Interioare din Romania / Best interiors

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igloobest l interioare din românia

din România

Cel de-al doilea album al seriei igloo best este mai mult decât o carte despre amenaj`ri! “Interioare din România” este o carte–manifest care militeaz` pentru un adev`r de care mul]i au ajuns s` se \ndoiasc` \n ultimul timp: în România exist` via]` interioar`! Oricât de straniu vi s-ar p`rea la prima vedere, trebuie s` ne crede]i pe cuvânt [i eventual s` ne verifica]i prin lectur` [i contemplare. Faptul c` ea, cartea, face acest lucru cu ajutorul arhitecturii ]ine mai pu]in de inten]iile autorilor cât de voin]a proprie a acesteia, care, iat`, s-a decis s` participe la efortul na]ional de conturare a lumilor interioare, f`r` de care, [tim bine, nu poate exista progres cultural, dinamic` social` [i, de ce nu?, iubire de calitate. Totu[i, “Interioare din România” nu este o carte despre iubire dup` cum probabil v-a]i fi dorit, ci o carte despre amenaj`ri [i design de interior pentru locuin]e, cuprinzând câteva dintre cele mai interesante proiecte realizate \n ultimii ani. Peste 80 de apartamente [i case au reprezentat materia prim` a selec]iei f`cute de noi, selec]ie ce a privilegiat numai 18 dintre acestea, pe criterii pe care nu vrem s` le dezv`luim. Desigur c` o asemenea selec]ie nu poate reprezenta decât o privire fragmentar` asupra unui fenomen tot mai activ [i cu un con]inut din ce \n ce mai variat.

This second album in the igloo best series is more than just a book about interior design. “Romanian Interiors” is also a manifesto that campaigns for a truth many have recently begun to doubt: there is interior life in Romania! Strange as it may seem at first, you must either take our word for it or discover it for yourselves through reading and contemplation. That this book uses architecture to do this has less to do with the intentions of its authors and more with its being a book with a will of its own that has chosen to be part of the national effort to define interior worlds – without which, as we know well, there can be no cultural progress, social dynamics or (why not?) love. But despite all this, “Romanian Interiors” is not, as you were probably hoping, a book about love. Rather, it is a book about some of the more interesting examples of decoration and interior design of living spaces seen in Romania in recent years. From an initial list of over 80 different houses and apartments, we made a selection for this book (using criteria that will remain secret) of just 18. Naturally, this can only give a fragmented view of this increasingly active and varied phenomenon.


INTERIOARE din Rom창nia Romanian Interiors

Board editorial: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial: Viorica Buic` Texte: Viorica Buic`, Catrinel Panaite Traducere: Samuel W.F. Onn Fotografii: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Corvin Cristian, Cornel Lazia, Ana Blidaru, 2mtdv, Anda {tefan, ODA Grafic`: Corina Gabriela Duma Procesare imagine, DTP: Cristian David, Robert Dumitru Bucure[ti, © igloo, 2007 Cartea apare cu sprijinul Pazo Galleria, Ivona Ambienti, Ata[ Lighting, Hidrotek, Monolit Development [i Orion Design.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României BUIC~, VIORICA Interioare din România / Viorica Buic` ; pref.: Bruno Andre[oiu; trad.: Samuel W.F. Onn. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2007 ISBN 978-973-88398-3-0 I. Andre[oiu, Bruno (pref.) II. Onn, Samuel W.F. (trad.) 728(498)

Editat de igloo media str. Finlanda nr. 10, cod 011776, sector 1, Bucure[ti Tip`rit la Master Print Super Offset

Interioare din Rom창nia Romanian Interiors

l Sumar linterioarre din rom창nia l igloo best l 8_9

l Bruno Andre[oiul rom창nia interioar` l prefa]`


l Adrian Spirescu l casa c`lin


l Eiliza Yokina & Adrian Soare l penthouse V.P.1


l Alex Adam l casa OZ


l Igloo design l apartament domenii


l Square One l casa VdelaV.


l Horia Reit l vila de la stej`ri[


l Dan {erban l vil` doroban]i


l Alex Adam l apartament 4BS


l Liviu Ion l apartament nordului


l igloo design l mansard` her`str`u


l Anda & Dorin {tefan l cas` strada sf. [tefan


l Corvin Cristian l mansarda 3R


l Organul de Arhitectur` l apartament herastrau


l 3T Birou de Arhitectur` l vila nicorescu


l Igloo design l apartament prim`verii


l City Project l apartament tineretului


l Organul de Arhitectur` l casa maxim


l 2mtdv l apartament drumul s`rii


Interior Romania

Cel de-al doilea album al seriei igloo best nu este o carte despre amenaj`ri! “Interioare din România” este o carte–manifest care militeaz` pentru un adev`r de care mul]i au ajuns s` se \ndoiasc` \n ultimul timp: |N ROMÅNIA EXIST~ VIA}~ INTERIOAR~! Da, domnilor, oricât de straniu vi s-ar p`rea la prima vedere, trebuie s` ne crede]i pe cuvânt [i eventual s` ne verifica]i prin lectur` [i contemplare. Faptul c` ea, cartea, face acest lucru cu ajutorul arhitecturii ]ine mai pu]in de inten]iile autorilor cât de voin]a proprie a acesteia, care, iat`, s-a decis s` participe la efortul na]ional de conturare a lumilor interioare, f`r` de care, [tim bine, nu poate exista progres cultural, dinamic` social` [i, de ce nu?, iubire de calitate. Coborât` din \naltele sfere culturale \n care plute[te de obicei, iat-o \ntrupat` \n volum, puternic` [i senzual`, delicat` [i agresiv`, lasciv` [i plin` de nerv. (|ntre noi fiind vorba, cât timp s-a lucrat la aceast` carte, \ns`[i via]a redac]iei s-a schimbat \n bine. Textele au devenit mai profunde, grafica mai percutant`, fotografiile mai inteligente [i chiar [i dtp-ul mai delicat. Trimi]ând-o \n tipar, \n birouri s-a creat parc` un mare gol [i de aceea, cu siguran]`, primii ei cump`r`tori vom fi chiar noi.) Cu toate acestea, “Interioare din România” nu este o carte despre iubire dup` cum probabil v-a]i fi dorit, ci o carte despre amenaj`ri [i design de interior pentru locuin]e, cuprinzând câteva dintre cele mai interesante proiecte realizate \n ultimii ani. Peste 80 de apartamente [i case au reprezentat materia prim` a selec]iei f`cute de noi, selec]ie ce a privilegiat numai 18 dintre acestea, pe criterii pe care nu vrem s` le dezv`luim. Desigur c` o asemenea selec]ie nu poate reprezenta decât o privire fragmentar` asupra unui fenomen tot mai activ [i cu un con]inut din ce \n ce mai variat. Odat` cu eliberarea locuirii de sub dictatura necesit`]ii [i a achizi]iei din zona cârpelii, dar mai ales prin \n]elegerea rolului unui arhitect/designer, situa]ia \n domeniul amenaj`rilor interioare a \nceput s` evolueze \n mod real. Abandonarea treptat` a tabu-urilor tradi]ionale stupide (gen vitrin` cu bibelouri, faian]` la buc`t`rie, frumosul asociat neap`rat densit`]ii de obiecte etc.), dar [i a expresivit`]ii violente ca semn al curajului [i al “nonconformismului” imbecil de gospodin` parvenit` (zugr`veli \n culori tari, forme cretine pe pere]i, mobilier din PAL de esen]e plasticoase etc.) contribuie la apari]ia unor proiecte interesante, comparabile cu cele pe care eram obi[nui]i s` le vedem numai \n cataloagele mai avansa]ilor no[tri vecini. Calitatea concep]iei [i chiar [i a execu]iei au sporit \n mod evident, dar vor fi fost oare posibile acestea f`r` curajul celor care le-au acordat \ncredere [i finan]are? Mul]umirile noastre sincere merg de aceea nu numai c`tre arhitec]ii care ne-au facilitat accesul la amenaj`rile pe care le-au ticluit, ci [i (mai ales) la oamenii din spatele acestora, care [i-au rupt de la gura vacan]elor \n Caraibe [i le-au f`cut posibile. Sper`m astfel ca aceast` carte, la fel ca [i predecesoarea sa din aceea[i serie, s` fie mai pu]in o colec]ie de repere inspira]ionale sau o “shopping list” de amenajare [i mai degrab` o excursie relaxat` prin universul prolific al amenaj`rilor din România lui 2007.

This second album in the igloo best series is more than just a book about interior design. “Romanian Interiors” is also a manifesto that campaigns for a truth many have recently begun to doubt: there is interior life in Romania! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, strange as it may seem at first, you must either take our word for it or discover it for yourselves through reading and contemplation. That this book uses architecture to do this has less to do with the intentions of its authors and more with its being a book with a will of its own that has chosen to be part of the national effort to define interior worlds – without which, as we know well, there can be no cultural progress, social dynamics or (why not?) love. So here it is, in the flesh, brought down from the high cultural planes it normally inhabits, both powerful and sensual, delicate and aggressive, lascivious and full of life. (Between you and me, life in the office changed for the better while writing this book: our articles became more meaningful, the graphics sharper, the photography more intelligent and even the DTP subtler; sending it off to the printers, we were left with a feeling of emptiness, and for this reason we will also be the first ones to buy it.) But despite all this, “Romanian Interiors” is not, as you were probably hoping, a book about love. Rather, it is a book about some of the more interesting examples of decoration and interior design of living spaces seen in Romania in recent years. From an initial list of over 80 different houses and apartments, we made a selection for this book (using criteria that will remain secret) of just 20. Naturally, this can only give a fragmented view of this increasingly active and varied phenomenon. Once a space is freed from the dictatorship of necessity and make-do furnishings, and in particular once the role of the architect/designer has been properly understood, things in the world of interior design really start to take off. The gradual abandonment of pointless traditional habits (display cabinets stuffed with trinkets, wall tiles in the kitchen, the idea “the more objects, the more beautiful”, etc.) and violent expressivity, as a sign of the daring and imbecilic “non-conformism” of the nouveau riche housewife, (loud colours, idiotic designs on the walls, plastic feeling PAL furniture etc.) is contributing to the rising number of designs of a standard previously only seen in the magazines of our more advanced neighbours. The quality of ideas and even their execution has evidently increased. But would any of this have been possible without the courage of those who invested their trust and money? Thus, our sincere thanks go not just to the architects who allowed us to view their creations, but also the people standing behind them, those who, by not taking that holiday in the Caribbean, made the realisation of their ideas possible in the first place. We hope, therefore, that this book, like the previous one in the series, will function less as a collection of inspirational reference works or a shopping list of design and more as a selected insight into the prolific universe of Romanian interior design in 2007.

l Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l interioare din românia l igloo best l 11_11

România interioar`

l Adrian Spirescu l Casa C`lin, Bucure[ti l interioare din românia l igloo best l 12_19

Casa C`lin Calin House

Expresia primului desen, a primului croquis de arhitectur` trasat de mâna arhitectului se simte cu putere \n fiecare spa]iu al acestei case amplasate \n vecin`tatea reconfortant` a p`durii. Cu o compozi]ie unitar`, sus]inut` prin detalii, locuin]a pune \n eviden]` o rela]ie special` de cursivitate \ntre spa]iul exterior [i cel interior. Poate [i pentru c` arhitectul s-a bucurat tot timpul de entuziasmul [i de sus]inerea beneficiarilor, sensibili la abstractizarea formelor [i aten]i la detaliile func]ionale. Secretul amenaj`rii este cultivarea sistematic` a clar-obscurului, prin care geometria se “tope[te” \n profunzimi, iar umbrele deschid prin contrast fante de lumini. Având aceste date de iluminare (\n plus, casa este orientat` c`tre nord), diversit`]ii spa]iale i s-a ad`ugat una de materiale [i texturi. Livingul extrem de generos, cu canapelele \ngropate sub nivelul de tranzit, \n fa]a [emineului, dezv`luie un perete b`tut cu tabl` de cupru, atacat` cu acizi pân` la nuan]e de roz [i negru. |n contrast cu tavanul din beton, ce p`streaz` \nc` amprenta cofrajului [i cotele, piesele de mobilier aduc o not` vesel`, nu atât cromatic, cât mai mult formal. Celebrul fotoliu al lui Aarnio, ag`]at de tavan, scaunul lui Eames, dou` canapele [i un fotoliu cu forme organice \mblânzesc liniile drepte [i severitatea arhitecturii propriuzise. Diningul elegant, completat de o buc`tarie ordonat` [i minimalist`, se las` cuprins de lini[tea p`durii, f`când trecerea c`tre tihna dormitoarelor.


arhitec]i/architects Adrian Spirescu, Daniela Spirescu, Alexandru Boangaer FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2005

The ambience of the first sketch, the first croquis drawn by the architect, is felt powerfully in every corner of this house, which is located in the refreshing vicinity of a forest. The unitary nature of this composition, something also carried over to the details, is based around a special flowing relationship between internal and external spaces. In applying this, the architect enjoyed the unfailing enthusiasm and support of the beneficiaries, who were receptive both to abstract forms as well as functional details. The success of this design lies in its systematic cultivation of the chiaroscuro in which geometry “melts” into depths and contrasts with shadows create shafts of light. Given these light conditions (the house is also north facing), the existing spatial diversity is complemented by a diversity of material and texture. The extremely generous living room, with sofas sunk beneath the transit level in front of the fire place, reveals a copper-plated wall that has been treated with acid to bring out shades of pink and black. In contrast with the concrete ceiling, which still retains the marks of the shuttering and written measurements, the items of furniture provide a note of cheerfulness, expressed less in terms of colour than form: the famous Aarnio armchair, suspended from above, the Eames lounge chair and two sofas and an armchair with organic forms soften the straight lines and the severity of the architecture itself. The elegant dining area, complete with an orderly and minimalist kitchen, provides a glimpse of the forest, thereby providing a transition to the tranquillity of the bedrooms.

l Eliza Yokina, Adrian Soare l Penthouse, Bucure[ti l interioare din românia l igloo best l 20_29

Penthouse V.P.1 V.P.1 Penthouse

|n amenajarea acestui penthouse situat \ntr-un nou bloc de locuin]e, arhitec]ii au ales s` accentueze la maxim caracteristicile definitorii ale unui astfel de spa]iu: generozitatea deschiderilor c`tre exterior [i fluiditatea ansamblului. Terasele cu suprafe]e largi, repartizate \n puncte opuse ale apartamentului, permit luminii s` se desf`[oare [i mai puternic la interior, eliberând spa]iul de acea atmosfer` de intimitate specific` locuirii obi[nuite. Terasa dinspre dormitor este “ap`rat`” de blocuri comuniste, \n timp ce cealalt` ofer` o priveli[te relaxat` asupra unei insule de case. Piesele de mobilier sunt foarte pu]ine, func]ionale [i cu linii minimaliste, permi]ând spa]iilor interioare s` respire [i s` comunice liber. Singurul contrast \l constituie peretele curb al b`ii, realizat din c`r`mid` de sticl`, care protejeaz` cada u[or \ngropat`. Betonul aparent, p`strat atât \n zona de living, cât [i \n camera cu du[, prin aspectul s`u brut [i prin textur` imprim` amenaj`rii un aer experimental. Seriozitatea mobilierului este atenuat` subtil prin jocul nuan]elor de parchet, dar mai ales prin alternarea luminilor, a umbrelor [i a penumbrelor. Corpurile de iluminat, destul de numeroase, reiau acela[i model \n dimensiuni, ritm`ri [i spa]ieri diferite, \n func]ie de rolul pe care \l joac`. Singurele care \[i dep`[esc condi]ia func]ional` sunt l`mpile organice, purtând chiar amprenta arhitec]ilor, decupate parc` din linia peretelui.


SYYA, arhitec]i/architects Eliza Yokina, Adrian Soare FINALIZAT/ DELIVERED 2007

In designing this penthouse apartment for a new residential apartment building, the architects chose to concentrate on the defining characteristics of this type of space: large openings to the exterior and a fluidity in the overall composition. The large roof terraces, positioned on opposite sides of the apartment, allow light to penetrate the interior more effectively, freeing the space from that atmosphere of intimacy typical of normal habitation. The terrace facing the bedroom is “defended” by communist era apartment blocks, while the other terrace provides a relaxing view over an island of houses. The furniture, sparse, functional and minimalist in style, allows the interior spaces to breathe and communicate freely with one another. The only contrasting element is the curve of the bathroom wall, which is made of glass bricks and protects the slightly sunken bathtub. The exposed concrete, which also features in the living area and shower room, lends, with its rough appearance and texture, an experimental air to the overall design, while the seriousness of the furniture is subtly attenuated through the play of colour in the parquet flooring and especially the variations in light, shadow and semi-darkness. The light fittings, of which there are many, all have the same design, though they vary in size, rhythm and spacing depending on the roles they play. The exception to this is given by the organic lamps, which exceed their functional role, carry the architects’ signatures, and give the appearance of being cut into the line of the wall.

l Alex Adam l Casa OZ, Bucure[ti l interioare din românia l igloo best l 30_39

Casa OZ OZ House

Arhitec]ii au preluat aceast` cas` cu o suprafa]` desf`[urat` generoas`, dar cu spa]ii fragmentate [i cu func]iuni incerte [i [i-au propus s` creeze un ambient unitar [i armonios, prin leg`turi sugerate, prin elemente decorative, prin piese de mobilier [i prin lumin`. Planimetria casei, cu forme simple, dreptunghiulare, a permis o recompartimentare ce p`streaz` totu[i toate func]iunile necesare unei locuiri familiale. |n schimb, volumetria fix` din care au reie[it la interior forme neregulate [i col]uri ascu]ite, a impus o aten]ie sporit` pentru corpurile de iluminat, cu atât mai mult cu cât beneficiarii sunt colec]ionari de art` româneasc` interbelic` [i au dorit s`-[i decoreze locuin]a [i cu propriile achizi]ii. Aceast` pasiune pentru art` a proprietarilor a permis un dialog deschis [i productiv cu arhitec]ii, rezultatul fiind un spa]iu dezinvolt [i distins, de o naturale]e elegant`, \n care obiecte semnate de semnate de designeri celebri ai momentului precum Patricia Urquiola, Jean Nouvel sau Ingo Maurer stau lini[tite al`turi de piese de mobilier de epoc`. Fiecare spa]iu al casei se individualizeaz` prin lumin` [i culoare, adaptate \n mod original func]iunilor. Livingul [i diningul, acesta din urm` u[or supra\n`l]at, con]in piese de mobilier cu un aer minimalist, dar extrem de confortabile, [i comunic` vizual cu buc`taria complet alb`. De altfel, transparen]a a fost cultivat` sistematic, cel mai spectaculos detaliu dovedindu-se peretele de sticl` \n care este \ncastrat` plasma TV. La parter se mai afl` biblioteca, de asemenea mobilat` \n alb, biroul [i sera care se vrea un spa]iu de relaxare. |n dormitorul [i \n baia matrimoniale, forme organice inedite, dintre care se remarc` corpurile de iluminat din apropierea patului, atenueaz` sobrietatea ansamblului decorativ. |n contrast, dormitoarele [i b`ile copiilor tr`iesc din culoare [i ornament, evocând universul magic al basmelor.


arhitec]i/architects Alex Adam, Aylin Medina, Roger Pop FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2007

The architects took this large house of fragmented and uncertain functional spaces and proposed to create a unitary and harmonious environment with the aid of suggested connections, decorative elements, furniture and light. The simple rectangular forms of the floor plans allowed for a reorganisation of the space, while still retaining the necessary functionality of a family home. That said, the fixed elements that gave rise to irregular interior forms and sharp edges called for a special focus on the lighting, something of added importance given that the beneficiaries are collectors of interwar Romanian art and wanted to decorate their home with their acquisitions. The owners’ passion for art facilitated an open and productive dialogue with the architects, the result being an uninhibited and refined space of a natural elegance in which objects by the most fashionable designers of the day (including Patricia Urquiola, Jean Nouvel and Ingo Maurer) sit comfortably alongside vintage furniture. Every corner of the house is made individual through use of light and colour, adapted creatively to suit the function of each space. The living room and dining room (the latter being slightly raised) contain furniture that is minimalist in style but extremely comfortable. Both communicate visually with the entirely white kitchen. In fact, the transparency has been systematically cultivated, the most spectacular detail of which being the glass wall with built-in plasma TV. At the ground level are also the library (again furnished in white), the office and the conservatory (meant as a relaxation area). In the bedroom and en suite bathroom, the unique organic forms, such as the light fittings near the bed, soften the seriousness of the decorative scheme. By way of contrast, the children’s bedrooms and bathrooms are alive with colour and ornaments, evoking the magical world of fairytales.

Cump`ra]i-l, e un album de colec]ie!

email:, Igloo media, str. Brezoianu, nr. 4, et. 1, sect.5 , Bucure[ti, tel 0213134118, fax 0213134118, mobil: 0747.045.885, 0720.697.591


igloobest l interioare din românia

din România

Cel de-al doilea album al seriei igloo best este mai mult decât o carte despre amenaj`ri! “Interioare din România” este o carte–manifest care militeaz` pentru un adev`r de care mul]i au ajuns s` se \ndoiasc` \n ultimul timp: în România exist` via]` interioar`! Oricât de straniu vi s-ar p`rea la prima vedere, trebuie s` ne crede]i pe cuvânt [i eventual s` ne verifica]i prin lectur` [i contemplare. Faptul c` ea, cartea, face acest lucru cu ajutorul arhitecturii ]ine mai pu]in de inten]iile autorilor cât de voin]a proprie a acesteia, care, iat`, s-a decis s` participe la efortul na]ional de conturare a lumilor interioare, f`r` de care, [tim bine, nu poate exista progres cultural, dinamic` social` [i, de ce nu?, iubire de calitate. Totu[i, “Interioare din România” nu este o carte despre iubire dup` cum probabil v-a]i fi dorit, ci o carte despre amenaj`ri [i design de interior pentru locuin]e, cuprinzând câteva dintre cele mai interesante proiecte realizate \n ultimii ani. Peste 80 de apartamente [i case au reprezentat materia prim` a selec]iei f`cute de noi, selec]ie ce a privilegiat numai 18 dintre acestea, pe criterii pe care nu vrem s` le dezv`luim. Desigur c` o asemenea selec]ie nu poate reprezenta decât o privire fragmentar` asupra unui fenomen tot mai activ [i cu un con]inut din ce \n ce mai variat.

This second album in the igloo best series is more than just a book about interior design. “Romanian Interiors” is also a manifesto that campaigns for a truth many have recently begun to doubt: there is interior life in Romania! Strange as it may seem at first, you must either take our word for it or discover it for yourselves through reading and contemplation. That this book uses architecture to do this has less to do with the intentions of its authors and more with its being a book with a will of its own that has chosen to be part of the national effort to define interior worlds – without which, as we know well, there can be no cultural progress, social dynamics or (why not?) love. But despite all this, “Romanian Interiors” is not, as you were probably hoping, a book about love. Rather, it is a book about some of the more interesting examples of decoration and interior design of living spaces seen in Romania in recent years. From an initial list of over 80 different houses and apartments, we made a selection for this book (using criteria that will remain secret) of just 18. Naturally, this can only give a fragmented view of this increasingly active and varied phenomenon.

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