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Festive Edition 2013

INSIDE: Interview

P. 7


P. 12


P. 17

Your chance to GET INVOLVED with iAston! P. 19

Aston Students' Union's Official Magazine


Letter from the Editor... Another month, another magazine... and what a month it has been! From the news about terrifying storm damage across the globe to famous faces revealing hidden secrets. Aren't you glad that the end of term is nearly upon us so we can rest, relax and digest it all?

This month's edition of iAston has a lot to say for itself. More writers have come to us with things to share, we have information on Students' Union events both past and upcoming and some useful tips for the winter holidays. Not only that, but we have the entries for the new logo competition and announcements for new things on the horizon. Gig reviews and interviews and much more besides. The life of a magazine editor is never easy, but it can be very rewarding when you have a piece like this to show for all the hard work. I would like to thank this month's writers and all of my editorial team for the support, hard work and dedication it takes to make iAston what it is. That being said, we can always use more input, ideas and articles. If you feel like you'd like to be involved in making iAston a truly great publication, get in touch: I guess all that leaves to be said is turn over for your monthly installment of Astonishing content.



Contents Cover Image thanks to Cheeky Rastall Photography


P. 5

Nottingham Born... Social Media Bred

P. 7

Double Gig Review... All the Way

P. 9

A Short Rant on a Long Debate

P. 12

Birmingham Frankfurt Festive Market

P. 13

Student Living in Birmingham

P. 15

Baby, It's Cold Outside

P. 17

Stuff Your Stockings

P. 19

Logo Competition

P. 2+

Facilities Opening Times

P. 22

Please be aware, any views expressed in articles are not necessarily reflective of the view of iAston or Aston Students' Union



The Team

The Team: Editor: Ryan Skeet Joy Warmann Interview, Page 7

Co-Editor: Alex Rymer Features: Francesca Whittle Chairperson: Olivia Springate Media: Becca Smith Chief Photographer: Georgie Rastall This Month's Team: Joy Warmann

Aroosa Raza Opinion, Page 12

Josh Crawley Aroosa Raza Becca Smith Georgie Rastall Francesca Whittle See your face here next month! Email your submissions to:

Becca Smith and Francesca Whittle Feature, Page 17



A.S.U. News What's been going on this past month in Aston Students' Union?

RAG Week This year, RAG week saw over a thousand pounds raised for St. Mary's Hospice, Divine Onkar Mission and Sparks. Not to mention Movember. With the ever-entertaining Take Me Out seeing a hundred-strong audience, even contestants who were blacked-out have only positives to talk about from the experience: "Yes, I did get blacked out. I didnt feel too bad as the event was about having a laugh and raising money for charity. I dont hold anything against the panel! Haha The presenters were great, making me feel comfortable on stage and leading the conversations with easy questions! The process was great, the video making was quick, easy and succesful due to the support i had from my friends... Overall it was a really fun experience and even though I didnt find true love that night, I'm sure I will someday! Haha" - Thomas Jenkins. The legendary Armageddon Bar Crawl saw over five hundred students (not including those who snuck along for free) head to Birmingham's range of Broad Street bars to enjoy drinks offers and the company of ASU Stewards (at least in the bars where they weren't kicked out). Of course, no review of RAG week could go without mentioning the infamous Freakers Sexual Fantasy Ball with nearly one hundred revellers dressed in all manner of costumes from a wrestling unitard to old-aged pensioners. Not to mention the usual nurses and schoolgirls, it was (in some senses literally) a messy evening.



Welfare Week Welfare week followed and what a jam-packed week it was! From Monday's body image video with students revealing their good bits and acknowledging their less-than-perfect bits; to a blood drive collecting pledges from over one hundred students! Fifty portions of healthy chilli (both con and sin carne) were given out for free, not to mention over twenty litres of non-alcoholic "virgin" cocktails. Add to that over six hundred free condoms handed out and it's clear to say you guys should be well prepared for the holidays! The week wasn't just about freebies though. There were seven hours of Indian Head Massage performed in the de-stress campaign and awareness campaigns including drinks spiking, knowing your limits and financial information. You can find all of the particulars that you may have missed on the Welfare section of the SU website. (

...and of course November means Movember. A chance to raise awareness of and funds for male cancers. ASU held a Movember themed Pounded event with collection boxes to raise cash. Not only that but the annual Miss Movember award was given to Ashton Jenion and a set of beautiful razors were awarded to Tamid Kahn for their fabulous efforts in fuzzy facial furniture. Let's see what you can get growing for us next year lads!



Nottingham Born... Social Media Bred

by Joy Warmann

Saint Raymond is an up and coming talent from Nottingham. After releasing his debut EP “Escapade” earlier this year, he’s already set things in motion for his follow up EP “Young Blood” to be released next year. On top of this he’s is soon to support Haim on their UK Tour and has even just announced his very own headline tour. Somehow, this busy 18 year old has found time to answer some questions about himself...

Joy: You played a bunch of festivals this summer (R&L, Y-­‐Not, Dot To Dot and more), who would you have headline your ideal festival? Saint Raymond: They can be dead right? I’m gonna go really obvious. Wait no I’m not, I’m gonna say it’s a three day festival right? I’m gonna have The Beatles on the Friday, and I’ll have Oasis on the Saturday and then I’ll take Bon Iver on the Sunday to end the festival. Having dropped out of college to pursue music, would you have any advice for those still in education that might also want to take their music further? Don’t be silly like me [he jokes]. Mine was weird right. To be honest, I went to college because I basically felt bad, because everyone had gone and I thought “I have nothing to do”. So then I went and then I kind of had a job that was telling me “alright, money” and I was like “okay I’ll work and then I’ll start to get it”. But to be honest, my best advice for people that want to do it is to post stuff on YouTube, it’s the best way. YouTube and use Twitter and Facebook, but like, always make sure that you’re happy with what you’re putting up – don’t put something up for the sake of putting it up. I think that’s the thing. I made this mistake massively and I look back at it but you know, just make sure that you’re putting out something that you’re really happy with as opposed to going, “oh I need to put something up now”. Use social media. You went to Glastonbury this year, what was your favourite act of the weekend? Um, The 1975. I’ve seen them twice, I’ve seen them too many times – I’m getting a bit silly with it but I just really like their stuff and so, they were great. Um, I’m just trying to remember who I saw – I was at a stag-­‐do right so Glasto was carnage but on top of that I was at a stag-­‐do so… Mumford were great. Yeah, those two, just because I can’t remember...


Music Your new single ‘Young Blood’ sounds a little bit like Dog Is Dead’s material at points – would you say that the music scene in Nottingham has influenced your sound a lot? Yeah I think so, it’s not a conscious thought but I think Dog Is Dead like guitar-­‐wise, it’s kind of what I do. It’s effectively, you know people would say pop but with the indie guitar stuff and I think it’s just got a youthful vibe. Nottingham as a scene at the moment is really good because everyone is just backing each other and it seems to be making a mark, like people talking about Nottingham as a music point now which you said. Is there any new up and coming talent from Nottingham that we should be keeping an eye out for? Yeah there’s a few – Georgia Rose is great. Frankie Rudolf’s cool. A band called Kagool. There’s loads! You’ve made such huge leaps in the industry coming from being played on BBC Radio Nottingham to having your latest track on Zane Lowe’s show. What do you think will be the next step for your career? I don’t really know like, I’m not looking too far ahead. I think the minute you start looking too far ahead you take your eyes off of what’s coming up you know. I’ve got like the tour with Haim, so, it’s kind of just far away. I’d never really been one of those who’s like “how can we get it big?” you know like “what can we do to make it?” It’s always just been my goal to make it organically, you know and just taking things step by step... release this EP, go on tour with it, play some festivals, make a record and just have some fun with it. What’s the craziest show you’ve ever played? There are two for me. There’s my recent show at Nottingham, headlining was pretty crazy and a real moment. Another one was, I played a gig in Finland and those guys are crazy, in a really nice way, everyone’s so friendly and that was amazing. I had Finnish people singing my songs back at me, it was really weird but it was great. So the Nottingham show, that was the one when it was snowing right? Oh! So I had one like in September which was crazy but yeah that one was mental! That show was crazy because it was quite expensive to get tickets and I was a bit like “ah it’s gonna be a flop” and then we had to get like, extra seats out and it was the night of the snow and I was like “no-­‐one’s gonna come” but I managed to pack the place out and then we had people saying like their journey home was an hour compared to 10 minutes and that was crazy. That was a special moment. After having your Escapade EP released on Gabrielle Aplin’s label (Never Fade) you’re now releasing your next EP on another label (National Anthem), is this for any particular reason? Not really it’s just that I really like what National Anthem do and what they represent. They’ve provided a good ground for Chvrches and Haim and I just think that they’re a really cool label so it just made sense really. Have you listened to Chvrches new album (The Bones Of What You Believe) yet? Yeah I have! I really like Chvrches. I was a bit gutted because they played in LA the night that I was leaving – a bit gutted that I didn’t catch them, but yeah they’re great. Keep an ear out for Saint Raymond here:



Double Gig Review ... All The Way On the 12th and 13th of November, Josh Crawley was lucky enough to attend two concerts: Metal Hammer’s 'Defenders Of The Faith IV Tour' and Alice In Chains. He found it in his heart to share the experience with us here...

Thanks to my students loan. Cheers for that Dave, you may have tripled our fee’s but it feels nice having money in your pocket. The first night of this back-­‐to-­‐back hootenanny was the Metal Hammer tour. The aptly named Hell opened the night followed by metalcore newbie’s Bleed From Within. Whilst many may argue with their hairstyles it is difficult to argue with a sonic sledgehammer to the jaw, delivering a solid half hour of Glaswegian fury! The lads stepped aside for the return of death metal legends Carcass -­‐ who were supporting their first album in seventeen years: 'Surgical Steel' -­‐ playing a blisteringly aggressive set featuring some songs from the crypt written before I was born to the magnificence of their death metal opus: 'Heartwork'. Jeff and the gang sure put everyone else in their place. Finally Swedish phenoms Amon Amarth took the stage for a show of epic proportions, with more beard and beer than you can shake a fist at. They delivered a set, which could even make a chino wearing fresher from new build feel like a Viking warrior. A thousand people jumping up and down to a song about Odin is about as close to a Thor movie as you can get without evoking the actual lightning of the gods.


Music My second venture into the musical underworld lead me to see Seattle grunge legends Alice In Chains. The show was opened by Walking Papers a band very few people will actually of heard of until, it dawns on them Duff McKagan the founding bass player of Guns N Roses is behind this project. Walking Papers put forth a solid and energetic set of blues-­‐ rock, with a mix soaring guitar tones and dirty riffs. After Walking Papers the lights dimmed to bring forth the ritual that is a Ghost show, a band, which may seem frightening to the uninitiated with all the members wearing hooded cloaks other than the lead singer who can be described as “the zombie pope” and eerie 45 minutes of doom laden occult rock and most of the room was elated other than the 40 year old blokes, looking into their pint thinking “what did I just watch?” Ghost are a band where you are either in or out. I and my friends have been in since day one. To top off my back to back days of delight, Alice In Chains stormed the stage with set worth its weight in gold in classic songs taking a loud joyful crowd through anthems such as 'Them Bones' and 'Man In The Box' to more sombre heart-­‐warming moments where you could hear the crowd roaring back the lyrics at the band during 'Down In A Hole' and 'Rooster'. Alice In Chains have shown their ability to go from strength to strength despite the loss of their original lead singer Layne Stayley to a heroin overdose in 2002.



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A Short Rant on a Long Debate... Only a few days ago I read an article in [Unnamed newspaper] about a religious couple turning away a gay couple from their guest house and I went on to read today about certain commentators on their website calling being gay 'disgusting'. As well as this is Westboro Baptist Church's hateful rhetoric filling up my twitter feed. But very bravely Tom Daley, sporting star and inspiration for many, informed everyone he was in a relationship with someone of the same sex and he was "the happiest he's ever been". It truly warmed my heart to see how much love he received from everyone. One of my own friends recently came out to me in a very endearing and slightly rambling message, and I was so proud of him because it's not easy. It's not easy when the word 'gay' is being thrown around as an insult. It's not easy when you overhear someone say they don't like Tom Daley because he's apparently always been slightly feminine...a bit of sexism and homophobia right there. It's not easy when your peers, men in particular I have found, say being gay isn't 'normal', but these men have no problem in boasting about watching lesbian adult videos because it's perfectly ok as long as it feeds their fetish, right? It shocks me how many people are still opposed to letting someone have their fundamental right to choose to love whomever they want to. I find it insulting to religion when people use that as a way to legitimise their hate on another human being, to bring someone down for something which is beyond their control, and to me religion focuses on the more tolerant and accepting side of things. Secondly, these people need to think about the amount of weight their words carry. When they’re typing away going ‘Pray Away The Gays’, saying gay people aren’t ‘normal’ and that they don’t deserve to have happiness, a young child is reading, listening and taking that in with the clear message that people think they’re worthless. Honestly, to me God created everyone equal and loves them all unconditionally, and you’re entitled to your opinion if you don’t think that, however, do not tell my friends that they’re worth less than me because no-­‐one has the right to dictate how someone should live their personal lives. Instead of praying the gay away, how about we pray the ignorance away instead? I hope we live in a world one day where you won't have to come out because it won't be a big deal. I hope that one day young LGBT people won't be bullied or harassed by their peers, and I hope that one day no LGBT person will be made fun of by anyone, and that they won't be scared to just be themselves and love who they love. And thanks to Tom, and all of you, we're one step closer. I apologise for this long rant but I just want to say that I'll always be a supporter of and stick up for the LGBT community because y'all deserve to love who you love just like I do, and in my mother's words 'people need to get a life'. ...according to Westoboro Baptist Church Tom Daley is going to hell. Oh apparently we're all going to hell. Er, yeah I know I'm probably going to hell but not for supporting the LGBT community but mostly likely for overeating or something. Love is love. Love is beautiful, bigotry is not.

Aroosa Raza



Birmingham's Frankurt Festive Market - A Review. Becca Smith So, the air has filled with the smells of frankfurters and German beer...Yes it is that time of year when the German Markets descend on Birmingham to fill the city full of festive cheer. New Street has been filled with wooden cabins selling everything you could wish for to fulfil your Christmas needs. Many of you may have been down there to enjoy a German Stein (beer) and a sizzling sausage doused in mustard. If not, get down there! The atmosphere of a pub on the streets with lights and Christmas music is amazing, so grab your mates and head down there. If you’re just after a hot drink, head up to Victoria square and find the hot apple juice with toffee, perfect to warm up after a day of shopping in the cold. There’s nothing more festive than walking down New Street revelling with others soaking up the Christmas spirit. If you haven’t started your Christmas shopping yet, don’t worry. There are loads of perfect gifts waiting to be found in the cabins. From chocolate treats and fur hats to delicate glass baubles, there is something for everyone. There are even stalls selling reindeer furs for those who are still surviving with no heating in their student houses.


Culture If you’re looking for a little edible treat then the doughnut stalls are a must. From Nutella and marshmallows to apple and strawberry jam, there is certainly something to tickle everyone’s fancy. The smell of sugar hits you as soon as you hit the street and you can't help but notice the number of sweetie and infamous gingerbread stalls that are around. There is something about the German gingerbread that is completely different to anything you can usually find here in Birmingham and I definitely recommend you give it a try. Maybe you could purchase one of the many personalised gingerbread hearts for someone special! After finishing with the Christmas markets you can treat yourself to a ride on Birmingham’s Big Wheel. The wheel is a fabulous sight when lit up at night and shows your Birmingham from a bird’s eye view. You can look over Broad Street from one side and the delight of the Christmas markets the other. If you prefer something a little more adventurous then you can try out Birmingham’s winter skate ice rink. This new edition to the festive celebration is a great laugh with your mates. They have a student offer on and if you go before 16.00pm then you can also get cheaper rates as it’s off peak. With only a few days left until the end of term, the Christmas Markets are the perfect way to unwind or to get excited for Christmas before you return home. Invite your friends and family down to Birmingham to visit the biggest German Markets outside of Germany. Be festive, be merry and enjoy!



Student Living in Birmingham: Home Truths and some advice Now that the first term is coming to a close, it is a good time to reflect on this year. How are things going as a whole? How do you feel about decisions you have made? Georgie Rastall shares some of her reflections on living arrangements with us and offers a few tips...

Got mates? Live with them.

Always fill your house/flat. If you leave a room or two spare, you will probably end up with a very undesirable specimen. On my own arrival to university I was very alarmed to find that regular reasonable human beings are, actually, the minority. Make sure the people you’re going to live with are your kind of people otherwise, goodness knows what you’ll end up with. Even living with that one person you think is a bit odd will probably be much better than taking your chances with a randomer. Keep your mates close and randomers far away.

Houses? Getting a house for the experience always seems like a good idea. They do seem to be the cheap option with quite a few pros! The pros are that you do have your own space and it is a whole house opposed to a room and kitchen. It does always help to have a ‘mother hen’ to organize all the finances each month to avoid squabble and monetary issues. A house can really be great, particularly with a landlord, who is on the ball. Again, make sure the people you live with are going to be good to share with. You will, literally, be paying for other people’s habits in a house so watch out.

Moves in - Eats all your cereal

The downside is you don’t have the luxury of maintenance people like at halls. If there’s a problem, you will have to sort it out. Prepare for a lot more responsibility. The other issue worth weighing up in Birmingham is distance. Most of the houses are a good bus journey away and Aston does have the advantage of many private halls nearby.


Feature Halls?

Private halls can be great. Some are state of the art, some are not so great. It’s really worth questioning people you know to find out what the halls are really like, rather than what they say on the brochure. Personally, I would advise against private halls if your course is particularly intense. You have to remember how many students you are living with, who can be extremely inconsiderate when it comes to noise. Some halls are better than others for this and you do have the added security at some, not others, do your research. Mark Sutton: Head of on-campus Security

Genuinely, Aston has the best on-­‐campus security and concern for your well-­‐ being I’ve heard of in halls. You also don’t have to bother with bills or worry about other people spending your money on heating or hair tongs. If anything breaks or isn’t quite right it can be fixed within a day or two. Really worth considering, but again, careful who you live with; halls are a very confined space so if there is an issue, there’s no getting away from them. Another thing halls do tend to be great for, particularly on campus, is ease of getting to/from university. There’s zero stress about public transport and you can roll out of bed for your 9am at 8.30 if you’re speedy. There’s a lot to be said for that on a Monday morning.

Living at home?

There are some major advantages with living at home. Home cooked meals, no worries about food shopping, buying toilet paper or having to live with people you can’t stand. Plus, no rent, the major thing to deplete your student loan. Now we’re paying £9000 per year for our tuition, another £5000 per year on rent alone is a big ask. On the other hand, if you’re coming for university for the experience, then you will want to live with your friends and you may end up missing out on the social, but with the big rise in tuition fees, university may have just become a necessity and definitely not something to do purely for a laugh.



Baby, it's Cold OutsidE Looking for that perfect Christmas jumper? Francesca Whittle and Becca Smith took inspiration from Bully and hit Birmingham high street to find the best festive knitwear. They've found six jumpers to suit all budgets, however much of your loan you’re still clinging on to...


Cheap and cheerful. Both of these jumpers and many more are just ÂŁ12


Fashion NEW LOOK

Middle of the range, these are jumpers with a twist. Flashing (right £29.99) and 3D (left £27.99) they are definitely more than your average sweater.


At the higher end of the price range these are that little bit fancier (left £50 and right £45). However, most of the collection is cropped so they are definitely a statement sweater rather than for practical purposes.



Stuff Your Stockings! Francesca and Becca have also saved you some time as you battle through the Bullring! Here are their top gifts to suit all budgets. From luxurious chocolates to Ping Pong sets, they’ve found it all... SELFRIDGES

Heart Truffles £10.99, Fudge Drink Set £14.99, Cocktail Jelly Beans £3.99

(LEFT TO RIGHT) Whisky Popcorn £2.99, BBQ Sauce £8.99, Bacon Jam £4.29


(LEFT TO RIGHT) Calendar £5.99, Phone Accessory Kit £6.99, Thermal Mug £5.99


Sweetie Rocket £8.99, Desktop Tennis £5.99, Hipflask £6.99



(LEFT TO RIGHT) Mug £8, Dragon Microwave Buddy £8, Keyring/Light £7

Hot Water Bottle £4, Socks £6, Heat Pack £3


(LEFT TO RIGHT) Lipgloss set £5, Nail Varnish Collection £8, 3 x Cupcake Knickers £4

LYNX Apollo Set £10, Sauce Gun £5, Hat £3


Get Involved

Logo Competition If you remember, from the previous edition: we offered readers a chance to submit designs for the new logo. New year, new start! Here are the two submissions we received. We will be taking your votes via Facebook poll so "Like" the page to make sure you don't miss out on having your say. If you are not a member of Facebook, just email with whether "Design A" or "Design B". Closing date is 12th January 2014. Good luck to both entrants!



Design A

The winning design will be professionally rendered and will become the logo for iAstonMagazine wherever you find us for the rest of this year (and hopefully beyond, depending on the next editor's feelings).

Design B



Facilities Opening Times

Graphics taken from openinghours/openinghours2013-14/

Photo: Elliott Brown

Its nearly the end of term 1 and time for a break/revision. Sport Aston will be taking a break as well and all the sports facilities will be closed from the 21st December. We will reopen on the 2nd January ready for the 2nd term to get started! In term 2 we will be running a 5 aside league on the ASV pitch. The league will take place on Sunday evenings and will run for 8 weeks with 8 teams. The league is only open to Aston students and you will be able to register your team in the new year. Keep an eye out on the website for more information. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Sport Aston!


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