November 17, 2022

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How IU students can strengthen housing security

Unhoused resources in Bloomington

Information and resources on needle exchanges, Narcan

Needle exchange pro grams aim to keep people safe and healthy by provid ing sterile needles which de creases the chances of getting HIV and hepatitis. The pro grams are able to give people support and referrals for sub stance use disorder, medi cal and mental health treat ments, and social services. It does not increase crime in areas where the programs are located.

Needle exchange programs

Monroe County has a nee dle exchange program called Monroe County Syringe Ser vice Program. As of Sept. 9, the MCSSP operates out of the Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St. and is usually open seven days a week. The MCSSP also oper ates out of mobile outreach van. The van is grey and is about the size of a UPS truck and has a “Indiana Recovery Alliance” logo on the side.

Times and locations of the MCSSP’s mobile outreach

van during the week:

» Sunday: 5-7 p.m. at the Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St.

» Monday: noon-2 p.m. at the Shalom Community Center at 620 S. Walnut St.

» Tuesday: 5- 7 p.m. at the Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St.

» Wednesday: noon-2 p.m. at Crawford Apartments at 2440 S. Henderson St.

» Thursday: 5-7 p.m. at the Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St.

» Friday: noon-2 p.m. at the Shalom Community Center at 620 S. Walnut St.

» Saturday: 5-7 p.m. at the Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St.

The Monroe County Syringe Service Program provides:

» Sterile needles, syringes and other injection equipment.

» Safe disposal containers for needles and syringes. HIV and hepatitis testing and connection to treatments.

» Education about overdose prevention and safe injection practices.

» Referral to substance use disorder treatment, including medication assisted treatment.

» Referral to medical, mental health and social services.

» Resources to prevent HIV, STDs and viral hepatitis including counseling, condoms and vaccinations.

As of April 2022, Monroe County’s partner Positive Link brings a nurse and a Hepa titis C navigator to the Indi ana Recovery Alliance office from 2-4:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month to provide limited wound care and information on how to treat abscesses and soft tis sue damage. The nurse and navigator can also provide information and resources for Hep C and or pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment.

As of Oct. 20, here are the places to get doses of Narcan, which is the name brand of naloxone hydro chloride, in Monroe County: Monroe County Health Department at 119 W. Seventh St.:

» It provides free nasal Narcan spray.

» Call 812- 349- 2722 for doses between business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

» It provides training from one

Coat, food drives in Bloomington

Approaching the winter time, having necessary win ter clothing items and acces sibility to food are essential to staying safe. As a city filled with over a thousand non profit or ganizations, Bloom ington offers multiple op tions to stay safe this winter.

Explore the list below to find out which coat and food drives are happening near you.

Salvation Army Bloom ington

The Salvation Army has a donation center located within the Salvation Army

Community Center. Citizens can visit the store 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday to access everyday items. The Salvation Army is located at 115 N. Rogers St.

on one to a large group.

Indiana Recovery Alliance office at 118 S. Rogers St.:

» It provides free nasal Narcan spray and injectable Narcan.

» Call 812-567-2337, or pick up from the Naloxbox located outside of the office or drop in during the outreach hours listed above.

Monroe County Jail lobby at 301 N. College Ave.:

» It provides free nasal Narcan spray

» People are able to drop in with no appointment or interaction with staff

» Accessible 24/7

» Enter lobby from alley which is between parking garage and Monroe County Justice Building Other locations:

» Local pharmacies, though likely not free.

» Naloxboxes are located throughout Monroe County. Locations can be found here.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion, Narcan will not harm someone overdosing on an other substance that is not opioids.

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Indiana Daily Student |
Community Kitchen of Monroe County Community Kitchen of Monroe County provides sit-down dining from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday at 1515 S. Rogers St. The meals consist of a main entrée, a vegetarian option, side vegetable, salad, fruit, desserts and beverages. In
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday SOURCE: THE WEATHER CHANNEL Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 36° 25° 30° 19° 36° 16° 34° 24° 47° 29° 51° 34° 54° 41°
A s temperatures start to drop, more people must be prepared for sleeping outside in the cold. Dressing in layers A pair of socks, hat or thicker clothes can go a long way when needing to stay warm. Change your clothes after an entire day of wearing the same clothes. There is going to be sweat on them, especially in IDS FILE PHOTO
Avenue in January 2017 COURTESY PHOTO The Shalom Day Center for the unhoused community is pictured March 2022. Here are some tips for for sleeping outside in the cold weather IDS FILE PHOTO BY TY VINSON Footprints mark the snow-covered paths Jan. 30, 2019. As temperatures drop heading into the winter, many in the unhoused community face harsh conditions. SEE SLEEP, PAGE 4 SEE DRIVES, PAGE 4
The Indiana Recovery Alliance van is parked outside Peoples Park on Kirkwood

Earlier this year, I spoke to a class of IU students about the complexities and challenges of people who are housing insecure and of our region’s re sponse to this crisis. It’s a difficult, overwhelming topic — everyone has an opinion — but we often don’t agree on solutions. Even on a good day, hope can be hard to find.

Toward the end of the class, one student asked whether I thought we’d ever see the day when ev eryone has a safe place to

GUEST COLUMN: How IU students can help the Bloomington community strengthen housing security

live. I told him I have to believe the answer is yes.

I believe that now more than ever because I’ve seen the commitment, hard work and resources devoted to strengthen ing housing security in our region. The goal is to prevent people from fall ing into homelessness in the first place, by working on eviction prevention, creating more safe, afford able housing and shoring up vital infrastructure like transportation, childcare and access to health ser vices, among other things.

It’s a regional issue be cause these same hous ing security concerns are present in other counties, too. Many areas outside of Monroe County don’t have the services we do. So, when a crisis occurs and someone falls into homelessness, they often

can’t find the help they need in the community where they live.

At Heading Home of South Central Indiana, a community-wide collab orative that launched in late 2021, we’re partner ing with organizations in Monroe County and in surrounding counties to identify needs and work on solutions so people can keep their homes and don’t have to leave their friends, family and places they know in order to get help.

We’re also learning from other parts of the U.S. Our region is the first in Indiana to join Built for Zero, a nationwide initiative working with more than 100 communi ties who are committed to ending homelessness with a collaborative, datadriven approach.

The purpose for all of this comes back to our neighbors who are struggling, and our resolve to find sustainable, systemic changes to make homelessness rare, brief and non-repeating.

I believe it’s possible to reach that goal — a day when everyone has a safe, afford able place to call home.

Reach Morgan at mary@ Learn more at HeadingHo

IU students, faculty and staff can help strengthen housing security. Here are just a few suggestions:

» Host food and clothing drives or fundraisers at your residence hall, sorority, fraternity, club or department. Be sure to check with agencies who serve low-income residents to align your efforts with their needs.

» Find ways to use your skills to address housing insecurity in our community. Are you studying or teaching data analysis, public policy or media relations? Social service agencies might need these skills for their work.

» Volunteer for whatever jobs our social service agencies need. Most service providers post volunteer opportunities on their websites.

Volunteer as an individual or organize a group to volunteer. Form a team for the IU Kelley Institute for Social Impact’s Impact Competition 2023. The 2023 competition is partnering with Heading Home, and participants will be asked to develop innovative solutions to support our work. Teams of four are limited to one senior and open to all IUB undergraduate students. It includes over $10,000 in prizes for teams and an additional $10,000 for the winning team to implement their idea with Heading Home. Applications are open from Jan. 9 to Jan. 22. Learn more at Gokelley.

» Advocate with IU administration to address housing needs. Limited on-campus housing pushes students off campus, where housing costs are high and supply is limited. This impacts students, staff and even faculty who can’t find housing to fit their budget. And, of course, it affects other residents who have fewer resources and can’t afford the high cost of housing in this competitive market. What is the IU administration’s plan to address this crisis?

GUEST COLUMN: Questions loom as food gets harder to access

I’m writing from Moth er Hubbard’s Cupboard, a community food resource center working to improve access to healthy food while cultivating dignity, agency and community. I joined the Hub a year ago, as we were wondering what moving beyond the immediate, visible crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic would look like.

The past two years, which brought community care and public health to the top of our minds, were an uncomfortable period of strong financial support for many nonprofits. There were new funding oppor tunities from multiple lev els of government. Grant ors created less restricted opportunities to ensure there were no gaps in ser vices. Individuals donated at higher levels, feeling the pull of community more strongly.

Now, as we increasingly hear present times referred to as “post-COVID-19,” these streams of gener osity and governmental support have ended. Our student loan payments will resume. Households

enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro gram have seen a reduc tion in monthly benefits as COVID-19-related support ends. Universal free lunch for all school children, a pandemic support pro gram, has ended. Mean while, the cost of groceries rises.

In the pantry, this means we receive several questions with increasing frequency:

Will there be another delivery today? Patrons are very aware of our sched uled deliveries of food from Hoosier Hills Food Bank and how diverse their contents can be. Our partners at the food bank are doing their best to fill delivery trucks, but bar riers in the supply chain and increasing food prices are resulting in fewer ship ments. Patrons especially notice the reduction in more expensive grocery staples like milk, eggs and meat.

Is there more in the back? The answer here is often simple: No. There are not items that we are hold ing in the warehouse and not stocking. We are doing our best to keep shelves stocked, but there are

fewer items to stock. Stock also moves more quickly as we see an increasing number of patrons each month.

How often can I shop? Our most recent effort at maintaining a low-barrier pantry was removing a restriction asking house holds to shop once a week. What arrives at our pantry on Tuesday can look dif ferent than what arrives on Thursday. When stock is limited, visiting both days helps piece together a range of groceries that gets meals on the table.

Who else is open? Whether they need access to a pantry on a particular day, at a particular time or in a particular area of town, patrons have often used multiple agencies to meet their needs. Now, patrons are also curious about how our stock may be the same or different from other agencies so they can find all the items they need. At the same time, requests for bus passes, gas cards and delivery rise. Households need more trips to more places, spending more time and money for trans portation, to attain suffi cient support.

Seeing the labor re

quired for our community members to prevent meal gaps raises even more questions for me. As an organization, how do we adapt to what’s next and find the funds and re sources we need to meet our community where they are? And how will our government respond to this newest crisis in the emergency food system?

The federal government is poised to pass another farm bill in 2023, which will hold much of the pol icy governing how food moves into communities. Will we learn from CO VID-19 and solidify pan demic supports into stan dard practice? Will those of us who have the means advocate for these extra supports?

Locally, can we rally to bring universal free lunches to our schools and prevent meal gaps for our kids? Can we invest in low-barrier funding to get gas cards and bus passes distributed through our community, easing some of the work load for folks? Can we hold onto com munity care even when a pandemic isn’t making the need for it so visible? Will we keep showing up?

OPINION 2 Nov. 17 , 2022 Indiana Daily Student
Megan Betz (she/her) is the president of Mother Hubbard’s IDS FILE PHOTO BY ASHLYN JOHNSON A person speaks on the phone Oct. 27, 2021, outside of the Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard at 1100 W. Allen St. Mary Morgan (she/her) is the Director of Housing Securi ty for Heading Home of South Central Indiana, a partnership of United Way of Monroe Coun ty, the Community Founda tion of Bloomington & Monroe County, the City of Blooming ton, Monroe County and oth ers COURTESY PHOTO Individuals who worked on the May 2022 Heading Home project, as well as representatives from United Way of Monroe County and the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, stand for a photo.
Editors Sean Gilley, Elizabeth Valadez The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in session. Part of IU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are available on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to prosecution Paid subscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009 Vol. 155, No. 36 © 2022 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223 Cate Charron Editor-in-Chief Lexi Lindenmayer & Nic Napier Managing Editors Haripriya Jalluri Creative Director Carson Terbush Managing Editor of Digital Natalie Ingalls Managing Editor of Engagement Greg Menkedick Advertising Director

‘Smart Fridges’ are providing healthy food options on campus

Farmer’s Fridge is plan ning to place 10 to 12 more “smart fridges” on IU’s cam pus as part of its upcoming expansion plan.

The Chicago-based com pany produces and main tains smart fridges, which are about the size of a vend ing machine, that feature a variety of healthy food op tions including salads, gra nola bowls and sandwiches. In addition to airports and hospitals, Farmer’s Fridge has placed smart fridges on more than 50 college cam puses across the Midwest and Northeast, including at IU-Bloomington. Currently, there is already one Farm er’s Fridge smart fridge in the Simon Music Center.

Syed Shah, Farmer’s Fridge vice president of sales, said the company de cided to start placing these vending machines on col lege campuses nine years ago with the goal of mak ing healthy food accessible and affordable for college students. He said the com pany found a need for smart fridges on college campuses after seeing many food es tablishments had limited hours or food options.

“You might have a hand ful of large-scale dining halls that are located somewhat centrally, but you don’t have healthy food options at ev ery single place,” Shah said. “We’re really there for the 24/7 folks who need access all hours of the day.”

Shah said Farmer’s Fridge works with campus dining organizations to ap propriately place and man age the smart fridges.

“Typically, we work with campus dining to un derstand what placements would be beneficial for them and the student base,” Shah said. “So, with IU right now we’re actually currently working on an expansion plan to bring 10 to 12 more machines on campus and the dining team really helps us locate those spots.”

Shah said that the com pany determines which food is placed in smart

fridges based on a series of algorithms.

“We have technology that looks at thousands of differ ent variables to determine exactly what we should put in the fridge based on what we think the demand is go ing to be on that particular day,” Shah said. Shah said the use of these algorithms helps the company decrease food waste from the machines. The company also donates leftover food to decrease waste. Additionally, he said the food in the fridges, which is shipped from Chi cago, is switched out up to two times a day, seven days a week.

IU freshman Cadence Crane said she plans to use the new smart fridges on campus. Crane feels that besides salad bars in dining halls, she and her peers do not have access to healthy foods on campus.

“For example, at the burger place you can get your burger and fries, but there’s not necessarily any vegetable options there,” Crane said. “It’s hard to think about having to go and wait in another line af ter that to get vegetables. So, maybe just make more evenly dispersed vegetable options.”

According to IU Din ing’s website, dining halls maintain food options that can cater toward different diets and nutrition prefer ences including vegetarian, vegan and halal options. IU all-you-care-to-eat dining halls also have plant-based alternatives and allergen free options. Additionally, students can utilize IU Din ing’s online NetNutrition tool to find nutritional and common allergen informa tion, as well as plan meals around their personal nutri tion goals.

Currently Farmer’s Fridge smart fridges do not allow students to use meal exchanges or dining dollars to purchase food.

IU freshman Amelia Xanders said she would be more likely to use the Farmer’s Fridge vending machines if there is an op tion to allow students to use meal exchanges or dining dollars to purchase food.

“If there was a way po tentially where dining dol lars can be used or some thing like that, that’d be really beneficial because those are already included in food plans,” Xanders said. “I know a lot of people want the extra healthy food, but they don’t have the extra money or income to spend.”

While specific options and prices may vary by lo cation and date, the typi cal cost of Farmer’s Fridge items range from $6 to $9 per item.

A beaver found a home in IU’s Campus River

A beaver has made itself a home on IU’s Campus River.

The beaver’s dam is in a lightly-wooded area far enough away from footpaths that students should not typi cally encounter the animal. The beaver presents no risk to students, IU paleontologist P. David Polly said.

“The main conceivable risk is that one could fell a tree,” Polly said, “The chances of one hitting a student are almost zero.”

Beaver dams on the Cam pus River could reduce the risk of flooding. The Campus River flows into a culvert on Indiana Avenue near Frank lin Hall. It was this culvert that overflowed during a thunderstorm in June 2021, causing one death and prop erty damage on Kirkwood Avenue.

“Allegedly, the sound of running water annoys them, so they build dams to make pools,” Polly said. “This slows down the water flow,”

The beaver is not a risk to IU property, unless the pool created by the dam becomes so large that it could put nearby areas or buildings at risk of flooding or if the bea ver cuts down too many trees, Polly said.

According to Purdue’s guide to common Indiana

Mammals, American bea vers weigh between 28 and 70 pounds and can live up to 20 years old in the wild. They eat plants, twigs and tree bark. Beavers create dams by cut ting down trees with their teeth and packing them with mud. The dam creates a pool that promotes the growth of plants that the beaver eats, according to the guide.

In the midwest, beavers were nearly hunted to ex tinction due to the North American Fur Trade that be gan in the 1600s. They were easily hunted since they live around rivers and streams.

According to the Bonner County Historical Society in Idaho, beaver pelts were in high demand from the 1600s to the mid-1800s due to the popularity of beaver top hats across Europe.

Beavers were reintro duced in 1935 at the JasperPulaski Fish and Wildlife Area, according to the Indi ana Department of Natural Resources. Beavers have made such a comeback in Indiana that around 3,000 of them are trapped by licensed trappers each year to keep populations healthy.

During the last ice age, In diana was home to a species known as the giant beaver. At 6 to 7 feet in length and up to 275 pounds, the species roamed North America up until about 10,000 years ago.

IU professor Julia Plavnik awarded the Humboldt Fellowship

Julia Plavnik, an assistant professor of mathematics at IU, recently received the Hum boldt Fellowship, a lifelong network of 60 to 70 selected researchers that provide re sources such as sponsorships and research institutions and encourage collaboration.

The Humboldt Research Fellowship, developed by the Humboldt Foundation, provides recipients with re sources they need to conduct their research at any German institution of their choosing for 18 months. They offer two different fellowships catered toward different applicants: postdoctoral or experienced researchers.

Plavnik serves as the prin cipal investigator for the Si mons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries, fac ulty adviser of the Women in Math Club and is involved in the IU Quantum Science and Engineering Center and the Peer Mentoring Initiative.

“As an organization dedi cated to uplifting underrep resented individuals in math ematics, she's definitely an inspiration to all of us,” Brooke Augustine, IU senior and covice president of the Women in Math Club, said. “Having a successful and recognized adviser serves as a reminder that the impostor syndrome is simply the voice in the back of your head.”

The Women in Math Club at IU is an organization that

builds community in the math department by hosting or vol unteering at social events and aims to make math fun for children.

Additionally, Plavnik was recently a Kovener Teaching Fellow for two years and a re cipient of the Center of Excel lence for Women & Technol ogy 2022 Outstanding Faculty Mentor/Advocates. She was given a grant from the Na tional Science Foundation, or NFS, from 2018 to 2022 to study quantum symmetries including tensor categories, braids and Hopf algebras. The NSF awarded Plavnik another grant until 2027 to study co homology, classification and constructions of tensor cat egories.

“She’s an outstanding con

tributor to all aspects of our mission: research, teaching and service and support in mathematics,” IU mathemat ics chair Kevin Pilgrim said. “She has been recognized in multiple dimensions with nearly a million dollars in grant funds but also for her dedication to teaching under graduates. That kind of mul tidimensional commitment is something that we can all aspire to.”

Plavnik’s research focuses on quantum symmetries while primarily concentrating on its algebraic aspects. According to her website, she says her main interest revolves around the mathematical foundation of topological phases of mat ters.

“We plan to work on a

project which aims at embed ding a construction from alge bra into the setting of topolog ical field theories,” Universität Hamburg mathematics pro fessor Christoph Schweigert said. “This project combines Julia’s and my expertise per fectly.”

Since 2019, Universität Hamburg is one of Germany’s 10 federal excellence univer sities. The German Research Foundation funded four dif ferent “clusters of excellence,” one of them being quantum universe. It combines physi cists and mathematicians to research a better under standing of nature at its most fundamental level and how mathematical theories can ex plain that. Schweigert will be hosting Plavnik at Universität

Hamburg and working in this cluster.

“I think Hamburg is one of the best places to work on different aspects of quantum symmetries and I feel privi leged with this opportunity,” Plavnik said. “One thing that I find especially appealing about the Humboldt Fel lowship and Foundations is that they focus on research excellence, but this is not a one-time opportunity. You belong to their network and that brings many new oppor tunities for the fellow but also people around.”

Plavnik plans to split her fellowship into three visits, one per year for the next three years. Her first visit will be during the spring term of the 2022-2023 academic year.

NEWS Nov. 17 , 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Salomé Cloteaux, Emma Herwehe, Marissa Meador 3
MICHAEL CLAYCAMP | IDS A beaver is seen Nov.14, 2022, along the Campus River near East Seventh Street. The beaver has become a part of Bloomington culture for students who often pass it. GOODMAN MURPHY-SMITH | IDS The Farmer’s Fridge vending machine is seen Nov. 10, 2022, on the first floor of the Simon Music Center. The new machine is the first of its kind in Bloomington, and previously, the nearest was located in Franciscan Health Indianapolis.
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What to do if you suspect someone has overdosed on opioids:

» Check if they are breathing normally or at all.

» Check if their skin is turning blue or ashen.

» See if they are responsive.

» Check if there is any paraphernalia around them.

» If there is no response, call 911 and tell dispatch the person is not breathing and or unresponsive.

How to treat someone, and how to use Narcan to re spond to an opioid overdose: Use the acronym “SAVE ME” to give Narcan nasal spray, or “SCARE ME” to give Narcan injection. Both are useful in knowing what to do if you think someone has over dose from opioids.

Narcan nasal spray instruc tions, or “SAVE ME” system:

» Stimulation: Use noise by shouting at the person, or use pain doing a sternal rub. Always say what you are going to do before touching them. Call 911 if no response.

» A irway: Lay person on their back on a hard surface with

head tilted upwards. Remove any obstructions from mouth.

» Ventilate: Keep head tilted upwards, pinch nose and create seal around mouth. If possible, use a piece of cloth or barrier when giving breaths. Give two quick breaths. Continue to give one breath every five seconds until the person becomes responsive or help arrives. Breath is more important than Narcan because it gives oxygen to the brain.

» Evaluate: Check if the person is breathing. If you do not have Narcan continue with breaths. Giving rescue breathing combined with calling 911 is enough to save a life.

» M edication: Peel open nasal spray package, hold the device with thumb on bottom of the plunger and two fingers on the nozzle. Place and hold tip of the nozzle in either person’s nostril until your fingers touch the bottom of the person’s nose. Press plunger firmly to release the dose into the person’s nose.

» Evaluate: Check if the person is breathing. If not, give one breath every five seconds for 3-5 minutes. No response after 3-5 minutes, give another dose of

nasal spray in the other nostril. Continue to give one breath every five seconds until the person starts to breathe or 911 arrives.

Narcan injection instruc tions, or “SCARE ME” system:

» Stimulation: See if you can wake them up by noise or sternal rub as said above. Always say what you are going to do before touching them.

» Call for help: If no response, call 911.

» Airway: Make sure there are no obstructions in the person’s mouth as said above.

Rescue breathing: Two quick breaths every five seconds.

» Evaluate: Are you able to get the Narcan injection prepared fast enough, so they won’t go too long without breathing?

» Muscle injection: Inject 1cc into a muscle in the upper thigh, the upper arm or the buttocks.

» Evaluate and support: Check if they are breathing. If not, continue with rescue breathing and give them another dose after the first one wears off in 30 to 90 minutes. Continue with rescue breathing if not responsive while waiting for 911 to arrive.

your socks. Dry clothes will hold body heat more effectively. If possible, keep an extra pair of socks just for sleeping in. Wear an even amount of clothing. Try to layer your cloth ing evenly on your en tire body so you do not wake up with a warm upper body and cold feet.

How to use a sleeping bag effectively

There are ways to utilize a sleeping bag when thinking about being cold at night. It is important to go to bed warm. Sleeping bags trap heat but can not create it.

Get warm before you get into your sleep ing bag. Try drinking or eating something warm before going to bed — preferably something high in fat that will take longer to metabolize, thus creat ing more heat.

Put clothes in the bottom of your bag. If your sleeping bag is too long, your feet will get cold due to the ex tra space.

To keep your feet warm, take extra cloth ing and stuff it at the bottom of your sleep ing bag for extra insu lation.

General sleeping tips

There are ways to stay warm while sleep ing in colder condi tions besides just lay ering up.

Do not fall asleep right away. Before fall ing asleep try mov ing around to get your blood circulating, which will raise your body temperature. Do not cover your face. It is okay to wear a hat or cover your neck while sleeping. Do not cover your face with your sleeping bag because you will wake up cold from the mois ture.


addition, the kitchen also provides cold carry-out meals.

Shalom Center Shalom Center is a day shelter providing everyday items, meals and clothing. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday located inside Shalom Center. Phil's Kitchen provides breakfast from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch from noon to 1:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. The kitchen also provides emergency grocer ies once per month per household.

Hoosier Hills Food Bank

Hoosier Hills Food Bank will host a number of food drive events during the up coming months. Hoosier Hills Food Bank’s 40th An niversary will take place Friday, Nov. 18 and Thanks giving 2022 Meals will take place Thursday, Nov. 24. Hoosier Hills also provides information on where to find meals aside from their events.

Massage Therapy

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Foreign interference in American elections is growing more brash MILLER MIXDOWN

Over the course of the past several elections, there has been rampant specula tion about foreign interfer ence in American elections.

There was famously Rus sian interference against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and Ukrainian in terference in opposition to Trump after claiming he would recognize Russia’s claim over Crimea. There was interference from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as investigated by Robert Mueller, and claimed interference across the board from China, Rus sia and Iran in 2018. In the 2020 elections, declassified intelligence reports accused Russia and Iran of interfer ing on behalf of their own

interests, supporting Trump and Biden respectively.

Yet, as this year's mid terms are coming to a close, various worrying reports about foreign interference in our election processes have gone under the radar. So far, reports accuse Chi na, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Russia of interference through legal and illegal means.

Despite reports not con cluding China had inter fered in the 2020 election, the 2022 midterms were a much different story. So cial media giants Meta and Twitter banned many China-based accounts for spreading disinformation and discouraging voter turnout. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Justice specifically indicted sev eral individuals of smearing and physical threats against

Democratic House candi date Xiong Yan, who was a student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

One of the most worry ing reports came against the UAE. Although the intel ligence report is still classi fied, the Wall Street Journal alleges that the UAE has hired operatives to surveil dissidents, break into com puters and steal cyberse curity technology, all in ad dition to the $154 million it has legally been allowed to spend on lobbyists since 2016. To illustrate the im portance of this classified report, senior intelligence officials emphasized they rarely compile such reports on friendly powers. It is like ly that more information on this will come out, indicat ing more electoral interfer ence.

Saudi Arabia has at

Marvel to A24: How fandom shuns femininity

How often have you heard the phrase “women can’t like anything?” It was something I uttered to friends daily in middle school, frustrated that I couldn’t enjoy things with out having to prove it. This mindset is applied in every subset of fandom, affecting every corner of fandom en gagement.

As one might guess, it all stems from the systemic issue of misogyny, but the true roots are far more com plex. Girls are often over shadowed in fandom spaces by men who like the same thing, often creating a toxic environment that pushes away anything feminine.

Let’s look at “She-Hulk: Attorney At Law.” The new Marvel series stars a witty, self-aware She-Hulk becom ing an attorney for superhe roes within the Marvel uni verse. Based on the Marvel comics of the titular char acter, the show offers some thing clearly more directed at a female audience, fea turing stars like Megan Thee Stallion, who does not pan der to a male audience. SheHulk was the quintessential fourth-wall breaking, raun chy superhero years before

Deadpool was conceived. She was a hero for women, but a monster for men.

The series used realworld inspiration for its presentation of toxic fan dom culture, bringing the series back to its meta roots.

Even though the portrayal of this fandom is supposed to be exaggerated, real-life fanboys complained about She-Hulk being too bulky. What did they expect, a frail looking woman attempt ing to lift a car? She doesn’t even appear to be remotely as buff as her male coun terpart, greatly disappoint ing many non-male fans of Marvel.

Even spaces designed for women and girls end up more saturated with men, often complaining about the lack of quality or substance.

“Bodies, Bodies, Bodies” is a perfect example of this.

Written and directed by women and starring mostly women, this movie incred ibly centers the Gen Z queer experience by creating a funny slasher film. How ever, this breakthrough film has received horrific back lash, seemingly because it’s made by women. It’s called “a 95-minute advertisement for cleavage” and “a crime against slasher flicks” be cause the girls wear tank tops in the summer and it’s

not “Halloween.”

Sadly enough, the first review I mentioned is writ ten by a woman. This is ul timately what fandom cul ture does: it forces women to tear other women down, thus gaining approval from the men in the space. This so-called “pick-me” culture is immensely damaging. By tearing down other women for the approval of a pre dominately male audience, it’s doing the work of misog yny without involving men in the equation.

I’m not saying that women have to like every thing other women do. I didn’t love it when Rory Gilmore slept with Dean right before his wedding, but I didn’t feel the need to call her a slut. Sure, I was disappointed, but women are complicated people too. It shouldn’t be a good thing when Barney Stinson is a womanizer and a bad thing when Rory makes one bad decision.

Everyone deserves to see themselves represented on screen. Those representa tions shouldn’t be picked apart for all their horrible traits when it’s just a buff woman or an accurate styl ing of 20-something girls. Fandom should do better. I don’t know when it actually will.

tempted to influence the 2022 midterms through monetary means. Siding it self with Russia, the interna tional oil cartel OPEC+ cut two million barrels of oil per day out of production one month before election day. As gas prices increased, the Saudi government hoped it would hurt Democrat’s chances, leading to the re election of Republicans, such as Trump, who was much more partial to their interests. This kind of for eign partisanship based on which party represents their interests better is dangerous in our already contentious two-party system.

The United States can not allow brazen election interference as seen in the examples above. The coun tries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE remain horrible “allies” to America, and it is hon

estly astounding we still see them as having any com mon interests apart from oil production. Both countries are actively participating and using American weap ons in their inhumane inter ference in the Yemeni Civil War, killing multitudes of civilians and contributing to famine.

Both countries have large populations of migrant workers whose conditions have been compared to modern-day slave labor, and both countries treat women, LGBTQ individuals and po litical dissidents as subhu man. Saudi Arabia was the state that brazenly killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, dismembering him with a bone saw. These in terests cannot be allowed to influence our elections.

While on this topic, it is important to recognize the

innate hypocrisy in the op position to foreign interfer ence in American elections, as America in the past has interfered in many foreign regime changes — too many to count. Oftentimes result ing in extreme violence, these regime changes often removed communist, so cialist or even slightly-Soviet sympathetic rulers from power during the Cold War. However, if the world is to move forward, countries cannot allow this brash foreign electoral interfer ence, even through the legal means of lobbyist groups to remain a democracy. If this is allowed to continue, countries will start to see a precedent in the actions of Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, and this prob lem will only get worse.

IU needs to provide more classes for nonfavored specialties

Gentry Keener (she/her) is a sophomore studying journalism and political science.

When I was searching for colleges to apply to and ultimately choosing which one to attend, the fact that IU was ranked No. 19 for journalism programs in the country was a major pull. I am happy with my decision to come here, and I love my program. However, I have felt nothing but frustration the past three semesters when course scheduling rolls around.

The difficulty of getting into my critical core classes or even finding classes for my major that interested me has proven incredibly difficult. With each pass ing semester it only gets more frustrating. I thought this was all just in my head, and I didn’t expect so many other people to feel the same way.

As it turns out, the Me dia School isn't the only area that needs improving when it comes to classes.

Junior Chloe Davis said the O'Neill School of Pub lic and Environmental Af fairs has a similar issue. Davis explained to me how she has struggled to fulfill required classes due to a lack of diverse content and overlapping schedules.

The overlapping class es was a problem I heard many students talk about. All the classes of interest are scheduled at the same time. For me, this was a ma jor issue when scheduling and many of the overlap ping classes are required for me to graduate. It is dif ficult to build a schedule that is actually advancing you in your degree, when half of them are at the same time.

Davis also said a ma jority of her classes often revolve around the same topics.

“I’ve taken about three or four classes centered on climate change and pos sible solutions,” Davis said.

“Most classes covering en vironmental issues will dis cuss repeated topics.”

Many students that I talked to expressed frustra tions revolving around the low range of class topics of fered in each concentration or major.

In the Media School, journalism students are re quired to have “journalism skill electives.” These are specific classes you can take to get a more focused idea of your specialty. However, when you search for classes to fulfill this requirement, seven of the 26 classes be ing offered in spring 2023 are centered around sports or broadcasting. Another six are broad classes that don’t specify the topic.

Many of the classes that appear interesting to me, such as Travel Writing, Social Media Movements, or Investigative Reporting are listed but not offered. Although it is great that we have such an amazing sports journalism program here, some other special ties appear to be pushed aside.

As I researched through other majors and talked with other students, the Hutton Honors College was also brought to my atten tion.

When looking at the available Hutton courses on their page, it is apparent that most of them are class

es designated to students in the Kelley School of Busi ness. This makes it incred ibly easy for Kelley students to pursue the Honors No tation. However, for many other majors, they struggle to get their 18 credit hours of HON-H classes. There fore, it is like pursuing a mi nor in honors classes. Not to mention, many classes also require prerequisites, such as biology or technol ogy courses. The classes lack diversity and range, making it difficult for nonKelley students to obtain an Honors Notation.

Several students intro duced other degrees and schools that suffer the same issues. As much as I thought this was an issue only I dealt with, it has be come apparent to me it is a larger problem throughout the entire university.

IU seems to favors spe cific schools and majors, making it much simpler for them to get their degrees. Meanwhile, other majors — even ones that the school advertises as one of the best in the country — fall be hind. Many students are left taking classes they have no interest in or even not grad uating on time due to the lack of space in each class. IU needs to share the love, rather than prioritize their favorites.

5 OPINION Indiana Daily Student Editors Sean Gilley, Elizabeth Valadez Nov. 17, 2022
MOLLY GREGORY | IDS An empty classroom is seen Nov. 10, 2022, in Forest Residence Center. Char Jones (they/her) is a sophomore studying English and journalism. MOVIE STILLS DATABASE Tatiana Maslany is seen starring in the 2022 series “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.” GENTRY JUDGES
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman smiles as he arrives July 28, 2022, at the Elysee Palace in Paris for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. Andrew Miller (he/him) is a freshman studying journalism and history.

Q&A with ‘The Nutcracker’ director Michael Vernon

The Musical Arts Center will stage its second ballet of the semester with Tchai kovsky’s “The Nutcracker.” The production will be di rected by acclaimed chore ographer Michael Vernon, with performances at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1-3 and 2 p.m. Dec. 3-4.

First produced at IU in 2007, Vernon has contin ued to entertain audiences with his spectacular chore ography. The Indiana Daily Student spoke with Vernon about his role as director of “The Nutcracker” on Nov. 7.

IDS: Going back to the beginning, what first got you into ballet?

Vernon: going a long way back. Well, I was born in London, and my mother had an inter est in ballet and wanted someone to go with. So, I went with her and took to it immediately when I was 8. I went to see the Royal Ballet, and I remember it even now; she also took me because they would have royal command perfor mances. They were really a benefit for the opera house that the Queen would at tend, and it was a big ritual that also drew me into the whole theater and ritual of ballet. So, I sort of just saw it once and was hooked, the age-old story.

IDS: So later on, when you came to America, were there any striking differences be tween

the attitude towards bal let compared to the U.K.?

Vernon: Oh definitely, that’s one of the reasons I came. I always thought I was coming to America. What I didn’t realize was that I was coming to New York because New York is so different from the rest of America. There’s a much more modern approach to ballet — more up to date — and the U.K. is just steeped

worked on a movie in the UK, so I’d saved up enough money to live in New York for seven weeks and — like I always say — I’m still here.

IDS: You’ve held numerous occupations with several renowned ballet compa nies and institutions. How have these experiences shaped you?

Vernon: Well, I think I’ve

choreograph, where do you start?

Vernon: Music. I see music in terms of dance and structure — it’s what makes a choreographer a choreog rapher. Not every choreog rapher is like that, but for me the starting point has always been the music and whether it moves me to move — not necessarily in the classical way but in the way that it

those years. We did a lot of the classics of the dance world. We did Martha Gra ham, Merce Cunningham, Paul Taylor, and I tried to just broaden the minds and horizons of the dancers and audiences.

IDS: When did you first choreograph “The Nut cracker” for IU?

Vernon: Well, “The Nutcracker” here was first

put my own touches on it to tell the story clearly and choreograph it so it was suitable for the dancers in the company I was working for.

IDS: You’ve restaged this show numerous times. What impacts how it changes?

Vernon: I think the world, technology, what I see and other Nutcrackers. I try to

ARTS 6 Indiana Daily Student Editors Ellie Albin, Erin Stafford Nov. 17 , 2022
812-855-7823 • Complete eligibility requirements and applications are available online at, or at any branch. Hurry! The application deadline for continuing college students is February 4, 2023. We want to see you succeed. Federally insured by NCUA We started a credit union and created a community. $16,000 We’re offering in scholarships to qualifying continuing full- or part-time Indiana University students. Apply today! VS. In the spirit of the IU vs. Purdue game, the student publications for Indiana University and Purdue University are holding a fundraising challenge. RIVALRY FUNDRAISER Donate before kicko Nov. 26 to show your support!
GINO DIMINICH | IDS Jacobs School of Music ballet senior Emmanuelle Hendrickson and freshman Bryan Gregory rehearse “The Nutcracker” with director Michael Vernon Nov. 7, 2022, in a rehearsal studio. “The Nutcracker” will run Dec. 1-4 at the Musical Arts Center.

No. 12 Indiana pulls off upset of No. 11 Tennessee

In its first test of the early season, No. 12 Indi ana women’s basketball de feated No. 11 University of Tennessee 79-67 on Monday in Knoxville. With the win, the Hoosiers improve to 3-0 but more importantly, get a victory that will likely boost their resume on Selection Sunday in March.

As the Lady Volunteer faithful filled ThompsonBoling Arena and the game tipped off, neither side gained a clear advantage early and Tennessee went into the first media timeout with a 1-point lead.

However, coming out of that first timeout, Indiana jumped out and controlled the game with an 11-0 run midway through the first quarter. In the final five minutes of the first period, Indiana won nearly every hustle play to secure loose balls and extra possessions. During the run, the Hoo siers grabbed four offensive rebounds. Those four added opportunities turned into 9 points, highlighted by junior guard Sydney Parrish flying into the paint for a putback layup off a missed 3-pointer by senior guard Sara Scalia.

“We wanted to get off to a fast start. We wanted to get some points on the board,” Moren said. “But we ulti mately knew that the game was going to be won on the defensive end, our ability to rebound, our ability to make a lot of hustle plays tonight. Things that just don't show up in the stat sheet, I believe, are why we won.”

Having built a double-

digit lead in the first frame of the game, Indiana had to maintain that lead for 30 more minutes to leave with the win. The Hoosiers kept the Lady Vols deficit at two possessions or more until the final buzzer sounded.

Tennessee’s best oppor tunity to cut it to a one score game came with seven min utes left in the fourth quar ter when graduate student forward Jasmine Franklin got fouled on a layup and converted the and-one at

the line. The play brought the crowd to its feet, getting louder than it had all night.

On Indiana’s next play down the floor, it was met with a zone defense from Tennessee, which the Lady Vols employed throughout the game. Indiana graduate student guard Grace Berger responded by taking the ball up the floor and making a move to find a soft spot in the zone to hit an open mid range jumper — a shot she has become synonymous

with during her career.

“These are some vet erans,” Moren said. “They know that this is the game, and there's going to be shifts. There's going to be more momentum chang es. I just feel like we have a group that understands that, and I thought that they played with great discipline throughout”

Berger finished with 13 points, 10 rebounds and six assists and senior forward Mackenzie Holmes added 16

points and 10 rebounds for a double-double of her own. Parrish, Scalia and junior guard Chloe Moore-McNeil also scored in double figures for the Hoosiers.

For Moore-McNeil, the game was a bit of a home coming, being from Green field, Tennessee — 300 miles and a five-hour drive from Knoxville. While at Green field High School, MooreMcNeil won a state title with Tennessee junior guard Tess Darby and freshman guard

Edie Darby.

“It meant honestly the world to me. Seeing my old former teammates and had the whole town of Green field at this game.” MooreMcNeil said. “It shows how much they are behind not just me, but Tess and Edie as well.”

With the win, Moore-Mc Neil and Indiana return to Bloomington to face Bowl ing Green State University at 7 p.m. Thursday at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.

COLUMN: Class is in session, and Indiana aced its first test

As the Osborne Broth ers’ cult classic “Rocky Top” roared through Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee, for seemingly the hundredth time, the orange-check ered-clad home fans began to bid adieu to their home court.

With a few minutes remaining in Monday’s game between No. 12 In diana women’s basketball and No. 11 Tennessee, the Hoosiers’ double-digit lead was clearly insurmount able for the Lady Vols. After two swift beatdowns of the University of Vermont and the University of Massa chusetts Lowell, it was fair to question how Indiana would perform in its first true test of the season.

Well, if the Hoosiers’ decisive 79-67 road win

taught us anything, it’s that they’re a force to be reck oned with. Head coach Teri Moren, who is in the midst of her ninth season at the helm, has often preached toughness and discipline.

Even when her teams lacked success from a win ning perspective, every opponent knew what they were getting into when they took the floor with her scrappy bunch. On Mon day night, the hallmarks of a Moren-led team were fully encapsulated. The Hoosiers punched the Lady Vols in the mouth early and jumped out to a 40-29 half time advantage.

The lead peaked at 16 in the third quarter, but then Indiana started to stumble. Tennessee stormed back to cut the deficit to four, but as the fans’ hostility and rowdiness heightened, the Hoosiers dusted them selves off and delivered a

series of knockout blows to put the game away.

Indiana maintains a distinct mantra of gritti ness and “doing the little things right.” Before the past couple seasons, the cliches grew tiresome. But as Moren has continued to bolster her rosters with talent, they have become a true asset.

At the outset of the season, essentially the Hoosiers’ only known commodities were gradu ate student guard Grace Berger and senior forward Mackenzie Holmes. With an influx of shooting talent in transfers such as junior guard Sydney Parrish and senior guard Sara Scalia, as well as junior guard Chloe Moore-McNeil being thrust into a starting role, we knew this team would be different. Not necessarily better, but different.

Call it recency bias, but

I think this team could be better. Part of the reason for that is how innate the makeup of a Moren team is. After the game, Moren said she questioned how tough her team would be after veterans Aleksa Gulbe, Ali Patberg and Nicole Carda ño-Hillary departed. After all, no one embodied what it means to play for Indiana like that trio.

Still, watching Par rish lay out for a loose ball and subsequently pump her fists into the air, Sca lia crash the offensive glass after missing a midrange pullup and freshman Yard en Garzon put her body on the line for a charging call indicate that the Hoosiers’ blue-collar DNA hasn’t been subdued.

In fact, the most impres sive part of Monday’s vic tory was watching Indiana impose its will on Tennes see while also embracing


its newfound love for pe rimeter shooting. While the efficiency wasn’t as pro nounced as their first two games — they shot eight for 29 from three-point range against the Lady Vols — the willingness to let those shots fly is a refresh ing change of pace.

Although Scalia and Parrish struggled to shoot from deep, the game didn’t require a 3-point explo sion. What it came down to was those aforementioned little things: who would put more effort into a boxout, slide with tenacity into help defense and run the floor in transition, be it on offense or defense.

With a 17-10 advantage in second-chance points, as well as a hefty 21-2 dis parity in points off fast breaks, the Hoosiers were more than happy to play the game they know. While simply having more heart

may not have been enough to beat a team as talented as the Lady Vols in the past, this new look Indiana team plays with an amalgam of moxie, shooting ability and yes, grit.

It won’t always be flashy. Sometimes Holmes just needs to barrel her way through defenders and lay the ball off the glass. Some times Berger just needs to shoo her teammates away and pull up for a contested midrange shot. But what’s different about these Hoo siers is we know their po tential to score from all three levels.

As long as they contin ue to play with the same defensive intensity and pure desire they displayed against Tennessee, the Hoosiers could do some serious damage. Folks, it’s safe to say that Indiana has arrived.

Indiana suffers brutal beatdown against the Buckeyes

Bazelak made his shortlived return to starting quar terback this week after be ing sidelined last week. In a 21-point hole, Indiana head coach Tom Allen turned to redshirt sophomore quar terback Dexter Williams II in an effort to give energy to the sluggish offense.

On his first drive, Wil liams provided a muchneeded spark. On his first play, Williams eclipsed the production done from Indi ana on its first three drives.

The drive was highlight ed by a Williams connection to junior receiver Andison Coby for 49 yards in the middle of the field and end ed with a Williams throw to junior tight end AJ Barner for a touchdown.

“The plan was to play Dexter and see how things went,” Allen said after the game. “I felt like he was do ing a lot of good things.”

ana, 28-7. After one half of football, Ohio State had 377 total yards of offense compared to Indiana’s 147. It only took one half for Miyan Williams to reach 100 yards rush ing on 9.8 yards per carry against the 11th-ranked Big Ten rushing defense.

To start the second half, a blocked Indiana punt early in the third quarter appeared to be the dagger breaking the game open for Ohio State. Following the blocked punt, Ohio State found the end zone three more times before Indiana scored again.

Early in the fourth quar ter, Williams found the sophomore receiver Do naven McCulley for a 19yard touchdown reception. That was the last breath from Indiana. The Buckeyes found the end zone once more in their 56-14 route of Indiana.

downs — all with just six completions on nine at tempts. The Hoosiers fin ished with a season-low nine completions to receiv ers.

“We will evaluate every thing as a staff, but I like what I saw from Dexter to day,” Allen said on the po tential for Williams to start next week against Michigan State.

On top of the offensive standstill, Indiana’s de fense allowed 662 offensive yards, more than 300 yards on both the ground and through the air. Ohio State’s Stroud threw for five touch downs on only 17 pass com pletions.

“I was disappointed with the explosive plays we gave up, especially in the run game,” Allen said. “With all the playmakers they have, the pass game is hard. Not enough guys making plays.”

Cold conditions and snow flurries in Ohio Sta dium greeted Indiana foot ball ahead of its matchup with No. 2 Ohio State. The Hoosiers entered the game as a 40-point underdog, in search of a rejuvenating upset that never transpired. Instead, Indiana was em

barrassed by Ohio State on the road, 56-14.

The game started with the much-expected Ohio State dominance on both offense and defense. Buck eyes junior quarterback CJ Stroud would first find sophomore receivers Eme ka Egbuka and Marvin Har rison Jr. in the air for a pair of touchdowns in the first quarter.

Sandwiched by the re ceiving touchdowns, fresh man running back Dallan Hyden broke loose on the ground for 14 yards to find the end zone, bringing the Buckeye lead to 21-0.

Dead in the water, Indi ana was reluctant to get a first down, as its first three offensive drives were all three and outs.

Redshirt junior Connor

The defense on both sides tightened up in the second quarter. After its ini tial touchdown drive, Indi ana’s offense once again fell flat despite Williams being at the helm. Buckeyes junior running back Miyan Wil liams’ rushing touchdown was the lone score in the second quarter.

Going into the locker room, Ohio State led Indi

Indiana had 16 offensive drives against Ohio State on Saturday. Twelve of those drives ended with a punt and nine of the 12 were three-and-outs. The Hoo siers only had 269 yards of total offense.

In his second appear ance at quarterback for In diana, Williams threw for 107 yards and two touch

With the loss, Indiana football won’t go bowling this season failing to attain six wins and a .500 winning percentage. The Hoosiers continue their deep dive to the bottom, losing their last seven games after starting 3-0.

Indiana travels to East Lansing, Michigan, to take on the Michigan State Spar tans next Saturday, Nov. 19.

SPORTS Nov. 17, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Emma Pawlitz, Matt Sebree 7
IDS FILE PHOTO BY ALEX PAUL Then-junior forward Mackenzie Holmes and then-sophmore guard Chloe Moore-McNeil set up for an inbound March 26, 2022, at Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Indiana won 79-67 against the University of Tennessee on Nov. 14. ELLA BOOZER | IDS Redshirt junior Connor Bazelak looks for an open reciever Sept. 17, 2022, at Memorial Stadium. Indiana lost to Ohio State 14-56.

Indiana dominates on both ends, defeats Bethune-Cookman 101-49

No. 13 Indiana men’s basketball routed BethuneCookman University 101-49 in its second game of the season. Coming off a strong, yet incomplete performance against Morehead State Uni versity on Nov. 7, the Hoosiers mended many of their previ ous wounds and capitalized on their strengths. They ex ceeded expectations in several different areas, and there were multiple facets contributing to the dominant win.

Free throws

Head coach Mike Wood son emphasized his disap pointment with the Hoosiers’ 12-21 free-throw shooting performance after the seasonopener against Morehead State. In Thursday night’s out ing, Indiana looked like a com pletely different squad.

The Hoosiers shot a re markable 94.1% from the foul line, sinking 21 out of 22 at tempts. Freshman forward Kaleb Banks sank all six of his shots, and freshman guard Jalen Hood-Schifino and grad uate guard Xavier Johnson made four each.

“You’ve got to go up to the line with that mentality that you’re going to step up and knock it down,” junior guard Trey Galloway said. “We’ve been really focused on taking free throws seriously during practice. Just knocking them down is what matters.”

Indiana outshot BethuneCookman from the line by a vast margin. The Wildcats at tempted their first free throw with 6:36 left in the second half and made six out of 13 total on the night.

3-point shooting

Indiana has lacked strength from beyond the arc in recent

years, struggling to find a goto, knockdown guy in its times of need. Graduate guard Miller Kopp came to Indiana last sea son hoping to be just that. Ex cept, his performance was of ten lackluster, and a hot shoot ing streak never lasted long.

Kopp has flipped the script during the young 2022-23 campaign, shooting ninefor-11 in Indiana’s two exhibi tion and two regular season games and 4-for-6 from the 3-point line Thursday night.

“Going into the off-season was big for me,” Kopp said.

“Just focusing on getting reps and being cognitive of how big, mentally, shooting is.”

Kopp was the ringleader behind an Indiana offense that shot 41.7% from the 3-point line, knocking down 10 in total. Galloway hit two, and Johnson, freshman forward Malik Reneau, junior forward Jordan Geronimo and sopho more guard Tamar Bates all hit one of their own.

“It makes a big difference — being able to split out the floor and make shots,” Gal loway said. “Shooting the ball with confidence is a big thing for us, because we know we’ve got guys that can make shots.”

Pesky perimeter defense Johnson shined on the de fensive side of the floor, leading an aggressive, lockdown Hoo sier attack. Indiana forced 19 Bethune-Cookman turnovers, three of which were shot-clock violations. The Hoosiers also recorded 10 steals, with two from both Geronimo and Gal loway.

Woodson, who was men tored by Indiana legend and defensive savant Bobby Knight, praised his team’s ef forts in shutting down the Bet hune-Cookman offense.

“If you defend and re bound, you’re going to be in every game,” Woodson. “If

you don’t turn it over and at least get shots and you defend and rebound the ball, you give yourself a chance to win every night you step out on the floor. Our defense was solid last year, and it’s been a nice carryover into this early season.”

Transition offense Despite an off-shooting night from Hood-Schifino, his offensive presence was invalu able. He ended the game with the highest +/- on the team, 34, and eight assists. Hood-Sch ifino’s greatest asset against Bethune-Cookman came from pushing the ball in transition to give his teammates easy, open looks.

“When he’s got the ball in his hands, he makes the right play, the right reads,” Galloway said of Hood-Schifino. “He’s going to continue to make those plays when we need him to. I think he did a great job of that, just finding guys in tran

sition like Miller, finding open guys, finding me. He’s doing a good job of pushing it and pushing the pace for sure.”

Indiana ended the night with 27 assists on 35 made field goals. Many of those shots were highlight plays: aggres sive dunks, nifty layups and quick-release 3-pointers mere seconds after Bethune-Cook man committed a turnover.

“I mentioned to these guys going into this game that we should average 20 to 25 as sists a game,” Woodson said. “If you’re unselfish and a guy is open, you’ve got to give him the ball. Tonight, we shared it, and it didn’t hurt us that we made shots from the perim eter, and we made our free throws.”

After an eight-day sabbati cal, Indiana will return to the court to face Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 18 as part of the Gavitt Games. Tipoff is scheduled for 6 p.m.

Indiana earns No. 13 seed in NCAA Tournament

Indiana men’s soccer earned the No. 13 seed in the NCAA Tournament, extending its streak of top-16 seeds in the postseason to nine consecutive seasons, the NCAA announced in its official Selection Show broadcast Monday. The entire bracket can be found on the NCAA’s official website.

With the bye, Indiana awaits the winner of the first-round matchup between Saint Louis University and the University of Memphis.

Saint Louis earned an au tomatic bid by winning the At lantic 10 Conference title, and comes in with a Ratings Powers Index, or RPI, of No. 18 national ly. Meanwhile, Memphis came in fourth in the American Ath letic Conference regular-season standings and lost in the cham pionship match. The Tigers come in at No. 38 in RPI.

If Indiana wins its secondround matchup, it can play ei ther No. 4-seeded University of Virginia, Marshall University or Elon University in the Sweet Sixteen.

Originally, the Hoosiers weren’t in line to receive a top16 seed at the conclusion of a regular season that saw them post an 8-3-6 record and come up fourth in the Big Ten stand ings. A deep run to the Big Ten Tournament Final, including wins over Penn State and regu lar-season champion Maryland, ultimately boosted Indiana’s re sume enough.

Heading into the tourna ment, Indiana’s RPI jumped up to No. 20 nationally, which es sentially made the chances of securing a top-16 seed uncer tain. Ultimately, the Hoosiers’ results against top-quality sides favored them over other hope fuls in the committee’s seletion.

Against other tournament teams outside the Big Ten, Indi ana’s results were mixed.

A 3-2 loss to Clemson Uni versity, the defending national champion and No. 6 seed in this season’s bracket, on opening day was contested even closer than the final score line. Indiana then drew 3-3 with the Univer sity of Portland, an unseeded team that finished 12-2-3. The Cream and Crimson went on to defeat the University of Akron, then a No. 9 seed and currently the No. 16 seed in the bracket, 2-0 on Sept. 9.

The Hoosiers worst loss came in a 3-0 defeat to the Uni versity of Kentucky Wildcats. Taken into context, though, this loss likely didn’t drop the Hoo siers too far down. The Wildcats recorded a historic unbeaten season, going 14-0-5 and win ning both the regular season and postseason titles in the Sun Belt Conference. They earned the No. 1 overall seed in the bracket.

Another surprising outcome of the bracket selection included fellow Big Ten foe Maryland, which was snubbed from a top16 seed.

The Terrapins posted a 103-5 record overall and went un defeated in Big Ten play with a 4-0-4 mark. The Terrapins’ loss to the Hoosiers in the Big Ten Tournament semifinal dropped them to No. 21 in the RPI stand ings, just one spot below the Hoosiers.

Maryland, Big Ten Tourna ment champion Rutgers and Ohio State rounded out the Big Ten’s representation on the na tional stage.

Indiana’s 36th consecutive NCAA Tournament will start in the second round, and the matchup will take place Sunday at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Nei ther a time nor broadcast has been announced.

SPORTS Nov. 17, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Emma Pawlitz, Matt Sebree 8
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Sophomore guard Tamar Bates huddles with teammates in Indiana’s game against Bethune-Cookman University Nov. 10. The Hoosiers defeated the Wildcats 101-49.

Rose House LuMin- Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU 314 S. Rose Ave. 812-333-2474

Instagram: @hoosierlumin

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. @ St.

Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. 3rd St. Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave.

Rose House is an inclusive Christian community that offers a safe space for students to gather, explore faith questions, show love to our neighbors through service and work towards a more just world. Rose House walks with students to help them discern where God is calling them in life.

Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian, Campus Pastor

St. Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. Third St. 812-332-5252 Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

We are the worshiping home of Rose House Lutheran Campus Ministries. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts and ministry of all God's people and seek justice and reconciliation, we welcome all God's children* to an inclusive and accessible community. *No strings attached or expectations that you'll change.

Independent Baptist

Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072

Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service

Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.

Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU Coordinator 302-561-0108

*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.

Canterbury Mission 719 E. Seventh St. 812-822-1335

Instagram & Twitter: @ECMatIU Sun.: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tue.: Noon - 8 p.m. Fri., Sat.: By Appointment

Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world Ed Bird, Chaplain/Priest Jacob Oliver & Lily Dolliff, student workers

Unitarian Universalist

Unitarian Universalist

Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee Ln. 812-332-3695 Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

We are a dynamic congregation working for a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary.

Rev. Connie Grant, Interim Minister Rev. Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Story and Ritual

Evangel Presbytery

Trinity Reformed Church 2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684 Email us at

Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. College Bible Study: Contact us for more info.

"Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.'" Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome.

Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor

Bahá'í Faith

Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áíCommunity-of-BloomingtonIndiana-146343332130574

Instagram: @bloomingtonbahai Regular Services/Devotional Meetings: Sunday: 10:40 a.m. @ Bloomington Bahá'í Center Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities

The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."


Redeemer Community Church 111 S. Kimble Dr. 812-269-8975 Instagram & Twitter: @RedeemerBtown Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.

Chris Jones, Lead Pastor


University Baptist Church 3740 E. Third St. 812-339-1404 YouTube: UBC Bloomington IN Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Worship in person & live streamed on YouTube A welcoming and affirming congregation excited to be a church home to students in Bloomington. Trans and other LGBTQ+ friends and allies most especially welcome!

Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor Rob Drummond, Worship & Music Minister

University Lutheran Church and Student Center 607 E. Seventh St 812-336-5387

Sunday: 9:15 a.m.: Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service 7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Trinity Reformed Church

Society of Friends (Quaker)

Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores Pike 812-336-4581 Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting Sunday (in person and by Zoom): 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing 10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45) 11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and Fellowship 12:45 p.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website) Wednesday (by Zoom only): 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship 9:30 a.m., Fellowship

We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshipers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of belief and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns. Peter Burkholder, Clerk

2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684 Email at

Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. College Bible Study: Contact us for more info.


Calvary Chapel of Bloomington

3625 W State Road 46 812-369-8459 YouTube: Calvary Chapel Bloomington IN

Sunday: 10 a.m. Tuesday: 7 p.m., Prayer Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Hungry for God's word and fellowship with other believers? Come as you are and worship with us as we grow in the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace through the study of the scriptures, and serving those in need. May the Lord richly bless you!

Frank Peacock, Pastor Alissa Peacock, Children's Ministry

Christ Community Church 503 S. High St. 812-332-0502 Instagram: @christcommunitybtown Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service

Jubilee 219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396

Instagram: @jubileebloomington

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship & 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner

Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming to all people. We gather on Wednesdays at First Methodist (219 E. Fourth St.) for a free meal, discussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (scavenger hunts, bonfires, etc.), mission trips and opportunities for student leadership are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together.

Markus Dickinson, Campus Director


Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441 Sunday: 5 p.m.

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.

Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor

Church of Christ 825 W. Second St. 812-332-0501

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study

We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.

John Myers, Preacher

City Church For All Nations 1200 N. Russell Rd. 812-336-5958 Instagram: @citychurchbtown Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Stoneybrook Community Church of God 3701 N. Stoneybrook Blvd. Sunday: 10:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m. Coffee & Treats

Stoneybrook Community Church of God is a gathering of imperfect people learning to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey.

Mitch Ripley, Interim Pastor

We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Senior Jesus Christ.

Richard Woelmer, Pastor

A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.

John Sauder

*Always check website for possible changes to service times.

City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor

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United Methodist Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Episcopal (Anglican)
Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday
Church of God (Anderson Affiliated) Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod
“Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.”
Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome.
Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today is an 8 - Collaborate for lucrative team results. Cash flow velocity rises over three weeks, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Buy, sell and barter. Monitor to keep balances positive.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is a 9 - Your influence is rising. You have an advantage, with Mercury in your sign for three weeks. Ask for what you want. Listen for solutions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Today is a 7 - Explore possibilities. Start a three-week philosophical and spiritual phase, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Secrets get revealed. Discover hidden wonders. Illuminate compassion, beauty and joy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 - You’re in the center of the buzz. Enjoy a three-week social phase, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Share resources, data and connections. Accomplish great things together.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today is a 9 - Mercury entering Sagittarius today launches a three-week professional growth phase. Let others know what you want. What you say impacts your career directly.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today is an 8 - Physical action gets results. Travel conditions improve over the next three weeks, with Mercury in Sagittarius, so expand your territory. Enjoy philosophical inquiries.


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 9 - Use your persuasive charms. You’re

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Current active patients should review her message in the patient portal (Luminello) for follow up care options locally. Patients can also follow the instructions in the notice on Luminello to download their medical record information PIANO for sale 1950s Kimball upright, elderly owned, need to sell before Thanksgiving. Text 340 9799 for pictures or appointment to see IDS is now hiring Delivery Drivers. $15/hour + mileage. 3 12 hours/week Deliver the print edition of the IDS each Thursday to newsstands in Bloomington and the IU campus. Driver should be available between 4 9 a.m. each Thursday. Deliver special publications and posters. Drivers must have own vehicle & pass a motor vehicle records check & IU background check. Complete an I 9 form. Email Brand new Lectric 2.0 step thru e bike with cargo baskets front and rear. $1500.00 OBO Call Mark, 812 339 7219 Leave message Hi! Thanks for looking in the IDS Classifieds! Have an awesome day! 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Bedroom Grant Properties Call 812-333-9579 Outstanding locations near campus at great prices Now Leasing Fall 2023 110 Announcements MERCHANDISE HOUSING 435 Misc. for Sale 220 General Employment EMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS 430 Instruments su do ku Difficulty Rating: 44 Furry toy spiders that move when screamed at 45 Kansas home of McConnell Air Force Base 49 Capitol Hill fig. 50 Actor who played Clubber Lang in "Rocky III" 51 Annoy 52 Boar's mate 53 Elba of "Cats" 55 Tirade 57 Floor model 58 Murmurs lovingly 59 Midday hiatus illustrated three times in this puzzle 61 Asia's vanishing __ Sea 62 Juvenile outburst? 63 Join 64 Mother of Castor and Pollux 65 __ Spunkmeyer 66 Did well together DOWN 1 Square dance figure 2 Fútbol cheer 3 Removed with one's chompers 4 Abrasive tool 5 Bat wood 6 Legal challenge 7 Manitoba people 8 Deceives 9 Genre with introspective lyrics 10 On 11 Endorse without reading, say 12 Makeshift storage container for brushes 13 Becomes more inclined? 18 "That sounds rough!" 22 River through Orsk 24 Employ 26 Trailer park parkers, for short 29 Ryder rival 31 "Stiff" and "Bonk" writer Mary 33 Contribute 34 Out of the ordinary 35 "Sister Carrie" novelist Dreiser 36 E-ZPass stretch, say 37 Educate 40 Virtual citizens in a video game 41 __ Lingus 42 Levity 43 "Eww!" 45 Flinches 46 Happy cry from someone who finally deciphers a Magic Eye picture 47 Salsa ingredient 48 No longer asleep 54 Cuba, por ejemplo 56 Years, in Rome 57 Spy-fi villain in a Nehru jacket 59 Southeast Asian language 60 Software glitch ACROSS 1 Mamba kin 6 Peak 10 Some Dada pieces 14 Cover name 15 __ and proper 16 Exactly 17 "Fingers crossed!" 19 Theater award 20 Art Institute of Chicago area, with "the" 21 "Come with me, Spot!" 22 Slightly ahead 23 One with pointy ears and pointy shoes 24 Actress Thurman 25 Unintentionally reply all, say 27 Longtime NASCAR sponsor 28 Denial 30 Miserly desire 32 Egg layer 33 Catchy pitch 34 Flour used for naan and paratha 37 "We card" cards, for short 38 Novelists Patchett and Petry 39 Grand 42 Open __ night How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid. Answer to previous puzzle Crossword L.A. Times Daily Crossword
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis (June 21-July 22) Today is an 8 - Grow by learning from experts with your work, health and fitness, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Create and discover efficiencies and solutions for three weeks.
especially expressive, artistic and creative, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Share your passion. Invent fun and romance in conversation.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
20-May 20) Today is a 7 - Enjoy fun and games. Set long-range financial targets. Communication gets lucrative over three weeks, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Wheel, deal and sign contracts. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 7 - Pull for the home team. Ignore petty stuff and collaborate with your partner. Irritations could disrupt things if you let them. Rely on each other.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 9 - Nurture yourself with domestic improvements. Over three weeks, with Mercury in Sagittarius, focus on household renovation. Uncover forgotten treasures. Invent a new purpose for old stuff.
22) Today is a 7 - Relax in peaceful settings. Begin a three-week intensive study phase, with Mercury in Sagittarius. Indulge curiosity. Investigate assumptions. Write reports. Consider ethics and consequences. ©2022 Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. Answer to previous puzzle What ’s our trick? What ’s our trick? W ? It’s not magic, just great advertising. Email ad ve to purchase ad ve rtising space
Taurus (April
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.
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