Turf Line News -June/July Issue

Page 66




ONLI NE RESOURCE FOR TURF M A NA GERS NEA RLY COM PLETE A m ajor rewrit e t o t he IPM Manual for Turfgrass Managers, originally a resource produced in part nership bet ween t he WCTA and t he BC Minist ry of Agricult ure in t he early 2000's, is nearing com plet ion. Funded entirely by a $35,000 grant from the BC Ministry of Environment, work began in the fall of 2016 after an RFP for the rewrite was circulated. CropHealth Advising and Research, Mario Lanthier Principal, was awarded the

Image courtesy WCTA

contract to produce this free, online resource, the creation of which is being steered by the BC Allied Golf Association's 'Environmental Advocacy Committee'.

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