Ironman Magazine 2006-12

Page 28

Look for things that make exercises harder, not easier, like pausing between reps on deadlifts.

B-2. Parallel-bar dips 3 x 10-12 x 3/0/1/0 x 90 seconds C-1. Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 10-12 x 3/0/1/0 x 90 seconds C-2. Lying dumbbell extensions 3 x 10-12 x 3/0/1/0 x 90 seconds D-1. Low-cable pull-ins 3 x 10-12 x 3/0/1/0 x 60 seconds D-2. Seated calf raises 3 x 15-20 x 1/1/1/0 x 60 seconds All muscle groups are trained. Once every six workouts or so you will want to change all loading parameters: sets, reps, tempo, rest interval and choice of exercise. The changed routine may look like this. In this new routine you should drop direct arm work (i.e., curls and triceps): A-1. Back squats 4 x 6-8 x 5/0/1/0 x 2 minutes A-2. Lying leg curls 4 x 6-8 x 5/0/1/0 x 2 minutes B-1. Flat-bench dumbbell presses 4 x 6-8 x 3/1/1/0 x 2 minutes B-2. One-arm dumbbell rows 4 x 6-8 x 5/0/1/0 x 2 minutes C-1. Twisting crunches 3 x 8-10 x 2/0/2/0 x 60 seconds C-2. Standing calf raises 3 x 8-10 x 1/1/1/0 x 60 seconds

Q: You have a reputation for being a stickler for proper form. What are some of your recommendations on proper training form? A: People with low self-esteem refuse to live consciously. Trainees who use proper form usually have high levels of self-esteem. They show it by: 1) Their interest in progression, not theatrics. 2) Lifting for themselves, not for others. They are not concerned about what the other guy thinks if they lift somewhat lighter loads. Remember it is not where you start that matters, it’s where you end.

Here are some of my suggestions on form: 1) You should look for things that will make an exercise harder, not easier, such as pausing the bar on the floor between reps on the deadlifts. That creates more overload on the neuro-muscular system than bouncing the plates off the floor. Successful bodybuilders feel the muscle, not the weight! There is a very large difference between training for strength and size, and training to lift high loads explosively. They are two different goals, so two different training methods should be used. 2) Never sacrifice style for increased poundage. I know people who increase their bench presses by 60 pounds in one month. They do it by adjusting their form—lifting hips off the bench, plus 25 pounds; bouncing in the bottom position, plus 10 pounds; increasing grip width, plus 10 pounds; not coming up to lockout, plus 15 pounds. That is one of the reasons I recommend changing the exercise every six workouts or so. When you’re just about to hit a plateau, it’s time to move on to another exercise. I remember being in New Zealand 15 years ago, and everybody used 225 on the bar for bench presses. If you did not use that much weight, you were not a man. You should’ve seen the different interpretations of what a bench press looked like. 3) Lower weights more slowly than you lift them. You control the weight; the weight does not control you. Even though you are stronger in eccentric contractions than in concentric contractions, you recruit only half the fibers when lowering a load, so the actual tension on the recruited fibers is double. So take your time and benefit more from your set by maximizing the overload on the eccentric portion of every rep. Editor’s note: Charles Poliquin is recognized as one of the world’s most successful strength coaches, having coached Olympic medalists in 12 different sports, including the U.S. women’s track-andfield team for the 2000 Olympics. He’s spent years researching European journals (he’s fluent in English, French and German) and speaking with other coaches and scientists in his quest to optimize training methods. For more on his books, seminars and methods, visit www .CharlesPoliquin .net. Also, see his ad Charles Poliquin on page 189. IM Bradford

Neveux \ Model: Jennifer Micheli

3) Knowing that lifting big loads with improper form will not get you lifting big loads with proper form as quickly as lifting with proper form at all times.

w w w. C h a r l e s P o l i q u i n . n e t

44 DECEMBER 2006 \

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