'22 BWRWWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG IN THIS ISSUE A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTLED WATER ASSOCIATION BOTTLED WATER REPORTER | SUMMER 2023 How to Answer Bottled Water Critics Need a Supplier? Find them in the 2023 IBWA Buyers’ Guide Details Inside p. 22 What EPA’s Proposed PFAS Rule Means for Bottled Water
52 | Know Your Role
Why educating policymakers is crucial to the future of the bottled water industry.
54 | How to Respond When Bottled Water’s Safety and Environmental Record Is Questioned
When discussing bottled water with critics, facts will prevail.
56 | Understanding EPA’s Proposed PFAS Regulations
How reviewing EPA’s proposed PFAS rule helps IBWA determine if changes are necessary to the PFAS standard of quality in the association’s Code of Practice.
60 | 2022 Bottled Water Statistics
A roundup of the most important statistics for America’s No.1 packaged beverage product.
10 | Bottled Water Sales Soar With Modest Volume Growth in 2022
In 2022, inflation affected the U.S. bottled water market, which experienced exceptionally high growth in dollars but unusually slow growth in volume. Even so, as the largest beverage category by volume, bottled water reached new peaks in both producers’ revenue and volume—and is expected to continue dominating the beverage marketplace for the foreseeable future.
By John G. Rodwan, Jr.
22 | IBWA’s Buyers’ Guide
Bottled water is projected to continue along the path of its incomparable growth record. If you are a bottler, you’re going to need suppliers with an industry focus to help you keep up with consumer demand.
Page 24 | Companies
Page 33 | Products & Services
48 | Las Vegas: An Oasis of Opportunities
Join us for the 2023 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show to learn, network, and build relationships
Want to learn the latest industry trends, discuss best practices with your peers, and find potential collaborators or clients? Start planning now to join IBWA at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino, September 11-14.
VOL. 63 • NO. 2
BOTTLED WATER REPORTER, Volume 63, Number 2. Published four times a year by The Goetz Printing Company, 7939 Angus Court, Springfield, VA, 22153, for the International Bottled Water Association, 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213, Fax: 703.683.4074, www.bottledwater.org. Subscription rate for members is $25 per year, which is included in the dues. U.S. and Canadian subscription rate to nonmembers is $50 per year. International subscription rate is $100 per year. Single copies are $10. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bottled Water Reporter, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. CHAIR'S COMMENTARY 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ...................................... 4 WATER NOTES 6 CPO QUIZ 58 ADVERTISERS 59 CALENDAR 59
International Bottled Water Association
I sometimes take a general look at the issues we face as an industry. Other times, I think about the changes I’d like to make at IBWA. I consider what we do each year, the role we play as the industry’s advocate, our history, and some of the activities we require of our members. I have been an IBWA member for some four decades, and I can say without hesitation that each decade has been a wonderful experience and never dull. There are, however, often challenging and often frustrating moments, much like a normal business day for each of us.
I recently had a very graphic reminder of something that IBWA has been doing right. As an organization, throughout the decades we have questioned some of our activities and requirements. For example, I have questioned whether having an annual Plant Inspection Program or the requirement of having a Certified Plant Operator (CPO) at our facilities was worth it or necessary. That question has also come up under the FDA’s FSMA revisions. If we need a Preventative Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) at our facility, then why a CPO?
Recently, I was deposed as an expert witness in a very unpleasant and very serious lawsuit involving “bottled water.” The case has some 60 plaintiffs, at least 20 defendants, and about as many attorneys. Damage claims are significant. I was representing a non-industry defendant who got caught in the scatter shot from the shotgun barrel of a plaintiff’s attorney. Although the attorneys for the plaintiffs were not aggressive and were extremely considerate and respectful, I can say with certainty that as your Chairman, and a defender of our industry, I was very grateful for all that IBWA requires for qualification to be an IBWA member. The lead attorney for the plaintiffs questioned me about IBWA, what is required to be a bottler member, what percentage of bottled water we represent in the marketplace, and finally whether the bottled water company that is being sued in this litigation is an IBWA member. They are not!
I answered each question fully and calmly, explaining in great detail our inspection program; our CPO training program; our educational sessions on science, business, and operations. I explained each member’s dedication to food safety. I explained that because of all of IBWA’s efforts cited above, bottled water is considered by the FDA as one of the safest food items on the retail shelf. When I finished my testimony, I became fully aware of exactly how important each of our bottler requirements is and why each of our members’ dedication to those standards is so vital to our reputation. I was grateful!
Thank you each so much for your membership and dedication to doing good things!
Henry R. Hidell, III, Hidell International
Vice Chair
Hih Song Kim, BlueTriton Brands
Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc.
Immediate Past Chair
CR Hall, Hall's Culligan
Shayron Barnes-Selby, Primo Water
Tanner Hanstein, Ozarka Water and Coffee
Ryan Heiken, Crystal Clear Water Co.
Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC
Doug Hidding, Blackhawk Molding Co.
Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International
Lynette MacFee, Oasis/Waterways
Jillian Olsen, Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
David Redick, Steelhead, Inc.
Robert Smith, Grand Springs Distribution
Brad Wester, Premium Waters, Inc.
William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.
Chair Henry R. Hidell, III, Hidell International
Shayron Barnes-Selby, Primo Water
Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc.
CR Hall, Hall's Culligan
Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC
Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International
Hih Song Kim, BlueTriton Brands
Robert Smith, Grand Springs Distribution
William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.
Communications Committee
Julia Buchanan, Niagara Bottling, LLC
Maureen Hendrix, Primo Water
Education Committee
Glen Davis, Absopure Water Co., Inc.
Douglas R. Hupe, Aqua Filter Fresh
Environmental Sustainability Committee
John Cook, Niagara Bottling LLC
Jillian Olsen, Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Government Relations Committee
Viola Johnson Jacobs, Primo Water
Derieth Sutton, Niagara Bottling LLC.
Membership Committee
Marge Eggie, Polymer Solutions International
Kelley Goshay, Primo Water
State and Regional Associations Committee
Robert Smith, Grand Springs Distribution
Supplier and Convention Committee
Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc.
Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International
Technical Committee
Glen Davis, Absopure Water Co., Inc.
Ryan Schwaner, Niagara Bottling, LLC
Henry R. Hidell, III IBWA Chair
As your Chairman, I am privileged to share my thoughts, vision, and concerns about industry matters in this edition of the Bottled Water Reporter.
This issue of Bottled Water Reporter has a dual purpose: provide industry insights and facilitate industry connections.
In our cover story, “Bottled Water Sales Soar With Modest Volume Growth” (p.10), Beverage Marketing Corporation’s (BMC) John G. Rodwan, Jr., reviews the volume and sales records the bottled water industry achieved last year, detailing how bottled water continues to be the No.1 packaged beverage in the United States. Bottled water’s total volume sold in 2022 was 15.9 billion gallons, its highest volume ever, surpassing carbonated soft drinks for the seventh year in a row. Retail sales approached $46 billion, up from $40.8 billion in 2021. And that’s not the only good news, as BMC projects bottled water’s share of the beverage market will only continue to grow.
To keep up with that consumer demand, IBWA bottlers will need to leverage all the resources available to them, and our 2023 Buyers’ Guide (p.22) can help. This guide simplifies the often overwhelming task of finding reliable suppliers that understand the unique needs of a bottled water bottler, streamlining your search process and saving you valuable time and effort. Whether you are seeking new equipment, raw materials, or professional services, this guide is a treasure trove of information.
Probably the best way to ensure your company’s future success is to keep informed about industry issues, trends, and best practices. For that, we invite you to join us in Las Vegas, September 11-14, for the 2023 IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show. On p.48, you’ll find all the details necessary to help you plan your schedule. With a rich lineup of thought-provoking educational sessions, innovative suppliers on the trade show floor, and constructive networking events, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to discuss the future of our industry with your bottled water peers.
In the columns, we offer insights you can use today. The Government Relations column (p.52) encourages members to take on an active role in educating policymakers because, as we know, uninformed legislators make bad policies. The Communication’s column (p.54) provides guidance on how to respond when someone questions the safety and environmental record of bottled water. And finally, the Technical Update column (p.56) discusses why IBWA’s PFAS subcommittee is reviewing the EPA’s proposed PFAS rule.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Las Vegas for the IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show. From conceptualization to execution, this event is being planned specifically for you: the bottled water professional. We think you’ll agree that the end result is an event that fosters knowledge sharing, collaboration, and professional growth.
International Bottled Water Association
BOTTLED WATER REPORTER is published for:
International Bottled Water Association 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650 Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213 Fax: 703.683.4074 www.bottledwater.org
President Joe Doss jdoss@bottledwater.org
Vice President of Communications Jill Culora jculora@bottledwater.org
Vice President of Government Relations Cory Martin cmartin@bottledwater.org
Vice President of Education, Science, and Technical Relations Al Lear alear@bottledwater.org
Director of Government Relations
J.P. Toner jtoner@bottledwater.org
Director of Communications
Sabrina E. Hicks shicks@bottledwater.org
Director of Member Services Cheryl Bass cbass@bottledwater.org
Manager of Conferences, Meetings, and Programs
Claire Crane ccrane@bottledwater.org
Communications Coordinator Courtney Miller cmiller@bottledwater.org
Coordinator of Database Systems, Membership, and Technical Services Chancè Gatoro cgatoro@bottledwater.org
Bottled Water Reporter Layout and Design
Rose Connelly rozmack@gmail.com Tel: 315.447.4385
Editor Sabrina E. Hicks shicks@bottledwater.org
Advertising Sales Stephanie Schaefer stephanie@bottledwater.org
Joe Doss IBWA President
more information, email stephanie@bottledwater.org .
EMERGING CONTAMINANTS were negative for PFAS using Method 533. However, FDA detected PFAS in two cod and two shrimp samples, and one sample each of tilapia, salmon, and ground beef. For the samples where PFAS was detected, each type of PFAS for which there are toxicological reference values (TRVs) was assessed individually. FDA has concluded that exposure to PFAS at the levels measured in the seven samples are not likely to be a health concern for young children or the general population.
To estimate dietary exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the general food supply, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been testing fresh and processed foods and bottled water consistently since 2019. To date, FDA has tested nearly 800 samples from a wide range of foods collected for the FDA’s Total Diet Study (TDS) or as part of targeted assignments. From its most recent testing, FDA has provided testing results for PFAS in 186 samples from two regional collections from the TDS (Dataset 6 and Dataset 7).
The two regional samples collected for bottled water
The PFAS data is consistent with FDA’s previous TDS testing results; no PFAS have been detected in over
97% (701 out of 718) of the fresh and processed foods tested and bottled water from the TDS. At least one type of PFAS was detected in 44% (14 out of 32) of the TDS seafood samples and in 74% (60 out of 81) of the samples from its 2022 targeted seafood survey.
FDA’s testing for PFAS in the general food supply is ongoing.
Bottled water samples have tested negative for PFAS in FDA’s most recent testing.
PFAS Under Review
In March 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a PFAS regulation for tap water. Through that proposed rule, EPA states it is "leveraging the most recent science and building on existing state efforts to limit PFAS to provide a nationwide, health-protective level for . . . specific PFAS in drinking water." Currently, IBWA’s PFAS Subcommittee is reviewing EPA’s proposed rule to determine if changes are necessary to align the PFAS standard of quality published in the IBWA Code of Practice. To learn more, turn to p.56.
FDA Extends
Comment Period on Draft Guidance Concerning Use of Dietary Guidance Statements on Labels
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended the comment period for the Draft Guidance for Industry entitled “Questions and Answers About Dietary Guidance Statements in Food Labeling,” which first appeared in the Federal Register on March 27, until September 25, 2023.
FDA’s draft guidance outlines the agency’s current thinking on the use of dietary guidance statements on food labeling, with the stated purpose to ensure that such statements promote nutritious dietary practices. FDA states that the draft guidance is based on recommendations found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) 20202025 related to nutrients to limit and food group intake.
FDA is seeking comment on whether to include recommendations for the use of Dietary Guidance
statements on “bottles or containers of plain water and other calorie-free beverages (e.g., flavored carbonated water, coffee, and tea).” FDA recognizes in the draft guidance that raw, whole fruits and vegetables could bear a dietary guidance statement even if they don’t meet the food group recommendations FDA has outlined. FDA could similarly recognize that bottled water can bear a Dietary Guidance statement without regard to the food group content.
IBWA has reviewed the draft guidance and will submit comments prior to FDA’s September 25, 2023 deadline. The association’s comments will focus on supporting the use of Dietary Guidance statements on bottled water product labeling through consensus reports for water that support a healthy dietary pattern,
Attend Virtual Plant Tour of Orange County Water District, CPOs Can Earn 1 CEU
All IBWA members are invited to participate in a virtual environmental sustainability plant tour of the Orange County Water District. This tour will take you behind the scenes of the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), which purifies wastewater resulting in high-quality water that is environmentally sensitive and economical. After the tour, there will be time for questions from attendees.
Certified Plant Operators are eligible to earn 1 CEU by attending this virtual plant tour. To learn more about Orange County Water District, visit www.ocwd.com.
When: August 10, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm EST (11:00 am PT)
Cost: Free to IBWA members Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IBWAPlantTourOCWD
Although the virtual tour is free to members, registration is required to ensure IBWA obtains an accurate count of the number of attendees. If you have any questions, please contact IBWA Manager of Conferences, Meetings, and Programs Claire Crane: ccrane@bottledwater.org.
hydration, and calorie/added sugar reduction.
California’s OEHHA Determines Antimony (Trivalent Compounds) Is Not a Carcinogen; Will
Not Be Listed Under Prop 65
On June 8, 2023, the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announced it has determined that antimony (trivalent compounds) does not meet the criteria to be listed as a carcinogen under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (i.e., Proposition 65). OEHHA had issued a notice last year in the California Regulatory Notice Register, on September 30, 2022, of its intention to list antimony (trivalent compounds) as known to the state to cause cancer under Prop 65. That action was proposed pursu-
ant to the Labor Code listing mechanism that is incorporated into Prop 65. The Labor Code requires certain substances identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to be listed as known to cause cancer under Prop 65. However, during the public comment period that ran from September 30 – October 31, 2022, the California Chamber of Commerce, Consumer Brands, and American Chemistry Council submitted comments requesting that OEHHA delay determining if antimony (trivalent compounds) should be included under Prop 65
until after the release of IARC’s Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans, entitled “Cobalt, Antimony Compounds, and Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy.” That document was published on May 5, 2023. After its review of the 2023 IARC monograph, OEHHA
decided not to proceed with the Proposition 65 listing of antimony (trivalent compounds).To learn more about OEHHA’s decision not to list antimony (trivalent compounds) as a carcinogen, visit bit.ly/AntimonyTrivalent Compounds_NotCancer Causing
After reviewing IARC's 2023 monograph, OEHHA announced that antimony (trivalent compounds) does not meet the criteria for being listed as causing cancer under Prop 65.
IBWA Annual “Hill Day” Focuses on Promoting Recycling, Healthy Hydration Issues
On June 7, 2023, more than 40 IBWA members and staff participated in the association’s 2023 annual “Capitol Hill Day,” meeting with 35 members of Congress and their staff. Participants encouraged support for the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act, the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act, and the need to promote healthy hydration by adding a water icon to the MyPlate graphic used to promote the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Before heading out for their individual meetings, IBWA Hill participants attended a lunch where Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, spoke to the group. Both senators are main sponsors of the recycling bills that IBWA discussed with members of Congress while on Capitol Hill. In addition, Senator Collins shared her appreciation for the industry taking a lead on addressing PFAS issues, and Senator Moore Capito thanked the industry for providing bottled water during times of emergency in West Virginia.
Rep. Mike Flood (second from left)
Rep. Steve Womack (center)
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Senator Susan Collins
Rep. Steven Horsford (center)
Senator Jon Ossoff (third from left)
Rep. John James (center)
Senator Mike Braun (center)
Rep. Lori Chavez-Deremer (center)
Rep. Susan Wild (left)
In 2022, inflation affected the U.S. bottled water market, which experienced exceptionally high growth in dollars but unusually slow growth in volume. Even so, as the largest beverage category by volume, bottled water reached new peaks in both producers’ revenue and volume.
The volume growth for America’s No.1 packaged beverage—bottled water—was a modest 1.1% in 2022, compared to 4.6% in 2021, 4.1% in 2020, and 3.7% growth in 2019. While the category saw much more vigorous growth just a few years earlier—such as 2016’s leap of almost 8%—2022’s growth was significant for a beverage of such substantial size—especially in an economy in which higher prices may have hindered volume growth as consumers cut back on discretionary spending.
During the last few decades, bottled water profoundly transformed the U.S. beverage marketplace and continues to shape consumers’ preferences regarding liquid refreshment beverages and associated functional benefit. When Perrier first arrived in the 1970s, few industry observers could have anticipated the impact bottled water would eventually make. Back then, it might have seemed peculiar to see Americans perpetually in possession of packaged water, but now that’s commonplace. One notable result of this development is that the number of calories U.S. consumers take in from beverages has declined as bottled water became a mammoth mainstream beverage.
Besides a couple of small reductions in 2008 and 2009— years when most other beverage categories also contracted due to the financial crisis—bottled water volume grew every year from 1977 to 2022. This period included 17 doubledigit annual volume growth spurts. Prior to 2022’s slowdown, bottled water volume consistently enlarged at solid single-digit percentage rates since resuming growth in 2010. Even with 2022’s relative softness, per capita consumption
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 11
2022 VOLUME SHARE OF STOMACH BY U.S. BEVERAGE SEGMENT Bottled Water 24.6% Carbonated Soft Drinks 18.7% Coffee 10.8% Beer 9.9% Milk 7.8% Tea 5.4% Fruit Beverages 4.2% Sports Drinks 2.8% Tap/Others 9.4% Wine & Spirits 1.4% Value-Added Water 1.5% Energy Drinks 1.5% Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation 2022 U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS AND STATISTICS '22
hit 46.5 gallons, up a tenth of a gallon from the year before and more than 10 gallons higher than average intake of the second largest beverage category, carbonated soft drinks.
The contrasting performances of the two biggest beverages point to broader trends. Bottled water’s unrelenting ascent coincided with, and contributed to, major changes in consumer preferences for refreshment and rehydration. As the unrivaled option for portability and affordability beverage, bottled water prompted the formation of new habits as well as new usage occasions. Suitable for consumption at any time of day or night, and not needing to be refrigerated (unlike carbonated soft drinks or fruit beverage), bottled water became the preferred beverage choice not only for consumers aiming to reduce caloric intake or lessen artificial sweetener usage but also for consumers of all kinds. Lacking precisely those attributes, carbonated soft drinks struggled to enlarge, let alone maintain, their volume.
Single-serve plastic bottles became by far the most popular format, driving overall category growth and accounting for most of its volume. In 2022, that segment continued to
grow, but not all other segments did. Multi-serving bottles (generally ranging in size from 1 to 2.5 gallons), domestic sparkling water, and imports, for instance, declined. Selfservice refill (vended) and home and office delivery (HOD) saw volume contract during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, when many people worked from home rather than in cooler-equipped offices, but outperformed the (much, much larger) single-serve segment in 2022. After several years of double-digit volume growth, driven in part by major beverage companies’ efforts in the segment, domestic sparking advanced much more slowly but still outperformed the overall bottled water market in 2021. Imports grew even faster that year, but, like sparking water, did so from a relatively small base. In 2022, however, both sparkling water and imported water of all types registered fairly sizeable declines.
Before the economic downturn at the end of the century’s first decade, bottled water enjoyed a lengthy run of forceful volume growth, as documented in U.S. Bottled Water through 2027, Beverage Marketing Corporation’s most recent annual analysis of the market. During the 2000s, bottled water volume charted double-digit percentage growth rates in two years and advanced at rates close to that level in several others. Bottled water volume grew by nearly 12% in 2002, and after growing by almost 11% in 2005, it enlarged by 9.6% in 2006. Departing from the pattern of preceding years, bottled water volume declined during the Great Recession years of 2008 and 2009, 1.1% and 2.6% respectively.
Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation
VOLUME, PRODUCER REVENUES, AND RETAIL SALES 2019—2022 Year Millions of Gallons Annual% Change Millions of Wholesale Dollars Annual % Change Millions of Retail Dollars Annual % Change 2019 14,411.3 3.7% $19,958.4 6.6% $35,393.3 5.2% 2020 15,005.6 4.1% 20,781.7 4.1% 36,829.6 4.1% 2021 15,702.6 4.6% 22,822.6 9.8% 40,775.0 10.7% 2022 15,880.9 1.1% 25,544.9 11.9% 45,800.2 12.3%
Unlike carbonated soft drinks, which followed a number of years of tepid growth with multiple volume reductions, bottled water demonstrated that its two consecutive losses were aberrations rather than the beginning of stagnation or decline. When bottled water volume resumed growth in 2010, it effectively restored volume to where it had been prior to the declines. Still, stronger growth ensued in subsequent years. By 2022, volume reached a new volume record—more than 7.2 billion gallons higher than it had been in 2007. Carbonated soft drinks, on the other hand, underwent their sixteenth consecutive year of volume reduction in 2020 before some subsequent, and likely aberrational, increases following an unusually large decrease in the first year of the pandemic.
Bottled water producers’ revenues also fell in both 2008 and 2009, and did so more dramatically than volume did, but they also recovered. Bottled water wholesale dollar sales first approached $6 billion in 2000. By 2007, they reached $12 billion. Category sales declined to $11.6 billion the following year and then to $11 billion in 2009. They inched upward in 2010 and 2011 and moved above $12 billion in 2012. Wholesale dollars reached $12.9 billion in 2013 and exceeded $13.7 billion in 2014. They approached $15 billion in 2015, surpassed $16.3 billion in 2016, topped $17.4 billion in 2017, climbed above $18.7 billion in 2018, approached $20 billion in 2019, neared $20.8 billion in 2020, surpassed $22.8 billion in 2021 and rocketed to $25.5 billion in 2022, with the nearly 12% increase largely attributable to higher prices due to supply shortages.
At the retail level, 2022 sales approached $46 billion, up from $40.8 billion in 2021. This represented significantly faster year-over-year growth than was measured in 2021, when retail sales also grew robustly, largely due to changes in where consumers made purchases. Early on in the pandemic, convenience stores saw slower traffic as consumers stocked up in grocery stores and mass marketers, and, through much of the year, high-margin on-premise channels saw greatly reduced activity. In 2021, both c-stores and on-premise channels started to recover. And there were those aforementioned higher prices, which contributed to the accelerated growth in 2021.
Continuous growth in per capita consumption indicates clear, persisting demand for a product that consumers see as a healthy alternative to other beverages. U.S. residents increased their annual consumption by 16.1 gallons from 30.4 gallons per person in 2012 to 46.5 gallons 10 years later.
In the same timeframe, per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks dropped by nearly 6 gallons. Per capita consumption of major beverage categories like milk and fruit beverages also fell. Other types, including coffee and tea, were characterized by stability, though the ready-todrink versions of both categories made gains. Those beverages associated with beneficial properties and functional benefits—a group that includes packaged water as well as energy drinks, sports beverages, and ready-to-drink
2022 STATISTICS SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 13
PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION 2012—2022 Year Gallons Per Capita Annual % Change 2012 30.4 5.7% 2013 31.6 4.0% 2014 33.6 6.4% 2015 35.9 6.8% 2016 38.4 7.0% 2017 40.4 5.3% 2018 42.1 4.1% 2019 43.3 2.8% 2020 44.7 3.3% 2021 46.4 3.8% 2022 46.5 0.3% Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation (Gallons) 2022 PER
tea—were the most resilient elements of the beverage market after 2009. Nonetheless, average intake of ready-todrink tea and sports drinks remained fractions of bottled water’s per capita consumption level. Indeed, bottled water added more gallons to its per-person consumption rate in 10 years than either ready-to-drink tea or sports beverages reached by the end of that period. (Ready-to-drink tea intake stood slightly above 5 gallons per American in 2022, while per capita sports drinks consumption was 5.5 gallons.) Bottled water proved itself to be not only a key component of the U.S. liquid refreshment beverage market; it also appeared poised for additional increases in per capita consumption in the future. Beverage Marketing anticipates that it could climb to around 50 gallons in just a few more years.
Numerous qualities account for bottled water’s unceasing resonance with U.S. consumers, including its associations with healthfulness, convenience, safety, and value. Diverse packaging types, ranging from single-serve to bulk, facilitate a wide array of uses. Among commercial readyto-drink beverages, bottled water is fairly inexpensive, even after some recent price increases in this era of supply chain issues and other factors affecting input costs. Consumers’ thirst for beverages that offer benefits beyond refreshment alone also contributed to the fundamental hydrating beverage’s rise in the beverage standings. Bottled water’s zerocalorie status and its lack of artificial ingredients appeal to many consumers. Even where tap water may be safe and readily available, people may prefer bottled water, which they often believe tastes better. The availability of packaged water wherever beverages are sold also differentiates bottled water from tap. A number of those characteristics also explain why bottled water was so sought-after during pantry-loading at the apex of the pandemic.
Though it has at times been likened to tap water, bottled water actually achieved its position at the No.1 beverage category by enticing consumers away from other packaged
beverages. While some consumers may have moved away from regular, full-calorie sodas in favor of their diet versions, many others opted for bottled water instead. Further, as some consumers became wary of artificial sweeteners, they shifted away from diet sodas as well as regular counterparts.
Category Developments
Domestic non-sparkling water yet again stood as by far the biggest individual segment of the U.S. packaged water business. Domestic non-sparkling water’s 15 billion gallons represented 94.6% of total volume in 2022. Domestic nonsparkling saw slower volume reductions than the overall market in 2008 and 2009, and then outperformed it again in 2010. It moved very slightly slower than the total market in following years until 2021, when the biggest segment increased as the same rate as the overall market. In 2022, domestic non-sparkling water enlarged slightly faster than total bottled water volume.
The non-sparkling segment includes various sub-segments that typically perform quite differently from each other. In several recent consecutive years, all four segments grew, albeit at dissimilar rates. In 2022, three of the four grew. Throughout most of the 1990s and 2000s, the retail premium sub-segment—consisting of still water in singleserve polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles—propelled the overall category’s growth. Indeed, retail PET volume enlarged by a double-digit percentage rate 16 consecutive times through 2007. Growth slowed considerably in 2008 before it halted in 2009. Yet PET’s 0.9% reduction that year was far less than the 2.6% loss measured for bottled water volume as a whole. Moreover, 2009 PET volume of almost 5.2 billion gallons stood more than 4.1 billion gallons higher than it had in 1999, and its share of total bottled water swelled from 25% to more than 62% during that 10-year period.
In 2010, PET experienced the strongest growth of any bottled water segment, advancing by 6.8% to 5.5 billion
Vended 6.4% Retail Bulk 7.5% HOD 9.5% Dom. Sparkling 3.3% PET Single Serve 71.2% Imports 2.1% 14 • BWR • WWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG
© 2023
Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright
by Beverage Marketing Corporation
gallons, which boosted its share above 64%. Growth slowed in 2011 but remained well in advance of the total market: volume greater than 5.8 billion gallons flowed from growth of 5.3%, which pushed PET’s share to 65%. In 2012, the segment saw its strongest showing since 2007, increasing by more than 8% to 6.3 billion gallons, which represented 65% of the overall market. Greater than 6% growth in 2013 pushed volume up to nearly 6.7 billion gallons—essentially two-thirds of the total. In 2014, the segment advanced at an even greater rate than in 2012, catapulting volume above 7.2 billion gallons and market share to 67.5%. Still another year of acceleration in 2015 drove PET volume to nearly 7.9 billion gallons and share to more than 68%.
In 2016, the single-serve segment enlarged by more than 9% to reach 8.6 billion gallons, which gave it still more market share. PET volume slowed in 2017, but with volume of close to 9.2 billion gallons, the segment still accounted for close to 70% of U.S. bottled water volume, a share it held onto in 2018, when volume approached 9.7 billion gallons. In 2019, the segment’s share did climb above 70% as volume exceeded 10 billion gallons for the first time. Volume topped 10.5 billion in 2020, which represented 70.2% of all bottled water. It’s share reached 71% in 2021 as volume rose to almost 11.2 billion gallons. The segment’s 11.3 billion gallons were 71.2% of U.S. bottled water volume in 2022.
Retail bulk volume saw some setbacks as consumers frequently opted for convenient PET multipacks in large format retail channels instead of larger sizes. Its share fell from nearly one-quarter of the category volume at the
beginning of the century to 7.5% by 2022, largely due to competition from PET. After several declines, the segment did grow each year from 2011 to 2018, but, in 2019, retail bulk volume saw a small reduction in volume. Growth resumed in 2020, when portability was less of an issue for homebound consumers, and that growth continued (albeit slowly) in 2021. In 2022, the segment declined at a rate similar to those recorded in the early 2000s.
Like retail bulk, direct delivery faced competition from PET bottles. The HOD segment, which was the largest of them all as recently as the mid-1990s, accounted for less than 10% of total volume by 2022. U.S. HOD volume slipped from close to 1.4 billion gallons in the early 2000s to around 1.2 billion gallons a few years later, but it again stood at 1.4 billion gallons again in 2019, when volume enlarged by just 0.7%. As noted above, volume dipped in 2020, when fewer workplaces were serviced, but resumed in 2021. In 2022, HOD was the top-performing segment, up by nearly 5%. 23 by Beverage Marketing Corporation
The comparatively small, mostly regional vending segment consisting of refillable jug containers saw some growth even when total bottled water volume did not. Its low cost during economic difficulties undoubtedly had something to do with vending’s positive results. It continued to grow in 2020 and did so at a faster clip than in 2019. Even so, it moved at a slower pace than the domestic still water market or the bottled water market as a whole. In 2021, it was the sole domestic non-sparkling water type to see volume decline. That distinction shifted to retail bulk in 2022, when self-service refill water volume increased by almost 4%.
2022 STATISTICS SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 15
VOLUME AND GROWTH BY SEGMENT 2020—2022 Non-sparkling Domestic Sparkling Imports Total Year Volume* Change Volume* Change Volume* Change Volume* Change 2020 14,153.4 3.6% 516.4 21.7% 335.8 2.4% 15,005.6 4.1% 2021 14,801.3 4.6% 543.3 5.2% 358.0 6.6% 15,702.6 4.6% 2022 15,025.4 1.5% 516.6 -4.9% 338.9 -5.3% 15,880.9 1.1%
Copyright © 2023
Beverage Marketing Corporation
* Millions of gallons Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation
In a major turnaround from the previous year, the two segments outside the domestic non-sparkling space fell sharply in 2022, notching the weakest showings of any bottled water type. Imported water, the smallest segment of them all, is prone to fluctuations. In the 2000s, it registered doubledigit percentage growth in some years, and equally sizeable contractions in others. After one of those up years in 2007, imported water’s volume fell sharply in 2008 and then plummeted precipitously in 2009. It continued to shrink in 2010 before moving up again in 2011. In 2012, imports notched their first double-digit growth rate since 2007. Growth rates remained at similarly high levels for a few years until 2017, when imported volume enlarged by 9.2%. Growth cooled to less than 7% in 2018, less than 5% in 2019 and less than 3% in 2020 before approaching 7% in 2021. In 2022, however, imported water volume plummeted by more than 5%—the segment’s worst performance since 2010.
For several years, domestic sparkling water held a small share of bottled water volume but grew at an even more explosive rate than imports, let alone retail PET. After
growing by nearly 14% in 2019, sparkling volume shot up by nearly 22% in 2020. In 2021, it grew by a comparatively staid 5.2% only to drop by nearly 5% in 2022.
Domestic non-sparkling water accounted for almost all per capita bottled water consumption in 2022. Sparkling water volume worked out to about 1.5 gallons per person. (With imports, the figure translated to less than 1 gallon per U.S. resident.) In the key PET portion, average intake moved from 20.4 gallons in 2012 to 33.2 gallons a decade later.
In terms of retail sales, single-serve PET was by far the biggest part of the business with $32.8 billion or 71.6% of the total. Domestic non-sparkling of all types together accounted for more than 81% of retail sales. Though domestic sparkling and imports represented comparatively small portions of bottled water volume, they have outsize shares due to their higher price points. For instance, while imported volume was just 2% of the total, it garnered a share of retail sales of 11.5%.
International Developments
Bottled water became a beverage industry phenomenon not only in the United States—which once ranked as the No.1 market in terms of volume—but also around the world. Bottled water initially became a sizeable, mainstream commercial beverage category in Western Europe, where consumption of it has been part of many consumers’ longstanding habits. It later grew into a truly global beverage. Several Asian markets achieved strong growth to become major bottled water markets during the 2000s and 2010s. In fact, Asia itself became the largest regional market in 2011, edging out North America and easily outshining Europe. After having moved ahead of Mexico to claim the No.2 position in 2012, China surpassed the United States to take the lead in 2013. By 2022, China accounted for more than one-quarter of the world’s bottled water volume.
Global bottled water consumption is estimated to have climbed to almost 115 billion gallons in 2022, according to
U.S. HOD Water Volume Change 2020—2022
Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation 2020 -1.5% 3.0% 5.0% 2021 2022
data from the most recent edition of Beverage Marketing’s The Global Bottled Water Market Total consumption enlarged by 3.5% during the year. Per capita consumption of 14.5 gallons was a gallon higher than it had been five years earlier.
Of course, per capita consumption by individual country or region differs greatly from the global average. For instance, several Western European countries have per capita consumption levels far above 25 gallons, and the No.1 market had average intake of more than 80 gallons in 2022. Simultaneously, much of the developing world, where the majority of the world’s population resides, finds its per capita consumption figures still in the single-digit range. While the global per capita consumption figure can obscure significant regional variations, bottled water’s international growth indicates demand for it in markets
of all kinds. Consumers have shown an enthusiasm for it in well-developed markets, in less-developed ones, and in economies in transition. Bottled water synced with various consumer trends around the globe. In developed countries such as the United States and Canada, bottled water became a particularly dynamic major commercial beverage category by registering as an attractive option for health-conscious consumers. Marketers positioned bottled water as a virtuous alternative to carbonated soft drinks and fruit juice drinks (some of which comprise sizeable portions of their own product portfolios). In the developed world, some people viewed bottled water as not only a way of achieving hydration, but as a functional beverage as well. Simultaneously, bottled water serves at least as a partial solution to the problem of often-unsafe water found in many economically developing countries.
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 17
LEADING COUNTRIES’ CONSUMPTION AND COMPOUND ANNUAL GROWTH RATES 2017—2022 Millions of Gallons CAGR* 2022 Rank Countries 2017 2022 2017/22 1 China 25,468.9 30,224.7 3.5% 2 United States 13,245.5 15,880.9 3.7% 3 Mexico 8,954.0 10,538.7 3.3% 4 Indonesia 8,158.2 9,002.7 2.0% 5 India 5,758.9 6,862.9 3.6% 6 Brazil 5,794.5 6,769.8 3.2% 7 Thailand 3,966.3 3,993.6 0.1% 8 Italy 3,553.1 3,624.3 0.4% 9 Germany 2,960.1 2,386.4 -4.2% 10 France 2,240.6 2,269.6 0.3% Top 10 Subtotal 80,100.2 91,553.7 2.7% All Others 21,626.7 23,010.7 1.2% WORLD TOTAL 101,726.9 114,564.4 2.4% * Compound annual growth rate Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation
North America contains two of the three largest individual bottled water markets with the United States and Mexico, which together represented 23.1% of the world’s packaged water market in 2022. The U.S. bottled water market had been a catalyst for much of the global expansion up until the mid-2000s, and its ongoing growth continues to contribute to the overall market’s enlargement. Its compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% for the five-year period ending with 2022 was higher than the CAGR achieved by the global market in the same period. Mexico alone accounted for more than 9% of the global volume with 10.5 billion gallons in 2022. With a five-year CAGR of 3.3%, grew only slightly more slowly than the United States but faster than the global market.
Besides the United States, China was the only other country that could claim a double-digit share of global volume with 30.2 billion gallons and a percentage of the total market higher than the combined shares of the second and third largest national markets in 2022. From 2017 to 2022, Chinese bottled water volume saw a CAGR of 3.5%—putting it among the fastest growing markets among the 10 biggest along with the United States, Mexico, and India. Fourthplace Indonesia moved more slowly than both China and the international market as a whole. Thailand also ranked as a top 10 bottled water market, but it lagged the global market and the larger Asian ones from 2017 to 2022.
Though Europe can no longer claim to have any of the biggest bottled water markets, it does have several major ones, including three of the 10 biggest. Those are firmly established markets, meaning their growth (when it occurs) tends to be slower than those where bottled water has less of a foothold. Some of the most prominent continental countries experienced only very slight growth. For example, during the five-year period ending with 2022, Italy’s volume grew by a CAGR of 0.4%. Germany, the ninth largest bottled water market in the world, underwent volume decline, and tenth-place France recorded a CAGR even slower than Italy’s. As a group, the trio of leading European bottled water markets accounted less than 7.5% of the world’s total volume in 2022—a smaller share than Indonesia held on by itself.
Plastic packaging is preferred over glass in almost every country. Even in Germany and other countries, such as the United Kingdom, where glass has a strong presence, PET is the most dynamic and rapidly growing segment. HOD, or bulk water, still accounts for a minority of global bottled water sales. Yet it is a vital segment in many countries, such as Mexico, where it accounts for a majority of the volume.
2022 Rank Countries Gallons Per Capita 2017 2022 1 Mexico 71.8 80.1 2 Italy 59.9 61.5 3 Thailand 57.5 57.4 4 United States 40.4 46.5 5 Hungary 35.3 37.2 6 United Arab Emirates 33.9 36.6 7 Spain 35.6 35.0 8 France 34.5 34.3 9 El Salvador 32.3 33.8 10 Saudi Arabia 30.5 32.5 11 Indonesia 30.9 32.5 12 Korea, Republic of 28.5 32.1 13 Romania 24.2 32.1 14 Hong Kong 29.6 31.8 15 Brazil 27.9 31.4 16 Portugal 30.8 31.1 17 Belgium-Luxembourg 33.3 30.2 18 Poland 26.7 30.0 19 Germany 36.0 28.9 20 Bulgaria 23.5 28.8 GLOBAL AVERAGE 13.5 14.5 Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation Copyright © 2023 by Beverage Marketing Corporation
Mexico regularly leads the world in bottled water per capita consumption, and that remained the case even after China surpassed it (and all other countries) in absolute volume. Average intake in Mexico went from 71.8 gallons in 2017 to 80.1 gallons five years later. Per capita consumption in China stood significantly lower, at 21 gallons, in 2022. (It was much higher in the special administrative region of Hong Kong.) The erstwhile leader in average intake, Italy, consumed the equivalent of 61.5 gallons per person in 2022, which put in second place ahead of Thailand, whose residents consumed the equivalent of 57.4—about the same quantity consumed five years earlier.
Some Middle Eastern markets rank exceptionally high in per capita bottled water consumption. With the equivalent of 36.6 gallons for each resident in 2022, the United Arab Emirates had the sixth highest level of bottled water consumption in the world. In addition to the UAE, the Middle East region had Saudi Arabia in the top 20 in per capita bottled water consumption. At slightly more than 20 gallons per resident, both Kuwait and Lebanon also consume bottled water at rates greater than the global average, though neither made it onto the 2022 top 20 list.
Although Europe no longer held the top spot in volume per capita, nine of the top 20 bottled water consumers on a per person basis were European countries as of 2022. The consumers of the combined market of BelgiumLuxembourg imbibed more than 30 gallons each, a rate that tended to inch downward over the years. Poland, Portugal, France, Spain, Hungary, and Italy were the other European countries with per capita consumption at or higher than 30 gallons. French consumers quaffed the equivalent of 34.3 gallons per person in 2022, about the same as in 2017. In 2022, Spain and Germany had per capita consumption rates of 35 gallons and 29 gallons, respectively, putting them in seventh and nineteenth place in terms of average bottled water intake. Other European markets among the top 20 included Bulgaria and Romania.
Though Asian nations attained prominence among the world’s bottled water markets when measured in total volume, the most populous countries generally do not have high per-person intake levels. Hong Kong made the list for the first time as its average intake approached 22 gallons in 2009 and continued to increase per capita consumption subsequently, climbing to 31.8 gallons in 2022. Despite its position as the largest market, mainland China did not rank among the top 20 markets in per capita consumption in 2022, although intake had climbed above the global norm by that point.
U.S. consumers’ 2022 per capita bottled water consumption put the United States in the No.4 position among the countries of the world, behind Thailand but ahead of Hungary.
Looking Ahead
Beverage Marketing anticipates that bottled water will continue transforming the U.S. multiple beverage marketplace, enlarging its market share in the process. The total amount of liquid Americans annually drink will remain steady, resulting in total volume growth in line with population increases. Bottled water is on track to grow faster (though more slowly than it did in some recent years), unlike carbonated soft drinks or fruit beverages, which will, in all likelihood, lose share points. Other major beverage categories, such as coffee and tea, are expected to grow but to do so more slowly than bottled water. Building on its incomparable record of growth, bottled water will put still more distance between itself and carbonated soft drinks, the former leading category, setting new record highs in the process. BWR
John G. Rodwan, Jr., is editorial director at Beverage Marketing Corporation and editor of its biweekly newsletter The Beverage Strategist. Beverage Marketing, a New York-based research, consulting, and financial services firm dedicated to the global beverage industry, publishes numerous market reports on bottled water and other beverages. For more information, visit www.beveragemarketing.com.
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 19
BE VERAGE MA RK ETING CORPOR ATION Data-Driven Insight Since 1972 2023 BMC Reports and Databases All Beverages • All Sales Channels • Granular Data • Detailed Analysis • Five-Year Projections Visit our shop at bmcreports.com Contact: Charlene Harvey at 212-688-7640, ext. 1962 I charvey@beveragemarketing.com Superior Beverage Data. Total Market Perspective.
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22 • BWR • WWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG 2023 IBWA BUYERs' GUID E THE ONE-STOP SHOP FOR BOTTLERS SEARCHING TO FIND SUPPLIERS THAT UNDERSTAND THE BOTTLED WATER INDUSTRY! Companies ................................................................ page 24 Products & Services .................................................... page 33 *IBWA members as of June 16, 2023
In today's fast-paced world, finding the right solutions and trustworthy partners can be a daunting task.
That's why IBWA continues to produce an annual Buyers’ Guide—because it provides a curated list of IBWA Supplier members who understand your everyday problems and industry challenges. They have crafted solutions specifically tailored to address your issues and help you achieve your business goals. With their support, you can enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and overcome obstacles more effectively than ever before.
Each vendor listed within the pages of the Buyers' Guide is a specialist in their field, armed with innovative products, services, and solutions designed to address the unique problems you encounter when producing America’s No.1 packaged beverage: bottled water.
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You can take advantage of this invaluable print resource now or visit bottledwater.org/buyers-guide to search for an IBWA Supplier through the association’s Online Buyers’ Guide.
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 23
3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division
400 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450
Phone: 203.238.8923
Email: cjohara@mmm.com
Website: www.3Mpurification.com
Contacts: Conor O’Hara, Global Marketing Majid Entezarian, PhD, Senior Technical Specialist
3M Separation and Purification Sciences
Division manufactures and markets a wide range of filtration equipment for the bottled water industry.
AAbsopure Water Company
41590 Joy Road
P.O. Box 701760
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: 734.459.8000
Website: www.absopure.com facebook.com/Absopure
Contact: Frank Zolenski
Founded in 1908, Plymouth, Michigan-based Absopure is a family-owned home and office refreshment delivery services provider, offering direct delivery of water and coffee-related goods throughout the Midwest. The company provides a variety of bottled waters—including natural spring, steam-distilled, purified drinking, vapor distilled with electrolytes, and alkaline drinking water—in an assortment of sizes ranging from individual bottles and cases to 5-gallon jugs.
Altium Packaging
2500 Windy Ridge Parkway SE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 678.742.4600
Email: Stephanie.Roske@altiumpkg.com
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Contact: Stephanie Roske
Altium Packaging is a leading supplier of rigid plastic packaging solutions to national, regional, and local customers across North America. As one of the largest blow molding companies with diverse technology platforms and broad geographic coverage, Altium Packaging can deliver reliable and cost-effective packaging solutions to meet the needs of a wide range of customers and markets.
Aqua Filter Fresh Inc./ Tyler Mountain Water
1 Commerce Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239
Phone: 800.864.8957
Email: info@aquafilterfresh.com
Website: www.aquafilterfresh.com facebook.com/TylerMtnH20 @TylerMountainW1
Contacts: Doug A. Hupe, Sr., President/COO Joe Bell, Vice President
Doug Hupe, Jr., Special Projects Manager
Aqua Filter Fresh is in the water business, but really we are in the people business producing water. From Branded, Private Label, to Co-packing, we provide Spring, Purified, and high-quality Distilled waters. Packaging ranges in sizes from 10oz to 5 gallons. In addition, Aqua Filter Fresh is a bulk water seller and offers tanker truck hauler services. We take the multi-barrier water process to new levels.
Aqua Systems
7785 East US Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123
Phone: 317.272.3000
Email: info@aquasystems.com
Website: www.ilovemywater.com facebook.com/aquasystems @ILoveMyWater
Contact: Chris Utterback, VP of Operations Private label bottler.
Army Air Force Exchange Service
3911 S. Walton Walker Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75236
Phone: 214.312.3923
Email: hensondf@aafes.com
Website: www.shopmyexchange.com facebook.com/shopmyexchange pinterest.com/shopmyexchange @shopmyexchange youtube.com/user/AAFESsalutes
Contact: Donald F. Henson Private label bottler.
Asia Brewery, Incorporated
KM. 43 National Highway Barangay Sala, City of Cabuyao Laguna
4025 Philippines
Phone: (+632) 8810-2701
Emails: regina.mirasol@asia-brewery.com cesario.casalla@asia-brewery.com
Website: www.asiabrewery.com
facebook.com/AsiaBreweryIncOfficial @AsiaBreweryInc
Contacts: Regina Mirasol
Cesario H. Casalla
Private label bottler.
BBell Sales Inc. (BSI)
1 Commerce Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
Phone: 412.795.8167
Emails: joebell@BellSalesInc.com
Contacts: Joseph Bell, President
Bob Kremer, Customer Service/Inside Sales
Bell Sales, Inc. is a manufacturer representative/distributor firm. BSI specializes in products for the bottled water and office coffee industries.
Berain Water Company
170 Street, New Second Industrial City
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11383
Phone: 966.11.2039.434
Email: info@berain.com.sa
Website: www.berain.com.sa
facebook.com/BerainWaterCompany instagram.com/berain_water @Berain_water
Yahia Habashy, Quality Assurance Section Head Saiaf Mohammed, Procurement Department
Manufacturer of still and carbonated bottled water.
Berkeley Club Beverages
4 Howard Street Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Phone: 304.258.2313
Emails: info@berkeleyspringswater.com
Website: www.berkeleyspringswater.com
Contacts: Lisa Graham
Dayna Spielman
Berkeley Club Beverages offers private labeling of Berkeley Springs Water for schools, companies, and organizations. The company also offers Berkeley Springs Premium Water delivered to your home or office in water bottles that are returnable and environmentally friendly.
Berkshire Springs
772 Norfolk Road
Southfield, MA 01259
Phone: 413.229.2086
Email: steve@berkshiresprings.com
Website: www.berkshiresprings.com
Contacts: Steve Keim
Matt Klimkosky
Rhiannon McDermott
Berkshire Springs has bottled at the source since1970. The company wholesales 5- and 3-gallon water to Distributors in New England and New York. Let Berkshire Springs provide spring water under your brand for you to supply to your customers. Call to see if Berkshire Springs can meet your specific needs.
Beverage Marketing Corporation
P.O. Box 2399
143 Canton Road, 2nd Floor Wintersville, OH 43953
Phone: 212.688.7640, ext. 1962
Email: bmcresearch@beveragemarketing.com
Websites: www.beveragemarketing.com www.bmcreports.com
linkedin.com/company/beveragemarketing-corp @bevmarketing
Contact: Charlene Harvey, Director Sales & Marketing
Founded in 1972, Beverage Marketing Corporation is the leading provider of management consulting, advisory services, data, and analysis to the global beverage industry. Through its Research/Analytics division, BMC offers the DrinkTell™ database, a comprehensive, easy to use resource that acts as the industry’s one-stop destination to all things beverage. BMC’s Research/Analytics division also publishes 40+ all-sales-channel inclusive market reports offering data, insight, and forecasts on broad range of beverage segments. This group also conducts custom research, offers quarterly market briefings and delivers the BMC Beverage Company Database, which tracks beverage manufacturing, bottling, and distributor networks. Most recently, BMC’s Research/Analytics group has introduced The Beverage Strategist™, a bi-weekly data-driven newsletter designed to help beverage industry professionals navigate the ever-changing beverage marketplace.
Blackhawk Molding Co. Inc.
120 West Interstate Road
Addison, IL 60101
Phone: 630.458.2100
Email: info@blackhawkmolding.com
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Contacts: Douglas Hidding
Kyle Hidding
Dale Berg
Kathy Molnor
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc. is a privately owned, family operated bottle cap manufacturer founded in 1949. The company’s headquarters is in Addison, Illinois—just a short drive from O’Hare Airport. The headquarters operation includes the production design department, engineering group, proto-type design, and tool room that builds and maintains all Blackhawk injection molds. Blackhawk has production facilities in: Addison, Illinois; Little Rock, Arkansas; Reno, Nevada; and Lodz, Poland. Caps produced include 55mm SafeGard, 55mm U5, and 55mm traditional caps. The company carries a line of bottled water accessories that include bottle stackers, carrying handles, and a manual water pump. In addition, the company produces a full line of 33mm press-on and 38mm screw caps.
Blue Waters Products Limited
#2 Orange Grove Estate
Trinidad and Tobago
Phone: 868.640.8824
Email: tless@bluewaterstt.com
Website: www.bluewaterstt.com facebook.com/bluewaterstt instagram.com/bluewaterstt @bluewaterstt
Contacts: Troy Lee, Quality Assurance Manager Pradeep Subrian, CEO Private label bottler.
BlueTriton Brands
900 Long Ridge Road, Building 2 Stamford, CT 06902
Phone: 203.531.4100
Email: thomas.panagiotidis@bluetriton.com
Website: www.bluetriton.com facebook.com/BlueTritonBrands instagram.com/bluetritonbrands linkedin.com/company/bluetritonbrands @BlueTritonBrnds
Contact: Tom Panagiotidis, VP of Procurement BlueTriton Brands, the business formerly known as Nestlé Waters North America, offers
an unrivaled portfolio of sustainable water brands for healthy hydration, including Poland Spring® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water, Splash, and Pure Life®. BlueTriton also owns and operates the customizable water and beverage delivery service ReadyRefresh®.
Brio Water Technology
768 Turnbull Canyon Road City of Industry, CA 91745
Phone: 800.781.1680
Email: hmesak@briowt.com
Website: www.briowt.com facebook.com/BrioWaterTech instagram.com/briowatertech linkedin.com/company/briowatertech
Contact: Harry Mesak, Regional Sales Manager
Based in Southern California, Brio Water Technology is a leader in the water industry offering a wide range of exclusive and innovative products. Brio caters to the commercial water bottling, distribution & retail industries. The company also creates some of the most advanced residential, commercial, and industrial filtration systems on the market.
At Brio Water Technology, the highly trained and skilled team members are always ready to serve you, and 100% committed to providing unmatched customer service and industryleading dealer support. Valued partners benefit from access to a vast dealer network, customized business plans tailored to meet specific goals, and the largest selection & inventory of water products in the world.
CCapSnap Equipment
1300 Falahee Road, Suite 51 Jackson, MI 49203
Phone: 517.787.3481
Email: sales@midbrook.com
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com facebook.com/CapSnapEquipment linkedin.com/company/capsnapequipment
Contacts: Mick Lutz, Managing Director
Ernie Houghton, Managing Director
CapSnap Equipment is a leading provider of high-quality HOD water bottling equipment and service. CapSnap Equipment produces automated water bottling systems for washing, sanitizing, filling, and capping of 3, 4, 5, and 6 gallon water bottles. The company’s automated systems range from 150 to 3,000 bottles per
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 25
hour (BPH) capacities, making its equipment an ideal fit for water bottling operations of all sizes. All CapSnap water bottling equipment meets or exceeds IBWA and FDA standards. CapSnap Equipment is also NSF food-zone component certified.
CG Roxane LLC
P.O. Drawer A Olancha, CA 93549
Phone: 760.764.2885
Email: ac.delaporte@cgroxane.com
Website: www.CrystalGeyserPlease.com facebook.com/CrystalGeyserASW @CGASW
Contact: Anne-Charlotte De La Porte
Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water is a product of CG Roxane LLC. Established in 1990 as an independent, family owned and operated company, CG Roxane’s founding principle was to bottle spring water right at its source. Since that time, the company’s approach has remained the same, and it’s what separates CG Roxane from other U.S. bottled water companies. CG Roxane has seven spring water plants across the country.
Chameleon Beverage Company, Inc.
6444 East 26th Street Commerce, CA 90040
Phone: 323.724.8223
Email: customerservice@ chameleonbeverage.com
Website: www.chameleonbeverage.com
Contacts: Morgan Reed Araceli Ramerez
Private label bottler.
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC PO Box 267 Sciota, PA 18354
Phone: 570.350.0809
Emails: jillian.olsen@cherryridgellc.com abish@cherryridgellc.com
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com facebook.com/cherryridgellc linkedin.com/company/cherry-ridgeconsulting-llc
Contacts: Jillian Olsen, Founder and President Ally Bish, Project Scientist
Cherry Ridge LLC is owned and operated by an environmental biologist and regulatory specialist with 20 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, focusing on spring water resource development and
regulatory compliance for the bottled water industry. Areas of expertise include bottled and bulk water industry permitting and regulatory compliance; water resource evaluation and development; water stewardship certification support; and wetland identification, delineation, and permitting. Cherry Ridge LLC offers environmental consulting services to private industry.
Creekside Springs LLC
667 Merchant Street
Ambridge, PA 15003
Phone: 724.266.9000
Email: sales@creeksidesprings.com
Website: www.creeksidesprings.com
Contact: sales@creeksidesprings.com
Creekside Springs is a private label and contract packager of water-based beverages, including spring, distilled, purified, and alkaline waters that may be enhanced with proprietary client processes, minerals, flavors, or other additives. With production lines able to fill sizes standard and custom single-serve bottles from 235ml through 1500ml with multiple labeling and packaging alternatives, the company also produces 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon units for large retailers and 5 gallon returnable units to distributors. Creekside Springs’ three bottling facilities near Pittsburgh, PA are SQF certified, Kosher, Dept of Defense and 50 state permitted in support of large regional and national distribution.
Crystal Clear Inc.
Arnaldo Highway, Brgy.
San Francisco General Trias City Cavite
4107 Philippines
Phone: +63 9985929873
Email: crystalclear@crystalclear.com.ph
Website: www.crystalclear.com.ph
Contacts: Simplicio T. Ilagan, Jr. Leandro Miguel Lapis
Private label bottler.
Crystal Clear Water Company
3717 Delaware Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
Phone: 515.265.2324
Email: rheiken@ccbw.com
Website: www.ccbw.com
Contacts: Ryan Heiken
Thomas Heiken
Crystal Clear Bottled Water is a bulk water seller and private label bottler that has been
bottling and delivering water to businesses and homes throughout Iowa since 1975. Over the years, the company has added coffee service, coffee brewing systems, coffee delivery, water treatment systems, laboratory water, restaurant water filtration systems, and more.
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
1000 H Taylor Station Road
Gahanna, OH 43230
Phone: 614.454.1618
Email: tkeller@crystalcoolers.com
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Contact: Tam Keller
Crystal Mountain Products Inc. manufactures bottle water and point-of-use water dispensers for both residential and commercial applications. Bottled water dispenser models include: traditional top load, bottom load, and countertop models. Point-of-use dispenser models include: Tri-temp R/O or Filtration, Remote Chillers, Economy, Stainless and Traditional Floor models, Filtration Systems, and other water cooler related accessories. Storm model has 1-minute sanitizing technology to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue.
Culligan International
9399 West Higgins Road, Suite 1100 Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone: 847.430.2800
Email: tvitacco@culligan.com
Website: www.culligan.com
facebook.com/culligan linkedin.com/company/ culligan-international-company @CulliganMan
Contact: Thomas Vitacco, Vice President, Franchise
Bottled water products.
DDakota Splash Inc.
3601 North 1st Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone: 605.334.3294
Email: jeff@dakotasplash.com
Website: www.dakotasplash.com
Contact: Jeff Palmer
Dakota Splash is a bulk water seller and private label bottler.
EEdge Analytical Inc.
1620 S. Walnut Street
Burlington, WA 98233
Phone: 800.755.9295
Email: ljh@edgeanalytical.com
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Contact: Larry Henderson
Edge Analytical’s laboratories have a focused bottled water program that satisfies even the most demanding of circumstances. Edge is certified in all 50 states. By using Edge Analytical, you can take advantage of the company’s experience and competitive pricing. Please take a moment to call and see for yourself.
Eurofins Eaton Analytical LLC
750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016
Phone: 949.466.8266
Email: rick.zimmer@eurofinset.com
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env facebook.com/EurofinsEnvTesting linkedin.com/company/eurofins-envtesting-america
Contact: Rick Zimmer, Senior Account Manager
Eurofins is the largest water and beverage testing laboratory in the United States. The company’s customer base includes the largest international bottled water and beverage companies plus many U.S. bottlers, distributors, and industry consultants of varying sizes and distribution scopes. Eurofins offers comprehensive testing for IBWA Model Code standards, FDA compliance, FSMA compliance, and several other international testing requirements such as WHO, CODEX, JES, etc. In addition to water & beverage testing, Eurofins also provides regulatory and technical support to assist its customers with laboratory operations and compliance with standards.
FFamous Ramona Water
250 Aqua Lane
Ramona, CA 92065
Phone: 760.789.0174
Email: info@famousramonawater.com
Contact: Joe Bruni
Famous Ramona Water specializes in copacking, custom, and private label production. The company also does bulk water sales. Proudly doing business for over 46 years.
GGlobal Filter
Website: www.grandsprings.com facebook.com/ grandspringsnaturalspringwater @GrandSprings bit.ly/GrandSprings_YT
Contact: Robert Smith
1201 Continental Place NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: 877.603.1003
Email: Michael.dehnke@filtrationgroup.com
Website: www.globalfilter.com
Contact: Michael Dehnke, Director of Sales, North America
Global Filter, a subsidiary of Filtration Group®, offers products and solutions to help make the world safer, healthier, and more productive.
Founded in 1999, Global Filter manufactures a wide range of cartridge filters and filter vessels. The company is a customer-focused organization, always seeking ways to improve and give its clients the best level of service and products possible. Some of the largest companies in the world trust Global Filter with their filtration because of its world-class service, industry-best lead times, and high-quality products. With manufacturing plants in the USA, Europe (France), and Japan, Global Filter is available when you need them the most.
GoodPac Plastics
a division of Goodwin Enterprises Inc.
PO Box 16589
Atlanta, GA 30321
Phone: 404.363.8978
Email: gene@goodpac.com
Website: www.goodpac.com
Contact: Gene Ross, VP Sales and Marketing
GoodPac is a premier producer of high-quality PET bottles specific to the bottled water and flavored water industry. With a full line of standard and premium bottle sizes, GoodPac also coordinates in design and production of proprietary bottles. Family owned and operated since 1997, GoodPac makes a special pledge to supply superior bottles at affordable prices along with excellent customer service.
Grand Springs Distribution
2140 Mount Carmel Road
Alton, VA 24520
Phone: 434.753.2515
Email: info@grandsprings.com
Grand Springs provides HOD private label packaging, PET private label packaging, bulk (tanker truck) water seller, spring water sales, and R/O purified sales.
HHamidiye Kaynak Sulari
Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Mithatpaşa Mahallesi
Selanik Bulvari No: 1
Istanbul, Türkiye 34075
Phone: +90 212 3601333
Email: info@ hamidiye.istanbul
Website: www.hamidiye.istanbul facebook.com/hamidiyesuistanbul instagram.com/hamidiyesu linkedin.com/company/hamidiye-su @HamidiyesuS
Contacts: Mehmet Ali Fidan
Zeynep Cengiz
Bulk (tanker truck) water seller.
Hidell International 195 Whiting Street Hingham, MA 02043
Phone: 781.749.8040
Email: hidell@hidelleyster.com
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Contact: Bob Hidell
Hidell International provides beverage consulting and business management services for startups, turnarounds, and rapid growth situations: HOD (management and organic growth); retail (operation, management, and new product development in functional/enhanced beverages); technical support (hydrogeological, QC, design, engineering, compliance, and permitting); and valuation services (springs, production facilities, and businesses).
IIdeal Pure Water PO Box 70 Boys Town, NC 68010
Phone: 800.967.2600
Emails: jplatt@idealpurewater.com
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 27
Website: www.idealpurewater.com
Contacts: Jeff Platt, President
Ryan Beamis, General Manager
Since 1991, Ideal Pure Water has been providing the highest quality purified and spring water products—so that its customers can offer the best in healthy hydration at their homes or offices! The company carries three popular brands: Ideal Pure Water (filtered at it production facility in Omaha, Nebraska); Mountain Valley Spring Water (water sourced from a geologically and physically protected underground water source in the heart of the Ouachita Mountains and bottled in Hot Springs, Arkansas); and Crystal Geyser (spring water originating near Olancha Peak, found within the Mount Whitney watershed, and part of the majestic southern Sierra Mountains).
IDEXX Laboratories
One IDEXX Drive
Westbrook, ME 04092
Phone: 800.321.0207
Email: water@idexx.com
Website: www.idexx.com/water
Contact: Paulette Barter, North American Sales Supervisor
As the world-premier provider of innovative drinking water microbiology test kits, IDEXX is known for its breakthrough products. IDEXX provides easy, rapid, accurate, and cost-effective water testing solutions. The company offers tests for drinking water microbiological analytes, including coliforms and E.coli, Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococci, heterotrophic plate counts, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia. IDEXX entered the water-testing market in 1993 with Colilert, its popular coliform and E.coli water test, which is included in Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd edition. IDEXX’s sales, customer service, and technical support teams serve customers in over 170 countries.
Inversiones Vida, S.A. DE C.V.
Calle a San Marcos, Km. 3.5 #2000 San Salvador, El Salvador
Phone: 503.2213.2000
Emails: invida@aguaalpina.com gortiz@aguaalpina.com
Website: www.aguaalpina.com facebook.com/aguaalpina instagram.com/aguaalpina @AguaAlpina
Contacts: Alejandro Antonio Villalta Magaña
Guadalupe Concepcion Ortiz
Private label bottler.
KKent Precision Foods Group (Sqwincher)
1409 Hwy 45 S Columbus, MS 39701
Phone: 662.328.0400
Email: sqwincherinfo@kentww.com
Website: www.sqwincher.com facebook.com/sqwincher instagram.com/sqwincher @Sqwincher
Contact: Mary Shirah
Sqwincher electrolyte beverages replenish the body with the electrolytes needed to stay hydrated, fueled, and focused. Sqwincher is available in Regular, Sugar Free, and Reduced Sugar solutions packaged in bulk powders and liquid concentrates, along with single serve ready-made drinks, powders, and freeze pops.
LLighthouse Inc.
531 Roselane Street NW Suite 320 Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: 770.590.4897
Email: info@insidelighthouse.com
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com facebook.com/heylighthouse instagram.com/heylighthouse linkedin.com/company/ lighthouse-marketing @HeyLighthouse
Contact: Chanell Daly, Financial Controller
Lighthouse provides solutions for brand research & strategy, design & communications, and marketing technologies. The agency develops and implements strategic B2B and B2C initiatives designed to create brighter brand connections between your organization’s brands and your customers. Lighthouse looks forward to the opportunity to serve and support your team in growing your business.
MMayer Bros. Apple Products Inc.
3300 Transit Road West Seneca, NY 14224
Phone: 716.668.1787
Email: info@mayerbrothers.com
Website: www.mayerbrothers.com
Contacts: Erica McCabe, Quality & Food Safety Manager
Russell Wright, Director of Operations
Mayer Brothers is a producer of bottled water products and a private label bottler.
Misty Mountain Spring Water Co. LLC
PO Box 129
Abingdon, VA 24212
Phone: 800.473.0713
Emails: altizers@mistymountainspringwater.com
Website: www.mistymountainwater.com
Contacts: Steve Altizer, General Manager
Joe Wood, QA Manager
Misty Mountain is a private label bottler, HOD supplier, and bulk (tanker) water seller. Misty Mountain offers branded water products— Misty Mountain Spring Water and Misty Mountain Distilled Water—as well as Carolina Summit Mountain Spring Water and Carolina Summit Mountain Distilled.
Mountain Glacier LLC
1916 N. Bedford Avenue
Evansville, IN 47711
Phone: 888.423.1955
Email: customerservice@mountainglacier.com
Website: www.mountainglacier.com
youtube.com/user/ MountainGlacierWater
Contacts: Jay Peterson, President Chris Goodson, Operations Manager
Private label bottler.
NNational Testing Laboratories Ltd.
6571 Wilson Mills Road
Cleveland, OH 44143
Phone: 800.458.3330
Email: food-bev@ntllabs.com
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Contact: Stephen Tischler
Drinking water testing laboratory offering 50-state compliance for bottled water analysis, tests to meet global requirements and industry
standards. Consulting on regulations, licensing, FSMA, Preventive Controls, HACCP, and quality control issues. The technical staff consists of contributing members of the IBWA Technical, Education, Government Relations, Communications, and Supplier Committees.
Nestlé Premium Waters
1812 N. Moore Street
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 800.225.2270
Website: www.nestleusa.com
Contact: Hannah Abou-El-Seud
Nestlé USA is committed to unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. The company’s food and beverage portfolio is in nearly every home in the United States.
Nestlé Premium Waters is a division of Nestlé USA and focuses on iconic international brands, leading premium mineral water brands, and investing in differentiated healthy hydration, such as functional water products. Its portfolio consists of renowned brands Perrier®, S.Pellegrino®, San Pellegrino®, Acqua Panna® and Essentia.
Niagara Bottling LLC
1440 Bridgegate Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Phone: 909.230.5000
Email: sales@niagarawater.com
Website: www.niagarawater.com
instagram.com/drinkniagarawater linkedin.com/company/niagara-bottling @Niagara_Water
Contact: Scott Slocum, Director of Sales
Niagara Bottling produces branded and private label still, sparkling, enhanced and alkaline bottled water, teas, sports drinks, ready-todrink coffee, protein drinks and non-dairy milk products.
OOasis International
222 East Campus View Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: 614.861.1350
Email: rtellier@oasiscoolers.com
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
facebook.com/OasisIntl instagram.com/oasisintl pinterest.com/waterfriendly @OasisIntl
Contact: Rej Tellier, Senior Director of Sales Oasis pioneered the delivery of clean drinking water with such products as bottle fillers, water coolers, bottleless coolers, under counter coolers, and countless environmentally friendly products. Along the way, Oasis International became a global leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of clean drinking water systems. More importantly, the company develops water-friendly solutions that provide clean, safe drinking water for everyone, everywhere.
Ozarka Water & Coffee Service
729 S.W. 3rd Street Oklahoma, OK 73109
Phone: 405.235.8474
Email: customerservice@ozarkah2o.com
Website: www.ozarkah2o.com facebook.com/ozarkaok instagram.com/ozarkaok
Contact: Steve Raupe
Tanner Hanstein
Ozarka Water is a private label bottler and tanker/bulk water seller.
PPlains Dairy
300 N. Taylor Street Amarillo, TX 79107
Phone: 800.365.5608
Emails: cbutcher@plainsdairy.com tmartinez@plainsdairy.com
Website: www.plainsdairy.com
Contacts: Colby Butcher Tino Martinez
Plains Dairy is a private label bottler.
Plastipak Packaging Inc.
41605 Ann Arbor Road
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: 734.455.3600
Email: info@plastipak.com
Website: www.plastipak.com facebook.com/Plastipak linkedin.com/company/plastipak-packaging-inc youtube.com/user/ppkglobal
Contact: Jim McManus
Plastipak—a name synonymous with quality, innovation, technological achievements, product and management leadership, and continuous growth and expansion. As a major leader in the plastic packaging industry, Plastipak is eager to put its advanced technology talents to work for you and perfect the power of your packaging. Complete line of PET packaging.
Polar Beverages
1001 Southbridge Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: 508.753.4300
Email: customerservice@polarbev.com
Website: www.polarbeverages.com facebook.com/PolarBeverages instagram.com/polarbeverages @PolarBeverages
Contact: Tim Brooks, Director of Quality Assurance
Private label bottler.
Polymer Solutions
International Inc.
PO Box 310
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Phone: 610.325.7500
Email: info@prostack.com
facebook.com/PolymerSolutionsInternational linkedin.com/company/ polymer-solutions-international-inc.
Website: www.prostack.com
Contacts: Dan Kelly
Steve Kurth
Marge Eggie
Polymer Solutions International (PSI®) is a leading global supplier of material handling products serving diverse industries including food & beverage, pharmaceutical, industrial, retail, and general purpose. PSI® specializes in engineering and manufacturing innovative solutions for a variety of applications that improve supply chains, reduce costs, and protect products.PSI’s ProStack®, TierStack®, and UpRight™plastic modular rack systems are the racks of choice in the industry to warehouse, transport, and distribute 3-, 4-, and 5-gallon bottles in home, office (HOD), and retail by providing solutions needed for bottlers to extend theirglobal reach to deliver clean drinking water.
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PSI’s rack systems will significantly reduce bottle leakers and extend bottle life. The company’s modular design will improve payload by offering various layer handling configurations, maximize plant efficiency and are used in both manual and robotic loading.
Additional popular products include: Bottle Up® (plastic display rack to store bottles in a home, office or retail environment); Bottle Hammock™ (a safe flexible system for volume delivery/retrieval of full or empty bottles); and a complete line of reusable plastic pallets, including Nestable Distribution Pallet, Double Leg Ratchet®, ProGenic®, and ProTech™.
Premium Waters Inc.
2100 Summer Street, NE Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: 612.379.4141
Emails: brad.wester@premiumwaters.com mark.lindblom@premiumwaters.com
Websites: www.premiumwaters.com, www.nicoletwater.com, and www.waterjoe.com facebook.com/premiumwaters, facebook.com/waterjoe
instagram.com/premium_waters, instagram.com/nicoletnatural, and instagram.com/waterjoeusa linkedin.com/company/premium-waters-inc.
@Premium_Waters, @WaterJoeUSA
Contacts: Brad Wester
Mark Lindblom
Premium Waters is a private label bottler, 5-gallon producer, bulk water seller, and HOD distributor. Custom label PET packages for special events and branding opportunities. Broad-line PET and gallon producer of private label and branded products, flavored water, fruit-flavored drinks, tea, alkaline water, electrolyte water, and caffeinated “Water Joe” brand.
Primo Water
4221 W. Boy Scout Blvd. Suite 400 Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 770.933.1400
Websites: primowatercorp.com, primowater. com, water.com, mountainvalleyspring.com, crystal-springs.com, alhambrawater.com, crystalrock.com, hinckleysprings.com, kentwoodsprings.com, sparkletts.com, mountolympuswater.com, deeprockwater.com, sierrasprings.com, canadiansprings.com, labradorsource.com, meyeden.co.il, edensprings.co.uk facebook.com/alhambra,facebook.com/
crystalrock1914,facebook.com/ CrystalSprings,facebook.com/ DeepRockWaterCo,facebook.com/ hinckleysprings,facebook.com/ kentwoodsprings,facebook.com/ MountOlympus,facebook.com/ primowatercorp,facebook.com/ pureflowater,facebook.com/ sierrasprings,facebook.com/Sparkletts, facebook.com/CanadianSprings, facebook.com/LabradorSource @Crystalsprings_h2o,@Sparkletts_h2o, @Kentwoodsprings_h2o,@Sierrasprings_h2o, @Deeprock_h2o,@Mountolympus_h2o, @Hinckleysprings_h2o,@Alhambra_h2o, @crystalrock1914,@canadianspringsh2o, @labradorsource_h2o, @primowater linkedin.com/company/primo-water-corporation @DrinkAlhambra,@CrystalRock1914, @DrinkCrystal,@DeepRockWaterCo, @hinckleysprings,@kentwoodsprings, @mtolympuswater,@PureFloWater, @MountainValleyWater,@DrinkSierra, @DrinkSparkletts,@CanadianSprings, @LabradorSource,@Primowater
Contact: Maureen Hendrix
Primo is a leading pure-play water solutions provider in North America, Europe, and Israel focused on healthy and sustainable hydration solutions. The company delivers sustainable hydration solutions across its 22-country footprint direct to the customer’s door, whether at home or to commercial businesses. Through Primo’s leading Water Exchange and Water Refill businesses, they offer purified pre-filled water in multi-gallon format containers at over 13,000 locations and self-service drinking water refill units at approximately 22,000 locations, respectively, in North America.
Publix Super Markets Inc.
3300 Publix Corporate Parkway
Lakeland, FL 33811
Phone: 800.242.1227
Email: luke.satmary@publix.com
Website: www.publix.com facebook.com/publix instagram.com/publix pinterest.com/publix @Publix youtube.com/user/Publix
Contact: Luke Satmary
Publix offers private label bottled water.
Puritan Springs Water
1709 N. Kickapoo Street Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 800.292.2992
Email: dhansen@puritansprings.com
Website: www.puritansprings.com
Contact: Dan Hansen
Puritan Springs Water provides custom label 12oz and 16.9oz for weddings, parties, and special events—great for marketing your business. Puritan Springs also offers bulk water and office coffee service.
RR.Bardi s.r.l.
Via Caduti delle Carzole, n.11
Fidenza (Parma), Italy 43036
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Email: rbardiusa@r-bardi.com
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Contact: Fabrizio Cottafava, Regional Sales & Key Account Manager
Since 1950, R.Bardi has been mastering the technology of bottle washers while achieving a leading position as a turn-key supplier of HOD packaging lines for 3-,4-, and 5-gallon containers by providing state-of-the-art bottling lines for water. R.Bardi’s range includes partial or complete lines from 300 up to 3.000 bph, completely engineered and manufactured in house. The brand is today synonymous with reliability, reduced cost of operations, and the highest hygienic standards worldwide, thanks to patented solutions and sustainable technologies.
Robopac USA
2150 Boggs Road Suite 200
Duluth, GA 30096
Phone: 678.473.7896
Emails: info.usa@robopac.com
aorru@robopac.com djones@robopac.com
Website: www.robopacusa.com facebook.com/robopacusa linkedin.com/company/robopacusa @ROBOPACUSA
Contacts: Antonio Orru
Derek Jones
Robopac is the world leader in the design, production, integration, and service of secondary packaging solutions. Established in 1982, Robopac develops six technologies: robot, turntable, horizontal, and rotating arm semi-automatic and automatic stretch wrappers to stabilize palletized loads with stretch film, case packers, palletizers, case
erector, and sealers and laser guided vehicles. With an extensive distribution network and customer and spare part service centers, Robopac delivers more than 10,000 machines per year, 90% of which are exported to the main international markets, and ensures prompt and efficient post-sales service on a global level.
Rocky Mountain Bottled Water
7502 S. Grant Street
Littleton, CO 80122
Phone: 303.734.1111
Email: info@rmbw.com
Website: www.rmbw.com
Contacts: Robert A. Schmitt, President/Owner
Rob Curtis, General Manager
RMBW is a family-owned, Veteran-founded business that has been serving the Front Range of Colorado for over 35 years. The company offers 9-stage purified Rocky Mountain Water and has spent more than 30 years perfecting its process to ensure consistently pure water. RMBW offers 5- and 3-gallon bottled water delivery service, water filtration, private label bottled water (custom label single-serve), and a full-range of coffee and beverage services for businesses.
Rolling Hills Spring Water
2897 N 1375 W
Linton, IN 47441
Phone: 812.250.4724
Emails: jody@rfpmg.com
Website: www.rollinghillssprings.com
Contacts: Jody Todd, Chief Executive Officer
Ashley Todd, Quality Assurance & Control Manager
Rolling Hills Springs is on a mission to provide safe and refreshing water throughout the United States. The company owns, manages, and operates multiple spring sites, which provide its customers water to be bottled off-site. Rolling Hills has well-rounded, experienced, and knowledgeable team members who act as liaisons between water bottling plants and natural spring owners, and provide consultation services for water bottling plants. For bottlers looking for spring sources, Rolling Hills
Springs can help separate the “possible sites” into the “probable sites” by locating undeveloped natural spring source locations and developing such springs.
SSafeWater Device, LLC
218 Main Street South Bridgewater, CT 06752
Phone: 203.994.0801
Email: jackcwest@gmail.com
Contact: Jack West, Managing Partner SafeWater Device provides consultancy services in the following areas: M&A, management, source evaluation, expert testimony, equipment and products, QA/QC, services only.
Silgan Closures
1140 31st Street
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: 724.730.9064
Email: mitch.turnipseed@silganclosures.com
Website: www.silgancls.com
Contact: Mitch Turnipseed, National Accounts Manager
Silgan Plastic Closure Solutions is a leading manufacturer of tamper-evident plastic closures for the bottled water industry. The company’s technical service support has an unwavering commitment to the important operational needs of its partners. By providing innovative product integrity, superior technical capabilities, and extensive product offers, Silgan Closures will exceed clients’ expectations.
Silver Springs Water Inc.
480 Mirror Court, #109
Henderson, NV 89011
Phone: 877.453.6223
Email: info@wateroffer.com
Website: wateroffer.com facebook.com/SilverSpringsWater linkedin.com/company/silver-springs-water
Contacts: Tony Siao, President Richard Rennison, Operations Director Private label bottler.
Southern Beverage Packers
PO Box 560
Appling, GA 30802
Phone: 800.326.2469
Emails: info@springtimewater.com
Website: www.springtimewater.com
Contact: Katie Crane, Quality Control Manager
Southern Beverage’s Artesian, Alkaline, and Distilled waters come from the protected source of the Crystalline Rock Aquifer, originating in the foothills of the southern Appalachian mountains and located nearly 1,000 feet underneath the surface of the earth. The company’s Springtime brand offers pure Artesian water in 136 oz, 1 gallon, 20 oz, and 16.9 oz bottles; Springtime Alkaline water in 136 oz and 20 oz bottles; and Distilled in 136 oz and 1 gallon bottles. As Southern Beverage likes to say – Springtime waters are “crafted by nature and captured by Springtime!”
SPR Packaging LLC
1480 Justin Road
Rockwall, TX 75087
Phone: 469.745.5418
Fax: 469.314.1601
Email: sweitzel@sprpackaging.com
Website: www.sprpackaging.com
Contact: Sean Weitzel, Sales Representative
SPR Packaging is a flexible packaging manufacturer serving several industries, including the bottled water industry. The SPR team extrudes, prints, and converts multi-layer films. Capabilities include extrusion and 10-color printing of bundling film & shrink films. SPR would love to learn more about your unique needs and support any member of the IBWA. Please reach out if you would like to learn more about how to partner with SPR Packaging.
Steelhead Inc.
PO Box 240487
San Antonio, TX 78224
Phone: 210.628.1066
Emails: sales@steelheadinc.com
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Contacts: David Redick, President/Principle Jack Walsh, CEO/Principle
Steelhead, Inc. provides full turnkey bottling and water treatment equipment solutions for HOD and PET bottlers, including the following: washer, filler, capper, decappers, conveyor
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systems, quality control systems, mechanical and robotic loaders and palletizers, water purification, mineral injection, ozone injection, and more.
WWater Boy Inc.
4454 19th Street Court East Bradenton, FL 34203
Phone: 941.744.9249
Email: scott@waterboyinc.com
Website: www.waterboyinc.com facebook.com/waterboyinc
Contact: Scott McLauchlin
Water Boy offers HOD bottled water delivery, water filtration and office coffee service, as well as Private Label bottling in 5-gallon to .5L sizes.
WET Environmental Ltd
Wedgnock Industrial Estate
Units 3 & 4 Welton Road
Warwick, Warwickshire
England CV34 5PZ
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Email: info@wet-global.com
Website: www.wet-global.com
Contacts: Francesca Walters
Tatjana Mirzaka
Located in Warwick, England, WET has its distribution center and US distributor Steelhead Inc. based in San Antonio, Texas. WET is an innovative water-enhancing technology company that delivers enhancing transformative, technical solutions to water bottling companies including co-packers, brands, and independent bottlers from 50 liters per minute up to 1,500 liters per minute.
WET’s portfolio offers a wide range of solutions and ongoing research and development that enables co-packers and brands to tackle the serious challenges of water management, quality, and safety in a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly way.
WET is primarily focused on the awardwinning Natralysis Process for the fast-growing functional water market. This revolutionary system produces a stable alkaline water through a natural ionization process (not electrolysis), resulting in a product that produces no production waste and no potassium hydroxide. The water also carries ozone to the bottle. This is an excellent quality, fresh, greattasting, safe, stable alkaline water, up to 10.5 pH. The technology is also utilized for flavored beverages to reduce sugar, yet still maintaining the flavor.
Wisconsin Glacier
2244 South Calhoun Road New Berlin, WI 53151
Phone: 262.797.9901
Email: wgsorders@gmail.com
Website: www.wisglacier.com
Contact: Paul Betlinski, Plant Manager
Wisconsin Glacier Springs is a private label bottler.
PO Box 310 Newtown Square, PA 19073 610.325.7500 www.ProStack.com PLASTIC PALLETS Bottle-Up® Perfect for Home, Office and Retail Storage UpRight Platform Delivery System™ Ideal for Vans and Cube Trucks Bottle Hammock Stable Delivery & Retrieval ProStack® & TierStack® HOD Rack for Warehouse, Transportation & Delivery Routes Delivery, Storage & Handling Solutions Safe • Strong • Durable CELEBRATING OUR 25TH YEAR IN BUSINESS! HOME DELIVERY INCREASING? Bottle-Ups® are Storage Solutions for your Customers! Patent Pending • Extend the life and condition of your bottle • Organize bottles in your utility room, closet or garage • Highly stable and durable storage rack • Store bottles in a vertical or horizontal position 02-SV 03-DV 05-DH We have a full line of returnable nestable and plastic pallets for your distribution needs.
Advertising Banners
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Advertising/Promotional Items
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Air PurificationBottling Room/Storage Tank
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Analytical Monitoring Programs
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
Analytical Services
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Beverage Dispensers
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Blow Molding - Custom
Altium Packaging
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Phone: 678.742.4600
GoodPac Plastics
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.goodpac.com
Phone: 404.363.8978
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottle Handling Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bottle Molds
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottle Washers
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bottled Water Accessories
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Bottled Water Dispensers
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 33
Brio Water Technology City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Primo Water
Tampa, FL
Websites: www.primowatercorp.com
Bottled Water Marketing and Sales
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Bottled Water PlantConstruction and/or Design
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Note: Sustainable/Green/LEED specialty
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bottled Water Plant - Portable
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Bottled Water Plant Renovations/Expansions
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Bottled Water Products
Absopure Water Company
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.absopure.com
Phone: 734.459.8000
BlueTriton Brands
Stamford, CT
Website: www.bluetriton.com
Phone: 203.531.4100
CG Roxane LLC
Olancha, CA
Website: www.CrystalGeyserPlease.com
Phone: 760.764.2885
Culligan International
Rosemont, IL
Website: www.culligan.com
Phone: 847.430.2800
Mayer Bros. Apple Products Inc.
West Seneca, NY
Website: www.mayerbrothers.com
Phone: 716.668.1787
Nestlé Premium Waters
Arlington, VA
Website: www.nestleusa.com
Phone: 800.225.2270
Niagara Bottling LLC
Diamond Bar, CA
Website: www.niagarawater.com
Phone: 909.230.5000
Primo Water Tampa, FL
Websites: www.primowatercorp.com www.primowater.com
Bottles - Glass
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Bottles - Other
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
GoodPac Plastics
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.goodpac.com
Phone: 404.363.8978
Bottles - PET
Altium Packaging
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Phone: 678.742.4600
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
GoodPac Plastics
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.goodpac.com
Phone: 404.363.8978
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottles - PET - 5 gallon
Altium Packaging
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Phone: 678.742.4600
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottles - Plastic
Altium Packaging
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Phone: 678.742.4600
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
GoodPac Plastics
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.goodpac.com
Phone: 404.363.8978
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottles - Polycarbonate
Altium Packaging
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.altiumpkg.com
Phone: 678.742.4600
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Bottles - Preforms
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Bottling Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bottling EquipmentDesign/Build
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bottling Plant - Polycarbonate
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Brand/Market Research
Beverage Marketing Corporation
Wintersville, OH
Websites: www.beveragemarketing.com
Phone: 212.688.7640
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Brand Strategy
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Bulk (Tanker) Water Sellers
Aqua Filter Fresh Inc./ Tyler Mountain Water
Pittsburgh, PA
Website: www.aquafilterfresh.com
Phone: 800.864.8957
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Berain Water Company
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Website: www.berain.com.sa
Phone: 966.11.2039.434
Crystal Clear Water Company
Des Moines, IA
Website: www.ccbw.com
Phone: 515.265.2324
Dakota Splash, Inc.
Sioux Falls, SD
Website: www.dakotasplash.com
Phone: 605.334.3294
Famous Ramona Water
Ramona, CA
Website: www.famousramonawater.com
Phone: 760.789.0174
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 35
Grand Springs Distribution
Alton, VA
Website: www.grandsprings.com
Phone: 434.753.2515
Hamidiye Kaynak Sulari A.S.
Istanbul, Türkiye
Website: www.hamidiye.istanbul
Phone: +90 212 3601333
Misty Mountain Spring Water Co. LLC
Abingdon, VA
Website: www.mistymountainwater.com
Phone: 800.473.0713
Ozarka Water & Coffee Service
Oklahoma, OK
Website: www.ozarkah2o.com
Phone: 405.235.8474
Premium Waters Inc. Minneapolis, MN
Website: www.premiumwaters.com
Phone: 612.379.4141
Primo Water Tampa, FL
Websites: www.primowatercorp.com
Rolling Hills Springs
Linton, IN
Website: www.rollinghillssprings.com
Phone: 812.250.4724
Cap Disinfection Units
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Capping Equipment
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
Carbonation/Carbonation Dispensers
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Cartridges - Filter
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Case Packers
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Case Washers
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Cases/Crates/ Corrugated Boxes
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Cleaners - Coolers
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
Closures - Flat Cap
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
Closures – Sports
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Coding Equipment
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Coffee - Extracts/Gourmet
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Coffee Service - Office/ Related Supplies & Equip.
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Consultants - Environmental
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Rolling Hills Springs
Linton, IN
Website: www.rollinghillssprings.com
Phone: 812.250.4724
SafeWater Device, LLC
Bridgewater, CT
Phone: 203.994.0801
Consultants - Equipment and Products
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Hidell International Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
SafeWater Device, LLC
Bridgewater, CT
Phone: 203.994.0801
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Consultants - QA/QC
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
Hidell International Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Rolling Hills Springs
Linton, IN
Website: www.rollinghillssprings.com
Phone: 812.250.4724
Consultants - Services Only
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Hidell International Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 37
SafeWater Device, LLC
Bridgewater, CT
Phone: 203.994.0801
Conveyor Equipment
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Conveyor Systems
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Coolers - Bottled Water
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Coolers - Point Of Use Type
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Coolers - Pressure Type
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Coolers - Replacement Parts and/or Repairs
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Covers - Cooler
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Crates - Plastic
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Cup Dispensers
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Cups - Paper/Plastic
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Decapping Equipment
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Deionization Equipment
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Design - Plastic Packaging
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Distillation Equipment
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Drinking Water Systems
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Electrolyte Replacement
Kent Precision Foods Group (Sqwincher)
Columbus, MS
Website: www.sqwincher.com
Phone: 662.328.0400
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Engineering Services
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire England
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Equipment Leasing/Filling and Processing
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Equipment Manufacturer
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Feasibility and Market Analysis
Beverage Marketing Corporation
Wintersville, OH
Websites: www.beveragemarketing.com
Phone: 212.688.7640
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Filling Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 39
Filtration Equipment
3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division
Meriden, CT
Website: www.3Mpurification.com
Phone: 203.238.8923
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Global Filter
Cedar Rapids, IA
Website: www.globalfilter.com
Phone: 877.603.1003
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Filtration Supplies
3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division
Meriden, CT
Website: www.3Mpurification.com
Phone: 203.238.8923
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Global Filter
Cedar Rapids, IA
Website: www.globalfilter.com
Phone: 877.603.1003
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire England
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Filtration Supplies - Membranes
3M Separation and Purification
Sciences Division
Meriden, CT
Website: www.3Mpurification.com
Phone: 203.238.8923
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Global Filter
Cedar Rapids, IA
Website: www.globalfilter.com
Phone: 877.603.1003
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Kent Precision Foods Group (Sqwincher)
Columbus, MS
Website: www.sqwincher.com
Phone: 662.328.0400
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Polymer Solutions
International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Hydrogeological Services
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Ice Makers/Ice Maker Systems/ Water Delivery System
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Injection Molding
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Polymer Solutions
International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Label Printing and Graphics
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
SPR Packaging LLC
Rockwall, TX
Website: www.sprpackaging.com
Phone: 469.745.5418
Labeling - Private
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Labeling Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Labeling Services
GoodPac Plastics
Atlanta, GA
Website: www.goodpac.com
Phone: 404.363.8978
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
SPR Packaging LLC
Rockwall, TX
Website: www.sprpackaging.com
Phone: 469.745.5418
Labels - Custom Printing
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
SPR Packaging LLC
Rockwall, TX
Website: www.sprpackaging.com
Phone: 469.745.5418
Labels - Heat Transfer
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Labels - Pressure Sensitive
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Labels - Screen Printed on Container
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Laboratory Supplies and Services
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
IDEXX Laboratories
Westbrook, ME
Website: www.idexx.com/water
Phone: 800.321.0207
Leak Detection Equipment
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 41
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Logistics Integrated Solutions
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
Machinery - Used and Remanufactured
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Market Assessment/Research
Beverage Marketing Corporation
Wintersville, OH
Websites: www.beveragemarketing.com
Phone: 212.688.7640
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Marketing Communications
Lighthouse, Inc.
Marietta, GA
Website: www.insidelighthouse.com
Phone: 770.590.4897
Mergers and Acquisitions
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Microbiolgical Equipment
3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division
Meriden, CT
Website: www.3Mpurification.com
Phone: 203.238.8923
IDEXX Laboratories
Westbrook, ME
Website: www.idexx.com/water
Phone: 800.321.0207
Oxygen Concentrators
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Ozonation Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Ozone Detection Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Ozone Generating Systems
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging - Water Bags
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Packaging Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging EquipmentLiquid Packaging
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging EquipmentService/Installation
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Silgan Closures
Downers Grove, IL
Website: www.silgancls.com
Phone: 724.730.9064
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging EquipmentTamper Evident
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging Machinery
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Packaging Secondary
SPR Packaging LLC
Rockwall, TX
Website: www.sprpackaging.com
Phone: 469.745.5418
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Pallets - Plastic
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
POU Technology
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Printing - Ink Jet
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Printing - Laser
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Private Label Bottlers
Absopure Water Company
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.absopure.com
Phone: 734.459.8000
Aqua Filter Fresh Inc./ Tyler Mountain Water
Pittsburgh, PA
Website: www.aquafilterfresh.com
Phone: 800.864.8957
Aqua Systems
Avon, IN
Website: www.ilovemywater.com
Phone: 317.272.3000
Army Air Force Exchange Service
Dallas, TX
Website: www.shopmyexchange.com
Phone: 214.312.3923
Asia Brewery Incorporated
Cabuyao, Laguna, Philippines
Website: www.asiabrewery.com
Phone: (+632) 8810-2701
Berkeley Club Beverages
Berkeley Springs, WV
Website: www.berkeleyspringswater.com
Phone: 304.258.2313
Berkshire Springs, Inc.
Southfield, MA
Website: www.berkshiresprings.com
Phone: 413.229.2086
Blue Waters Products Limited
Trinidad and Tobago
Website: www.bluewaterstt.com
Phone: 868.640.8824
Chameleon Beverage Company, Inc.
Commerce, CA
Website: www.chameleonbeverage.com
Phone: 323.724.8223
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 43
Creekside Springs, LLC
Ambridge, PA
Website: www.creeksidesprings.com
Phone: 724.266.9000
Crystal Clear Inc.
Website: crystalclear.com.ph
Phone: +63 9985929873
Crystal Clear Water Company
Des Moines, IA
Website: www.ccbw.com
Phone: 515.265.2324
Dakota Splash, Inc.
Sioux Falls, SD
Website: www.dakotasplash.com
Phone: 605.334.3294
Famous Ramona Water
Ramona, CA
Website: www.famousramonawater.com
Phone: 760.789.0174
Grand Springs Distribution
Alton, VA
Website: www.grandsprings.com
Phone: 434.753.2515
Ideal Pure Water
Boys Town, NC
Website: www.idealpurewater.com
Phone: 800.967.2600
Inversiones Vida, S.A. DE C.V.
San Salvador, El Salvador
Website: www.aguaalpina.com
Phone: 503.2213.2000
Mayer Bros. Apple Products Inc.
West Seneca, NY
Website: www.mayerbrothers.com
Phone: 716.668.1787
Misty Mountain Spring Water Co. LLC
Abingdon, VA
Website: www.mistymountainwater.com
Phone: 800.473.0713
Mountain Glacier LLC
Evansville, IN
Website: www.mountainglacier.com
Phone: 888.423.1955
Niagara Bottling LLC
Diamond Bar, CA
Website: www.niagarawater.com
Phone: 909.230.5000
Ozarka Water & Coffee Service
Oklahoma, OK
Website: www.ozarkah2o.com
Phone: 405.235.8474
Plains Dairy
Amarillo, TX
Website: www.plainsdairy.com
Phone: 800.365.5608
Polar Beverages
Worcester, MA
Website: www.polarbeverages.com
Phone: 800.734.9800
Premium Waters Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Website: www.premiumwaters.com
Phone: 612.379.4141
Primo Water
Tampa, FL
Websites: www.primowatercorp.com www.primowater.com
Publix Super Markets Inc.
Lakeland, FL
Website: www.publix.com
Phone: 800.242.1227
Rock Mountain Spring Inc.
Livingston, NJ
Phone: 973.669.0707
Rocky Mountain Bottled Water
Littleton, CO
Website: www.rmbw.com
Phone: 303.734.1111
Silver Springs Water Inc.
Henderson, NV 89011
Website: wateroffer.com
Phone: 877.453.6223
Southern Beverage Packers
Appling, GA
Website: www.springtimewater.com
Phone: 800.326.2469
Water Boy, Inc.
Bradenton, FL
Website: www.waterboyinc.com
Phone: 941.744.9249
Wisconsin Glacier
New Berlin, WI
Website: www.wisglacier.com
Phone: 262.797.9901
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Pumps – Hand
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Blackhawk Molding Co., Inc.
Addison, IL
Website: www.blackhawkmolding.com
Phone: 630.458.2100
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Quality Assurance Specialists
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Rack Loader
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
R.Bardi s.r.l.
Fidenza (Parma), Italy
Website: www.r-bardi.com
Phone: +39 0524 522117
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Rack Loader – Ergonomic
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Rack Washers
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Racks - Display/Transportation/ Tilters/Storage
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Racks - Plastic Modular
Polymer Solutions International, Inc.
Newtown Square, PA
Website: www.prostack.com
Phone: 610.325.7500
Recycling - Resins
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Recycling Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Recycling/Sustainable Resources Management
Plastipak Packaging
Plymouth, MI
Website: www.plastipak.com
Phone: 734.455.3600
Regulatory Assistance
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Research & Development
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Reverse Osmosis Equipment
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Brio Water Technology
City of Industry, CA
Website: www.briowt.com
Phone: 800.781.1680
Oasis International Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Robotic Applications
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 45
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Shrink Wrap Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Tamper Evident PVC
Shrink Band Materials
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Testing – Air Quality
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Testing – Chemical
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Testing – Microbiological
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
IDEXX Laboratories
Westbrook, ME
Website: www.idexx.com/water
Phone: 800.321.0207
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Tray Loaders
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Ultraviolet Equipment
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Used Equipment
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Valves and Faucets
Bell Sales Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Warehouse Automation Solutions
Robopac USA
Duluth, GA
Website: www.robopac.com
Phone: 678.473.7896
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Warehouse Storage Systems
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Water Analysis
Edge Analytical Inc.
Burlington, WA
Website: www.edgeanalytical.com
Phone: 800.755.9295
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Monrovia, CA
Website: www.eurofinsus.com/env
Phone: 949.466.8266
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Water Analyzer – Handheld
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Water Conditioning Equipment
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Water Filtration
Global Filter
Cedar Rapids, IA
Website: www.globalfilter.com
Phone: 877.603.1003
Primo Water
Tampa, FL
Websites: www.primowatercorp.com
Water Heaters
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
Water Purification Equipment /Systems
CapSnap Equipment
Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
WET Environmental Ltd
Warwick, Warwickshire
Website: www.wet-global.com
Phone: 0044 (0)1926 855054
Water Source Evaluation
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Cherry Ridge Consulting LLC
Sciota, PA
Website: www.cherryridgellc.com
Phone: 570.350.0809
Hidell International
Hingham, MA
Website: www.hidellinternational.com
Phone: 781.749.8040
Water Testing Equipment
CapSnap Equipment Jackson, MI
Website: www.capsnapequipment.com
Phone: 517.787.3481
IDEXX Laboratories
Westbrook, ME
Website: www.idexx.com/water
Phone: 800.321.0207
National Testing Laboratories, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH
Website: www.ntllabs.com
Phone: 800.458.3330
Oasis International
Columbus, OH
Website: www.oasiscoolers.com
Phone: 614.861.1350
Water Treatment Equipment/Products
Bell Sales
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412.795.8167
Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.
Gahanna, OH 43230
Website: www.crystalcoolers.com
Phone: 614.454.1618
Steelhead, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Website: www.steelheadinc.com
Phone: 210.628.1066
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 47
We are heading to Las Vegas, September 11-14, 2023, to host the only bottled water-centric conference held in the United States: the IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show! This event promises to be extraordinary—blending networking, learning, collaborating, and, yes, celebrating bottled water's status as the No.1 packaged beverage. IBWA's conference and trade show offers the chance to connect with industry leaders, gain invaluable knowledge, and cultivate meaningful collaborations. Register today and seize the endless possibilities awaiting you at our Las Vegas conference!
● 15+ educational sessions offering 16.5 continuing education credits (CEUs)
● 30+ exhibitors at the Trade Show
● IBWA General Session with Annual Business Meeting, and Keynote Presentation
● IBWA Board of Directors and Committee Meetings
● IBWA Welcome Reception
● Complimentary badge to PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023
IBWA is offering 16.5 CEUs for IBWA CPO attendees (8.25 Technical CEU CEU and 8.25 Business CEUs )
* For IBWA members only For updates, visit conference.bottledwater.org.
IBWA Executive Committee 7:00am – 9:00am Meeting (closed) IBWA Registration Desk Open 7:15am – 5:15pm Continental Breakfast 7:30am – 9:00am Fleet Management 101 1.0 CEU 8:00am – 9:00am The New IBWA Plant Technical 8:00am – 9:00am Reference Manual and CPO Program 1.0 CEU IBWA State Affairs Task Force* 8:45am – 10:15am PACK EXPO Las Vegas 9:00am – 5:00pm PFAS Sources & Solutions 1.0 CEU 9:15am – 10:15am IBWA State and Regional Associations 10:15am – 10:45am Committee Meeting* Diversity, Equity, and 10:30am – 11:30am Inclusion Panel 1.0 CEU Communications Meeting* 11:00am – 12:15pm IBWA Trade Show and Lunch 12:00pm – 3:00pm Time for PACK EXPO Las Vegas 3:00pm – 5:00pm DWRF Trustees Meeting 4:00pm – 5:15pm
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 9:00am – 5:00pm IBWA Registration Desk Open 10:00am – 5:30pm Education Committee Meeting* 10:30am – 11:30am Water Rights and 12:30pm – 1:30pm Regulatory Risks 1.0 CEU Supplier and Convention 12:30pm – 1:30pm Committee Meeting* How to Prepare for 1:45pm – 2:45pm an OSHA Inspection 1.0 CEU Government Relations 1:45pm – 2:45pm Committee Meeting* Energy Efficiency 3:00pm – 4:30pm Incentives and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act 1.0 CEU Technical Committee Meeting* 3:00pm – 4:30pm Key Issues Roundtable .75 CEU 4:45pm – 5:30pm Welcome Reception 5:30pm – 7:00pm DWRF Fundraiser: Topgolf 8:00pm – 10:00pm (Ticketed Event) 11 MON 12 TUE SEPT
Caron Koll Antea Group
Rick Zimmer Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Gary Hemphill Beverage Marketing Corporation Logan St. John Antea Group
Glen Davis Absopure Water Company
Deanna Samaha BlueTriton Brands
Beth Cooley NAFA–Fleet Management Association
Cory Martin IBWA
Kelly Baetz OSHA
Al Lear IBWA
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 49
Shayron Barnes-Selby Primo Water Neil Mairs Solutions Recruiting Bob Hirst Sonoran Drinking Water Advisor
Toner IBWA Colin Joern Antea Group
Whitaker-Campbell Niagara Bottling
Kick off the week by joining your industry colleagues at the Welcome Reception! This relaxed event will give you time to network with peers, catch up with old friends, and enjoy an evening of hors d’oeuvres and an open bar.
Ready to get into the swing of things?
The Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) is pleased to announce that we’re heading to Topgolf Las Vegas for this year’s fundraiser. At this premiere entertainment venue, you’ll enjoy socializing, tasty food and drinks, and leisurely hitting a few golf balls.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 8:00PM – 10:00PM
Come hear IBWA President and CEO Joe Doss report on IBWA’s latest achievements and predictions for what’s in store for the future. IBWA Chair Henry R. Hidell, III (Hidell International) will discuss what he’s learned during his tenure—and he’ll also pass the gavel on to IBWA’s 2024 Chair Hih Song Kim (BlueTriton Brands).
IBWA is holding our conference in conjunction with PACK EXPO Las Vegas, which enables IBWA registrants to receive a complimentary badge to attend PACK EXPO just by indicating this preference on your IBWA registration form.
With packaging and processing solutions for every industry, educational sessions, and networking opportunities, PACK EXPO is the most comprehensive packaging event in 2023. See the world’s largest showcase (2,000+ exhibitors) of technology, including many product launches, for more than 40 vertical markets, experience the wonder, and collaborate with experts (30,000+ attendees).
12:00pm – 3:00pm
Be introduced to the latest and greatest products and services offered by vendors that understand the bottled water industry. With time dedicated solely to conversation, decision making, and networking, don’t miss the opportunity to walk the trade show floor and talk one-on-one with exhibitors that can help you make your business more successful!
IBWA supplier members invest their time and money into developing products and services that provide answers to your business and operations issues. Now is the time to invest in holding productive conversations with them and placing your orders for 2023 and 2024.
Get all the details at conference.bottledwater.org/
. IBWA Registration Desk Open 7:00am – 5:00pm IBWA General Session, Annual Business 8:00am – 10:30am Meeting, and Keynote Presentation & Continental Breakfast 1.5 CEU PACK EXPO Las Vegas 9:00am – 3:00pm Environmental Sustainability 10:45am – 11:45pm Committee Meeting* Bottled Water Sales Trends 1.0 CEU 10:45am – 11:45pm Membership Committee Meeting* 1:00pm – 2:00pm Emerging Contaminants 1.0 CEU 1:30pm – 2:30pm What to Expect From Evolving 1:30pm – 2:30pm State and Federal Minimum Recycling Content Mandates 1.0 CEU Presidential Election Politics 2:45pm – 3:45pm Impacting Public Policy 1.0 CEU Sales & Growing Revenue in 2023 1.0 CEU 2:45pm – 3:45pm Six Easy Ways to Improve 4:00pm – 5:00pm Your Labor Hiring – Tomorrow 1.0 CEU CPO Study Session 1.25 CEU 4:00pm – 5:15pm IBWA Board of Directors Meeting* and 8:00am – 10:00am Continental Breakfast IBWA CPO Exam (Ticketed Event)* 8:00am – 11:00am *IBWA Membership Required for Attendance For updates, visit conference.bottledwater.org. 12 TUE
Register now for the only business conference in America that focuses solely on the bottled water industry. IBWA Member: Bottler/Distributor Until 8/10/2023 $645 After 8/10/2023 $745 IBWA Member: Non-Exhibiting Supplier Until 8/10/2023 $1150 After 8/10/2023 $1250 Non-Member: Bottler/Distributor Until 8/10/2023 $995 After 8/10/2023 $1095 Non-Member: Non-Exhibiting Supplier Until 8/10/2023 $1450 After 8/10/2023 $1550 READY TO REGISTER? GO TO CONFERENCE.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG/REGISTRATION.
Know Your Role
Uninformed legislators make bad policies. Here’s how you can help policymakers shape policy that helps industry.
By Cory Martin, IBWA Vice President of Government Relations
Policymaking in the United States plays a crucial role in shaping the economic, social, and environmental landscape of a nation. While governments are primarily responsible for policy formulation, the active participation of business can enhance the effectiveness and relevance of those policies.
When the bottled water industry engages in the policymaking process, we help ensure that industry perspectives create enlighten, fact-based policy at local, state, and federal levels.
Only bottled water professionals can provide insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by our industry. When bottlers share their specialized
knowledge and expertise, policymakers gain a better understanding of the nuances involved with producing a bottle of water. In addition, these important discussions can help overcome persistent stereotypes that slow policy progress and lead to designing policies that promote economic growth, innovation, and job creation within the bottled water industry.
If you want to influence the creation of supportive frameworks that foster industry innovation and economic stability, you must engage in policymaking. Why? Because policymakers need to hear the valuable insights
about emerging technologies, market trends, and sustainable practices you’ve learned simply by running your business. Collaboration between you and policymakers can lead to the design of effective incentives, grants, and policy support mechanisms that can create a more resilient future for the bottled water industry.
Where to Start
Engaging with policymakers is often easier said than done. To encourage engagement, the following five practices are critical to ensuring that your voice is magnified and heard at all levels of government.
1. Stay informed. To stay abreast of policy developments and changes relevant to the industry, IBWA offers a few options to help members keep current. You can participate in the IBWA Government Relations Committee and State Affairs Task Force, read the weekly Splash e-newsletter distributed every Thursday, and download and review the IBWA Voter Voice Advocacy app often. Those resources provide information on legislative proposals, IBWA and industry engagement, and briefs to better understand the impact of policy proposals on the industry. In short, engage with IBWA and you’ll be well-informed, and you’ll feel empowered to respond promptly and effectively when speaking with policymakers.
2. Educate policymakers. This is absolutely critical. Without a doubt, most policymakers do not have an indepth understanding of the complexities of the bottled water industry—or the challenges faced by businesses in general. Take every opportunity possible to educate legislators on your company’s and the industry's nuances, economic contributions, and unique regulatory considerations. Offer to host briefings, site visits, or roundtable discussions where policymakers can interact with industry experts, employees, and stakeholders. Through personal, fact-based storytelling, you help policymakers make more informed decisions.
3. Communicate your perspective. Clearly articulate your business' perspective on policy issues. Be concise, evidence-based, and ensure that you accurately describe how a policy will directly impact your company, employees, customers, and the broader economy. Use data, research, and case studies to support your arguments. If needed, IBWA can provide you with
those resources. Avoid jargon and technical language to make your message accessible and easily understood by policymakers.
4. Collaborate with industry peers. Join forces with other bottlers and industry stakeholders to amplify your collective voice. This includes participating in IBWA efforts to host legislators in your facilities and attend meetings with elected officials at state capitals and in Washington, DC. Such activities increase your influence by demonstrating broadbased support for specific policy positions. Through collective action, you pool resources, expertise, and networks and effectively engage with policymakers.
5. Offer solutions. Policymakers appreciate interest groups that not only highlight problems but also propose viable solutions. Instead of merely opposing unfavorable policies, proactively offer alternative approaches that achieve desired policy outcomes while minimizing adverse impacts on our industry. Due to critical member input and engagement, IBWA has been able to provide constructive comments and even support for policies that the industry may have opposed in the past (e.g., bottle deposit
legislation in Washington State). By presenting constructive alternatives, we are able to position the industry as a partner in finding balanced and effective policy solutions.
Active engagement by IBWA members in policymaking can be a transformative force, resulting in well-informed, effective, and sustainable policies that are fact-based. By involving the bottled water industry in the decision-making process, policymakers can tap into your expertise, drive innovation, and create a conducive environment for economic growth. To achieve those benefits however, it is essential that we establish relationships that help ensure the bottled water industry has a seat at the policymaking table. By embracing a culture of engagement and partnership, we can unlock the full potential of the industry as important stakeholders in shaping the policies that govern our country. But we can’t do it without you.
More than 40 IBWA members and staff traveled to Washington, DC, on June 7 as part of the association’s 2023 annual “Capitol Hill Day,” meeting with 35 members of Congress and their staff to discuss the importance of recycling and healthy hydration.
How to Respond When Bottled Water’s Safety and Environmental Record Is Questioned
By Jill Culora, IBWA Vice President of Communications
All of us are familiar with the common falsehoods people who don’t like bottled water spread around in their communities and on social media. Rebutting those false claims with facts is an easy task. The difficult part is gaining access to the eyes and ears of consumers who might otherwise believe the criticisms they’ve read or heard.
Let’s take Cape Cod, Massachusetts, for example. Residents in the 15 towns on the Cape have, or recently had, town articles requiring them to vote on whether to ban the sale of bottled water (in containers of less than 1 gallon in size). Leading the charge is the envi-
ronmental activist group Sustainable Practices (SP). Because SP proposed the article, its representative is given the floor during town meetings to present on why the ban article should be approved. That presentation contains false information that grossly misleads residents about the safety of plastic used for food contact packaging. This is obviously a problem, but it’s compounded by the fact that SP's so-called “facts” (i.e., terribly misleading information) can only be challenged by audience members, who line up at microphones to speak and are sometimes not heard because a vote is called before they are given time to talk.
During a recent meeting in another Massachusetts town—Yarmouth—an SP representative advised residents about the “harmful impacts of plastic,” citing research claiming that plastic can be found in everyone’s bodies— specifically in lung tissue and the bloodstream—and suggesting that plastic is linked to numerous health issues. The SP representative said that plastics can contain thousands of possible additives, manufacturers are not required to disclose what is in their products, and plastic can leach additives. Citing an isolated study, she claimed “the average person eats a credit
card amount of plastic each week,” and concluded with this astonishing proclamation: “If there is one thing you should take away from this presentation, it is that plastic is a human health hazard.” This dire warning was an attempt to sway voters to ban food service plastic and single-serving size bottled water, which they did in a vote that followed the presentation.
Here’s the problem: Yarmouth residents weren’t allowed to hear any counter arguments against the ban. Had they heard an alternative prospective, they would have learned the following:
• Food service plastic and plastic water bottles are just a fraction of the thousands of food and drink products packaged in plastic. If the SP representative’s “human health hazard” claims were accurate, wouldn’t they apply to all plastics associated with eating, drinking, and hygiene?
(Toothbrushes are made of plastic.)
• The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets rules and guidelines regarding appropriate packaging material composition, properties, and uses for food contact. Packaging materials that meet FDA standards are considered FDA compliant and safe for use as a packaging material that comes into contact with food. FDA has determined that the containers used by the bottled water industry to keep their products safe from contamination and make them easy to transport are safe for use—just like other food and beverage products—and they do not pose a health risk to consumers.
• Single-serving sized bottled water products are packaged in PET plastic containers, which do not contain ingredients capable of producing dangerous substances under conditions of normal use. While FDA has approved of PET plastic as safe for food and beverage contact for more than 35 years, similar regula-
tory agencies throughout the world, such as Europe and Canada, have also identified PET plastic as safe. In addition, PET plastic is used as the packaging material of choice for many other beverages, including soft drinks, juices, beer, wine, and spirits—and it continues to be the preferred packaging of consumers as well.
• The isolated study mentioned by the Sustainable Practices representative claims people consume a credit card worth of plastic each week—but that claim has been debunked. The most recent research on microplastics ingestions found the SP representative’s cited study had a calculation error that was off by a factor of 1 million, “which means that a human eats a credit card worth of MPs [microplastics] not every week but every 23 thousand years.” Learn more from this article in the Journal of Hazardous Materials: bit.ly/ MPsCreditCard.
Another common myth promoted during the Cape Cod town meetings, and elsewhere, identifies bottled water containers from the United States as a major source of ocean pollution and microplastics. However, research has proven that is not the case: The majority of ocean plastic comes from sources other than the United States. In fact, if the United States were to completely eliminate ALL plastic use, the effort would only result in a 0.25% reduction of ocean plastics, data from Oxford University’s Our World In Data website shows. And since bottled water accounts for 1.58% of all plastics used in the United States, we are talking about 1.58% of 0.25%. The latest
research on microplastic particles in oceans reveals that they originate from wastewater from washing machines— not bottled water. Learn more from this article published in the journal Nature: bit.ly/MPs_Nature.
Act Locally
In the Cape and elsewhere, residents don’t like outsiders coming into their towns attempting to influence policy. That’s understandable—and explains why SP, a nonprofit based in Brewster, Massachusetts, is so active in the state. That “act locally” philosophy is why we encourage all IBWA members to be advocates for bottled water in their communities. Whether in conversations with customers and friends or attending city council meetings where proposed plastic bans and recycling issues may be discussed, knowing bottled water’s safety and environmental record will help you provide a truthful bottled water education. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” BWR
Understanding EPA’s Proposed PFAS Regulations
By Al Lear, IBWA Vice President of Science, Education, and Technical Relations
In February 2023, the IBWA Technical Committee established a PFAS Subcommittee to review evolving federal and state PFAS regulations. That subcommittee is currently reviewing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) PFAS regulation for tap water, which was proposed in March 2023, to consider if changes to the current IBWA Standard of Quality (SOQ) for PFAS are necessary. Below, we review EPA’s proposal for PFAS in tap water and IBWA’s PFAS SOQ.
What Is PFAS?
PFAS—per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many others. PFAS have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries around the globe, including in the United States, since the 1940s (but not bottled water companies).
PFOA and PFOS have been the most extensively produced and studied of these chemicals. Both are very persistent in the environment and in the human body; in fact, they don’t break down and can accumulate over time. Evidence shows that exposure to PFAS may lead to adverse human health effects.
Current FDA and IBWA SOQs for PFAS
Currently, there are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) SOQs or testing requirements for PFAS in bottled water. However, while not mandated by law, IBWA requires members to test their bottled water products annually for PFAS, using EPA Method 537.1. In addition, IBWA has established stringent SOQs for PFAS that all bottler members must meet.
Such actions underscore the commitment of IBWA members to always
provide consumers with the safest and highest quality bottled water products. Testing for PFAS provides consumers, local and state governments, and disaster and emergency relief personnel with further assurance that bottled water is a safe and convenient product for everyday use and in times of need when tap water is compromised.
IBWA PFAS SOQs for Members
IBWA established the following SOQs for PFAS in member company bottled water products:
• 5 parts per trillion (ppt) for detection of a single PFAS compound
• 10 ppt for detection of two or more PFAS compounds
Processes and practices used in producing bottled water—such as source protection, reverse osmosis, and carbon filtration—greatly reduce the likelihood that PFAS would be found in bottled water. In late 2019, IBWA sent a letter to FDA asking it to issue an SOQ regulation for PFAS in bottled water. FDA responded, stating that the agency would not issue a PFAS regulation at that time. However, FDA said it would continue to monitor any action by the EPA on establishing PFAS maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for tap water. Under federal law, bottled water regulations must be as protective of the public health as tap water regulations. Thus, if EPA issues a PFAS regulation for tap water, FDA is required to review the EPA rule and determine its applicability to bottled water.
EPA Proposed PFAS Regulations
On March 14, 2023, EPA proposed a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) setting MCLs for six PFAS in drinking water: PFOA and PFOS (as individual contaminants), and PFHxS, PFNA, PFBS, and GenX chemicals (as a PFAS mixture).
See the chart below for details. A Hazard Index, which is based on combinations of four PFAS and their Health Based Water Concentration (HBWC), is proposed for assessing the impact of PFNA, PFHxS, PFBS, and HFPODA. The HBWCs are established for PFHxS at 9 ppt, GenX (HFPO-DA) at 10.0 ppt, PFNA at 10 ppt, and PFBS at 2000 ppt. EPA’s proposal also includes non-enforceable Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGS) for the same PFAS. A summary of the proposal can be found on EPA’s website at bit.ly/EPA_PFAS23.
What Is a Hazard Index? How Is It Implemented as an MCL?
EPA is proposing to regulate four PFAS—PFHxS, GenX chemicals, PFNA, and PFBS—as a mixture, using an established approach called a Hazard Index, which is a tool used to evaluate health risks from simultaneous exposure to mixtures of certain chemicals. Many PFAS are found together and in different levels and combinations. Estimating risk by considering one chemical at a time may underestimate the health risks associated with exposure to many PFAS at the same time.
To prevent health risks from mixtures of certain PFAS in drinking water, EPA is proposing to use this Hazard Index calculation to regulate PFHxS, GenX chemicals, PFNA, and PFBS in public water systems. To determine the Hazard Index for those four PFAS, water systems would monitor and compare the amount of each PFAS in drinking water to its associated HBWC (i.e., the level below which no health effects are expected for that PFAS). Tap water systems would add the comparison values for each PFAS contained within the mixture. If the value is greater than 1.0, it would be an exceedance of the proposed Hazard Index MCL for PFHxS, GenX chemicals, PFNA, and PFBS.
EPA’s proposed requirements are based on EPA’s Standardized Monitoring Framework for both initial and ongoing compliance monitoring of regulated PFAS to ensure that drinking water is not above MCLs.
Initial monitoring must be completed in the three years between the rule promulgation date (anticipated end of 2023) and the rule effective date (anticipated end of 2026). Proposed initial monitoring requirements to establish baseline PFAS levels include any combination of the following:
• two or four samples collected at public water systems over one year, dependent on system population size and system type
• use of recent, previously acquired PFAS drinking water data from the fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5), state-level drinking water occurrence monitoring, or other appropriate data collection program
Initial monitoring results will determine the ongoing compliance monitoring requirements. Proposed ongoing compliance monitoring requirements include:
• quarterly monitoring as the normal frequency for all sampling locations
• reduced monitoring flexibility to once or twice every three years for sampling locations where the result is below 1/3 of the MCLs (i.e., rule trigger level)
A system is in violation if monitoring results (based on running annual averages) exceed one of the MCLs.
Next Steps
IBWA’s PFAS Subcommittee is reviewing the EPA’s proposed PFAS rule to determine if changes may be necessary to align the IBWA PFAS SOQ in the IBWA Code of Practice with the proposed rule. The subcommittee is also developing a federal and state PFAS bottled and drinking water regulatory matrix for IBWA members. BWR
SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 57
COMPOUND PROPOSED MCLG PROPOSED MCL (ENFORCEABLE LEVELS) PFOA Zero 4.0 ppt (also expressed as ng/L) PFOS Zero 4.0 ppt PFNA 1.0 (unitless) Hazard Index 1.0 (unitless) Hazard Index PFHxS PFBS HFPO-DA (commonly referred to as GenX Chemicals)
EPA’s Proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation
certified plant operators (CPOs) are encouraged to complete the following quiz for ½ IBWA continuing education unit (CEU). The questions are derived from material presented in this issue of the Bottled Water Reporter, the IBWA Plant Technical Reference Manual, and the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice. Submit this quiz as a PDF to IBWA Database Systems, Membership and Technical Services Coordinator, Chance’ Gatoro: cgatoro@bottledwater.org. Look for additional quizzes in future issues and earn additional IBWA CEUs!
Check your selection for each question
1|OSHA exposure limits are often established as timeweighted averages for 8-hour days.
O True
O False
2|PFAS are a group of _________ chemicals.
O Man-made
O Disinfection
O Naturally occurring
O Drinking water treatment
3|Purified bottled water product with minerals added is permitted to be called “Mineral Water.”
O True
O False
4|The IBWA PFAS SOQ is _____ for a single PFAS compound.
O 10 ppt
O 20 ppt O 5 ppt O 15 ppt
5|The Standard of Quality for fluoride is: O .5 mg/L
1.0 mg/L
6|The EPA proposal for PFAS sets a 4 ppt MCL for what two PFAS compounds: (Select two)
7|According to the USP XXIII monograph, total solids should not exceed _____.
O 0.01%
O 1 mg/100 ml
O 5 ppb
O 1 mg/L
8|The IBWA PFAS SOQ is _____ for two or more PFAS compounds.
O 10 ppt
O 2000 ppt
O 70 ppt
O 20 ppt
9|Entry into a water storage tank (“confined space entry”) by plant personnel is regulated by _____.
10|EPA is proposing to regulate four PFAS—PFHxS, GenX Chemicals, PFNA, and PFBS as a mixture, using an established approach called a _________.
O Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
O Hazard Index (HI)
O Health Based Goal (HBG)
O Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)
Company Address City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code
.7 mg/L O 3.0 mg/L
Beverage Marketing Corp. bmcreports.com
Blackhawk Molding Co. www.blackhawkmolding.com Inside Front Cover
Brio Water Technology www.briowt.com Outside Back Cover
Canam Plastics .......... www.canamplastics.com ...
Pleass Global Limited www.vaiwai.com
Polymer Solutions Int'l www.prostack.com
Want to Advertise in IBWA Media?
If you are interested in advertising in IBWA's Bottled Water Reporter magazine, Splash weekly e-newsletter, or the recently updated website—www.bottledwater.org—contact Stephanie Reyna: stephanie@bottledwater.org or 817.719.6197.
IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show Las Vegas, NV (in conjunction with PACK EXPO)
Northeast Bottled Water Association Fall Meeting Mystic Hilton Mystic, CT
California Bottled Water Association Convention Best Western Plus Hacienda Old Town, CA
• OCTOBER 12-13
Affiliated States Bottled Water Association Fall Education Seminar/Plant Tour TBD
Northwest Bottled Water Association PCQI Workshop Virtual
Sigmahomeproducts has been serving for bottled water industry since 1992. We are offering variety designs of water dispensers, cup dispensers, manual and electric water pumps for different design bottles, drinking cups, bottle handles, bottle racks, porcelain dispensers and wooden stands, non-spill caps, aqua valves, and metal cradles etc. We can also provide with customized services. If you plan to develop new items for your business upgrading by using unlimited China manufacturing resources, please contact us by info@sigmahomeproducts.com We will charge no design fee for all R&D projects.
Inside Back Cover
p.32 SUMMER 2023 • BWR • 59
Americans love bottled water—so much so they’ve made it the No.1 packaged drink for the past seven years. Here’s how the 2022 stats look.
2022 U.S. Per Capita Consumption (Gallons)
46.5 36
In 2022,
outperformed the (much larger) single-serve segment.
Bottled Water 24.6%
Top 5 Leading Countries in Bottled Water Consumption Source: U.S. Bottled Water Through 2027, Beverage Marketing Corporation, 2022.
Vended 6.4% Retail Bulk 7.5% HOD 9.5% Dom. Sparkling 3.3% PET Single Serve 71.2% Imports 2.1% U.S. HOD Water Volume Change 2020-2022 2020 -1.5% 3.0% 3.9% 2021 2022 2022 VOLUME SHARE OF STOMACH BY WATER SEGMENT
2022 Volume Share of Stomach By U.S. Beverage Segment Carbonated Soft Drinks 18.7% Coffee 10.8% Beer 9.9% Fruit Beverages 4.2% Tea 5.4% Milk 7.8% Sports Drinks 2.8% Wine & Spirits 1.4% Tap/Others 9.4% Value-Added Water 1.5% Energy Drinks 1.5% CHINA 30 BILLION GALLONS MEXICO 11 BILLION GALLONS INDONESIA 9 BILLION GALLONS INDIA 7 BILLION GALLONS UNITED STATES 16 BILLION GALLONS
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