GENESIS: Fruit of the Spirit

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Fruit of the Spirit Interview with Wilhan Winata / Welcome to IFGF Pinole IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter August 2015 AUGUST 2015 • 1

The festive atmosphere of the place was intoxicating. The smell of the exotic food, the colors of different fabrics, and the argumentative tone of tourists bargaining for deals— all of which added to the excitement of Bangkok night market during our recent vacation trip to Thailand. And then there it was, a shiny and polished handbag with a well-known brand logomark that I will not name. The best part is the price tag. Not thousands, not hundreds but a mere figure in the low forties. The problem is, this handbag is what they call ‘genuine imitation’. It looks and feels genuine. Unless you are a trained aficionado, you won’t be able to tell that this item is simply fake. From

Christianity can be like that sometimes. We sing the songs,


attend places, hang out with the people, but deep inside


we lack the necessary transformation Jesus commanded his disciples to adopt. We play all the bells and whistles as in some religious festivals, yet all feel like “resounding gong and clanging cymbals” to our spirit. Something is wrong somewhere in the course of our journey with Christ. Some because of our own doing, some because of the enemies’ trickeries we are so happy to fall under.

But all is not lost. We have the purifying fire of Holy Spirit. We have the everlasting promise of Christ to be with us until the end of age. We just need to dig our heel into the sure Word of God, and run toward the city of refuge, the community of God, that provide protection and safety. Together, we will produce the fruit of genuine love, first toward God and second, toward His body, the church. Let’s grow together in Christ so we may produce good fruit in its season. Pastor Sugi

Shown on Front Cover: Emmanuel Calica


This is Our Church

Wilhan Winata Architect / Care Group Coach / CG Hoper / Local Ministry Lead / Care Group: Warriors

Hi Wilhan! What’s new with you these days? I am preparing myself to go back to Indo.

So I guess you are relaxing now and enjoying your last days? When is your last day here? I am trying to make myself useful, doing some research,

Actually that is the reason why we are interviewing you. Is that finalized?

but mostly making a good use of my time. Time goes very fast now. I will be leaving on August 26.

It is finalized but there is still uncertainties. Nothing fixed yet; where to work, what to do...

How long have you been here in Pinole? 6-7 years. Since 2009.

So you will quit working soon? I quit. You know what? Actually I got laid off.

Time flies. What have you learned the most in the past 7 years you are in the US and in this church?


I learned a lot. One thing I noticed is how the generations

My company needed to downsize. They were not doing

changed. I look now the new generation came, when I

well systematically so a lot of people from many

first came to church I was like that, more shy and less

departments, two-thirds of them were laid off. It actually

talkative. Now I guess I am changed, more confident to

worked well for me because I got severance money and


they paid for my return ticket. All of my bosses were very supportive and gave me recommendation letters and

Staying connected to church, I think, is the key to change.

some of them even gave me job referrals. Everything

I’ve been through things that dragged me away from God.

worked out in the end. My plan was to work until the end

What keeps me coming back is the people at church who

of July, but since I got laid off, now I have time to work for

are there for me. Of course, it is God who sets everything

my Mom’s architecture projects.


AUGUST 2015 • 03

BOYS TO MEN: Wilhan has grown in faith alongside his friends through different seasons in IFGF Pinole.

There’s a lot of transformation happened in you. Today, you minister in so many different ways – finding your calling and having heart for people. What do you think you can share to the readers about your transformation process?

about the school that his parents built in Indonesia

I think it is less about me learning, but more about

Bible says.

which allows more fortunate people to sponsor the less fortunate kids. I was also inspired by Jefferson Bethke whose school teaches the rich to help the poor. I always like the idea of having a school that teaches what the

knowing. Most of the transformation happens when I finally for 7 years, involved in church for a long time, but I never

And you will build and design your own school [architecturally]?

thought I would knew God [so deep], especially 2 years ago

Amen! I am also thinking about how people grow in the

when I was at the lowest point in my life. I realized that all

church. It is because of relationship. Since I first came

these times it was God who sustained me. He is the one

here, I have had Ko Jeff(Jeffri Halim) who always oversees

who gives, I am the one who receive. I feel undeserving.

me, advises me and enables me to look up to him. I wish

That was when things started to change.

kids can be taken care of in such way in school where

understand what God wants in my life. I have been here

somebody can really look after them (perhaps this can

He is the one who gives, I am the one who receive. I feel undeserving. That was when things started to change.

prevent bad things such as bullying). I shared this to

How did that change influence your dreams of moving back to Indo?

It is, for sure, a different concept or at least it is uncommon.

I always have this dream which will be the biggest goal

Of course, I hope it will go somewhere. For now, it is still

in my life: I want to build a school. I was so inspired by Ps.

in the back of my mind. So when I go back, I will start

Andrew Scarborough who came here last week and shared

my own architecture business [first]. I will need to look


some people but they say it is not going to work because school tend to focus on the academic improvements and associate that with the quality of the school. But I think character development is more important.

for mentors and get some training. Whatever questions I have, I will look for answers. From that point on, I will start working on this goal. So we’ll see. That’s my big goal.

Did you tell your parents about this? I told them about the school but not the programs, like what will happen. I think I have a lot of things to learn as well. How to raise kids, how to teach. But I think this is exciting, because it is like leaving a legacy.

OK. I think you have grown so much, I am glad that I have known you here and being encouraged in my faith through you. I don’t know what are you doing in Indo but I am looking forward for hearing more good stuff.

LET’S PRAY FOR AUGUST with Joan Wirolinggo

Our pastor and leaders that they Amen. I am hopeful. Pray for me.

abide in Him.

Last Question: What would be your last words for the new generations in Pinole? What is your message to them?

Our church that it will be filled with

Love one another. If there is a friction, don’t run away, talk it out with the

evangelistic heart.

a passion for His name and an

person you have conflict with. Whenever we are together, there will always be friction but always confess our hearts out so we can be reconciled and grow

Our Care Group gatherings.

together and have each others’ back.

Let’s pray that Jesus will be the center of each Care Group and relationship where our brothers and sisters in Christ will be built up. Our new friends who are new to the States or just transferred. Pray

Love one another. If there is a friction, don’t run away, talk it out with the person you have conflict with.

that they may find a new family in Christ through this church. Our friends who are looking for a job. Pastor Sugi and his team who are in mission for Nepal. Let’s pray for God’s protection and anointing upon them, that through them the Gospel will be spread.

Regarded as a big brother to many, Wilhan relentlessly invests himself to growing the faith and well-being of Care Groups especially in Pleasant Hill. Wilhan graduated from UC Berkeley a couple years ago and recently worked at Blu Homes in Vallejo as a Project Designer.

Healing and comfort for nation of Nepal, especially for the victims of earthquakes.

AUGUST 2015 • 05


Spiritual Check Up by Scott Williams

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,

5. Kindness. When kindness is at work in a person’s life,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-

he or she looks for ways to adapt to meet the needs of

control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) Each of these is a

others. It is moral goodness that overflows. It’s also the

characteristic of the Holy Spirit’s active presence in

absence of malice. Question: Is it my goal to serve others

our daily activities. Let’s look at each one and ask

with kindness, or am I too focused on my own needs,

some diagnostic questions to make sure we’re healthy.

desires or problems to let the goodness of God overflow to others?

1. Love. This word for love doesn’t refer to warm feelings but to a deliberate attitude of good will and devotion to

6. Goodness. While kindness is the soft side of good,

others. Love gives freely without looking at whether the

goodness reflects the character of God. Goodness

other person deserves it, and it gives without expecting

in you desires to see goodness in others and is not

anything back. Question: Am I motivated to do for others

beyond confronting or even rebuking (as Jesus did with

as Christ has done for me, or am I giving in order to

the money changers in the temple) for that to happen.

receive something in return?

Question: Does my life reflect the holiness of God, and do I desire to see others experience God at a deep level

2. Joy. Unlike happiness, joy is gladness that is

in their own lives?

completely independent of the good or bad things that happen in the course of the day. In fact, joy denotes a

7. Faithfulness. A faithful person is one with real integrity.

supernatural gladness given by God’s Spirit that actually

He or she is someone others can look to as an example,

seems to show up best during hard times. This is a

and someone who is truly devoted to others and to

product of fixing your focus on God’s purposes for the

Christ. Our natural self always wants to be in charge,

events in your life rather than on the circumstances.

but Spirit-controlled faithfulness is evident in the life of

Question: Am I experiencing a joy of life on a regular

a person who seeks good for others and glory for God.

basis, or is my happiness dependent on things going

Question: Are there areas of hypocrisy and indifference

smoothly in my day?

toward others in my life, or is my life characterized by faith in Christ and faithfulness to those around me?

3. Peace. It’s not the absence of turmoil, but the presence of tranquility even while in a place of chaos.

8. Gentleness. Meekness is not weakness. Gentleness

It is a sense of wholeness and completeness that is

is not without power, it just chooses to defer to others.

content knowing that God controls the events of the day.

It forgives others, corrects with kindness, and lives in

Question: Do I find myself frazzled by the crashing waves

tranquility. Question: Do I come across to others as brash

of turmoil in my life, or am I experiencing “the peace that

and headstrong, or am I allowing the grace of God to flow

passes all comprehension” (Philippians 4:6-7)?

through me to others?

4. Patience. Other words that describe this fruit are

9. Self-control. Our fleshly desires, Scripture tells us, are

lenience, long-suffering, forbearance, perseverance, and

continually at odds with God’s Spirit and always want

steadfastness. It is the ability to endure ill treatment

to be in charge. Self-control is literally releasing our grip

from life or at the hands of others without lashing out or

on the fleshly desires, choosing instead to be controlled

paying back. Question: Am I easily set off when things

by the Holy Spirit. It is power focused in the right place.

go wrong or people irritate me, or am I able to keep a

Question: Are my fleshly desires controlling my life, or am

godly perspective in the face of life’s irritations?

I allowing the Spirit to direct me to the things that please God and serve others?


Inside the Leaders’ Hearts

What do you wish to see this coming semester at our church?

As a church, we are blessed with many visitors who later become members of our community. This is a uniqueness which is the strength of our church: openness and friendliness to others. Yet this uniqueness is not without challenge. We do have our problems of conflicts, disagreement, and misunderstanding amongst people in the church. Someone put it succinctly: The more people, the more problem. But this should not stop us in building relationship with others. My expectation is that we will build a strong foundation of faith in Christ, and then express the love of God in our interaction with one another as we conduct our lives in our church. This is the reason we will spend much of the next semester studying the different expression of love that God has given to each of us. How wonderful our church-life will be if each one of us can love one another sincerely, serve one another unselfishly, and develop relationship biblically. Let’s build our church based on love.

Real Community Feel: Less corporate driven gatherings, but more organic ones, where people can show up at each other’s house without any corporate-driven reasons.

Fire & Revival. It seems like it has been a while since I saw our church to be so on fire for the Lord. I miss the old days where the we did more casual gatherings at church, or home events where everyone are creating new memories and having fun. The laughter and joy is one of my favorite things to share with this IFGF family.

Ps. Sugi & Jen Hendric

Ps. Jeffri & Olivia Halim

Senior Pastors of IFGF Pinole

Associate Pastors of IFGF Pinole

AUGUST 2015 • 07

IFGF Pinole









(925) 609 4343








Melanie 925.586.7770

Rebecca 925.482.5562

Shirley 415.990.8178 (Freshmen)

Jason 925.305.1278

Jessica 925.334.2011

Evelin 925.289.6785 (Transfers)







Jessica 415.758.8645

Karen 925.577.6634

Alus 408.904.8001 (Freshmen)

Benny 510.367.0664

Melvin 510.708.0540

Nicky 650.417.8228 (Transfers)







Maxwell 510.374.2686

Antony 408.685.1540

Ps. Sugi 510.724.5400

Chris 510.837.7867

Adi 415.463.9010




FAITH (Every Thursday)

Documentation - Eric Timotius

Aug 7 & 21

Caregroup Gathering

Melanie 925.586.7770

Genesis Newsletter - Irene Chandra

Aug 8

Corporate Prayer Meeting

Men’s Ministry - Christian Liong

KING (Every Monday)

Multimedia - Melanie Thio

Vincent 925.356.1375

Praise & Worship - Adi Julianloo Prayer & Intercession - Joan Wirolinggo

HEROES (Every Thursday)

Refreshments - Nathalia Prasetyo Jo

Alus 408.904.8001

Revelation Videos - Jessica Tjahjady

Nicky 650.417.8228

Sound System - Glorio Yulianto Sunday School - Jen Hendric

LEGENDS (Every Thursday)

Sunday Service Coordinator -

Shirley 415.990.8178

Emmanuel Calica

Evelin 925.289.6785

Transpor tation - Leonardo Saerang Ushers - Renaldi

WARRIORS (Every Friday)

Website - Yosia Urip

Jeffri 510.499.5966

Women’s Ministry Karen Liong & Elissa Irma

FAVOR - HOPER (Every Thursday) Melvin 510.708.0540



SUGI HENDRIC Senior Pastor

01 Hendry Yang Sukir

17 Emmanuel Calica

23 Anh Luu

02 Joshua Sumampouw

17 Tif fany Hendric

24 Nathania Tan

JEFFRI HALIM Associate Pastor,

08 David Ng

19 Wilhan Winata

Biblical Teaching

12 Joshua Yonathan

22 Giscielle Carlisa


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