East Coast Brokers Magazine - Summer Edition 2023

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AUG 2023

NB – August 17th - 23rd Annual Golf Classic

NS August 23rd – Moonlight Party Cruise

NB August 24th – Introduction To Quandri

SEPT 2023

NB – September 20th – Communication Breakthroughs

NS – September 28 - AGM & President’s Breakfast

OCT 2023

ALL – October 11-12th – Atlantic Brokers Convention

NB – October 15-19th – CAIB 1 Immersion

NB – October 19th – First On Site Presents Hoarding

NB – October 20-24th – CAIB 2 Immersion

NB – October 26th AGM/Meet The Underwriter

NB – October 27-31st – CAIB 3 Immersion

NOV 2023

NB – November 1-6th – CAIB 4 Immersion

NB – November 3rd – CSIP 1 Immersion

NB – November 10th – CSIP 2 Immersion

PEI – November 14th – PEI Insure Convocation

PEI – November 14th – IBAPEI AGM

NB – November 17th – CSIP 3 Immersion

NB – November 23rd – Communicating With Greater Tact

NB –November 24th – CSIP 4 Immersion

This magazine was designed, and published by the staff at your Atlantic Associations. Thank you to all our advertisers, and content creators. The opinions and viewpoints expressed in the East Coast Insurance Broker may not be those of the Association and its members. This magazine will continue to be published four times per year. For advertising sales and deadlines, please reach out to IBANB, at (506) 450-2898, or alternatively email ibanb@ nbinsurancebrokers.ca

3 IBAC PRESIDENT .............................................................. 4/5 ALWAYS ROOM TO IMPROVE ...................................... 6/7 VALUE OF TEAMWORK .................................................. 8/9 SUCCESS FOR NB YBN..................................................... 10 IBANB PRESIDENT ........................................................ 12/15 IBAPEI PRESIDENT ....................................................... 16/17 IBAN PRESIDENT ..................................................................18 IBANS PRESIDENT ....................................................... 20/21 CONGRATULATIONS IBANS GRADUATES! ..... 22/23 IBANS CELEBRATES ................................................. 24/25 SOCIAL MEDIA CADENCE........................................ 26/27 OUTSHINE THE CROWD ........................................... 28/29 CONGRATULATIONS IBANB GRADUATES! ...... 30/31 MODERNIZING NS AUTO .........................................34/35 DEFENCES TO BROKER NEGLIGENCE .............. 36/37 INSURER SPOTLIGHT; AVIVA ................................38/39 CSIO UPDATE ................................................................. 40/41 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS ............................... 42/43 4 CONS OF CHAT GPT .............................................. 44/45 IBANS LONG SERVICE AWARDS................................. 46


My one-year term as President of IBAC is coming to a close this fall, and it has been an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to travel across Canada for a number of Member Association conventions and events, and the best part was meeting and talking to so many insurance brokers from coast to coast who exemplify the strong values of our profession.

It has been a very busy year at IBAC and I’d like to update you on the progress we have made on all 4 pillars of our mandate.

Federal Advocacy

As most of you know, Federal Advocacy has been the mainstay of IBAC’s purpose. Our Annual Hill Day is the highlight, with our Board of Directors and broker delegates from our Member Associations travelling to Ottawa to attend meetings with their Members of Parliament (MPs).

I’ve been attending Hill Day for 5 years and it is such a rewarding event with all of us brokers heading to the Hill wearing our magenta lanyards and carrying our folders displaying a large magenta bipper. We certainly make an impression! I am always pleased to see the recognition that we receive from our politicians. Over the years, we’ve worked hard to cultivate strong relationships with our MPs, and they respect the input of insurance brokers because we are small business people who contribute to our communities and we’re great consumer advocates. We have a lot to offer.

We continue with our message to prevent banks from selling insurance at the point of granting credit and maintaining the separation of the pillars of banking and insurance. We are the only country that has managed to keep that separation, thanks to IBAC’s good advocacy work over many years.

IBAC has also been participating in working groups to create a National Flood Program for the 10% of Canadians who live in high-risk flood zones where overland flood insurance is either unavailable or unaffordable. Our focus is on ensuring an optimal outcome for consumers and leveraging the existing private sector distribution and claims process. We also recommend tapping into the valuable expertise of insurance brokers who have a unique understanding of the specific needs in the communities where they live and work. We were pleased to see that the government has allocated

funds to begin creating the framework for this important initiative.

National Advertising Campaign – BIP

In February we launched a new advertising campaign: “The world doesn’t work without insurance. Insurance works best with an insurance broker.” It is an intriguing concept that gets people thinking about how important insurance is.

We are really excited about the new campaign; not only does it provide consumer education, it also helps to elevate the broker profession and recruit new brokers into the industry. A series of social media posts featuring “A day in the life of an insurance broker” will further promote what a great career this is.

This year we are also celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Bipper, an iconic logo that symbolizes the important role of insurance brokers in providing choice, advice and advocacy for consumers, and our steadfast commitment to consumer protection.


IBAC’s Data exchange project has made great strides with the help of the Technology Committee composed of broker volunteers from across Canada.

IBAC and CSIO are collaborating to improve real-time data sharing through the development of APIs. The goal is to eliminate the double entry process where brokers have


to enter data into their own systems and then re-enter it into the carrier portal. This will save time and money, improve accuracy and create a better client experience.

To function effectively, we need a critical mass of both insurers and brokers – and the momentum is growing. IBAC has been working to inform brokers of the benefits of API connectivity and drive adoption throughout the industry. We launched a national communications initiative last spring, and it got a lot of attention and positive feedback. We continue to promote DX and encourage all brokers to support and embrace this new technology.

Professional Development

The Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB) program is getting a face-lift! CAIB 1 has been revised and updated in a digital format, and work is progressing well on CAIB 2, 3 & 4. This has been a huge project so we are really excited to be nearing completion of all 4 offerings.

This spring I was very honoured to attend the IBAM Awards ceremony and assist with presenting CAIB certificates to graduates. I then travelled to Halifax to attend the Aspire Awards and also New Brunswick for their Awards Gala.

I am a CAIB graduate myself, I know the hard work and commitment it takes to achieve your designation. As President of IBAC, I sign the all the CAIB certificates and it brings back my own CAIB journey, working full time, raising 3 children and somehow fitting in my CAIB studies. I was very proud to receive my designation with Honours, and I never imagined that one day my signature would be on these certificates for CAIB graduates across Canada.

I strongly encourage all brokers across Canada to take the CAIB courses and earn this distinguished designation. It will identify you as a well-educated professional insurance broker and set you up for career success!

I want to thank all my fellow brokers for the support I have received this year, it has truly been a life changing experience for me. Have a great summer everyone and please feel free to reach out to me, linda.dolan@ alportinsurance.ca

To reach Linda, email her at linda.dolan@alportinsurance ca, or look for her at one of the

Upcoming conventions or events. Be sure to follow IBAC on Twitter @IBACanada to stay connected.


help their clients make informed decisions. Additionally, brokers must have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills to assess risks and provide the best coverage options to their clients. Education equips brokers with these critical skills by providing them with comprehensive training on insurance concepts, policies, and regulations.

Growing up, my dad instilled on me the concept of constant improvement. I’d get a test back in school and we would go over it, looking at any errors I made and figure out how to avoid them in the future. When practicing for whatever sport I was playing, he would encourage me to go the extra mile. In his words “there’s room for improvement”. Mind you, it was in a loving way, not that he was disappointed, just a reminder that we can’t stay stagnant and content with how things are and should be looking for ways to improve ourselves and the world around us.

In today’s rapidly evolving business world, insurance brokers play an increasingly important role in protecting individuals and businesses from risk. However, the insurance industry is constantly changing, and brokers must be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to navigate this dynamic environment successfully. Education is crucial for young insurance brokers as it provides them with a solid foundation to build their careers and become successful professionals. We, as young brokers, should be looking for ways that we can improve and better service our clients.

Education provides insurance brokers with the necessary technical knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles. Brokers must have a deep understanding of insurance products, regulations, and market trends to

Furthermore, education helps young insurance brokers to develop soft skills that are essential for their success in the industry. Soft skills such as communication, leadership, and collaboration are crucial in the insurance industry where brokers often work with clients, underwriters, and other stakeholders. Education programs provide young brokers with the opportunity to develop these skills through practical training and interactions with industry professionals. For example, group projects and case studies can help brokers to develop their collaboration skills, while presentation and public speaking can help them to improve their communication skills.

Education helps young insurance brokers to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and developments. The insurance industry is continually evolving, with new products, regulations, and technologies emerging all the time. Brokers who fail to keep up with these changes risk falling behind and losing their competitive edge. Education programs help brokers to stay abreast of these changes by providing them with access to the latest research, industry insights, and best practices. This knowledge allows brokers to anticipate trends and adjust their strategies, keeping them ahead of the curve and enabling them to provide the best possible service to their clients.

Another important benefit of education for young insurance brokers is the opportunity to network with industry professionals. Building a strong professional network is essential in the insurance industry, as brokers often rely on referrals and recommendations to generate new business. Education programs provide brokers with the chance to meet



and connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and other brokers, enabling them to build relationships that can be beneficial to their careers.

Education is essential for young brokers who aspire to advance their careers and take on leadership roles. As brokers gain experience and expertise, they may want to move into management or executive positions, where they will be responsible for leading teams, developing strategies, and making key business decisions. Education programs that offer courses in business management, leadership, and strategy can help brokers to develop the skills and knowledge to excel in these roles.

Finally, education is crucial for young insurance brokers to build trust and credibility with their clients. Insurance brokers are responsible for helping their clients to make critical financial decisions and clients need to have confidence in their broker’s ability and expertise. Education programs provide brokers with qualifications and certifications that demonstrate their knowledge and competence in the field, giving clients the assurance, they need to trust their broker’s advice and recommendations.

All that to say, go out and sign up for your next CAIB course, look at another professional designation, participate in an IBANS webinar, make time for the insurer presentation on their new product or emerging risk, whatever it is that you feel would help you excel in your role and continue to elevate the role of the broker in society.

Mark Townsend, MBA, CAIB, CRM, YBN, IBANS.

Mark can be reached at (902) 474-1201 or by email at Mark.townsend1@aon.ca.

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Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills.

Insurance brokerages are faced with complex problems that require the expertise of different individuals. With brokerages offering multiple lines of insurance such as auto, home, business, marine, liability, life, to name a few are a lot of products and coverages to understand. Having a group of employees focused on different lines of insurance that work together can pool their skills and knowledge to find solutions. This enhances problem-solving abilities and leads to better outcomes for clients.

Increased Innovation. Innovation

The insurance brokerage industry is highly competitive with many larger national companies acquiring smaller brokerages, and success depends on many factors. One of the key elements that can make or break an insurance brokerage is teamwork. Teamwork is the ability of owners and employees to work together towards a common goal. In an insurance brokerage, teamwork is essential to delivering the best service to clients and achieving business objectives. Here are some of the benefits of teamwork in an insurance brokerage:

Better Communication. Effective communication is essential to the success of any insurance brokerage. Teamwork enhances communication between employees, allowing them to share ideas, knowledge, and information. A brokerage that has strong teamwork and good communication skills helps to avoid misunderstandings, duplication of work, and errors and omissions.

is critical to staying ahead of the competition in the insurance brokerage industry. When individuals work in teams, they can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. One example of this may be to have one or two brokers specialize in each insurance company or finance company portal. This would provide the brokerage the ability to have an in house go to person for different



scenarios where help may be needed. This can lead to new and innovative solutions that benefit clients and improve the business.

Improved Productivity. When employees work as a team, they can accomplish more than they could as individuals. Teamwork helps to distribute tasks, so everyone can focus on their strengths. Like with problem solving, if brokers are focused on specific lines of insurance, they can focus on their strengths and refer the other lines to their colleagues. Some brokers may prefer sales as opposed to servicing existing books of business, this business model works much more efficiently in a brokerage with strong teamwork. As a result of employees focusing on their strengths, productivity increases, and the brokerage can deliver more services to clients.

Improved Morale. Teamwork creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie among employees. When everyone feels like they are working together towards a common goal, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This, in turn, leads to better morale and a happier workplace, and a happier workplace is key to employee retention and referrals.

Better Client Service. At the heart of any insurance brokerage is the desire to provide the best service to clients. When employees work as a team, they can provide a more comprehensive service that meets the needs of clients. By providing customers with knowledgeable brokers who work together can lead to increased client satisfaction, retention, and referrals.

In conclusion, the value of teamwork in an insurance brokerage cannot be overstated. When employees work together, they can communicate better, enhance problem-solving skills, encourage innovation, improve productivity, build morale, and focus on client service. By fostering a culture of teamwork, insurance brokerages can achieve success and stand out in a highly competitive industry.

Tyler can be reached at (902) 368-3446 or by tyler.sellar@ anchorgroup.com

Tyler Sellar, BBA, CAIB, CIP, YBN, IBAPEI.


knowledge about how different types of companies are managed and how they address operational risks.

• What made you choose to study Insurance at NBCC?

One of the tasks undertaken by the Young Broker Network committee is to encourage, through presentations to post secondary education institutes, the younger generations to chose the insurance industry as a career of choice. They have seen many success stories over the past several years and I recently caught up with Randall Porto, who has newly passed his CAIB 1 and started working for a local brokerage in Moncton, New Brunswick.

• Tell us a bit about yourself; where are you from and how did you end up in Moncton, NB?

My name is Randall, and I am from Brazil. I used to live in a city called São Paulo with more than 30 million people. So I was looking for a place with opportunities to grow and peaceful to live with my family. Moncton matches those points in my list.

• What is your educational background?

I have a bachelor’s in business administration and an MBA in Finance, but I was looking for a more specific risk management and insurance course to complete my knowledge.

• What previous jobs had you held prior to your current employment at a brokerage?

I have had the opportunity to work in various industries, including banking, construction, and warehousing. Through these diverse experiences, I have gained valuable

I carefully researched various colleges and compared their curriculum, classes, and subjects before deciding on NBCC. Based on my background and experience, NBCC offers the best opportunities for me to succeed in Canada. I was particularly interested in the Risk Management and Insurance program and am confident this was the right choice.

• How did you hear about the opportunity to work in a Brokerage?

During my insurance classes, my instructor, who has vast experience, provided a detailed overview of the day-to-day operations of brokerage companies. His insights were encouraging, motivating me to consider pursuing a career in the insurance industry. In addition, during one of my classes, the Young Broker Network Committee presented about the opportunities of working in brokerages across the province. One of the young brokers speaking shared some of the defining moments from his career. These histories helped me clarify my career aspirations. They solidified my interest in pursuing a position in the insurance industry, and I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom of my instructors and industry professionals.

• What appeals to you about working in the insurance industry and especially as a broker?

I am committed to finding a career that allows me to grow professionally and personally while also positively impacting the people around me. The insurance industry offers a wealth of opportunities to do just that. As a student, I have learned



about various processes and technologies and how to help individuals protect their lives, properties, and families. For me, Insurance is more than just a transactional service. It is about providing protection and empathy to understand each individual’s needs and positively impact their communities. There is no greater reward than knowing that I am helping someone in need, which is my primary motivation for pursuing a position in this industry.

• What do you hope to achieve working in the insurance industry?

The insurance industry is a constantly growing field, and there is always a need for professionals. As an insurance professional, I can play a crucial role in helping people through difficult times. I aspire to grow and use this path to impact people’s lives positively.

• What are your 5 year career goals?

My goal is to become an expert in the field of Insurance, with a focus on obtaining my CAIB nomination. I am committed to continuously expanding my knowledge and expertise in the industry.

• What skills do you find are most helpful to you in this career?

Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are among the most valuable skills in finding the best solutions for customers. These skills are essential in building strong relationships and providing exceptional service.

• Do you have any advice for those looking to join the insurance industry?

Start looking for education and training to pursue a mandatory certification to be an agent or broker, develop your interpersonal skills to be more customer-focused and, a piece of essential advice, embrace change and innovation. You can position yourself for success in the industry with those pieces of advice.



However, the insurers must also share the blame. In soft market conditions, they are just as willing to undersell their products as we are and proper underwriting at their level may not be what it should be. When losses reach crisis, insurers react with substantial withdrawal of capital and significant rate increases across those lines of business. If any class of insurance is properly priced for the risk, then the market would be a stable one for all of us, including the consumer.

Spring is upon us, and I am sure your offices are busy and hectic as ever. Although we look forward to time some off in the summer, we will be faced with staff shortages due to much-needed vacations, both in our own offices and at the company level. Combining this time of year with the task of having to re-market many clients due to the volatile market, my heart goes out to my fellow brokers.

However, brokers cannot expect any insurer to stay in a non-profitable situation for an extended period. No company, including our own, is going to want to lose money. We, as brokers, do not like poor loss++s ratios any more than the insurer does. We are paid by our clients to evaluate their insurance needs and place their policies with a stable, yet competitive market. The insurers are looking for good risk and rely upon us to be their front-line eyes and ears to develop a good book of business.

We, as brokers, are therefore in a very delicate and important position. We must develop our business with the consumer in mind by providing them with proper coverage at competitive rates, and we must properly underwrite and place our clients with a stable insurer. If we don’t protect our markets by properly underwriting and evaluating our risk, the insurers will lose money and withdraw their appetite. When insurers withdraw from a class of business, we have not only hurt ourselves and the insurer, but the eventual loser will be the consumer who now has less options in the marketplace. It is indeed a fine line to walk.

In the end, we are all our own worst enemies...The consumer who thinks about price alone... The broker who thinks of that new piece of business alone... And the insurer who in the past would do whatever it takes to write it. Unfortunately, the arduous market is here to stay, perpetuated by extreme weather events, labor shortages, and inflation.

IBANB has been actively doing what we can to help brokers navigate through these difficulties and often unappreciated business. Your association met with the Superintendent of Insurance to discuss the impacts of the changes to the New Brunswick Insurance Act implemented in February 2023, in which IBANB was heavily involved.

We also met with the team at FCNB and IBC, to discuss ride sharing in New Brunswick, and how we can work with companies looking to expand into our province. We met with the Consumer Advocates office to discuss some of the challenges we are facing in New Brunswick. They explained that the call queries have remained at a steady 1200 per year, with 54% of them being claims related. Other queries include issues related to the hard market with cancellations, nonrenewals, and spikes in pricing from both personal lines and commercial lines clients, with more homeowners’ queries than auto. Many questions from our commercial clients as well on realty, restaurants, trucking, hospitality, and some of the other most affected areas of the hard market.

We have met with all levels of the Facility boards and the servicing company to discuss services. We met with IBC to discuss market appetite, the current challenges we are experiencing, and our concerns on where the markets are going. We have met and will continue to meet with MLA’s and MP’s. We look forward to Hill Day in May.



We have been meeting with our sister Associations in the Atlantic Canada regularly to support the ease of doing business, costeffectively, while also representing our shared interests at the IBAC table and in Ottawa.

I’m sure you will agree that we have been busy! But… it doesn’t stop there, as we also celebrated 41 GRADUATES in 2023! Please join me, our board of directors, and our amazing IBANB staff in congratulating and welcoming our newest group of designated brokers. Our education continues to be our top priority, whether it’s offering CAIB through self-study, immersion classes or evening opportunities, promoting continuing education, and giving our members access to free webinars to better equip them with today’s questions.

And finally, the conversations I have with practically every single person who has sat on the board includes some comments that allude to the satisfaction they get from being part of the board. Being involved as a director gives you the opportunity to have a voice in the direction that your association is going; it gets you closer to the decisions being made both provincially and nationally on topics important to insurance brokers across the country. Time and time again, I hear brokers say they miss the camaraderie and involvement soon after they are done their term on the board.

Le printemps est à nos portes et je suis sûr que vos bureaux sont occupés et mouvementés comme jamais. Bien que nous ayons hâte de prendre quelques congés cet été, nous serons confrontés à des pénuries de personnel en raison de vacances bien nécessaires, tant dans nos propres bureaux qu’au niveau de l’entreprise. En combinant cette période de l’année avec la tâche de devoir recommercialiser de nombreux clients en raison de la volatilité du marché, mon cœur va à mes collègues courtiers.

Cependant, les courtiers ne peuvent s’attendre à ce qu’un assureur reste dans une situation non rentable pendant une période prolongée. Aucune entreprise, y compris la nôtre, ne voudra perdre de l’argent. En tant que courtiers, nous n’aimons pas plus que l’assureur les mauvais ratios de sinistres. Nous sommes payés par nos clients pour évaluer leurs besoins en assurance et placer leurs

polices sur un marché stable mais compétitif. Les assureurs recherchent un bon risque et comptent sur nous pour être leurs yeux et leurs oreilles de première ligne afin de développer un bon volume d’affaires.

Nous, en tant que courtiers, sommes donc dans une position très délicate et importante. Nous devons développer notre activité en pensant au consommateur en lui offrant une couverture adéquate à des tarifs compétitifs, et nous devons souscrire correctement et placer nos clients auprès d’un assureur stable. Si nous ne protégeons pas nos marchés en souscrivant et en évaluant correctement notre risque, les assureurs perdront de l’argent et retireront leur appétit. Lorsque les assureurs se retirent d’une catégorie d’affaires, nous nous nuisons non seulement à nous-mêmes et à l’assureur, mais le perdant éventuel sera le consommateur qui a maintenant moins d’options sur le marché. C’est en effet une ligne fine à marcher.

Cependant, les assureurs doivent également partager le blâme. Dans des conditions de marché faibles, ils sont tout aussi disposés à sous-vendre leurs produits que nous et une souscription appropriée à leur niveau n’est peut-être pas ce qu’elle devrait être. Lorsque les pertes atteignent la crise, les assureurs réagissent par un retrait substantiel de capital et des augmentations de taux significatives dans ces secteurs d’activité. Si une classe d’assurance est correctement tarifée pour le risque, alors le marché serait stable pour nous tous, y compris le consommateur.

En fin de compte, nous sommes tous notre pire ennemi; le consommateur qui ne pense qu’au prix, le courtier qui ne pense qu’à cette nouvelle activité et l’assureur qui, dans le passé, faisait tout ce qu’il fallait pour l’écrire. Malheureusement, le marché ardu est là pour rester, perpétué par des événements météorologiques extrêmes, des pénuries de main-d’œuvre et l’inflation.

IBANB fait activement ce que nous pouvons pour aider les courtiers à traverser ces difficultés et cette industrie souvent sous appréciée. Votre association a rencontré le surintendant des assurances pour discuter des impacts des changements à la Loi sur les assurances du Nouveau-Brunswick mis en œuvre en février 2023, dans lesquels l’IBANB a été fortement impliqué.

Nous avons également rencontré l’équipe de la FCNB et du BAC pour discuter du covoiturage au Nouveau-Brunswick et de la façon dont nous pouvons travailler avec


des entreprises qui cherchent à s’implanter dans notre province. Nous avons rencontré le bureau du défenseur des consommateurs pour discuter de certains des défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés au NouveauBrunswick. Ils ont expliqué que les demandes d’appels sont restées stables à 1 200 par an, dont 54 % sont liées à des réclamations. D’autres requêtes incluent des problèmes liés au marché dur avec des annulations, des nonrenouvellements et des augmentations de prix des clients des lignes personnelles et des lignes commerciales, avec plus de requêtes sur les polices d’assurances habitations que d’automobiles. De nombreuses questions

de nos clients commerciaux portent également sur l’immobilier, les restaurants, le camionnage, l’hôtellerie et certains des autres domaines les plus touchés du marché difficile. Nous avons rencontré tous les niveaux des conseils d’administration des installations et la société de service pour discuter des services. Nous avons rencontré IBC pour discuter de l’appétit du marché, des défis actuels que nous rencontrons et de nos préoccupations quant à l’évolution des marchés. Nous avons rencontré et continuerons de rencontrer des membres de l’Assemblée législative et des députés Parlementaire. Nous attendons avec impatience le Hill Day en mai.

Nous avons rencontré régulièrement nos associations sœurs du Canada atlantique pour soutenir la facilité de faire des affaires, de manière rentable, tout en représentant nos intérêts communs à la table de l’ABAC et à Ottawa.

Je suis sûr que vous conviendrez que nous avons été occupés ! Cependant, ça ne s’arrête pas là, puisque nous avons aussi fêté 41 DIPLÔMÉS en 2023 ! Veuillez-vous joindre à moi, à notre conseil d’administration et à notre incroyable personnel d’IBANB pour féliciter et souhaiter la bienvenue à notre

The BMO broker financing program is well entrenched in communities throughout Canada and remains a market leader in meeting local broker capital requirements. Our team is spearheaded by seasoned individuals who have worked directly in the Property & Casualty space. We’re eager to learn more about your financing requirements and assist with all stages of the life of your brokerage including succession, acquisition, working capital and equity recapitalization needs.

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nouveau groupe de courtiers désignés. Notre éducation continue d’être notre priorité absolue, qu’il s’agisse d’offrir CAIB par le biais d’auto-apprentissage, de cours d’immersion ou d’opportunités en soirée, de promouvoir la formation continue et de donner à nos membres l’accès à des webinaires gratuits pour mieux les équiper avec les questions d’aujourd’hui.

Enfin, les conversations que j’ai avec pratiquement toutes les personnes qui ont siégé au conseil comprennent des commentaires qui font allusion à la satisfaction qu’elles retirent de leur appartenance au conseil. Être impliqué en tant qu’administrateur vous donne l’opportunité d’avoir une voix dans la direction que prend votre association ; il vous rapproche des décisions prises à l’échelle provinciale et nationale sur des sujets importants pour les courtiers d’assurances à travers le pays. À maintes reprises, j’entends des courtiers mentionner comment ils s’ennuient de la camaraderie et de leur implication dès qu’ils ont fini leur terme avec le conseil d’administration.

Curling; Sweeping The Insurance Industry

Those in attendance were asked to make a donation to the local food bank, and by the end of the event there were 9 overflowing boxes and bags of donations waiting to be dropped off to the Food Depot Alimentaire.

The Insurance Brokers Association of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick Young Brokers Network would like to thank our Insurer partners who supported the event, Belfor Restoration for sponsoring the food and speaking at the event, Anderson McTague for providing door prizes and for everyone who turned up to the event and who supported the local food bank.

Remember, curling rocks!

Brandon McGee, CAIB, IBANB President. You may contact Brandon at (506) 466-3330 or via email at, brandonmcgee@ guyrday.com.


evolving based on the carrier and their own reinsurance terms. MGAs were used very heavily in the last few years, but we are starting to see a lot of this business move back into the regular market depending on the carrier. It appears MGAs are becoming more specialized and useful in certain segments or types of risks.

There has been a lot more conversation around the benefits of additional Application Programming Interface (API) and the huge benefits it is going to have in the industry, specifically the broker channel. If you consider the role of a personal lines broker, there is an incredible amount of duplicate data entry. With more technology solutions using API’s being introduced this should help give brokers back their valuable time to be

As we arrive at Summer the work on fixing hurricane damage has resumed full force. Everyone is slowly getting all their repairs done and more claims are being closed. We are still feeling the effects of a shortage of qualified contractors as well as ongoing supply chain issues. Automobile body shops are still working on the back log of customers waiting to have their vehicles repaired with hurricane damage. However, our community has really stepped up with patience, understanding and assistance with recovery efforts. I hope by the time you read this article we are in an even better position with respect to hurricane repairs. Thanks again to our members for all your hard work navigating these claims with clients. I know firsthand how exhausting it is getting for everyone.

With respect to commercial insurance, we are starting to notice the hard market

used on more important things like advising and helping their clients. Already we are hoping for IBC’s new DASH (Driver Automobile Search History) product to be released soon using APIs. When speaking with carriers I know the project is being held up because they are trying to do this in a way that avoids the use of more portals. We are all experiencing portal exhaustion, so this is welcoming news.

In April we had Al Scornaienchi from Agency59 in PEI with a local film team to record an interview with myself for the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada content series. Some of these short videos highlighting brokers in each community across the country should be available this summer. It was a great experience answering questions around what makes the broker channel so important. The focus with these videos will be to not only highlight the importance of a broker but to help with recruitment of staff to the industry. In a study recently conducted by Aviva with 1500 business leaders



only 36% of these leaders reported that they had a full compliment of staff. In PEI we are feeling the effects of having a lack of trained and qualified individuals working in the industry. And with remote work being more available we are more vulnerable then ever of losing trained staffed.

The Young Brokers of PEI hosted their Annual Bowling Event in May and once again we had a great turn out and a lot of fun. The Young Brokers are also getting ready to host their first golf tournament which will be taking place in October as part of the Atlantic Insurance Brokers Convention. They are busy in planning stages, and it is shaping up to be a great event. It is great to have such an active group of Young Brokers here on the island.

Planning for the Atlantic Insurance Brokers Convention is well underway with some great entertainment and educational sessions being organized. We are so excited to host in PEI this October. We will have educational speaker, Melanie Needham, speaking on some of the hot topics in the industry. We will also have Steve Patterson as our main entertainment from CBC’s Debaters. Please visit the brokers convention website to register for what is sure to be a spectacular event! brokersconvention.ca

As mentioned previously, I do want to remind all our members that if there are any issues that our association can help you navigate, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. We are a small but mighty association, and I am here to put a voice to our members’ concerns. I

am committed to do everything I can to help our members and the broker channel. I am confident that if we work together, we can achieve more

Mary Beth McInnis, BBA, CAIB, CIP, IBAPEI President. You may contact MaryBeth at (902) 628-8545 or mbmcinnis@peake-mcinnis.com

Thank you to everyone who attended our YBN Bowlfest, here is a snapshot of the evening!


Its amazing how fast time seems to fly by. It’s hard to believe we are over halfway through the year and right in the middle of summer and I know it’s also a busy time of year for all our members.


This year Its great that everything is back to normal, and our Young Brokers Network has put out two fantastic events. The brewery bus crawl which took place back in April sold out quickly and everyone had a great time. Also, our annual golf tournament took place this year in June for the first time in over 3 years. Its great to see everyone back out having face to face conversations and lots of fun. I’d like to say a big thank you to Lacey and her team of YBN for all their work so far and look forward to more events in the future. Also, a big thanks to our sponsors who make these events possible.

The IBAN Board has also been busy and in May a couple of our members attended the Hill Day in Ottawa. It’s always a great time to get together with members from other provincial associations and lobby for Insurance Brokers on a national level meeting with MP’s to discuss things like the Bank Act and natural disasters like flood, earth quake and major storms and try to lobby for a solution that helps everyone in our country.

Other news on the provincial side is that our government announced during 2023 budget that they will be keeping the retail insurance tax off of personal property again for another year. This is great news for all our customers, and we will continue to lobby that the government keeps this tax off going forward.

This year also marks the 35th anniversary of the Bipper, which is IBAC’s iconic logo. We encourage all our members to promote the Bipper logo at their brokerages, through their



websites and social media. As a national group we have over 38,000 brokers all working towards the same goal.

IBC has also announced this year the DASH (Driver and Auto Search History) program which is a program that provides detailed reports on consumers auto history including policies, claims, and other relevant information used to provide an insurance quote. This new program should be seamless and easy to use and provide brokers with the information they need to provide a quote.

I’m looking forward to the IBAC AGM coming up this fall and the Atlantic Insurance Brokers Convention in PE. It will be great to connect with everyone on both the national and provincial levels to share and discuss the many things happening in our industry.

Finally, just to the right is the date for our golf tournament, hoping to see everyone there! Register at iban.ca.

Jeremy Cheater, CAIB, CIP President, IBAN. You may contact Jeremy by email at jcheater@steersinsurance.com

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At IBANS, our spring has been anything but lazy but we are certainly welcoming the arrival of summer and the promise of a quieter time to come.

April is Broker Month in Nova Scotia and many learning opportunities and celebrations were held. One of the more innovative events was the Broker Leadership Series facilitated by Jess Chapman of ethree Consulting and sponsored by Wawanesa Insurance. The session was delivered in a hybrid format that concluded with an in-person session in Halifax, bringing together brokers from across the province to become stronger leaders. Feedback was incredibly positive and IBANS is delighted to offer programs that benefit our future insurance leaders.

The grand finale of Broker Month was the SOLD OUT Aspire Awards and Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations to all nominees and winners who were singled out and celebrated by their colleagues and families. We were incredibly fortunate to have Linda Dolan, IBAC President, in attendance to present the graduates with their CAIB pins and to bring greetings on behalf of IBAC. Linda lives in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, and we very much appreciate the long journey she made to be a part of our graduation.

In Linda’s greetings, she touched on some of the key IBAC initiatives that are currently underway including: this year marks the 35th anniversary of the Bipper; The Broker Benefit Campaign (www.brokerbenefit. ca); and, highlights from the federal Budget 2023 which addresses gaps in

natural disaster protection, a low-cost flood insurance program, solutions to earthquake insurance and other climate-related insurance market challenges.

IBANS hosted a Casino Night for member principals and decision makers and senior leadership at our sponsor companies. This event provided an excellent networking opportunity and

Members Annual General Meeting

all funds raised were donated to Feed Nova Scotia. IBANS also sponsored the Insurance Institute CIP Society Symposium Atlantic which included IBAC’s CEO, Peter Braid, as a member of the Lessons in Leadership panel.

We put out the call looking for brokers to join our Commercial Working Group and the response was overwhelming. This group will meet quarterly to address issues impacting commercial brokers and bring them back to IBANS. This type of engagement is critical to ensuring that IBANS represents the issues facing all brokers across the province.

On behalf of the IBANS board, I want to extend a sincere thank you to Mark Townsend and the rest of the YBN Committee for the incredible work they’ve done bringing our Under 40s together. From curling events, to trivia, to office Olympics and golf, they’ve included brokers from one end of the province to the other. Mark has also played a key role in supporting Jen Jackson and the Recruitment Working Group.

The 2023 Atlantic Broker ConventionBringing Back the Roar: A Convention for Insurance Innovators (www. brokersconvention.ca) – will be held October 11 and 12 in the birthplace of Confederation, Charlottetown, PEI. The agenda is packed with educational sessions and networking opportunities. We hope to see you all there.

None of what we do would be possible without the dedication, hard work and commitment of our IBANS office team. Debbie Paul and Keri Foley are absolute gems and I want to personally thank them, on behalf of all IBANS members, for all they do. We are incredibly lucky to have them as our quarterbacks.


You may contact Jen by email at president@ ibans.com

A s h b u r n G o l f C l u b J o s e p h H o w e D r i v e 1 0 : 3 0 a m - 1 2 : 3 0 p m S E P T E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 T a l k O p e n l y , S h a r e O p i n i o n s & A s k B u r n i n g Q u e s t i o n s F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N O R T O R E G I S T E R I B A N S . C O M
MacLeod, CAIB, CIP, President, IBANS. Jennifer O’Brien, CAIB The Huestis Insurance Group Jeremy Melanson, CAIB AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc. Jinguo Sun, CAIB Westland Insurance Andrew Stewart, CAIB (Hon) Aon Angela Manuel, CAIB Bauld Insurance Brandi Munroe, CAIB AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc. Brianne Davidson, CAIB Bauld Insurance Leah Sauer, CAIB MacLeod Lorway Sean Burnett and Stephanie Lowe from Economical Insurance present the Top CAIB Award to Matthew Dickinson, Aon Sean Burnett and Stephanie Lowe from Economical Insurance present the Top CAIB 1 Awards to Andrew Stewart, Aon and Matthew Dickinson, Aon , Cheina MacArthur, CAIB MacLeod Lorway Melissa Companion, CAIB Westland Insurance Lindsay MacDonnell, CAIB Bauld Insurance Jennifer MacPhee, CAIB AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc. Tamara de Graff, CAIB AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc. Matthew Dickinson, CAIB (Hon) Aon Casey Studley, CAIB BrokerLink Inc. Cate Donaldson, CAIB AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.


On April 20, 2023, IBANS celebrated the insurance community in Nova Scotia with our Aspire Awards and Graduation. We had 21 brokers graduating with their CAIB designation, and one CCIB graduate, who will officially be our last CCIB grad since IBAC has decided not to continue with this program. We had a tie for the Top CAIB 1 student, with both Andrew Stewart, CAIB (Hon) and Matthew Dickinson, CAIB (Hon) achieving 82% on their CAIB 1 exam. Our Top CAIB Student with an overall average of 89% was Matthew Dickinson, CAIB (Hon). Sean Burnett and Stephanie Lowe, both from Economical Insurance assisted IBANS in presenting these two awards.

I would like to thank our instructors for their support and encouragement for our graduates and all IBANS students – Richard Bishop, Katrina Hueging, Nicole Rose and Mark Townsend.

We added a new award to compliment our Aspire Awards – The Broker Excellence Award, which was sponsored by our Leading Sponsor, Wawanesa Insurance. A huge congratulations to all the Aspire Award nominees and recipients:

Above & Beyond Award Dawn Marie Penney, Bauld Insurance

Broker Leadership Award Rhonda Kelly, Caldwell Roach

Insurance Company Rep of the Year Patti McKee, Intact

Emerging Professional of the Year Kaitlynn Mullins, Caldwell Roach

Broker Excellence Award

Abby MacLellan, Steers Insurance

Lifetime Achievement Award Greg Roach, Caldwell Roach

Congratulations to our 2022/2023 graduates!CAIB Graduates:

Melissa Companion, CAIB

Brianne Davidson, CAIB

Tamara de Graaf, CAIB

Westland Insurance

Bauld Insurance

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

Matthew Dickinson, CAIB (HON) AON

Cate Donaldson, CAIB

Terri Lee Eaton, CAIB (HON)

Jeffrey Hogg, CAIB

Cheina MacArthur CAIB

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

BrokerLink Inc.

MacLeod Lorway

Lindsay MacDonnell, CAIB Bauld Insurance

Jennifer MacPhee, CAIB

Angela Manuel, CAIB

Jeremy Melanson, CAIB

Brandi Munroe, CAIB

Lauren Nickerson, CAIB

Jennifer O’Brien, CAIB

Leah Sauer, CAIB

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

Bauld Insurance

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

AA Munro Insurance Brokers Inc.

The Huestis Insurance Group

MacLeod Lorway

Andrew Stewart, CAIB (HON) AON

Casey Studley, CAIB

Jinguo Sun, CAIB

Stacey Vallis, CAIB

Trevor Way, CAIB

CCIB Graduate:

Sonya Sullivan, CCIB

BrokerLink Inc.

Westland Insurance

Bauld Insurance

Keyes Insurance



Celebrating the Bipper!

For 35 years, the Bipper has been the symbol for insurance brokers from coast to coast. Not flashy, nor animated; the Bipper is simple, strong and represents what matters most to people – TRUST, SECURITY and PROTECTION. The original design was tweaked by marketing group, Agency 59 in 2018 and since then has been showcased in national advertising campaigns and displayed by brokerages and provincial insurance associations across Canada. The original tagline developed for the Bipper still holds true, even after 35 years – Your Best Insurance is an Insurance Broker.

Keri Foley, BTHM, CAIB, Professional Development / Marketing, IBANS / IBAN. Keri can be reached at (902) 8760526 or via email at, keri@ibans.com or keri@iban.ca.

L to R: Kaitlynn Mullins, Greg Roach, Patti McKee, Rhonda Kelly, Dawn Marie Penney, Abby MacLellan


One of the components of social media marketing that we’re continuously helping our clients with is answering the question “how often should I post?” How often your company/brand posts is referred to as your social media ‘cadence’. Cadence is defined by “a modulation or inflection of the voice”, but words also associated with it include, ‘rhythm’, ‘tempo’ and ‘beat’.

Why is cadence important? If you take the literal definition referring to voice, then your social media posts are the ‘voice’ of your company or brand. Your posts are telling the story of your brand to your audience (both potential and existing customers) and hopefully engaging with them in substantial and meaningful ways. A consistent posting schedule can keep your brand top-of-mind with your audience, provide them with useful and actionable information, and promote your products and services in a non-intrusive way.

Deciding how often to post can be driven by a number of factors that will vary from company to company. First and foremost is the simple question of human resources. Who will be responsible for the social media management within your organization? Do you have someone dedicated to this – or have you simply tacked it on to the list of things someone already has to do? Consider how you will manage the time and efforts involved before you get started.

Though social media is often thought of as ‘sporadic’ or ‘spontaneous’ the brands that use it effectively are anything but. Their social media posts are strategically planned. Set up a calendar - and look into both the near and distant future - to map out benchmarks, milestones, or significant product launches or events for your company and plan posts leading up to and around these accordingly.

This all may seem daunting, but it’s not as much heavy lifting as it sounds. You don’t necessarily need to have everything in place and figured out before you even make one

post - but get started. Simple things like just using your social media channels regularly and familiarizing yourself with their abilities, metrics and tools are a great use of your time.

Once you are posting, pay acute attention to your engagement numbers. Bottom line, this will determine if you are reaching your audience in a meaningful way. If you’re not – you’re free to - and should - adjust. Be patient. Try some different content, different posting times or different types of content. Quite obviously if you post content that gets a ton of engagement this is a sign that it resonates with your audience and you should endeavor to generate more content of that kind. Post a ‘how-to video’ that goes through the roof? Definitely slot some more of those into your planning calendar.

How you find your company’s cadence will depend in large part on what works best for your specific organization as well as feedback in the form of engagement. Do some digging. Poke around. One good idea is to seek out brands that you respect or aspire to be like – what are they doing? In your opinion, is it effective? How can you apply their ideas to your strategy?

Establishing your social media cadence can be an important component in the effectiveness of your social media efforts and presence. Much like growing a following –cadence should be an organic endeavor that changes over time as your company grows and develops – what’s important is that you’re aware of it and attempting to manage it in an effective way.

Kent Fackenthall, Senior Designer, Kiers Marketing. Kent can be reached at (506) 4511665 or by email at kent@kiers.com

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Google My Business page promotes your business. Your brokerage appears when someone searches for your company’s vital information, such as your phone number, hours of operation, etc. You can do it easily with Google. It’s designed like a form: Fill out the information in the right spots and you’re off and running.

As much as we try and use word of mouth, let’s be honest, when we are looking for something or an opinion on a product, we use the Internet. Your car needs new brake pads or a service? You look for a local shop and may even check out the google reviews. Need your eyes checking out? That’s right, Google it. An insurance broker? That’s right, Google is who you turn too.

Is your brokerage on Google, and have you googled yourself? If not, you probably should, and it’s not only the biggest search engine available, but you’re missing out on some serious client potential.

Many people think that if they set up a website, they are done, and their work on Google is done… It takes more than just setting up a site, there is a whole piece after the website to set you up on Google. You need to create a “Google My Business” page. This is not widely publicized, but a business must-have — especially for smaller brokerages who don’t have the funds required to set up something elaborate on their own. Even if a brokerage has a website, setting up a profile here is essential.

Like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, a

The Google My Business page is such a great way to improve your visibility to consumers and enhance your credibility with a listing and information available at their fingertips. But remember, this is just the beginning. The Google My Business page makes up part of a four-pronged digital strategy. First is having the Google page so that people know about your business. Second, you are now tied into the search engine so your brokerage can be found.

Third, people can now find you through Google Maps, where anyone can search for “insurance brokers near me” and find you, even though they didn’t directly search for your brokerage. Finally, there’s YouTube: Including a video on your page will bring you up in the video-sharing site.

An essential part of a Google page is the reviews. Even if someone recommends a brokerage to their neighbour, the neighbour will still likely look up the business on-line and read the reviews. Traditional word-ofmouth marketing has fallen by the wayside. Instead of conversations happening over a fence, they’re taking place on-line. This is arming our consumers with all the information they need, before they walk through your door, or pick up the phone


to call. Reviews heavily impact whether this step will happen. Think about it, your thinking of purchasing something and even though you’ve read through the description, you will look at what other people have thought of the product and that will impact your decision whether to buy or not.

Google places a lot of weight on the online reviewers’ star ratings, how many reviews the business has received, and how recent those reviews are. When it comes down to one brokerage versus another, a 4.5-star rating versus a 3.1-star rating can be the deciding factor. If you don’t have a good reputation, if people don’t feel like they can trust you, they’re going to look for another option. Many businesses take Google reviews to the next level and in some cases, by hanging signs in their businesses encouraging customers to give feedback on Google, but let’s be honest, the challenge is getting them to do so. People typically expect good service, and don’t have the time to praise a person, or a company for doing what they are supposed to do, or even going above and beyond for that person…. But if they didn’t do that, that’s when people typically leave feedback when they want to complain about something. That’s why its recommended asking for reviews at the end of a transaction when the customer is happy about the service they received.

Reviews on your Google profile speak to four main traits that your potential customers look for in a business — reliability, expertise, experience, and professionalism. If you ever wonder if reviews affect your business, the

answer is absolutely. With something as important as insurance, people are hanging on to every word of that review.

Images are also important. As with any social media platform, people want visuals, as they want to know what your office looks like, even your pets. Is it a place that appeals to them? Who works there? Pictures help reduce any anxiety associated with not knowing who the broker is. What’s more, having a Google page with reviews, images, and more demonstrates to your potential clients that you have some tech savvy. Otherwise, you could be deemed to be behind-the-times.

If you can demonstrate that you are technology literate, consumers will see this as a plus, especially as they are using technology to see your business. Think about it, insurance is possibly one of a consumer’s largest purchase and saviour in their hour of need, if you’re not on the most important channel for communication for them? That to some could be a huge red flag of concern.

So, there you have it, compelling reasons to go over to Google and check your business out! There will be consumers who don’t like your service, and that’s a whole other article, but for now, Google yourself .

Becci Taylor, BBA, CAIB, Executive Director,IBANB. Becci can be reached at (506) 450-6083 or email btaylor@ nbinsurancebrokers.ca


I snow full well that my skiing skills have a long way to come, however, the YBN Ski Day revived at Poley Mountain in February was an excellent chance to practice. The group was able to indulge after in a hearty meal and lots of conversation with people from other brokerages and Insurer companies whom they wouldn’t usually get the chance to see on a day-to-day basis. With the hope of building and fostering a support network within the industry to nurture and encourage young and new brokers, as well as allowing then to connect with people able to mentor them through this career path; The Young Brokers Network aims to hold this as a top priority in all their events. This was all topped off with an après ski presentation by Darrell Keezer from Anderson McTague on Builder’s Risk and Wrapped Liability. Here he touched on the different types of builder’s risks and the various coverages as well as general liability and wrap up on projects. This presentation proved to communicate many angles to the subject that might not have been broached previously and a chance to ask questions in a small forum allowing for discussion and insight.

We also took the opportunity to donate some BIP Blankets to the resort, as both the IBANB and Poley Mountain Ski Resort continue in their goal of keeping Canadians on ski hills safe. We would like to take this time to thank our sponsors who made this event possible: Agile Underwriting Solutions, Anderson McTague, First Insurance Funding and Pembridge.

Claire Talos, YBN/IBANB. Claire can be reached at (506) 450-2898, or ctalos@nbinsurancebrokers.ca



Nova Scotia drivers finally have the chance to have an auto insurance system that meets their needs. In December 2022, the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance released its proposed changes to the Nova Scotia auto insurance product, giving stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations. This was welcome news for Insurance Bureau of Canada’s (IBC’s) member companies; since 2016, IBC had been lobbying the government to begin the mandated review of auto insurance, which should have happened in 2018.

Why an upgrade is urgently needed

The current auto insurance system no longer works for the province’s 600,000 drivers. Increases in claims costs are unsustainable, even before adding the impacts of inflation, supply chain challenges and reinsurance pressures. Simply increasing premiums is not the answer, nor are minor tweaks to the product.

On top of that, consumer preferences are drastically changing, and insurance needs to catch up. Every driver is different, and every driver should have the option of tailoring their policy to fit their individual circumstances. For example, every Nova Scotia auto insurance policy includes coverage that replaces part of the driver’s wages if they are injured in a collision and unable to work. However, many drivers already have this coverage through their workplace benefits. Drivers who don’t need additional income replacement should be able to opt out of this coverage to reduce their premium.

At the same time, drivers should have the option to purchase higher coverage limits. For example, every auto insurance policy includes up to $50,000 for standard medical treatment and rehabilitation. However, unlike in many other jurisdictions, Nova Scotia drivers do not

have the option of purchasing higher medical coverage limits.

Drivers have waited long enough for change, and this is our opportunity to deliver.

Consumers want change

In 2022, IBC surveyed drivers in Nova Scotia to find out how the insurance system could work better for them. A significant number of respondents (38%) cited cost and controlling premium increases as important areas of focus. Others mentioned they would like to see product flexibility, usage-based insurance, a reduced need for lawyers and improved access to medical services. Nearly all respondents (88%) said they would prefer to pay less for basic coverage and add more coverage as needed. Similarly, 88% indicated they don’t want to be forced to pay for insurance options they don’t need. Finally, 89% of respondents would like more choice in their insurance options, i.e., the ability to choose the coverage they want. The survey results were loud and clear: Drivers want more choice and stabilized rates. These results are in line with the package of solutions that IBC has proposed to the provincial government.

How IBC is encouraging government to deliver a better system

Knowing that the seven-year mandated review was approaching, IBC has been consistent since 2016 for the need for the review and for it to focus on creating meaningful change to the benefit of drivers. Over the last several months, IBC’s Atlantic office has not let up on that effort. We met with the finance minister and premier to explain the benefits of our proposed changes. We also met with opposition members, and our meetings will continue.


IBC and its members carefully reviewed the province’s discussion paper and submitted responses, as well as used the opportunity to explain in more detail our proposed auto insurance model. During this review period, we will continue to meet and advocate for the changes that Nova Scotian’s deserve.

Driving habits in Nova Scotia have now significantly exceeded pre-pandemic levels, and claims cost increases will inevitably flow through the system. This makes it all the more critical that the government implements smart reforms to the province’s auto insurance to deliver flexibility and the most effective cost savings to consumers.

While we remain optimistic that the government will adopt IBC’s recommendations, IBC will continue to press for a system that makes sense, both for consumers and the property and casualty insurance industry. IBC welcomes support and partnership with the broker community to create a united voice as we speak on behalf of consumers to ensure that insurance is affordable and provides more choice and care for consumers when they need it.

Brokers can access IBC’s risk manager service by phoning 1-844-2ask-IBC (1-844-227-5422) or emailing risk manager@ibc.ca. IBC offers this free service to help brokers and their clients find affordable insurance and tailored advice during the hard commercial market. You can also learn more about IBC’s solutions for commercial insurance challenges at www.businessinsurancehelp. ca.



When insureds file a claim in negligence, it is their responsibility to prove the claim on a balance of probabilities. For claims against brokers, more often than not insureds alleges that they had a gap in coverage as a result of the broker’s negligence, and that this gap in coverage resulted in damages to the insured plaintiff. Although the responsibility to prove the claim rests with plaintiffs, that does not mean that the defendant broker or agent (and their lawyer) will not put together a defence to show that the defendant is not responsible for the plaintiff’s loss. Furthermore, a broker or agent may be negligent in their actions, but that negligence may not have caused the insured’s loss. In Canada, two of the primary defences for brokers or agents are reliance and causation.

Reliance—Did the insured Plaintiff rely on the Broker’s Advice?

A broker or agent can defend the claim against them by presenting evidence that shows the

insured plaintiff did not rely on the advice given to them. In Kalkinis (Litigation Guardian of) v. Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada, the agent recommended that the insured increase his coverage under his motor vehicle policy from $500,000 to $1,000,000. The insured initially agreed to the increase, but his son-in-law later contacted the agent and cancelled the increased policy coverage. The insured’s wife, as a passenger in the plaintiff’s vehicle, suffered extensive injuries in a motor vehicle accident. She brought an action against her husband, and judgment was issued against him for $1,000,000. The insured then brought an action against his insurer for the difference between the existing coverage of $500,000 and the damage award of $1,000,000.

The trial judge found the agent negligent for failing to explain why the lower coverage was inadequate. The insurer was successful on appeal by showing that the insured relied upon someone else (his son-in-law) in making his decision about his insurance. The Court looked at the three requirements listed by the Supreme Court of Canada in Fletcher v Manitoba Public Insurance Co., [1990] 3 S.C.R. 191, that must be met before duty of care could arise between the insured and his broker or agent and whether it could be found that the insured relied upon his broker or agent:

1. Did the insured rely upon the information that the agent or broker was in a position to supply to him?;

2. Was the insured’s reliance on that agent or broker and the information provide reasonable?;

3. Did the agent or broker know or ought to have known that the insured would rely on them?

If it can be shown that the insured received information from a different source and relied upon that information or advice, then the agent or broker can defend the claim against them. When the insured does not rely on an agent or broker’s expertise, then the agent or broker will not be liable.



Causation—Did the broker or agent’s negligence cause the insured’s loss?

For the insured to be successful in their claim, there must also be a causal link between the broker or agent’s negligence and the damages experienced by the insured. Once the insured proves a breach of the agent or broker’s duty of care, for example the agent or broker’s failure to provide appropriate professional advice, the onus shifts to the agent or broker to show that coverage for the loss was not even available and could not be provided to the insured, or in other circumstances, that even if the insured had been given the proper advice or information, the defendant would not have followed it or purchased the available coverage. The insured would then have to show evidence that yes, they would have purchased the recommended or additional coverage.

Insureds may have a difficult time showing that they would have purchased the additional coverage that they historically purchased minimal coverage, that they chose coverage with the lowest premium cost, or that they looked towards changes that could reduce premiums, as per the decision in Godina v. Tripemco Burlington Insurance Group Ltd., 2013 ONSC 979. In Godina, it was found that the broker did not breach the standard of care to the insured, but in any event the insured would not have purchased the optional coverage based on his historical insurance patterns.

It is also not only the insured’s history with the broker or agent against whom the action is brought that can be considered. In Zefferino v. Meloche Monnex Insurance Co., 2012 ONSC 154, affirmed 2013 ONCA 127, the Court found the broker was in breach of its standard of care, but the historical evidence shows that the insured only ever purchased the basic and least expensive coverage in the ten years prior to dealing with the defendant.

A Final Word: Evidence to help support these defences will be produced through the records of the broker or the agent. The records that the broker or agent keep that show the advice especially on coverage given to the insured, whether the insured accepts or declines the coverage and the reason for any decline, as well as the history of the insured purchases and insurance choices will help show that the insured relied on different advice or information than what was provided by the broker or agent or that even if the broker or agent failed to give the insured appropriate advice or information, the insured would not have followed the proper advice or information in any event. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Disclaimer: The content on this article is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice or an opinion of any kind. Readers are advised to seek specific legal advice by contacting members of C3 Legal (or their own legal counsel) regarding any specific legal issues. The article was current as of its original date of publication, but should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose.



It’s more than a tagline for Aviva Canada –with you today for a better tomorrow – it’s a mission committed to creating a better future, both locally and globally. Taking sustainable action is in the organization’s DNA, with their energy directed towards tackling climate change, strengthening communities, and embedding sustainability into our business.

Stemming the tide on climate change

According to Aviva’s VP of Broker Distribution in Atlantic Canada, Tena Poirier, “Here on the coasts, we are all on the front lines of climate change. At Aviva, we recognize the importance of being a good corporate citizen…to help our communities when we’re impacted by extreme climatic events, and to work together to prevent them in the future”. As we’ve already seen in Hurricane Fiona’s wide swath of wreckage stretching across Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland and Labrador, our climate concerns in Atlantic Canada require our full attention and efforts.

Ambitious action

Aviva describes their ultimate climate ambition as, “the achievement of the most ambitious carbon reduction plan of any major insurer in the world today”. The tangible results and benchmarks they’ve set are to:

• Become a net-zero company by 2040

• Achieve a 25% reduction in carbon intensity of assets by 2025, and 60% by 2030

• Have net-zero operations and supply

chain by 2030

Collaborating with broker partners is a key priority for Aviva in working toward reaching these goals – both in terms of offering climate-friendly products and to educate customers on how to protect themselves from the increasing number of weather events driven by climate change.

Taking charge of tomorrow

Another way Aviva is tackling climate change are their initiatives to increase Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption. As a major contributor to carbon emission and other greenhouse gases, gas-powered vehicles need an alternative with a smaller carbon footprint. EVs can help provide such an alternative, so Aviva offers an insurance discount for EV policy holders and a subsidy for total loss auto policyholders who choose to replace their vehicles with an EV. Not only that, but Aviva has also shown its commitment to sustainable driving by helping fill the infrastructure gaps in Canada’s charging network. Through its Charged for Change program, a $3 million in partnership with Earth Day Canada, that will deliver level 2 EV charging stations for public use in underserved communities across Canada.

Community focused

From Bell Island and Shubenacadie, to Bathurst and Sunnyside, Atlantic Canada is made up of a dynamically rich set of communities, but it’s that “sense” of community that connects us all. It’s a value shared by Aviva in their goal to build communities that are stronger and more resilient to the climate crisis and contribute to

the realization of a diverse and inclusive Canada.

Embedding Sustainability

Aviva strives to do more than just sell and service insurance products. Delivering sustainability is equally important. For them, everyone has a role to play including brokers, consumers, and government. In terms of dayto-day operations, the relationship brokers develop with their customers is invaluable. They become a trusted source of information that can help a customer navigate the complexities and get the right coverage based on their unique situation and identify any coverage gaps due to the changing climate landscape and recommend solutions to safeguard customers.

Aviva has clearly defined their role in being “with you today for a better tomorrow”, and they see sustainability as a defining quality and one of its strategic priorities.

It means recognizing the threat of climate change and how it can impact the people your serve. Knowing how important it is to your community, we deliver sustainable, tailored insurance products, sales tools and education, and a dedicated claims process – all to build a better tomorrow with a 2040 net-zero target.
Aviva and the Aviva logo are trademarks used under licence from the licensor.
With honest and committed help along the way, it takes Aviva.
What it takes to create a better tomorrow


Imagine trying to communicate with your insurers if they spoke a different language than the one you spoke. It’s very easy to see how effective collaboration with your insurer will be all but impossible in this hypothetical scenario. Similarly, your broker management system (BMS) needs to collaborate effectively with your insurer systems. Like people, systems are much better at working together if they are speaking the same language.

For over four decades, the Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) has worked with its insurer, software vendor and broker members to develop Data Standards for the Canadian Property & Casualty (P&C) insurance industry. By helping to streamline the transmission of insurance information, CSIO Data Standards enhance P&C insurance operations for the benefit of members and their customers.

Here is an overview of CSIO Data Standards, how they’re created and updated, and the ways they benefit brokers.

What are CSIO Data Standards?

Data Standards are programmable lines of code in a standardized format that contain information that can be efficiently shared between systems. CSIO Data Standards are applicable to personal and commercial insurance and available in these formats:

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): The computer-to-computer exchange of information in a standard electronic format between business partners. EDI is leveraged to exchange information between insurers and brokers.

Extensible Markup Language (XML): A programming language commonly used by data exchange services to send information between otherwise incompatible systems. XML defines a set of rules for encoding documents and information in a format that is both human-readable and machinereadable. CSIO’s eDocs, and real-time transactions, are possible by using XML Standards.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON): A lightweight file format that allows concise messages to be sent and provides focused data for faster transmissions and processing. JSON simplifies the use of web services and application programming interfaces (APIs) which leads to improved broker, insurer and vendor connectivity, and industry innovation.

CSIO eDocs is a CSIO Standard that allows policy documents to be sent directly from an insurer’s system to a BMS via CSIOnet, the industry network for fast and secure sharing of policy documents between insurance partners.

The Teams Behind the Standards

They may be called “CSIO” Data Standards but insurance industry subject matter experts who represent the interests of brokers, insurers and software vendors are integral to the creation and advancement of our Data Standards. These Working Groups, which consist of CSIO members, develop our Data Standards:

National Standards Working Group: As industry requirements evolve, so do the Standards that keep the industry’s ecosystems communicating effectively. Our


National Standards Working Group reviews Data Standards, approves all amendments, and implements updates monthly.

Commercial Lines (CL) Working Group: This group significantly advanced the implementation of CL Data Standards in the broker channel, and evolved the commercial quote and bind process from cumbersome to concise.

Innovation and Emerging Technology


API Business Requirements

Working Group: This team collaborates to capture brokers’ operational requirements and translates them into business requirements to drive digital advancement in the broker channel. By the end of 2022, they completed business requirements for 44 use cases for personal auto, habitational, individually rated commercial automobile (IRCA), and commercial general liability (CGL) insurance.

INNOTECH API Technical Standards

Working Group: After business requirements are created, this group builds and packages an industry API Standard in JSON format and publishes APIs using CSIO Data Standards to support members’ requested use cases.

INNOTECH eDocs Working Group: They focused on refining the electronic documents sent from insurers to brokers.

Over the last five years, there have been over 1,100 updates to the CSIO Data Standards.

How CSIO Data Standards Benefit Brokers

After the finalized Data Standards are published, our insurer and vendor members can download the Standards and program them into their systems. CSIO even has Certification programs to support insurers and vendors in using the Standards effectively. And, as part of our next multiyear strategic plan, we will create a National Governance Council made up of CSIO members to create a detailed Standards adoption framework, to ensure there’s consistent interpretation of the Standards.

CSIO Data Standards benefit brokers

by giving insurers’ systems the ability to exchange information in real-time, helping brokers and insurers communicate with one another more quickly and efficiently, thereby saving time and money. Standards allow brokers to use one accepted method of communicating with multiple trading partners, thus reducing complexity and increasing collaboration. Most importantly, industry Standards drive customer experience.

Given all these advantages, it’s no surprise that a CSIO member survey revealed:

• 97% of CSIO members rate CSIO Standards as useful or very useful

• 94% of brokers support the move towards industry-wide implementation of Data Standards in commercial lines.

Talk to your insurer and vendor partners about programming CSIO Data Standards into their systems so you can reap the benefits.

Brokers can also use the Commercial Lines Real-Time Quote Savings Calculator and Billing & eDocs Notification Calculator to determine how time and money much these solutions, that use CSIO Standards, can save their brokerage.



As Canada’s largest private provider of trade credit insurance, Allianz Trade in Canada has been safeguarding accounts receivable and protecting clients from bad debt losses for a century. The company was founded in March of 1923 and has played a critical role in supporting the Canadian economy throughout its history. We were given the chance to meet with the CEO, David Dienesch during their centennial celebrations to discuss the importance of working with their broker partners and how their invaluable support has helped them to reach this milestone.

How did Allianz Trade in Canada start? Allianz Trade, formerly known as American Credit Indemnity of New York, was granted the right to conduct business in Canada in March 1923. The company opened its first office in Montreal, Canada, by general agent E.A. McFadden. At the time, ACI of New York was the only company in Canada specializing in credit insurance. Since its establishment, the company has changed names six times, including ACI of NY, American Credit Indemnity Company, Euler American Credit Indemnity Company, Euler Hermes American Credit Indemnity Company, Euler Hermes NA, and Allianz Trade Canada.

How has the company changed over the past 100 years? Over the past 100 years, Allianz Trade in Canada has expanded its basic product offering, which originally focused on domestic risks and basic insolvency insurance, to now include political risk and slow pay/protracted default offered on a global scale. The company also offers trade credit insurance specialty products, including products tailored to the Energy sector, large national companies with sophisticated credit management called Excess of Loss, Multi-National companies that either want to come to Canada or have affiliates in other countries, companies that sell on credit terms that exceed one year, and a product for banks that is inclusive of capital relief features. Lastly, Allianz Trade in Canada offers its growing line of both Commercial and Construction Surety products.

What are your aspirations for the company for the next 100 years? We secure the future

of our clients. That’s our promise. All around our company we see a strong ambition to continue prioritizing our ESG promises and actively supporting sustainability. We are also a highly rated financial institution that is respected for our ability to pay claims today and into the future. Lastly, we continue to innovate and leverage technology through expanded digital offerings and via a partnership with a local university, in Montreal, that includes machine learning and advanced AI. All of this means that we want to continue growing in Canada, and help more companies, of all sizes, use our products to help them achieve their own growth ambitions in Canada and abroad.

What projects are you currently working on and what are your priorities moving forward? Future forward products that we are working on are really focussed on the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) space. We are working with banks and brokers to expand our footprint both in Canada and globally by leveraging existing partnerships that we have developed in Europe.

Why do you think the company has been so successful? The feedback that we receive from our partners and clients tells us that they value a number of things. Our credit rating and balance sheet give brokers comfort in our ability to pay claims and take on large risks. We are also a service focussed company. That means our partners value our people and their problem solving abilities.

Allianz Trade process 20,000 credit requests per day; how do you think this expertise changes the experience for the customer compared to your competitors? It’s all about the data and the value you extract from that data. We monitor over 83 million companies globally. With this information we are able to help position our customers so that they can securely sell their products and services to their customers. Nobody else in the marketplace has an information source that is as robust as ours. That means our customers receive the best information in a manner that is quicker than our competitors.

Being fully owned by Allianz, how does that change how you provide service for your clients?

Being part of Allianz is beneficial first and foremost from a Brand recognition standpoint. Allianz is the 24th most valued brand in the



world according to Brand Finance’s Global 500 ranking of the world’s best brands. Our customers trust the brand and the values associated with being part of the Allianz family. We also strive to meet and exceed the level of service associated with the Allianz brand.

How would you describe your financial strength in the market? Our financial strength is undoubted as a AA rated company. We bring a strong balance sheet to every transaction that we secure. We also bring the capacity to underwrite large credit limits either locally or globally. This is especially important to our customers who use credit insurance to enhance their borrowing capacity with their financial partners. That gives our customers the ability to grow, as they can increase their working capital by partnering with us.

How does the company offer exceptional customer service? Our “How”, which is used to deliver our “Why”, is based on three simple concepts that we call Shape, Care, and Deliver. In short, we help our customers by Shaping the future so that we provide them with the most innovative solutions available in the marketplace. We Care for our customers by developing our customer focused strategy using the feedback that they give us in our annual customer surveys. Lastly, we Deliver growth products in our specialty lines of business, including Surety, Excess of Loss, and Energy, based on the feedback that we receive from our customers telling us what they need to help them grow.

What resources do you provide to empower commercial traders and risk managers to gain market share whilst minimalizing credit exposures? Our customers use our products to grow and can derive a real ROI from the investment that they make with us. They can grow by selling into new markets (countries) and not be afraid to get paid. They can also grow by selling more to existing customers with whom they have reached credit capacity (i.e. we top up their existing credit lines.) Our customers use our extensive database and information services so that they can maximize sales to their own creditworthy customers and avoid higher risk transactions. In order to grow, companies need access to more working capital. Partnering with a AA rated insurance company, gives our customers that access via their own financial partners. Lastly, risk managers are transferring the risk of non-payment away from their own customers’ balance sheets to our highly rated balance sheet. All of this means that premium costs are offset by the increase in sales and profitability thus generating an ROI that is favourable to the purchaser of trade credit insurance. Risk Mangers and Financial Managers often seen the value of the product

by considering all of the aforementioned benefits. It is not simply about insurance and bad debt protection. It’s about growth and generating an ROI from an insurance investment.

How can credit insurance aid brokers in helping their clients? Credit insurance is still a growth product and is under penetrated in Canada. We estimate that industry premiums could be double or even triple the estimated current market of $225 million. Brokers can assist their clients by using this product as a wedge into new clients or cross-selling to existing clients. They need to develop some expertise in order to sell credit insurance. We can help them with that if they partner with us. There is a lot of economic uncertainty right now with high interest rates, high inflation, and seriously indebted companies. Brokers need to help their clients avoid bad debts and provide advice that will help their clients grow. Brokers may also want to consider their own risks. Not providing access to a product such as credit insurance, could put them at an E&O risk should one of their clients experience a significant bad debt experience. With bankruptcy rates on the rise in Canada, this is a real risk factor.

Why should brokers choose Allianz Trade?

Brokers need to partner with an insurance entity that they can trust. The Allianz brand is one of the most trustworthy insurance brands in the world. Brokers, who are new to the business, can also team up with our employees so that we help them build the expertise to sell and service their clients. Lastly, we have been doing this for 100 years. We were to the first company in Canada to offer credit insurance. We’ll be here to help brokers for a long time to come.

If readers could take something away from this interview, what would it be?

I would ask brokers to simply reach out to us. We will help you position the product with your clients so that you can comfortably determine whether they are a good fit. Partnering with Allianz Trade means that your clients will be well-served with a competitive and trusted global entity.

How can brokers best contact Allianz Trade?

Brokers can reach out by visiting our website; www.allianz-trade.com/CA. They can also reach out to our head of sales Jason Gallo (Jason.gallo@allianz-trade.com), or to me directly on either LinkedIn or via email at david.dienesch@allianz-trade.com. We’d love to hear from you!


If you are involved in marketing and creating content (which most are, nowadays), then you most assuredly have heard of Chat GPT. Chat GPT is a chat bot developed by Open-AI that can help with many aspects of running your agency, including automating tasks, analyzing consumer insights, and even streamlining the customer experience. But what are some of the drawbacks of Chat GPT, and how might these limitations affect your agency? Well, we break it all down for you here—and don’t worry, this article was written by our experts at Tulip Media Group for you to enjoy.

SEO Limitations


One of the major drawbacks of using an AI marketing tool such as Chat GPT is that it has some serious SEO limitations. Many of us know that in order for your content to rank on search engines like Google, Yahoo!, or Bing, you need to utilize targeted keywords properly. This includes having your keywords in your title, headings, and first paragraph as well as strategically placed throughout the article. It also involves properly integrating longtail keywords to ensure the content you’re putting out is SEO-optimized, all of which an AI tool like Chat GPT is unable to do (at least as of the time this article was written).

Lacks Quality and Depth

Although Chat GPT is an excellent resource if you’re experiencing writer’s block or need some type of jumping-off point for your content, overall, the content it creates lacks the quality and depth that will bring true value to your readers. Remember, you are an industry thought leader; unfortunately, Chat GPT is not. Therefore, content created by Chat GPT can often come across as flat, repetitive, or basic, and it certainly doesn’t read as content created by humans for humans. Your customers look to you to bring them industry-specific insights and value-based content, not just general information, so this is one area that Chat GPT certainly falls a bit short.



Minimal Creativity and Personalization

Building off of the last point, using a tool like Chat GPT can result in content with minimal creativity and personalization for your readers. For one, AI technology does not include reallife examples (because it’s not an industry expert with lived experiences in the field), meaning it can be more difficult for your readers to truly connect with the story. For example, at Tulip Media Group, we handle the content for several insurance companies, and one of the most important things in an insurance article is integrating real-world examples so that people can understand how the policies discussed would truly play out in real life. Articles written by Chat GPT, on the other hand, can feel as if there is no “meat” while also lacking the empathy, personalization, and connection required to keep your readers engaged.

Missing Originality

A final issue with using something like Chat GPT to create your content is you’ll find that it’s missing originality since it researches (and regurgitates) content that’s already been created and published online. When it comes to SEO, original content is king, meaning if you rely solely on Chat GPT for your content, you run the risk of receiving similar copy that other agencies may also be using. Think of it this way: anyone in your industry with access to an AI tool like Chat GPT could input a similar topic to yours and receive essentially the same, or slightly different, content. If they then post this content, it could affect both of your SEO scores, which is obviously not ideal. Furthermore, Chat GPT has no way of vetting the information it finds, which means it could potentially include incorrect or outdated information within your content.

Key Takeaways

Although something like Chat GPT can be an effective tool to help you market your agency, when it comes to content, you should think of it as more of an assistant rather than a lead content creator. No chatbot has the lived experiences, original insights, and creativity that you do, and it certainly doesn’t adhere to best SEO practices when creating content. But maybe you’re relying on it because you’re overwhelmed in other areas of your agency and just need to take content creation off your plate. In that case, there is another solution.

At Tulip Media Group, we have in-house marketing professionals and content coordinators who are dedicated to creating and

implementing a robust content marketing strategy for your insurance agency. Our mission is to help our clients connect with their ideal customers, generate qualified leads, and grow their agencies through value-driven content and messaging. So, if you’re interested in exploring our print or digital marketing programs to see how they can help your insurance agency grow and thrive, send us an inquiry today!

Jessica Embree has been the Creative Director at Tulip Media Group for over six years. She is a StoryBrand Certified Guide who enables our Client-Partners to craft their brand identities into compelling stories with a clear and consistent marketing message.

Jessica is also Google Ad Certified and takes the lead on the keyword strategies and research for all of our digital marketing programs.

5 Tasha Comish Bauld Insurance 5 Beverley MacNeil BrokerLink 5 Donna Byers BrokerLink 5 Edward Pettigrew BrokerLink 5 Matt Davision Contrast Insurance 5 Lisa Holmes HUB 5 Nigel Kidd MacLeod Lorway 5 Laura L. MacNeil MacLeod Lorway 5 Lindsay Balsor Russell Insurance Group 5 Jennifer MacKenzie    Stanhope Simpson Insurance 5 Ashley Burke   Stanhope Simpson Insurance 5 Martali McDermaid    Stanhope Simpson Insurance 10 Tanya Andreino Westland 10 Stephanie Pentland Bauld Insurance 10 Angela Manuel Bauld Insurance 10 Stacey Vallis Bauld Insurance 10 Jessie Ryan Bauld Insurance 10 Megan Jennex Bauld Insurance 10 Amanda Baker Bauld Insurance 10 Athena MacIsaac Bauld Insurance 10 Jill Young  Bauld Insurance 10 Amanda O’Laney BrokerLink 10 Melva Daley BrokerLink 10 Sarah Mullins BrokerLink 10 Annette MacKenzie MacLeod Lorway 10 Patricia Alders Russell Insurance Group 10 Scott Peach       Stanhope Simpson Insurance 10 Heather Peach      Stanhope Simpson Insurance 10 Tim Smith    Stanhope Simpson Insurance 15 April Whynot BrokerLink 15 Audrey Burton BrokerLink 15 Vicki Fultz BrokerLink 15 Joanne Toplis BrokerLink 15 Lisa Hushard BrokerLink 15 Audrey Stevens BrokerLink 15 Andrew Raymakers Caldwell Roach 15 Rhonda Kelly Caldwell Roach 15 Tara Heitkemper Caldwell Roach 15 Shelly Avery Caldwell Roach 15 Karen Roddis HUB 15 Cathy Stothart MacLeod Lorway 15 Tabitha Saulnier Russell Insurance Group SERVICE AWARDS 2023 20 Melanie Garrison Bauld Insurance 20 Jennifer Keddy Bauld Insurance 20 Sandra Zwicker BrokerLink 20 Amy Purdy BrokerLink 20 Heather Melanson BrokerLink 20 Marylynn Goguen BrokerLink 20 Natalie Schnare BrokerLink 20 Robert Turner BrokerLink 20 Robin Kenney BrokerLink 20 Shawna Garrison BrokerLink -Lockhart 20 Adelle Long Caldwell Roach 20 Heather Hilton Caldwell Roach 20 Melissa Thompson MacLeod Lorway 20 Victoria Stanhope     Stanhope Simpson Insurance 25 Cheryl Stacey AA Munro Insurance Brokers 25 Mary MacDonald AA Munro Insurance Brokers 25 Diane Sullivan BrokerLink 25 Sheena White BrokerLink 25 Sheri Smith BrokerLink 25 Lisa Hennigar BrokerLink 25 Karen Dearing MacLeod Lorway 25 Nancy Lockhart MacLeod Lorway 30 Judy Anthony                  Atlantic Insurance 30 Tami MacEachern          Atlantic Insurance 30 Darlene Cleveland BrokerLink 30 Donna Rhyno BrokerLink 30 Gayle Boutilier BrokerLink 30 Tina Vihos BrokerLink 35 Shelley Clattenburg Caldwell Roach 35 Scott Huntington MacLeod Lorway 35 Pauline Bell      Stanhope Simpson Insurance 40 Isabelle Henderson         Atlantic Insurance 40 Leslie MacEachern       Atlantic Insurance 40 Cheryl Pottier BrokerLink 40 Darlene Bowden BrokerLink 40 Myrna Hardwick BrokerLink 40 Rose Cottreau BrokerLink 40 Wendy Sinclair MacLeod Lorway 45 Ann MacDougall               Atlantic Insurance 45 Cheryl Pottier BrokerLink 50 Ken Faulkner BrokerLink 50 Don McDermaid      Stanhope Simpson Insurance Celebrating our Most Valuable Resource…Our PEOPLE.

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