ICAS 7 - the Newsletter 56 supplement

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1 Asian Book Series as global currency Paul van der Velde and Manon Osseweijer

2 KITLV series: Deep roots, new shoots Rosemarijn Hoefte and Tom van den Berge History of Chinese Thought series Dennis C. H. Cheng and On-cho Ng The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) series Jonathan Wilson

3 The persistent allure of book series in Asian studies Michael Duckworth NIAS Press Gendering Asia series Gerald Jackson

4-5 ICAS Book Prize long lists

6 Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics Dale F. Eickelman The State and Society in East Asia Series Elizabeth J. Perry Dutch source publications series on early modern East and Southeast Asia Leonard Blussé


Challenges of the Agrarian Transition in Southeast Asia (ChATSEA) Paul Kratoska

The Sussex Library of Asian Studies Mina Roces Book series at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies Mario Lopez Colofon

8 The birth of the EFEO–Silkworm series Trasvin Jittidecharak Asian Studies Association of Australia Book Series Mina Roces et al

This ICAS supplement to The Newsletter # 56 stands in a tradition of supplements devoted to both the ICAS Book Prize (IBP) and to publishing in relation to Asian Studies: ‘Publishing in Asian Studies’ (ICAS 4/2005); ‘Academic Publishing Today’ (ICAS 5/2007) and ‘Choice in Academic Publishing’ (ICAS 6/2009). This supplement focuses on book series in the field of Asian studies. Paul van der Velde and Manon Osseweijer

While going through the nearly 200 books submitted for the IBP 2011 in August of last year, we were struck by the great number and variety of series into which the books were organized. Almost half the books were published in one of more than 50 series. Worldwide there are over 100 such series. The attention paid to the series relationship in the books was quite uneven. In the majority of cases only scant information is included on the series as such: often only the name of the series is printed on the (back) cover. Then there is a fair number of cases in which both the series and the series editors(s) are mentioned. Only for a couple of series did we find full series information: a series description, a list of editor(s), the editorial board, and an overview of books published and forthcoming books in the series. This is the basic information the reader needs to contextualize the book series. Why start a series? We found out that not a lot of attention has been paid to Asian Book Series as such. Partly because IIAS publishes two series with Amsterdam University Press, we were curious how our colleagues perceived their series and therefore we asked both publishers and editors of series published in Asia, Europe and North America to write contributions. We formulated a number of questions which could act as pointers such as: What is the goal of the series? What do you want to achieve with it? And many more. The main reason for an institute, organization or network to start series is to disseminate the outcome of its research ‘to support work in emerging or under-represented fields’ (Wilson, p. 2) or ‘as part of an on-going commitment to promoting knowledge about women in Asia’ (Roces, p. 9) and also ‘to challenge the reductive notion that gender in Asian studies relates solely to women both as objects of study and as researchers’ (Jackson, p. 3). Another reason mentioned by the contributors is the educational aspect. The ASAA sees it as an important role as a collegial organization to support ‘young scholars in their first book-length publication, usually based on their PhD thesis’ (Roces, p. 8.) whereas the AAS’ Key Issues in Asian Studies series is ‘designed for use in undergraduate humanities and social science courses, as well as by advanced high-school students’ (Wilson p. 2). Sometimes the series are meant to bring local scholarship – in a regional or language sense – to a wider audience, as in the case of the Southeast Asia Publications series of the ASAA which promotes Australian scholarship or the EFEO-Silkworm Series which translates important works written in French into English (Jittidecharak, p. 8). Of course there are many series which are published in one of the Asian languages such as the Chiiki Kenkyu Soshon (Kyoto Area Studies on Asia) (Lopez, p. 7) but there are also bilingual series such as the History of Chinese Thought series by The National Taiwan University Press (Cheng and Ng, p. 2). Series can also be completely project-based such as the Challenges of the Agrarian Transition in Southeast Asia series published by NUS Press (Kratoska, p. 7).

Driving force While the latter have the tendency to end with the project as do series with ‘fashionable’ topics, there are also ongoing series which do not depend on projects or temporary issues such as the Verhandelingen of the KITLV (Hoefte and Van den Berge, p. 2) which started in 1938 and has recently published its 267th volume covering specialisms in the humanities and social sciences related to Indonesia. Another special case is formed by source publications series which number is steadily decreasing because ‘in the present academic climate of ‘publish or perish’ the editing of source publications has gone out of fashion’ (Blussé, p. 6). Mostly these series are started by academics with strong drive to open up new fields of studies. This also applies to the State and Society in East Asia series edited by Elizabeth J. Perry. ‘My editorial activity (which does not figure significantly in my university’s evaluation of my scholarly productivity or service) nevertheless provides the genuine satisfaction of being able to introduce talented authors to an outstanding, responsive, and professional publication experience’ (Perry, p. 6). The Princeton Series in Muslim Politics designed in 1995 by Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori was ‘intended to complement our book Muslim Politics (1996)’ and the series aims to ‘encourage an alternative to the often specialized terminology and background assumptions of our respective disciplines in order to join the study of Muslim politics to the mainstream of social thought’ (Eickelman, p. 6).A vital ingredient for the success of a series is ‘the willingness of editors to remain focused and engaged over several years despite many competing pressures of teaching, administration, and other research goals’ (Duckworth, p. 3). Remaining focused On average, remaining focused as a series editor entails supervising the publication of one to two books a year. What the series all have in common is that they claim to be innovative, have editors, editorial boards, are peerreviewed and mostly consist of monographs. For authors and publishers a provocative series can be a magnet for talent and cohesive editorial work can lead to a clear brand which is easy identifiable for prospective readers suffering from information overload. In some cases, a clearly identifiable series can attract sponsorship, as with the University of Washington Press monographs on Asian art which were funded by the Getty Foundation. It is safe to conclude on the basis of the informed views of the contributors to this ICAS supplement that Asian book series will remain global currency for a long time to come. Paul van der Velde IIAS, Leiden, the Netherlands p.g.e.i.j.van.der.velde@iias.nl Manon Osseweijer IIAS, Leiden, the Netherlands m.osseweijer@iias.nl

ICAS 7 supplement to the Newsletter no. 56 | Spring 2011

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KITLV series: Deep roots, new shoots

History of Chinese Thought series

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) series

Rosemarijn Hoefte and Tom van den Berge

Dennis C. H. Cheng and On-cho Ng

Jonathan Wilson

KITLV PRESS HAS A TRADITION of publishing several series, some old and trusted, some brand new. It is KITLV’s two newest series that merit some elaboration. KITLV’s bestknown series is Verhandelingen, commonly abbreviated as VKI (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde), which has existed since 1938. In 2010 we published its 267th volume. Verhandelingen is a heterogeneous series, for the word ‘Verhandelingen’ indicates any serious, scholarly monograph. Despite the range of books that could appear in a series of that name, there is one common, geographical, factor binding the diverse titles: all are about Indonesia. Moreover, a glance through the catalogue soon reveals certain tendencies within this series, books with related subjects that might be grouped into families: books on linguistics, books about the arts (theatre, literature), books about religion, books with a colonial bent and books concerned with the post-colonial state, books with a basis in economics and others with an anthropological concentration.

IN THE PAST CENTURY, there have been numerous admirable works on the history of Chinese thought by acclaimed scholars. Especially in recent decades, with the appearance, publication and translation of ancient excavated texts, including the Han silk manuscripts of Mawangdui, Bamboo slips of the Guodian tomb of the Warring States period and the bamboo slips of the Shanghai Museum, the study of Chinese thought, in terms of textual investigation, analytical methodology and interpretive perspective, has assumed multiple dimensions and embarked on new directions.

THE ASSOCIATION FOR ASIAN STUDIES (AAS) founded 70 year ago is not only a membership organization. Its Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) has long been recognized as the most authoritative and prestigious publication of its kind. Originally, it was self-published but is now published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Association. The AAS practical and innovative teaching journal Education About Asia (EAA) recently completed fifteen years of publication. Also unique is the AAS’ Bibliography of Asian Studies, widely recognized as the standard bibliographical tool in the field of Asian studies. Originally a print product, the BAS has been converted to an electronic database, incorporating all entries from the print volumes for the years 1971 to 1991 and entering all fresh citations from 1991 forward in electronic form. As of the autumn of 2010, the BAS Online contains more than 777,000 references. A dedicated editorial team led by Anna Leon Shulman is at work compiling current citations and retrospectively in-filling citations, particularly from general and comparative sources not cataloged as Asia-related. AAS also publishes Asian book series of which two are highlighted below.

Southeast Asia Mediated The two new series have a much sharper profile, as the names indicate: Southeast Asia Mediated and Power and Place in Southeast Asia. The focus of Southeast Asia Mediated, edited by Bart Barendregt and Ariel Heryanto, is on the explosion of media and media-related phenomena. Questions regarding the circulation of media images, sounds, forms, and technologies, the economic and political infrastructures and conditions thereof, and the ideological understandings of diverse media forms and processes of mediation that turn media into one thing in one place and something different in another, are all relevant to the series. Southeast Asia Mediated considers media forms and practices, processes of mediation, and the complex evolving and intersecting media ecologies that characterize Southeast Asia, whether in a contemporary or a historical context. The editors are interested in the ways in which media construct perception and experience, are part and parcel of social movements and political and cultural practice, how they refract within and co-construct understandings of violence, crisis and disaster, as well as the spaces and social interactions of communication and exchange. Of interest, too, are the publics called forth by diverse mediations, as well as the constraints – ideological, cultural, political, economic, financial, governmental, technological – that contour the possibilities and effects of diverse media in particular places and times. Power and Place in Southeast Asia Power and Place in Southeast Asia is edited by Gerry van Klinken and Ed Aspinall. This series examines social struggles and their connection with the particularity of places in Southeast Asia. The declining potency of national states is shifting more scholarly attention to locally rooted contentions. Local politics are becoming a major focus of study in the region. From the slums to luxurious malls, from logging camps to coastal reefs, movements of identity and common interests are challenging the great homogeneities that once characterised our thinking about the nation-state. Whether these movements and interests revolve around bureaucratic resources, housing, land, forests or water, they deploy cultural themes that mix memories of tradition with intimations of modernity. The series embraces an ecumenicity of innovative approaches within the humanities, social and political sciences, while retaining a central role for ‘power’ and ‘place’.

Bilingual series The book series, published by The National Taiwan University Press, and co-edited by Dennis Chi-hsiung Cheng (National Taiwan University) and On-cho Ng (Pennsylvania State University), solicits original, innovative and high-quality scholarship on various aspects of the history of Chinese thought, including the following: Works on the classical canon and excavated texts; on Chinese intellectual history as a synthetic whole, and on specific periods and/or specialized topics; on comparative and cross-cultural interpretation of the history of Chinese thought; and translations of primary sources or other texts that advance understanding of and facilitate research on the history of Chinese thought. The series welcomes submissions of manuscripts of technical monographs written in either Chinese or English, although it does not consider works that are text books, surveys, introductions and primers. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review that will be rigorous, constructive, fair and prompt. The book series, with a professional editorial staff and production infrastructure, aims to provide an open and efficient publication outlet for scholars working in both the Chinese- and English-language worlds of academia.

Mirror as Mind So far, three monographs have been included in our series all in 2010. The first is The Intra-textual and Extra-textual: Interpretations of Classics in Chinese Intellectual History by Lo Yuet Keung. Divided into four sections, it traces, in long-range and case studies, the ever-evolving meaning and significance of Chinese classics from the Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist traditions, and unravels the interplay among philosophy, textual exegesis, ethics, and politics in the cultural interstices of intellectual history. The second book is State, Thinking and Language: A Study of the Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties by Lu Kuei-chen. The book consists of three parts. The first part deals with the meaning and value of life in Wei-Jin Metaphysics. In terms of the metaphysical paradigm of the Dao, sagehood is the ultimate goal, but an ordinary person can only imitate the sage way, not attain sagehood. The second part discusses how the various Wei-Jin thinkers tackle this apparent predicament, while the third part illustrates the distinctive modes of Wei-Jin thinking.

Asia Past & Present: New research from AAS Asia Past & Present is a scholarly book series encompassing all areas and disciplines of Asian Studies. This series was launched as a successor to the AAS Monographs and Occasional Papers Series which published 59 titles between 1951 and 2000. The series is overseen by the editor, Martha Ann Selby (University of Texas, Austin), AAS Publications Manager, Jonathan Wilson, and the AAS Editorial Board which comprises of specialists in all areas of Asia. AAS expects to publish 2-4 Asia Past & Present books a year, each of them fully refereed and selected on the basis of exemplary, original, and enduring scholarship. AAS particularly hopes to support work in emerging or under-represented fields, such as South Asia, pre-modern Asia, language and literature, art history, and literary criticism. In addition to monographs, other forms of scholarly research – such as essay collections and translations – will be considered. Authors must be current AAS members at the time of submitting their initial manuscript excerpts for evaluation. The series was launched in 2009 with the publication of Professor Teri Yamada’s book, Modern Short Fiction of Asia which surveys the historical and cultural Southeast Asia, significance of modern short fiction in nine Southeast Asian nations and was selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by the popular library journal Choice. To date five other titles have been published ranging from Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America, 1868–2008 (2010) which offers a fascinating look at the development of 25 of the major East Asia libraries in North America to To Die and Not Decay: Ge Hong, Autobiography, and the Pursuit of Immortality in Medieval China (2010) which is the only book-length study to date on early Chinese autobiographical writing and the cultural issues surrounding this particular genre. For further information about Asia Past & Present, contact Martha Ann Selby at ms@uts.cc.utexas.edu.

Key Issues in Asian Studies As part of its commitment to teaching and classroom materials, AAS recently launched Key Issues in Asian Studies. Key Issues booklets are designed for use in undergraduate humanities and social science courses, as well as by advanced high-school students and teachers, and anyone with an interest in Asia. Booklets tackle broad subjects or major cultural and historical themes in an introductory but compelling, jargon-free style appropriate for introductory courses, written to encourage classroom debate and discussion. Seven Key Issues booklets, written by leading teachers/scholars in their fields, are now available with titles raging from Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization to Caste in India and from Gender, Sexuality, and Body Politics in Modern Asia to Global India circa 100 CE: South Asia in Early World History. Seven more booklets are under preparation.

Needless to say, all monographs published in these KITLV series are peer reviewed. Most of the forthcoming publications in both the older and new series will be available through Open Access via the Oapen library (www.oapen.com), thus increasing the readership worldwide.

The third book is A Study of Wang Yang-ming’s Philosophical Theories by Deng Ke-ming. This contains five chapters of which the last analyzes the mirror-as-mind metaphor first found in Laozi, Zhuangzi and Buddhist texts. Although many Song-Ming Confucian scholars adopted it to express the peace of mind, it was Wang Yang-ming who fully engaged with it, imbuing the metaphor with two connotations: that substance and function are of the same origin, and that substance and practice are united in harmony.

Rosemarijn Hoefte KITLV Press, the Netherlands hofte@kitlv.nl

The fourth book entitled A Study on Zhouyi and Chunqiu: Theory and Practice, written by Professor Lin Yi-zheng of the National Taiwan University, is expected to be published in spring of 2011.

For further information about AAS publications generally, visit www.asian-studies.org/publications.

Tom van den Berge KITLV, the Netherlands berge@kitlv.nl

Dennis C. H. Cheng National Taiwan University & IIAS, Leiden, The Netherlands dcheng@ntu.edu.tw

Jonathan Wilson Association for Asian Studies, USA jwilson@asian-studies.org

The series is overseen by the editor, Lucien Ellington (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) and AAS Publications Manager, Jonathan Wilson. AAS aims to publish 3-4 Key Issues booklets each year, each of them fully refferreed. For further information about Key Issues in Asian Studies, contact Lucien Ellington, at l-ellington@comcast.net.

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The persistent allure of book series in Asian studies Michael Duckworth

WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES for authors, editors, and publishers in developing academic series, and what are the hurdles to success for all parties involved? For authors and publishers, a sturdy and provocative series can be a magnet for talent and can help sustain several years of cohesive editorial work, often with consistent series design and production templates that help lead to clear brand identity in the intellectual marketplace and other marketing synergies. For general readers and teachers suffering from hyperconnectivity and shrinking attention spans, a well-defined and well-managed series can help navigate information overload and focus attention on a body of new work with consistently high standards of editorial investment. Similarly, younger scholars can find a safe harbor for their work and ideally can receive an extra round of intensive critical feedback from engaged series editors, while also making connections among series authors that may become a foundation for future research and career development. Successes and challenges Compared with stand-alone monographs, series titles may also enjoy residual benefits in terms of marketing as the series grows and gains fresh promotion and new audiences. But anecdotal evidence suggests that some of these traditional benefits of series publishing are eroding amid a recent glut of new series and budgetary fatigue among many libraries. Increasingly, library acquisitions plans are influenced less by series affiliations than by other factors, including the rise of more rigid approval plans and on-demand purchasing. Working to develop and sustain several series in Asian studies over fifteen years with the University of Washington Press (UW Press) and Hong Kong University Press (HKU Press), I’ve noticed some common elements of success as well as familiar and recurring challenges. Whether edited by one or two talented scholars or by a larger editorial collective, a vital ingredient for success is the willingness of editors to remain focused and engaged over several years despite many competing pressures

of teaching, administration, and other research goals. The best results often accrue to series that are not only timely and intellectually powerful, but also managed by series editors who are able to sustain energetic commitment to the series as a central part of their own career development, rather than just one of many items on a busy and rapidly expanding resume.

annually rotate the lead role in handling new submissions and evaluations of manuscripts. The editors – Chris Berry in London, Peter Jackson in Australia, Helen Leung in Canada and John Erni in Hong Kong – also bring an extraordinary range of academic perspectives, professional networks and disciplinary depth that would be extremely difficult for a single editor to provide.

Series by UW Press and HKU Press UW Press has developed distinction and competitive advantages in several fields in Asian studies through the cumulative impacts and awards and course adoptions from series such as Gandharan Buddhist Texts, edited by Richard Salomon, which grew out of a research project commissioned by the British Library after it acquired in the 1990s a trove of birch bark scrolls in Kharosthi script. Prof. Salomon’s team of research fellows and graduate students was one of the few places the library could turn for deciphering and reconstructing these crumbling 2000-year-old scrolls, and their work has attracted fresh commissions from other scroll owners around the world.

Serious rewards Even informal series can have a major impact for authors and for a press seeking unusual funding support to attain greater visibility and prestige, as in the case of a group of 15 heavily illustrated UW Press monographs on Asian art supported by the Getty Foundation. These publications, which have won a variety of editorial and design prizes from AAS, ICAS, College Art Association and other sources, would not have been viable without substantial external support; Getty was interested to support an ambitious multi-book project, but not stand-alone volumes. Similarly, the Mellon Foundation in recent years has helped to launch several series and press collaborations such as South Asia Across the Disciplines (a joint series by California, Chicago and Columbia) as well as other multipress initiatives in American literature, ethnomusicology, and art history.

Studies on Ethnic Groups in China, edited by Stevan Harrell in close collaboration with my UWP colleague Lorri Hagman, was another standout series that has helped several younger scholars publish their first books. Like many series, it grew out of an unusually successful conference volume, Cultural Encounters on China’s Ethnic Frontiers. For many authors, a primary appeal of the series was the opportunity to work intensively with the tireless Prof. Harrell, often through several revisions prior to publication. Series can also provide a rallying point for innovative cross-disciplinary work, as in the case of Studies in Modernity and National Identity, edited by Resat Kasaba and Sibel Bozdogan, which features a number of prize-winning works on architectural history and politics of the Middle East and Asia.

Whatever the subject focus or editorial mechanism, it’s essential to maintain clear communication between series editors, press staff and authors (who are often juggling tenure calendar pressures) to agree on mutual expectations and realistic schedules at each step of the process. New series, like new journals, need careful planning and development to launch effectively and thrive in their initial years until books begin to generate a self-sustaining stream of reviews, awards, course adoptions, and word-of-mouth referrals. But with careful planning and dedicated investments on all sides, series can become extremely rewarding endeavors for editors, for publishers and especially for young authors.

For Hong Kong University Press, groundbreaking series such as Queer Asia, Trans-Asia Screen Cultures, and Asian Englishes have helped to establish the Press as a dynamic regional publisher committed to pan-Asian themes. The management of the Queer Asia series is particularly interesting, with four series editors who

Michael Duckworth Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, China duckwort@hku.hk

NIAS Press Gendering Asia series Gerald Jackson

NIAS PRESS IS A SCHOLARLY PRESS specializing in publishing innovative research on modern Asia. The Press is a globally focused publisher with authors from every continent, and distribution covering all parts of the world. It is focused mainly on the social sciences and history, particularly research dealing with contemporary Southeast Asia and East Asia. The Gendering Asia series is certainly contemporary but mention of ‘gender studies’ all too often evokes images of earnest, activist, female researchers undertaking ‘women’s studies’. Reality is another matter, especially with regard to our Gendering Asia book series. How otherwise would (say) a study of the backroom male culture of Thai politics be of interest to the series editors? Or the representation of male homosexuality in China today? The importance of gender A key aim of the series is to challenge the reductive notion that gender in Asian studies relates solely to women both as objects of study and as researchers. Now in its fifth year, Gendering Asia is a well-established but still exciting series addressing the ways in which societal powers intersect with the constructions of gender, sex, sexuality and the body in Asian societies. To date, six books have been published in the series and a strong field of new candidates is under consideration for publication at NIAS Press. Some of the books in the series are co-published with North American and/or Asian university presses. As well as challenging female-centric research, the series aims to make the importance of gender visible, to identify the invisible workings of gender norms and power relations as they manifest themselves, and to make it clear to the wider Asian studies community – as well as to policy makers and the general public – that applying a gender perspective makes a difference to the knowledge we are able to construct. The series thus invites discussion of how people shape their gendered identities and become shaped by the very societies in which they live.

The series is concerned with the region as a whole in order to capture the wide range of understandings and practices that are found in East, Southeast and South Asian societies with respect to gendered roles and relations in various social, political, economic, religious and cultural contexts. How Asia manifests itself in the rest of the world is also of interest. Among the titles published thus far we find: Working and Mothering in Asia: Images, Ideologies and Identities; Lost Goddesses. The Denial of Female Power in Cambodian History and Gendered Inequalities in Asia: Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men Men. For further information on these books, including detailed descriptions, reviews and pricing, see www.niaspress.dk/books/series/gendering-asia. Gendering Asia Network As a multidisciplinary series, Gendering Asia explores theoretical, empirical and methodological issues in the social sciences. Although most volumes published in the series to date have had a strong empirical foundation, the editors and their authors also work to draw exciting new approaches from the discipline of gender studies into the area of Asian studies. At the same time, they offer innovative studies on Asia back to the disciplinary field that may underpin or challenge these new approaches. The series is international in its scope, as reflected in the authors published and in membership of its international advisory board. It is, however, Nordic in origin, having developed out of (and remaining closely associated with) the Gendering Asia Network, a Nordic-based scholarly network established by the three series editors (Wil Burghoorn, Cecilia Milwertz and Helle Rydstrom) back in 2005. Supported by the Nordic research organization NordForsk, this network provides Nordic scholars with a forum to interact and exchange research results and ideas. A key aim of the network is to support and encourage Nordic research on gender in Asia. For more information, see www.barha.dk/group/gendering-asia-network. NIAS Press welcomes book proposals fitting the series profile. To discuss your book proposal or idea, please contact the series editors or myself at the email address below. Gerald Jackson NIAS Press, Denmark gerald@nias.ku.dk

ICAS 7 supplement to the Newsletter no. 56 | Spring 2011

4 | ICAS 7: Asian book series as global currency

ICAS book prize 2011

The ICAS Secretariat announced the long lists for the ICAS Book Prize 2011. Out of a total of nea 35 PhDs were submitted for the best PhD in the Social Sciences The Social Sciences long list

PhDs Shortlist for Social Sciences (in alphabetical order)

Baris Isci

Beatrice Jauregui

Imran bin Tajudeen

‘Proper’ Muslim against

Shadows of the State,

Constituting and

‘Authentic’ Kyrgyz: Formation

Subalterns of the State:

Reconstructing the Vernacular

of Islamic Field and Secular

Police and “Law and Order”

Heritage of Maritime

Challenges in Kyrgyzstan

in Postcolonial India

Emporia in Nusantara: Historic Adaption and Contemporary Accentuations




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ICAS 7: Asian book series as global currency | 5

early 200 submitted books 15 were long listed for the Social Sciences and 15 for the Humanities. and the Humanities. In each category 3 books were shortlisted. The Humanities long list

PhDs Shortlist for Humanities (in alphabetical order)

Katrin Binder

Pedit Pui Chan

Carmen Perez Gonzalez

Yaksagana Rangabhumi:

The Making of

A Comparative Visual

The World of the

a Modern Art World:

Analysis of Nineteenth-Century

Yakasagana Stage

The Institutionalization

Iranian Portrait Photography

of Guohua in Shanghai

and Persian Painting




ICAS 7 supplement to the Newsletter no. 56 | Spring 2011

6 | ICAS 7: Asian book series as global currency

Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics

The State and Society in East Asia series

Dale F. Eickelman

Elizabeth J. Perry

THE IDEA FOR THIS SERIES originated with its co-founders, political scientist James Piscatori, and myself, a social anthropologist, in 1990. It was intended to complement our book Muslim Politics (1996, new edition 2004). For us, ‘Muslim politics’ encompassed more than a concentration on self-ascribed religious authorities or doctrinal concerns. Traditionally educated religious scholars clearly enjoy a role in such politics, but so do lay intellectuals, mothers, government leaders, musicians, and many others who assert major roles in shaping how religion and politics play out in public. The rapid expansion of mass higher education, the greater ease of travel and migration, and the rapid proliferation and accessibility of new media have all expanded the numbers of those who contribute to reshaping religious practice, the religious imagination, and their impact on politics.

THE STATE AND SOCIETY IN EAST ASIA SERIES, which I edit for publishers Rowman and Littlefield, welcomes both well researched monographs and general textbooks by established scholars. To date, topics covered in the series range from Chinese revolutionary history to the contemporary Philippines.

So far, most of the books in the series have been research monographs focused on modern Chinese history and contemporary Chinese politics, due no doubt to my own area of interest. These listings include contributions by well known political scientists (e.g., Richard Kraus and Neil Diamant), historians (e.g., Arif Dirlik, Linda Grove, Stephen Averill, Patricia Stranahan, and Roxann Prazniak), and media specialist Zhao Yuezhi.

Yet all too often, we felt, the study of politics had been dominated by the study of elites and formal institutions. The politically significant activities of non-elites count equally, and we recognized that an evaluation of the civic order and its potential depends on a complex calculus of actors, interests, and values that transcend frontiers of geography, language, ethnicity, sect, and class – and those of academic discipline.

Manuscripts are often solicited directly from seasoned scholars at academic conferences like the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting, but the series also encourages ‘over the transom’ inquiries and submissions by authors with a proven publication record. The series does not publish edited conference volumes or doctoral dissertations.

All manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review before being accepted for publication. It is gratifying to note that every book in the series has received highly positive reviews in major academic journals in the field. In future, we hope to expand the geographic reach of the research monographs as well as to augment the textbook offerings. The aim is to maintain the standard of scholarship for which the series has become known, while gradually adding books that will appeal to a wider and more diverse readership.

The scope of the series In both our co-authored book and the series, we aimed to encourage an alternative to the often specialized terminology and background assumptions of our respective disciplines in order to join the study of Muslim politics to the mainstream of social thought, assessing in its richness the competition and contest of both symbolic production and control of the institutions, both formal and informal, which serve as symbolic or normative arbiters of society. The allocation of goods and services occurs in the context of broadly shared values and assumptions, and these values, even when portrayed by some as fixed and immutable, are subject to vigorous debate and constant transformation.

Substantively, this series focuses on the interaction between state power and social pressures in the making of modern and contemporary China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. Conventional approaches to this part of the world have often stressed the strength of the East Asian state in promoting stability and growth. More recently, the dynamic role of social forces in East Asia has also captured scholarly attention. Targeting original research as well as works of synthesis, the series seeks to bridge the gap between studies on both sides of the inseparable state-society divide.

It is these symbolic politics that account for why political actions and choices are recognizably Muslim, and in this sense ‘Islam’ – vigorously contested in terms of content and practice – accounts for why political actions and choices are recognizably Muslim for a broad swathe of the world. Politics is just as much a struggle over people’s imaginations as it is for control over the allocation of services and resources. In our conception of Muslim politics, doctrinal prescriptions were but one factor, and generally not the dominant one, in motivating social or political action.

Editorial cooperation and series focus As academic editor, I work closely with Rowman and Littlefield’s Editorial Director, Susan McEachern, in soliciting manuscripts and ensuring high academic standards. The initiative for this series came from Susan McEachern. After some discussion, she and I agreed upon the theme and parameters for the series. Her motivation for launching the series, as I understand it, stemmed less from a desire to garner standing purchase orders by libraries than from an interest in attracting top quality academic manuscripts by having a senior scholar associated with the series as editor.

Profile of the series We strongly wanted a series associated with our book. Since the 1980s we had been involved as participants and sometimes co-directors in various workshops and other field-building activities supported by research foundations in Europe and the United States. In these workshops and summer institutes, advanced doctoral students and recent graduates from a variety of disciplines had the opportunity to enhance the quality of their work by meeting their peers, as well as senior faculty, working on parallel issues elsewhere in the world. The series was in part a logical extension of these activities. Since 1995, 24 books have appeared in the series. They reflect a range of themes, including the political implications of interconnecting family networks in Cairo, Islam and democracy, religion and urban violence in Pakistan, religion and political belonging among Palestinian youth, historical perceptions of ‘others’ by Muslim and Western travelers, a cultural history of Afghanistan politics, madrasa schooling past and present, religious debates over the role of women in Iran, piety and modernity among Shi’i Muslims in Lebanon, a study of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Islam in France, religious ethnicity in Bulgaria, and Islam in the world of U.S. intelligence and public diplomacy. At first, each book in the series contained an editors’ foreword situating the book in the context of the series. In 2004, when Augustus Richard Norton (Boston University) replaced James Piscatori as my co-editor, we decided that the description on the outside back cover sufficed to make the link. Only three books in the series are edited ones. Roughly half the books developed out of initial conversations with the series co-editors; the rest were initiated by inquiries from authors familiar with the series or were referred to us by our very active in-house commissioning editor at Princeton University Press, Fred Appel. Nine books in the series are by first authors, reflecting our commitment to keeping the door open for innovative scholarship. From the outset, the series has been open to a wide range of approaches, assuring its continuing vitality. Dale F. Eickelman Dartmouth College, USA dale.f.eickelman@dartmouth.edu

Driving force Although I receive modest compensation for inviting manuscripts that are eventually accepted for publication in the series, my motivation for involvement with the series lies elsewhere. With many university presses hamstrung by major cutbacks these days, dealing with a reputable commercial press offers a refreshing alternative that I enjoy sharing with colleagues. My editorial activity (which does not figure signifi cantly in my university’s evaluation of my scholarly productivity or service) nevertheless provides the genuine satisfaction of being able to introduce talented authors to an outstanding, responsive, and professional publication experience. I hope that this brief summary of the goals of the State and Society in East Asia series will encourage prospective authors to consider this series as a possible home for their next book!

Elizabeth J. Perry Harvard University, USA eperry@gov.harvard.edu

Dutch source publications series on early modern East and Southeast Asia Leonard Blussé

THE LATE 19TH CENTURY AND EARLY 20TH CENTURY was the Golden Age of colonial source publications in the English and Dutch colonial empires. However, the editing of source publications has gone out of fashion for several reasons. It is a long term, time consuming enterprise which rarely receives funding nowadays and is a rather ungrateful occupation because it cuts into the creative writing of those involved. Yet cooperative teamwork can still reap extremely useful research tools for the wider academic circle of historians. Since the 1980s, in collaboration with colleagues in China (Xiamen University) and Japan (Historiographical Institute of Tokyo University) editorial teams from Leiden university have published a wide array of source publications which throw new light on the history of Taiwan, Japan, China and the overseas Chinese. Zeelandia Diaries (Taiwan) All preserved manuscript diaries of the governors of the VOC administration in Taiwan have been published. (J.L. Blussé, N.C. Everts & W.E. Milde eds, De Dagregisters van het Kasteel Zeelandia 1629-1662. Den Haag: ING). Three of the volumes have been translated into Chinese by Chiang Shu-sheng (Relanzhi cheng rezhi. Tainan: Tainan Municipal Office 1999-2010). The publication of these carefully edited and annotated volumes which throw new light on the on the early history of Taiwan before its inclusion in the Chinese empire have resulted in a host of new monographs and studies. Because the Zeelandia diaries provide so much new evidence on the almost forgotten history of Taiwan’s original inhabitants, the Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines of Taipei commissioned an English anthology of original documents in the VOC archives about the aboriginal population (L. Blussé and Natalie Everts eds. The Formosan Encounter, Notes on Formosa’s Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines 1999-2011).

Gong An Bu of the Chinese Council of Batavia Another useful historical source publication on the Chinese community of Batavia/Jakarta is published in Chinese by members of the same Leiden team in cooperation with Nie Dening, Hou Zhenping and Wu Fengbing of Xiamen University. After the archives of the so-called Chinese Council or Kong Koan of Batavia ( 1780-1942) were rediscovered and restored in the 1990s, it was decided to edit and publish from this archival deposit all Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council (Gong An Bu). So far 10 volumes covering the years 1787- 1860 have been published by Xiamen University Press. In all some twenty volumes are to be published. This source publication has also led to a veritable rush of new academic publications in overseas Chinese studies. Deshima Diaries (Japan) Since the 1960s a small group from the Historiographical Institute of Tokyo University has been engaged in the annotated publication in Dutch and Japanese of all manuscript diaries of the VOC factories in Hirado and Deshima (Nagasaki) covering a period of approximately 250 years (1620s-1860s). Because it takes about three years to cover one year’s diaries, the entire project may take over 500 years! (However, a Leiden University team has published several volumes of abbreviated versions in English to make the diaries available to global scholarship.) The way in which these source publications take shape is rather unusual. First diaries covering one decade are published in the Intercontinenta series of the Leiden Center for the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction and sent to about 100 subscribers for comments and additions. (For further information: m.c.e.wissen@hum.leidenuniv.nl) When a 30-50 year period has been completed, a definitive hardcover publication is published by the Japan Netherlands Institute in Tokyo Leonard Blussé Leiden University, the Netherlands j.l.blusse@hum.leidenuniv.nl

ICAS 7 supplement to the Newsletter no. 56 | Spring 2011

ICAS 7: Asian book series as global currency | 7

Challenges of the Agrarian Transition in Southeast Asia (ChATSEA)

The Sussex Library of Asian Studies

Paul Kratoska

Mina Roces

WHEN THE COUNTRIES OF SOUTHEAST ASIA became independent shortly after the end of the Pacific War, their populations were predominantly rural and agricultural, but today the region is rapidly urbanizing, and developing industrial and market-based economies. The ChATSEA project was conceived to study this transformation. Directed by Professor Rodolphe de Koninck, holder of the Canada Chair in Asian Research at the University of Montreal, the original round of research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada under its Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) programme and was implemented over a period of nearly six years, from early 2005 to late 2010. The research team comprised 28 scholars, drawn primarily from economic, cultural and environmental geography but including participants working in history, sociology, anthropology, economics, women’s studies, urban studies and planning. The team members, belonging to three generations of scholars, were attached to 21 different universities or research institutions: 10 in Canada, 7 in Southeast Asia, 2 in Europe and 1 in Australia.

THE SUSSEX LIBRARY OF ASIAN STUDIES, launched in 2007, is dedicated to the publication of scholarly work under the rubric of Asian studies – focusing on Economics, Education, Religion, History, Politics and Gender. The series gives precedence to emerging topics that demand attention in the Asian context, and it is anticipated that submissions will include interdisciplinary and transnational approaches. The Asian series is part of the Sussex Libraries of Study, which include a wide variety of topics. Library of Study books support the publishing endeavours of young scholars as well as established authors. The Sussex Academic Press has an enviable record in providing assistance to scholars in the transition from thesis to book and has a deserved reputation for high editorial and production standards. All editorial, production and design takes place in-house, which allows close supervision of books as they progress through the Press to publication.

Organizing framework The agrarian transition is one of the most profound changes of the last three centuries. The transformation is largely complete in the wealthier countries of the global North, but in the developing societies of the global South it is still very much under way. The ChATSEA research team defined this transition as the transformation of primarily non-urban populations dependent upon agricultural production and organized through rural social structures to predominantly urbanized, industrialized and marketbased societies. Six processes of change were identified as central to this transition, and they became the organizing framework upon which the project was based. Agricultural intensification and territorial expansion; increasing integration of production into market-based systems of exchange; accelerating processes of urbanisation and industrialisation; heightened mobility of populations both within and across national borders; intensification of regulation, as new forms of private, state and supra-state power are developed and formalized to govern agricultural production and exchange relationships; and processes of environmental change that modify the relationship between society and nature to reflect new human impacts and new valuations of resources. Geographically the project focused on Southeast Asia, a region that has undergone exceptionally dramatic shifts in its agrarian sector over the last three decades and represents both a role model and a cautionary example for the rest of the developing world. With nearly 600 million people, Southeast Asia is a key arena for global processes of economic growth, poverty reduction, environmental change, ethnoreligious conflict and political security.

Conceptual windows Classic understandings of the agrarian transition have largely drawn examples and approaches from a European context, leaving many questions unanswered when applied to the transition in the developing world. The project sought innovative understandings of this transition by developing a framework that reflected both current circumstances in societies experiencing the transition, and new approaches to social theory. Four perspectives, or conceptual ‘windows’, provided the integrative theoretical approach that underpinned the research project. They relate to an intensifying process of globalisation through which social processes are integrated across global space; a more complex allocation of resources in the form of livelihoods as issues of sustainability and equity are acknowledged; a reworking of spatiality, as processes of change are understood to be geographically uneven, and accepted spatial categories are reformulated; and, a recognition of the diverse array of institutions and actors that drive social change, as well as the importance of how such actors are subjects with complex and changing identities. Research carried out under the ChATSEA project has resulted in more than 70 graduate theses (32 PhDs and 41 MAs), a number of peer-reviewed articles, and seven books with titles ranging from Agricultural Expansion in Southeast Asia: Borneo in the Eye of the Storm to Gambling with the Land: The Contemporary Evolution of Southeast Asian Agricultures. These will form the nucleus of a new publication series. The series will include volumes on related subjects developed outside of the ChATSEA project, the first of which is Upland Transformations: Opening Boundaries in Vietnam. For the complete list of publications in the series see http://www.nus.edu.sg/nuspress/. Paul Kratoska NUS Press, Singapore kratoska@nus.edu.sg

Book series at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

During a period of ongoing dramatic political realignment and global economic integration within and across the region, CSEAS has consistently addressed diverse research agendas and sought to deepen knowledge in changing times. Designated as a Center of excellence in Area Studies, by the Japanese Ministry of Education, CSEAS has a solid history of publication activities that stretches back to the 1960s. In its capacity as one of the Japanese Ministry of Education’s Joint Use/Research Centers, CSEAS has also recently launched an International Program of Collaborative Research. It aims to publish world class academic journals and monographs, and offers grants to support publications aimed at an international audience. CSEAS publishes five series, each of which aims to present original cutting edge academic research that contributes to the further develop-ment of Southeast Asian Studies. English and Japanese language series The first monograph series, which was started in 1966 in conjunction with Hawaii University Press, focused on topics such as tropical forests, rice production, and paddy field cultivation. Manuscripts were initially authored exclusively by faculty, but in 2000 the series was opened up to outside contributors both within and beyond Japan. A second series, Kyoto Area Studies on Asia (English), jointly published by Trans Pacific Press and Kyoto

Mina Roces The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia m.roces@unsw.edu.au


Mario Lopez

THE CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES (CSEAS), Kyoto University was established in 1963 and has led the way in conducting detailed and empirically valuable studies across a broad multidisciplinary field. Since the inception of the Center, researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds have devoted themselves to the investigation of Southeast Asia within a multidisciplinary framework. CSEAS produces a quarterly journal entitled Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS) that has been published continuously since 1963. A bilingual publication, SEAS reflects the CSEAS principle of fieldwork based, multidisciplinary, and contemporary approaches toward research.

The ‘construct’ Asia Series Editor Mina Roces is keen to commission works on topics not yet investigated in the Asian context and approaches to the study of Asia that are cutting edge and unique. In this way the series will provide a venue for scholars whose research explores new and creative ways to research, write, and talk about the construct ‘Asia’. The series accepts both monographs and contributed volumes, which must be based on original research. The first book published in the series was a joint editor and contributor work on the politics of dress in Asia and the Americas. This collection was the first to analyze the politics of dress using case studies from Asia via a transnational perspective, and it also proposed a comparative approach with the countries of the Americas. Up to date information about the series is posted at the Press website at www.sussex-academic.com, under Sussex Libraries of Studies.

University Press, dealt primarily with topics in the social sciences. Recent titles in this series have dealt with the impact of agrarian development programs on rural class structure in Bangladesh and the discourse of adat landownership that played an important role in peasant resistance against Indonesia’s state development programs. In 2009, CSEAS launched a new English language series in collaboration with Kyoto University Press and NUS Press. This series was created to deal with the increasing demand for effective outlets of scholarship on Asian Studies by Asian scholars, and aims to provide opportunities for scholars to showcase high quality Asian scholarship that appeals to a worldwide audience. CSEAS also publishes two Japanese-language series. The Kyoto Area Studies on Asia (Chiiki Kenkyu Sosho) was succeeded in 1999 by a new series designed to showcase the work of Japanese scholars work through the Kyoto University Press. Recent publications include a detailed study of the effects of modernization upon nature and environment under the colonial administration in Java during the first quarter of the 19th century and a powerful analysis of state-military relationships and the power structure of military Burma. Each of these series emphasizes the presentation of empirical data collected through fieldwork to both a specialized and multi-disciplinary academic audience. CSEAS is constantly looking for new opportunities to expand its publishing activities and hopes to play a central role in developing new questions and paradigms for the 21st century by bringing Southeast Asian Studies to a broader audience over the coming years. For further information, please see http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/edit/index_en.htm Inquiries may be directed to editorial@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp Mario Lopez CSEAS Publications, Japan marioivanlopez@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

THE INTERNATIONAL Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), founded in 1997, is a meeting place for academics from all over the world to discuss new insights in Asia Studies in a multidisciplinary context. It encourages participation from other spheres of civil society in debates, panels, and roundtables at its biennial meetings. The seventh ICAS conference takes place in the United States. Together with the Association for Asian Studies (Ann Arbor), ICAS organizes a joint meeting in Honolulu, 31 March – 3 April 2011. We expect around 4000 participants from Asia, America, and Europe who will take part in the nearly 800 organized panels. We have no doubt that the AAS-ICAS joint meeting will be an inspiring event for all participants, exhibitors, and visitors. ICAS Secretariat P. O. Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands Prof. Wim Stokhof, Secretary General Dr. Paul van der Velde, Chief Executive Officer Martina van den Haak MA, Executive Officer Thomas Voorter MA, Web designer Visitors: Rapenburg 59, Leiden This ICAS 7 supplement forms part of The Newsletter # 56 from the International Institute for Asian Studies. Supplement editor Paul van der Velde Specially commissioned illustrations by Ben Vranken Design by Paul Oram for Artmiks Printed by Wegener Grafische Groep, Apeldoorn Responsibility for copyrights and for facts and opinions expressed in this publication rests exclusively with the contributors, not necessarily reflecting the views of the ICAS organisation.

8 | ICAS 7: Asian book series as global currency

ICAS 7 supplement to the Newsletter no. 56 | Spring 2011

The birth of the EFEO–Silkworm Series Trasvin Jittidecharak

UNLIKE MANY OTHER BOOK SERIES, the EFEO-Silkworm Series was not initiated by a group of academics and scholars in a particular field aiming to study a certain subject and then encouraging contributions, nor did it spring purely from commercial interests. The EFEO-Silkworm Series is a collection of English translations of works first published in French. Finding an audience It all began six or seven years ago when I was invited to meet with the director of EFEO (The École française d’ExtrêmeOrient, the French School of Asian Studies), Dr. Franciscus Verellen, at the institution’s serene Chiang Mai centre on the bank of the Ping River. I was a bit surprised. I don’t speak or read French and am by no means a scholar of any sort. I had no idea why the EFEO Director wanted to meet me.

EFEO is a prestigious institution. Its scholars have been contributing to Asian studies for over a century. By now, it should have found a way to make sure its publications reach a wider readership. Translating its books into English takes less time than teaching 600 million Southeast Asians to read French!

It was late December. The weather was perfect. We had a simple lunch under a huge tree. We talked. Dr. Verellen shared his vision of EFEO and its presence in Thailand, the plan to build a library either in Chiang Mai or Bangkok, and finally, to get more of its publications into English. He asked me whether Silkworm would be interested in working with EFEO and publishing English translations, starting with a few “classic titles”.

A series in the making Dr. Verellen’s suggestion fit Silkworm’s unwritten policy: to try to make works on mainland Southeast Asia written by outsiders available to our own people. It took only the blink of an eye for me to say “yes”. Dr. Verellen went on to ask, should it be a series, the EFEOSilkworm English Series? How about six titles a year, or perhaps even twelve? What should the process be? We decided EFEO would provide Silkworm with the translation, and Silkworm would handle all the prepress, production, and distribution.

For me, EFEO publications are something fascinating. The EFEO Chiang Mai centre has been here in Chiang Mai all these years, yet very few people in the city, in Thailand, or in the region, have had a chance to read these publications, not even those who can read French. EFEO publications have not been mentioned as often as they should in published works on history, anthropology, and religious studies in English.

The matter was left there for many months. Dr. Yves Goudineau, then the Director of Academic Affairs, paid us a visit. He suggested a few initial titles for the series, and the names Charles Archimbault, Jean Boulbet, and George Condominas were mentioned. In addition to these classic works, we ought to have parallel contemporary research. What title is in most demand by researchers in each field?

We decided to go ahead with Fabienne Jagou’s Le 9e Panchen Lama (1883–1937): Enjeu des relations sino-tibetaines. We discussed both the practical and legal issues. The process was held up for a while due to the bureaucracy. EFEO is a French tax-paying institution and Silkworm is a privately owned business. Some legal issues had to be clarified. Cold feet in Chiang Mai While we were waiting, the word ‘series’ kept making me nervous. It is a promise. It is a commitment. Yes – I get cold feet when I have to make a commitment. Translation is not an easy job. Good copyediting is required. Every step of the process is time consuming. The overhead costs are high. This project has no funding, so the publications must sell. The retail price must be reasonable. One of the main concerns for a small commercial publisher is cash flow. We are now back on track. The copyediting of Fabienne Jagou’s The Ninth Panchen Lama has begun, and the publication date is set for fall 2011. I am very excited about it, though new media will soon be an issue. Should our EFEO-Silkworm Series and others like it become eSeries? My feeling is that since we spend so much time working on our manuscripts, by the time we complete them the technology that we are talking about will have become obsolete! Then we will need to start looking into newer technology. For now, all I can say is: Long live the printed book! Long live this series! Trasvin Jittidecharak Silkworm Press, Thailand trasvin@silkwormbooks.com

Asian Studies Association of Australia Book Series Mina Roces

With contributions from Howard Dick, Leonore Lyons, Peter Mayer, and Morris Low THE ASAA WAS FOUNDED IN 1976 to promote and support the study of Asia in Australia. Its membership is drawn mainly from academic staff and students at Australian universities, but it also takes a strong interest in Asian Studies and the use of Asia-related materials in schools and in Australian attitudes to and policies towards Asia. The Association sponsors four book series, covering Southeast, South, and East Asia and Women in Asia. Because ASAA is a collegial organization, an important part of its role is seen as supporting young scholars in their first book-length publication, usually based on their PhD thesis. With the exception of SEAPS all books are published by Routledge while SEAPS is co-published by four presses. In 2009 11 books were published in the series. The brief descriptions below highlight the unique features of each series.

Women in Asia series The contributions of women to the social, political and economic transformations occurring in the Asian region are legion. Women have served as leaders of nations, communities, workplaces, activist groups and families. Asian women have joined with others to participate in fomenting change at the micro and macro levels. They have been both agents and targets of national and international interventions in social policy at the level of the household and family. In the performance of these myriad roles women have forged new and modern gendered identities that are recognizably global and local. Their life experiences are rich, diverse and instructive. The series aims to explore the central role women play in creating the new Asia and re-creating Asian womanhood. It seeks to encourage a productive conversation between scholars in women’s studies and Asian studies. The ASAA sponsors this publication series as part of its on-going commitment to promoting knowledge about women in Asia. In particular, the ASAA Women’s Forum provides the intellectual vigour and enthusiasm that maintains the Series. The research area that has come to be known as ‘Women in Asia’ emerged from the conversations between Women’s Studies and Asian Studies that began in the 1970s and has flourished through to the present. Led by feminist scholars and activists, the plethora of publications and

scholarly activities has given the brand ‘Women in Asia’ its own distinctive identity. Since 1981 the ASAA has hosted regular ‘Women in Asia Conferences’ and it launched the ‘Women in Asia Publications Series (WIAS)’ to meet the expanding demand for specialist work in this field. Today it boasts over 25 volumes in its stable. The nomenclature ‘Women in Asia’, rather than ‘Asian Women Studies’, emerged as a result of scholarly resistance both to the reduction of Asia to a putative unitary whole and to the related misperception that there was ‘one’ Asian woman. The term ‘Women in Asia’ allows for evolution in both the ‘women’ and ‘Asia’ under discussion. Yet, the preposition ‘in’ became open to question. Currently the ‘Women in Asia’ field is not simply defined by the geographical borders that constitute ‘Asia’. Rather, it is situated in the Asian woman as ‘subject’, wherever she might be located. The globalization and feminization of the labour force that resulted in the dispersal of Asian women as migrants for marriage, or as overseas contract workers, for example, is unabashedly part of the ‘Women in Asia’ field even in cases where the ‘Asian woman’ no longer technically dwells in ‘Asia’. Globalization is an essential aspect of the Asian women’s experience in the last thirty years – the life of an Asian woman must be located in an international as well as a local context and her activities recognized as transnational as well as national.

South Asia and East Asia Publications Series Founded in 1986 to publish work in the social sciences and humanities, the SAPS was originally published by Sterling in New Delhi. The series entered a new phase in 2010 when it joined with Routledge to continue a notable tradition of Australian-based research about South Asia. Works in the series are published in both UK and Indian editions. SAPS publishes research on the countries and peoples of South Asia across a wide range of disciplines including history, politics and political economy, anthropology, geography, literature, sociology and the fields of cultural studies, communication studies and gender studies. Interdisciplinary and comparative research is encouraged. SAPS is edited by Peter Mayer (University of Adelaide). The books in the East Asia Publications Series are reviewed by major international journals and the authors, while often having an Australian connection, teach at institutions through-

out the world. The series is strong in titles dealing with East Asian history and culture. For example, we are currently considering book manuscripts which deal with film and gender. Since 1995, the series has been co-edited by Tessa Morris-Suzuki (ANU) and Morris Low (University of Queensland).

Southeast Asia Publications Series The Southeast Asia Publications Series (SEAPS) was set up in 1979 by the ASAA because Australian scholars were seen as being at a disadvantage in bringing Australian scholarship on Southeast Asia to an international readership. While Australian universities generated a lot of world-class research on Southeast Asia, the opportunities for publishing and achieving international distribution were almost entirely in the northern hemisphere. Since 1979 some 47 titles have been published on most countries and peoples of Southeast Asia and across disciplines including anthropology, geography, history, literature, political economy, politics and sociology. Quite a few of these titles have subsequently been published in translation, especially into Bahasa Indonesia. Since 2003 the Series has been edited by Professor Howard Dick (University of Melbourne/ Newcastle, NSW) with the advice and support of a large international Editorial Board of 27 scholars, whose expertise covers most relevant countries and disciplines. Since 2004 the Series has been published by NUS Press in Singapore (titles published before 2004 are available at Allen & Unwin) in a global publishing alliance with the University of Hawaii Press in North America and in Europe by NIAS Press and the KITLV Press, Leiden. Indonesia titles are published by KITLV, non-Indonesia titles by NIAS Press, usually in alternation with each other. The Series Editor is effectively the Commissioning Editor for NUS Press in Australia. For more information on the ASAA book series and the books published go to: http://asaa.asn.au/publications/books.php

Mina Roces Asian Studies Association of Australia m.roces@unsw.edu.au

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