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Número 4 CURSO 2016


Six arrested after shooting that left a Russian paraplegic man in Santa Fe



There has always been refugees: people who are forced ....pag. 11

of the detainees occurred in the robbery, murder is attempted , illegal weapons possession and smuggling offense, and the other two for the crime of smuggling including the victim of the shooting reported Wednesday the Civil Guard The incident and located a Granada town last day December 1 2015 Both have many police record, according to the Civil Guard, who performed that day two house searches have been for armed simulated gun and 46 boxes of snuff for stolen.


Interview to a transgender ( pag. 4 ) Plongée dans le ventre de l’orgue de la Philharmonie de Paris

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15 ¿QUIÉNES HACEMOS EL JIMÉNEZ TIMES ? DIRECCIÓN Teresa Sánchez Ruiz REDACCIÓN Aparicio Martínez Alejandro Arco Garciolo Ana Fernández Hernández José María Gandarillas Rocha Daniela García Fernández Francisco Javier García Rueda Africa González Martínez Juan Guzmán Heredia Antonio Manuel Hernández Martín Onofre Hernández Recio Miriam Isla Casares Rafael Jiménez Albarral Mario López Capilla Ángel Martínez Bustamante María Yariza Mochón Ubiña Pablo Ismael Molino Olmedo Jonathan Morales Rubí Alba Nieto Heredia Irene Elvira Ortega Fernández Eloy Guillermo Pérez Fernández David Pérez Gómez David Pérez Zambrano Irene Recio Martínez Alejandro Rodríguez Maldonado Guilllermo Rodríguez Ortiz Andrea Romero Rodríguez Celia Ruiz Álvarez Jorge Salmerón Puig Luis Sánchez Caravaca Claudia Soto Jiménez David COLABORADORES

Alejandra Granados González 1 ESO A Alumnos de 4ºB PROFESORES

Enrique Molina J.Antonio Pérez Toñi Morales Teresa Sánchez Carmen Sáez J. Antonio Antón Daniel Arévalo

CCSS Biología Francés Lengua Inglés Ciudadanía Música


EDITORIAL HELLO EVERY BODY: Last April a group of the bilingual students of 4º -B together with a few more students from the other groups of 4ºESO , took part in a linguistic immersion trip to Worthing in Brighton on the south coast of England; it was a great experience and they really enjoyed it : They could practise the language as well as have a close approach to the culture of the country. They were accompanied by two of our teachers , Pablo Mármol and Enrique Molina , thank you to them for their cooperation. This is the second year that our students participate in an linguistic trip and hope that we can repeat this wonderful experience in the following years.We include here the comments of one of the students about her experience in England so it can encourage other students in the future to participate in this type of trips that are really educational.

Bilinguial coordinador

Margarita De Valdívia

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


amaestrados, los fabricantes nunca atinan con la talla ni la forma: Gorras cuadradas y grandes, no logran encajar.


Sin embargo, estos simios amaestrados son más inteligentes de lo que parecen: Han logrado inventar lo que todos esperábamos desde “regreso al futuro II” : ¡Gorras voladoras! ¡Bonita forma de desperdiciar semejante tecnología aerodeslizante..!

By: África García Por supuesto, me refiero a la moda. En estos últimos años, concretamente en esta década del siglo 21 la moda se ha vuelto demasiado importante en la vida de las personas, y sobretodo, de los adolescentes. Esto causa meteduras de pata tales como llamar a alguien que se encuentra de espaldas y que al girarse pueda ser otras 100 personas distintas (en aspecto claro, en originalidad son todos iguales) Otra cosa que cabe destacar de las modas es su capacidad de distorsionar la realidad: Ir a la moda no es sinónimo de “ir guapo o guapa”, y así nos encontramos a chavales con pantalones tan ajustados que probablemente pierdan la fertilidad antes de la virginidad.

Analicemos despacio esta prenda, por que que el tema de los leggins...Manda narices, ahora se llevan rabicortos.¡ No habrá otras partes del cuerpo humano más bonitas para enseñar que los tobillos! Además, no todas las piernas (ni todos los traseros) están hechos para llevar leggins. Señora, perdone pero nadie quiere ver su celulitis.-

Podría seguir hablando de pantalones, pero hay demasiados elementos que investigar, y poco tiempo (¿quién sabe si en lo que tardo en escribir esto cambia la temporada y se hace verano en el Corte inglés?)

Antes de llegar a la traca final, hagamos una parada por el tema de las camisas: Que obsesión tiene la gente con los cuadros? Sumándole a que todos los hombres se dejan barba ahora, vamos a vivir rodeados de leñadores. Al menos en apariencia, pues lo más parecido a un hacha que puedan haber sujetado en sus manos es el cuchillo jamonero en Navidad. Y finalmente llegamos al súmun de la similitud: El peinado Chicos: Rapado a los lados y tupé, chicas: lamido de vaca. ¿Algo más que decir? Pues bastante: ¡Un poco de originalidad, si Eduardo Manostijeras llegara a existir, ver gente no sería tan aburrido. Vale, sí es cierto que no tienes que pensar mucho en tu cabello, pero no compensa si tienes que llevar tu nombre tatuado en la frente si quieres que te reconozcan. Es verdad que ningún rostro es igual, pero resulta que las gafapasata los tapan completamente. Sumándole los morritos o caras de susto que ahora la gente pone cuando se hacen “selfies” (autofotos de toda la vida) y los cientos de filtros que agregan cuando las suben a instagram (sinónimo de pedir limosna de “me gustas”) se puede afirmar que, definitivamente, la clonación está inventada y los clones conviven con nosotros en el día a día. Señores, el futuro es el presente. Admiro al 2016 por no llorar.

Movámonos hacia arriba, a donde no hay nada. Exacto. La cabeza. ¿Cuál es el problema con las gorras de hoy en día? Parecen echas por simios

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Six arrested after shooting that left a Russian paraplegic man in Santa Fe

legs.As part of the investigation, the police arrested last February 26 in Santa Fe a woman of 31 years and in Granada man , 48 , who allegedly fired the shot

By: Antonio Guzmán and Jorge Ruiz

Four of those arrested have been for armed robbery , attempted murder , illegal possession of weapons and contraband crime , and the other two for the crime of smuggling , including the victim The Civil Guard has arrested five men and a woman allegedly related to a theft of snuff smuggling and attempted murder in Santa Fe ( Granada ) that ended a man of Russian nationality paraplegic after the projectile fired was quartered in the spine.Four of the detainees have been for armed robbery , murder is attempted , illegal weapons possession and smuggling offense , and the other two for the crime of smuggling , including the victim of the shooting , reported Wednesday the Civil Guard . The incident occurred in the Granada town last day December 1, 2015 .The shooting occurred in a clash that followed the theft of snuff smuggling that the victim was carrying in his car.The victim, a 43-year-old neighbor of Roquetas de Mar (Almería), came from Cordoba, where he had bought 3,500 packs of contraband snuff, and there it had made an appointment with some people in Santa Fe to sell it.

The people who agreed to sell were those that later ended up shooting and stealing snuff. When the victim arrived at the Alhambra street of Santa Fe for sale he found three men and a woman. One of the men was carrying a small-caliber pistol and with it intimidated to take over the snuff without paying. The Russian citizen were met and started fighting, at which point he was shot and the bullet was lodged in the spine, which caused his legs to become paralyzed. Although shortly after was taken to a hospital in Granada, doctors could do nothing for her

Both have many police record , according to the Civil Guard , who performed that day two house searches and located a simulated gun and 46 boxes of snuff for stolen . The rest of the arrests have taken place throughout April, including the person who sold the snuff to the victim, a resident of Santaella (Córdoba ) 33 years. He was then arrested the victim of the shooting, also for a crime of smuggling, and finally the other two people involved in the robbery and murder along with the first two detainees . It is two neighbors of Granada 45 and 41 years who also have extensive criminal record. Three of the detainees were sent to prison and the other three have been released with charges

Santa Fe celebra un homenaje a Isabel I en el 524 aniversario de la firma de las Capitulaciones Destacan que fue ella quien rubricó el documento con el que el municipio "pasó a formar parte de la historia y que supuso el punto de partida del Descubrimiento de América

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FIRST TRIAL OF GENETIC "EDITION" IN EMBRYOS British scientists have been authorized to change the embryonic DNA for study their development. Claudia Sรกnchez Caravaca

scientists and 175 millions of budgetwith the United Kingdom hopes situate in the at the vanguard to biomedical investigation. With this experiment, the Kathy Niakan equip propose identify what genes are determinants for one fecundated egg developed and obtain in this way essential One revolution carries always to other. At least in the science world. In 2012 one new technique was developed called CRISPR (acronym of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) they permit cut and paste concrete parts of DNA simply and fast. Get a procedure of DNA "edition" such this suppose one decisive jump to the genetic engineering develop, so permit identify, extract or replace defective genetic material or related with pathologies. Three years later, the Human Fertility and embryonic Authority in the United Kingdom has approved use the technique in the first legal authorized experiment of genetic modification in human embryos. It is going to be carry by the Francis Crick Institute in London, one ambitious committee created in April- 1.250




spontaneous miscarriage and improve the result of fecundation assisted techniques

Is estimate that only the middle of the fecundated eggs arrive to the blastocyst phase (when the embryo have 256 cells), one quarter part achieve nest in the uterus and no more than 13% progress more beyond to the three gestation months. pรกg. 5

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Niakan has identify some decisive genes in this firsts phases of embryonic development.

By: Irene Elvira Nieto and Miriam Hernández

Manipulate will permit see how act. But, given the ethics implications, the experiment have limitations: only can use excess embryonic of fecundation in vitro and one manipulates cant not be implant for it gestation. If is achieved one procedure for improve the embryonic development will consider its use. The "edition" of the genetic material of the somatic cell of one person can be replace one faulty gen for cure or avoid a malady and no suggest ethics problems. But the genetic material alteration of an embryo have an impact on the germinal line, that is to say, on the genetic heredity. And now of course suggest problems. The technical no is enough safe as warrant that the modification won't affect to other DNA part. If some one day can modify the DNA of an embryo with therapeutics ends, too will can for other ends, for example, change physical parameters. “That means the science is going forward before there’s


The herpes virus and Alzheimer's are related





deliberation that such an approach is medically warranted," he says

It is the conclusion we have reached researchers from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and the Center for Molecular Biology "Severo Ochoa". Patients suffering Alzheimer's disease in their brains have two characteristics pathological structures: senile plaques mainly composed of compounds poragregados beta amyloid peptide and fibrillar tangles intracellular abnormally phosphorylated tau protein aggregate. This last feature lahiperfosforilación tau is an early event in the pathological course that may lead to neuronal death.

Recent studies suggest that various infectious agents may be involved in the origin of Alzheimer's disease. In recent years, infection with HSV-1 has been postulated as an important factor of susceptibility to Alzheimer's. In fact, the presence of virus in the brain significantly increases the risk of developing the disease in people with at least one allele 4 of the apolipoprotein E (APOE4), the main genetic risk factor associated with the disease. The new findings conclude that brain lainfección HSV-1 and subsequent reactivations can trigger a cascade of pathological events that ultimately could contribute to massive neuronal death characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.

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Zika virus Mario Jiménez , Ángel López and Pablo Mochón

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a virus of the genus Flavivirus transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. In humans produces Zika fever or Zika disease, which has been known since the 1950s. It comes from the equatorial region and spans from Africa to Asia. Its name comes from Zika forest near Entebbe (Uganda), where the virus was first isolated in 1947. In 2014, the virus spread east across the Pacific Ocean to French Polynesia, and then to Easter Island to arrive in 2015 and 2016 to Central America, the Caribbean and South America, where the outbreak of Zika has reached pandemic levels. Some cases have been detected is Spain, all of them are imported. Newspapers are increasingly concerned about the safety of the Olympic Games in Rio because it can be a focus of global dispersion. Zika fever is considered a relatively mild and limited disease but the real viral agent potential to cause disease is unknown. The most common symptoms of virus infection include mild headaches, efflorescence or maculopapular rash, fever, malaise, conjunctivitis and joint pain. The first welldocumented case for the Zika virus infection was described in 1964; it began with a slight headache and progressed to become a rash with fever and back pain. In two days, the rash began to decline and the third day the fever subsided. The treatment

is basically to rest, and currently there are no drugs or vaccines for prevention. The main risk affects pregnant women because the virus is able to cross the placental barrier, which is a vertical transmission from an infected mother to her fetus, and produce microcephaly in newborns. Microcephaly is degeneration or malformation of the brain that determines the birth of children with a head smaller than the normal size and sometimes causes death. In December 2015, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published a notice on the possible association of the Zika virus with congenital microcephaly. The data suggest that in fetuses of women infected with the virus during the first trimester of pregnancy there is a high risk of microcephaly; other research indicates that this type of vertical transmission could cause brain damage.

Currently, there are effective vaccines against many illnesses produced by Flavivirus, such us yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis and dengue but not against Zika fever. Nevertheless, works towards developing a vaccine against the Zika virus have already begun. The time needed to develop an effective vaccine, certify it and put it into production is long and complex. It is estimated that it could take at least 10 to 12 years to have an effective vaccine against the Zika virus available for use. It is also possible to tackle the problem by sterilizing mosquitoes.

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The exchange of journalists lasted more than three hours on the Syrian border Story of how it was Pampliega release, Lopez and Sastre after 10 months kidnapped by Al Qaeda By: David Pérez and Luis Salmerón

and the hostages were three Spanish journalists in the hands of Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, since last July 12. After eating, the kidnappers led to Pampliega, Lopez and Sastre to the border with Turkey, about 50 kilometers from the Syrian city of Aleppo, where they were captured 10 months earlier More than three endless hours, from 17.00 to almost 20.30 local time, lasted the process of exchange of Antonio Pampliega, Jose Manuel Lopez and Angel Sastre, the three Spanish journalists kidnapped in Syria 10 months ago. It was in a steep location of the border between the Turkish Hatay province (whose capital is the ancient Antioch Hellenistic) and the Syrian Aleppo. On one side, the kidnappers of Al-Nusra Front with their hostages; the other, Turks and military personnel and secret service CNI Foreign Ministry On average, across the no man's land, intermediaries locales.La scene reminds exchanges of spies Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin during the Cold War. With all the accumulated tension and fear of an unforeseen spoil it all at the last moment, even though every detail was agreed days before It happened on Saturday afternoon pág. 8

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Although during the first three months of captivity were all together, Pampliega was then separated from his two companions and the three not met again until last Saturday About five o'clock in the afternoon, the jihadists and their hostages stopped at the Syrian side of the border, while the other side were waiting for hours before Spanish officials escorted by Turkish military. On average, about 30 meters of no man's land, under the heavy rain, walked into a permanent transfer, local notables in the role of go-between. . The first was the realization that this was indeed the three journalists and the kidnappers tried not to strain for a ride. Using a mobile phone, Spanish officials raised the personal questions journalists transmitted by relatives whose answers only they could know. Verified their identities, reporters were crossing one at the Turkish side escorted by middlemen Suspicion of the jihadists, who checked all the details before releasing them, did the endless process. When he concluded, had fallen night .Only then Spanish officials in Madrid reported that journalists were safe and sound, and in a safe place. Vice President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, on which depends the CNI, spoke to them. They could also do with some relatives who did not listen to their voices for ten months earlier

headed Hatay International Airport, where already waiting for them the Falcon 900 of the Spanish Air Force sent to repatriate them. At dawn, the plane took off back to the base of Torrejon de Ardoz (Madrid), where he arrived about 10 am. Ski to door waiting for them Saenz de Santamaria, director of CNI, Felix Sanz, and several relatives and friends that coalesced into excited hugs. They got the apparatus on their own feet and, although thinner, appeared to good health. The nearly six-hour drive to clean up the advantage and shave. More later told Efe that his kidnappers had treated well and that their behavior had been

Key points: 

Journalists were last seen in July 2015 in Aleppo where they were reporting Spanish media said they were abducted by Al Qaeda's Syrian affiliate Al Nusra Front Foreign Minister said members of Spanish intelligence helped secure their releas

At 20.36 (an hour in Turkey) a teletype from the official news agency Efe announced its liberation .The was first resolve red tape. The kidnappers had kept the passports of reporters, so they were undocumented. The head of Consular Emergency Pablo Gutiérrez Segou, salvoconductos¬ enabled. The delegation pág. 9

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the next 36 years, from April 1939 until his death in

By: Rafa Isla Casares David Soto Jiménez Onofre

The war began after apronunciamiento (declaration of opposition) by a group of generals of the Spanish Republican Armed Forces, originally under the leadership of José Sanjurjo, against the elected, leftist government of the Second Spanish Republic, at the time under the leadership of President Manuel Azaña. The Nationalist group was supported by a number of conservative groups, including the Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups , monarchists such as the religious conservative (Catholic) Carlists.

Hernández Martin ____________________________________________

In 1946 Rosenblum returned to Europe as staff photographer for the American Unitarian Service Committee (USC) of the American Unitarian Association to document its refugee relief work in Czechoslovakia and France. The photographs exhibited here were shot in Toulouse in the camps and facilities for refugees of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), which had ended seven years earlier with the victory of Francisco Franco over the democratically elected government of the Republic. In late 1938 and early 1939, some 500,000 Spanish Republican refugees had crossed the border into France, where they were treated as criminals and herded into concentration camps. In the months and years that followed, more than 20,000 managed to make it to the Americas; several thousands were sent to Mauthausen and other German camps

The Spanish Civil War widely known in Spain simply The Civil War or The War,took place from 1936 to

November 1975.

In the months and years that followed, more than 20,000 managed to make it to the Americas; several thousands were sent to Mauthausen and other German camps At the beginning of the decade of 1930, the Italian fascism centered neither in the racism nor in the anti-Semitism. In 1938, partly due to the pressure of the Germany Nazi, the fascist Italian regime approved anti-Semitic laws. These laws were prohibiting the marriage between Jews and not Jews and it separated the Jewish teachers of the public schools. The foreign Jews who were living as refugees in Italy were imprisoned in fields of detention, where they were living in tolerable conditions: the families were remaining close and the fields were offering schools, cultural activities and social events.

1939 and was fought between the Republicans, who were loyal to the democratic, left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, a falangist group led by General Francisco Franco. The Nationalists won, and Franco then ruled Spain for

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REFUGEE CRISIS. By: Irene Pérez and Yariza Martínez

There has always been refugees: people who are forced to leave their countries of origin by conflict, repression or some other cause, and must find a new home and a new life in a foreign country. But there is something different about what is happening now.The world is experiencing a far more serious crisis which has seen in decades, crisis and that is just beginning to awaken to what it means. Make no mistake:The current refugee crisis is global. Coverage has focused largely on refugees arriving in Europe, especially on the Syrian refugees.At its most basic, the refugee crisis is driven by a single fact: there are 19 million people in the world who are currently in refugee situation -a highly terribly amount and they all have to find a place in which to live in safety.

some are being recruited to fight. This has generated a crisis of unprecedented refugees and migrants in the European Union (EU) since World War II. More than 1 million of people have arrived in Europe by sea in 2015, most fleeing war in Syria. It is a crisis with boyish face: 1 in 4 asylum seekers are children, and about 550,000 children need help. REFUGEE CRISIS IN EUROPE. Europe faces the worst refugee crisis since World War II. More than 350,000 of people have crossed the Mediterranean this year trying to reach the continent, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). REFUGEE CRISIS IN SYRIA. More than 8 out of 10 children Syrian-about 8.4 million- have been affected by war and in need of humanitarian aid, including both those who are inside Syria and those who are refugees in neighboring countries (Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey and Egypt). In addition, 1 in 3-some 3.7 million children were born-since the conflict began,so only they know violence, fear and displacement.The future of all a generation of children is at risk. The five-year war in Syria lead to an alarming data: nearly 7 million of children are living in poverty, 2.8 million have stopped going to school, many have started working with only 3 years statistics agency of the European and 7

It is estimated that at least 2,643 died at sea in their attempt to reach the European coast. The appearance of Aylan Kurdi last week, the 3 year old boy drowned off the coast of Turkey, he shocked the world and served to raise awareness about the situation of Syrian migrants. Along with the Afghans represent the largest group coming to the continent. Greece, where many migrants pass through, grants asylum to 1,275 Syrians since 2011. Italy accepted as refugees in the same period to 1,005 Syrians. Spain gave asylum to another 1,335. And Portugal only 15, according to figures compiled by Eurostat, the Union _____________________________________

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EUROPE AGAINST REFUGEES By: África, Alba, Miriam, Andrea, Claudia, Irene, Ana The syrians refugees come from a war zone

Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13

“I'm not a black, I'm a man” (Martin Luther King). Xenophoby: It's the fear, hostility, rejection or hate for the foreign, with manifestations. Includes the contempt, threats and murders.

Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 14

...they must suffer a long trip, where they'll find violations of their rights, racism, xenophoby and humiliations

…Meanwhile, the European politic leaders do nothing to help the Syrian population that run away from the war.

Hypocrisy: when you pretend to have qualities, beliefs, or feelings that you do not really have.

Racism: Ideology that defends the superiority of one race from to the other and the need to isolate or separate to the rest inside of one community or country:

“Y mientras mueren muchos más refugiados, las portadas del periódico serán Madrid y Barça” (Dante). pág. 12

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15 But now, they must suffer a long trip, where they'll find violations of their rights, xenophoby, racism and humiliations


Hypocrisy or cynicism: “Y mientras mueren muchos más refugiados, las portadas del periódico serán Madrid y Barça” (Dante).

Universal Declaration Human Rights


Article 13 1. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14 Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.

My name is Tessa, I'm 6 years old and I'm from USA . One day I travelled to Paris with my parents but the third day, 13th of November, there was an attempt. During this day I had to survive alone because my parents dissapeared. I was visiting Eiffel Tower when I heard a lot of gunshots. In that moment I turned back and my parents dissapeared. A lot of men appeared with guns and I ran fast. I ran a lot and I was very scared. When I felt something back to me... ...It was a man, an arabic man. He came to me and he asked me about my parents and my name. I told him everything that happened to me. He helped me and he toke me to the police office. Finally I found my family. The arabic man helped me and this shows that not all the arabic people are bad. NO MATTER THE RELIGION.

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NOUVELLES FRANÇAISES Plongée dans le ventre de l’orgue de la Philharmonie de Paris Eloy Guillermo Ortega Fernández _____________________________________

Michel Garnier le sait bien : l’avantdernière nuit est souvent la plus blanche. Cela fait sept mois que l’harmoniste de la célèbre facture d’orgues autrichienne, Rieger, travaille nuitamment dans la salle désertée de la Philharmonie de Paris. Sept mois que lui et son jeune assistant, Matthias Hollmann, prennent leur tour de garde lorsque part le public, pour apprivoiser patiemment jusqu’au matin un titan de plus de 25 tonnes de bois et de métal : le grand orgue symphonique de la Philharmonie et ses 6 055 tuyaux, dont l’inauguration officielle a lieu les samedi 6 et dimanche 7 février. Le Français est une référence dans la profession, mais il est anxieux. « L’orgue est un instrument querelleur et capricieux, confie ce petit homme nerveux, qui ne cache pas une sensibilité à fleur de peau. On aura beau avoir fait le maximum, tout peut toujours arriver. » Une note qui refuse de sonner, l’autre qui ne sait plus s’arrêter, sans parler de l’acoustique de la salle, qui ne pardonne rien, et qui ne laissera pas passer le moindre accroc.

LA PINACOTHÈQUE DE PARIS FERME SES PORTES. José María Fernández On savait le musée en difficulté, la nouvelle a tout de même surpris : la Pinacothèque a annoncé vendredi 12 février, à la mi-journée, qu’elle fermerait ses portes trois jours plus tard, soit lundi 15 février. « Que ce soit abrupt est peut-être inhérent à mon caractère, mais on y pensait depuis un moment, on attendait, on attendait, et il faut savoir dire stop », confie Marc Restellini, le président du musée et son fondateur, joint par téléphone.

L’établissement, qui s’était placé en redressement judiciaire au début du mois de novembre, explique sa décision par une fréquentation en berne, combinée à des loyers très élevés (de l’ordre de 300 000 euros par mois) pour ses locaux de 2 000 m2 et 3 000 m2 du quartier de la Madeleine. « La Pinacothèque a subi, comme tous les musées de Paris, une chute impressionnante de visiteurs qui ne permet plus de conserver des sites aussi coûteux », explique son responsable. Malgré de vrais succès de fréquentation depuis son ouverture, en 2003, le musée a ainsi perdu « 20 % à 25 % » de ses visiteurs au cours des deux dernières années. Dans un « climat économique mortifère », les attentats du 13 novembre leur auront porté un coup fatal.

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She has participated in the composition of the songs of this work. In “Sígueme el juego” (Play along me) and “Encadenada a ti”

Malu's Caos

By: Alejandra Granados González 1 ESO A Malú is a Spanish pop singer. Her real name is María Lucía Sáncehz Benítez. She was born in March, the 15th of 1982. Her voice is mezzosoprano. She belongs to an artist family: her parents are Pepe de Lucía and Pepi Benítez, singers as well, and her uncle is the worlwide famous guitarrist Paco de Lucía. She has been given 18 awards around the world, and she has been nominated six times to World Music Awards and two to Latin Grammy. She colaborates with NGO's like: Cruz Roja, Greenpeace, Save the childrens, Unicef. It was published in November the 27th of 2015 promoted by Ariola Records. She shows optimism and happiness in her songs. The most famous songs are “Quiero” and “Cenizas” (Ashes) that have become number one in Spain. The cover of this CD is her face reflected in some broken glasses.

(Enchained to you) she has used wind instruments.

My favourite song is “me despido”. In this song Malú tels us how to say goodbye to the pain caused by a non reciprocal love. This is not easy but this song helps people to go over it. Press play, listen to it, Malú will give you the strength you need.

DISCOGRAPHY: Aprendiz 1998 Cambiarás 1999 Esta vez 2001 Otra piel 2003 Malú 2005 Desafío 2006 Vive 2009 Guerra Fría 2010 Dual 2012 Sí 2013 Caos 2010

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Trip to Brighton –England April -2016. Hi everybody, Last April a group of the bilingual students of 4º -B together with a few more students from the other groups of 4ºESO , took part in a linguistic immersion trip to Worthing in Brighton on the south coast of England; it was a great experience and they really enjoyed it : They could practise the language as well as have a close approach to the culture of the country. They were accompanied by two of our teachers , Pablo Mármol and Enrique Molina , thank you to them for their cooperation. This is the second year that our students participate in an linguistic trip and hope that we can repeat this wonderful experience in the following years.We include here the comments of one of the students about her experience in England so it can encourage other students in the future to participate in this type of trips that are really educational. Margarita de Valdivia Pizcueta. Coordinadora bilingüe.

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Los menores transgénero Andrea Rodríguez

____________________________________ Un transgénero es aquella persona que no se identifica con su sexo biológico , por lo tanto sigue conductas distintas para diferenciarse identidades de género binarias (hombre o mujer) y de los roles que estas tradicionalmente tienen en la sociedad ,suele ser para reasignar el sexo con el que se siente identificada esa persona según estudios realizados en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte , Uno de cada 1500 niños y niñas son transgéneros. Para entender el concepto de transgénero debemos diferenciar dos palabras , sexo y género ; el sexo es lo que tenemos desde pequeños y que nos identifica como hombre o mujer y el género que es lo que define a un hombre y a una mujer mediante reglas sociales acordes con su sexo Se puede denotar que un niño o niña es transgénero cuando desde temprana edad muestra disconformidad con su género , comunicando que se siente identificado con el opuesto, y siguiendo conductas del sexo opuesto y actuando como tal , por ejemplo vistiendo vestidos en el caso de los niños y en el caso de las chicas jugando con balones etc. Si no se diagnostica pronto al llegar a la pubertad los menores podrían llegar a sentir rechazo hacia si mismos y llegar a necesitar ayuda psicológica y médica

Un transgénero es aquella persona que no se identifica con su sexo biológico , por lo tanto sigue conductas distintas para diferenciarse Los castigos no sirven de nada , algunos padres se asombran de que sus hijos hacen referencia a que son algo que no son ,otros muchos padres piensan que es solo una etapa que se les pasará pero el menor seguirá comportándose de la

misma manera puesto que quiere que se le reconozca como se siente realmente y se le identifique con el mismo género con el que se siente cómodo, hay casos en los que el menor se aísla y no suele encajar en grandes grupos especialmente si los integrantes son personas de su mismo sexo No es una enfermedad , es cierto que algunos transgéneros necesitan terapia pero la gran mayoría aceptan su realidad y sin mayores trastornos ,

Algunos menores se medican con paralizadores de la pubertad que cumplen una función paralizando las hormonas para que el menor pueda pensarse bien su condición sexual y de género , cuando estén preparados se les administran las hormonas correspondientes al género con lo que se identifican , estas le ayudaran a cambiar sus caracteres físicos por los del otro sexo , pero, si el menor a desarrollado completamente los caracteres sexuales de su sexo biológico no habrá vuelta atrás por ejemplo si el menor el un chico y ya le ha cambiado la voz será muy difícil atenuarla pero hay muchas ventajas como que se reducirá la cantidad de vello , aparecerán los pechos y se asemejará a una mujer; en las personas que se identifican masculinos, se necesita desarrollar del todo para poder quitar el pecho ya que no desaparece totalmente , habrá aumento del vello y una voz mucho más grave .

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Interview to a transgender

A-Have you suffer bullyng for this?

By: Andrea Rodríguez __________________________________

In my country people is very transphobic but I´m sure it´s a lot better abroat.

A-What do you feel be a transgender ? L-Well it depends on what kind of people are around you if there are people who support you I´m feeling ok with it but if there´re heaters it´s terrible

L- Yeah I´ve been bullied in my old school . A- Have you chage your school? L-I changed it twice A-What have you say to the people who doesn´t understand trans people ? L- I try to explain that it´s not an illnes and that I can´t change it if they don´t understand I just leave them alone

A- when you found tht you are a trans?

A- How do you think you will be in the future ?

L – I think I was 5 years old I always liked boy toys but I understood how it´s really called when I was 14

L-I´ll be exactly the same because I don´t want surgeries or hormone therapy I´ll only change my name in the documents

A- Have you parents acceppted it? And your friends?

A-Thank you so much for this inteview

L – My mum supports me and my dad it doesn´t matter what is my gender . When I tol them those who didn´t accept it just went away from my life and those who accepted stayed friends with me . A – Do you imaginate why people doen´t understand it? L – They can´t understand the difference between sex and gender they think that if you were born a female you´re a girl and if you´re born a male you´re a boy but reality you can chose who you really wants to be . A - I am agree with that . L- Great

A- Do you think there are more people who accept that or more people who critize it ? L-In my country people is very transphobic but I´m sure it´s a lot better abroat.

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PROPUESTA DE ACTIVIDADES DÍA DEL LIBRO Con motivo de la celebración del IV Centenario de la muerte del Cervantes y Shakespeare el Departamento de Lengua e Inglés proponen las siguientes actividades : 1. Realizar un concurso de Caza del tesoro sobre la vida y obra de Cervantes y Shakespeare 2. Los alumnos de 2º ESO harán una lectura dramatizada de un entremés cervantino, el día 22 de abril , en la Biblioteca . 3. Los alumnos de 3º ESO realizarán unos libretos que recogerán un episodio del Quijote ( I parte )

Otras actividades propuestas por el Departamento de Lengua XII Concurso de relatos 22 de abril. LA ACTIVIDAD COMENZARÁ A LAS 9:45 EN EL SUM HASTA LAS 11:15 Cuentacuentos ( alumnos de 1º de bachillerato de Literatura universal ) Dicha actividad se desarrollará durante toda la semana (18 al 22 de abril ) Te recomiendo este libro .Los alumnos de 3º de Diversificación prepararán un mural con las lecturas de obras que más le han gustado Charla –coloquio por parte de Ana Alcolea autora de la novela “ El medallón perdido “ dirigida a los alumnos de 2ª ESO .Se realizará el jueves 14 de abril . Hora: 10:30 - 11:15 . En la biblioteca IES JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA 23 DE ABRIL 2016 DÍA DEL LIBRO

4. Reflexiones y pensamientos en la obra de Cervantes por los alumnos de 4º de Diversificación 5. Los alumnos de 4º ESO B trabajarán con Las novelas ejemplares y realizarán una exposición 6. Proyección de la película ROMEO Y JULIETA 7. Exposición: Cervantes y Shakespeare en la prensa 8. Los personajes de Shakespeare por los alumnos de 1º de bachillerato Literatura universal

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

400 ANNIVERSARY OF SHAKESPEARE´S DEATH 23th April 2016 International day of the book.

STATEMENT OF SHAKESPEARE WORKS By: Jaime Camacho Juan de Dios Carmona Raúl Navarro 4ºB By: -Anabel Garrido Reyes Andrea Ortega Comino Inés Rodriguez Alanís -Elena Ruiz Barranco 4ºB The Tempest begins on a boat, tossed about in a storm. Miranda, who has been watching the ship at sea, is worried about the people who is in the ship.

Hamlet was the prince of Denmark when his father died and his uncle inherited the crown slope of the country night is a spirit, the ghost of his father appears, and tells him the truth: he was killed by the one who is now king of the kingdom. Hamlet seeks revenge enraged that his father asked. After years of suffering and despair Hamlet meets his revenge, but also signs his death. The play ends with the protagonist's death.

The storm was created by her father, the magical Prospero, who reassures Miranda that all will be well. Prospero explains how they came to live on this island: they were once part of Milan’s nobility: he was a Duke and Miranda lived a life of luxury. However, Prospero’s brother exiled them; they were placed on a boat, never to be seen again.

Romeo and Juliet By:Inés Nieto, Elena Marañón , Rosa Díaz 4ºB This play is one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare. This story is about two families, Montesco and Capulet. These two families are enemies, but in the Montesco family there's a boy whose name is Romeo and in the Capulet family there is a girl whose name is Juliet and they are fall in love with each other. So, this is a big problem. They fight to finish together, but finally both of them die due to their impossible love. This play is a mix of tragedy, love and wild passion. The lesson of it is that you don't have to focus in material things, there's more and you cannot control the heart, just let it be.


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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



¿Shakespeare y Cervantes murieron el mismo día? El 23 de abril de cada año, se celebra el Día del Libro, que conmemora la muerte de William Shakespeare y Miguel de Cervantes en 1616. Sin embargo, las defunciones no sucedieron el mismo día... El 23 de abril de cada año, se celebra el Día del Libro, que conmemora la muerte de William Shakespeare y Miguel de Cervantes en 1616. Sin embargo, las defunciones no sucedieron el mismo día, pues existía un desfase entre los calendarios inglés y español. En 1582, el Papa Gregorio XII adelantó 10 días el calendario, de modo que el día 5 de octubre pasó a ser el 15 del mismo mes. Sólo Francia, Italia y España adoptaron inmediatamente este cambio. Inglaterra no lo hizo hasta 1752. Así, para los ingleses, Shakespeare murió el 23 de abril, pero para los países católicos ocurrió el 3 de mayo.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Sonríe y sueña Sonríe que la vida es corta. Sueña para ser feliz. Sonríe que la vida es corta. Sueña para que sea larga para tí. Sonríe que la vida es dura. Sueña para que no sea así. Sonríe que la vida es dura. Sueña para ser feliz.

Eres Eres la luz de la noche, la brisa del mar en la playa. Eres lluvia de fuego cayendo sobre mi cara. Eres el último regalo, el que no está asignado. Eres el único anzuelo dorado en el que yo, ingenua poeta, sin querer he picado.

Ana Arco , alumna de 3º B , nos sorprende con sus poemas . Enhorabuena y no pierdas el maravilloso placer de escribir poesía

Sin sentido: Un poema, un canto, un soplo anónimo. Un poeta, un pájaro, un chivato. Una nota musical, una gota de agua, una voz. Una guitarra, una tormenta, un niño. Unos ojos, una boca, un cuerpo. Su mirada, su sonrisa, mi amor. Una serie de frases, nada tiene sentido: Una nota suicida: me enamoré. Una sonrisa que enamora, un nombre que se gravó con fuego en mi corazón. Un poema, un canto, un soplo anónimo. Un poeta, un pájaro, un chivato. Unos ojos, una boca, un cuerpo. Una mirada, una sonrisa, un amor.

El amor El amor, gran perdición. Enloquece a la persona, enloquece al corazón. El amor, gran desastre. Revoluciona a la persona y hace cálido el aire. El amor, gran ilusión. Si se lleva bien es vida, si se lleva mal, horror. El amor, gran tentación. No lo eliges, te llega, a veces cuando quieres y otras cuando no. El amor, gran confusión. Viene y va tan rápido que no sabes lo que duró El amor, gran perdición. Enloquece a la persona, enloquece al corazón.

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

La alumna María Salguero de 4ª B nos sorprende de nuevo con sus hermosos poemas . Enhorabuena y sigue por la senda de la poesía Harta , estoy harta de querer llorar, reir expresar y no poder Ser incapaz de vencer mis sentimientos y expresar mi impotencia . Que la gente me haga más pequeña . Una y otra vez.

Luchando para que cada día sea mejor Luchando para que cada lágrima haga justicia para que cada herida no sea más profunda para que el miedo y la impotencia no se hagan dueños de mis actos . Simplemente luchando

Quiero tener la fuerza de actuar decir : !No , basta ! Es suficiente el daño que tengo . Quiero tener la fuerza para enfrentarme a todo hacer lo corriente de callarme cuando tengo que callarme

La soledad de este corazón sentirse insignificante que la decepción vuele con la mirada, haciéndola salir como un espejo ¿ No ven que mis ojos gritan auxilio ? ¿ No ven que mi alma llora por miedo ? ¿ No ven que mi voz agoniza por no encontrar consuelo ?

A la muerte Que te llevas lo más preciado . Acaso quieres buscarme . Te lo dije en mis pesadillas , cuando aparecías , te reís y luego te ibas . ¿ Por qué no me llevaste a mi primero ? ! Te lo dije ! Y no me hiciste caso . Dime , quién es el más apreciado para ti . Para arrebatártelo y jugar con él . Para que te arrepientas y sufras . No te pido que me devuelvas lo que me robaste sino que todo mi sufrimiento se vuelva contra ti

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

DEPORTES / SPORTS Mayweather vs McGregor : the fight of the century will be this summer. ____________________________________

By: F. Javier García Fernández

David Pérez Gómez

Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor are about to sign to celebrate a bout that would be the fight of the century by the amount of money that would move . According to an exclusive ' Sun ' , the fight will be held this summer in Las Vegas and will be officially announced in the coming weeks . As always , there will be great benefits to its protagonists : 126 million euros secured bag for Mayweather , and 9,000,000 to McGregor.

Conor eat his words . Floyd has the last word . It will be a strictly boxing bout and Conor will have to lose 25 pounds to equal weights . Everything was agreed on May 2 , but Floyd would not reveal the identity of his opponent until last night , when he told his friends that going to be a fight against McGregor " . Mayweather and McGregor have already crossed accusations of all kinds. For the US , " he talks a lot of trash and people praise him for it. When I do call me arrogant and conceited . " It all started when McGregor said Mayweather would win " in less than 30 seconds." "I see a specialist as any man who is skilled in one area , in fact I see it as a rookie in 10 other areas . If you can only boxing , what will happen when he does grab your legs? If I get face to face with Floyd Mayweather, I would kill him in less than 30 seconds. It would take less than 30 seconds to wrap a boa constrictor to strangle him . " Mayweather 's response was that McGregor " just looking for publicity," but then again mentioned the UFC fighter saying " he speaks ill of many people and they say nothing . But when I do consider me conceited and arrogant. Thats weird! I think it's racist people opine that. " McGregor 's response was swift : " My people have been oppressed throughout its existence. I understand the feeling of prejudice. It's a feeling that 's in my blood. In the long history of war in my family there was a time when only bear the surname McGregor you could be punished with death. "

According to a source consulted by the ' Sun ' , "Floyd went crazy after Conor said it would crush him and knock him out in 30 seconds. He is obsessed with making

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

ENTERTAINMENT By: Alejandro Aparicio

Teacher: Today we’re going to talk about tenses. Now, if I say “I am beautiful,” which tense is it? Peter: It is obviously the past tense

C’est deux fous qui décident de jouer à cachecache. Le premier fou dit : -On joue à cache-cache, mais si tu ne me trouves pas, je suis caché dans le placard !

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15 By : Jose Mª

Golden Boy Promotions

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JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



3º B



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