and proposed him to travel to Europe to die with dignity or perhaps to 38 Impacto evangelistic

Near the dawn he returned to his apartment and began to pray. Three days later, his prayers had an effect and he was offered the opportunity in Genoa, where he was reconciled to the Lord and returned to the fold. In an evangelistic campaign in that city, he regretted having lived that way before God and was released from homosexuality.

postpone his death with the anti-retrovirals that he could get there. Despite his failing health, he traveled to Italy in 2001 and settled in Milan, where he lived in an apartment with other homosexuals. After affording his treatment and recovering physically, he went on the Italian roads to “catch up.” He got drunk and drugged while still se-

lling his body. Thus, he got clothes, perfumes and high quality jewelry and his heart was hardened. Two years later, Brother Ñaupari contacted him, rescued him and took him to reside in the house of some evangelicals, who could help him follow the path of good. Three months later, he did not bear the cloister and so he jumped the fence to be de-

LIFE STORIES As blood emerged from his body, he could sneak his attackers. He put aside his belongings and ran for his life. He scaled a three-meter high wall, fell on the thickets and hid from the men. Near the dawn he returned to his apartment and began to pray. Three days later, his prayers had an effect and he was offered the opportunity in Genoa, where he was reconciled to the Lord and returned to the fold. In an evangelistic campaign in that city, he regretted having lived that way before God and was released from homosexuality. - What did I do with my life? I told the Lord- he recalls.

railed again, but this time in Venice. THE OPPORTUNITY

Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana continued his sexual routine, without suspecting the danger waiting for him just around the corner. Everything happened when he got into the car of a man who required his services. Suddenly, the car went to an

open place of the city and a struggle with that man began. While he was held by the burly man, he saw two other men emerging from the trunk of the car to attack him. By kicking, punching and stabbing, they got him out of the car and beat him up. - I felt I was dying with every shot they gave me. I thought it was my end -he says.

That night of November 24, 2005, Luis Enrique Huamaní Antezana regained his identity, burned the women’s clothes that disrupted his life and left the streets forever. Two days later, he returned to Peru; his mother and siblings were shocked when they saw him in Lima airport, because they expected to see Patricia again, but, instead, they met a child of God. Today, he preaches about the transforming power of the Lord in every public space where he is invited. He is still fighting against AIDS, but his story has served for many Peruvians homosexuals to go back to the path of good, get regenerated and forsake their sins. In many of these evangelistic campaigns, he shows a huge photograph of his before and after, as the single greatest proof of what God did with him. His new picture is a miracle of God u June 2014


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Teachings and sermons of the most renowned preachers who expose the truth of the Lord through their life stories consacrated to God. The Bible says: “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life... And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 5:39; 8:32


Distress of nations

N Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

40 Impacto evangelistic

owadays, these dramatic words of the Master are making our present more and more disturbing and distressing. It is not only the faithful preacher of the Word of God who always talks about this subject, but the media, philosophers, scientists, rulers and even skeptics and unbelievers who seem concerned about this issue. • Some time ago, a newspaper from Washington showed a cartoon showing a man carrying

a poster that said: “The end of the world is near.” • The skeptic English Bertrand Russell said: “A whole and inevitable disaster awaits us. Everything indicates that during the current generation all of our major cities worldwide will be destroyed.” • The scientist William Blake put it this way: “The writing on the wall of the five continents tells us that the day of the last judgment is at hand.” • In the official newsletter of the United States Atomic Energy Commission appears a comment stating: “We have caused the total destruction, in an instant, of the human race and of every civilization which has taken so many ages in building.” • The famous American journalist Walter Lippmann expressed: “I am worried about the course of events more than ever, what I see is the complete disintegration of hope, faith, will and worst of all morality.” • Dr. Lloyd Boardman, former president of the International Council for Men of Science, said: “We warn mankind of impending disaster, I myself do not know the answer; it is almost midnight.” • The notable physicist Dr. Harold Hurrell stated: “We, the scientists, are the most fearful people on earth.” There are lots of testimonies to add. It seems that everybody understands the danger that looms over the entire world. It seems that everybody knows that the last judgment is to come. It seems that everyone understands that something extraordinary and terrible is going to happen soon. It seems that everyone understands that we are living the final days. However, it also seems that most believers

and church members are the last in noticing it, the last in understanding the imminent judgment of God upon this unbelieving world. And the worst thing is that often many believers and churches do not like to hear about the last judgment. They like to hear flowery, eloquent, and philosophical sermons. They like to talk about everything except the danger threatening the world. They do not want to hear either that they must repent and humble themselves before God, or about the sacrifice that they should do so that the millions of souls who have not met Christ are achieved. But despite these very indifferent and negligent people, the Word and God’s judgment will arrive. For the indifferent people, there is a moan: “Woe to them that are at ease!” (Amos 6:1). For the worl-

Jesus Christ is coming soon to save the only thing that is still useful in this world: those who are washed in His precious blood. Then, destruction, judgments, and calamities will be fulfilled as it is recorded in the book of Revelation; the same horrors that scientists, governments, and unbelieving people full of fear and anxiety are already foretelling.

dly people, there is a complaint: “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?” (James 4:4). For the negli-

gent people, there is a sentence: “cast him into outer darkness” (Matthew 22:13; 25:30). Such will be surprised at any moment during the Removal of the Lord’s Church. “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend

from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (Thessalonians 4:15-17).

Jesus Christ is coming soon to save the only thing that is still useful in this world: those who are washed in His precious blood. Then, destruction, judgments, and calamities will be fulfilled as it is recorded in the book of Revelation; the same horrors that anxious and fearful scientists, governments, and unbelieving people are already foretelling. The book of Revelation tells us about the scourge of the Antichrist who will come with the most horrendous terror government in the history of mankind. It tells us about wars, famine, death, earthquakes, stars falling down from the sky producing various disasters, thunders, lightning, hail mixed with fire and brimstone, darkness; millions and millions of demons coming out from the abyss to torment men, and the devil himself walking on the earth. “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

Dear friend, take refuge in Christ; tomorrow may be fatally late. “Watch ye therefore, and pray always,

that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke

21:36). Are you going with Christ to Heaven or staying with the Antichrist on Earth? Will you enjoy the Eternal Life or suffer the eternal punishment? “And these (the bad people) shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal”

(Matthew 25:46)


June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

Prayer is as vast as God “From the day of Pentecost, there has been not one great spiritual awakening in any land which has not begun in a union of prayer, though only among two or three; no such outward, upward movement has continued after such prayer meetings declined.” Dr. A. T. Pierson. Why the Revival does not arrive E. Leonard Ravenhill Chapter 18

42 Impacto evangelistic


en called by God had a sensitive awareness of the enormity and unpopularity of their task. Moses, for instance, tried to avoid the responsibility of governing and guiding Israel by pleading a stammering tongue. Yet note how God evaded his evasion by supplying a spokesman in Aaron. Jeremiah, too, reasoned that he was only a child. Yet in Jeremiah’s case (as in

DEVOTIONAL Moses’), the human objection was not sustained. Men selected by God were not sent to the council chambers of human wisdom,to get their personalities polished or their knowledge edged, God trapped these men and closeted them with Himself. “The words that I [the Lord] speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life”

(John 6: 63), said Jesus. Our preaching is much diseased today by borrowed thoughts from the brains of dead men rather than from the Lord. Books are good when they are our guides, but bad when they are our chains. Vital preaching and victorious living must come out of sustained watches in the prayer chamber. Someone said, “We must pray if we want to live a holy life!” Yes, but conversely, we must live a holy life if we want to pray. According to David, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart” (Ps. 24: 3, 4).

The secret of praying is praying in secret. Books on prayer are good, but not enough. As with books, beautiful kitchens are good but they are of no use if there is food to work on. We must learn to pray, and we must pray to learn to pray. “In God’s name, I beseech you, let prayer nourish your soul as meals nourish your body!” said the faithful Fenelon. Henry Martyn wrote: “My present deadness I attribute to want of sufficient time and tranquility for private devotion. Oh that I might be a man of prayer!” A writer of old said, “Much of our praying is like the boy who rings the door bell, but then runs away before the door is opened.” Elijah was a man skilled in

The secret of praying is praying in secret. Books on prayer are good, but not enough. As with books, beautiful kitchens are good but they are of no use if there isn’t food to cook with. We must learn to pray, and we must pray to learn to pray.

the art of prayer, who altered the course of nature, strangled the economy of a nation, prayed and fire fell, prayed and people fell, prayed and rain fell. We need rain, rain, rain! The churches are so parched that seed cannot germinate. Our altars are dry, with no hot tears of penitents. When Israel cried for water, a man smote a rock and water ran out of it. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” God please send us a man that can smite the rock. We can be sure of this: The prayer closet is not a place merely to hand to the Lord a list of urgent requests. Does “prayer change things”? Yes, but prayer changes men. Prayer not only took away the reproach of Hannah, but it changed her, changed her from a barren woman to a fruitful one, from mourning to rejoicing (I Sam. 1: 10; and 2: 1), yes, changed her mourning into dancing (Ps. 30: 11). Perhaps we are praying that we might dance when we have never yet mourned. We choose the garment of praise while God says, (Isa. 61: 3), “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified”. If we would reap, the same order is true, for “he that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with re-

joicing, bringing his sheaves with him”(Ps.

126: 6). If John Knox had prayed, “God give me success!” we would never have heard of him; but he prayed, “Give me Scotland, or I die”, and his prayer scored the pages of history. If David Livingstone had prayed that he might split Africa wide open, as proof of his indomitable spirit and skill with the sextant, his prayer would have died with the wind of the forest; but he prayed, “Lord, when will the wound of this world’s sin be healed?” Livingstone lived in prayer, and literally died upon his knees in prayer. For this sin-hungry age we need a prayer-hungry Church. We need to explore again the “exceeding great and precious promises of God.” In that great day, the fire of judgment is going to test the sort, not the size of the work we have done. That which is born in prayer will survive the test. Prayer does business with God. Prayer creates hunger for souls; hunger for souls creates prayer. The understanding soul prays; the praying soul gets understanding. To the soul who prays in self-owned weakness, the Lord gives His strength. Oh! If we were men of prayer like Elijah, a man who had our same passions! Lord, let us pray! In a large church seating one thousand people, this inscription was placed on a tablet in memory of John Geddie: “When he landed, in 1848, there were no Christians here; when he left in 1872 there were no heathen.” Memorial to John Geddie, the “father” of Presbyterian Missions in the South Sea u June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

A quick report of the work that Worldwide Missionary Movement is making in America and throughout the world. The Holy Bible states: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved”. (Acts 2:46,47).

EVENTS Jesus Loves You And Changes You The WMM in Peru held its 24th National Convention on May 20 to 25 with an attendance of 600,000 followers of the Lord and the main leaders of God’s Work.


nder the theme “Jesus Loves You And Changes You”, the Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement (WMM) in Peru held the 24th National Convention in Lima. The multitudinous event brought together over 600,000 Peruvians from May 20 to 25 at the stadium of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, where a great spiritual feast took place to praise and glorify the Lord. The event was attended by the main International Officers of God’s Work and dozens of believers from different places of South America. Rev. Gustavo Martinez, International President of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, 44 Impacto evangelistic

Rev. José Soto, International Vice President of the WMM, Rev. Rodolfo González Cruz, International Treasurer of the Work, and Rev. Luis Meza Bocanegra, National Supervisor of Peru, were among the main leaders in this great event of faith. Since the opening on May 20, the stadium galleries were filled by thousands of followers of the Highest who came from all over Peru and abroad to hear the Word of the Almighty. Rev. González Cruz was responsible for opening the massive Christian meeting, stating that the presence of the Holy Spirit would be throughout the 24th National Convention.


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The Work’s international officials with an impressive background in the stadium of the Peruvian San Marcos University.



After the opening, Rev. Rubén Concepción, International Secretary of the Work, preached a powerful message entitled “By Praising God We Will Encourage Others To Trust In Him,” based on Psalms 40:4-16. The following day, Rev. Gustavo Martinez, International President of the WMM, preached on the theme “Without Obedience There Is No Rain,” by which he urged all believers to avoid spiritual dryness by 46 Impacto evangelistic


The President of the work, Rev. Gustavo Martínez, during his homily in Lima.

the absence of celestial water. Throughout the week, other preachers such as Rev. Humberto Henao, Margaro Figueroa, Alvaro Garavito, Rómulo Vergara, Carlos Guerra, Samuel Mejía and sister Carmen Valencia, wife of Rev. Gustavo Martinez, preached heartfelt and profound Christian messages of great impact. On the last day of the event, a missionary service and the promotion of workers took place.

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Mass demonstration of faith. The special acts performed during the convention were spectacular.

Above, the class of ordained minis


Hundreds of pastors and brothers were promoted to Lay Pastors, Licensed Pastors and Ordained Ministers. At night, Rev. José Soto, International Vice President of WMM, preached about “The great conflict in history”, based on Revelation 5:1-9. Also during the National Convention of the Work of God in Peru, Rev. Luis Meza Bocanegra announced that Bethel Tele-

48 Impacto evangelistic


sters. Below, Rev. Luis Meza Bocanegra with Mirko Radovik and Ana Sofia Ortega, from Quad Graphics.

vision, the most important Spanish-speaking Christian channel, will acquire another satellite system that will allow to broadcast its international signal in HD in short time. Thus, the project to be implemented in the coming months, will benefit the thousands of families that across Latin America and around the world tune to this channel for family happiness u June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

National Convention in Guatemala Several brothers from Central America and Mexico gathered in this country. The activity was transmitted to the world through the Signal of Bethel TV. 50 Impacto evangelistic


he Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Guatemala held from April 16 to April 20 the 29th National Convention under the theme “The fire shall ever be


burning upon the altar and it shall never go out”. Such activity was held in the facilities of the La Certeza Camp, in Zone 25, in the city of Guatemala. Several brothers from Central America and

Mexico gathered in this place. The activity was attended by Rev. Gustavo Martínez Garavito (International President of the WMM), Sister Carmen Valencia (wife of the International President of

the Work), Rev. Álvaro Enrique Garavito (International Officer, Supervisor of Central America, Missionary Supervisor in Mexico), Rev. Humberto Henao (International Officer of the WMM), Rev.

Manuel Zúñiga (National Supervisor of Costa Rica), Rev. Alejandro Roblero (National Supervisor of Mexico), Rev. Anselmo Cooper (National Supervisor of Belize), Rev. Alejandro Funes (National June 2014


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52 Impacto evangelistic


Supervisor of Honduras), Rev. Ernesto Moreno (National Supervisor of Nicaragua), Rev. Edwin Parada (National Supervisor of EL Salvador), Rev. Benito Green (Presbyter in the NY Queens Zone), as well as a group of pastors from the different countries of Central America and Mexico. Ever since the beginning of the convention on April 16, the participants felt an atmosphere of glory and praise. Rev. Humberto Henao was in charge of sharing the

powerful message of the Word under the theme “Let us make the fire river of God flow” (Daniel 7:9). The following day, Rev. Gustavo Martínez Garavito shared the message of God through the theme “God processes us and refines us” (1 Kings 17:1-7). On April 18, Sister Carmen Valencia de Martínez preached on the theme “¿What is your legacy?”, based on 2 Timothy 1:5. On April 19, Rev. Ál-

varo Enrique Garavito preached under the theme “Ready for the defense of the Work of God” (2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 16-21). The convention ended on April 20. Rev. Gustavo Martínez preached under the theme “How to get out of the spiritual drought” (1 Kings 18:41) This magnificent event was transmitted through the signal of Bethel TV, as well as Bethel Radio. Furthermore, thanks to Radio Remanente, the whole nation of Guatemala could be part of this celebration u June 2014


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Regional Fellowship in Florida Over 1200 people attended every night the glorious Regional Fellowship of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Florida, United States of America. 54 Impacto evangelistic


his magnificent event took place from May 8 to May 10, 2014. Over 1200 hundred people attended every night. They were beautiful days full of the presence of the Lord. The first day, Rev. Roberto Andino shared the


message entitled “Join the Vision”. The second day, the message under the theme “The Unity in the Missionary work” was presented by Rev. Ascensión Guandique. That night, the message under the theme “Men of Today with a Message from Yesterday”, was

brought by Rev. Arturo Hernández, National Supervisor of the United States. Finally, on the third day, Rev. Arturo Hernández preached the message under the theme “Follow the Ark”. They were all very glorious and edifying messages for the attendees u June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

National Fellowship of Women in Genoa The Holy Spirit of God was present during these days, which made that hundreds of lives were edified, renewed and strengthened by the Lord.


he attendees lived a powerful ministration of the Lord at the 8th National Fellowship of 56 Impacto evangelistic

Women of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, which was held from April 11 to April 13 in the Church of Ge-

noa, located in Corso Perrone 20. The service was attended by Rev. Carlos Guerra, pastor of the La

Valencia church in Costa Rica, who brought the biblical message entitled: “Sitting by the well” (Exodus 2:15-21). The Bible teaching continued on Saturday, April 12, when Rev. Carlos Guerra highlighted the importance of looking for the Holy Spirit. In the afternoon service, the given message of Jesus Christ was based on


the Book of Isaiah 60, under the theme “Stand up and shine”. The Holy Spirit was present during these days, which made that hundreds of lives were edified, renewed and strengthened to keep working in the Lord’s vineyard. On Sunday, April 13, Rev. José A. Soto, International Vice President and Missionary Super-

visor of the WMM in Europe, and Rev. Carlos Medina, National Supervisor of the Work in Spain, joined this great and spiritual celebration. Rev. José A. Soto brought the Word of God with a message entitled: “Testing the true justice”. During the first and last service, the people of God sang songs of praise u June 2014


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Regional Fellowship in Chile The people gathered to hold a great fellowship and an evangelistic parade on the main streets of downtown Rancagua. 58 Impacto evangelistic


rothers from the Metropolitan Region and the Bernardo O’Higgins Region were called to the Regional Fellowship of the Center Zone of Rancagua, held on May 9 and May 10.


The message of the Word was nourished by very good themes, such as “The process of the people used by God” and “Characteristics of a man of God” by Rev. Gerardo Martínez, “Developing diligence” by Pastor Ariel León, and “Fighting firmly for the faith” by Pastor Owen Donoso.

On Saturday, May 10, all the attending brothers gathered to hold an evangelistic parade on the main streets of downtown Rancagua. The last worship of this fellowship was really special, since God ministered and touched hearts because of the great need of spreading the Gospel in Chile u June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

National Youth Convention in Spain The Worldwide Missionary Movement held its 2nd National Youth Convention in Spain under the theme “In God we will accomplish feats”, from April 17 to 19 in the Tivoli Theater of Valencia.


ithin the organized activities, the worship group of the Church of Barcelona performed special songs. The testimonies were shared by Brother Kevin Freaud 60 Impacto evangelistic

and Brother Francisco Gómez, who testified the power of God in their lives. The Word of God was given by Rev. Galo Flori, from the church of Milan, Italy. During the Jesus


Christ teachings, based on Psalm 108:3, he encouraged young people to stay firm and loyal to the Lord, since His coming is close. Rev. Carlos Medina, National Supervisor of Spain, presented the conference “Courtship and Mission;” while Federico Kolansinsky, member of the Church of La Coruña in Spain, gave a speech called “Evolution and Creation, knowing the truth.” The hosts to this event, Pastor Roberto Riojas and his wife Ana de Riojas, were in charge of everything related to the venue, lodging and care of all the attending brothers and pastors u June 2014


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Retreat for Young and Teenagers in La Caña Under the theme “Youth facing challenges”, over 200 young people were blessed and restored in a precious and glorious five-day encounter with God in Colombia.


he Worldwide Missionary Movement held a youth camp from April 15 to April 19 in the north of Colombia, Zone 19. This event took place in the church of a little town of the department of Córdoba called “La Caña”, where in 1985 the Work of the WMM started. The encounter with God lasted five days 62 Impacto evangelistic

and was held under the theme “Youth facing the challenges”. They highlighted the need of going forward by keeping in mind all that God has given to the youth of this Work. They shared themes such as “A young man convinced of the victory”, “Whose coin is it?”, “Esau vs. Jacob”, and “Those who face challenges”. We must highlight that the place of the event had no mobile signal and no internet access, many young participants being offline, without any distraction from social networks. As a result, the attendees focused better on the event and built a better relationship with each other u


Fellowship and Campaign in Godoy Cruz Hundreds of brothers celebrated the second anniversary of the Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Godoy Cruz, Argentina.


uring these three days, from May 2 to May 4, many people gathered to praise the name of the Lord. Brothers from the churches of Córdoba and Buenos Aires came together to hold an evangelistic fellowship and campaign. On this occasion, Brother Marcos Cuellar and his wife Karina Alfonso, who are in charge of the place, were blessed for their hard work. Rev. Ismael Parrado, National Supervisor, shared the Word of God during these days; while his wife, Sister Martha de Parrado, and

Sister Mabel Seco from the Church in Córdoba, talked about God’s purposes for these difficult times. On Saturday May 3, some brothers were baptized in the Holy Spirit and many others renewed their vows of consecration. That day, a group of hundred brothers started an evangelistic march in neighborhoods nearby the worship house. Sunday morning, Pastor Ismael Parrado was led by the Lord to preach about missions, and many people consecrated to the service of God. It should be noted the attendance of brothers from the city of San Juan, located 160 km from the north of Mendoza, a Work that has just begun. That day, an offer was collected to help build a chapel on the land destined to the Work in that city u June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia









The 3rd Fellowship in Vienna took place from March 8 to 9 for the 3rd anniversary of the Work in Austria under the theme “CHOOSE” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Pastors and brothers from Italy and Switzerland attended this activity. The churches of Genoa, Milan, Monza, Conegliano, and Busto Arsizio were present. The Word was preached in the first service by Pastor Ioan Ovidiu Negru (Conegliano), who talked about the convictions that a Christian must have to keep fighting despite the tests that may arise. In the second service, Rev. David Echalar gave the message of the Word of God under the theme “Harvest Time” (Mark 13:32). Rev. Jimmy Ramírez, pastor of the Church of Geneva and Presbyterian of Switzerland, closed with a flourish this activity.

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The National Women Retreat was held from May 16 to May 18, 2014 in the facilities of the Centro El Monte with the participation of about 50 sisters from various departments: Montevideo, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Paysandú and San José. Missionary Martha de Parrado, wife of Rev. Ismael Parrado, Supervisor of the WMM in Argentina, shared the message of the Word of God with the ladies and encouraged the search for God, teaching them to be ever better mothers, wives and servants of the Lord. In addition, Sister Liliana Mosquera, who came from Colombia as a missionary to contribute to a new work in the north of the country, shared the teaching of God.

On Friday, April 25, the Central Zone of the Work of the WMM in Chile, specifically at Mañío 6665, commune of La Granja, enjoyed a beautiful youth vigil. Leaders and representatives of the pastorate were present to support the youths who have devoted their lives to the search of God.

This year’s 3rd fellowship of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Puerto Rico was held last Saturday, April 12, 2014 in the Mission Board Church, located at Avenida Guárico, Vega Baja. Zone 8, presided by Rev. Angel Cruz, was in charge of the activity. The fellowship was attended by Rev. Ruben Concepción, International Work Secretary, Rev. Luis Ayala, National Supervisor, Rev. Jorge Alvarez, presbyters, pastors and brothers from different parts of this beautiful island. Rev. Alberto Santana, National Officer, was responsible for the message of the Word of God, who preached on the theme: “God will always intervene, it is up to us to make the right decision,” based on 1 Samuel 25:30. By the end of the message and after a beautiful pulpit time, Rev. Angel Cruz performed acts of recognition to Rev. Ruben Cintrón, who expressed his gratitude and sang to the Lord.










The presbytery of Zone 5 (New Jersey and Virginia) of the WMM in the United States, leaded by Rev. Andrés Cruz, held its first Great Regional Fellowship from April 10 to April 12. Rev. Gustavo Martínez, International President of the WMM, and Rev. Arturo Hernández, National Supervisor, were part of this great blessing that touched the life of all who attended the fellowship. The first night, Rev. Martínez shared the message of the Word in a special way. The zone lived three days of glory.

Last May 24, fifty-four candidates for members – among which a 101-year-old sister descended into the waters. This glorious baptism took place in the Canaán country house, located in Medellín, Colombia. Rev. Gustavo Martínez, International President of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, leaded the activity along with other pastors.

The Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Belize held from April 10 to April 13 an evangelistic campaign in the town of August Pine Ridge, located in the district of Orange Walk, Belize, where Brother Jorge Melchor is the pastor. This campaign was held outdoors in the town’s square. Different pastors were in charge of sharing the message of the God’s Word

The Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Pascuales held on April 27, 2014, a vigil in the Church of Pascuales in the city of Guayaquil, Republic of Ecuador. During the vigil night, the people of the Lord prayed for the Work around the world, for pastors and believers, for the salvation of the souls, and specially, for the Works of Zone 5 in this country. A teaching entitled “The True Saintliness” was shared through a video by Rev. Humberto Henao. Pastor Luis Quispe thanked God for a night full of blessing and for God’s attention to the prayers of the people.

June 2014


THEY WRITE TO US... WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

cartas@impactoevangelistico.net LYDIA ANTOSANTI May God continue blessing the WMM. First, I’d like to thank God for the Impacto Evangelistic magazine because it is full of many blessings for the people of God and those who don’t know God. I’d also like to thank for the letters that I receive from the President of the WMM; they are the Word of God that from Heaven give me strength and encouragement. I pray to the Lord for workers to start the Work in Amsterdam and Saratoga Springs. I have faith that God will hear me, because we need men and women consecrated to God and to His Work. Greetings and hugs in the Lord. From Amsterdam, New York, USA.

MARCH 1-4 19-22



Greetings. I love your magazine. It is a blessing for me. It is well done and updated. God bless you. From Camuy, Puerto Rico.

ÁNGEL God bless the brothers who are working for this means of edification and encouragement so that they go forwards. From Argentina.

MARÍA ARAUZ God bless you. Your magazine has been a



God bless you, brothers, I want to thank you for giving good information, and specially for sharing the Word of God. From Guatemala.




Dear brothers, I’d like to thank you for sending me the Impacto Evangelistic magazine, which contains important subjects, as well as testimonies of great blessing. I pray the Lord to bless you fully, so that you can continue doing this missionary work of sharing the Word of the Lord, which is extremely important in these times. May the Lord continue blessing you. From Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.


ANA CLAUDIA RODRÍGUEZ MELQUIADES Brothers of Impacto Evangelistic, the magazine is a great blessing for its readers. Testimonies are amazing, and they edify our spiritual lives. I congratulate you for the big effort and dedication to the work of God. Keep going forward, and may the Lord continue leading you. God bless you plentifully. From Trujillo, Peru.

blessing to my life and your articles are really supported by God. I love that, despite the temptation of enemy, we can find a means of edification for our life. From Panama.

ERNESTO ROCA LEÓN Beloved brothers, continue going forward without resting, because you have already been rewarded. Many blessings. From Lima, Peru.

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66 Impacto evangelistic

Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz Editorial board: Rev. Luis Meza Bocanegra, Jacqueline Rovira, Samuel Martínez, Rev. Andrés Espejo Editorial coordinator: Rev. Julián Morón General editor: Víctor Tipe Sánchez Editor: Jaime Tipe Sánchez Graphic editor: Roberto Guerrero Graphic design: Adolfo Zubietta Writers: Johan Pérez Landeo, Marlo Pérez. Designers: Lesly Sánchez, Jorge Cisneros. Web master and Infographics: Julio de la Cruz. Illustration: Julio Limachi. Transcription: Fanny Vidal, Ana Rodriguez. Community manager: Juan Becerra, Denisse Barrientos. Distribution: Javier Arotinco.

June 2014


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia

68 Impacto evangelistic

June 2014


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