World Peace Strategy Management

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The UN International Peace Parties Union (UNIPPU) The UNIPP Union will unify the world and will feed the humanity to grow everywhere naturally. This essay introduces the proposed concept of the UNIPP for the UN, highlights the practice including the UN approval for every Civil International Peace Party (CIPP) would be established within the agreed member states, in accordance with a set of core principles as recommended on this essay, and conducting the following-up process and the essential financing to every CIPP. In order to further ease the understanding of such new matter “UNIPP”, which is going to be fully complied with the UN Treaty, I will classify this essay into three parts as below, where this literature it being openly addressed to the whole concerned world peoples and particularly seeking the feedback of the peace elites, and is aimed to support the concerned UN peace missionary role, in order to encourage the UN to trigger the start-off of such vital peace process. Hence this essay classified as following:  Firstly, highlighting the IDEA.  Secondly highlighting the REGULATIONS background, on terms of UN Treaty and the States Democratic Constitutions.  thirdly highlighting the IMPLEMENTATION or the practicality issue.

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