IFATCA The Controller - 4th Quarter 1984

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Problems of Civ路1 an ATC Coordinatio by Harley Y M Liu':'

It is indeed a pleasu re to be able to participate at this seminar. th e Eighth Flig ht Safety Seminar organ ized by the Or ient Airlines Association. and I am privileged to be w ith you and talk on th e very most up-to-date top ic of ' Prob lems of Civil / M ilitary ATC Coordi nation 路. The International Civil Aviation Organ isati on (ICAO ). to whic h the gr eat est number of Un it ed ~~ations Me m ber-States subscribe. sets ou t as the most fund ament al req uir eme nt to flight safety that one air traffic service unit should be responsible for one particula r po r tion of airspace. This principle meets in fact with the est ablished procedures of the majo rit y of the individual states whethe r t hey are ICAO M ember-States or otherwise. ICAO makes no different iation as to w hich one single authorit y should be respons ible for eac h part icular por t ion of airspace wi t hin w hic h fl ight safety to c ivil aircra ft w ill be sust ai ned From world-wide know ledg e. w e come ac ross civil air tr affi c control unit s being responsib le fo r both c ivil and mili tary aircraft or mi lita ry air t raffic c on trol autho rit ies being respo nsible for both c ivil and mi litary airc raft in w hat can be desc ribed as a c ivil user airspac e . . Befo re ente ring int o any con sider ation of the probl ems associ at ed w it h coo rdinat ion of c ivil / m ilit ary air tr affi c co ntrol. 1tis essent ial that we loo k int o the historical evo lution of t he pre sent integrated syste m . th e d iffer ent syste ms of airspace ava ilabl e. as we ll as the ditfe rent info rm ation th at sho uld be made available t o the various air users . This ap proac h w ill enable us t o see the problem sp heres in a so m ewhat realist ic m anner. In the old days. most m ilita ry f lyin g was cond ucte d in acco rdance wit h the VFR (Visua l Flight Rul es). Today. however . the operat ing capa bi lities of mo dern m ilita ry ai rcraft passe d w ell into th e era of the IFR ( Inst rument

路 Mr H;irl ey Y M Lru ,s the Drrector ATS O,v,s,on < rvrl Ace1ti11 a ut1cs Adm,n, strat,on Taiwan The artic le ,s i lk aclclrcss lie gave to the Orrem Arrlrnes Assoc ,auon di the,118 th Flight Salet y Sem,nar


Fligh t Rules). and. as a result. ATC bec omes mandatory or neces sary to susta in safet y. Civil Aviation has also evolved into somew hat similar standa rds except for th e fact that it s evolution followed t hat of the military. Civil Aviation is meant to serve the needs of the travellin g pub lic and is more of a commercial enterprise than is the case with th e militar y aircraft. w hose sole existen ce is the defen se of the country. in th e case of ind ividua l defen se system s. Milit ary air traffic operates and exists so lely for effecting the defense of the co untry co nce rned . which. in ot her wo rds. is to maintain the secur ity and integrity w ithin a state 's national airspace. This . of course. can on ly be ac hie ved by a 24-hour surveillance. identific ation . interrogation and interception. It is an incon ven ience. th at w e c ivilian s have to acco mm odate . Addition ally, th e air detense system of a particu lar co untry is respo nsible. w here air defen se identif ica ti on zone s and buffer zones are est ab lished for th eir co nt inu ous mon it or ing to stop border violati ons by airc raft w hich lose their position or other wise In ou r effort s to discove r t he relations hip bet wee n c ivil and milit ary syst em s and th e amount of c oordinatio n nece ssary. wh ic h wo uld natural ly revea l th e existing problems . we must here briefly t ouc h upon the nat ion al and co mmon air def ense syst ems The Ori ent. as we know ,t to day. str ict ly spea king . be long s t o th e forme r categ ory . that is the nat iona l defe nse system . being kept outside the Nat o or W arsaw pac t mult1-nat 1on syst em . Co un t ries in co mm o n defense system s allege that t hey had realized that pre sent day airc raft spee ds co uld no long er permit ind1v1dual1ty ,n th eir air defe nse syst em s and as a result som e form of ce ntr alized defense syste m sho uld be estab lished By th is. we know . that t he Nato Air Defense Gro und Environment (NADGE) cam e into existe nce w ith the obJect of integ rat ing variou s Euro pean nati onal

air defense systems into a common one. It is important now that we enter int o the classification of military traffic as we ll as into the c lassif ica t ion of the airspace in which military traffic either operate s sepa rately or jointl y with civil traffic . Military traffic is classif ied in the following categor ies and these, or simil ar terms , app ly to most countries: general traffic , operational traffic , and security flights. All defense units require certain data to enab le then to func t ion effecti vely. In effect. they w ill require flight data w ithin their own system and also w ithin the civi l system . Such essential inform at ion includes . for exa mple , weathe r information. notices to airmen (NOTAMS), system status data and AFTN messages relating to flights affecting the air defense system or it s operation. . _ Such data when or iginating in the c1v1I system are being sent to the air defense system either by AFTN or by telephone. It is however, anticipated that defense systems of the future wi ll receive such inform ation by system computer (host-to-host computers , that is). Air Defense is in effect interested in information on flights whether these const itut e air defense flights operating as: security, pract ice sec urity, or training flights, or w hether th ey are general air traff ic, or operational air traffic (non air defense). Ad vance and acc urat e inform at ion w ill help elimin ate false warn ings and alert air defense facilitie s for their necessa ry action s. In most cases. the national airspace is divided into geographical sec tion s to serve both c ivil and military users. In other wo rds, to cater for the co untr y's needs for its national de tense w ithout penalizing the civil user In the latter case. c ivil air routes ar~ int ended t o follow the most direct route from point to point in the c ountry's effort s t o meet w ith the require ment s of ICAO' s recommenda ti ons in mak ing a flight safe but also eco norni ca I t o th e user . For th e purposes of thi s exerc ise we shall d1v1de airspace int o c ivil and m ilit ary For practi cal purposes civ 1 airspace shou ld be co nsidered as one' w hil e t he milit ary should further b 路 divided int o. Restr icte d Areas. Warn~ ing or Dange r Areas and Jo int Us Ar eas. In fact . civil area shoul d


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