Thursday, July 9, 2020

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Thursday, July 9, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |

FBI to investigate Booker’s attack


By Lilly St. Angelo | @lilly_st_ang


A protester holds up a sign July 6 in front of the Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center. Vauhxx Booker was the victim of a racist attack July 4 near Monroe Lake.

‘I didn’t want to be another hashtag’ Vauhxx Booker attacked at Monroe Lake on Saturday By Lilly St. Angelo | @lilly_st_ang

The Monroe County Prosecutor's Office is investigating an assault on Vauhxx Booker, a Monroe County human rights commissioner. Booker, who is Black, and others online are calling the partially videotaped encounter an attempted lynching. The encounter happened on the evening of the Fourth of July near Monroe Lake, and Booker posted about it on Facebook on Sunday. In the post, he said he was jumped from behind by men with confederate flags from a group that had been blocking people getting to a campsite for a lunar eclipse event that Booker was attending, claiming to own the land, and yelling “white power.” Booker said the group then pinned him to a tree and attacked him, hitting his head, ripping his hair out and at one point, jumping on his neck. Booker and witnesses said one of the people said “get a noose” and other racist slurs. The videos posted with the story on Facebook show multiple people pinning Booker against a tree while he’s on all fours and men yelling racist slurs while flipping off people videotaping them. Booker was the only Black person in his group of friends. “When they saw a Black man is when they went into a rage of racist slurs,” Booker’s lawyer Katharine Liell said. Witness Steven Cox said Booker’s neck was being held against the tree by the group of people, and they were holding him down by his hair. Cox and several of the others who went looking for Booker after he did not return to the campsite were threatened for filming the scene. The people assaulting Booker took Cox’s phone away. “They were telling us all to leave and they were going to keep him,” Cox said. Booker called 911 after the people who arrived at the scene got the attackers off of him. Witnesses say it took one to two hours for Department of Natural Re-


Vauhxx Booker is a human rights advocate and part of the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Commission. Booker was diagnosed with a minor concussion, abrasions, bruises and some ripped out hair patches after being attacked on the evening of the Fourth of July near Monroe Lake.

sources officers to respond. Liell said although witnesses did experience trauma and their timelines may not be reliable, video evidence shows the sun had gone down by the time the DNR officers arrived. The encounter occurred around 7 to 7:30 p.m. and sunset was 9:16 p.m. Saturday. The officers did not make any arrests upon arrival, which Liell said is standard if the officers did not witness the attack. When this happens, the prosecutor decides whether arrest warrants should be issued after hearing the officers’ reports. However, Liell said officers did not attempt to collect the video evidence that witnesses had, and she said she believes the prosecutor's office was misled to believe the encounter was less serious than it was. “Obviously the police weren’t

taking it very seriously,” Liell said. She said the prosecutor’s office called in the two DNR officers who responded to the incident to question them this morning. Liell said she is also attempting to work with the prosecutor’s office to provide evidence, videos and names of witnesses. She said from her experience in criminal law, arrest warrants will be issued soon. Booker said in an interview Sunday night that he and his friends, who had gathered at a beachfront campsite on public property to watch the lunar eclipse Saturday night, did not end up staying the night because they felt unsafe. Cox said DNR officers gave people boat rides back across the lake so they did not have to walk past the other group of people again. On Sunday afternoon, Booker

went to the emergency room when he continued to experience symptoms of a concussion. He said he was diagnosed with a minor concussion, abrasions, bruises and some ripped out hair patches. The ER doctor contacted the DNR with his diagnosis. “It’s disturbing, it comes in waves,” Booker said about his mental processing of the incident. “There was a moment when someone said, ‘don’t kill him.’” He said he has thought about the many other Black people who must have listened to people discuss their murders right in front of them and not lived to tell the story. “I didn’t want to be another hashtag,” Booker said. He said he has no doubt that if he had attacked someone the way he was attacked, he would have been arrested. The DNR has jurisdiction over Monroe Lake and recently received public criticism after another racially charged event. DNR officers arrested a man who allegedly was interfering with an investigation into a complaint made by boaters who were flying a Trump flag. They reported a boat of IU football players after the players yelled profanities at them. The players, who were black, claimed they were racially profiled. Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton issued a joint statement with city clerk Nicole Bolden denouncing the assault and another alleged racial profiling by a sheriff deputy who arrested a Black resident walking on his/her street during the Fourth of July weekend. “On behalf of the City of Bloomington, we would like to express outrage and grief relating to two apparent racially motivated incidents reported in our community over the July 4 weekend,” the statement said. “These separate incidents exemplify the persistence of racism and bias in our country and our own community. They deserve nothing less than our collective condemnation.” Booker’s case is still under investigation, and no documents are publicly available at this time.

The FBI opened an investigation into the Fourth of July attack on Vauhxx Booker, according to an announcement by his attorney Katharine Liell on Tuesday afternoon at the Courthouse Square. The case will be investigated as a hate crime, Liell said. “I can tell you as a criminal lawyer of over 30 years, I never thought I would say, ‘Boy am I glad the FBI are coming,’ but we are,” she said. “We want this investigated as a hate crime. It was clearly racially motivated.” Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton was also present and expressed his support for Booker and for the investigation. “My job is to help protect my residents,” Hamilton said. “I am sorry for what happened to Mr. Booker, and I am going to cooperate fully to make sure justice is done.” Hamilton said he and Booker don’t always agree on everything, but they agree on the need for justice. Booker was at the courthouse as well and talked about using the platform he has been given to better the community. He said the name Vauhxx is derived from the Latin word for voice, and he is trying to live up to the name. Luke Christopher Norton contributed to this report.

Police have not yet found driver By Lilly St. Angelo | @lilly_st_ang

Police discovered the car that hit two protesters Monday night has an address on its registration that is no longer valid, Bloomington Police Department Capt. Ryan Pedigo said. The police have not been able to locate the driver or vehicle. Pedigo said it is also unknown if the car is registered under the name of the woman who was driving the car Monday. Photos and videos captured the license plate number of the 2015 red Toyota Corolla that a woman drove at a high speed through protesters just before 9:30 p.m. Monday on Walnut Street according to a police report. Two protesters were forced onto the hood and both were flung off when the car turned sharply. Bloomington resident Chaz Mottinger, the woman knocked onto the hood of the car, was taken to the hospital in an ambulance and later posted on social media she was OK. SEE DRIVER, PAGE 3

Car hits 2 protesters at Monday BLM protest Theater By Katharine Khamhaengwong | @katharinegk

A car drove through a crowd and hit two protesters just before 9:30 p.m. Monday night as Bloomington residents were dispersing on Walnut Street after three and a half hours of peaceful protest. The protest was in response to the attack on Vauhxx Booker at Monroe Lake on the Fourth of July. The bright red Toyota Corolla carried a woman and a man on its hood for two blocks, from the intersection of Walnut and Fourth streets to the intersection of Walnut and Sixth streets, where the car turned and both were thrown from the vehicle. Geoff Stewart , 35, suffered abrasions on his arms and was not in need of medical assistance but said that when he got up to check on the woman who had also been on the front of the car, she was unresponsive. Bystander Peter Oren said he knew the woman, who later identified herself as Chaz Mottinger, 29, in a social media statement late Monday night. He was talking with police and said that he had heard she was conscious but had received an isolated head injury. Mottinger was taken away on a stretcher,


Paramedics, firefighters and law enforcement officers tend to a protester who was struck by a car July 6 just after the conclusion of the protest in downtown Bloomington. The car sped off after hitting multiple protesters and carrying them on the hood of the car before they were eventually flung off.

and a pool of blood was left in the street, which emergency response officials promptly covered with a gravel-like substance. The protest began at 5:30 p.m. with several hundred people gathered at the square holding signs, wearing masks and listening to speakers from various community activist groups and individuals share their stories and demands. The Uptown Cafe set up a table with cups of cold water for protest-

ers, and chants of “How much hate are you willing to tolerate?” drifted across the street. People associated with activist groups including Black Lives Matter Bloomington and Enough is Enough said that the protest had not been organized by any one group but was more of an organic reaction to Booker’s attack. Booker was at Lake Monroe on Saturday when he and other witnesses say he was attacked by a group of men

with Confederate flags who talked about getting a noose as they beat him up. “The first thing they tell you about Bloomington is that it’s this little blue dot in Indiana, that it’s a safe place,” said Caleb Poer, an IU political science student, artist and activist with Enough is Enough. “I knew it wasn’t when I was in elementary school and a kid told me he couldn’t be my friend because his mom said I was Black.” Two members of the Black Lives Matter Core Council, who do not speak to the media as named individuals, said they had come to the protest to ensure that the focus was on systemic problems rather than solely on Booker’s individual incident. “We’ve seen a series of escalating instances, and the next one might end up with someone dead,” one council member said. “To prevent that, we need to address the system now.” The instances they were referring to were a series of events that began June 24 when a group of IU football players claimed they were racially profiled after they were reported for yelling profanities at SEE PROTEST, PAGE 3

department commits to change By Kevin Chrisco | @beatsbykevv

On May 25, George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin, a Minneapolis police officer. Black voices were amplified as protests surged across the nation. On June 1, Indiana University’s Department of Theatre, Drama and Contemporary Dance made a statement addressing the nationwide reckoning with race institutions are now undergoing on its Instagram. The statement said the department was committed to creating a safe space for all voices, especially oppressed ones. A frequent point of criticism is that the statement didn't go into specifics, including not even using the word "Black." “It was vague,” Peter Ruiz, a thirdyear graduate student in the MFA SEE BACKLASH, PAGE 3

Indiana Daily Student



Thursday, July 9, 2020

Editor Lilly St. Angelo

Protesters demand justice for Vauhxx Booker By Lilly St. Angelo | @lilly_st_ang

A day after a still-unidentified woman drove through protesters and caused one to be taken to the hospital, protesters were back on the streets. The protest, co-led by Enough is Enough, Black Lives Matter Bloomington and other Black community members, started at 5:30 p.m. and ended around 9 p.m., much like Monday's protest. This time, however, protesters left without any threats to their safety. The organizers demanded justice for Vauhxx Booker, who was assaulted on the Fourth of July at Lake Monroe by people who allegedly said “get a noose” while holding Booker down and were caught on video saying racist slurs. Booker’s attorney announced Tuesday afternoon that the FBI had opened an investigation into Booker’s attack as a hate crime. Caleb Poer, an IU political science student, artist and activist with Enough is Enough, was one of the speakers at the Monroe County Courthouse before the protesters marched around town. He thanked everyone who was at the protest Monday night and helped try to find the car that was driven into protesters or helped the woman who was injured. But Poer was disappointed in the ultimate focus in the media on the driver’s attack on protesters instead of the peaceful protest and the demands they made. “I saw the brave people of this state and this community come together, I saw solidarity, I saw peace and most of all, I saw a change, a change being vocalized,” Poer said. “But unfortunately a violent couple of racists stole the narrative from right under our feet.”


Protesters march July 7 up Kirkwood Avenue toward the Sample Gates. Instead of turning onto Dunn Street like the evening before, the group marched all the way to Indiana Avenue before turning right and right again onto Third Street.

He reiterated the demands of the protesters including ending the war on drugs, ending over-policing, more community oversight of the police, independent investigations on police misconduct and selling Bloomington Police Department's armored vehicle and reinvesting the money into the community. Salina Tesfagiorgis, IU student and a leader in Enough is Enough, said close to 200,000 people have contacted the Monroe County prosecutor’s office about Vauhxx Booker’s attack, urging Monroe County prosecutor Erika Oliphant to take action. “It’s time to get to the DNR, who have presented multiple counts of racism, not just the two that we heard about recently,” Tesfagiorgis said. A couple speakers talked

about Denver Smith, a Black IU student who was shot multiple times and killed by Bloomington police officers in 1983 after being reported for acting in a threatening manner and taking an officer’s gun, according to an account by the New York Times based on the police record. They also spoke about Joseph Smedley, a Black IU student whose body was found in Lake Griffy with a backpack strapped to his chest with over 60 pounds of rocks in it. His death was ruled a suicide but his family has expressed doubt that the investigation was complete. Speakers said they deserve justice too. IU professor Amrita Chakrabarti Myers, a historian of the Black female experience in the United States, told protesters to think hard about why they were there. “I know y’all have been

locked up for several months because of COVID, but this does not substitute going out to the restaurants or you know, your frat party, can I just be clear?” Myers said. “Because some of us, we don’t get to put this shit away because this is a life-long endeavor.” Indiana District 3 Senator Eddie Melton, who is Black, was at the protest to show support and talk about the governor’s inaction on legislation aimed at banning police choke holds and racial profiling. He urged people to make sure state officials take action. “I commend the organizers for having the demands put forth to local government, county government, but don’t forget about our state government,” he said. Many speakers also urged people to vote in the coming election.

As protesters marched around town, some people stood along the route to clap, wave signs and raise fists in support. Maria Garcia was one of them. As a Mexican immigrant, she said she feels connected to the cause because immigrants experience racism too. “We come from Mexico, and we come to work,” she said. “Some people say we come here and take jobs but, no, we’re coming to work.” The volunteer security group Citizens Protest Response and Safety was again present at the protest with several armed men walking with protesters. Others, some connected to CPRS and some not, were in cars and on bikes blocking off streets that intersected with streets the protesters were walking on. Some protesters gawked at the size of the armed CPRS security

volunteers’ guns but resident Andrew Hutchings was thankful they were there in support. Hutchings was riding his bike in the protest with his 14-year-old French bulldog Luna in the crate attached to the front. Hutchings is a recent transplant from Chicago and said it’s common there for bikers to participate in protests and stop in intersections to protect protesters from drivers. “I like seeing all these other guys out here with assault rifles that are actually on the side of the Black Lives Matter movement, rather than have a bunch of Billy Bob redneck racists with their guns trying to intimidate people,” he said. One of the leaders of CPRS who identifies himself as Bear said the group is from Indianapolis and formed because of its participation in the protests there. “We all came together from the protests and being tear-gassed and firsthand witnessing the brutality of the IMPD and the state police,” Bear said to the crowd. “We are here for you guys 100%, we are here to keep you safe.” Richard, another leader of CPRS, said the security team made changes to their plan for Tuesday to try to ensure no one would get hurt like Monday night. They offered escorts back to cars or homes after the protest was over. One of the protest organizers Patrick Ford tweeted a statement Wednesday saying he did not ask or give permission for armed CPRS security volunteers to be at the protests Monday and Tuesday. He said on both days, he was only informed they were coming or were already there. At the protest Tuesday, Ford introduced the security volunteers as people who were there to keep protesters safe.

Alzheimer’s community struggling Committee to review Jordan name on campus By Cate Charron | @catecharron

The coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone in one way or another, but people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are having an especially difficult time adjusting because of lack of socializing. IU Health Alzheimer’s educator Dayna Thompson said she has noticed a significant increase in need for Alzheimer’s services since people are unable to go out as much to places they routinely go. Thompson said confusion may arise when they diverge from routine, causing them to feel more uncertain and anxious. “People living with dementia really thrive on routine,” Thompson said. “Some people living with dementia are really not understanding why they can't do what they've always done.” People with Alzheimer’s in early to moderate stages lost many meaningful things in their life due to the coronavirus, such as being active in the community and seeing family and friends, Thompson said. She said she saw an undertone of grief with her patients due to the absence of human interaction. Thompson said during this time it is important for people living with Alzheimer’s to find an activity in their life that is meaningful to them. Thompson and other IU Health Alzheimer's staff specialize in support for people living with dementia and their families. This includes emotional support, education programs and community outreach. The coronavirus has forced much of this to go online. “We had some hurdles with that since a lot of our clients are older and didn't really grow up with technology,” Thompson said. “But they have adapted really well, and I have been very impressed with what they've been willing to try with all these new technologies.” Social distancing and a

By Wei Wang | @DavidWazman


BeeHive Homes of Bloomington is an assisted living center and is located at 2306 W. Third St. Bloomington owner and manager Jyoti Mehta said most of the center's 30 to 40 residents have some degree of dementia.

lack of in-person interaction can cause someone with Alzheimer’s to go long periods of time without seeing their relatives face-to-face, said Reilly Huelsmann, Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter Program Manager. She said it’s important for family members to stay in touch with phone calls, video chats, emails, letters or visits outside a window. Huelsmann said it is crucial people with Alzheimer’s stay socially connected. “We know that dementia does not increase our risk for COVID-19,” Huelsmann said. “There are related behaviors associated with dementia that could increase your risk so increased age or health conditions.” Huelsmann said family members should stay in contact with staff if their relative with Alzheimer’s is living within an assisted living setting. She said caregivers can help guide family members to communicate in a way that is best suited for the person based on how far progressed they are in the disease. Even though COVID-19 may make existing routines more difficult to upkeep, Huelsmann said people can get creative and find other ways to continue their rou-

tine whether it is to drive around town or print out pictures of favorite places as a substitute for the real thing. Placing signs about handwashing around one’s home or care facility can also be helpful to remind people of the practice, Huelsmann said. She said hand sanitizer can also be an alternative if someone is not as mobile. BeeHive Homes is an assisted living and memory loss care center with locations across the country. Bloomington owner and manager Jyoti Mehta said her center is small with 30 to 40 residents. She said most of her residents do have some degree of dementia. “The reason we are able to handle it really well is because it's a small place,” Mehta said. “The staff is always there walking up and down. It's a small building.” Mehta said residents at first were often confused why they and staff members would have to wear a mask. She said handwashing was easier to enforce as people knew the importance of washing their hands regardless of the pandemic. Social distancing was more difficult as residents would forget, but Mehta said constant supervision helps to keep

residents apart. “Before COVID-19 happened, it would be like a revolving door,” Mehta said. “Family will come in and go on all the time.” Families have been able to visit in the last few weeks, Mehta said. Residents will sit indoors in the dining area while family members are outside speaking through windows to maintain social distancing. If family is not present for a resident, Mehta said they try to keep in touch with a relative or friend through FaceTime. “In a time like this, it's very important to keep a caregiver's health as a top priority in addition to those they're caring for,” Huelsmann said. Caregivers can be in stressful situations if they now have to provide 24/7 care, Huelsmann said. The Alzheimer’s Association has many programs and resources for caregivers such as providing courses and giving tips on how to care for someone during the pandemic. She said that COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to ease up, so there is a possibility for adult day services to begin once again, which would give caregivers a break to focus on their own mental and physical health.

The newly formed sixmember Jordan Committee appointed by IU President Michael McRobbie will review the names of Jordan Hall, Jordan River, Jordan Avenue, the Jordan Parking Garage and any scholarships, fellowships or other awards that bear former IU President David Starr Jordan’s name, according to a July 2 release. The move comes amid increased criticism over Jordan’s background as a eugenicist. On June 12, 76 members of the biology department wrote a letter to McRobbie and other IU administrators requesting Jordan Hall to be renamed. Separately, an online petition to rename Jordan Hall, Jordan Avenue and Jordan River has received 4,343 signatures as of press time. “Removing a name from a building is a serious matter that should not be undertaken without thorough research and the preparation of a detailed report and case for removal of, changing or the keeping of a name," McRobbie said in the release. The committee will con-

duct its review and submit a recommendation to change, remove or keep the Jordan name on campus to the president, provost and the University Naming Committee by Sept. 1. The members of the Jordan Committee are Karen Bravo, dean and professor at the IU McKinney School of Law at IU-Purdue University Indianapolis; Austen Parrish, dean and Rudy Professor at the IU Maurer School of Law; Richard Gunderman, the chancellor's professor of radiology, pediatrics, medical education, philosophy, liberal arts, philanthropy and medical humanities and health studies, the John A. Campbell professor of radiology and bicentennial professor; James Madison, the Thomas and Kathryn Miller emeritus professor of history; Charlie Nelms, vice president emeritus and professor emeritus of education at the School of Education; and Linda Smith, distinguished professor and chancellor's professor of psychological and brain sciences. Biographies of the members of the Jordan Committee are available on IU’s website.

Tristan Jackson Editor-in-Chief Annie Aguiar Managing Editor

Vol. 153, No. 33 © 2020 Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Office: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009

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The Indiana Daily Student publishes Mondays and Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in session. Part of IU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are availale on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to prosecution. Paid subscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405.

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Thursday, July 9, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |



a boat flying a Trump flag. Then, local basketball player Darwin “Dee” Davis tweeted that July 2 a sheriff stopped and questioned him while he was walking around his Bloomington neighborhood. The council members said that these recent incidents were symptoms of a longerterm problem, though, and mentioned a 2012 Ku Klux Klan rally on the same courthouse lawn as the protest and the ongoing controversy about vendor at the city farmers market with ties to a white supremacist organization. “If we had addressed it properly back then, we would have never gotten to this place,” said a core council member. “But white liberalism, white civility didn’t want to deal with it. And now the chickens have come home to roost.” At around 7 p.m., the protesters marched around


downtown, blocking roads as they walked down Kirkwood Avenue, past city hall and pausing for a while in front of the jail before returning to the square. Chants included, “If you’re racist on these streets, you will get your ass beat,” “Say his name. Vauhxx Booker” and “Blue lives don’t exist,” among many others. After returning to the square, protesters sat in the middle of Walnut Street while leaders gave final remarks. Patrick Ford, a local organizer and IU alumnus, told people to head home around 9 p.m. because he wanted to end the night on a high point. Just minutes later, as the crowd was clearing out, the driver drove into protesters walking away from the square. Stewart was carried two blocks on the front of the car before he was thrown off with Mottinger. Stewart said that 15 years of judo had prepared him to fall off and he had only minor scrapes and bruising, but he was shaken by

the event. He had been helping direct traffic away from the dispersing protesters when the red car came into the intersection of Fourth and Walnut streets. Stewart said that one of the people directing traffic spoke to the driver, who witnesses Milo Hicks and Tess Given said was a white woman in her 40s. Stewart said the driver ignored the alternate route suggestion, and someone else said they saw the driver mouth, “I’m gonna run them over” before the driver began driving the vehicle into the people directing the flow of traffic, knocking over an electric scooter. He said a man, also identified by Hicks and Given as white and in his 40s, then got out of the passenger side and threw the scooter. Mottinger, who was later thrown off the car, was standing in front of the car with her hands on the hood at this point, and Stewart said he heard the driver rev the car’s engine so




Her GoFundMe page states that she has a concussion. Geoff Stewart, the other protester , suffered from abrasions on his arms and did not need medical help. There was a man in the passenger seat of the car who got out to move an electric scooter out of the way before the car accelerated down the street. According to a police report, investigators are working to figure out the identities and location of the man and woman in the car. The city sent out a press release about the incident Tuesday, saying BPD is investigating the people in the car. "The BPD is proceeding as swiftly as possible to ensure that a thorough investigation is completed and presented to the Monroe County Prosecutor's Office so a determination can be made regarding the appropriate criminal charges to be filed," the press release said. The city urged residents to report anything they know to BPD. Call 812-339-4477 to make a report.

acting program and diversity representative on the Student Advisory Board, said of the original post. “It was very much a blanket statement.” Many students in the department took to the comments to criticize the statement. Adrianne Embry was the first to comment on the post. “I’m not an advocate for the phrase ‘trying,’” Embry said. “I believe that if you’re trying, you don’t want it bad enough.” Embry, a founder of the university’s Black, Brown and Beige Theatre Troupe, has spoken before about the department’s lack of diversity in race and theater. But speaking out has been hard, she said. “I’ve been afraid to say something,” she said. “Nobody wants to get blackballed. I care so much about my career.” Recent MFA playwriting graduate Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin felt disheartened when she first saw the post. “I don’t think it talks spe-

cifically about Black lives and why they matter,” she said. “That was pretty disappointing.” The backlash led to a follow-up statement posted on June 3 that committed to systemic change. The follow-up post commits to the following action steps in the 2020-21 academic year: Anti-bias training for faculty and staff, transparency regarding programming, a commitment that 50% of productions in the 2021-22 season will be written by women and/ or artists of color and a review of the curriculum by the Climate Committee will include the concerns of BIPOC artists and scholars. “We stand in solidarity against these relentless and horrific acts of murder and violence,” the statement said. “Black Lives Matter. We chose not to remove the original statement because we value your responses, and this is a teachable moment for us. We recognize that this is not a one-time fix, but an ongoing process of anti-racist interventions that must be central to all

he stood in front with her. He does not personally know her. The driver then hit the gas, carrying both of them on the hood of the car up Walnut Street at a high speed, running three red lights. Stewart said that he held onto the driver’s side mirror and the windshield wipers trying to block the driver’s view so that she would slow down, and then they were both thrown away from the car as it turned right down Sixth Street. Protesters in cars, on bikes and scooters and on foot tried to follow the car as it sped away. Bystanders said that one woman had an asthma attack while running, which led to initial confusion about where the injured woman, Mottinger, was. Law enforcement stopped a different red car on Sixth Street with two young Black women in it, but protesters quickly told them it was the wrong car. The identities of the driver and passenger are currently unknown, but the that we do." The response to the statement was kinder, but members of the community are still skeptical. “It’s definitely a strong step, but I honestly wish that’s where they started,” Garvin said. “I know students have been raising the idea of anti-bias training with the administration for a while now.” Ruiz said that the statement was a step, but the department needs to be held accountable to follow through on their promises. “What does it mean to go beyond 50% and to not just center white voices? And how do we do that in a way that is ethically responsible?” They said this situation isn’t unique to IU. “Here are the issues,” they said. “We’re naming them. Now we’re finessing how we can actually move beyond that, which is sort of where everyone’s at currently in the theater world.” The “and/or” in the commitment that 50% of productions in the 2021-22 season will be written by women

car’s license plate number was recorded. Members of a group called Citizens Protest Response and Safety based in Indianapolis worked with local groups to coordinate safety efforts during the protest. Several cars with Black Lives Matter labels and red crosses parked between the protesters and traffic while CPRS members and others directed passing cars to turn. However, the cars in this protective role had dispersed when the red car drove through. One CPRS member, who would only give his name as Richard, carried a large gun that he said was intended to deter white supremacists. He added that he felt guilty because the organization was there to protect people, and he said that in the future, the defensive cars would stay until all protesters and pedestrians were off the streets, even after protests had officially ended. “This isn’t the end,” he and/or artists of color was a point of contention. Garvin said she ran across a tweet that mentioned the phrasing could be meant as white women and people of color. “That phrase, and the season being composed of women and people of color is not necessarily actually doing anything for women of color or nonbinary people of color,” she said. “I definitely think diversifying the season is a good first step and also making sure that the season when it is diverse is equal.” Embry echoed this sentiment. “I recognize that women's voices are not heard as much as they need to be heard on IU’s stages,” she said. “But that wasn’t the issue at hand. I feel like the 50%, absolutely, should be artists of color.” As the department moves forward, there is hope that real change can be implemented. Students were optimistic when imagining what the department could look like in the future. “What it should look like, what it could look like is that

said. “We’re going to learn from this.” One of Mottinger's friends started a GoFundMe to raise $10,000 for medical expenses. In three hours, it had received over $10,000 from 220 individuals. The friend tweeted that Mottinger was OK and that tests were being run and called on people to identify the driver. The GoFundMe was later updated to note that the woman had a concussion but would be OK and to say that any excess funds would be donated to BLM and other Black-led organizations. In a late-night Facebook post shared by a family member on Twitter, Mottinger said that she is fine and does not want to take attention away from Booker. She said that she jumped in front of the car without thinking because she was scared they were going to drive into other protesters. She also called on people to continue to support Booker and other Black Bloomingtonians. diversity and inclusion of all voices becomes cultural, rather than a plan,” Ruiz said. “That’s the move that we want.” “I think the department can definitely take the steps they’ve already talked about,” Garvin said. Embry talked about members of the department reaching out to her after her comments on the department’s June 1 post. “They reached out to me like I’m the one with all the answers,” she said. “And I feel like that’s a trope we put on Black women.” She likened it to a math teacher walking students through a math problem. You’ll only retain the information if you do that work for yourself. “I’m going to use the opportunity to use my voice to advocate for Black students and other students of color,” she said. “But the first step is to realize that I can’t, or other Black women or women of color cannot, hold their hands through all of this. People are going to have to do that work for themselves.”

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Indiana Daily Student



Thursday, July 9, 2020

Editor Tyler Tachman


Aubrey Burks plans to be IU’s next Florida star After meeting his new coach, Burks peppered Sasser with questions. “I need the playbook,” Burks told Auburndale High School head football coach Kyle Sasser can tell Sasser. “What do you guys do for countless stories about Aubrey trips? What do you do if there’s a tight Burks. But, his favorite memory of end?” “He had this thirst for football Burks, who is IU football’s most recent 2021 commit, originates from knowledge,” Sasser said. One time, Sasser was introduclast summer. The Fourth of July was ap- ing a new cloud coverage where the proaching, and Sasser gave his safety roams behind the linebackteam the week off. There was no ers. Burks didn’t understand why he lifting, no film sessions, no volun- would be drifting further away from his man. tary walk-throughs. “I’m not even close to this No.1 Burks was hanging out with his cousin Malichi Lowery, who is also receiver,” Burks pointed out. “Why a defensive back on the Auburndale do I have to cover him vertically?” Sasser explained that they were football team. Lowery’s father took a picture of the two lounging in the disguising coverage to confuse the offense. house and sent it to Sasser. “Oh, Coach, that makes sense,” At the time, Sasser had some yard work to take care of at his house. So Burks said. “It’s like chess.” When Burks has down time in he picked up Burks and Lowery, figuring they could help out.Under school, he watches a film of Auburna canopy of shrubs, Burks and Low- dale’s next opponent. He picks three ery took turns chopping down a of the team’s most frequent running tree. They weren’t given a chainsaw. plays and strategizes how to crash Just an ax. It was Burks’ first time at- the offensive line. Sometimes, he’ll examine each individual matchup tempting to slice down lumber. “It was a thick tree, too,” Sasser between his teammates and the offensive players. said. Burks also asks the same quesBy the time their hands were covered with blisters almost three hours tion to multiple coaches to see how later, the wooden high-rise finally they respond. “You get a better understanding took a tumble. “Those guys came over when of football, no matter who you play,” they had the week off,” Sasser said. Burks said. “The more questions “Not a lot of kids are going to do that. you ask, the more you know and the That sums up the kind of guys that more you can pass along to the next generation coming up.” we have around here.” In a game near the end of his On June 26, the IU football team added the 6-foot, three-star, lumber- sophomore year, Burks’ shoulder chopping safety from Auburndale, was knocked back while he was goFlorida, to its 2021 recruiting class. ing in for a strip. He finished the seaBurks became the 10th 2021 commit. son but had constant aches. In December after his sophoWhen Sasser was announced as Auburndale’s defensive coordinator more year, after talking with Sasser, back in Burks’ sophomore year, the Burks decided to accept a spot on young defensive back was the first IMG Academy’s football team. Shortperson to introduce himself. Sasser ly after arriving, an MRI on Burks’ quickly understood why Burks had shoulder showed that there was earned the starting job as a freshman damage, and surgery was imminent. and was already gaining attention It was just a matter of how long he wanted to put it off. from college coaches.

By Tyler Tachman | @Tyler_T15

Burks was slated to start for IMG, but an injury could leave him tumbling down the depth chart. Around the same time, Sasser was named the head coach at Auburndale. Two months after transferring to IMG, Burks came back to Auburndale and underwent surgery on his ailing shoulder. Meanwhile, the attention from college coaches slowed. While he was sidelined in the spring, Sasser recalls that Burks came to every practice, every workout and every seven-on-seven jamboree. After a couple months of physical therapy, his shoulder had fully healed. Burks noticed progress in his lifting and added muscle to his frame. Last season, Burks bounced back from his injury with 63 tackles, 17 of which were for loss, while totaling six sacks. He also added three forced fumbles and two interceptions to his stat-line. Burks’ most impressive performance may have come in week three against Pasco High School. During Pasco’s first offensive drive, Burks toed the right side of the line. The snap bounded over the quarterback’s head, and Burks accelerated past the offensive line in pursuit of the pigskin. As the quarterback retreated, Burks shoved him to the turf while swiftly scooping up the ball and rolling into the end zone for a touchdown. On the next possession, Burks moved toward the line of scrimmage, then dropped into coverage in a move to confuse the offense. He then snagged an interception and took it back for another touchdown. “His eyes are his most valuable asset because he sees things fast and almost before they happen,” Sasser said. “It’s really interesting to watch.” Later, Burks was patient as the running cut outside of the tackle. Burks bumped past a blocker and stuffed the Pasco ball carrier. While wrestling him to the ground, Burks plucked the ball away cleanly out of

the running back’s arms and gained possession. Auburndale won 50-0. Burks’ final stats for the night: eight tackles, two for loss, one sack, one interception, one forced fumble, one fumble recovery and two touchdowns. He was on the field for 15 total defensive plays. “That is probably by far the most productive I’ve ever seen a player play,” Sasser said. IU came calling with a scholarship offer last fall. Burks didn’t know much about Bloomington or the Hoosiers and didn’t think he’d consider them. Burks was in contact with IU defensive backs coach Kasey Teegardin and IU safeties coach Jason Jones. Every other week they would watch film, and, of course, Burks would ask his share of questions. The coaches explained how Burks would fit into their 4-2-5 defensive scheme. The alignment includes a roaming husky position that serves a run defense and pass coverage hybrid. “As more coaches started talking to me, and they started breaking everything down as far as how they can use me, they got in the rotation of me possibly going there,” Burks said. Burks racked up more than 30 offers, but cut his list down to seven schools in May: the University of Louisville, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of South Florida, Mississippi State University, West Virginia University, Georgia Tech Institute of Technology and IU. As 2020 came around, Burks started speaking regularly with IU head coach Tom Allen. “If someone tried to commit at the husky position right now, we would call you first to give you a chance to commit,” Allen told Burks. Another major key was when Burks saw the recent Florida to IU pipeline, with seven IU players making their way north from the Sunshine state in the 2019 recruiting class. Among them was defen-


No. 14 Aubrey Burks jogs off the field during a game for Auburndale High School in Auburndale, Florida. Burks is ranked No. 761 nationally in the 2021 class.

sive back Tiawan Mullen, who was named a freshman All-American by The Athletic last year and was also a former three-star recruit. “They weren’t going up there for no reason,” Burks said. “I sat down, and I knew Indiana was where I wanted to be.” Burks verbally committed to the Hoosiers without ever stepping on campus. After the announcement, junior defensive back Devon Matthews and senior defensive back Raheem Layne, both of whom are from Florida, reached out to Burks. Senior Marcelino Ball, who features at the husky position for IU, also messaged Burks. Burks isn’t the most heralded prospect in the 2021 class. Four-star quarterback Donaven McCulley is the highest ranked, while Burks hangs in the middle of the group at No. 761 nationally. “He’s looking to prove something,” Sasser said. “The kid just has an instinct for the game. He puts in the work and watches the game.” Burks plans to visit IU in December, where he’ll see Memorial Stadium and the Bloomington campus for the first time in-person.Auburndale has already resumed summer workouts and while preparing for his final year of high school, Burks has already set goals for when he arrives in Bloomington. “Come in, and make an impact,” Burks said. “Even if I’m not a true freshman All-American, just see the field, learn about Bloomington, make friends and enjoy college.” But the inquisitive, instinct-driven, budding lumberjack also put his hopes into simpler terms, alluding to a fellow Floridian. “What Mullen did.”


Brainstorming less deplorable mascots for the Washington Redskins Bradley Hohulin is a rising sophomore in marketing.

Finally, the Washington Redskins made the long overdue decision to change its mascot after years of outcry due to its racist connotations. While its product on the field provides little indication of progress, the organization has at last decided to step beyond a time of horse-drawn wagons and smallpox with its ideologies. Having never lived near our nation’s capital, I hold essentially zero authority to comment on what its NFL team ought to be called, other than that it shouldn’t involve a slur. Regardless, in the Washingtonian spirit of democracy, I have suggested several substitutes that might accomplish the apparently previously impossible task of satisfying Redskins faithfuls without simultaneously being extremely derogatory to a marginalized group of Americans.

Historical tributes Regrettably for Washington, Philadelphia absconded with the title of 76ers and New England snatched up Patriots. Still, there is no shortage of ways for D.C. to honor a past teeming with iconic events. The league’s best secondary would surely belong to the Washington Watergates, whose cornerbacks and safeties could find a way to cover up just about anything. Crédit Mobilier once secretly slid money into the pockets of the Grant administration, but opposing quarterbacks’ pockets would be even fuller of edge rushers courtesy of the Washington Bribes. Animals If not for the NFL’s pre-existing infatuation with birds, the Bald Eagles would be an easy choice. However, the only thing thicker in the D.C. air than freedom—pollution notwithstanding—is humidity, making it the third most pop-

ular breeding site in the United States for one potential mascot. Any sporting event can get attendants in seats. Fortunately for the Washington Mosquitoes, those viewers won’t be able to leave once a dense layer of sweat has adhered their backsides to the bleachers. Fighters Every fan wants his favorite squad’s players to compete as if they were engaged in mortal combat. Since musket-armed minutemen protected its majestic swamps, D.C. has housed its share of warriors. Today is no different. Just as the spartans fought bravely despite insurmountable odds, the Commuters won’t cease their gnashing teeth and impassioned war cries against a foe they can’t hope to defeat. I doubt even the fiercest viking or raider could survive the guerilla elevator pitches of the Lobbyists.

Mythical beings Teams often borrow from legend to ascribe superhuman traits to their athletes. For a current Redskins fan to buy into the hype, this name would have to be something totally fantastical that D.C. residents could hardly dream of. I’ve seen enough tall people to fathom titans or giants, and some street magicians are a pointy hat away from wizard status. No, the sheer mysticism required to test a Washingtonian’s imagination could only be accomplished by the Honest Politicians or the Affordable Rent. Colors If the Boston Red Sox were not such a storied franchise, its name would have changed decades ago. The most threatening thing its mascot has ever done is given a pink tinge to a load of white laundry. No, a chromatic moniker must make opponents quake in their cleats. All the Redskins have to do is

take their existing logo, remove the offensive skin tone and headwear, then simply add a wireless earpiece to its profile. All of the NFC East shall fear the unrelenting networking and deal-making prowess of the Washington Bluetooths. Natural phenomena Heat blankets Miami’s beaches while avalanches rattle the mountains of Colorado and storms sweep across Seattle. These forces of nature go on interminably and uncontrollably, defining the regions in which they exist. Let’s see the opposition try to reach the end zone when it first has to overcome the suffocating defense of the Washington Ozone. Even the toughest linebackers are at risk of being run over by the Washington Traffic. Above all, never overlook the inescapable assault of the Eighth-grade Field Trippers.



Thursday, July 9, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |



Creek, Abell reunite in TBT for Sideline Cancer By Tyler Tachman | @Tyler_T15


The Indiana Pacers’ Victor Oladipo, right, drives against the Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James in Game 5 of a first-round playoff series April 25, 2018, at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Oladipo had to have surgery after rupturing a tendon in his right quad in January 2019 and wasn’t able to return to play until late January 2020.

Oladipo out for 2020 season The former IU basketball star ruptured his right quadriceps January 2019 and will sit out the resumed season to continue rehabbing. By Tyler Tachman | @Tyler_T15

Former IU basketball player Victor Olapido announced last week that he will not be suiting up for the Indiana Pacers when the NBA resumes play in Orlando, Florida, later this month. Oladipo, who played for the Hoosiers from 2010-13, said the right leg injury he suffered last year and preparations for the 2020-21 season were factors in his decision.

“I really want to play, and as a competitor and teammate this is tearing me apart,” Oladipo said in an interview with The Athletic. “I feel like I’m at a great place in my rehab and getting closer and closer to 100%. With all the variables, from how I have to build my 5-on-5 workload back up, to the increased risk of a soft tissue injury which could delay my rehab, and the unknown exact set up of the bubble, I just can’t get my mind to being fully comfortable in playing. I have to

be smart and this decision hasn’t been easy, but I truly believe continuing on the course I’m on and getting fully healthy for the 2020-21 season is the right decision for me.” Oladipo ruptured a tendon in his right quad in January 2019 and was sidelined for more than a year as a result. After surgery and months of rehab, Oladipo made his return for the Pacers in late January. This season, Oladipo appeared in 13 contests with 10 starts and averaged 13.8

points and three assists per game before the NBA season halted due to the coronavirus pandemic March 11. After more than four months off, the season is scheduled to restart in late July, and the Pacers, who stand as the fifth seed in the Eastern Conference, will be without the two-time AllStar Oladipo.According to the article, sources said that Oladipo will still accompany the team to Florida. Olapido’s contract with the Pacers is set to expire after the 2020-21 season.

Live basketball is back, and it’s not the neighborhood pickup game at the local park. It’s professionals on TV, with shoes squeaking and teammates hollering in a symphony of normalcy to the ears of sports fans. Although the NBA is scheduled to make its return in late July, another hoops tournament is being played in Columbus, Ohio. Former IU basketball players Maurice Creek and Remy Abell are playing in The Basketball Tournament, a nationwide event created in 2014 with a $1 million winner-take-all prize. Each team builds its own roster and consists mostly of former collegiate players, although the event is open to anyone older than 18. Despite the risks of the coronavirus pandemic, TBT has continued its annual bracket. All players and staff underwent testing and are in complete quarantine while not on the court. The games, usually scattered across nine cities, are being played in one city this year and are taking place without fans. Creek and Abell were in action Sunday for Sideline Cancer, the No. 22 seed in the 24-team draw. The duo helped take down No. 11 Team Hines 93-91 in walkoff fashion. Abell dropped in 17 points, while shooting 7 for 12 from the field and adding three rebounds. Creek contributed 13 points and

four rebounds in 24 minutes. The tandem had a combined plus/minus of 29, the highest of any two players on Sideline Cancer. Other past Big Ten players starred in the game, too. Former Wisconsin big man Ethan Happ and former Illinois guard Brandon Paul both took the court for Team Hines. Abell spent two seasons at IU from 2011-13 before transferring to Xavier University. He appeared in 68 games off of the bench, averaging 3.5 points, 1.2 rebounds and 0.7 assists in just over 10 minutes per game. Creek endured an injuryriddled career at IU after starting 12 games as a freshman in the 2009-10 season. He averaged 16.4 points and 3.8 rebounds per game that year. Creek’s numbers sharply declined after his freshman year, as he worked through injuries. He netted 8.3 points per game as a sophomore before suffering a ruptured Achilles and sitting out the 2011-12 season. Upon his return in his junior year, he averaged 1.8 points per game. Creek eventually left IU for George Washington University in his final year of eligibility. While the former IU teammates both moved away from Bloomington, TBT has reunited Creek and Abell on the court. Sideline Cancer is set to face off against No. 6 Team Challenge ALS in the second round on Tuesday at 2 p.m. on ESPN.


Summer league update: IU’s youth impresses in early action By Tyler Tachman | @Tyler_T15

The crack of the bat and resounding pop of baseball gloves have been somewhat rare over the last few months. Big league stadiums have mostly gone untouched, and college fields have been silent since the season’s cancellation in March. Even local sandlots don’t have their usual hum. More recently though, smaller midwest cities like Mandan, North Dakota, and Westfield, Indiana, have hosted collegiate summer league action for multiple weeks. A handful of Hoosiers have been back on the diamond around the country, and some of their young core has impressed early on. Freshman pitcher Zach

Behrmann has tossed eight innings without allowing an earned run. Freshman outfielder Ethan Vecrumba, who started 10 games for the Hoosiers last season, and incoming freshman infielder Kip Fougerousse have combined for 16 hits in 31 at bats, with eight RBI and nine runs scored. Fougerousse, a 6-foot 3-inch right-hander from Linton, Indiana, could be an instant contributor for IU if his summer performance carries over into the spring. In high school, Fougerousse was clocked throwing the ball across the diamond at 90 miles per hour and posted an exit velocity off the bat at 100 miles per hour, according to Prep Baseball Report. Fougerousse also gained attention from professional

scouts, and attended a workout with the Texas Rangers earlier this year. It may be more difficult for the 10-man 2020 recruiting class to find playing time with an expanded returning roster after an extra year of eligibility was granted to spring athletes. But Fougerousse could set himself up for time on the field if he continues to stand out among upperclassmen this summer. Here’s an updated look at how IU players are faring in the College Summer League at Grand Park in Westfield, Indiana. The A-Team (7-3-1) Cole Barr, junior infielder: 7 for 12, four runs scored, five RBI, one double, one triple, one home run Zach Behrmann, freshman

pitcher: Eight innings pitched, zero earned runs, eight strikeouts, three walks Tropics (2-5-2) Braydon Tucker, sophomore pitcher: Three innings pitched, one earned run, four strikeouts. At the plate, he’s 1 for 9 with four strikeouts and three walks. Connor Manous, redshirt junior pitcher: Two innings pitched, zero runs allowed, three strikeouts. At the plate, he’s hitless in two at bats.

Turf Monsters (3-3-4) Ethan Vecrumba, freshman outfielder: 9 for 14 with five doubles, one triple, six runs scored and 2 RBI Reese Sharp, freshman pitcher: Four innings pitched, four hits allowed, one run allowed, four strikeouts Tyler Nelson, incoming freshman infielder: Hitless in seven at bats with two RBI, four strikeouts and two walks

Garrett Manous, freshman outfielder: 2 for 8, three runs scored, two walks, one strikeout

Snapping Turtles (6-2-2) Casper Clark, incoming freshman pitcher: Six innings pitched, two earned runs, three hits allowed, nine strikeouts and three walks

Drew Ashley, junior utility: 1 for 11 with four strikeouts

Kip Fougerousse, incoming freshman infielder: 7 for 17 with

six RBI, one double, one triple and three runs scored West of Indiana, redshirt senior catcher Collin Hopkins has helped the Mandan Flickertails to a 11-5 record and first place standing in the North Dakota division of the Northwoods League. Hopkins has connected for nine hits in 39 at bats, with seven runs scored, nine RBI and five doubles. In the Kernels Collegiate League in Normal, Illinois, sophomore pitchers Gabe Bierman and McCade Brown and freshman pitcher David Platt have begun their schedules. Statistics have not yet been released by the league. More updates will be provided throughout the summer.

IDS Resource Guide The information below has likely changed due to COVID-19. If you are in need of emergency health services, reach out to health providers.

B-Town Summer Challenge Visit Bloomington in partnership with the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Bloomington, Inc., is kicking off the B-Town Summer Challenge–a community game with weekly prizes intended to support local business through Monroe County for a safe and successful reopening. The challenge ends at 5:00 pm Wednesday, August 19.

How To Play: Pick up your checklist at participating businesses or print out the B-Town Summer Challenge Sheet online. Check off one activity per category.

Dr. Ricardo Vasquez

For more information and to print your challenge sheet visit

Post a photo participating in or completing each activity on social media with #btownchallenge or upload your photos on Visit Bloomington’s website. Once you’ve completed one activity per category (10 total), go to Visit Bloomington’s Website and fill out a form to win exciting prizes.

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Indiana Daily Student



Thursday, July 9, 2020

Editor Kaitlyn Radde


International students make us great, and they are under threat International students come from all over to attend America’s universities, and they give American students like myself direct access to the cultures and goings on of countries around the world. However, amid a worsening pandemic and uncertainty, international students face a new challenge. New rules written by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement threaten to pull their lives out from under them. They state that any international student enrolled in online-only courses will have to depart the U.S. or risk deportation. For universities, this presents a choice: Hold in-person

classes and risk the health and safety of students and employees from COVID-19, or go fully online and force international students to leave and potentially never come back. In normal times, forcing out international students would hurt our school, town and country. But during a pandemic where the future is already uncertain, it is needlessly unfair, cruel and senseless. In the short term, our communities will suffer by abandoning international members. These students came to the U.S. in search of a brighter future. Many stay and work to help create the next

great American company and fuel American industry. As students, they contribute to Bloomington’s economy. The long-term effects are even more severe, because this policy sends a very clear message to international students — you are not welcome. It doesn't matter if you have lived here and paid tuition for years — you are not welcome. It doesn’t matter if cost or travel restrictions keep you from returning home — you are not welcome. It doesn’t matter that you came to the U.S. in search of the American Dream and want to make this country

better — you are not welcome. This is personal for me. My wife is an international student. We pray that this rule change won’t impact us, but even if we’re safe, now we have to consider whether to build our lives here. Because what happens next? Will she be welcome here? Or will a new policy threaten to break up our family, sending us to a country that welcomes us both? This is the true cost of this policy and ones like it. The U.S. is at risk of no longer being a country that benefits from welcoming the world with open arms. Instead, we

are making the lives of immigrants and their families precarious — rules and policies can change quickly, and the life they worked so hard for can be taken away at any moment. The consequences will be felt for decades. Without international students, IU will be forced to lay off workers. Without attracting global talent, large employers in Indiana such as Eli Lilly and Salesforce could move out of the region. This has already happened in Pittsburgh, where the company Duolingo just announced its move to Canada. Which Indiana company will follow?

IU announced a hybrid model for the fall, meaning international students can enroll in in-person classes. But the future is unclear. Will they be forced out of their homes if COVID-19 swells in Bloomington and the school goes fully online? This rule has made the lives of our international community difficult. My family is anxiously awaiting more news. In the meantime, all I can do is fight this rule and to make Bloomington and the U.S. a more welcoming place. Dakota Murray, IU graduate student in informatics


What’s more democratic than an election? A lottery. Kaitlyn Radde (she/her) is a junior in political science.

Citizens of democracies tend to think of elections as the lifeblood of democracy, but in the U.S., rampant voter suppression and uninspiring and uninspired candidates have led to disengagement. We face problems that require ingenuity and political courage, but elections encourage just one type of person to run: performers. That is not to say they are never competent and hardworking, but the room where it happens is full of people with extroverted, peoplepleasing and power-loving personalities. They also tend to have similar talents and similar expertise. For example, over half of Senators have law degrees, compared to less than 1% of the U.S. population. There is a lack of outsidethe-box legislative problem solving because we elect people who come from the same box. There could be another, more representative way. Democratic lotteries have gone out of fashion since they were used in ancient Athens 2,000 years ago. The group Democracy in Practice, cofounded and directed by Adam Cronkright, is reviving the concept with student governments. Students who would like to be members of student government select colored beans from a jar. Whoever

selects purple beans, for example, will be on student government, and whoever selects green will not be. According to Cronkright, high schools that have done this have found their student governments are more representative of the student body as a whole. In the same interview, Cronkright explained that since lotteries aren’t popularity contests selecting people with similar personality types or in the same friend groups, student governments formed this way tend to do more meaningful and more diverse work. Instead of organizing a school dance, the student governments Cronkright and his team helped to form via lottery got first aid kits for their school and educated their peers about how to protect themselves from human trafficking, for just a couple of examples. Elections privilege candidates who have personality traits we mistake for leadership potential. Domineering is misunderstood as confidence, and charisma is misunderstood as competence. When we elect a candidate, we are predicting how that person will perform. We base those predictions on traits that are not as predictive of leadership potential as we think. Democracy by lottery, on the other hand, would give us a more representative set of representatives. It would end

gatekeeping. Legislative bodies formed by lotteries would be more fully of, by and for the people. We shouldn't start with the highest office in the land — lotteries should be used for legislative, not executive, bodies. But we could start on campus. The two campaigns of the last IU Student Government election, Defy and Inspire, had overlapping goals and candidates who were members of clubs heavy on public speaking and networking. A lottery could create a more effective and representative IUSG than two similar campaigns with similar goals led by people with similar personalities and interests spending thousands of dollars on an election in which just over 10% of the student population votes. There are valid criticisms of democratic lotteries. You might say it works for student government as a participatory form of civics education, but that in real life, it would make people feel like they have no say. What if somebody incompetent or lazy chooses a purple bean? You should raise the same questions about elections. Skills that make a successful campaigner often do not make a successful leader or team member. Incompetent and lazy people win elections all the time, often thanks to their wealth or to voter suppression.


Students line up to vote outside the Indiana Memorial Union on Nov. 6, 2018. Voter suppression, broken elections and low voter turnout have led some advocates to seek democratic alternatives.

If you worry that democracy by lottery would reduce political efficacy, about 40% of Americans already feel like their vote has little to no meaningful influence on governance, and only about 60% of voting-age citizens turn out to vote in any given presidential election year. Democratic lotteries might not be a silver bullet, but they might lead to better and more democratic outcomes than elections

currently do. With our broken elections, we don’t have much to lose by trying something new. There are plenty of competent people who would never dream of campaigning, even if they’re willing and able to lead. If democracy is of, by and for all people, why should we miss out on their ideas and abilities just because they aren’t performers? Democratization is about

increasing the extent to which we share power with our fellow citizens, and democracy is about ensuring power is not wielded by the few against the many. If we cling to a system that is not doing that, out of habit or fear of testing something new or confidence that we can make a broken system work to our advantage, we don’t really care about democracy at all.



LETTER TO THE EDITOR POLICY The IDS encourages and accepts letters to be printed from IU students, faculty and staff and the public. Letters should not exceed 400 words and may be edited for length and style. Submissions must include the person’s name, address and telephone number for verification.

Letters without those requirements will not be considered for publication. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the IDS, 6011 E. Kirkwood Ave. Bloomington, IN 47405. Send submissions via email to Call the IDS with questions at 812-855-5899.

Indiana Daily Student


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Editor Kevin Chrisco


Cardinal Stage announces 2020 programming By Kevin Chrisco | @beatsbykevv

Cardinal Stage has announced its upcoming 2020 programming. The summerfall programming is under the Artistic Adventures banner. “The goal of this Artistic Adventure is to bring theatre into your lives in new and exciting ways and to provide

opportunities for you to create art in the community,” a release from Cardinal Stage said. The first event is the Social DisDance Party. Cardinal Stage is organizing, an outdoor and socially distanced dance party 7 p.m. July 18 at Bryan Park Attendees can participate by learning a choreographed dance that will be

performed at the start of the party. Another program is Play Dates, which is a monthly book club but for theater. Each month a new play or musical will be read and discussed. Purchasing the script is required, and meetings will take place at 7 p.m. the last Wednesday of every month on Zoom.

Additionally, with Cardinal at Home, Cardinal Stage is commissioning playwrights to create multiple short plays that can be performed with family and friends at home. The suggested donation is $5$10 per play, and the first play will be released in August. Walkabout Radio Plays features downloadable, original radio plays and compan-


The opening scene to Act 2 of “Sherlock Holmes” begins dress rehearsal in 2016 at the Ivy Tech Waldron Theater. The first event of Cardinal Stage’s 2020 programming is the Social DisDance Party at 7 p.m. July 18 at Bryan Park.

ion maps that contribute to the story. The suggested donation is $10-$15 per play. Also announced was the New Play Commission. As a part of Cardinal Stage’s Diver-

sity and Inclusion Commission, it will commission a new play from a rising playwright to be created and developed at Cardinal and set to premiere in the 2022-23 season.

COVID-19 Safety Recommendations

from the City of Bloomington: upon the reopening of businesses and workplaces, individuals must observe the following precautions:

Share food, drinks, utensils, and office supplies and equipment (such as pens, staplers, and computer keyboards) as little as possible.

Wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible, or use hand sanitizer when necessary.

Increase ventilation of indoor spaces, by open windows or adjusting air conditioning, as much as possible.

Refrain from shaking hands or engaging in other physical contact with the hands or face of another person.

6 Feet

Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals

Cover all coughs and sneezes.

Disinfect frequently used surfaces.

To help answer your questions, the City of Blooming has updates and resources, visit BLISS



To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is an 8 — Educational pursuits could get messy. Costs and barriers could seem higher than anticipated. Ignore beautiful details and aim for functionality. Writing and studies flourish. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7 — Wait for the dust to settle before making big financial decisions. Research and discuss potential options and strategies. Avoid stepping on toes. Make backup plans. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 — Adapt your expectations to current conditions. Clean up a mess with your partner. Despite chaos or misunderstandings, keep communicating. Creative collaboration provides solutions.



Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is an 8 — Exercise clears your head. You can see your own physical limitations. Prioritize health and relax your standards. The rules seem to change mid-game. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 7 — Teach a lesson about waiting. Find romantic moments hidden in the chaos. Put in extra effort for your sweetheart or partner. Express your heart. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 6 — You may need to make a mess to realize a domestic vision. Get family on board. Adapt to shifting circumstances. Feed everyone and keep cleaning.

Sudoku & Crosswords

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 — Review data and sift facts to find the answer you’ve been looking for. Tally, outline and sort information. Edit and craft. Share your story. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 9 — Focus on generating income. Ignore mess or distractions, and focus on your objective. Make your deadlines and keep promises. Rely on and provide team support. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 9 — You’re especially charismatic. Dress for the part you want. You can see what doesn’t work. Take action to advance what does. Show appreciation to someone who is helping. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 6 — Harmony requires effort. Don’t show unfinished work. Wait to make final decisions. Sort, plan and organize. Rest and review. Write down dreams and visions. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7 — Teamwork is essential. It could get messy. Adapt with social changes. Set goals high. When you fall, get back up. Steady each other. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 7 — Professional dreams don’t match with reality. Keep going anyway. Don’t stop in the mud patch; patiently keep advancing. Small steps add up.

© 2020 By Nancy Black Distributed by Tribune Media Services, INC. All Rights Reserved

Publish your comic on this page. The IDS is accepting applications for student comic strips for the Spring & Summer 2020 semesters. Email five samples and a brief description of your idea to Submissions will be reviewed and selections will be made by the editor-in-chief.

Connect with members of many diverse faiths at Paid Advertising

Non-Denominational Sherwood Oaks Christian Church

The information below has likely changed due to COVID-19. If you are in need of spiritual guidance, reach out to congressional leaders.

2700 E. Rogers Rd. 812-334-0206 Twitter: @socc_cya Instagram: socc_cya

United Methodist Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Traditional: 8 a.m.

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church

Contemporary: 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Being in Bloomington, we love our college students, and think they are a great addition to the Sherwood Oaks Family. Whether an undergraduate or graduate student... from in-state, out of state, to our international community... Come join us as we strive to love God and love others better. Ben Geiger, College Minister

High Rock Church

100 N. State Rd. 46 Bypass 812-332-5788 Sunday Morning Schedule 9:00: Breakfast 9:15: Adult Sunday School Classes 10:30: Sanctuary Worship 10:30: Children & Youth Sunday School Classes An inclusive community bringing Christ-like love, healing and hope to all.

Connexion / Evangelical Community Church

Jimmy Moore, Pastor Mary Beth Morgan, Pastor

503 S. High St. 812-332-0502

First Methodist • Facebook: Connexion ECC Instagram: Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Connexion: Sundays, 6 p.m. Connexion is the university ministry of ECC. We’re all about connecting students to the church in order to grow together in our faith. We meet weekly for worship, teaching, and fellowship as well as periodically for service projects, social events and more. College is hard, don't do it alone! Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Pastor of Adult Ministries

High Rock Church 3124 Canterbury Ct. 812-323-3333 Facebook: highrockchurch Instagram: highrockbtown

219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396 Instagram: jubileebloomington Fall Hours: 8:45 a.m. & 10 a.m. @ Fourth St. Sanctuary (Classic), 11:15 a.m. The Open Door @ Buskirk (Contemporary) Summer Hours: 9:30 a.m. @ Fourth St. Sanctuary (Classic), 11:15 The Open Door @ Buskirk (Contemporary) Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Jubilee @ First Methodist Jubilee is a supportive and accepting community for college students and young adults from all backgrounds looking to grow in their faith and do life together. Meet every Wednesday night and also have small groups, hangouts, mission trips, events, service projects and more. Many attend the contemporary Open Door service on Sunday mornings. Lisa Schubert Nowling, Lead Pastor Markus Dickinson, Campus Director

Sunday: 11 a.m. We are a Bible-based, non-denominational Christian church. We are multi-ethnic and multi-generational, made up of students and professionals, singles, married couples, and families. Our Sunday service is casual and friendly with meaningful worship music, applicable teaching from the Bible, and a fun kids program.

Cooperative Baptist University Baptist Church #ITSYOURCHURCHTOO 3740 E. Third St. 812-339-1404

Scott Joseph, Lead Pastor

Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Meals & Other Activities: see our social media

Episcopal (Anglican) Canterbury House Episcopal (Anglican) Campus Ministry at IU 719 E. Seventh St. 812-334-7971 • 812-361-7954

Come visit the most refreshing church in town. We love all students but especially reach out to LGBTQ+ students and allies longing for a college church where you are loved, welcomed and affirmed without fear of judgment or discrimination. You love the Lord already — now come love us too. Free coffee and wifi. Rev. Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor Rob Drummond, Music Minister • 812-361-7954

Sacramental Schedule: Weekly services Sundays: 4 p.m. Holy Eucharist with hymns followed by dinner at Canterbury House

Inter-Denominational Redeemer Community Church 111 S. Kimble Dr. 812-269-8975

Tuesdays: 6 p.m. Bible Study at Canterbury House 1st & 3rd Wednesdays: 7 p.m. Music & Prayers at Canterbury House Episcopal (Anglican) Campus Ministry is a safe and welcoming home for all people. We are a blend of young and old, women and men, gay and straight, ethnicities from different cultures and countries, students, faculty, staff and friends. The worshipping congregation is the Canterbury Fellowship. The mission of the Fellowship is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We pray, worship and proclaim the Gospel. We also promote justice, equality, inclusion, peace, love critical thinking and acting as agents of change in our world. Mother Linda C. Johnson+, University Chaplain Josefina Carcamo, Program Coordinator Ricardo Bello Gomez, Communications Coordinator Corrine Miller, Ben Kelly, Student Interns Rex Hinkle, Luiz Lopes, Nathan Stang, Music Ministers Jody Hays, Senior Sacristan Crystal DeCell, Webmaster

Mennonite Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441 • Facebook

Sunday: 5 p.m. A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God. John Sauder @RedeemerBtown on Instagram Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond. Chris Jones, Lead Pastor

Nazarene First Church of the Nazarene 700 W. Howe St. (across from the Building Trades Park) 812-332-2461 •

Email: Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Small Groups : 9:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m. & 6 p.m.

3124 Canterbury Ct. 812-323-3333 Facebook: highrockchurch Instagram: highrockbtown

Independent Baptist Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072 • Facebook • LifewayEllettsville

Disciples of Christ First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 205 E. Kirkwood Ave. (corner of Kirkwood and Washington) 812-332-4459 •

Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Jazz Vespers: 6:30 p.m. on first Friday of each month As God has welcomed us, we welcome you. With all our differences – in age, ability and physical condition, in race, cultural background and economic status, in sexual orientation, gender identity and family structure – God has received each one with loving kindness, patience and joy. All that we are together and all that we hope to be is made more perfect as the richness of varied lives meets the mystery of God’s unifying Spirit, and we become the Body of Christ. Helen Hempfling, Pastor

Wesleyan (Nazarene, Free Methodist) Central Wesleyan Church 518 W. Fourth St. 812-336-4041 Facebook: Central Wesleyan Church of Bloomington, Indiana Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship: 6 p.m. First Friday: 6 p.m. (Celebrate Knowing Jesus, open mic service) You've ended your search for a friendly and loving church. We are a bible believing holiness group similar to Nazarene and Free Methodist, and welcome all races and cultures. We would love for you to share your talents and abilities with us. Come fellowship and worship with us. Michael Magruder, Pastor Joe Shelton, Church Secretary

Quaker Bloomington Religious Society of Friends 3820 Moores Pike (West of Smith Rd.) 812-336-4581 Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Hymn Singing: 9:50 to 10:20 a.m. Our unprogrammed religious services consist of silent, centering worship interspersed with spoken messages that arise from deeply felt inspiration. We are an inclusive community, a result of avoiding creeds, so we enjoy a rich diversity of belief. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.

Christine Carver, Meeting Clerk

Lutheran (LCMS)

607 E. Seventh St. (Corner of 7th & Fess) 812-336-5387 • @uluindiana on Instagram


Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Tuesday & Friday: Service of Morning Prayer, 8 a.m.

Lifeway Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples, maturing believers and multiplying ministry. Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday: Second Best Meal, 6 p.m. Midweek Service, 7 p.m. LCMS U Student Fellowship, 7:30 p.m.

Barnabas Christian Ministry Small Groups: Cedar Hall 2nd Floor Common Area, 7 - 8 p.m., meetings start Thursday, Sept. 5. We will meet every other Thursday during the school year. Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU Coordinator 302-561-0108, * Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.

Catholic St. Paul Catholic Center 1413 E. 17th St. 812-339-5561 •

Facebook: Hoosiercatholic Twitter: @hoosiercatholic Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m., 9 p.m. (During Academic Year) Korean Mass 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 6 p.m.

Weekday Mass Times Monday - Saturday: 12:15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 9 p.m. St. Paul Catholic Center is a diverse community rooted in the saving compassion of Jesus Christ, energized by His Sacraments, and nourished by the liturgical life of His Church. Rev. Patrick Hyde, O.P., Administrator and Director of Campus Ministry Rev. Dennis Woerter, O.P. Associate Pastor Rev. Reginald Wolford, O.P., Associate Pastor

Unitarian Universalist Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee Lane 812-332-3695 Sundays: 9:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. We are a dynamic congregation working towards a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary. Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Latter-day Saint Student Association (L.D.S.S.A) 333 S. Highland Ave. 812-334-3432 aspx/Home/60431 Facebook: Bloomington Institute and YSA Society Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. We have an Institute of Religion adjacent to campus at 333 S. Highland Ave. (behind T.I.S. bookstore). We offer a variety of religious classes and activities. We strive to create an atmosphere where college students and local young single adults can come to play games, relax, study, and associate with others who value spirituality. Sunday worship services for young single students are held at 2411 E. Second St. a 11:30 a.m. We invite all to discover more about Jesus Christ from both ancient scripture and from modern prophets of God. During the week join us at the institute, and on Sunday at the Young Single Adult Church. Robert Tibbs, Institute Director

University Lutheran Church & Student Center

Sunday: Bible Class, 9:15 a.m. Divine Service, 10:30 a.m. The Best Meal You'll Have All Week, 6 p.m.

College & Career Sunday Meeting: 9 a.m.

Scott Joseph, Lead Pastor

Sunday: 11 a.m.

*Child Care and First Day School provided We are Wesleyan in our beliefs, and welcome all to worship with us. We are dedicated to training others through discipleship as well as ministering through small groups. We welcome all races and cultures and would love to get to know you. Dr James Hicks, Lead Pastor

We are a Bible-based, nondenominational Christian church. We are multi-ethnic and multi-generational, made up of students and professionals, singles, married couples, and families. Our Sunday service is casual and friendly with meaningful worship music, applicable teaching from the Bible, and a fun kids program.

Thursday: Graduate/Career Study & Fellowship, 7 p.m. University Lutheran Church is the home of LCMS U at Indiana. Students, on-campus location, and our Student Center create a hub for genuine Christ-centered community that receives God's gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Sola Cafe is open 9-5 every weekday for coffee and a place to study. "We Witness, We Serve, We Love." Rev. Richard Woelmer, Campus Pastor

Southern Baptist Bloomington Korean Baptist Church 5019 N. Lakeview Dr. 812-327-7428 Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Friday: 7 p.m. Saturday: 6 a.m. Praise the Lord! Do you need a True Friend? Come and worship the almighty God together with us on Sunday, Fellowship included. We are a Korean community seeking God and serving people. Students and newcomers are especially welcome.

Jason Pak

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