IBCoMagazine Issue 3|2017 -2018

Page 34

From quidditch to pole dancing, how will you get that summer body ? — Francis Garlich The winter is finally over, and this also means that it is time to awaken from your winter hibernation and start to get active again. The cold winter often has a funny way of making sports seem like the worst thing ever, because you just want to lay in your bed. But now that spring has come, it is time to pick up your exercise! Luckily, there are so many great sports and activities offered by both Erasmus Sport and other facilities, that it won’t be hard to get back into that summer-proof body!

Erasmus Sport: Erasmus Sport has tons to offer and it is a sure thing that you will find something that appeals to you. You can, first of all, join all these different sport teams that meet multiple times per week and even play games against students from other cities. This is a great way to meet new people, and playing in a team also motivates you to always show up and do your absolute best. They have everything from football to volleyball to lacrosse, it is definitely worth checking out!


Besides the sport teams, Erasmus Sport also offers a lot of fun courses and lessons that you can join each week. As for the lessons, they have a “body fit” schedule; on there, you will find all the different lessons they have to offer every week. They have a lot of classes that are focused on muscle training and increasing your physical fitness, like indoor cycling and BBB. But they also offer other fun activities, like yoga and boxing.

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