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December, 2013 / Edition N째 719 / www.impactoevangelistico.net

The magazine that edifies your life





Glory to God in the highest! Testimony

Melvin, a suicidal person who is now reborn How to keep love alive after being married

Murderers of

marriage december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Available on DVD and Blu-ray Review on historical facts about the Worldwide Missionary Movement Church throughout its 50 years of work in the five continents Inquiries and orders: Av. 28 de Julio 781, La Victoria, Lima-Peru Tel: (511) 613-17717 E-mail: iglesia@mmmperu.org

2 Impacto evangelistic


Let us be thankful and serve God Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President of W.M.M.

There are those who know the Word of God and how many blessings God has given them, God has prospered them, He has cared for them but they do not show through their lives nor through their service their thankfulness to the Lord, they are rather ungrateful.


HE EPISTLE to the Hebrews 12:28 states, “Wherefore we

receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” So if we have received from him an unshakable kingdom, getting up being nothing, being in the dust of the ground, then “let us be thankful and serve God through it.” Let us be thankful. Service to God must be the fruit of our gratitude because we are eternally grateful, grateful for what He has done for us. There are those who know the Word of God and how many blessings God has given them, God has prospered them, He has cared for them but they do not show through their lives nor through their service their thankfulness to the Lord, they are rather ungrateful. Just like when those nine lepers knew that they were free of the disease and did not come back, only one came back to express his gratitude to the Lord. And Jesus answering said, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” (Luke 17:17); they had gone after worldly things but did not take time to return. It is inconceivable that a person confined to a disease like leprosy, for which there was no medicine, and who was instantly healed and freed of this scourge, has not had even the smallest detail to give thanks to the Lord.

The day when Saul became king he hid, he did not want to appear on the scene, he was shaking, he was afraid, he realized that he was insignificant, and the Lord knew that he was doing it from heart, that he felt insignificant . When God bless us, we feel insignificant, worthless, but then we are filled with false confidence, we are strong but we are not, forgetting that if there is something worthy of praise in us is not by our strength, it is by the grace of God in our lives. The Bible records what happened to the children of Judah, they were beautiful, valuable stones, they were pure, extremely fine gold with that unique brilliance that characterized them, but the prophet told them, “How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold

changed! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!” (Lamentations 4:1-2). God has put a treasure in us who are earthen vessels, if any brightness, if any attraction is what there is inside, the day we lose that treasure, that riches, we will be classified as worthless vessels, no one will approach us, no one will consult us. If nowadays people seek some value is by the grace of God. Amen u december 2013



www.impactoevangelistico.net Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia


Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz December 2013 / Edición N° 719 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Impacto Evangelístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644 Phone (787) 761-8806; 761-8805; 761-8903

INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF WMM INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez Presidente Rev. José Soto Vicepresidente Rev. Jorge Álvarez Secretario Rev. Rodolfo González Tesorero Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Rubén Concepción Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Germany India Argentina England Aruba St. Andres Island (Col.) Australia Saint Martin Island Austria Island of Mauritius Belgium Rodrigues Island Belize Canaries Islands (Spain) Bolivia Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.) Bonaire Israel Brasil Italy Cameroon Jamaica Canadá Japan Chile Kuwait Colombia Madagascar Congo Malaysa Costa Rica México Curacao Myanmar Dinamarca Nicaragua Ecuador Nigeria El Salvador Panamá Spain Paraguay United States Peru The Philippines Portugal France Puerto Rico Gabón Dominican Republic Ghana Sweden Guatemala Switzerland Equatorial Guinea Surinam French Guiana Trinidad and Tobago Guyana Inglesa Uruguay Haití Venezuela Holland Honduras Legal deposit made on the National Library of Peru Nº 2011-02530 Christian Pentecostal Church-Worldwide Missionary Movement: Av. 28 de Julio 1781 - Lima 13 - Peru Printout: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. Av. Los Frutales 344 - Lima 03 - Peru

4 Impacto evangelistic

The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a religious nonprofit organization duly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in the federal capital, Washington DC, with headquarters in both cities and in every state of the United States and other countries where we have established missionary Works. Important The offerings and donations in cash, equipment, real estate and bequests by will, in the benefit of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc.’s Work, are deductible from the income tax, and receipts issued by the WMM are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the Federal Government of the United States of America and of the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico. n

Visit our website Obtain uplifting information about God’s Work and keep up with the latest news. A customized access from anywhere in the world: www. impactoevangelistico.net n

If you wish Write to us at our postal address: Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. PO Box 363644 San Juan, P. R. 00936-3644 n

Copyright © 2009 Impacto Evangelistic Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc. (World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc.) All content of this magazine and each subsequent edition are duly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC USA. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction in any form and translation into other languages without prior permission of the Director are prohibited. Under international copyright agreements, they are crimes punishable by law. n

Doctrinal Statement The Worldwide Missionary Movement adheres to the fundamental doctrines of Scripture, such as: n

• The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21. • The Adorable Godhead in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:16-17, 17: 1-5; 28:19, John 17: 5, 24, 26, 16:32, 14:16, 23, 18:5, 6, 2 Peter 1:17,18; Revelation 5. • Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47, John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, 3:5-7. • The New Birth: John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9. • Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1, Titus 3:7. • Water Baptism by Inmersion, as commanded by Christ: Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:36-39. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in tongues according to: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 2:4. • Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16, 17, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, 15. • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15, 16, 1 John 2:6. • Ministry and Evangelization: Mark 16:15-20, Romans 10:15. • Tithing and Maintenance of the Work: Genesis 14:20, 28:22, Leviticus 27:30, Numbers 18:21-26, Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23, 1 Corinthians 15:5152, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Titus 2:13, Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Kingdom: Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:5-10, Zechariah 9:10, Revelation 19:20, 20:3-10. • New Heavens and New Earth: Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1.


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Keep your relationship from the erosion as if you were defending your own lives. Yes, you can do it together.


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Impacto Evangelistic Magazine

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A touching story of courage, faith and consecration. This book recounts the sacrifice of five preachers who gave their lives to evangelize the Auca Indians of Ecuador: Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming and Roger Youderian.

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The world was shocked. A typhoon hit central Philippines, leaving more than ten thousand deaths and millions of affected people. Disasters continue around the planet.

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The life of the Pastor Melvin Byram could have ended in his youth. Beaten and maltreated by his own father, he thought suicide was the only way to put an end to such suffering… until he put himself in the hands of the Lord and revived.

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Events in: Peru, Panama, Italy and Oman.

After 50 years of his death, an overview is given about the life of Clive Staples Lewis, Irish intellectual who accepted the Lord after denying His existence.



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“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-14. “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35. december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Twelve murderers

of marriage

6 Impacto evangelistic


Dr. James Dobson december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Keep your relationship from the erosion as if you were defending your own lives. Yes, you can do it together. You cannot only survive but you can keep your love alive if it is a priority in your value system.


Y ADVICE to young couples is simply this one: Do not let the possibility of divorce enter in your thoughts. Even in times of great conflict and discouragement, divorce is not the solution. It just replaces a new series of sufferings for those left behind. Any of the following evils can destroy your relationship if you give them place in your lives: 8 Impacto evangelistic

1. Overwork or commitments and physical exhaustion Beware of this danger. It is especially insidious in young couples who are trying to start a profession or are still studying. Do not try to study, work full time, have a baby, manage a toddler, make home repairs and start a business all at the same time. This sounds ridiculous but many young couples do exactly that and then they are surprised when their marriage falls apart. Why should it not be like that? The only time they see each other is when they are exhausted! It is especially dangerous when the husband is the one who has too many commitments or work,

and the wife spends all day at home with a preschooler. The deep loneliness she feels leads to dissatisfaction and depression, and we all know where that leads. They must make time for each other if they want to keep their love alive. 2. Very large debts and conflict on how money will be spent Pay everyday items in cash, or do not buy them. Do not spend more than what you have to buy a house or a car, leaving few resources to date, make short trips or pay some to take care of children, etc. Distribute your


COVER Do not try to study, work full time, have a baby and start a business, all at the same time. Many young couples do exactly that and then they are surprised when their marriage falls apart.

december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g funds with the wisdom of Solomon. The secret is a good administration. “Owe no man anything” (Romans 13:8). Money is a good servant, if you use it but it is a bad master if it uses you. One of the more subtle ways to hurt the family is to let the credit devour our incomes with unquenchable appetite. If this sounds too drastic, it has to be said that half the people nowadays probably is “doped” with debts they cannot pay due to the usurious interest rates charged by lenders. Propaganda, advertisements, “bargains” of “special offers” trick and trap us. They make us believe that we all must look like the artists of the advertisements and give us what we deserve through the “facilities” 10 Impacto evangelistic

that they offer to catch us on the hook and make us slaves to the lenders. Hear my friends the Word of God: “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). Debts make us slaves. Do not buy with money you do not have, even with credit cards; another thing is to pay in installments because the amount payable in a single installment is too high.

It's dangerous when the husband is the one who has too many commitments or work, and the wife spends all day at home with a preschooler. The deep loneliness that she feels leads to dissatisfaction and depression, and we all know where that leads. They must make time for each other if they want to keep their love alive.

3. Selfishness There are two kinds of people in the world, those who give and those who receive. A marriage between two people who give can be a beautiful thing. However, friction is the order of the day between a person who gives and another one who receives. But two people who receive may snatch at each other until tearing themselves apart within a period of six weeks. In short, selfishness always devastates a marriage. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35), this must be an eternal principle. Our big problem in Christian life is not the devil, nor evidence, nor anything but “the ego or flesh.” Ego has to do with the “self”. If your “Self” is too big, it may interfere with your partner. It is in

COVER Couples should have their own individual spaces: some hobby, activity, sport, friendship, etc. Do not get overwhelmed by the routine.

ACT OF GOD • The marriage between a man and a woman is a divine institution, it is the lifelong union of a man and a woman to become one flesh and to ensure the perpetuity and happiness of the human race. Marriage is the basis and foundation of the home, society, and nation. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them… Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:18-24; Matthew 19:4). • The marriage between a man and a woman is not only a divine institution, but also an act of God. “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him… Lord God made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” (Genesis 2:18-24). • The marriage between a man and a woman, which is a divine institution and an act of God, join husband and wife in a more intimate and stronger relationship than the relationship between parents and children. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife.” (Genesis 2:24). • The marriage between a man and a woman, which is a divine institution and an act

Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

of God that join husband and wife in a more intimate and stronger relationship than the relationship between parents and children, it join them in such a way that they cease to be two to become “one flesh”. “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? … What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:5, 6). • The marriage between a man and a woman, which is a divine institution and an act of God that join husband and wife in a more intimate and stronger relationship than the relationship between parents and children, who cease to be two to become one flesh, such union can only be dissolved by death. “A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes.” (1 Corinthians 7:39). “For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man”. (Romans 7:2, 3).

the couple where the death of the “ego” is more needed because you no longer live alone, or do what you want, there is another person sharing with whom you are going to share your time, your strength, your emotions, etc. A strong ego will multiply your problems. 4. Interference of in-laws If one of the spouses has not been fully emancipated from parents, it is best not to live near them. Autonomy is difficult to grant for some mothers (and fathers), and being very close will cause problems. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother…” (Genesis 2:24), is the first commandment given to man, he “will leave them” geographically, emotionally and financially. Leave is to leave. It is tough but if the marriage starts depending on the in-laws, is like a boat leaving harbor with anchor set. It will not go very far. 5. Unrealistic expectations Some couples go into marriage hoping huts covered with roses, a life without worries or responsibilities and uninterrupted joy. Counselor Jean Lush believes, and I agree with her, that this romantic illusion is particularly characteristic of American women who expect more from their husbands than what they are able to give. The resulting disappointment is an emotional trap. Place your expectations in line with reality. Romanticism has its end like everything else, hence one has to realize that the realistic stages where we know closely the defects of the other spouse

g december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g make love to be based more on bonds of friendship and camaraderie than in a simple emotionalism. 6. Space invaders I do not mean aliens from Mars. Rather, I am concerned about people who violate the space that their spouse needs to work, quickly annoying their spouse and destroying the attraction between them. Jealousy is one way in which this phenomenon is shown. Another way is low self-esteem, which leads the insecure spouse to interfere in each other’s territory. Love must be free and trustful. A couple should have their own individual space without having to do exactly the same, any hobby, occupation, sport, friendship, etc. They always need some outer space that makes them feel fulfilled. This must be agreed and respected. We saw the differences between men and women. 7. Abuse of alcohol and other chemicals These are murderers, not only marriages but also of people. Avoid them like a plague. All that which helps you to be who you cannot be, sooner or later will make you someone you do not want to be . 8. Pornography, gambling and other addictions It should be obvious to all of us that human personality is flawed. It tends to get caught in destructive behaviors, especially in youth. During an initial stage, people think they can play with temptations such as pornography or gambling without being hurt. In 12 Impacto evangelistic

fact, many people turn away almost unaffected. However, for some people there is a weakness and vulnerability that is unknown until it is too late. So they become addicted to something that tears the fabric of the family. Maybe this warning seems silly and even prudish to my readers, but I made a twenty-five year study on people who ruined their lives. Their problems often begin with the experimentation of a known evil and finally result in physical death or death of marriage. Restrictions and the

Rather, I am concerned about people who violate the space their spouse needs to work, quickly annoying each other and destroying the attraction between them. Jealousy is one way in which this phenomenon is shown. Another way is low self-esteem, which leads the insecure spouse to interfere in each other's territory. Love must be free and trustful.

commandments of the Scriptures have been designed to protect us from evil, though it is hard to believe when we are young. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). If we keep our lives clean and do not allow us to play with evil, the addictions that have ravaged humanity will never be able to touch us. 9. Sexual frustration, loneliness, low self-esteem and the chimera of infidelity A lethal combination! In the case of infidelity, it arises from the natural concern (we bring it from Eden, Eve experimented it and became the

first unfaithful human being) to learn new things. Such curiosity can bring infidelity. Eve was tempted by the eyes, heart and mind (Genesis 3:6). Infidelity came through the senses. There is nothing better than what you already have. There are three statistical infidelities: First, infidelity to God; second, infidelity to your wife and third, infidelity to your church. Devil will show you or try to make you see that there is something better than God, your wife and your church. 10. Business failure Particularly, business failure affects men adversely. Their interest in financial setbacks sometimes is shown through anger within the family 11. Success in business To be very successful in doing business is almost as dangerous as failing completely in them. The author of Proverbs said, “Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me” (Proverbs 30:8). The success destroyed more people than failure, Solomon, David, Saul and others failed when they were at their best moment of success, so beware with success. 12. Marry too young Girls who marry between fourteen and seventeen years are twice as likely to divorce than those who marry at the age of eighteen and nineteen. Those who marry between eighteen and nineteen are one and a half times more likely to divorce than those who marry in their twenties and thirties. Adolescence pressures and the stresses of early years


of married life do not make a good duo. Finish the first thing before undertaking the second one. These are the murderers of marriage I’ve seen more often. But in fact, the list is virtually endless. All that the weeds need to grow stronger is a small crack in the sidewalk. If you are going to overcome the law of probabilities relating to divorce and are going to keep a long-term close matrimonial union, should take the task seriously. The natural order of things will turn you away from each other, it will not join you. How will you overcome

the law of probabilities? How will you build a strong relationship that last until death makes you undertake the last trip? How will you be part of the declining number of older couples who have achieved a lifetime of memories and happy experiences? Even after fifty or sixty years of marriage, they search for each other to provide encouragement and understanding one another. Their children have grown up in a stable, loving environment and do have no emotional scars or bitter memories to erase. It is not necessary to delicately explain to their grandchildren why

The business failure affects specially men. Their interest in financial setbacks is translated into anger within the family.

“grandparents no longer live together”. Only love prevails. This is how God wanted it to be, and it is still something that you can reach. But there is no time to lose. Reinforce riverbanks. Defend the fort. Take dredges and make the riverbed deeper. Keep the powerful currents in their own channels. Only that measure of determination will maintain the love you had in your hearts at the very beginning, and there is very little in life that competes with that priority. “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it” (Song of Solomon 8:7) u december 2013



Matrimonial crisis Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Many people take marriage very lightly, and marry without having due regard, in an irresponsibly manner. Marriage is not a social convenience, at the mercy of changing circumstances of life or of regulations or opinions of mankind, but a bond established by God for life. Therefore people must take marriage with great seriousness, sanity and responsibility. 100%

Marriage The marriage between a man and a woman is a divine institution, it is the lifelong union of a man and a woman that becomes one flesh, to ensure the perpetuity and happiness of the human race. Marriage is the basis and foundation of the home, society, and nation.

between 10 and 19 years old divorce occurs before having 10 years of marriage separation after having more than 20 years of civil union

School performance

Low self-esteem


38.2% 30.3% 31.5%


Duration of marriage:


Percentage of problems related to children of separated parents


A country where there is no divorce.


The Bible says: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:18-24). “And Jesus said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:5, 6). The father may disinherit, may deny, but he will remain father and son will remain child. Similarly, the marriage bond which is stronger than the paternal or filial bond cannot be broken by men. In 1 Corinthians 7:39, we read, “The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will.” Marriage joins the spouses until the death of one of them. “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.” (Romans 7:2-3).

Most common causes Distrust Economic problems Lack of communication Infidelity

*You can overcome all these causes, if you are in obedience to the word of God.

Marriage statistics in the evangelical community 12.4%



6.8% All the aforementioned biblical verses, and some others in the Bible, show that marriage is indissoluble. "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder."

2.6% 14 Impacto evangelistic

% of people who divorce and remarry.

Divorce in the rise

More people get divorced and less people get married. People in their 40´s and older are the most likely to get divorced; and most people who decide to join their lives think twice before saying yes at the altar and rather prefer cohabitence.

% of couples who get married for a second time, having children from their first marriage, get separated.

These are just some of the results of a research conducted by the Institute of Marriage and Family Sciences, which reflect the trends with respect to the most decisive moments of a relationship. According to statistics, only in the last decade (2000 - 2010) divorces and separations have increased by 51.52 %.


Young people are most likely to divorce

Before 2009 the age range of people who got separated or divorced was between 45 and 49 years.


However, the results for 2010 showed that this age has dropped and since last year and the ones who get divorced or separated are people between 40 to 45 years. The trend is for people to get divorced at younger age.

“Only forty percent of children successfully overcome the divorce of their parents.�

NO evangelical marriage Statistics



50% One out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

13.1% 20%

50% 29.8%




It is the average duration of a current marriage


Most common causes Distrust


Economic problems Lack of communication Infidelity december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Disaster in The Philippines

The world was shocked. A typhoon hit central Philippines, leaving more than ten thousand deaths and millions of affected people. Disasters continue around the planet.


HE TYPHOON, known as “Haiyan” or “Yolanda”, has caused one of the worst natural disasters in history, devastating much of the islands in the Philippine archipelago. Typhoon Haiyan has left a trail of devastation on its way through the central region. There are more than 4.4 million Filipinos affected. The sea has swept away houses, vehicles and submerged beneath its waters tens of thousands of people. More than 10 000 people have been killed in central Philippines. In addition, rescue services have reported that the super typhoon has left at least 300 dead and more than 2 000 16 Impacto evangelistic

missing people in the province of Samar. Most deaths result from a sudden six meters rise in the sea levels. This has swept away houses, cars and submerged beneath its waters tens of thousands of people in what is from now on one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the country, with sustained winds of 313 km/h. “From the helicopter you can see that there is not a single structure standing from the beach up to one kilometer inside the country”, say the rescuers. “Huge floods pollute water sources and create a shortage of what is the most important for survival: safety of drinking water supply”, says George Greene III, co -founder and head of “Water Missions International”, an evangelical nonprofit entity. This disaster reopens observant questions related to how to prevent and lessen natural disasters like the one

“Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” (Luke 21:10, 11)

that overwhelms the Philippine archipelago today. The questions that are repeated to the scientific community point to confirm a causal relationship based on specific climate changes. This is the case for the increase in global warming, with extreme events such as Typhoon Haiyan. An affirmative answer regarding that link, as it has been giving, would strengthen strict compliance with the regulations demands based on 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which sets limits for the emission of gases that contribute to so-called “greenhouse effect”. The disaster occurred while holding a new Summit on Climate Change conference in Warsaw, organized to discuss just a general, legally binding agreement to limit emissions of the aforementioned gas, causal agent of global warming that affects both the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and the temperature in the sea u


This disaster reopens questions related to how to prevent and lessen natural disasters like the one that overwhelms the Philippine archipelago today. The questions that are repeated to the scientific community point to confirm a causal relationship based on specific climate changes. This is the case for the increase in global warming, with extreme events such as Typhoon Haiyan.

december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

The firm work of the WMM in Philippines Psalms 34:7 states, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” In compliance with this promise of God, we have seen how the hand of God cares for His people facing great dangers.


HILIPPINES, a country with over 96 million inhabitants, located in the Asian continent, is currently experiencing one of the worst disasters and tragedies in its history, as a result of this super storm (Haiyan - Yolanda) in the Eastern region of Visayas, last 8 November. The natural disaster has left more than ten thousand people dead, thousands of missing people, as well as millions in property losses. Although thousands of survivors experience anxiety moments when realizing that they have no food, clothing, footwear, housing, family, or 18 Impacto evangelistic

employment; they also experience great sadness due to such a difficult experience whose consequences can still be seen on the streets and houses in this part of the country. Let us pray that God’s mercy will reach all those lives who were victims of this tropical cyclone, so they can find refuge in our God and that the Lord will meet all their needs,

of which the most important is the salvation of their souls. Let us pray that their will turn to God. Thanks are given to God once again because the Church of the Worlwide Missionary Movement (Christian Pentecost Church Worldwide Missionary Movement) in the Philippines, which is located in the region of Luzon, Que-


zon City, was not affected in any way by the typhoon; there was not any damage nor property or human losses; the whole congregation is safe thanks to the care and divine protection. Currently the Worldwide Missionary Movement in the Philippines is working, orga-

nizing evangelical campaigns of salvation and miracles. The last 24 November a special service was performed and a group of brethren in Antipolo City, a city about an hour away from Quezon City, was baptized. This group of new brethren in Antipolo was instructed in

Bible Doctrine which is also preached by the Worldwide Mission Movement, the classes were based on the book “Bible Instructions for New Converts� written by the Rev. Luis M. Ortiz , founder of this Work. The decision was taken by this group of brethren, who decided to follow Christ and take His Word. Let us continue to pray for the work in the Philippines; thank God the Church is in victory. Also, let us pray to God for typhoon victims, let us pray that many souls may come to regret, that the chains of sin and vice, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, cigarette addiction, sexual depravity, gambling and idolatry among others, that constrain many lives can be broken in the name of Jesus Christ for the Philippines continues to witness the great power of God, confessing that there is salvation in Jesus Christ only u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

The Aprocryphal (II) Gospels

Unexplainable contradictions, historical inaccuracies, erroneous statements. Writings which tend to be attributed as the Word of God.

Rev. Domingo Fernández Dr. César Vidal Manzanares


N THE CONTENT of the Apocryphal Gospels we discover their nature. With regard to Tobit, Catholic commentator CD Vine states: “Most of the Catholic authors completely deny the historicity of Tobit, considering it as a poetic fiction, as a fable or story.” The book of Tobit has erroneous and pagan morals. Chapter 4, verse 17 states, “Pour out thy bread on the burial of the just.” Chapter 6, verses 2-8 say that the liver of a fish, burned on a brazier, chases away evil spirits, and chapter 12, verse 9 states, “For alms doth deliver from death, and shall purge away all sin.” 20 Impacto evangelistic

Regarding the recommendation to pour out bread on the burial of the just, commentator Vine says, “Practices and rituals of this kind were common among the heathen.” Believing that the smoke of the burning liver of a fish chases away the evils falls within field of superstition. Teaching that the alms deliver from death and purify all sins is in contradiction with everything the Scripture teaches about the means and way to attain salvation. Judith: The French Catholic author, Abbe Du- Clot says that in the Book of Judith there are unexplainable contradictions. The Catholic commentator M. Leahy states that this book has “historical inaccuracy.” And on page 487 of the King James Version states, “In the conduct of Judith there are things that Christian morality does not justify”, including lying. Judith 1:1, states, “It was the twelfth year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled over the Assyrians in

the great city of Nineveh.” The Catholic version, called Jerusalem Bible has a note in that verse that states: “Nebuchadnezzar ... was never called king of Assyrians or reigned in Nineveh.” Therefore, Book of Judith starts with an absolutely wrong statement, it is false. As Du-Clot states, “It is irreconcilable with the historical reality”. Wisdom: The Greek version it is titled “The Wisdom of Solomon.” But Ralph Earle states that this book was written around 40 AD, a thousand years after Solomon. An author says, “This book was written to prevent the Jews from falling into skepticism, materialism and idolatry. Many noble sentiments are expressed in this book. Ecclesiastes: This book is attributed to a man named Jesus. The introduction of the King James Version states that the book was written around 136 BC. Ralph Earle says that this book resembles Proverbs, and that it has a lot of practical


wisdom. The book, in general, is the best one of the Apocryphal Gospels but the author does not claim to have written it under divine inspiration. The book has a prologue written by a nephew of the author that states, “My grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other patriotic books and acquired great proficiency in them, set out to write something instructional and doctrinal for those wishing to learn it.” (King James Version, Page 715). The author of the book reads as follows, “I awaked up last of all, as one that gathereth

after the grapegatherers.” (Ecclesiastes 33:16). This author’s statement tells us that he did not consider himself led by the Spirit of God. As rightly said by his nephew, he set out to write something and wrote it on his own. What he wrote is good, but it is not the Word of God. Baruch: Ralph Earle says that although the Book of Baruch is presented as written by Baruch, the scribe of Jeremiah in 582 BC, it was actually written around 100 AD. The Catholic commentator PP Saydon, in his introduction to the book of Baruch reads as follows: “Non-Catholic state

that the book was written in 70 AD, even though some parts of it may be of earlier origin. There are lots of historical inaccuracies on the introduction, chapter 1, verse 2-14”. The Book of Baruch begins by saying that it was “written by Baruch son of Neraiah” (Baruch 1:1). However not even the Catholics believe this statement. On page 871 the Catholic version called Revised Standard Bible states, “The Book of Baruch was one of the last books of the Bible to be written, perhaps, in the last century before Christ.” According to the data mentioned in the


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g book, it is practically impossible for Baruch the son of Neraiah to write this book. Therefore the book begins with a statement that no even Catholic theologians believe. Maccabees: The Catholic author Abate Du- Clot, reads as follows, “The first book of the Maccabees contains the history of 40 years since the beginning of the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes until the death of Simon. The second book is a compendium of the history of the persecutions of the Jews by Epiphanes and his son Eupator, whose story was written by a man named Jason. None of them are in the canon of the Jews and since the Christians followed the Jews regarding the books that formed the canon of the Old Testament, therefore the Maccabees were not included among the sacred books which are generally adopted by Christian churches.” This Catholic author says that the Maccabees were rejected by the Christian churches because Christians followed the Jews regarding the books that make up the canon. In the introduction that appears in the King James Version of the second book of Maccabees states that “a man named Jason of Cyrene wrote five books about Judas Maccabaeus, our author made a compendium of them in this single book” page 538. Regarding the second Maccabees, we would like to draw your attention to the following aspects: 1) It shows that is effective to offer sacrifice for the dead. (See Maccabees 12:43-45). 2) It presents a summary of five books written by other writers. 3) The author does not claim 22 Impacto evangelistic

“Dei Verbum”, Volume II p. 50. 2 “Dei Verbum” p. 62. 3 “Dei Verbum”, Volume II, p. 73. “Dei Verbum” Volume II, p. 547. “Vindicias de la Biblia” p. 574. Taken from “Dei Verbum”, Volume I, p. 40, Year 46. The ellipses indicate that a paragraph or a line has been skipped.

to have written this book under divine inspiration because he ends the book by saying, “I will end my narrative. While it is right and is in the interest of the historical narrative, that is what I want, it is if imperfect and mediocre, forgive me.” (Maccabees 15:38-39). This is not the language of a man writing under divine inspiration, and there is an aphorism that states, “The confession of the parties shifts the burden of proof.” Esther: The Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible and in our version has 10 chapters. In Catholic versions it is difficult to determine how many chapters it has. For instance, King James Version begins with chapter eleven and continues in the following order: 12, 1, 12, 2, 3, 13, 4, 15, 4, 13, 14, 15, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 9, 10, and 10. We find this the height of absurdity. On page 839 the Catholic version called Revised Standard Bible states, “The book of Esther in the Greek Bible contains many passages that are not in the Hebrew Bible.” The King James Version states that some parts of the book are “Protocanonical” and others are “Deuterocanonical”. We consulted five Catholic authors, and they all agree that the ten chapters that appear in the evangelical versions were written by one author, in Hebrew, and that the additional sections, which appear in the Catholic versions were written in Greek by other authors. Daniel: In our version the Book of Daniel has 12 chapters and in the Catholic versions it has 14 chapters. Catholic authors acknowledge that the additional parts were not written in Hebrew, and are different in nature from what Daniel

wrote in Hebrew. This proves that Daniel did not write the chapters 13 and 14. HISTORICAL PROCESS

Some of the so-called Fathers of the Church made an accurate study regarding the inspired books, and the uninspired ones. In 395 AD 11 catalogs of books that were considered inspired by God had been made, and in none of them appear the Apocryphal Gospels. Here is a list of the aforementioned catalogs: Melito of Sardis, 177 AD. Origins, 230 AD. Athanasius, 326 AD.


Cyril, 348 AD. Hilario of Pointiers, 358 AD. Council of Laodicea, 363 AD. Epiphanius, 368 AD. Gregory Nazianzen, 370 AD. Anfiloquio, 380 AD. Rufino, 395 AD. Jerome, 395 AD. A synod convened at Laodicea in 363 AD banned the reading of the Apocryphal Gospels in churches. The following are paragraphs that have been extracted from an extensive article about the formation and history of the canon written by the Catholic R. J. Foster:

“All the books in the Hebrew Bible are called protocanonical, while those which are only written in Greek are called deuterocanonical ... Alexandrians could have accepted as inspired books those books which did not appear to be acceptable to doctors of Jerusalem ... It seems slightly strange that the first lists of the canonical books given by Christian writers only contained protocanonical Scriptures… Clearly Melito (of Sardis) transcribes the canon as it was found in Palestine, where by this time the deuterocanonical

books had been excluded from the canon ... Since the beginning of the fourth century we entered a period of confusion and uncertainty (regarding the Apocryphal Gopels) ... Some parents, who were too condescending with the rigid concept of canonicity, favored to receive only the books recognized by the Jews as canonical, relegating the deuterocanonical books to the category of useful books for building ... Nor does St. Athanasius ... St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Epiphanius , and St. Gregory Nazianzen accept the deuterocanonical books ... Because of his stay in Palestine and his Hebrew knowledge, St. Jerome put the full weight of its great authority in favor of the non- canonicity of the deuterocanonical books. Often he refuses to accept any book that is not in the Hebrew Bible, and in his “Prologus Galeatus” which serves as an introduction to the Books of Kings, he states that Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Tobit and Judith are not in the canon… Some prestigious writers followed the opinion supported in their view by the authority of St. Jerome, including Pope St. Gregory the Great who leaned towards to agree with this view. Since the eighteenth century the brief canon (Hebrew) has gained increasing acceptance but the issue has not been settled ... Such is the general attitude ... and to deny it is to object to evidence.” All the aforementioned paragraphs, taken from a Catholic book, provide devastating evidences against the Apocryphal Gospels. Note the importance for which everybody agree on the validity of the Hebrew canon. Anything that is out of this canon is not part of the inspired books u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Through Gates of Splendor

A touching story of courage, faith and consecration. This book recounts the sacrifice of five preachers who gave their lives to evangelize the Auca Indians of Ecuador: Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming and Roger Youderian. Johan Pérez Landeo


IM ELLIOT put aside his pen. He was a young man of twenty-fiv, tall, with broad chest, plenty of brown hair and blue -gray eyes. He was traveling to Ecuador - the response to many years of prayer for God’s guidance regarding what would be his life’s work. Some had thought that it was unusual that a young man with chances of success chose to spend his life in the jungle among primitive people. The Jim’s answer, noted in his diary, had been written a year before, “My trip to Ecuador is the counsel of God, as it is leaving Betty, and my refusal to be advised by those who insist that 24 Impacto evangelistic

I must stay ... No visions or voices, but the advice of a heart that desires God.” “Through Gates of Splendor” is the story of the sacrifice of five U.S. missionaries who gave their lives to Christianize the Auca Indians. It is an extraordinary and touching story of courage, faith and consecration. A narrative that reveals the most important aspects of five evangelical missionaries (Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian) who were the first men of faith in entering the land of the Huaorani Indians, known for their extreme violence. They took the Gospel of Christ and ended up killed by the violent tribes. In Shandia, Jim and Pete became true missionaries for the first time. They had come to approach the Quichua with the Word of God, a task for which they were prepared, but that they could only meet if they won the trust and love

of the Quichua. Living among them and sharing their lives, Jim and Pete consolidated mutual trust which they expected to open the minds and hearts of the Indians to the Christian message. Also, Jim and Pete knew that whatever knowledge they earned from


The book shows step by step the missionary work of Elliot, Saint, McCully, Fleming and Youderian in the Ecuadorian Amazonia.

their experiences among the Quichua, will prepare them for their work in other tribes furthest away from today’s civilization. OPERATION AUCA

Many people, dispersed from the jungles of Ecua-

dor to the skyscrapers of New Tork, helped write this book, work of the writer and missionary Elisabeth Elliot. Elisabeth, who was married to Jim Elliot. She was also supported by the other four widows, Barbara Youderian, Marj Saint, Marilou McCu-

lly and Olive Fleming. Elisabeth buried herself in the task of gathering the diaries, letters and other writings of the missionaries with the sole purpose to provide a true, accurate and detailed chronicle of “Operation


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1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia


Auca”, the most dramatic and daring Christianizing mission of modern times. “Operation Auca” actually began on September, 1955. In this month the Lord began to interweave five separate threads to make them a single thread that will shine to his own glory. Five men with completely different personalities had arrived in Ecuador from the East, the West Coast and the Midwestern of the United States. Representing three different “missions of faith”, these men and their wives were unanimous in their common belief in the Bible as in the literal, supernatural and perfect Word of God for mankind. Elisabeht Elliot’s book, which was first published in 1957, discovers step by step the missionary work of Elliot, Saint, McCully, Fleming and Youderian in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Thus it is explained, through selected passages from the memoirs of the fallen missionaries, that the group began to make regular flights over Huaorani settlements in September 1955, releasing small gifts, such as pots and buttons, from the air. Similarly, it is stated that, after about four months, on January 2, 1956 preachers built a camp which they called “Palm Beach”, next to Curaray River in east of Ecuador. The opportune time was approaching. Men, the other wives and I spent long hours discussing this project which we had dreamed so many months and years. Olive Fleming remembered what he had read in

26 Impacto evangelistic

Pete’s diary about his approval to give his life for the Auca. I reminded Jim that we both knew what could happen if he went there. “Well, if God wants it to be that way I am ready to die for the salvation of the Auca”, was his quiet reply. While still at the school Jim had written, “It is not dumb to give what one cannot keep to gain what one cannot lose”. Without losing its halo of religiosity, “Through the Gates of Splendor” focuses on specifying the decisive events of the story that shook the world in early 1956. Regarding this parti-

cular point, the author did a thorough job with respect to the reconstruction of events, as well as an acute restoration on the basis of the diaries of the dead. Shaken by the bloody death of her husband, but deeply convinced of eternal life in God, Elisabeth Elliot drew up a narrative full of emotion. Around eleven o’clock, on Friday, January 6, Nate and Pete were sitting in the small shelter to plot that they had built on the sand. Ed was on the upper end of the beach, Roj was in the center and Jim


at the lower end, continuing their verbal barrage about the jungle. At 11:15 their hearts jumped when they heard a clear male voice that resounded from the other side of the river in response to the call of Ed. Immediately three Auca appeared. They were a man and two women – a woman around thirty years of age, and a girl around sixteen – naked apart from ropes tied around their waist, wrists and thighs, and with large wooden caps in their enlarged lobes of their ears. The powerful roar Accurately illustrated with a series of unpublis-

hed photographs of the missionaries and their families, “Through the Gates of Splendor” is the turning point from which the fateful Sunday, 8 January, 1956 became the spark that revived the missionary efforts of the Christian community in the United States. A relieving change which, like a powerful roar, made it possible to renew the proclamation of the Word of God after the death of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian . Eventually, the identification of the four bodies was easy because of the wedding rings and watches, wallets, and notebooks. Ed was not one of the four, so it was a closed case; the five of them were dead. In divine providence the missing body had been identified by the

After the death of her husband, Elisabeth Elliot stayed in Ecuador and preached for two years the Word of God.

Quichua the day before. They had not only brought back his watch, but also had removed one of his shoes and had thrown it on the beach. While the bodies were washed ashore a violent tropical storm was approaching. After the death of her husband, Elisabeth Elliot, who for more than half a century has become a stream of hope for believers and seekers of Jesus Christ across the face of the earth, stayed in Ecuador for two years and preached the word of God. After this time she returned to the United States and began a successful writing career fully dedicated to consecrate the virtues of Christianity. Author of over twenty books, Elliot went all over North America sharing her religious experiences until she could. Today, having just turned 87, her thought remains in force through its official website. It’s been almost three years since that Sunday afternoon. Today I am sitting in a straw hut on the banks of Tihuanu River. In another straw hut, less than five yards away, two of the seven men who killed my husband are sitting. Guiquita, one of the men, just help Valerie, who is already three and a half years, to roast a banana. Two of his children have gone into the jungle, carrying skillfully carved blowguns by their shoulders, looking for meat to feed fifteen or twenty Aucas who are currently in this clearing. How did such a thing happen? Only the God who made the iron to swim, in whose hand is the life breath of every living being could have done this u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Thou didst leave thy throne A popular hymn written by missionary Emily Elizabeth Steele Elliott. It narrates the different life stages of Jesus Christ, from his birth until his resurrection and imminent return.


HOU DIDST LEAVE THY THRONE”, written by Emily Elizabeth Steele Elliott in 1864, is a hymn that taught the truths about the Son of God’s origin to the children of the church of her father, Rev. Edward Elliott. The lyrics focus on the birth of Jesus, his earthly life, suffering and death, and it especially focus on the final triumph of his resurrection, ascension and imminent return. Emily Elliott was born in South London, in the small town of Brighton, on July 22, 1836. The Lord was present in her life and never put aside in her earliest years. In that regard, his father, pastor of the Church of San Marcos and a devoted servant of the Almighty, was her main guide 28 Impacto evangelistic

and counsellor in the ways of faith. In addition, her aunt, Charlotte Elliott, renowned Christian composer and author of the famous hymn “Just as I am”, contributed significantly to her spiritual and musical formation. Emily’s life went on around various charitable activities while constantly involved in rescue missions, and her ongoing works in the Sunday school of her church. While she was studying the Bible passage Luke 2:7, she wrote this easily readable text in December 1864 which was a poem that left a clear and strong message in its original English version. Thus, the first and second verse described the birth of Christ. Then the third verse described his life while the following verse narrated the death of Jesus. Finally, the fifth verse proclaimed the second coming of God. This hymn, which did not take long time to become a congregational song for many people and that has been translated into different languages, beca-

me an endless source of inspiration for young and old men over the years. It was published in “Church Missionary Juvenile Instructor,” a Christian magazine produced by the Emily Elliott herself in 1870, six years after its release. Then a year later, it first appeared in the United States as part of the publication “The Sunday School Hymnal.” The music composition of the



1 Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown, When Thou camest to earth for me; But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room For Thy holy nativity. Chorus Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus! There is room in my heart for Thee; O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, come, There is room in my heart for Thee. 2 Heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang, Proclaiming Thy royal degree; But of lowly birth didst Thou, come to earth, And in great humility. 3 The foxes found rest, and the birds had their nest In the shade of the forest tree; But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God, In the deserts of Galilee. 4 Thou camest, O Lord, with the living Word That should set Thy people free; But with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn, They bore Thee to Calvary. 5 When heaven’s arches shall ring, and her choirs shall sing At Thy coming to victory, Let Thy voice call me up, saying, “Yet there is room, There is room at My side for thee!”



MILY ELLIOTT, who passed away on August 3, 1897 at age 61, is one of the most important authors of religious music because throughout her short earthly life, she wrote over 180 hymns to proclaim the power of the Almighty. His extensive and comprehensive work for Christianity was gathered in three publications, originally titled as “Chimes of Consecration”, “Chimes for Daily Service” and “Under the Pillow”, which appeared between 1873 and 1880 u

poem “Thou didst leave thy throne” was a challenge, at the time, due to the form of Elliott’s text which was completely irregular in its original structure. However, Timothy Richard Matthews, renowned composer of the 19th century, was in charge of the music’s creation in 1876. Matthews, faithful believer and eminent organist, gave Emily’s song a sweet and smooth sound u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Mere Christian

After 50 years of his death, an overview is given about the life of Clive Staples Lewis, Irish intellectual who accepted the Lord after denying His existence. He, transformed into son of God, helped to evangelize thousands of people through talks and Christian books. Johan Pérez Landeo


LIVE STAPLES LEWIS, called Jack by his friends, was born on November 29, 1898 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was part of an intellectual family marked by faith in the Lord. His father, Albert, and his mother, Florencia Augusta Hamilton, had first class minds. Along with his only brother Warren -three years older than himwere encouraged to use the large family library. However, his mother’s death from cancer in 1908 disrupted his existence. The loss came three months be30 Impacto evangelistic

fore his tenth birthday, and the then child was deeply hurt by this. In addition, his father never recovered from that sensitive disappearance, and began to move away from his family. Lewis enrolled at Malvern College in September 1913 where he remained until the following June. It was during this time when a young 15-year-old Lewis abandoned his childhood Christian faith, and became an atheist interested in mythology and occultism. He began his studies at Oxford University years later in 1917 where he worked as a professor of English language and literature since 1925. The following year, he met J. R. R. Tolkien, the famous author of the “Lord of the Rings”, with whom he founded in 1939, together with Charles Williams and Owen Barfield, the “Inklings Club” to discuss literature and philosophy.

Being declared as an agnostic in his autobiography made us think that he was first encouraged to follow Christianity by two authors: the Scottish George MacDonald, G. and English K. Chesterton with his book “The Everlasting Man. ” Although he was raised in a family with deep Christian convictions, Lewis was an atheist most of his youth. His separation from Christianity began when he started to see his faith as a task and a duty. He also became interest in occultism as his studies took him away from the faith in God. THE LORD’S WAY

After a long discussion with Tolkien and other close friends (Hugo Dyson), Lewis came into Christ in 1931 and joined the Church of England. He wrote about it: “I came into Christianity kicking and screaming.” That moment of conver-


sion is remembered today as follows: after a long walk with Tolkien and their mutual friend Hugo Dyson one afternoon in September, they talked about how the pagan myths and the desire of man prefigure a reality that comes true in Jesus Christ. The day after that conversation, Lewis came into

Christianity. He went with his brother to the zoo by motorcycle. Leaving their house, he wrote, I did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, “and when we reached the zoo I did.” Many changes were evident. His existence from there had a clear purpose: to know and obey God. This was ma-

At the age of 15, Lewis left the Christian faith and became an atheist interested in mythology and occultism.

nifested in his writings. His previous efforts to become a poet were buried. The new Christian devoted his talent and energy to write prose that reflected his new found faith. His return to the ways of the Almighty can be read in his book “Surprised by Joy”: “I gave in, and admitted that


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g God was God, and knelt and prayed”, he explained then. He wrote more than thirty books which let him to reach a huge audience, and his works still attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular works include “The Chronicles of Narnia”, “The Four Loves” and “the Screwtape letters. ” In 1942, during the World War, Lewis began to give a series of religious talks on BBC radio that would soon become one of the most influential Christian books of the 20th century and perhaps the 21st century: “Mere Christianity. ” Lewis’s radio talks, 70 years ago, have given a special fruit carrying the faith to many people, who in turn have influenced many others. However, not everyone approved his new interest in Christianity at that time. Lewis received frequent criticism from members of his closest circle of friends: the Inklings (nickname for the group of intellectuals and writers who met regularly to exchange ideas). Even his close Christian friends disapproved his efforts in evangelism through writing. SUFFERING AND DEATH

Lewis married Joy Greshman in early 1956. The civil ceremony was kept secret and took place on April 23, 1956. After a short while, his new wife experienced pain in one leg, but doctors diagnosed rheumatism. Joy broke one of his bones in October as a result of the disease that she really 32 Impacto evangelistic

In 1942, during the World War II, Lewis began to give a series of religious talks on BBC radio that would soon become one of the most influential Christian books of the 20th century and perhaps the 21st century: "Mere Christianity."

suffered: bone cancer. In a letter written in November to a person in the United States, Lewis wrote: “I may be soon, in rapid succession, a bridegroom and a widower. ” His wife managed to recover for some time. Although Lewis did not talk about it, he considered Joy’s improvement as a miracle. She recovered sharply in 1957, and they enjoyed a year during which the illness did

not come between their happiness. But the cancer returned aggressively in late 1959. Then, she succumbed to illness and passed away on July 13, 1960. Lewis wrote about it in his book “A Grief Observed. ” Despite his many intellectual achievements, he refused to be arrogant: “the intellectual life is not the only road to God, nor the safest, but we find it to be a road, and it may be the appointed road for us. Of course it will be so only as long as we keep the impulse pure and disinterested. ” He stated on more than one occasion. A 65 -year-old Lewis died in Oxford on November 22, 1963. Since then, he is buried next to his brother, in the cemetery of the Church of the


Lewis died in Oxford in 1963 at the age of 65. His letters and books are his greatest legacy to humanity. Left: J. R. R. Tolkien, author of “Lord of the Rings”, with whom he founded the “Club of the Inklings”.

Holy Trinity. His letters and books are his greatest legacy to humanity. The teachings of faith expressed in his books keep changing the lives of mi-

llions. A particular case is Francis Collins, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project, appointed by Barack Obama to lead the National Institutes of Health in

Maryland, pillar of research and health management in the United States, who was a young atheist until he became Christian by reading “Mere Christianity” after his parents’ death. Collins has written the book “The Language of God”, about how what is discovered by science is compatible with the Christian position, inspired by the legacy of Lewis. Also, in the time of Lewis, the English philosopher and popularizer C.E.M. Joad, very popular for his radio programs on the BBC, returned to the Christian faith in part due to Lewis’s writings and public discussions. C.E.M. wrote “The Recovery of Belief” on his return to Christianity shortly before his death in 1953 u december 2013



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1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

The rescue of Melvin

The life of the Pastor Melvin Byram could have ended in his youth. Beaten and maltreated by his own father, he thought suicide was the only way to put an end to such suffering… until he put himself in the hands of the Lord and revived. Marlon Pérez


EARING from people that attempted suicide or actually committed it are the kind of facts that are often unnoticed before the eyes of thousands of people nowadays. Many more like Melvin Byram perceived suicide as the only way to escape from the depression that took him to the edge of death. Over 30 years later, he recounts those moments that led him to make that decision and his encounter with God, which changed his terrible intentions. Currently, Melvin Alberto Byram, 60 years old, is an evangelical pastor devoted to 34 Impacto evangelistic

spread the Gospel of God in the capital of the Republic of Panama. From there, from the Bomba neighborhood located in Puerto Limón, Costa Rica, he tells those disastrous times when the injurious circumstances at home blotted his childhood. REJECTED

Melvin, born on April 18th, 1943, describes how a gear of distress, fear and despair was built up against him ever since he was a little child, and the reason why he was the target of the scourges and punishments of his father. It all started with the obvious preferences that Jonathan Oliver Walker and Mabis Byram Byram had –the parents of Melvin– towards their third and last daughter. This spoiled and conceited girl took advantage of her position, and with her involuntary whimpering, she would make her parents punish Mel-


Photo: Julio de La Cruz


Pastor Melvin Byram and his wife, Sister Ana Felipa Obando, married in 1982.

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1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g vin for no reason. All because “she was the youngest child and I should not touch her”, he states. All this drama triggered the violence of his father against Melvin. An unjustified act that made him question prematurely his own existence. “It was kids’ stuff but it marked me and limited my life”, he explains. While his older sister grew up with their grandparents, the only things Melvin knew inside the four walls of his house were the physical and psychological aggressions from his father. Her younger sister would hurl insults at him such as “You’re retarded!” or “You’re good for nothing!” as he never did well at school. Therefore, Melvin points out that he even got to be afraid of his younger sister. Besides the continuous and sacrificed journeys in the fields, he also experimented psychological abuse when hearing that all the family possession would be given to his little torturer. “My father began to harass me and declared that everything he owned would be given to my sister and that nothing would be mine”, he recalls. Paradoxically, none of them got the paternal last name until several decades later. All this harassment generated inside Melvin an intense and incessant inferiority complex that affected and relegated him from society since his childhood. “The lack of wisdom of my father was huge… I thought nobody loved me,” tells the Pastor Melvin Byram. His mother, who never participated in all these injustices, started to suspect of the 36 Impacto evangelistic

After a stormy life tempted by death, Pastor Byram surrendered to God and began his service up to the present.

abuses against Melvin. During one of the family dinners, she found out about the lies of her little child. “Most of the time Melvin doesn’t do anything to me, I just cry so that my father beat him”, declared the little and innocent spoiled girl. At that moment, Melvin thought, “I have a defender now!” Since then, abuses against him ceased partially because “my mother was different from my father, because she never attacked me or punished me as he did… I endured everything because of her love”, says Mel-

vin. Then he states: “now that I am a believer, I understand that God intervened through her, because God does not approve injustice”. He also received his aunts and grandparents blessings. They were Christians and taught him the Holy Scriptures during the Sunday school at the evangelical churches in the province he used to live. “All that helped me mainly for not committing suicide, which was influenced by the devil”, he confesses. Time passed by and Melvin’s childhood and adolescence faded away like the


dawn, and he developed other interests that filled his mind and youthful. ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND DEATH

In the early sixties, Melvin, having the legal age, left behind the image of the submissive child that endured all kinds of humiliations to become a wild boy possessed by the vices of this world. “I tried it all!”, he recalls. At this time, misfortunes also reached his home when his parents divorced and dissolved all kinds of family ties. This uprooting made his

mother and sister leave to the U.S.A., while Melvin stayed at home with his tormentor, who ironically became his new boss at work. By the age of 20, Melvin was definitely away from studies, his home and from church. He succumbed to the temptation of alcohol and drugs. “I became independent and I did what I wanted with my life,” he recalls. He also adds “the law of the world is to do everything you want and enjoy because that is the only thing you can take from life.” It was his rebellious philosophy from the

sixties and from a whole generation that grew up with him. While going from excess to excess, Melvin was trying to fill his anxiety and the gaps of his interior but his money was not enough as “I used to spend a lot more than what I earned. To me, the pay day was the saddest day… ”, Melvin says. Nevertheless, he felt that his bad example would hurt the man who gave him life. “I was the most irresponsible at work, but when I converted, I became in the most responsible of them all”, he recalls.

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1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g The current Pastor Melvin Byram also recalls that in those years his biggest wish was to serve God: “When I was with my friends, many of them yearned to be rich and have lots of possessions. I said I wanted to live quietly and serve God, and at the age of thirty I would abandon the world and would become like Jesus”. With this declaration, Melvin points out that the Creator made his wishes come true, “therefore I understand that the Devil wanted to kill me through suicide since I was a kid.” TIME FOR THE LIGHT

Several years later, Melvin was wandering in the world and complaining about his bad fortune. His only thought was related to death. Mistakenly, he perceived that the existence of all human beings ended up there, while anxiety and depression started to waste him away. It is then when suicide passed through his mind. In the midst of the confusion and moved by this strange feeling, he planned to jump to the rails of a train and wait for tragedy to happen, or to hang or shoot himself in the temple. He considered all of these ideas, since he always asked himself: “why to live in a world like this?… It’s better to die! ” The Holy Week of 1971 was a significant date in Melvin’s life because during those days he achieved what he never could before: soul peace. It all started when he was economically pressured in Beverly and he was drowning in a glass of water. Suddenly, he received an invitation to a house where the38 Impacto evangelistic

re would be a special service for the Christian holiday. That Good Friday, Melvin, who never believed that his problems would have solutions, felt the magnificent power of Godwhen he entered through the door. Being in the house of God, he began to sketch his first

encounters with God when he was a child. The most extraordinary thing happened when the late Rev. Luis Ángel Monge bared his soul when talking about the Word of God. “I understood that I had to change my life and I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. The Pastor insisted over


The Church of Pastor Byram in Chorrillo, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Panama.

and over again, and I ended up giving my life to Christ”, he recalls. He converted into Christianity on a Good Friday, April 18th, 1971. That day he turned 28 years old and he revived to a new life. “There are no coincidences for God! ”, he remarks.


In over 40 years of ministry, Pastor Melvin Byram has worked in the Work of God. He gained experience in preaching the Gospel and he traveled around several cities of his native Costa Rica. Two years after his conversion and baptism, he was sent to

a church in Boca del Toro, which is located in the bordering Republic of Panama. There, he helped unconditionally a young preacher called José Soto. Nowadays, he is the international Vice President of the Worldwide Missionary Movement. This church was the first base of the Work of God in the Central-American country and the Pastor Melvin Byram was the third missionary that evangelized these lands on behalf of his Pastor, Mr. Julio Espinoza, and the late founder of the Work, Rev. Luis M. Ortiz. In the mid-seventies he was officially recognized as a Minister, and by the end of this decade they finally established him in the Panama’s capital city. In 1982, he married Ana Felipa Obando and they had children: Melina, Jonathan and Millca, who help him with the Work and share the same faith. Currently, he is the Vice President of the National Board in that country. “I hope my testimony serves as a blessing and guidance for parents, so that they can learn, understand and have the wisdom to raise well their children and guide them through the right track so that they won’t build the complexes and problems which I went through”, states the pastor. “I never imagined I could do what I have done so far, or how far I could get. To me, all this is a God’s miracle because only Him could do in me what no one could; I am what I am because of His grace. ” Melvin Byram concludes with these words that keep him stood up, working in Chorrillo, one of the most dangerous places in Panama u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia Teachings and sermons of the most renowned preachers who expose the truth of the Lord through their life stories consacrated to God. The Bible says: “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life... And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 5:39; 8:32


Glory to God in the highest! “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:10-14. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz


HIS WAS THE SWEETEST, glorious and transcendental hymn the world has ever heard. The angels 40 Impacto evangelistic

sang a symphony of praise to God with their melodious voices for the glorious birth of Jesus. God is glorified in every dew drop that moistens the

grass in the morning, in every dawn of each new day, in every flower that shows its beauty and exhales its fragrance, in every bird that sings to the Creator, in every sunray that gives life, light and heat. God is praised and glorified by the whole creation as we read in Psalm 148 which declares that God is praised and glorified: from the heavens, in the heights, by all angels, all His hosts, sun and moon, shining stars, the heavens of heavens, the waters above the heavens; and from the earth, by sea creatures and all depths, fire

and hail, snow and vapour, stormy wind, mountains and hills, fruitful trees and cedars; beasts and animals, reptiles and birds; kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and judges of the earth; young men, old men and children. But nothing brought more glory to God and greater joy to all creation than THE BIRTH OF JESUS in the manger in Bethlehem. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament (expansion) sheweth his handywork” (Psalm

19:1). But even if all creation merges into a gigantic symphony of praise, it will never equal the great song of the

Son of God’s incarnation. Never before had the multitude of heavenly hosts sung: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!”

(Luke 2:14). There is more glory and more melody in the virgin birth of Jesus than in the birth of the whole vast universe with all its galaxies, stars and suns. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. ”

(John 1:14). The Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit in a great and sublime exclamation, said: “And without controversy

great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Timothy

3:16). “GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH.” Many say that they do not believe and that they cannot believe because they cannot understand many things, because they do not see God. The vast universe is full of mysteries, from the microscopic germ in the air we breathe and the water we drink to the gigantic suns and stars that shine in the december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g space over an inconceivable distance. Ancient people believed in four elements: earth, air, fire and water; but today’s science has discovered 103 elements. For a long time, the atom was thought to be the smallest existing particle of matter and to be indivisible, but nowadays, the atom has been split into its components: electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. There is a mystery in every drop of water: what makes two hydrogen atoms bind to one oxygen atom in a water molecule? Why does a grasshopper have two hundred and seventy teeth in its body? Where does an earthworm get the power from to grow a new head after its head is cut off? Why do horses stand up on their front legs first while cows stand up on their back legs first? Well, we could keep asking questions indefinitely, the only answer we would find is that things are as they are, in obedience to the laws established by the Creator. The Creator himself asked some questions and said to Job: “Where is the way where light dwelleth, and as for darkness, where is the place thereof…? Knowest thou it! because thou wast then born, and the number of thy days is great. Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow, or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail…? By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth? (…) Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (Job 38-

41). God asked Job over a hundred questions and each contains a mystery to man. We are surrounded by mysteries, no one knows exactly what electricity is; we know 42 Impacto evangelistic

how to conduct and apply it in different and various uses but no one can explain what it is. If this is true in the physical and material world we see, touch and use; the mysteries in the spiritual world and the kingdom of God are greater and beyond our understanding and control. “WITHOUT CONTROVERSY GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH.” His conception and virgin birth, his life, his ministry, his doctrine, his sacrifice, his death, his atonement, his resurrection, his appearances, his ascension, his second coming, everything is filled with this great mystery of godliness. Each age in the world has had its great characters and figures, but Jesus is unique in all ages. God for

It is not up to us; we cannot either understand or explain everything. The most renowned scientists cannot understand or explain the mysteries of the physical and material world, nor can the most knowledgeable theologians understand or explain these great mysteries of godliness.

us, Immanuel, the Word, the Son of God, and at the same time He is Jesus, Son of Man, Redeemer, Servant, God and man, divine and human; his divinity was real and true, his humanity was real and true, how can this be? How? “GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS. ” There are sometimes those who want to penetrate these divine mysteries by

making speculations and interpretations. It is not up to us; we cannot either understand or explain everything. The most renowned scientists cannot understand or explain the mysteries of the physical and material world, nor can the most knowledgeable theologians understand or explain these great mysteries of godliness. Much about these mysteries


was revealed to the great Apostle Paul and he had to exclaim: “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? ” (Romans 11: 33-34). “GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS. ”

What we really need is not to know, analyze, decipher or explain the mystery of godliness; what we need is to have godliness, live a godly life, and have a godly character. There are many who have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5), “supposing that gain is godliness” (1 Timothy 6:5). The biblical exhortation is: exercise thyself rather unto godli-

ness… godliness is profitable unto all things (it’s profitable)”, follow after righteousness, godliness”, and teach “the doctrine which is according to godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7, 8,

6:11; 6:3). “GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH. ” With good reason did the angels sing that morning: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” God bless you! u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

The Prodigal Church in a Prodigal World “Love is a flame and the burning its life. Flame is the atmosphere of the true Christian experience. A tiny flame can produce a fire that consumes everything; but, when the surrounding atmosphere is frigid or impure, it dies for lack of fuel. Prayers must be burning.” E. W. Bounds.


O TAKE an over-all view of the Church today leaves one wondering

44 Impacto evangelistic

how much longer a holy God can refrain from implementing His threat to spew

Why revival tarries E. Leonard Ravenhill Chapter 12

this modern-day Laodicean Church out of His mouth. For if there is one thing preachers are agreed upon, it is that this is the Laodicean age in the Church. Yet while over our heads hangs the Damoclean sword of rejection, we believers are lean, lazy, luxury-loving, loveless, and lacking. Though our merciful God will pardon our sins, purge our iniquity, and pity our ignorance, our lukewarm hearts are an abomination in His sight.

DEVOTIONAL We must be hot or cold, flaming or freezing, burning out or cast out. Lack of heat and lack of love God hates. Christ is now “wounded in the house of His friends.” The Holy Book of the living God suffers more from its exponents today than from its opponents! We are loose in the use of scriptural phrases, lopsided in interpreting them, and lazy to the point of impotence in appropriating their measureless wealth. M. Preacher will wax eloquent in speech and fervent in spirit, serving the Lord with vigor and perspiration to defend the Bible’s inspiration. Yet that same dear man, few breaths later, with deadly calmness will be heard rationalizing that same inspired Word by out dating its miracles and by firmly declaring:“This text is NOT for today.” Thus, the new believer’s warm faith is doused with the ice water of the preacher’s unbelief. The Church alone can “limit the Holy One of Israel”, and today she has consummate skill in doing it. If there are degrees in death, then the deadest I know of is to preach about the Holy Spirit without the anointing of the Holy Spirit! In praying, we assume the unpardonable arrogance of crying for the blessed Spirit to come with His grace – but not with His gifts! “Oh, my God! if in our cultivated unbelief and our theological twilight and our spiritual powerlessness we have grieved and are continuing to grieve Thy Holy Spirit, then in mercy spew

us out of Thy mouth! If Thou cannot do something with us and through us, then please, God, do something without us! Bypass us and take up a people who now know Thee not! Save, sanctify, and endue them with the Holy Spirit for a ministry of the miraculous! Send them out “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners” to revive a sick Church and shake a sin-soddened world!” Ponder this: God has nothing more to give to this world. He gave His only begotten Son for sinners; He gave the Bible for all men; He gave the Holy Spirit to convict the world, and equip the Church. But what good is a checkbook if the checks be unsigned? What good is a meeting, even if it be fundamental, if the living Lord is absent? We must rightly divide the Word of Truth. The text “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” (Revelation 3:20), has nothing to do with sinners and a waiting Savior. No! Here is the tragic picture of our Lord at the door of His own Laodicean Church trying to get in. Imagine it! Again, in the majority of prayer meetings, what text is more used than “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst”? But

too often He is not in the midst; He is at the door! We sing His praise, but shun His person! I do not marvel so much at the patience of the Lord with the stony-hearted sinners of the day. After all, would we not be patient with a man both blind and

deaf? And such are the sinners. But I do marvel at the Lord’s patience with the sleepy, sluggish, selfish Church! A prodigal Church in a prodigal world is God’s real problem. Oh, we bankrupt, blind, boasting believers! We are naked and don’t know it. We are rich (never had we more equipment), but we are poor (never had we less endowment)! We have need of nothing (and yet we lack almost everything the Apostolic Church had). Can He stand “in the midst” while we sport unashamedly in our spiritual nakedness? Oh, we need the fire! Where is the power of the Holy Spirit that slays sinners and fills our altars? Today we seem much more interested in having churches air-conditioned than prayer-conditioned. “Our God is a consuming fire.” God and fire are inseparable; so are men and fire. Every single one of us is now treading a path of fire – hell-fire for the sinner, judgment-fire for the believer! Because the Church has lot Holy Spirit fire, millions go to hell-fire. The prophet Moses was called by fire. Elijah called down fire. Elisha made a fire. Micah prophesied fire. John the Baptist cried, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. ” Jesus said, “I am come to send fire on the earth. ” If we were

as scared to miss fire baptism as we are to miss water baptism, we would have a flaming Church and another Pentecost. The “old nature” may dodge the water baptism, but it is destroyed in


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Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g the fire baptism, for He shall “burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” Until they were fire-purged, the miracle-working disciples who beheld His resurrection glory, were held back from ministering the Cross. By what authority do men minister these days at home or overseas without an “upper room” experience? We have no lack of preachers of prophecy, but we are pitifully short of prophetic preachers. We make no pleas for spiritual predictors and sensational prognosticators. There is now little scope left to foretell, for we have the Book and the unveiling of the Lord’s mind in it. But we do need men to foretell. No man can monopolize the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit can monopolize men. Such are the prophets. They are never expected, never announced, never introduced – they just arrive. One marvels at our unblushing evangelists who announce that they have just had a wonderful revival with thousands thronging the altars, and then add, to soothe the staid fundamentalists, “but there was nothing sensational and no disorder. ” But can there be an earthquake without sensation? Or a tornado without disorder? Did Wesley’s scorching ministry cause no upheaval? The Church in England slammed every door in the face of “a man sent from God whose name was John” – Wesley. But these “religious Canutes” did not keep back the tide of Holy Spirit revival. 46 Impacto evangelistic

This blessed man, Wesley, went away from Oxford University, having “failed completely, ” conspicuously is his own word (even with the brain of a scholar, the fire of a zealot, and the tongue of an orator), to lead others to the Lamb. Then came May the 24th, 1783, when John Wesley at an Aldersgate Street prayer meeting, was born of the Spirit; later he was filled with the Spirit. In thirteen years this fire-baptized man shook three kingdoms. In the same way did Savonarola shake Florence, to the point that the face of the crazy friar was feared by the Florentines and laughed at by the religionists of that time. Brethren, in the light of the “bema seat, ” we had better live six months with a volcanic heart, denouncing sin

in places high and low and turning the nation from the power of satan unto God (as said by John the Baptist) rather than die loaded with ecclesiastical honors and theological degrees and be the laughing-stock of hell and of spiritual nonentities. Lampooning “liquor barons” and cursing corrupt politician bring no fire down upon our heads. We can do both of these, and keep our heads and our pulpits. Prophets were martyred for denouncing false religion in no vague terms. And when we too see “lying religion’ cheating men in life and robbing loved ones in death, or when we see priests leading them to hell under the banner of nominal religion, we should burn against them with holy indignation. Later, maybe, to


lead the way to a twentieth century reformation, we shall burn on martyr fires. With tears, view this news: “Palsied Protestantism now hears the Roman Catholic priests commending Protestant evangelists! In all conscience, could you picture the same religionists applauding a Luther, or sponsoring a Savomarola? “Oh! God, send us prophetic preaching that searches and scorches! Send us a race of preachers – men burdened, bent, bowed and broken under the vision of impending judgment and the doom of the unending hell of the impenitent!

Preachers make pulpits famous; prophets make prisons famous. May the Lord send us prophets – terrible men, who cry aloud and spare not, who sprinkle nations with unctionized woes – men too hot to hold, too hard to be heard, too merciless to spare. We are tired of men in soft raiment and softer speech who use rivers of words with but a spoonful of unction. These know more about competition than consecration, about promotion than prayer. They substitute propaganda for progagation and care more for their church’s happiness than for its holiness!

Oh in comparison with the New Testament Church we are so sub-apostolic, so substandard! Sound doctrine has put most believers sound asleep, for the letter is not enough. It must be kindled! It is the letter plus the Spirit which giveth life. A sound sermon in faultless English and flawless interpretation can be as tasteless as a mouthful of sand. To rob Rome and cripple terrorists we need a firebaptized Church. A blazing bush drew Moses; a blazing Church will attract the world, so that from its midst they will hear the voice of the living God u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Why didn’t they believe me?

Do people voluntarily decide to ignore all the warnings they receive? This is the story of Martin Gray, a Polish Jew who survived the Nazi Holocaust and tried to save the life of his countrymen. Yet nobody believed him.


ARTIN GRAY was one of the very few Warsaw Jews who escaped the Nazi death camp at Treblinka. Captured in Warsaw in 1943, he was assigned to Treblinka work details instead of immediately marched to the gas chambers. Only a teenager, Martin labored on several work crews before being assigned to the “excavator pit” - the mass graves where thousands of bodies of men, women and children were buried daily. He was fully aware that those who labored in those mass graves also were to be killed after a few weeks. No one was to be left 48 Impacto evangelistic

alive to reveal to the world what the Nazis were doing. Martin escaped by tying himself with belts to the underside of a truck. Later he hid in a load of clothing on a train. Once away from the train Martin assigned himself a mission. He believed if he could only tell the Jews in the other towns and villages of Poland how the Nazis planned to kill them he would be able to save some of them. Martin went from town to town, telling everyone he could about Treblinka, the gas chambers, the mass graves and the thousands who died every day. Did anybody listen to him? In his own words, “I shouted, ran back and forth among them ... Listen to me, I’m a Jew, like you!! You’ve got to believe me; they’re killing us, all of us! Do you know about Treblinka? They did not even look up. They carried on with their work as

if I weren’t there. I sat down on the side of the road…” (For Those I Loved, 2006, page 153). Later, Martin tells how he watched from a distance as the Nazi troops rounded up all of the people in those villages, loaded them into trucks and sent them to their deaths at Treblinka. “Why didn’t they listen, why didn’t they believe me? ” he shouted to himself. Would the average person today accept Martin’s warning? Do people voluntarily decide to ignore all the warnings they receive? The world, as we have known it, is rapidly approaching to its end. But does anyone realize it? Or are they all simply living their lives as if they had nothing to worry about? Are we doing the same the Polish did, who instead of listening to Martin Gray, closed their minds to what he was saying? Jesus Christ made seve-


ral warnings in his most detailed prophetic message. He prophesied about a time of suffering just before his return and he said that it would be the worst time that world had ever experienced . He said: “For then shall be great tri-

He even prophesied that the most part of the world would not listen to the warnings, but they would close their ears in the same way the Polish did. Jesus said that this would be a time of unprecedented sufferings,

bulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. ” (Matthew 24:21).

“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. ” ( Luke 21:35 ) .

* Treblinka fue un campo de exterminio construido por los nazis como para el aniquilamiento sistemático de judíos y otros grupos raciales. Funcionó de julio de 1942 a octubre de 1943 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se calculan que 850.000 personas fueron asesinadas en ese lugar.

He also warned about what we should do for when this era comes. He also clarified that there was a way out: “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). To

escape, you have to listen to the warning u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia A quick report of the work that Worldwide Missionary Movement is making in America and throughout the world. The Holy Bible states: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved”. (Acts 2:46,47)


God makes men happy The XXIII National Convention of the WMM in Peru was a mass event of faith. Brothers from the all country, International Officers and distinguished visitors gathered for six days. 50 Impacto evangelistic

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Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

52 Impacto evangelistic



HE WORLDWIDE Missionary Movement in Peru held its XXIII National Convention from November 5 to November 10, under the theme: “Only God Makes Men Happy�. The great event, which was broadcast to the world through Bethel Television, took place in the stadium of the National University of San


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Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

g Marcos, in the heart of the city of Lima, where more than four thousand Christians gathered during six powerful days of faith. Rev. José Soto, International Vice President of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, was in charge of preaching the Word of God in the opening service. The chosen theme was “Ci54 Impacto evangelistic

vilization against God”, based on Revelation 17. He reminded the attendees that the construction of the Babel Tower and the disobedience of Adam are two clear signs of the false self-sufficiency of man before the Almighty. On the second day of activities, the National Supervisor of the Worldwide Missionary Move-

ment in Peru, Rev. Luis Meza Bocanegra, preached the Word of Christ. He based his reflection on Hebrews, 8: 8-16. “Christ is greater than any religious concept”, he said. “We should not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the power of God” he claimed. During the third day of the National Conven-

tion in Peru, Rev. Sam Jacob, Supervisor of the Work in India, gave an intense message based on the biblical citation from Deuteronomy 29. “Be obedient to the voice of God” stressed the servant. “God may turn your bitterness into sweetness if you stay faithful to His Word”, he said.



december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia


SINCE ITS ISSUE NUMBER 714, Impacto Evangelistic, the official magazine of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, has been published in the third most spoken language in the world: Mandarin Chinese. Thus, this edifying magazine continues to spread and adds one more language to its editions in Spanish, German, Italian, French, English and Portuguese. tico.net


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不可與男人苟 合,像與女人 一樣,這本是 可憎惡的。 (利未记18:22) 七月 2013

56 Impacto evangelistic


juillet 2013


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julho 2013



g A day later, Sister Carmen Valencia de Martinez, wife of Rev. Gustavo Martinez, was the speaker of the Word of God. She preached on the theme “Succeeding in the midst of Adversity”, based on the story of Joseph in the biblical text of Genesis 41: 52. “Pain is the anvil where

the great men and women of God are forged”, she said. “A tool to honor the Lord” was the theme that Rev. Gustavo Martinez Garavito addressed during the penultimate service. Based on the book of 2 Timothy 2: 20, the minister of Jesus Christ encouraged the attendees

to consecrate to be at the service of the Work. He also reminded them that those who are free by the blood of Christ are required to surrender entirely to enlarge the Kingdom of Heaven. The last message was based on the book of 2 Timothy 2: 4. The International Vice Presi-

dent of the Work, Rev. José Arturo Soto, was in charge of ministering the Word with a message titled “Ready for a Great Battle”, referring to the leadership that our Lord gives to His army, His Church. “For a soldier of Christ there is no retreat”, he finally added u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Inauguration of Channel 55 in Panama In a worship full of God’s glory, the cable TV channel Victoria Cristiana (Christian Victory) Television was inaugurated. This channel signal used to be only sent out by the Internet.


HE CHURCH of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama has officially inaugurated the signal Victoria Cristiana on channel 55 of the CWP cable company. The in58 Impacto evangelistic

auguration was held by Rev. Jose A. Soto, International Vice President of the WMM, Rev. Alcides Ramea, National Supervisor of the WMM, and the Board of Officers of this country.

The channel signal was inaugurated on cable TV during a worship full of God’s glory; this represented a great victory for the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement.

Since October 26, the programming of Victoria Cristiana - which used to broadcast live worships and conventions by the Internet from the main Church of Parque Lefevre – is being transmitted for Panama City on channel 55 of the telephone company Cable and Wireless. Programs like Victoria Cristiana (Christian Victory), Verdades bíblicas (Biblical truths), Oramos por ti (We pray for you), Manantial de Alabanzas


(Spring of Praises), Tu iglesia Hoy (Your Church today), Consejos de fe (Advice of faith) and VCTV News will be gradually broadcast through channel 55 Victoria Cristiana, “The Signal in Victory”. The message of the Word of God was given by Rev. Jose Soto, who reminded the brothers

that this great victory the Lord gives to the Work in Panama is part of the fulfillment of the prophecy given by God at a World Congress in Panama in 1987. At that time, God said that He would grant the more sophisticated media for the Worldwide Missionary Movement to preach the Word.

Pastor Soto said that Victoria Cristiana’s programming through channel 55 will be shared with Bethel Television’s programming, which is known as “The Missionary of the Worldwide Missionary Movement for all nations. ” The worship service of the new signal launch

on cable TV was attended by the National Board of Officers, Priests, Presbyteries and brothers from different churches in the area. To the Almighty God we give all the glory, honor and praise for this great victory that the Lord gives to His Work in Panama u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

Evangelistic Campaign in Italy Our brothers gathered and marched from the main train station of Busto Arsizio to Saint Mary’s Square, where the Good News of the Gospel were shared.


AST OCTOBER 8, the First Evangelistic March and Campaign was held for the glory of the Lord in the zone of Busto Arsizio (north of Italy). After several attempts to get 60 Impacto evangelistic

the permission from the authorities to perform this demonstration, God finally obtained this great victory. The march began at the main train station in Busto Arsizio, and then

the people went to Santa Maria’s square, where a beautiful evangelistic campaign was performed all the afternoon. We know that the Lord is present in praises. Many lives could testify

that what attracted them to this place were the melodies of the praises sung by our brothers of the choir. These brothers ministried throughout the afternoon, and allow the presence of God’s Spirit. Also, the attendees were able to enjoy the great performances of our sisters that played the tambourine. Our brothers were given some time so they could testify the power and the work that God has done and is doing


in their lives. They also talked about the good news of the Gospel that the Lord had for every soul in that place. All the attendees could hear the message of peace and salvation, and know now for sure that God’s Word does not return empty. Brothers, sisters and children were part of the evangelization by delivering leaflets to the people that were near to the square. They also shared –through stories- the love of our Lord Jesus

Christ, and its effect on many lives. Many of the listeners started crying and accepted that they need God. “God Almighty has given us a privilege and a great victory by finishing this wonderful campaign, go ahead brothers, let’s continue doing our best, because the work we are doing is just a molehill”, these were the words that added the Pastors of Busto Arsizio, Rev. Hugo Lope and his wife, Sister Lizet Arias u december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

First Baptism in Water in Oman From the Middle East comes great news: the first brothers who have been baptized. The Worldwide Missionary Movement continues to grow in the world.


HE BAPTISM in water was held last October 12 at the home of one of the three believers who surrendered to God that day. In Oman, a Muslim country, one should 62 Impacto evangelistic

respect the rules and do the baptism privately. The National Supervisor of the Work of the WMM in India, Pastor Sam Jacob, attended this celebration. He was in

Oman from October 10 to 19. The Work of God continues to grow thank to the diversity of people and cultures who come to this country, most of them come from Asia. Howe-

ver, some Muslims are being impacted by the testimonies of healings (we clarified that they keep the testimonies in secret because of the religious authorities). Pastor Samuel Babukutty (from India) and Omar Guerra (from Panama) are working together for the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ to break the chains of religion and atheism in that country. To God be all the glory! Christ is coming soon! u


december 2013



Worlwide Missionar Movement

1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia





On September 14, the Churches of the Netherlands and Belgium of the Worldwide Missionary Movement celebrated in the city of Enschede its First Fellowship under the theme “Keep in touch with the Savior”. The Word of God was given under the power and devotion of the Holy Spirit. In the morning the Word of God was given by Rev. Clemente Vergara, Supervisor of the Netherlands and African Antilles. He preached the theme “Four spiritual levels” (Isaiah 41:18). In the afternoon, the Rev. David Echalar, National Supervisor of the Work in Italy presented the Word of God under the theme “The twelve diseases in the Church”. God’s people received inner health and were called to devote itself more to the Lord.

64 Impacto evangelistic

From October 11 to 13, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Belize celebrated the First Fellowship of men, which took place in Orange Walk District, Belize, California, under the theme “Men in the hands of the Potter”. This activity was gloriously attended by our God; His powerfully glory reached all men and allHis people. To God be all the glory!


First Fellowship in Nkoo village, in the district of Cogo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea. It was celebrated from October 25 to 27. In the worships, the demons manifested with lots of violence, but they were chased away by the Pastors. Some souls came to receive Christ without being invited to do it. The Church is highly respected since some houses where the brothers were staying belonged to unbelievers. We remember that Nkoo is a little town; even so, these people did their best to give food to the delegations. The Pastors Emilio Ndong, Mongomo; Teresa Bindang, Ikunde 4 in the city of Bata; and Paulino Nguema , Presbytery of Zone 3 of Equatorial Guinea, preached in this activity. The messages were very powerful.


On Saturday November 9, the glorious Fellowship of Zone 2 of Mexico was held in San Luis Mextepec, Zinacantepec Township, Mexico. The worship was held with praises, worships, and special songs performed by children and young people from different churches in the area. The person in charge of bringing the message of God’s Word was the National Supervisor Rev. Alejandro Roblero under theme: “Walking and crying”. God magnifies the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement. To God be the glory! Our church in Mextepec is located in Altamirano 437, San Luis Mextepec, Zinacantepec, State of Mexico. Pastor José Guadalupe Reyes Vilchis.


The secret of Colgate toothpaste

“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35.


ILLIAM COLGATE belonged to a humble evangelical Christian family in the UK. Born in 1783, when he was only 16 years he took the risky decision to travel to the United States to find a job and support his widowed mother and younger sister. At the beginning, William suffered the hard life of an immigrant in a strange city, but then he began to sell soap in the streets of New York. One day he heard the story of Jacob in a local church and, just as this patriarch, the young man told God that he would give a tenth of what He enabled him to earn thereafter. Some time later, William learned a formula to make soap and associated with another man to set up his first company. Shortly after, his partner

died and the young man became the sole owner of the company. To fulfill his promise to the Lord, William started giving 10 cents for every dollar earned in his new business. Then he decided to give 20 cents, and so on until he increased his tithe by giving to God five times a tenth of his earnings, that is 50 %. This decision would be crazy for any entrepreneur, but it paid off progressively. His business began to grow gradually in a surprising way; and he found himself setting up distributors in different cities of the United States. This evangelical young man, who came poor all the way to America in the late eighteenth century, became a successful businessman of philanthropist character. The story says that William founded the first company in 1806, over 200 years ago. It was a starch, soap and candle factory in Duch Street, New York City. However, it was in 1877,

after the death of William, that the first toothpaste - aromatic and packaged in cans - was produced. 100 years after its establishment, the Company manufactures 160 varieties of soaps and 625 sorts of perfume. In 1928 Colgate merged with Palmolive Company, and in 1953 the company adopted its current name of Colgate-Palmolive Company. Shortly after William’s death, the Colgate University adopted this name in his honor, as he used to be a benefactor of the institution while alive. He also helped to organize several Bible societies, including the American Bible Society. It is known that William’s tithe policy was kept by his children for decades after his death in 1857, at the age of 74. Nowadays, the Colgate-Palmolive company sells its products in more than 200 countries. God greatly fulfilled His pact with Mr. Colgate u december 2013



Missionar Movement THEYWorlwide WRITE TO US... 1963 America • 1963 Europe • 1981 Oceania • 1984 Africa • 1989 Asia

cartas@impactoevangelistico.net ANA LUISA MARTÍNEZ God bless Impacto Evangelistic magazine and especially you, International President Gustavo Martinez. Thanks for sending me the magazine, which is a great blessing to my life, as it is to be in the path of my Heavenly Father. When I receive the magazine, it becomes a great blessing to my life and to the lives of my brothers; we all want to read it at the same time. Greetings to all people working in the magazine. From Holguin, Cuba.

MARCH 4-7 International Board meeting in Panama MAY 14-19 International Congress in Panama JUNE 18-21 Convention in Colombia (Pastors and youth) 26-29 India Convention

God bless the brothers who are working for this means of edification and encouragement to go forward. From Argentina.

JULY 4-6 Mexico Convention 24-27 Republica Dominicana Convention AUGUST 6-10 Venezuela Convention 15-18 Ecuador Convention (Santo Domingo Tsachilas) 15-18 Convention Haiti 28-31 Africa Convention


ELIZABETH HUERTAS God bless you, my beloved brothers. It's really a joy for the people of God to have this means of communication and edification. From Peru.

CLAUDIA Every time I read the magazine I consider it a great blessing. From Chile.


I loved the magazine and its website, it is a great blessing! From North Carolina, United States.

I would like to know more about the messages in the different magazines, since the world needs nowadays the Word of God. God bless you. From Chiapas, Mexico.




God bless you. Your magazine has been a blessing to my life and your articles are really supported by God. I love it that, despite the temptation of the enemy, we can find a means of edification to our life. From Panama.

JANUARY 2-5 Puerto Rico Convention 7-14 Colombia Convention

FEBRUARY 11-13 Meeting of supervisors in Central America 14-17 Belice Convention 14-17 Paraguay Convention (Asuncion)


Thanks to God for His great mercy that has taken us from this lying world. He has removed the bandage from our eyes. Now we only have to pray for our spiritual life so as not to go back. From Venezuela.


OCTOBER 3-6 Convention Australia (Melbourne) 4-6 Canada National Fellowship 8-11 Ladies Colombia National Convention 22-24 Convention Rodrigues Island 24-27 Uruguay Convention (Montevideo) 25-27 Mauritius Convention 31 – 3 nov Chile (Santiago) NOVEMBER 5-10 Peru Convention 20-24 Guatemala Convention DECEMBER 5-8 Brazil National Convention (Manaus)

Hello, Brothers. God bless you for the great work that you are taking to the world thanks to the Impacto Evangelistic magazine. By reading this magazine, many lives have surrendered to the Lord. God bless you, brothers, go ahead with this mission. From Marquez, Callao, Peru.



God continue blessing you plentifully. You are a great blessing to my life, thanks. From Barcelona, Spain.

God bless you. I thank God for this magazine that is a blessing and has been able to keep the sound doctrine. I am from the Church of the WMM in Olarte neighborhood in Bogota. From Bogota, Colombia.

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will receive the honourable visit of the International Board Members

From January 1st to 4th, 2014

Address: Trujillo Alto, coliseum "Rubén Zallas Montañez"


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