Thursday, May 2, 2024

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IU Police Department and Indiana State Police officers have arrested a total of 57 protesters since the beginning of the IU Divestment Coalition’s encampment in Dunn Meadow on April 25.

The protest has now lasted eight days and seen two incidents of forceful arrests of peaceful protesters, with 34 being arrested April 25 and 23 arrested on April 28.

The incidents have gained international attention and campus-wide backlash from IU faculty, staff and students concerned over free speech rights and police aggression against students.

April 25 arrests

Indiana State Police and the Indiana University Police Department arrested 34 pro-Palestinian protesters in Dunn Meadow on April 25 during a protest and encampment. The protest was organized by the IU Divestment Coalition, a newly created organization calling for IU to divest from Israel, among other demands.

The protesters set up encampments in Dunn Meadow around 11 a.m., and by 4 p.m., IUPD and ISP descended on the scene, meeting the peaceful protest with physical force. Before the physical confrontation, IUPD and ISP announced several warnings to protesters that arrests would follow if they did not immediately take down their tents. Around 1:25 p.m., an ISP trooper announced to the crowd that Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb was aware of the situation. In response to threats of arrest, some protesters took several tents down and consolidated the encampment, guarding it through a chain of armlinked protesters who encircled the area.

Arrests began right before 4 p.m., and at least 20 protesters were detained within 10 minutes. IUPD and ISP forcefully removed several protesters from tents, dragged them across the field and detained them using zip ties. ISP pushed repeatedly into the crowd, pulling people back and clashing with protesters.

ISP officers — some in

riot gear and others in green

uniforms — were armed with assault weapons, guns with less-than-lethal rounds, shields and pepper spray.

After clearing the encampment area, ISP and unidentified people in orange and yellow T-shirts tore down the remaining tents as police established a perimeter around the remaining protesters.

Police put the detained protesters on board an IU bus traveling to Harry Gladstein Fieldhouse, where they were then processed and later taken to Monroe County Jail. As the bus drove away from Dunn Meadow, arrested protesters could be heard chanting pro-Palestinian slogans.

What happened to protesters who were arrested April 25?

Officers told IDS reporters that those arrested would be charged with criminal trespassing, while others would be charged with battery and resisting law enforcement.

The IDS confirmed that several of those arrested for trespassing are now forbidden from entering IU’s campus for a year. Mark Bode, executive director of media relations at IU, sent a statement to the IDS in response to an inquiry about arrested students and faculty who were temporarily banned from campus.

“We encourage affected faculty and students to engage in the appeals process by contacting IUPD,” the statement read. “Trespass ban notices will be suspended during the appeals process in nearly all cases. This will allow these students and faculty to complete the semester.”

Beginning at 6:08 p.m., the arrested protesters were booked into the Monroe County Jail in two busloads. The first busload was let off one-by-one, their hands still zip-tied behind them. They were photographed with a paper stating their names in front of them and then led into the jail.

They could be seen sitting on the ground until the jail door closed. Officers did not respond to immediate questions, referring IDS reporters to jail public information officers.

The second bus arrived al-

most an hour later. Some protesters were photographed in front of the bus, but a majority were led straight into the jail. Police had to remove protesters’ masks so they could be photographed.

Friends and family members of the protesters came to the jail, waiting for them to be released. Bloomington resident Cicada Dennis’s wife, Barbara, was one of the people arrested during the protest.

"She's pretty angry about the way that the police have handled the situation,” Dennis said. “The fact that they were arresting people for basically exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech. And also the way that the police like pushed her, because she was just standing, and they were pushing her and pushing her.”

April 27 arrests After the IU Divestment

Coalition’s second encampment April 26 lasted overnight into April 27, Indiana State Police and IU Police Department forcibly arrested 23 protesters starting around 12:38 p.m. Police and IU employees deconstructed the encampment and stood off with protesters until leaving around 1:20 p.m.

At around 12:20 p.m., an IUPD officer gave a warning to protesters that those arrested would be charged with trespassing and banned from campus, many of whom stayed in the meadow overnight, to immediately remove and vacate all tents within ten minutes. State troopers told protesters and IDS reporters that IU had called for ISP support to remove the tents.

IUPD public information officer Hannah Skibba said in a statement that police gave several warnings to protest-

ers to remove the structures and those who did not comply were detained and removed.

IU spokesperson Mark Bode did not immediately respond to requests for comment regarding the administration’s role in the protesters’ removal. Protesters linked arms with each other to form a barricade between themselves and at least 60 Indiana State Police troopers armed with shields, batons and other riot gear. One ISP officer had an Explosive Ordnance Detection canine, used to detect explosive compounds, including ammunition and firearms.

Five minutes later, state police troopers began moving toward the encampment. When reaching the line, troopers began pulling and tackling those who did not move. 23 protesters were arrested, including one of the

markedly more aggressive than April 25’s nearly ten-minute clash. Troopers aggressively moved through the line and established a perimeter in a few minutes, compared to a relative back and forth with protesters on April 25. Those arrested were loaded onto an IU bus and moved to Harry Gladstein fieldhouse before being taken to the Monroe County Jail. IUPD and ISP created a perimeter around the campsite and IU staff and grounds crew began to remove articles from the campsite, including dumping water jugs and throwing away other food items. A police vehicle was seen driving over protesters’ belongings during the camp’s clearing. ISP troopers began backing away from the scene at 1:20 p.m. and boarded an IU bus. A state trooper said officers left because they had “accomplished everything [they] set out to do.”

What were the goals of the protest?

In the IU Divestment Coalition’s Instagram post announcing a rally at Dunn Meadow, the organization listed four demands. The first is the resignation of IU President Pamela Whitten, Provost Rahul Shrivastav and Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Carrie Docherty. IU Bloomington faculty overwhelmingly passed votes of no confidence in Whitten, Shrivastav and Docherty on April 16. SEE ENCAMPMENT PAGE 4

group's leaders — graduate student Bryce Greene. The encounter was
Indiana Daily Student | Thursday, May 2, 2024 What you need to know for IU's graduation commencment INSIDE, P. 9 Bloomington's 7-Day Forecast Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday SOURCE: ETHAN CHOO | EHCHOO@IU.EDU GRAPHICS BY: LEXI LINDENMAYER | IDS May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 84° 62° 75° 63° 78° 60° 77° 60° 77° 57° 78° 63° 72° 65° P: 60% P: 80% P: 30% P: 30% P: 20% P: 20% P: 60% WE WILL NOT STOP, WE WILL NOT REST. Protesters set up an encampment in Dunn Meadow for over a week to support Palestinians in Gaza and call for IU to to divest from Israel. Police have forcefully arrested 57 of the peaceful protesters. PHOTOS BY OLIVIA BIANCO, JACOB SPUDICH, CAROLYN MARSHALL | IDS (TOP) A protestor waves a Palestinian flag in Dunn Meadow on April 25, 2024, in Bloomington. Many other college campuses held protests against the war in Gaza on April 25. (MIDDLE) Indiana State Police and pro-Palestinian protesters clash at the IU Divestment Coalition encampment April 27, 2024, at Dunn Meadow in Bloomington. Police arrested 23 protesters Saturday. (BOTTOM) Tents stand at the IU Divestment Coalition's encampment May 1, 2024, at Dunn Meadow in Bloomington. The encampment has been up for eight consecutive nights. SEE PAGE 2 FOR MORE OF THE IDS' COVERAGE ' '

‘Utterly unprincipled’: Policy created on eve of protest used to make arrests

Since 1969, an IU Bloomington policy has allowed the use of temporary structures in Dunn Meadow without prior approval, forbidding them from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. IU changed the policy to ban the use of structures without prior approval April 24 — a day before the IU Divestment Coalition set up encampments in Dunn Meadow on April 25.

The new policy, which can be viewed under the “Outdoor Spaces” dropdown menu on the Office of Student Life website, forbids the use of permanent or temporary structures without approval by the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Life and University Events. The policy change cited a section of the 1969 policy that suggested the creation of a committee by the Bloomington provost to give “continuing advice on changes of policy” and review denials of permission for “uncarried overnight signs, symbols or structures.”

It suggests a small committee for prompt action if review is ever needed.

The new policy claimed the change was approved by “the Ad Hoc Committee,” but the IDS talked to several faculty members who were not aware of such a committee. Steve Sanders, a Maurer School of Law professor, said he is certain no such committee exists today.

“To invoke a reference to an ad hoc committee that might have existed half a century ago and attempt to use it to justify the on-the-fly creation of a new policy today, is utterly unprincipled,”

Sanders said in an email. “If a university lawyer was involved in concocting this rationalization, then no one should trust their integrity or judgment.”

In an email to faculty, Whitten confirmed the university changed the policy the night of April 24 after becoming aware of the April 25 protest to “balance free speech and safety in the context of similar protests occurring nationally.” She wrote that the policy was posted online the morning of the protest.

“Our university must create a space for meaningful dialogue, while ensuring that our campus is safe and welcoming to all, and that peaceful protest, as many experienced today, symbolizes our steadfastness to the free expression of ideas,” Whitten wrote.

IU executive director of media relations Mark Bode did not respond to a question regarding the members of the “Ad Hoc Committee.”

“Indiana University Bloomington is a campus where we encourage and respect free speech and open dialogue,” Bode wrote in an emailed statement. “To ensure the safety and security of the IU community and to avoid disruption of university operations, expressive activity must be conducted in accordance with university free speech and events policies. This includes the enforcement of policies that require advanced approval for the installation of temporary structures.”

An ad hoc committee is a temporary committee designed for a specific purpose. This makes it harder to ar-

gue the policy change works with the First Amendment, Sanders, who teaches constitutional law, said in an interview with the IDS.

“When you change a policy like that literally on the eve of an event you’re expecting, you can no longer say that’s a neutral policy,” he said.

The timing of the change allows people to reasonably infer the change was targeted to disadvantage a particular viewpoint, he said.

Generally, restrictions on free speech must be viewpoint neutral under the First Amendment.

According to an emailed statement from IUPD, police detained 34 protesters and took them to the Monroe County Jail. The IDS observed that at least one was an IU faculty member — Germanic Studies professor Benjamin Robinson. At least one student protester — Christopher Handwerger — was arrested for criminal trespass and received a trespass warning from IUPD banning him from IU property for a year. Handwerger told the IDS he is a first-semester senior, meaning he needs this coming fall semester to graduate.

Bode sent a statement to the IDS in response to an inquiry about arrested students and faculty who were temporarily banned from campus.

“We encourage affected faculty and students to engage in the appeals process by contacting IUPD,” the statement read. “Trespass ban notices will be suspended during the appeals process in nearly all cases. This will allow these students and faculty to complete the se-

How to appeal a campus trespass ban from IUPD

Indiana State Police arrested a total of 57 protesters at the IU Divestment Coalition encampment in Dunn Meadow on April 25 and April 27. Many were officially charged with campus trespass by IU Police Department and issued a ban lasting at least one year from IU campus grounds as a result. Navigating the legal system can be confusing and arduous, so the IDS decided to put together a guide to clarify the process.

What is a campus trespass ban?

ISP initially issued criminal charges to the 57 arrested protesters of criminal trespass, battery and resisting law enforcement.

However, IUPD also separately issued campus trespass bans in accordance with a new policy passed by an ad hoc committee Wednesday – just one day prior to the first day of protest at Dunn Meadow.

ers emails with this information attached. However, the university hasn’t sent any further details as of April 27, according to some arrestees.

Some protesters said they have struggled to get in contact with IUPD and the university about appeals.

“It’s been a slow and frustrating process,” one protester said. “They won’t answer our calls.”

An email sent by Executive Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Rick Van Kooten to College of Arts & Sciences students noted that all appeals will be reviewed by IU President Pamela Whitten.

When can you return to campus?

IU executive director of media relations Mark Bode sent a statement to the IDS in response to an inquiry about arrested students and faculty who were temporarily banned from campus.


Handwerger said he was proud for standing for what was right and called the ban and his arrest a “farce.”

“I kind of feel like this is total bullshit,” he said.

Though Handwerger was released, he has a court date this summer.

A history of tents in Dunn Meadow

Bill Breeden, a former Unitarian Universalist minister, said at the protest that he had participated in a 45day protest of the Gulf War in 1991 at Dunn Meadow. They camped overnight, and he said they were not violating policy if they cleaned up and someone remained awake during the night. He only recalled police interaction when protests occurred in university buildings.

Marc Haggerty, who came to IU at 19 after serving in the Vietnam War, said he led protests against the Vietnam War on IU’s campus. Haggerty said protests exploded following the 1969 draft lottery but said he hadn’t seen police intervention like today’s protest.

He described one moment where protesters had marched to Third Street and Indiana Avenue, drawing police from the state, county, city and campus. As police were about to charge the group, Haggerty got word that the IU administration agreed to meet with them, he said. Haggerty announced the news to the group, telling them that since the administration was acting in good faith, they should leave for Dunn Meadow, he recalled, ultimately preventing a clash with police.

The policy was an alteration of a campus policy dating back to 1969 which allowed the use of temporary structures in Dunn Meadow without prior approval, forbidding them from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. IU changed the policy to ban the use of structures without prior approval from the Office of the Vice Provost of Student Life and University Events.

IUPD issued one-year bans from campus to protesters who violated the new policy. Bryce Greene, a leading figure in the protests at Dunn Meadow, received a five-year ban.

Violating the ban would result in a criminal trespass charge, according to the warning document issued to arrested protesters.

How do you appeal a campus trespass ban?

To appeal a campus trespass ban, people must contact IUPD and either send a message through the appeals page on their contact website or set up an in-person appeal by sending an email to iupsadmn@

IU sent arrested protest-

“Trespass ban notices will be suspended during the appeals process in nearly all cases,” he said. “This will allow these students and faculty to complete the semester.”

The email sent to arrestees added that people will be notified of the outcome of their appeal within 15 business days of making it. Who else is involved?

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana has helped some protesters with the appeals process. One protester said the ACLU set him up with an attorney and is working to confirm the status of his ban on campus.

Protesters also said some independent defense lawyers around Bloomington have been helping them.

Criminal charges Protesters arrested April 25 were all assigned the same court date of July 5, 2024, to face a judge for their criminal charges. Most of them were charged with criminal trespass. Criminal trespass is a Class A misdemeanor in Indiana and can result in up to one year in jail time and/or up to $5,000 in fines if convicted.

IU confirms commencement ceremonies amid protests

IU’s commencement ceremonies will still go ahead as scheduled, according to an IU email sent to graduating seniors and their families April 30 afternoon. The graduate commencement ceremony is May 3 in Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall, and the undergraduate ceremony is May 4 at Memorial Stadium. The email added there would be a “designated protest area” outside each ceremony.

“IU respects the free sharing of ideas and viewpoints, and it is our duty to uphold the right to peaceful protest under the First Amendment,” the email read.

The Palestine Solidarity Committee, a pro-Palestine student organization involved with the encampment in Dunn Meadow, called on the IU community for an indefinite walkout from classes April 29 during

the final week of the spring semester in a April 28 Instagram post. The encampment is largely composed of students, and associated protests since April 25 have featured several faculty members as well as students. Some classes and finals this week have been canceled due to the protests. Additionally, some professors have offered to extend deadlines through the end of the semester. The designated protest area will be located outside Assembly Hall and Memorial Stadium. Protesters will not be allowed inside the venue, and venue staffers will be present to respond to “disruptions,” according to the email. The email also added that guests will be required to walk through a metal detector, and only clear bags about the



will be permitted


NEWS 2 May 2, 2024 Indiana Daily Student Editors: Jack Forrest, Luke Price, Tyler Spence
OLIVIA BIANCO | IDS A protestor gets arrested in Dunn Meadow during a protest supporting Palestine on April 25, 2024, in Bloomington. Over 30 people were arrested on April 25.
a gallon
small clutch bags
807 N. Walnut 626. N College Ave @idsnews Follow The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in session. Part of IU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are available on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to prosecution Paid subscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009 Vol. 157, No. 10 © 2024 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223 Salomé Cloteaux and Nic Napier Co-Editors-in-Chief Andrew Miller and Taylor Satoski Managing Editors Lexi Lindenmayer Creative Director Matéi Cloteaux Digital Editor Mackenzie Lionberger Managing Editor of Engagement

Where were 34 protesters before they were booked?

In the almost two hours between when pro-Palestinian protesters were detained April 25 afternoon at Dunn Meadow and their arrival at the Monroe County Jail, more than 13 uniformed officers waited outside in confusion. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department officers, along with family members and friends of those arrested, faced the same question: where were the 34 arrested protesters and when would they be arriving?

Those 34 people — including 20 students and at least two IU faculty members — were booked into the Monroe County Jail April 25 after the Dunn Meadow protest. Indiana State Police and Indiana University Police Department officers arrested protesters during an hours-long protest and encampment. Protesters were arrested on charges of criminal trespassing, battery and resisting law enforcement, according to a Monroe County Sheriff’s Department arrest report.

Protesters arrested at Dunn Meadow were transported to Harry Gladstein Fieldhouse on an IU campus bus by the “arresting agencies” before arriving at the jail, according to Monroe County Sheriff’s Department officers. Monroe County Sherriff’s Department officers were waiting outside the jail for the IU bus for more than an hour and twenty minutes after they were arrested, from 4:45 until 6:08 p.m. They said they didn’t know when the arrestees would arrive, and they weren’t in charge of the arrestees before they arrived to be booked.

Friends and families came by looking for arrested protesters before they’d been booked. One woman said her friend and his fiancé were pushed by police at the protest. When they pushed back, she said, the police took them both to the ground and zip tied them. When she asked officers outside the jail where her friends were and when they would be released, the officers responded that it was up to the arresting agency.

The officers instructed the woman to come back in one or two hours.

Another student, who came to the jail looking for his friend, said he was scared to walk on campus now, even without a protest in process.

A group of supporters gathered outside the jail, bringing pizza for when protesters were released. Pro-

tester and IU graduate stu-

dent Zara Anwarzai, who was not arrested, showed scratches on her hands she said were caused by police, and she alleged other people were bruised and beaten. The protest got violent within a minute, Anwarzai said. She said once police started pushing people back, the protest only lasted 20 to 30 more minutes

before all arrests were made and police began leaving the scene.

The first bus full of protesters, along with IUPD and more ISP officers, arrived at 6:08 p.m. at the jail. The protesters banged on the bus from the inside and chanted “free, free Palestine.”

Zip-tied protesters were escorted off the bus one by

one. An officer individually photographed each protester with a smartphone outside the bus with pieces of paper showing their names and dates of birth held in front of them. Officers removed protesters’ masks and sunglasses so they could be photographed.

One protester got off the bus, hands zip-tied behind his back and wearing an orange keffiyeh, a traditional headdress fashioned from cloth worn in parts of the Middle East, around his shoulders.

“We will not be intimidated by fascism,” he said. “All we do, we do for Gaza!” As the police took his photo, he kept calling out. “All eyes on Gaza. All eyes on Gaza.”

Some of the protesters yelled to their friends and family, who were prohibited from entering the side street where officers were escorting demonstrators off the bus and into the jail. They instead watched from afar. Inside the facility, the protesters, with their hands still zip-tied, were instructed to sit on the ground. Reporters for the IDS heard those inside yell “don’t touch her.” When reporters went to look, a gate leading to the facility which was previously open had been closed, cutting off view of those detained. A second IU campus bus carrying protesters arrived at 6:52 p.m. While protesters on the first bus had their hands zip-tied behind their backs, many of the protesters on the second bus were handcuffed. Three were photographed outside the bus, and the rest were immediately led inside. Police at the time said most arrestees would be released on recognizance. This means their paperwork will be processed and they’ll be let

Student leaders denounce IU’s statement on protests

IU President Pamela Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav released a statement April 28 evening addressing the IU Police Department and Indiana State Police’s clearings of pro-Palestinian encampments and forceful arrests of peaceful protesters in Dunn Meadow on April 25 and April 27. This is the first time Whitten or Shrivastav have publicly commented on the escalating conflict.

In the letter, Whitten and Shrivastav said, “the events of recent days have been difficult, disturbing and emotional.”

ISP forcibly arrested 34 protesters April 25 and 23 more April 27. They also have deconstructed two encampments and confiscated their materials.

They also said that encampments such as the one in Dunn Meadow become “magnets for those making threats of violence or who may not have the best interest of Indiana University at heart.”

The IDS cannot confirm any instances of violence initiated by protesters from the encampment. The statement also did not specifically mention the police’s forceful and aggressive arrests of IU students and faculty.

The statement said they are moving quickly to partner with faculty, staff, and students to look for long-term solutions.

“We recognize that this is not the kind of action that any of us want to see on this campus moving forward,” the statement read.

Whitten and Shrivastav said in the letter Shrivastav met with student leaders from Union Board and IU Student Government, along with president-elect Danielle DeSawal of the Bloomington Faculty Council, to discuss event protocols.

Laurie Frederickson, president of the Union Board, released the following statement to the IDS:

“We met with the Provost this morning, but our presence there was simply so that the Provost could say he included students. Our voices and desires are not reflected by the decision that was released, and once again this is a display of his facade of shared governance when he

is really a unilateral decision maker. What is described in the email is neither factually nor existentially accurate. I look forward to sharing real information with the students as I actually hold myself to a standard of accountability and transparency,” the statement read.

IUSG President Cooper Tinsley echoed a similar sentiment.

“It is imperative to clarify that the email regarding the recent meeting supposedly aimed at engaging student leaders in meaningful dialogue is extremely misleading. Contrary to the claims made in the President’s email, our concerns and demands were not genuinely addressed. It should be clear that WE had to reach out to the Provost to schedule this meeting, not the other way around. Both the Provost and the President misrepresented the situation by suggesting the development of tangible resolutions, which is factually inaccurate. The Provost instead presented options each with its own loophole to put student safety at risk again by bringing state police back on campus. It is evident that our participation was leveraged solely to bolster a favorable image of the administration. I no longer have confidence in this administration's ability to work with students in good faith as we student leaders have been left feeling extremely used,” the statement read.

In an email to faculty April 29, DeSawal called the events of the last few days “disturbing" and expressed disappointment with the results of her meeting with Shrivastav on April 28, which Whitten referenced in an email to the IU community.

While DeSawal wrote that participants “shared the space in good faith,” the two goals of the meeting — revoking the change to policy and ensuring state police would no longer engage with protesters — were not achieved.

“While we were able to have productive conversations, I am disappointed in the early release of the message to provide an update, as it was sent without review of anyone who was in the meeting,” she wrote. “That has resulted in additional confusion and more mistrust in our ability to move forward collectively with the administra-

tion. It saddens me deeply to have to share that viewpoint.”

DeSawal also confirmed that the BFC was not involved in the ad hoc committee nor the creation of the updated policy, as recommended by a section of the original policy. She criticized the lack of clarity regarding how students could gain approval for the structures on the signs placed in Dunn Meadow the morning of April 25 and the impracticality of asking students to gain approval for an event scheduled the day after the policy requiring approval was created. The use of force by state police, she wrote, was done without consultation from students, the BFC or the two ad hoc committee members present at the meeting.

The ad hoc committee consisted of four administrators according to faculty sources and multiple media outlets. They include Superintendent for Public Safety Benjamin Hunter, Associate Vice President of Events and Conferences Doug Booher, Vice Provost for Student Life Lamar Hylton and Vasti Torres, the interim vice provost for undergraduate education.

DeSawal concluded her email with a commitment to represent the voices of faculty when trying to find a path forward.

The release also discusses free speech policies on campus.

“There have been no changes to the opportunities and rights for free expression on campus,” the email reads.

This statement is inaccurate — IU did change its free expression rights on campus when the “Ad Hoc Committee” made a policy change the day before the encampment began, which an IU law professor who studies free speech took issue with.

Since 1969, IU Bloomington policy allowed use of temporary structures in Dunn Meadow without prior approval, except from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. IU changed the policy to ban unapproved structures without prior approval the night before the IU Divestment Coalition set up their encampment April 25.

The 1969 policy recommended that an ad hoc committee should be created to review denials of permission for uncarried overnight signs, symbols or structures. It continued to say the committee should be composed

of the President of IUSA, now known as IUSG, the President pro tem of the Bloomington Faculty Council and a member designated by the Provost.

The policy was posted online April 25 morning. Steve Sanders, a Maurer School of Law professor, previously told the IDS the timing allows people to reasonably infer the change was targeted to disadvantage a particular viewpoint.

“When you change a policy like that literally on the eve of an event you’re expecting, you can no longer say that’s a neutral policy,” he said in an interview with the IDS on April 25.

Generally, restrictions on free speech must be viewpoint neutral under the First Amendment.

Whitten and Shrivastav said they appointed the “Ad Hoc Committee” in response to their concerns over alleged antisemitic incidents across the country.

Whitten and Shrivastav said the encampment campaign coincides with a rise in antisemitism across the country and university, and antisemitic incidents have been linked with the movement. The statement provides no specific evidence of antisemitic incidents on IU’s campus. The IDS is reaching out to the university for more clarity on these claims.

There have been reports on social media and expressed to IDS reporters of both antisemitic and Islamophobic violence on campus this semester, including in the last four days. The IDS is working to confirm these reports.

Whitten and Shrivastav also addressed the decisions to order Indiana State Police to take down the encampments. They cited balancing “legitimate safety concerns related to un-regulated encampments and our commitment to free speech” in the email.

“After standing down for 24 hours, we sought to give the protestors the opportunity to comply with policy, particularly the 1969 prohibition of tents after 11 p.m.,” the email read. "They chose to expand the encampment after 11 p.m. Therefore, on April 27 we again made the decision to enforce university policy and remove tents and other temporary structures.”

The email also said ISP

provided additional manpower “to address heightened levels of potential threats.” It did not provide any specific examples of threats.

Whitten and Shrivastav did not comment in the email on their decision to involve Indiana State Police on April 25 prior to 11 p.m. Police have been unable to confirm who the initial call came from but have verified that IU called them for assistance.

ISP arrested 57 protesters in total at Dunn Meadow on April 25 and April 27, officially charging them with criminal trespass. IUPD also issued arrested protesters a ban from campus property of at least one year, with one of the encampment's leaders, Bryce Greene, receiving a ban of five years.

Whitten and Shrivastav encouraged those who were arrested and banned from campus during the IUPD and ISP clearings to appeal their cases, in which the bans will temporarily be halted for most cases.

Some protesters who were banned from campus have struggled to contact IU about the appeals process.

“It’s been a slow and frustrating process,” one protester said. “They won’t answer my calls.”

Faculty from across the university have condemned the arrests. Nearly 200 faculty protested outside of Bryan Hall on April 26 morning after the first day of arrests April 25. At least six IU schools have released statements condemning or showing concern with the administration and ISP’s actions.

On April 28, Media School faculty released an open letter to the administration calling the move “authoritarian” and antithetical to the mission of higher learning.

The Media School faculty’s letter called for the Bloomington Faculty Council to investigate possible violations of faculty governance, academic freedom, freedom of expression and due process.

“It is critical that we expose the root of this shameful chapter in IU’s history,” the letter concludes.

Whitten and Shrivastav said they have already received a request from a student organization to set up temporary structures in Dunn Meadow moving forward, and the university anticipates the request will be approved.

They said the request will be approved based on “a set of mutually agreed parameters,” and groups will have the opportunity to renew the request in 48-hour increments. The IDS is confirming whether the 48-hour increment renewal is a new policy. Greene, a leader of the encampment, said a person not affiliated with the PSC or the IU Divestment Coalition filled out the request form, seemingly at the request of the administration. After the person filled out the form, the administration allegedly said the person would be personally responsible for the encampment, as their name was on the form, Greene said. The person then revoked their request.

“Bottom line, the paragraph in Pam’s statement released moments ago about an organization getting approval for structures is untrue, and I apologize for any confusion this might have caused,” the person wrote in an email, Greene said.

IU professor Abdulkader Sinno said Whitten’s email is an attempt to “justify acts that are unjustifiable against our own students.”

Professor Abdulkader Sinno was suspended in November 2023 for allegedly misrepresenting an event organized by the PSC. His suspension was met with intense backlash from faculty and students who denounced it as an attack on academic freedom and free speech at IU.

“It’s complete gaslighting,” he said. “It’s all just made up rhetoric, made up claims to pretend that she’s actually behaving responsibly when in fact she’s doing nothing of the kind.”

Sinno said for the past four days, from around 10 a.m. to midnight, he has been alternating between sitting 50 feet away from the encampment to watch out for the students and going to the Monroe County Jail to support the arrested protesters. He said nothing hurts more than thinking of his students and colleagues being detained for speaking their minds.

“We teach them to think for themselves and when they want to speak for themselves, we send the police,” Sinno said.

IU Executive Director of Media Relations Mark Bode did not respond to a request for comment by publication.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 3
go on the promise that they’ll do what the court instructs.
PHOTOS BY OLIVIA BIANCO, MIA HILKOWITZ | IDS (TOP) Arrested protesters wait to go on an IU bus on East Seventh Street on April 25, 2024, in Bloomington. Protestors were sent to Harry Gladstein Fieldhouse for processing via the IU buses. (BOTTOM) A protester holds up peace signs to the Indiana State Police at the Monroe County Jail on April 27, 2024, in Bloomington. Protesters went to the jail in solidarity with the people arrested.


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The Instagram post references IU administration’s decision to suspend professor Abdulkader Sinno for allegedly misrepresenting an event organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee in November 2023. It also references IU’s cancellation of Palestinian abstract painter Samia Halaby’s art exhibit after three years of planning, which occurred in the same week as Sinno’s suspension.

The second demand is for the university to end collaboration with Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division — a U.S. naval installation southwest of Bloomington.

IU announced a $111 million investment including partnership with Crane in October 2023. As part of the commitment, IU is investing $23.5 million to hire 25 faculty members in microelectronics, focusing on faculty with U.S. Department of Defense experience.

prior approval, requiring approval only from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. IU changed the policy to ban the use of structures without prior approval April 24 — a day before the IU Divestment Coalition set up encampments in Dunn Meadow.

The new policy, which can be viewed under the “Outdoor Spaces” dropdown menu on the Office of Student Life website, prohibits using permanent or temporary structures without approval by the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Life and University Events.

The new policy claimed the change was approved by “the Ad Hoc Committee,” but the IDS spoke with several faculty members who were unaware of such a committee.

In an email sent to faculty from Whitten on April 25 obtained by the IDS, Whitten acknowledged that the policy was changed yesterday in direct response to protesters planning to occupy Dunn Meadow.

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It is unknown whether Crane is directly involved in the Israel-Hamas war. As of 2021, Crane is part of a research and development agreement with the Israeli defense company Smart Shooter — which focuses on increasing the accuracy of defenses against small, unmanned aircraft. Crane did not respond to a request for comment by the time of publication.

The third demand is for IU to adhere to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement — meaning the university would wholly financially divest from Israel.

Indiana passed an antiBDS law in January 2016. The bill created a blacklist of non-profit and commercial organizations boycotting Israel, which would use statemanaged funds, to divest from BDS-adhering organizations.

The fourth demand is for IU to open Muslim and Middle Eastern cultural centers. In January, Provost Shrivastav said that IU has been working on a Muslim cultural center for more than a year, though no specific details were announced.

Chabad counter-protest

“As we watched similar events unfold on numerous campuses around the country and prepared for today’s rally, we thoughtfully considered the best course of action for IU with the safety of our community being foundational to our decision,” Whitten said in the email. “We know that not all will agree with the course of action, but this was made through careful deliberation. Our university must create space for meaningful dialogue, while ensuring that our campus is safe and welcoming to all, and that peaceful protest, as many experienced today, symbolizes our steadfastness to the free expression of ideas.

IU executive director of media relations Mark Bode did not respond to a question regarding the “Ad Hoc Committee” members.

Pro-Palestinian protests seen across college campuses

The encampment April 25 featured numerous chants, including “free, free Palestine,” “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “intifada, intifada” and many times, “shame” against police and counter protesters.

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A group outside Chabad at IU — a Jewish student organization — continually played music during the protest. They were told at least once by IUPD to shut the music off, moments before the police advanced on the encampment. Occasionally, protesters from the encampment and Chabad stood off across Seventh Street. Although shouting and making offensive gestures at each other, they never physically interacted.

Throughout the week, counter protesters gathered with Israeli flags in front of the Chabad house, playing several songs on repeat, including Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” and Black Eyed Peas’ “Where is the Love?”

A counterprotester from Israel told the IDS that “Jews do not feel safe on campus.”

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A report from the AntiDefamation League released Jan. 10 documented a rise in antisemitism across the country in the months following the Oct. 7 attack, with 361% more antisemitic incidents occurring than in the same timeframe between 2022-23.

Islamophobia has also risen in the wake of the war. Between Oct. 7 and Nov. 4, the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations received 1,238 reports of bias and requests for help. In 2022, the average 29-day period saw only around 400 complaints.

The report includes incidents of “antisemitic rhetoric, expressions of support for terrorism against the state of Israel and/or antiZionism.”

The music continued through the nights, including during a Seder held by the Dunn Meadow protesters April 25. Seder is a traditional Jewish dinner, usually held once or twice during the holiday Passover.

Hudson Cain, an IU student involved with Chabad, said the music was an act of counterprotest. He said playing music from Israeli artists was a way of recognizing Jewish students’ existence.

Day-old IU policy changes lead to arrests

Since 1969, IU Bloomington policy has allowed the use of temporary structures in Dunn Meadow without

“Intifada” in Arabic translates to “shaking off” or “civil uprising” and can also refer to a series of armed uprisings in Gaza and the West Bank against Israeli occupation. On Oct. 7, 2023, a Hamasled attack killed about 1,200 people in Israel and they abducted more than 250 hostages. In response, the Israeli government has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, two-thirds of which are women and children. This has ignited pro-Palestinian protests worldwide. However, the encampment at IU comes after an intensifying wave of protests around U.S. college campuses starting at Columbia University last week. The protests spread across the country after protesters at Columbia refused to halt their protests when New York police made more than 100 arrests April 18.

Pro-Palestinian protests have also stayed consistent in the past months at IU. They began Oct. 9, 2023, as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protesters clashed at Sample Gates.

More recently, pro-Palestinian protesters have shadowed student tours throughout campus, followed by the Indiana University Police Department throughout. At an April 8 protest, IUPD temporarily detained three protestors and arrested one for disorderly conduct.

At the men’s Little 500 race April 20, several protesters chanted and marched outside the track. As they left in two cars, IUPD pulled them over asking for identification, later releasing them.

Protesters also set up encampments at Purdue University on April 25, interrupting a speaker series with U.S. Senator Todd Young. Although Purdue campus policy does not allow overnight camping in public spaces, law enforcement had not removed any protesters as of the evening of April 25.

Major protests have broken out at UCLA, the University of Southern California, George Washington University, Harvard University, New York University, Emory University, Yale University, Michigan State University and the University of Connecticut.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 4
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Scenes from the third day of encampment

9:50 a.m.

Following one full day of no police interference in the encampment, IU shared this message on social media:

“IU encourages and respects free speech, including the right to peacefully protest and demonstrate,” it read. “Consistent with university policy, the installation of temporary structures requires advanced approval and camping is not allowed overnight. IU students, faculty, staff and visitors are expected to comply with both university policy and state law. Students are held accountable to the Student Code of Conduct. These policies are in place to safeguard the IU community.”

Around 11:50 a.m. inside IMU Student Involvement


Two Indiana State Troopers were seen going up the stairs in the Student Involvement Tower in the IMU. They were also there yesterday. The troopers have been seen on the roof of the IMU every day since Thursday, when the pro-Palestinian protest and encampment began in Dunn Meadow.

12:19 p.m. in Dunn Meadow

At least 60 Indiana State Police armed with riot shields, batons and other riot gear — and several IU Police officers — walked to Dunn Meadow from Woodlawn Avenue.

At around 12:20 p.m., an IUPD officer gave a warning to protesters — many of whom stayed in the meadow overnight — that those arrested would be charged with trespassing and banned from campus and that they needed to immediately remove and vacate all tents within ten minutes.

Some protesters left and took down tents, but some structures remained. The remaining protesters locked arms in front of the structures. At around 12:33 p.m., the officer issued another warning. Officers began advancing around 12:35 p.m. in a line of riot shields.

Once reaching the encampment and line of protesters, officers began pushing forward using their riot shields and shoving protesters back. ISP and IUPD officers

arrested several protesters, including one of the encampment’s leaders, Bryce Greene. The IDS cannot yet confirm the total number arrested.

After pushing protesters off the encampment, ISP and IUPD formed a line with riot shields so the encampment could be cleared. Protesters re-formed in lines while police took down the tents and also linked arms again, bracing for what looked at the time to be another advance by officers who started encircling the protesters.

A few protesters walked up to the sidewalk and began arguing with onlookers on Seventh Street. Many onlookers were cheering and thanking the police. Other onlookers chanted “fascists,” “go home, pigs” and other derogatory jeers.

At around 1:20 p.m., police pulled back from Dunn Meadow with the encampment cleared, and protesters followed them out. They cheered as police walked up the stairs toward the intersection at Seventh Street and Woodlawn Avenue.

1:17 p.m. in Dunn Meadow

State Senator Shelli Yoder and Bloomington City Council member Sydney Zulich were in Dunn Meadow when Indiana State Police and IU Police moved in on the encampment.

“I hear the concern that students feel unheard,” Yoder said. “I want to say I stand with students, stand for the protection of free speech. I also want to say, look at what they are doing. They are affecting change throughout this country. So, it is a powerful statement, and we must support the freedom of speech and their ability to assemble and proclaim what they are demanding. We heard about it because it’s what you are hearing be cried out campus to campus, street to street throughout this country.”

Yoder said she learned that IU administration asked Bloomington Police Department to not be involved in the clearing of the encampment so state police could handle it. State troopers on the scene told protesters and IDS reporters that IU had called for ISP support to remove the tents.

“That action certainly elevated and escalated the response,” Yoder said. “So here we have this — it is terrifying to see. And I cannot imagine

IU faculty, schools respond to Dunn Meadow arrests

After IU Police Department and Indiana State Police officers arrested 57 protesters April 25 and April 27 at pro-Palestinian encampments in Dunn Meadow, IU faculty and schools have released statements addressing about IU and ISP’s response.

President of the Bloomington Faculty Council

Bloomington Faculty Council President Colin R. Johnson released an open letter April 29 calling for IU President Pamela Whitten’s resignation or removal.

The letter comes after a protest April 29 with hundreds of faculty, graduate workers and community members outside Bryan Hall calling for Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav’s resignations.

Johnson wrote in his letter that Whitten has used some provisions of the 1969 policy for the use of IU assembly ground but ignored certain other provisions within the policy.

Specifically, Johnson wrote that the events of the past week are not reconcilable with a provision that said the university should not use physical force to enforce rules against unapproved structures and overnight camping at Dunn Meadow.

“In cases of non-compliance, the University should use the legal process to enforce its legal rights,” the policy reads.

“That physical force was used as a first resort, on the very first day of the protest, rather than a last resort, constitutes an even greater

Indiana State Police troopers leave Dunn Meadow on April 27, 2024. Onlookers thanked the troopers for their service and protesters celebrated as they left.

how students feel seeing this on their campus right now when, where they’re coming from, is exercising their free speech.”

1:20 p.m. in Dunn Meadow Police started backing out of Dunn Meadow. They got on an Indiana University bus and left the area.

Many onlookers on Seventh Street thanked the Indiana State Police troopers while

affront to that wisdom,” Johnson’s letter reads.

The letter makes a specific argument for Whitten’s resignation or removal “that is likely to be more persuasive to the people who are best positioned to respond to it.” According to Whitten’s contract, which was obtained by Indiana Public Media, the Board of Trustees has the power to end her employment.

The specific argument broadly says that it will be impossible for students, faculty and staff to look past the events of the past week or the “frustrating and dispiriting events of the past three years” and continue the normal functions of the university.

“President Whitten has clearly become a liability to Indiana University,” the letter reads.

The letter says that Whitten damaged the university’s reputation through constant controversy and through violating its foundational principles.

IU Bloomington faculty overwhelmingly voted in favor of a no confidence motion for Whitten, Provost Rahul Shrivastav and Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Carrie Docherty on April 16.

protesters chanted and celebrated.

1:25 p.m. on Seventh Street

An Indiana State Police officer said, “Indiana University requested our assistance.” They were told to remove the tents and move protesters past the encampments for Indiana University to come in and “enforce their policy,” according to the of-

Student, advocacy groups condemn encampment arrests, policy change

Following IU Police Department and Indiana State Police officers’ forcible arrests of 57 protesters April 25 and 27 at proPalestinian encampments in Dunn Meadow, student and advocacy organizations have released statements condemning IU and ISP’s actions.

Student Voice Coalition

An April 26 press release from the Student Voice Coalition, made up of IU Student Government, the Indiana Memorial Union Board, the Graduate and Professional Student Government, IU Funding Board and the Residence Hall Association, spoke out against the actions of University Administration at Dunn Meadow on April 25.

“The Student Voice Coalition denounces the unilateral action taken by the Provost and University administration,” the release said.

The original policy on Dunn Meadow assembly from 1969 recommended a committee to “give continuing advice on changes of policy” could be composed of the President of IUSA, now known as IUSG, the President pro tem of the Bloomington Faculty Council and a member picked by the provost.

According to the release, the provost convened an ad hoc committee in response to “external safety concerns,” which did not invite the president of IUSG or the Bloomington

Faculty Council.

The night before the encampment began April 25, IU updated the policy to ban the use of structures without prior approval.

“The sudden adjustments made by the ad hoc committee to this policy have raised significant questions regarding constitutional legality and the principle of ‘neutral time, place, and policy’ regarding assembly restrictions,” the release said. “Any revisions to assembly policies must adhere to principles of neutrality and reasonableness as prescribed by First Amendment law. It is imperative to ensure that policy changes uphold fairness, avoid disadvantaging specific groups, and align with both legal standards and university policy.”

They called on the provost to reconvene the ad hoc committee by April 29 evening to reconsider this policy change and for IU administration to avoid deploying the ISP. On April 27, the administration sent in the ISP again.

“If our demands are not met, we fear the student body will have no confidence left in this administration,” the release read.

ficer. Multiple officers said they would not take food and water, but officers inside the encampment were seen pouring out gallons of water and putting food in black bags. Other officers said they were taking everything except the medic’s bag. An officer said anyone who is looking for things the police took can call IUPD’s nonemergency phone number, 812-855-4111, to set up an appointment to pick up their things.

Indiana politicians respond to encampment clearing

Following arrests April 25 and April 27 of pro-Palestinian protesters staging an encampment in Dunn Meadow, local and state politicians released statements addressing the university and Indiana State Police’s actions.

State Rep. Matt Pierce

State Rep. Matt Pierce

D-Bloomington, who is also a senior lecturer in the Media School, released a statement April 26 condemning IU’s role in the arrest of protesters in Dunn Meadow on April 25.

"It's ironic that University leaders who continually use the excuse of potential violence to suppress speech it opposes invited onto campus state police with military-style weapons that included what appeared to be snipers stationed on rooftops to force a physical confrontation with protesters,” his statement read.

“This reckless decision is indefensible. Does President Whitten not remember Kent State?”

At a 1970 protest at Kent State University against the U.S. expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia, the Ohio National Guard killed four unarmed college students and injured nine others.

State Sen. Shelli Yoder

State Sen. Shelli Yoder and Bloomington City Council member Sydney Zulich were in Dunn Meadow when ISP and IU Police Department officers moved in on the encampment April 27.

“I hear the concern that students feel unheard,” Yoder said in an interview with the IDS after the encampment was fully cleared. “I want to say I stand with students, stand for the protection of free speech. I also want to say, look at what they are doing. They are affecting change throughout this country. So, it is a powerful statement, and we must support the freedom of speech and their ability to assemble and proclaim what they are demanding. We heard about it because it’s what you are hearing be cried out campus to campus, street to street throughout this country.”

Yoder said she learned that IU administration asked Bloomington Police Department to not involve itself in clearing the encampment so state police could handle it. State troopers on the scene told IDS reporters that IU called for ISP support to remove the tents.

Pierce said IU President Pamela Whitten should request all criminal charges against those arrested be dropped and rescind any year-long bans from campus. "It's time for President Whitten to put an end to her amateurish handling of campus protests before someone gets seriously hurt,” the statement read.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 5
PHOTOS BY BRIANA PACE, TAYLOR SATOSKI | IDS Bryce Greene, one of the leaders of the pro-Palestinian protest and encampment movement on campus, is seen being detained by Indiana State Police and IU Police Department officers on April 27, 2024 in Dunn Meadow. That was the third day of Gaza protests and encampment on IU’s campus.

I have no confidence in Pamela Whitten

Joey Sills (he/him) is a junior studying English with a minor in political science.

The state troopers came in with guns, batons, pepper spray, shields and a warrant. They raided the encampment, forced proPalestinian protesters to their knees, zip tied their hands — in some instances, their feet — and loaded them onto the cream and crimson Indiana University buses.

This show of power and dramatic display of domination happened just over a week after IU faculty voted no confidence in IU President Pamela Whitten, Provost and Executive Vice President Rahul Shrivastav and Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Carrie Docherty. It came just a few days after the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition’s three-day strike. And it occurred on the same day as the Indiana Daily Student’s scheduled walkout in response to the university administration potentially forcing the paper to take drastic budget-reducing measures. I was at the Monroe County Public Library April 25, where we fashioned a temporary newsroom, when I saw the videos and the livestreams of state troopers forcefully detaining and arresting protesters in Dunn Meadow, the university’s designated assembly zone. The screams and pleas among the crowd were ear-piercing and terrifying. The feeling of disgust I had as I watched my peers,

some older and some younger than myself, being taken into custody for a peaceful demonstration is indescribable.

I thought about all the similar situations happening on college campuses across the country: at Columbia University, the University of Texas at Austin, Northwestern University and the University of Southern California. I thought about the Kent State shootings in 1970, when student protesters were shot by the Ohio National Guard, and how it isn’t so far-fetched to assume something like that will happen somewhere across the country. I thought about all these things, and I was physically sick to my stomach.

“They’ll say we’re disturbing the peace, but there is no peace,” Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States said. “What really bothers them is that we’re disturbing the war.” In 1969, the university designated Dunn Meadow as the “Indiana University Assembly Ground.” In theory, any student or group of students, regardless of their point of view and any prior notice, can use this area for political demonstration. There are specific rules, but they’re simple — if a demonstration warrants the need for “signs, symbols or structures,” IU officially asks the following: Any object be “continually

carried” or removed from the hours of 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Any uncarried object left during those hours requires advance notice that “should be granted without regard to the point of view or the idea being expressed.”

On April 24, the eve of the protest, the IU administration formed a mysterious Ad Hoc Committee to update the rules to ban the use of structures, such as tents, altogether. The encampment began at around 11 a.m., April 25, at Dunn Meadow and lasted until about 4 p.m., when Indiana State Police troopers raided and began arresting protesters on charges of criminal trespassing, battery and resisting law enforcement.

This arbitrary rule change indicates the university administration is willing to jump through hoops and invoke obscure statutes to discriminate against certain protesters and enact harsh measures against certain protests. But, regardless of any capricious change in the rules, every arrest performed at Dunn Meadow April 25 was an illegitimate one. The detained will have this day on their record, but there is no doubt history will vindicate them.

* * *

The inability of the IU administration — and, chiefly, the inability of Whitten — to properly deal with this crucial moment on our campus is indicative of its inability to properly run our campus in the

first place. The vote of no confidence last week was a sobering demonstration of this: faculty voted no confidence in Docherty by 75%, in Shrivastav by 91.5% and in Whitten by 93.1%.

And, as of April 30, a petition demanding Whitten to resign has over 2,500 signatures.

The IU administration is not just unpopular — it is almost universally condemned on campus.

Everything from the suspicious manner Whitten was chosen to succeed former President Michael McRobbie to her refusal to strongly defend Caitlin Bernard when she was verbally attacked and libeled by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has been the subject of controversy for those who follow campus politics. And, since then, her administration has repeatedly failed to recognize the IGWC, which has only further stained her image.

The past several months have been pivotal for universities across the country. We’ve seen university presidents resign, and many more have been the subject of no-confidence votes. And as the student protest activity regarding the war in Gaza and the genocidal actions of Israel reach a head, we’re seeing more and more university administrations fail to properly address the unrest. This is symptomatic not of an unprecedentedness but of a system that must be dissected and rebuilt with the interest of progressivism

and intellectualism in mind.

In an internal email to faculty, Whitten failed to comment on the arrests that took place. “Once prohibited structures were removed, the protests continued peacefully,” she wrote, conveniently leaving out the part where cops threatened students with assault weapons and lessthan-lethal ammunition. But no matter. There is nothing she or any of her staff could do or say that would remedy the violence. What has been done will remain done.

And if we’re being honest with ourselves, we should admit the administration, as it currently stands, has no interest in enacting any remedies: The university will not sever its historic partnership with the Crane Naval Base, it will continue to invest in Israeli actors, and Whitten will speak at the spring 2024 commencement as though nothing has happened.

But I promise you, we will not forget.

* * *

I wrote the conclusion to this column from Dunn Meadow on day one of the demonstrations. There’s an abundance of protesters around me, too many to really count. There’s a speaker with a megaphone in the middle shouting “Whitten, Whitten, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today?” and “Free, free Palestine! Free, free, free Palestine!” to a continuous drumbeat. The

police have dispersed from the meadow at this point, but there remain police with rifles on the roof of the Indiana Memorial Union. I sit here in the grass, several feet away from the center of the circle, protesters standing, chanting and swaying to the beat all around me. What I see isn’t a terroristic group of students thirsty for blood; instead, I see a coalition of young people gathered for the sake of one goal: peace. The violent actions of the IU Police Department and the Indiana State Police only about an hour ago have not deterred these students for even a second. The fight for justice continues, and it will continue until justice has been realized.

And I firmly believe not a single university administrator, not a single elected official and not a single police officer in this country will get in the way of that simple fact.

What does justice look like? It looks like the end of the IU and Crane Naval Base partnership that perpetuates the militaryindustrial complex. It looks like the university disclosing their business dealings and divesting from Israeli companies. It looks like Whitten and Shrivastav, and all others who’ve worked to dispel these protests, resigning in disgrace. And it looks like a world where Palestine is free.

Protestors are writing the history books in Dunn Meadow

Danny William (they/them) is a sophomore studying cinematic arts.

I’m hunched over a phone in the Monroe County Public Library, surrounded by a handful of other Indiana Daily Student staffers. We’re watching a live stream of Dunn Meadow. It’s April 25. On the screen, students are being violently ripped away from the crowd and restrained by police. We see one student have their arms and legs ziptied and then hauled away by armored officers. “Take a screenshot,” someone in the newsroom insists. The person holding the phone obliges.

I’m pacing the room, full of nervous energy. I frantically text a friend who is attending the protest. She tells me state troopers are surrounding the protestors.

“I won’t lie when I say I’m scared,” she says. I can’t rip my eyes from the screen. The biggest thought running through my mind, in a maelstrom with others: this can’t be happening right now. This is something I read about in history textbooks, not something that happens two blocks away on a previously peaceful, grassy field.

How can this be happening?

For years, Dunn Meadow

has been a bastion of free expression on IU’s campus. Take 1991’s protest against the Gulf War, which saw students camping overnight for 45 days — not unlike the current encampment installed in the meadow.

Similarly, Dunn Meadow saw thousands of students come together in 1969 to protest sharp tuition increases while the Vietnam War raged. Antiwar activism was widespread across campus and rose to a head in 1970 when President Nixon announced the expansion of the war into Cambodia.

Despite overwhelming unrest during the 1970 protests, police and the National Guard never clashed with protestors. Though the administration called them to the edge of town, they were never utilized.

In 1968, as well, civil rights demonstrators occupied the (now demolished) Tenth Street Stadium for three days. Armed only with shields and sticks, the protestors demanded fraternities rescind antiBlack discriminatory clauses to race in the upcoming Little 500.

And it worked. IU President Elvis Jacob Stahr Jr. encouraged the Greek houses to comply. Only one

day delayed from the original date of the race, all but one fraternity took part in the Little 500.

The extended protests and encampments against apartheid in South Africa throughout the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s were most similar to this week’s demonstrations. Students demanded divestment from companies that operated in South Africa at the time.

Students took many protest tactics during these decades, including a “shantytown” encampment in Dunn Meadow. First built in April 1986, the shantytown lasted through the summer and into the fall semester — proving just how long these energies can truly last. Ultimately, the Board of Trustees passed new policies regarding South African companies and investments were reduced heavily.

These various examples show that student demonstrations can and will work. It takes time and an administration that is willing to hear them out rather than silence them.

On Thursday evening, I make it to Dunn Meadow.

The sun is warm, sinking behind Franklin Hall. A circle of protestors chants and cheers. The police are nowhere to be seen.

I see friends. We hug. We chant together, following the lead of a drummer and an ever-changing student with a megaphone in the center. What I saw most there was resilience. These were people who saw one of the most violent expressions of power directly in their faces, stood up to it and said “no.” They still stood in that field, even if their tents were ripped down, even if they were beaten and bruised from batons and being shoved to the ground, and chanted for freedom. What we see now is an

unprecedented violent response to student activism at IU. Though student protests will always face backlash from those in power, almost no administrative response in IU’s history has been this overwhelming. But what is unique about student protests is the ability to be resolute through all of these trials by fire. The movements outlined above all succeeded in one way or another. They started a conversation. They caused a response. Some cases ended in a complete success.

It’s important to remember this isn’t the end: it’s the beginning. Some organizations and movements fought for months, years or even decades before real change started to happen. So, as the encampments continue at Dunn Meadow, remember those who camped there so many decades ago, fighting the same fight these students are today. Because we’re not just reading the textbook anymore — we’re writing it.

OPINION 6 May 2, 2024 Indiana Daily Student Editors Danny William, Joey Sills JOEY’S JIBBER-JABBER
* * *
TAYLOR SATOSKI | IDS Indiana State Police troopers leave Dunn Meadow on April 27, 2024. Onlookers thanked the troopers for their service and protesters celebrated as they left.. DANNY’S DIATRIBES IU
Anti-war protesters rally on campus to demonstrate against a visit by Secretary of State Dean Rusk in Oct 1967. Rusk’s visit sparked demonstrations with protesters both against and supporting the war in Vietnam.

An open letter to the President and the Provost regarding student media

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to President Pamela Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav after the publication of the IDS’s letter from the editors. Media School Dean David Tolchinsky responded to the letter, but at the time of publication, there has been no response from Whitten’s office.

Dear President Whitten and Provost Shrivastav,

We write in response to the IDS letter from the editors published April 18, which came less than 48 hours after messages from both of you assuring faculty that collaboration and confidence can be built in the aftermath of the vote of no confidence April 16. Your letters gesture vaguely at a “we” that is never clearly defined, avoiding reference to responsibility for the loss of trust and signaling only the role of outside forces that push you towards making austerity budgetary measures to ensure our university and students’ success in the 21st century marketplace. We read the letter from the IDS as a reflection of choices made by the higher administration to potentially force the IDS into measures likely to drastically reduce its budget in response to these outside constraints. But those constraints do not force you to radically reduce the opportunity that our students have for professional development, at the exact same time as “career readiness” courses are being proposed as new requirements. Many faculty agreed to embrace and work with the new emphasis on preparing our students for specific career paths. This decision appears to fly in the face of that demonstrated willingness to work with you on a new initiative.

The IDS has been an important space for our journalism students to become professionalized and career-ready upon graduation. It has done that successfully. Moreover, it both sets a standard and provides an outlet for many other students who might pursue a career in media and/or journalism, whether from Kelley, O’Neill or the College. It is also a news

outlet that has kept the rest of the university community informed and connected with the perspectives that our students bring to both “the college experience” as well larger institutional matters. We cannot imagine having as good a sense of where many of our students stand on matters like the graduate workers strike, DEI, sexual violence or free speech issues, to enumerate just a few themes in the past few years, without the IDS.

The editors and reporters at the IDS greatly value these opportunities and consider them a key component of their college experience. The walk-out scheduled for April 25 reflects that passion and commitment, as well as the deep disappointment in the lack of care that the higher administration has shown toward the IDS. To treat it like a failing business, cut off essential parts of the operation and present it as just a necessary change is to not care about the fate of training our students in a profession we have committed to nurture. Why have a school of journalism if we can’t train the students in how to be journalists on the ground? Will taking a course at the Walter Career Center provide the adequate training? Or is the goal to eliminate the journalism major?

How can we believe your words about collaboration, confidence and building trust, when your actions show the opposite?

How are you demonstrating that students and their future are the center of our universe, a phrase often repeated and increasingly, it seems, devoid of actual meaning?


Maria Bucur John V Hill Professor of Gender Studies and History

Alex Lichtenstein Professor of History and Chair of American Studies

Amrita Chakrabarti Myers Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor, Department of History, Director of Graduate Studies, Affiliate Faculty, Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Department of American Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Leah Shopkow Professor and incoming Chair, Department of History


An open resignation letter to Provost Shrivastav and BFC President Johnson

Editor’s Note: Alex Lichtenstein, a professor at IU and a member of the Bloomington Council’s Faculty Misconduct Review Committee, sent a letter to IU Provost Rahul Shrivastav and BFC President Colin Johnson on April 26 outlining why he is resigning from the FMRC. The letter is provided below, with minimal edits for style and clarity.

IU Provost Rahul Shrivastav and BFC

President Colin Johnson:

It is with profound regret that I must resign my position as a member of the Bloomington Faculty Council’s Faculty Misconduct Review Committee (FMRC).

Because I take this step after a great deal of thought and with the utmost seriousness, I feel compelled to explain my reasoning. In short, I can no longer serve on a committee that has no function. For whatever reason, the Vice Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs (VPFAA) and Provost Rahul Shrivastav’s interpretation of campus policies — ACA-33 and BL- ACA-27 — leave no possible path for the FMRC to carry out its prescribed function of conducting hearings in cases of severe sanctions imposed on faculty.

VPFAA Carrie Docherty, to her credit, has at our request begun to hold regular informational meetings with the FMRC to keep us apprised of potential misconduct cases. That has been helpful for the committee, at least now making us aware of such disciplinary proceedings against faculty. Yet the existing campus policies (BL-ACA-27) are quite clear: in certain, narrowly construed cases of the VPFAA imposing severe sanctions, as defined by university-wide policy ACA-33 (including suspension) on faculty members accused of misconduct, the case must be brought to the FMRC for a hearing.

As everyone on this campus knows, this is a particularly pressing issue in the case of Professor Abdulkader Sinno, who on December 15, 2023 was “formally prohibited from engaging in any and all teaching responsibilities for the Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 semesters,” to quote directly from

The paradox of privilege

Pehal Aashish Kothari is a freshman majoring in marketing with a minor in merchandising.

Privilege is a right or benefit given to some people and not others. The first time I ever came across this concept was when I was 15. My theatre teacher held a discussion about the difference in privilege between the students in class. After this class, I thought long and hard about the privilege I had. I thought the only privilege I had was being able to take an international holiday almost every year with my family. As the years went by and my knowledge of this term kept expanding, I realized I had a lot more privilege than I previously knew. The thing with privilege is, no matter how aware you are of it, and no matter how consciously you recognize it and are grateful for it, there will always be something else to be grateful for which you might have overlooked. In a world with over 7 billion people, there is always someone better off than us. However, we end up paying too much attention to those who have more than us, but not nearly enough to those who don’t. It’s always “he has an Audi R8,” but never, “I have a car, and so many people around me don’t.” In the end, we’re constantly feeling as though we never have enough, and the grass on the other side always looks greener. Given social media’s central role in our

lives, it makes it much easier for comparisons and jealousies to grow, leaving us with a perpetual feeling of unappreciation.

As the years have gone by, I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out everything there is to be grateful for. Throughout our lives we’ll be put in situations where we get to meet different people and experience different things. It’s in those times when you start realizing the different things you have that would otherwise be considered a privilege, or that when you did have something, that was a privilege too.

In December of 2023, I lost my father to a cardiac arrest. It was the most traumatic event I had to deal with. However, that incident helped me recognize a few other privileges I had. For starters, I am so immensely grateful for and aware of the privilege I had just to be able to have two amazing parents for 18 years of my life. I realize that living with

his letter of sanction. If that is not a suspension, I am not sure what is.

In my view, then, this sanction clearly fell into the defined category of “severe” under existing policy, yet the Sinno case was never brought to the FMRC (indeed, to this day the FMRC has never been officially made aware of the case or the imposed sanction). I can only conclude that the Provost and VPFAA Docherty interpret existing policy differently than I do, and therefore did not feel obligated to bring the Sinno case to the FMRC or even to share the details of his sanction with us.

When confronted publicly with this disagreement over existing policy at the Bloomington Faculty Council meeting of January 16, 2024, the Provost informed us that the proper place for a hearing on the Sinno case was the Faculty Board of Review (FBR). He further pledged then and there that if the FBR recommended that the Sinno case be remanded to the FMRC, he would act on that recommendation. The FBR made such a recommendation on March 28, 2024. Yet, to this date, the FMRC has not even been alerted by the Provost to this recommendation, let alone had a chance to schedule a hearing on the case.

As a member of the FMRC, I have dutifully followed procedure, and awaited the action of the FBR as advised. I have, as is appropriate, not prejudged this particular case, nor have I taken a public position on it, despite ample opportunities to do so. Such procedural discretion and neutrality as a member of the FMRC is rightly predicated on the expectation that clearly stated policy on the operations of the committee and the principles of shared governance with the faculty will be followed. Instead, these policies and principles are being violated by the administration, and an express promise by the Provost to follow the FBR’s recommendation is being ignored.

For me, the final straw was a recent FMRC meeting with VPFAA Docherty. I bluntly asked if there was any potential misconduct case that, under existing policy, she could imagine bringing to the FMRC for a hearing, as spelled out clearly in BL-ACA-27. The language of that binding, campus-level policy is unambiguous: in the case of a contemplated imposition of severe sanctions on a faculty member, the FMRC should conduct a hearing, make a finding and recommend sanctions if appropriate.

Unfortunately, I did not receive a straightforward answer to that simple question. I have concluded that there is, in fact, no circumstance under which we as a committee will be permitted by this administration to carry out the deliberative role our colleagues have entrusted us with.

I hope I am wrong, but I am no longer interested in sitting around waiting to find out. The process outlined in the campus policy is no doubt imperfect. Yet it is the current policy, binding on administrators and faculty alike. The spirit of shared governance requires that we follow it as best we can. If the administration feels they can ignore the existing policy merely because they find it inconvenient, then I have to ask: why am I serving on a committee which has no purpose, and is not permitted to carry out its prescribed function? I have reluctantly concluded that I would be better off drawing my own conclusions as a regular faculty member, and feeling free to speak out on such matters, rather than continuing to participate in such a charade in silence.

Sincerely yours,

You can do it, too

Vincent Winkler (he/him) is a freshman studying sociology.

continuing my education after high school.

my grandparents is a big privilege, and the fact that I have a younger sister to share all my feelings, pains and troubles with is something I am so incredibly grateful for.

All the things I listed above may seem very mundane; however, they are not. According to UNICEF, approximately 153 million children around the world are orphaned. So as normal as it may seem — having two parents, a home, a family — even just the bare minimum is a privilege we must all be aware of and incredibly grateful for. No matter how much or how little you have, there’s always something to be grateful for and consider a privilege. The grass on the other side is sometimes green, but it’s also sometimes brown and withered. So, it’s vital for us to recognize the grass that each of us have and be grateful for it, every single day.

I was trapped in a cycle of perpetual anxiety, laziness and procrastination for most of my life after high school. As a new graduate, I didn’t feel any motivation to immediately start college; I felt I had earned some deserved time off. Looking back, I wish I hadn’t made this decision, as it resulted in some dire consequences. After high school, I realized that nothing is mandatory anymore. There’s no more showing up at 7 a.m. and seeing the same crowd of people; there’s no more soccer practice or student council meetings to attend. There’s only you and what you want to do, whether it’s immediately starting a job or beginning post-secondary education — as most people choose between one of these two routes. I chose the former, and I was happy with this decision. I jumped straight into a full-time job at a lumber yard working 12hour days.

Do I regret this? No. That job provided me with the toughest physical and mental endurance I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. If I could do things differently, I would have made sure to not work as many grueling hours and leave some time in my schedule to take college classes. Something I realize now, nearly four years after this time in my life, is that taking such a long break from school discouraged me from

After about a year, I quit my job at the lumber yard and moved to Evansville, Indiana, where I rented a place with a few of my closest friends. Do I regret this? Yes. Do not under any circumstances move away from home without a safety net of some kind, such as a job or steady income, which I did not have at the time due to some severe issues with anxiety and a panic disorder. The combination of an absence from school and a job made my life hectic — there was no structure. For those with experience with anxiety or related issues, structure is the name of the game. I lacked that structure at that time — I put my issues on the back burner and focused on trying to party and meet people as a way of coping with these intense feelings. This stint ended with me having no money and no idea of what to do. I could barely drive, I could barely function due to crippling anxiety, and I was — for the first time in my life — lost. I tried doing some academic programs at various colleges over the years, but none of them stuck, and I dropped out multiple times. It turns out computer science isn’t for everybody. I knew school was where I belonged, though. I just didn’t know how to get there.

Eventually, I made the decision to add structure to my life. I started taking daily walks, I had a list of chores to do to help my mom out

and I made sure to gradually expose myself to the outside world to make leaving the house easier. I wanted to commit to full-time school, and I had come to a point in my life where I finally felt ready because of the preparation I did with these little activities. Sometimes, the trick to getting out of bed is to just know you have something waiting for you outside your room. My pets weren’t going to feed themselves. I applied this same school of thought and my education — if I wasn’t going to do the work, who was?

I began my education at IU this spring and looking back at the strides I’ve made to get to where I am now, I finally feel accomplished. I put in the effort to get to where I am, and it came as a result of me not thinking, but just acting. It was the result of a simple question: what do I want to do in life? These decisions are easier said than done, obviously, but if I can do it, you can too. Everyone can do it, the only variable is the timing of realization.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 7 LETTER
Alex Lichtenstein Professor of History and Chair of American Studies MATT BEGALA | IDS The Indiana Memorial Union is pictured. Alex Lichtenstein, a professor at IU and a member of the Bloomington Council’s Faculty Misconduct Review Committee, sent a letter to IU Provost Rahul Shrivastav and BFC President Colin Johnson on April 26, 2024, outlining why he is resigning from the FMRC. ILLUSTRATION BY JULIETTE ALBERT VINCENT VERBATIM ILLUSTRATION BY MANSI KADAM

8 May 2, 2024


What to know before IU’s commencement ceremony

Congratulations, graduates! You’ve made it through your time at IU; now, it’s time to celebrate your accomplishments.

Some safety measures have been put into place due to protests, according to an email sent to graduates. Backpacks, banners, placards, flags, noise makers, weapons, packages and outside food and beverage are prohibited. Guests may bring clear bags approximately the size of a gallon freezer bag or a small clutch.

There will be a designated area for protests outside each venue.

Undergraduate commencement:

This year, IU’s spring and summer undergraduate commencement ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 4, at Memorial Stadium.

Gates open for the public at 5:30 p.m., the procession begins at 7 p.m. and the ceremony starts at 7:30 p.m.

Graduates should arrive at 5:30 p.m. to Mellencamp Pavilion, located to the north of the stadium. They’ll be directed to processional groups, which will lead them to marked seating areas for their individual schools.

The ceremony will last until 9 p.m. It will include a speech from commencement speaker Scott Dorsey, an IU Bloomington alumnus and tech entrepreneur and a speech from Hannah Pedersen, a graduating stu-

dent majoring in biology. IU President Pamela Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav will also make remarks. Students will be inducted into the IU Alumni Association and be conferred their degrees.

Individual recognition events will be held for each school.

Graduate commencement: IU’s spring and summer graduate commencement will take place on Friday,

May 3, at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall. The processional will start at 2:30 p.m. and the ceremony at 3 p.m.

Graduates should arrive at Wilkinson Hall at 1 p.m.

The ceremony will last until 4:30 p.m. It will include

Bloomington restaurants to celebrate graduation

For 2024 graduates bringing family and friends in this weekend, the celebration doesn’t have to end during the graduate and undergraduate commencement ceremonies May 3 and 4, respectively. Try a new dish or make a toast during brunch, lunch, dinner and more at one of the many restaurants Bloomington has to offer. There is something for everyone!

An eclectic dining experience

With more than 350 restaurants in Monroe County, there are options to choose from for just about every taste, diet and preference.

The Owlery Located on West Sixth Street just across from the Monroe County Courthouse, The Owlery is the only full vegan and vegetarian restaurant in Bloomington. Its menu totes options like tofu fish tacos, mushroom banh mi and an impossible meatball sub.

The Owlery also offers a gluten-sensitive menu and partners with local suppliers like Twilight Dairy and BB’s Market. The downtown restaurant is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. MondaySaturday and for brunch 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Brunch before the ceremony, or the morning after If you’re not one for a latenight post-ceremony dinner, who says you can’t start the celebration early? Beating the crowds and the long wait times are an added benefit, too.

Uptown Cafe

From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 3-4 and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 5, Uptown Cafe will be serving a graduation brunch menu with dishes like shrimp, crab and andouille gumbo, eggplant farci and eggs Pontchartrain. Located on Kirkwood Avenue just a few blocks west of Sample Gates, Uptown Cafe is known for its Cajun flavors, fine scenery and plenty of wine and cocktail options to choose from for toastmaking. Reservations can be made online at the Uptown Cafe’s website.

Runcible Spoon From specialty lattes to draft beer and blueberry pancakes to ribeye, Runcible Spoon makes a great option for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner or all the above. Located on 6th Street near campus, the eclectic cafe serves breakfast from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. SaturdaySunday, and dinner from 5-10 p.m. with lunch in between every day. Both indoor and outdoor seating options are available. Reservations

can be made online at the Runcible Spoon’s website.


Located on Kirkwood Avenue, FARMbloomington is dedicated to sustainable practices. Chef Daniel Orr sources local foods from neighborhood and Indianabased farmers for the restaurant’s ever-changing seasonal menu. Operating out of the Oddfellow’s building, FARMbloomington saved much of the building’s artifacts to give the restaurant its charm and sustain Bloomington’s history.

Products like mustard, hot sauces and ketchup are made in Columbus, Indiana, and the chef grows many of the herbs used in the summer himself. FARMbloomington’s Graduation Dinner menu includes dishes like Iberian pork loin and roasted salmon. Dinner is served 5-10 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday, with the FARMbloomington’s Root Celler Bar opening after 9 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday to keep the celebration going.

For an upscale celebration College graduation is a tremendous accomplishment — you deserve whatever celebration you desire. Bloomington offers several upscale dining experiences and not all break the bank like your bursar bill did.

C3 Located just off South College Mall Road

near Kroger, C3 is a neighborhood bar and restaurant that is known for its handcrafted cocktails and high-quality cuisine. The menu offers dishes such as choripapa tacos, handmade ricotta gnudi and seared pork tenderloin medallions with entree prices ranging from $14-40. C3 is open 4-9 p.m. MondayThursday and 4-10 p.m. Friday-Saturday. Reservations can be made on the C3 website.

Truffles Restaurant and 56° Bar This restaurant has been offering fine dining and cocktail experiences to the Bloomington community since it opened in 2000. With changing specials, Truffles regularly offers dishes like grilled beef filets, a wagyu burger and cavatappi pasta with several wine, beer and cocktail options to choose from for pairing. In celebration of the class of 2024, Truffles is offering a 4-course graduation dinner, with a specialty menu curated by the executive chef, Robert Adkins, with a set price of $125 per guest May 2-4. Truffles will only be taking reservations via email at trufflesgraduation@ and a deposit of $40 per person is required to reserve a table.

a speech from judge Doris Pryor, the first Black jurist from the state of Indiana to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and the student speaker will be Patrick Blackstone, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Physics. Similarly to the undergraduate ceremony, Whitten and Shrivastav will speak, and students will be inducted into the IU Alumni Association and be conferred their degrees.

Bloomington is home to so many photo-worthy spots. As you finish up your time as a student at IU, take advantage of the city and campus’ landscapes for your graduation photos.

Beck Chapel Located just a few steps east of the Indiana Memorial Union is Beck Chapel.

Constructed from Indiana limestone with detailed wood carpentry sourced from southern Indiana forests, the all-faiths chapel was built in 1956 funded by an endowment from IU alumni Frank and Daisy Beck. Included within the chapel are several religious symbols to represent various faiths of the world, including a gold, hand-painted copy of the Quran, a Torah, a Bible and a collection of Buddhist scriptures, among others. Whether religion and spirituality played a large role in the graduates’ college experience, or they just appreciate the religious architecture, there are several photo-worthy spots outside of the chapel from its stained-glass windows, limestone archway and all the greenery which surrounds it.

Fountain Square Mall The Walnut Street side of Fountain Square boasts a bright baby pink wall, adorned with large bouquets in the spring and summer time. Surrounded by Venice style metal fencing and red brick sidewalk, the wall looks like it came from California or your Instagram feed.

For graduates interested in a more West Coast style for their photos, or are just a big fan of pink, Fountain Square’s east wall offers the perfect photography spot. Since the big pink wall is located outdoors, there

are no set hours to limit photography times. After photos, Fountain Square offers plenty of stores to shop from and is only a block away from the Monroe County Courthouse, for even more photography landscapes to choose from.

Graduate Bloomington & Poindexter Coffee For any graduate that’s a big fan of knick-knacks or IU memorabilia, the Graduate Bloomington hotel and Poindexter Coffee makes the perfect spot for graduation photos, rain or shine. Besides Poindexter’s dark wood carpentry, the coffee shop is full of natural lighting, red and blue diner style accents and wall-towall cookie jars, creating an Indiana Daily Student
The IU 2024 Spring Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony will be held at 7:45 p.m. May 4 at Memorial Stadium.
Two students walk May 7, 2022, on the field of Memorial Stadium after the the undergraduate graduation ceremony. ALAYNA WILKENING | IDS Graduating students pose for photos May 1, 2024, at Sample Gates. Graduates often visit Sample Gates, the Rose Well House and Showalter Fountain for graduation photos around campus.
eclectic, preppy style backdrop for senior photos that you can stay inside for. There are plenty of food, coffee, tea and baked good options to eat, or even use as props while taking photos. It’s an added benefit if Poindexter was one of the graduate’s favorite study spots as a student. Poindexter is open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Poindexter is attached to the Graduate, which boasts plenty of IU pride, including a large painting of men wearing “Hickory” and “Cutters” jerseys in tribute to the films “Hoosiers” and “Breaking Away” right above the reception desk. The Graduate even has a row of bleachers and basketballnet-like light fixtures to honor Bloomington’s long history of Indiana basketball. Like Poindexter Coffee, the Graduate’s dark wood carpentry and patchwork wallpaper throughout the lobby creates the perfect backdrop for academia-style graduation photography. The outside of the building even makes for good photo locations, with dark red brick and a bright LED sign which can give the photography an old-Hollywood type of style. Graduation photo spots that aren’t Sample Gates IDS FILE PHOTO Restaurant customers sit at tables Aug. 29, 2021, on Kirkwood Avenue. Kirkwood Avenue is home to Bloomington favorites at a variety of price points.


Jacobs showcases student-choreographed dance

Elizabeth Burnett has been dancing ballet for eighteen years. Now, as a student in the Jacobs School of Music Ballet Department, Burnett has spent months creating, choreographing and rehearsing her first piece. At 7:30 p.m. April 23, the dance would finally make it onto the stage as part of “The Choreography Project,” held in the Musical Arts Center.

Burnett was one of 18 ballet students to have their work debut at one of “The Choreography Project,” presented by the Jacobs School of Music Ballet Department. Each ballet student must take the course two times and choreograph two different dances during their academic career. More student pieces would be previewed on the second evening of The Choreography Project, 7:30-9:30 p.m., April 24 in the Musical Arts Center.

After the dress rehearsal the afternoon of the show, Burnett reflected on her experience leading up to the night’s debut. She said she always kept the best interests of her dancers in mind.

“Things look different in your head than they do on the dancers,” Burnett said. “My main goal was keeping the dancers’ strengths in mind when I was choreographing for them. It was not just steps that I liked, but that would highlight what they are good at.”

Students participating in “The Choreography Project”

had creative freedom, Burnett said. They could choose to convey a story or make a dance inspired by the music. Students were even able to choose their own lighting and work with the sound team. Burnett said it really felt like she was putting on her own production.

“I’d never choreographed before,” Burnett said. “I’ve always just danced. Obviously, it was required, so I had to, but I’ve surprisingly liked it more than I thought I would.”

As the time neared the beginning of the first eve-

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today is a 7 — Revise professional plans, with Pluto retrograde for five months. Advancement could seem slow or suspended. Reconsider career goals. Imagine an inspiring future worth realizing.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is an 8 — Review data and studies, with Aquarius Pluto retrograde. Reconsider past assumptions and puzzles. Prepare for educational conferences, travels or classes after 10/11/24. Investigate history.

ning’s show, audience members dodged the light April evening showers and trickled into the Musical Arts Center. Just after 7:30 p.m., Sasha Janes, professor of ballet and program coordinator, made brief opening remarks. The rich amethystcolored curtain was raised, and the show began.

The first evening of “The Choreography Project” opened with “Ritualia Sanctae Mortis,” choreographed by IU sophomore Elias Simpson. The music, “Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 847” and “Prelude and C Minor,

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is a 7 — Nurture yourself as you support others. Revise and reaffirm shared financial agreements. Fine-tune collaborative responsibilities, with Pluto retrograde. Review investments and plan for long-term growth.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 — Collaborate to complete or resolve past issues, with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Grow by releasing old resentments. Reconsider routines and habits. Reinvent and reimagine together.

romantic strategies, with Pluto retrograde. Review plans. Tune instruments, practice and prepare for a performance, deadline or goal later this year.

BWV 871” from “The Well Tempered Clavier” composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. IU freshman Kaito Aihara played the two Bach compositions on the harpsichord and performed during parts of the dance. As each number concluded, the lights would dim before brightening again and the choreographers would step onto the stage to take a bow with their dancers. Each piece was different, showcasing the interests and personalities of each choreographer and their dancers. Numbers consisted of anywhere from

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8

two to nine dancers dressed in flannels to skirted pastel leotards. Some choreographers embraced more classical styles while others chose more contemporary styles of dance.

The show was split by a brief ten-minute intermission; the second act ended with “Clair De Lune,” choreographed by IU sophomore Trey Ferdyn and music from “Suite bergamasque” composed by Claude Debussy. As the final eight dancers took a bow, friends and family of the students made their way into the lobby to greet the choreographers and dancers to congratulate them on the completion of the show. Missy Sutherland travelled from Fort Wayne to see her freshman daughter, Hannah Reiff, perform. Reiff’s two sisters tagged along. Sutherland chuckled while talking about packing, driving over three hours and staying the night to see her daughter on stage for just a few minutes, but she said it was worth it every time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 9 — Review finances to conserve resources, with Pluto retrograde over five months. Reassess assets and liabilities to develop what you’ve acquired. Learn from past successes.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 — The next five months favor healing old wounds, with Aquarius Pluto retrograde. Let go of outworn baggage. Complete past issues to develop and grow.

“It always makes me happy to watch her dance,” Sutherland said.

Indiana Daily Student Editors Gino Diminich, Carolyn Marshall May 2, 2024 9
the Musical Arts Center in Bloomington, IN. The students choreographed all of the performances. su do ku Difficulty Rating: 51 Branch of Islam 54 Short flight 55 Subsequently 57 Keep under wraps 59 Kung __ tofu 60 "Lookee here!" 63 Reversed 64 Tipping point 67 For the time __ 68 Bankrupt company's transaction 69 Opposites attract, e.g. 70 Tedious routine 71 Squelched DOWN 1 Like a yellow papaya 2 Scored on a serve 3 Spiritual path of action 4 Hectic hosp. areas 5 Note with a low grade, perhaps 6 Narrow valley 7 "__ favor" 8 Slow-boiled 9 "Don't live life without it" card co. 10 Event for minor leaguers? 11 Blundered 12 Poem that inspired Pat Barker's "The Women of Troy" 13 Freezing temps 15 Get payback for 22 Very little 24 Sport with pit stops, in Britain 25 Digs out, or what can be found in four long Down answers? 27 Dim sum, e.g. 28 City southeast of New Delhi 30 Fútbol cheer 31 Necklace shipped with ice packs 35 Lab animal with white fur 36 Markers 37 Becomes inedible 39 Maiden name indicator 41 Billiards stick 44 "The Prisoner's Wife" author Bandele 46 Sprawling property 49 Shirt feature 51 Reef explorer's gear 52 Made sharper 53 28-Down's country 56 Podcast moderators 58 Slight lead 59 Soft "Look over here!" 61 Divine circle 62 Clive of "Monsieur Spade" 65 Sun Devils sch. 66 Airport org. that approves some locks ACROSS 1 Tools with teeth 6 Geocaching device 9 Did a face-plant 14 "This really matters to me" 16 First name in country 17 Keep on keeping on 18 Like a misty pond after dark 19 Genre that includes dubstep 20 Dudes 21 Vegetable in a yellow pod 23 "So true!" 25 Color of rambutan skin 26 Contributes 27 Deli jarful 29 "The Chimpanzees I Love" author Jane 32 Showbiz "grand slam" 33 "Xanadu" band 34 Classic Chevy 38 Gas in some lasers 40 List-ending abbr. 42 Shelter made of compressed snow 43 Pacific Palisades location 45 Take legal action 47 Lie adjacent to 48 Shelter dogs 50 Fail to see How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid. Answer to previous puzzle Crossword L.A. Times Daily Crossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis © Puzzles by Pappocom Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 — Revise work and physical health and fitness goals, with Pluto retrograde. Practice for higher performance over five months. Abandon past limitations. Prepare for autumn glory. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 — Refine creative or
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Ballet Department students prepare to begin one of 19 performances for The Choreography Project on April 23, 2024, in
— Reimagine domestic possibilities. Restore domestic harmony over five months, with Pluto retrograde. Reconsider assumptions. Repay old debts or promises. Learn from family history and ancestry. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 — Edit, rewrite and revise. Review communications carefully, with Pluto retrograde for five months. Beware of lies and misinformation. Polish creative projects for an autumn launch. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is an 8 — Revise and refine stress reduction practices over five months, with Pluto retrograde. Curtail speculation and risk. Enjoy a peaceful retreat. Launch actions later this year. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 — Nostalgia surges. Social trends look to the past. Adapt community efforts around changes over five months, with Pluto retrograde. Enjoy time with old friends. ©2024 Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. Answer to previous puzzle BREWSTER ROCKIT: SPACE GUY! TIM RICKARD BLISS HARRY BLISS Publish your comic on this page. The IDS is accepting applications for student comic strips for the summer 2024 semester. Email five samples and a brief description of your idea to . Submissions will be reviewed and selections will be made by the editor-in-chief.
Horoscope To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Scorpio

Indiana releases 2024 upcoming schedule

Indiana men’s soccer an-

nounced its 2024 schedule

April 29, featuring 18 regular season games, 11 of which are at Bill Armstrong Stadium.

The schedule also includes an expanded Big Ten regular season with the inclusion of UCLA and Washington.

“I’m excited to play two really good teams that are now part of our schedule,” Indiana head coach Todd Yeagley said April 29. “[UCLA and Washington] will now boost our entire conference when it comes to quality, RPI and national exposure.”

Indiana opens the regular season on the road against Saint Louis University in a

battle of historic programs. The two teams faced off in the spring, with the Billikens besting the Hoosiers 1-0. The match will mark graduate student defender Joey Maher’s first time facing Indiana since announcing his departure Feb. 6.

Indiana will host the University of Notre Dame next in the adidas/IU Credit Union Classic. Revenge will likely be on the mind of the Hoosiers considering the Fighting Irish defeated them on penalty kicks in the NCAA Tournament Elite Eight last season.

Before the Big Ten play begins, Indiana will host Yale University and the University of Dayton, two NCAA Tournament teams in 2023. Sandwiched between the two matches is a mid-week

trip to Indianapolis to face Butler University in an annual matchup that started in 1994. The conference season begins in Piscataway, New Jersey, against Rutgers. Indiana returns home four days later to face the University of Evansville, another nonconference opponent, but Big Ten play resumes with a matchup against Maryland at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Indiana travels to Ohio State and Wisconsin for its next two games, then it hosts the next three matches. The homestand features Big Ten newcomer Washington, non-conference powerhouse University of Kentucky and reigning co-Big Ten regular season champions Penn State.

The Hoosiers then travel

to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to face Michigan before hosting Michigan State three days later. UCLA is the next team on the ledger, with a trip to Los Angeles marking Indiana’s second meeting with the Bruins since 2014. Indiana hosts the final two matches of its regular season, the first being a bout against Northwestern in the final Big Ten regular season match. The second is a matchup against Trine University, a team Indiana has beaten by a combined score of 14-0 in the last three seasons. Following a co-Big Ten regular season title as well as a Big Ten Tournament title in the 2023 campaign, Indiana will attempt to complete its quest for a ninth national championship.

City Church For All Nations

City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington’s east side.

The Loft, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Always check website for possible changes to service times.

University Lutheran Chuch and LCMS U Student Center

607 E. Seventh St 812-336-5387

Sunday: 9:15 a.m.: Sunday Bible Class

10:30 a.m.: Sunday Worship


6 p.m.: Free Student Meal

7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service

7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.

We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Savior Jesus Christ.

KMC Bloomington

234 N. Morton St. 812-318-1236 Instagram, Facebook, MeetUp@kadampameditationcenterbloomington

Weekly Meditation Classes:

Mon., Wed., Fri.: 12:15 - 12:45 p.m.

Tuesday: 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Sunday: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

All classes In-person, Sunday and Tuesday also offer live-stream. Retreats two Saturdays per month: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

See website for specifics.

Amidst school pressures, financial struggles and tense relationship dynamics, we need to focus our attention in a beneficial way through meditation. KMC Bloomington’s meditation classes give practical, ancient advice so you can learn to connect daily life experiences with wisdom perspectives and maintain mental peace.

Canterbury Mission

719 E. Seventh St. 812-822-1335

Instagram & Twitter: @ECMatIU

Sunday: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Tuesday: 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Fri., Sat.: By Appointment

Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world.

Ed Bird - Chaplain/Priest

Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

2150 E. Dolan Rd. 812-334-3456

Dedicated to preserving the Buddha’s teachings as transmitted through the Gelukpa lineage of Tibet, for the benefit of all beings. The lineage was founded by the great Master Je Tsonghkapa in the 15th century in Tibet.

First Church of Christ, Scientist

2425 E. Third St. 812-332-0536

Sunday: 10 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m.

A free public reading room in the east wing of our church is open weekdays from noon until 2 p.m. Here you may read the award-winning Christian Science Monitor and other church literature. An attendant is glad to answer questions.

1200 N. Russell Rd. 812-336-5958 Instagram: @citychurchbtown

Bloomington Friends Meeting

3820 E. Moores Pike 812-336-4581

Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting

Sunday (in person and by Zoom) : 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing

10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship

10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45)

11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and Fellowship

12:45 p.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website) Wednesday (Via Zoom) : 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship

9:30 a.m., Fellowship

We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshipers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of beliefs and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.

Peter Burkholder - Clerk


219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396 Instagram: @jubileebloomington

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner

Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming

retreats, and leadership opportunities all play a significant role in our rhythm of doing life together. Markus Dickinson -

Bahá'í Association of IU

424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áí-Community-ofBloomington-Indiana-146343332130574

Instagram: @bloomingtonbahai

Sunday: 10:40 a.m., Regular Services, Devotional Meetings. Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities

The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."

Karen Pollock Dan Enslow

Rose House LuMin & St. Thomas Lutheran Church

3800 E. Third St. 812-332-5252

Instagram: @hoosierlumin

a.m. &


SPORTS 10 May 2, 2024 Indiana Daily Student Editors Daniel Flick, Dalton James MEN’S SOCCER
Paid Advertising Connect with members of many diverse faiths at Society
Episcopal (Anglican) Christian Science United Methodist Bahá'í Faith Modern Buddhism Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Buddhist Lutheran - Missouri Synod
OLIVIA BIANCO | IDS Then-junior forward Sam Sarver celebrates a goal with the fans against Seton Hall University on Sept. 4, 2023, at Bill Armstrong Stadium in Bloomington. The Hoosiers announced their 2024 schedule Monday.
to all. We gather on Wednesdays at First United Methodist
E. 4th St.) for free food, honest discussion, worship, and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (bonfires, game nights, book clubs, etc.), outreach
Rose Ave. Rose House LuMin and St. Thomas Lutheran Church invite you to experience life together with us. We are an inclusive Christian community who values the faith, gifts, and ministry of all God’s people. We seek justice, serve our neighbors, and love boldly. Rev. Adrianne Meier Rev. Lecia Beck Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian - Campus Pastor
Sunday: 8:30
@ St. Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. Third St. Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S.

IU Athletics to extend Adidas partnership

IU Athletics will extend its apparel partnership with adidas, IU Athletic Director Scott Dolson said on the Hoosier Hysterics podcast April 30. Dolson said the sides are close to finalizing a 10-year deal. Indiana and adidas have been partners since 2004. Their last deal was an eight-year, $53.6 million agreement signed in 2015, though it didn’t take effect until 2016.

The financial makeup of the deal could be different than IU’s previous extensions with the Germanbased company due to the NIL landscape. In the past few years, former Indiana basketball stars Trayce Jackson-Davis and Jalen Hood-Schifino secured apparel deals with adidas.

Church (Disciples of Christ)

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

205 E. Kirkwood Ave. 812-332-4459

Sunday: 10 a.m.

We are an inclusive community of people who are diverse in thought and unified in spirit. We are an LGBTQIA+ welcoming and affirming congregation known for our excellent music and commitment to justice. Our worship services will not only lift your spirit, but also engage your mind. You are welcome!

Pastor Kyrmen Rea - Senior Pastor

Pastor Sarah Lynne GershonStudent Associate Pastor Jan Harrington - Director of Music

Emmanuel Church

1503 W. That Rd. 812-824-2768 Instagram & Facebook: @EmmanuelBloomington

Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Fellowship Sunday: 10 a.m., Worship Groups: Various times

Emmanuel is a multigenerational church of all types of people. Whether you are questioning faith or have followed Jesus for years, we exist to help fuel a passion for following Jesus as we gather together, grow in community, and go make disciples.

John Winders - Lead Pastor

Second Baptist Church 321 N Rogers St 812-327-1467 churchbloomington

Sunday Service: 10 a.m., In house and on Facebook/YouTube

Sunday School: 8:45 - 9:45 a.m.

Bible Study: Available In House and on Zoom Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Thursdays, Noon

Please come and worship with us. We are in training for reigning with Christ! Need a ride? Call our Church bus at 812-3271467 before 8 a.m. on Sunday

Rev. Dr. Bruce R. Rose - Pastor Tallie Schroeder - Secretary

Trinity Reformed Church

2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684


Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m., Services Bible Study: 7 p.m. at the IMU

We are a Protestant Reformed church on the west side of Bloomington with lively worship on Sunday mornings and regular lunches for students after church. We love the Bible, and we aim to love like Jesus. Please get in touch if you’d like a ride!

Jody Killingsworth - Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks - College Pastor

Lifeway Baptist Church

7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072

Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service

*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church. Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.

Steven VonBokern - Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade - IU Coordinator 302-561-0108

United Presbyterian Church

1701 E. Second St. 812-332-1850

Sunday worship service: 10 a.m.

Tuesday Bible Study: 6 p.m., in-person and via Zoom

A diverse and inclusive people of God determined and committed to reflect an authentic presentation of the church universal. We cherish the authority of Scripture and the elemental Presbyterian confession that that God alone is Lord of the conscience.”

Cheryl Montgomery - Reverend Benjamin Watkins, PhD - Music Director Allen Pease - Event Coordinator & Secretary

Redeemer Community Church

111 S. Kimble Dr. 812-269-8975 Instagram & Twitter: @RedeemerBtown

Sunday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m.

Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.

Chris Jones - Lead Pastor

Bloomington Young Single Adult Branch

2411 E. Second St.

To Contact: Send message from website wards/237973

Sunday: 12:30 p.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints has four congregations in Bloomington—Three family wards and our young single adult branch for college students. This info is for the YSA Branch. Weekday religious classes at 333 S Highland Ave, Bloomington IN 47401, next to campus. More info at

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington

2120 N. Fee Ln. 812-332-3695

Sunday: 10:15 a.m.

With open hearts and minds, we celebrate diverse beliefs and engage in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We are passionate about social justice and lifelong learning. We are an LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you!

Rev. Constance Grant - Lead Minister Anabel Watson - Connections Coordinator

Unity of Bloomington 4001 S. Rogers St. 812-333-2484 facebook@UnityofBloomington

Sunday: 10:30 a.m.

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. Our God is Love, Our Race is Human, Our Faith is Oneness.

Doris Brinegar - Administrator Phyllis Wickliff - Music Director

Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington

2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441

Sunday: 5 p.m.

A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.

John Sauder -

First United Church

2420 E. Third St. 812-332-4439

Sunday: 10:30 a.m., Worship

Monday: 10 a.m. via Zoom, Bible Study

We are an Open, Welcoming, and Affirming community of love and acceptance dedicated to welcoming the diversity of God’s beloved. We exist to empower, challenge, and encourage one another to live out Jesus’ ways (compassion, truth, and justice) authentically as human beings in community to create a better world.

Rev. Jessica Petersen-MutaiSenior Minister

Christ Community Church

503 S. High St. 812-332-0502

Instagram: @christcommunitybtown

Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.

Bob Whitaker - Senior Pastor Adam deWeber - Worship Pastor Dan Waugh - Adult Ministry Pastor

Christian Student Fellowship

1968 N. David Baker 812-332-8972

Instagram & Facebook: @csfindiana

Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Office Thursday: 8 p.m., Worship Service

Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) is a ministry built on Jesus Christ. We exist to help students pursue authentic faith and build intentional communities while in college. Come check out our campus house and/or any of our other various ministry opportunities.

Ben Geiger - Lead campus minister Joe Durnil - Associate campus minister Stephanie Michael - Associate campus minister Hailee Fox - Office manager

Church of Christ

825 W. Second St. 812-332-0501

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study

We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.

John Myers - Preacher

City Church For All Nations

1200 N. Russell Rd. 812-336-5958 Instagram: @citychurchbtown

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Always check website for possible changes to service times.

City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. The Loft, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 11 MEN’S BASKETBALL
Independent Baptist
directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at
Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact
week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday Non-Denominational
Mennonite Evangel
United Church of Christ and American Baptist Churches-USA Inter-Denominational Baptist Unitarian Universalist Unity Worldwide The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Presbyterian Church (USA)
guard Gabe Cupps drives to the basket against Minnesota Jan. 12, 2024, at Assembly Hall in Bloomington. The Hoosiers defeated the Golden Gophers 74-62. IU Athletics last signed an extention with Adidas in 2015.
Check the IDS every Thursday for your
in the
for next

Woodson speaks on Indiana’s transfer additions

When Indiana men’s basketball head coach

Mike Woodson sat behind the microphone on an elevated podium March 15 in Minneapolis following the Hoosiers’ season-ending loss to Nebraska, he said his team needed to get better from a talent standpoint.

Now a month and a half removed from that April 26 night at the Target Center, Woodson and the Hoosiers have officially welcomed 5-star freshman Bryson Tucker and four impact transfers, earning them palpable summer expectations even with two available roster spots.

From past production to Woodson’s remarks, here’s a look at the Hoosiers’ portal additions thus far.

Myles Rice, Guard, Washington State University

SIZE: 6-foot-3, 180 pounds

ELIGIBILITY: Three years remaining

WHAT TO KNOW: Rice graduated from Sandy Creek High School in 2021 but redshirted twice at Washington State, the first for developmental purposes and second because of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. In his one season of oncourt action with the Cougars, the Columbia, South Carolina, native started all 35 games, averaging

14.8 points, 3.8 assists and 3.1 rebounds per game en route to first team AllPac-12 and Pac-12 Freshman of the Year honors.

WOODSON’S WORDS: “Myles is a savvy, downhill guard that really succeeds in pick-and-roll situations. He is a three-level scorer that makes the right play consistently, whether that is getting to the rim or finding the open man. He is going to be a huge help for our ballclub, and we are very excited to welcome him and his family to Bloomington.”

Kanaan Carlyle, Guard, Stanford University SIZE: 6-foot-3, 185 pounds

ELIGIBILITY: Three years remaining

WHAT TO KNOW: Carlyle, who hails from Atlanta, averaged 11.5 points, 2.7 assists and 2.7 rebounds per game as a true freshman while shooting 32% from distance. He scored double figures in 15 of the 23 games he played while earning All-Pac-12 freshman team honorable mention.


“Kanaan is a dynamic player with the ball in his hands with the length and skillset to create scoring chances for himself and others. His ability off the bounce pairs nicely with his shooting stroke. His length, quickness, and mentality give him the capability to be a high-impact defender for

our ballclub. We are really excited to welcome him and his family to IU.”

Oumar Ballo, Center, University of Arizona

SIZE: 7-foot, 260 pounds

ELIGIBILITY: One year remaining

WHAT TO KNOW: Ballo started his career at Gonzaga University before transferring to Arizona after two seasons. He’ll be a sixth-year senior in Bloomington this fall. Across three seasons with the Wildcats, Ballo averaged 11.2 points, 7.7 rebounds and 1.2 blocks per game, twice earning first team All-Pac-12 and All-Pac-12 defensive team honors.


“Oumar is a dominating post presence on both ends of the floor with a winning background. His experience playing at the highest level will elevate our program. He is a big fella with soft touch around the rim, good hands, and solid footwork. He is very physical and is a perfect fit in our system and our league. We are really happy to welcome Oumar and his family to Bloomington.”

Luke Goode, Forward, Illinois

SIZE: 6-foot-7, 210 pounds



WHAT TO KNOW: The Fort Wayne, Indiana, native has extensive ties to

by his

Craig Goode, and

who played football at IU in the 1990s. The newest Bloomington-bound Goode shot 38.8% from 3-point range across three campaigns with the Fighting Illini. This past season,

he averaged 5.7 points and 3.6 rebounds in 20.2 minutes per game while connecting on 38.9% of his triples.


“Luke is a knockdown 3-point shooter that provides length and rebounding ability from the wing position. He comes from a very athletic background with deep family ties to this University.

Indiana cornerback Kobee Minor goes to NCAA portal

Indiana football head coach Curt Cignetti forecasted his first roster in Bloomington looking much different in the fall than it did in the spring — and his prediction is proving true. The Hoosiers, who’ve lost a handful of players to the transfer portal since the spring game April 18, saw another departure April 29, as starting cornerback Kobee Minor en-

tered the portal, his family confirmed to the Indiana Daily Student. Minor’s older brother, Darryl, who played linebacker at Indiana, previously announced his intention to transfer April 19.

Kobee played in 11 games with nine starts for the Hoosiers last season, making 29 tackles and four pass breakups en route to being an AllBig Ten honorable mention. He started the spring game with Indiana’s first-

team defense. Kobee transferred to Indiana during the spring of 2023 after three years at Texas Tech University, where he played 23 games. He has one year of eligibility remaining.

Indiana’s secondary

was already a question mark exiting spring practice, a matter Kobee’s farewell only accentuates — and applies further pressure on Cignetti’s shoulders to keep adding pieces to the defense’s back end.

May 2, 2024 | Indiana Daily Student | 12 MEN’S BASKETBALL
the Hoosiers, headlined father, uncle, Trent Green,
He has competed
highest level of
Big Ten
stretch the floor. We
bring his family back to Hoosier Nation.” COURTESY PHOTO University of Arizona redshirt senior Oumar Ballo goes up for a shot during a game against the University of Southern California in the Pac-12 Tournament March 14, 2024, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Ballo transferred to Indiana on April 16, 2024.
at the
and is a
we will count on to
are excited to
FOOTBALL Find & submit events at What’s Happening in B-Town? What’s Happening in B-Town? 812-855-7823 • Federally insured by NCUA We started a credit union and created a community. Wherever life may take you, IU Credit Union is never too far away. IU Credit Union members enjoy: • Online Banking • Mobile Banking* with Mobile Deposit (and touch ID for phones with touch ID capability) • Free mobile and tablet apps • Online loan applications • Free checking • Nationwide ATM & Shared Branch Network • Low-rate credit cards & loans Learn more at Follow us on With Online and Mobile Banking and a nationwide network of shared branches and ATMs, we’re sure to be right where you need us. *Message and data rates may apply. Check with your mobile provider.

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