WHO AFRO 2014: Statement on Universal Health Coverage

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World Health Organization
 64th Session of the Regional Committee for Africa
 November 3rd - November 7th 2014 | Cotonou, Benin

Statement of International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations on: Universal Health Coverage We IFMSA appreciate the efforts of WHO and their partners towards ensuring Universal Health Coverage (UHC).We are very pleased with the rise in the commitment of countries worldwide towards the attainment of the highest level of health for all since the declaration of Health as a fundamental Human Right by the 1948 WHO constitution. Our current focus is on quality people-centred integrated care as an approach to UHC to be achieved through health system organization around the needs and expectation of the people. We propose that interventions for the attainment of UHC are directed towards assuring a progressive expansion of coverage of health services and financial risk protection as more resources become available to respond to the ever-growing health needs of the populations and the increasing costs of health services. As the next generation of Health Professionals, we believe that an approach to strengthen Health systems in many countries towards UHC should include the following principles Firstly we wish for member states to come up with interventions to ensure Effective Health financing as a key component of UHC.It is therefore required that all efforts are directed towards raising sufficient funds to meet the growing health needs of the people and judicious use of available funds to ensure that all people obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship when paying for them. Second, health access and coverage must be maximized through equitable distribution of the health work force, good Governance and an efficient procurement system for medicines and health technologies in member countries. Finally, improvement of health outcomes and the fight against poverty requires that steps towards equity, development priorities, social inclusion and cohesion are given the necessary attention they deserve. We therefore urge you to put into motion plans that would ensure that the next generation of developmental goals includes universal health coverage as a key step toward health equity.

 Meggie Mwoka
 IFMSA Regional Coordinator for Africa
 rcafrica@ifmsa.org | www.ifmsa.org

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