My North - 2020 no. 01 | Jan - April

Page 22

Sledding for daredevils


Family fun

Kaldbakur cloaked in white.

Sign up for a joyride down the longest slope in Iceland with Kaldbakur Tours in Grenivik. TEXT: Eyglo Svala Arnarsdottir PHOTO: Kaldbakur Tours

“Mum! Go faster!” I hold my breath as I kick my heels into the wet snow as hard as I can to control the speed. My five-year-old son lies on his belly in front of me on the sled, facing me so he can’t tell how steep the slope is. I have a view of the entire Eyja­fjordur fjord but don’t have any time to enjoy it because now the sled rushes down the hill. My son lets out a shriek of joy and I laugh frantically – or until my mouth fills up with snow! Suddenly, the sled stops, and I notice that my son is lying on a heap of snow I scooped into the sled with my feet. He thinks it’s hilarious! As we wait for our pickup, we observe our travel companions sliding down the hill, one after the other, but there’s no sight of my husband and our younger son. Finally, I spot them in the snow cat. The threeyear-old chickened out and fell asleep in his father’s lap. Kaldbakur, King of Eyjafjordur, towers over the village of Grenivik close to the fjord’s mouth. Even in summer, he


is often cloaked in white, and in winter, completely covered in snow (the name translates as “cold back”). At 1,173 m (3,848 ft.), the mountain has the longest ski slope in Iceland. Kaldbakur Tours in Grenivik offer joyrides on the mountain, suitable for people of all ages, beginners and snow-sport enthusiasts alike. The adventure begins on a snow cat (the company has two which seat 64 in total) which takes travellers all the way to the top. Then they can choose how to get back down: by snow cat, skis, snowboard, on foot – or on a customised plastic sled! Racing down the mountain is a thrill, but the ride up is too; my sons get super excited when we drive up a seemingly vertical hill. The weather starts out gloomy, but at the peak of Kaldbakur the clouds part and we gasp when we realise how high up we are. Afterwards, our driver and guide takes us down to the first proper slope. The runs are many, long and of various levels. My son and

I think we’re on top of the world when we race down all of them, laughing in the face of danger! We pass some backcountry skiers, walking uphill, carrying their skis. The adventure is up when we reach the basecamp. While driving back to Akureyri, the five-yearold daredevil falls asleep as well, over the moon, but absolutely exhausted. GETTING THERE:

Grenivik Akureyri


Air Iceland Connect flies daily between Reykjavik and Akureyri in only 40 minutes. From there, it take 35 minutes to drive to Grenivik. Kaldbakur Tours offers adventure tours on the slopes of Kaldbakur from January to May, or while snow lasts. → →

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