Jiménez Times 2019

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Número 7

CURSO 2018-19


Au début de l’année 1939, quand Barcelone tombe aux mains général Towards a cure fordu the young Franco, quelque 500.000 Républicains man who is aging fast fuient l’Espagne. C'est "la Retirada", l'exode massif des réfugiés espagnols de la guerre civile. C’était il y a 80 ans. Parmi ces réfugiés, Antonio Machado s’exilera à Collioure (pág.14)

______________________________________ Úbeda is a Spanish city and a municipality in the province of Jaén. The city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on July 3, 2003, it is also known as "the city of the hills".

Towards a cure for the young man who is aging fast Sammy Basso was born as a normal baby, however, after six months his growth stopped suddenly (pág 5 )

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Ilustraciones de Jéssica López

El equipo de redacción lo componen principalmente los alumnos de 3º ESO como proyecto final dentro de la programación bilingüe . A través de grupos de trabajo , los alumnos asesorados por sus profesores en las distintas materias : biología , historia , ciudadanía , música , francés , E.F. y lengua castellana ., realizan varios artículos y noticias que hayan tenido cierta relevancia en la actualidad local , provincial e internacional . Además se recogen en la revista trabajos de interés que han realizado , así como los viajes de inmersión lingüística y rutas realizadas durante el curso GRACIAS POR LA COLABORACIÓN

En estos tiempos que corren ……Sí ,esta frase ha recorrido muchas épocas . Los tiempos corren , es verdad , el tiempo no se detiene , ni vuelve atrás . Pero lo que llama la atención de esta expresión tan popular es que lo que ocurre en un tiempo , vuelve a suceder en otro tiempo distinto pero en otra dimensión diferente , como dijo Sastre : No perdamos nada de nuestro tiempo; quizá los hubo más bellos pero este es el nuestro. Por eso , en estos tiempos que corren , alegra , sorprende y satisface que alumnos/as y profesores/as tengan un objetivo común y trabajen en una misma dirección para conseguirlo , trabajo cooperativo , le llaman ahora . Por ello el periódico escolar Jiménez Times , representa ,sin lugar a dudas , esta manera de organizar una tarea común , entre todos . Agradecer la labor de nuestra coordinadora de Bilingüismo Margarita de Valdivia y a todos los/las profesores /as que hacen posible este trabajo cada año . Y por supuesto al alumnado de 3º ESO que como siempre colabora estupendamente . GRACIAS

PROFESORADO Pablo Beas J.Antonio Pérez Toñi Morales Ana Rivera Josefa Jurado Rafael Blasco Eva Sutil Danie Arévalo Teresa Sánchez

CCSS Biología Francés Francés Lengua Inglés Ciudadanía Música Lengua

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OPINIÓN # ADULT CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING CARE OF AN ELDERLY PARENT AT HOME OR ELDERLY PARENTS SHOULD LIVE IN A NURSING HOME MARTA MARTÍN 3º A I think that elderly parents should be cared by their son or daughther because, when they were children, their parents gave them all the care to dedicate themselves to their children and there will have to be a way to give back by offering them a little help. Although I also think that the eldery are generally disrespectful and stirsy due to their hihg age and so many experiencies. So they can be a “hidrance” to the daily life of an adult. Since generally an adult has a job, a family with children to maintain, social relationship, travel and due to caring for an elderly person is limited to some things. Thereofere I also think that live in a nursering home it is not a bad idea, since elderly people can be with other elderly person in similar situation and there they have company and love from , their caregivers. In a nursering home they can improve their motor skills, their memory and have friends. Apart of this, the family could visit them and spend time with them.

and try to take care of them, because we are lucky to live in a country where elderly people can live at their homes and their families. MARIA SOLANA 3ºA Children are responsible of take care of their parents if they have enough time for do it, but it involves a great job that occupies them all day. On the one hand you feel compelled to do it so by the fact that they took care of you when you were a baby and in the some way you must do the same for them, but on the contrary , your way of life do not allow it for your work or because you have children , you can not take care of your parents all day , you can go to visit them but not take care of them. That is , in the event that you can not take care of them , you can take them to a nursering home or hire someone to care them during a part of the day as long as you make sure they are treated well . Do what you think you should do, but always with respect and with the heart , since after all they are your parents .

In this society people do not think about how important it is to take care of their parents



In this society people do not think about how important it is to take care of their parents. People have to understand how important it is to help their parents overcome their illnesses, because with the support and the warmth of the familiy it is easier to overcome complicated situations. We must enjoy until the last second with them, because they are the ones who gave their lives for us and now we have to give ours for them So we have to make people aware so they should not put their parents in a nursering home

My opinion to this topic is that the eldery parents not necesarilly have to stay in a nussing home, because they can move to theirs children´s house or just stay in their own´s houses if they don´t need any one. But if children are very busy and the elderly parents need someone to take care of them, the best option is to put them in a nursing home. It is not the best thing to do because there they will probably feel lonely and homesick, but if you run out of options you will put them to the nursing home, where people will take care of

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19 them. Definitly, it is not the best thing to do but if you do not have any other option, you should do it even if it is bad.

So elderly parents should live in their own home but if they can not take care of themselves, they should live in a nursing home. MIGUEL ÁNGEL MARTÍN 3ºA First, I think when an elderly people have a good health, are happy and do not feel lonely, there is no need to introduce them in a nursering home. But in some cases when there is a health problem or the children can not take care of their parents, I think that it is a good idea sending elderly parents into a nursing home. There they can make friends with the people of the same age, do sports and enjoy with them. And the most important reasons is that in a nursering home can provide elderly parents with modern health care facilities. To end, I think people avoid this centers because they assume that they will lose the contact with their family member, but it does not to happen because they can have visits. So, the nursering homes are the solution for elderly people. PABLO BELLER 3º A

CRISTINA BAENA ÁLVAREZ. 3ºA For the question about where older adults should live, there is a very clear answer: in their own home or in their community. This is an important question that the whole world is asking for different opinions, to solve the growing dermographic problem, which is of great concern in all societies. The elderly people should, ideally, remain in their own home, where they have live throught their lives. There is not better place that their private rooms, where everything is familiar to their: it is full of sentimental and personal memories, which constitute their great everything. Whether you have sufficient financial means or have limited means, the perception is the same, because those who have a lot or little are totally identified with the environment, with that personal and unique stamp. But if they aren´t in the best conditions to take care of themselves, their children and grandchildren must make the decision to take them to a residence where they are waiting all day for what they need and is necessary for the medicines they need, since your children will be able to carry out their daily live.

I think it is a really dificult decission. Althouth could be really sad, adult children have their own life, so it is normal that they put their parents with a person or in a nursing home to take care of them. The last one is a bad decision because it is like a new life for them. You take them out of their enviroment and that could cause a depression. But the options of children could care their parents is not too much read because the children have sons or daughters and jobs, so they can not be twenty four hours at day attending their parents.


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Towards a cure for the young man who is aging fast By: María Solana y Marta Martín

A 23-year-old scientist participates in the discovery of a therapy for his own illness

But Sammy is still alive. He decided to follow the steps of an aging specialist to investigate his own illness. At 23 years old, Basso has just graduated in Biology at the university and today he publishes with the team of López Otín the results of an experimental treatment that has managed to increase the longevity of mice affected by the syndrome by 25%. The solution to Basso's problem is impossible today: you would have to get into all your cells to try to correct your DNA one by one. Researchers have used the revolutionary CRISPR technique, a kind of molecular scissors that serve to edit the DNA of any organism with unprecedented ease. Using viruses injected into young mice with Progeria, scientists have introduced these CRISPR tools designed to recognize the LMNA gene and modify it to prevent the production of the toxic protein

Sammy Basso was born as a normal baby, however, after six months his growth stopped suddenly. And, with just two years of life, he was found to be suffering from the HutchinsonGilford progeria syndrome, a genetic disorder that caused the child to age at a rapid pace. The doctors said that he would die before the age of 13 because he had no cure. "A few years ago, even a few days ago, nobody could have imagined it, but now we can. Now we can have hope for a cure."

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The microbes that inhabit our intestines seem to have some influence on our mental health, although at present we have studied more the way in which this impact occurs in animals than in people. In mice, for example, it has been observed that when feces of humans with depression are introduced, they develop typical symptoms of this disease. In humans, it has been seen that modification of the intestinal ecosystem can reduce anxiety states, but there is a lack of information about what can be done with more serious diseases.

Dialister, were rare among people suffering from depression. In previous studies they saw that those who consumed yoghurt regularly had more diverse bacterial ecosystems in the intestine, something that also happened with the consumption of wine or coffee. The opposite occurred with the consumption of whole milk or with excessive feeding. In another line of research that may help to understand Parkinson's, some studies have found that this disease is related to a longer intestinal transit time. In the journal Nature Biotechnology, an international team of scientists published the discovery of 100 new species of bacteria found in the intestine of healthy people.The microscopic inhabitants of our body represent 2% of our weight.

The microbes that inhabit our intestines seem to have some influence on our mental health

A team led by Jeroen Raes, from the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology, published an analysis in which it links the absence of some specific types of bacteria with depression and suggests that a significant number of them can produce compounds capable of affecting our mental state. The authors took information on the microbiome collected from feces and diagnoses of depression of 1,054 individuals who participated in the Flamenco Project of the Intestinal Flora. In their analysis, they found that two genera of bacteria, Coprococcus and

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Según la Clínica Cleveland , 21 personas en los Estados Unidos mueren a la espera de un órgano todos los días. Los datos de Unos.org indican que 2,741,336 personas en los EE. UU. Están actualmente esperando trasplantes de órganos, algunos incluso esperando un corazón o un pulmón.

The scien(sts have had many technological advances, in order to facilitate their work and improve our lives in too many aspects. One of them is the medicine. The most recent case is thecrea(on of a 3D printer that could create representa(ons of organs and (ssues. Thanks to this, doctors could save more lives without needing a donor . The printer was created by Chinese scien(sts , it has a size of 1.6 meters long, 1 meter wide and 1.9 high .It uses cells as a kind of ink. Some parts of the printer can regulate their temperatures independently between 20 degrees below zero and 260 degrees to help preserve the func(on and viability of the cells. In addi(on, the machine has an infrared laser of scanning head, with micrometric precision that can control the quality of the interior structure of the products during prin(ng

Sin embargo, la empresa sueca Cellink pronto tendrá la respuesta: con una impresora 3D simple y un gel especial, la compañía ha encontrado una forma de producir piel, orejas, células hepáticas e incluso puede replicar tumores cancerosos completamente funcionales que luego se pueden usar para Desarrollar nuevos tratamientos contra el cáncer. Los investigadores, liderados por Itedale Namro Redwan, encontraron que la combinación perfecta de polímeros sintéticos y naturales, mezclados con materiales como los basados en ECM (matriz extracelular) podrían servir como un entorno perfecto en el que construir nuevos órganos y reproducir todo tipo de las células. Míralos construir una nariz aquí: ______________________________________

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What will the human brain be like in the future? By.: Yumara Prieto and Noeli Cรกliz

The next step, may not be a natural evolution, but may be related to the influence of genetic engineering and biotechnology to increase capabilities

complexity given by the connections established between the different parts that make up the nervous system. There is a very interesting phenomenon called "Flynn Effect", which shows that each generation gets higher scores on intelligence tests than the previous one. The multifactorial hypothesis, which postulates that improvements in nutrition, the tendency to smaller families and greater environmental complexity, seems to be the most accurate explanation to explain this phenomenon. In this sense, the environmental conditions in which we develop and live today, from global climate change to patterns of food, rest and the use of technology, give us clues about how we can be in the future. Taking into account the evolutionary history of the human brain that went on for millions of years and that there has not been a notable change in physical appearance since 200,000 years ago, it is difficult to think that the brain structure will be drastically modified.

For many years, research on the human brain focused on studying the increase in skull size in hominids. Therefore, it was observed that as it got close Homo sapiens, each species was bigger than expected. This increase occurred at the expense of the development of the cerebral cortex. In the modern human being, the cerebral cortex and its connections occupy 80% of brain volume. We are the only species capable of developing mental symbols to represent the world around us, for example, the lenguage. Also, we have created elaborate art, organized political and economic systems, and can transmit the knowledge through the generations and the improvement in teaching. All examples which appear here, apart from many others, form our culture. The most relevant for the transformation of the functioning of the brain would be the

Perhaps the next step may not be a natural evolution, but may be related to the influence of genetic engineering and biotechnology to expand capabilities. There are authors who argue that evolution, in terms of natural selection, is no longer so relevant in the cultural and technological world in which we develop. In contrast, cultural and technological adaptation would have a prominent role. Technology is allowing the development of artificial tissues, such as skin built from plastic, and such as artificial retinas or cochlear implants. Probably, in the future, it is possible to create or regenerate the neural tissue that makes up the brain. In our opinion, we believe that although it is strange now, since we are used to physical change in almost everything, in the not too distant future, technology will have evolved to the point where the first step of this progress will be possible and little by little let's keep going

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A huge ecosystem survives below the earth's surface By.:

Rafael Sรกnchez

Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator (the purple, rod-shaped purple cells that extend over orange carbon spheres) is a bacterium that survives on hydrogen. Millions of bacteria and microbes inhabit the Deep Earth in a gigantic ecosystem capable of living in really extreme conditions: without light, oxygen or some type of nutrient.

average of at least 7.5 tons of carbon per cubic km).

Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator is a bacterium that survives on hydrogen There are two types of microbes, bacteria and archaea, which dominate the Deep Earth. Among them there are millions of different types, most of them still to be discovered or characterized. According to the researchers, this so-called microbial "dark matter" brutally expands our perspective on the tree of life. About 70% of the bacteria and archaea of the Earth live in the subsoil. But these deep microbes are often very different from their surface cousins, with life cycles on almost geological time scales, feeding in some cases only on the energy of the rocks. In addition, the genetic diversity of life below the surface is comparable or superior to the surface. While subsurface microbial communities differ widely between environments, certain genera and higher taxonomic groups appear throughout the planet.

The international team working at the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) has just published the results of its findings in recent years; multiple perforations under the seabed or in the deepest mines of the planet, which leave at the same time an authentic microbial, a whole field yet to be discovered. With information from hundreds of sites under the continents and seas, they have determined the size of that deep biosphere from 2,000 to 2,300 million cubic kilometers (almost double the volume of all the oceans), as well as the carbon mass of life deep: 15,000 to 23,000 million tons (an

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HISTORY _________________________________

Visit to the Alhambra 2ยบ ESO

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Islamic, Al-Andalus _________________________________ EL SUSPIRO DEL MORO Cuenta la leyenda que Boabdil, un pacifista y el último rey de los moros, se rindió en Granada sin luchar contra el Rey Fernando y la Reina Isabel de España en 1492. Tras arrebatar los Reyes Católicos el último reducto de la dominación musulmana a Boabdil; el rey moro y su séquito fueron desterrados de Granada. Los monarcas Católicos exiliaron a Boabdil e inmediatamente izaron la bandera de la España cristiana sobre la Alhambra, señalando el fin del último reino musulmán de la Península. Se les cedió un pequeño territorio en las áridas Alpujarras, donde aguantarían aún unos años. Camino a su destierro, Boabdil no se atrevía a girar la mirada hacia Granada, y sólo cuando estuvo lejos, hizo una pausa en su camino, sobre la colina conocida por El Suspiro del Moro, y observando por última vez su palacio y la bella ciudad que había perdido, suspiró, y rompió a llorar. Su propia madre, Aixa llena de sorpresa y furia, le reprochó sus lágrimas exclamando: "Llora como mujer lo que no has sabido defender como hombre". No es difícil entender el porqué del llanto de Boabdil. Las lágrimas que derramó eran la constatación de que iba a abandonar un paraíso en la Tierra.

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EXPLORERS VASCO DA GAMA WHO WAS VASCO DA GAMA ? First Vasco da Gama was a famous Portuguese navigator and explorer. He was known to discover a route to India. He made three travels: First trip to India: He discover the sea route to India (1497-1499) Second trip to India: He discovers Brazil (1502) Third trip to India: He became governor of Portuguese India (1524 )

Nellie Bly She had two names: her born name Elizabeth Jane Cochran and her english name Elizabeth Cochran. She was born in USA the 5 of May of 1864 and she died in USA the 27 of January of 1922. She died very young because she had pneumonia. Nellie lived in New York all her life. She was married with Robert Seaman for nine years. It was known as "Pinky" for wearing a lot this girl's color. His mother, Mary Jane, was a housewife and raised her stepchildren. His father, Michael, was a modest laborer and worker of the mills. She was in a boarding school for a semester, but had to leave because of lack of money

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He was born in England, 28th of October 1728. He was a explorer, cartographer, navigator and captain. He made three trips to the Pacific Ocean. He died in Hawai, 14th of February 1779. He left of England and crossed the south of Atlantic Ocean, the cape horn, the Pacific Ocean and finally arrived to Tahití. He went to Tahití for calculate the distance between Venus and the Sun. He made other trip. In that had two boats. He investigated the Antartic, he separated of the other boat and he deciced investigated alone. Other success was the discovery of the chronometer. By.: Cristina Baena , Jéssica López , Eva Muñoz




This blog is about british explorers. The most important are:Livingston,John Davis,Hudson, Speke,Burton,Morton. We talk about theirs lives and theirs discoveries. pág. 13

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Au début de l’année 1939, quand Barcelone tombe aux mains du général Franco, quelque 500.000 Républicains fuient l’Espagne. C'est "la Retirada", l'exode massif des réfugiés espagnols de la guerre civile. C’était il y a 80 ans. Parmi ces réfugiés, Antonio Machado s’exilera à Clioure.

rencontrent les eaux méditerranéennes et les roches des Pyrénées. C’est dans cette ville, loin de sa terre natale, que repose le poète espagnol,  Machado se dresse contre la barbarie franquiste La guerre civile espagnole surprendra Machado, alors installé à Madrid, et ne cessera de l’affaiblir. Les valeurs du poète espagnol le conduisent à un engagement sans faille auprès des républicains. Malade, mais néanmoins avec passion, Machado se dresse contre la barbarie franquiste, n’hésitant pas à collaborer à certains journaux politiques, à prononcer des discours, ou encore à diriger des institutions de propagande. Ce combat fratricide fera naître en lui douleur et colère. L’exil d’Antonio Machado commence le 24 novembre 1936 lorsque le gouvernement républicain procède à l’évacuation des intellectuels de Madrid. Poussé de ville en

Figure du mouvement littéraire Génération de 98, le poète andalou 
mit sa vie et son œuvre au service 
de la cause républicaine. Ses poèmes s’adressaient à tout un peuple. « Ces jours bleus et ce soleil de l’enfance… » C’est par ces mots griffonnés sur un bout de papier froissé retrouvé dans sa poche qu’Antonio Machado évoque Collioure quelques jours avant de s’éteindre. Collioure et son petit port baigné de couleurs chaudes, proche de la frontière espagnole, là où se

ville pour échapper à l’avancée des troupes franquistes, le poète décide alors, accompagné de sa famille (dont sa mère, âgée de quatre-vingt-huit ans) et de quelques amis, de traverser les Pyrénées pour se rendre en France. « Le chemin se fait en marchant. Et quand tu regardes derrière toi, tu vois le sentier que jamais tu ne dois à nouveau fouler. »

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Cristina Baena Álvarez (3º ESO-A)

Úbeda is a Spanish city and a municipality in the province of Jaén. The city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on July 3, 2003, it is also known as "the city of the hills".

El pasado 28 de marzo los alumnos de 3º de la ESO fuimos con el departamento de lengua a ver un teatro y a visitar algunos lugares de Granada.

Its wealth today corresponds to its former splendor. Úbeda lives mainly in the tertiary sector, commerce and administration, which occupies 49% of the active population. In Úbeda many ancient objects have been found. Úbeda has several famous places.

El teatro fue la representación de una adaptación del famoso libro “El Quijote” realizada por dos actores y dos actrices. Como estos contaron al final de la representación, la adaptación no era actual, llevaban varios años usando el mismo guion pero habían cambiado de actores y actrices. Our opinion The place is very beautiful, its squares are very wide and beautiful and its views are very nice. We recommend you to visit it.

La representación mostraba algunas de las hazañas de Don Quijote de la Mancha junto con su escudero Sancho Panza.

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19 En la primera escena estaba Don Quijote leyendo libros de caballería y decide marcharse. Primero, convence a un ventero de que le haga caballero y este le sigue la corriente. Aunque luego vuelve al darse cuenta de que necesita más cosas, como un escudero, provisiones… Cuando consigue hacerse con lo que buscaba va con su compañero y viven la aventura de los molinos de viento a los que confunde en su imaginación con gigantes. La siguiente aventura es la famosa historia de la venta en la que salen escaldados y llenos de golpes. En las muchas situaciones que se encuentran salen mal parados. Finalmente después de sus múltiples aventuras volvieron a casa. Don Quijote, antes de morir llamó a sus amigos y les dijo que ya había recuperado la cordura y que era otra vez Alonso Quijano.

de mercado al por mayor. También se utilizó como hospedaje de carboneros, más tarde como corral de comedias (hasta 1593) y luego, casa de vecinos. Fue declarado Monumento HistóricoArtístico Nacional en 1918.

Personalmente me ha gustado mucho porque me parece una forma muy buena de enseñar a los alumnos de una forma diferente un libro de la literatura clásica. Además es más ameno ver un teatro que leer un libro como ese porque no me gustan las historias ficticias.

Luego visitamos el archivo municipal, también conocido como Palacio de los Córdova.

Después del teatro visitamos la Fuente de la Batallas de estilo barroco, y se encuentra próxima a Puerta Real, en pleno centro de Granada. Esta fuente de piedra con robustos pedestales, suele ser centro de encuentro de muchos granadinos. A continuación nos dirigimos al Corral del Carbón, que es un edificio del siglo XIV. Servía de posada para los comerciantes en tránsito, de almacén y

Más tarde fuimos al Paseo de los Tristes. Se llama oficialmente Paseo del Padre Manjón.

Se le conoce por este nombre porque era el lugar por donde pasaban los cortejos fúnebres camino del cementerio.

Fue edificado en la placeta de las Descalzas, su primer dueño fue Luis Fernández de Córdova. Tras pasar por varios dueños es derribado para construir sobre su solar el teatro Gran Capitán, conservándose los restos de valor histórico-artístico en la finca Villa María. Posteriormente fue reconstruido. Finalmente, estuvimos en el exterior del museo arqueológico, donde se nos contó la leyenda de Hernando de Zafra. Cuentan que el viudo don Hernando de Zafra, secretario de los Reyes Católicos, vivió en esta casa con su hija Elvira, una hermosa joven que antes de cumplir los 18, se enamoró de Alfonso de Quintanilla,

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19 perteneciente, a una familia rival a de su padre. Una noche, ante la ausencia de don Hernando de la vivienda, los dos amantes se encontraron en la intimidad de los aposentos de Elvira. Sin embargo, el padre decidió volver antes de lo esperado y un paje que servía a la familia, Luisillo, se apresuró a entrar en la habitación para alertar a los dos enamorados.

El noble tuvo tiempo de huir por el balcón abierto, pero don Hernando sorprendió al paje en la habitación junto a su hija a medio vestir, y creyó que el pobre criado era el amante de su hija. Inmediatamente, el ofendido y deshonrado padre, mandó ejecutar a Luisillo, ahorcándolo en el mismo balcón por el que la noche antes había logrado huir el verdadero amante de Elvira. De nada le sirvió implorar piedad y justicia divina por el tremendo error que se estaba cometiendo con él. “Colgado quedarás, esperándola del cielo”, le respondió don Hernando. Esa misma frase fue la que hizo esculpir sobre el mismo balcón del que colgaba Luisillo, para advertir a todo el que se atreviera a cortejar a su hija de lo que podía esperar si se atrevía a deshonrarla. Al mismo tiempo, hizo tapiar el balcón por el que él creía que había entrado la deshonra a su casa y confinó a su hija Elvira en esa misma habitación, para que no pudiese volver a ver la luz del día. Ante tanta

desgracia, la desdichada Elvira no soportó la soledad de su encierro y se quitó la vida con un veneno en sus aposentos. ________________________________________

ALADÍN Rafael Sánchez Guerrero. 3º ESO B. Last october the groups of 3ºESO attended the performance of Aladdín in la casa de La cultura en Santa Fé. The story was about a poor boy , aladdín , who found a lamp with a genius who after some events helps him to get the love of the princess Jasmine and the appovement of her father to marry her. There were some funny parts , especially when the genius appeared . Students liked the play in general and they were also interacting with the actors in some moments of the performance ,what helped them to practice their English at the same time.

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SALISBURY LONDRES 1º Bachillerato Algunos alumnos de 1º de bachillerato de nuestro centro han participado en una interesante e intensa experiencia de inmersión lingüística en Reino Unido: Salisbury y Londres, entre el 21 y el 28 de abril. Seguro que ha sido una gran oportunidad para acercarse a la cultura, a la lengua, a la forma de vida de UK, y también para convivir fuera de las aulas y de lo conocido.

Álvaro Lara 1º Bachillerato B

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Fuimos a Güejar Sierra a un complejo llamado “ La Argumosa “ . A las 8 de la mañana nos despertaban , y nos íbamos a desayunar . Después hacíamos actividades : deporte en la pista , búsqueda del tesoro , excursiones al pantano y juegos en la casa de la piedra . Siempre nos hablaban en inglés . Nos acompañaron los alumnos de 1º del IES Hispanidad . Mi valoración de la actividad es muy buena . Los alumnos en uno de los talleres

Katia Trassierra 2º ESO A Tengo muchos recuerdos de esta actividad , pero quizás el más divertido fue cuando hicimos un concurso a ver quién corría más y me caí rodando por una cuesta superlarga llena de piedras . En general me lo pasé genial . Muy divertido y enriquecedor . Lucía Rodríguez 2º ESO A El lugar me ha parecido muy bonito , hicimos muchas actividades variadas y aprendimos mucho inglés . Los monitores fueron muy amables . Estuvo genial . Antonio González 2º ESO A Me encantó , lo pasamos muy bien . El lugar precioso .

Los monitores y el grupo Ies JdQ e Hispanidad

Ignacio Jérez 2º ESO A

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19



TALLER DE HAIKUS Flores de mayo han sembrado la tarde de leves perfumes. María Luque La suave brisa acariciando el espacio una y otra vez. Guillermo Gutiérrez

The album "Prometo" by Pablo Alborán was released on November 17, 2017, recorded with the Warner Music Spain label, its duration is 46 minutes and 28 seconds, its genre is pop and consists of thirteen songs (Saturn, Prometheus, No will be, Rope to the heart, Ours, Live, Your refuge, The key, Idiot, Mouth of rubber, Cure your lips, To paradise, Mouth of rubber feat. Alejandro Sanz) of different musical types each song. Two of the most important songs on this album are "Saturno" which is a ballad and "No vaya a ser" which consists of an electropop song, with touches and tropical rhythms. Some of the instruments used in the album are the Spanish guitar, the piano, the stringed instruments, the bass and her sweet voice. Despite its good sales, critics have considered it as their most "soft, cheerful, cold and romantic" album, since they have barely innovated in comparison to their previous works. They sold nearly 200,000 copies, won and has been the best selling album in 2017 and has won five platinum albums. In addition, this album is accompanied by the Prometo Tour, which is the official tour to present the new work, which will tour Spain and America this 2018 and, possibly, in 2019.

Las estrellas entornando sus párpados regalan luz. Michelle Pérez En el estanque, sobre el agua dormido, un lucero. Noel Martínez La luna blanca sobre los cementerios refleja su luz. Carmen Martín Tan fiel es tu luz que su calor resiste aunque es de noche. María Rodríguez De cara al viento, como plumas de pájaro nunca hacia atrás. Noelia Cáliz

Memorias del viento, escritura de pájaros sobre la arena.

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19


The Reds regained the lead By.: Kevin J.Terceros and Alejandro Lupión _______________________________________

The Liverpool Reds returned to the top of the English Premier League with a 2-1 win over Tottenham, thanks to an autogol by Toby Alderweireld at 90 minutes.

unbeatability in LaLiga, which looks like it will be hard to beat. This course seems like things have changed. Although the garters are still aspiring equally to all the titles in play, the truth is that they have lost some of the solidity that made them unbeatable. This Barça is easier to score, although the culés manage to cushion the impact of those received thanks to the fact that they are also a scoring machine. However, there is a revealing fact.

Tottenham’s goalkeeper, Hugo Lloris, was unable to challenge the head of the Liverpool tip, Mohamed Salah, and in turn sent the ball to Alderweireld, who sent it to his own door. Liverpool placed two points above Manchester City (77), with a more contested match.

JOURNAL By.: Miguel Ángel Martín


"I was not happy to happen granted a goal, of course, but we needed it a bit because in the first part we had fantastic opportunities, we scored a wonderful goal… and the second portion was heavy," commented Reds technician Juergen Klopp. The black hole of Barça

C’est fait. En surmontant la Croatie (4-2), dimanche 15 juillet 2018, en finale de Coupe du Monde en Russie, la France a décroché sa deuxieme étoile. Vingt ans aprés, les Bleus d’ Antoine Griezzman, Kylian Mbappé et Paul Pogba ont gagné le fameux trophée. Au terme d’ une Coupe du monde riche en rebondissements et d’ une finale haletante, les Tricoleurs ont organisé une soirée sur les Champs-Élysées. Y sera présent le president del a Republique Emmanuel Macron!

If there is one thing that characterized Ernesto Valverde’s Barcelona in his first season was the defensive fortress. The Txingurri team was a back wall. It was very difficult to score goals and, with that base, the Catalans were able to build a team that made history. They succeeded in setting a new record of

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19


By.: Noel Martínez ___________________________________________

Ingredients for 4 cups Biscuits 120 gr Butter 75 gr Sugar 15 gr Cheese cream 115 gr Sugar glass 35 gr Lemon juice 5 ml Milk 15 ml Cream 250 ml Strawberries Blueberries

First step Put the bitcuits in the blender and beat them. Then put the 75 gr of butter in a bolw with the 15 gr of sugar and mix them. After this add the biscuits little by little. Second step Put the mixture on a baking tray and spread them until have a layer. Then bake it for 8-10 minutes at 175 degrees. When this time passes take it out, breack it and put them in a bowl. Third step Put the 115 gr of cheese cream in a bowl and beat it. When this is creamy add the sugar glass little by little and mix it. Then when it is already mixed add the 5 ml of lemon juice and the 15 ml of milk and mix it again. Last step Mount the cream throw the 250 ml in a blender at the maximum speed for 4 minutes. Finally mix the cream with the milk skin ___________________________________

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La página web de Bilingüismo ofrece las unidades didácticas en los distintos cursos desde 1ª a 4ª de ESO . Las unidades están diseñadas a través de tareas elaboradas en un curriculum interdisciplinar : áreas lingüística , AL , y áreas no lingüísticas , ANL , : CCNN, CCSS, Música También recogemos las actividades realizadas , teatro , visitas culturales de inmersión lingüística , rutas


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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2018/19



TIMES 2019

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