ILLUSTRADO Magazine Special 100 Issue 2015

Page 42




With her grace, warm attitude and cheerful

Woman of Substance, Emirates Woman of

smile, it is sometimes hard to imagine

the Year, recipient of the Blas F Ople award

creating and fostering a culture of Excel-

that a consummate lady like Mary Jane

for exemplary OFW’s, recipient of the

lence. She expounds, “I strongly believe

Alvero could figure so highly in a company

Presidential “Pamana ng Pilipino” award.

that achievement and value creation in the

that deals with corrosives, construction

She is widely recognized for opening doors

organization will not be sustained if one is

material and nuclear testing, and yet she

and breaking racial barriers for Filipinas in

without the other,” she says. “It is my duty

does. Not only is she a card-carrying

the Gulf.

to build a culture. Work gets done through

member of the well-renowned Geoscience

style is characterized by a keen focus on

people, and people are profoundly affected

Testing Laboratory, she leads the compa-

One of her most admired initiatives was

by culture. A lousy work environment can

ny. As CEO, she oversees the operation of

the Filipino Digerati Association, which she

drive away high performers.”

4 branches and 54 laboratories, and looks

established with the help of her friends

after over 700 employees.

in 2008 with the purpose of uplifting the

She says that as a leader, she creates a

standards of the Filipino work force in the

compelling purpose, tells a story about

Mary Jane is renowned not just as an

United Arab Emirates. Their knowledge

aspirations and vision for the company,

inspirational personality in the Filipino

and skill-building programs produced

and articulates clear values and behav-

community, but also as a key figure in

some of the most valued Filipino em-

iours for the organization. “Helping people

the Middle East business community and

ployees in the region, with many gain-

is my main advocacy,” she says. “It is my

a global force for women empowerment.

ing higher positions in their respective

way of celebrating the greatness of God

Her list of accolades is as lengthy as it

companies or moving onto more important

and thanking Him for all the blessings He

is diverse and far-reaching: Illustrado

and lucrative employers. Her leadership

continues to bestow upon me.”


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