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When was the last time you checked your weight? Do you know your BMI? Have you visited any gym lately, done situps, jogged or partook in any physical activity that made you sweat and made your heart race? These are pertinent questions one should often ask themselves (and other loved ones). We live in times when technology has caused total inactivity amongst people.

other serious medical ailments. Obesity also aids and abets many other medical conditions, as it is known to affect most of the organ systems in the body. So, what is obesity and how can it be quantified?

Most people have forgotten about the importance of real recreational activities. A fact that means quite many people now run the risk of gaining too much weight, and becoming obese.

Obesity means having excessive body fat that may be detrimental to one’s health. It is quantified through the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is a measure that calculates body fat by dividing the individual’s weight (in kilograms) by the square of the height (in meters). A score of 19-24.9 is classified as normal, 25-29.9 is overweight, and above 30 is obesity.

Being obese is a very dangerous condition, and many in Nigeria see obesity as “living the good life”. Obesity increases the risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, Osteoarthritis, lower back pain and

Obesity is a serious problem that is afflicting more and more people every day due to increased intake of highcalorie foods especially fats and refined carbohydrates. Most experts will agree that the best way of combating obesity


is essentially through dieting and physical exercise. Exercise helps to burn off excess calories and is crucial when trying to lose weight. Aerobic exercises (jogging, skipping, cycling and brisk walking) are useful ways to get the heart pumping. Eating plenty of fruits and roughages while also reducing the intake of food that has high-calorie content is another habit to cultivate if you are already obese. Studies show that obesity is growing in Nigeria especially, and yet many don’t know about its dangers. Start learning a sport. Tennis, basketball, football or swimming are excellent physical activities that not only help you lose weight, but they improve brain functions too. Get on a healthy diet (do not starve yourself, or harm yourself in the name of losing weight), Jog, or take long walks regularly.

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