Genesis June 2016

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To Live is to Care Article by Stephen Son Testimony by Melvin Wongso 4 Tips to Improve Your Leadership Skills

IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter June 2016 JUNE 2016 • 1

From Pastor’s Desk

We are living in a world that is too busy to care. A world with short attention-spans. A world that is filled with ambitions, selfpreservations and fights for survival.

A hungry soul, a broken-hearted old man, a disappointed child, and a miserable lover are like decorations to this contemporary life. Who cares? They were always there and they will always be there. We need to take care of our own lives. Who pays attention to irrelevant matters such as those that do not add value to our lives? At the same time, we are always aware of our need to be noticed, to be heard, to be cared for. Is there anybody out there, we cried. Does anybody care? Does anybody feel our broken hearts, our pain and suffering, our dreams and wishes? The fact that we are asking these questions are an indication that we have looked for love at all the wrong places. And we are too blinded by our own pains that we could not see other’s. God from heaven is shouting loud to say that He cares. “Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15. He cares for us more than our mother! That should catch our attention immediately. We come from Him. We are his handy work and we mean so much to Him. He cares and He wants us to know that. He sent Jesus for us. He cares for everyone in this world. He wants those who are already aware of His love to let others know about his love and caring heart. The Bible teaches us that caring is not just a feeling. It is a specific action applied to specific people in specific circumstances. It starts with the love of Christ, and the end goal is to make the whole world to know and experience the love of God. The bible also shows us the patterns of caring: that we can duplicate so we can grow in Christ-like character. Let’s build a community of caring people in Pinole so we can enjoy life together, be a blessing to people around us, and live for the glory of God! Show on Front Cover: Nathaniel Wilson, Stephanie Hartono, Kevin Go 02 • GENESIS NEWSLETTER

Truly Human by Stephen C Son

Everybody has family problems. It seems that no one

expectations and false religions. I accepted Jesus into

grows up without some sort of family issue whether

my heart at an event called the Harvest Crusade led by

it would be divorced parents, sibling rivalry or abusive

the now famous pastor of Orange County, Greg Laurie.

stepparents. I know all too well about family dissention. My parents divorced when I was 9. I grew up in the ghetto

Of course, being young and immature as I was, what I had

neighborhood of LA. I saw and did things as a child that

thought was supposed to happen like a Disney story of a

I should have been protected from. My Father’s version

prince rescuing a princess, turned out to be yet another

of love was trying to make a lot of money through

lie, or so I thought at the time. Everything I was brought

scams and schemes, gambling and drinking. My Mother’s

up to believe seemed to be a lie and nobody had any of

version of love was making sure my two younger sisters

the answers to my questions regarding my newfound

and I stayed busy with the “do’s and don’ts” of life. With

faith and how to incorporate it within my everyday life.

my Dad gone and Mom working all the time, there was virtually no time for cultivating and nurturing intimate relationships. My parents were always just a force to be reckoned with; taskmasters of a biological relation. My Father was a ghost and my Mother was a Robocop.

“The loneliest feeling anyone could feel is when the very thing(s) that you thought was supposed to bring you the most pleasure, the most fulfillment, fails you,” said Christian apologist, Ravi Zachariahs.

When I was introduced to Jesus at the age of 10, I attended a megachurch called Calvary Chapel South

No soon after what I thought was the ultimate heart break,

Bay whose head pastor was Steve Mays at the time.

which was my disappointment from my false expectation

Going to Sunday school, vacation bible study and

of God, was when I had decided to rebel against everything

memorizing bible verses were yet another taskmaster

and everyone. I distinctly remember stating as a child

to be enslaved to; just on a divine level. Everything that

that I had wanted to experience all the pleasures of life

was preached seemed contrary to the actual life that

regardless of the cost. I had become my own god.

these “Christians” demanded and portrayed. Needless to say, it was a very difficult and confusing time for

Through my journey of independence from God, I became

me. Everyone, my Mother and Sunday school teachers,

a villain. Feelings of justification ramified all that I did.

all contradicted themselves. But if anything of the

It didn’t matter who got hurt or the reputation I was

gospel I was taught was true, then I gave it a chance

unknowingly signing in my resume of life. In fact, the worst

to be freed from this life of slavery. Slavery to rules,

it got the higher, or better, I thought I was being in life. It JUNE 2016 • 03

certainly felt that way. The lies that enveloped me during

stronger, bigger, just and much wiser than any other being

my youth inevitably led me to believe my own lies. The

in the universe to bring order out of chaos. Good out of

cycle of insanity began; believing that a certain outcome

bad. For chaos is order yet to be deciphered by God.

to be different by doing the same thing each time. As I contemplate and explain the goodness of God which As I entered into the world of addiction and licentiousness,

he has so graciously taught and admonished me through

the battle between two worlds ensued. The battle of

much pain and suffering, the only conclusion that I could

the gods, as it were. Having both feet, one foot on each

muster at the time being is that he has “pulled me out of

side of the trench in war, I was torn apart. Jesus said,

the muck and the mire,” and “has adorned me with Jesus’s

“no one could serve two masters. Either you will hate

righteousness.” That, “though I was still a sinner” with, “sins

the one and love the other. Either you will serve one or

as red as scarlet” He (God) has made me white as snow.

despise the other.” Ultimately, I kept choosing to serve the gods of addiction, debauchery, or to sum it all, idolatry;

Again, I grew up in the church believing in God through

and these gods were merciless. Just like the Israelites,

many trials and struggles. But once I had that ultimate

when God had miraculously delivered them from the

encounter with Jesus, my heart’s disposition to him

hand of pharaoh, I grumbled and whined and did not

kept nudging at my heart every step of the way. No

dramatically changed. Humans are created with a longing for something more; something infinite. God is the missing puzzle piece to that in our lives. As I tried to fill that gap with anything and everything that the whole world had to offer, I was virtually broken to the very core and fabric of my being. Jesus said to store up treasures in heaven

matter where I went, no matter what I was doing He

where “moth and rust cannot destroy and where thieves

was essentially saying that he wanted to “woo” me

cannot break in and steal. For where your treasure is,

back into his arms. Then slowly and surely, he started

your heart is also.” He further says to, “seek first the

to convince me more and more of my need to depend

kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you.” My

on him. That the separation I had caused had

treasure was in the things of this world. All hope was

been the very reason why I was dying. As it was written, “For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son that who should believe in him should not PERISH, but have everlasting life.” I was perishing and I didn’t even know it.

lost and the will to live, ceased. But as God would have

believe in the God of love, the God of mercy, the God of redemption and kept running back to the land of Egypt to be willingly be enslaved to pharaoh, the lord of my sin. As I got older and furthered in my journey of life, God

it, He had his victory through Jesus and won my heart. Supernaturally, God reunited me with my mother and reconciled what was broken; all of our relationships between God myself and my family which is currently his

People have questioned my God as God of the Old

active work and my training grounds for ministry. Just as

Testament and the God of the New Testament, the God

Jesus met Saul, who later became Paul, on the road to

of wrath that somehow became the God of mercy. Again,

Damascus, so has the gracious Lord came to me, and so

as Ravi states that, “these two are a false dichotomy.”

he would for anyone that God has written the names in

God was, is and always will be holy and true which is his

his book of life. Jesus said that “when he calls his sheep

sovereignty. When people believe in this false dichotomy,

they will answer” because they know him and he works the

Ravi discovered, it is because they have forgotten

good for those that he calls and loves. I believe, I was one

the rest of the stories. They didn’t see what God was

of the many sheep who have gone astray. But as the Lord

accomplishing. Such is the story of Moses and the

says even if one of his sheep have gone astray, he as the

deliverance of his people. God smote many Egyptians

good shepherd, will leave the ninety-nine to find the one.

for the sake of the Israelites. There was absolutely no mercy in that. Yet, when he delivers people in the New

But that didn’t mean the struggle ended. In fact, because

Testament, he uses Jesus. But was there any mercy in the

the devil knew that he was losing his grip on me, he fought

crucifixion of Christ on the cross? I think not. Therefore,

even harder to keep me enslaved. Even so, as we wait on

we can only conclude that God is, was and always will be

the Lord, as the broken cry out and call upon his name,

the same forever. A God of love, compassion and grace.

He is faithful and just to answer; that through Jesus

A God of kindness, “...for it is by kindness that leads us

we are more than conquers. Through Jesus, we become

into repentance...”; that through our fallen nature, God is

heirs to the throne of God’s kingdom by being adopted


as sons and daughters of the most high; being able to join in an everlasting family of the greatest Heavenly Father, the only Heavenly Father of the universe. What this meant for me was, if it wasn’t for IFGF Pinole and its citizens displaying Jesus’ character so faithfully, then I wouldn’t have anywhere to run to for refuge. I believed for the longest time that Jesus really didn’t love the church but Paul says in Ephesians that husbands should love their wives for he is the head of the family


just as Jesus loves his church as the head of the church.


When I worked for a ramen house in the Pacific East Mall

with Joan Wirolinggo

of El Cerrito, CA, I met a young man named, Maxwell, who invited me to a caregroup night on a Friday. This sparked a close friendship with Max and a brotherhood with other

For this month let us pray for:

male church members. Through these relationships, I have experienced what it really meant to be a church. Because

Our pastors and their family. Pray

of IFGF and the love of Christ shared by everyone, it has

for protection upon them, and

effectively convinced me to view my relationship with

zealous heart in their walk with

Jesus differently. This in turn ultimately brought about a


new life that God promises each and everyone when they come to Jesus for salvation. For Jesus came to give life

Our two services in downtown

and life abundantly. Therefore, as my relationship

Pinole and San Ramon. Pray for

with Jesus and my church grew, the more I felt I belong. I was discovering and rediscovering who I really was in the light of Jesus. I joined

the church to have unity and zealous heart in serving their community and fruitfulness.

the newsletter ministry which rekindled my passion for writing and reading. I was free to sing and dance without

Unity and compassionate heart

judgement and condemnation during worship on Sunday

in our congregation to put others

services. I’ve resumed my art portfolio by drawing again.

need above themselves.

In conclusion, though I was a son of perdition and

Holy Spirit to comfort and

disobedience, God called me to become a son of light.

strengthen us in facing though

He took my heart of stone and molded it into a heart

season in our lives.

of flesh; that once I was blind but now I see. Once I was lost but now am found. I was dead but now I live. This is

Our care group gathering. Let’s

what the grace of God does. This is what the journey

pray that there will be unity,

of life is truly about. This is what it truly means to be

growth, and evangelism heart.

human, to know and understand Jesus and him crucified, died and on the third day rose again. That through his resurrection, we are called to solely depend on him, and through this dependence a relationship with God can and will allow us to be who we truly were created to be.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

JUNE 2016 • 05


Rebuilding the Temple by Melvin Wongso

This testimony is not going to be one of those, “this

circumstances are, there’s always a way to get back on

is how God turned my life from good to bad.” In

track with God because God works in the impossibilities.

contrast, this is the one that talks about how it goes from being good to less than good, and yet I’ll sing

Further down the chapter, God stirred up prophets and

praise because I’m confident that God is good.

Levites to equip the rebuilding process. Today, we have the Bible (God’s very Word), the Holy Spirit and amazing

2016 started great. The last two months, however, have

pastors and leaders who love you to help in rebuilding

been challenging. I can’t help but feel discouraged by the

your Temple. My point is, God’s plan is and always

lack of bonding within the Davis community (and whether

that, my relationship with God was going downhill.

will be sufficient. He will fully prepare the tools required to build that relationship with Him. Make full use of the tools that God has prepared for you and stop trying to struggle on your own!

Those of us who have experienced spiritual dry

It’s also interesting to note that Cyrus himself saw

patches would know what I mean, feeling lost

the importance of the Temple. As God was about

and wondering if going the distance is worth it, or

to bless him, God made him build the Temple finely

looking back at the time you were at the peak in

beforehand; before Cyrus went on to build one of

your spiritual life and wondering how you ended up

history’s greatest empires, he first got into God’s

here. As you struggle to get back to that point,

good books. Likewise, I believe that before we set off

you can’t help but feel like a lone soldier.

to build our empires, and before asking God for one,

we’ll get newcomers next quarter.) My classes are getting tougher, and I’ve got a lot more on my plate. On top of

let’s make sure that our hearts are right with God’s. While having my quiet time today, God reminded me of another quiet time I had a few months back entitled

I am hopeful of what God has in store ahead not because

“Rebuilding the Temple”. It’s funny how God gives you

I’m optimistic, but because I know that it’s in His character.

something before you actually need it. In Ezra 1, we

Just last week in LA, I might have found our very first

see that after 50 years of exile following the destruction

newcomer to the Davis CG for next Fall, my classes are

of Jerusalem, the Jews were decreed by Cyrus to return

apparently turning out better than I thought and I believe

and rebuild the Temple. Do note that Cyrus is not a

many more testimonies will be coming up in due time.

believer. This all highlights that it doesn’t matter what your



4 Tips to Improve Your Leadership Skills LEARN TO FOLLOW I think it is essential for a leader to learn how to follow first. In following, you develop how to do it yourself. When you are able to do it yourself and have done it, it shapes you to be a good leader because you know how to teach and guide people, as well as know what they are going through.


CHALLENGE YOURSELF Dive into the water and challenge yourself to go to the next level. You grow when you go out of your comfort zone.


HUMBLY SERVE OTHERS One of the most important lessons about leadership in biblical perspective is that we lead by serving others, which is contrary to the popular secular belief. Just as Jesus lead the disciples by serving them with a humble heart, we need to lead others by humbly serving them. This could mean joyfully covering up for others who bail out in the music team, genuinely initiating an intentional relationship with a not so friendly new Caregroup member, and gladly helping out to coordinate a church event despite the super demanding school work or busy life (shout out to Shirley!). Easier said than done, but thankfully we have the Holy Spirit who can teach us all things!


SEEK GOD’S WISDOM Don’t be a prideful leader, feeling like you already know everything. Learn to accept criticism. My advice is to always ask God’s help to remind us to always be humble. You always learn whether you’re a disciple or a leader.


JUNE 2016 • 07








PINOLE, CA 94564


Community Room

Multi Purpose Room

Pinole Senior Village

Bollinger Canyon Elementary School





FAITH (Tuesdays, 8PM)

3 & 17

Caregroup Gathering

Joan 415.690.9808

Joan 415.690.9808 11

Corporate Prayer


KING (Thursdays, 7PM)

Maxwell 510.374.2686

Jessica 415.758.8645

Chris 510.837.7867 HEROES (Wed or Thurs, 7PM) CG FAMILY - PINOLE

Kevin 510.316.8758

Julietha 510.323.5747 LEGENDS (Thursdays, 8PM) CG FAVOR - PLEASANT HILL

Michelle 408.874.5098

Dana 925.690.7561 Stephanie 925.331.7818

WARRIORS (Tuesday nights) Maxwell 510.374.2686

CG HOPER - PLEASANT HILL Nathaniel 925.888.9420

FAVOR & HOPER (Thursdays, 8PM)

Andrew 925.888.9421

Nathan 925.888.9420


FRONTIER (Thursdays, 9PM)

Clarissa 510.541.2076

Tinus 510.673.7334

CG HEROES - BERKELEY BROTHERS Hendry Yang 925.75.8922



Documentation - Eric Timotius


Stephen Son


Publication - Melanie Thio


Jennifer Wongsosaputro

Adi 415.463.9010

Multimedia - Catherine Santoso


Amos Hendranada

Antony 408.685.1540

Praise & Worship - Karen Liong


Ivander Tee

Prayer & Intercession - Joan Wirolinggo


Olivia Chandrawinata


Refreshments - Nathalia Prasetyo Jo


Philmon Tanuri

Renaldi 510.710.6316

Sound System - Ronald Arnanjaya


Antony Setiawan

Nita 408.718.0834

Sunday School - Jen Hendric


Tara Calista

Ushers - Renaldi Website - Yosia Urip




SUGI HENDRIC Senior Pastor



JEFFRI HALIM Associate Pastor,


INSTAGRAM: ifgfpinole

Biblical Teaching

(925) 609 4343



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