Interioare din România 4

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The igloobest collection gives us the opportunity to process, through significant polishing, a certain type of guides capable of marking some crowded areas of architecture and design. This new album gathers 18 achievements of interior design, made by specialists, each of them having a beautiful story behind the concept, the imposed themes or the inspired choices of furniture. The projects vary significantly in complexity, having beneficiaries of different ages and interests, but altogether share a concern for coherence, creativity and customization.

igloobest l interioare din rom창nia 4

Prin colec]ia igloobest \ncerc`m s` prelucr`m, prin a[chiere masiv`, un fel de ghiduri care s` balizeze zone aglomerate ale arhitecturii [i designului. |n acest nou album, am grupat 18 amenaj`ri interioare de locuin]e, realizate de profesioni[ti ai domeniului, fiecare cu o poveste frumoas` \n spate, dincolo de concept, teme impuse sau alegeri inspirate de mobilier. Sunt proiecte care variaz` considerabil \n amploare [i care au beneficiari foarte diferi]i ca v창rst` [i preocup`ri, dar pe care le caracterizeaz` \n egal` m`sur` preocuparea pentru coeren]`, creativitate [i personalizare.


din Rom창nia


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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Interioare din România = Romanian interiors / texte: Viorica Buic` (coord.), Catrinel Panaite ; foto.: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Corvin Cristian, ... ; trad.: Samuel W. F. Onn. – Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2007. – vol. ISBN 978-973-88398-3-0 Vol. 4 / texte: Viorica Buic`, Manuela Zipi[i, Anca Rotar, Catrinel Negru ; trad.: Anca Rotar. 2015. - ISBN 978-606-8026-41-1 I. Buic`, Viorica (text) II. Rotar, Anca (text.) (trad.) III. Zipi[i, Manuela (text.) VI. Negru, Catrinel (text.) 72.04(498)(084) 728.1(498)(084)

Albumul a fost tip`rit cu sprijinul:

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media. Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2015

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INTERIOARE din Rom창nia Interiors from Romania


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Sumar l Interioare din România 4 l igloo best l 05_05

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l BRUNO ANDRE{OIU l Diferen]a l prefa]`


l AA STUDIO l Apartament AMVbt


l STUDIO 1408 l Apartament V.


l DANIEL CIOC~ZANU l Plaisir d’offrir




l BOGDAN CIOCODEIC~ l Apartament P.


l SYAA l Casa T.




l STUDIO3PLUS l Apartament N.


l MELON DESIGN STUDIO l Penthouse cu vedere la lac




l MIRUNA ARDELEAN l Apartament S.


l LABORATORUL DE ARHITECTUR~ l Apartament Nordului


l ADNBA l Apartament B0_5


l STUDIO 1408 l În spirit nordic


l EZZO DESIGN l Apartament T.


l GAS l Apartament N.


l MARILENA POPA l Apartament camping


l AA STUDIO l Casa O.


Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l interioare din România 4 l igloo best l 06_07

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Diferen]a The Difference A[ începe cu o întrebare foarte simpl`, din categoria celor pe care nu le pui niciodat`, pentru c` r`spunsul e fie subîn]eles, fie atât de evident încât nu ai face altceva decât s` stârne[ti priviri amuzate, sau condescendente, sau dispre]uitoare, sau comp`timitoare etc. L`sând îns` orice circumspec]ie [i precau]ii deoparte, m` voi încumeta totu[i s` o formulez. Iat-o: Ce este (de fapt) o Amenajare Interioar`? Dac` am reu[i totu[i s` nu h`h`im înainte de a r`spunde, am constata c` aparenta eviden]` poate îmbr`ca multiple forme [i nuan]e. Iat` numai câteva, luând în calcul [i rezultatul [i procesul, c`ci Amenajarea Interioar`, viclean` formul`, le cuprinde pe amândou`: Organizarea unui spa]iu într-un ansamblu potrivit func]iei [i destina]iei sale/Înfrumuse]area unui spa]iu prin diverse metode/Umplerea unui spa]iu cu obiecte alese dup` gustul celor care vor sta/locui/munci/etc. în respectivul interior/Adaptarea unui spa]iu la cerin]ele/nevoile/dorin]ele utilizatorilor lui/Transformarea unui spa]iu, dup` o tem` dat`, prin metode specifice/ Etc., adic` aici mai pute]i completa [i voi cu propriile interpret`ri [i p`reri. Orice cet`]ean simplu alfabetizat ar putea constata diferen]ele, dar [i faptul c` ele nu fac decât s` nuan]eze un domeniu a c`rui principal` caracteristic` este [i trebuie s` r`mân` subiectivitatea. Subiectivitatea gustului, deci subiectivitatea abord`rii, deci subiectivitatea rezolv`rii. De aici [i bog`]ia lumii amenaj`rilor interioare, aflate, în lumea liber` [i consumist`, într-o faz` de explozie sc`pat` de sub control. Care control? În parantez` fie spus, nu [tiu în ce m`sur` amenaj`rile interioare ajut` PIB-ul unei ]`ri [i cre[terea economic`, dar v` pot spune cu certitudine c`, în România, ele au ajutat mul]i arhitec]i [i mici comersan]i s` treac` prin criz` [i recesiune. Revenind, multiplicarea neîncetat` a op]iunilor de amenajare, datorit` industriilor de profil, mereu la pånd`, face ca paleta posibilit`]ilor [i, implicit, a rezultatelor s` fie ast`zi colosal`. La orice col] (interior) de

I would like to begin with a very easy question, of the kind no one ever asks, because the answer is either implicit or so obvious that the person asking the question would only attract all sorts of looks: amused, condescending, disdainful, pitying, etc. Still, leaving aside all circumspection and precaution, I will venture to phrase this question. Here it is: What (really) constitutes interior design? I can hear you huffing and puffing, and I can sense your sardonic grins, so don’t try to fool me. However, if we deign to abstain from laughing and try to answer the question, we will see that what is considered obvious can assume multiple shapes and nuances. Here are just a few of them, which take into account the result, as well as the process, because the cunning phrase “Interior Design” implies both of them: Organizing a space into an ensemble that corresponds to a function and destination/Beautifying a space by making use of various methods/Filling a space up with objects chosen based on the tastes of those who will spend time in/inhabit/work in that space/Adapting a space to the requirements/needs/wishes of its users/Transforming a space starting from a given theme, using specific methods/Etc. – meaning that here you can add your own opinions and interpretations. Any person with a basic education could spot the differences, as well as the fact that all they do is emphasize the complexities of a field whose main characteristic is – and must remain – subjectivity. The subjectivity of taste is also the subjectivity of the approach and the subjectivity of the solution. From here results the richness of the world of interior design, which, in our free consumerist world, goes through a phase that can only be described as an out-of-control explosion. But exactly what kind of control are we talking about? Incidentally, I am ignorant as to the degree in which interior design can contribute to the GDP of a country and to its economic growth, but I can tell you for certain that, in Romania, interior design has helped many architects and small businesses get through the crisis and the consequent recession. Back on topic, the ceaseless multiplying of interior design options, due to the specialized industries, always stalking, has turned the number of possi-

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cl`dire, g`se[ti mai nou un spa]iu cu preten]ii de amenajare sau, mai cosmopolit spus, design. A[a c` ast`zi, mai mult ca oricând, e nevoie de repere [i ghiduri pentru a nu te r`t`ci prin tot mai vasta p`dure a amenaj`rilor interioare. Cam asta încerc`m noi s` facem aici la întreprinderea igloo, mai cu seam` în colec]ia igloobest: s` prelucr`m prin a[chiere masiv` un soi de ghiduri care s` balizeze zonele aglomerate. Prin urmare, Interioare din România nu e o bro[ur` de decora]iuni care func]ioneaz` ca vitrin` tip`rit` a magazinelor de decora]iuni sau a agen]iilor imobiliare. Nu e nici vreun catalog al firmelor de amenaj`ri interioare sau al furnizorilor de mobilier [i perdele. Nici m`car concuren]a revistelor „deco” nu vrea s` fie. Nu. Noi încerc`m aici s` grup`m, organizat [i disciplinat, câteva (18 la num`r) amenaj`ri interioare care au câteva caracteristici în spate. Prima ar fi c` sunt numai locuin]e [i f`cute de relativ profesioni[ti ai zonei. Adic` arhitec]i, designeri, cutare, cutare. Cealalt`, chiar mai important`, este c` toate subiectele noastre cocheteaz` cu ceea ce a[ numi o abordare ordonat` de gânduri, adic` idei, concepte. Sau, în român` vulgar` [i devia]ionist`, pove[ti. Asta face ca interioarele respective s` nu fie o adun`tur` de obiecte mai sau mai pu]in frumoase, ci o sum` de p`r]i care compun un întreg. Organisme. Ansambluri. Pentru prima oar` [i întâia dat`, avem, pe lâng` tradi]ionalele amenaj`ri interioare f`cute cu dedica]ie – adic` pentru [i la cererea unor oameni vii [i reali, [i amenaj`ri f`cute in blind, adic` pentru spa]ii înc` lipsite de proprietari. Da, a]i în]eles, comandate de dezvoltatori imobiliari pentru a-[i pune mai bine în valoare marfa. De[i nu e o practic` nemai\ntålnit`, în cazurile noastre calitatea spa]iilor rezultate se diferen]iaz` net de norma pie]ei. Datorit` desigur calit`]ii oamenilor ce le-au f`cut. Apoi, dac` la amenaj`rile obi[nuite proprietarii au un inevitabil cuvânt de spus, la cestelalte, arhitectul/designerul e singur cu povestea [i meseria lui.

bilities and, implicitly, of results, into a colossal one. In every (interior) corner of a building, one can find a place that fancies itself well-thought-out, or, in cosmopolitan language, designed. Therefore, today, more than ever, we need benchmarks and guidelines in order not to get lost in the increasingly vast forest of interior design. This is exactly what we are trying to do here, at the igloo office, especially through our igloobest series: to apply large-scale chip removal in order to create guides that may serve as landmarks in over-congested areas. Therefore, Interiors from Romania is not a decorations brochure that functions as a printed shop window for interior design shops or real estate agencies. It’s not even a catalogue of interior design studios or furniture and curtains providers. It doesn’t even want to be a competitor of “deco” magazines. No. What we are trying to do here is bring together, in an organized and disciplined manner, a few (18, to be exact) examples of interior design that share a few common traits. The first common trait is that all of them are homes designed by professionals. Meaning, architects, designers, the usual. The other, more important trait is that all of the featured projects are flirting with what I would call an orderly approach to various thoughts, that is, ideas and concepts. Or, in vulgar, deviant language, jabber. This turns the featured interiors into something more than a jumble of more or less aesthetically pleasing items, namely a sum of parts that make up a whole. Organisms. Ensembles. For the very first time, we are featuring, alongside the usual “presentation copy” interiors – meaning the ones made for and at the request of living, breathing people, several “in blind” designs, of spaces that have yet to find their owners. Yes, you got that right, as in commissioned by real estate developers in order to place their goods in a better light. Although this is not unheard of, the examples we have chosen stand much above the market average. This is, of course, due to the excellent professionals who designed them. Further on, while in “traditional” projects the owner is the one who gets the last word in, here, the architect/designer is alone with his job and his story.

l AA Studio l Apartament AMVbt l interioare din românia 4 l igloo best l


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Apartament AMVbt AMVbt Apartment Arhitec]ii au f`cut cuno[tin]` cu acest spa]iu aflat \ntr-un bloc nou de locuin]e din zona Prim`verii \n momentul \n care se terminau lucr`rile la structura de rezisten]` [i astfel au putut interveni u[or pentru modificarea compartiment`rii ini]iale: pe suprafa]a pe care erau prev`zute dou` apartamente mai mici, a fost \ntr-un final configurat un singur apartament, cu o suprafa]` total` de peste 300 mp, confortabil, luminos [i versatil. |n centrul locuin]ei a fost amenajat` zona de zi (living, buc`t`rie, dining, birou, teras` exterioar`), iar pe lateralele acestui nucleu au fost distribuite zonele de noapte – spa]ii mai intime [i mai protejate, un fel de alveole semi-independente. Pe un fundal neutru, curat, se desf`[oar` diverse scenarii cromatice [i volumetrice care au \n centru piese [i detalii de design (Fendi, Rimadesio, Gaggenau, Baccarat, Viabizzuno, Moooi) alese al`turi de beneficiari. Albul este dominant \n spa]iile de zi unde, \n combina]ie cu vitrajele c`tre exterior, aduce mult` luminozitate [i energie \n via]a cotidian`, dar exist` [i zone, precum biroul sau baia matrimonial`, unde se trece \ntr-un registru al negrului [i griului. Pentru a p`stra cât mai curat` imaginea general`, grilele de ventila]ie sau de climatizare au fost ascunse, iar mascarea lor a fost corelat` cu sistemul de iluminare – fantele din scafele perimetrale sunt [i surs` de lumin` indirect`. Pe lâng` aceast` lumin` util`, exist` [i numeroase surse de lumin` decorativ`, piese sculpturale care contribuie decisiv la crearea unei atmosfere aparte \n fiecare spa]iu, inclusiv \n b`ile generoase care adun` la un loc finisaje, accesorii [i mobilier de cea mai \nalt` calitate, estetic [i func]ional (Antolini, Sicis, Antonio Lupi, Gessi, Dornbracht, Tunes Radiatori [i Inda).


AA Studio, arhitec]i / architects Alex Adam, Roger Pop, Alexandra Ghiveci, Monika Koryczan, Adrian Br`tescu FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2014

When the architects were introduced to this apartment, located in a new collective housing building in the Prim`verii area, they were in the process of wrapping up the works on the building’s structural reinforcement system, and were thus able to easily make changes to the original layout. On a surface that was supposed to be divided between two apartments, they designed one single comfortable, well-lit and versatile apartment, with a total surface area of over 300 sqm. The daytime area (living room, kitchen, office and terrace) was placed at the centre of the apartment and the night-time areas – intimate, contained spaces, designed as semi-independent alveoli – were distributed along the lateral sides of this nucleus. Against a clean, neutral background, several volumetric and chromatic scenarios unravel, organized around designer items (by Fendi, Rimadesio, Gaggenau, Baccarat, Viabizzuno and Moooi) chosen by the architects and clients. Pure white dominates the living areas where, combined with the glazed openings, it brings a lot of light and energy to the owners’ daily life. There are also areas where the colour scheme revolves around black and grey, such as the office or the main bathroom. In order to maintain a clear overall image, the ventilation and air-conditioning grilles were hidden and connected to the lighting system. Thus, the slots along the perimeter soffits also constitute sources of indirect light. Furthermore, the architects introduced several decorative lighting fixtures, sculptural bodies that play a great role in the creation of a unique atmosphere inside every room, including the spacious bathrooms, defined by finishes, furniture and accessories of the highest aesthetic and functional quality (by Antolini, Sicis, Antonio Lupi, Gessi, Dornbracht, Tunes Radiatori and Inda).

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l Studio 1408 l Apartament V. l interioare din românia 4 l igloo best l


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Apartament V. V. Apartment Amplasat într-un cartier reziden]ial din centrul Bucure[tiului, apartamentul de 160 mp avea ini]ial o structur` mai degrab` celular`, cu o camer` de zi cu buc`t`rie deschis`, dou` dormitoare, dou` b`i [i un birou. Primul pas stabilit \mpreun` cu beneficiarii a fost reconfigurarea spa]iilor, la care s-a lucrat aproape un an pentru a ob]ine \n final o locuin]` luminoas`, cu o zon` ampl` de zi, o buc`t`rie deschis` spre o teras` acoperit` [i o zon` de acces cu spa]ii de depozitare, ce delimiteaz` totodat` livingul de aria de tranzit; \n completare, zona de noapte este compus` dintr-un dormitor cu o loggie intim`, un dressing de dimensiuni notabile [i o baie cu spa]iu separat pentru sp`l`torie. Toate spa]iile sunt organizate într-un mod inteligent [i firesc, f`r` delimit`ri inutile, iar la nivel vizual unificarea lor se realizeaz` [i prin elemente de finisaj: parchetul din lemn masiv, rindeluit manual pentru un efect unic „wave”, prezent în aproape toat` locuin]a [i care, la un moment dat, urc` pe unul dintre pere]ii livingului, sau betonul aparent, prezent atât în living, cât [i în dormitor. Discursul general al amenaj`rii este unul minimalist, poten]at de accente de culoare [i texturi, într-un joc puternic senzorial. Alternan]a de texturi contribuie totodat` la crearea unei atmosfere sofisticate [i genereaz` diferite scenarii de experimentare a profunzimii spa]iului. Este un demers vizibil cu prec`dere \n amenajarea b`ii, unde un perete central, placat cu Corten, devine punct focal [i delimiteaz` trei zone distincte, iar un alt perete, cu piese ceramice negre 3D, produse de Marazzi, intr` \n dialog cu materialitatea mai subtil` a suprafe]elor de sticl` mat`. Canapelele galben curry [i accesoriile mov puternic aduc o not` exuberant` amenaj`rii, prin contrastul puternic cu tonurile gri ale pere]ilor.


Studio 1408, arhitec]i / architects Lucian Bugnariu, Diana Bugnariu FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2014

Located in a residential neighbourhood in central Bucharest, this 160 sqm apartment originally had a cellular structure that included a living room with an open kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an office. The first step, agreed upon by the architects and clients, was to redesign the layout, which took over one year, in order to create a luminous home with an ample living area, a kitchen that opens towards a covered terrace and an access lobby with storage space, which, at the same time, separates the living room from the transit area. Further on, the night-time area is made up of a bedroom with an intimate loggia, a generous walk-in closet and a bathroom that includes a laundry area. The spaces are organized in an intelligent, natural manner, with no unnecessary obstacles, and united visually through finishing elements such as the hand planed solid wood floor, with a unique wave effect, which is present in every room and even “climbs” one of the living room walls, and the exposed concrete, found in the living room and bedroom. The overall visual discourse is minimalist, with colour and texture accents that create a strong sensorial game. The alternation of textures also contributes to the creation of a sophisticated environment and generates several scenarios for experiencing the depth of the space. This is especially obvious in the bathroom, where a central, Corten-coated wall becomes the focal point and generates three distinct areas, and another wall, with 3D black ceramic pieces by Marazzi, establishes a dialog with the subtle matte glass surfaces. The curry yellow sofas and violet accessories bring an exuberant touch, in strong contrast with the grey tones of the walls.

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l ADN BA l Apartament B0–5 l interioare din românia 4 l igloo best l


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Apartament B0_5 B0_5 Apartment Apartamentul B0_5 este un studio cu supant` [i gr`din` [i face parte din ansamblul Urban Spaces, proiectat de acela[i birou de arhitectur` care a realizat amenajarea. Interven]ia a urm`rit maximizarea spa]iului utilizabil prin renun]area la un spa]iu tehnic aflat ini]ial sub cota pardoselii ceea ce a permis o \n`l]ime liber` de 4 m [i amenajarea apartamentului pe trei niveluri. Astfel, cota spa]iului principal a coborât de la +/-0.00 (cota accesului din holul imobilului) la -1.20 (cota terenului), iar prin ad`ugarea unei platforme metalice peste zona buc`t`riei (deschise) [i a b`ii, s-a ob]inut o zon` de dormit la o a treia cot` diferit`, +1.16. Depozitarea este rezolvat` printr-o pasarel` metalic` montat` la cota accesului care permite folosirea unor rafturi pe toat` \n`l]imea peretelui lateral, dar [i prin a[ezarea unor cutii din placaj, pe ro]i, sub aceasta. Leg`turile \ntre nivelurile diferite se fac prin trei sc`ri metalice, verticale sau cu \nclina]ie mare, dou` dintre ele fiind la rândul lor mobile. Rezultatul este ob]inerea unor „locuri” distincte, de[i apropiate: intrarea, biblioteca, locul de dormit, zona de zi, gr`dina, toate \n cadrul unui spa]iu unic prin care se poate circula \n mai multe feluri. Studioul este reprezentativ pentru conceptul proiectului \n ansamblu: un loc destinat oamenilor care aleg s` locuiasc` \n centrul unui ora[ activ cum este Bucure[tiul [i \n]eleg c` pot renun]a la suprafe]e mari ([i nu tot timpul necesare) pentru zona de locuit \n favoarea unor spa]ii [i dot`ri comune mai generoase [i a unui interior compact, \ns` versatil [i foarte bine utilat.


ADN BA, arhitec]i / architects Andrei {erbescu, Adrian Untaru, Valentina }igâr`, Simina Ignat, Cosmin Dragomir [i Salzburg Investment Group SA FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2014

Part of the Urban Spaces complex designed by the same architects, B0_5 is a studio apartment with a split level and a garden. The interior design project aimed to maximize the usable space through the elimination of a technical space initially located below floor level, generating a total height of 4m, and through the creation of a three-level layout. Thus, the height of the main space went from +/-0.00 (same as the entrance to the building) to -1.20 (the height of the lot), and, following the insertion of a metallic platform over the open kitchen and bathroom area, a sleeping area was created at the height of +1.16 m. The problem of storage space was solved through the installation of a metallic bridge at access level, generating shelving on the full height of the lateral wall. Furthermore, beneath the bridge were placed several storage crates with wheels. The three levels communicate with each other through three metallic ladders, vertical or with a high incline, two of which are displaceable. As a result, several distinct adjacent areas are generated: the entrance hall, the library, the sleeping area, the living area and the garden – all of them located within the same space, one that allows for several different trajectories. What makes this studio striking is the overall concept of the complex it’s part of: a place aimed at people who choose to live in the heart of a dynamic city, like Bucharest, and who know that they can renounce large (and not always necessary) living surfaces in favour of generous common spaces and facilities and compact, yet versatile and well-equipped interiors.

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l Marilena Popa & Mihnea Ghildu[ l Apartament camping l interioare din românia 4 l igloo best l


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Apartament camping Camping Apartment |n acest apartament, aflat \n apropierea Parcului Tineretului, [i-au dat \ntâlnire peste 100 de produse semnate de creatori români, contribuind, \n cele patru camere existente, la conturarea unei pove[ti inspirate de natur` [i mi[care. „Inima” casei este open space-ul primitor \n care se \ntâlnesc vestibulul, livingul, buc`t`ria [i zona de dining, iar organizarea acestuia a fost principala provocare a proiectului. Solu]ia de compartimentare o reprezint` cele trei panouri metalice, cu zone de \nchideri cu plas`, care nu \mpiedic` privirea s` cuprind` \ntreg spa]iul. |n plus, structura metalic` are [i o func]ie „container”, de ea putând fi ag`]ate bicicleta sau trotineta. Holul de intrare este \nveselit de cuierele Rizi [i Meao [i, imediat dup` col], avem o zon` dinamic` definit` de bancheta din lemn masiv de la Silva Artis [i de autocolantul cu biciclet` de la Cai verzi pe pere]i. La câ]iva pa[i distan]`, livingul este dominat de o hart` a Bucure[tiului proiectat` de Marilena Popa [i produs` de Atelier 13. |n zona de dining, familia se reune[te \n jurul mesei Grasshopper (Alexandru D`buleanu), iar corpul de iluminat este semnat de Astrid Rottman [i Adina Segal (Atelier A4). Zona intim` a casei st` aproape de natur`: la capul patului din dormitorul matrimonial, decorat cu o hus` tip cort, se afl` o „p`dure” de mesteceni, iar m`su]a de toalet` e \nveselit` de scaunul cu influen]e etno produs de echipa Dizain`r. Aten]ia la detalii este dominanta acestui apartament din complexul reziden]ial The Park, \n care obiectele create de designeri [i arti[ti români contemporani [i-au g`sit locul potrivit \ntr-un ambient plin de via]`.


arhitect / architect Marilena Popa designer de interior [i produs / interior and product designer Mihnea Ghildu[ FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2015

Inside this apartment, located near Tineretului Park, over 100 items created by Romanian designers come together, turning the four rooms into a dynamic visual tale inspired by nature and movement. The heart of the house is the welcoming open space made up of the entrance hall, kitchen, living area, and dining area. Needless to say, the design of this space was the most challenging part of the project. The designers came up with a solution for visual compartmentalization by introducing three metallic panels with netted areas that allow the observation of the entire space. Furthermore, the metallic structures also double as containers and can be used to hang up a bicycle or tricycle. The entrance hall is enlivened by the Rizi and Meao clothes pegs and, right around the corner awaits a dynamic area defined by a solid wood bench from Silva Artis and a bicycle sticker from Cai verzi pe pere]i. A few steps further, the living area is dominated by a map of Bucharest designed by Marilena Popa and manufactured by Atelier 13. In the dining area, the family comes together around the Grasshopper table (by Alexandru D`buleanu) and the lighting fixture is designed by Astrid Rottman and Adina Segal (Atelier A4). The private area of the house brings nature indoors: at the head of the bed inside the master bedroom, with a tent-like covering, lies a birch “forest,” and the vanity table is enlivened by the ethno-inspired chair created by the team of Dizain`r. The care for details is the defining element of this The Park Residential Complex apartment, where the creations of Romanian artists and designers are right at home in a dynamic environment.

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The igloobest collection gives us the opportunity to process, through significant polishing, a certain type of guides capable of marking some crowded areas of architecture and design. This new album gathers 18 achievements of interior design, made by specialists, each of them having a beautiful story behind the concept, the imposed themes or the inspired choices of furniture. The projects vary significantly in complexity, having beneficiaries of different ages and interests, but altogether share a concern for coherence, creativity and customization.

igloobest l interioare din rom창nia 4

Prin colec]ia igloobest \ncerc`m s` prelucr`m, prin a[chiere masiv`, un fel de ghiduri care s` balizeze zone aglomerate ale arhitecturii [i designului. |n acest nou album, am grupat 18 amenaj`ri interioare de locuin]e, realizate de profesioni[ti ai domeniului, fiecare cu o poveste frumoas` \n spate, dincolo de concept, teme impuse sau alegeri inspirate de mobilier. Sunt proiecte care variaz` considerabil \n amploare [i care au beneficiari foarte diferi]i ca v창rst` [i preocup`ri, dar pe care le caracterizeaz` \n egal` m`sur` preocuparea pentru coeren]`, creativitate [i personalizare.


din Rom창nia


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