Interioare din Romania 2

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din România



igloobest l interioare din românia 2

01-04 Coperta Interioare 2

|n linia deja consacrat` de precedentul „Interioare din România”, aducem \n prim-plan \n acest nou album o selec]ie de amenaj`ri de interior \ndr`zne]e, realizate \n ultimii trei ani [i având drept reper locuirea. Situa]ia local` \n acest domeniu a evoluat vizibil \n ultima perioad`, prin specializarea pie]ei de profil, dar mai ales datorit` con[tientiz`rii de c`tre beneficiari a rolului important pe care \l joac` arhitectul/designerul \n orice amenajare de succes. Interioarele rezultate, cu concepte inovatoare [i execu]ii de calitate, pot sta adesea f`r` probleme al`turi de cele din afara ]`rii, dovad` [i interesul de care s-au bucurat din partea presei interna]ionale. Continuând demersul de promovare a arhitecturii de calitate, am ales 14 astfel de proiecte – amenaj`ri ce poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i sau designeri de succes. Sunt arhitec]i ale c`ror lucr`ri le-a]i putut vedea [i \n primul album dedicat interioarelor, dar [i multe nume noi, dovedind interesul crescând fa]` de acest domeniu.

Following along the line established by the previous “Interiors from Romania”, in this new album we are bringing to the foreground a new selection of bold interior design projects, completed in the last three years and meant for living. On a local plan, the field has visibly evolved during the last few years, through the specialisation of the profile market, but mostly due to the owners’ growing awareness of the important part played by the architect/designer in any successful project. The resulting interior spaces, boasting innovative concepts and quality finishes can, in most cases, stand alongside similar projects from outside Romania, as testified by the interest they enjoyed from the part of the international press. Keeping up with our mission of promoting quality architecture, we have chosen 14 such projects – interiors bearing the signature of successful architects or designers. Some of these architects were previously featured, with different works, in our first album dedicated to interior designs, while others are emerging names, proving the professionals’ growing interest in the field.


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INTERIOARE din Rom창nia Interiors from Romania


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Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Laura Li]canu, Ioana P`unescu, Olivia Safer Traducere / English version: Anca Rotar Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Andrei M`rgulescu, Cornel Lazia, Corina Olaru, Puran Architecture & Design, Parasite Studio Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Andrei M`rgulescu Concept grafic / Graphic design concept: Corina Gabriela Duma Paginare / Graphic design: C`t`lin Artenie Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David Corectur` / Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2011

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Interioare din România = Romanian interiors / texte: Viorica Buic` (coord.), Catrinel Panaite ; fotogr.: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Corvin Cristian, ... ; trad.: Samuel W. F. Onn. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2007vol. ISBN 978-973-88398-3-0 Vol. 2 / pref.: Viorica Buic` ; text.: Viorica Buic`, Laura Li]canu, Ioana P`unescu, Olivia Safer ; trad.: Anca Rotar. - 2011. - ISBN 978-606-8026-11-4 I. Buic`, Viorica (pref., text) II. Li]canu, Laura (text) III. P`unescu, Ioana IV. Safer, Olivia (text) V. Rotar, Anca (trad.) 658.512.2:728.1(498)"1997/..."(084)

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Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2011

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Interioare din Rom창nia 2 Interiors from Romania 2

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l Sumar l interioare din rom창nia 2 l igloo best l 8_9

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l Viorica Buic` l Locuiri contemporane l Prefa]`


l AA Studio l Apartament Scenography, Bucure[ti


l Ion Popu[oi l Loft \n Bra[ov


l igloo design l Casa LS, Bucure[ti


l Mircea Schlotter l Apartament S., Bucure[ti


l Daniel Cioc`zanu l Loft Ioanid, Bucure[ti


l Mario Kuibu[ l Apartament \n Constan]a


l igloo design l Apartament \n alb, Bucure[ti


l Andrei Bogdan Fezi l Apartament B`neasa


l Silvia Costescu l Duplex EC, Bucure[ti


l R`zvan Ion Dracea l Casa S., Bra[ov


l Horia Reit l Cas` \n Bra[ov


l Puran Architecture & Design l Casa M., Bucure[ti


l Parasite Studio l Apartament \n Timi[oara


l Gabriel Nicoar` l Apartament Nordului, Bucure[ti


l Parteneri l


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Locuiri contemporane Contemporary living

Dincolo de alegerea unor obiecte interesante [i armonizarea lor, o amenajare de interior presupune regândirea total` a unui spa]iu, generând un concept de design care, \n acela[i timp, s` satisfac` cerin]ele clientului [i s` dovedeasc` ingeniozitatea [i talentul autorilor-arhitec]i. Pare simplu, dar de cele mai multe ori amenaj`rile nu reu[esc s` treac` de primul pas – r`mân, simplu, la stadiul de selec]ii din cataloagele de furnizori, cu produse mai mult sau mai pu]in luxoase. Provocarea este cu atât mai mare atunci când ne raport`m la locuin]e, c`ci spa]iile nou create trebuie s` ofere beneficiarilor senza]ia de intimitate [i confort necesar` unei locuiri autentice, pe lâng` un discurs stilistic de calitate, puternic. Exist` \ns` [i arhitec]i care [i-au \n]eles bine rolul [i care [i-l asum` pân` la cap`t; iar noi le prezent`m rezultatele. |n linia deja consacrat` de precedentul „Interioare din România”, aducem \n prim-plan \n acest nou album o selec]ie de amenaj`ri de interior \ndr`zne]e, realizate \n ultimii trei ani [i având drept reper locuirea. Situa]ia local` \n acest domeniu a evoluat vizibil \n ultima perioad`, prin specializarea pie]ei de profil, dar mai ales datorit` con[tientiz`rii de c`tre beneficiari a rolului important pe care \l joac` arhitectul/designerul \n orice amenajare de succes. Interioarele rezultate, cu concepte inovatoare [i execu]ii de calitate, pot sta adesea f`r` probleme al`turi de cele din afara ]`rii, dovad` [i interesul de care s-au bucurat din partea presei interna]ionale. Continuând demersul de promovare a arhitecturii de calitate, am ales 14 astfel de proiecte – amenaj`ri ce poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i sau designeri de succes. Sunt arhitec]i ale c`ror lucr`ri le-a]i putut vedea [i \n primul album dedicat interioarelor, dar [i multe nume noi, dovedind interesul crescând fa]` de acest domeniu. „Interioare din România 2” pune \n eviden]` proiecte de amenajare diverse, ce privilegiaz` inova]ia, o selec]ie nicidecum exhaustiv`, dar reprezentativ` pentru momentul actual \n România, când fenomenul designului de interior a devenit din ce \n ce mai dinamic.

Beyond the choosing and harmonising of alluring objects, an interior design project involves the complete re-thinking of a space, generating a concept that must, at the same time, meet the client’s requests and prove the skill and talent of the authors/architects. This may appear easy, but, in most cases, interior design projects don’t even manage to overcome the first phase – they simply remain at the stage of consulting the suppliers’ catalogues for more or less lavish products. The challenge appears even greater when we consider the idea of home, as the newly-created spaces must offer their owners that feel of privacy and comfort that is essential to authentic living, along with a strong, high-quality stylistic discourse. There are, nevertheless, architects who have achieved a deep understanding of the role they have to play, taking it very seriously right up until the end; and we are presenting the results they have achieved. Following along the line established by the previous “Interiors from Romania”, in this new album we are bringing to the foreground a new selection of bold interior design projects, completed in the last three years and meant for living. On a local plan, the field has visibly evolved during the last few years, through the specialisation of the profile market, but mostly due to the owners’ growing awareness of the important part played by the architect/designer in any successful project. The resulting interior spaces, boasting innovative concepts and quality finishes can, in most cases, stand alongside similar projects from outside Romania, as testified by the interest they enjoyed from the part of the international press. Keeping up with our mission of promoting quality architecture, we have chosen 14 such projects – interiors bearing the signature of successful architects or designers. Some of these architects were previously featured, with different works, in our first album dedicated to interior designs, while others are emerging names, proving the professionals’ growing interest in the field. “Interiors from Romania 2” highlights a series of extremely varied interior design projects, favouring innovation. The selection is by no means all-encompassing, but it is, nevertheless, representative for the current stage of Romanian interior design, which becomes more dynamic by the day.

l Viorica Buic` l prefa]` l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 11_11

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l AA Studio l Apartament Scenography, Bucure[ti l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 12_21



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Apartament Scenography Scenography Apartment

Transformarea-fuziune a dou` apartamente \n oglind` \ntr-un spa]iu generos de aproximativ 400 mp, printr-un concept \ndr`zne], a generat o locuin]` spectaculoas`, care tr`ie[te din [i prin lumin`. Arhitec]ii au speculat apropierea de un spa]iu verde, c`utând ca percep]ia spa]iului exterior s` fie dinamic`, nefragmentat` vizual. Astfel, apartamentul nou se deschide mult c`tre peisaj prin suprafe]e vitrate, f`r` a deveni \ns` exhibi]ionist: \n egal` m`sur` se poate \nchide \n sine [i profita de numeroasele sisteme de iluminat care creeaz` scenografii aparte. Solu]ia pentru distribu]ia func]ional` a spa]iului nu a fost deloc complicat`: zona de zi s-a a[ezat pe suprafa]a primului apartament, iar cea de noapte a luat locul celui de-al doilea, fiind articulate de o sal` de fitness. Propor]iile [i dimensiunile vaste ale spa]iilor au permis o rescalare complet`, iar consecin]a a fost proiectarea personalizat` a \ntregului mobilier. Piesele concepute de arhitec]i sunt simple, cu linii ferme [i preponderent \n unghiuri drepte, dar scara la care sunt realizate, precum [i modul \n care rela]ioneaz` cu spa]iul din jur le ofer` o anumit` maiestuozitate [i elegan]`. Poate cel mai spectaculos se dovede[te astfel patul din dormitorul principal, o platform` ce pare suspendat` – o pat` mov \ntr-o mare \nc`pere alb` ce are drept repere televizorul-plasm` de mari dimensiuni [i un bonsai, accent care subliniaz` aten]ia general` fa]` de detalii. |n combina]ie cu suprafe]ele albe de texturi diferite [i cu „pânzele” care delimiteaz` sau \nchid anumite zone, luminile ofer` spa]iului o mare versatilitate, transformându-l \ntr-unul proteic.


AA Studio, arhitec]i/architects Alex Adam, Roger Pop FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

The transformation/fusion of two apartments mirroring each other into one single generous space of 400 sqm has generated, through a daring concept, a spacious home, living by and through light. The architects speculated upon the neighbouring green space, creating a dynamic, unitary perspective on the outside landscape. Thus, the new apartment opens up to the green space through large glazed surfaces, without displaying exhibitionist tendencies: it can equally close up on itself and take advantage of the several lighting systems that create exquisite scenographies. The solution for the functional division of the space was quite a simple one: the daytime area was designed on the surface initially occupied by the first flat, while the nighttime area took the place of the second one, with the fitness area connecting the two spaces. The generous proportions and dimensions of the new flat allowed the architects to approach the project on a whole new scale, also designing the furniture to fit inside the new space. The objects are simple, characterized by clear lines and right angles, but it is their scale, as well as the way they interact with the surrounding space that makes them appear majestic and elegant. Perhaps the most spectacular element is the bed inside the master bedroom, a platform that creates the illusion of imponderability – a purple spot inside a great white room also containing a large plasma screen television set and a bonsai tree, the latter emphasizing the care for detail. Along with the white surfaces in different textures, and the white canvases that mark or close up certain areas, the lights add versatility to the space, bestowing upon it a protean nature.



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l Mircea Schlotter l Apartament S., Bucure[ti l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 42_51



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Apartament S. S. Apartment

Amenajarea acestui loft are un aer tineresc [i ludic, combinând, printr-o multitudine de forme organice, ambian]a futurist` a anilor ’70 [i veselia anilor disco; reg`sim aceste influen]e [i \n reflexiile mozaicului [i ale inoxului, dar mai ales \n cromatica vibrant`, \n nuan]e infinite de LED-RGB. Lumina natural` p`trunde la interior prin perdeaua din elemente tip oglind`, rigide, \ns` spa]iile sunt puse cu adev`rat \n valoare de sursele de iluminare artificial`. Zonele de Barrisol de pe plafon au de asemenea un contur organic [i se profileaz` pe un tavan finisat alb lucios, dar opac, marcând spa]iile zonei de zi. Unghiul drept este aproape inexistent, iar spa]iile se \mbin` liber, detalii bine gândite anulând delimitarea net` a suprafe]elor orizontale de cele verticale. Forma fluid` este, de altfel, patternul grafic al conceptului de amenajare: canapeaua sinusoidal`, orientat` spre m`su]a sculptural` Osorom, semnat` Konstantin Grcic, \[i are corespondent \n imediata vecin`tate – banda de inox, \n form` de S, a barului. Acesta este prins \ntre doi stâlpi care se racordeaz` pe curb la pardoseal` [i la plafon, iar mozaicul de pe pardoseal` se ridic` pe una dintre fe]ele stâlpului, celelalte fiind finisate cu sticl` de culoare mov, cu efect decorativ puternic. Rezonan]ele dintre planurile mai apropiate sau mai \ndep`rtate dau profunzime [i unitate ansamblului, amplificate de reflexiile cromatice pl`cute. Dormitorul principal [i baia aferent` pun \n eviden]` o abordare diferit`, u[or eclectic`: reg`sim multe detalii clasice (re)interpretate \n nuan]e de alb cald [i bej, cu accente puternice de ro[u.


arhitect/architect Mircea Schlotter FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

The design of this loft exudes youth and playfulness, combining, through a multitude of organic shapes, the futuristic feel of the 1970s and the exuberance of the disco era; these influences are reaffirmed in the reflections of the mosaic and stainless steel, and especially in the vibrant chromatic palette – the countless hues of the RGB LED lights. The natural light enters the space through a curtain made up of rigid, mirror-like elements, but it is the artificial light sources that make the interiors come to life. The Barrisol pieces on the ceiling are cut in organic shapes and profiled against a polished white, opaque surface, marking the subdivisions of the daytime area. Right angles are almost non-existent here, the spaces coming together freely, through well thought-out details that cancel the need for a clear demarcation between horizontal and vertical surfaces. Besides, fluid form is at the very basis of the design concept: the winding sofa, facing the sculptural coffee table by Konstantin Grcic for Osorom, establishes a direct dialogue with the S-shaped stainless steel strip of the bar. Two pillars that curve where they join the floor and ceiling flank the latter. The mosaic on the floor rises on one side of each pillar, while the other sides are finished in purple glass, creating a strong decorative effect. The communication between the different planes establishes a sense of depth and unity, emphasized by the graceful coloured reflections. The master bedroom and the adjoining bathroom convey a slightly different, rather eclectic approach: here are to be found several classical elements (re)interpreted in warm shades of white and beige, with strong red accents.



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l Mario Kuibu[ l Apartament \n Constan]a l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 60_67

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Apartament \n Constan]a Apartment in Constanta

Cutia alb`, \nchis` \n mare parte de sticl`, este t`iat` \n dou` de o suit` de panouri translucide, dispuse \n zig-zag, un fel de camer` a oglinzilor desf`[urat` pe lung, o prezen]` insolit` care face ca \ntreg spa]iul s` tr`iasc` exclusiv sub imperiul caleidoscopului de culori ce se oglindesc unele \n altele. Intrarea se face printr-un spa]iu telescopic, flancat pe ambele laturi de suprafe]e verticale [i obturat frontal de o serie de fâ[ii de sticl` \n spatele c`rora se desf`[oar` livingul. Dup` câ]iva pa[i, perspectiva se deschide direct spre imaginea m`rii, vizibil`, de altfel, din orice punct. Sub-spa]iile necesare oric`rui apartament sunt concentrate la maximum, luând forma unui perete-depozitare [i a unui blat-buc`t`riedining, completate de ansamblul central de canapele [i fotolii – singurele accente cromatice care \nso]esc panourile. Textura betonului aparent al stâlpilor intervine pl`cut \n dialog cu r`[ina pardoselii, albul tavanului [i c`ldura surselor de lumin`. Lumina, de altfel, este tratat` \n direct raport cu volumele primare ale spa]iului, mai exact sub forma unor linii care urm`resc [i accentueaz` direc]ii, inclusiv linia frânt` a panourilor desp`r]itoare. Via]a privat` a apartamentului se desf`[oar` \n spatele oglinzilor, iar draperiile negre, dispuse \n spatele zigzagului, o pot separa vizual complet de zona de zi. Epurat`, pe cât posibil, de segment`ri [i compartiment`ri, zona privat` este organizat` tot sub forma unei compozi]ii de piese independente – patul [i cada, restul b`ii [i dressingul disimulându-se, treptat, \n spatele unghiurilor formate de panouri.


arhitec]i/architects Mario Kuibu[, Adela Toma FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

A white box, largely enclosed in glass, is cut in two by a suite of translucent panels, disposed in a zigzagged line, thus creating a hall of mirrors of sorts, spread out on the entire length of the space, an unusual presence that places the entire flat under the mark of the kaleidoscope-like colours that mirror one another. The access inside the apartment is done through a telescopic space, flanked on each side by vertical surfaces and partially blocked by o series of glass bands behind which lies the living room. After taking a few steps, the perspective opens up directly on the sea, which is, in fact, visible from any part of the space. The secondary spaces, necessary to any flat, occupy as little space as possible, taking the form of a storage wall and of a countertop for cooking and dining, and being joined by the main ensemble of sofas and armchairs – the only chromatic accents that complement the panels. The texture of the exposed concrete of the pillars establishes a visually pleasant dialogue with the resin of the flooring, the white of the ceiling and the warmth of the light sources. As for the light, it is set into a direct relationship with the main volumes inside the space, manifesting itself as a series of lines that follow and emphasize directions, including the broken light of the separating panels. The private life of the flat takes place behind the mirrors, and the black drapes displayed behind the zigzag, can be pulled in order to completely separate it from the daytime area. Cleansed as much as possible of segmentations and subdivisions, the private area is also organized as a composition of independent pieces – the bed and the tub – while the rest of the bathroom and the dressing are gradually evanescent behind the angles formed by the panels.

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l igloo design l Apartament \n alb, Bucure[ti l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 68_75

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Apartament \n alb The White Apartment

De alb este întotdeauna nevoie într-o amenajare echilibrat` de locuin]`, cu prec`dere în spa]iile destinate relax`rii, unde se impune un anumit confort psihic. Ast`zi, pentru mul]i, albul reprezint` doar un fundal neutru, prea pu]in atractiv. Nu pentru to]i \ns`: exist` [i beneficiarul ideal, pasionat de designul de interior [i care \[i dore[te o locuin]` de un alb imaculat; astfel ia na[tere o amenajare \ndr`znea]` precum aceasta. Spa]iul generos al apartamentului a fost reconfigurat pentru o locuire minimal`, dar extravagant`, cu o desf`[urare de zone de relaxare, de luat masa [i de odihn`, nu neap`rat în aceast` ordine. Pornind de la ideea c` \n societatea contemporan` intimitatea este un concept volatil, compartiment`rile rigide sunt mult reduse prin utilizarea unor suprapuneri de draperii semi-transparente. Scenariul luminii colorate amplasate perimetral accentueaz` efectul de am`gire a percep]iei. Corpurile de mobilier proiectate din suprafe]e de r`[in` epoxidic`, transformându-se pe rând în pat sau cad`, obiectele de decor speciale, alinierile de muchii [i de lumini, [irurile interminabile de draperii semi-transparente, toate concureaz` la ob]inerea unei imagini perfecte \n alb, modern` [i elegant` \n form`. Lini[tea glacial` a cromaticii inconsistente este \ntrerupt` doar de plasmele compuse anume pe panouri albe, care, din p`cate, la data efectu`rii acestei amenaj`ri, nu ap`ruser` înc` pe pia]` în varianta Mac glossy.


igloo design, arhitec]i/architects Bruno Andre[oiu, Radu Mârza, Ana Maria Mihai, Olivia Safer FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

The use of white is essential to any interior design project, in order to achieve balance. The colour is especially needed in designing spaces meant for relaxation, where psychological comfort is an important element. Nowadays, to many people, white signifies a neutral, not really alluring background. Thankfully, not everyone is of the same opinion: the ideal client does exist and he shows a great interest in interior design and wishes for a spotless white home; thus, a bold apartment like this one was brought into being. The generous space was given a new layout, in order to correspond to minimal comfort demands, at the same time boasting an extravagant aesthetic. The flat is thus made up of a succession of areas meant for leisure, dining and rest, not necessarily in this order. Based on the idea of volatility associated to the concept of privacy in contemporary society, the rigid separating elements were greatly reduced through the introduction of several superpositions of semi-transparent drapes. The coloured lights, placed in perimeter areas, emphasize the dreamlike perspective. The furniture pieces are custom made and consist in surfaces of epoxy resin, gradually morphing into beds, tubs, charming decorative objects, alignments of edges and lights, the unending succession of semi-transparent drapes all serve to create a flawless white picture, modern and elegantly shaped. The glacial silence of the inconsistent chromatic palette is only disturbed by the plasma screens embedded in white false walls which, unfortunately, at the time of the project, were not yet available in Mac glossy.

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l R`zvan Ion Dracea l Casa S., Bra[ov l interioare din românia 2 l igloo best l 92_99

92-99 AmenajareSocol_RazvanDracea


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Casa S. S. House

Armonios integrat` \n ]esutul tradi]ional al vechiului cartier {cheii Bra[ovului de la poalele Tâmpei, de un farmec aparte, aceast` nou` locuin]`, dezvoltat` pe amprenta [i \n volumul celei ini]iale, fascineaz` la interior prin imaginea contemporan`. Proiectul a presupus realizarea unui apartament pe dou` nivele, cu un spa]iu unic pentru buc`t`rie, loc de luat masa [i living, un birou [i trei dormitoare cu grup sanitar propriu. Astfel, locuin]a are \n centru nivelul parterului, \mp`r]it \n dou` zone importante: buc`t`ria [i livingul, pe de o parte, [i piscina cu zona de fitness, pe de alta. Acestea se articuleaz` în jurul holului de intrare, cu scara ce asigur` leg`tura pe vertical` cu etajul [i demisolul. Terasa ampl` a fost amenajat` ca o gr`din`, deschizând spa]iile interioare c`tre aceasta prin largi suprafe]e vitrate. Piscina, a[ezat` perpendicular pe corpul casei, de-a lungul str`zii, este prev`zut` cu un acoperi[ cu pant` cvasinul` [i formeaz`, \mpreun` cu spa]iul de fitness [i cel de spa o zon` special` de relaxare. Confortul, \n formele sale expresive, nu se limiteaz` \ns` la aceste spa]ii; \l reg`sim \n \ntreaga amenajare, \n liniile simple ale mobilierului [i texturile fine ale materialelor, dar [i \n cromatica natural`, elegant`. Doar câteva accente puternice, precum scaunul portocaliu „S chair” semnat de Tom Dixon sau [emineul suspendat Focus, ies în eviden]`, \ntregind discursul estetic modern al amenaj`rii.


arhitect/architect R`zvan Ion Dracea FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

Harmoniously blending in the traditional tissue of the charming old neighbourhood of Scheii Brasovului, at the foot of Mount Tampa, this new building, developed on the footprint and inside the volume of the existing one, fascinates through its contemporary interior. The project consisted in the design of a two-level flat, with one open space serving as kitchen, dining room and living room, as well as an office and three bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms. Thus, the house’s layout is centered around the ground floor level, divided into two main spaces: the kitchen and living room, on one side and the pool and fitness area, on the other. Both gravitate towards the entrance lobby, which includes the staircase vertically connecting it to the semi-basement and the upper level. The generous terrace was designed as a garden, deciding to open up the interior spaces towards it, through large, glazed surfaces. The volume containing the pool, perpendicular on the house and disposed along the street, is covered by a flat roof and, together with the fitness and spa area, makes up a one-of-a-kind relaxation space. Comfort, in its most expressive manifestation, is not, however, limited to these spaces; it is to be discovered at every step, in the simple lines of the furniture and the fine textures of the fabrics, as well as in the natural, elegant chromatic palette. A few strong accents, such as the orange S Chair by Tom Dixon and suspended fireplace by Focus stand out, completing the project’s modern aesthetic discourse.

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din România



igloobest l interioare din românia 2

01-04 Coperta Interioare 2

|n linia deja consacrat` de precedentul „Interioare din România”, aducem \n prim-plan \n acest nou album o selec]ie de amenaj`ri de interior \ndr`zne]e, realizate \n ultimii trei ani [i având drept reper locuirea. Situa]ia local` \n acest domeniu a evoluat vizibil \n ultima perioad`, prin specializarea pie]ei de profil, dar mai ales datorit` con[tientiz`rii de c`tre beneficiari a rolului important pe care \l joac` arhitectul/designerul \n orice amenajare de succes. Interioarele rezultate, cu concepte inovatoare [i execu]ii de calitate, pot sta adesea f`r` probleme al`turi de cele din afara ]`rii, dovad` [i interesul de care s-au bucurat din partea presei interna]ionale. Continuând demersul de promovare a arhitecturii de calitate, am ales 14 astfel de proiecte – amenaj`ri ce poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i sau designeri de succes. Sunt arhitec]i ale c`ror lucr`ri le-a]i putut vedea [i \n primul album dedicat interioarelor, dar [i multe nume noi, dovedind interesul crescând fa]` de acest domeniu.

Following along the line established by the previous “Interiors from Romania”, in this new album we are bringing to the foreground a new selection of bold interior design projects, completed in the last three years and meant for living. On a local plan, the field has visibly evolved during the last few years, through the specialisation of the profile market, but mostly due to the owners’ growing awareness of the important part played by the architect/designer in any successful project. The resulting interior spaces, boasting innovative concepts and quality finishes can, in most cases, stand alongside similar projects from outside Romania, as testified by the interest they enjoyed from the part of the international press. Keeping up with our mission of promoting quality architecture, we have chosen 14 such projects – interiors bearing the signature of successful architects or designers. Some of these architects were previously featured, with different works, in our first album dedicated to interior designs, while others are emerging names, proving the professionals’ growing interest in the field.


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din România



igloobest l interioare din românia 2

01-04 Coperta Interioare 2

|n linia deja consacrat` de precedentul „Interioare din România”, aducem \n prim-plan \n acest nou album o selec]ie de amenaj`ri de interior \ndr`zne]e, realizate \n ultimii trei ani [i având drept reper locuirea. Situa]ia local` \n acest domeniu a evoluat vizibil \n ultima perioad`, prin specializarea pie]ei de profil, dar mai ales datorit` con[tientiz`rii de c`tre beneficiari a rolului important pe care \l joac` arhitectul/designerul \n orice amenajare de succes. Interioarele rezultate, cu concepte inovatoare [i execu]ii de calitate, pot sta adesea f`r` probleme al`turi de cele din afara ]`rii, dovad` [i interesul de care s-au bucurat din partea presei interna]ionale. Continuând demersul de promovare a arhitecturii de calitate, am ales 14 astfel de proiecte – amenaj`ri ce poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i sau designeri de succes. Sunt arhitec]i ale c`ror lucr`ri le-a]i putut vedea [i \n primul album dedicat interioarelor, dar [i multe nume noi, dovedind interesul crescând fa]` de acest domeniu.

Following along the line established by the previous “Interiors from Romania”, in this new album we are bringing to the foreground a new selection of bold interior design projects, completed in the last three years and meant for living. On a local plan, the field has visibly evolved during the last few years, through the specialisation of the profile market, but mostly due to the owners’ growing awareness of the important part played by the architect/designer in any successful project. The resulting interior spaces, boasting innovative concepts and quality finishes can, in most cases, stand alongside similar projects from outside Romania, as testified by the interest they enjoyed from the part of the international press. Keeping up with our mission of promoting quality architecture, we have chosen 14 such projects – interiors bearing the signature of successful architects or designers. Some of these architects were previously featured, with different works, in our first album dedicated to interior designs, while others are emerging names, proving the professionals’ growing interest in the field.


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