Impact Hub KL Impact Report 2015 2017

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Impact Report 2015-2017



our journey 2015 2016 2017


our digital reach


our events

our collaborations



our community

our star-studded moments

2018 and beyond


Dear Reader, Every child is born a dreamer; A dreamer who lives in a world of endless possibili8es, with a single-minded focus to enact posi8vity to the world around them. The Impact Hub story is very much like the story of every child in Malaysia. To a child, their favourite ambi8ons, revolve around those with greatest impact, no maDer the cost, fire-fighter, police man, doctor, vet, teacher and the list goes on. Unfortunately, the child then grows into a system that would force them into a box, causing their model of a just society be overtaken by an economic centric one. Impact Hub began with a single-minded vision of being a catalyst of change in Malaysia. We saw a Malaysia bustling with talent and skill, that held immense poten8al to shoulder that dreams of a na8on. Many Malaysians are confronted with a reality of Malaysia that is less then perfect. Peering out the window in our most developed ci8es, would reveal to you a whole host of social challenges. You would see the urban poor, human conges8on, sub-standard living condi8ons, and growing volumes of waste. In a country not lacking in talent and resources, the disconnect was clear. Malaysians needed their skills honed and be told that their ideas could, bring real change. This support was missing in the ecosystem of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs needed a plaLorm, that would enable them to innovate, explore and share with others, ensuring that their ideas were constantly improved. Solving the complex social issues afflic8ng Malaysia would require a collabora8ve effort, stringing together experts of various disciplines to find the best possible solu8on. Impact Hub was conceived to meet this need for a support structure. Since our concep8on in 2015, we have supported numerous ventures aiming to create some impact in the world today. This impact report serves as a reminder of the journey we undertook, star8ng from a very humble beginning. It also serves as a promise to ourselves, and the people we are accountable to, that we will con8nue to remain true to the vision of crea8ng impact. Over the years, we have been given the opportunity to create and innovate with truly remarkable individuals. We invite you readers, to take this journey back in 8me with us, understanding our roots and the people who made it all happen. Take the 8me to listen to our story, of dreams and realisa8ons that have truly transformed how we do what we do. We invite you to see the dreams behind each of our programmes and share in our vision of a Malaysia we can be.

With hope, The Impact Hub KL Team



WHY Cities for People, Cities for Planet Established in 2015, Impact Hub KL is where change goes to work - an ecosystem for impact grounded in its physical presence in the city of Kuala Lumpur and served by its network of resources and partnerships around the world in 100+ ci8es. We believe that every individual has the capacity to contribute towards a beDer world and that impact cannot happen in isola8on and requires collec8ve ac8on. Part innova8on lab and part community centre, IHKL provides a unique ecosystem of resources, inspira8on, support and collabora8on opportuni8es to grow impact.

We believe that impact cannot happen in isola8on and requires collec8ve ac8on

HOW Working towards building an inclusive ecosystem of change makers and empowering a genera8on of innova8ve thinkers

WHAT Providing spaces and plaLorms that #connect #inspire #enable #collaborate #host ideas and solu8ons 4


We believe a better world evolves through the combined accomplishments of creative, committed, and compassionate individuals focused on a common purpose. An innova8on lab. A business Incubator. A social enterprise community center. Impact Hub oers you a unique ecosystem of resources, inspira8on, and collabora8on opportuni8es to grow the posi8ve impact of your work. Joining our diverse community of members and collaborators will inspire, connect, and enable you to develop your best work every step of the way.


Open Impact Hubs


Impact Hubs in the Making

26,000+ Members





At Impact Hub KL, The Sustainable Development Goals form the bedrock of our innova8on process and guide our programme design and engagements for impact. Aligning ourselves to the SDGs are important to us as we want our programmes to be a part of something larger and not just a ash in the pan. On that narra8ve, we look to support ventures and innova8ons poin8ng toward the SDGs as well. The SDGs ensure that all our impact gravitate toward common values, making it easier to collaborate, innovate and form more powerful solu8ons.

The members of Impact Hub KL are also impact driven by addressing social issues based on the SDGs. In the 2017 Global Member Survey, results revealed that No Poverty, Quality Educa8on, and Decent Work and Economic Growth make up the top SDGs that our members aim to work towards through their work.















44 Fellows 9 Impact Projects 3604 BeneďŹ ciaries

250+ Readers 30+ Human Books 4 Reading Sessions

240+ Innova8ons 44 Partnerships 20 Finalist Teams

OTHER PROGRAMME ENGAGEMENTS: Young Social Entrepreneurs Programme Architectural Associa8on School of Architecture ASEAN Youth Social Business Summit

PARTNER EVENTS Pea8x Tech in Asia Growth Hacking Asia Na8on Building School Global Service Jam Earth to Paris 2015 Unplugged Sessions with John Elkington, Charles Leadbeater, and Louise Drake 7

Feb 180+ Innova8ons 20 Partnerships 10 Finalist Teams

800+ Readers 35+ Human Books 5 Reading Sessions

50 Fellows 9 Impact Projects 8661 Beneficiaries




3 Malaysian Teams 17 Countries 177 Global Applicants










PARTNER EVENTS Incitement Social Progress Malaysia Teach for Malaysia Unplugged Session Let’s Jam @ GEM ASEAN Start-Up Biji-Biji Ini8a8ve and VOWS Na8on Building School Global Shapers Speakers Series

Masala Wheels Launch with Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah Mozilla's Equal Ra8ng Innova8on Challenge The Power of Storytelling by Luis Bracamontes Equity Crowdfunding Alcrest Project Startup Runway Pitching Challenge CLLA-WTF Accelerator


319+ Innova8ons 17 Partnerships 10 Finalist Teams

540+ Readers 40+ Human Books 5 Reading Sessions

60+ Students 4 Corporate Engagements














2 Malaysian Finalists 4 Countries 10 Ventures in 2017-2018 Cohort

3 Malaysian Teams 17 Countries 324 Global Applicants

PARTNER EVENTS Singapore Interna8onal Founda8on Incitement Malaysian Business Student Summit Autodesk ASEAN Fusion 360 10th Educa8on Funders Roundtable The Business Case For Human Rights with Na8on Building School & Bri8sh High Commission 9



Since 2015, we have been engaging our online community through social media, garnering the following reach:

3239 Impact Hub KL

Design for Change ASEAN Impact Challenge Human Library Malaysia


page likes

average organic reach per year



page likes

average organic reach per year


Over the years, we have also been featured on:



720 +

#connect #enable

Innovations Discovered

ASEAN Impact Challenge - discovering and accelerating innovators in Southeast Asia

60 +

Cross-Sector Partnerships Formed

The ASEAN Impact Challenge was designed in 2015 to discover innovators and entrepreneurs from Southeast Asia who are accelera8ng the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through cross-sector partnerships and scaling disrup8ve innova8ons. Throughout the challenge, finalist ventures are given opportuni8es to engage with the wider Southeast Asian ecosystem and explore inclusive innova8ons across the region.


For the 3rd cycle, out of 319 teams, 10 finalists were selected to experience an 8-week intensive accelera8on programme known as the Global Goals Labs, receiving mentorship and guidance from country partners across Southeast Asia. The early and scale stage ventures then travelled to Manila, Philippines, for the regional finals on 12th November 2017. The awards ceremony was held at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit and was presented by H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, accompanied by Dr. Shariha Khalid, Co-Founder of Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur, and Jose Ma. Concepcion III, Chairman of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council. The ASEAN+SocialGood Forum was held as part of the agenda of the regional finals in partnership with Rappler. Panel discussions were held along the theme of Building an Inclusive ASEAN featuring key persons from different sectors.

Finalist social innovators supported

“As a top 10 finalist, AIC provided us with an 8-week accelera=on programme that helped us to improve our impact and our business, as well as preparing us for the final pitching. AIC is more than just a compe==on; It helps you to scale up your business, get media exposure, and widen your network. ” Raynalfie Budhy, Indonesia, Atnic (JALA innovation) ASEAN Impact Challenge 2017 Early Stage Winner

90k +

Facebook page reach during AIC2017 11


#connect #host The Human Library Malaysia - building understanding and empathy in a diverse nation The Human Library™ is designed to build a posi8ve framework for conversa8ons that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. It’s a place where real people are on loan to readers. A place where difficult ques8ons are expected, appreciated and answered. The idea behind The Human Library is to create a safe and posi8ve learning environment where volunteers become ‘human books’ and share their personal stories with ‘readers’ wan8ng to learn more about that book 8tle. Human Library is a mobile library set up as a space for dialogue and interac8on. Human books are varied in their experiences, appearances, abili8es and cultural background. They come in all ages, shapes and sizes. Every book is different and each has a unique story for every reader. Since 2013, The Human Library Malaysia has hosted library sessions with books and readers from diverse backgrounds, encouraging conversa8ons among the Malaysia society,

“ Can’t believe there’s another reality that exists that I wasn’t aware of before this. Human Library gave me that opportunity to see life from another person’s perspec=ve." Loo Yen Yen Reader “ I think the Human Library is a great ini=a=ve - it allows people to interact and learn more about sensi=ve but cri=cal topics. So that we can understand each other beKer, breakdown biases and discrimina=on and appreciate our differences. I hope the ini=a=ve will grow and more people in Malaysia may benefit from it. “ Florence Tan General Manager of Corporate Responsibility, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing PwC Malaysia “ Un=l now, some people s=ll have the percep=on that parents who have children with special needs must have done something wrong in the past. The beauty of the Human Library also lies in the fact that it leR the readers engage in a two-way conversa=on with the ‘books’. As it turned out, the readers were just eager to open up and tell their stories. Though I set out to ‘inspire’ my readers, I ended up being the one ‘inspired.” Disabled or Blessed Human Book

1590 + Readers

105 +

Human Books


Sessions held



#host #enable Design for Change - bringing empathy to education Educa8on makes up a vital cornerstone of societal structures. It gradually shapes and nurtures our young to be the best possible versions of themselves. Innova8on is a hallmark of a progressive society, and thus, must be a key component in the educa8on process. Design for Change (DFC), is a global movement that is proac8vely bringing innova8on into educa8on, by re-designing the way students learn and tackle increasingly complex social issues. DFC aims to reinvent educa8on through “Design Thinking�-an approach that enables a child to hone their skills whilst crea8ng solu8ons. Using a simple 4-step process, Design for Change empowers the young to believe in change. Endowing young Malaysians with a strong desire for change will prove to be the na8ons strongest asset in years to come. Design for Change, Malaysia, is bringing together stakeholders, who are invested in improving educa8on and unlocking the poten8al of our young. Every child deserves to grow with the "I CAN" mindset, believing that they are capable doing much more then they believe. Placing collabora8on at the heartbeat of the organisa8on, DFC Malaysia, through Impact Hub has been a key driver in bringing together like-minded organisa8ons who share a passion for educa8on innova8on. In 2017, we began conversa8ons with educa8on innovators in KL. Those conversa8ons then led to the forming of a coali8on between these organisa8ons, namely, Teach for Malaysia, EdSpace, Women:GIRLS, RiteEduca8on and All Aboard. Puxng together our strengths and exper8se will yield more powerful solu8ons with wider impact.

60 +



Corporate Engagements



#host #enable The Global Goals Labs - supporting and strengthening innovator-led initiatives for the SDGs Social innovators are the key to driving ac8on and impact towards the 2030 Agenda. The focus areas of the Sustainable Development Goals are crucially relevant to entrepreneurs and innovators worldwide in working towards a more inclusive and sustainable future—by the people for the people. The Global Goals Labs is a global non-profit ini8a8ve by Mission & Co and built in collabora8on with partners from Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur, DESIAP Network, SocialGood Brasil, SocialGood Ghana, Impaqto and SocialGood US, with the support of the UN Founda8on’s +SocialGood programme. The Global Goals Labs (GGL) is a people-powered plaLorm for co-crea8ng innova8ve solu8ons to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. We believe in the power of collabora8on and the community in order to make change happen for a beDer tomorrow. GGL provides a plaLorm for innovators to bring ideas and solu8ons to the table and transform them into impactcrea8ng innova8ons. The pilot model in Kuala Lumpur was launched in January 2015 with 9 Impact Projects bringing together 44 fellows from 22 countries. In 2016, the programme entered its second cycle with 9 Impact Projects involving 48 fellows from 25 countries. The pilots of GGL were run together with a special fellowship programme designed for the funder, the Ministry of Finance Malaysia: called the VIP Fellowship Programme. GGL brings together individuals, teams, and ventures, with innova8ve ideas with designated impact areas driving specific SDGs within local communi8es where their experience and interests will have the greatest impact. In 2018, IHKL along with IH Taipei, IH Shanghai, IH Jakarta, and IH Yangon will be kickstar8ng Global Goals Labs Asia by collabora8ng to scale impact in the region.



Impact Projects


Nationalities of Fellows

12,000+ Beneficiaries




Government Agencies 14


#connect #enable Inclue - providing livelihood for the homeless Inclue was an innova8on lab product that provided a plaLorm for reintegra8ng people living in the streets with the wider society through simple and accessible jobs and personal support. It offered businesses and companies an alterna8ve to outsource work in their supply chain and at the same 8me be socially responsible by helping their community to improve. It was a project under the Volunteering for Interna8onal Professionals (VIP) Fellowship Programme working in coopera8on with Street Feeders of KL and My Perin8s. 
 Inclue's mission was to help people living in the streets regain their selfesteem, security, and well-being, and make them feel included in society again. We achieved this through: • • •

Simple and accessible job opportuni8es provided by socially conscious outsourcing companies Personal coaching Long-term job hun8ng and micro-entrepreneurship training

Here in Impact Hub KL, we can have access to a s8mula8ng workspace, connec8ons, think-tank, and space to share and promote our project to the wider public, inspiring hub events and access to a global network of social entrepreneurs.



#host #inspire Feast on Good - good food and good conversations The Feast Worldwide is an ini8a8ve to gather likeminded individuals around the table to figure out how to solve some of the world's most pressing problems. Once in a while, we rally around a common date and theme to host a global discussion. We’ve hosted 5 Feasts on Good since 2015.

April 2015: Here today, gone tomorrow (on Food Security)

250 + Dinner Guests



October 2015: Do Good With Food (for World Food Day)

April 2016: Don’t Let It Go to Waste (on food waste)

December 2016: Locally Rooted, Globally Connected

December 2017: Wellbeing = Welldoing




#connect #enable


Investment Ready Program - Encouraging future generations through social inclusion innovation


The Investment Ready Program 'Encouraging Future Genera8ons' by Allianz and Impact Hub is a unique accelera8on programme, tailored for purpose driven entrepreneurs aiming to foster social inclusion of children and youth in Brazil, Germany, Malaysia and Turkey. Over a dura8on of 6 months, 10 par8cipa8ng teams engage in a systema8c review of their business model, strategy and team before cra|ing a validated growth and investment plan. At the end of the program, all par8cipants have the chance to pitch in front of a jury for the Allianz Future Genera8ons Award (40,000 €). A|er a round of global selec8ons, the teams that will be represen8ng Malaysia are The Picha Project and ANB Agro Trainers. As a par8cipants of the program, the two Malaysian teams will be part of an interna8onal cohort of around 20 selected entrepreneurs, all promo8ng social inclusion of children and young people mi8ga8ng the risks from social inequality. Throughout the program, they will be interna8onally connected and locally supported by an experienced investment coach, high level content experts, Allianz mentors, investors and powerful business tools. They will learn to navigate the impact investment scene and present their venture in various formats to raise the funds for the next level as an organisa8on. Beyond that, all par8cipants will be part of two mul8-day workshop sessions in February and June 2018 in Munich.



Impact Hubs “The Picha team is truly excited to be part of the IRP as it means the solu=on to the cause has its poten=al to grow bigger and be replicated to other areas of the world. We want more people to benefit from it and are willing to grind, strive and work hard to make it work.” Kim Lim The Picha Project Investment Ready Program Finalist

40,000 € in the form of Allianz Future Generations Award 17


#connect #enable Accelerate2030 - global connection for social impact

Accelerate2030 believes that a paradigm shi| towards sustainable business prac8ces is underway, and wishes to support ventures around the world to scale their business working towards achieving posi8ve social impact in their communi8es, as well as to support them with internal sustainable corporate culture through our leadership coaching. #A2030 believes that the future of business relies on sustainable business prac8ces, and the unique posi8oning of the programme in Geneva can leverage the poten8al and networks of many organisa8ons headquartered in Switzerland, as well as the vibrant ďŹ nancial community in the country and rest of Europe. In 2016 and 2017, Impact Hub KL hosted the selec8on for na8onal ďŹ nalists that would represent Malaysia in the interna8onal rounds of Accelerate2030. IHKL collaborated with Accelerate2030 to discover social ventures with targeted solu8ons accelera8ng the implementa8on of the SDGs in hopes of connec8ng them with an interna8onal plaLorm that will help them scale interna8onally. In 2017, the na8onal ďŹ nalists were Ecoloo, Saora Industries, and FOLO Farms.


OUR COMMUNITY From the global membership survey conducted in 2017, we found that IHKL members:

members of IHKL A member’s journey from inten8on to impact starts at IHKL. We offer memberships for people to work, meet, learn and connect. Members have the flexibility to determine their own individual working habits and preferences. Members are given different opportuni8es to use the space. Membership packages are tailored to support the different development stages of ideas and projects. The essence of Impact Hub is in the people it connects. Bringing together likeminded individuals, who share a common desire for change. It is our hope, that Impact Hub becomes a plaLorm for the people. Nurturing individuals and organisa8ons to take bolder steps toward a higher standard of living in Malaysia. Fostering the right values in communi8es and crea8ng a dynamic eco-system of change makers that would be able to effect change in our community. Impact Hub focuses on individual development through its members. Impact Hub members are given access to a global network of resources from the 100+ hubs around the world. The global network of 16,000 members is also a fantas8c resource for budding entrepreneurs, as the network serves as a support system and avenue for interna8onal collabora8on. S8cking true to the idea that innova8on doesn't happen in isola8on, Impact Hub is always on the lookout for members who are keen on adding value to the solu8ons and impact that we create.






are sa=sfied with support in the area of #inspire including: (i) coming up with new ideas and ini=a=ves (ii) learn about new issues and topics (iii) strengthen personal mo=va=on (iv) start own project or venture

are sa=sfied with support in the area of #connect including: (i) building interna=onal connec=ons (ii) connect to advisors, experts, and supporters (iii) feel part of a larger community and network (iv) find and keep good talent and staff (v) partner and collaborate with other members

are sa=sfied with support in the area of #enable including: (i) access new clients or beneficiaries (ii) develop skills and capabili=es (iii) gain visibility and credibility (iv) access beKer working infrastructure (v) obtain financial capital (v i ) a d v o c a t e f o r b e K e r p o l i c y frameworks and market condi=ons (vii) expand into new geographic areas (viii) evaluate impact of own ac=vi=es

7.6 average hours

spent each month in receiving support from or providing support to other members (e.g. feedback, advice, mentoring)

30 average number of valuable connec=ons formed with new people




of business and impact opportuni=es discovered by members through Impact Hub over all opportuni=es that were discovered

of organisa=ons with more than 50% impact orienta=on (environmental and social)



“As a freelancer away from home, I was looking for a shared workspace with a nice relaxed and homely vibe. I ended up staying at impact hub kl for nearly 2 years and am very grateful for having found the place along with the great cafe opposite and nice cheap ea=ng spots nearby.”


Rupert Shean Director of Storyfrontier


partners of IHKL Impact Hub KL holds strongly to the narra8ve that impact cannot be created in isola8on. We believe in the power of making meaningful connec8ons to promote sharing and collabora8on across various sectors. We believe that the greatest impact happens when strengths are brought together to achieve a joint vision. Fortunately, the Malaysian scene is bustling with organisa8ons who share our passion for changemaking. Since our concep8on in 2015, we have encountered inspiring individuals who are at the helms of organisa8ons working intensely to improve the quality of life of all Malaysians across the board. Under every circumstance, partnerships have been an added value to the work we do. By adding new dimensions to our programmes, our partners have been a key ingredient in ensuring that we create the strongest impact and amplify it across various networks. From the boDom of our hearts, we would like to thank our partners who have walked with us, be it from our infancy, or more recently. We appreciate your perspec8ve and insight that has shaped Impact Hub KL to its present form. We thank you for cheering us on in our vision and s8cking by us in the face of adversity. As amazing as these last 3 years have been, we look forward to the coming years with great an8cipa8on. Our hope rests in the limitless possibili8es that are only possible because of you.

“Impact Hub is a one-of-its kind co-working space that fuels innova=on by fostering connec=ons with startups, like-minded corporate innovators and industry thought leaders. Collabora=on and community building serve as fundamental components of Impact Hub’s mission. We are proud to have worked with them and our collabora=on has resulted in key partnerships with startups that are crea=ng real business value. We wish them con=nued success for their commitment in making posi=ve impact through collabora=ons.” Eliza Elias Vice President, Marketing & Strategic Partnerships Cradle Fund

”‘We are proud to have worked alongside a trusted partner such as Impact Hub KL on various projects in Malaysia. We share the common goal of suppor=ng the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, and appreciate the team’s willingness to share their exper=se and connect us with the relevant partners. Our partnership with Impact Hub KL has been of great value and we wish them con=nued success.’ ” Ms Ser Mu Ying Senior Executive, Good Business Singapore International Foundation

“We love working with Impact Hub KL. We came for the impressive space but stayed for the community. Thank you for suppor=ng us since our journey started. We wouldn't be here without you.” ” Zaim Mohzani Chairperson & Co-founder of Nation Building School



makers of IHKL The people behind Impact Hubs are known as makers. They are passionate individuals who dedicate their 8me and energy to make the programmes, projects, and events happen. Every maker has their unique contribu8on to IHKL, but they all strive for the common goal which is to create impact. We would like to appreciate and thank the makers that have contributed to the growth of Impact Hub KL in order to create beDer impact for our communi8es.

PAST MAKERS: Molly Brown, Faiz Effendi, Tricia Francis, Turis Tukiman, Afzal La8f, Cheryl Ng, Irsyad Nazri, Weiee Ying, Naz Fauzan, Caryn Kong

INTERNS: Saloua El Ghoulbzouri, Ton Verhoeven, S8jn Weerts, Emilio Binst, Natasha Lima, Sophia A Jamal, Ji Young Park, Rebecca Patrick, Priska Schneider, and Katherine Khoo, Reine Tamba

CURRENT MAKERS: Ralph Mpofu, Chrishen Gomez, Michelle Lee, Vanessa Stevens

CO-FOUNDERS: Anthony David, Christoffer Erichsen and Dr Shariha Khalid

“I have been with the team from day one and it’s been quite an experience being part of the IHKL family and local community. As I reflect on the last 3 years with Impact Hub, I have learnt a lot from the community and also had the opportunity to work together with an amazing group of individuals and organisa=ons who are passionate about crea=ng impact and making a difference. The path of a changemaker is never an easy one, but I am supper grateful for all the experiences I have had so far which have shaped me into the person I am today. As we celebrate this milestone, I am equally excited and posi=ve about the future and how we can all contribute towards making a difference in the world we live in. Asante Sana!” Ralph Mpofu Programmes and Partnerships Manager, Impact Hub KL Maker since January 2015



people, planet, profit Over the years, Impact Hub KL has hosted a diverse array of events, programmes, and talks. Some of which include notable individuals across mul8ple industries. John Elkington is a world authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development. He is currently Founding Partner and Execu8ve Chairman of Volans, a future-focused business working at the intersec8on of the sustainability, entrepreneurship and innova8on movements. He is best known for coining the terms the triple boKom line and people, planet, and profit. During the session in 2015, he shared his exper8se on the topics of corporate sustainability and sustainable development, inspiring the par8cipants on futureproofing business with Tomorrow's BoDom Line. Other than John Elkington, IHKL also proudly hosted the Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak for a dinner by the NRC, and Charles Leadbeater and Jaclyn Victor, who even did a performance of the song that she specially wrote for and donated to Malaysian change makers: Give It Back.


2018 and Beyond Impact Hub KL envisions a world where people living in ci8es are inspired, connected, and empowered to take collabora8ve ac8on for humanity and the planet. At our 3rd year review, we reaďŹƒrmed our commitment to progress our work with a focus on urban areas and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is in line with the next level global Impact Hub strategy, and in response to local needs and opportuni8es. As a result, Impact Hub KL developed three pillars of work to guide our programming and community building eorts, and formed the basis for our accountability mechanisms, and repor8ng on the impact we hope to achieve through our own work, and by suppor8ng partners and community members.

empowered learners

inclusive cities

impactful enterprises

cities for people, cities for planet

sustainability & wellbeing 23

2018 and Beyond

As the city of Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley con8nues to rapidly develop, IHKL will play a crucial role in ensuring that equal opportuni8es are provided through ways that will create economic, spa8al, and social inclusion. In 2018, in conjunc8on with the World Urban Forum, we hosted a Human Library Malaysia session at the heart of the city, along with books who showcased the diversity of KL. We will con8nue to host Human Library Malaysia sessions which builds posi8ve frameworks for conversa8ons that challenges stereotypes and prejudice among the Malaysian community. Other than that, we will also be relaunching IncluE, a micro-income programme that will empower people living on the streets through simple and accessible jobs and personal support.

empowered learners

Empowering entrepreneurs to solve social problems is at the heart of what we do. In 2018 Impact Hub KL con8nues to grow its core programmes such as the ASEAN Impact Challenge to provide promising innovators from Southeast with the networks, tools and resources to build and scale their products and services to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also want to collaborate with innovators beyond Southeast Asia, and aim to empower and enable as many impact enterprises as possible through the Global Goals Labs. We know that we can’t do this alone, hence we are focusing on crea8ng cross-sector collabora8ons to help scale the impact we want to see, together with our partners around the world.

inclusive cities

impactful enterprises

Impact Hub KL envisions a world where people living in ci8es are inspired, connected, and empowered to take collabora8ve ac8on for humanity and the planet. At our 3rd year review, we reaffirmed our commitment to progress our work with a focus on urban areas and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is in line with the next level global Impact Hub strategy, and in response to local needs and opportuni8es. As a result, Impact Hub KL developed three pillars of work to guide our programming and community building efforts, and formed the basis for our accountability mechanisms, and repor8ng on the impact we hope to achieve through our own work, and by suppor8ng partners and community members. Impact Hub KL aspires to transform educa8on and unlock the poten8al of every child. To that end, we lead Design for Change Malaysia to cul8vate the 'I Can' mindset in young people with design thinking skills to give them an opportunity to build solu8ons for a beDer world and put them into ac8on. Impact Hub KL is excited to kick off 2018 with a pilot programme in 10 schools in Klang Valley supported by the MCII(Malaysian Collec8ve Impact Ini8a8ve) with a na8onal challenge planned for later in the year. Through our various engagements, we aim to spark a movement that would ripple across the na8on, crea8ng a community of educators and students with change-making in mind, and skills in hand to create the change they want to see.

sustainability & wellbeing Recognising the complex challenges ci8es face and the need to reinvent how we think about economic growth and social progress, Impact Hub KL is joining the growing global movement for wellbeing, social progress and sustainability. Impact Hub KL is an advocate for placing wellbeing at the centre of policy and development efforts especially through its par8cipa8on in the Social Progress Network Malaysia. Addi8onally, Impact Hub aims to strengthen wellbeing outcomes by building the capacity of changemakers and their organisa8ons to embrace prac8ces that can increase their resilience and sustainability. In 2018, we launched our new space, a hub for wellbeing, called HappiNest. Later in the year, Impact Hub plans to launch a Wellbeing Accelerator to equip leaders with the knowledge and tools to enable organisa8onal culture transforma8on towards greater wellbeing at work and across their communi8es. We believe that total wellbeing is con8ngent on being able to live sustainably as an individual and a community. Sustainable prac8ses need to find its way into the walls of every office or home, hence, bringing sustainability to the fore of our discussions would enable ini8a8ves that are not merely concerned with crea8ng impact, but to do so, for the long term.


Impact cannot happen in isolation. It requires collective action. And this starts with making powerful connections.

connect with us +603-2630 8310

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