eICB 2005-2

Page 1

ISSN 0896 - 0968

Volume XXIV, Number 2 - 2nd Quarter, 2005


, lnternationaJ Choxal Bulletio__


Performing with Voices

Poste ltaliane PP · ECON OMY Aul DCB/ AL/PAVIA

N. 00 15 du 11/03/04 IF UNDELIVERED PLEASERETURN TO: Tt1ggerFoundation

Cac;tcllo Sfo(zesco Piazza l)ucale 20 270>9 V,gevano (PV)



International Federation for Choral Mu sic The Inte rnational Choral Bulletin is the official journ al of the IFCM. It is issued to members four times a year.

Manag ing Editor Jutta Tagger, 31, rue Parmentier F-92200 Neuilly~ur -Seine, France Tel: +33 1 47 48 0 1 16 E-mail: jtagger@ifcm.net Editorial Team Michael Anderson, Maria Guinand, Lupwishi Mb uyamba, Thomas Rabbow, Dolt Rabus, Mitsukazu Suwaki, Jean-Claude Wilkens Regular Coll abo rator s Mar ian Dolan . Score reviews (mado/u@hotmail .com) Jean-Marie Marchal - New CD Releases (jm .marchalOcccwb.com) Werner Pfaff - Repertoi re (werner.pfaff@gmx .net) Kathy Saltzman Romey - Composers' Corner (romey2001@umn .edu) Jean-Claude Wil kens - Events (jcwilkens@ifcm .net) Texts and Translations English: Michael Anderson (coordination) Ian Jones (linguistic editing and revision) Sheila G. Prichard (text editing) French: Jutta Tagger (coordination) Marie-Paule Letawe (linguistic editing and revision) German: Doff Rabus (coordination), Dr. Lore Auerbach (linguistic editing and revision) Spanish: Maria Guinand (coordination) , Juan Casasbellas(linguistic editing and revision) Layout Chiara Bartolozzi (Tagger Foundation) Template Design Marty Maxwe ll Cover Photo by ICCM Printed by Arti Grafiche G. Casonato, 1-27029Vigevano (PV) The views express ed by th e authors of articles are not necessarily those of th e IFCM Design & Conte n t Copyr ight e Inter nat ion al Federation for Cho ral Mu sic

Submitt in g Mater ial When submitting documents to be considered for pub lication, please provide article• in one of t he follow ing formats : printed, 3.5" floppy disk, Zip disk, CD or via email . The follow ing electronic file formats are accepted : Text, RTF or Microsoft Word (version 97 or higher). Images must be in GIF,EPS,Tiff or JPEGformat and be at least 300dpi. Articles may be submitted in one or more of these languages: English, French, German, Spanish. Rep rints Articles may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes once permission has been granted by the manag ing edito r and the author.

M embership & Adv ert ising IFCM Internationa l Office Jean-Claude Wilkens, Secretary General Centro Internacional de la Musica de la UNESCO Vill a Gadea, E-03590Altea, Spain Tel: +34 96 584 5213 Fax: +34 96 688 2195 E-mail: jc wil kens@ifcm.net

Web: wwwifcronet Fees are payable in USSor Euro, according to IFC.M zones, with credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD)or bank transfe r to IFCM account in Belgium: please contact IFCM Secretariat via www.jfcm .net

P/ea_se notify the IFCMSecretariatof any changeof address/ Publisher Fondazione Claude Tagger Castello Sforzesco, Seconde Scuderie, Piazza Ducale 20, 1-27029Vigevano (PV), Ital y. Tel: +39 0381 691928 Fax: +39 0381 6950 16 E•mail: inf'OOtaggerfoundatlon .org Web : wwwtaggerloundatjon,org Additional copies: USO8 - Euro 7.50 each


\ \

Dossier: Perform ing w ith Voices

World of Children's and Youth Choirs

Ale ssandro Cortese, Ferclinanclo Cortese


Perform ing w ith Voices: Introduct ion


Tonu Kaljuste: The Role of Estonian Music in his Life and Career


Interview w it h P.Dij kstra and J. Schendel

p 12

Perform ing Baroque

p 35

Learning from Child ren: The True Value of Teaching Choral Music Saeko 1-fasegawa

p 38

Europa Cantat Conference on Music Educat ion: Conclusions and Recommendations

Repertoire IFCM News p 15

p 41

In Brief : Extracts from the IFCM Online News Billboard for Boar d and Members Jean-Claude Wilkens

Afro-American Women's Repertoire Marian Dolan

Collector's Corner Choral World News

p 45

p 2 1 Conductor's Interview: Masayuki Tsuji Kathy Romey p 24


The Image of Professional Choral Singing Paul Janssen

p 26 Training Choral Conductors for Professional Choirs Walter Vorwerk

p 30

How to Bui ld a Concert Program Jean Sturm

p 33

First Philippine Choral Summit Gide6n Benedici6n

New CO Releases Jean-Marie Marchal

Jean-Claude Wilkens

P 49

I. Workshops & Masterclasses

p 52

II. Festivals & Compet itions

Next Dossier Choral Mu sic: An Effective Tool for Social Integ ration

Alessandro J. Cortese

A d<K$icr:ihout


:and1hi: i.:wt-o:

i1wolvcdin pcrfnrn,ing wi1h rh;arSpc(i:11 mscrumem: the ,·01ce is a \'cry ambi1iou.s one. • M1L<;ic bq;..lnwi1h ,ing.ing...wrOle Cun S:id" {1881-1959). Pruh:1hlygmup"' .,1:,m:•d 10 (cd :a3i<'mt of commu nity 1hrough iiu.-s 1h:11induJcd singing_.J:anciog_.:andpriying. 1uday, liing.ingh bu1one of the many way, of exi>rcs.,,ing nuuic;1Ifodinp. \Xlithtime it developedimo an .tit wi1ha wide range-of pcrformiJlg techniques •nd .skilb, but h.u

never1,mits spc<ialimport1ncc.u a direct communicator of chccmotioM. What brings people t(> music1.ndsinging?

I lo.,. c.1.11 music bring lOogCthcr per.sons coming from \'C,Y diffNc-mmili<'ui:;ind let 1hcmshare ,a;message:1ndundcr~und <':.Ch 01hcr? Ae<ordins10Migud de Or\ an1esin 1

hi_,~n Q11l:,.·()1e (1605). "He who ~ing,<;, sca~s.J\l,,JI)' his w·(l('s. ," The IFCM it ,'fry much dev-otcdto rhi~ issue with proj«u lik<'tht' World You1h ('hoir, whic;hfor fifr«n )'eltS h:asctt.'·:ue,I a uniq11c:.11ndc,rigin;ilopporm niry (r,r }'(►Ung ti11gcrsm shar<" :m ncpcrit.'nc:c music :md ltndcn1;mding, TOO.J)',\QlftC fom,c-r World Yomh Choir singers::aredCV<'loping impc.>n:1111 c;:1rttni :,nd thr<mgh their :1t.ti\·i1y 1hcysprC:&d 1hc same mt~s:igc:1round the world.


"\Xlhocvcr pla)'I an imirumcnt tnu.>tbe


u.111vcn:.u11 wi1h:.inging". ,, rote Ccorg

l>hilipp'Jclemann, t\ db4.u»ion a.buut the 1'CVcr.,I i1".,utiinvolvcJ i,,singing has to mention 1heclosehhtori(".alrebtionship l,c1v.cenvoK."t' :andi11.jtrumcnts. bc-cwten mdody :rnd:u.:cump:1ni 11u :m. lo 1hccourse o( the cenrurlN niany ueadses havt Ix-en wrim·n Jbout uylc anJ t«hnique. showint: how the rel,nion betwten ,•oiceand insuumcnts. word$and notes, h;u kept ch;rnging, ll(.S('archiruo rhis \l()(al/insm,mcntJI rd,uionship is nec<~sary in order to rrO(>'tly appr~ch rcrerroirc bclongmg to different:t~('S, In thij dO$$itrwe indudc: o;omeof the rich diversicyof m('.IIJlill{:,S that,·~ pt.:r(Qr m:mcc C;t M f-.lkt', withou, rrcccndins IO giv(' too many an<v.('rS, (The: rc::iwn,; why i1 would not h:tvc:been 1>os.sihle to prescm a \'(ty (('.i<-niific«Jo,;5 ii:r nn ,hi~ .uabj~t :ire olh•io us

frnm the 1>r«edi n1;lines}.'l'h t:'araidcs :an: b~S<'d on (On\';.ra;:uionx on ~ever.ii themes rd.3trd to 1hcpassionof musician~for ,·oicn. Through 1hcir love of voicei tht.')' speak

about music, polilia, pi:rfunning practkc. M)'h-, life. 11,e intC"rvic~\\°\:fC collN:tc:ddurillg 1ht l'in.t Voc.e\'Cb1PNti....alin September 2004. org;mi:ceJb)' 1lic•1ayger1;,und.ttion in Vigcv11n6.luly. The fo;tival is de,·ot~ U)

____ ___ _ """'


,·oc-.al crC'.ativil)'1nJ has o.nr.lcc«Im-anyimim and thdr rcsc,uchon the theme. Wt we-rt .:ibfeco calk with - TOnu KaljuJtc abom tht subtle td:uioru hip be-lwcenmusicand poli1ies, - Two n.sing)'Ouns st.ar$,both former members of 1he\'C'orldYouth Choir. Pc1trDijk$tra.who is .suning hi.$c:arctr a.sa conductor; .tnd Johannc-sSch<ndd, who iJ beginning a art.>tt asa ~titonc soloin,

,u,d -Two .stdbr conductors reprc-Stmingtwo difft'rt-ntp(l'$p«tives: Rob<no Cini and Luca Pianc.t. Spc1,,i.il thanks g<>10 my fa1her Fcrdinandofor his help in prcpart1tionor the inrervit,v, u$td :is tht' ba.,.isc,(rhc 2r1id~ in thi.idrusic-r.Without his hdp during chose l1n'1ic. mu111cmx uf chc Vou:,·c1:,;:1 i:c..ui,·:il , it would h2\ 't bec:nimpossible:10 write:tht' d0$$icr, •

ICB Do»ict


/1,, Fkri1;0,,

of tl,,- C,mm( C,.,,m,,iu« ,Jjrl,r

Frlmu,ryJO, 1948, h.isup.,r.1ud


,u,dy ;;anddc,'<k>p t h('ir 1akn1s in ordcf to


show 1hc:power of 1ht'Sr.ate. In some CISC'S.

1hrr1ul, fem tlN' lm,'11,y01111i111/w r,y,11i1>< ll'Ork of rompos,n, No m.a1urhowµfojid it i, /Or ,m.11,y£(m1pns,rr, m1s,/fi11rludnl, I axrrr to

1ht.mgh, ,he: mmiei:am pm~uccl 1hcir ~tN)ni; imcnrKm 10 learn. in order to he ible 11> \ IHt.-:k.l~n r1rigin:1Icu hur .1Iid ~mi1y c,f 1heir

tlH'mab11it111 of rh, C,,ur.1/ Commiun. whid,

own, in T6 nu's asc-. 1hc F~,1nnia n chor:il cul*

nta/,l;J,n 1hr rcmdirionfor malti11,: tl,r u.Jiofr


org,mismofSovitt musirlmrlsl,y.

Choral mru.k h.as pl:.&)'roan imporr.11u ,ok in 1hr achicwnmH ol£s1011i:111 inck-•

'.',c.rgeiPrt>korl-C'Y, on Sovit:1 mw.ic. 1952.


Fo, Jecadcs it allowed Es1oni2nstom~. sing their own musk. t1.nJrdnforce their fa:1mujtol c:duc:uion,rnd intern~rion:.aJc:iq>eriing of belonging 10 11 sp«ific community. cnc:e'"a pc-rfornicr.Unlike 01bcr niusician.s During the-lime when d,c Eitoni..lMwere wh(~gfcw up in the Scwic1cr.1.he :i.lway, oblig«I.co learn Russim at .school• .-sTOnu m.idc hi!. opinion abom 1hui,etim~ dor : KaljusteC'xpbincd,it was pwsiblr to slalom tthted"111is 11/tci.t:,, 1,(>6d. Smu Bsumut rtg,1mtd lxtv.ttn blit1d f'\IIC$ a.ndsing .md perform in ,mlrpntdmtr ()Hr ,01111zmm 11rr fort to 111111:r Utoni.an, Choral sin,;ing was a ~hidC' for ,houa, 10 o-prm 011r narumal ,ult~re. if 1hq m:iin rompo<.C' l!i:md performers h:1d u> k«ping ~n independent C\llmrc·i liw. uvmf. &forr U'(' um- HJ,grdf() /ram /(Ju,imt become 1111imo11illl, or ,he n-gi1nc d1:u It is proba.blrnot by .1cct<lcmthat th<'firn o,/t,1fl' in R.ldSuutboob, and i11(mirr t(J t'X/rm :1Jlow«Ichrm m b«nme rcmwmcd "cl1:1.mpi• P~ident nf 1hcindqx-nclcnt St.stcnfF.uonia Es10,,ianm/11m uit ht,d ro slalom1l11'f>1,gl11l1r 0 1n" in nm,-ie. was Mr. lcnnm Mnl. 001 c,nl)· a.polilician r,,/n (If.,,, (lfi-t1t•m,pul ~m1umuy". l.•min tfHlk t of thr 1pi,i, o/1hrpt0plr and of hm 2ISQa fflor.il conductor. Fota musicitn, 1ht Russian«1imr '-'':IS, IIK 1,rrlJi,1art, of!IK spirittu,/nu,frsryof ltrl. II i)'.alsc.,n(M by al);Klem ,tu,cwry fiV<; (or a good p,trt. bur('.IIUC'r.K)' .and consu.aint$, (lfia mig!,zytdurmilYpuwrr.qfi11rolt;,, 1hr years,more 1h~n30,000 fumni:an&ing.crs obliging .allcom~rs :anJ ~rformC'rs to bor figlHfor 1/,en"u 11u1n. I/( r1tlktf011arwu 10be fll(."C'I in 'l!lllinn fot che Smrgfutirnl. 1lim bou1\db)' the St11c'spriori1ir$. MusiC'"";U a in 1/N thirlruflifi. Jq rrL11ttlKit-,wl: 101/x rcinforcins 1hcfeeling ofbt:longing co :i tool for pto,p:i.g-.and3 and, no m.tuC'rwhC'th<r mwh oftlk timrs.(Dimitri Sho.sukovkh,on n::uion 111.11 ~h.uo :i 1pt(i.si1chonl hcrit:ag('. in Moscow, St. Peter1bu.rgor Tallinn, mus.i~ining the ~icl Cvn11nunis1P,my, 1961). Es1011ia ii.a nnlm ,ma.JIrepublic. -11,c. <ians had to ;alignwi1h 1hcofJici.11 poltCi<'s MusicLub ,,rrt ,cry olt('n (a..lJ<"d to public concr u 1)( sale 1nus1 have c.hangnl ,lt1nu1i, 1 that 5ft tht"fr-.amt" for arii.sdcCK:uion. ou1ings in faH)ur <,f1h<Smr :ms polici<"S4.-.&lly from 1111: 1im~ of 1ltc-big Sovie,Cp.lopi. Music h.15;a.lw;ay,; held .. 101(' in poli1te..1 Somcci1nc.)th.C)' wcrt obliged10 dtn)' thdr to d,c occd or opc-ningto neighbour coun11rn1~g.1nd:1, an Mtpl'C't<i,•t' in~tntnlt"nlto prt-,..iOu$ work in orJcr 10 kttp 1h<irpbcr in 11i4.,s to Ji;\•tfop nccwvrksof 4.01Jabot.uio11. sh()\\·c-;au: 3 n;uion\: l•nity ;md C\lhtir('. So. for the S)'5C('mand co condnur being nu1,<;ici:m~. -1rtmtmber with)OJ 1111dtmotion myfin, in~t.in('.t',fiuring N,ui~min r.crmany, 1hc "I I« d /iu/t rhild of dhoutfo11rpt1rsmring mrrling u•itl, 1hr}'IJmlf,1h,gm of 1/x U'/qrbf rq:;i.mc: o~ni,ed ooncccn for ,he-w,,ri:er~ in (l~,,-mm,th"dm fomr (If.,''"'" 111M•hirl, Stl'11t l'o111h Choir.It w.rslot't'111 firu Jrgh1: l<Jtdlt« the ~t.UN'I\\ I\M cnn,1,anit'-t.Vtcit"nrNnrdings 20 (l/drrr!,ild"'' "" mtm/y si11g,,,g. Thm fmk u't'l,,:ul* and arr s,i/1/,,wing•" M-VJ11rk,fill tht>!!'C oon«ru still c-xis1and they show ,he ,hiU 1'WJ / ,u 1/x '·'fl'Jmommt I JiJ<V>wwd 1/1(' m,,y 1ht1tI /,opewillgo 011for )'f'dN. l'k'.'<t nrcht'~r.ti<t of tht' rime performing m11gi(of ,,111-iie. TJ,,d,o,r ro,,durrorHIOJ my l'i1daJI hm'f'11rw pr1jms ronrrn,ingopro1. \'7agncr m-c:m.m:, in rN)nt of thQuunch ,,f 1,,1.,,,1f11/,n; TIKid(11 11t(> spreadlyric111uJ1t dfl owr worltcrs.:allflowing deeply engrossed.The S,,ur 1hm I 1tl'tYr u,,drm()(J(/ or d,,id.rd f,s1011id1/mmgh ~t't'm/ 1Iew /111/t1/,m1rrs~ (;i,;1111.111rc:ginw lud 1q :\h(1w1h:11 the c.'11h111.tl llll)thing t(llt((rnmgmy n111Jit,1,/ fiumr. All Today. proj«1•making s«ms co g.:> lt'\'t'Inri1,; n:nion wa~t"Xtrcmd)•high and rnmennrur,11/:,.1,111/)011111r(d o/1pe11*i11g or dis• 1hroughopc-ning.up, sh.uing idc:35and tdC".1ls (~l lll)l('ICIU in l.lrdcr m cmfor,,c ,he idn of., eu11mg, Ofrours-t''IJ fi11IHT u'dlntJfirrr a1 an in1cm.l1ion.a) sc-.tlc,\\ithout forgetting, s.upcrinrr:iccof hcini;,s.de!>Cn-ing co rule' O'l'<"t u,1rkr: £11fT I /11,d'" got(IS1 Pr~rrshurg i11 mou. M2es1roKaljustc-ii aw1reof 1hr ,he c,,ihcri. ord(r10 romp/ft( my uudiN in t/1< •••Rl#li,m role'hC"h:u {()pla)' ;a~an imcrn,11ionally, Ii, 1hcUSSR. in p.tnicular whrn l..tnin rcoo,\o«I pe,formc-r.10 developtht musical ;md Sulin rokd, 1hc rq;:imc d«:idc<l u, ~twm The Rw.sia.nway, for thC'F,~t<mi2n C':lus.t. mo\·tmtnt in hi.scounuy. I le ,.in 1nflu.:-nu ir~ culmr.,Jhigh lc,·d :u wdl. and all 1he Thc S)'Stc-m c,tllcd.tll gifted nm)ician( 10 opinions, focilit.1ttn~ prOJ\'(hand idc-.as 1n

T Ono KaljuMciloan &tonia n with a Ru~ian




Choral Festivals

F..mnl ., .11 ,J .,_r1,; ·,th . 1lJ1 po nuni1iC'\for ~v uni;. l«,toni a1u 11•t.al..t• r,tn ir1 inu:rn :uimu l 11111 >1· \.J I .I( ii, iii...... \X1hil<.·i1 i-. 1mpt u 1;1m Im K,lju:\(t• tf• pro1ncm· 1ln· ,u1);':_in .1I b ,mni Jn t11l11ue,h..-.ll'\.I , \\,lfll,


m.1k,: hi , unk 1u<· u111cr1h

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New Orleans Choral & Jazz Choir Festival April 7 • 11, 2006

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I rrlrlm1te,,,pnf. t111tl si11glll)'Se/f positions. \Xl:tltWhiun:,n P<tl"rDijksm, (POi is 26. Ne.-.:c year his career will talr.e:in imrortin'tt st<:p forward. :ts Am I to Laud? (Too Loud)? he h:is :i<cep1('(l chc e,!I of 1hc 8:i.ywischc Two former World Youth Choir Rundfunkdmr 10 bcconlc iu firsiconduc;1or. singers ta lk about their career P O: .. \\'l/.,1ruI 11•,tJII littlr /wllJ. I ofim mm. ,u I thilll•is quiu IIJ>Tmnl Ill tlmt ,:gr. I / Im I 11>Laud?"was 1h(' tide chosc:nby wmrmbrr 1/>ru. so krtpmr q11it1.1111 pmr111S CcrJld Moore for his :tlll()bii.>graphy in uu-dltJ p111 r11rpll()11n DtJ my llt'1ulmu/ ftl thi' 1962: i1could also be a 1i1lc for chis:midc. muJii',/1> dN'tmud "Orphms"minul,. In fac1.boih Pc1crOijk$1r.1;,mJJoh:mm.~ tlll'f,rtlly.;,, thoJ.tt'ltr/ydap"' tllt'top of"'l Sdu:ndd h:a,·c bC'l:nmi.sing 1hcir \'Oicc.squicc pmo1111/ "Hit /{m1dr"11'ffl' tlN glowing loudly, :as1l1eircar('('!"$ rccci\'cd a big boos 1 Trh11ikovsl.7 spnplxmia! * rcc(n rlr, Peter :andJohanm•s ;ire cx:1mpksof Joh,1nnes D. Sd1cl'11. lc:IUS)i~ 19 ye:11 ~ olJ. what som<.·peop le CJII "'rising $1:trs·•. ru ung He i~ a 1cmpornry1c:adwr;u the F:mnk fun nw.sici:m,who arc.•going dr:1:1n:11ic:illy f.as1in 1.H,pul:tricr and lx}'ond. ob,ainins impori:1111 Hoc:h.sd1ul,cfiir r-.•1u.sil. und D.,mell,·nck Kunst, alr,~d)' i11c:h:iri;,·of sharing his re>ul1s for 1hcir (umrc li\"C .~ u musici,1m. cxpericn«- "' a sinsl"r wi1hrounicr And i, is nm b)•cfomcc dm bmh gencr.uions. ohuin« l .u1cntion 1hrough5isnific:1n1 JS: ·1 "'"S11Wutfonr)YflrJoft/am/, Ul//d""' flerfou n:inct'~ in compc1i1ioru:l\ ·1cr ,,..on 1hc with "'l pmwts. I ,111111•isiti11g/Or 1/xjim timt fir>• Eric Eri('son Compc1ilion tc,r Younp, 1hrCit)' Ft-11iw1I o/mJ ro,n,. K1mjb<11m1. It Chornl Conduc1ors. and Joh,mnc.sw:1.:.in dw Jt'PJ" 'J'Pimllyf"'ptdr1rfJmwritmt1vw1u,itl, "" finals of 1h<.·Q u<.-c'nF.lis:ibcth Compc;'1i1icrn in ,.-oplr sitti11gmulrr II l~f• U11rflml u•hitr mu. Brussels. Udgium, a well-known 5inging 1inti11g.l11ughhf$amlhiulti11~pim,11111/ pi1111 c;omp,c1iri<m 1.1:king Jll.a,cc~t'f} ' four yc:u.s, of,cmMIhrrr. /1111 "''"" IJrwill'IN'tlmr for 1hr where he oh1:iincd <onsidcr.1ti(tn for his li<.'(I • rt11ofmJ lift,,.,,, tilt' lir-.a,;s Mu~i<'.,l,r 1ypit,d singing. So11tl1-(;..rm"11 nmmrJ 1m,1i,.11•hi,I, n bmss Un1l1h:1V(·cnlu:r poi111 i, in .,;ummm1:as Imm/ t,f11101111iuhrd lk.1wri1111 gtmlrmn, wd l: on,· of 1lwm i-.11'·Khool~ they bo1h wr11ri11gft,ttlN'mf h,.u,mrrrilJp/111"/111/ thry .uu:ndt'\I before.•jumping into the /011i." proft•s~ionJI .sct·nt·-:chc \'(lortd \'ouih Cl1oir. 11:111,1;1ant·il frnrn ,wo ,·c.· r)' tli.st,mt For tlw few rc:1ckr.s th,u may nm In· fnll:)ica l cxp,:ric rn,:e,;.~ai ll. )-Ou nt.-vc.•r know inf.unwd, The \X1orld You1hC hoir i, one of wl1('rc• th<.'uigg,·r fnr mu~ic 0,1 be hiJden. , lw main :mivi1i\."$ ,;-.1ITT ,, I om h)' 1lwIH :M. Surd)'. of1n1 f.unili,-:. pb )' n c:nu:i-'I rnli:a~ wgcthtr wi1li,lu· Jcunt.-:i;scs Music.::al,-s. Th,• mu.sic , loc.sn\ S4't"mmix: on 1lw.tgen,b of projt·ct i:.:111,no q 15 )'l~.:lfsuM. :ind somt· of puhli,· ~hnok :u k·.1~, in EurnJ'l ' i1..sfom1cr membt-r.; ;ire.-~,an in(!,to d,-..•c· lt11• P O: "/ /l(ld thr•pm1/t'f.rofirrm-u1t up 11111 brilli:1mC'.lrt"t'has corulucrn~. ~oloi)t:..01 11v11ulc·rf,,I im1i(, of i1ml 1m,1it'im11. MJjiul,-·r. mu)it 111 ::1na1,tl''"' • The; \'(lorld Youth ( :hoir i, 11IIorga11ist flllllrlim 'IM, lt'IIJ of rourJ.t,.,.,:, indt"t'tluc::nini i1, fint !tl"lli:Ulion11ffo1ure lmppyto dimnvr 11~1 /mu for m,1,it/1111 hr k:1cl1·r.sof clw i111cm:u i,uul dwr.11.uu l ''•k..:il llf'l'i'Tp111hr,I nu lfl ji,/h11•/,i, Jtrp J. 11,·/,-Jimr :.C\' IW. 1h11 . in :II WIIW, dmw l'l rc.-.1, .. .lh· ,l fu11g•t•1mul:{h cimt, f.,r ~tllllt' 11(1lw n Uhl 1:tl\'11tc;,I fi1rnwr,ing, ·rs 1u 11h1.1iu i111p on,1m

rr,mpln,·fJfrt't'w ,Irr111( ,m 11~y,,uw.whrdrI du/ whm I tm• l ·I, 1l11tl.11/amm·. m, d,-,-i,um

tl'IUin ji111tJ11r of mmit·. At 1/,"1momrm "I)' fa1h,rhr/prd mt tYry mu,h. pt11hi11,t m,· u, ,ln¥/(lp mJ'11<11Iwith 11 IHml,srriqt1 s. daily wo,-1.•': JS: ..l\'l'hm/ ll'ltS II thiM. IJim,iv,111r1/ 10 l1f'f'flmr 11hiologiu.11,m n /,n,;,, t<ttrl)(T. Rm 14,/Ji',, IQIII<' )YtlfJ J,utr ll'J 1v,iu rl,a,,getl ,md I 1li1<Qwml dN11I w,1111blt"'singlh·urr11111/ ..Joudrr• tluw "'I fellows ;,, 1hrf(lrilh t/J(Jir, I 1mdm1oodthat musk tl'ftl ,,,, fiue. So I dropped1hr<>tllt'r idt'l11,mt! ln-g1111 10111,dJ singingsuiott1IJ.MJ pt1w1111 supporud mr w,mdrrfi,/1)1 ,md I nm ''<?' gr,utfid 10,hemfor IN'lpintmr iu tlw,r ,..-,,{Jnrp, o/"I)'r,m·rr'". l\·wr and Joh.anncs 100k,iilfercru w,1ys. P.:tc;rehc,sc (m~·~idc n( ,he c.:o in. con(luc.:1 int:t· :inJ Jolunll(') ,he; Olhl"rone;,,;insing. Mo1i":uions for such :L choice can he v,-ry different. re1cr cxpbi 1uc f)Q: "U1hy did I ,h<Nlli" romluafog? To 1/mrrsomr1hb1g with t/N'dN>ir.to inspirt th<' 1h1gtrtm,d 10br impiml l>J1hrm, 10bri,igiug them 10ii h(t.lJt.•r lf'l.,.J,pushing tlN'm10nr.-.-p1 1hr.-J,11/Jm ,'(_.,uul 10,(it'<1omt1hint of 1/,m,khv-1."' I urMhdy do rnry tim,· I pl,m· 11'JS,..J/i11fro111 ofn ,hoir.Pctn lu.s also dc:-arid1;-.,s.1bo111 hi) fuwrc;: -c,,,JY>IIfou1gi,u1oml'thhrgllf(lrt' /Je,1111if,,I, mmr rl,nllmging1111d more mo1•i11g tfNw,r pi«r 111i1h 1oloi,tlwiraml ,,,..1,,,,,m?/'rno1111IIJ I hlll i ... Ahou1 appm.:1chi11gclw problc;m o( im,·rprc1,11ion.1111: \'(fotltl Y\,uth Choir i:.,m imJM.m,intKhoo l ll,r :111it:) lm;:k)' meml,x•,ri,, In l:i«,:1.if 11,,;-pmjec11,-.1,he s Ml1uc:1hini;. i1 :1inh:u s!H)wingchc;in,r," lihle r,-suh~111 ::11 .a e11mmon $piri1 <..111cn·.a1ewhc.-nic ,:orn,"$to mu~k •pn formin1_t, \'(lhilt • b,;-ing!lingersor Comlu,;10,$,

fomwr W'tirlclYuu1hCh\lir 111('11\l)C:h kt-..•p 1hi.sori~inal ~1)iri1 :ili,'t· 1hroup.lwu1 1hl·ir ,lailywork,

JS: · 111,,/11/('IY'Y ,,.,. "1·n11dt1(ll)r, b.-r.1111-· I prefer,o IK iH tlti· (il'ft luu . 11•,t/1 m,d1i11.t


bttuv.-11me 1111d tht· /i1tnurs. 8111,ifirr unur rm. rwth'<';w,11ofsi11gin,((.. I 1hi11krh11tnow I begin 11, k,,o,u anul uf'lol'Iq11item,11.bt Ill)' opi 11io11t1 mu11/1<r 1,f1hrm 1mdur11imnuthe moti11111ion of prrfar111e11 ,md tfH'ttfarerMrh modnt rt'lltfu. 71H'idml cq11d11 rror m111t ben ,,,,,,,/ lrtulrr •)"'" r,w nlso /d;t 'ii blHliJ 111 rgOf'c.,,tri, ... but IN h11110 bt 1r1ui1i1'<'to otl,<rs, tv ltr 11/1/r t'1 motiratr pcrfomm1 in ordrr t() gmdunlly rettrh.togrtl,rr 111ilh thrm. n higlNr /rw/. Ami. ,,bow nil. hr hn1w go 1111e strpnt a time. !fix aim, 100high1111d 10010011.hr will i·rrt ni 11 IJfi 11'/ 111s111il[ybothl,i, }'l'T1lllUl{ /,itio,, 11111 ,,,,,! hi, prrformrr,-r,:prtt,uiom. Hr will u:vtJtrtlH",ommo11prqjrtt 111 ul dm1111gr thr r,w1r of111111fr ". Jo hi nn~ prcfcrt to in.spire-01hcr


or di1,lomaq•. l\•1c."ris :'llsoc.Jui1i: f.1~1i,,

:i"oiding mcni ioning b:id m<.·morieii: : "J(l, thrn-it 1omrthi11 g I du11irrmrmbt'rwidt ,nusici:.1 ns 1htough pedagogy: "I'll Ol'\'Cr be :i plr11Jttrr. /,u1, plt',tSr,!rt mr bf' l'Nlrm1i-lJ dir.:ctor. I'll goo n singing un1il cht d-.iy ,lit<rt'tl, h«11uu 1/1111 "f,111('()" dtNS 1101co11rau before I die. M~ybc-.in 3 (cw years, I will 011/y nu" . Alwaysbe-Jiscr<ce ,1.bou1rour ,.-ri o u.dy c..o n sickr 1 e:tching 10 1lu: young 5 colh:--.aguc-$, J<m'cyou 1hi nl.? gencr,ui(uu of si1,gcr.1.l\u1 i1 is coo early Young muiicfan1 :ire alwars considt·cc..-J co now: I am nill k:aming :alc>1myself C\'Cry be c..-x 1ctmt· in ll1cir l:1..w:$ :.andchoic~~:milt! d:iy, t '\ 'C:f)' con«n . <·,·crynew lliecc I .st:au m.tnncrs arc supJM)$«l to conw with :1gl·. -\llldyiug'". \'(/hen i1 c<uUt'$ I<) deciding wh ,11mu.sic1ht)' Ocspi1c 1h1:it }'Oung:tgc, Pe1cr :and would bring 10 tlw "famous.. d cscr1 i,b nJ, Johannes :irt· :tbo rc:td}' l() 1.11.:e 1he 1imc CC) 1hcy .somd10w come co :1.simil:aroond ~1.sion. chink back w wlm chC}':i.ehie\·('(Iand ma.ki: PD: • t l1tn1·"" ,lvub1:Jim I wouldc/)()01" ),j)nu .· C\'~lu:.11 io11.). ro: .., 1mlt 'f'TJ proz,do/t!N worl:t<>g,rthrr Julww Srb.mi,mi I\ minor Mass. t/N'11 S«o11tlSymphony,md thm ~((.nr wtth tht' Swrdish N11di11 Oxnr u1hm prrpnrmg ll,ul,111n11i11011i Srmvi111kJi I.< 5.acr'-' du Printemp5." tlH"rrrtmli,1gofSrl,/i,,l,agi "Fn«lr mif' t:rdm: JS: "5'/,uhrrt's Wimetre isc-of rourh'. mid J rrmrmlHr tlxu itY l/>4'11111wttk ;,, fl son of """ j, S. ll,,d,'s St M:mhcw ,uu/S1 John's 1r1tl1</irwl1l, ,mis1i,·1Jmb1os1111111/ ,1.ftt11 11.N Pa!>.S ions ·: /i,JJmJtf'1,,ftin·prt't'ruyr, r,"f'lllfl(lllydrlivrl'l'<i, 1\n,I , wh,•n i1 comes 10 thr:tshinr, music..-. 1/1m, 11v 11v-rt"1lll mmvd 10 1r11N: s11111nlm1g ,h.,..ir t·u11du~ions l>l..,·ma bi1 mor~•diO',•n·m: l,dm-r mr. ,s mu /111ppt11ing r,orrJtl,ryr' PD: ".\/«kllilllSt'U, die'fer,,,! 111111 1, lllltl 111/ JS: - 1,m,l'mml (J/t/"dtj)imlt dM'itia11 I t!H1sr who 111kr t/,.w,rlm 100 lt'rtot11{'r ... /r somr timt' 11gqI dM'1dnl1111/i-1:011· my,t'lf 111111 JS:• JJ,r Sh•t'llllnl t,w;umrr musfr", th111is /utltr ,1111/ r/,111,,llt'r ,mlilf. 11r,.lnv11gdft'1llrr 111 whi/1•dom,(otJ,.,, / oprm ,!11,rwoultlprob,11,J,, l,m11.t.f,1 t!lt' musi,· 10!Jf'inJ(.1',ml 11111 ~ ,.-111,1 /111ur .t111I , .. 1tw1/tl11rr mrt't'r Hut l,·t ,,, 11 Yn 1111l' 111m.1c..t.111\.an; :al-.c , '"Pl"'''~, 1111 ""'' ,,, Ji,r I /,-u't',w wg/th .., 1111 h,u·i• \lt<HI@. opi11i 1rns about whom 1h,·> lik,~ ,\ml ,1} i1 i} 1wvcr loo c,ulr lo lt.-.un 1hc .m


:and whorn cht) ' tlon't (or :tt k~i,t lhl-y'rc

.suppbS<:d10(,cpr~-ss1hcm more c:asilr elm, oldc-rpc-n:ons... ). ·1:tlking011I)•from 1l1e 1)0Silivt' sicle, modd.s pby :an impo n :rni rolt-in dw fo,m ,uion of :i mu~iti:in, 110: "Thrrr,,q m,,,,,. 8111 our iu pi1rrit1,lt,r /1,,s brr11 for JV'llts 111)' momi11,(JJnr: V11/r7Gi-r-gif-,, ". JS: " / h111'(' no 1/011b1: I u'fJul,Ilike 111 b;/JrynUrfil, 1/Jt'mou rm11p/r,r1mgrrI INnY rt•,r liJtntrd to". le i mu.sic bt· llw food'>fl<weor lo,·c-be the fo0<I of music, What to unu bc.~ide music? PO : "Myfr,mtlJ: JS: " v/111/,111111•ifi'. 111t'11 /(f11·.l,wgh ,mdfJ . t\rt· pl\1 100 loud (m bu d). Pctt•r :111J Juhamt<'.S?\"i't· wish )'O U bo1h h) ht.,cun(' ('\'l"fl loudt·t (:and co l-1o1.·tth)h.' l:aud t'd) in 111.:· 11\'\.lr fuu1r,· so 1h:i1\w'll "iill ~- ablt· rn follow )'Ou in )'tlur fouu,· scq,s :.:i n111 ~ici,ms.



l<'.H l>,,....



Pt'ttr Dijl':ftnt , n 26 )Y111•..q/tl Dutdmuw ,md tit< /('(ldl'r1Jftl1< ,w.1/ msrm/JI,-,111c· Gruts. farmrr trtblr IV>irl' in ~Rodr,j.ang.-n/:O()r'; As a mu/ isfrtt/ll<m/y i,u,iud ,,_,"f.""' nmd11rtor 1-ny;vm11gs.oloi11 !It' uwg in 1/,r 11umimport,1111 bJ proftssiom,/dJOif1r1ml brondm11i11g f.i,mpnm 1/>e111rrs 111,d ro11f'rr1,/,a//1, torpormiom ,,II01.--rrl':uropr. At tlx Yi'gr1•11110 prrfar111i11t. wi1l1(;,m,w Lro11/u1rdt , S1'sisu•1tld WiM1¥11t 1 f;.,,;,,..,/ J,,. roml11nal1/1(' \rto,1,1 Kuijl·m, Ma.\' mn Hgm,md. l~urr /Jr m,diftl Chmnbf'r (.'/,,,ir in a prognmm,,. mdmli11g singing,wd rhomlro11d1,rti11g ill lloll,111d mu/ pi,-,w/,,1m(f(/,-m(0111p,t»rrs mu/ d11s,i((I/ rhontl G,·muul)t Ajirr" l,rillimu grru!twtio11/1<11'011 work, bJS·/m!Nrt. /Jml,ms mu! Rhrin!Nry,rr. fim prizr oftl>rS1odd10/mErk EriNouAmlffl for J'oungChoirCtnu/:,nors 1003. Umil Joh111111 r.J S. hrmlrl, Gi:r111tt11 bariumr, 29 /1111 p, ·1rhr 1,,/1hr Hl1g11rRo;wlCo111rn'ftfo~y Jfill'f old.Afirr 1het~•ry Jim rlMmlrxperirnu1 Cl1m11bt-r Chqir. whirl, h, tl""' "I' ii, ordn' u, iu kT<r,1l,hurrhn of his romury.hr 1v111 for complt'trl,i, 111u{if1 of orrlJNtmt'Oml1mi11,t ,11 kt't'ntl )'t'Hl'J., mm,l,rr of,/"' \t?orltlYr1111/1 t/,r Smrhho/111 /tpJl,I Cr,mrrmtn")\ Ht· ii ,1!,11 Choir. /1r 11111/ird 1i11,(hl'/.Jim in K,mjl1rurr11



·1: Ill


PaeifieRim Children's


wi1/,r,,,/,rir/r fhtlm 11111/ 1hr11in Fr,111J:fi1rt 11 ,i1h 1\fid11t1•/ Srlmll1•r. (im,l1w1al nun /nudr i11}00.1, IH'11bo111011k'l'n-11/ pri:::r,,wd 1rhol,ml,;p1lpt'd11/izi11,( i11lif'tlrr.onm,rit, ,1111/ r/111111/Jrr 111111if . Nr ii now ,1 rm,pomrJ ltHrlH'r ,,, ,h,. Fr,mkji,rt /10<l11dJ11!r for Alu1ik mu/ Dr,mrflMdf' Km111 . 7Jwl,ugf' mm,brr o/ 111«,•nfi,I t'Pll<f'TII mu/ 1wi11t!s 111111.-,· him n/r,:111/y 10·/l.i•11ou111 m11/1tpprrditU1!bJ m,tlimrn iu CrmUIIIJ~/111/y. A111tri11. Fnum·. mul 1hr U.S.A. At tl"' Vi;t:.-,w,10 \W'n-rr,,, IY'J1i,,,-,J. fh' pr-rformrdtl"' Rollf'rtSr/111111111111 l'Olllfllllirlia/,., <)YII" Oii-hurli,•l,e 1og,·thc·rwith tht' pimnit //ill ·a D11m11i>,•


An Adventure in Choral Music and Dance from Pacific Rim Countries ........ This9-day residentialprogram is designed to provide treble choirsan opportunity to experience ffle cultures of ffle PacificRim fflroughffleirchoral mvsic repertoirein on interoch°ve,non• compefitive environment. Connect with new friends and different cultures.




• ........

HENRY H. LECK Festivof A r ti# i< Ditoctor Fovndcr ond Arti~ic Oirectoc-o f the

fndKJnopol is d 1ild1eo'sChoir;

lntemotiooolly known speCtolist ond d«'li<iol'Iin choral te<hniques.

the child's voice ond lhc boy's chonging voice,


Fes.tivol Host Choir Di,-cctor HOSTCHOIR Howo i' i YoolhOpero Cl1orus

... '

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Pa c.:ifil:IS(,,1,f(f• c Ri n ,


Wo ,)do Gcrebe,l, Exe<vtive Direc tor Tel (8081 595-0233

Emoil info@PocRimfasJtvol.org www PocRimFeslivol.o,g



01•ld Children's Choir Festival

9-14 July, 2005 in Hong Kong Registration is nowopen for individualdelegateswho wouldliketo participatein the 2005WorldChildren'sChoir Fenivalin HongKong.



;pl et\SCnpp



Festival Highlights: e 1G<andSongbridge Golaconcert C, 3 eveningconoef1S • 18conslruawe WOll<SM!)O oonduaed bycho<al e,q,ensfromatOU\dthewo<1d

e lnlernationalexperienoew~hmorethan20choirsfroma!Ioverthe world S ongb n dg e Cho irs

Art istic Ad v1sor s TapiolaChoifffoelitld> KariAla,Pollan ~ University of Pretoria Jc1caiandi Children's Choi,(So.NIA~> Fernando Malvar•Ruit Sa$katooo Childttn'sChoirICANCl,J TongShiu-wai ChinaNational Chiktteo·s Choi,~ Jeao-Oaude Wilkens

O verseas Perfo rmin

or k sho S eak ers Kari Ala,P6113nen fCGl'd.Jno, &1J.Wttv«1ot.11,l»Oll(ho,!1 RobenGeary «~~1CM¼ffl,Oai> fe1naadoMalvar•Ruiz WwtOirfflor. ~ae,cti.:.,1 MengDapangtcc~ <IIIN RidloOilh,Mho,,) TongShiu-wai !/l'flidtM.Hcn91COIIJ ti,blt Chclirr "1IOPolWl\1 : • tf E f,\ ; Pohjola• -"""'°"'' , MichikoTakahashi tccwM1°" ICOl(lli(hoift Jing Ling-Tamllo'« 1oio,Chor.i~ Umoeno1yot row


Young Adela ideVoices ~~1•1 Choeur d'enfantsdu Benin~

Hulsborough Children's Choir""""' Guangzhou Youth8roMkasling Choir~ KunmingSanzhong Choir1~1


KotoriChoi r u.pW locheonYoung(hOfal«<rt~ Philippine Children·sChoi r (PMpptlffl 5bWIIWl ~ ·,etor Nancy Telfe-i ttffl"o,,uMCIIOlil~Qfl Xinxiangbulong {hild1~·sChoi r cr~w Richa,d Tsang Cfl~t. "'~""'"'..., Society of comffl'P-r u.usicJ ROf\9 •ShingChoruser...... ·~ r Seavande, SandtO:OOd1.ROt..lfWN1CMndlO.> GlenEllynChildren·s Chorus 1VW PhoebeVoigtstcoldwor. w..,*~'so.ocJ PiedmontChildren's{hoirw5'\I

•d• Will•ns ii«,,.,..,.~•••"--"""'•""'• e


-- --

World Chi ldron's Choir Fes tival 200S CTent ative Pr onra mme Schedule) 911($1~ 10.,($1,nJ rttncT•t nn"'~


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lndivicbllOtltgatu Rtgil.tt1rion

Dt-dint.lS~lOOS ,.,g,w~l!On fte:tm 1,600 l.. oundlhSm OiS<ounll .-;~e brdsWoreISAp,l Rotgi~l!etd OelfC),ilttsw.11 befflttifd to priolityMfflllsSIOl'l to ill 1hewotbl'lopundI ddtt ~ IOtJ1t4 fttlN)I COl'IC«lS hfld X lht HongJong (ulti.r..i(Mlt ((lft(ttt H~ fltgisuftion fcrmt ~~~from tho ,~•t foi lllOlt.-rnlt!M on11\t f.tlcr<,IN r~falk!n






(IO J!NpsoAm i.UnragflflMI ltd.

T<t(Mll]m.16~; f ... !8Sl')lm 1960 E11'1.!11: .. ~~OIII feslNal\'.'fbsilt:YffiW.hillt'tiKhar.(Onl lXIOSWollf(hildltl'fl (hOl1fMti\•.JLI


O ,·cr the la.st four doc-Jd t~ there have l.xcn n\:u,y discussions :abOUE how IO pcrform ll."lrtk1uc :111J Rcnais!klncc rmli iC wi1I, v(liCl'f. In general. 1hc philologi~I (li.scus.s ion is :abomJ('',,('rif,inga war of pc:rfonnins: tha1 is, 1r)·ing IO reproJu c<'1he u,"Chni11 u\'":1mlt he

diffl·rcnt nl(".tl:rnd St)'li.scic w lmiona:1 tlm singcn empl of""I :u 1hl' cimc th e music " ~.u C0 11lJ)0)4;J.

\'(l'h,·n it comes to insuumc.· ntS. i1 ij possibl(' m visit 2 mu.scum. which collc.-c ts tlut ~ from the 16,h ccnm ry or harpsichords from 1hc IS th ccnco ry, an J 10 i1udy 1hc n w~h 1111,,icil l ca p.1bili, i~•t> .,f 1lwlf<'in J1runw 1u.f. B:uoqu"· s1yk is :al~, frc. ·... 1ucntly dt·)t(ti~.J in m.~li.k·,, n f1c11wriu cn b)' t he m:•i•>• l'lt'rform,c,r,,:uhl 1t':l:c hcrs of 11,l · 1i,nc. 1:or instance. when it comes 10 harpsid u, rd,, i1 is

1>0ssible m m 1Jr 1h1,. · 1lWl)' historical modd s ..1ill t:):isting in nm:.l." um.s,1nd pri\'JIC' ,o llcc1i1>ns , anti 1rt•:11is<-,,;u\'." h ~ 1hc mos 1 famom one by Cul 1'h ilip1l Emmanud l\..lch. Com bining those 1wo l)'pt-.. uf inw11ig,11ion~.wi1hoU1forgt·11int; :1~u,..,I mu~i<-.11 .;m:1ly,i~ of the pi1.-c.1,.· m Ix• p1.• rfurn wd. i1 i, pos.,ibl.: Ill (lcrivt·a pt·rfonn ..m,~;praoiu.• . Tt"·n.-i \, ,·11'( o UN(', a link b1:tWt"\·n i11)1r,,nu- n1,:1n d \ tlkt"S : 1he n:l:ition ht•t\\'\'t°n

mdoJtl)' .111tl .tccom1..-nirncm. 1\ fir~, .tppm.11,. h tn .._1 .,..rh•inf, .a 1H.1c1ic...-li1r \ '1 ,i( ,~ anti i11,u11111 ... •ni.. 1ogc1h\'r i, h• rrtogn i11,.• eh ... · in01n-nc,. on...-'1:i.. on 1lwocht·r. C.1rl Pl1ilipp l·.nunud H.,dt. in hi, 1:-..sarun Ilic Inw 1\rt ,lf Pbyin~ K1,.1 •ho,1rd 111\l nutwms (1-~J · 17(,2), lu, I ,hi,; m:. .1yon clw , 1.11*,1 : " l.o~-1: nu up 1>0tcun11y to lwar :.oti,1i\ ,in~in~. In so tloinp., 1ht· ke)'bn.ar,1 pl:1p.·r will l1.v.1rn 10 1hi11kin lt'm" of ,,,.mi;. lmlc1,."'1, I. i1 i) ,1 rm"-1 pr .tt.11,t' to , in 1,1i1hu un H:n 1.1I md1)d1l..., in , ,r,k1 10 rl•,1t.b :,n un,la-.1.11 u lint,of1 lh'it ,urh, 1 11o1.•tfoun. ,mt.·.~ h 1, ...k:11111. 11tlw '"'"-' ' h." h.hl n<, nh,h,1111\.1lt·,1,lm1••n ""'' ' 11o1.• , 1plt. , 1.u1t.• ,I

singing. R:tlph V:1ughan \'(lilli:im$. in hil' is m:ainl)':i show :,ntl 1ht.• :audicn,·,: must be N.11ionil Music (1934) wrou:. "'T h ..... hmn :111 ClJUllf<'d or :11 lt-:ist f:.~cinateJ. If. while you ,·oiu i.sth e oldC'-$1 mu.:sic: 11ini-m unem and arc pr« isd r pb }'ing somi: pn.'(ious ;<inJ 1hroug.h 1!1 c :tgcs ic rem:,in!Iwh;u i1 was. $0phistic:ucd music ru ur lisu:ncrs s1:1rt 1111e h 1 ngeJ: the most primi1h·1." and ;U 1hc think int:." \'v'h:11a bon.-!'"n(, qut-siion: you same time 1he mosc m0t.forn.b1,.•Cmk it is 1hc failed!• nmst im im,111: (o,m ofhum:an c,qlre.ssion." Luc:1 lli:inc-.1c mphasi7.ts 1h:n bo 1h We di.scu™'tl tht.•issues o( performing. instrumem:il rt·chniqu c :md pear! Onn :ancc , •()(';al/in~ 1n11nt.· nl:1I harc)11ue mm,ic with pr.icticc thoory h :av...:acfoar 1>rn 1 10M.": Ro~ n o C ini :md tuQ Pi:mca. While bm h cnh,rncing the ch.1ncc.-sof making g(M)<.t rccogniic i-1:,formins ,( skill :and r<:.scard1:,\ music. 'li..·d111iq u ...-:and tht·on• arc the ntc~sary tools for :aurht•n1ic 1>C: rform:1nC\· musid:1 11 '$ tools ch::11.M:tv <' c~1)r.:.•.s ~io n withou1 pr:1c1icc. Pian.._.._. teaches the C'X llrt·.s.sivc limi1,11iom or compm mi~t:. I le tiumc.sSOr<:n i1Up:ac1 o ( the pcrfor111 :1necis of pr imary Kirkcga.ud (Oon Gio\'anni IS"t;) ," 11,c impou;anec while Gini cmphasiu-s , he nt·n.l singer muJ1s1ill h:1n.·one th ini;.:1hc universal for ,•isorou,;:.1pp lic-,11 itm tt( rek',trch. A fow i:;roun, 1of :allmootl:s. til t :ihilhy 1o .apply of 1hcir commcnu follow, bd c,,v: im,1g.in:11ion re) tlw w1ic(;'.the ::1hili1)' to sing halian cello :andg.-11nb:1vir111 0,o Roht.·n o with irnagin;uion.'" Gini (RG) s:ars, Rohcuo Cini . on th e otlwr luntl, "'l1 1c:$O•C311t-.l t-Xpens t.100·1 qu:1rrd .u .all! Ob)Cf\'t·,. Or. :u lt:1.s1. 1lh')' t1u;1rrd tuo linl t•, l)\.•,--: ,mc ~ · .. ilit.·rules for l1lt·rform:.1ncc11,.,hnitlllt' of .._..., •eryonc iut1 mintl.shi:. own busine». jm , :mcicn1 mu.)icl h:.v,·t.·xistt'(I for a Ion~ 1im...,lc-fo -nding his small J>it."CC o( c;1kt. ·. When the)' :111d;m• 1li1,. • ll('Ct-....,:ir y sui,1,• 10 J)l'rfor~n wh:u ,1u;urd i1 is c1n ly h<cau,;,con,• o( 1ht'm i<noi wrin t·n tl ll 1lu..-scort:. Hut \'~rv few :uc d, li h~r.iid)' dt"Ci .:k~ co tin -A )mctl1i11~ 1hose that :1n11.tll )' opc u and consui, th t· ,liO"i: ren1 frm 11hi~ t·ollt-:1pn..,. 2ncil·111mu.i.k.ilIT<',uis.;'1, It it mu ch ,·:i!)it·r10 !)wis,;lu1canti 1ht.·orho, i, 1m'I-So l.m..1 showca.se th,:m o n t h\' books hcke.l,, l1i:1nc. 1 0 .1)) olYo.:rs . llf('l<.'t1tlin~ to kunw th,·m p<·rfoctly, :arulth t·n ·1\lar l)(' the tlll<''ilion of pcrform:mtx· 10 do •.:om 1,. •th ini d S\', :i,·c1;1 rding l o ;i n pra.tcit.t·,that i:.. how to ,,,rrn1ly 111.·rlonn iutli,·itlu.alc:as1t· . T he)' ,.hou!J ht.• .ashauit-d .lllCicn, mm il. i, ..,ill fli,, " ~'"'' hr lhl· :.O• hn :111 ~<·••• t he :.i ric1oh'-\'fV'Jll(."C o( rul1,.•~ i~ t ht• 1,., 1llc,I expert,; (.a\ }'Uu u ll 1hcm): h i, nnu.h onl)' .1u1h.,:111 i,..,n'\'mw e., intn ,;.luc1iun of k :.),ldl.11cJh) mm i,i,mi,, ,\~ .1m.1111,.•r 11f (.t1,. 1 )'u u r i,1,-:i~. yo ur r.m1,h)'· .tnd ) 'our quc~ti,111 , lila· "how \\t •fi• ,11n11,'t1n1 a,:11ully pcr..onali1r. 1h111hi,. 1)rt'Ouro.;.· . i., (JiOi...·uh.., ph}'1.-. I .11Monte, ·crdi\ at,1·~ " ot '"wh.11wuuM l'i.anl.,l,11 ltl!oo . /'\lu,a n h.;1,•,· tlom· or :,.,1i;. l ,;i11111~ ,l l .1 m11o1fo,n "'"fo n 111w: h;id .: 1,l )'tlllf ini, iJI t 111 1,.•~1i1 1n, I \1t •lll W,1} 11i .111 11or li,h· nini: m 1lw voi,""4' uf .a Ulmt .11 lmi1 t h JI ,h ..• mui;i, r ,·rl:irm n -.. Ill)' 1;.•1m r s:u:?"' ddin111,d) .art·,p1t'\110n,;,wuhot n gt•n...-r.ari ,rn arc in A mm h l)t.'th·r prni,ion dun .m ~wn. In Ill\ opinion . io,I.,} p1u ,an pi.I} .t t ht· pliilol,~i,.;,I pi,m,•,·r:,.of. k·t u, ,-:1, •. chiri ,•, pit·u · h) ' /'\l111. 1r1 .11\11 OIi An t\fii, .111l1.1q 1: l1111r,, ...1,...,IJ:.11. lo i:..._, w... ~ J\';lil our,...:lw,. of-.1 \\h ou r,·alh l111111i- .t l'\' 1lw h -..11h, 1,·011 f.i't, II mm h h,·t 1,·r 1t·t l111i 11u,· .rntl wt· , ,111,1,•t1i, I )'01 1 II UIMJ!l ' hi pa"' 1w1·r ,Il l \'ll!Hllllll, 111 1t1o1 IJ)' 1lw ,ni, 1.1k,·,.md 1tu· t'"•'AA•'J.1 1iou,, m,w~:1hr .m,h1.1h..1·. \0\11 d11Ith~· , it,lu 1l1111i:, 111,11 li,1\t'l"·rn .aln•;hh n1.1 tk." lk,.at1'-\',,.u 1mh1lh'H'J ''"V.''I 1h;11.11uth1n In <mmn.,n. Kul1nM ( ;;ni h,,, p11illh'-I





out 1hc i111pommcc schol:trshiJ>co ,he: info rm ... "<l1x r(orm:1ncc or& ro<1ue music while tuc:a Piane.1has reminded U$ 1h:u 1he tlworv mus1 ;alwaysserve 1l1c<:ltpr... -ssion. fa·c n '11ioush the two 111:;ay fl'lll"C'S('nt diO"cr<nt schoob of 1hougl11.1hc infornwtl cc,mtc inpor:ary nn1l iC:ianmay lind t hat 1hc l.x"SI so l,,1io11is rn dr:1wfrom the s1rcng1hs


rmi11r111 ,'t'M·,tf u1/oim.Aflc•r,, 1111d passio11111r <tMp,:111 1io11wit/, Nil ·nl,1111

Choir;,, 1/Jt'Jim nu,dt'm P<rform.rnr,: mu(

A 11to11 i11i,

rr<ortlittg 0/11 prrrio111, rmpu/,1,Jl,tdpita bJ C/11111/i11 Mo111rn:uli , 1hr ,(nwrlios.r(ilorit,8 \'o<ilmsofN,q,IN, ns u-<11 ,,s dx morrimimmr C' .tmjirrWr 114.Jim 1111hliJh.•1/ in 1627.

lxtth, \¥le .ilso a$kt'<IJol1annc.s Schcndd :rnd

Peter l)ijks lr.t to give 1hcir 1>oiruof \·icw. Joh:annd Sc-h t·ndd SJid: "T he , 1ucstion of how 10 corr« 1lr perform :ancit.·nt music is quite imporu m . :1ncJ 4. •cr1ainly 1hc ruk s philol<>g,)' help us rn avoi<Isiupid crn>rs:111d /or an;achronisms. Hut. the 01h~-rli:uul, wc mus1 nt•\•cr forget , lit1t w•~ .arcdealing wi1h music. and mmic. a-. c.."V't rybody know-s,is not only rnlt·,t. Ancl PcrC'rOijk)>u3:1ddt•1l: '"l11t·c1ucMionconcern<(main!)•con duoors :uHI mu~icologim :. f ro m my point or vi.,.•w. I fi.,. ·n find difficult 101r.m~la1cwha1 :a 0 C',liHh•cmr dt·m:rnds in10 :iorm:1hi11g comf>atiblc with my ~ing.ing ability and 1-:rwwlt't lg.:. Or course mmiC:111>hiloloS)' (lic1a1._--; ruk, 1ha1 mus t lk- lrnown, bu1 1he ,11,~ohm·followc. ·r~t>fthe t•x1rcmcphilologial schoo l. 1hc "'cx1r<mi,1t·, :,, I call 1hcm. wry 0 ( 1.,.,n,11'1.'no lonsn singing or pby ing. no lon~cr m:1king music:: eh<')' ar<-only following mks, And rnlt.~h:1w plc-11 1)' of cxccptie)na;,,1.s .1 musician of my countr) ', a cert.tin Joh:1nn &•h:a~tian lbd1, sJ10\,'5 in C\'C'r)• single p.ig(•tu: \,•rou/ , T l11.·fu1urc: of h.1r()(1tu: pt:rlOrmancc 111.tl.lke:i.<.'i. '"'' 10 b,.-t1ui1t.• \-Xcicing. Jo1.-..n'1 i1?


,md n11txpm of I 71h<'l.'llfUTJ ltali,m 1tm1ir. At 1'H Vigt'iY1'tO l4>f't',•t'nrt Fmi,wl, It<In/ lbt' f.it1rmbltCo'1<t'TIO ,md tht' \\'tor/,/Ch,1111/Jrr



Swissl11ttmu/ rhrorboJtirtu010. J.,m, l'ia11Mis ()11( Q/r/x 111011n"'fllrtUtf prrformtrsof &1roq11< mmir, lmtb ns u,/ois1,md ;,, rolh1fmnuio,rwi1h


rogrdwrtt,ir/,Gi<mumi hasfor Yt•(nt[ ) '<'llrl lrd the· (ii,trdif!o Armo11iro , 1hr,vry wrll•l'floumins1mmf'm,1/ rmm,blr 11,hir/11yg11h1rly prrforms;,, 1/,rbrsr ronrrrt-/,,,1/si11Europe,,,,,tAmrrir11.At 1l1t.• Vig.rm11" \W'rf'rf/1tIY11i1111/, / 1i,mr,1U'tts i11 Hm·11011<01trt, IN.

dmrgt ,,f,llt' so1111d smd: oftl,t rhrmric,11 rrfilll/ b,11,:1/ 0111hr1t1ypit11I /if of Lom,u, dc. Pout<,Moz;m i libn-uiufar 1ht thm' l,,,linu op,:nu, Don Cio\•,mni. ~· , fan 1u11c, mu/ U.· nou,4,• Ji Fig~ •ro. •



/lQ/J,r,o G'iui ft,,lia,1 /lolkrtt, (,'i11iii 11rrllu 11111/ y.111,1/,n 11ir1t111 Jt1,dmir nm/ "rdH11r,,dm·•·u,r.1md11· r ,11 1hr1\>/il,w('1vim Sa10l11 di AImm, m11It/11 • ( ,~wa·:t(.'o111t·r1•,1u,i, y S11plr1rm·,/,- Mu1iqu (',

Bringing theWorlda Little CIOser

...theMisso11la FeSlival is chebestof allthechoral el'emsthaiwehawtauended...wewill always remember thehospitality andcordiality of thehost families-theywelcomed us likeoneof them! Nelson L~um.a., Colomb ia

whatproba/Jly sets thisft'Sti•'lll apanfrom m11sic e,-e,11s elsewhere is thehospiwlityof the people...it is amazing10 seethea111i c1iJation ande111h11siasm of thep11blic Ol'erthisfes1iv<1I . FaridulAnwar Farinordin,MAiaysi a

wehawt11nforge11able memorieswhirh wewill keepdl'ef)/y inourhettrts. Zaharina Milkova-Nikitasova.Bulgaria

..bringing peopletogethe1: communicating peace1hro11gh mlture. BillMartine:r.,USA

Now accepting applications. Adults and children, all voicings.



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aID ::i



linh"(.1IO 1hc fc, li\':1I. ~ I0<1,.•

inform:u ion will llt.' ;11.;1il:1hk hc.•for1.• :-UllUUl.•r


Obituary ADICOIV\ informs tL, th:u ri-1. Fc rn a od o Moruj:.t (lit'.(I tf:t:,{k-; 111 )' ill :1 rt>.1tl :tl·d&..·nt on ;H f>cn,..mht•rlOl)-1. M ~lonij:1 w:,s Pl\.·.:-idc: 1u of 1hc lhu.•no:Air'--:-City h.-:1fk.'h of Al}ICOIV\. U:C.\I pn.·s,,:ms i1s co11<lolt:ll1.'t.·:10 Ilk.· fanul) ' IO lht: Al}:(.'flllllt':lll


:1,:,,..'(H,.."1; H1111\,

\\'.C rl."g l\.' I lo inform you 1h:u 1h'-· <.:h:tinn:m ot' 1hc Ziml'iy:1. Jud ge Cha im Ad~r . p,L....,.l.'tl :iw: 1)' on .i i l >t.,·cmh, ..·r 200 I. al 1hc :t!,tc of 79 v,-;1~ (from t:.,1h1.·r I lc.•rtit:d.

..M i nneskonse rt .. • Concert in memory of Eskil Hemberg held on Jan, 201h 2005 ,n ·s :1 Jacobskyrka", Stockholm T he pmgr:uumc included 1c-nwor~ b)' fak il

J·kml,,crg.C.yUrgyOrban. Karin Rdinqvi~t. 1-lugoI IJ111rn:1rs1r8m. 1:r.anci~Pouk-nc. Hill)'

Jod. 1:.:JixMcnddssohn :inJ 1hc Spiritual .. 1>1.-ep llhw" CfUldumJ by Eric Ericson:11 11¾-cml of 1hccuncc-n wi1h :illthe choirs. A mc m,ori:11\f>C';h. h w.u pronounc,-J b)' IFCi\ I Fir), Vi4'., · Proidcni Thom.as lbbbow . ._ ___________________________________

Al.1d1.·m i~b Koren. l) ir. C hr i"in:i I lomdl

AtfolrFf(dellks FltCkkOr. Oir, l3oJoli:uhson Sa JJicobsK:tmm:arkl>r.Dir. G.1ryGr.Wen E.skilkorcn. Dir. 1\gn1:1:1Ublx: Solvt-it,;farinc,'<r,Sopr,,m AnJc:r~ Anders,-on.' fCnor Elli.:Lundkvi~,. Urg.an Pcr,AnJcr,, l~rix,,n. Sign;<ifhorn Prt•S<"nu·r: 1.:en i,Joh.m North)' ;\rr-.mgcr: IH.:M. Fred Sja.bc-rg


A cc am c . Vo1.mdi11):~lc.•111 l l<,.•1 :1nd 1•n..·i-.itlvnto f the Co~:t Hit-:111Chu 1~1I Miri~m

P:m icipa1in g:

Dit\.'l'Cc)r:-t\ :--scxi:11ic,ndit-..1unc.·,1x·c.·kt .llV on .! 1 IX.·('t'tnhcr 200 ,. ·

IFCM and Earthsong under

contr act IFC:\r, :\lultic,;ll h uf\.• :1nd l{1hnk C:omm iv ,1111\Im-. :-.1.1m ..-..l .1 Ill'\\


~'111,,·,,IC11ft"' i1l}!th\· ,, dl-kno,, o C'11t1c mu s :-,11t1J.thook, . Tlh· fir-.. "4.. ·ur,•, Ix- .1,.1il:ihlv :11llu.· ..,h \\<nld S}'IUJ>c1,i11m ill h:i-,. K~uto , for lhi:-\\1l h1h: \\ _. 1woj'-'\ 'I. U:C:\I nmtr:ttinl (1(1:n·o


l~:i11l1~) ll )-:, a \\(,:ll •krnm · 11 p11l1k,lh.. 'I'

Support for m usical c~mmunity victims of the tsunam,

Wor ld Youth Choir European

1n: .,1. Eu,u1x 1 C:un:n :1nd A C.l\.·ur Jok hll t:rn:11ion.1I :11\· lcN>J..ing(or 1h1.· mu:-1 1.·ff1.,ti\1.·''") 10 hdp t hoir, .intl llll"k:--d1011b th:11 h:nv ll\-,·n :1ff.._-., ,i.._,Ih}' lht: 1,un:1nu in ,\,i.,. Bdoh· c .1ll11lgfut .H,1tl11h ,11'k.J d111l:11irn1,. "" \\ill II) 111idt.·mif) 1h1.· l hoi,, and rn• lllll'lt ,d1011I, 1h; 11 h.1, .._. ,ullt.·''-'' lrom llw c::11;u,tro f\lit.•:md find

·1111:.?41H I ~ fa1rop1.-:m.,,..:..,iotl of lh'l· \\'mtd Y11\11h Choir in lk lJ,!, illnl wa~ :t hi14 ,ut\'t.--:-.,. ~1mt· 1hil1r ...;n~t·,, l onn 19 n ,unirk~ ~ul,.:.fin· .1 l':.1pp1.:ll. 1 nmn• 11., undt·r tht.• dii'1.•1. ·1ion of U;1IL11l('01ldm ·1or Filippo ri.11. ri.t Bl'l·,,m . Nq'k·rh•il\.' :

·111c.· L\IC h.1, :--t1h111i 11,.,1 i1, ,·, >llllll','tll,

P:1k•~ 1fo:1 . M111l!t.·\,.•ftli . All1,:J,:fi. I )on :11i. Bo1lalu mu.I Vr.mk 1'1:uliM

..._1 ►11,nkr.111011

PUI 1.1.lu1 1h,.;lr m,·<h .m· Cm.m·ri.11,, ,n~rumt.•oi.. . '-'h " ) II ,nu kn11\\ o l :1 ~roup or 111u,1t. ,1.huul lot :llt.'tl m , Ilk' ol 1111.: IH,lll) , ill:t,t.tl'' 1.k~u1}c.. ·d in 1h1.· r..-,:.:. ion. , 1r iJ }•►II \\;Ull \0111' tl l}:,1111/!Uion fn join 1h1.•

11,.11\\1111..,,11'f)t,tn11.1.,l h, 1h1.· tlm...... · ·''"'"' i.11,,.n, li:-11.,I.1h11,1.· . plt -;1" .: l'P fll.11.1 1h1. • IFC\I !-ot.'t'l l'l,11) e.;..•,t4,·1: 1I ,II It ,, ill.t ·nviif1 m 1w1 , 11.lion


IFCM and Europa Cantat in 2006 ' lh\· l1lt1.· r1,:111clll.1I ft:(k•t:1111,nfi>r <.h,,r:11

'-IX't'i.;11i,i111,,t in .._1hnit: 1m...i1.. for mul\.· iofonu:, 11un. pf.._•;t:-.-._• ,·11111:11.1 i\mhv Ih.· Qu.1dn~ . 1.·omnu:-,1on d1;11r

1.1d1.·~ hu1.·du 1

From the Internat iona l Music Council .tntl ;llllt·ndm\'ll1' to I ,r-.co Im 111tlh· pn·p .11 ':11100 ,,t tht ·

lu1.1I\\'r,ion of 111.._, luh loo, t•r1.·l1111in.1n. lh.111 ol a ( :rnn1.·n1111n oo 1h1.. • l'r11{1,.•dionof th\· l)i,'- ·,,1t\ ' ,,4

\l11,i, · .111dEuri ►p;1 C:nll:11\\ ill \ 'l >t •JX-t.11.._ • ( ullur:11 C.:nm1•111,.md \111,111. · "i1h 1lh· H:n1.·rh~fl..._,Mu,1J...1l..1dt·mi1.·11 ► F,1m·..,.1rnh \\ cwl. ,1n I\IC:-, puh la..._ ·.111nn or,.c;. ,m"-' ,Ill hllt•11);Uional ,,.:1Hina1 for 1{1'~0:\ \ ,er h,1, 1.1l..1.·n ,I th ·\\ 11101 \Xi.· < hiltln.·1l', ;tntl }OUlh ,hoir , ·on 1.htt·tor,.

Tlw wmin.tr \\ill 1.1!..1.·pl.111. · durin~ .m tl .lfh·I' llw IW\I fa1rop.1 LuU.t l f,·,11\.11 In M;mll . < ,t·r111.,n~. In 1111I to 11 1\uµo...e .!4M1<1P.1111<ip.11,on 1111h1.· -...·111111 .lf \\ ill

,uc · , 1111\'nll) ,·,plorlllJ.: ,11.1h•gt\~ lur l11n1l1U;! ,111(1lk,dopin;.: lff'-t -., \" 'I'•'" .,n :uho1..u \ 1011 lor lh\' promollrnl o l , 11h1u.1I righi.. \\ 1111 .1 1\.ir1,~ ·u l,1r lt 11tu, on 11111'1(.II \ ll\t, ' 1",JI\


1vertisements Hawai'i

Choral Honolulu Symphony

Chorus and Orchestra Karen Kennedy fes tival Artistic Oircc1or

2005 March 20 -


Report on cho ir participat ion in chora l comp etit ions

Songbridge in Hong Kong

Chfi.;ii :1n lk 1l:t1ldt:1~. dir\.X'l<-.rof lhi,:


Flo rili-,-tL'oc;1I<l..-1i.1ur.-. has wri l h .•1) an imcrl•:,;ting n.'pon o n the 1xm id 1x 1nl:-:md ;1ward w inn <;rs o f m~my wo rld fhor. 11l't11Hf'K:t i1ioo-.. 'l'hii- rcpon. i:--,,ow :tv:til:lh lc in En}!li:-h :end i:,. :n·:1il:1hlc on WW\\'Gll)POdlnliioslrn-'iC«·r [r.

pr<>J,tf': llllln c fM"~1n iS1..·dd u rirlg l ltc Ch il<.lrc r1's ~ux l v ·ou1h i:~•s:tiv:11 in llon)t

Award Chri s 1in c Oum as w;1:-. aw: u·<k.'Othe: Orth"(•dn .11,;,itt' clmml hy lhc Qud)I..'\' l'homl :,~,(>1. '1:ttion for lwr f!loh :t l ~u. •1io n

l~our d1oits h:wc <.'t>l'lflnncd1hcir in 1hc Sc11 'J,'.t hridJ,t1..·

KonJ,tfroin ?• I5 Jui)• 2005: • T:1piul:1 Choir , i:inl:mt.l

• Chin;1 Na1ioo;1I ChilJrcn ·s Choir

• J:1{--:1r:m<l:t Childr1.·1f:-Choir of Pr1..1ork1 • S:tsk:uoon Childrc:n's Choir, C:m:1d:1, Mon; infonn:ttion ; Hon~• Siu (l•:-m:1il: fic>n:1siu@rh:1ps,"t.:1 11:-.n>ni) •

Songbrid ge Gu ide lin es

Ap ply now: 2005 & 2006 festiva ls Cl IORJ\L ENSEM0LGS IND IVIDUAL SINGERS

Joseph McA lister, £.wxutit-cDireclor

E mail: OuhuCho r.:il@.iol.co m Phone: 808-524-0$1; exi 257 Web : oahuehorol.co m

1x1rtkufo,•lr her work for lhc in:1j.?; 1zin'-'!> -ch:11\ll' f ~ :md for t:hor.d mw,i-1.::md

"A n:couh..--. Con~r: 11ul:11it111-.!

27 Handel's Jll tssia lJ 2006 March 26- April 2 Mozan's l \rouirm A week of choral di nics. work.thops. rehe11rsals . and /Jeiformwu.:e.s.









c;ukk: lifi..•, 1111or~mi:,,ing :1 -~•,on~hrid):c.'~ f\..°~h-~ 11:m,; now :l\·:1il:1h k· frunl lhl· l111crn:u ion: 1I Ccn ll'C for Chrn;.111\lu-,k. Th ..- <.kX'Ullk."IU (: Ill Of h)


Ill.' M'lll in P l>F flit·

r1.1,t11 l.1r 111; 1il.

~1r1.-·i1ucn•<J1.•d . pll.";l"-' do mH 11-1.:;s.i• to 1.'01\lall l(:C\ l h)' phon1.· t+.U Hlil l(100l. f,1s i+5.? Hl "'IIl(l()lJ> or l'..m:1il: i1.-.. ·m@ifnn .111.·t )OU



World Youth Choir summer session 2005 - Israel Th1.· 1)1.'SI \\ YC , u111m1.·r ;',!.-..:-ionwill 1:tk(· J)l:tu.· in h r:1d fn,m 1-l~ Ju ly blttS. I ht•

'4..,, ,on "111Ix· m:11\-11,tt,I h ~ 1h1.· Ziml'iya Ill 1.lc,....._. (,'(>C ,rx·r.n icm \\ ilh .kun1.''-"l "' \h1,il ·' ''-" hr:1d :111dll: 1lld Th1.·\'\'\'('. \\ 111f'lit,:rformlk-rn.,,d,, ·., Chi <'IJt'SI<~, · Psa lm s \\ 11h l l h· ,fl ·ru,tk.·m 'lymphon ) C>rt-111..., lr:1 'l'l,1.·1.-.1111..ht< ti,r "il l Ill· A h :tro n l l;1rl rq> fhl':1dl

:\11 ., 1.:1pfk·ll .1

pr, i,.(r.111U Ul · ,, ill ll'l· .,1....• 1"-'1'111f'n1c·d "1 11, 1:1°<:dSj<lh crg lru-111,,q•dt•n. Th 1.•t1.·111.111h· "'hnlnlt· indttclt·, 11!llH' l h III J t ' llh : 11\·lll , 'Id J\\ i, '.,11; 11\ ·lli .lllcl 11lht•r pl.hv., 'lh t• ICC\I "'" ,,u11' 1l11',(•h,, 111!Ill\· h1;1d1 01g.111i1,·r, o n ""'' u1il\ ,1,,)1.-.1, 10 n1,ucv

lht · h1J,.th,·-..,:ih •I\ 1111.tll \\' l uwmh,·r, ,1u1tlt1th11, .,nd , 1,111

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Airmiil 1hc rcg.isu:11ion form 10: RcgiM~1ic,n Olfice of 71h Wor1d S>•mpo$iu m on C hor.al Muji~. c/o IC$ Com ·1.·m ion De<ign, Inc••.\-24 K:md:i-Nii;hikich'l', Chi)'<><b-l:u . T okyo 101-8449, J,\P AN


l'or rr:CM Membu s (lncli"idu:al rq;i)tra1ion) £:ulr L:nc/On-:<iu~ full w1.-ck half w«k full w.:C'k lulf w1.-ck MDI Grou~-, I Jl'\'S0.000 Jl'Y,l-0.000 JrYS5.000 .lJ .000 Grou,., II Jl'l'•i0.000 Jl'\'24.000 JP\'44.000 26.400 JPY.?7,000 J PYJC..200 J['YZ9.700 17,800 Gro up Ill

1:....,1,. l..a1C'/On-,,i1e ii.ill WC'i,.-l h:M WC'Ck rull \\'1..-ck h.alfWC'ek ?;;;;.,1,1 Jl'YM.ooo J1'1'36.ooo}l'Y66.000 .16.000 Group II JPY48.000 JllY.28,800 Jl'YSZ.800 31.600 CROUI' 111jl'\' .ll .400 Jl'\' l?.400 )l'Y3S.<<m21.300

SIGHT SEEING TOURS The S)•m1l>Os1\ 1111 lias or~:ini1cJ .1 v.1rict)' or 1our..., t-xdus ivch• for tlcl~ .11.,:md their v.ucm 1hroui:;h, lie JT I\. Ple:i,c ,;-njoy,•on; si:iv in Kyo10. ' . Tour• I: IJ11ur,tl·11 0 ulr 27) Tour-2: Mt. l-liri& Em)•,tL ·,tji 1f'mplr0uly 27) ·1:our-,): ~ul, ik,~iSur-110Smo & Tim,b,1Wincry: Uuly .ll) 1 our-4: Kyo10 :;oun,l.sc.tfM.·cour: Uulv J I) Tour-S: Kibw11· & Kur,mur. Uuly JI)• To11r-(1:Noh: (Jui)' .ll) Tou,-7:Juui-flitor. Uusu5t I) 'four,S: 7.ru ~frt li1.uio11:(J\ 11~11,1 I)


·( :un-1 ,~ i,u.uiun i,,.,1\•,1ibbl1. • for your $pou<.e:nr f.unil)' mcmbl-r. hir mol'\' Jct.ail..., ple-.b1. · \'bit 1he wd,siu.-or :bk 1lil• lh-gi~u:uiun

OOic('. GROUPRATE Croup r.11cr1. ·g.i!-1r,.u ion i, .wail.11,1 .,..\\ h<·nmw l.ho1.1I ~mup or ort,::a• ni :cuinn :b ;111 l1rµ.ani1..ui,m.-.l mcmh1.•rof1hc IFCtvl mlkc"' .a culk'-• 1iv1.· ·'l'l' ti~.ni(,n r.,r .l uni, of 11 lk-f).\1 11,. Yvu Ill.I) ' r<.·!0~1cr tiihn hJ· fa1tor .1iun,1il, ()n.linc r<.'g,i\lr,uioni, NO ' I' .w:ail.1hlc liw i:.roup re~· i,1r.11i1,n .

1:0, JFCM o~:1n i•,,.-,1 ional membcn (.a uni1 ol wc..-konly) 111>1 (;m~•1• I ( ,n:•u1• II (,rou1• Ill

I ..irl \·



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PAYMENT You 111;1,·l'·I_\ 1lu· rq:,i,rr,HHHI In·, lw < rnlll (',1hl C\ I\A, M,McrC ..r,t. ll inlr, ( 'luh , M,11-X. JCH) rn 1\,11\kRm1i11.m,,. All pi1ymc111must lw mad e in J:1p:rncsc rcn .

FORFURTHERINFORMATION Plc.t~cvi...it 1hc weh~i,c Jt h111, :lfwww.jc.·•.me1.or.jp/\\':(Clnl. lfy,111hJ,·c ,tll )' •1u~~ 1io n.sc . pk•;1w <.'.OlllJCt 1hc. · fll~i,tr.u ion Ollk· 11 u:I: ,g 1.J J:!l 1)-.l54 1 f.a,.:•f\l.,\.J1''2·1S I 1 ,._ '". ~·•mJil: W)7rc~~·i~.Yinc..:u.jp 4

7 th Wor ld_S)'lnposium on Chot:tl Music c/o Japan Chora l Association, Yaginuma bldg . 6F, 1-5~8 Ebisu, Shib uya-ku. To kyo 150-0013 , J:ipan E-m:iil: ws7@jo ncr.o r.jp F;'lx: .-81-3-5421 -7 151 w,.vw.jcane t.o r.jp/wscrn

Let's start learning Japanese No.4 --

Mineichi Kamino

Is it difficult to team Japanese? Ge-n crJlly !>peaking. 1he :answeris ~v es... J.1pJncs..-pt-01,lcusu:1llr think rim J:11>.mt·.!oC is difficult ror li:tr<: ii:;.ncrs1<1 lt·arn J:1JYJ11~. In C)rder co rc.-:1J :anti wri1e. you han: IO lt•Jrn quite a fewch:arnae-rs. ·nu :n.· are abou1 ;i hund rt"<I1>honc1ic ch:u:1~11.·rs . C1JIC1. I l:mm (ron• s.i\1i11gof"/Jimt111111 :md J:nud·,mn) :1nd :n lc:.bt 2,000 difl~•rem ..:h ou• :.1c1ers. or knnji. bc-$idcsRom.111lmcrs. Bue. in fact. it i$ no more (!ifficull 1h.an many 01ht·r l.ani:;u:1ge$. E.sp«i:,llr , (or \'\'('ryd:iy com·cr-.:nion.J:11,., nc.sc..i.\.one of d,e c.i.sicr l:ansuas~ for a b...1tinncr 10 :i1l JHo.1eh. Sp,)kcn J,11nncse i.1,:nor diffi. f.'uh :u :l!I. h h.t1s:a1o imple pronunt i:uioo scheme :u11.I ft.•w eJC<<' 1-.1ion s to ~r.unm :11ic;,I ru i~ rd:uiw:lr free.


·s If )'


i n.






, lie :arr;rn~cmcm of \\'Oril.s

prnciicc a .:o,wt n;;:nion in J:11\lncsc . Bdow are-some c:iS)'

Ke)' Worth. l ld lo. Hi .

Ko1111it·hi m-t. H,ljiuu- 111111/,iu.



Ko,, 11irl1i uw. or Koub.m 101. Ko11ba11 ll'il,

'J\, •o 111r« J!r~ur l!i\'C

N; Sm, Yim (Shi)

0Jw11mi 1111111i .





Ni11111 (SNrh;J

l:.Xc. ·usc-rrn:.

.W,itsun•idt'mgn. or Sumi111111m . Sumim nsfu. or r.,muu 1r,,1·,,i, Hni. or S#u 1/r,u. lit. or Cllig11i11111111. Arigmougoz,~im,u,,.or (KY1)11) Ji:1lt'"(:t)Ooki11i . lit l:tHrou dm, . or lrimn1,11. Dou ilmhi mt11hitr,

Sew n



How tlo }'OU ilu? Gootl momi oi;. Gootl :ifo:mot m. Good t:Vt'l1ini; . GooJniglu.

I'm ~,ny. Ye. ·,. No.

·n~nk ) 'OU, No, 1lm1k you. You·rc wdcomc-. Plc-.i~. ·1hi~ T h.u

lo Righi

1,.,:f, Cc.'1 u er May I hdp you?

OIMJYlll ,'(b:;Jlim11 J11,

/)()1,u .

Kort' A.r

Sorr M[ti ll i,hm' ld,m m1k11

lmuh.,,imtrsr.or Nm,i1wXfl.'f(>II dm,1w.

I low mu ch is 1!ii(? Korrlhl iimr,t1/nu l·,1. Sore•11~1 111l ·111r1gi 111,1111, l1's (')ircnsi \'l",

1,·~r(•,O,C)ll;lh !e-.

Sor,• ll~t l t'f(_<1nmn 11,vlmt1/r1u.



Kyu (Ktt)



tlc-\·c-n Twt•-h•c Th int.'1.' n


1:ouuc:c-n f'.iftet.'" n


Sill.t~·cn S1."Vt' lllt'('II l~ii:hcet·n Nincu·cn T wcmy T wc:niron<· Th in, •

ZJ11•rol:u it.p,-st,ir/,i 7,J",./,.,.-hi Zp1•l·11 Ni-z..111 N1.:.,111-M,i


Z111•sn11 4,r11-gq

I lunJ,,.-.. 1

£111-L)II l~Jwku



r lvl.1r I h,dp pm? I'm j1m looking. l.1.".lm1.·.sc.•..i1. I low nm<.h I his l"'-lp.? 'l'fiitcy 1hou,J11dp: 11. I 1'> 1,.'XJM."ll\iV(,',

Cm I uy 1h. 11 d,,..,, 011? I'll 1:11.:cchi , on1. •, noro u :tt·cepc C,trd?

f r;t1J/Nll lllftJf'.



1,1u,.;,.,, ,li,1-.· S11 rr o miH•,,.Juulm,,i.

1 h·H· :11.: lwo u ,d'ul 1.·spr1•,:-. . ionlt. On e i ,

Nom,lwh1111 "'" i1·1m11/r,11k,1. S111, 1111111,n ,U'lu . ~m· 1t.'II 111l:,111/r,u,

-1ii~.,,, -, h,mk ro u ". le i,

A110,lomtt" slm·/u,lm Ju t,· ii1l1 •111k,1 . Ii.Orr,,l·,,im,m, A:11rt'jitrn lw,lo 1ft' hmw,· 111,11111'.1,



l)""''"'1/01111111 or

h,1" 111.1nynle;lni11t:,,, h .._, 111rm·.m "hd lo'" or .,,~ou,,.J wlwn )'OU :.:iytootl ,liyt· ,.,

,urm~,cxlr . 1\nmh<·r i, ,\'11.I hi) worJ h.1, s1mibl' n1,...minv 10 1ht• woril -lio" in l:n~li,h. h 1r (''t.lllll>lc. i1 could mc-.111 -m,\ • 1hat, ~I:. 1lur rii;ln?"''.uul "'1'lu1\ ri~11",


.. .

Paul Janssen

• Jean Sturm

Gideon Benedicion


Kathy Romey

lnu:o• ie\v held dut ing the Si;u h Wor ld SympMiu m on Chor.ii 1'vlu.sic in Mimi l>2polis. Mi1111 eso1-;i , USA (August 2002)


K:ath)' R(tmey (KR): \\'f(romr t lJ Mr. ld,unpdd 7i1tji. d1ieftlim<tor u/1/N }11ptm Clxmd J)i,wron A.11od111iQ 11a nd r,md 11Norof tit< 0 1•,dx , Mixtxl 010ir. ,md hiJ mmslmor. 70mol:aH1t.l:1 mo. Mr. 1i11ji.wouM;'()11 u/1zlJ almu1)VJ" ' ll'orl.•with OA'lllmMi,\YdCl,oir! i\fasayuki Tsuji (MT ): I ~t:abli~b~I the: O kubo Mixctl Choir 4S )'t":Us:1gowi1h

lifu."Ctludw r nm11bcr.s. A1 th:u 1imt•. th<'re W(.'rc d: ,.... <rs 10 lc::1rn how 10 n."Jd score. :1nd a ronduc 1ol' w-;a5gi\·int; lessons h'>1)(.•0 1>lewho iv.-.:lu ,.u,J from du: d:,1.),i.e,. . Hu,

bl"('.:t t1,.,;•


nurnbt-r of m1.·m~r$...lwinlilc.'1. 1to fifo,<t·n, 1hl.')' Jl"Cid..-Jm break up. I \'i~im.l 1hcm On the l:isi J,,y (1f1t-ssons.:ind ux,1..owr 1hl·ir choir :tt.1i,•i1y.Th.11W',b 1hc.sun or tht.-Ok ubo

t-.fowd Cho ir. ,\ .. (or my ;ob thest' last 4'>)'l"<m., ne:Hl)' eh,· whulc 1ir11c 1\ ·t: bc:~:nclw only conduc wr. so I h,1,, · 1)1.x·n m dl<.'m:iin posilion of cl-Oing. .alldw pb nning. T hi.. )''"'"•" we r.:.'i..c;i~d chc oppo nu nity 1c1 p:mi,6 pate in eh,..6th \'(lorlJ ~ympc))ium on Chom l Music • .anJ the rm·mh('n, of 1h1:chum) hcctmc intcrn:uiun:11ly :1w.1tc. ¾ ' 10 )pt-Jk KR: \~011111 ,rou 1t1U• r1bo11 1p11r i11 1rrn1 ;,, pnfon11;11,t 1/N'111111ic ofli ,•i,zgamtpt)Jm ! I umlm1r1mfJO"/ ,v1t't' ro11m1dsinm ·rl m111'1


M 'r : I 1l1inl,;i1 i~ (WC'r 400 pil't'l:\. ind1klins :ad mr.il n:c.-ordins1h,ll ij u~d m:iinl)• for t"<lut,11ic111.11 pur1)()scs :ind :\ChOi)I malC"ri:l li.. In !kltlitivn 10 1h :11,I JMl lontc fl·umli ng :u chc n,st1 11( ,·ari()U.St 'O lll J>U':IO:n..'.'M)clwl'('i~ ;a k>1


ni on ·.

KR; WhJ·rfo JQIIJ;•,I tluu ii is i,11ptmr111t Jo


pt'l'lt71/III 1111,lt'fllmm1111,;1 m ·11•11:u1-u..

mtt thin \\'t' h,I\'\ ' m work l<.lm:1kl· p;ood mm ic goo tl pino 1h.,11will ht' likl..J, I ik,· t lw u,m poJ<n of 11H. • 1im\· of lkl' thov,:-n or ~vfo ·,:m, w,• ll \'l,1 U\ <.onm,'('.t uur lw.,rc..~nd work tov.,:1hl·rh.tnd in h:m1I.

MT : I heh· ,m: .i Im ul in:;n pk.-c1.•s m h1$IOf)'• " ''h ,b 1ht1-.&.· 1h;11pt."opl(· ~) ' .m· 'Hn., hm't'O lik,: or ' Mol,trl lik<.·.'lluough , ho.st·p1cu.·"· ,\, )'Ou lmvw, PtK\ini mok ,1 jJp.lnl-S.. ' :111 <.Ilwtn .1~lolu l 1>ui 111ol ,,j\'W, thl •n~ j.., clw mdo\ l,· .1011l ll~H:J ' Mall.1nw Hu11<"rfk 'I pn,,ih1luy 1h.11J,1JM IW)\' "'-·•le, ,1ml lap.tm·),l· do 11 '1 k now ii ,It,·l:ip:111 <.·~111 dod} w.1, inu~i<.will hc:gin c,, ,'J1f4-.uJ. I'm .1lw.1)''t hink• ;Ull "JlllW 1•r c-xo 1k liu Fr,; ·mh J>l"'lll(·. hm i1

i\ :i.li\'(' in 1hl•ir pk'<'l-:C. Hc~w,•,·c-r,wf1~n l>l. "Oplt· ;ti.k . "Ii. J;1p:i11 cs.: 1r.kli1ion:tl n1u~ic.s1ill.1li,"-· in Ja1)'.111nr no 1(' I chin k JJp:incsc p1:oplc: 1h1.•n1S1.·h·l-:<;:ir{'1\QI1hi11ki nit of J.tpatt\'f< nH1~i-,from :i glolul pc1i111 of ,'lcw. Ftnm th;at nw:i.ning, I hop<'llu 1 M l nnly Ja1lancSl· to mr 10~•0 ., b 111oiht." r l➔um1>1 1:,.l•r,. .md rnu...ici:ttl$li-mn clw \'1U in. · world. ,\"111 U"-' clit· uniqm• J:ip:uwsc:md otly. or JJJl.lncse \-Xol il


mdod)' if then: i~sud , :i d1i11g1.~ elm. :and enable it to spr('.1d. .. . As far :is J:ipancscchor.1)music. I think thc"rc :uc thr« 1rpes. O ne fYJ>cinclud es the pi«cs th:11wcn-compo",J by J:ap:mesc

th'l'ltappeal co )'Our:sod . ·111 :n kind of coniposc:rrepresi:n u, the Ja1,anesc co mp ~c r,

co mpo sers using European mu5ic ~,ylc:J,


·n~e ul'.' pieces m:adc imo chor.11works tha t h:t\'Cb«n d1..·ri,·«Ifrom 1hc h:atm OR)'of JapanC$Ctr:1di1ic>nal music wi1hin its originaJ $.11;a pc, lk:si(ld 1h:11.t he popul:arftdd in

MT : After we compkle chc score reading, I finish crori ng 1he progr:un with Ill)' opinions. A1 1h:11s1agc. v.'t" :i.sJ. 1hecompose, to come and g.h·c1hdropinion.

Jap,:an,indm k-sAmc-ric:.m j:t7.7.. and there :arc man)' Amcric.1n s1ylcmusic pi«es 1h.a1:irt lc>,"c:dby Jap,:u1C$c pcopk. .... Now in J:1p;111,1l1ccl,ora l mu sic is

more 11.. 'Chnical. 2ml I (l-c:I it lack~bdn. Blll there :'Ire many who arc n(n tlud cic>ninJ?th is

lfcnd in J:.pan. . . AmcriC1n st)'k so~pd 111 :akcs up wh:u's bck i11g. and in Japan. it h:is become popular. A 1,'0()( I reprcscn1:1.1 ion of

chis is Rcijirou Koroku's,'Gospel Shower:

KR: So lot" obs"iw1iq11 ;, t/1111 ;,, ""''" ro11umpvm1r1 J11pt11tf'lt' musir.JO" Jq 11111fir/

KR: A11dill pnpari,tt ,mv ul'(Jrl: 1 u,irh rhr rhoir, 111what poi111 ,I-"'!"II ;mVJh't'r/,e

KR: /11wg,.mlJto rlK \Pcu-ldS)'11pq,iu111 ,ommini,,,,, bnu,'f't11rh1•OkttboM;,,,d Choir a11d Amrrirrw t1m1po1rr Libby l.m1r11,u.1111

1/lt'n-""Jro11111 rt IN-111 .wn JYm tl111/ ~11. !.Jtnr11 wltilr ,J,. , 14wJ u1rith1zMtt.rSkr, MT: ·111cr,: was n<>~1X'cial m<.-..-. ing. I ,askc<I some:(1ucs1ionsabou1 ,he piece such as how we-should perform it . me.Iwe go, :a few •ms:wi:rsju.StIx-forewc-lefr for Am,:riC3.. \'(lhc:thl'f' )'Oulh't" in ArneriGior J21~n. I bclieV<" tlm if you IO\'C music then you C'~n undcrs1:,111d c::1ch01hc:r.

,Mssnmr trllft' ofsqu/ or pnnion tXmi MT : Well.

rcs.·nc E.uropan

sryle 1>icccs::ate wt ll adopt<'din Ji~"· J2p:111 es< pt.-ople::arc skillful in the tcchnic.11w:iy.::a otl we use this ).kill 10 make ptogrt.-sson the 1i•chniC1Isi, te. ·nm·.s whr I r~"t'I th cit: i.s :1 l:td, or soul. . .. Th e mM-cm.-m is co rning out as a p(rtO<Io( time in J::a r~nC'Se,vriting his(()ry. h is:in the proc1. -ss of Je, 't'ktpmc1u. T here arc m:111 y c(unpc:,scn:of whom we arl!'proud such :is , 'foru Takcmiuu, a Europc::111 .s1yl<· compokr and k1M )w11h)' 1hc piece 'NOY'('mbc:r Su:ps' in 1\m eric,.1 1,;11~ Akira Mi)'OS-hi. Tokuhid<'Niimi. ::andAkin Nishimur.aor J,1pan. I chink music without 1houg_lnis no 1 mluic. In 1h:n meaning.

KR: \Yl/11 11tl~ yo11f«I 1/mtpur ,; ,,gm {1,mm l from ("()/lt1bomti11g w,"1/,11rqmposrrsuth ,,, lib", LArsm! MT : T he mu sic w-cw,.-rclc:aming in J;1p;in w.-u only 1he tcchnial i-11uc1ure.. I thi,,k Ms. L....::ar$Cn put hon in10 i1 for ui. In other words. we: met with the composer :md gainl-d soul fto m her .....

Sh:,uncfolly I JiJn't know of Ms. l..1.lll' ll umil chis 1imc. an(! I find 1h21,wy rc:gre112hlc. I woukl be gl:ttl ir I ha.J a ch;incc IC)perform nm on ly J)itccs th:11she wro1c-, but ochcr Amcriean pit.-cClt. :as wdl. l'\'e retliit.-d 1h::a11hcrc arc nun) ' s1>lcnc:liJ compo:sc-rsin Americ:1.:1nd afcer l',t:1m e n:fl«1i-o n. I 1hinlt 1h,u I .:..hou l._l.:..rn,ly ,l,0,,11 music l'w,;,-r again : d,i:, tim<·with emp hasis on what wa.scre:11C\ I by Amerit.-.anCOlllJ >O$t'ts ..

KR: A.11d w~ Amrri<mu11rrtl 10 11111', Japa11t1t' rhom/ m,11it. £1,, 1/Jisis i,r/11II'<'romr tqgt'tlmin" U"orMSpnpo1i11 m . to sl111rr m111ir .. 10hmY dia!ogt,t',11111/ lq f>ilrntrr ,md IMm from onr ,morhrr.

KR: \'(l/uuu..-rr1hr grttlll'II•·lwlfmgrsfor thr Ji'1t,f'rt!

MT: rro nunci:uion c,f'Eng.lis: h .. .. You can ptonoun<.'1:in Englid, bu1it i~ hard 10 matd1 wich cht.:M"QI'(' ;rnd die 1onc in clw nuu.ic. Even if yo u 1"<'J.1pa11C'S<' , you c:m .).l'l<'~k J:ip.tMSt.· . bu t i1d0t.'$n>l IIH:an)'OIi em sing in Japanese. coo. Out a"l()vcall, ic was an American co mp0$,:r•s nu si-cin English. SC) it was quite .1 ch:allmgt.", ••. 1\·e rc-..dS<',·eral ~l:1iku 1)0cms 1r;1nsl::ucJint o F.ngli.$. h fm1l1Jap.tnCK,and I was w imprc,:sctlby the-Englis:h. The words we-re.some;iningful. l"Y(' n lll•)re so 1ha11in JaJl;lRt~. lk-causc i1 h.Ji. l :1 ~ry dlTf> nuybc.· I l.111 ~1y i1 L) )uhjnc ivc:. If you SJI)' nw:ining.. I f;:h 1h.11J:111an1.·,;c.· l)l-Ol)k• rou lJ 1h:11mmic wl1il h c11111 hine,; .Soul wi1h 1hc t;r.bp .a H:1iku pot·m )u;h as 1h:,a1,:,and I w:» com1x,:,c:r'1.1ho11 gl11i~ :r, ubj~m•c, 1t1cn 1hc imprtsscd .md k-arn'XI(rum it. S.:,, I think music of Japan riglu now i~Ix-coming 1ha1 if clw au•he11u:1,":"dR undnMand o u r ..uhjec1i,'i.·. i\n \l 1 1hink )'OUcan say 1"1.•:s.1nw f.ngfo.h.clwn 1h'-'"IX'OP1. · will mklt·f")1and, 1hing wi1hin 1hc 1r.uli1iooalfM:ld.lks i<foi· 1•~,plt.·('.m ft'i.-1 how gr;:;u a I lail:~1 J)(l(•mis:in 1lut, '1b uro Tk:ua, ,,ur he.Kher, co mposl,J mu~tl" ..I think 1ha1if\\'{·prorM>Ulllc 1lw 'Mi,.u no l11nd1i"(Th1.•~u l of\'(I-J1er). 1hat i1o Jap:.arM."Sl' wdl i 11 the JJr,tl'M.....,. p.m, it b.."'CCllll c.>, in 1lii.1,1m~r.11n. f I<.-tlO\~n't alw·.1p writt• mort· a11r.k.1 i,·c:n:uur..aly. t lillittilt pil"\~"'•buc h1:m,11:1llywtill~ ching>

MT: We will h,n-c-1hL'71" Wt)rfJ Chora l Sym(>l)5iumin Kyoto in lOOSarnl introduce :l lot or Jap.alll'\'k" .song,~wi1h Ol)' li(,pc.•!11..11 Aml•rican 1x-opk·will <:onw :tnd ;oin us.


Okubo Mi.wt! Omir M,w,yuk; 1iup, tli~wor Fnmrd/11p1111~• ,J,qm/ ,lir«tor M111try11J.•; 1j"F gm,/11111 «/ fiom U11;!Y1l;IJ o/1'l11sashiim Al'lulnnit,'''lusi,·,11;,, 1955 ,md romp/('fc·d,, p<mgnufruur ("()IU'tt' tU lllt' smm: bm,"1,11;0,r ;,, 1958.. Ht'famult'tl mu/ l'<H1d11f"fnl tl1c·1iuF FnmilJ Chor,1.1, mu/ was tl1t·fa1mdn·•dmwor of ,/,t OJ.•1t!NJ Mi,,:rd(J,o/r ji,r m,,,.,,f t) µ,1n. 11N.' "llln- ;, (JIit' o{tlN• 111011pTl'11tlf/Olrl •·/~,-,,/ group,i,rJ11pm1n11dIHIJ p,mil'rJ'l'1rtl ;,, tlv All J1pa11(.1mm/ Compt,i1;"" 12 timq, u•i,,11i11.~ rJ,..•,:11/tlpriu 011srry11,liffer,,m tlll,1,imtS-Ju A11r11 st ..)(}()J, ,IJ,., 01.·,,boMi.wrl <:IN1fr prifdrml'd 111,/,., S,:wh \Y'or!tl.~,mp111hm,,.,,, <.'h"ri.,/ M,t1il-;,, Mi1111mpohi. u../JnYthty pn·m;,•,r-;/ Dllf' oft,·,, ,Ylllf('llllm rtmmu11i1111al worl.•1 • -M11JSJ:1'" i>J, A111rrim11 mmpt)s« / .111'11'11. 1\/11 snJ',/d

IJl,by li11j/srnv,/ ,11rl111f1l, ·,wr11I'

"frl•r-f.1r,111t lorm,I IJnYc.,,,,l A,,°'i,mnn. 1l..,1rln,rr of 1/H'f,t/~"' ( ,1,.,,,,1AIJ(lr"1;r1im1 ,nu/ tlNt'XrY1ttfrr111/1-/,rr o/1'..- liikro Choml A ..,,,i,11im1.1/r pm1tYI,111•,,,011 No,~·111/ 1(7"/<J.



filv 11

1/,-,-anurtll('ir/1 ,,~. fi/1/, ()r,ft•r .\ ,hvr /(,111 m,

K111J,y S,,/,:,1111111 floml'y 1, ,m ,,,,,s,,m,

1,·11,mn-11,m,m,,I(> · mumwrtl wmttiu·r, """'

pm/~r 1,j',1•or.,/ 11111,,;. ,,r ,I ... U11i1yr,, :_1• 11( ,\ /i,m,wM ,1111/ tltf' ,1ni11it t!m,•wr ,ftlH' ,\lim,.-s,,111c;Jorm,lr,/1111111117 1•1.-ivii ,m rx.·apt /Y't1m,, lm~,·r d1J,.,11Jim1 ·,./,ii'/,w,11t,trt o/ir

,,ftl1t.·.]{)().] .\iul, \\'Oriti .~)'Jltpd•ium; o_O;·,iugJ. f.'fmtm}i,rtlidr 1mil1m·11,rk1. 1/,,.f~•llllf't'd

IT'Jt",m·I,pn,iNt rmll/M ·Fmm (l~t!/'m St,t_tl'• /Iv / M,.,,mmMti1J11n{ /(11m,rltl l>ri-111,rn:

l(i1/11.f. .''>101,<:OM,md

,Vmvm/,,.r.!H. .!fJl/3.

,mNwm·,uirt' p1tt<Nof

/Iv l'n<,11rl, /iH'mnl


IIYJ'r' ro1111111,1u111n/tu t1-r:1r JJr11• ll'orl.~ ,111~111

,wmp,t,trl"Ir11111r _(ivm1J_,uit,A111rn,;1. ( .~m,ul, mu/,, ... t ·.v1 ,1111/ l(YT(" ;,, IYSidmfl' Jtfi· ,,,,. prm11l'I'f,"ljimu.tmrt, pmmtrrf I')' 1,111,r ,;j'r/1-• 11'0rltl'sji111"JJ ,!1-11r, (/:.m,ril · rvmry(i!'u11111 .rduJ


I ' 1\
















I P 1\I.







Will take pl ace betw ec 1, th e 22nd and t h e 30th of J u ly 2005 .

Durin g 7 days .l.l dusk, th e part icipant choirs will si ng outd oo rs hnban e ras and polyphony in th e wond e rful auditorium Eras de la Sal in th e coas t o! th e Medit e rran ean Sea. For mo r<.>infornlation and rule s please visit our wcb s it<.> : http://www .hab :ane ras.or g / e •m;.,il: manuel @haban<>ra s.org. Telep hone: +34 965 710 702

Fax : + 34 965 712 570

INSCRTl'l ION DlADLINb list 0 1· JANUA RY 200$

t M ~l<l.M l '\f.\\ 111\ I ll 1111 11t1kt.\ l .J \






huu l \\'.011,1 :\,


Paul Jc1nssE 1


A, 1hr[Ngbwhlgc,fr«tmlttl mu1imll,isu,ry. tbort,us mu/ t!Hm1l1i11,(i1tg u"f'rrtht' most import,mt tYhirlr II romjWlt'T l,111/to (',\'l'rt'ft l,i1 idr111.. Sina 1IN11tlN rlMir. ,1/tfw11gh 1hm 11rt' JJill m,my ,m11ur11r r.'(,unpln. INIJtlrtlinuf iu impt1rtnflrr i111rr11111io11,t!ly. Cr111, i11.-(r prqfi'nio1tt1/ msm,blrs 111ul t'omlutw~ of top ,,11.,fily11r.h,ml u,find ,md growth111/tm t U'l/Jmhm 10l'f do11ri11ordtru, n111i11111in ,uu{ rxpi1,11I ,Imm/ si11giug 111thr higlmt lr,..,/h, t:urope!

It i~ i nrange wor ld! f.,·cn 11l-0ug.hsingiog is tht' oldt"11.ind mOMna1u~I form of music:

m:.l:ing for fk."01)11." in \.'VCt)' pan of 1h t· world. profo-ssfo njtl chcllal sin~inp, is ~ow.1da)'.S lhl • leas, in ,·,·illc,,ce of :ill 1n)Csof prorl.'$c1o n,il

func1ion. choral singing h:ts bi.-ccu n c ofl<'SS<'r im pon:mcc anc.l1hc popubri1y c,fcommunal singins h:~ tx.,·nom.suippcd b)•chc wc,rlJ o ( :s)•mphonr and chamber orchc.str:i~. The faceth:u p ro(C'S5ion al ehoir~ «m 1inuc 10cxis, 1oc:l::1y is prim:,rily dul· tn :i small grou1• of p:15)i(ln:au·;111 J :1ninic .1lly gif1cc.l dc:vo1e<'.s who ha,•e kepi" <apprllndll)r:.tl singing :alive.1'1unk-. co tl1<:iiup iring IC":1Jc-r$hip 1l1l"St'fi.·w1)(·t1pk. ~ingers h:1\'\'. d:i.rctl 10 op t for d1or.1I~inging :u the highc.-s, level. Jt·.spi1t• 1he prc,•ailing view lll;11singing in :t choi r i$ inferior .


Faulty Balance

I-kn: arc two t:1ndo m t•umplt'1. In Swn.11.'fl Eric Ericson was (and ~!ill is) 5u<h :i pt:non, m mial :1<1i,·i1v. Of cv urse. hum;1n hc-ing,. whik· in 1t11.'N,·1hcrlanJ1i.the world c,( ha,·..-alway.i,, .su;ig. :anti « 1ntinuc lo dl) )0 , hut proft·)~ionalt·ho i~ i:an.._.iruo l·w:in~wi1h s1ill: \\ h;11of chor.11,i nt;ing :a,; :i pm(<:s~ion? 1;.,1i~ ,le Nobd JnJ his Nc1h.,.rl.1mhCh:u11bt·r Th.,.firlt c:0111vmi1 ion~ prcstn •<·tl ;1lons Choir. Wl1ilc:tht· Nt'thcr l;anJi;Ch.tmbcr wi1h 11, c 11:ime s of their comJ><mbwere n cntrus1t·J io 1fl-t' g.iftt-d wi1 hout t~xc<'p1ion works of \'(Ho.al poln, hon) '· Choir ha, IK"c1,~.1 dcNhir ~\'('l'.'1101h,• r cc>ndu(tm )o,:.md f.V\·r\ int,f.' 1tu· Miclttlc-/\~i-s, t he-thoi r ha, p,crhatlli owci; 1hcrc1~·01im1 ofih pre-,:mi n cm bt"t'n an iinpon.101 fot.:t'l"fM: 111 \ rdigi<•\h i:)(1\itit>nmn'ldy IQ dw ~om inuC'\I intlu.x(1( cxpc:ric: ncc. Well into ,h.,. Ren:1iss;anccdwre c.'Xtrt'rndvmmi, ·.11t·tlsingers. in Swt:dc. ·n i1 is i:xi~tC'dd1uirs in 1111.· cmp lO)' of clum:hcs .111, I the· lii:ur:: of Elia.on 1 l1 .1l Mill p.l'>S<.'S on 1l1c courts cha, . in tcrnu (I( 1bcir c;r.1, t4.mlcl h(' O:n·n e. 1-k j,; _.,. ;a,;<w;n i,-..·;1nd fi(r)' .15c.·wr. (;1llt•tl pmfc-5,ional. In ourJ.1)' sin~inµ }till "Tht:n: b :L gr.:-;1 1dt•,11of l_.'(l() tl d fflJ'}'<ll,1 h:l:,.a pbc c:in t·w·rp l.1y cult ure, bu.' musk fo • .1111 dw p.a51 .is \H·II,....,lie rr, ·sent . i-;ignil iuru lhi(cs un he:ob.M·n·~I. f1h· . ' 111('p m h lcm i, 1'1:n tlw ll.lbm:c iii f:aul1y • tu n1ribu1ion m:ull· hr .\ i11 t;ing in <huf(h 1.s 1h.:-n:.H\'.' nm en oug.h p1:rforme,,. wlm Jrc.· dirninishing. while crUtk ~iniing, in footb.aU c:<1u:i l le\ i1. l'IK"rc.1rt• 11111 enou:,:h musid:an, .~1adi11m~i~g."tininit,he urpcr h:,nd. The only who <:anliing ic. .md nut m.·.arlrt•ru1111;h way yo un1t 11(:ople ~int now i, 10 hdl_ow c.0111 lu tu 1r" wl10 Jri· .1blt: 1011."'.ltf .'I,u, .,I :along wich a sing-:,lc~ntg:nrw nn 1fu·1r ens..m hl... ,~1u11g ~in1tt·b .arc )I ill ruk-..1 h)' 1h<· 1 Pl;a)'i;t;uion .?111 ;1:c hiru:, rrob: 1bl) ll(c;•u~c-of mi<cunu• 1\ 1iun 1tu1 ;ad1or,1I)in::t•r i, inforior 1tu.•compc1i1in: dt'mC'nt. On 1hc other h,1,11d, 1 c ► ,1 ~1lni,1. ·1·11<'~' (.l~t·t how )P<'i.i.tlc.hor.11 ~ingini; :.uschool umler chc 1u1c.·t1gt~of :t ,ingini; i, .mcl thJt i1clt·m..u,d~ p.1nic.11f. 1r , rainc.·,1tc.·adwrhas um bc.·< ·n c.011H1m 11pl:1,<· ,kills. ;\ n1t·mht·r of .io ,, ,'.rf>prl/r,d1mr nh 1, 1 fr,r tiuitt· some cime Ill)'\\', po,.¾'~,.llw ~nw qu.1li1it·, .,, :, 1np "C hor:il ~inginr, i.) prim: 11ily ., lmhhyM. im1tum,·nc.,li,;.1 - .rn, ,,-,•mhl,;. • ,inic·r " \3)'S l.t~) ~:ima m ;a,din·uor c,fclw c.cu1 11•.1r.1hl,· with .1 mc.•mllt•r ,,f .t ,1rin~ N<'ihcrL1nch C:h;1mlw:r<.:h1 1ir. "'llw nmnb.:r .,f lully pmfc.'i;~inn:11 t·hoir:-.i, 011 1ht• incrc.·.t~. ~111,i,1\'I , 11 i.,oh,•11,1~n;•.;up 111Mn 11 111 lincJ i• •oc.l,ing.c.·r,.l'hi) 11.i..111,lo\\ i1h 1hv h 1111110:nuinher of Jl ion,'t·b in the.·lidl l (.111 ,1.11hlpoi111 ul ,h..-\'<k.,1li,1 , 111,·\ ' 1l1iril.1h.l111 he:,c,uni<·d t•n ll1 <• ling..-!')nl Olh' lun, I. Jm l i, i, \\ ron!:? oi c·cnh.111. h ,i np. m ,in~ in .1 .,h,lir. le t''Uttl)' 1h<·\.In\\· ,I\ it w:1) y,•;1r,.1~0. W'i1h i, ., f.r,;1-1.111ljnh 111\\ hi,1, tht 1..,,,1 11111\lc. i.tn<. 1lh· di,:t ll l'l<',11'.lrht• 11 1 i,~cli1,~1I) ,d i~iou, hdonF,, A )intti·r in ,1 t h1•iri, ,1 '41l,1i,1\\'ho



knows how IOwork aIon~ wit h nfhc:rs. O ne nf 1ht: lc.ading l'll<"J:1.o-sopr ..u1osof our 1imc. i\nne !kifie \'Oil Oner , was a m ,·ni bcr t>fIll)' cho ir for t<·nrc--us.T he only rc:a.sonshe no longer sings wi1I, is us is 111:11shl.'simpl)' ha.s no tim<· for i1 :my mor..•,buc in i,ucn •iewssh(' l\"gul:irl)•mt:n1ions how signific.1111 good cni<mble u:1i,1ing .'Ind t'XJl(ricnc-t>is for voali~c)... In the :in;1l)'$hof l.c."1) S-lm,un:1,",\II t hoin; ne..-d10 t"$C: 1blish :en i111 2gt·. Profc.~:;ion:1 1 choirs .:m· vcr>'susci:pliblc-10 i111 crfort·ncc from ,he much l:irgcrwc..,ldof :1111 .11eur che)il'$,;\m:iu•ur singer~ limt it llimplr in,.c.m1..t·i..-..l•lt· 1ha1 :1Jingcr ,"an ..-.11n Iii) li\·ing undc.•r co111r: ,n 10 .1choir. Siniting i~m1I,· ~unt ·t hintt you , le) fi•r :an \"\"enin µ wi1h • (rit:ntl\.. h has Jl()I )'<'I t;m 1hro~1s h IO 1ht· li,1cnin ~ pu Mic 1h:11chor.11mu5il' (;4111)-i),IS of more 1han just :1m,ttc11rg,0 11p:i,;:inc.lor;uorio ~Kic ti(')..W,•have.-10 make it <:IC',U rn 1hc li\lent'r th:11profo,,, .ion:1 1dmib haw JJh.'\'.i.i l ahili1it-sat , heir dispt•~I th.u :arc;11h,..) luccly l1t•ri:m tl cht· rc-.1c h of am.11t•11rs ." A ,-...·r-.o n su(.h as faicson l1asJ<·,·01cJ hirn,d( 1hrouitwu 1 hU.lifl."to mJl.ing 1hi,; <k·,u. r;unun :ud>·bo1h hi.side.1aS :,n,I his txamr lc .ire fin\linE:,more suc;t·c.s.<or,. , 1lan i,ul.1rly in 1lw n.1hic c.uuntric:!i.·r h t'rt•, T(mu Kaljm1c. • i), 1lw guiJin g fcuc,· who lu~ l11ou~h1 1lw fa1011i;11n Philharnh1nit Ch:arubcr ( ;h,)ir 1n clw 1op O\'t•r,hi: ctium of 1hcb•l 1wclll)' )'t".'lr...In l•,ng.lJrt tl .di c.1•t·i-in 1lic wi irld of c.l111r.1I n111,k.art• fo:,,Jon Simon 11.thc. -y, l\nJ clw N,•1hcrhntb is followin~ tlH' .llhi,·,·t·n1t·nc.. of dw )'UUll~ ihor. 11,;.nnJotmr 1\ ·it·r Oijl., ,r.1with t:,rea1ho1x· .and t'Xjl4:\'l.lli11 n ,

Creating an Image Evi•n'4l. , h,• numlwr of .w.1ilJhlt• nrnJuo;.t1u, whc)t"':ln llhlV(• 1lw ('hur.11worltl l~1rw,1rJ;;i, f.11~-w<'r1h.111 wh;11is nec..Jt,I. "' l'lu: pmhtt·m i), 11,.u r uun ~ ,,,,,pitfi1HI i1 n111 c.h 1111or,• .111r.K1iu• .m cl luc.r,U1\c.· 10,Jirt,c ,11111rilh·~1r,, ur .1 ..l111ir,, ith nr,111-..1,.:a" ......iii hi, '4111 ., 11111n lk.•I ,,I \ 'C,lf '- .1iz:u. "B111 tl 1,• \\url.l c1I , 1111 1.,I mmi, ,;1ill nt•,:tb .1 numlll·r of clire, 1<•r,\\ h,1 •Ill'◄. i.tli,,· i1111 mpJ-,•llt,mmtc..


M:iki;1g1l,cscpeopk appc:ir is:mosdy a qucst iQn of «l uc:a1ion and of crc-.u ing 2n irnage. Consen•.1t<►rit.-s throughou1 rhc world should ha.ve:t progr.unmc ,o tr.ain ,·oc.1lists11.s ensemble musicians, jus1asis Jo ne with chamber nn1.$ id:ins. Tht· u;aining of condU<:CC)rs could also be gn-:adyimpr<w«I. C hamber music or pb ying in :t small enscrnblc i.s:m impor tant aspect of 1hc educ:n io n of an i1\$1mmenr;al S()lois1. A singer Jc;ser,·c.'$10 have the umc cho ice." h is ccn:1in th a1:agrc.-,1Jc~1Iof guid.:111 cc needs 10 be cxcricxl in 1hc area of education , "Profossional voice lt.'2ehers s1ill,·itw chonl sinsi ng 11sa last rcwn-, .A)'it S:im:1111 :t. Mlf you do no1S,it'twork :asa soloist, a lic:'dc1sing-.·r. :in opcf:l cornprimar io or a member of ,he opcr:l chorus. then chcre is :alwaysII chamber choir. h j'( s.imply an im:agcp1ohltm. hcc:1usc singing in a ch:amb<:r d1oir requires quali1y c:ompat:1blc10 1)1:a)•ing in :astring <1 uarte-1, .. According 10 Ericson, 1hings wcn1 wrong in 1hc Rom:an1icer. 1... In 1ha1 period, :a htpp/111chor:11.singing w:is forced 0 1110 1he sidelines, f.:\'C:n 1hough it was :t lllu(ician·.s srt.-.ii~t pride :a, chit'1imcoflbc:h :ind Monu:v<'rdi. Fortunate!)', p,c,fornwrs. cnnductOr$anii com1\0s.cfs:alikearc now showing more aml more i111erl~I ... Despite thi.s, dw problem remain~ 1ha1 degree 1>rogr:11111ne-s for chornl conduc toN are srill :aimed:tl suppl)•ing 1hc :umuc:11r $C:C nc. "Where are 1he t:tlenis who can real!)' cond uc:1;'I professional choir?" $ighJ Lc:o S,un ;un :t, "'The l,:,$iSfor it exis-111.but 1hc exi r:t fillip m,:c:le<I10 hc:1 1} sonwo11l· 10 the cop is often lacking. Th :u only l1ap1X'nSwhen ,hi: stuc:len1s :l«' impd lcd by each 01hcr :intl b)' cop ptdfo,sionals... It often Sl.X-m~ ~ bit difficult to ddini: wh:111hc..c:iClr.t fillip" itl\'Olvcs. •Thl· ,,:ame h11s ic tool~ of the 1r:1de :arcnc."C«sary fnr all condu<:cM)',whc1h.,-,r1ht.-y:m: working witl1 pr1.,ft.-s.'<i( n1:1I. <,,r :1m a1e11rs". :11.:cording 10 Simon l·hl!:1.-y,Halsey is c:onduc:wr 1lu· Nl·therl~nJs Radio Choir and onl· of the focuhy 1nt·mlw..•rs fi•r 1he-upcoming F.rk Eri~on M:l~t<'r<..'.lai.s in 11:urfom. ~,, c:ondut.11..1 1 mu~t mhh •N1.tnd ilw hum .111


voice. He must know how :t choral singer thinks and lie must be abl e tOerc:m~a cl1o~I sound . These :.ire ,hings 1h:at one Qn lc;arn, 1h-:i. t profcs.sion:1. I and :.1ma1eur con ductors ofccn h:tvt m:tSteroJ 10 :acomp:1rablc lt.'\'d, Tiu: gap lx:-tWt'(ll1hc world) 1,1f prnft.')~ion.al~ :and :am:ucur.s is to Ix-found more in the musie.111 s1imul:11ion~vait:iblc10 the profcssion.:tlmusician •.1scompa red lo , he :ama1cur. If s1imula1ion :at the highl"SIlc\'d is no t provided, 1h:at will uhim:udy enJ :u,gi:r 1hcc-01Hinui1y:u 1he la-,.rcof professional chor:al.singing. 11,is mt.';lnsth:at it is the dmr of prc,fcHion:alcondu CHH'S 10 co:achthe next gc:ncr~tion ... This c<uching has to do with ,hi: prepar;nion of complcx scores. wi1h dC"a ling wich .singersand wi1b 1hcdilTctenc,· het,\X't'nl.argccho in (80 singers, for c,cample) :andsmall choiN o( 20 ,-oicd. No1 unimponan1 ly, i1:alwer)t.ailsm:aim~ining c:on1aclS with ord1csrt:LS.orchmral condm:1ors.:rnd m-an:agers,Le..._, Sam:ama dc.scribc-sthe ideal du:tnl con ductor in 1l1is wav: ""You1ou.s1 h'llvc.1co1nr11: 1nd of all che fin~ dL·tails chat go wi,h 1h1:: d:ail)' romi nc;of~ choir. ,\ rncccat drt\•('r has 10 know every ic rt·w :and 1-iQhin his vehicle; he ,·,111 ~1he able 10 do more 1lun juq $hifc gca~ In 1hes.imt· way. :11 choral nmJuc:cor n1us1know how 10 el:pl(li1 the vQc:alma terial :11hi.sdlS1,osa l. This can only be:km1L,t by working wi1ha d1oit :and wi1h 1hc a.ssis1;1n«of :1lits1-ranl: teacher who is willing 10 knd :ahand :

limited Opportunit ies And here;liL-t,fot 1he momL·nc.:aw()tltlwltlcp,obkm , Whik profc.u-ional choirs ;ire few in num ber. sp«i.alist i;:hot:il co11 ductor.s who -.·,rn t."Xcft;t fosc:in:uion upon 1lu· pub lic:arc t.--qua lly f'.ate.This is .so Ml ju:11in 1hc Nedw,1:antls or Europ,e.but 1hru11 t.;ho111the wholl"wortd. For c:iCamp le. 1hc MusicC:0~11, )c;Iof Amtr.alb. in :a~socia 1ion wi1h cht· Au..-1r.al ia11N.11i,111 :1I( '.l111r. 1IA,;scic;fation ;1nJ 1hL·Sydner A C:appdla AsSOc..i .11ion.h:1) n. 111\, •~54.•J gr.ave('(lnc,nn mt·r ,Jw race th:11 1h1:r..is\() liu lt· )in~ing hc:i11gJon<-in 1h;u rnwur)' · Anti wh:11is 1hc:.._ .msi:-~11liL''< in thL· limicl-duppc>rumi,it'!I.l\ ,1ibhlc tu sin~t•f'S.1n1l 0

conduc to u for building a.career :and in 1hc image of chora.l singing. ;\ccon ii11g 10 their rc;.iJO ning, if we c.,n it'nlh·cn ,he world of choral music and s.creng1he n its power of at1r.ie1ion,more cho~I :icti\·ity will n:uur:ally 1:11\uc. T hat c,qulJ be c, ue. En-ry1hing h:angs on ,tie c,c;:uion or :a markc:1for profc»io nal. or to be specific•.r "'f'frll.r chor:11singing. LeoS:imama sars, ''Th en: is a l:trgi:gco111 } of pt-oplcin the Netherl.ands and the rest of Europt·. who a rc :JCli\'d)'i1wol\'t-d wi1h sing.ing.W'h21is 1he rda 1ionship be1wc:ir:11 wh;a11hcy do and 1hc:mivi1ic-soi :1 ptofcssion:ald,oir? It is possible. C:\'C11 n«-tiS3rr. fot 2 profes.sio11:1 l cho ir 10 funelion :i.s an c. ·x:unple.111order 10 '1rnction ai :auc-xan1plc. 11 stc,1tly llow of commit ted chor.alcon ilm:wr .s iii nc;Cc;1'S :iry. And dt:spite inac.fc( 111 ;ue l-<luca1ional progr.amrncs,such conduc tor$ do still co111 inut.·co m..ikc1heir a.ppe:ar.incl'. T hete arc pc:01)le like Simon H:alR'} ' in England. T 6nu Kaljuste in Estonia. l~nid Reus.1:inJ ( 10 n.amc 1hC'youngc-s1 produ('I) Peter Dijk11tr:a in 1he Nt-ihcrfands. S1ill. to maintain conti nuir)' :111J:iJVllncc1hc ptoft-uion:11~1:u us of the tidd o( du,r: 11 mu, ic. i, i, viml 1h:a1 (Aln~<-rvainry progranmw, pl;act.• more.•cmph:tSi.son ,hl· ptacticalitie.sof profe~ ion:al pt·rformancc. Master d:i,ss~-s $11 c:I•:is rhc.·Cric Eric.son M:1s1ct Class arc a nep in chi: righ1 dirc.-c1 ion . llm only when 1hc roll· of chornl singer :and comluuor :arca,ccpccJ on chc s:imc footing as tht·ir ~ymphonic c:ollc:tg u t.'S:11 1,d a,x·no longi:r reg;mic~I :asinfc-ri,)r(u:mally 1hmuih ignor.,nci:), l$ 1here :atood d,:111c,• 1h.11 prort.'$~io n:al(ho r.il music will reg.tin 1ht· suppon i1c.·njoyt·tlin dtl· Rcn.alSS.lnc,·. Only chc·nC.lll chor:il mmi\· exis1 as a piu(L·Mion:11 <·mil )' in i,~own ,ig.h1.alunf?ictc·.,nd in u) m~,.11:11 1on wi1h 1hl· cul1url"of •ymphon ic IU U51(,


P,111/ J,m mw 11111m,1m,logi11 pul,/ir'iu. mu/ rdiror•ht ••·lurfo/1/u· /Jm,J, 1mm, ptniwlm,l /1/011m /11,./wlit . lit lfrw mu/ wqrl.•Jm ftlidwt1ml.tlN.·Nr1/,rr/mul1, Noorrl•

M,/1111,d . (/.',111t1il: /1'1t1lnu,11(if)., lflll,11!>.•


Walter Vorwerk lvl us,c Jou, 1ah,1


Even for Profess ional Choirs , Conductors Don't Just Fall out of the Blue Berlin 's RIA$ Chamber Choir courts up-and-coming conducto rs 11w;is an cxccp1ion;alc,·cnt , nm ju.st for the RIASCh:ambcrChoir, but alw for 1ht·u;n young co11duc1ot'$ im•iH.-dto p,ucicip:uc in a workshop with 1his rt·t10\\'11~ I 1>rorC$sio 1ul grour,, Whe n you\•c only rc.-cc111I)' cornplcccd your collcsc 1r:1ining :is ;L conJuccor. the opponunity 10 w 4)tl. h:and$•Onwl1hsuch ;a dis1ini;uishcd ehoir - i;uH: rou may onl)' know hcnn 1hc radio or CDs - if.something

rou <lon'11al.:1.· for gr.arm•d.

Gi\•ing)'oung conduc."I.ON1heopponunity 10 " "ork wi1h ;1 profcssio n:alchoir- :rnJ gc-1 ;11;,1 u:1in1~,Iwith t he idioi;)•net:1~ic-.s :and 1x-culi:1ri1ic. '$ ,h :u ,ask ~:nrnils - is wlm chic:f oonducwr Oanid Reuss and ehoir Jim:cor h ·:.nk Orusehd h:,J in mind whc-n 1hc)'

d c,•(fop<.<t l 1hi!>worl,shop. The foct of the m;nu,-r j.i, 111.u, ..o,k int with .1l)r()fession~I choir i.) an ex1,ericnn- nlmic wh(M)lscfon'1 :1mlfor th.u matt,;-r,e.111•1 - 1u<wiJt. O..nid Rt u» has h:id eicp(rie u et· wi1h ,;imil:ir workshops in H(1IIJ1hl and 1:r,UICc.': - The.· )'ot mp;C(uHluct on. :.m: ncn-ous, o( (' oUfi,t,. • , wh;;n 1hc)' Mand in front .l pru i~..;,;i(11 1.1Il hoir likl" thU: thc,•'rcof1cn O\''crwhdmc,I. :uul tltc-yC,lll be i.o m<·.i,nic.•rilcd h)' the.·..0111111 1l1l-yC1)1lljllC"u: ly furgc11h:11;1prufo,sinnJI dm ir l.lll sini; ('\'Cf)' hi1 _., irn1H1r('as ,Ill)' nih<n.hoir . At ti~t. thC)' don't trust thtmSi.'l\'1,.'$ to Q)' .)()lll('lhin~,,.lwn .1 llO ll' b ti)o .slurp or u,n lh, . ·fo hdr 1ht·m .-,wr ,u ch ., 1hn·i.lmM••1111011 1; c,uhcr1hing.~.ic. ullc uf 1hc go:il,;of 1ltl· u)ufw. '" Cl111i , ,lirc...tor h.1nk Dru.i,,._hd....an 1dl pm:, thinct or two ,1hmn how tliOi..-: ult it ~11n1·1irn,·,i, 10 work witli no vit. • co1hhll lOf\: fr.., ,ul·ntl)' it bt."Co mcs l'\'i1ll·1u th ..u 1111,.")" l.1H..k tlw 1wn:, '-lr)' cool, for dl·.tlinlwi1h ., J'ft,fl..,.,ion:.-1 ,hoir, l >r11S4.i1cl d te,; 1hc ,,u.1licr 11f 1hc-ir,-du(.uiun.al 1,.,inin~ ;b .1 pn,,ihlc r,-.a~m. l'l,l. ,.,.otk,1111 1))hould IJ\· .,lil1·to indi<.,th.'how thi, ~••ll IM.'1W<.'ta' l1 ,,lu1,..11 1on ,11111111.1,,1i,t • ,.;in \"\'\'nt 11;ally b,~


l,r i1l~c,I.

Th e org;aniitr of 1hcconduc 1ors' workshop :alsocook his pro~I 10 the l11tern:i1ioo:ilh"C.lcr.uion for Choral Music (ll=CM) . T iu; n::l«io n w;i.s incretliblc: h:wing 10 pi<k 1cnapp lk ,uions from the more 1h:1n Sl"\~nty .submi11,-dwasn 't e:IS)', Uh im ;Hdy, all <,( 1he :1ppli an1s h:id i111t·r,-s1ing biogr:i1,hics. oi1t·n accompani,-<lby di.scogr:tphicsof 1heir work. Oanid Reu.ss :inJ Fr:mkDmschd chose those"app licants 1heyconsidered to pos.~cssthC'gre:i1cst po1enti:1Ifor dc:,ling wit h a proimion:il choir. Tht · sole up•:ind-ooming female co,ulucwr came from Argcmin:a - the inen irom Uulg;1ri:1,Fr.me,:, lul)•. lrd::uld :md Gcnnany, 1\ munJ of 1,rdimin ;H)' conducting w.1.shdd .11 du: bcglnnh 1g of1hc.> course.>IQ provideiim impr'--ssiu n:i;of 1lh· p:1ni<:ip;1111\ . l' n.':<<'flf:u tlw prdimin :Hici wc.·rcI loward Annan.1.'hiC"fccmductor of tlw 1..tip;c. ig Ml)Jl R.,Jio Choir. :,nJ Chris101,h Spcring. from Cologne. whc) hi:'.adi,: 1l1cMl1hlh(irn Chur.:,h Cho ir and 1hc-en~c:mblcDtu Nrur Ord,mrr . Sr,c:ring4,;<m~i( lcrs 1hl$'. <.:n-111:i rl".ally.1111.11,ing initi ,ui,'t· for whid1 the Rlt\S Ch.1mbt.•rChoir :ind i1t chic-f condue101J ocm~ 1hc l1ig.hot1,r.aisc. -·1·1il•oonn«1ion bctw«n uni\'~t\il}' mu.sicschoo ls oml pr:actkc iu.s1i~11•11hc. ·rc:

when )"Ou11:1,·e the 01>porcuni1ym lil:ind before :mch an :un:.u,ing <n.sembll:',e,•cn for ju St a fowmintElC'S . 1hin&$become"dl·:'lr~)'Ou rcalizc ,, .•1:11)'Ou inm ld to do with )'Our life :i.sa conductor - 1•1cpossible dir.._-c,ion s thac life '--Ou ld t.akc. Spc-ring~1.~o dir.xux l cri1iei.sm ;u 1h..grQup of young p:inicip:aou . remarking 1ha1. for suc-h :l high-lcvd group. 1hcre was 100 much rd1car.sal1ime s pcn1 just trying ,hing.s, ou1 for fon; he str~St-<l1h:tt1hc-C:(U llJ)()SC"r shou ld :alw:i~ be l.c1>1;111he wrc of thl· work being f>crformed. I 1hin" ,Im~ g.ooc. l compromi~c (o uld I,<"111 .ide for 1he workshop: 011 th(' On(' h:111d.panici iunc~ . ..houl,I be :able-10 rd1l~.arsc pi« cs 1 h~c ,u..pcr.son:alf.wnritl-s:on the c)thl•r,hc)\\'c.'V(.'f, they coul,1 all lmu:li1 irom :ani tk: LIanaly.:.i.) of mu.,ia l in1crprc1i,·c-pr.lctic<;, The lin:il concnc pc,fonnan co:of Sc1)1cmbc:rJO, 2.004featur<.•darr.anJ:,cml'ntS of 1ht·'"K)•ric IIHfrom Johann S,.:h:,;ti,m H:1ch 's M:hs in n minor. tlw mot<.·c.s I :ind i. op. 78 r Ridlll ' mid, (;o,t "' anJ '"W.arnm tolxn Jil· l·l<'i,lc-nH)by 1:dix i\kndd.ssohn Hau ho ld)'. four of 1h,·"1:tinf Gl"S.lni...-" op. I04 by J~~l.lnll ("~.l~r:1hnb. 1wo of the-"( :imi R,~lt:1.nt.Shr 01Mcr ,\lc-~i.1e11.;in,I \)I\(' of M

1he ..Drci Pharn.a!licn n:ach HiUdl·rlin" b)' G)'l~rgyli gcti. l}ri1is h condu c,or Howard Ann an ~sscs.sc.-d 1he sirn:nic,n as follows: "'tW!'RIAS Ch:imbcr Cho ir is 1:1ckling a 1>rob lem th :u alf<:c1s ~c:ryc)n<'in the-world of prQfeuion:il choirs: :11 p n:sc nl, 1hctc-'stoo litilc cc1n1ac1 lx:twt·cn 1hosc who know wh:111he dcm:md.s q f profossional life :'Ire really likt· :md 1hosc who arc preparing 10 enter th.:11 1uofe.ssiona l li(I.'.' . I Srt' chis wor ksho 1>as :m .iuempt IO build ;1 britlgc lx-1wecn 1l1ccwo $ides. h's ncu just a n1.1u cr of informing students, it·s al.so abou1 di.scus~ing new itlcas for how \\'Ce:in impro\'c: 1hc si1u:nion.\'(lhilc Arm,m was quite 1.1',c:nby 1h..)'(mng,p:tr1icipan1s' characwrs.ind t he divc1.)i1y of 1hc;r 1wr...onali1it'J, he m,n«I 1ha1

found little of ,vh:11we \\~re IC)()k ing for. n.amcl)' 1hc readiness Jern:,nck·do( :'ICQnJuctor. :an d pf rhaps :al.so dw abilit)' 10 1:akc on what 1h~: choir has to oflC r. f i111:aml fore111m 1. it'ubou1 1lu• (ntind,uio n: thl"sound of the choir, 1ht· i,nvnat ion c,( the group singing cogcthcr, th e unified ho<ly df S(H11lcl. T h:11'$ wliac )'C)\I !-houlcl observe:and d~-;al wilh :as1h~ b:uis of rour wMk. T ho~ who did 1his did i, vc:ty M


11n(on un :11cl)',wt-

wd l." l):,nid Reuss. chii:f con,luctor of 1hc R IA~ C ham lwr C hoir, W;t,.)1h1:rc: to .)11ppon

tlit· y<mng p:anic-ipamsin l,otl1w<ml and clc:t'\I. showing them 1h:111he condu ccdr$iob is ah1H11poscurt· :in, I .tgogic a.smuc h :is inton:uin n :1n1l intcr,, ,c,:uion: 1-:<w n1i.1l11, du: l~Jrning pr<K:N.S ,.,...swl1c1hc r 1h<: pa n idpa nt w:asr,·atly • or ab le:~ to impk nwn• his ,;u~t-.)o tion.s. RQ l'l<rt Dl:ancf.:,dirt't.Wr df 1h c: 1\i luuich Com •c:f"tChoir. ha,1.l t,.'1..im l ck 1Iu( t·;,ip1 :rimcc: to cnn1rihu1t·whc:n it t,'111\' 10 cl,·:iling wi,h c:hoir~. I le~)'): 1l1ewnrL hop :1l'-t1 1:1uJµt1 him .- ,~ •r,;nn:i l fc-s<-(m, n :und }'

" ... 1lu1 I h.i,'\' m Ji ffcrc-1uia1~·h1·1wt'tn rt·h1·.1rs:1 I and tum ·t·rt ,11111 o~ph1·H-:mo ofct•n, I t\'n<l III rdw.lN<'in t nnur1 1111.J,·. Rd,,·;m,:il rn1uir•·"',t mcux·cfo1. 1('htxl. Ok\f<' oh jc:n i\•,· rniu,lwt 1l1.1 n (o nc,.c·ri p1•rform.1nu·. in \\ liid, )"iJII tr~ iu pull c,m .ill 1ht· , u11~ .md t;.ofor

cvcryd,ing. Wi1l1 a p rofi:ssional choir like 1his, )'Ou have.'to listen~you need hours. re:'111)',u, expc:r'icncc:how i1 rt-ally sounds. 10 know what )'Oll c.:111do . Mr grc:.i1C$ 1 cxpcrien« was how suddenly the sound of ,tu-choir bca unc so unbdi cv-.tbly focused. rn nc\w l·XJ><:r icnct-J :anything Iii,...th 21i 11 my liff before." C.abric:11.: Co nii , :in h:lli:m fr1)mV::tr(·S.C , w:1:i:al.s()amo ng lhc co~111cp:m icip:uns. I-le bas :mcmlcd mis ter d:wcs under C :iry Graden and TOnu Kaljus1e in the pa.s1and is thrill ed t () be here: c:xircmcly imprt'S$L"\t :at how con.sidera1cand 5en-sici,·c 1hi$ profc:s~ ional choir ha.sb<cn in 1.1kingu.s in. :11how affee1iona1c they've l>ecn in their l'{':ICtion 10 .. , . 1·11 r...,t•d in s .,,r .,( clu),v m·w experiences for q uilt' some time.·· Th e only woman to iakc i>'Jn in the conduc1or.s'ecu1r:~C'w:is Arg1." n1incan Virginia 80110, who is currc:mly enrolled in po.SI · gf'!ldu:ue s1mlk:-1in 1ht- Oc r•2runc:1u 1..1 f Ch(u·,11 Cond ucting a, 1he <.:olkgco ( Mu.sic in 1:r.tnkfun :im Main. She praised 1he atmruphc:rc:1)1'1hc:workd,<> p. s:,yini; she folt <1,•ilc co m(on :1ble le:a,lin i; 1he cho ir, which really S:l\'Cits :all10 hdp 0111the young conduc,ors. "1..il.c :ill 1lw 0 1hcr ,-..,rcicipJ111S . l '\'t: btt n pr...paring for this hu :Llong 1imc now. 1\1111 th\'n )'(lu h-a,·cm w:ii1:uouml ,h ...wh1)IL·day for your 1cn minuH·:s- you·rf tfrri bly 11\"tvOUS. a1ul ''"· n )'O U n:':'lliu:how proround and bi.\tutil'i,1ic is to siand thl•rc 2n1I be dirc..-:tl)'conrh"<lnl u, 1lw cho ir like:th.u. It bc:et) nl (,'.S:a 1):an of your pnso n.1li1) '· T lwri: arc11·1man)' oppo m ini1k-s 10 wurl. wi,h ont' or,he h1":Stchoirs dwrc is.· T hf m-0uo of 1he wc.uk~hopw:is ~s,yli$1il .:'1 :u-aincr ,lu,mg h tlw ait•s" - :aloft)' d.tim. anc.l one whicl1ecnainlv cJn·1he c:trnc,I on t ht· h.a~i:o( :i singlC'<·vt'.~ U. Um 11,e program dot•:,.m:mai;.cIll conn-y :a$('11!K' or wl,.it 1hc umdut ·u1r of a prot~·ssion:ald,oir can c.·lCpt-'Ct whm lw cllll·r< tilt' 1t·t 1ic,1rvof Jifft•,...m :,.ryli~t ic.:p.:riod:s. • ~•10111: urn SLc:plrnni t' Pc1iilorcn1 lu,I ,h~• followini;c.·Xpl •fit·hlt· w i1li 1ln· wn~:,.hop;


1lic-bis imprcS)iOn." T he ~•m:c:r$ingers of the RIAS Ch1.1m l1><r <;h,,ir :m; 11CC:u5u>mNI 10 1'1v ..-.(pcri ...nc ...c,(

workins wi1h diffcren1conJu c1on..bm 1cn o f 1fu-in wi1hin a w ry short time SJ>:111w •.ti ccruinly ou1of 1IH· ordinary. Wlm w,1,s1hc singers' rcacrion u) 1hc course:p:arcicip:uusJ Altc>Andre:. Effmcrt foun,I i, .... .\'ery imerci.1ing 10 ex.'k"rience working wi1b thc)'OUllSc~nductor.s.,T l,c-yr.:-.all)'ac;compli.s hc:d somt: rn :uvc:lous work, T hey're d(>l'<tc:d 10 tJf.:c:mattfrs into 1heir own h,mds. :rnd 2~ soon a:-they do, 1hey·r...publiclr cri1ic:iml (or ii. 'l'hcy ba'lt' 10 bc:ar 1he crilicism and It)' to t-o,m: n il into something posili'(("as lx-s1 ilwy c-Jn. Most of cll(;m d t·al wit h ii rt-;ally wt·II imd 2«omp li.sh whi 1 1h1•y s,~1011110 do. I haw th e fedi ng ch:11thffi• young people wt'r\' on 1hf reCt-iving end of :i huge w:tvc:of sym1)(.11 hy.·· 'ICm,.-Reinhold Bcitc:n. :i m,·rnbc·r of dw An i,1i<'Advi,,my Co mmi uee of thf RIAS Ch:unher Chc1ir, :.1ddf. : "\\;Ii: hav\' 10 < n :,tuL' t h :11Wt' get :t 1ww g_t'.: ner:11ionc1fgood 1.11cm- nc,1juu in 1hc dl oi1. hue also up .u the lec1crn. C:1.) nJu..-:10,,ha\·1· co bt· 2b\1· rn ha,'<'.i l{O,11i1J1ul ll1•1.:-rm inc: if 1hcy rel ll )' w-.uu to end up nuking :at·.,rt•..-rin 1hi~ wnor l.1tt·r 011.~ Manu.sO 'Donne ll i~fmm lrcb ud . I Iv ,,,·~ 1111." w.1tl.~ho1)in l~L·rlina.sa ~ .. .I.as, ph.t!-l'of .stud)', Fi~1 ,h ...,..-JI'( the nm~it.il h.a~io. 1h..-<;1.mt luc;tin~ ll"llml,1m·. ,mtl 1lu:11li\u:nin~. whi1.h i~rt•J.1)1'



"Each of 1hc young t-lircctors is Ji fforcn1, ~e h h:t.sdifferent problems.. It$ am azing how the :tdvicc of 1he chief conduc1or is .:l«ommodaa, 1- 211of :a.sudden. 1hc choir .soundscompku:ly di(fcrenc - just bc;c,usc someo ne conduc1sin a Ji!Tcrent w,1,y, T iu: fin:alconnu of the conductors' workshop ended wi1h one of 1he "Ore i Ph:ini:asicn n:tc:h H0lderlin.. by Gy0rgy Llge1i. Chid conductor D:i.nid Ri:uss lcfi this ambicious a.ssignm<"nt 10 1hc 1:1lenicJ :1nd su«:c:$$f ul )'0ung Frc1lch conductor Geoffroy Jourd ain. H is imprmio r1of the work.shop: M

·we 're Je:iling wich :i professional ensemble:here. one 1h,1,1 comprehend$ tl1in~ :tnd implcmcnu ch:angcsmore quickly th:in wlu 1 w.:'rc uSt-d10 wich ochcr choirs. \'(then we rc:tlly lis1en,we know right ::nvay wh:11 wcnc wrong, where we fuilcd. Of course, I also came here bcausc the H0ldcrlin• Phamasicby Ligc1i w~son th<"progr;tm. li's not e.uy to arrange a piece like th:u. T he sing.ing:i.,,J the O\·er.allw und arc really quite ch~llcngir1g.Lig.:t i i.$ouc of lhe grc::u s of the

20 1h 1.'C'nt ury, and I'm happ)' 10 be able 10 rc.h c:i.rsclhi$ 1,icce- one 1lm belongs :among the mik'$1oncs o( choral music - wil h t he

RIAS Chamber Choir. At home in Fn nce. I devo te half of my choral work 10 contcmporar)' music. Eng,1.gingwi1h new music force!$us 10 be less spol'lt:.ancous and more rcspt.-<:1ful in om :.pproach co old music. \X1c·rc merely in1cr1lrctcrs. 1he hum ble ie rv.;uus of the composi1io11.• The workshop culmin.HOOin :ad c:liglufol C< UlC<"nfin:alefc.aturing 1hc course p:1.t1 icipan1s. In summary of the C\'ent , chief cM dm;cor O:inicl Reu" s1au.-dwh:u he bcl ic\•ctl lhc )'0ung <011duc1ors had surd)' g:aim:din exch:;mgcfor 1hcir worlc: .. Rdu:arsing will, this choir r~e:1ls 1hc rnusi(".31 :ilph:aand omt-g:a.;L$well :u. quilt• :iimpt,. i u, Ji lTcrcnc;eto an :i.m :11c:11r cho ir. h 's iltuic)ry,of coursc:,t() (hink 1h:u subn: 1111 fal proi;r('$$(' :111 ~ nude: in a rcw day$. You can, however. be injpircd br chose f<:w d:l)'S to w:1 111 subst:amial progress." CJ,oir dir«to r Fr:ink Druschel con,idcr«l the jlOSSib ilit)' offu1 urc 1,-vcmsainwd ;U profC$sion :d dt'\'do pme111 . • r m consi<lc:ringwl11·1hcr or no1 i1 makes k ll3C 10 Jo some 1l1ing liltt· , his ag:ain.:and. if a-o,how long Yt'e ihoul<Iw;aii1.Something like this should be con1inucd, but i1 s.hould b<.· schcdulctl :11intet\•als so 1h:ni1 Joes n·1 ;1lways i1woh·c 1hc samt· pani eipan1s. and i1 ~hould incorporate 01l1cr l0t~ 1ion.s:and<.nhcr professional choirs as well.·· \Xlich chat in mind , 1heworkshop with th<:up-and -coming ~011duc1ors: was ci:nainl)' a p1omi$ing beginning.

(t"n,111/1111'1/ from

dcrs .Jalkcus (the real group ) StC\'c 7_,e gree (Gold c:0111pa nyl H:t\ ~1ri.m

.\ Iu .. ic


~ lal'l,..toh,, :rdort: ( ;t:1'11l .11l,

in <."< k)IX'f'Jrion with

Inrl·m,u 1on:1 I Fc:ckr.trionfcir( :1uw:tl;\ lu-.1t: lll(>fl'. lk-Uili.;:\\ \\ \\ .lll ()l l lll11,i" .l k

J,9;;,,,USA/ •

,1,.. (; ~rm1m



ContemporaryChoral Music



Knut Nystedt Knut Nystedt (·1915) is one of the most important contemporarycomposers of choral music.His ceuvre of more than 300 choral compositionsincludesliturgicalmusicand secular choral pieces,larger a cappellacompositions, and large works for choir and orchestra. Nystedt is intenselyinterestedto explore new tonal possibilities, especially in the realm of vocal music: " The human voice offers fantastic possibilities, a richerrange of expressio n than has previously been used in choral music. So I entered into a new world of choral sound, one could speakof a kind of kaleidoscope,through which to discoverentirely new tonal colors."

Ave Maria op. 110 (L) Coro SATB, VI / 10 min / •


Der C>lbaumspricht op. 117 (G/No r) Coro SSSSAAAA/ 4 min 9.510 Die Sieben Worte / The Seven Last Words op. 171 (G/E) Coro SATB/ 13 min Die Stemseherin op. 165 (G) Coro SSAAI 6 min Essollen woh l Berge weichen Thoug h mountains shall disappear op. 180 (G/E) Coro SATB/ 5 min

Missa brevis op. 102 (L) Coro SSATTB / 15 min Herr. neige deine Ohren Lord, hear my urgent pleading (Psalm 86) op. 173 (G/E) Coro SAT8/ 7 min



9.917 •


The AveMarlaof KnutNystedtmay be heard on the CO "carusnovus- Musicfromthe late 20th century,"togetherwith worksby John Van 8urtn, PeterMichaelHamel, Hans Schandertand WiU,iedHIiier; via-nova-Chor


MOnchen,conductedby KurtSuttner . (urus83.160)

www.carus-verlag.com/nystedt.htm l

Carus-Verlag Stuttgart · Sielminger Str. 51 · D-70771 Lf.-Echterdingen Tel. +49 I 711 797 330·0 · Fax -29 · E-mail: sales@carus-ve rlag.com · www.carus-verlag.com

Jean Sturm Ex,•c t IVP


Creating a Themed Concert

re 01 Mu,1c


• Por mbuqurfll 11rtil'let.,w lur<itr ~,:rry t'hoir dirnto r rrmli11gthis 1/()('1mtt'11t to srnd 11.J""1 ro,m•r, progmm(t) thry romi,lrr to br pnrtirulnr/y rt'prru,11111iwof,, thrmr. \~ will hr plr1tJrt/to puhlisl, it (thrm} i,, tin's urirs of111 •1irlN mu/ l(Jil/ 11m1/prthr 111pplrmr11111/ idrt1.sthm Mr,sirn tould lmrM propoud.

Program Using Current Technologica l Means

Th is :mide begins :1 series d1.-dic:11«l to illtmr.uin,s •by cx:implt:• the ust' of Musia. the ,·irH1JIchornl libr:1ry. in order 10 crc:ue o ,ig.inalconccn prl)gratn$, $t:in ing from well-known 1>:uhs. Chor.ii musi< h:i.sthe Example 1: Th e Canticle of ch:1r.1 cu:ristic -0frelying on cexu in a qu;isiCanticles $-p,u:nmi c w;1y. Th e choice of :1 litcrnry. Th ( C.1n1id c of U11 1idc:s(Song of rc:lig.iou s or circ111n s1:1111i::1I theme can 1hus $()lnn1011 ) c,c.;upil-:s.111 1x.-ci:il place in the he: , n-hicll"for m:ipJ)ing oul a nmsial ' progr.1m, fa •t"ry ..curic,ul'• choir dircxtor h.:'!S L\iblc by rt-..wn ori 1s contcnc, \\ hc>l>l glori(k -.a1ion oflo\·,·. :111imt-.sin crude IL"l'nu. tlte1n11 uf l, ;h•ing :uh ~ or her Jispo s:il :atool c.apablc of

SUR{CMinp. :i lm c)~t insrani:i


a scric.• .so( works tlu1 c:orra 1M.)rul10 :a<cn:ain theme. or 1h:1t .m:wdl :1(l;1p1t1l 10 :a C()nec:u's preclS('circunu tancc.•s.Ad,·anc,:sin docume ntarr cornputC'r progrJrni. h;av(' gi\'Cn music-.alarchi\·i.ns 1hcmc-.anso( cr(;ni n£, ,l:a1alusl."s 1h.11 r ic:hl pm:-isl." :rnJ compn; hcni,i,·c results. y,•1 :a1t'uS<t-fric-nt-l ly aml :acc,·s~iblc-wit hmu :mr sp,-<ialiu d 1t:1in ing, T h,-y mm1 he: c.ap:1 blc:of rtl pondin~ tu :alrnMt ~ny 1y1:lt"of in(1uiry im.agin(-..1by , hoir Jir « wrs. Musi,a nwcts 1hlN' vfit-,ia :and h.1s lx-,"()IUI.' 1h c ,v.uld-whk rcfcrcnC't'in 1hc f'idJ o( ch or.al music, It i!. :a,.,c~,ihl,· on 1hc In1t'rn<'1 fbup·//wwwrumiror 1 nrr) a nd av.aibbl4'on DVD -ROM (C:n- ROM >.which 1>ro\•iJI.".\ .Ku·i,s-.11horn{·, .11th<'uflice or in .1; 111~1 ,-ic lihr.ar,·wi1l111111 c(111,1r;1i1u, du'" m 1.:ompu1e, .spe,~I or I nu:mt."I acc1.· , s, \"\ 11."will co mid \'r hcn• :.i n ,·x.unpk .1 llmg.r .1111 pm 11 ~cclw1 "'l'Wl.11yc:1r..ap.e1 ( 1')')7) br th,• .auihor of thi~ ;mi,k with clw hdp of rv1u~i(a. \'(1c will , lo..-, hy rnmp.,rintt it 1u tlw l"1"ihili1it":\:n.ail..hlc· tud.l)'•w'1id1 Wdllltl 1t<:tl1,lp1>h.1w h":\uhc,l rn 01h,·r d10 1u>:1. iry ini l·,p,'1.i.allr 1tHl1;'4rill(· , h..\tl.ll l'~ th,11ll, I 1,11lw fin,11,dl'.: litin.


s.aw pol' it :mit'..il ,hl·Ol°l;,ians Ul(II\• 1h:in a rcw WOlfit':'i.h lus inspired musician~ t hroughou t thl' ag_l."5 :and in l1ui1cdi\'cNc

wa~. S1at1i11 g id,·~: "fo crt.-.1u · :i ~<:o n ccrt • '""~ding• of 1he C.amicl,· c,f C.1n1id cs:tha t full)' displars 1hediversicy :1ml c.1111 r.u1ing inspir.uion s of vuiout- com poset). ·11,c unifying 1hn.·.1drnnnini:t throui;h tlH· progr.am is 1ht· 1cx1. whid1 ,h..-music illm1r:1tt'> lik< :t ka lt-id c1J>1. "opc. ' l\,·(1 n:arr.un ~. 1hl· lover .anJ 1lw hdm•c(I,rta;,I from 1'1 .11 hool. the-Uihlc. T ht· ..:hor~I


1>it.-C< ·"' 1c1lt::11vnt· o r k'\'L"rJI of tht· \'Cfl>I.-S just ,f<·;. l:1inw(thy 1lu: 11:1rrntors. T lw \uns p;1n 1> sl1(1 l1IJ ll<·in,cr, pt.•r~I hom 1~c.·t1;,"Cmi, I)' .among tli,· h'~t 1>l'\,i ons to ;Wo id lt:n ·in i 1h-,· l.tttcr u 11 uin uc rm ioo lo111;t, 01w e m Cll\'l) tOn atlJ01~ "UPJll;,·mt.·m.tllOlhlic iorh, for t'Xlllllllk : impo,in~ ,1 ,htorm lo~ic1I 1Hc~tt·-.:.i1111 auou linlt 1n t lw tlt11t • of 1.·a..h ,hor,.11pin,·\ ,1Unp(l-\icion. \~'l· tfi,I no 1 dmm..- hl µ,1 1h;i1rou1e. J)rdi·, ,in~ r,ul1;,•r10 j11:ua1)1,""'n· 1f ;,li01:rc111nm sit~I , 1yl;,...; \\ hilt' ((•1;1i11 i11~umtillll ll ) in 1lw l('M,. 11,u.. J ,,it'll' fro m tlw ~h,ldk· A,,:t, un fo nex1to , 1 C,OIIU 'llll~lf .11) OIII.", .I \UIIS irt l.. 11111l.111

li1llow 1111(' iu I ld11,.•\t ,11( 1l'fll1.1n . ,I l''l'1.t'lur kmJlt · ,•11 iu•, ;,,1nlw pb u~l 11>1.·H~,,,n 1wu !~1,

mi:i.'t."C.I \·oic-1.·s.Thi s Jcm.ands 1h:111ti..chori~1crsbe able 10 2dapt upid lr 10 quicc diflemu scylcs. bm it 11:0. p10,'t'.11 to be judicious:d1oicc. In cr(';lting such a mu.sic:alprogr.un. sc...-cr. ,I approa, hcs ~r(' possibk· :intl can be

complcmt.·n1:ar)': • Look in 1\h1sio fc,r211choral l)ic:C,;.'l wi1h ICXIS 1:tkcn r,o ,ll 1hl· Song of Songs• .llhl at-rJngc 1h<:111 by chap1t•r. • St.·•uch for :i spi.-,:ifjc,"t'™'(hy 1i1k. in~ gh•cn l:angu;agc).

• Look up :aspt-c.:ific Woh l imm 1l1c c,:n in 1hc "K\·ywortl~ fidd in Musica. 'l'his fidd is trnnsl:ttt·,I ;im(t111.1 1iC':1lly i11101hl.' l:tflgu.1se in whid1 it is U.)("\I. :,nd 1hu~ ptrm i1i. .awider .sc:il'cl1 ch.u m,1.Xim i14'"t tht· numb er (If respon ses. In 1his ca.sc. i1 will bt.•nc-cc.·s~ry10, •cri~v 1ha1 1ht· M::arc h r,--sulu .. 1nua llr c;c,rnclinni 1h,· Song ofSong,s. In 1997. i\ lu.)k.tc-nnta i,wd :ip1uc,xi111:11dr

60.000 1i1l,-s Qfchor:il S("Ore.,. At elm linl (' , 1hc nmnbcr of rc:sulis (1ln:ii m:J when - Song ofSol-0mo11• w:i:,, ,·111,·rt·din cl1,·.K,·yw1,nf,. fid J WM I 1.2. In 1l1e 200:S ,·,·oio u. wi1h murt· , han 140,0oo tid":,,·1111." numll<rt ,f ft'Sp(m.st·t-is 27G! Of \'.u u r'\,;.•, nirnk."rous pines h:w•.-l>t-.:npuhlidit·LI by l>\'Yt•r;1 I cclimr~. i,Oiht· ,1n u.1I numh\ •r \)f wc11I,: ~ i, chcrdiH <· luw..-r.h111,ig.nilil~nt 11011 ;,•dwk,->, 1\ s 1):111 fl f its M.': 1r1.l1,,·suits, Mu>k.J uf1c11 di\ 1l l.t)'Sthe: ch.1pl(•r .1nd \'CN,·>illm1r.1;1;.-. I tw t ht· pin:v in t h,· . 'li-M Som te - lf dd. whi :h :1ll0,\) (1n,·m "" 1 , h._.f<-'(l"lo!U1~c-,,mll 111 .,kl· .111

ini1i:il d10kv.

Tt,u, m1,• nu1i1.·t·\111.11 l',1k,1rin.1.1;lvnt· \\'rou• .?'}11101;,•h for l i\'t"-J', lrl mi:-:,xl • hoir ,111 H·>:h fmrn 1h,· ~0 11~ 0(~1111!,-, . (I I.all 1h,• .\hhic.a rt·1> 1•m~e, r,1 1n"'•'llt t ht·w l 1> llWIL "h .) rlu- 1.ho~-n thnm· ,;:11111.I th u\ ll(• illm u. 111.,I •·ut ird y hr 1.·xplui1i11g1hi, guld lllllll', \ 1111il. ulr. ll.mid -1,·Mu h,L\ writh"n .1 ~CJnt idt· of ( ' ,1111 i, I,·~~ f;,r 1ri11I, · , ho i,

Concert Programme "Le (antique des Cantiques" Chap I. 1·3

Ch,p. 1. IS-17

Ch:q,. 2. 2

Oscu letu r me {Qu'il me b:aisc dd N iscN de $2 houch:!)


Eccc.tu pulchr.at"J. 11 mica mca (Que w c,s belle. ma rompag nc)

Josquin des Pres ( 1440-1$2 1) (Fbndrc fr.-.n~ai.sc)

Sicut lilium (Co m m e:le Ii~ <:nm: Jes,( pines)

( 1570-164 1) (Portugal)

Anioinc Brumcl ( 146-0-1520) (Fr:rncc:)

Ch,p . 2. 3-4

I Stll down undcr his shadow (A son ombre scion mon ,IC$ir,;e 1ne s,,is HS iSC')

Edw~rdC. Bairsww ( 18?1- 1?76) (Gr.111dc."•Brc1.'lg ne)

Ch,p. 3. 1-2

Al mishk:avib:tleilm bik:ish1i (Sur ma couche, l:anui1, j':aichet<'hCc:lui caucj'aimc)

Ych~ kid lluun (nf en 1?22) (J.sr:rcl)

C.hap. 4. 1,3

Qu am pukhr.a es (Q_ucHI es belle)

Zd enek l..ubs (nCcn 1928)

(Skw:1qujc) Ch,p . 4. 12-16

Mcinc Schwo.u:r, lidx- Br.uu (M:asocur Cpous-e)

Mdc:hior Franck (157?-16J9) (Allcmagnc)

C h, p. S. 1-2.6

I :an\come into my g:.tr(lt n (Je suis cnu~ dan$ mon j:udin)

William l\illingJ (1746-1800) (USA)

l¼;o<lormio, e1 cor mcurn vigil:111 S\W6 3 (Jc (Ion . ,mi i mo n coc:ur ,•cilk )

Ch::ip.7. 2-3

Q41;impukhri sum (Qu 'ils wru bc:mx, h ."$pi eds)

Heinrich $cl1iin, (1585-1672) (Allc111 asnc) Cio,•anni I~ 1¾.lcmina ( 1525-1594) (h:alit.·)

Duo uhcra cu:a ('fes dC"Ux seins)

l¼;o,lilccro m,,,.. (Jl· sui.s a mon bicn :aimt)

[$('.l\'a,ode Brito

Ch:ap. 8. I •J

0 dass ich tlich. mein Brud"·r (Qm· ,)~MU pour m,oi un frCrd


<:h;ip. 8, 6

!w.1 nw as a Sl.',ll (Mets•moi comrnc un .s<lCJIU'-Ur con coc.·ur)


Mak(· h11,1c.·. "') ' hdov('(I (AccouN, mv n hit•n-aimi)

Willi:tm Rillin~

( 1902 -1?3.ll (( :r:rrub l!r cug ne)



(length: one:t1:ilf- hour) whid,. imer1.-s1ingly c;nough. i.: 11(11 sui1abll' for 1h1.·chos..-n progr:1m,tic('('.ptfor :'Ill excerp1. T h,· sounc remark i.51ro c; for ciu;d works by Vic Ncc.s,G-;i.s1(u1 Nur1s. l<l"L) -S-J tof

Pt·nd.:r<.·cki, ;111J Y1:h1.·1.l:icl Ur.um. It is :alsowonh nocing 1h:u C<"f1:ti1, Wf')t."$ :m: 1,111 10 musk more ofi1."n1h:an01lu:r.t.11ml

moroo,·cr.ronu: in cen:iin l:tngu:igesmon: th:m i,101hc:rs. I bus Ch;aptc:r6. ,•1.•rsC' 6 (Qu:un pukl,rn. cs) is often set in l,:nin. \\ hn...-.a) C lup1c:r8. ,·ersc 2 is ofu: n in

Adver-tis;ement TorontoChildren's Chorus

It-~ J1.•,.,n Ashw<ltlh U,u11..C.M .. O.Oot. WW, r,111,1dl•r I M1r.:-ic' L)ir«t1v

CONDUCTING INTERNSHIP 1.. unckd in W7lt h\ J..211,\,.h\wnh lt111l•. lfli.' I c!tl)flk.l {1,il: IMl', (llc,ru, ,._,j1;.~ 1.<flil.lrcn :.,.-.-,.7, 17 mH\C(fll«II Q si~ :'11.J~"\ll11: ;;11-_,n; ,I "'1'""'"1'1r....ltlf\~1 lh,: SU\11 1~ .•iJ pt;'rfom \¥1(1.'c.f Iii-.• d 111~ I 1\l"""llin.• llli: ICC ;.. ~ .-00, l)KI: in1cni:11io.11i:III) l\'flll\.\1,..,1<'ll.',,,.·,11l1k \\flidi p.-n, ,,ms_

f.11g,lld1 (Sc:cnic .-~:a "'.al upon Th int· hc;m). Enough m:t1C"t i:tl h;;rc.- p.sydullttl;ic:tl studi~ on what h:1.s:111r.,cm. l ccu11 f1C> scrs' intrn ;-)1 in ,~..uH.lu~~P<M!ut's or soci:al <"nvironmc,m:. Fin:.lily. from 1ht' long li.st of pic<ct ~dc:c:1c,I in Mu~ic-.aon this theme . ..-.1c h chuir cfirt."(Ultwill find i1 JH.l ~,ible 10 crc.uc a \'<'t)'


l.ugl' ,·.1.ri1.·1r of comhin.u ion.s.:tccorclini;to his or h;;r Chi<·. 10 1hc Jhili1i1.-.. of Iii \ or h1.·r d,o ir, c,·c:11to corutmi 10 im1')Qs1.-J h)' 1hcin1~nd1,·J:audicnc:..-. Tiu· currcm ,•(·J')iml of Mmic:t. for more ~dv:1nc« I 1h:111 in 1991. hd 1l-Swi1h 1h1.·lin.:.I dh) icc by .1llowi11& ,,i~i:on rn ln in~ up ,md c::'<,1 mim : ., p.11,,'(' of ,h.,. J1,tu ,1I ~1. "orc, ,mtl ('\'("ll to list<-·n 10 .1 goc>llrn'.'1.-, lin1tof :1ncM;(•rpt (DVO-ROM or wd>~i•<-·).Mt(••n1.:1kini; a scl<--c1ion. 1hC" scorc can be-orJatd 1lu11ut;h 1111.'." <1. li1or or h)• mini one uf I lh· lll( 'I hod.s ofTer\,I on 1lh· nmsiun1.·1.11~ w1.·hsiu: (;10ilLni,ln rm~r.un wich ,h<'C'1mu,icplu~.n1m 011hrouil1 .1 1\lu ~i<.1

111 cml,..-r11rs--ni1.11i,m dut di~tllhu1n mmi,) . lkfor;; onln ini:,, ,,i,i1or.) nur ~l,n u~ th<· I\.'\\~ 3f'K I IIIIJt' '",rt.,h,iJc, Ilic su,,"\"\,4"vl c.wdi.:Lllc"ill • Fiml• huuon 10 lm~lf flw 111mic 1l lihr.iri1.-s Ii."~ tb: tlf1ll)f\\llWI) '" \I..J) \""\)ldli.1ing _,.. 1\-ht....... in 1111. · Mu,i 1:.1m1.:ml1>1.-r.hi 1l lh"tworl: wl1n,: ,,,..111"1~ in 1.kph miJ '-'' ti..,,111).'.'imm..-.~,J in dli.' trt·,. irn,., .ini-.tic & i-.kni11i, 1r:11i,.:'-"C"'t.llllJfK. 11,is l'•.Jiik,o b. 1ht: (.ll ll lpl.. •14• ~..n re 4•,111h..~ tonsuh<-·,1n:,lbnu lo,.-.--:1in 1,...,.,.11., ,,.. lht i<:mt(I/ 1'11t,,J-I15, :!(IO.$•~,Jin: l.il.r:t , y of \V1,•~ 1mirMer (' hnir Coll1.·p.<-', 30. ~ I\\;. l'Qllfk. 'fflts "f •\!",;-'\N I ~ lo 1)1. ,-,.,-ilh,"'J.?-I ( •1 ( A·,ur,· Jn,, l'n.11i•ln.1I ck ;..111-.i,1uc C·h,,,,111.·.11 J:N'l.t") •) k) J\llli." le) 1(11)6 :in::IN• l'-"'!>11 ..., lh: 1,'olt'llluctill'o; in1m111,-.l, ,lm.,1h \\id1 ,, ... M1N1:Oi1\'\'Clll' al llltt>ic..~1r N.1111111'( lk lf.iu111),P;1rii1hh,1111. · Ju <:1.-1111\· 1Augu.,1 ~1\-~q...,.,.i\.,. 3 ~•~l a ll f\-h.:-y,;;lk,, ,,,.~. ,l'An Polyphonit 1m:1.l',\l...1<-t.', ... ). 111,Ill) I 111,~, \\,'lb, ~, I riJ:•)) lll1'1:11'f'"'\ li!\..~M'\•ll•:1."fb. at11..◄I 11,(II)r,....,iN;.,

l\'11 11':1111. I n.w11dingrn~~1-.. I llib ,,~ ...

t, ,J,,.-.,1~........ , kl ;1 nm,ici.1n"" ,;;i,1\llkJtl~-"''• ,,,.. li.l, :I n1ir1imum l'iw ,,,;.,-< ""r,..-ri..•11o;,• .._~hi,1!,:'111...-.ll 1rnr.k in "'◄11.,,h .,,-.t,w,lifl.,1inJ:.., diikt\·"'" '"""""'""~ cl~•ir lfll~ p.._ilk111tnl,'1\.-..t.~)111.l.... ~..,111111 )•"r ,-um."\11..,, u l.11,·. <tl\.:r 1(11,.-r:inJ,~Mp.'rtir,.,11.tlla"'

"1::u~b I, 2005 11,·

.k-:1• ,\., b'1-,wrl , lbn1c-. hlO'mtr.1:\1,..,;k, Ulf'n' IO!r

T,oron.,, ( h.. ""." ( ho,rns ?ISO Ilia~,;,.,., ,\u.• n-. ltmllllo. 0\.

\U~ .lt,.1

rftc<11<> 1-.i.,:.Hf,f,61 F:a,,,., ,,.,..':-~ •1hl,:fto ,.,.,_,,, tlu, #JA.-..,.hf/• /ln",(tl## •" ,,., "•" '""'""' lfl'I/W~<Pllllll•,lu,IX•ffU"f,1# ....1 It• •"wrJ1,;"•"'•V'""'"'-nl

..... UI•""" ,.,j,,,._ '1,....~

S1 <;.,\'\Ill \I I h. lt\l\').-.lllnl,tnt ,nb.11,.I hd•l',d.. \:)

l"\'<.'111, rd~·r;;m.i11gin

ioCOl'l' in

1'.l11,i1,..1 i, dmH· wi1h

lurn l. J1hl hy ,c\nt.1, 1ini l-.lu,ii..1.u

00i1.x-,iln11 1si<::1nt1,orgy,lu 1..mfinJ 0111.if m'\n ., .1rr. 1hc l,1>1..11icm,1f 1111 · 101•) 1h1.'1.I

(inf..,rnuti1m fltll publklr lll•~Cl'll). l1ri111cJ hd1•\\ i~ tlh ' pr1~r.1111 p,·rform,· ,1 in l 1) 1F h) 1h..-Alk1,r11\'oc.al l·nwmhk • ul !11r.1,bnufjt . Num hn c·I d1nr.,I pit"(.n: 1S. l,11n n ·11 knv.1h: I 1111 111?O 111i111111." . llw , 1111H·r1 w,1, ""' I, ,1 ,111, ,,.., 1l1,11 ,1h,•r,., ,·I) ,,._rl;inn.rnu ·, ,111, li1•n,cmn11h,·f'I11nuld '-'""' up 1<•.a,k if 1hc, mip.h, ,1rr.1.nltt· for u,

10gh•t i1 ag:ti,1:it :,11101hcrloc;uion . anti if w.as 1hus pcrfot mcJ 15 1inw:s.! Onc ~~ hcrc Heinrich SchOl'I.o,·x1 10 Zd,•nck l.uk.as (horn in I?2-8). and William Walu,n pn.-ct'tling Wi lli.am Hilling,~. ·n ,c l<'Xt w:is rcaJ in 1:rcn1: h :n 11111h<couccns cxccp11ht· 0 1w gi\'1."n:11 l:.urop.1 (~n1;11 in l.inx. wlu;re 1h1.•l<'XIw;i) dil·iJ1,,J .llllOfli!t 1hr('\· p.,irs or ch()ti~1er:1(on1.· Gl'mun, Oll i.' English .inJ ont Frt.·nch).;ai, .a ck·111vns.1ra1io11 of i111 crn.11ion: 1I g,oodwill. Am<1n~1h1.• oi h,•r in1cr1.-s 1ing po.ssibili1ies i\lcn1ili~ I hr t\.lu.sica, w.,. would c:iu:: • Oicirid 1 Bu:(1chmk: Suri;.1.·. ,un ic;:1 mt·:'l • Jacobu--.C.11lu~: 'lh h1.·m1,.•po,t It• 1-1,•nrr Pur...dl: Mr Udm ·,"'I !)ll.1k.• 1~,11-.ud Gri,1:,:l·h-,ad t'!,;1du doit s.kjiin • hnri(111cl•dm (Cuh, 1): C.1111.1 d ,imt)IH(' • l\1u C.1-..11!>: Nit;r-~sum • ~brk Crc, lmn: Ri~c-Up Mr I (I\ '\' • I111:1 111R.arninsh: Ri,..,.U11My I ,w., · • Rid1.1rJN,rnc.x: !),;,•1 i\k .i~ .1 ~.al · Rn, ,: Cl.1u.S4.·n: '.-1,·1 ~·k ·".,!),•: ,I • l',1111 I l!lllc r: Th, · R:1ini~ Owr .anclC:onc 1h11you will ,lo t.,.-,11.., m ,·omuh Mu<i,-.1 youhdf in \ln,ll•r not m owrl,,c1k,a '4."l1r,;,• 1ha1 mi~lu rt-., lly,·x, i1v)0 11: www,mmic: IIJ1'f oq;,

• In hrn1,:h, it i,-m11r,· d)i., inn 10 t.1m·ry 11n ..S.10~ 111"Solom on• 1'1,111 on - ~'IOI\~ 0 ( ~1111i")•.

b,'-:mw clw b 11t'r ap11\·lla1ion

c.:11 111.a in!>tfh' ,,mlt' 1vortl -~.irui 11m·• 11\ jc,.,, wl111.h..:in• rt·.nc .1mh1~1111i.,.,., :1hh1111µh ,ti,.•,t' .ar,· H"IIIO\ 'nl :'l1111 1111 ,11i1..llh·,ll ilw d.u,1h.1'4. ' lc·1·..-I.rlw 1w11n,mh-...,r,· ~ynnn~•ms in Mmil.l . Jnw St urm is /Jim •u,r,{tlN· 1\lusit-,1 lutt'l'll,HimudProj,•cs, mu( /J11r..-so r ,,j'tf,., Allry,rn1111t·,1/ t··,urmMt'u(,,, r,ulMm-,, ( F,1;,1.1il: fa111rm@m11sih1,,r,.1>,,_ J I nim,liunl frv,111 1/v J•f1•1u •I, l~r 1llti1,1S/1,11J'<·rrl l'\A J e

Gideon Beried1c1on



C h O ra I M Us C 2 0 0 4

C'duc,11ion .and. nitm: impon:i n1lr. for r1.xogni1ion of 1lw ,·.1lu1:of chor.il m usic;in Philippim: ...uliurc. Corrt') J~) 11c linf_l)·· choin :1ml chor.al .acth•i1ics must ob1ain bcttt•r press au cniion . .as 111:iny impomun ('\'('Illa> gob)' unno ri«d. Tl,irJI,-. in )pi1eof i1s nu nr c:hoiri. Philippint· d,ota l music i, mu yt:-1 vt'f)' a,o:ssib k• 10 :awid,·imcrn:uion:LI :amli enct' lx<.". 1us,•1hc l'l,ilippincs i.snor wd l 1cprc$cn 1,.-.. I in i111t:rn:1 1icm~Icho~I bodil."5 :ind 111: in r ofio chou l cornposiiions :trl"nor pohlid it·d.

T hePhili1,pine.).hc:Mib

rir :i-l N;ui,111 .al

Summi1 for C hnr.,I Mu~ic c,n S..rnrdar, 27 Non: mhcr 200'1 ai 1hc 1\h:t1C'C) J..-M..mib

Unin:~i •)'· Spon!>OIX'( I hy the Juninr l' hilip pi lic Comluctor~ Aj;soci;uion :uul 1he Al\'m·o

,k ~lanil., Coll...~( ( ;lt'1." Club, ,lw

mu-•tb1y:i-urnmi gn,wine,


hdd in rc-spon¾"10 clu;

1 \Y.l"

o( t"hoir.!< .and conduc 1uN in

l hilippim"l-, 'I lws1.·,u:t·d, indud.:. fil'5tly.1he nt'1.x!to facili1.11<: info,m.uion Jml r,-r~:noin:sh:,rini:, Nm only tl(W'.'.new .1m l :tCC(·),_\ihlcri:pt·rtt1i1t· 1111;' 1

rardy ft•,11,h d1 ,l ir-. in 1ht· pm" in'-'\'"• 111:an)' of

1hl·-.,·c:hni,.. dt• no1 lwndi1 frMn 1hc ,·x1'lcri,•nu· .11 1,I lm<1wf.._, l~t:~im-J by 1h..dloir,; 1h.,11 join (,·\lh ,d, :and<ornp,.-1i1ion, .,hm.u l. 1\ 1,,,. \im,,: nH.,,t of tlw mmk .sd1noh .m· in i\l,110 i\b nil .1.m~ • dmr:il work)hop~. ,\hid1 ·•''-'fllll f."\ ·c1l wdl :iucnd,-..1.:u<.·:ii~(• lwl,1 in 1hi · 1,.. 1,,i,.11.T hu,;. 1,.hor:.IIC".unin.-:, 11;1, nio,tl) l,1,."Cll 1..onc;,·ntr.a1c,I i1, M.1nil.a • .and ,h..,n: Ii.•~· lll',;'11 ti.•w :11tt ·mp1, 111 ~11.m· wi1h 0

1liusc nuhiifr. Mor,,,w..-r,th1111i; h 1wH:rl.1.,l:inv. io .1iint;t'f, with l1o1.·au1ifo l ,,oi,1.·1 .. Phili11pin<.·1.l1t•irsvf,<'n l.11.k)i ni1..•n wi1h 1.·, ·1. •11,I minim-;,!.,hi lily 111 c.,nmprdl\ 'lltl \\ ri11,.:nn111, it. l',·rh.11'-1hi, i~.,

~ymp1<1m ol in:idt..p1.111.. · mu,-ii..1r.1i11i11~ m s1. ...·,1nJ.1rrc:,lu,.u i1111 . 1'111 1,. 1h..r,·m.,y b,· ., llt'(.'(L 011 1111..· 1utiou,1I l\•,·d. IOlnhh) tl,1.· g,w ...·tn1nc1ufor ~1..·nuint• rt>fo,111,. in 11111, ic

'fo hd p .,,h lrt').S1h ,·M· m.:c: ,h . 1hc s.11mmi1 proptl~~-x l t he fofm;-iiion of .an:11ic1n.1I or~11i1.a1ionof chor,11c,:oml 111;;mr,1, . Th,· mort· il1.1n$0 1tJn i,ip: 1111 $ r<. ·,.1:1<1m lt"tl c:nt huti,1.qi<.·;i lly. c1l("<" 1ins two l:e)' rcsuhs: 1he tldil,i;r:uion .and r,1.1 ifi~1in n of 1h1: mi~sion. ,•i~ion, .11HI go:al) of ill<'(.lfj!.ini u , ion IIIbi; form<.•,k.anJ 1h,·cr1.•,11ion of :1,111\'tmu 11of con,luemf\ rc·pr,·5'.'llli11gJiOC'r~·mtci;,1mb of 1hc l'hili11pim-sIOwork mw.1r.hth,· form,u inn uf 1ht· o~ni, :uicrn. Sp,-.akini ,1.11h,· \ 111nmi1.anJ f:1e;ili1~ 1i11~

1ht•open-forum <li.scus.sion.1f1ern~Jr,I wc-rl!': Jt·an Cb ud,· \Xfilkcn.s.,~c m .ar)' G<.·ncr.tl of chc l n1cm :11ic)ll:1I 1·:c:-Jer: 11io11ft1r Choral i\ 111 .sic:'r horn:r.s~ h Uk Dirt·c:torof tht· Chor;i_ l Ol)•mpio: Jon:uhan Vd ;asco.fornwr Conduc lOr of 1hC' \X1orld \'c.unh Cho ir: Janee S:1b:as•Ar..C':i m.a. Ch:iirp\"r$l) n of Ilw Uni, ·(rs it)' o( 1be Philippin..-, Coll,:gf." of r-.·lusic Con due1ingl)ep;i n mc-n 1: E11d,· nic(' P.abru;an,l'r incip:il Co ntlu (u)r of 1hc SJn Mig11d 1\ b ~1\·r Chor.ill." : :and Ebin t· Alitt:1, mc:1111>1.'r of 1t1e\'t(lrld You1h Choir 1()0/4, Thl· Mnnmit w.-.sfollow<·tl h,- ;1 fc:llow;;h i11 din n(·r :in,11.'.orn.:c:rt, f{":11 uri11g1h,· Uni\'t'rsity of 1hc l~) t C~hur.1k tlw Uni H·n il )' or 1lt<.· Philippint~ Conccn Choms, t ilt' Philipp i,lt• C:1,il,lrc:n\ Choru.:.from r-.1.i nJ..1luy,,11~,:rnd dw A1rnoo Cl1.1rnbcr Siog..-,..,,

Gitlrd118c'lldirid11 it tJ,.,1111is1,u11 t!imwr ,,j' /·/,:

,1,,. Atmtv, 1/r M,mili, C"'/g,: c:t«O,&

or1.,1111-u,/ rl"' 1111m111111•ith lt'mlJI lt!rrt"f, f'Xn'tllll't'dil',,·tor ()ft/1<Juui()r Pt,i!,ppinr

Co1u!t,t10NA11«i1rtum . ( f' .,,,,,il·pl,i/ippi11tv'l101'1t!Jttmmit~;,,tlroo. c()m)


True Value of. Teaching Choral Music

;,aeko Hasegawa TPLlilt fy

\Xf h:11l·x:icclyi.s 1h1;ituc-value of 1e:1ching t'hor.i l mu sic? 1..-uc :'lutumn. th e co1ulu no r of 2 choir from lkrlin 1.indlr remarked- 1 <li<ln 't renlizc 1hc-rc:wu a C'hoir s1Ud)'i111,; genuine-sm 1l:arworks (imponam choral works) in J2p:m.'" He ~..-mcd wry surpr is<.' d, T he complimcm

nw , 1 h:wc cor m: as a rcsuh

of 1l1c many y~::1rs wc h;a,·cde,·011.'\ I co ~1Ud) i ns \\\>rksof mmic. It is my bd i<·film ":m '" is wlut guicf... "Sus t()\\~.ud c:doc-.uio n, Chor.alsinging. as c,·crro ne knows. is to 01x-n onc i;.d( :1nd use what one h:li r~ci v"-<l from Mother N:mir,: m in full t."X1ent in 1

ha rmo niiins wi1h 01hers. Uu1 puning this )impk )t.11\" mcnt into pt:1c1ic,.-i.-.:,c.lifricult usl-. which 111;1y lk'.'wh:u 1m1kc~it tlw 1ruc

,•;a_ lm· of :i ch,,ru s.

Th.,_. Little Singersof 'fok)'O(LSOT). wich hiswrv of ov.:r 50 )"f.'ars . i$in itsdf the hiMot) ' chi ld~u ·s choir.: in Ja p:rn. Hui the ~tc.>r)' of hnw eh<.' ISOT w:,~ born i)'..11 dr:111 t,•11ic (I ll<' ;uuJ is still eh(' foumkuio n nf 1l1t· L"iOT. Man)' ye,1n;.,go. Shinichi 11:lsti;:iw.. \ \"aS ;1 rnm•iC' a-,d1.:r :11 a SC'h QC>I. llut ,heft' w,1~ cri1ici)rn fro,n tht· c.•Jucacion 11Jmini~1r. 11ion 1h:u .. ,, w.asunt!esir:ihtt· 10 in1toc.lucc rd igiou, mu sic in puh lit· 'olho<•b."' It w.u.1·>:111. ·mdy dilli cu h i:v<nrn }t,lin 'i)'nlll,u hr for or unc.lt•n.1.1ndi1ii::_ or1e.1c.hin~ rdiµiou) mu\ic ,1, 1lu: origi n uf ch1lr.1I rnmi1.. , \o he ,..k -c.i,lc-tl 11111..·a,'(' hi.) joh. i::i"insup ,h,.. • S(•1..uri• )' ufhi .. r o~I: i1 W.I\ tiii. rd'k'llitin :is.1i1H11h1.·i1111lwr i11\",. 'f'h a1 nun, ~hinichi J l.o.c);--'w. ,. is rny (.ulwr. I k :111<1 hu lwr 1\ml :i


Aspl·Nion.swcn.•even c-.as c: ch:u 1hcchoir was mcrd )' mimid.i ng We.sccrncrs or 1lm chey sang with chin \'Oi(e.$.h cook m:m y d«:adl."$ bi:ror(,'111\·\K►~lli<I (If :m.:h vo i(CS w:,:o;:,cecpu-cl bt 1)(:01>lc. I h1,w,•er, our prt'\lcc... -ssorsdid noc ~h•cup. Ti.,·c-my p ..•:us, lau.:r,I b« :unc cht..·<choir'$ s«o nd co ndu ctor . h w :,.~:, i;.•~-;.11bur<lcnfor m<',with only )'<> Ulh and ;1 lot of energy on my sid e. I ooullln', bring 0111che best in 1hcir ,..· oicn. The:<hiMn:11 ~howt:tl JiOiJr ncc fac... -dwi1h :;in l),•cr•(::1g(.-tin.SHUCl(lr, <,:nthu si:i.sm w cc:tch go<>tl music made ml" imp.u icnt , frnmic:i lly u:ae hin ~ fore ig n lyrics wnr,..Ihy W()r,I. '1'11 c 1...-sso ns l'k·S,Jnwich sucli strltAAI ..:~.Inn i1 i~onl y 1h\· man)' thing., I haw ll~.ltm-dfw m th\' childr\' n ch,11hi w 111. ult· the p.astJO )'t•.us po!>.sibll", I would lil.t· m i111f() tlu((' thc-1h rcl" conuncmor-.ui\l(' ('Qlu.:.:ns for our 501h•umi\·tN.tr)',which are 1hc rc-suh l)f yt·.,r" ,,fdim hintt hill after hill.


Commemorative Concerts celebrating our 50 th Ann iversary based on t he th ree con cepts

Portraying the v,sion of the LSOT Cultural Exchange through s,ng,ng l·or m:mr years. the I..SOT his conrinucJ exchange rniccswi1h choirs (rom h01h Jap-.an .ind abroad. Namrnlly. clw thcrnt" for 1h <. · fiti;1 pa n (lf our commt·nh)r..ui,<t• rnncc r1 bq;-,1; n wi1h ;1111."xd1: mg-cof ,·oi<. 'i."5.As a 1>art OUft.Juc.;uio n, cult h•,11ins tht· .tc.schc tic scn1imcn1s in music is .in importa nt fanor. In thl" 1>:1.)1, we h;i,·.: i,wi1t-danJ pt"rrormcd with man y fin1011 s choirs. On thi~occ-.uion. w..-h om·J 1l1c Adol(F r",lriks Gir l't Choir (mm Sw('(lcn . ·111c joi111con ccn c\'mrt•1..I m1 folk from c:1d1 <ifo ur C(I IIIU fil~ . In hu ldin& Sut"h :in c-xch: 1ngc conc...-rt,on(' mu.s1 no, forgc1111:1 1 wt· 2r.: choi,s. Tl,e purpo.scof 1)l1r t·>:c h.mt;<:is an t..·xc h.ang,;c:l,•oict'.l> arhl 111.1 1 juq an unl in:,ry c:ultur.,I cx(hansi:. It ii. l-S~·n1i:1Iw ,:1,.. ..,.dop:i i.t·n~c o f lu:.1ring,so :is to tlillCrcnti.m.-sound of Jiffcrt·nt 1. ·ul1urn l ocigi11s. AnJ if we c.an rccog ni1.•: t-:t\ h 01h\·is suo ni puim s :and blcntl out voic\''-1~c- 1hcr. 10




An,milh. ,1111i»11)n.a•)' from h -.i111; :,·. 1..·m ll.,<t rla,J 1111 .I m·w \ ' <J)'.11',l' ,hwush ),< JdC'I)' ;.11hfJ;t ~. A1 1h1,.·1i11u·. 1ll\•r1.. • w.,~mm h prdm litt· .1t:,.1im11h,.. · "1,,.. ·:t,I voice '-'lUlhl" . \'(fhcn 1llt' I \OT w·:., foun\11..•d iu l <J51. i1 \\ ".l" wM, hii:.11ilk, 1~.u.111 wlr IV h,m~

nriiiu:111.. hoi--,1 1wvrk" tn \hi lllr,m in ,1 ,01 ircy 1h.11w.l, ,lt·,·asc:ih-.1.tfc,.. ·r eh<· ,,..,om l \X1,•rl,I \'(t.u. Uut 1h•.:p~-.,pll:,. '-'M' ,..1;,.. 1001 1,. ·;i,1h• ln'l-t•nh' ao..Hl'ton..._ , 1'" ,ud1 ~Ulll\ h .

l( :li \\,,, J.I ,,J I lul.l r. n, .m, I \,,.11h t 1,, ,11,


11S1n91n9 VoicesR1ng1ng 1nthe Cathedral

1hc rC"5 11lcwoul<Ibe .)Upcrh. Tt1e colourful and c~ 1alsound of 1he SC:1 ndi1tn•i:tn children's \'OicC'S harmoni1.ing wit h 1he children's \·oiccs from 1l1cOrient w.1<n:r}' impr c.»iVf.•. t:nabl ing 11$ IC)rc.-ad,our gl'>:1 1.

SO•hanniv.:rs.,ry w;1.sheld ;11St. Marr·.s Ut heclral in 'fol.yo. vith chc sound c>f\'Oice.s

I. Pursuitof the Ongms of Musi<

wi, hin 1he cu hedr:11as the thcmt'. ,\s che· concert was hclJ 10-wJrds1h1:end of March.

T he scc<ind commC'morJtive conc.:n w;i.s pcrfoum-d by young singer$ whc) lud rcc.:ivt·d music.11tr.aininr,wi1h our choir since d,iltl hood. ·n ,c programme for the first half fo,cusetl upo n 1hchis1or)' of music, while the w-,rks sdc,;:1c:d f<1rthe ~ec,nJ half wcn· con1cm1,ot:try works from abro.aJ. Th ere :m.·m:anyoppo rrnni1ic:i.10 1)crfonn

T he final concert <ommcmor.uing our

it was ent itled MP.tss io, :id l..uccnt. and included w()rk.s rrom ,he P·.assion10 Eam·r. M,·mhcrs r;111gcd from dc m<.'. nl:Hy school (6 yrso ld) 10 members do ur Yomh Choir. 1\II 90 members joined 1og.:1her10 form a sini;lcel1oir,

·11,e progr.1mmectnir,-d :1roundtlu ec works ccimmi .ssioncd ',y the I.SOT :and Ja1);.111l-,;(' ,,·-,rk~ for young J'l<. -Opk-who have· C'."O lllflC)Sl-J b)•Japan's bdins ('( llU l' lllJ) Or:ary bi.."(nbrought up in J:11>:111. And 1hcn• arc <'Ompol>l·r. •foshio I lojC)k:iwa; Ti:ncbr.i..• oppon uniti("Su) )ing in our moilwr tonguc ( 199.l). Singing T,.,.. ..-s( 19%). rl us 1h(' :u SC'hoo ls. T hai is wli }' on such occasions we l)r<'mier performance of 11110 1hc l:Ores1 ol'icn pc'rform work,i;in l.:uin. 1:or p«1plc (2002). Uc-giu ning with Crc-gorianchant . li,•ing in E.uropt·• .).in~intt in l.:uin i~qui1e .1 lm 1H• )1)(>rium. in 1hc lirsi h:alf.prog.rl'SSing in nor m.;111hing, Inn fo1Jap:ul l-st'childr en, i1 is cite S<'t'.om l lulf 10 the r..-:sum·c1io11of lifo and .rn <.-sM: n1i:1I musil-.alclcmc-111 and a drh•ing 1hc lovt• ll .l lUI"(', th( l"OllCt'n w;u :t fore.:. l..:u in is ca.sily 1>tonounccdby J.1panc)C' m,~J11i11g.f ul :ind profc.-..md expcfl~·ncc. :md i~also.l fangu:iit· 1h;n l,:ud, i,,.dfm How..:n t. 11,e imporiancc here w:11,not v()(';.lliz.iiio n. h i~ :1hohlCSS( ·tl wi1h m:my only tlw 1H1rsui1or c01 1em. hut :1l$C110 st<·k wor~ wi,h di..'\'.pmu ~ic:11co ntent . how 10 C:ltprl·~" Cll•l'J'dl'('~in 1hc ~r,mJ .SIMCt· Uo do ubu;Jlr, 1l1e :.tylc l\f c.arly of rhc ,-.11hl'()m l 1hr01~h our .sd cction of Rcn:.aii:~ 111 «- worb i!>c,mcm d y difficulc, work). In :, wo1k whtrt· ,he d1o ir ptrforms f-low-..·,·('r I hc:liew;i1 1,.impon.11111h:11 in 1lm'<'gnm ps, t ht;tcl) a tkby In SC)un d, .-inc.:ic n1 mu 5ic is not jm t li-.u·m·d 10. hu1 Arhl in the gr,~J1i.p;m·.tlw rcn: rbc.-r.u ing l'Xpericncnt anel urulcNoo tl. ;\m:11.ing.l)'.our \·oices ov<"rbp1l1c- wo1d)' pr (1n () 1111t-X.'\I. T hus young singers show gn:.lt intt-rest in ;md ,he 5ingers le.,m from 1hc c-.athe<l~I 10,)ins cnjO)'smd)'ing~uc h wc,00 from l:ie)•nn d (1u, wi1h 1l1rir hc.1«:and soul. a.sunks5 t hl-y ui;t• l"r-.-(lr :1,ca. 'f hl")' i;t•( ·m 1(>~·me •;otnl·thini .111t hcir skills and abili1i""'•,h,..irvoi«-Sof :l\"tln1-~ard.,..rd..iins 10 1hc presen t in ,h ..• olT<."rini will nm r,:2<.~ CvJ. worl:.)of great c,ompo .k·rs tto ch :h M .acha111. C:om11e1~cr Toshi,, 1losokaw-,a, h.1:ilt-J as Odccghem. or Ou l•.1y,who w('re k•ading SUC'Cl'$SOr 10 ·1oru l:,kamuu . ,i;:aid 1hc u1m 1>o¾"nl of 1hcir I imc. ob jective-was ..hee-.am,:1lwy'n-d1iltlre u',1. For yc)ung.~-op lc. ~h;1lle·ngint choral ,•oic<·.S.1he)' will be ;ilileIII l'XJ)!l'SJ> the work., from 01he-rc:ou111rit•-.Ol"''11'-:111l -w flo:ning spiri1 brigluly .1:nt l putd) •·• :and 1hb cloor <1fi111t·rt·s1. \1udying ;t f.ircign b11gu:1gc- w;i, l"X.IC tl)• wh:11l1:1)11u:n cd . :111d cXJ)h'1\i11 11in mu~i, i) .l W:t)' lo !>tml)• 1h..·ir1111itl llt' ,tntl ._h,11. u..1t·ri~1it lltl.l ll ln,.


Ill Music BasedM the Japanese Tri1d1t1on ReOec,ini;c)n I ht· tllfl"<COIIC' l·rt perfor m:111C1."$. one:m:1y notice 1h:u there· ,wrc b<,1h « m1cm1'.IOrnl)• Ja1):1 nt·i.,·works :inJ folk son$$•but none u:1i11g 1J".ldi1io n:1I Japanese:,·oc:ilii:ition. 'lll is is :afcat urc-of our choir. but ii m:.1 y Sl'Cm1)1lc:•i,i<lcdas t hl· J:ip;mesc:p.1n is l.1l'-king. Tmd ilional Jap:,nt•i;.,: \'OC-~li1;11ltu1 is not :t lk 11iblc()nc ablt• to i;o from :1low pitcli IC):, hii;h tone. R:uhc-r. ic h;a.s2 limill"-lrl·# l-1er. such as in a simple children's song usins one's natur.-1\'Okt', or :1 1r.1di1ion:il folk !.Olli!· AnJ HI ~ing chC'min otchodox •>1rk· en1:1 i!J. fepc.-.ut,Js1renuo us 1r.ai11ing, mui l :apit•n.:in g \'Ok<"is bnrn . In es~<·nte·. it is a C'(lmplc1<.-1, , diflt.'rC'nt\'OC:tli"l:tt ion from 1h~· Europe.111 s1yl<.· \,1,kh h:asc:r.... .atl-d clw hismt)' of chora l music, This is :i grt>~Ihuric r. h is :il,5 0a ch.arat"'. IC'ri~ti(' of the JJJ>Mll'SeIJllf.UJS<':u1ct c m l>l · fl"S1tic1i11&. Th..•r<fort•. whtn we sing Jall..llle"l·folk $On1t~- 1h t' \\ 'Ork is ;trr; u1~l~ h) )Uit thc u:1cti1 ion.1:I\"0<'.1li1.:11ion of Eurc,1)('.Ulmusic. T he J:11).111dcbn~u;a~c i( in our h (•.ir1 • and in our hl~ic,d, How<·vt·r lurmon}' cl ill not ..-ltis 1 in 1r.1Ji1ion:;1lJa11:111 , So 1ht·I...SOT will con,irmt· to pcrl~mn woiiu 1h:11c.,mbi.· pcrfonn t•dwith a forn1AI Eumpcan ;1pi,rn~d1 1,1 ''OC'J li1.ati(m, lu lOO\. fur .a 11c:rioJuf l"it;lu d.1)'$from 1t1,· l"nel or Jnl)' ft) y.1 Auttlhl, 1he· 71b \'(forltl S)•mr..-.)i11111 on ( :hor.-1Musk will Ix- hdd in tlh· Ori rn, ftir 1hl· fi D1 1i111._ •, 111um old (Jp i1:,I Kroh-..( )ur lwJrt, ..1r,· fillell wiif1 t•Xpt'\.l;lli,,n . l'ln· ~O•h.umi ver,;Jry ntJrkc~J .aSl!ll_tt. ' in our hisu.>r) ', .,ntl 1h,· IS( rr i) 11()\\ ' l'llll ·ting ;a ne·w:,;1::agl -. ·n,i~~)'mpl\)ium will most n· n.,inly I'll:· J t,tr,·,ui11,·t·111iw for 1h,• d1o ir'. \VJ,.wi11.,0111 in11 t· h ) chl"rish ilu· unh •ct$.1li1y 11(, h,,ml sinim~. rc,·d, •int:,l' nlip.h1cnnm 11 fm,n oihl ·r choir~ a~TO)\ 1lw wor ld . in j,)inin tt lw.11h , h...trhh:rnd ,,,,tt.·e•J> .

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OURS - Fronce ay 12 to 16 , 2005


Concert 111, \•t1,t

pening Concert by : YS- BOURGOGNE, under Pierre CAO (May 12)

34'" Int ern at ional Choir Competition (Ma y 14 - 15) 24 Cho irs coming from 14 counl ries: lgium,Chi/la, Finland, France,Gemlany , Great Britain. Latvia • uania, Mexi oo, Molda via, the Pllmppines, Spain, Turkey , USA.

e winner will compete for 1he 2006 EuropeanGrand Prix oral amount o f the Prizes: 24,000 €uros ext Competit ions : o 13 - 15 May2005

2. 4 June 2006 (with a Children's Choir categooy) o 25 · 27 May 2007 o

ad line kif ~ iOns : ~ yea r, November 15 • offer a tree aocommodation and frH meab for the chori$&Ct'S,tit.II l"lsemblehas 10 o,v ani! e and 10 p, y for his lraw l,


Experience the Tradition! Tuscany Interna tion al Children 's Chorus Fes tival * Florence/ Rome, Italy

2005July 4 - 12 / Joan Gregoryk 2006July 3 • 11 / AM e Tomlinson 2007July I • 10 / Henry Leck

Copenha gen International Children 's Chorus Festiv al*


Copenhagen/Odense/S vendbo rg/ Roskilde, Denm ark

2005 June 27 · July 4 / Henry Leck 2006 July 10 - 17 / Jean Ashworth Bartle 2007July 9 • 16 / Judi th Willoughb y

Muska Mund i Concert Tou rs

Phone : (+33 ) 2 4721 6526 I Fax : (+33) 2 472 1 6771 E-mail : florilege .vocal@free.fr W ebsite : hllp 1/www.florilegevoeat.eom


\ l!c ·1.11, ,

• See details in the Festiw ls listing of this /CB.

BP. 1452

F - 370 14 TOURS Cedex 1 ( France)

$11tko Hlf.lLK ""'" • Ar1is1irDir«toro/71N liul, Si,,grrso/Tolryo . &NlrdMrmlHrof tk /11ptmChoml A,st>i'i'1tifJII , &"ml Mrmbrrof 1hr!,mrm11ionalFvrltrnliOlto/Choml Mt1sit. Cl,11irpn1011 of1hr Arti11irCommiutt for 1/~ Jib \'(/or/JSpnposi11m1111 Chon,/ Musk , L«turrr 111 ToJ..')VJ Jm,,111rul111r Htnrt \f~mr11i

Tou rs


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(E mnil- lso1<i!'wnm1.1M ,11tjp) 0

CDs: . 71,rl.iulr Singrn of10kyo50'" Am1iw111111 Cim«rt I.it!('! "Ho!tli,,gHn11d -i11-Hn111/ Om«rt", V/CS· 61088 • 71,,rllul, Si,11,mo[Toltp 50'4 A1mil>t'n11r:,Om«rt /)1N' I f'4r, J "P,mio11d lum11", I.SOT 3

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Europa Cantat Conference in the frame of EFMET


(European Forum for Music

Music as a Bas,c Human R1gh1

Education and Train ing)

EvC' n 1hough go,"(:mmcmi and t:uhu ral official$ :ig rcc 1h:11:in istic cxprCS;S ion is :1 hum:in rii:;h1, i1simplc-mC'nmi on. likc 1h:i1of m:tO)'0 1hcr hu1man righu, i5J cpc-ndC'nt upon :1v-.lila blc resources :andopponunit iC's . fo nn:.11 ;and non-form:11cd1101ion is cruci;al for 1he dc'\'clopmc111 of ~<>1)le'$ :'lbili1ics to exprcs.s1hcmsch•o an is1ic.ally. T he p rc5cn1 si1u;uion in man)' E.urop<" :in oom11ric5 with r..1,.r. ud 10 m usic C<t luc..-:i. 1ion is c:auscfor gre.:1 1 conc..-rn.

Formal and Non.formal


Education in Young Choirs: New Perspect ives

VenKe. llaly - 19 - 21/11/2004 Introduction On NO\'tmbe r 201h, chor.1I t'Xl)(HSMd f1,, )f ($(' nt ;tl i\ ·es

ororg:ini ~:aticmi

ll !HI

ins duui ons from 25 Eu r<>pc;.m<ountr ics cimc toge1her in \l('nice (I) for :a<onferc:n,e

on formal and non-fonn :il music «l m::i1io1\ in r oung c-h oi11undt·r the 3us1>ic~ of d1(' Europe,m forum for Music Gduc:ation and


The Roleof Mu51C ,n a Chang,nQ Soc,e1y In m:any socic1ics, chc cuh ur.11 l:.1n d$<! :~pc i.s changing: e.g.. rd igion, t.'thni(:il)\ IT. glob.11

Training(EF:-.1 ET).


Th ey were i1wi1ed 10 d escribe-1he situation in their coumr ics concernin g 1he foUowin~ wpics: • sini;ini; in sclmols

Music helps indi,•iJu ;alsu, find. maini:iin ;andtic\•d op ,heir own cuhurn.1 idcnri1i($. Jn :ach:inging society, mus-ic:il lcadC'rship require$ an c,pt:n. indu siw. r1.-sp1:c1 ful c;1wiro nnu:•n1and au iiude. '11\is r« 1uil't".). no,·d ap1uoad11.-s10 1hl."m1ini11gof conduc:HH~. 1..-;id 1t:r) 211<11.:o.1d 1c;5.h n-qu ir..'$ 'imagiC'll tion' (im:,gina1i,·c 1.~uQcio n). Music is also idc:.,I for c:ng:1gingin :atnn· di:ilogm; wiih oi hcr c11hur..'$ .

- 1bc 1r:iinin g S)'Stt·m for m usic 1ead u:r.s and d1or;i l <:c,mdu('.' 1or.c • the imflMUnC'l"of d 1ildren·s choir

M usic schools, schools and choirs/cho ral organi5a1ions must work togeth er 10 c-n su rc a fll':lhhy mu5t(';a;I d t."\' c.fo1>m c 111o( child ren i n c.. "\'<'r)'Etuo~k;:'lflcounu y. Somt· couniri ..-s h:ivc d c\·dopc.. -d c:xcmpb rr projn:-is. 1wlicit-s :ind tir.ucgics de.signed 10 bt.'1u:fitchild nm who c.lono1sing (cf':confcr('ncc re:1.dcll' \\1lich :m: :w:iilablc under

bu~rl/wu,yFuropa(d nn, mg· > rnurm pmitt1t• > (l1'1 nfw·ncl,or c:anIx· ordcrcc:I frorn th e l~1Jrop.1 Can121 Sccrcr;ary Gcnc~I) .

Allon·r Europe:d,o r.il/mus ic org2ni~:11ions 1:1k c charg,~of ,h e cr.aining o( conducml"!o an.:I n1t1si._te:ich,·rs..Tl,~-y,Jo so ciilu:r compk-nwnt:aty co, or. wh c-n~ , •er t hcs,c :arcc:omplcu:I)'missing. i1u1cad smcsup1,on cJ 1r:1ining facili1io. There-is 1101hing wrong wi1h th is. pro\'id,-J i1 i$ folly rccogni1,1,-J and support('(! h)' 1lw :iu1hori1in. :tnd 1ht· formal $1."(lo r o( c:duc:u ion.



Ext·<.· llt.'ni ch<>in:md condm:11,lrt ('An lxfounJ in all Eumpc:-: m C'01. muic..'S.I lowt."\'cr.:1 t:onducting .:iss1X'Cial fid d or , raining comp:1riw11of form:al2nd inform:tl • modds of cooptr. 11ion lx-tv.'1.."tn 1hc ~ luca1ion .S}'$1c ms :inJ culmr:il ac1i"i1ics in form11Imusic t:duc;nion l>l.'CtOr hc hool$. ,,a,ious European comu rit'llttwal~ .m mu.sic schools, univC'rs.i 1tl.-s:and eno.-111 011 .sdifrcmK<' in how .siuging :tn<I fal.1nq Rfl,pon 1h1htyfo, hJl11'J1c cons..-r v,11oirl-S) :ind 1he non-(or m,11 1.·01hluc;1i11 g arc-v:ilu<'ll :and con,Klcrl, I, Also. S<'CIOr (d1oral org:1nis:.a1 ic,n~) Eciuc,1t10n a m~j<.> ri1y,,( yomig,scersreg:arJ1ht·ir music • you1h ('m1ww,·m1c:n1:uul yo111 h Manr counuiC'Spay li11lt.'or no a11t."n1ion 10 ,·dm::uion :,s inu 1Riti,·n1. 1hc trninini; of , Im-....who work in 1h;,•Ill-OSI p:ar1icir~1ion in 1hc chor,11world ·1·he confcro.•nt."( • 1}.tnkip:1.11 ~1hus m:tkv In :1tltfoic1n m , h..-C"XC h-:init.· of crud :11.an~.1 of mtuil: 1h.u of t:l1ild rc..·11. T hi~ 1hc foll,,wint r<.'l."llmnwn ..l.l1i~ns to sdirn, I;.. ns due 1hcM· ,;.cx·i,.• 1i,.-~mis.~:i c:ruc;ial .11\-:1 nm.sicsi:hoob;, C.H\Sl'rv:uoi r..~ . uni,·,•r:<iiit.'S iufonn ,uion :md 1.,,.~wlcdgc. ont: of lhl· .1in1S IUC':'l . of thl•c1,11ft:rc ncc-was co t.·n(;(1ur.1gl· hl."Ul"r ofinv,~ un t:111ill ~x.i.:,I J ,._•, ·d opm..-1112nd 1,-.tcht.·r1r.1inini;co llc-gc.•t., national. r.:·t:10n:il COllJ)l't.11i11n1'11. ~lwcen d,~11 ·.11ocg:u1i»1i11n) Jtt i,t i\. lJU.lfity. 2nd l('ll..ll.w1hQti1i,'$rc::.pm,siM,:for ..:uhurc In 111, 1n) hir opt.•,111 c,v un 1ri..-s mu~iC • ,IC.' .m1l ,·1l11u1 ion :inJ , hornI :uh l ni lwr 1i,•c· in 11,..-lid,I of musi~,"<lucation :1nd m:.al dn i; :tnd sing.inttwi1h ,:hildrcn is sen-rdy i,u 1i1l11ions in t hl· form.-15<.'l U•r ol music or!!,,mk.uion~ in dw lidtl of mmi t. ,·Ju..::11io11: undl'.'r1hrc..•; 11l"'....1U:-4. • ul .1 l.1d: or 1-111 :,lifi,._,J t-,fo)it.111u , 1 pl.iy .m imp,m.1111rule in c:duc.ui,,n. tt '"Jl h<.:r1r:iini11 1=, li,r prim,1J)' ~ lm11l ll<'oplt·.uul f:1t'ili1ic:1o in tlw nluucio,u l ~)':\!CUI\


Cl';.t .. lWh,

· ·n,cim1>0rc:tnce orsinging in prim:,ry


sd,oo l cducutOn m,m be rccogniictl. • 'rl11 t 1r:tining music 1L-2cheN mu$r indud c more $inging :tnd cond u,1ins • • Second:uy school music d:m ... "S must be m1gh1 by ir:1incd music sp«i:alim . • Singing muse b,...r<'COg 1fru'l-las in inirinsic inn S('(Ond:tr)'scho<>Imusic



c:duc-a 1ion. - faery Eu ropt~ n count ry sho uld offer

c:hildrcn's cho ir conducting as s1>«1:al , ub;1."C1 either wi1hin the formal Si.'(U)r of mu~iccduc:uion or in coopcru1ion with 1hc inform:tl i<.-ctor. • f\<lu.skc :111 be :i nw:,ns of ,.o,11h C,'IIIJ)ll \\ '('fllll. •nt

• fa·cn , bough there :m: iomc cxcc:lknt c:xatnplcs0 ( you1h p:1nk ip:t1ion. more org.-nis:acions 4-l,ouldd1. ..vdop i.tr.m·gics givc: p:1r1i cip:1111 s ,h,. • sp:1cc. 1imc :tml 10 uu>nc)'10 ,lt-\'dop 1h... ·ir ide:,s. :and. hop...-(ullr,then L-.... · 01wn en 1h...ir iIll 1llcmc11t-:'l I ion , Eur op:i ( ::uu.11 will scn ...1 1h..-s<.·

International Chor,al Festival & Competition

rccomm t·ml.uicrn, out co ,11h,·rfam)p(',lll ;1~"M:i:11 ions a1.-1i ve in 1hl· lidJ (II'mmic l-..luca1iun .1ml will follow up on 1lu. ·m a1 futurl· l onl~reml. 'S, ( ~ lnl ;l(" I :

1: um1u c ::1n1.11(;t •ncr.1l'.\,.:i:r,·c:1ri:11 I bm ,kr Kuhur. \'(fcb,.· r.nr. 5 1).1 . IJ•S .H U

Honn. (;crm:tny. 'IH: +-4? 128 912 SM)J. F.ix: , 4 1) 22k IJI 2'5llS8. h-m;iil: info@Fum1l:1C:1nra1.org. w... •h: hJH?'llWW'O' Eur;1p;l(:.1n1 If nr~• e

The World Holding Hands, Singing as One

Marian E. Dolan

A rric:1n-t\mcric:anspiriru.1ls:,ml io;,pd piece;$:m: lcn·cJ br dtor:i l sint;cr$ chc world c>n:r. Music c;,fthe ,\fric :rn Dia.s1)0r:1. including tht>spirima h )ung b)' the cnsl:.a vN.i pcvpl<.:ltJf ,he Americ-,;u;, src,a_ks~omn~on htim:m cnuh ~ o(fo;Lx lo m, pain. a.s.ol:m01t,

hopL•,prnmiS<. worship. and conmumit)' , Whik· chornl <c>m po~ition, :11hl an :ing,•m('nu by ,\fll (;lll•Amcric, n male composers in<luding 1\lb.;n Mc~eil. i\l~•.J Bog.an . William l>.lwson. Andre l11orn:is. and Kci1h I l:imp1on :appcMon nu ny :l c:boir's concert proir.nns. the works br A(ric.in,Amcric:m wo men arc of'ii:n IC'$$well

known. T l1is:in idL· ·will rm:-.cnt s:impk· works of live ,isnifiuru bl.tck wo i~tcn: • Undinc Sm i1h Mo<,rc, Len a r-.·kLrn. Oon s

Wesley lk u k llo scl)h:111 )~ Powdl. and Y")"e 1:S amwtll. Undi nc Smi 1h Moore ( I 904- 1989), <'(m,.idcm.'< 1 ,he ''t ll •;Ul ofb lad: women conipo~<. ·ri-flsr,itlu .11\'.'ll rrolll Fisl. University (:a hi.)tmi r~:ill)'Jll,bbcl. collq;d .and Jid gr.1du;w: ,wJy .aiJuilli,irtl anJ l~s1111an, She j-0in c:d1hc (:a...uhy o(Viriinia S1:m" Unin-rs il)' tn 1'>27 and 1.mgh1 IOr '1'i )'t'aN. um il ""'' n·1irt•mc·min 1?72, Moore wrote Ill man,• lllll !>il.11 J;l' llrl'"• indmlin~ oomj,mi1ium for ;,oln \'Okt·, t h:amhl·r l'tl)l.11\hll·.:and ,·:,rious ,>olu in:nruml •n1s. hui ,t~·is 1,.")J Wt-i.111)' known for lu:r chor.il c:om 't,s11 it1m ,.,.hith wt'll" 0(1e 11"'ritc\·n for 1 1hq,r,lllil.ll n<.--..•ch .11 1tl abi li,i<·i:of ..1m:t1<•ur c..hoirs. -wl• C:iw Thanks t0 T lu".t' .. (i;:.ub: <:IA. (;(,2.12). ,,,flm•n for 1hc I00 1h ;urni,·c:n.;'l n ' c,f 11,t· famou~ l:j•k Jubik•c !.'lingt ·r,-,r-.ilC.uen~.1rd..."I :1,- lwr mo,1 ,,.ii;nifit,1m1,_nm 11osi1inu. I k r .lfr .1ng...-, m-c:llh (lrt ht· ,,.pu 1w,1l, J lldiNV',J,i, ii Jm11, ....,.t.:

Aui:.,,huri: • Oij()Oft<iS.!S(,: ,\,·h \ • .1ml \~ .V1,1//m,u,J lmm1,h1ht>l'i,t/,-_-, ii, l'r,,u om.· tl: 1"i' ,., V,1 1/ryj,- r<.•c01d1-ct hy Voc.1IL,,,.l'n«· ,,111lw ( ' I) •,x1i1n,.,,),v.j: I ),tntt· I ii.,· 1lw \Viu,1~ (( l.ation 11'')(1(•:"""' ( ·1h bc:fowJ. /·,wf,'m· ,111,f /-,.,,,t'11immf' , '-',Ol\'\Ifor ,.uh {liuir, hr:i~,. 1w« U))lllll .,ml ur~. 111H :IA c.:M \'.) ind ud,·, 1h,· ,piriuul II .- u Anlf, "} I{;,,,.,•, 111, °'lt· "' ,loul,lt--.thl' \'\tin •,. wlu, h

in:11.c:s 1his scort• both :tcc,:ssiblc :inJ an 21s2 tnu~ici:t11. lkc1itcxs•l.ain<1ha1 her ,·xcellent pie:«- for :1 d1or:1Ift".)tiv,LIo, <onCC' n composi1ions grow ou1 of her own faith and of chornlJbr,w works (\H'h <.':t.H), 1h:11(I( ht:r <hurd,. -s,op IJ:,.Umt - an Lcn:t Johnson Mcl in (b. 1929) w:is born t"xcdlcn1 pie-cc:for incroducing a .:hoir 10 and c:,luc:21c:d in ,\llama buc li\•("{I in ChiC':ll;C> ccuucm 1)()r:iry black go~pc;IMylc - is li1c:rn lly with l1eruncle. fomcd gospd oompmc-r a prap:r ~, 10 music (fa , I) . Thi: s:cort·i~ Thom as Oorsc.·r • She:did sr:1,lu:.11c work in 1.":lSil) • mc:morin, I. whid 12llow~.a (h(Jir clu: 1hc:ot)'•coumcrpoin1 :md pi:tno and is ;'llso an time to cxplol't"1hc:cxpro.,ion 2n,I otdlinrt l Hapli)t minC-1.:r. Her composi1ion.s inmpr, ·1:t1ion of 1his gospd worl:. Tht· in cluJc <'Jnta1as. m.i$$\'S,;1r1 ~ ngs, d1oml J.,·,•bo,utl p.trt i, bh11."S~i ofluc.: 11Ct1. I hue ,·err comp()._\ icions .111 tl arr.111g<;m en1s. works for acc,-ssihlc:,or prm•itlc:s,he fr:unl." \\'Otk for .1 pi:,no and orchC":S1t:1, anJ dc:ctronk music. more' cxptricncc d gospd pi.'1nis1.TIil· bric:f She m 1~h1 nmsic in Chic.": 1~0puhlic M:l1 rw)4: :111 (>,r,mgc solo c:m be sunp. :1,s wriuc:n or for 36 yc:-.1r,s, . inlluen~ ing hundri:Js of p:nms i:mbd lishc-J, The c.'O<la Sl'\'.tion- huih hr )illli,l'l'S,compc)S('N, .1nJ in)ll1lllll' lll!Lli'-I~. incrc:lSC't l rh,•tluuic l:ayt'.' ting - can open UJ>co Her scores. of1C'nfor .).Ji b .:n:.c:mblc wi1h,'t"ry iududc :111impr(wis('(l ,;:.1 ll-:1nJ-,mswl•r ,-(llc) pr.1c1ical \'OC'lllr.111~cs, :m• ,•xcellcm (wt:lt i;,._. f >). Thi: w,,,k is r«or <lt·tl on I lw co111~1si 1ions for .1choir j,m beginning to CO USrnp Uy, l.orJ · (( ;I,\ CD -5-40). cxplort· A(,i\--;1n -An1c-ric:111liu.· rat ull", Some A prolific anti cxd1ini; Afrk.an-Amcric-,m work)>arc-111uccc1m 1xani'-..J , 01h.:rs wi1h t'om1:,o~ris Ros<'phanyi: rowc:11 . ~lu \i<. op1ion.1IkC'yhoarJ, r e:• c..n h c;r~h.1,·efull J)i;tnt> prof,~sor :u ;\ uburn Uniw r~i,y, al.so in 1l1c or ors,an f~1,1, which :trc nm diOicuh. I lc:r st:ell"of Alab.1n,-:1,JIC)wdl' ~ loll iri1u.1I ;irr:1ngcm c111of ,he ,,.p iriw .11/.11 ,d, 1"1,1/«Ml' :amin~t·nwn1s• .1n1hcms .1mli:,-0,,x-l,Hul.,,Jtt • Mo" Ht>/y(t-.:. j.~ ~8848) i,- in (JS at a in grnwing t k manJ br unh ·crsi1r, ethnit . rnoclc-r.11c )., ,•oi~cr..u1gcsar,: :ill in thl· s1iff, <"hurch. :and hon(lr d 1(1ir1. Ht•, gnspd-:s1yl<" and clw wricing i:srmttclyl,,uuc,p lumic;. ·11,C' .arr.rngcmcnt of 1hcChrisun :i:ss1>iri111-:1I (;,, «:ore of li,111 .W/dur, In M,- ku/dKjo s 7;.JJ It t>II1/,r MolflJ/0 1111(H;il l,t•onarJ #884?> li1r ,-:u b cho ir, :SO JltJrw ..an,1b:1ri1onc: •0Si032S2) IIOIJl('.S 1hc:ch.all,·nv.ins solu~. :t1h.i 1·11ni11n .1IkcrOO.irJis;an ,·xcclkm rllychmi c;~ub1le1il'i inhl ·r,•111in ~<l:> pd pi<.'<X'l> C:SJlll lllt· nf how Ml I.in <.:1p1urc::. :ill of 1lit• {w\ h,, I ). Tht'.'chor.11p:ans :l h " of m1wll'f" ,Hl" d, •ni t:ni, of :i spiri111.1I in ;in ae<. ·l--. ,i blc: JiOicuhy b11t~ 110rl"<1uir ,"$:111expc•ri" •nt"ti.l ;Ul'~lll )tt:.Uem c..\<,I"'( ). Mollcr,11,;: voN."c r.an~l;, hn mc,phonk w,icini wi1li rhy1J11nic high ,·qiC4.".Jin Comr,1l.t'I it Sl,iut<!(<;t•mrr 12J09) scort·d for s:i,h dh•i~it:UM.'m hlc .ano.l •md dvuamit t·mu r.o:b . Jrhl :shun h111 solo w,IS,onuni»io.ml, I br the go, pc.. ·l c.lmir Jr.1m;, i, ,,.(1 10,-.1ll(lw-' t hoir to (.llfl\'('111 ra1,• l:.S.Sc m'<.',,fJoy. llir<.-c; ll-J br r«t:fll WorM k.1rning in1a pn·1i, , ". Jth l ,·n)l.'1nbk • 011 , -Outh Ch-0ir c.-ontluoor'fo11) ' l.c.,th, .:.nd i), ("l,·nwnl> ,he ~lllfl · . 1\ l.1nyof111;r :m ad.1p1;11io n ol th(' spir irn.1 1 11,il l.iulr .:<•mpo~i1iml,.,1, wdl :1, ., C l) -Mu,k for My l.is,111 t1fM111e c~,. '). l ►.-.w~:11 wro1eA1◄·,ibt-w l'ropk • .11\".l\.1ilJhlt· (wm Kjm ~ lu,I(. ,h,./.e,..l(Gc,ut }' til.\Oll) fc•r1lic U.S. l)t>ris Wc::slc) ' Ucui ~ .\W/1 Hr.I t>nl(CIA N,uional Women's ( 'hoir in !OOJ: it i, ;also <;.',')I)')), ¾"Qrc ,I I~,,,-,,1h <.htlir, ..,l!oi,c .rnd a'"-tibhll·in )o:!ltb ,,oil illi; (e!lM) . 01ht·r p,.1110,1,-.an ,•,-,amp lt•ni .1n.111rn l-ir.1di1it1n rc•,~)mn,t'ntkd )((nn,·s; J/,1/lduM. ( .1ms1is At'rk :m •Amni, ,ul ~v,,.pc;Ipi..'-<'.Hc-ui, . .1 &m Chris1m, 1 ~ 1to)>1)<.• I. -..,1h( I 1.,1 I .t't>iM f(I .11111lw h1,-1orii.11lv 11.11i,"·ul thl · ,,;rn; Al.,h.1111



t. ,01 11hc·ru


u l 1ht:

u.\.,Ul w.ll(' l'

.111dl,IU).\lll 1hi, pi,•...,· 111 1lh 111mH.1I 1u,lili1111 of tlw hl.td, dnm: h "I,) ,·.u. I fw ,Hi11,•11 \(Of\ " \\,1, 11tll,ilt'< I ,ml} 111ud1 l.11,•rlw .111 oi hn mu ,il 1,m, Au or1IJi11nl, huh h dc,l,·r.i, 11dl

#870.S184): Somt'lllllr1) lw-1) i1•n1 1\fotbrd1•JJ O,ild - ,,.a1 h ((;,•nu y JC·2 ,U 7): I W.1111 hl l>1.· R(·:tcl y ~pirimal wi,h i;mpd

.l(\Hltlp.rninw111c....,h ( ;rnirr

J(;.i 11~,.

J(: l. I')4: , ...1



fa. I

STOPBY, LORD W11f\l,. .ll\lll :,.1m1-.· h)

t'.l\in-.W,·,k> lk111,

:,.1octrr.uo• • ?-I lnlrodvclion

Yqrc.· llarn,\c ll i, ,Ii.._, prim .1n·.ur.111~ ..·r lrn ch,· Lum·d hi~,!..km.tll· ,01,,.11 ,.·11, ~mi,t,· \\\,. '(t lton('r in ,h,.•IU,,J....A N ..·w \url, n,ui, c ovw Ii, ini .m,I \H1fl.in~ in \\'.~,ltin~hln I).( ;,, B.irrmdl', ,r;.w,·,of Al,i,.-,1n,Arn,·ri,...Jn,,ork,;, IMU..,• 11~...thl· mu, kJ I ,llkl intl'f!'t,·1 i,.., ..1hili1i,·,·11(., dmr.11 ,·u~..-mhk·. ,v,,,\(im,rs h, 1\/r N,111,1i llouw hJchh; ~hhk.11Si,m H' •1 \(): wd, n I ) i,

eh,.·,,..... -·on,I ut' liw ,onr," in dw , lior.11,ui,..• "C 10-.:,ini,·· 11,t,n l on ,l um· ,1111J of ,l y-11111,~ ~i,I\ l!cuwini;.up in .1 Imme \\h ..., ....,II,Ii,• """d , 10 lmow i, n,·11, xt..~I111 h.:r lw h ..r N.1 11.1 (i;r.uulm o dwr). r,., .._•m,ofSw ..-...·1lonn-', \~untt·1~\ 1,.'0'\\:inM ..- .11,. ,;.~.._,1,nu~. 111...lu; li n~



ut 0,1111\\dl\

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Publishers informat ion: · t\u~•hurg.: ww w=u1t·,lwcrfom:r:-.." uq; Cl ,\ :

,~+ \~ " -i~

l\l\lV-l!i:1111 micrmnb:acn;sf musii,J



dmr:il "l·ris:-/ifrjqn 1J11 WfiL.1 n,l11 ml • (:rn1rr:

• Ki•" : www L;i~ • i\ lu •i~.,I \n uru · l'ul, li,-.uiwh: w ww



WWW [q·Jl,QS·\flUU

• 1I.al l <on,1rJ: \V\Yw ,ba1k,u nr.l c,om/l in k<,;o:oikr,;h 1'


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11wsire1hourn· n1n1.

CD's/Recordings : • WW\ViM-IPl!ldl; a,1.. om f(., \ w.._,.._ ,, I lo1w, · fl"\ lll'\1111~~

. c l.u1011:u WWW \'(>L?h~s,•,wr ,,ff)n, cmlini:~' wi1••t'l\" CW(½1)h11(wi1b H11pln;) ~l~ ~ WW\\~ i3,lDtr•iJ.,Olnt

I w l~11l>.a,·illMm \'<'hitl·"s(_'/,.,,,,1Mt1>ic l,t A{rfr.m-1lmNit~m ((1111p1mrl"< ... 'mJ nluinn t\t.at,'\.fl m ,., ...,,. l')')h :



Dr. M11ri,mD0/111,. S«rtt1117of1h,,/FCM Etlmirci-,M1tlticu/111ral Comminio11. holt/J gmdunte 1/rgrt'n in dl{Jm/rondu(lbtgfrqm Yirll"



U11i1-r11i17Sr/,oo/ o[Mt11fr.inrludi11g &lwoli Jimthoml eo,uf11f'lhtg d«tor,ur gmmrtl 11,11wom11,, . Giniti1111. ,di1or.dmf't'h 11m1iri1111, rrmdurtor,md pro/f'm,r.Dolm, ,,I.Jo diruud dn reµrtoirrlrrndi,,gu-ssfrm1 far the

61h \Y'orldSymposiumo/Omml Mutit. Shr is htrw11rlyDi,wtar of /l/111ir(7 '111< Arts nt EmmnnurllmlN"fflll C1111rrh. N,1plr1. Floritl,,

USA. (f:•11mil: nuu/q(u @l,qtmnil,rom) f\'qu; &,nv a11mp/11 A-F"" 11f'11i/,1b/r o,i/;111

,., 1/Jr/CB/MK"o//m.p·/le,1n ifM l'rl· •

~hint" -----

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-\~bF-/4 - •== Tho Ill 1k loJlu OI mi.:,-

Jllf-f -,rr,,,II




ff• \ 'f'I'



Jean-Marie Marchal

of l.:u in mQt('H 1h 11cJ~,e (rn ,n , he cphernc:r:il 1nd m tlml c:111 rc-ign ofi\tar)' 'liu lor (wor ks of ·n,ornas Tallis, John SH•ppnrJ, Roben Parsons, Chr is1ophcr Tye and Robc-n W hi 1c:). ·n u: French t·r!tcmbk·. wl,ic h pl:af$ i111dli sc,u ly wi, h chc ,._ ,,lut liun~ of .1 rd :i1i\·d y ft"\'t'rlx-r.int :i::ouscic:. m:1n;igcsto u .rn.sl;uc ~uccc~~folly :all 1iu.-sub1k·1ics o( a mu~ic1h:11o(tcn mmso ut to bc-0f:t fonni <l.1lilc:t.(>1!l plt·~i1r,.anJ 1l1i!i:wich :t lwah h)', 11;11ur: 1l l-xprt~.»iwnt'S), au(I :a \ '(:f)' bt•,1utiful fo$i(ln (I( \'c)e 1I1i111hn-$ in ;i ~moo ch ~nd cohl•f't" nt wholt· (('.;"1 llio1,c 9.HJ ).

Tallis Ge111l emt 11 ,..,,. , ... o(t/1 e Chn11el Roynl "'""'' ••11coN.rtt ,~

f.,. _ , llk J.-din 6c-M:11,.ou.r

I im (lr .111, a (l•,1i\'.&I of En~lish 11o1,ln>ho nr, with 1hc co n1inu .ui1111 of tl1t· pub li~.1ti,,n by Signunl of , he 1. ··ompl..-tc: work, vfT hom :as

T:illis p-crformcJ hy 1hc Kin!;°)Ch:ipd \'n~ ruhlc di h:cu.·, I h)' 1\lio air l) i):on. Volume.·<,i) Jn ·-01,.._ I 10 tin· work~ in11.· n1.lt·d for tlw Ant_:. lil.an duerc:hC/1,rDoria11-~•,-,,,«

_ J:i,g/i~/,A111hm11 - limn Ji,r ,lr,-/,b,shop /'.1rJ.w·i/¼,ltrr- Signurn 02 2); ,•olumt.'7 (·,·, u~c.•,ur-aH'" on ,1,t· r,•pc:ttc>ry,nor<.'

"JWt.ifio lly int,;-mlt, 1for Qm.-cn 1:Ji1,.1l•dh (,\,,/1•,unr 1m111di- () ut(rtm1 t'1mriritmt


,\ff.'m m ,,Imm -S igmon 029 ); fin.1111)'. ,·o lu nl t' 8 i, r~rn"t l lor rill' (.arnuu ,

/,,,,,,,.111 ,11i1ms•fJ,•f't'mi,,I, and for v.uin u., c1111111C'r(,·i,, (Signum 036), T ht· n1:"1t·r>o( 1 111.• l~n~li,h ~ini:,·r, in I Iii , l}"IX' of re1~·rtof) ' ul 110 lon~t•• rw,:d, 10 ll\' ,lcmnrutr.Ut·d, ,11 1ht~ rc, urdi n~-• prm•,~it nno: .ag,,in: to lit..,i,m. 1•:m,p.•R'mr, nuhility vf t·x1,n·~,ioo . •. hcry •hin11,i, joiut,. l cv l)\-..1 i1111\ •t.1tt'1lw ,p.arkl,· 1,f onc of d1t• m11,1 h,ill, .1111I l1ro1~.1n I r.aJit ion, 111' p,11)phnnit 1iH•~" .

( ,um 11w111.1I n l ~,•mhl1·, 1h.n ,k, •ott· 1hl't11'd,,,., 1,11=, ivinµ 111'1.'ir,,wn, i,ii,n ,,I 1!ti, ,·,·n· 'I''" i.di,~·,1,v11i<unl\•t•f",•.art· r.•h·. 1 hr

N'cM, from h.11)'.;-l"IJUC.,.,I IW\\ r\"\.urJin~ , l,•\'1lll~I 111 1,om t• of t he m uM l:tn1ou.\:wotl(,

,, f Jos<1uin o ~,Pre1., ,II 11 ,Ul!,\,hi ch tltt· ,\ 111wrh 1\1.,ss-Nrrrults /)11x J,",.m,rh,e,h i) 1t1c J)c tabyri 1u'10 t·n5':mbk·. di rC<.'ll,J hy \'v':illt•r ' li."$tolin.which oOki.ltt·:. lwre. ,kmmNr: 11i11ga E!fl~I sc·nsihili1y.aml 1 ll\•,nuiful i.-xp1C"<-,;;iw ,1c~. rcinfurci:<Ihy 1lw wntr.1~1~1h:u a l'lcrfornumi.- in whid , solo .il'ul 1111 , i St'\:lion:. :1hem,1tt.·.intdl ill,t'ntl) allows. T hb rec11rdi11i;i_,. i11co11 1,~1.,ble ,.,,•iJCfl\X'of 1hc Q.lllljll-c11ei:-.ad1ic:w,I mcby hr 1ht· hl·U t'nM'mbl,·, -0f1h,·l\·nimu!J in tht· l( no\\ ln lge .arit l !n.t)ll"t( of chi, t}1X' of r,·p,·riuirt·. bm 1h1· wrnl.: of ilu: 11ing,·" i, ' t."lm1pm n1i"K·clh}' ·• fow ,H•,1kne, ¾'~in i111011.11i ,,n (St radi \~.a,ius unfonun.ttd)

336741. Tl, om as Lui s J c Vii:wri:a i\ tlouhl> h l•n<H" I in n..•tonliu}(-.of l·.ni:-IM, orii::,1n.1lw

fine. J r1-l.11iw ly ",bit);,.... tu nt",·pt and prtK!u...tion. i) t·ntru_,.lt"I 1<1 ell(' (' hoir of \'\''c·,1mi1Mt·r C'J1ht·Jr.1I (, Ii, . .M.anin H,1k1·r>. ,uhc.·rl\' .a,,..om1uni.1.I h- 1l1n•ri,111. I Ii-. pn')tl .un 1111. ludl"" ;i '\In , im 1 ,11 nu•ll ,, i:,ruup,t•d ,11ouml t ht· 1\I,,,. , An- llr.t/1111 ,.w/,in,m l;,r t·il!, hl \C•tu·, tl l)'i>Crion 67"?9) . 1h 1111 llh · ,,,rn1tl.11 otfl.•r,J 'l'l..-..1in11 ul 111111d, 11U1nck,. I h1r\.w-t11lh f,,11\·,11,

'·" h1·1 ,I,· \1.uuuul· 111,, mhk ,t·i- ,1111 111od.1\ rn1 1he .lih,·11111h·I•)' tt.'I. ,1r,li11µ 111111n1h1· 1i1l1- '"• '' ' ,m.,:.lic. ·1\w'l·O ( 11I\IIIIJ• .1nJ I _.a ,,.._., , ( u·mlrmm u/ llit· ( l,,t}'4'1k,m,I .1•• .1111hc,lil)!.\ \\ l11.l1 Im clH·n1m1 l'-111h,111urI he \ 'irJl,111

r-.•l:iry (G:audc:tlllU$ 338 ). ·nl(' ,,.m icul:arit)' of ,he ar pro:ich-0( Anc!rt"wHope::111J hi_,. Victor i;i Voices& Viols r,~ill,~ in 1hc-i:11 :1 tha t th e excr<.'nll'majori1r of 1he wor ks is pcrfonn t·d wi1h 1he :tS$i~t;3m :u le.Hi pJn i.1I of the insuum,· ,us. wbich rc-,,cw,, a hi1 our pc-rccp1ion of th e p,ol)·phony C1i1ht· Sp:inisl, ma~tcr, O n both reco rdings. 1he precision the p,•r(onnan tx- :"I nd 1he care c:al:cnwi1h the cx::1c1<.·x:p«:~;. ic)n of ,lie suns word render full juscic(' 10 1hc rcfin1:d.rnJ \·b ion:nr .1n of Victori.i. On 1lit· lb rc.c:p1.:shdC ,w 11iw ul li ~1 of .all ;a r,•1, --.a ~ anl<lnF,clw m1)St incer... ') Iing in t lu·


n::ilm nf ( ;l'm un ucn'I. I m mi;.: 1luc of .a

f\ le c,( :.ixc:.rn1.11A ...h}'Joh;-111 11l~cl1c:lbc:I in1endt'1.I for I lol)• \X't·< ·k-, 111o,..:.1i;ion 10 Ji-.CO\W in gr<•,ucr Jl•1.1il 1he t'Ssen1i.1I 101..-nf' 1ltt· cnmposcr in dw lw,trt of 1ht· ~cner.11in11 1h:i1 11re1"Mrt-d eh<. · w.tyfor J.S. l\:id,. l'hc prrisr.amh.h . IX-'1: n jmlkiou.,,ly :.d<·l1n.l hr Roland Wibon, who dirt•co ht·r,.. • 1..-.( :.•JN.'11 .t D ut.al1.·.an,I 1l1t· ~..1u~ic,1Fi.11.1 ,•11-emhk-. F11,in 111\· ~,lo c;-: 1ni,u:.a1h;u :1im~ 1n 1mml.11t•di t· t

in1irn.u:y nf lh l· C:hri-ci:m :uml '-')nfmmc,I with tlw mr~cery of 1lw f'wion. 10 1h\."K·,1iH· c;:1111 •.u;a 1h..1t C'XJh5 dw il)r nf cht· Rl')Urrt"\Cion with l>mn11111omo ,.,.~ (1l1.111 h 111.m ,·nlarµt·.I <.--:U I in dm lin~ nlJllf tr 11111p1,'1\!). it j,.. incl1.'l.'tl.t ,\•hok ~011i1. uni,'t-rS\"1h.u i\ ,leploy<.·t l wit h 11'1·:1t1in· 1,0111pli1 itr ofin\p irnl nlm i..i.11b (Cl'O ??? ? 16· 2). 1:rom <:,1nb 10111,.., .1 fl'l.ord ini 1h.11lu~ ,h..-.1ppt•,1r,1nu· o l y,:, :uw 1hn Ct1ri_,.11n, 1) cli\1., I ) , 1 11111 1nl\l 1hi, lir,;1 uuprl"'''- '"· lx·....auwi1 i, .an um Mt ,tl pmir.am .•,lm,i. 1 c:,d mwt·I) \.OlllpoSl'tl of Jlh '\fHU\lr unrt-;;onl..'l.l111 .11t•ri;i l, ,Hltl ,,ri:,,mi1t•din .in incd liit.·111 1~ur111i.-r on dw h;.N, of eh,· \.Ulldlll• oh.wnt •,l ,111bt• ,..t,11r1 cif I )r,·\.l.le-n aro u nd 1-,; u_ \'1111liml lu,•r, • \\1ut.:, \\ 1111,•11 h~ 1h1t"\' \.om 11o11,c1, wlt,1 \\~·n in iht \,·n IH' 111 clw l.1m,1u,( ,1·r111 .•n ,unn in 1lw 1sth

l.t'flllll ~ hh,· nu1m n,11.1hk;ahl-4.'llll'\' Ii, iu!!

ll '8

1 ,,11... .... .. < ••f•M•




Homilius Sehct, wclch emc Ltebc

Jan Oismas Zelenka). ff Joh :ann Da\•id Hcinid,cn i.sno longer an unknown today. unlike hi.sshort bm remarkable Ti:Dr11m enha.nc;('(I br tWO part$ for hor n in pb et or 1ta· eus1cun 2t)' crumpets, 1his is 00 1 1hc case of Johann Ccorg Schur er (org;.mist in charge ofs.,cn,J mu.sic :111hedtapd bc:ginningin 174 $, rcpn,"'5cnt<.'d here by :a01ri11u1 mm11 NI :andajrstt rrdrmptorom11;11m) and of C iov:mni Alberto Ristori (who cmlcd hi.slife in the ~me i1miw1io n :I$ Vice• Kapdlmci su.-r). h ,,·(mid be f:alsc10 pre1end 1li:11t h<'ir works arc mar1u.'\J by 1hcsc-.11 of the ptm..~1 genius, bm thq• ,chow :a (10:ali1yoi c;n1111 :imi1iQn ,,•or1h)' of , he r~" 1Hua1ion of the di:i 1:ielC)( 1hc l) ukc of Saxony. ' 11,is is the ca.scin pat(icular of 1he ~vis hing Mornu, l'ruttm1/rby Ris1ori.and of his imposing MNI< d, Nori1hat ofTers:an in1crc.s1i11g .alu;m:11io11 hcf\w1:n lbroquewri1ing$1ill i1uirna1dr 1iN:l 10 chc rhc1orie21cxpr1.~sion of 1l1c1cx1aml 1he frt·c-rand more l)'ric-.a l Myle t-11:im.Throughom the pro&ram, the O,~dner lnstrumcm:al,Concc rt of PcH'r Ko1}p <lc-mon)1r:11 et ,•c-r)'lm'l.-1)· l'llj>tl'1sin: aml LI) 11..uu k 1.1uali1it·.s, pJnicu l.arly011 the ll.ln of the-winds wit h (ruil)' 1011c;s'5upc,b horns in 1he 7<Omm!). T he soloi~cs:,re uni vn$.1II)'UJ) u;i , lwir 1:1 5.b. ew:n if thC)' l:ack .1 li111C' in pi:rson.ality. A~for the choir (KOnwr'-1..hnSing•Vcrcin l)r,:5<.k•n). l1igl1I)' c-.alkd111lC>n frlllUou,· end 10 the ot her of dw prog_r.1m.i1 is SC)bcr•• ttu:·n1iw .md disciplirwd. \V.1h :afin.: homog<"nt'it)'·i1s work pron,., unfonun :11dy10 b( :abit , 1mlL·1u~likL·. from tinu- to 1imc. wt11:n:.1.·x1,r~"$:-;io n i:-;com:c.·rm.-d . No1 h ing r1.-..lly tlt'IC0c1i, •<·,how..:-vc..'f. SOth.tt 1lit· ple:L\tm:of 1l1C' ,liu;c.wt•rrit. M":lrcdrdiminish1.-Jb)' i1(C aru.s 8J. IG9). (:,uu,c is muhipl yin1_1. .u 1h1·momt·nt in 1ht· ,..•.)Imof <:arly(;enuan mu~it., ~ism:i1 Ila\ .d~o rde,l)C.'dJI rec.·1m ling J ..·\-Otl,J to ,1 )o(·k~ .1i111l of <olo~ ,u:11.LSan J ins1romen1;1I work, of <;cors PhilipJl IC:lcm:tnn

(/>trpnmm,Mobil,-/ B11nh:1s:1r-Ncum:an11 • Ensemble'.dir. Man Toi / C..rus SJ.165 ). 2nd especially a rem.irk.abler1.-co rdi11s(including numt·rous world pn.:mi.:rd!) J'-,.l,tt-d to a .scrici. of SC'\'t'ntccn.Morm d..-Coufricd Augu.scHomilius (l 7 14- 178S) for S,\T U cl,oir or double SATU/SA1'Bd1o ir. ·n,c cxcdlc ni K:amrncrchorSH111gan 2nd iu cmb lcm:uic hcaJ , Fricdcr lk-rnius ;ire fdici1om.ly found hc;rc. 1=rom end to end. l~"<l1nic:i l pcrfoc.:1 ion is l)bc1.-din , he scn •ice c,fthe perfoc, l'llpn.-ssio n of 1he sm1g word. A rcnurkable disk, 00 1 10 be miM,cdfor a»)' re:i:-(ln(Cam s 8}. 2 10). Vivaldi or no, Vi,-:lldi, 1ha1 is 1h..ques1ion . .. t\nd re.11\h,tton gives us 1h..oppon uni•)' m discover A,11/romtd,1 J.ibrm111. a s<:rcnadt· whos,c(limcnsions :mJ c.1s1(vocal :and inscrume111,1I) seem to indicate 1hat it was intenJt"\J for :aY'Ct)' spcd;al cdehr:uio n. It is 1hough1 1h:u this excep1ion.1Iocc-.a~i 1in pcr h.apsoccurred on 2 1 July 1726. upo n 1he t('IUffl or 1he l~td in;alPieuo Ouoboni (lht' pr(H«to r of Corelli, S(':;1111:iui and Mandd) 10 his n:a1i,•I.'.'Vcnil""t ". T his Amlro,m·d11 Ul1"r11111 abu fl•rnaiiu .,.nism.a;1i-c by tht.'fact th:u i1 i.) oOic;i:illy b)' .111 unknown :rn1hor.The hypnchC"ii~ elf :111 :tc.'li\'Cp:1nir:i1 '•;e1io n by /uu (lnio Vi\':1Mi:epJ)C!:lrec.l 111,0 11 1ht· s1mlyof the manus.:ri1>1.wht·tl che rnu:-it1.1logi:i. 1s noti<:t-Jch:at1l1e :1ri;aSo1•1v-111r ii st1lr1lu1 :1pp•::1fl in 1hi.' k-C.:(111\I pan of 1he S4 :n•n;adeis :1hsolu11 : ly idcn1ic;1l10 the on,· rh,u .app,eaNio an amogr,1ph m.1nusc,ip1 I,)' ,h,• com1)0S('r pr..-st•rv\'<l in th(•.s:.amC' :ard,iws. c:..-nain eknh """' of s,ylc. :anJ (i."ri:aind,:11'.h1cr i.)1i1., rd:nnl 10 ,he wri1ingof 1he n1an11:i.trip1 of 1lw M·rcnalk 1>~ 1t;gl"$I :a rt':tl irwolwni cm of VivaMi i,,ilw ,k:-;i11,11 of tlH· work (th:11it is Cntird y origin.alor 1ha1it lll)IIC•~ in 1hcform of .1 pstirdo), The dd,:11,·r(·mains opt•n. how..·,·cr. bt·,aust• the pruuf j.5nni dl•liniti\'e. Jm:I oth<'r s1yli\ti1.dnnc-nb c 111 aJ.:o1,-:ulone 10 hdie, ·l' 1h.11k'\'Cr,11t'slf.tt..ls

orthl' work art' of :to e-.1rlicrdt-sign.•, Wh;a1c.:, •cr 1he c~sc, 1hcs-cren-ade offcr;s:a l.ug<" .-nd brilli:un c.m. dom in:ucd br 1he ch:11 ·2c1t·rs of Amlromt."<b:md Pcrscus. T ht· action is su.s1:1incd. 1h:1n.ks10 1he presc n «: shon rcci1-.uives and of ,-..ricJ :m~I roun<II)' Jt",·clopcd ;ul;ls.·11)(.• plot inclu<lc$ no11c1l1dess some subl ime mom('nU th ;u t'xpr,·.ssJ"<tfound. :md of course co 1uradit1ory . sentirncms. From 1l1ispoin1 of ,·icw,che two .-,ias wi1h wlo ins1cumcnts (U11 o«l,io ,m,n/,i/t an ,I SoPt'<''1 lt ii 10/r):u well as 1hcbr.-vur-:1 :aria /_., so, bttrllflrifiui (with \'cry hcal1h)' horns!) repn."$c111inco ntC'Mab ly 1hc~uo ngeu monwnts of thi( SC()ri.", Not 111 1he wine i.sfrom 1h.: same e2:-ll.alas. an.d tn:rny pagt-sor1l,is sier1.· n:1dcate muc h mnrt• l»nal. Bm 1hc whok· s1a~ admir;ahl)' on lr.t('k th:ml:i tc) 1he work of the or~hestr:l, fillt-Jwith lint·ssc. 1.ly1u mism. :i11d c-n1hu.sia-tm,.and th:ank.sco 1h,· fauh l,~s (or ni:.arly)w-,,k of 1hc choms .and of:. homogl·11ousVoa'll 1.-:a~1 within which onl)' Mark TuckC'ris a bi1 1:a.xed wht'n he ha~ 1(1 voc.1lis..-wit h :agili1r.\X1h<"1bcr i, is b>·Viv-.aldi Or no 1. A11dn,nu1lfll.ibrf'/1111 con~t i1utes ..1 nic~ Surpris<-.a,1tlan excellent 11.·s1 imony 11(1lw hrilliaru mu~ic-.alCt1$1n111s of L1 Scr..·nissinu (l.;i S1:1gi-O ne Arn1<111ic:i C horus, O rchcsm• lhroquc de V1.· nise. , lir. ,\nJn.•JI1\brcC)n Arc-hi,· 477 0982}. Rom:1111icMusil.'.'neln, with first uf :1II1ht• r~·i),$\JC' o( a rc.-<:or, ling fr.) 111the Supr:iphon c:a13l1'p.m·. t·,uird)' lll'\ 'Occ,l 10 An,onin Dvorak, which offc-N:1C()Up ling uf 1lw MitJI ;,, /) 111;1_fa,ro 1•• X(\ and ,,.1rio11~num:1:-; for $OloiM(~) :m.;Iorg:m (A,~ A1,1ri11. ,f,,.,m,,m ,u/1,,. 0 s11nf'tiuiu111. I l11m111s ,,d l,mdr1). Lub(ln1ir M.id .aml ,In· 1,.ragu,· Philh:armonit. Choir off1. ·r :1 pro f.>ondly hum:m ;,md f,·rwn 1 rt-:Jdingt,r1hi~pr~lf.r.llU(Supt:tp hon 378 7· 12.ll ). Frnm Ch:111,los.<;c;nl t\ lhrt'\'.h1. .11the l"-;a~Iof 1lw I >:111i d, N:u ion:i l Choir .uul the


y--oha11n Paehelhel

.,_C'f' r.-,.,.~

La Jeune France 'TwS.-i«n IU D'I' Q~ll)tl


C.1111•~··· Mu u .. ,,.,

c, o1 0 ••< ........ h


~ ln11•

e,.,,.ll'.,~ • n Cuor ,0 11u

O.mish N:uion:alSymphony Or ch1.'$fr;t, continues his r1. Wt( ling.~o( 1ht· f.n.'":uwo,ks (or choir and orc:hc:i.1r.1 Joh.i,uH.--sBr.ahms.


·n ,c 1hirtl ,·oh1mc of 1his <;(1fn p lc1c work, in progr ess iucludcs 1lmx wot ks wr im: n 10 tcx1s by GQi:thc: clw WW111 g ,Irr /~1r.;c-11 Oj'. 89. the Rl,.apwlyfor11/ut.rlmirn orrltt1m1 '$.}.


:md Rinnltloop. ~0. ·11,ct1u:.alit ies :inJ the d c(('(l$ C)r ,he lll"< "Ct..·d ing \'()lumC$;11"(°found

:iig.:ain here, so 1h:.a1the gt•nt·r:il impri.."$siCl n rt>m:iins:m,bi,·:ilcm. ' !l it· lomks1 mn i c:en:1inl)' ,lo not l:tck~t;uukur. and the w:mu 1ont'" 1lu:,·oicc of t\nna !;in.son doc:$


m:arn: I~ in 1ht•lllMpsodi,. lhu 1lu: :1l'ticncc of pr«-i <ion i~ofic n 0:1gr.in1. in t he-cho ir :,,.)'in tht" ordw,1r.a. N JK'<ially in dw mo, 1 refrn('() .and dw .),C,1 f1cq p:1i:e.s,which lack ._Jcfini1ion

and color (C handos I 02 15). lh dt•\·o,,..:1 r1..--cot tling 10 ;115-el~iion o( a .::1ppc:lb chor.11wnrh wriu,..11m 1cxl:,.hy Sh:1kc:.1ofK. ~Jr,· i~ rk'rh:.ip~11 01 .q:rca1 lir..1.. . but 1hi~t,·m,1in:-a i:00<1i<k1 i-inu.·cht· rcpt·nor y i.sso rich .mJ ,·aric..-J. T h.: l'ho,·nix U.tch Choir, dir,"C."lt -d br Charle.·>' lh uffr, c1ff,·rc U'ih nw111r.1,•,•rc.,1I. wbkh induJn cwo 1111:woicl.1hk· '\ Lh~k, .. ( /1,,v,rS.l1v1ltr1pr,1rr Sc11x,by Rlllph V,mg han -W illiams .uul :W11p of And by lfl nk 1\b,- t in) ,, hd'l" ll,1,mr.o: ar,·

h i~to the,group of comptl)<"t.)"l.:1Jeune: Fr..111 cc;"1h;11..btt)' t :hris1opher'$:inJ hit Si:m.-cnJc,-o tc a r..x-orJin g,(a reissue. in fact. origimallr issued on 1hcO>llins Cl:wics bbc.-1) whc,:,c:prc,gr: 1111is cer1:1i nly not wry 0 1ii;i1ul (l:'pirlN1famr by 1\ ndr~ Joliw t. Cinq RMh,mtsbr O li\·ier Messiaen. /J C.nmiq1,r dr1 Gm1fr11mby Jean• ' \'t'S Danid-1.cs ur) bucs1ill r1..7lft'.)('IIU ont· of chc:.s~inunit s of frC'nch chot;1Iliter.uur t of 1hC"20 th Ct'ntUJ)', The.-work of the Englishsingers is V<.'f)' simrlr J ;iu lin;; in i1s:u.sur:m ce. i1.> cohc.sion, a nd i1s unifr,-J commi11w111 in the M!" 'itt :1 ~urnpcuous rc11oc;ucU)'· Pure bliss ! (Coto

1111:ctid, i1offcl'$:i l,.:;.uui(ul linal lpiC'.11 !light for:. 1>c: rfomt: tn ('Cr<.·m: trka.blc in

:accur:tcy. in lll't•diion. a riclin Vl~I fullru~ (wh:u a gorgeous bass scc1ion. in p:inic ubr!)

(LVE-3- w ww lundwobft.osrmhknq;). \'<lewill cc.mcfoJ c wi,h 1111( ulu:r m;i1;,I, 1ha1w~ owc 10 1111: \X1t:" f l CQ!l$lMt:"nllc)l1icC" Ch:tmbc, Choir, tlir<·<'retl by 10nr l'unk . Its citlc. "aml night sh:.allend," sU!tSC.SLS:. serious subject, ch.-1of a mot.ltrn pcrioc.l nurk("( I hr so much .,.joltntt. hue :al~l:1, .,.,,, bt.•amifulncnt· uf hope ch;tc 1lll h"ll<:tcor,• !idec:1,..J :Kcura,d y cxpr<•sscs.frorn Pall-st rin:1 co arr-.1ni,; ,·1un11\ o( 1r.11li1io11:il mu~i~ ·. pa.,sing br ~ 1C" ndclssolm, O,a.hms, or Ourunc .-loni; chc W:t)', l~mic of 1lw p;t,\,ion:uc.·bhor of ,1 srou p that p111~ ic<ult·iu in 1hi.-wrvi<~·of a noble C,HISt.' (aid 10 eh,·hanJkapJ'et l). 1hi5 di.sk muchc·schc h&:".tn . in s1,itt· or .M1111 .: minor tt·chnic.11w1,.-;alm,·-.~-s. hy io ~i11cC"ri1y anti iu w:trm f,·rvor (IKROl4CO 0


160231. f n :1 ('Ulllpk1dr diOi:n,•111 \l}'l t·. let 11-' 1101<: likt"wi~·clw , c,y bc:iutf11l work or 1l1t~l.unJ,

Voblc:11>c-rnhtc ((lir, l1t1,c:m:1r :..llns~m), wl1id1(10t'nu~ .- progrun 1h.a1i, ,lornin:11« 1 hy S<.' :1111.lin ;.wi.111compi>.:.t'J" o( th<.·191h .mil 111 20 .:t·nturic~bm :11,o <.',I\'('\ :a ,-11 1:allpl:11 ,"C; IOr Hriccc;n.Mad 111yre. :mJ t'1'J)l,"-i ,1lly for 1hc C1mv11i.l·"ried,·111,f£nlr11hr Sd1ocnbc:rg. Thi> hold wotl: app<•ars:11 fos1 gJ,rnc,· a bic "'in.:onimou.s~ in ilw 1rid,t 11(.1prui::.r.1111 wi1h ,t,.... ir,.. I anJ umu ·mpl.;uiw , oloD . ,k ..liuet·d lt ,r 1lw IU (>\l !',)n 10 chc ti~urt• ,,r M.11~•,mtl to th-.· f,"'l1i,·.1I(1fClui,1tnJ). 1\111 in

Ptu5ic :f'? mccsC'S ,COm • www.mc;cuc,:cqml-

'4,r ,

fr,,,,, 1hr l·rm,./, lryJ>r. 1\l,m ·i11j.

(1'r.1111/, 11nl W:ml, l/S,IJ

:ilwan ,.0 ('):1r,10r<lin:1rr, and ((•,·,-r.-1 r.11,· r pa~,.: by Matt hew 11:irri.\. Stew n S:1111c11.. J:i~1ko Mlin1yj;:ir,·i. Nils Limlhcr,1;.l)omi nick 1\r~c1HOt' I Alan Mumay 1h:.1CC' rlJ inlr clc, no1 ,111h.w1·1h,· -.ub, 1.111,1.· ul tlh' ph-.:.,,Jinf.

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Plnwlll"'"- Botesh (olumbl,1.ucwd,1

J,u,nd 1oto liom .ln)m~ d,<'wu,IJm ZO,·,,1>1;t ·11,._ ,,.-n1i1ur,,,,) 1"m '" ' <i,,ttl"tc· ..kill


1lw n·1krtnry ,vu,rtlt·J lwn· 1-. 1lwrch,n· uru hl,·. i1-.li,1,·n11) t, r, nu in~ hum

c.0111pu-111111 n of

th, · h1.:J111 ilul p•·rform.,m, ,,f ,Ii,· ..h11ir,wi1h.111 ,·xt dlnu \o,.d q 11.1 lil\ , .t }:f~· .u, lt·~n,, ul ,•1111ui,


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.mJ <•111111t •1i1i,m-.

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i11tf'.1t1,uto•1ul IU J\'

l';,/,lrr.,,-,,1 /(tNt'J 1Ur',11w1/,1/;Jr }ttfJ 9 11'.

111.111b 10

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011< Ol'll'.\l

I '\.l!>,U:

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l,_,wdl Rhw An ,kmy o-rMu}ic DIC)N',.uoo '\I l\"M"rll K,,'(f , 11( l .uuol.lVIC,\l!\U kl •I /,(I-I 4K:"l<ir(,.lt inl,~dum ,,l\",,..utK

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Apply btfor~ Nov 1, 2005


Jean-Claude Wilkens

\X1<-2r1. · plc--.a, t-d ,._, pro\'itt,, tht•w lis1S:asa M:rYite 1n our nwmb,•r,;, T he)' art• h.1\1,."( l on 1ht · l,1,.~1 inform :u ii:in :n-:iil;ahlc co U) .

I lcm •c,\·1:r. w 1,.•advis,· you 1c, d u~ ,lw d('iail.swi1h t he m ~nit.ch of 1lw i111l ivi11.1l CTt•m you nu y bt· mtt+rt'\ut-..1 in , rle11.k submi1 cvcm infonn:uio n for mbli c:uion co: H .:.M l nu:rn.n inn:tl C.)O'i.;..k•rn -C laudc· \ '(lill.:t·n:.. ~txrt· c:u;r ( :t•n,·r.il ( :c:mm l nh.·rnadona l ,le I.a~ lm i,.a tit· b lJNl :\ CO Viii., <, .1.l(';J, 1·- 0) )' JO 1\ lt ('.1, "lpJ in "Id : t \4 % )8/4 51 1.l ,....s-: ,,iii w.,,x :,;1 1•)5 l •.m;1i1: j.,_..., ilk,·n:.,fli(, 111 ,111 :1


l111 n,i1 lion.il ~mi~t


Oion l Con.Jucu,,.._

Mul:wkrJo ,r. Gr,r191111y, 7•2ZM.iy ?OOS.\t'ith Ptol.

Fu: • I,j,4 I .J4MG69. F..-..-il:uh11iut1@l11o~.nf.u •

\'( 'l)dJ y(l._. lh

Wffli'i1c-: _...,..,,,.,:p,t,~ltnt iv.-1.~


O..,.:,,bucl , -t-~SJ11l y !OOS.o\nU:CM.

Mu,ic..Sn..1nd l1urtlf',I(:'.:!.., ,_.,prtoi«t. T~

W.,.kl l'ou1hChoir C!,,rtJkon«d ,-i,.: Mnp'h will h.rv-c

\'c:,llc, Hcmp.flii,:, (D).Cary (;,-.,Jen. (S) Jnd 1-krmb

in•I"°"'"'dwlf ~kill~.i,,J knov.4Nlg.c.M 1hc l,ltgho, k--~I

t.k £ri(a(o•M.utt>ttl.11,1.~ 1-lutkm, Nnht rl.1Ad .~ 2J J...,c • 1 July 200-S. l';a11 Kir ..1ingl'!Mfll'lb1ct:Nnl ,crbnJ\

'I01h 1'111 11.., 1.J11Jir\j;cc,tlwr,.. l'.tnklp,Nlu mini h.t•'f


c.'l(!"" ticnot.-J thoratl ~c

SinmnMJIM:y,Alldr(Tliofl,a,.,Contao: P'.rkF:rN..wo

SOOO1'".i111ur. Bfltiiu,i.. Ttl: .J?,lll ,7 11600.

•-.x:alu.:al11i,.,;. i1u("ll,i~ l'fflt';11).I I o,( 'l!lurk~prqwtil

M»icr Cl.-,, Foofteb,io,n.KtinclC'.,J,,......,, ~In.Mo

Fu: •J2 •81•71lf,09, l:l!Uil:k"' "" krrlC'l.k •

bnu.,:tlic Kni i,m. Mi~• I,,. «imbinrJ wi1!.J 1i,ic of chc

V.,_litii;wfJJ. lk Lit, 2678 LN. N.t,he,li nd,.

Sd1ll(tunu..t111 (I))~

,It (h ,ul , ,Jtndu,nun.. t.,) ..,;,h to

? eh lftlffYIJlitinJI O,.amlwr

ling, ,~K"

I ii-,;

1tt h.t1lqt.tN.


o,.,_ , ~ Nctlwdar,di.lt.foo


Vi.'dhi,e ,.,...,., ,..."' IJ.,'t'lmh(hoir.11('1

1d;, J I 174 ~280'\I. fo,: • .H 174 j.?1)919, P.i,n.ifri(;l.fl SodCI)' ro, Mi»iQI A,u li,J uQ liOft fPASMAF .) Conf..,c,n«. MJJ•to. M,oumb iq..,, S, 10

?(N)S,Ct,c,occ: 6.i)~rh<-hr.\ lmltab..-k-n,k.

}uty ?OOS . 1'>o,· ,nc-: P,.1 ,1.1(fioii Mu~

l'J. 0..87676 ;\l,.1rlm:,t..,.rJ..,,,f . Gc-tl'flJny.

'I'd, - i'>,11.Ul 96 111:ll. l!:o.• • ,,(-. ,J!W?.41)1')') .

f,n.1il::in~""-ioon111,il:.dr- • ~\ ·I.J1c-:--~

l1111t> rn:11i-MIJI c.,,.,Ju,m>u" SJ.1'1-i• ~uium.

in h r.,,.-1:l. w«b l\'.hor,1.11,.,.,i,:,11 ;1nJ

1 .. -«b <onttn 10,,1~ C,w,u ,•1; '"ITfN.IM'liulCmu-. (01 Ch,c,1111 M.,.i(-. J,•.Jn-~br-c l\o!W\"IC'I. AYfflucj.-Jr, ltt .?,

C.:IN,.,.l~ul l)':

M.1,k«ohc-rd-»d uki 11gr,b« :111~ u 1J'IC'wn,11rI z. 11 M.t>• K,ufi'il"i11rfhu-

in ~unrn)(, ~"'



'A\lt k-hopo.

l~"''"> ·lv1111iJ, USA• .!6 J11ow . 6 Nlg lOOS. S..Oflllls



11N t\l o*'C'l'lt,

I l•IIJ Jll!i11lc,11 for" J-6'111'\°'rb -•ion-.


I Au,. P.-atd .1,.,.,..,;,1,

on SmJy(>( ttm"orm;antt 1«h.nti1• .)( Af,kvi

l111atnn 1i<M1.1 I O,o~.1 ,KI ln\l .. m('ll11I fu1 i'"JI H l~ P..,(1,o,o.i111.1t Am 1111,tito lt' or\X,),o,n,!11ri ~m; nJir,•,

J,,J 1hcl, b1,ildi,oi:;1«hri(llo~ ('(>I\ICM



(],.,01 f"t'r.,.""'"'t'

;1,11ht• n"·•1,; lnd,l,'rflOII•d1or.1I-.i)·k~. -hnoo

<:.1u,d:1. !6 ,lB 1\h f '?O<>i , C,:.1!11 ,·.Ju.iblc "lunih•cu,-

Lo1rp;,.11'1d ,,null ,~ I c,,...mhlo. •vtl l ~,L•'<'.

;,nd :111 ,lf!.11tf,n; 1\'".-thntuinlni;.i,nJ d,,-,00111 "'"""'

c-'i)('rkri<t>.uiJ mt't1t1,>rillJ: wi1h '"'' r.-110-.'flC'il clinki.in,.

flMl•i<tl""'''• j:,,K'I ~,d ...'- l"''rft\flll-'nk'oJIIJ ptO••JI(

l'd~cion aitd k> Jc,,d11r11-1, Con11n: l'ASMAF.,

k-'n AJi..-.,.nh lb,1tt-,nd I latnry 11.l.tt k. ;,. ..,_n <'1trid!Ontt ...._~.

w«k ~m.l

(,r"~·· · <'-'•.,,id'-C'ffii ,1,,1, 1MH•11'1 ;.ltll, F..iJ: ht "l'l'lo<.1t1h,.,illcl,rn: 1 ,hi.·'li.,mn1,, <'h ild1,:11',

Go1MK1· N,11wy&1,,k,.o1111, Oi1«tof, !01 N,,11h

lt.i~••""• PA 111704.USA.

:0,-•~ •<'Avt'.

f.111;1!1; ...Jmifl-oim.Li ~ bnori\',flf.'I.

'rd:, , .~; o.J10HM. 1'1~;. 1.vo.J ; o.z1116.

\\"do,i6<": ,.,.....,., p.,,mllC' ,O~

Cho,r", '" ..,_ u-.n,atn ,.,,ui,i,. 11',· ,rmi11.1,,11ffiN1I,,~

bn.iil: •--•~

k.11111,:, '""" luciiriii:1« h11il111n. ffh,t,Jucal,u:M~,

~ •ff,.11<'.; ..-ww."''f'"""'it"·n,llW'y.o,rtp.,,

)1'.> n1lnp;c-Ml1u, ry,,.,,: • IJ1tttn.11lon.:dM~ 1f\'\';la,~ (~ C>...Jut> 1ott • 4th GWIJ

C«i•. Kf•u l.-rlu.o

'"'"t ' "'Jt_.fl;\ln',"'i:-'";,..,;.,., ~ lo••~•r.11,p- r,bnnr nt:,

Ji ...irfilW',..,.",.

\uoJ1·. r.·p<llottC' M"1•d~...

,,.1.. ,.ulit"'lt-

.?nodln1tr1t.1ot1iulSynlf!OMu m fo, (,'1,"""t P...-,fn,i111n:1 I.._

<;.11 .. :ou: f~·,ulwl \X',.,,J. l.111'1IUvv...w A•·cn•ll·. M1N JK 7 li11u,1110,, 011wi(,. C.m.-cl.. .

•t"'P'l'•iwn, ~-'"...-,01»m."1ut

'1,•I; , 14 u, .•)) .!,3f.U, ,...?.?J.l•.1.v, 1..fl(._•u,:.s<.t,•>.

flwoih.'f c:,f ,li•,,;!Mi(,n,-'~ 'A-Oli(>lwpt. ,,., l<lf'i.., iniporu"' ,., tfw I"~"'

I j(l r,ini.. ir,,,,11,.,&;,,I-


( '!Wlir ;,. RnoJ,,... ,,:

p.mkip.11ionp,._,a,lc-. <:,.n~1,

Erw11 il: f;tlK'<IP°lum1nf.'l",IM'>1 ••·"""''"'<"'-"o.J\' ,

•'1;.,,_.111 ,Jcr,:h "'X>il.,h,:, 1~ kJ

\\ ',h: .. -........ bmm<'fdw,r ,,,,ubu1«k,,n..k ,., _._ ,,k,1tt1~1krl,.-.1d !11n,. •,l.ch

b\ nu.•«"••n the-orlotldll, whirl, ,.~,._-.,.--c-1111 1"!:

,.,.,....,.1"''"'"'" luld,c,n..:l1,) n,-.c,<>"1

"'"'•ii.Swl1rttbfld. S, 10 July

?00\. i:o~pli (d ,,-iun~

~hnfllidtn C1,.mol,c-,( :1,..., ,. A.,;,~ ,.1nJf',l'-i'Y

J11olr !OOS. llw

1-iurlotm, Ncdlf1Wldi, JO JwM • l

l•m,.o.J· " ''""'• .. Vllt<llliil.lf,•1i.<bo11m.c..m \X'cf,.itl':

l~(),11(,i,:11300, I fa1roc&.I. OO!lJ. l\-.•1(>ti.1.~111• Af,,.,_,

u1-11\1111f:, ,(h. •JhAIJ1.J oon,poo.ntl>11, ~ J"'I ,:,I1hot J6'4 0Rj1.0n 8..(11 Fot i•"JI, f-~<'•

Cm.'j;.1) 11 , USA. lJ

"""t·10 J,dy lOO~ lki1t111d1 killini,:.,\ , o,h• _...J t


·,,.,J,..,..,,.. ,1.,.,;....,_ 1,.,Al:•''" lrnl,...t.'l P.a.t,c ......,.u ..

o, ...,.,,,,, , tl.·,10<,,1t,.,...-.,.,t11l k,lll'ut'.

t-... .,,..14.,,. ,,...,,.

prop'Jn>1ttorC OIIUCt'

h'II. h 1c,.,n ;\IJ\IO


Kun The191-"Cu.r•u•• bw l 1 ,.,. , S, Uuwh, .

h•1.mJ.1"'1,.K1k••- J...n"'' "• <,i.·11di:1~1,.,,. \'c,lini:v,TJ:. .t

N,rdwdJ11J,, 7, 17 July .100~. I .>Ytl-4: hw .-,;1~, ...,-..,,J

U,• I,. ,. .?6-lt I N. N..,1t,•,l.1rtJ,. lfl- • \I , ,, , \~\

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et..... , lu ....1,-..n,, llf<>l~,-..-..J 111.. ,k"'-Uh

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<,,,...,., «ondu.:«..-.· """'"


1,ao1t l

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lll,,ml"'"'""" III•'" \.N I \ ~llc At,11,1111 ,

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l ,.1, ,U W1! 1 ~'\Ml.

... lu•o ;oll, I ,t\ '? l lwm,·o•ot••ul O•f]I."" h1p 111{ , Cllt

l•nu.! l.,u11l1o"lll.l"llf•~

•F 1(1J. l I"' • 1..1: , I 'UI

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M ,\l'(l.!\\'\(IOO


....... ..,.. o,1.11orl.o,I

w.,11 11M,m111,11wL11I





1·am, Smob.r ,S. mmc r Sc:lwolJ. ,.14 July }()OSRu 1b"'1.

CHd 11Cli •f. i nid\'oi« 'IWIUftSwilh Vo""" tk-n~ptling.


UK. ?J,JO July lOOS, Sr.on !,;t,'1.;.'rft1ry, USA. C horJI

St Moriu.Swi1lC'f-lo1 nd , lS July 6Aug , 2005, 'rl•.un:

lu lr, ◄ •I I Sc11111 .!OOS . tlcK(y,,u"Jt) ro,-.:1...non fMc1'1 .111

S.al,int I &orti-mU111 , '«'d l~.w.i l...,ub(,, Mk l>J<' I~

..,,-.,, f.l.l«>pr,Sck..-.C<I 1-l~,. (~ 1h1"dk,i r,i11,rni.lcll(l',

tdtc.1o,,t, IJ whlil f\'.1n 11.ll'lfl' w ~ .•m ·~~ \'Gal 1uiiio11 ..

,...~,, t~

Jl r« 1l11t:,

ulk s , ..J itc mm. CU r« onlins,

A,l,dhll l'rt\ Mmll: !111kt Jur..-.-il AMJ,


Atadcm}' fa, \ Ou11 i Chinn i Co,nJ'-"'ton,, i;.._

An i'l'C'.1.flJ ,~.i-Ji'ff 1"'t1kir,,1tCl111-~ llilc:. Uir; ;'(tor:

C:ooun: Julitt All.11t, 'l'SSS.PO 69~ 9'>.?,W.14 f tll('J<h..

AdttJM.tfMfSu. 00. U,J8J0,1 W,:Mt11h¥nt l. <'-<'rnu 11y.

1:ml'f'U Maria flt~n.

Y111ooJ,;,tCBS 'JS<), UJ:. ·rtl: •-◄<I (11 )1.?!J 69) 11ll,

lffi •49-SJJ l~6016.. 1-n:: •<i?•SJJ l--'.J11<,-

J<J. 1,))0'8

F:D; ,44(0J.S70I) SIC.S! ll. F.nuil: inl~

1!111.1i l; AMP, llni k;nJc,,J,,1~111 "1l ..;wllin...dr •

'l'tt: •.l'><MJ-1 87 < •1!at fa,;



i U": .. ........ .. ._;••1t .. "'1.Jc,

l• 1M1,ui od f;u~ Ch.(ll, l(N')S.Ob mitbfwib rw1111 . A1Utria , ,. 17 J11 ly.


lOOS. 11,c ., ,1"p;"" (mm 18 "' l(l ~'t.lr-. Wad;~ COll((lo. T!wflu;: j,N'pli I brJ.n


f 1ht-

JTV,#1 11t1( r.11 ",.;,,IU( 1::..,.cl Aumi a, '«'c-1 ~ .1nJ 10 10 Wwt1.A 1104r;;a, "1(4; , 4J.l•S86 '."1'.M,

1-,u: · •>-• ·~869◄'>◄-i, t_....,;~;,.r,,e'(t....v",lY,.J,.-1. W&iu-: ..,...... ,..,10,.'C'ltwl J ,.1,1 ~ f.


• Acadcuty .,(Clto,,;;il S:.npn,i , l~tt. rv,1.u.

16-2:6 J-.1 lOOS. !lum•~

m inh •i; rotnK 11 / d1ou l ,;ngl11g

Op.-n 10 .Mir A!-CI

•J'>04J4 U 7S s,6,

1:ll~il: (m iar«,E1'11n.i1 • ~"d,,i1r: www.fc11i111 ru.i1

t'-,rlyOio r-.J '1t'ork~

with 1\:1.-.-

1.,.illip;;. R:mlni, lu ly. 7, 1 ◄ AUJ l OOS.<.J ,nu l

4 1~ lntn 11a1i011.llCompc1l1io11for \'011ng UMIJ ll(1or, ,

wtlfkl!iur, M" •11iiun a!ld ~....- n,.. C.: onun: M lftk .i 1:i~-..1.

l~~apc,._ , f-lutipf) '. 1 ◄ • 17 Sepel:00'>.

\' Li l~t«tfl\ lJ-i;, .-t1•JOORi,nini, luly.

•t!h f..1,1~

f_.,.,;~ .>.nJrr.1...1ip· li11.?7fl'INl.i1

U,.;1..,, )i4y .,f ""° li..•k ~b

I lu t1g,i,I)') ~;..,i..,,. , : Ct,,ww , lunt l (>..«wk h . Oprt1tr lQJ: IH~l10,A,

Co ,wan ! ff.N IAkt ;O . v ·.., Alu n

~.. Vi••• .a11Jgli1-nwn 10. h air.

I\ .,

1... ~ f'oo~IC1" or jc'lh.JM S.:b.uti.tn lhd t, ,~-a,, '.lt.

Cit1 1.11 An d


AC I~. C ,i.1,1m l .it.(1 r cr<'tll' i"' " · C:t..~ I C1..,J.,1.:•on (• ~l1y.

t,·, Koll# . l~F.111 • JM

-~2: <!MO . Enu,,I;

L ,IL 1Cl'.1(/"i( ,,·,h11 \\",-t,.;1.,: www,l:A.,~


Wd, nu . l.cipti,t tic - (';.-n 11 a111 y, IJ.,l l Awg, lOOS.. GwJ..,J tOOf((~ nwlu ){11,1 11\l~

I. lln lifllll\ftlll'I

\' ~lu y ~.,.,.. :. Man n d .•n , 18 1i11 11. F.u.,..i,.. 19,l~ Sep,

t cir rigt to 1hc ,._ , 1111 pl'lro.t1 1 pll.:n , ,11111« 11'\I,a KMti·,

l DOS, f'rilltl.... llil'ff,wt1 11ng ~--

lif'.uOOY1'\ltl::thf p;itti<lp,,t1u ..,. ·ill ~Mlf'fflt'.uw :1111 l ,,i1'$

0 ,1hu,,tcnr,11 u i.:. C>)i 1t.-«;

lix b\

""''~i.: in ,1ro1i<~1(~

Pn;f , A111 I•,·,, G,;p (.,u ),

,md ( ,m1,•m1,,:1,,.iy

:\n·u \ r-n'(lMl)li.01:.a.l'O I*

J-1~~-t:F.-101()6n m,,... F..i.,,~;...

I ,II.ii c:,>i,-:rn 1rod11Ji1oi,;.1Heh,; p.,m oj\,M'lu. l'r"tt',1111:

( A'Jfl1,1(1: Adw;,-11 ,..,. :\h,,ili:lftd..'f, ..~ ilJ AMJ. ,\ .J«,,lwinw1~1 . ()(I, U·.NI.W" \li1illf,nl>limt t""""' •"Y•

It< ..,,..,, !il'.hoi ,bm .an,J 1:u nd: <:.-....-,: I),w11 i 11 ii1w

le'~ , ,t1),jJ .U --'l,m(._1:.u.: • -i'>•SJ.lt-4)7 1<,,

<ilfl, 11.a , . ,\m,uc l'ltrtt ,or. ( ;i.1.1ih.-1 1. J,-«)IJ(lOI I

F,m,.il: AMJM.,...ki<I.JnJ,lf'l'._i~, •••nlint,1k •

1-'rwdc r lkn,k\" t.fa~~t-.:1,.u . 1-1 .anc,,.'tt, Gt1111.1111 y. l9 Sq..

M"'"'...!iN . f r,1,11~(' . M: .u.s..r,u,'$6 .U!.

\'C"..-t,.) , (': ..... 'oU.flij,nMllili;.J.-

.l Oc,. lOOS. <'.hoot; )11.ng.. ·• V,·,l.,&,,.""',1,r.,.1b, t1,.,'fl.


dw· l'-




1JC ,) ,\.S,l•l( ,\(,Jl,,l, f.1t1,1i l: fllt<•.J..,,,1......W(1 ,~J1 • <:e uod,, no,~ . SJ.o

l,1N1n111(D. ,_llfla, C;.«..U.Ur.uil, l 'l• l I Au, lOOS. twd,it y h1> tilt1h', K.~

.ioos.The 1hr«-'~~ p<~

. I l11np <)', Il l J..I • S A11g

k M" Hi-in.H&111i.,11 uitM ,..., ffl~k

lk' •. d "°r-.ilc: ,:11 1<1 1111'.tot._ ,m,I

,·nl..an• •• 1hci1 kmW<kJp-.,(1lw ~-r'

••"""...Wt -r..Jr

,lh 111

(-::._. nu,o:


llc n,iqw MJn i1t-.


.!OIi!. ! oJ po,l,•). <'.o,11 uir1: ArbN,_Jm.-..,M11>t k ;_,, J1,. Jupcn.:I AMJ, ;\ J.,,- h,r~1111t1 Su. 60, I )•.lllJOt W.oliirut.lh1~.

c;c."'"'~J , ·1'd:

... ..,. ~JJl-1601( ..

E,11.1i l! hcnri.will'll:~r.-K!'i 1rnui l..·•111 •J>r •

I·,.~: ••'l•~JJI at.P u. ,

W~1(ir : -

b11.-ll; ,\ MJM") ilo1ttl,:1Jup-•,J (?, <llllu~.Jc. •

·.brJt •khoirf;r~i, ,1llcl1.1w1

" ;,;,.n, . lC'i.-nnfot

.-.1ni1y.111 J .-Ju,,-,01,11411''-ili,w pl,y .,t:t.aolt ."9 K,i,clily. h

W("bs.i lt'!.••v,_.. ,nh,_,Jc,,;,i~o

u) o..:I. li:Lu, •lilofp>IIl-1111ld((.;,,..,..,n (Ji ,.lr ( ;.,.,, 1,.,,, ;11,,n

l111cma1 ion:.I (',1N'15ff'~o((),o,i,

W.-l>W ,~ t.1tp•.J/n,f(,._),.,.,-,1c..JJ1«J 1/

Tell b .•: •.l7l t,4~ Sl97. f.111.i il,;,.,. ..,....,,.,.,il.1'11»1 11.irc _


WWV. •.ll'lli•fl•!ll• ilt,ol.,•

F.ai,Ofti! C:a.-a1 h1tc-t1a11io!NISu1dy liiu 1. l.i&. Ji J.,;oi&..,

...111, i,._, ,,J.,,1(,v •.,.,..1. ,.1,-,l,,p•, I.-,.,.,.._ '"''"•J 11,1t11g.

lialy, J;8 Aug • 4 Sq,, l00j,

Wnp ng ,nJ .-h.u•.a.t. ''"isk, dtti!Oll\(rM••n ~b•M'. d•,u l

•11.('1',.. wlll 111,• 1'"ir1urtJ ,-i,i" tt • 1hr-J,1Tnm1 Mtll\'U

,,.,e;u-,;. .iod (fl•O( •·•••"f thl- K'<11 l.ily 1....,, .....i. ( ,,11 uo'1: >.t,

d 1nif1!:1l,c l111.-m,1 1N,..,.I!oo.rtw,,ii;. w«k 1.. ,..,l1r1ir..l11 W<"I,

~I folfl1.1111 t'lw, h 11,,r,.•. All J\,1-111<:~ III• (Ml;..~ .a•1'1

I .1u1.- KJ,,, /n hlf 1 K.,.tiJy f'..-.l~ip;.11l l11>1111 11t o)f""° I"'•"•

•'l>II<1(1 C:Olkl'

1•.-,.,n..,)~v, , 1(1 ,in,;" ' 111(,,:h.r,i. , Alv• " I"'" r,..,)"""'~


1 t'Ml l Ki,.~

t-.,.....1:i,tll,cioli,• td y

i11,1.h-. 'll"d,.,tr. ............ 1t,.,d,1ly 1thd 111

II •

l'tW.i 11 ~'h .wd tt) 1,Ju,:1a, , .

.,.,.1,11(1 •1 fl.'h U.t'-1 1.. J 1....u»«>1i,..

l-»ropt.1-11A,:;idN1ty '"' YounJ C,1..,n l eo..diK 1n« . Sotl.a,

n.Jg..a ,i•. !'>& p..., J 0 ,,:1 l:OOS. r,..., ,i,;.-,-.i.1....-1.,.,. ueJ..,

n1ott11np•• lh 1l..-.11.-li,,'1', ~1111t l... 1,w-..n...-.1u!f:• •M 1 h.,J;•.,

" "tt''"

c:,:,11 ,po-.·,~.(.'011 1,.m 1-1'.NIARCO. V'uA lu n W. \J0'8

l~u....lbf111 1, ;ni. (

\ ;an VM,ul l,og,li.11111m1,-.,. h..t,·, Id ; , Nfi. 1,➔ II~ t, " .!••

1-.,u.,,.i,. ,.,,..,l --t.l'.-11·....ti h 11n 114flh\l , I~ .

f.>.\: ,J•HM ' 4 tc?"•-. ~... h, ud : kTl•.11,,~,11 n

l' ulpfu . l ..t;. l'W l •l'!Jo\ll<Mt.~n. ,1-►-) J •)IJO~ Ml.

•n•u ,..,1,-.t 111,h ,,. ~t , ,i,nJu~, i~ 1>111.1n :

I•,iulll : kf.,,t, ..,f ,.,t,g

I);..-,, m, : l\-1~

Frl,•11,l ,,,ff11 ,w.1I,\h,,,,




12'"Internatio nal Choir Festival "Orla ndo di Lasso" Marche, (Italy), June 17111- 20'",2005 This choral event is he ld in the very cha rming reg ion of Marche which is located in the centre of Italy betwee n the Adriatic seaside and the gree n hills or the Appe nnini Mountain s. II wi ll be for you an occasion to spe nd four days s inging 110 1 only during the compet ition but a lso performing in some of the histor ical c ities like Loreto and Rccanati. Join the ot her choirs in open air concerts and a parade! Addressed to ma le, female and mixed choirs, vocal groups with max . 12 s ingers, folksong choirs, yo uth a nd child re n cho irs. Compre hends categories with and witho ut co mpulsory piece; a repe rtoire of both sac red a nd profane a-cappe lla mus ic is to be presented, with one piece of folk music from the choirs co untry of o<'igin; s pecial catego ry ror folk cho irs. Deadli11cfor reg istmtio11: Man :/, I, 2005 for further infomtnlion. please contact Associazionc h1ternuio n:1lc Amici delln Musk a Sucra Via P:iolo VI. 2900 193 Rome ( llnly) Tel. 00.19/ 06 6S3CJ<J449 and l'ax. 0039 / 06 68308568 Em:til: i11fo-cori(wa i:1ms.i1: \Vth silt: www.umidm u.sicasucrn.com

\'oc,i,lJ;1n w!1h lkflr,,oowl Gr~•

• l.l..rri.-rll. Gfrn '" ")"•

11, 1.I Nov, !005 C......tu, ,irt& ({.;In~ . rl1yd"n

44• (:.n,.un -Sc-,u,.liou\hn

J.lu, i< W,ff... S(h,.Tftl,.•r11,

y.1I• 18 -'I" ,;..,..,,!' . 11cu At·n~,..,g..( ;,•r1t1J111

.1••.1•i~• •11w111 .; B"t:1,,p-o ;, ~,1\11,,.w,of ,h,r I rt'll"vi;.,;-•


W(',;l,; .. -.111, 1.. ,o

~, ........Jrk

10()(,. hm ffU I""'~ !!\-.,II.I >1ld0fl, IW<+

.m,t l, ,1,1t..·

,.~ ,i..... ,h .

Ju,,1,.,., wi11nc, ,,I dw C~·,nu"(] ,..,,< "'"I ,..""" .1l'l<I ,.f

fi,ul ,•.,""""·

,h,· <1,,.,, <)f) '"I*' i11th,o..,..,t :,!fluo;

'-'.1t\llu1J~1.11 , f«IU•h Jt.J 1,-.II.J ,rn, C' Morun,u,,i .ip lh

A, l,..11J.1c..,.

d1.1ml'tf """'"

l \lfl

M.,..,1,,n ,k r J1,0f. "t'l'J AMJ. ,\,k,Jwoool'lfC \,, M). ll \A 'fl,1

11,l ,.n,111,' ""

\l,il l.-,1l•11u,l, ( ,t"111 Um ' li,<I, ,\<t \l\ l U.01(,.

I IJn,hu,~


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J'l'l11ng?OOSJ,nt:,w-. r~.

u«ii Rq,ublic. 1"•17 Aiw

200S. 1•.1,11iirif',lfln wHI h:a.-c< Jo ,hM!tt ,,, ~oow 1M r ulr1t1 .1add.il , ~ dw bc-,:1111y o ( i1H.~ ;am;aui...:<icyin C\'nir.ail fa'"'fX .and m,m n.-w (riffldt.. C:onu.:r. Jiri r.-imy . cfo Im tlo~miJ,, N#IIO,; 11111\o IS. CZ..llOOO P.~ l, Cw,.41R.-publit. ltl: , 420 lll 511 683. Fn:: ,420 lll SU S11. f,11Wl:jpobrii:,ffitboolwmiJ.n • \\\.b:,;;1.-: hup:/lilbl1ol11m,i.Ml

!I"' 1• 1nm 1;.,...a1(",,heir fe. li~ •Y alli11n lOOS•, Euonil. 21,24 Af"'.?OOS. Otoir 1e,d,·,I lnclwingJ (Ufll ()l I(., miud, tn n.1k, cn.ak.d~mlxr ,.11Jcl1ildtt n°jc:h@;N;1111J a totric. ,,I .-<ll'll'.tlU i111bt tl~uttfin .-iJ C(lllCffl hJol!~ of UIJl 1.l\'I; f,uo11i.111 C:h«.11 Sncinr. lJ Suut • ~ S.. , EB-101-48:llil in,n. Em,IIU. "lti: •J7l-6-'4'118'i?. F.u: nlioo.

IO" l11u•flt.atiofl.a l i;,_,,u,~ 11Co111,:mpon.ry,\ link with Z.1.uk.u ~lit' ·n 1e Sl•RJNC IS O l'ENINGH,(Mm~ U!«b ltcpu,bl«. l'J APf • I M.aymS , c;.,,.,ip«itluo wicb ;,_ 1.ultJ, rri, ... C'ClftCCfl\., ... uk dltll"I- nlltNinj?, (An, 1f«: IPOS•Afl'rAMA, I), . J,u,,,lv--1Mo,l",d"°' •~. l\bnkkJ -1, POBo,c 12. I 20 l I l'uplt' 4-.Cz«li ~puMic . T..I: ,-i"?0-1.?1.5(17'?61, fo~: ,-4?().:!l l•~7?Si. EmJiil: 1uoJ,~hc,.·~"" ... _.mk.,:,r • W,:t,.,i,ic:;_..,.. ,.,;ptt'-flil#

IJ4r, luci..al li\-1,..,-NIIUIde-Ch;in1 Cltor.al d, ~·. fwatt, ·141M.ay200i . C'.0,1"'1 : f~Wiol h111J.- Ou n, Chor.iick N.an<y. 111• JJJS.F-S4000 Nlncy.Fr~n,;-"· To:I: ,)J.J.lOZ 7S6%. l'.u:.:,.,J.J..8J27S~i6. E,~.a : k\t iv-.&1.d1c1 u ~ ·vr;1oru.l,x.J1 • Wt-biiiec:~.b.di.-11,dtor, IJr« ,frl

.U• ln1fnu1iorul CoMpclitt011~HOOi~ Voc:i.(J.: Toc,N"', 1:r.-ior, IJ·16 M;a'f lO()S, lt1tnm11ioiulCh,1u l SHigiini;. Corn,pn ieWI I\ lin,ic~ w tftwmblel (11)111I l 10 -10

Qv,..il .f-O(ln round CaC,lflp,:lb), (111;1o l round Ci.-cfvding on,:~ .,.id 1rl.-110).'l'h..-"'""""' ..;11he 1W1mi11.MN fot 1hc2006 Europe.an (:r,1n,:I l'ri.,, l'ouf 0 1c-~ fltknl di(,;,,,.,nulr corc;..,,dc •-ui« , hoin, 111iwJ •'(1(';;11 «o_.bJn. f1« l" •lfPm, PfO:,11«t.l; lkri,i~ . r,fo: for.- lirn 1wod11uio n v...-.,lc . Ar ply 1,..rorc-:.kl N..,,-:0(),i.1111'nc-,.1Cloil.:l,('11\ choir <'.0111f1C1ilion will 1.il.cpLtt i11:!006). Conu n: i:l,.,nl'?' VClCJI Jr 1Wo. IU~ ~lt'ft:.

1-iSl. Jl••l7(U41UII" ('.fJ) l::X I . I'm.cc:,

1'd: ,JJ-Ui.!J65Uo, 1:.n~ •J.H-47ll( ,n 1, fan.ail: lloril,:y .,~11.T,(r • \\ ... d,,.i ,,::-....-..w.11<,, ;1,, ~.,....-1A'C111'1

,J 7U..•U9 147. f'.icu/i l; luo.M;,t.ingel;ukc• WdKitf':

....,..,,J;o.;.riy ht ,s-« 51"' Cc,,!. l1lltr1U1iod Cliof.)I hu i"111,l~ b ,.J. 27 Apr· I '" M.I)' l'OOS. Or l""111,W11 ,., '"-'ml'" '" ;n ehc p,rfflipour. Jlh-.('11111 .1,111lm«Nli,;,,...l 'rropliy Co 1»~Mt 11>. Orm111 ~•r dioi r of i'""' II .I I i-..a \l.iftll0!11;;IC'X('tp(~rl('.a lly dt ild1>t1i, ,tw.,J. Ar1)ty II('(~ b 1 N<t"lOCl-4 . Coou.: r: Coric lnk'fft.llki1UfC:ho,-.ilfu erYJI, fflt;...-1 l-lou,c,,IS GunJ l'.i,-.tc.Cork. !~I.and. 'rd: •JSJ..Jl ◄ U3SJS. m! JSJ ..ll-4?2JSJ6. Em.:all: "''°''~~ iol.k • 'O:'tb~itr.

.,."«l)llxhc..-.-1,k ~ f~trn.11~al

O,o.i, mli, ·JI. lud bc:bl,Aui,1ti.a, l8 A11<1 • 2 M.1y 2001-. llvf d.,IJ,c:n'a.(,c:..ulr.nuk .alldflliwd ..,,,Jfm1.1k,n,ak .a!id111i:.N •~ CIIS<'mt,k,( .,.. dw,iu. ApplyM,.,.,: J I IX~ .ZOO.Ii. Conun:


Sa,.L:,,m-.lt,lll 'r,,..,i,1l11,fn,c,wntfli:,lt.,,i!d,u,.....,C~:t~lra~ 12. A4820 liad bdil A.w"tu. 1cl; , ,fj..6 1JMOOO-O. ~

,,fj..(,IJ! , l<IOIIO, ,U.


IIUll! ipwt~f.,k,

,,onl(fJ;. 11(,{ .....II •

W,c:b;.tc:,."'w.A'hi!l ru i,,.-.;,,i

2"" lnll-ioi:11"'""'I M.alc\\<lic,c: Cl1t1rAI lti!Ml. Com,..all, U1tiu'CI Ki11gdc111t, 18 Ar• •l M.ay200s. IY\ll,·.dt;,iL

,,:i,-."c'Tt-. l,11'1 ,,~k v.ik•·,i ,.,u ,IC:flfllpn ici.llfl . Clll!ICflU, .. ~ork, h,01,.,_,ip1o1 ..,-i.......A11rl r bdclf'l':I N'ot--2004.

(:U.11 ,..;1~ ( ,,x 11,,. ·.all l1'1 1,'nu1iooal M.ak \ '.,kr f',,_.;. .JI I 1,L, M1. l\•rn C~kl. c~tJ""Klt, J4 Si. Ml,ltxf'~ RMd . ro 11 .,.11Q111I ,. liiMo. C£1rnw;1o ll 'I R.J7fJ:. Uni1N Kint..J,."' "

lrt ,,t-1 111 - 1.111',1,H .1, F.r,· ,44, 181!.t.f..tHJ . l:m,1il: glyn~~• •

F,;c ,4?J<IS77S7 1 OJ. €n~: inf,.i{l.,;.,Jm-h,wf~ ...,.1.J1;1II,,· ""'It • W'dlNIC':l1urtJ'lki111.krd 1011biv-.. ,li.1lk.11,;:

-s• 11.a""°"it' 1:,r,..;.'.! l, l.iml,u1g-l.im.k11bo l.th.aU1c:J1, Co:n m.11 ,·, s., M;1ylOOS. OJi;,.i,l«J: 1hc f~ i.: Llnidc11htol,N,\ ,.m n,;ol,c:di,W. 14 , Ii~, rotrt1""'i1inm fcord1oin illlli f.-:'I. poop,. w1i..·ym atl!d&JI:~ , lc,111Unn·,

.. ~eh :a" .a11Jknt.'C' ,:,{••rm <fO(I()JiMplt11nd cht' h,i,,pi!Jll. of, wliok r"IV"'I. C11n1.ao1:I b,m...,.,i.:: Un,Jm l~ul,t.ai,"'1'1,l\, t,,J ,.i'mN' (i'i. l) ,(,S'i'il I iml• il);, (;,,,nv11y. 'lclt ,-i'l•MJ l •7J2 68 IM,, K,,t-l-1dnt. l ~Mt.loC'!.,0.11,.-11k.t 1klfl) "' , •1~,(,4J 1, 72? <,$ (Mr, (.~rlurJ N\"\11>ml,11 g• I>l.~11I~. t ),g.iniu 111 , u 1·,A t:'"'lf" ). l:,o;: , ◄'),MJ l ••)7 "1 '17. f ,tuit: ~.., ..- :...,,t1tv ,n11111k -fn1V\',1 l,J.- . W.-1~.-:-w.hunM)H W-feoa;.'.11..k


.,... lr+lfm.at~1uilCli.an•bo.· 1 Cl111ir Cc,1nl'lt'ti1ion. M..11tmlwnLo,f. Coffll1;111y. 11-17 M,y !()OS,<..:.• •f"tit i<wl (,• ,riiW .,1.ak,tN,..;,.l'h,or.d,..~,rbh(.1,,_ th.11,<tu• dl(ll., ~nc:,·m M'IJi,t1\•t1.., 1kNI 11'1n'1lng, Af'lif> ' 1,,.r,) h,': 11" O (i ,tot.IOI 0 111 uri: lntffl'Ul .. llll n ,.-11111<'1 Cll(11 r ('.ot#lpni1i11f'I, K,orlVNl'll\lr-.& Ii, l\i~uiwlw ~t..,.,bb,l,·11, ir. 0-..11 76 16 .'!bll:11:,ti.-1J.11i, C:Um.anv.


1.-1: , 49. t1.,W.! •'>i,11;1v.,ha.,: ,-1'>-IIHUOH'O . FJN0: t11 ,!(l' in1,bm"""'™' ' 1'\'llhr-1h., k .

'O., Vtb,.i1.r: ..... w..u1-m.. ,,ml.:.rg.,.-;.._.1;. i,e,.)11,tt ln1fffl.11-,..1 l (li.aMI,.., Choir l~iv ~IJond<.:c,,.pnitl01>, 1111 ,ig.it)•, !8 Art -? M..1,yzoos . ( '.M 1~1 , AA.,i Nt,.-d(,k 1-1.ir ~ "A'IM ..........,. ,ff 17, H -7(,JI I'('(-. ll uflt:,ar-Y• fi•h ,)(, ,7! J I 'i(,?9, l\lll: , 1'►71 J I Y,7'), F."'.ail: n,•,·h.u'-'iw,"'~""" I,,.. . \t~iic-; .. ._w.,;UunUu,1 r~~~

f111cn1»1i1111;1 I ~Iv.ii~, Slnp•r,,, W~nu t. C:ctm.ant, !-1' Arr · I Mq ZOOS . 'I !It i,-.,i\·,11ft ;,pt,i «• ,iuk. LJic,. ' ,. 1,I miM'\I dw,ir-. I hc'ft'" "'' )l.,uL1.._., , ,,. tlol' ..,.,... 1"·11,,nowd. C (11 11,111 : C'l11,t1C'""_. ' l"wn1,,111<>NL lh.i ..-. N MouL"'I \Ii. ~. 1,,.~l"f'I l•. c·1v llrlU, U.,itl'O.I ~,'lf."I"'''- Id , ,.t,1 )~ JI) 7,tcHIIH,1·,,Mil:utJbj obn

s.,.,..., .,,

"'"~\Ml'II>., ,._.. W<t,,11~

2Y, lncc•n1:i1;.,,-,,. 1 CMIJI'<'~ ('.lwlitffl ti.-..1,li ;11k• C..,m""r•'HI May 200S. lb 1h•JI f,..,Jolli;;,,J, ,,/ .-:hil• dwn \dllli.,._ "'G~111lwrIWn.111 n•l'ri«''", l11t('fl'l ""l.."" ,JI ,:001W111rc, o,y -W ••lf;\ fot diiU1or~ildNlift. C,W1 1J('t: ,Sd;1,r1.11l.11 ~in,l,,•f'(h... t:r.,J,,,&.Sillll'IIAll'nll. S. D ,061.l? H.ilk. C..rnu,iy, 1..-1:, <\') JO 7 tlO kOI)(),

....... ...... .;.,..,,," ....' ·'"" '

m-1-,-: .,....., ·w.1111x lm,~


\' c:n,:-1,8i11Mudta l:OOS.Vtt1:C.: , J~

July, 20-2,f M.ay 200S. (M' ,p(li1iull i11,Ii"".-" ' c,1~)1~ ,1n,I dilT..-,11 ,k,,. Cor1u.-1: ll'l1< 1kt1l1u,-F'""1111o1b 1tUfl,,\n1 'IX'tilllp,f'IC'II). I). 0

JS412 l\,li llwini. C:Um.-nr, 'F(4: ,-1') ,(.-IOJ,')S(,t;:s, f,1i,;: , ;f?-MOJ,<,1"56\!'>. f.-i.ail: 1nAiK!"m u'IO(.l •.,~nJi.ro11!11 . \l W\,;l1r; .. ,.w. ,W1 1ni<..a• 11 ,11ndi.com 12"' ln.1tn1.11W1,ul Otoir Fo ,i.-,l • Owbndod i Lano H. ~hKt... Rc-gioll:Rr,,-;1n.,i. lAn•1,!),, ·rok111;no,h.al)', 27•J O May ?OOS . flcr , 111,k.l(fli.1ok , nJ n,iwJ ""1.", ,«a) gr,,upt,,.i eh ft!AA, 11,,inp:n 0011.:~n,:.fC)'1d1 ,iiJ ,.h,I, <hc,iih), R..1~ n (litt ,ii~ .tfld "-'<•.:11. 11.a 1, .a(.11'1~ ffll,t<;;(', ,..,d1Ollr lllt'\Vuff...,lk n" uic 611,111 1lwr<IM1'• <Oun• uy ,:,(ot igi11, <.A:>11u<1: ,1,,.,ld.vio111;• ln1t'YYWl ,,,,.,k An,iri ,kl.a ~l,bi.11 fu<r-.a.VQ l'.,,..,I,\\I I, l'). 1,()0 19 ,l lt.11,w,.l1;1ly. d: • .~Cl6-6Sll(l'>t16, l·u : , j'J..1)(168,:! 11'-'K'J,

J•~:) •r

fa,\olil:in(oo(.,,i,;c,.,ifo",l,w""-i' • \t 'o.'Nl~ ,......,,. \.an,i,;imuw.:'.au,;r.&.c:o11t ·1; .-.PN\' VOWM1oic: f•n.d V#, F'111bt1J, 3• I l Clit,oi,




, itip.,lt «lf'I IN.

J•• .?00\, (~\·to

r~ "''llt inc1 :,t1i~,,._ lhlriini; '""'"C5 r,,.(tioir t..-..a.: lo. 't'I

iln.1Wngr,-.. I « hJrO i n,,;I,-.v,,i:,110~ by 0111'1 c, 11\'.fU ,, Apr,ly bcb,:- .!I ,\br<h ZOOS.(:011 -11 -1tt; l'.t.nlf!o. W Slw· I. 'r:in.,J!o.•,,r \'(i.·~I Mu,k llnaiv-.111 . 1'uDikl1""'-ri,1.1ul.io, .:. FIN, J ,\IOO'l~m1~r.-. h 11 l.m.l, ,J1,ll,J ,Jt4',( , IJ(-. b,llt , JS3•J •l l.WH21, b,u il: "°'"i..{lli.a11!11)l'l't'.fo . \X\,l,.itct www,u ,111 11;•1\:' ,til\~,c:;.il


J,t,,,,lln<lt'111;11 io11. 1Ill,:,ii,..-1<1(Snng.,,Olo«nouc, Ct« h R.,.P"b,li,:, 8- I l J01nc-!OOS. hi. ,h.-.i« i1tJ\l .:..i~wi,,-. fr.wn.ill.10011 ,nJ ,I"' "'.-Iii. C:OW1 1.-.r. I~ t..tu,k.&lr . \ l,y.'ffl.kJ 1-.<.7 ·77'>011t)""""""'•C~ -t, •~ ~ hlic ICI: ,il,?O, 'i,S~ ,H 7'1 1, l-.1.1: ,,4:,!0'>$',, l)?lH .

b11.1il:k,u,. ,M,\KJ~.Mb ,.u . '1('d1>M.-: ,.........,~..,. .... i,...1k.••,

<:~ , fc..1io l (l' IC

Hril-toliw! . Uri"ol, Unlt..d K1~ 1o,n. 9, IJ JuM lOOS. N,!lfl• ro•nl"'' lmY t11viromnn11,:.., "in,ic u• l,;a, ,,.J., d ,o,,~ vr..hc-u.&-. .MIJ,:n.~ •nhln of .11 .Ip'~ .-IIJ 1,(.-nd.,,J...All r,i•• 1i..i~,. ,~ .. ;1 lu<o\" tht Opf'IISl!mi1r , .. l"' •'Dfm itt .. •lw:•1"-t11.1, 1tr cl.1~,c,,:ind (011<'.(11~ in "l'\"MJC> ihrv~ho1111 clw hiM.,..t<,; ,, of tl,11.i,.J, Efll!,IJl\ld, ,\rci,1ic Dirtt 1or: l)f ,\buht-,,,• (~pi . Sa. l'.&'111 . M""'•-•~ USA. fN;,,..,1 ~pol>!,(> oc-dt,, Y,1n 1;1lu,Kffl1bk ~k,)i,. (°(>nu,,; K,1,h()'ro Jlo,J,. JA(; ·1;,...- (,;' ,(>4 <l,.111,:dk,,-lt. ....l. I.on. loo, Wb ?R:-.. L'nr1,.J Kit,p,l<•m. 1~1: ,44 i0).?0 -l'l-1) KiSI, 1:.,,.,il: 1,n..c.,t,. &'jJ,.·1.1.&,d ,,~i,I. • IJC 'cl..Jcr: v.ww.b1i,1ofi<Y.<1u 1l;

S,-. l•X>r.cln1triu1ic11ulChilJl'ffl;

l al l-lching.bufJ lt11ttt1.tti">n"I Cho ir \A)fllptei1tllfl. t ld~ini;.btWJt,Sword.-n..<). IJ J,ant lOOS.Ill rooptuu,.-.n 1hr "'-'WrJ, N,11itwulChnir <·- •J'(lition. l{.6, <:n,uum u,..tJ.J, <J•or.11 CcT,1,r1).t:°M.I¥.b.-l'J.:, t••hbwl1,..j.-1t 11. SI\• 11143 ~u~l;holm. ~~n. •1;1.: •·•6•ll-"107U....,. f,11)1;: ,4<,.~-40"ti11. h, utl: l.ohn1m111~u l.,kornc,1c•"' • \'('d..,.,..: wv.-.·... ~ C1.11u..n : 1,.. ,.-,i;;uJu,. , IY>11fhl;l1.,.1n. An, IJC 'dni;>u,·11\. I ).JS 11.? l\, IJl ,.·i•l'I. ( ;rmw~y. Id: ..1?-<,10,.?sM.:'>. I .a,· .... ,., ....).~'Ji<,u,, . b, uil; 11 ud{I 11m •iu• n,unolo.co,11• \X'~"""' .. -..-.·,mu,,._,.

1'1w1'11 ..u nr Mu,it l~iu l. MM11 <U1:n t h•lr, .!J•li J11 11C'l.OOS.l'.1"icir,uio)n1111l1t•,'«h.111,i"t,:•,,,rd~ p,.it.-.lc' fron•'r,n~OO 10 ' 1011.-11,1 u, ,.,..,1,; 1ht- fc,.i;..-r),mi,·111 ifl Ilic 1_,, _ 01hc, 1,,-.M;.)I ,~ fiNIJl('lf•Nlttu,;c(' incl.Jc M11•t1,1c.,11ini 'lhnw ·• 1hr k,,;-i dl11.•.:lw.•• ..va.-. 1ht dill,(.l1t..,o/ ~ltbt> uti 11 11, ,~l.1p,. {)prfl c,} uul,;. l,.,;1,...., ·. •n•\td ,1,,J y;,...,1, ""'""• .,,.,.;., "dW t h,t1ir,' '"""




Cf£S'O . l:11J'<i:w. Oregon, USA.U,.t8 Ju<x"lOOS.Uob C:hik,~u ,:utM cooJuno, Mid J\•1.-1 l¼bloan i~lofdit«tN" lc..J 11 t,,,p •, i;i1h'"'"" ,l11IJ1c11't ,1..,.,., 1;,,m '>)lau,, Jn.J rlm,y COlllllfK'\Ill 1M .JOO -.'OK'.tc-..i, ·,1fflON!i. A{lplic.1 1tl"" 11C'fW..C«' l""' I foe l'lt'.t'FFSI. ~ " '"'' i:,•.-:.1 (r,nJ u<mr ltrn,y l.rd; 11 1,J l'ICCH:!l~r 2007 ..,1'1h S.nJr.1!,no.• • CA1t1 1.K1: Ortp)lfl l~1 i, .d Ow,in. IIC) 1-\oi, 101. Eup:,,..• O K 97.WI>.\}SA, ·1a , 1... >11 ◄M•J600. fax: , l,'>4IAM4o/JO. l.111 ;ail: l""e;.-ri"pi..'fh... ll,. \l~1c: •ww,rk'dOt""&


~l..'CUOfl . '.:.1t11x1 : ( ·11 ..... .,

c.~,... , lr>1(1!1JlODIUI. ~.... ('fll

11,,.......,li'J M.:>N'boJ!\tr« I. • •-i..~ .. ft:

I V 1nm . l111.. .-.I

J.:11~!.11'11 , 1.-1; ,<H ,'.!NCI ~ ,:!O001. l·11uil: -..•ahj,tbn,onft'~,1 1C1n.v,,11•

\llcl>ulr:.. _ ..,.) ,.,.n:;..,u,,,.., • ., J•' l,mrN.IM\n.il Chfii, C:1W1 •pn i1~

of s..«,,~ ~l:u..C, Pr.tJVt, C.ttt h R.-publi,:. U •lS juM' lOOS 1-corml'<~, 1i• • ,\ lu.k.. S.aen ln1t,11,iion;al Cho ir lcn>,11,: • ._hJmh,:r ,.iJ thJJ, ...., ·~ (!w.u-. A ndi r,~mr pm• Outorio l'<,.1iul of S.ml M~. 1•,..i;...-, c;,«lo r.u1nniw•,.n,I p,:rf.'Wm.&tk ,. 'lf'l'on1111oliot-. ( :.ooun, ()uh ltr pcibli.:. ltl Junc•l i July i<I05 Op.. n (,," ;all01,,:m~ f,.. ,,, Ap-n 111r.l'..,'l'.Ih•...-. N.i I Ufk.. V,i'. 111000 l'tJlu < , 11,u.1 : Club '"'-'" All$'""•• l'.&,d ~JI'(', N.i 1-1.i,l;u.tf.", IRO 00 l'f.& lu ~ C,n,1 , lt.,,uhh11:, Id · ,4l0 , .?41•Ul:_:!(,<,08. JI, C.JO I, k\·1,,..1,1,. Id : •<1,?O ! M'iltlf.toCII'(. I J.-.: , i;'i'I , ! tli3l6(ol.l'S.I .,,,.;I· ,,_,._, I.,, · IJ " ,410·1 M~Z(,<,0$. l•n,o"I:,u('..:,IK, ·




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- l,utrru 1ion:il l-'.-.1i-.~I "'R('fl;ai»111« .uoJ f~rl:r 1$..ir<N f"'. :0.hn.C.l'«lil (~It. C,...-1, l~fl• •blk, 17, t') Ju•w lOC>S . ( ,..ilf'l"IIM" '• .. ,wk-llolf'••••-•·••"- ( ·""'-"' · ll'Cl~.J\ltlA~L\. lk },tv4.tr.t M•Jr,..,h,..,,._llbnKU 4 J'(ll\i,, IJ . llO 11 l'r,ir:,1t• 'I, l "'"''' 1t,1J,1., 1..t• ,,Ho i.:1 so~w,1. r.. ,: ,<110.'.21-~ 1...,,'>s.1... ,,111: ,111.1t11.rE'•I""mk.o;, ~vth,.11.-: v.-.."'·· •I"" n.l. .o/.u • •nu

lnt('rn.& cion"I O ,oi, 1-\-.il,•JI -c..,ntc n,11,". Zrcnf,l/li", ~i.11, Yu,.o<l,1, ·ill. ,U , l7 Jut1t lO<». Nl'!fl•Cl)rl'f'l1imt f,;~i••I t.,t .i,..,,.m .,Hu ,,,:, ...,.·,.( ;.•n••i: ln1ct1'Ul1< 1n.ol \ Ii,..,. l ....,,...,, R.,Jtl;il.' I, 'L I,,?!(lO(l '/N'"i.111.-1 \fl l-u . \'IIJl",l.t'<u. 1,1: • \Ill -2.\f',~ "'' ~. I J.\: ,JJII •.' \6J ·'l'J.S,

._,;,.,.1,1 c·1rtor JI h •,1i,.al :,,.1,tourg& Virnn;a, J\1"1ri;a, 11•,r

•ls••ln,~.a,>Ml.11 l-orho1I 11(Cl ..,0 1 1\rc Jih,I.,~ ..;d, -,h




111 J

I •klim,· • "l 'f""'*"tun '" I"'.,

ill ,,l,l,oWJ.lfid\ •cnn • "'"h ,h.-.. ,,Al ,,.,,...,,,.,1 """"., 11.,\\. f lw11r.-.1J 11.- "\ .,,,,u M,k Clw,ul


m ~IA- ul)I.Jf 1hc·• ,1.iild ltatl oldllt' .&Jlol l ,,. \ 11•11fl.& ( ,,nu,1 11..irmi; i.:1C; ( 1.... AI 1.........1-. \l,.t, MI fb•• •i,:.. -,v ,...-,or. •\ 111 •10\' ,.-,,n;1, Am,., ,._ h~ , 1\(,t ,_ 1~1111\(1 . l .& T. , , \ I 11 ·•~ 1NI, I .. Ufl: \Xo,1'1Cl, , ,.,11l-.~"'" l....,,h,, ..t. ,.r1 \11;, I_, · ...... .&u,uunl, ,,., ·Jh..&Jf ',,.wit

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h.•I). l2 16 Ju.,,· !<)Ot; 11,,1. ,., ''"''•"''""'. ,..,,,..1 ,n d,. l1t·.u1 ,., ,1.. n ,,l.,m" "' .,, ,,.n,., "I''"'.,.,,,,...,..,. ,In .,w,;111,,-:-l ,·,nt"'t ,lo ► ;\ ,,.,.1,.1111t•• ( I l11roo,u.&


••••o. \,., I m,I,.. .\Jl..,11.1111 • hl. 1w1 u,- tt.,•~ lull Id ,N lf, ~\~-(,11 •1 l ,t\ . NCl(, ,,_ , ·1,11••

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I 11u,L1..-. , ...Jl_<.1•M•'l•M •....,,.•l10M'-" "n ln1<'m,11i, 'MIJI C.on•pr,'<',... • C-,..,,1"'1; ,;.,..• Jil•b • .o!Oot •. Jihlau. (~ h kc-publi,. 1'1 .?6J., ,,.. !-OOSl,omt1.10011,1 I

••lfl'•I"'""' '"'"I'""'"" '''-\01,-c11-.,. ..,,1,;_,1....,1''· llk"nmp

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l\-C<>\ J,! I ~I ;'I r't-.1p..-1. ( A-di 141>1iN1< ,o~ •l(,I t.., , .~o !.!I'-!)"">\' I nuol:

•"'""'*'l"" '"'k,, \\,·I~.-: ..,......•I"" mk.,,,,.,,.,.,,

Copcnh;lf;(II lntrm.>tion.11 Cl,jlJ~1ii Cho11t1 ~ l'('Mi-.';1 1.

Drnrn:.,k. li J..nc-. -4J..ly !OOS. ln,(r,ucir',,u,1.l,.t.l,cn\ dlOOI~ 101;al•n,:2(1()..IOO ~illp'n "' ill"'"" •'lih pitoe ,:o., . J11no11"11,r l.«l (USA) Mr .Lolr ,.,ti,.,u,...t.wh, ,iiuoni:, m ( ;,.L ~h·AI Cl'nt«1 .. ~h Ur.:t""ui ,n lhol, (~, Coo«'ft l·b ll. InJi,·idwl -11it. lc ron.:<"1•tll (ldi'flw Coo,..,..-.:.\1~ Muttil., Jn.-. IOI 1:;, .. Smn. ll~ur >t\.l. I.•" Alt(l), 9-10.?1.USA. I'd: , 1,(,S(Ml-l,;119'.II. l'.u:: , 1.M()..')WI{;!{,. l'll•.1•): ' '""'"' '"1Noa111' 11 k h.<,.111 • \\(to.i1c: .. ,.w....,,.,icJm111J1..«11M

IS•" Europ.-~ M11,i( ln(in l for Choin .1111C I S..&obo .. /\uol1cm..N<t!tm.u,d,., !8 )uni.' • ,1 JtJ)', lOOS. <'•Jff•rrtiiioan"'- thfii,~ :ino: l ..:.l«11c. (cL-.~icJLf"P. 1.111, ,.'tltlJ ►. Con!p"itiofl ,:1)ftlpt1i1fflifl. 11u.1.-rdi.-. f.u,rQl'c~ns,n1f'('•i111 , ... CO!l(('II) Cl (, c..,m;i,.'1• l~F f,c, uv;il Olli,-... pj,wn~IOUflJ:r.Kh(J. NI •.lSI ! N.r, ·1a , J 1••\0. 1,0"600. 1,-,, , .U ·JO.lJ. \'\681>, l·n1J•I· un •,,.._"'° ' """"'•..•...1.td.l'ol \~d,.,,, •: .. ...,...,Jl,;f'!O(l'i ,n l

c.....,u1 s.r ..,..J 1t1,...tui;....J cJn,...1 r....;,.J. " ..,"',.,.,. ..,. C...1..J.1, l? J...n.-•..J11l y ZOOStlwnnuL nt,,.-.1,n,j"Nim,:

t 'h,:,rJI1-..-..i,.11.1'1 dllc-ch.l.lMI, , IW>•h .1,J S.AI n , ,111111, thom •i! I r,micip,ilt' i11 Ii,~ JJr.of,:on,,r10. 1dw..t1'-<h . (vn Jn.l (,w11!hl1cp.C~l{"O,I (l•t1kurh ; ~tuu \~h ·;111flt' II ,t1b11J ►. OiJflt: h" l nk'I (( '..11u.lJ) .1nJ fl~i.i.. , mo.11u ,w;1I C11't'n1lik(( ';an;t<l.i ). A1~ol,..,111(111 ,1,:.,.,11~ I N.w .!OU1 < <11 11,1<,r: c •, .......ii llol•no.llm on,cin u;al Chou l l,..,.,.,11,l~t>. Bo,; M'il~( ,iq,,~b•n. Uri,i,I, t '.J.11.. liu VIJ ·,•~ , f"..o11.1ill. h◄: l .(,Oi ..1(.-1•..-1-r.~, I .1•. , I (.Oi ,-M'fl S•f" l ,.u,1.


.... -.. •'"""'


,rd~,.:oJ!lt.alWtlfld"'~'"-.001 ~'di.,., •, ..-..w..-,..,..-J,.,u ,11o L11,i. .... 011, Ulllun MM Choi, ,.r,J Ord,.-:.1r.&F.·,1i,JJ . fu.l,bu q:, A....1ru. JOJ, ,M • J J uly !OOS, l'nf.N1nlM'1,1. fc..cn;al ... 'Yltl11o1.,: •1Hf'Jo'11-.l,np , C ~•nuu: ( hol\1• M:0.1 1._..,... ll.-,1,n..,.oii:11'9, ,\.\o:u :Ul,I"'"~ J\11<1n,,. I.I: ,,. \.f,6H,4S'l1!. I .a,. •·O (;(,l.f ...\9 ".l. I ouil: .l1o'oh .. i0111M,, .0,11•..11\l;'(,l""• V.,.v...& '(N)(l.,,, ,.,

b.., ......

- •• 1no ,, n1.uio~I <.:hni, 1:.-,,;, ..1~s,.,....,,.., !,.,.i~"· .SU,,r•K'II. I l" "'li-''Y•.,o Junc•.I Jnl) l(MJS. N,!lfl..,.,m,,..1111• .. i.,,.,...1 "" ,bow, 111 Jl,.1,qtr.o1~ t ,,,,,_,.,. \1''« h,-..,.,1,I, , leoIM 1.,.,,. h.nx-1, II RA..,.1, I 111,!I(., 1.! 11 "•"'I.If""', I lunf;,1r•·· Id . , 1.1 .. 1 , ~""O",M I j ,... ,W,-1 1.?0l"W•, h,u J . ............ .J~.twlc111IM• 'J[

lt11('r-.:ili.,..•iol r, .,,elu l ,,I S..m.l Mw,i,, V..-,w,.,. ,\iN fU. Z4 .t" f.,,.,,:on\ ll(,1,,.,,.,,-,:f,,.,,,.1 ,..,\' ..·11n,......1,.,, """"'l"'lt'·, ... 1o1.-..1. I 1,,,..,, ,\I\I hn·,.ullni:,o"" lliN \ 'ol),!tl -..11,bc+rr, "-"""'" 11'1 • 1\ r.l,! t,,~•f'!. I.&\. • I\'"..! (, 1"'l" !. I Jn ....t- ,,1..0 ,, .•,... ~ ...... It \Xd,..,w

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1~ ln1f•"'.r.ciod "MiJ,,. ""' '" .._..,;, .,.!" ("" ( 'lwu,-.. !>u..i. l,ollfl. s...,d,·u•. WIJunt .I J,.Jy roo~ N(,,..,.,.1,-.1 "" Tt,,~ "alt<.,,1"""•nJll, ..,,w.,.,... t,.,.1.1,1 ,\I'-\\ 1,-..,..1,,/u lMt ..... 1.,,,ctnR.il,,,,.,.1,., 1 11\.l~I• ll •.J1.,., I l, 11wpr\ M , l,f, I 1~'"'1 1.. to

1_., • \/",I 1.'"'t1'ICI I


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...F.estivals Com etitions


"S iftg.to tM Lord"'J"' Mu.ltitue icnnl Choi r, rngut,

C«h Rq,ultll e. 1. 1,i July l005 . Mtt 1j n~ ;.,_f'r.>i;,ut.1::.,. "";i ll ,:~ .anJ 111JiviJ~I r.t.11kif'Jt11j. W-0,ki-ni;Ln. p,.apr E,,g.1,J.. f'tt-s(ud)N IYlMtrid: QU (d c"'po,;iticwa~ ftO(Jl0.u r.ilc..J.-11 $(,;k """ r,..,,hN C:u«h .t.nd.. <lf!JC;'H'II• ptKCft. COflttft• .andrtrordill6 KlMIIIU in l'rJ p« 1 R,,uqlK and C ,>1hicchurtbN: ;aiwlotho C.:1«h ffi 1Mlm. .\l1J•io l J i,«1.,.-; r, l)('ft1, \',, ,_..,.,"", ~iu .L. Coft1.1n: C lub 1ft,u,Ap. •1Mllt , P.1•'tl!'<'"' '• N., MJ,t-11J67, I~ 00 l'r.lh.- 8. Ci:« h lkpulllk . Td: ..uo..!-A-Ul2Glo08. fa,: ,◄.?0,.!..$411Wl01f.. Em,i,,I; o~ l.a · 0

\1''d~i,c: ....ww.x,ooJiun,o. or ..-..w,d,i>i"-0: Fa.ii.~ SOO"Sliuing 1l,c,Vokn", Sc. Joh,11, Nt,.founJl,-nd, Cuii ,b , ).10 July 2005. Motf du • 7',

c,wia.,m 1ht011j:h,ou,I Nonh A11 1"W.-,',<1l.JK 1 ci,y. S. . John',,_tt"'" " "S1hc ~M1)t{,; r 1- n)blt lk lko t.11 0oc., {At&ffllilUl.M.1ri.aG11irund t\ffl<"t u('t.) ~1111 ·rut,u 1-wlJ.U.irU :0.llfli..).Ulnun: Fc,n,·•I '100~:-, 1,.,,."I; ,lw; V,,i«,•, f'O..~ !.lJJ. Sm. C.~. jol,o;. NL. AIC.:61:6, Clt1-.:IA.I'd: .1 .;()').7J3( ,0IJ , Fn, . J.100,1,NIOOl,I. L.11uil: otlform.r1tl'l,~i• ·M1 500.« 11n• \lt~l.. i4~.........~ iv.!)00.ce'lffl


ol 0,1>r.J s; nglRg, Bt'ttc-lM1.1, S~l11, ..•IO July ZOOS . \lt<l1k.hOJK : <~fT •,Ul rmiru 8un n.1U'icn" C.:io>. I uu ,,moorg>.Gmpd M1.1 !-K(Rolon1 R.1y. USA). C..ulin <.l,, ,u l M11 * IJo""fl1• ,.,l,.C;..ultmU). Aflrly ~•c 23 l~b iOOi. C.:<mun:I CEC. Vu l..a,in.a"'1 5<1.lJl l :). bO!lOOl fur.-cbu,, ~in. ·1,,1,,J ,U ••U (,so{i6H. F.1-.,J ,VM.l 197 ◄36 tnuil : KC'((«f<«.tnlo. 40,,, lnttt"nJtional

1Usc., ur1vln1«u1 ion.:.I ChilJ~,. ; Clionil F'o1lv.al, Ro~. 11.,1,..4 -1! J1.1 ly ?00) . fo 1t rn.11NINI dl ildmi'~ d1(mnc.s1oubng lOO·.KIO ~ np;-Kw,11jflin -.;1h ~ CM• dwtot Jo.in <.~cpo,yk(U)A) for J.11ly~Qr~• <11lm,t1 .l'I• i,IJ i• ( ~Li l"Ni..,I ('_,,,,,~, -1-i 01'1.hncu ifl 11,-..,..nu. Indi\·i,kul tmC'mlilt 001KN"O11 1 tlu rm« .and"fo)(".rny. lodv,;k,. ,..,~>·J.r.y r,»t• ~-..1n·~I t:'il<"n ....,n m IWin,.-,111o, i J'M"• 1KC1pMio:>1, 111M- .u Si. l\ •eC'r\ 11,u, bc.a,Conc«1: ~h1!.ff;.a M411i,;:I, <~•nn· n l\11110, 101 hN \um , ')uoi(' 454. t-""

AbM. t:A ?>IOlZ.lJM. T,-1:, t .(,SO.'tt'J, 1991. l·.n; • l•C.50 ?,1'i!.I(,.?(,. rm.111.IClllf>Y'nni,ic;r,i,1,11,J, (llffl • \IC\·1..,,t: ., .,,...R,u11•umunJ1«o•n 7•'-Rhocl~ ln1f'rf1Jliotu,I M• ~k l'noli>'al, (;-. 7 • I0 1'ily 2005. ( .h1101 <t>n'l>C'lrloC"' ..nJ lyr;, ~i " cv11~i• ,..,,._ ( )p(n m flll~"I. mat', fcn',llr-, ,"'-if'llb.-f,\'llUlh, d1nl, Jt('fl• ,:ho,,,- ..1,nJ1-,ll.k11t.,IUIIc1Kf.'11!N,-. .to .. 't'll..,. Ip.."''"-•· A1,c•I\ ivl<ot<"I'\ .\1.11,!(II)\ ( OllolMf; l\,l.f,wn,..1 ,\ 1lw1>.l(\ 1m, l, '1~m, ,n ,. l ,I\ I ~, .. l Ap.a 1•,in,.~, A,1,..,.,. 1.-1,,"6! Hl.f-Ol•i1'11. l·..1•·, kl.! lll.(,(le)(}l(l4,h 11Jol• on&,+< ut1,•r.f1..-..,.,on , u1 , lto:,ir _, .,.,,r,.:,,11~,$," h,:,un;ail.co.. ,


I hh fn11Choi r Cott,p«.cion of s.n-d Mu1i,c,Pl'l'vo.J, Gift'«', 7. 10 July 200-S. 1:.., t11UN I, ~ u..1 1.,... .,..••(h ,IJ~n•,- (h.-n,b(. •«.al (ffl(ffil:iln.11 \aiord d ,«i" « choirs ol .:.Ntl, . fttrNco,y rnw, i"'luk ..1c.-.mpul-r po«.-,., rl«< <ol•tt"""' bcfi,tt ISOO... p,n-c-(u,r npc,M'J Ju,ffli; 1800 • l')S,0.J lllr«<'Olllrc,wd ..1(11t 19SO& ,a lc,a: sot!J(Mm eht chni,i C'Ol lftl,Yof' iwip,11AJ'1ilt btliwr: 211I'd, :rol)S, C'.!10!u.loCI: C:horJI S.ociny- Amon,,L• <1 f P1t1~n. I! 0. 11o.t 1.W.<~R-48 100 l'tt'>-n~ C.#N't'c-. 1.HSI 0:9-8S2 T,:I: ,J0.2682-.?-4 . f.:..,:•JO·l611l 2'?8"S l. 2J"' lnt'I 010!, Fn:ekd .,lP~'""'.


u,.,..,. ,;..,


Enu i,I;.:.111101 111iJ.K!o1<"111tl.J;1 • \IC \-lxice bup:/lu)o('l'J.9'1<"•k'.1 r,r/-.1n11onig<\/

-t?-' lnmn:.u~I Chor.1ICon,~1i1io11C»lk of IW.:.ii, Sp;11al"'" ~kr 01111J., Au,ui1 , 7. 1,1Julr lOOS. fo e mh.,t,J,1 uppelLI dtoir• ( 16"'S ,iugml,.; pYno .alluwtJ. C,.4~,\11\IXlll,llllod (ul.lon<w-..ig.R.y), 1.-rbrk ,l'I'JI J-'" 200~ C.A>l ,!..K'c:l\ulr\lr.11n1 Jn S1.t1k5t,m..il ,on dC'r r>nu.11,,i,n-',aii I. A,9800 )fliu.il .111.k,, Dou.. lW~ui.r. Td: ,-iJ"67(,2,~(,50.?lJ, F.. ; ,<IJ"476l,Jl,l7 , Fnu ll; ,.t.t.t11 ...ltt('l ~ 1'•11..!, lrM1.I!

SA lnun,..do u,.il Joh.:ui"" llfiihn" (;t.o;r fut i•11I & Compt1i1io1t.Wffl'ligcrndr, (',um.iny, 7-10 J.,ly 2005. Con:ip,;•u1.c,n in JilTl'f\'ncOtt:'Jf io 111 ,J di1Tte 11!1 id, C:i o-1.a<1; l111<'1k1.1!1ur IW nJuio"' Am \X'.-,nprtffl J, I). J54 11 r.:.1i1hnti.., c;..,M;., 1, 1( 1: ,'19.tM!J...,56sn . hu : ,,j<).(l'IOJ.?5652?. l:riu.il: nuW,.,.ei;;.,1. 1>'1u nJuX'l11 , • \X',"4~icc-: _...,m ,>W'..•.. •1.1.Ji<'<>ftl .?00$\X'o.t.l CllilJ"' _.' Cliwi~l',:.,1lul, 1lo"I: Kcw, g. 0,~,1. 9° I.\ Ju,ly200) . tAlll(m,._..'Ol'kihcip>....,,h <"he. in fttim :oll .,,yr d ~ ..,,Id. \lt'«\ I t '.1,.IJr~'ll'• Ch(Nt wnI, ,11 cnihcn wl«KJ from1ho.,\Olld'•hN t h.,IJ.m1\ cOOiN. \X',)fklpN'Mi.-tn cl n,r,ir 11i)llt"ln~ "''Orb. 1\,.,..1... uv J ._oo,e.ii ,1,d1Jnie,.t11ur"' (luflJ.. ~ 1.1 1..,.,,lk.rJli,-.e JO Af>r .l<IOt <.'onu,.-:t: , /'J lllul"'(\Alh Mu~,,,. I 1J, ,lft·. i\lt, ,un l'b u, ,t.(, t, ,.,.,..,11,;kJ. r..-,,_ JuC\111,Ko .. i...,., ,,. l ·l,,r• Ko,,g, Id: ,Ml -272! .1<,~. 1-.i., •3S!·!7M.i•><,u, l:t1Y1I· 1t>l,#J"'-i,,_-i,.w111 \X'd.. ,ec, .. .,..., l1l.1rd>l«huiu:,i,111

f!nth·,11 a,iJ Coo,pni ,inn WYw1h attd Mu»t•. "'""'"•·•· Aum i.1. '>-1.?J..lr .?005.1, 1 v.... ,I, ,hoi h. 1....,,.1. .11111

f.11rop.1 Canm foitffloMtOft..t Sinp11g \X'«-1: . Cltc-111 , 8dg;11.m, 10.18 J..ly .?OOS , llo. mi~ ()'<. n,11t,)choir-1. liM"li.ini;d1~ 1111lot (m ,ot nf ilk -40,h ,a..,,ri,..,.,-o,yf,i 1lw llrmidi Mltr1 1-0n .,l\l;mn5 Oioi~ • VJ:JK.Au-lit~ Su.1vlt1, l y .11.J Bikk.C'mlicrp.()J,cfl Si,-,:ii,gwi,h _...._ ., Kl..,...,.'"'• Ulnc»o: Koor & s.«11 I Vb.:imw-fuk,.:. 1i,c,v.in J<l"PI' KoreR.Rijjl-nbn-pm.:,1 I SO.8-~ Gt lll. IM1;i,11,._ Tl:I: •Jl '>llJ C.I <,1, 1:a ; oJ2 9 110 .?481. Em.ul: ,-fik~kfMC .l>c1'-KificRim ChilJ~) Oorut ffl,in l, llllflllluJ.,__, lbw ~ii. I l ,20 Ju.t y .!-OOS . An Mh't'mut<".,nJ "fl~tion d di,1in,:1j1'1.'n141,i((1(1111 ,_ 11uin,11,>un,l tlt,t l'.it,foc ki111.Auimc Du«1or. I k111 r lttk M 11d11tmoi,, ..ily, l',111i(.s1,1no ..;JI lllW'f.kt;.-dy<>•rl.M,: l\ilp :'IC.'lt.l., nMISi.., J.)IIC'<", lfl,m i>'l o,:no, Ln~ .uiJ:110,y ~hn11,,.'ii i, o.ui, ·..)pc';ibu .:,.,J in11ru.-1(1t1,,Q. nt.att: \X',1nJ.:,( fu,; 11 1ivd )1r«1<1,. 159 l...,imiRoJJ, ll <1"'1h.ol1J. H.:1w.:,;,. .i.J!OS,'i?50.?t>. 1:.ix: .i ,sos .~•,ssu?. f.mMI: ;,,(Mlr.icRrn,l~i ,;J ,o1g. Wch..1,:;,...,-w l',cR imh•, 1,v..11.ori:



I~ Qudin, Nom,;1&d)', Fr.ui<"<". IJ .l,I Jgl lOO), Foiir W<o rl,h <1 p• (.,,,C"h ,IJ"n', ,:hc,u, i8 co 16 y,,.or,,"JI ,..;,11 C..ihtr_. nUP"ur, Scon Ab11Ptoul)·,L\:ni, 11,.,,illi..•r

.&rid V~

1:_i~"\'I. 101h lnmnuio.,,u l "ll'Cli..i;,o(\'""l" Ch.t,in, L.a\·JI (~b p:fll,c-),f-un,..-.1<,.JO0 , 1 lOM-. ~ rl ,IK>11 ;i,o,u,J l"'f' "l" ,o,,J w,HlU~IWnch 1-llf•IC'w,ih f¼;.i, I br qud. Co11uct: A <:citu, Jo• F,..,ltt'. l.n .!II.A,n,llf Jwt11>b•:O.l.u.w! • C:11 Jl7, F C,')J\1


lxoo U'&t O?. t-nncc-. 1<l: ,J .1--'1-7l1'18J.10. F~, , .H--4,iMJIIJ'IS.hn..1il:.aci1u,1o..-c+l'..~ ,t.lOOl-.f ,. \11.~1c: t111p :lf...-j.11 ,UW.:1 1wt.,•'g l11m,u.1io,ul M~

r~,i•~. Cuit1111ig~

s.., ..,,..1-1~17

,. ,,,. 200-S, C.111,\I"'"' "'" ' , n J,fT,..m,1 ,.1tcy;,..>1,n.wld J10i

,u hia.. miM'l.1. dul,U,m'• ;i11,d (.-1u, k ,1....-.ih.J111! ,L,ilyec,., <,: ,,_,.(,>1 1IIC'p;or11t"1 1._.,,.'5 i;ruur,. Rtt;,.11JUOfl,lc..1Jlmc: ").!ft .?00\ . (Ml".i<"t : t-lM( : M,1in (}(IOI,.-,V,tl ,.. u •J \ , I •I . f..-08013l\.14·<lon;a. ~.:.u-. ·rd: • W•9,l. .?JJ1',4U, !Ci,· ,J,l .•)J.,Z4(,J(',OJ.l:,n,a:i l: limnilintt t'I \11.-..1)\11,: : ...........,;,.,_,o lnw nu1io ,ul Ch;IO, .11111 1 0!'1'botn t-"nt.i,:al ~c.1u11u1 S.11 11J,11 's<"'M:,, M.»bt,..rl} A1otft.:., 14-18 July !OOS l\.ilt'idM.vp,: 111 N;a,..,"- h,, di..'W"an.,I ,;,,,hnua 'l"'.ti.. ,,;..,,, '" t..,.,..,•,forn,..J,(A),1un: <'ult,• n• J\111,1,i.1. t :1, .,.,& Or,hnlu ( '"""" " lw, ,._ 11,,:lw ,,.,b,,.~ mi<!,A ')I).?() '-tl 1b..iri:. A,nu ,.1,

ti.·,eru l f'"'ll"""''"""..k,. «•m1..,.,i,io,,h 11nJn..111fflf('OUIIOl! lal '"" Ill •ht t";>l(pwi(.,, tu..,.h. ,ho,~ ,onJ .,,.i,hou.a, , ll i..•l'f,1w.1 I l"''VII'" Oll\luJc--1~ p.rud1., 11,,.>l.lf.l•dw lnPn tilV ,J"\',. .,,.,,.."'"" u1mnh r.+ ,-1, '"•.?-K.?1 \IO o. 1-n .. 1_u,1,z.ic21\I0 -41). ,,., ~ \ t<pl,r,.,,', \qu,a~. '""'""fo.11 ....,,~11\ 1, ., ..111,.1111(:1 I nu.I, uA1..ri."u1 I~"""'" 'IX.-1N1,·'... .,., "''""""-'' f',l"''f: ,·1iwn1l.t....,., \" '""' ,111o,i"" ""mt..J'"fi'(l 'r!,..,-'P° lm,u j,,1f'lll,.lf',llW• " -"' .-,:;ih) C -(,nU,f ' fa,,.~ C,1,-1,11ln1~•rl',I.CM11ul ~111: injt \'i 'ttl, 1:ur.a,;on. li•mitt t,.,h, t ho.11.111,-.cn ,I,, M..,tu,d I l~uni:, $p.>i11.16-14 July l-00~ h." "'°''-" I .in.I ,,ou,h ,h.lin. ur,; h ,:,.11.a,.! lllt


( ,n""""""'!l-"W


IC'II.\\ i,•11~ /W,111.1

1~,llt-.MUIIIIW. I ..,_,, ,!\ I llwttli(I. I m.111111 ,IC'lu,:Uurn ,1,..., • ....,, '" ~~-•<':....,.., .,,.,u,;1114,~•~"-..MI

r......... ..<t, Uk;), .,\I (...-,IJ,,,,:: (til\ ), J c.1.... 1t->. M. 1','w,ttutuJ.l lkl u, tc:1v tJ,(At 111.1< 1 A,""u,11>( ,., ( ·;,,r,1:1 ,le-l .1,,r~W"'.. (i,.n"''"u t .1.11 ¥11), A, ,.J.,,. w11II111

""'' " ~' tkH)U,· 11, 11 ...,_ I •'I0110,~,,...,,..,..., ........ ,. t,-1 ,\.l••• .. _!.?7 .!1, 1·.1, •~'t•l .,.,,!,!""'ll .

I m.1,I ><1t.1n 1.,~~'""'·•"1t \X\i.. ,u- ..........


hiropa Cu11al junior •i, \'ic, C:11alonia. Sp,1i11,I !J-Hi Jui\- 200.:,_ h,r ,l11i,!r..:11·,.111li~iii~' du1i1, 1n1u.d lPi,,·,J

{ :.1111.H i1111i11r ,/o \(:I<'

.11:,:d 1(J IS. ( 'nn1.1,1: hirnp.t 0

1'1.i...t \'i,1u1 1\.11.i~lll"f:;;, F-OSOO) ll.nn·l,11u, Id: ,.'H·'l_).;111-1


!-.in.iii: sciLC·1 ,,i,.nn



\\ d,,11,·: -' II 11.l"ll!llf1,ll .\!ll.l! _,iq:

Choir h.\ti\·,1] 2005, \b,prCm, I lun~ary. 28 Jui~-- I Au!; 2.()()')_ \p,-,·i.i! c,1111hin.11im1nf f~·,ti1.1l. nHnpniti,m .111dmini ,1)11,...-rtHlllr llln1,l'd 011 the jn;·, ol-lilt-. C:ont.lLl: ,/o \',11mi ,\hivdi,,k,i J,,.:i,1po111, l),)1-.1 (;_l'<,l'l,!_Iu .!. 11-S~(IO \',-vprc:rn. 1111111:,n;·. IL·I ,_H,-H8--1~•)(1•J.,, 1:.1,: ,_:H, SS -1~lJ(1')_\. l-'!11.iil: 1 rnk 1(,1 1c,11,rc·111.liu - \\d,sit,: 111v11_1·mk. ws111r,·111.liu \'i\·aci: Inri.:rnation;1I

-Timi.:h tlic Futun.-.., 2 1" 1 lnkrnational Children\ and Youih Choir FL·,ti\·,il RhineLmd - P.1l.1tin,Hl', J),m11'1,1dtSd1.111crnhcim, Ccrm.111y, 20-28 Aug 200'i. h,r childrn1\ .111d_1,1uth ,h,111, (<.'<Ill.ii 1<•i,,•,), .l~c·d ]ff-.20 .. \l'l'h hci,,r,; 1 l )n 200-l. lnl;!rm.!!i,lll: w1,·11.-li111.-IHlil'li1111r,·.,,1111

;;,y,I "Cuido


lllll"rll,Hion,11 Pnlyphonil

Cunq11.:1i1io11, .-\rcuo. ltal~-. 2.\-28 Aug 2.00'). 1'<1r.1m.un11 ,li,ir .ii n1,n11hli.:,. ( :.11c·i:11nc·,:( :hri,1i.1:1 pl.1i11,h.111!.

-i"' [ 1unn.11ion:il c:hnir f..:,ti\.il o(S.1Lrnl .\lu,i(·. Rotlt:nbur~. c;i:rm.111y. 21-2·1 July 2.0()')_ ( ,,n11,l'lici,111 i11

11 h


I .H-.·i.t. 5-S :\11µ ~IHl"i. ,\l,,-.·,·1Jll"ll! .u1,! 1,i,.1l 1nh11iqu\", J;ir

pol~·plio11.1·. 1111l~·ph1u11· tlir Lhildrc·n\ 1·,li,,·,. ,p,-,1.d ,,,mp,··

,i11gn, .rnd ,ondu,wr,.

1i1i,1n. i111·1 , lulr.11 k,1i1

,.itt·!!,1H1c, .111ddittiLL1hii.:,. ( ·,llll,lLl: l111,·rl-ul111r

.,tunl.iti11n. \m


\\'vi11~.111,·11_\. I J.5:;;.1l .' l'.!hllwirn.

, -1'1l1•1il_;.,1:;;r,.:;,_~'l. , .1,j.(, !fl_) ,;.:;,r,;,.!q_J-.in,1il·nuil<• 1 11111,i,.11111111di.u11t1

( ;,-1rn,im

I .i,:


- \\d"ilc

l11tc·trl.ltio1ul (;irl,'

Juh· 200';.

,2 11,,rk,h11p,:

< ,.\[). 1·u,1. \,lun1,·-H.1,.h ( l>lll.l<.!.

\ (

1<.:'.1. f--u_l,111·11\11_1. ll1

,1,1ir lllll' I 1.tnu·. I'"' 1.1"cisil,,, .. 1, \1,;Hi, c I' _ll I (,'1.\'\- I 1,,i1 ( nln 11') .\\.1 ~\'lS_\10.l.n ,II 1-S1i1\')S,

l,,.urn,, \1.,--•.,1


1 1.111 «

I m.1tl .1, j.11.111<,'·'11.111."!11,>.tr \\ < !,,


111: f11l)' /, ,I<j lllll'i, ,lllL'l.<>I~/

lni, in.l!1,i1ul ( llll1.d ( u1H,·,t



·- ,1,11, .,1 ., 11"!'""'


,,t I Ld,.111,·1.1,.111d \1 1.1111. -'-


.d of 1;llb,,n1~- ( :,1nt.1,


( ·urnpl·1i1io11 \L'Llcl.!!i.11. Lio h,11d.!lio11c· (;uidn -



lcdi.i 10~. 1. .:;,2100 :\1L·no. lt.1h

!cl: ,YJ-u:;;-'i._i'il,.'o.\. 1:.1x: +YJ-o.:;,-:;; __1,2.1··.,-"I.l 111.1il: 1011,l;:uidu 1H1lil;111i,,1.,1r;: \\-~·h,ir,·: 111111.J'11li1;ir1i, ,,.,, 1~

-.~\\"\\.lllltsi,·.h /rig.1,l11ii1 /k,1 i\ .ii


1\.1,h, \1 ]llhn"... 1'.iss1011(P


( ·1111u,t: ln1c·r11.Hiu11,1l( ·110r.1l

l·.111.1il: dwri~.1(-1 l.1111L·.h


"',\tu ..iqm: L"ll ,\lon,111"', A1u,_1.1.\'L'.1d.1y.


(:b111.d l'l',[l\",d. l{ig.1.

l·nti1·.1I. ll.tron.1 'l'I. l{i::-t. I.\" 1012. I .mi.1 l~·I: 1 ~-1 'lH'J \2'10 1:.1,: i I ·1 ..2_ (JI(,') \\'ch,itl·:


/ ('hil,!i,·n,

_'Ill !uh- .'IJI)">

luh.111,·r.1, .ind l'"h-f,)11>11_1· 111ilH".H1d1 \,ii· ,,nth, \!nlitnJ.111v.111 \,·.1 ,<1.1\I

2.11.Ilmi:rna1ional Choir !C~ti1.il. lbmkr,,



I., ,\ug 2ll0'l .. \ c<llllf'''ticin11 in 11111,min_:.:,.11q..:nric·,: ,·!iii ,lru1·,, li.,ic., l1.1111li,1,h,,ir. 1111\ui, );.;i; ,;;1,J ; h·.-d:::ii, ,h,,11 <'n11t.1,1· h:.,1,1,·11 Hln11d. ~1thr1111:;:.11,hq ~I .\kllnup. I )h. :-;•HIii l~.!ll,kr,. [ ln1111.11I, 1,-1- ,-1:;;-S(,-12.:.s--1. I 111.1d:hl,H1,ll,-Li-r111,11l.cd1·.dL \\ ....lis1[L':\\\\II, 1,,,1k,111.11.tlL ,1 1i1



."'!in~,!--h.-st(\,11, lrdand.

11-l•i ,\ug, 200"1, ."\1n1 ,u111p,·1i1i1,· k,1i1.il ln1 ,11<111", in .di ,.Hq:.,ril','

II. ltik,iui

( ·011r,1c1: \1\\\'

I nt1\.d,,

Furop,t C1111,11lr1tem,11io11.1I Sin;in;


Lido di

J,.:,nlo. J1,1k. 28 r\11; i Sept 2.0(Vi. h1r 111i,nl .rn,l ,111] -!1,11,, l·",i; ,_ \ lu,1, l,,i ,l1d,l1, n·~ ,in•11, - (,. ( ·11,, 1 1l 1, 0

PIHL'!ll]'•ir.1r1 .\111,1, I. I lD11.11i1],. "1'1r1111.d,11i,l i ''"l''-1 I'. \ni11h 1l ·_-.,,_.\1. \i.."1a·11.111 ."1,IHn,I ,,I .\lu,i, ! l l.ihl, 1,1 • l 1. l{n1\U1H1< \!11,i, (,. ( ;run {I )1. \·,,, .d ['up .llhl [.t// (

I. R.1dd,01w

,(,l\1. l .,,1u<1: l·l·:\I \I{( ·1 l. \ u \11.111;,,_ I \ \()""S \,trl \"i1<1.ii l'.1~li.t11i,·111u.l1.1h k); , i'J (I!', l 0- (,- ~ I. I .1,: 1 )•)II+) l !·C - '> •·1.

I 111.111: k111.11,,1(·'1i11.i1 • \\,·h,!Cc: 111111.!c-ni.1ru,.11

'" l".\1 111«, ·11.11d.

I· 1i1 21(,. l~l 1 [lu,Lq,,·,1. llt111;:.1c1 i.' ·1) ·-!!I. l·,1,: , \(, l l~O ,-'I(,

',] l.111.'(Ill:;,_ ( ,J11t.1,c: ( ,·11.un,·11 1111·1,,I, 1.,,1,-,i,·1.1,( l'.1111,,.,!',1,·,. tu.n;Jso I, >11,··. 1,·1.1 \ .1\, ll\ I.I. "l'-1117 l~-1:1 i I')/,; -10-11~. I .1\: '\ I <)(,.:C. 1_1.:, "(]_ ! 111.111111.lllllc'l 1-' h,1h.111,l.!S ,11:;

\\ ch,1tl': 11-.,.\',. 11111 ,kst 11.1k, ,,111

!11ti:rn.11i1111,1I h·,1i1,1I of(:l10ir l-'11\L"rnhlc,, - litil"\, l 1rusu,i~ . .\q11 200S. I ,11 ,h,,r.d (11'L'lllhic, 1111111 .ill ,,1,·1 d1<11.. rl,I. ( l'l\!.t,1: lnli11i1,, R,·.di1.i.u1n,,( ul1111.dcs 1 t ,.d1,i.1 I .1-1, nl. 'ioc,. \l,1111,·11,!c-"- l ·r11; 11.11

\\ vh,11,: 1'.111•,.l1.1h.11w1 .,,.,,q:

1d, l!HL'fll,llion.d ('lwir l-'c\lil.d. lk1.,m. llom.mia. l--t-21 r\u~ 200.:,. ]1\,·h,- 11,,1L,l1<,J" 1•.11h,,,r1<lt1,1,,r, tr,1111

I 111.1d:11111111, ,dr,, r11,,1ic,·\ 1,kn., utll.\l'. \\',h,11,·: \\\\\', 11til1111"1,.,.,lll







\pl'I, \,d,,i,·: ILikuHr•.,L

c:.1111.u liitL"Tn,ni11nal Sinf-:ing \\-,·d,. '.\e1cr,. 1-r.lllLL",2 • _\() ]11!_ ,I 1 100'1. i "r illl\e<! •.ii""' 11,,I 11,,l,•.1,111 1 ~ /.1dnll. I{ \1 , 111 1"\ h. ·\i,·l1<·i,· I ,\\111 \11wr1,.1n \lu,1, ! 1, -~hI, \\ 11~i, , ['. ( .il111,It 1. J 1. ( '"'l'<"I .\ 111,1, 1( . lk111.uJ. ( ]):\I ( <lll(.ILI: \,lll.111\l ( il.1111.llllt' j lil< 11'-1( ,1111.11 I urop.i

I,·, l'.1,"·1,·II,-,. _) I .. !\l"llll<" l•l.!!\lll'' \l.1,S(I, l\l' 2] ')SI


1...-1, \f,-1

I 111.111: lll\1,t, ,1i1.tf,1., .1,, l.-1<>fiu

l«-;111.1111.l 'I(, ( .11u,l.1. I 1.111,c. l,1.1,-I. .\l.1<ul,,111.1 .1nd J{.,rn.m1.1. ( <>n1.1c1·'"" 1.11.1l~<>111.1n.1 ,I, ( 1111( "ul f\.,, I(, l I' -11_ ;1111°1(111 Hr.1",1- l\1,111.1111.1Id: , ill .~(,,'>'I )i.2">. I rn.111 111.111 ... 11,1.11• 11.d,,.".11 l·mop.1 ( ·;1111.11 Showtl1uir

/.,,d.rnd. :---k-thcrl.rnd~.


,i1111'k 11111\c'lltc·111 ,111dd,11"'

111-i,111ln1,1.1,ti1 1, 11il1·.1;•.,· I.; t"



J{om.t. lt:d~.

2(1 .,

I Jui 200')

1" 11\ ,, 111j,,11 111dill,11111 ,.11,·t•,"11" .Hid ,_l1lti,11!c1,·, 1 ( "111.ILI. I <'1,lt ,,., 1, Ill 1111,1L11l1111.·\111\\, 11\:'.,lllt'II ]',,, 1I.is 1, I ';;, I) :,; 1I..., l'<,lilh, 1111.< ,-·1111.111, 1.-1 . 1•11, 11i; q-,1,-,_'.;,_ l .1, , 1'1 1>1!1\ 'l'>r,--,_"J 1 r1111,1s I 111.111: 11•111•· .1 l\llll1<!i.c,,i 11 \\, l,·,11\' IS\\\'. llll!SI<,I 11\111\<[l.c ''111

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1,.... 1" !.11•.lil l.q1 .111( lici1 ii

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l·I 21 Au~ 2.00"1. I Ii, .11,·]1,·1ll'ill 111u>lf'dl.Hc· ,in~i11~

\\ vl"i(,


(;rieg lnt,·rr1.11io11.1I (-lml~ 1·~·,til',!I llcrg,·n. '.'\nn1.1;. \ I .\qH, 20()",_ I h,- c<ll11)1 <"(1ll<l!\i, "1'''11 I<>,lll\.ll,·111, h,111, Ill , hil,lro1,,

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dit1i,ul11_ .111d1h~·1,· 1, 11" (,nn111i\,u11 pa,, \111d.1ug I lti,. kn111nlid,.1U,...-n '). :\ :\ .. 1\I .!I

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\\ ,·l,,11,·. \\\\I', .h.1ll--1i.I .Iii

< .1111.1Br.1,il 2.00.:;,1111·1 < lwir I ,·sti1,1I. 1th 1n1·1 I ·11i,crsit_1{ h1>i1l ,-,1i1.il. ,\.u, I ,111rc-11\1>. l\li11.1, (;a.ii,. Br.uiL I(, 2.1 r\u~ 200"> ( ,,ii1.1,t ],.-, I l,1111,111, .\1.111111,.Ru.! ( ,I I,,,, 111-i""' 1,S 1 ; 1 ·11 IHlll "i" I L>illc'llcl•. .\1111.11,( "1,11' l\1-1111 ! ll>,1i\:b1.11d, 11.,11k,1i ', di,: /lj')ll,111., 1111\I,, \\,h,11,: \\l'.l\,h!.l/ll,li.,1:l,,11\ ii l.11 11,1

12 11 • l·un,trdf

l·i·\1i,,1I. \\'olknhlittc·I.


- 11

"'lt:pt 2.00';_ { c,11,v11,. S l'.<111-.,11<,I"-),11 ,hild1,·11, .llld '.,,111li ,li,,11, l,l'llll,lll,h,.11

l'(lssibdn•. h,l111vn1

,,I l\i'.1<•11.11 l''"):1.11111•.1111.I .ll!ll iii, l,'111.d \ 11111.1,1

\1h,11,l,1,1, \J.1,1k 111,l,1 li1:•.,n,I \\\), \d,1,li,1111,, i,o_ I l i.'i 1111\\11lk1il,1111,I. ( "1111.1111 l,·1· , 1<J.:,» I 1(,1J 11,. l.1, , iq -, \\I 1 \ - I h ) 111,1il.·\\ l l\l11,ild11d,·r lu::c11d• I (11Jl111l .,I, ,•,T.1•, .11111 11111,1L.J,





lmcrn;llional (:hor;i\ (:ompctition, Trdcw. P:11.1gn11ia. 20-2-l Sept 200'i. Compctitin· and 11nt com-


p..:titiH: utl·gori<.:\: dmir\

voc.11 group,.

mi:..<.:J, t~·m.tlc .rnd 111.11<.:

l\l ~1.1~·

(\\"ith pr<.:viou~ ~<.:b:ti11n). ,\pph-hd~,rl·

.201l'i. ( )ptinn.d

\\·lch nthl-r South

in conn<.:nion


:\m<.:ric.m rq.;io11",. Conl.il!:


C.U:., :\[,:j.111Jro

D.mid { :.1r.r,.1110.S.rn ,\1.1nin ~., 1.2.)-, ') I 00 Trl·kw. 1'.1t.1i'.oni.1. :\rsL·111iru Id: • 'i+2')(,'j .. j<)\.\'i3. bx: , 'i-1-2'1(,'j .. j<) I Y'd. F111.1il: Liltrdi..:w(, 1·_1'.lhnu.l"<l!ll.:\T

Clmr;i] Fcs1h·:1I, l)nhmvnik,

2nd lncernariooal


U-15 Ocr 2005. Non•cornpt.:titi\·l·. tor .ini.ttl"ur L"IHlin Apply hdorl':

l )1111c200).

I )uhro\'11ik ( :kunlwr


( :hnir. Srrm~1m·_1nm-.1 'I. I IR•2000



\ /tl, Can1ap11l'hlo, L1 Fi1:,t;1 Coral de Anu.:ric1, ~kn<lo'l.l, Argcncin.1, 1-6 Nov 200'i. ( :lwr,1! ·1r1ht1tl" to tlw T:\:--.:C(l .. \l.1.,t<.:r c:1.1,\, c:onkrt.·tlt.<"~. UHl(L'lt\. [.111"<1 d.UKl". c:,1111:1<:!:(:ant.1l111chln. L, Fint.1 (:nr.d 1k .\t~~rit.-,L

·1~•l/t:1x: ,.'81

1.\8 22 •ilJ- ,\luhik: +_\H'i 91 C:,l"i '>2<i'J or +5H"i ')H 'JH2 ·o•JI. Fn1.1il: in!(1(,1,!uk1.org - \\'<.:h,itt··

Ca~ill.1 Po,ul 2-, )~Ill ·1~•l:, "i-i-2<, l-·120F'J.'\.


Em.iii: l,H11.q,ud1!11(·' .1rli11khht.l",m1

c;nd1l~' (:nu.

1\k11do1;1, Ari,.;cntin.



\\"l·h,itl": \\"\l\\',Uljlpl.t.,,1111 ..lf

( :huhuL

in ~!mica, P;1Jma de Mallon:a,




in ditfcr,·11t ,.11q;nril'.~ ,md dittl. 17•1• i\lalt.1 intem.uion:il Choir r...~ti\·al. \'.dc1c 1, ~lalta. 7. c:011taL1:hirdn1nt·in l111c1kul1ur. :\m \X'ri111..;.111c11 I I No,· 200'i. Opl'll l;ir .di t.Hcgori,·,. ( '.um.to: i\1.ilt.t ). l'mtf'.1Lh I 2)"i, I )._\'j.j l 'i Puhlhnm. ( ;l"flll.lll\' , l1H,·r11.ui,llu! ( :l10ir 1:,.qjq] - ']iiuri,111 At1dH>1in·.,\ 111,n,,,· Id: H').(,.jO.\-')"i(,'"i.~). !-.ix: +•i').(l•ill.~-()"i(1"i2'), ,!'ll.llil·. ~ll'rlli.m1, ~trLTl, \".1kn.1 C,\!R ll.2. \1.;!u. ·1~t:"' Frn.til: n1.1il(,1111u,i,,1-1111111di.lolll +.\"i(i-22'11 "i:-iO'l. F.1\: +5"i(,"22•JI "i.S')'J. Frn.1il: L'l'l'tn,(,1 ,-i¾ \\d1,itL·: 11·11·11.nm,ic.1-mu11di.<.:0111 it111,1lt.1.to111 \\'dl,i1,·: 11ww.n1.1lt.1dltlirksti1-. 1Lt.rnn Oct 2005. Cornpctitiun

CREDO h-~tival nfOthodnx f'l.1usic. 22-2') Sept 2005. hH all c.n<.:goriL·\.

J.!d1 lnkr11.1tional




ConLilt: Lillinn.

\'ivo ~luu~ik.i

F',\n11i.i. Tl·lil·:\X


l-.rn.1il: vin,1m1mik.1<•_; hut.re

POP Box .h'i'i. (1-l'i 'i! 1J:- -




w11w,( >TIhodo:..,i ngcr~.u llll


8 1h lntcrn;11ional Choir Cont<.:~I off-landers. ~la;1~11u:d1den, Belgium, 2,l-2{, Sept 2U05. lru<..:rn.!tional

Emils Darlin ln1erna1ional Choir (:ompctition, L1.1via, 20-2j Oct 200'i. c:u111pui1ion dnliutl·d l _\C:,d1.1n11i1l·r,.ir_1·uf ,nmpmcr


I ).ir,in.

.f,h Compl'tilion of Choir~. hb de ~lar~arit;1, Vcm.:'1.ueb, 2-t Nnv · 2 llL·c 200), ( :hoir L·omp.:tition tu1 11,i:..ed ,ltld

Ri~a, w die ( ]mir ,om-


c:n11l<.:rcnn· ,,n I .ui11•:\m,·r1,. 111Lh,,r.il

fll't1tn1n will JH<•Ln·d in tl.llio11.il k.1guc (l<lr \ .n1·i.t11

11\Usi,. I ).-.1dlim·, tiir .1ppli,,uin11:

Lh,lir~) .111d i111t·rn,1ti,,n.d k,1;:uL· (] .111·i.111 .111clforL·ign


I. ·.-\111i!ic. Pi,o I H. 1\11 1. I 8. l'n1l.111ur (1101. l·do Nun·.,

ol· l·l111dt.:r,, Ct·rt \'.rndcrlcc I ki,1r.1.u 2YJ. B-J()_rn !\ Lu·.nwLhl'l,:11, lldgitun "li:l: , .'12 S')- -:-(1'J(,(1S, bx: d2-8'J. -(iW<"2.

.in,I c,(lwr ,ll'li\'itic, in 1·.iriou, I .ll\'i.111 Liti,·,. ( :ont.\Lt: 1 .t11·i.in \l.uio1ul ( '.<.:ntlt' lor ·1·radi1inn.d .111,I l\·r!(1rmi11g :\rt,. !'ii, l.1uk111lh ·!. ]Ziµ,.1,!\' ].~(,.:., !..1t\'i.1. Td: +.\-1 -2.:H•JH'l. h,: ;_:;-1.-22-:-,10'1. L111.1i!:


I· rn.1il: n l"llt'!lll'lllcn(i

p.1,1,(,, cmr.g1)1·.!,


I ) th S. Simkm Chor.ii Competition,

\\d),i t,·: In l p:// pcr\ll. w,111.1d,">.l·~/l< 1m pl'lnKi. 1,, 11, )\/ l·,impL·tt·nci.1.h1rn

L"011tL·,1lirnnL·J to t·11,<.:mhk-, f10111 12 en -1'i voJL<..:\


lil'n l",Hq!,11rin: equ.11 \·nice, :rnd mi:,,.n\ L"hoir,. ;\pph


hL·for<.:: I)


c:011t.Kl: lntrt11.nion,1l








Rimini in Mt1\ica, Rimini, haly, 2_\-27 Sept 20115

l.i1lm;1t1i;1, 21-.!.l

( .omp<.:ticion in ditkrcnt


( .oll!.!tt:



.tnJ diftiudtil·,.

h1u11d.t!io11. Arn \\'cit1j.'.,lflt·11 \, I)

c;n111.111\ J"d: ,-i'J-(1·d)_).l)C:,(1'12'1, F.1x:

)).112 ['uhllwini.

1·1'J-(1·10)-'J'i(,"i2.<J, Er11,1il: 111.1il('.'111miL.1-mu11di.ro111 \\'d1,i1 t·:




.1- lllll!l(I


.tnd 1.111 dw11,. ( .unt.llt: l{rg1on,d ".-\ukur.i-.··. !)011dai,iu ,11. •I, 1·1 )HOO

1-.:1.iipL·,!.i.I irhu.rni.i.

·1;_.i_ d-O .. !(,._'l')~-i'T1 I :1,: i .'>7 () .. 1(1-Y>H-02, h11.1il: .1ukur.1,(,1 ku.lt

( :n11111c·tn1,1n1n



( :0111.it1: ;\,,,1! i.11io11t· ( :011u11·,o ( :or.ii<.: lllll'l!l,l/111n,tk,

< _p (1H

\"i,1 ~1.it'tri,

Id: 1Y/-(Hfr1-)(11Jl


)H0/,(1 ]{1\',\

1.'1. 1:ax:

iniu'.· 1 '- nnt"ur•,,lLOr.1k.i1


l ,.ml.i


ff:\J, l1:1k. Fnuil

\'\°d1,i!L''. w1,·w ,_·nn, nrsn,_11r

ilr J!

(:lwir {:ump<.:ti1ion,

ln1erna1ional , hildirn,

1 h1,1r.,, 1n1xnl 1·,1uth , h<1i1\, c h.1111hrr ,·11,l·rnhiL·.,

1n,l ,.uq;1,ra·,

J,,r lfr11;11.,,.!!h.l' ,tnd ,\1ndl'!'n /\111\i,

( ,1111.1<·1: h1,·1HI\ \ i(1i,li.1 llld, bx:

Sofia. Bul~aria, 'i-8 cqu.d \'oi,c,.

( <>lllp,·11uo11 !01 rnrxnl ,hoir,.

, Vi()


"hor.d l\lu,it



l 11JS .'1<1ti.1.l\11lg.tri.1. 'h·I: , )C:,'/-2-'l"i!l+f.)O.

Lwal ,\r.,11nd

( :I' \ 1~. F-(1')) ,,- I .von (

:n\n (l'l. Jl..l: 1_l,'l-+-2!•JH_',.HJ, F.ix 1.'>.l-+"'H.-U-1\'JH,

Jn.uml·,-1\l.1,~ct h.lllLl"

hn:til: KjJr.m,,(,

1 11·.111.1drn1J1

111the_\ 1,·1111,11,.1,11 l l.111..

l .11qinrir,


m.1k. l~·111.1k.rrnxn!.

lh,11r, .. md 111.1k, ll'm.ik l·L·st1,·.1!,,nl1· 11,ithllllt


.uid 11t1\,·d ,i11>i1·,


RepuhliL. - 9 Oct 200"i. ( !l!lt'd(s.

o,fll,lcl: I!'()\ ..\!{ I :\,\1:\. I )1. l.1ro,sl.t1·.1 ,\1,11lill,ht11·.1. 111.trn,l,.1-! 1'( lHn\ I.\. l.'.U .l\

ll'I: • t.!(I .~.~[ "111-')(,!. l·.i\ .1r1,1111.1(·' iprn mk.u






,\1"r,·l.111d '-.tr,TI. I olld"ll ·201111\

11 1nt· 1mis1 Ii,· pL·thlrinnl

I·( ·1\

( )pen


\\ ,-)i.,11,-: \\"\\"\',., h,>11,1llll.h I., I fill





,d , h,,i1,

( ·"11, ,11·. \\corl.,]1<ll"

\',.\ILTl.dls I ; "-,,,, I 1111<11 Ill,,,,,/<\,




(';1111.uc.. c:,lrdoh. 1"

I Nm


l·,,1 .111k1111I,

l· ,, 11"1"1' '" h:11 'l'i


\111)1), o,1)1.lT


l,•,11< "',' \\,


111.dl'. l.idi,·,-'.rnd 1,\1"ll


1111<"111.llinn.tl.'-oc.unn f 1.,u,c

I 011d1>11H '1\' Sim. llnitn!


of Adn.'nl





J.11q,l.1\·,1 \1.,d11Hhn1.1.



;md ( :lui\1111.1~ ~ 0 , 20())

l .CJllLI, 1: IPl l'-, .-\RT.-\ lll,11tllk.i

+. l'()]l


1\ ).~.

[~·1: t·l..'ll-!.21

l_·_.1x: t·l2ll-.'.2J_.-;w·,i:;;:;;_ hn.111: .lrl.!111.l(-,IJ'll~ \\eh,1(c:



,u1d ( :!iri\llll;h

. .! ) 1kt


l-'l'~ti,·,11. llud.ip<.:~t.

.!OO'i. N,,n-,111111,,·1iii1,· lc,1i1.d ft>1

,h,111, 111.ill ,.Hq!••ri,·,.

1'1<>1•.1.1111: .,\,h-,·111 .111d ( h11,1111.1, '-.,,n!'.' ·\1'1'1_1·h,·l,,1,·: .\1.1•.. !!l!lc;_ { ·,::::.1,1: .\l'i\\- I t·s(i1.1ls , 1u 1.\1111," l1,11tl !I. ltik.'1,,1 i:1ir .'I<,_ l.'l•11'111d.q,nt ! ltmµ,.111 Id:, '>1,I -t..'__O_ ill. 1-'.l\:, 'lh I -1..'0 1~'l(,. l· 1n.11I. rn11,k,11\ .1h(·1 ·.1,d,·1, ,.Im

1'' l111erna1ion:il ('lrnr.d


i, 1h,· ~h(iir,

Pr.1i;m·. C1<.:ch Republic


SHl\. l "1111nl l'\1111:dnn1

l·m.1il: ,.n.1li11,lm"'Il'''',·.1ll'111.u,


nl dw1r prckrrnl

.1, p,·11~Hrning in

2:-i'JO- 20 t!!J.\. l-r11.1il: ,.n.d1jnhn,un(,1 ,c.u~·ni.uiin rh,1tL·: www.Llw1r,onLlL t.,om


11u1· I),





,,,1111wr111<i11I_ ltqlnto1tl''


l.~(f .'.l l'r.1gl!,· 'I. ( :1t•Lh Rq111hli,

BohL·nli;i, L,nh

1,,Hk,l11•I'· ,<>lllfl<"ti1in11. (

_/\_lnrel.rnd ',trrl"l.

( ·0111pnitiu11.,

J 1Jt!, lntcrnalional { :hor.il Comp,·ti1ion and Fntival Prague, C,.cdi lkpuhlic 29 Ou I Nov .!005.

1.-1·,-1-1 2:-i'lll

;;•, 111L • .' 1 .ll l.!!ll.l

'.Ii,·11pp'.1rtuni1_1:10 ,i111: .1 .,..IL·t1inn


( (1nt.1,1 ( h,lil' < ,11\l.lll l11t,·1n,111011.d. '1,-.itc-111l [.,u,L·. \q

\\ \'.\'>.q



J 'jib lntcm,1tiuu;1I

l11q1:/ /.1<1.11llJ\ic.llll"t nrg/

1h, ,111111,l'liti<1n.1 ,ornpul.,.,r1·

22 \ ',() ·•h"i_ h1uil:

II .Ill.Id,)<


- \\

c,,h lutcm,Hional h·.,ti\·,11 of RomantiL i\·Iu.\iL. VLii..:hovo Bfic'li. l'r:1th;1tiu:, Virnpl'rk. h:r,uodl\'/k (:;1\tk. ,111nhern

, L~ll

i.i,' lf\l\~;

{ :n1H.ll t: l "lioir l 'ont.tL(

1.11;,·11t1,1rn .111;•1'l"rl1ld .111d!(>I ,h,>11, .ip11 ,·,1ring .1, p.111 ,,t

2 'J"i!l-1-1) 1. !.111,111:t, 111fc,,.1h1·.h;'.

1'1,H:ll1 •!. ( 1nl1 l{q1ulil1,

l:l<ll!'!1'(:/ L,lll(\'.lll·t Ill


1111:wdLlw1r1 . .\tu~iL ,dn1,·,l

po1111l.1r.rnd \l'l'illU\ l-i1.·1Kh :-.1u,i, ll'ith 1z,:~i, l l.uq11,·l ( :11111.i,t: .-\ ( ·nt"t1r )ni,· 1:r,rnL,-, I,., l',l\'<·rclle,, .)·I. ,-\1,·mit·


Oct 200"i

of Youth Choir~.


hani..:l'. 2(i .. \O Oct 2()(Vi. \\'orbhop


dv 1\l.i1·u hlif.

hp,u1.1". \'n1t·111d.1 "Id: ,)8 2'Vi 2<d•!'i2'i, Et,: , 'i.S 2--; ..:~:2-(, i • hn,1il

l(K,1l 111st1t'.1l1nn, .md dlllrLhc,.



lmnn:1.1ion,1I ,\d\'cn1 ~ing.ing, Vienna, Au~tri:t, 2·i Nm· . 19 Dec 200"i. ·1 hi, ,nil's 1)1,1n·ku1d, i11 lh•,,:rnhl'I offer


sul (;;JTJa. Riva del C,mh1, Italy, 12 I(, On

I fu11c 20()", ( '.011t.lL!:

( 'orm. ;\v.

Oct 200';, ( :0111pt"titi1111llfll'!l 1<1rni\"c·,L

rn.1k-. cliddrl'n·, \o,il'l)"

1011 • International Canto


( :n111pc!L"tKi.t ,k

\\'d,si1, .. 11·1111. 111,1,Intl\

.11,., <)111

6 111 .. Pr,tp1c Chri.qma\ .. Im'] h:\ti\·al of A1h<'nl and Chri~um~ ,\lmit, Pr,iguc, C:n:d1 Rcpuh!it", 9-11 Dec 2005. For childrl'n\ and .idult choir,, .1l.,o lor 1;1[klore group,. :\ riLh fr.1Jlle p:osr.11n111t·,IJld pL-rf;,rm.im·L·oppormni1it·,. {:0111.11.l:{ :lu), 'l(nn, .,\gl'ntur. l'.nd ~1·.irL,;-,.;-,! 1-l.ijku .~(,-. 1:--:000 l'r,,h.1 )-;,C:1nh Rq 1 uhliL kl: ,-1. 7_0 1 X-1H.1C,(1(I:-:. Ln: .-1.:'0-.:'-H-1.'i.:'(/,OX, F.111,til· tl,1(•1 i,,l.t1 - \\'dhict·: 11ww..lLL(,rdinn.t1 111 w11·w.Lhoir,.L,

")1h lntemalional

m.tk .tnd rni,L·d LIH,ir, 11·1th 1(i-•18 ,illf-;<'f',. h,Jk ,1•llf-;' !1hHJ·LOlll)lL'liti1·,·1,u1<ldirn· 1.nlllpL·1i1l)-!. j>1ti~1.Ulh k,impul1!1l'_I',1·rn· .111,l( ;r,md l'ri,). :\fit,lr bd;irl·: 21 :\'m· 200-i. <:(1lll,tL1:1-"kl) (RepuhliL 11t';',](1\'r11i,1 l'uhli, l·11nd tor {'ultur.11 :k!i\'i!1L·,), ~t,{1n,11·.1"i, \l-1001) l.julilj,111.i. Sl1nT11i.1. IL·I:~.rn(,.1-2-11()-i.:'O:,,f'..t:-.:+_'IH(,-1-.~·!10~]0, l·.rn,iil: mi11<·l.1.1.1t~"clid·'j,kd.,i \\"<-!hill·: 111111.j,kd.,i


Choir Competition,

Choral h•_qiY,11 & l'rctoria, .South Afri..:a, 19 • 28 1'.by, 2006. 1:l'\til'.d Lomhini11!', C<11111w1i1in· ,111d non-co1111,,·citi1"t·per• fm111.H1ll'\ i11 Pr,·wri.i, Joh.umc,huri:, dw pnl\·i11<_. nf ,\lp1m1.1Lrns,ir11ding in !'J~·l,pniit .1n1l d1L 11,Hi1,n.d 1'111gn P.1rk. Coru,llt: Bri.111StH1on. 1:l·,1i1·.dl lirn 1t,r. )l() Jinx 'll.\.rn, Au,kl.1nd ['.irk, 200/, <;,llltt·tn!,. S11111h .-\triu. Id: 12- 11 -18'l 252·1. 1-.i:-.:._:,- 1 l :--;';- "ll_Vi, Fn1-1il:h.imh.111.111iiU ;-·.1IHHl.ullll lfambanani

lntcmalion;d Chor.ii (:ompl'lirion "~laribor 2006"', Slo\'eni.1, 2 l-2J Apr 2(10(1_fm lll' Ill 12 sL·kL1cJ k1n.1ll', 8th


Zwic:kau, Germany, 1'..lay 2006. ( :ompi:titio11 in ditkrem l",\tL'gories .md Lliflirnltic~. :\ppl~· hd(irl· 1 J.m 200(, {:ont.u:c: l111nkul111rFound.uion, r\rn \\",.;·ing.1ncnJ. DVi-i 12 l'nhllit·i111. l ;am,\111. kl: •·i')-HO.\-'Vi(,:,2:., b.\: 1 111u,ic.1-m1111di.n,111 ,-i'J.(,.j{)_\-<Vi(,"i2'), Fn1.1il:m.1il<· \X'di,itl': www.11u1,ic1-rnundi.u1m lntl'rna1ional

Fe~liY,il of Folk,onp and ('.horal 1'..1mic. Portom,., Slml•nia, 8-11 Apr 2.006. l )l'l" 1Tl1111ir.1· l<>l'L'llonn 1n ~ll!llf'.1111nt' 111.1111 111(nn,11u111,1I< h1>11,io dw n1<h.11ui11,:,·n1in111111cn1 ol [\)11,>1!>/.·1·1ll'1nii1,ll ,1-trt, .rnd ,-11,I, :, i! h , ,·r,·111<>11iL"• in1·<lh-i11gpnl4ir 11l,lllLL'\fr!llll .11! dioir,. ( lpt·n 11J111,1k. Li.Ii,<. rni>.;td.1nd .n>uth dwir,. rnu,iL fll'I lo111in! will hr lt1lk Jllll'>iLuf ;-·otlr uH1nt r_1nl !1iigin. ( ·,,nt.i, 1. ( h,,tr ( ·,,n1.tcl l11tt·i-1_1.11i(11,1.1,I. 'lL·.11'.·m- I llolt,t·, ',</ ,\l,,rd.111d ;',11,ct. l "n,ln11 I ( ]\ 81\[I, l 1J1tu

h.i11gt!1Hll kl: 1·!·! 2X')I) -/() (j()_\. f· m.iii: ,.11,1hj,,h1h11n(·' s-·,11L"11i.u,111 \\'t·h,itc 111111 .th11ir, ,wt.\\ l.L,,n1

Choral Conle~l ol South ,,mcri-.:an Music, L1 l'h11a, 8-11 Jum· 200(). h11 .1111.neur mi\nl. L'1p1.1l 1·,,i,L·, :111d,h.11nlll'r Lh<lir, f1,,111.ill (l\'t'I 1lu: world. wi(h L·,impul,tiry .11Hl11<:e 11od,, lr<Hll _\,l\1th .,\illl'!iLlll 1:.,11, ,111dPopul.1r .\111,i,·.("◄ HH.1,1: ,\,<1,i.1,·i,in Argc111in,1p.lr.! l,1 .\!1'1,ic.1{:,n.11.(:.dk 18, n" .ml, l'Hl(l I .1l'Lu.i. Arg,·111in.1. ]~·I: +:.-1.221--12-iH.12(1,Li:-.: 1 'I 1-221-·i20:,8 \2(,, 1-rn.til: 1 i11ti11·i.Lc ◄ 1n1..1r - \\'cl"i!c ,l.lllll,!tl!(· l\\l'\\.,!.1111,,1n1,,,rµ .•u Arf-:emina,

\Vorld Chor:il h·\tival Sal1hur~ & ViL·nn,l, Au.11ria, 21•26 June 200(, . .,\ "l lntr 111,\ I if~·cum·" "]']'<>!lt111i1)·t1i Jll'f· 1;,r111i11S.d,\,urg .md \'il'lm.1 with dJl' •.•:,iddt\'11[)1'.'lln! ··\-ic·1111.i ll(]n· ( ·1iuir"' .md the "\'i,·nn.1 .\-1.ik( :ho1.il

\.1111,ur~,\( till'"( ;rmd I I.ill" ol dl<.' · \1u1.1nn11n" .utd in \'it·n1u. ("11111.1,cII.iring 1(1-(; { :lm1,d ro(iul, \liLh,1L·I I l.1rill[-.:,( ;Hll"llt.:ll(1)q'..lSSL' ] or, ,-\.]0'1(1 \'i,·1111.1. :\11,1ri.1 Id: +·1 ~-<l,-t-1Xl 1181l, l·.11: , -, ). i._) 1-~,-1(,0, h11,1il: \\'orld ( ·h,11.1l.h·,tiv.d,\,1 ,h,·li,uc \\',-h,itL·: w111\..111,11 i.111!c-,1i1 .1is..ul _",,1ll\'l_1· · in

ln1L·rn,Jtion;1IChoir Fc~ti\·,11.Veron:i, h,,lr, 19-25 Apr 2006. ( )pt·ni 11!: L(!llLt.:l'I 11, 11hi, h .ill<. h!)ir, 11ill lw i111 itn! 111,ilst till' u>!lll'L'lltinn 1.1kn pi.le<. in d1,· ·1,-.!110 Ntl<l\O. ( )11u11,, 1111,nl. 1n.1k. l.td1n· , l11!dr<."11, .11111 \"'" .11 cnst·m hi,-,. ( ,l,nir, ,111- ,1,knl c,, p,·1!,>r111.l ,nr11pul"111 J1ln.<.' u! l\lll,iL in ,i!l,litl<l!l l<>,\ :>t·rJ,,1111.111,,· tH1ll1 ,! I 11"''ibk <..l!c gmi,·,_ { ·,11\1.t,1: ( lioir ( '0111.i,1]rl!,tlUll<lll,il, 'K,\ti.·111 I l1111st·,i'J ,\f.,n-L111d\11,Tt. I und,lll H ·1 \' S!l]I_ l '1111,d kirH:dt1m lt·I: +·!·l .~.--::Hl-2(1 (1!11. Lm.iil: ,.1r,1hj,1hn 'I 1111:, 'l-,11,-111 , 11111 \\, h,ii, .. I\\\ 1,., l1oi11.11111.1, I.<111!1

'i2'"1 <:ork lnlL'rnacinnal <:lwr;il Ft·~ti1,1I. lrL"l.nu!. 2.(1JO Apr 200(1. { ll°lt-1,, 111,ir,iliv ''J1jlillllll111_1

It> ,111Jlj1,·1,- Ill

till' pn·,11girn1, J ki,..11111.11111 l111,·n1.Hi1111.1I lropln ( _,,1111,u1il,111.





lpc·11(<· .11n-. lw1:


:1:t~·:11.lli<>n.i! -.ui1d

'I"'' iii, ,1lh , h1l,l1,·n,, h,)ir,I. ,\111111l,d,lr,·: I

'\:,>1 _1 (f0"i ( <>Ill.le 1: ( ,,rf, l111c·111.11in1ul ( lin1.d l,sii1.1I. h·,u,-.d I l""" l --i < ,r.u1d l'.11.tdc l nrk. !rd.!n,I 1,·1:, h) 21 -1.'2\"i_Vi b,: ,hi .1 1 1,>_l)"i\(, I 111.1il:,h,uksil• 1 i,,l 1, \\,-1"11,· 11\\1\.c111bl1111,d.1<.

l111i.:rna1iou,ilI L'sti\',il for .'-iin~c·r,,\\'l'i111,1r. (;errn:111.r.28 r\pr I ,\Li~· 200(,. ( lp,11 10 111.1l,·. l.1d1c-s',111d 11111,,l ,lu,11, I ltn,· 1•, 111,,1il'11l.u1,,n ,1, 1111h,· rnu,1, l"rt,,111\,-d ( ull\,ll r. ( h,,11 ( l>lll,1,l l111,·11u11n11.d. '•w.llL'lll J f,>11" \IJ .\111H-l.111d \11"·!. I u11d,111I ( I\ X!\B. l '111!,·d l\11lf',,J,,111 l,·I.




l·111.1il ,,11,d11Pl111"1111· 1 ·, •1<111,,1111

Fm.1il: ,1!c11.i.1m·j'1rikov.i(,1 t\",1r.u



Hil 1 ln1em,uio11;tl

Fc.~ii\'al of Acnfomfr Choir\ IF:\S Pr\R· DUBICE 2006, C1.cc:hRepublic, 28 June. J Jui 2006. 1111,·rn.mon.11 l :h!lir Lxhibitin11 .111dromp,·1i1ion r11rmi.,i:d dwir,. mi:s~·d t:h.tmhn dwir,. !~·m,ik-d1oir\, l~,l);l!lrt·LH<'· sor:· .mJ trihu1e Ill \\'.:\.,\!u/.lf[ .111dltSLillllll,l!ltl l,11<'· ;:nric,. Thi, rl',1i\',!I i, .d,o ~ll]l]'Orl<'d !,~- d1<' .\lini,1r~· ,,f (:ulture. {:nn1.11·r· .-\l,-11.1~kjstrik,>1,1 ·1;_.i:♦ -12-0-0---:- 2•1010·t28, Llx: ,-12-0,1!,(,-<1l•1 I <,2. J9t1, International

rl1l' Tuscmr i\lmic: Fc,\ti\·,11. ~lontcc1ti11I, Ital~-.12-26 June, 200(1. l'.111iLlj1,lli,,11m 1lit· ,·11,l1.1111ing ·1,,1,h 11.1r,1,k lrnlll IL·t!llL<.IU (!> lnrrl'tl.! 111111.u-l; tl1,· k,ti1.1l's .1ni1.d ir1 tht· !<)l\'11. ( )chn lt1L.lli<)ll\14,r11 ,-rf;11n1.i11.n i11< ltHk \!,,111n.111ni lam<:, ,q11.uc·. 111.-l,,,.11 ,hur,·h,, .1, 11<."ll .1\ 1hL· ,bur,h,·, "I 11,·i1-:J1lio1111111: 1ill.1~<-,.( )1,,·n l!l 111.1k. l.1d1,<. rnixnl .111<11'<11Jd1, liui1,. lllll\i, i, d1, , h,111,m1·17 "·l,,1ioll. ( ·u111.1,1: ( ,hnir ( ·,1111.1,1 lr1tnn,11i,1n.d. \c1u·111 11011"··,i'J ,\l,11,-l.t11d \ttt·t·t, I "11d,111H 1\' XIII\. l i11i1nl 1/0 -.~(I :11J\, h:111!-!-,ln111 l,·1· , l l .'.:--l f·111.11l:,,11,1h1,,!i11"111(-',c1lc"111.,,,1n \\'<·h,11t·: 111111, h,,ir, ,,111.1,1., ,11,i

l111ernation:1l 1:l'~ti1,d ofS;1,a·d ,\lu,it. Vicnn,1. Au~tria, 2.'\ 2(1 Jun,: 200(i. !\·: !;1~:,11:;'.1,...i:· .. i! ir1 \':, 1111,1 .1ri.l ,iii 11H11H!in~,. ( 0111.1d: ( hnru, \1.\1. I 11,·r,ulkr~.1", 1:-;,<J \ 'ill~() '-.il1h111!',- ·\11,1ri.1. f,-1:, 1 i-hl,.'.-1, 1-.,<J_1 I·.,\: , I',


,, ! '"--~-

l-r11.1d: ,11<>111,_,llllll/·

\\ 1·h,1t<" 1, 111•., l1ut11,.1.IHHI.,um


C.mw~ ~-11\1Choir :111JOrd1l'~lr,1 Fe.\Cival. S.1ltlmrg, Am1ri:1, 19 June - l Juk 2006. Prrt;>rrnini: kS1i\·,1li11 \.11,lmrg ~urrou11di11g,.( '.oru.1, 1; ( :h,ml'> .<[.\!. hil·N,1lkrt~-L\\l' -'1S/'), .,\-1020 S.il1huq:. :\u,cri.1 1J-2. Lt,: 1•!.\-M,2-(1-1-=i•J-2. Id: +·U-(ih.:'·<1•1"i Fm.1iL dioru,20(1()(., ,lP!l.,ll • \\dl\it,·: ll"\\·w.d1,,ru,2000.urn1 lnternafinnal (:lwir Fnti\';11 "(:antl'mu~", /.r,·11j.1nin, Sl'rbia, Yugo~la\'i;1, 29 June· j July 2006. ~t>ll·Ln1np,·tt• ci1·,· k,1i1·.1I1;,r ,h,,1r, in .ill ,.11,;:,11it",. ( :0111,1.-c· l1ncm.11inn.tl \1ll,i,- ( ·ultn. R.1,k kun,.ir.1 2-fl.~.~- Yl · .'.IIHHI i'.rui1,t11i11. -"nl,i.1. )ugt1,l.i,i,1 . kl: '381 ·2.'H,_\_l)(J_), Ei,: dS l-.~_)(1_\.')')_). hn.til:

fr,1i\',1I _L,llll<'lllll,t•' 1 ,th<)1H·,1111

Fntiv:11 :md (:ornpl·tition "'Youth .md \lu~i..:··, \'ie11n.1. t\t!.',!ri,1. 1--i July 200(1. hn :><llllh, bu1r,, h.rnd, .md lHLli,·str.i,! '[ Ill' h·,ci1·.d l'rugr.1111 i11tludn u1l11f'<.'l1tin11, i11i.kr .in inin-11,\ti,,n.11jur; 1n tli, 1.1t,1c,,1i,·,: l,.111d,,,h(1ir, .md or, h,-.,cr.i,. Tilt' l·n1i1·.1lpro;:r.im l~1<lt1,k, h.111,I 11,11.1dL·, cb1,1u~h th<· lnnn l ·i1\· ol \.iL·1111.1. 1n.tss ,,,11,nt, on .'i1. \c<.'phn1\ \,111,ir,·. imli11du,d e11I1,<.'rt, 1;,1 .ill p.1n1,i p,1ti111:rnu,iL ,·n,cmhlc\ in \'i,·nn.t .uHIih ,11rr,H111<l1n:·., l lppn .l[-;l" li1nic t(ir p.1nidp.1111, 1, .'.') n·.tr,. ( :,1111.1,i: I Luing 1-(H; l 'h"1.il l·,·,ci1,1k ~11d1.1l'i 11.uin!,'., (,ntL'!ll·11111rµ.1,w10,i- :\ l(l•JO \'1n1n.\ ..\u,(11.1. Id: 1-1.'-M1 1 IS 111 XO, l·.1\: , -1'> I "\I -.:;,1r,o, 1 , hdl,1.,\l I 111.111: 111ill1.1d.l1.1rin~\• \\'cli,t(L·: W1\1\..\11,1ri.1r1IL-~1i1·.1l, .•11/ l'tt\L:my l11tL'rrl,Hional ( :hildrcn\ Hnrl·!lle.

{ :lwru~ l;c~tiY.tl. !ta!~, _,_11 Jui) 200(,_ loc,·111Hiu11,il, liild1,·11<

,h,1111,l·, l<l!,di11g.:'!HJ )!II) s11i;;n, will l(llll with ;..:11l,I~,,11 ,lu,rnr :\nill" l!lml11h<lll tl '\·\11"1 d.1ih- r,·lw.11,.d, Lt1l11t1 tl.t1i11gin t:.11.1 h·,(1\,d l :011<.<:rl 11iih ( lr, li,,11,1 in 1-1,>r<.'thL.lnd11"1du,dl'lh<.'llJhlt· ,,111tn1, in 1:l,11n11,·,111d l1i-,.rn1 l1h·l11,k, (,1,1 d.11 f"1,r ln111.d l'\!<11'1!111 w Rnn\t .111.Ip.ir11,1p.111nn in \Li-, ,11 \t. P.-1,·r, ll.1,ilh.1. < ,, 11u, 1 1\\11,1,.1,\l11n.!1 ( ·,>11<c11l"ui,. IU\ I 11,1\cr,Tt. \u11,· l" !. I," .-\l1m. ( ':\ 'l 10~2. l '\.\ kl:, I <,~O<l 1'> l'l'IJ 1.1, , I 11">11.'l.!'t ]1,2,,. l·m,1il: in,1,-,1,11;;;-t,.i,;,;;,·,d,.,.,,1, \\',-li,11c". 111," 11rn,1,.1111undi ,lltll


6d' l• 1f9'1'1.1ioo.-l C hoir Ut1 1pc1i1.Un !006..Mill(nbfti:, Rl•-vi&, ( o("r11Mr1y , IV) July .?00(~ l'-•l .J1.--p111 ..-.: !1""1,1,,.,n,..t \vi,o (d,o>ir,.,m 1)<)•iuoru..,;d, .,,1'f',llfll• ''"'1r,,..,c; • ,1n1I "'$'- -i1m11ul,~ µ.u. ,\r1il~ t,,.fu.,•: .t l j.,ft !(ll)t ( "-'•h111t1.1rr.1c ,k.. l.11!t1IL1(i>t,. M ,ltrn l..-:ri;,.Uu,.l.,·nu, • .'.!,t),( ••l-S•>.., M,!t<T1l1<-1,:. t,:,..mu..,1·. Id: ,•i?••Jr l .'\(11WJ, l-.1•· , 1-,.•,.\~J.<; 1)1 -.,,uJ.l ,n.111: l uh .. ~lt ....wul ,if' \Jl,h .. 1,·:...... ..,h,,,,v.,11h,--..,rl• .,,.t1(•~~.1, ..,,

I* '"'">

.,,1 I •A..


............. .:ol,•11,..111'1,l,·-m.-O('l'11f11,p,· •uk Cvpnllul:"n h>t('Hl.o,iun.ol ( :loilJ• n ••• <:l,.,,u ~ f.,_.. ;, ..t. ,.,t.. IO• Ii July UIO(,. fomn.:mo«ul ,h,IJ~,1 \ l"fio, " '"' .,,1,1lll1~ ,?11( 1.m u vnp-h v.,11i•""' ,u ,h ~ .,..,.Jue• •••• k.111,\-.h"'" "'' IU!tk 4(:.1,u.LJ fut,1.-,1, ,di.·.i,-.a,I , ,,,1 . n,i11.irnl$ift <,41 I ,"-11'.I I ( ·••Q\.lll ...,,1, <.,,hc•,uJ m liu,I, <:..,JM,< ,,1._m I Ldl. I..Jn..Jc...a"''"''t,k .. ,,..,,1,, ;., ( ).k.,v.·. < ,,.,,..,,,.\lu,.._.. \lu,,Ji, In,. ICIII'"' '"" "'• ,.,.,,. •' ·•,I,,..'"'°"' 'hO.!.?.L',\. J.t • I (,<;1)•>,•,1•NI, f ,u.. , J.(.~{l.•l·l•JI( ,.'.!( ,. I ,,..,;I i,,u!Joltt• .. ..., .. .,,un.lu.,,111 \\,-l_r ........ n,,,, ... ,mu11J.... ,m


ln,._n..,cio11,1I ('hff,~11,.,. ,;..,J

ur Mi~,.,. ,!.;. M•llU;i""'-'·

u~,.I :, ,,. JIii) :()Of~N.•11·••HJ'-1111\('l,·,m.11 .... ,.,.,,_



\,ll<):l•fl\ ... ,1,,1.....t,"'II I<>l'">lll•UI ll'f; ,1110,0,


,..,.1,,,un.1,n;:. h•r"'hlup, ..o.nJ 1-~""-'"'II 1h1oll!pl,h,,eJI 11,u...,.C ~111 1.1,1· foe1;1tUhm'-IIt ·ho.>fJI I N .. .-1.l\t.f ,. P.011..l>(l fli•• •J!!it. ~ti, .....L...\Ji...,•.i11.1 <,•~1-.t,,\. ld:•I 1t1r,•.•,...,~._ I ,-..• 1. t(Jt,,.'!t-•lS~

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w,-4,..,. "'"'"'·•'• ·•·•'""'-"_.. ...i: l,1c.•rn,11i .. n.1I ( l,,r,i, ...,J Clr{I•'-" "' l:.C,,1h.1 I ~l ·~11111 , \Ji,Nlf~• •" •i•-. ~ 1,1,..,~ , \,Nri &. I.J,,1- l<ul) lQOr., K,ln.l•~•-r-· ,,t N.,1;,,.,, I •w ""'"'' .,,..1 01o.h..~u..




f""'l••••• ..-.1 l ,111w..•·( ,al,,,.,,.

\,,.,.,.. . ( hou f.. C)n,h,·"tJ ( ,., .. ,.., r;,..,,. 11•,:l.,, ,rih... ,: IOI! \ 'i(l!n 'vlA-~ \mu,, 1, I , 1 q,t,_! 11' 111011. l,1\. •I\ U,! 11.'1 HU


1 .......... 1...........,......... . \\'.,f,.., ,... ...,. .... " ,lt,...e, ..ot •i" ( l,oir ( •l)IWlpit ,, Xi..,u-. ( ·l,iru. 1'> ·l'>Jui}, zO(I(,. i,,,. all l,i,.J,,.( , 1,o •n (nm, .,11 ..mv•i.-l1hr .,., .Iii ( '""1"1""''"• ('lll.•OU•lllt1. 11,,,i.hh•p,(00,N.\"lh., l1<.,1r ,.,,. 1.ik l.,u.or" ,u,-1.-,.,\,.f.,,,,, ,11,.. , ... ,11,.""h ~""'I""'•• .,... 1,l1on1JI'"J"'"'•~1.i """''"'' Jr-d «h• l1M1<•11 ,,__ t ,.., •.,., ( 1.,,., t>lur11..,,. ,lo, lntrl'L11h1111 t, ..,.,.buoft .. .\,,. \\,·""P""' \ I ) I~ ,1.: l\,._!h.-or11.t ,,·1111.U1tId , 1•1 (,Il l'•)',(.\,!\ . t.u; , 1'J (, 11•' •~•\,!'I . I .. . lllt.l..... 11111)0


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Vf\-..« l11w r,,.,1;.,,.,;a 1 o,.,.;, rc-., ;,.,1100<,. \',"'"1 rr h 11. I hlBJ:.U }• JI , 1-4,\,. 1006. ~1,-..i.11,,.,1,l-,1$.!l"ICI(,I I,~ .. , ..I,,.,.,,~"'""'"',,1..1 ""'"<,:,n,... , '"'" ,..,..,.,.J -.w,1hc )uu ,,i I.!,· <$11,u,,1,.f.,\";.1, •.., \l11hl, ...I,..,,.h..11p,..,1, I),..,..., c.,,,111~u :_. 11X!IIO \',""1"•" '- flut1?1'r,-I • II', SIi- i!°"'°'J\, IA,; • 1(,.1','I I .")(>")1, I n,.ul u11k IV,,,,,,.,11, 1111\\,t,.,,,, ,,,.._ .. ,n,l.,h--.11•1.-11'1.h. •

1')1' ltu1;rn,11i-,ITTO I C.:huul t.:. ,n•J>"i ,;.,,,,.w d l'(",.1i,.J ur r r.,...,.,. c.,1'<"< 1, kq,uti l it:• .'.! (.. .'.! 9 fJ.;1, .'.!00(, . <'..at,~••' .,..,,...,1,; :111.ik•,l..J.r.". ,1Jun<,-J mi,.,l ,h,_·,.,.._ .,1,J .,..,...., LJ;.•• .in,I '"'' "'! ,hv•t> t ..lt."'"~ k..,.,..,1,.,,1 _. 1,.,,t.,,,"'*""*'f"•i1i..,n. fl..1...,,,,.,,·, ,.,.,~ hi-1.:il...11 (,..,., ,111,· .......J ..,nJ ' "' .1,.,,., ..l'l'<'l n>"J:.,, l>.lfl ul ,!,,..,~lf"'l1-10,,n ., , ,.,,,rut>QI'\·"""" . """" 1..-:,,a,.,.,,...,l <\oiu..,.,..<lo•• , l ,., .. ..,, 1,.,,,nJ1i,,11.-I....,..,,..,. I t.ou..:. N \lu., ·l.,,.._1,u,..1, l,• nJ.11,I( l\'M\t1.l •t1•~,I t..mi,:J.,.,• hi: • , 1 !li'Jll -.!•) 00 I. I 1>wl; ...auh,.•h ..,..._,.n'°'«1~1t," .. "•ri \\ cl"'lf'. .. V.v..,h•:)11'\ ,.1rou,.1,,, ,1ll


h, .. ,.,..,\i,,n.,I 1\ Jwn 1 :ii,IJ:i",;, \,;,r uu. A1t<. 1fi.i, .?.l No- • 181)(..,. 1006. 11,,. ..,,,,., ,.,f ._«t..,,..t,. on ll,.".,.,1,r .. 1i,-, ,111.,,r , chi.·••l'f""llll"ll\ ' """'"~" 0(1,~,..... "'1h,,~, r1.-ku,-J """" , nil., \-.·,m.1 1,,..11l hll..,, ...,11.,, 1,.11,,nttonf."I

a...~11,.,.111110,11, """1.t..,,,1.,. -. ( ""'"* ,.,n,.,1.-.LJ,..,·.u,,i tllhu l ,h,,o,,. M,o, ........ .,..... , "11" ,h,.'U',,,...n


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