IBCoMagazine Issue 2 | 2021 - 2022 |

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Editorial Note Dear reader, Although some people (myself included) are still trying to recover from 2021, the new year is already well on its way. With the first month already over, and the world slowly opening itself up to “normal” life, you can feel quite lost and anxious as you might not feel ready to pick up the fast-paced (pre-Covid) life just yet. Stopping yourself to realize that time does fly by faster than you would like can be quite scary, if I do say so myself. However, as the new year is still fresh, there are a lot of very exciting things to look forward to and to wish time would go by even faster. With the IBCoMagazine team, we will have new and exciting things to look forward to for the rest of this academic year. Whether you find joy in reading our blogs and magazine articles, or seeing our illustrations and photographs, this coming year will also be packed with new and exciting art and pieces. Our new issue, You-topia, will give you an insight into our ideas of an “ideal” world. A world that, according to that one person, is perfect. Our writers and visual artists will surprise you with their inspiration and creativity on their own personal take on utopia’s. With every piece I hope you will dive deep into all the aspects that come with this topic and that you will be swept away in the YOU-TOPIA. You-topia is an explosion of creativity, ambition and inspiration. Enjoy reading our beautiful second issue and that it will blow you away as I was! On behalf of the editorial board,

Phoebe Elliott


The IBCoMagazine team created a Spotify playlist to immerse you in the futuristic and hyper-real aura of our issue!

Table of Contents 3

Retro-futurism: Socio-cultural Trip Down Memory Lane


Spiralling through Uncertainty: The Deja-vu of Corona Blues


A Moment to Forget


Deciding Your Revolutionary Changes


Bloggers Column


Putting the You in You-Topia: A Guide to Being Just a Bit Happier


A Gen Z Take on the Future


A Love Declaration to One’s Self


Becoming Le Petit Prince


Events Column: Putting Yourself First


Photospread: Candy Shell


Rediscovering Me: Consumerism, Collectivism, and Culture


I have Seen Enough Numbers!


The Fight for You-Topia


Being Divergent: Finding You-Topia in Our Times



Cover design by Ira Lizenko


Written by Victor Mihai Vencsel | Illustrate d by Isab ella Restrep o Photographed by Joao Antonio Raimundo Pedrozo | Designed by Gabi Olenicz

Retro-futurism Socio-cultural Trip Down Memory Lane

Deep and chest-shaking, a sonorous rumble reverberates from amidst the lead contoured clouds, as if the atoms in the wind have all joined a bass-baritone choir. A visage of chrome emerges, gliding across the faint rosé skies of the late morning. An imposing silver propeller slices through the clouds, revealing the body of the metal beast, a rounded cuboid clad in radiator vents and exhaust pipes. Underneath the chrome skin, an obscenely sized diesel heart powers both the movement of the skyship and the deafening concerto radiating from it. Inside the cramped cockpit, looking on ahead through a sliver of glass above the wings of the propeller, the captain smiles, proud to vanguard the brand new skyship model. Picking up the intercom, he announces to a crowd of excited passengers: „Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to welcome you to the future!”


Or at least, that’s how some folks thought the future would look like decades ago, all the way back in the 20s and 30s when films such as Metropolis or Things to Come began designing one of many genres of retro-futurism. Among them, our very own skyship scene would fit into the artistic movement called dieselpunk, lesser known among the „punk” styles, imagining the future as driven on a dangerous path of progress by the power of diesel, all wrapped up in blindingly reflective chrome. Analysing the past’s perception of the future a bit more, we can take a glance towards cyberpunk, a style that began developing in the ‚60s and ‚70s, or steampunk, which has been around ever since the ‚40s. All of these creative visions of the future show us our endless fascination with predicting our fate, and while we may not always succeed, as evidenced by the lack of absurdly designed diesel-powered chrome skyships, we sure as hell do a great job of creating great art out of our imagination. That being said, not all was shiny, beautiful, and inspiring in our recent ancestors’ visions of the near future. Just as much as we strived to imagine what advantages awaited us beyond the veil of the present, we were simultaneously fascinated by what dangers could emerge from the incoming unknown. Never-ending total war at the hands of diesel behemoths in the case of dieselpunk, nuclear annihilation in that of atompunk, loss of self and the blurring of identities in cyberpunk, and many other terrifying prospects reflect humanity’s inherent fear of major technological advancement. Once again, these doomsday predictions manage to avoid us for the most part thankfully, but that doesn’t mean we should dismiss them altogether. On the contrary, we should watch out for the paths to be avoided when staring down the tunnels of progress.

Now, all these genres and styles I’ve mentioned are quite recent in the grand scheme of things, but humans have always been quite creatively predicting what is to come. We keep on doing it, generation a er generation, starting with the grandiose dreams of children and restless writers, who seem to struggle in finding something better to do than imagining the unimaginable. Sometimes though, we dream with such power and desire that our visions entrench themselves in our culture, and when the time is right and we have the resources we need, we give life to a shard of a future that was never meant to be. So, dream on I say. We all do it anyway, we might as well try to get something good out of it. Dream on.






Embracing changes is one of the skills one should be proud to show in job interviews. Back straight, eyes looking forward, gleaming with determination and pride, enunciating every word: “I am a quick adapter to changes. I love taking on new challenges and I can find myself maturing after each task.” Finishing off with a smile, you thank your interviewers, turning off your laptop and staring out the window in front of you, you have changed a lot, the blood rushing in your veins even feels foreign at times, you are yourself, of this very moment, and at what cost? We students of IBCoM live in a state of constant change. In a blink of an eye, thousands of things flash across our lives and we, bracing ourselves for the momentum, dash and bolt forward, speeding up and slowing down, falling down and tripping over, and still moving forward, wounded and healed. At one moment, you catch a glimpse of your reflection somewhere, and it stuns you on how much you have changed.

W r i t t e n b y V u B a o T h u N g u y e n P h o t o g r a p h e d b y L a m N g o c D o D e s i g n e d b y G a b i O l e n i c z



I asked some of my IBCoM friends whether they have experienced an event that brought revolutionary change in life. That is a subjective concept, if loosely defined, it would be an occurrence of an event that changes people drastically, and again, subjectively, in a good way. It feels like we can pinpoint quite easily which event has a big impact in our lives, and since the results are favorable, we are satisfied with how we turn out right now, we tend to talk about it in a light-hearted way. Outsiders, like me, cannot fully fathom the weight of what they have been through, considering that who I have been friends with are the revolutionized selves that they have bore the pain to create. Revolutionary changes are fancy, they are brilliant that you cannot tear your eyes away from what they brought to people, but who can look past that and see the progress on the way? Even those who transformed themselves, sometimes undermined what they have gone through, wounds turn into scars that heal and then get forgotten.


When I asked them if they would still go through it again, all of them said yes, but if they get to choose whether to change after one event or to spread it out over the course of a longer period, things are not that simple anymore. We are afraid, we want to protect ourselves from the things that can hurt us. But if we don’t dive head first into challenges, we are still afraid, but that is a different type of fear, afraid of not changing when the world screams at you to change. Would you rather take one step at a time, or would you set yourself on fire and bolt? No matter what your choice is, the fact that you are so ready to embrace changes is already enough. Being scared is cool, being reckless is cool, taking time is cool, taking a step back is still cool.

The race is still up and running, but it is your own race. You are the only one who can see your own reflection. After all, revolutionary changes are subjective, it seeks validation from you, and not the other way around.




W r i t t e n b y J e s s e A b i g a i l | I l l u s t r a t e d b y J ü l i d e Ay t u ğ | D e s i g n e d b y G a b i O l e n i c z


P u t t i n g t h e Yo u i n Yo u - t o p i a A Guide to Being Just a Bit Happier While so many things in life are out of our control, there are always little things we can do to feel a little bit better. Often, the world around us, from movies and news, can make everything seem really sad and depressing. Especially during the lockdown, when we feel sad and alone, it’s important to remember what’s in your hands and how to smile a little more. So, let’s dive into it: how to put the you in you-topia.

Sleep I know you’ve heard this one before, but really nothing is better than a good night’s sleep. You might think you need to stay up all night studying, but lack of sleep and stress will do you more harm than good. Let’s be honest, are you going to feel satisfied scrolling through Instagram until 2:00 am or going to sleep at the ripe and early 10:00 pm? If you have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, Healthline says to stay away from food and screens an hour before bedtime. And stop drinking all that caffeine! If you need extra incentive, sleep is much cheaper than the food plaza Starbucks.

Sweat I’m no stranger to the loathing of exercise, but really, it makes a big difference. You might hate running, doing planks at home or going to the gym, but there’s an enjoyable kind of exercise out there for everyone. You can try to bike instead of taking the tram, or maybe taking the stairs instead of the elevator for once. Although you may feel too tired to exercise, an article from the Harvard Medical Journal states that working out gives you more energy. Even if you think you don’t have time, there are little things you can do in life to get those steps in. A little more energy and a little more confidence go a long way.

Sunshine Bright screens give me the worst headaches, and you might not realise how bad they are for you either. Not only are they very convincing at keeping you in bed, but an article from Business Insider details the real importance of taking a step back and going outside. Here in the Netherlands, there may not be a lot of sun, but even prying your eyes away from your phone can make a huge difference. Having more time for yourself to think and refresh gives you a break from the constant bombardment of information, and some sunshine helps with sleep, stress, vitamin D and overall happiness. Whenever the sun decides to show her face, seize the opportunity to go out for a walk or read a book on a park bench. But wear some sunscreen if it’s too sunny, okay?


Socialise Hello, introverts, you’re not alone here but spending time with loved ones is massively important in being happy. Call your mum (I know you said you called her the other day but she’ll never mind you checking in), text a friend you haven’t texted in a while or even try talking to someone new. When you’re stressed, sometimes talking to a close one can pull you out of your spiralling. Spending time with people you care about is a major serotonin boost, and even if you don’t think you have time, it only takes a brief moment to text someone about how much you appreciate them, and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it too.

Schedule We’re all pretty familiar with the stress of being a full-time student, trying to find time to drink a little too much (when things are open, anyway) and maybe even juggling a part-time job, but a schedule can make all the difference. Different apps like Monday, Notion and even your notes app can help you schedule. You may not need to plan hour by hour, but a daily, even weekly to-do list can help you sort through it all. When all your assignments and household tasks start to pile up, a simple list or schedule can put everything into focus and make it seem more manageable. With some stress out your way and making time to be happy, smiles are just around the corner.

Stop Take some time for yourself. There are various different ways you can treat yourself without spending three hours on TikTok. If you want some ideas, there’s always meditation (it’s great before bed), some judgement-less doodling, or even some journaling. Time for yourself really means time for YOU. Even extroverts can benefit from some time alone. Stopping and taking time for you and pausing to just think can be a huge difference in your day to day life.

Say thanks The last thing I wanna bring up is gratitude. You can keep a journal or write things down on sticky notes, but gratitude is a sure way to make you happy. Often, we get upset getting caught up with all of the things that we don’t have in life. Almost everything that brings us down is about things we don’t have, friends, time, course material in our brains. Thinking about the things we do have can really make a difference. So, try just thinking about the beautiful things in life –a pretty sunset, the sound of rain, all the people who mean something to you, because remembering what makes you happy will almost make your world a you-topia.










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Ac t iv itie s


-C f l e S 5 Ama zing University assignments and burning

deadlines. Running out of social battery and visiting family abroad. Frightening worldwide news and yet another COVID lockdown. All of these things can be depressing and make you feel out of place. And when that feeling is overwhelmingly piling up - it is the exact time to forget about everything for a moment and simply focus on yourself. Here you can find 5 amazing self-care activities that helped me to refresh myself and “get back on track with life.”

1. A peaceful meditation I am quite certain that some of you might be skeptical of meditations (at some point, I was myself!). But based on my experience, meditation helps you to just focus on yourself. And nothing else. You’ll forget about all your problems and surroundings for about 10 minutes. This short period of time restarts your brain, your soul, your body. It is a wonderful method to put yourself first. Consider the following links to guided meditations: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=86m4RC_ADEY https://www.netflix.com/browse? jbv=81280926

2. Artsy isolation Art is often associated with beauty, adoration, and creativity. But have you ever produced art and felt relaxed? Art can be another self-care activity if done with no rush or a particular goal. Just imagine: getting outside to sketch a breath-taking city view, or putting on your favorite anime to draw your crush, or even bringing in a coloring book with lovely pictures. Art can be therapeutic, trust me!


EVENT SC OL UM N 5. Body care

3. Personalized movie night We all have something we want to watch: a favorite feel-good movie, a TV show that has been on your “to-watch” list for

After a long week of draining activities,

months, a video that everyone has been

your body gets tired as much as your

talking about. Positive emotions are the

brain does. To revitalize such a valuable

best way to energize oneself. So, get

asset, give it a good makeover! I suggest

yourself tasty snacks and watch that

the following:

movie! If you need inspiration, check out

Prepare a bowl of vegetables

Oprah Daily’s recommendation list:







Drink lots of water Buy and use skincare products

4. Treat and praise


Taking a minute to reflect on how


amazing you are is truly important.


Although some of you might think

Work out (https://www.pamelareif-

something like, “Bruh, I am not amazing”.


I will find you and fight you if I find out you thought this. Every single human

Last but not least, we hope these tips will

being has good qualities. So go ahead and

help you to take great care of yourself.

highlight yours! This can be done by

Remember, you are important!

talking to yourself in the mirror and praising your reflection as if it is your most favorite person in the world. If you find this weird or uncomfortable, try

de s ig n

opening your phone or grabbing a piece of paper, and writing a “Y/N Excellence List”. This list should include everything

wr iy m it t e n by erka

ev a

at Erasmus University Rotterdam”.


can do my shoelaces” to “I am a student


you have ever achieved, starting from “I

a r a p sa


ne cheung doly n e gw

t u p g n i t t u p y f l e s r u o y s r i f first

d e










Being Divergent: Finding You- Topia in Our Times

Written by Nimrat Kaur Illustrated by Isabella Restrepo Designed by Gabi Olenicz



This fear of elimination is what drives us to remain stuck within this dystopian world without realizing the one and only truth - we all are divergent and are very capable of stepping out of this boundary and deciding our own personal definitions of success and happiness. As Tris said in the novel, “Fear doesn’t shut you down, it wakes you up.” We need to hold onto our fears and use the feeling of pure adrenaline they bring, to make that one choice and take the first step outside the boundaries of our not-so-perfect system because that one choice can transform us. I believe that is how “You-Topia” can be achieved. Learning how to discover our divergence and our abilities to find true happiness and fulfilment by taking our own route in life and not the one that society dictates us to so we can find success and happiness on our own terms. As Tris once said, “I’m Divergent - I am whatever I choose to be”, we too can choose to become our You-Topias in our own “perfect” you-niverses.


Nevertheless, the silver lining in this dystopian world is the character of Tris Prior because she is not Abnegation. She is not Dauntless. She is Divergent. Reading the novel from her point of view is probably what made this read so euphoric and memorable for you, you’re not even surprised you still remember little details from the storyline. What’s the blatant truth is that this is not a coincidence, this feeling of euphoria comes from Tris who was the sole and complete embodiment of utopia in the dystopian world of Divergent. She didn’t let the factions and the restrictive rules define her because she knew the power in her divergence. Somehow, this is an idea that stuck with me as much as it did with you, mainly because of the fact that our times and we, ourselves, are so congeneric to this dystopian world. While we aren’t actually divided into factions, we choose to live life within boundaries and labels beyond which we are often scared to go. We choose to look at life through the looking glass issued by the system. Therefore, success and happiness have set definitions and the steps to achieving them are laid out in front of us as if in a manual so we can follow them and anybody who shows any signs of divergence is virtually eliminated by our society.


Imagine that you’re back in 7th grade again, you’ve just picked up this novel, it’s called “Divergent”, you have no idea what it means but all your friends are going crazy over it so you’ve decided to give it a read. If this sounds somewhat familiar to you, then I want you to pause at this very moment of your life and relive your first ever encounter with the world of dystopia, a place that is so messed up and broken, all it has left are rules that barely hold this world together. The characters are almost like parts of a dull machine going by all the rules one by one in fear that if the machine breaks, they will too. This brings you to realize that these so-called factions mentioned in the novel, namely “Abnegation (selfless), Erudite (intellectual), Dauntless (brave), Candor (honest), and Amity (peaceful)” are all really the manifestations of your own rigid system, a system you delicately call “society”, that sucks you into an inescapable void where the rules decide your future and your success. Personal happiness, on the other hand, is only but a luxury you can no longer have.






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