Annual report idea 2014

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Report IDEA


2014 Results report IDEA



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Mayor's greeting

Once again, with the arrival of a new year, the previous one has to be closed, taking stock of the work performed. In this case, it has to be done in the field of economic promotion and employment, a very important issue for the City Council that I represent. One of our priorities, I never tire of repeating this and it can be proved, is training and employment promotion, either through training plans providing job-seekers a wider range of options to access to labour market; through grants helping employment creation; through supplements for those companies with more facilities to recruit; or through different actions promoting employment, free workshops, etc. Employment Plan for Families, targeted at local families with difficulties to be employed, continues to generate positive results. These results have been as good as the ones achieved by Social Collaboration contract, Young Salary, and Social Alzira Plan, which was used to employ workers in the field of housing renovation. Municipal support programmes as Emprén and Fromaplus have been no less significant. We have organised again what produces good results, as Monographs, IDEA English Coffee, Mentoring Classroom Alzira, Internet and ICT training courses for all levels, and also offering three free Internet access points. As well, we have opened new ways, as Elderly Mobilised, without forgetting Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and European Voluntary Service. We have strengthened services to solve citizens’ problems in easier and faster way, as SMAC Office (Mediation, Arbitration, and Conciliation Service), and autoServef terminal. IDEA has also entered in the word of ICT with its app and its presence in social networks. We initiated our new courses with certification called Training for Employment, of which 75 unemployed people will take advantage; and our employment workshop T’Estime, which will train 20 people and recruit 6 of them as teaching staff. Week for Economy and Employment and “Alzira Oberta” Trade Fair are strongly established events in the city. This year, we have made a further step forward by successfully organising Alzira Shopping Night in two different districts. The same success had the Alzira Commercial City campaign and the different initiatives to support Christmas commerce, as Window-Dressing Competition. We shall not forget training courses and workshops about social networks and other interesting issues targeted at shopkeepers, an offer that will be developed to benefit local companies. There is a big amount of work with which the Agency of Local Development IDEA deals every year. That is the reason why I would like to thank the city Counsellor responsible for the Agency, José Luis Palacios, and the Director of IDEA, Carmen Herrero, as well as every person working hard on this office. I would like to congratulate all of them and everyone who trust us. Kind regards Elena Bastidas Mayor of Alzira Mayor's greting


Who are we? IDEA, Initiative for the Economic Development of Alzira, was created in 1995 by the City Council of Alzira. The main objectives are economic and employment promotion of the city. We depend on the Department of Economic, Employment and Commerce Development and our activity is centred on the promotion of all possible actions that create employment directly or indirectly. With these actions we work to boost the local economy. Since 2012 we are an employment agency authorised by the national employment system as well as a memberbody of the Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment 2013-2016 (EEEJ) from the European Union and the Ministry of employment and Social Security. Our work looks beyond local level and we can prove this with IDEA's participation in European programmes. We were the first authorised entity in the Valencia Community to manage the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange programme. We are an Agency Promoting Commercial Innovation (AFIC) at Alzira via an agreement signed in 2014 by the City Council of Alzira and the department in charge of Commerce and Industry.


Who are we?








Organization chart IDEA

José Luis Palacios Tórtola City Councillor for Economic, Employment and Commerce Promotion Carmen Herrero Pardo Director of IDEA Nuria Gómez Burgal Administrative Assistant

María March García Temporary Administrative Assistant

Carlos Martínez Raga Administrative Assistant Teresa Pons Osca Assistant for Entrepreneurs AEDL

Ximo Estrelles Ferrando Temporary Assistant Labour Guidance AEDL Carlos González Marín Assitant Labour Guidance AEDL

José Manuel González Valls Auropean Programmes Assistant AEDL

Mª Ángeles Giménez Solano Assistant for Entrepreneurs AEDL

Cristina Alcudia Folgado Assistant for Training Service AEDL

Maria Pellicer Ausina Employment Plan for Families Assistant Carmen Collado Aliño Administrative Assistant Rosa Anna Luis Barbero Administrative Assistant Social Collaboration


Who are we?

Eurodissey Noemie Nyst Pierre Girin

European Voluntary Service Claude Johnsson Petr Zabka

La Dipu te Beca Mª Dolores Alabort Blay Marina Castelló López Elena Castillo Sánchez-Pastor Sandra Jordán González Salvador Martín Balaguer Laura Mora Martínez Sara Pellicer Vidal Enric Pérez Vilar Salvador Toledo Ramón

PQPI Internships IES José Maria Parra Alzira Rubén Sanjuán Ortíz Luís Mercado Puchades

University Internships Cristian Fresquet Pérez · La Florida Tanit Gregori Sala · Catholic Univ. Óscar Ahulló Carbonell · Universitat Vlc

Vocational Training Internships IES Sant Vicent Ferrer Algemesi Salvador Martín Balaguer

Interns Council-ADEIT Ana Alentado Escriva Mª Teresa Magraner Bella Francesc Clari Cabrerizo CEED Internships Jonás Moreno Pérez Moisés Alcocer Canet Ascensión Carrión Ortíz

PQPI Internships IES Rei En Jaume Alzira Jonathan Lázaro Rodríguez Miranda Pérez Calatayud Arthur Cunha Alburquerque

Vocational Training Internships CIPFP Luis Súñer Javier Sanjuán Sellés Rubén López Aleixandre José Mª López Cañes EULER Internships Daniel Pons Aznar Dolores Serra Rubio

Who are we?


Our commitment At IDEA we analyze the local reality, elaborate territorial diagnosis and design economic development trategies adapted to the new reality of public administration and the availability of local and autonomic funds. We support the development of our own initiatives that can be self-managed. Since we started to work as IDEA our main objective has been to provide a professional and quality service for the population. Our premises are: agility, flexibility, proximity and individualised attention.


Our commitment

Services we provide


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Our commitment


Employment Promotion

We understand employment as the heart of the welfare state, therefore, during 2014 we have designed different Municipal Programmes for Employment to encourage creation of local employment. The implementation of these programmes seeks to continue with actions developed in Alzira in the fields of labour and training. The municipal aid programme FORMAPLUS is an example, it encourages the incorporation of students trained by the City Council. In addition, we also support local groups in need through, for instance, the Employment Plan for FAMILIES; EMPRÉN, focused on helping entrepreneurs; and YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLAN, destined for young people, a new initiative this year. Thanks to these programmes we reached the objectives established by the 2013-2016 Strategy for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship from the European Union, which the City of Alzira joined, supporting entrepreneurs, young people and the unemployed in risk of social exclusion due to socioeconomic reasons. We also apply every year for Employment Promotion Programmes, run together by the Valencian Regional Government and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Local corporations can request for participating in this programme, which develops active measures for employment based on guidelines from the European Union. The common point of these aids is to cover wage costs. During 2014 two more programmes have been developed—YOUTH SALARY and EZONAI, the last one aimed at agricultural workers.


Employment promotion

Municipal Employment Programmes lies r Fami o f n a l ment P Employ oyment l p m E g Creatin , n o i s u l g Il mprĂŠn Creatin E t r o p al Sup Municip s rmaplu o F d i A al Municip P lan AAP P t n e m Employ n ent Pla m y o l p m Youth E


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Employmen promotion


Employment Plan for

Families During 2014 we started up the fourth edition of this plan in order to help with the reintegration into the labour market of unmeployed citizens whose families are suffering employment difficulties.



The programme involved the development of:

The City Council of Alzira held 27 temporary contracts, for a 6 month duration, to cover municipal service needs. The programme had a budget of

366 applications



Employment Plan for Families


Employment Plan

The Commerce of Alzira: Creating Illusion, Creating Employment The Department of Economic, Employment and Commerce Promotion of the City Council of Azira, through IDEA, reached an agreement with the Economical and Social Board and elaborated together a pack of measures aimed at promoting recruitment of the unemployed of Alzira during Christmas and sales campaign. The programme is based on an aid given to those companies hiring between 1st November 2014 and 28th February 2015 for a period longer than one or two months, depending on the grade of the aid. The amount of money varies from 250€ for a one-month hiring to 500€ for a twomonth hiring. The payment is done by handing the CREDIT CARD OF ALZIRA, which contains the value of the aid received and can be made payable in every shop of Alzira supporting this initiative.

Creating Illusion, Creating Employment·


Municipal Support

Emprén This aid is completely financed by municipal funds and it is granted to encourage entrepreneurship. The grant amounted to 1.470 € and it was awarded when entrepreneurs became self-employed. During 2014 two ceremonies were organized to award 50 grants at the City Council of Clzira by the Mayor, Elena María Bastidas Bono. These grants amount to a total of 73.500€ with the Credit Card of Alzira.







62 aids

74 aids

84 aids

97 aids

124 aids

91.140 €

108.780 €

123.665 €

143.075 €

182.900 €

Municipal support Emprén

Municipal aid

formaplus This aid is completely financed by municipal funds and it aims to encourage temporary contracts of students trained in courses promoted by the City Council of Alzira 12 months after the completion of the course. This municipal aid consists in financial aids of 1260€ given to hiring companies for fulltime contracts during 6 months. 2520€ were awarded for 12 month contracts. In 2014, three aids of 4.740€ were granted.

Contracting companies

Monsolar Comercial de reciclajes Miguel Román

Student recruited from the FPE Course Auxiliary Operations, General and Administrative Services

Municipal aid Formaplus


Employment Plan for

Valencian Public Administrations This employment plan was implemented in order to promote the execution of works or services for the general and social interest. It is subsidised equally by the Valencian regional Government, the Valencian provincial Government and the City Council of Alzira.

20 contracts for a period of 6 months were held to long-term unemployed (2/3) and also to aged under 25 (1/3).

total amount of the aid 147.044 €

Resultados En 2012 se realizaron 49.014 24 € nuevas contrataciones con apoyo municipal, que oscilaron entre 6 y 12 meses de duración.

49.014 €

49.014 €

Workers carrying out cleaning and maintenance work in natural areas of Alzira


Employment plan for Valencian public administrations


Youth Employment Plan PEJ

This plan is targeted at unemployed young people of Alzira, previously registered at the employment office SERVEF. We distinguish two groups:



Age: Under 30 Training: Obligatory education non finished

Age: Between 18 and 25 Training: University degree Vocational Trining degree





Young peopple recruited under 30

Total amount of money: 230.000

Young people recruited between 18 and 25

Youth Employment Plan PEJ


Youth Salary Programme The objective of this programme, whose wage costs are funded by SERVEF and cofunded by the European Social Fund, is to promote employment creation for young unemployed aged under 30 and without experience. Through these initiatives they acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to get an appropriate job for their previous training within municipal departments. Recruitment is made under an internship contract.

Job profiles recruited



Development of Web Applications Administration and Finance Journalism Socio-cultural Animation


Youth Salary programme

Period 6m


Actions in Rural Environment Ezonai This programme supports employment creation through recruiting unemployed people to implement actions in the field of natural environment and prevention of forest fires. The target group of this programme is the unemployed of legal age registered at the employment offive SERVEF, whose wage costs are funded by SERVEF and cofunded by the European Social Fund. The workers are organised in work brigades, at least made of four persons, to implement the programme called Actions to Prevent Natural Risks in Alzira: floods and fires 2014, included in the Local Plan to prevent forest fires in the municipality approved bby Resolution in 6th November 2010 made by the regional Councillor of Environment, Water, Town Palnning and Housing, published in DOCV nยบ6362, in 24-09-2010.

Period 1m 10 d


Job profiles recruited 1 foreperson

4 labourers


Actions in Rural Environment EZONAI


Agricultural Employment Promotion SEPE-CCLL This programme is managed within the framework of the Collaboration Agreements of the State Employment Service SEPE, together with local corporations, who are in charge of financing labour costs of workers recruited. This project is implemented in order to relieve seasonal agricultural unemployment though its final aim is to guarantee an Income Supplement for the employees of the Special Agricultural System, framed within the General Social Security Plan and thanks to Special Employment Plans for Depressed Rural Areas. In 2014, this plan has been implemented in two phases, one for July and the other one for December, with the aim of: ·Riverbed drainage improvements ·Rural road adaptation ·Municipal plot adaptation ·Uncontrolled landfill elimination ·Improvement of spaces ·Environmental actions of interest


1m 10 d

Contracts Job profiles recruited 1 foreperson 4 labourers


Agricultural employment promotion SEPE-CCLL


SMAC Office Alzira Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Service Administrative services for Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation (SMAC) in Valencia are attached to the three departments of labour. They work through 12 rooms, of which half are in the city of Valencia, two are in Castell贸n and four in Alicante. The agreement with the city of Alzira and opening of the SMAC office in IDEA seeks to prevent the movement of staff to access the service and having a municipial official at disposal as conciliatory counsellor to achieve an optimization of our administration. This decentralization of the SMAC service through municipal management reduces staff waiting time and may affect the time they have to submit a proposal thanks to the Wage Guarantee fund (FOGASA).

Demands managed 314 500 workers 47

Regarding workers, it prevents expiration of dismissal actions celebrating acts of reconciliation within fifteen day suspension of the limit to submit claims. This will speed up the process. As for companies, the amounts that they should pay in case of delay are reduced.


SMAC Office




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Training Promotion

We view training as an essential tool to enhance and adapt knowledge and professional skills of people throughout their lifetime. With this idea we propose annual training offers comining self-managed courses and externally subsidised courses. Hence, we have set a record for the numer of trained people in 2014. In addition to English Coffee, ICT and Internet courses, and Monographs, this year we have developed Elderly Mobilised, which was warmly welcomed. At the end of the year, 5 FPE courses started, as well as the Employment Workshop T'Estime.


Training promotion

Training Programmes 2014 zira


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Mentoring Classroom Alzira The City council of Azlira, through IDEA takes part in the mentoring classroom project from the Ministry of Education since 2012. Ofering a distance learning platform with a wide range of training courses that are flexible and updated. During 2014, a total of 105 people have participated in a range of 150 courses offered by the Mentoring Classroom. Besides the possibility to take courses from home, for those who can't access internet IDEA has provided access to the multimedia room for two hours a day.

IDEA English Coffee In order to enhance the learning of English as a second language, from the Local Development Agency of Alzira we launched IDEA english coffee in June. Through this free activity we gave a total of 10 hours of training divided in an hour per session, twice a week, during five weeks. Students participate in closed discussion groups on various issues of interest that our volunteers from the European Voluntary Service or interns from Eurodyssey managed.

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Mentoring Classroom


Elderly Mobilised This year, for the first time, we have impemented training workshops about smartphones and tablets, thanks to the agreement signed with the organisation Jovesolides and Vodafone Spain Foundation, within the framework of Elderly Mobilised Programme


This programme had a great reception, implemented through 2 workshops, with a total number of 60 students. Its aim was to make easier the use of these devices to people older than 45. The workshops took place on 28th Nomvember and 11th December, and they will continue in 2015.


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Elderly Mobilised


Training for Employment In 2014 IDEA developed 5 new training which 80 students took advantage of .

activities, targeted at the unemployed, of

These training activities subsidised by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment of the Valencian government, within the programme of Vocational Training for Employment of SERVEF. Through this training, students get a Certificate of Professionalism from the State Employment Service SEPE, which qualifies them to practise the occupation learned.


Hacemos 路 Formaci贸n 路 FPE

Courses started in 2014 gave the students the possibility to get Non-Labour Internships PNL in companies, in order to complete their theoretical knowledge.

Database Administration 690 h Applications Development with Web Technologies 630 h Integrated Management of HR* 190 h Accounting and Admin. Mgmt. for Auditing* 190 h Aux. Operations for General and Admin. Services 440 h

15 students 15 students 15 students 15 students 10 students

73.278 69.174 14.221 14.221 30. 800

€ € € € €

*Training module of office automation

Training for Employment


Monographs IDEA In order to clearly inform citizens, IDEA started in 2010 the annual Monographs IDEA. Lcturers gave information weekly on various topics related to career guiadance, training, employment and self-employment in order to improve the resources . We informed e n t re p re n e u rs a n d b u s i n e s s m e n a n d c re a t e d i n t e ra c t i n g a c t i v i t i e s . The participation of companies and partner agencies such as the University of Valencia, EURES Network, AESAL CV-FEVES, FEVECTA CEEI, RANDSTAD Foundation, ADECCO Alzira, Official Languages School, among others, and the presentations done by IDEA's staff completed a wide range of themes that are updated annually.

Figures 25 monographic days (Tuesday from11.30 to 13.00) 25 different topics 206 participants during 2014


Monographs IDEA


Employment Worksop T´Estime The objective of the project is to improve employability of the unemployed older than 25. It is done trhough a six-month workshop, from 30th December 2014 to 29th June 2015. The project is focused on the fields of training and employment and it is funded by SERVEF with 181.321€. Total costs 190.387 € Subsidy 181.321 € Municipal contribution 9.066 €

Training Specialities

Assistant on Geriatrics Building Renovator


Workshop Staff



Employment workshop T'Estime


Internet and ICT Training In 2014, IDEA continued its commitment to training in the field of ICT. With the clear objective of providing access to new tools and sources of information for all interested users, the agency launched through the year various services and activities.

IDEAnet 路 Free internet access point (IDEAnet)


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Conscious of the need to facilitate internet access to all the unemployed in order to search for jobs, training and new opportinities. IDEA launched in July, three points of free internet access, upon request allowing network access for an hour. Citizens can access areas related to our agency as well as information and email.



Internet and ICT training

Prezi Presentations During 2014 we orginsed 5 workshops with 10 students each. The objective was to make known Prezi, a new free tool to create attractive presentations .

Social Networks 5 more workshops allowed 55 students to learn about social media, specifically about Twitter and Facebook.

Introduction to Microsoft Office We detected a great demand for computer management and office training. Therefore, we organised workshops at basic level about software included in the Office pack—, Word, Excel and Power Point. Thus, IDEA trained 72 students divided into 6 different groups.

Internauta (UBI i UMI) Since 2007, IDEA has developed Internet User courses through the Valencian elearning platform. It was divided into two levels (basic) UBIC during 12.5 hours and (UMI) for 30 hours. It is meant for people that want to give their first steps into internet. During 2014, the City Council of Alzira hosted a total of 370 students in this project and a total of 3183 since 2007.


Grants and training internships IDEA works with different organizations and entities to facilitate student integration into work. These students come from different backgrounds and have the opportunity to implement their knowledge and have a first contact with the working world. This will facilitate job search. During 2014, the City Council of Alzira, had a total of 87 scholarships for students and trainees. It was the institution with more young interns from "La Dipu te Beca", which was designed by the Council of Valencia and was co-financed by local authorities. During the months of July and August, 67 students were interns in municipal departments.

total cost · 71.540 € municipal contribution · 4.652 € Furthermore, by signing an agreement between the council of Valencia and ADEIT (University of Valencia), Technical University of Valencia and Catholic University, 4 students from different university degrees (Psychology, Business Administration and Teacher of Primary School) performed their internships in IDEA.


Grants and training internships

Students of Law and Informatics have also realized their university internships in IDEA thanks to the agreement signed by the City Council with University of Valencia and Florida University. In 2014, 8 students of PQPI (Programmes of Initial Vocational Training) carried out their internships in IDEA. They came from the course called "Assistant of Assembly and Maintenance of Microinformatic Systems", taught in secondary education centres of Alzira- 3 students of the State Centre for Vocational Training Luis Suñer, 2 students of the IES José Mª Parra and 3 students of IES Rey Don Jaime. Moreover, other internships were realized in IDEA. Specifically, 5 students of the Vocational Training Advanced Courses of Informatics, International Trade and Administration, thanks to the agreements signed with the Valencian Specific Centre of e-Learning (CEED-CV), the State Centre for Vocational Training Luis Suñer and IES San Vicent Ferrer of Algemesí.

Grants and training internships


Employment guidance

One of the goals at IDEA is to encourage active and effective job search as a primary tool for job placement and local development. Through individual attention, a customized itinerary is developed and reports key resources and tools related to employment and training. Aware of offering the best and most comprehensive service, the City council of Alzira through IDEA, requested and got the acreditation from the Placement Agency in February 2012. From IDEA proceedings are made in occupational guidance both for the unmeployed or workers in search of better employment such as businesses looking for employees.


Employment guidance

Actions Attention to unemployed Placement agency Creation of group workshops Curriculum and other tools Internet job search Cuidance on training offer Communication via phone, email and sms

Preparation for job interviews Updated job information European job search Public examinations and scholarships Contant with companies Management of jobs Shortlisting of candidates

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IDEAgest In May 2010, IDEA launched it's own software tool for data management and business users. This software itself was adapted to the department needs and we could manage storage localy. For each user, data was available instantly and it sontained surveys adjusted to the needs of the users. It also has different way of comunication between the institution, users and companies. They consist in emailing and SMS services.

Employment guidance


AutoServef Terminal The result of the collaboration agreement between the Valencian Service for Employment and Training (SERVEF) and the City Council of Alzira was the Autoservef terminal service. Which was installed last 18th June, 2013. Tha launching of this service through the equipment allows the unemployed registered as job seekers to access a number of services that were only accessible from internet or from the Alzira Servef Center, which is located at the other end of town. With the installation of this terminal, agency users may:

Get their certificates Renew their employment demand Check the training offer Browse and apply for jobs Consult their records Request for appointments



Placement Agency The City Council of Alzira is accredited as Placement Agency since February2012, it was the first recognised institution at Valencia at that time and it may act along with the public employment services. IDEA has access to a common telematic space with other agencies in Spain, sending monthly statistics summaries of activities and communicating new users about contracts they have promoted. In addition, on annual basis, a report is made regarding the action taken by the agency in the field of career guiadance, job management and labour insertions. The objective as an employment agency consists in labour mentoring. providing suitable employees, and managing worker's needs. Regarding job search, we work with counseling and career information as well as recruitment activities. Services provided 路 Comunitat Valenciana Accreditation number 路

Placement Agency



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There are many reasons to consider the idea of creating a company, almost as many as not to. Motivation, personal circumstances and resources available are the determining factors to take the plunge or not. Anyone can start a business or become self-employed, but the real challenge is to keep the time and make the idea profitable. With the aim of helping to achieve this goal, the Entrepreneurship Support Service IDEA analyzes those aspects that underlie the decision to set up your own business, in addition to the means and possibilities that they have to carry it out. As a result of our experience, we believe that there is a fundamental issue to consider, motivation understood as illusion, in order to undertake an activity. It is at the same time a difficult road and source of immense satisfaction. So in IDEA we contribute to help entrepreneurs achieve their purposes.



2012 2010 2008

2005 2006 2004

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529 483





service evolution interested entrepreneurs

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330 282



Entrepreneurship support



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objective Promote entrepreneurship with a support service for the startup and consolidation of new enterprises.

Entrepreneurship Support


Commerce Promotion


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activity in


IDEA is the agency in charge of Promotion of Business Innovation (AFIC) of the Economic Development, Employment and Trade department of the City Council of Alzira. The agency, as part of the AFIC network is designed as a tool that acts as bridge between the merchants, local government and the Generalitat Valenciana. Note that the City Council of Alzira has a review and advisory service regarding trade, the Trade Advisory Council (CAC) whose main objective is to involve trade associations of the city of Alzira in the participation of matters affecting the commercial sector. Contributing to a competitive commercial infraestructure in town, adapted to consumer's habits.

Recognition for the AFIC of Alzira during the V Meeting of the AFIC Network


Commerce promotion

commercial actions


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Credit Card of Alzira The target set by the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Employment is to perform actions that affect the development of Alzira's bussiness directly or indirectly. With this premise the Alzira Card was born in 2012. With this initiative, it is possible to combienall the actions to promote econmy, including the main objective- to make economical resources stay in the city thus avoiding the flight of expenses. This measure allows for dual usage of the municipal funds, on the one hand we support entrepreneurs, young people (helping with first home mortgages) and unemployed people (helping with recruitment), and on the other hand, we promote local companies. Therefore, we combine in the same initiative different actions in the fields of employment, housing, entrepreneurship and commerce. Since 2012, the payment of this aid is done throught the Alzira card. It is a VISA card that can be used exclusively in stores which have opted for this king of payment. It has allowed 350.000â‚Ź to be handled within municipal companies.


Credit Card of Alzira

VI Trade Fair Alzira Oberta From 3rd to 5th October 2014 the sixthedition of the trade fair "Alzira oberta" was held. Over 25 local businesses displayed their products for citizens and people from town nearby for promotion. The objective pursued by organizing this event was to promote economic development of the municipality, as well as encouraging stores to present their products directly to consumers. The trade fair ended with entertaiment activities for children allocated at the central square. We change the location of the Trade Fair to make it coincide with the Tapa Fair and the festivity of Moors and Christians in the Vila. Therefore, we get more public and bigger space for stands and visitors. Put everything together and get an interesting leisure opportunity for the first weekend of October, when Alzira, the capital of the Ribera Alta, becomes a good choice for a lot of people in the surroundings. We would like to highlight the active role of AFIC Alzira through its corporate stad.

Daniel Marco Blanes, Secretary of the regional Ministry of Tourism and Commerce, during the inauguration.

Trade fair Alzira Oberta



Alzira Shopping Night is one of the initiatives within the framework of the Alzira Commercial City campaign. It is led together by the Business Association of Alzira and the City Council, and its objective is to promote purchases in local companies. For the first time, more than 100 shops in Alzira participated in this event. Not only did the shops of the city centre take part in it, but also companies located in other areas moved to the shopping streets, using roadside stalls or commercial spaces ceded by other companies. During Alzira Shopping Night, shops did not close until late at night, 12 o'clock. The main districs were Santos Patronos Avenue, the Main Square, Luis Su帽er Avenue, Perez Gald贸s, Mayor Santa Catalina and the rest of adjacent streets. Within these districts different shops were located-the usual ones and other from other parts of the city. This initiative falls within the plan agreed by the Business Association of Alzira and the City Council to promote commerce in the city. A part from the commercial activities, there were DJ performances, fashion shows, storytelling for children, and musical entertainment. We celebrated Alzira Shopping Night twice, Friday 19th September and Friday 21st November.


Alzira Shopping Night

1ST AWARD Ferretería Mengual


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XIV Window-Dressing Competition The window dressing contest aims to encourage the improvement of the trade appearence at Alzira and attract consumer's attention. It is done during December to run during the holidays. The winners are awarded with a plaque and prizes that make a total amout of 2.850 €, depending on the jury decision, based in the competition rules. There are 10 prizes-the first prize consists of 1000€ for the best showcase, the seconnd prize is of 500€ and the third prize is of 300€. Five more prizes are awarded for inventiveness and grace worth 150€. Everything is payed through the credit card of Alzira. The best 2014

showcase was for Ferreteria Mengual. During December 2014, the AFIC Alzira launched the XIII edition of Window Dressing with the participation of 52 stores. The response from the public was on the increase and the city of Alzira was embellished with a Christmas motif during the holidays.

Awards ceremony

Window-Dressing competition



Alzira Commercial City It is a campaign launched together by the Business Association of Alzira, the City Council and the Ministry of Commerce, Indurtry and Tourism of the Valencian Region. It has a regional approach and its objective is to promote commerce in Alzira. It tries to inform citizens about the actions and create empathy for local shops, taking advantage of municipal resources. The main purpose is to encourage citizens to buy in local shops an to attract people from other municipalities of la Ribera. The campaign, of a lasting nature, started on September and has been growing in actions until December, thus covering the different commercial periods of the year. The measures taken are online and ordinary publishing and informal actions to attract different kinds of objective public.


Alzira Commercial City


Workshop for shopkeepers A Click to Your Company

A workshop was realized during May in the Multimedia Room of IDEA. It aimed to make known the "Shopping Mall" of the Merchant Website to our local shopkeepers. It was a practical workshop of one session in which local shopkeepers improved their information and appearance in this website. In addition, they learnt how to manage some tools offered by this website in order to publish their products to potential costumers. Furthermore, we continued working on Life+ Green Commerce, is part of the Life+ programme of the European Commission and it has the objective to reduce environmental impact by stores. It aims to increase efficiency of energy consumption and materials. Local businesses, through in-person visits, have received information regarding this programme and if they meet the requirements their are awarded an acreditation for being

green, sustainable and committed to their business environment.

Silvia Ordi単aga, Directora General de Comercio y Consumo

A Click to Your Company



m o b i l i ti

2014 s e



We participate in European programmes to create employment, new development and innovation opportunities. We promote cooperation and mobility within the European Union. With this we try to expand our resources to benefit employment development and Alzira's wealth.

We encourage European mobility for young local people, since it is a way to acquire knowledge, skills and qualifications to develop their personal and professional profiles.

projects in 2014 “Youth can do it!� Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Eurodyssey European Voluntary Service Training Course Lecce (Italy)


European projects

Tanit Gregori

Mayka Rubio

Young volunteers from Alzira

European Voluntary Service In 2014, for the first time, IDEA has organised 2 projects as sending organisation : The first one was called "Youth Training Madeira", a project taking place in the Students Association of the University of Madeira (Portugal), where we sent a young girl from Alzira for a period of 7 month. Her task, among ohters, was to add value to the historical and cultural heritage of the island. The second project, “Education is my Solution”, allowed a young girl from Alzira to stay in Slovenia during 12 months. Her hosting organisation was Javni Zavod Za Kulturo in Mladino Medvode and her commitment was to plan and organise leisure and cultural activites for children. IDEA has also taken part in EVS as hosting organisation with the projects “Alzira Youth Empowerment I i II” and “EVS with IDEA”. These projects have allowed 5 European youngsters to stay with us and collaborate with our tasks.

European volunteers in Alzira

Ivana Savic, Piotr Dyga and Szilvia Majoros

Petr Zabka

Proyectos europeos


Joan Bosch

Pablo Ninot

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs For the forth consecutive year, IDEA has participated in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, a programme for transnational exchanges helping new entrepreneurs with their star-ups. It offers the opportunity to learn from highly experienced businesspersons who run companies in countries participating in the programme. During 2014 and within the framework of the 3EIII project "Enterprise, Empowerment, Europe", we supported mobility of 11 European entrepreneurs.

Eurodyssey Programme Eurodyssey is an exchange programme from the Assembly of European Regions (AER) that offers internships abroad from 3 to 7 months for unemployed young people between 18 and 30 years old. Our involvement in the project helped young people from our region benefit from internships in other countries in the European Union. During 2014, we hosted a young French and sent two boys from Alzira.

Pierre Girin


European projects

Elena Castillo, Laura Bravo, Salva Martí and Jacobo Ortíz


Youth can do it! The City Council, through IDEA, participated in the project "Youth Can Do It!", together with organisations from Italy (Molise Region and City Council of Larino), Bulgaria (Association Foccen and Navigator) and the coordinators, "Bitartean Jolasean - Entretanto Entretente" (Basque Country, Spain), within the framework of Youth in Action programme, specifically in KA 1.3 about participatory democracy. The project coincided with the preparation fo the Ruopean elections and it was aimed at promoting participatory democracy of the young participants thanks to a virtual tool allowing the development of social initiatives. The attendance to the final meeting in Vitoria gave the opportunity to share their ideas to four young participants from Alzira.

Training Course: “Social Media: New Interactions for the Co-Creation of democratic values”

Thanks to IDEA, three young people from Alzira participated in this training activity celebrated from 10th to 15th June in Lecce, Italy. The project had partner organisations from Romania, Egypt, Marrakesch, Tunisia, Italy and Spain and it has the objetive of encouraging democratic dialogue through social media.

European Projects


Economic Results During 2013 IDEA has developed the actions described previously and we have used the following resources to make them happen. We can divide these actions depeding on each field:

Employment promotion Training actions European projects Commercial activity Municipal programmes


Economic results

Economic resources managed in 2014

36 7 . 7 8 5 . 1 2010




2013 2012

2.892.407,60 €


2.256.729 € 1.167.809,97 € 913.651,66 €

Funding 44%


Funding bodies

Municipal budget


Employment promotion

358.402 €

Local development · ADL · 3 jobs · Servef GV Agricultural workers (phase I) · 117 jobs · SPEE Agricultural workers (phase II) · 15 jobs · SPEE YOUTH SALARY · 4 jobs · Servef GV EZONAI · 5 jobs · Servef GV Valencian Employment Plan · 20 applications · Diputació, GV and City Council Agency Staff costs · 4 jobs City Council


467.748 €

FPE Auxiliary Operations for Admin. Services · 1 job · Servef GV FPE Integrated Management of HR · 1 job · Servef FPE App Development with Web Technologies · 1 job · Servef FPE Database Administration · 1 job · Servef FPE Accounting and Admin. Mgmt. for Auditing· 1 job · Servef Taller d´Ocupació · 26 jobs · Servef

European projects

La Dipu te beca · 67 interns · Diputación Mentoring Classroom · 105 students · Ministry Ed Monographs IDEA · 206 assistents City Council Internet user · 370 alumnes · GV and C. Council IDEA English Coffee · 600 assistents · C. Council

56.225 €

Erasmus for young entrepreneurs (4th cycle) · 5 entrepreneurs and 7 hosts · CE European Voluntary Service · 6 volunteerings · Spanish National Agency Eurodyssey · 1 job · European Social Fund Youth Can do it · 5 mobilities · Youth in Action


Economic results


Commercial activity

26.493 €

VI Trade Fair "Alzira Oberta" · Generalitat Valenciana XIV Window-Dressgin Competition · Generalitat Valenciana Credit Card of Alzira · City Council Alzira Shopping Night· City Council A Click to Your Company · City Council Alzira Commercial City · City Council and Business Association of Alzira Christmas Markets · City Council

Municipal programmes

708.615 €

Employment Plan for Families · 27 jobs · City Council Youth Employment Plan · 40 jobs · City Council Emprén Programme · 125 aids · City Council Formaplus Programme · 3 aids · City Counci Creating Illusion, Creating Commerce · City Council

Economic results


Impact Assessment Assistances: Entrepreneurs · 1.709 assistances Employment guidance · 3.228 assistances Training* · 3086 students 80% European projects · 405 assistances *Training breakdown: ICT courses · 547 students Mentoring Classroom · 105 students IDEA English Coffee · 600 students Monographs · 206 participants IDEAnet · 1548 users FPE training · 80 students


Economic results

33% 2% 28%

s p rov






ic e


of s er v

Economic results


Collaborations Throughout 2014, IDEA developed various events and conferences, individually or collaborating with other organisations and public or private entities regarding employment, training, entrepreneurship or business.

V I Week for Economy and Employment at Alzira Monographs IDEA VI Trade Fair "Alzira *Oberta" Day of the Entrepreneur DPECV Ceremony for aids delivery - Valencian Employment Plan V Meeting AFIC Network Information day about EVS at Institut Luís Súñer Session about Local Development CV at University Ceremony for Municipal Aids delivery Meeting with highschools headmasters about *EVS Business Meeting *CEEDCV Meeting about Youth Ca do it Ceremony for awarding certificates of training courses Student Fair 2014



Vicente Pascual

VI Week for Economy and Employment From 17th to 21st February

Manuel García

César Piqueras

Marcos Giménez

Juan Rafael Grau

Ricardo Calvo

Laura Pla Hemos participado


day about Information t Luís Súñer EVS at Institu

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Meeting abo

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olunteers in Young EVS v


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cipants of A Young parti o It Youth Can d

FIC Network

V Meeting A

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CEEDCV ess Meeting

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Day of the Entrepreneur 2014

IDEA took part with an information stand which showed the services provided by the Agency in order to inform entrepreneurs and enterprises. The presence at the event was supported by the participation in the "entrepreneur box", where we had the chance to inform and give advice regarding the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. We also delivered a lecture regarding the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, in which we described how the programme helps entrepreneurs acquire skills and run a succesful business. These entrepreneurs or businesspersons travel to other EU countries, where they acquire knowledge and business ideas with experienced entrepreneurs for a period between 1 and 6 months.



Corporative stand IDEA

Entrepreneur Box

Lecture "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs"

Hemos participado


Visits During 2014, the local development of the City of Alzira has received numerous visits from technicians, authorities and other organisations to get to know the department of IDEA. They were interested in actions regarding employment, training, entrepreneurship and business. For example, the Regional Councellor of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment, Mรกximo Buch Torralva, el Regional Secretary of Tourism and Commerce, Daniel Marco Blanes , or various delegations from Argentina or France .



Delegation from the French region of Aquitània visited IDEA to learn about our experience in local actions for youth and employment.

The Mayor of Alzira, Elena Mª Bastidas Bono and José Luis Palacios, City Councellor of Economical Promotion, Employment and Commerce with the Delegation from Argentina formed by members of the Argentine Confederation of Medium-Size Enterprises CAME.






Pub l


es i d




Business Association of Alzira Baker's professional association Commercial area Parc Pere Crespí Commercial area J.Pau-Piletes-Dr.Ferrán Commercial area Zona Centro Commercial area Pérez Galdos Commercial area Stos.Patronos - Júcar Housewives association "Casa Tyrius" Chamber of commerce Valencia

on i n

European Commission Generalitat Valenciana Council of Valencia Valencian employment service State public employment service CEEI FEVECTA FEVES IMPIVA IVAJ


General Union of Workers UGT Workers trade union CCOO




pr i r e t



e ni v

r s it i es

University of València Plythecnic University of Valencia

se s

banks consulting and advisory stores hospitality sector temporary employment office hospitals health and insurance company technology-based companies graphic design and signage industry supply


d ia

Alzira Radio 107.9 Onda Cero Alzira Te Veu Ribera TV RiberaExpress


Collaboration with other entities From IDEA we have been developing cooperative work and collaboration with other public agencies for years in order to create synergies, leverage resources and expand our lines of action beyong the local level. Provided that can improve quality of life of citizens of Alzira. Below, we detail cooperation agreements signed with other existing bodies and thatcurrently exist.



Cooperation agreement between the Department of Indutry, Trade and Innovation and the City Council of Alzira to coordinate activities and provide services in trade along with the access to the AFIC network.


Framework Cooperation Agreement between the Polytechnic Univerty of Valencia and the City council of Alzira for training internships.


Cooperation agreement between the European Foundation in the valencia region (FCVRE) and the City council of Alzira.


Partnership agreement with the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the City Counil of Alzira to integrate an innovation office in the Innovation Network CPI (Polytechnic City of Innovation).


Cooperation agreement between the Ministry of education and the City Council of Alzira to boost open, free internet and create the Mentoring Classroom.



Partnership agreement with the European Parliament (resolution no. COMM/FPA//01/0565).


Accreditation for the City Council of Alzira to participate in projects regarding the European Voluntary Service programme (Acreditation no. 2012-ES-106). Agreement between the City of Alzira, the business association of Alzira and Caixa Popular to implement the Credit Card of Alzira as a payment system for municipal aid and grants. Registered as a Placement Agency no. 10.00000004 by the National Employment system.


Partnership agreement between the Valencian Employment and Training service (SERVEF) and the City Council of Alzira to install the Autoservef. Cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Economy, Industry and commerce and the City Council of Alzira to implement the methology to reduce the environmental impact of SME's developed under the Life + Green Commerce. Cooperation agreement between theGeneralitat Valenciana and the city of Alzira to manage and perform certain labour services within the jurisdiction of the Government. SMAC (Merdiation, Arbitration and Conciliation service) Organization stamp within the Employment and Young Entrepreneurship Strategy (EEEJ) by the Ministry of employment and social Security.


Collaboration Agreement with SERVEF in order to offer Non-Labour Internships within the framework of the Youth Employment Plan



Follow us Quality information is one of IDEA's premises. Our intention is to keep informed about the actions taking place in the Agency through different media, both digital and printed. We understand that using appropiate information sources we improve service quality and we can make a difference. In addition to spreading information around the main social media (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn) and delivery platforms such as YouTube, Flickr and Slideshare; at IDEA we have our own space at Alzira Radio, the local radio station called "Labour Agenda" it airs every Thrusday at 11:30. IDEA launched its corporate website in 2006,, and also has different websites for specific information such as the Mentoring Classroom at Alzira or the Shopkeeper Alzira Portal. The Agency was a pioneer launching its own mobile application and it periodically sends nwesletters to report the news regarding IDEA and the AFIC agency.


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979 contacts


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Ronda d'Algemes铆, 4 路 46600 Alzira t 962 455 101 路 f 962 455 390

IDEA Results Report 2014 Initiative for the Economic Development of Alzira Ronda d'Algemesi, 4 路 Alzira 路 Valencia

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