NorthWest Muslims

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Emergency Preparedness


Contact Us

he Fort McMurray fire shocked Canadians. But whether the weather or the economy. Alberta is known for its unpredictability.

The best response to unpredictability is preparedness. Prepare an easy to carry 72 hour emergency kit with food, water, and other essentials. Keep one in your car for good measure. Have an emergency plan. And during the good economic times try to live within your means and save for a rainy day. Here in Alberta, when it rains, it floods.

Got a question? Islamic Association of NW Calgary #23, 7750 Ranchview Drive NW Calgary Alberta,



SGM Announcement


ANWC will be holding a Special General Body Meeting this Sunday June 5th after Zuhr (2:15 PM - 3:00 PM) at the NW Musallah. All IANWC members in good standing are invited to attend. The following amendments to IANWC Bylaws will be discussed: 1.

IANWC Board Election dates


Creation of a Facilities Management Committee


Establishment of a `Committee of Past Presidents` advisory panel


Coffee with the Board

his Sunday IANWC hosted an event called “Coffee with the Board”. Br. Anwar Moihuddin discussed points on the preparation of Ramadan by IANWC. He explained the Taraweeh locations and the importance of weekly community Iftar, and the arrangement of volunteers.

June 2016

Islamic Association of North West Calgary Newsletter

Got a story?

Syrian Refugee Support ince December, there have been plenty of refugees arriving on weekly basis to Calgary. There are many organizations who have banded together to help these newcomers resettle here with ease and comfort.

On March 19th, Muslim Family Network Society (MFNS) organized an event called Syrian Refugees Pairing Program in which mainly Arabic speaking local families were paired up with one or more Syrian families to help them get settled in their new country. IANWC prepared 100 gift bags filled with a copy of Quran, prayer mat, rosary beads, and date biscuits to welcome these refugees to our city.

Editors Afshan Habib Shaista Khurshid Beenish Khurshid

IANWC, in cooperation with ICNA relief, is in the process of sponsoring 8 Syrian refugee families. For this purpose IANWC has collected around $120,000 from private sponsors. Government of Canada requires that sponsors show $30,000 per refugee family to be available by the sponsor to help support the family for their first year of resettlement. If you are interested in this initiative, please contact Br. Syed Anwar Moihuddin at or any IANWC board member for further information.

The last half of the event was about Halal investment. A representative from Investors Group discussed the Halal investment program they offer. Their minimum investment amount starts at $ 250,000.

Furthermore IANWC has established a Syrian refugee committee to help the families once they arrive, to get them settled in this country. Volunteering efforts may include, food collection, job search, house search, giving rides, and language interpretation. If you can help in any way please contact Br. Adel Rachdi at

Spring is in the Air

Crossword Answers

1. Lying


3. congregation

4. women

5. saff


7. taraweeh

8 .Ramadan

9 Laila tul qadar

11. Eid

10. Quran


“Coffee with the board”

Adel Rachdi

hat do you think about our newsletter? We need your feed back. Help us improve our newsletter by sending your comments, ideas and photographs at

Messenger are dearer than all else  He who loves a man for Al-

lah's sake alone, and  He who has as great an ab-

horrence of returning to unbelief after Allah has rescued him from it as he has of being cast into Hell.



Muslim Family Network Society Syrian Refugee Pairing Event


 He to whom Allah and His


“ Attachment is the very opposite of love. Love says, ‘I want you to be happy’. Attachment says, ‘I want you to make me happy’” Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

There are three qualities for which anyone who is characterized by them will relish the sweetness of faith:

Sahih Muslim: 43 a :: Book 1::Hadith 72

Sarah Naseer

Quotable Quotes Anwar Mohiuddin


t is reported on the authority of Anas that the Prophet of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Shaista Khurshid



Virtual Islam


There is a shift undergoing in our society. Where as in the bygone days, we and our neighbors all heard the same messages from the sources (mass media), we now live in an age of peer to peer knowledge transfer (social media). In this new age, we no longer are forced to accept the norms of broader society, but can instead choose to live within our own micro culture, influenced only by those we choose to follow and friend.

mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah , through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. (4:1)

But is this new world really that much different from the worlds of past? While the technological age may be different than that experience by our forefathers, the human emotions, desires, faith, and morality remain completely the same. While the modes of our interaction may have evolved, the goals we aim to achieve as a result of our interactions have not.

P Youth and The Law

Nadeem Paracha

Youth And The Law


'Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (S) said: Deeds are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor], and an individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he intends. Therefore, whosoever has emigrated for the sake of Allah and His messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His messenger. Whosoever emigrated for the sake of worldly gain, or a woman [whom he desires] to marry, then his emigration is for the sake of that which [moved him] to emigrate." Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

rophet (saw) said: "You shall not enter Paradise until you believe, and you have not believed until you love one another. Shall I tell you of something you can do to make you love one another? Spread the greetings of Salam amongst yourselves.” (Muslim)

So while technology is new and engaging, let us not let its novelty distract us from our true purpose, and let us instead use it, as Bilal (RA) used his voice, to further our ultimate end – obtaining the pleasure of Allah (SWT). And while this may mean different things to different people, there are a few lessons that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us that we can use to help us chart these new waters: Taqwa — In what we post, in what we view, in how we spend our time online, let us be conscious of Allah (SWT) and his ex1 pectations of us. We are all afflicted by temptation and diseases of the heart, but in fighting them, and purifying our hearts and deeds for the sake of Allah (SWT) can we attain His mercy. 2 3

he Calgary Police Service (CPS) along with IANWC conducted a workshop called “Youth and The Law”. The session discussed our relationship with the law, youth engagement programs conducted by CPS, and the CPS recruitment process. The guest speaker for this program was Jerry Shannon from the Calgary Police Service. The program was held in NW Musallah. There were a lot of participant who came to learn about police services in the city and how to be a productive citizens. Many relevant questions were posed about the CPS recruitment process, and it was great to see our community engaging civically. To learn more about the Calgary Junior Police Academy, the Calgary Police Cadet Corps, the Calgary Police Auxiliary Cadet, or the CPS recruitment process, visit

4 5

Building An Ummah of Readers

The 8 Characteristics of


Ibad-ur-Rahman (Allah’s Servant)


(Part 2-8) “And those who spend [part of] the night to their Lord prostrating and standing [in prayer] And those who say, "Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell. Indeed, its punishment is ever adhering; Indeed, it is evil as a settlement and residence." (25:64) Who are they? In Surah Furqan Allah (SWT) talks about Ibad-ur-Rahman, a special group of people on whom Allah shows immediate and special mercy. There are 8 characteristics of Ibadur-Rahman. The second characteristic Allah loves is sincerity. What is Sincerity? Sincerity is to be true to our intentions. To say what is true, and to do what is right, for no other reason than that it is true and right. To purify our intentions of the desire for dunya, and instead intend what is pure and expect no reward except from Allah. Am I Sincere? When there is no one around to see you, what do you do? When the world is sleeping, do you wake in remembrance of Allah, asking for His forgiveness and mercy? One who understands their true purpose, sends forward deeds with pure intentions, and repents to the Almighty, has a quality of the Ibad-ur-Rahman.

6 7 8



hen your heart feels like it’s there but not. When everything seems to have fallen into place, but you are still unsatisfied. You realize that your connection with Allah is either severed, or that you were on the wrong path all along.



This book forces you to explore your inner dimensions: about your love, your pain, your fears and your hidden idols. Those which you have been not only saving but nourishing it with your soul every day. The thought provoking chapters tells you to listen to your soul and understand the difference between worldly attachments and love for Allah. Both cannot seems to reside in the same place called your heart. 2

Salah — Just as we set aside our lives to remember Allah (SWT) as has been ordained on us, let us remember our priorities when we are online. Are we fulfilling our obligations to Allah, ourselves, and our families, or have we been de-railed by the pursuit of our desires? Zakat — Zakat ordains upon us a mandatory charity, to help us realize that what is ours is not truly ours, and that to give is better than to have. Let us maintain this attitude of generosity and self-lessness in our online personas, and help those in need of any kind in the best way we can. Sawm — As we fast from morning till night this Ramadhan, attempting to bring our hearts closer to Taqwa, let us consider that it is the steadfastness of our deed that in-fact opens our hearts to Allah (SWT). When that same patience is practiced in our online relations, the medium that was once a source of fitnah may instead become a source of purification for our souls.



1. A huge sin but very common. Especially forbidden in Ramadan

2. Bad habit forbidden in Ramadan. As if you were eating the flesh of your dead brother

3. When Muslims stand in straight lines behind an Imam and pray

6. An emotion hard to control but mandatory to be controlled in Ramadan

4. Prophet SAW especially told his companions that do not prevent _________ from going to the Masjids and praying

8. Month in which Quran was revealed

5. When praying in congregation these should be filled up immediately by the worshippers

9. Arabic name of Night of power. Muslims pray for it in the last ten days of Ramadan 11. Day of celebration after Ramadan

7. Special night prayer after Isha in Ramadan 10. Huge reward for anyone who reads this book in Ramadan 3

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