Command and Control: ICS, Strategy Development, and Tactical Selections, Book 1 • • 33
Command and Control: ICS, Strategy Development and Tactical Selections, Book 2 • 33
Company Officer’s Handbook • 32
Fire Prevention Applications for the Company Officer • 25
Fire Prevention Applications • • 25
Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply • • 16
Firefighter’s Handbook on Wildland Firefighting Strategy, Tactics and Safety
• • 39
Ground Cover Fire Fighting for Structural Firefighters • 39
Incident Command System Model Procedures Guide for Incidents Involving Structural Fire Fighting, High-Rise, Multi-Casualty, Highway, and Managing Large-Scale Incidents Using NIMS-ICS (Book 1) • 34
Introduction to Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response • • 9
Leadership for the Wildland Fire Officer • • 38
Live Fire Instructor • • 27
Plans Examiner for Fire and Emergency Services • 18
Public Information Officer • • 32
Rapid Intervention Teams • • 10
Special Operations – Incidents Involving Hazardous Materials/WMD, Structural Collapse, Wildland, and Managing Large-Scale Incidents Using NIMS-ICS (Book 2) • 34
The Sourcebook for Fire Company Training Evolutions • 27
Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention • 28
Working with coordinators of two- and four-year academic fire and Emergency Medical Services management degree programs, the U.S. Fire Administration established the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) network of emergency services-related education and training providers. The FESHE mission is to establish an organization of post-secondary institutions to promote higher education and to enhance the recognition of the fire and emergency services as a profession to reduce loss of life and property from fire and other hazards.
IFSTA® and FPP are proud to have written FESHE recommended texts and/or supporting references for 29 FESHE courses. Visit ifsta.org/feshe to view our full IFSTA-FPP FESHE guide.
For 90 years, we have been dedicated to delivering the most comprehensive safety and training standards and information to every corner of the fire service industry.
IFSTA® and FPP manuals provide learning opportunities for all emergency service personnel, from students to instructors to active-duty firefighters.
IFSTA® content is written for firefighters by firefighters. While we’ve transitioned from the early Redbooks to 1,400-page manuals, one thing has never changed: our commitment to quality.
Since its 1977 introduction, the Essentials of Firefighting series has sold more than 1 million copies. Publishing fire service training manuals is IFSTA®’s primary and only mission. We are proud to be invested in all levels of today’s fire service community. From supporting local fire prevention activities to global support for legislative and fire research projects, IFSTA®, in cooperation with FPP and Oklahoma State University, provides partnerships for grants and supports various fire service organizations to help the fire service Train, Learn, Perform, and Succeed
It’s the way IFSTA® manuals have been written and validated since 1934. The process to produce new and revised IFSTA® manuals is a collaborative effort between the staff members at FPP and IFSTA® subject matter experts who are assigned to the validation committee for a particular manual. IFSTA® validation committee members are a diverse group of subject matter experts from all areas of the fire and emergency services community who volunteer to review draft chapters for new and revised IFSTA® manuals. Committee members also provide assistance in obtaining research materials, photographs, and other information needed to produce a finished manual. Members are sent draft chapters of the manual they are assigned to and submit comments on the drafts to the FPP staff members assigned to the project. All comments are reviewed by the entire committee and discussed in committee meetings. Committees complete their work in an 18- to 36-month time frame including regular electronic meetings and two to four in-person meetings held in Oklahoma.
If you are interested in serving on or learning more about an IFSTA® validation committee, check our website at www.ifsta.org for announcements on new committees seeking members.
This edition meets all of the NFPA 1001, 2019 JPRs. Essentials 7 is the complete source for firefighter recruit and refresher training.
Key features:
• Organized to meet the needs of students and instructors: Chapters 1-15 Fire Fighter I
Chapters 16-22 Fire Fighter II
Chapter 23 Emergency First Aid (FFI JPRs)
Chapters 24-26 Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations (FFI JPRs)
Chapter 27 NIMS-ICS (FF I, FF II, and Hazmat JPRs)
• IFSTA® worked with the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (UL-FSRI) to incorporate the latest research on fire behavior and fire attack. This research is throughout the text. Essentials 7 uses text, photos, illustrations, key terms, and plain language for greater comprehension of this new content.
• Hazardous Materials content is enhanced and meets Awareness and Operations of NFPA 1072, 2017 JPRs.
• The IFSTA® one column format means more photos, more illustrations, and more tables. More visuals enhance the student learning experience.
• A complete line of support products for students and instructors include the Curriculum, Workbook, Exam Prep, Interactive Course, Skills Videos, and eBook. The new Fire Dynamics research from UL-FSRI is the basis for extensive changes in the Fire Dynamics and Ventilation chapters. These chapters tackle the complexities of fire behavior that new knowledge provides. The information is applied to structure fires and to the effects of fire on buildings. Applying this new science to fire attack means understanding fuel, the stages of fire, the critical need to control the sources of oxygen, and the value of cooling a fire before making entry into a structure.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 7th Edition (2018)
Pages: 1,486
ISBN: 978-0-87939-657-2
Item 36777
eBook Item 75168
Instructors know they can count on IFSTA to provide comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum. The Essentials 7 Curriculum includes all 27 chapters. Find these curriculum components on a Flash Drive and ResourceOne:
• Plan of Instruction and Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines and PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
• Workbook Answer Key
• Training Evolutions from Combined Skill Sheets
• Sk ills Evaluation Checklists
Curriculum is available for instructors to download at no cost on ResourceOne®. Visit R1.IFSTA.org/curriculum to learn more or contact support@osufpp.org
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36787
1,541 Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. This popular student product includes 1,480 questions divided among all 27 chapters of Essentials 7. Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic in Essentials 7. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested, instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print.
Exam Prep is available in 3 formats:
• Exam Prep Print
• Essentials 7 Companion App – Easy interface to choose how many questions and from which chapters to customize study time. Questions with wrong answers are stored in a study deck so students can return and study on the content that needs the most attention. Each question is page referenced to find the topic in Essentials 7. This is an in-app purchase.
• As a premium item through an Essentials 7 course on ResourceOne provided by an instructor.
Exam Prep Print Item 36778
The Workbook includes more than 3,000 questions and activities covering all 27 chapters of Essentials 7. Instructors can include the activities and questions in lesson plans and for review after the initial presentation of chapter content. Each item is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic to review in Essentials 7. Students will also find value in using the Workbook if the instructor does not incorporate it as a part of a course. Different types of questions and activities reinforce various learning styles. Activities include:
• Key Terms
• True/False
• Matching
• Fill in the Blank
Workbook Print Item 36788
• Picture Identification
• Short Answer
• Multiple Choice
• Scenarios
The Workbook can be added as a premium item in the R1 course.
• Essentials
The Instructor Resource Kit provides teaching materials in an all-inclusive and discounted kit for instructors. The IRK provides all the instructional materials needed for Essentials 7 FFI and FFII courses. The IRK provides instructors a convenient way to store and transport all instructional materials to any teaching location.
The IRK includes:
• Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition (Print)
• Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition Curriculum USB Flash Drive
• Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition Exam Prep Print
The 173 videos follow the skill sheet instructions provided at the end of Essentials 7 chapters. The skill requirements of NFPA® 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2019), are presented in action videos. These videos assist visual learners and ensure hands-on training corresponds with the certification exam skill sheet checklists. Fire Fighter I and II skills are demonstrated in these videos. The videos are offered in two ways to meet the needs of students and instructors.
Skills Video Series Available:
• Skills Video Series DVD Set with all 173 Videos
More than 30 hours of visually engaging self-instruction for FFI and FFII.
All 27 chapters of Essentials 7 are included in the course. The FFI and FFII Interactive Course is presented with a combination of text, images, and video.
Knowledge checks are built into the course. Students can use the FFI and FFII Interactive Course to review class content or to prepare for the next lesson.
Essentials 7 FFI & FFII Interactive Course
Item 75217
The Interactive Course is compatible with PC, Mac, tablets, and mobile devices. An order for the Interactive Course Item 75217 is processed within two business days. An email is sent with instructions to access the Interactive Course. Access to the course is valid for one year from the date of purchase. The course does not provide a certificate, documentation of completion, or any form of certification.
The Interactive Course is available three ways:
• Search “Essentials 7 Interactive Course” on ifsta.org
• Download as an in-app purchase through the Essentials 7 Companion App
• Purchase as a premium item through your instructor-provided Essentials 7 ResourceOne course
We are excited for this opportunity to partner with the FIRES Foundation in the development of the Spanish translation of Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition.
One of the unique features about this Spanish translation by the FIRES Foundation is that the manual has been translated page by page and lines up completely with the English edition. This translation allows students to use existing E7 support products, which contain page references.
Volume I contains chapters 1-14 and Volume II contains chapters 15-27.
Audiobook available through Essentials 7 Companion App
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 7th Edition (2021) Pages: 1,453 ISBN: 978-0-87939-767-8
Spanish Edition Two-Volume Set Item 36367
eBook Item 76040 Includes Both Volumes
The purpose of this manual is to acquaint new firefighters with the history, traditions, terminology, organization, and operation of the fire and emergency services. In addition, the manual contains typical job and operation descriptions that should provide insight into the inner workings of the fire service. An extensive fire and emergency services glossary is included. The manual is also intended for college students who are beginning their associate’s level studies in fire-related fields.
The scope of this manual is to meet the learning outcomes of the National Fire Academy (NFA) Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Principles of Emergency Services associate’s level course. In addition, information in this manual addresses numerous requisite knowledge items identified in Chapter 5, Fire Fighter I, and Chapter 6, Fire Fighter II, of NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. The manual is intended to be used in a college classroom, but is also an excellent companion text to IFSTA®’s Essentials of Fire Fighting.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum with approved ALLY score:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• PowerPoint® with Instructor Notes
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36492
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 6th Edition (2016) Pages: 606 ISNB: 978-0-87939-592-6 Item 36490 eBook Item 75012
The purpose of this manual is to provide land-based (shoreside) fire service personnel with the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. The content of this manual is written to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1005, the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for Professional Qualifications for Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Fire Fighters, 2019 Edition.
Sixteen skill sheets assist the instructor and the student to prepare for skills evaluations. The Marine for Land-Based Firefighters also includes a curriculum package per chapter that includes Lesson Outlines, Chapter Tests, and PowerPoints®.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• 14 Skills
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
• Instructor Tool Box
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36195
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2019)
Pages: 386 ISBN: 978-0-87939-641-1
Item 36189 eBook Item 75163
This first edition of Fire Protection Publications’ Introduction to Active Shooter/ Hostile Event Response defines how to establish an ASHER training program on the local level, how to conduct threat assessment of your community, how to coordinate response with other responders and how to recover from an ASHE. Ours is the only fire service training manual available on this topic. The manual addresses NFPA 3000™, Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program
This second edition presents the purpose of a rapid intervention team (RIT) program and how to implement one in an emergency response organization. The text has updated photos and illustrations and uses the IFSTA one column format that is ideal for adult learners.
This book serves as a guide to the regulations and standards that apply to RIT including information from NFPA 1407 related to training and operational concepts. It also includes an equipment list for rapid intervention work and how an RIT can use existing equipment.
This manual can be used as a guide for emergency services to develop and implement an up-to-date RIT program and/or modernize a current RIT program. Procedures and practical tips for rescuing those in trouble are included as well as how a two-team concept can provide resources for most rescue situations.
Comprehensive and easy to customize
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36142
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2019)
ISBN: 978-0-87939-704-3 Item 36141
eBook Item 75200
Structural Fire Fighting: High-Rise Fire Fighting, 2nd Edition, is designed to be a companion to IFSTA’s other Structural Fire Fighting manuals: Truck Company Skills and Tactics and Initial Response Strategy and Tactics. This manual provides an overview of historic high-rise fires, construction features, fire behavior, water supply, fire protection systems, elevators and escalators, evacuation procedures, preincident planning, incident command, strategy and tactics, and special situations. Topics such as hazardous exposures, wind-driven fires, staging and communications, and working with fire protection systems are given special emphasis.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2011)
Pages: 315
ISBN: 978-0-87939-397-7
Item 36697
eBook Item 75117
This edition prepares the learner to serve as the Incident Commander who must evaluate an incident, assign resources, and coordinate the incident action plan. This new edition encompasses decision-making during emergen cy response – especially initial decisions upon arrival – and incident planning. The purpose of this manual is to provide the initial Incident Commander with the strategic and tactical concepts that can be applied to various situations using available resources.
This manual meets the requirements of the Fire and Emergency Services for Higher Education (FESHE) course outcome and outlines for the associates level, noncore course “Strategy and Tactics.” This manual broadens the knowledge applicable to emergency response requirements included in NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum.
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Assessments and Answer Key
• Instructor Tool Box
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36147
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2022) Pages: 372 ISBN: 978-0-87939-768-5 Item 36146 eBook Item 75253
This manual is designed to be a resource for those who engage in “truck work” on the fireground. Building on concepts introduced in Essentials of Fire Fighting, this manual provides more detailed information on such topics as forcible entry, fireground search and rescue, horizontal and vertical ventilation, rapid intervention, loss control, and many other responsibilities traditionally assigned to truck companies.
This manual builds on the information contained in Fireground Support Operations, 1st Edition, and has a special focus on safe fireground operations. Each chapter begins with Safety Points that highlight specific safety reminders for tasks addressed in the chapter. In addition, a scenario at the end of each chapter encourages the reader to apply concepts that have been learned.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2015) Pages: 484 ISBN: 978-0-87939-387-8 Item 36542 eBook Item 75107
All three Structural books bundled together. Item 37910
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2015)
ISBN: 978-0-87939-574-2
Item 36727 eBook Item 76013
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2015) ISBN: 978-0-87939-571-1 Item 36723 eBook Item 76012
These editions of the best selling IFSTA® fire apparatus driver/operator training materials mark a new approach to training driver/ operators. Previously, IFSTA® published two separate manuals with student and instructor support materials: Pumping Apparatus Driver/ Operator Handbook and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook. Fire departments with both types of apparatus needed two manuals and two curricula. Driver/operator trainees needed two Exam Preps to study for tests.
The release of the 3rd edition of these manuals streamlines the IFSTA training resources. The Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition covers pumping apparatus only. The second book in the pair, Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition contains the same 15 chapters as the pumping apparatus textbook, plus an additional 5 chapters relevant to aerial apparatus. Personnel on departments that operate both types of apparatus now only need one manual and one curriculum for training. Students only need one Exam Prep to prepare for testing. If a fire department does not use aerial apparatus, they can use the Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition and omit the aerial sections of the curriculum and Exam Prep which include all 20 chapters.
Chapters 2 and 3 are especially beneficial for all driver/operators: Inspection and Maintenance, and Safety and Operating Emergency Vehicles.
• Skill Sheets now included
• Key Terms added
• The Fire Apparatus Manufacturer’s Association (FAMA) standardized safety signs for fire apparatus are highlighted
• Hydraulic calculations presented in a logical sequence making teaching and learning easier
• Customary and metric calculations in one chapter
• Case histories introduce each chapter
• NFPA 1002 JPR Correlation Matrix
• Skill Sheets now included
• Key Terms added
• Aerial apparatus safety emphasizes the most common risks based on actual incidents including: stabilizing equipment before raising the aerial device, wearing fall protection, and avoiding power lines
• Strategy and tactics include assessing rescue priorities specifically for aerial placement and deployment
• Chapters address proper stabilization, positioning and operation of telescoping, and articulating aerial devices
953 Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for comprehensive end-of-course tests or the written portion of a certification exam. The Exam Prep content is arranged by chapter. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested, instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print. This popular student product includes 953 questions divided among all 20 chapters of Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook. Each question is referenced so the user can quickly find the topic to review in the manual.
Exam Prep Print Item 36730
The Instructor Resource Kit provides teaching materials in an all-inclusive and discounted kit for instructors. The IRK provides all the instructional materials needed for Driver/ Operator Handbook courses. The IRK provides instructors a convenient way to store and transport all instructional materials to any teaching location.
The IRK includes:
• Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition (Print)
• Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition, Curriculum USB Flash Drive
• Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition, Exam Prep Print
Instructor Resource Kit Item 36754
Instructors know they can count on IFSTA to provide comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum. The Driver/Operator Handbook Curriculum includes all 20 chapters. Find these curriculum components on a Flash Drive and ResourceOne®:
• Plan of Instruction and Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines and PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
• Skills Evaluation Checklists
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36732
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus
Driver/Operator 3rd Edition
Exam Prep Plus
Prepare for certification exams on the go! Exam Prep Plus App is a portable, interactive version of the print Exam Prep product with all 953 questions. View questions on your tablet or phone. Download on the App Store or Google Play. This all new app now includes an audiobook..
The ability to identify a sufficient water supply source and use it effectively to control a fire is one of the most basic functions of the fire service. This manual includes information on the basics of water and water flow, theoretical and practical methods of determining water flow and pressure loss, types of pumps and fire apparatus used to move water, relay pumping operations, and effectively supplying sprinkler and standpipe systems.
In addition to new, up-to-date photos and graphics, this 3rd edition discusses recent research on updating friction loss coefficients for modern fire hose. This is also the first edition of this text that includes information and calculations using the metric system of measurement.
This manual meets FESHE learning objectives for the Associates non-core course, Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply. Some requirements from NFPA 1002, Fire Apparatus Driver/ Operator Professional Qualifications (2017 edition) are addressed throughout various portions of the text.
The basic fire suppression mission of a firefighter is to enter a burning structure, rescue occupants, and extinguish the fire. The firefighter enters an unknown environment. Effective and safe fire fighting in a structure requires the firefighter to understand building construction, building materials, and the impact of fire on buildings.
The landscape of communities today include buildings made of modern, engineered materials as well as legacy buildings constructed in the early twentieth century or before, and everything in between. All members of the fire service, regardless of their area of responsibility, need an understanding of how structures are built, the nature of the construction materials, and how the buildings are likely to respond under fire conditions. This edition provides information about building design, construction, construction materials, and how these relate to emergency operations. The information is important for fire prevention and for fire fighting strategy and tactics. Knowledge of building construc tion is vital when enforcing fire codes, inspecting buildings, developing preincident plans, fighting fire, directing fire ground operations, performing the duties of the incident safety officer, or investigating fires. A thorough understanding of building construction enables fire department personnel to make better and safer decisions to protect people and property.
Although this text is not based on an NFPA standard, it includes content related to requisite knowledge from NFPA 1001, 1006, and 1031.
This text meets the learning objectives for the FESHE Associates core course, Building Construction for Fire Protection.
This manual is for fire department staff and others who review plans for compliance with fire and building codes to ensure public safety. Content in this book is appropriate for any plan examiners in fire prevention divisions, fire marshal bureaus, building departments, and community risk reduction organizations. The 15 chapters in this book present material that meets the job performance requirements (JPRs) of Plan Examiner I and II according to the NFPA 1031, Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner (2014). Plan Examiner II requires an in-depth review of sprinkler and fire alarm shop drawings, which are sold separately.
Four hundred and twenty key terms and definitions are highlighted throughout the book and are included in the glossary. The book features updated photos and illustrations. A sample set of blueprints are referenced in the book and are available to purchase in a package with the text.
This text meets the learning objectives for the FESHE Fire Prevention course, Fire Plans Review.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2016) Pages: 426 ISBN: 978-0-87939-608-4
Item 36609 eBook Item 76018 Blueprints Item 36952 PACKAGES
NOTE: The blueprints are not available in a digital format. The blueprints will be shipped. The eBook is available to you immediately.
The IFSTA® eLibrary is a subscription based program designed to eliminate the hassle of purchasing manuals and managing station libraries. With a single yearly purchase, the IFSTA® eLibrary provides unlimited access to all IFSTA® manuals for every member of your department. New editions are automatically added to your IFSTA® eLibrary subscription at no additional cost. Old editions remain available providing your department with the flexibility to decide when to switch to the new edition.
Many chemical substances have necessary and beneficial uses but present considerable risks to the public and to the environment if they are uncontrolled or uncontained.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition, will prepare first responders to take appropriate initial actions at hazardous materials spills or releases and weapons of mass destruction incidents. This edition provides fire and emergency services personnel with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/ Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition
Additionally, this manual addresses the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training requirements found in Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) and the Department of Transportation regulations in Title 49 CFR Parts 100-185, Hazardous Materials Regulations.
Meets the requirements of the NFPA 1072, Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2017, Chapter 7, Technician.
This new text also meets Technician Level requirements in OSHA Title 29 CFR 1910.120 (HAZWOPER). NFPA 472, Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents is also referenced where appropriate. Case histories open each chapter to illustrate important lessons learned in the real world. Photos, tables, and graphics help students master important concepts. Key terms and definitions are highlighted, and Cautions and Warnings emphasize critical safety information.
All knowledge and skills technicians must know, from incident analysis to termination are covered in depth. This includes hazmat chemistry, container identification, construction features and leak points, as well as product control and decontamination operations. Each chapter begins with a list of specific learning objectives and the correlating job performance requirements in NFPA 1072. The JPRs are indexed in Appendix A for students and instructors to locate the exact pages for the applicable content. This manual is designed to prepare emergency responders to conduct advanced, technical, offensive operations at hazardous materials incidents.
More than 13 hours of visually engaging self-instruction for all 15 chapters. The Interactive Course is presented with a combination of text, images, and video. Knowledge checks are built into the course. The Interactive Course is available three ways:
• HazMat for First Responders Interactive Course to purchase at IFSTA.org
• Download HazMat for First Responders, 5th Edition Companion App as an in-app purchase
• As a premium item through a HazMat for First Responders course on ResourceOne® provided by an instructor
The Interactive Course is compatible with PC, Mac, tablets, and phones. An order for Item 75185 is processed within two business days. An email is sent with instructions to access the Interactive Course. Access to the course is valid for one year from the date of purchase. The course does not provide a certificate, documentation of completion, or any form of certification.
Item 75185
The 40 skills videos follow the skill sheets from HazMat for First Responders The skill requirements of NFPA 1072, Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2017 are presented in live action videos. These videos demonstrate and reinforce the Awareness and Operations skills. The videos are offered in two ways to meet the needs of students and instructors.
Skills Video Series is available:
• Skills Video Series DVD with all 40 Videos
• FREE to stream on the FREE HazMat First Responders, 5th Edition App
Skill Video Series DVD
Item 36338
Find HazMat First Responders 5th App in the App Store. Download the app FREE. Stream all 40 skills videos FREE. Test your container identification with 156 photos FREE. Sample HazMat First Responder Interactive Course and HazMat First Responders Exam Prep before you make an in-app purchase.
In-App purchases:
• Exam Prep with 746 questions
• HazMat for First Responders Interactive Course
• Download all 40 Skills Videos for offline viewing
The manual will assist management and safety professionals in commercial and industrial occupancies with compliance to applicable laws and regulations regarding training and management of fire brigades. The manual is the perfect foundation for any fire brigade training program in any facility. Trainees and instructors will find benefit in using the 144 skill sheets to meet the job performance requirements specified by the standard.
ALL NFPA 1081, Standard for Facility Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications, (2018) JPRs are included. Appendix A is the correlation matrix matching the JPRs with the content covered in Facility Fire Brigades.
The training manual includes references throughout to:
• NFPA 600, Standard on Facility Fire Brigades, (2015)
• OSHA regulations in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910 NFPA 1081 contains numerous JPRs where training requirements introduced at one level (Incipient) is repeated at other levels (Advanced Exterior and/or Interior Structural). To address this without repeating large volumes of material, Review Sections have been used in some chapters. The information in these Review Sections covers the essential information from the previous chapters but in a condensed format.
The skills sheets for the entire book are together at the back. At the end of each chapter, a list of new skills and skills to review based upon the content of the chapter are included and page referenced to the appropriate skill sheets that are located after Chapter 24.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2018) Pages: 1081 ISBN: 978-0-87939-636-7 Item 36311 eBook Item 75148
The purpose of Fire Protection, Detection, and Suppression Systems, 5th Edition, is to familiarize fire service members and other interested personnel with the components, design, maintenance, operation, testing, and inspection of common fire protection, detection, and suppression systems. This manual is not intended to substitute for training as a fire inspector or for personnel who design, maintain, and inspect such systems; however, it can serve as a valuable resource for personnel engaged in these activities.
This manual meets the learning objectives of the FESHE Associate’s core course, Fire Protection Systems.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36544
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2016) Pages: 290
ISBN: 978-0-87939-599-5 Item 36536
eBook Item 75144
Make sure that you have the training and certification needed to provide the best risk reduction to your community. Reducing community risk requires trained individuals to verify that a locality adheres to locally adopted fire and life safety standards for structural safety components in construction and renovations. Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 8th Edition, provides fire and emergency services personnel and civilian inspectors with the basic information necessary to meet the job performance requirements of NFPA 1031 for Level I and Level II Fire Inspectors. Chapters are delineated with two clearly marked sections: the first section for Level I information followed by a second section for Level II information.
This text meets the learning objectives for the FESHE Bachelor’s core course, Fire Prevention Organization and Management.
Fire Prevention Applications for Company Officers is specifically for company officers who have been, or are newly responsible for, conducting company level inspections. This text blends current and timely philosophical aspects of fire prevention and mitigation with technical inspection details to help a full-time or volunteer officer accomplish basic level inspections in a variety of occupancies. It provides summaries of various occupancy classifications, hazards that are common to these locations, and details on how they should be managed. It provides other basic fire prevention information to help street-level personnel recognize critical fire prevention issues that may be easily corrected or that require the attention of assigned fire prevention personnel. This text is ideal for initial company officer training and ongoing promotional training.
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Tests in Exam View Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36871
This updated text presents fire prevention methods for comprehensive risk reduction strategies in detail. Community coalition building to solve present-day community risk challenges is emphasized. It can be used as a guide to implement a modern fire prevention and risk reduction program. It also provides fire prevention organizational structures, staffing options with emphasis on successfully overcoming the challenges faced today, and fire prevention and risk reduction bureaus.
This text meets the learning objectives of the FESHE Associates core course, Fire Prevention and Bachelors core courses, Fire Prevention Organization and Management and Community Risk Reduction for the Fire and Emergency Services.
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36893
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010) Pages: 368 ISBN: 978-0-87939-384-7 Item 36854 eBook Item 75120
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2017) Pages: 429 ISBN: 978-0-87939-621-3 Item 36200 eBook Item 75156
State-of-the-Art Instructor Textbook and Curriculum A safe and effective fire service must have capable instructors delivering effective training. The Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition, is THE IFSTA source for instructor training. This text includes all NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, (2019) Levels I, II, and III JPRs.
• Level I ......................... Chapters 1-10
• Level II Chapters 11-15
• Level III Chapters 16-18
• Appendix A - Correlation to NFPA 1041 JPRs NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications requires Instructor Level I certification as a prerequisite for Instructor Level II. This IFSTA® Instructor text is ideal for these Level I learners.
Forty-three skill sheets across Instructor Levels I, II and III assist the instructor and the student to prepare for skills evaluations. The Instructor 9 Curriculum includes an Instructor Tool Kit.
Review Boxes are added in this edition to review previous content and highlight prerequisite knowledge for the advancing instructor candidate. For example, Instructor II contains Review Boxes for Level I Instructor content, while Instructor III contains Review Boxes for both Levels I and II.
This first edition of Fire Protection Publication’s Live Fire Instructor is intended to serve as a structured template for instructors tasked with the important responsibility of facilitating live fire training. Like all training evolutions in the profession, live fire training requires instructors strictly follow guidelines and mandates due to the potential of injury or death among participants. This manual has been constructed to meet current recognized guidelines and practices in the field, with a specific focus on leadership, safety and supervision.
To ensure the highest level of safety, all live fire training evolutions must meet the requirements of the appropriate sections of the most current edition of NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire and Emergency Services Instructor
Professional Qualifications. The fifteen included Skills Sheets address the relevant standards in NFPA 1041. Also included is an Appendix of fire behavior training exercises which meet the appropriate section of the most current edition of NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions.
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction and Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines and PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
• Skills Evaluation Checklists
• Instructor Toolbox
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36276
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2020) Pages: 202 ISBN: 978-0-87939-714-2 Item 36275 eBook Item 76029
Thousands of fire instructors and officers have used this reference to deliver easy, meaningful two- to three-hour training programs within their fire departments. Busy fire instructors and training officers who struggle to arrange and prepare weekly or monthly training drills will appreciate this text as it has 75 training sessions completely prepared and ready for implementation. Training sessions include basic firefighter skills, driver/operator skills, activities for inclement weather, company evolutions, and competitive, yet useful, exercises.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2009)
Pages: 400 ISBN: 978-0-87939-329-8 Item 35020 eBook Item 75126
Fire and Life Safety Educator, 3rd Edition provides the educator with knowledge to support successful performance as a fire and life safety educator as addressed in NFPA 1035, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire and Life Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist (2010) New to the Fire and Life Safety Educator manual is the addition of two levels: Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist II. All levels are covered separately for ease of use. In all, this edition covers five levels of the standard:
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level I: Chapters 2-6
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level II: Chapters 7-11
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level III: Chapters 12-16
• Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I: Chapters 17-20
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2011)
Pages: 624 ISBN: 978-0-87939-396-0 Item 36620 eBook Item 75108
• Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist II: Chapters 21-25 This manual should be the first document on a public educator’s bookshelf and a “ready reference” of public education knowledge. The manual is intended to educate the educator rather than to train the educator. In this way, the educator will be able to apply knowledge and skills to many different areas under the “umbrella” of injury prevention and control. The manual focuses on all-risk education. This manual is intended to assist in preparing for certification to the Fire and Life Safety Educator I, II, and III and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I and II levels of NFPA 1035
Written by Don Porth in partnership with the National Fire Academy (NFA) and Vision 20/20, the first edition of Fire Protection Publication’s Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention will equip interventionists and program managers with the tools needed to create, implement, and evaluate a Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention program. The first six chapters of the book are for the interventionist while the last two chapters speak directly to the program manager.
The manual successfully meets the job performance requirements of NFPA 1030, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Prevention Program Positions, Chapters 13 and 14.
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2022)
Introduction to Fire Origin and Cause, 4th Edition, addresses key sections of NFPA 1001 (2013) and NFPA 1021 (2009) that focus on the first responder’s responsibility to begin the process of fire investigation. Validated by IFSTA® subject matter experts dedicated to providing an accurate firefighter guide to the process of fire origin and cause determination, the 4th edition has significant updates and new information.
The information in this book helps first responders protect themselves by understanding the hazards present at a fire scene. It explains how fires behave and how that information is relevant to fire investigations. It emphasizes the importance of securing the scene to prevent spoliation, and helps responders to identify the area of origin by analyzing fire patterns and other information. Also included is the process and information necessary to determine the fire cause.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36884
This manual provides fire and emergency services personnel and civilian inspectors with basic information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, 2021 Edition. This manual also meets the Fire and Emergency Services for Higher Education (FESHE) Course Outcomes for two Associates, non-core courses: Fire Investigation I and Fire Investigation II. Also included in the scope is an emphasis on NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2020 Edition. NFPA 921 will serve as the first reference source for all information contained in this manual and should be considered a companion text for training purposes.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Lesson Outlines
• PowerPoint® Presentations
• Skills Evaluation Checklists
• Chapter Assessments Item 36894
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2013) Pages: 248 ISBN: 978-0-87939-527-8 Item 36883 eBook Item 75085
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2021) Pages: 508 ISBN: 978-0-87939-683-1
Item 36014
eBook Item 75189
The fourth edition of Chief Officer aims to provide the knowledge and skills base for Fire Officer III and IV candidates that is required by the NFPA 1021 job performance requirements. The text provides students with information about a chief officer’s responsibility to supervise, manage, and administer fire and emergency services organizations.
Chief Officer includes ten chapters that cover material ranging from human resources management to emergency management. Each chapter has been strategically written to provide information that is up-to-date and reflects industry best practices. The layout of the book has been simplified and the information has been organized in a way that makes it as accessible as possible for all students.
Review and discussion questions are provided at the end of each chapter. These questions are designed to help reinforce student understanding and challenge students to think about the informa tion presented in the context of their own organizations. This is the first edition of the IFSTA® Chief Officer manual to include skill sheets. These skill sheets are intended to prepare the student for the real-world tasks required by chief officers, such as creating an organizational budget and planning for multiagency incident response.
The sixth edition of Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer provides emergency services personnel with skills needed to reach the performance requirements of NFPA 1021. The text is written for Level I and Level II Fire Officers and fire officer candidates. The goal of this edition is to provide candidates and current company officers with the knowledge needed to develop safe, efficient, and effective leadership skills.
Individuals must also have knowledge in supervision, management, and human relations, as well as administrative duties, community risk reduction, pre-planning, and emergency response duties in relation to fire fighting. These skills, in combination with the material in the text, convey the needed information specific to duties assigned to first-line supervisors and mid-level managers. The manual has developed an updated format, differentiating it from previous editions. The key term definitions, chapter notes, and review and discussion questions will now appear at the end of every chapter. Finally, Skill Sheets will replace Learning Activities in order to reflect the skill requirements from the standards set by NFPA 1021. This new format combines all of the necessary review tools in one place for the reader to easily reflect on the key information from each chapter.
This manual meets the learning objectives of the FESHE Associate’s non-core course, Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Administration. Publisher:
Item 36645
eBook Item 75154
Once you are promoted to the position of company officer, the knowledge and skills required are not automatically granted to you. This Company Officer’s Handbook is based on the author’s own experiences as a new company officer as well as his extensive experience supervising new company officers. The knowledge he has assembled in this book is what he and others needed to transition into being an effective company officer.
This book expands the knowledge base for entry level officers beyond emergency response. Find leadership, decision making, communications, conflict resolution, personal accountability, critical incident stress debriefing, time management, the responsi bility for firefighter safety, as well as incident command, NIMS, fire protection systems, building construction, terrorism, and wildland urban interface fire fighting topics in this manual.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2018)
Pages: 328 ISBN: 978-0-87939-673-2 Item 36271 eBook Item 75187
The thirteen chapters are accompanied by a glossary, a list of training references and an index to make finding individual topics quick and easy. The author has prepared this handbook to assist company officers who are beginning their careers with need to know information in one book. He also prepared this book for all company officers who strive every day to be a better officer.
The second edition of Fire Protection Publications’ Public Information Officer is a complete revision of our previous manual, intended to provide basic skills and awareness training for fire department PIOs. This manual has been constructed to meet current recognized guidelines and practices in the field and features an overview of the skills and knowledge a PIO needs to perform the diverse and demanding tasks associated with the position. The manual prepares the PIO in training to meet the job performance requirements of NFPA 1035, Standard on Fire and Life Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist and Youth Firesetter Program Manager Professional Qualifications (2015).
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum.
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Quizzes
• Chapter Tests in Exam View Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36348
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2020) Pages: 216 ISBN: 978-0-87939-735-7 Item 36347 eBook Item 75223
This book covers incident scene decision-making in depth; provides techniques to enhance a firefighter’s ability to make rapid, correct decisions based on knowledge of various types of occupancies; and addresses the development of strategy and tactics and the size-up process. This book presents the Incident Command System from the perspective of day-to-day application. While branch operations, complex command, and area command are discussed, the ICS presented principally addresses those functions needed to handle the majority of incidents to which firefighters respond. Specific information common to types, or groups, of occupancies is presented with examples, and reader activities are included in each chapter. Occupancy-specific cues, cue-based decision-making, incident management cues, and strategy and tactics are provided for each occupancy type covered.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2012) Pages: 384 ISBN: 978-0-87939-455-4 Item 36880 eBook Item 75125
SUPPORT PRODUCT Study Guide CD-ROM – 330 Questions Item 36881
Manual and Study Guide CD-ROM Item 36882
By Robert MurgallisThis book details the basic processes that apply to all incidents as well as some of the specific procedures necessary to make effective decisions at certain common occupancies. The authors explain basic ICS elements using an easy-to-understand method and introduce the concepts of Unified Command, Complex Command, Area Command, and Incident Management Teams.
Prepared by the National Incident Management System Consortium Model Procedures Committee
This manual includes basic information on NIMS-ICS and detailed information on how to apply it to structure fires, high-rise fires, major EMS incidents, roadway incidents, and large-scale incidents of all types. It includes concepts such as unified command, area command, joint operations centers (JOC), multi-agency coordination centers (MACC) and much more.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2008) Pages: 503 ISBN: 978-0-87939-305-2 Item 36197 eBook Item 75121
Prepared by the National Incident Management System Consortium Model Procedures Committee
The second in a series, this manual covers incidents pertaining to wildland fires, hazardous materials incidents, USAR/structural collapse incidents, and other types of large-scale incidents. It can be used in training personnel to efficiently apply ICS to the incident at hand.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2008) Pages: 428 ISBN: 978-0-87939-311-3 Item 36198 eBook Item 75127
Fire Service Technical Search and Rescue, 8th Edition is a primary training text for Level I Rescuers. The manual presents the knowledge and skills for fire service search and technical rescue for Level I Rescuers to safely and effectively conduct Operations-level rescues as defined in NFPA 1006. The book also supports the corresponding chapters of NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents (2014). According to NFPA 1670, an Operations Level Rescuer is able to participate in more complex search and rescue incidents under the supervision of a Rescue Technician. This training manual focuses on Operations-level situations most common for firefighters and rescue squad members. Technician level information has been included to provide Operations-level fire/rescue personnel with the background information needed to effectively support complex technical rescue operations. A firefighter or rescue squad member will find the knowledge and skills in this manual to safely and effectively perform basic search and rescue operations under appropriate supervision.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36473
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications Edition/Publication Date: 8th Edition (2015) Pages: 454 ISBN: 978-0-87939-580-3 Item 36470 eBook Item 75137
Principles of Passenger Vehicle Extrication, 5th Edition provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in passenger vehicles. This manual teaches passenger vehicle extrication in three levels of capability by orientation or vehicle position and follows the same linear sequence a rescuer will encounter at a vehicle extrication incident from size-up through disentanglement. Now as a standalone book without heavy vehicle extrication, this manual includes changes in chapter contents, concepts taught, best practices followed, new skill sheets and new steps in performing skills so it is more usable by the student and instructor. This textbook is appropriate for firefighters, law enforcement personnel, Emergency Medical Services personnel, industrial and transportation emergency response members, public works and utility employees, military responders, and rescue personnel. The scope of this manual includes job performance requirements from all of Chapter 8, Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition. Where appropriate, the manual references relevant sections of NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
Comprehensive and easy to customize
IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Sk ills Evaluation Checklists
• Student Assessments
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36505
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2022) Pages: 376
ISNB: 978-0-87939-711-1 Item 36504 eBook Item 76030
Principles of Heavy Vehicle Extrication, 1st Edition provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in heavy vehicles.
This manual teaches heavy vehicle extrication in three levels of capability – Awareness Level, Operations Level, and Technician Level. Foundational material is presented before moving onto more complex concepts and follows the same linear sequence a rescuer will encounter at a heavy vehicle extrication incident from size-up through disentanglement. This textbook is appropriate for firefighters, law enforcement personnel, Emergency Medical Services personnel, industrial and transportation emergency response members, public works and utility employees, military responders, and rescue personnel.
The scope of this manual includes job performance requirements (JPRs) from all of Chapter 9, Heavy Vehicle Rescue of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition. Where appropriate, the manual references relevant sections of NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
Comprehensive and easy to customize IFSTA® curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Sk ills Evaluation Checklists
• Student Assessments
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36710
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2023) ISNB: 978-0-87939-742-5 Item 36709 eBook Item 76034
This textbook was developed as a joint project between the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and Fire Protection Publications. It provides a detailed overview and implementation of strategies for the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives that were developed by the NFFF at their landmark summit in 2004.
Each chapter was written by a different highly respected fire service subject matter expert for that topic. This text provides the information necessary to meet the FESHE Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (associate degree level) and Advanced Principles in Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (bachelor degree level) courses.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010) Pages: 316 ISBN: 978-0-87939-416-5 Item 36870 eBook Item 75002
IFSTA®’s Fire and Emergency Services Safety Officer, 2nd Edition meets the job performance requirements of NFPA 1521, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Qualifications (2015). This edition provides readers with everything they need to meet the JPRs for both health safety officers (HSOs) and incident safety officers (ISOs). The manual is divided according to discipline: Chapters 1-12 are relevant for HSOs and Chapters 13-16 are relevant for ISOs.This manual includes learning activities designed to guide the reader through a practice exercise, covering the chapter content for chapters two through 16. Each chapter begins with a case history illustrating a real world example of that chapter’s information in application.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2015) Pages: 716 ISBN: 978-0-87939-590-2 Item 36507 eBook Item 75139
This text meets the FESHE learning outcomes and lesson outlines for the Associate’s non-core course, Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Responders. Fire and emergency responder safety is a primary responsibility of all emergency services organizations and responders. This manual provides guidance to achieve the requirements of NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program The content is a guide to a comprehensive occupational safety, health, and wellness program in a fire and emergency response organization.
Comprehensive and easy to customize
IFSTA curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36258
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2018) Pages: 437
ISBN: 978-0-87939-638-1 Item 36254 eBook Item 75153
The second edition of Bill Teie’s Leadership for the Wildland Fire Officer - Leading in a Dangerous Profes sion has been developed to address various supervisory and leadership positions of wildland firefighting outlined by the National Wildfire Coordinators Group (NWCG). This book is aimed toward new and experienced wildland firefighters who serve in a leadership role within their organizations. Chapters 1-5 are an excellent tool for any current or future leader in the fire service. Chapters 6-9 deal with the situational and tactical processes a wildland fire officer faces daily. Following Chapter 9 is an addendum containing 15 after-action reports of "Fires We Should Not Forget" as well as the lesson learned from each fire.
Easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction and Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines and digital presentations for all chapters
• Tests and answer keys in Exam View
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2020) Pages: 495 ISBN: 978-0-87939-745-6 Item 36329 eBook Item 75248 SUPPORT
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Tests in Exam View
Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36349
The fourth edition of this bestselling book by noted wildland firefighting author Bill Teie is updated to address the most current NFPA and National Wildfire Coordinating Group standards and qualifications for wildland firefighting. This book is written for the fire personnel who need a basic understanding of wildland firefighting. Firefighters and fire officers who have primary wildland responsibili ties and who may be called into a wildland fire situation as a mutual aid response will all find this handbook valuable. This edition includes a Fireline Construction chapter. This handbook combines critical components from the 2016 edition of NFPA 1051 and NWCG documents into one source for wildland firefighters, officers, and command staff.
Comprehensive and easy to customize curriculum:
• Plan of Instruction & Syllabus templates
• Lesson Outlines & PowerPoint® Presentations
• Chapter Tests in Exam View Curriculum USB Flash Drive Item 36714
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2018) Pages: 421 ISBN: 978-0-87939-676-3 Item 36712 eBook Item 75188
This manual is for emergency responders who encounter fast-moving fires that are commonly referred to as ground cover fires or brush fires, as opposed to forest or wildland fires. This book combines information from three trusted sources, the U.S. Forest Service (USFA), the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The information in this manual presents organized, safe, and effective responses to ground cover fires.
NFPA 1977, Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland Fire Fighting (2016), NFPA 1051, Standard for Wildland Firefighting Professional Qualifications and NFPA 1906, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus.
✓ All of your department’s training hosted and managed in one central location
✓ Train-the-trainer sessions to assist with implementation in your department
✓ Downloadable instructor materials for verified fire service instructors
ResourceOne® for Instructors:
• Deliver the content of a course in a “virtual classroom” environment
• Blend face-to-face training and online instruction
• Focus in-person classroom time on skillsbased training rather than cognitive content
• Auto-grade tests and quizzes
• Provide course materials (syllabus, quizzes, homework, skill sheets, SOPs, etc.) to students online
• Provide customized content for students to personalize training courses and meet local requirements
• Host department-specific content such as videos, SOP/SOGs, student handbooks
For more information about ResourceOne® and to access the FREE Curriculum content, please contact your IFSTA® representative at resources@osufpp.org.
Apply to be an IFSTA® delegate and serve as a subject matter expert on one of our validation committees. Every IFSTA® manual is vetted and validated through a committee of selected experts to ensure that the information we publish is safe, accurate and current. Help us create the best fire training materials possible by applying at: www.ifsta.org/about-us/ifsta-validation-committees
Visit our website for the most up-to-date information about open or upcoming validation committees.
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