NW Muslims

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Issue 12, January 2019

Photo by yapo zhou on Unsplash 1

A person like me who has a lot of ma-

it will throw something powerful,

terial to rant about, at any given time. It

something beneficial. Maybe it’s a

seems to be odd when I am unable to

hoax that we always must be perfect

think, say or write anything and having a

and wanted to be perfect. By doing so

writer’s block. This phenomenon is not

we purge all imperfect ideas, things,

unusual. It happens to everyone who

and more, according to what we be-

ever attempted to write. Writers get it a

lieve, assume, or perceive.

lot, where your brain seems to be in

But who determines what’s perfect.

shutdown mode. However, every other

The ideal or perfect for me is very

time when you are preoccupied with

different than yours, my likings of eve-

something other than creative process,

rything is different to that of yours, so,

your brain starts to throw ideas, infor-

why be perfect. What about instead of

mation, creative and intelligent solu-

being perfect we could be nice, kind,

tions. But only at that time you can’t put

loving. Instead, what if we find solution

pen to paper. And alas when you need

to different problems with an open

it, it is gone.

heart and mind.

Maybe we don’t need to put that new

What forces us that we all must live

idea on paper yet, maybe the brain is

a perfect life with perfect of every-

brainstorming itself by thinking of differ-

thing. Where did we get the idea of

ent ideas and solutions. So, when ready, 2

perfection, from whom and why? What is perfection and why is it important to us? What if we are imperfect, would we seize to exist? What if our children friend family sees our imperfection, they are not perfect either. So, why don’t we enjoy whatever Allah has given us, be content with it and make the world a place better than what we got. Try to give the best not perfect.

In this issue you‘re going to find an amazing set of articles where one can get the idea how to be a good husband and wife. Also, we have an opinion on Trevor Noah book “Born a Crime”. Where another piece is about fitness where our editors contributed about health and fitness, importance of thankfulness and praise is a the part of our magazine. Our youth writer has contributed about importance of sunnah. Our writers also discussed the di-

lemma of the Muslims. In general, you will find this magazine for everyone in your family. Keep reading. There are lot more ideas and interesting thoughts to go through — and don’t forget to see what our NW community was up to last quarter, and try the Mandi recipe shared by our NW board member. Happy reading!


Al-Fatihah - A Conversation Between You and Allah···· 6 Responsibilities of Husband & Wife ······························ 8 How many Sunnah Can We do in a Day ······················· 12 Ladies Classes Schedule ··············································· 13 Fitness ·········································································· 14 Ladies Fitness Classes ·················································· 15 Moral & Ethical Dilemma of Muslims ····························· 16 Tib-e -Nabvi : Healing Through Nutrition ······················ 21

Hajj Dinner ·····································································23 Book Review ··································································24 Syrian Welcome ······························································28 The Call Home ································································30 Back Cover ·····································································32 4

Editor-in-Chief Shaista Khurshid

Editors & Writers Afshan Habib Shazia Aamir Rabia Khan Beenish Khurshid

Contributors Ahsan Ayub Amn-Yar Rana Komal Ayub

Layout and Cover Shaista Khurshid

Submissions, Comments and Advertising: Email: newsletter@ianwc.ca Š Islamic Association of NW Calgary


A Conversation Between You and Allah Surah Fatihah, also called the oft-repeated seven verses, is a conversation between you and Allah that has a beginning, a middle and an end. The first three ayats are about Allah where Allah says that all praise and all thanks belongs to Allah alone Who is the master of all nations and all people. He is very loving and extremely merciful, cares for all His creation tremendously and bestows His blessings upon them limitlessly. But Allah also warns us not to take Him for granted because He is also Owner of the Day of Judgement in which He will be the judge who will do justice towards all mankind. The middle ayat is about us and Allah in which Allah tells us to ask Him for His guidance and to depend fully upon Him alone in all our affairs. The last three ayats are about ourselves in which we decide to surrender to Allah and be His slave so that we can stay on the straight path, the path that Allah has chosen for us and not the path of those who are the recipients of His wrath nor the path of those who have gone astray. Thus knowledge about Allah has to be paired with us taking action to worship Him so we can become people of knowledge plus action and so win His favor, protection and blessing both here and in the hereafter.

(Adapted from Nouman Ali Khan’s lecture) The beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah the exalted says, ‘I have divided the prayer (Surah al Fatihah) into two halves between Me and My servant. A half of it is for Me and a half for My servant and My servant shall acquire what he asked for’” (Sahih Muslim). So if we give Allah all the praise, thanks and worship that is due to Him, He shall give us the reward of His favor that we desire, In Sha Allah.



In the life of a person the most important time is the time when they get married. They start a new life. They face a lot of unknowns. A life with a person who they have not known long and now must spend a whole lifetime together 24/ 7.

who maintains or manages. So the husband maintains his wife and he takes care of her every need. If the wife is used to a certain lifestyle before marriage, it is her husband's responsibility to provide for her either the same type of lifestyle or close to it. For example as the Prophet SAW said:

These apprehensions can come to the mind of any person belonging to any religion. But being Muslims there are certain responsibilities. Every Muslim has two kinds of responsibilities. The rights of Allah called haqooq-e-Allah and the rights of fellow humans called haqooq-ul-lbaad.

“When a husband feeds his wife, he gets a reward for this act and Allah increases the bond of love between them.” When the word maintainer is used it should not be taken to mean as a dictator but a shepherd who is responsible for his flock. This is a position of grave responsibility and places an enormous burden on the husband. Unlike the misconception some people have that a husband is like a dictator who has to be followed. Marriage in Islam is a partnership and not a bondage or slavery. To consider the wife one's property is alien to Islamic concept of a husband and wife role.

A good Muslim would always seek guidance from Allah and prophet Mohammed SAW. A husband or wife should know what their rights and duties are towards their spouses. Allah SWT says in the Quran,

‫ون عَ َ​َل ِّالن َسا ِّء‬ َ ‫ِّالر َج ُال قَ َّوا ُم‬ “Men are the maintainers of women” (4:34 ) The word used here is Qawwamoona which literally means maintainers. One

(Continued on page 9)


agreed upon beforehand between both parties. The working of a woman should not be an issue if both husband and wife mutually agree to an arrangement.

(Continued from page 8)

The household is like a kingdom in which the financial responsibility is the husband's responsibility and he is the "King" of the household. The wife is like a queen and she is to be provided for.

Also, if the wife is working the money, she earns is her money. She is not obligat-

Marriage is A Contract like Any Other Contract ed to provide for house hold expenses or for the house. But if she willingly does so she will be helping her husband and will get a reward for it. Same with the dower or Mehr (the dowry or gift given to a woman by her husband at the wedding). This amount is hers and hers only and she can do whatever she wants with it. The husband should not make her accountable for that amount.

Prophet Mohammed SAW himself said that “A wife is a queen of her house�. Her main responsibility is towards the children. She cannot be the king because if two people are given the same responsibility there is always a chance of having a conflict between them. So one partner is given one responsibility and the other is given a different one. It is the same as having different administrative duties.

A newly married woman always must face some adjustment problems. Just as a newly transplanted tree takes time in setting up its roots so will a woman who leaves behind her parent's house and her siblings. If both husband and wife have Taqwa there will be no problems, because both will think of their responsibilities and feel accountable before Allah SWT. After marriage the most important

Marriage is like any other contract. It can have any clause written on it providing both parties agree. Not many people know that when Fatimah (RA) was being married to Ali (RA) it was written in the contract by her father prophet SAW that Ali (RA) will not marry again if Fatimah (RA) is alive. Also, there is a misconception about the wife working after marriage in Islam, that, it is not allowed. So, if the wife wants to work it should be

(Continued on page 10)


should be with her husband’s consent.

(Continued from page 9)


person in a woman's life becomes her husband. Before marriage she used to live her life with her siblings in her parents' house. She was pampered and even her bad habits were ignored by her parents. Now she is starting a home where she will be an equal partner. She has duties to look after which she will be held accountable for.


On the day of judgement, some of the duties the husband will be accountable are: 


On the Day of Judgement, some of the duties the wife will be accountable are: 

Raising the children. Her first and foremost duty is to raise good Muslims. Raise them in such a way that they become respectable members of the society. She is faithful to her husband. She does not betray him nor have any relations other than her husband. She protects his name and his secrets. The bedroom talk should not be discussed outside the bedroom with anyone. Stay away from the Nashoze. Nashoze can be treating your husband with disrespect. Making fun of your husband. Condemning him. Thinking him as a lesser human being. She protects her husband’s property and his wealth and is not careless about it. Even if she must give charity it

Supporting his wife and children both financially and emotionally. After marriage the Wali is not the father but the husband. He must provide financially for the wife and children even if his wife has her own money. So, the financial responsibility is solely the husbands. The husband must treat his wife kindly and lovingly. He must respect her and pay attention to her needs so that she will respect him and pay attention to his. He must always treat her generously. The Prophet SAW said that the best gift or charity (sadaqa) is that spent on one's wife. He must never ever divulge the secrets of the household and those of the married couple. The bedroom talk should not be discussed outside the bedroom with anyone. He must exercise patience and forgiveness in the case of disagreement or dispute, and not rush to divorce. the Prophet SAW said: "Of permitted matters the most loathsome before Allah is divorce" (Continued on page 11)


as the Prophet (s) said:

(Continued from page 10)

"The most complete of the believers in his belief is he who perfects his manners, and the best of you in manners are those who act best towards their wives."

Allah SWT has given us a beautiful analogy in Surah Baqarah Ayah 187

ۗ ‫ه َُّن ِّل َب ٌاس ل َّ ُ ُْك َو َأ ُ ْنت ِّل َب ٌاس لَّه َُّن‬

Marriage must be approached with utmost seriousness, entered with the purest intent, and cultivated religiously as it does not come cheaply, and it carries immense reward. Prophet SAW said,

“They (your wives) are your garment and you are a garment for them” Just like a Garment protects us from cold and hides our nakedness so do the husband and wife protect each other and give comfort to each other. For example, a wife should not bad mouth her husband because she is his protector also. She should defend him instead. Also, a garment is the grace and beauty of the body so are wives and husbands to each other. The wife should be someone the husband is proud of not ashamed of. Same duties go for the husband. They should complement each other in every respect. It is for this reason that Prophet Mohammed SAW has considered marriage as a most virtuous act.

"Two rak’a of the married person are better than seventy rak’a of the unmarried." He also warned that among the greatest of responsibilities that had been placed upon men is that pertaining to the treatment of their wives. In the end I would say, marriage life is a balance between husband and wife. Both have a role to play. It is a start to a beautiful relationship.

He said:" When a man marries; he has completed one half of his religion". The state of marriage is part of one's adherence to the Sunnah. In the words of the Prophet SAW, “It permits one to meet Allah "pure and cleansed" (tahiran mutahharan). One's behavior towards one's wife is the measure of the perfection of one's belief 11


Today, I will be talking about how many sunnahs we do in a day. But first we need to talk about what a sunnah is. Sunnah means "the way of the Prophet". The Sunnah is made up of the words and actions of Muhammad (S.A.W.), the Prophet of Islam. Muslims believe Muhammad's life is a good role model for them to follow in their own lives. There are multiple sunnahs that we should follow. Eat with your right hand, enter the bathroom with the left foot, drink in three sips. These are just the few of many sunnahs that the Prophet (S.A.W) taught us. There are certain types of sunnahs for certain types of things or activities. Entering the bathroom, eating, drinking, sleeping.

You can recite many different surahs and action for these topics. We can do many sunnahs in a day if not all as long as we follow they same kind of path as our prophet Rasulullah (S.A.W). He is a great mentor and the best kind of example we can follow. We can all be great Muslims as well as people with all the information and knowledge he has given us. In conclusion, from what I’ve told you, we can do all the sunnahs in our day-to-day lives. It will help us increase our good will and become extremely great Muslims. If for whatever reason, you are not able to complete your sunnahs, we should all try to do as many as we can. By: Amn-Yar Rana 12







TAJWEED 11 AM-12:30 PM (In Arabic only)



Level 1: 10AM-11 AM

Level 2: Arabic Language


9:30 AM-10:30 AM

Class: 11 AM-1 PM Arabic / English

QURAN RECITATION 12:30 PM-2 PM (For Arabic and nonArabic speakers)

Class 1: 11AM-12 PM Urdu Class 2: 11AM-12 PM English

TAJWEED Classes(1-4): 12-2 PM

HIFZ Class: 12-2pm


Level 3: Arabic Language 10:30 AM-12:30 PM



High cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, heart problems are only some of the conditions that run rampant in our society; but they are also some of the conditions that can be greatly reduced by exercise. For example, regular exercise lowers blood pressure, helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces cholesterol—all major factors in the prevention of heart disease. And while exercise cannot stop the onset of arthritis, studies have shown that regular activity is effective in reducing pain and stiffness as well as improving range of motion and overall strength in people with arthritis. Obesity is known to be the leading cause of type 2 diabetes—and regular exercise helps in reducing weight, thus leading to lower incidences of this form of diabetes.

already know this. Why only very few people exercise is not because they’re not aware of such benefits, but because there is very little time to go to the gym and work out in our extremely busy schedules. In the midst of balancing work, social, religious and family life, who has got time to go to the gym everyday? The beauty of staying fit is that it is much easier than one might imagine it to be. No gym membership or fancy equipment is required for regular exercise; what is required is only 15-20 minutes 3 or 4 days a week. All that’s required is a pair of comfy runners and you can go out for a brisk walk around your neighbourhood, a quick cycle ride around the block (you would need a bike for that), or a swift jog out in the playground.

Apart from a higher level of fitness resulting in significantly lower risks of such relatively common diseases and conditions, it can also be very beneficial for the mind. During a workout session, hormones known as endorphins are released which are known to have pain-relieving (analgesic) effects, and are also responsible for relieving stress. Because of that, exercising is very effective to combat mild depression and low self-esteem. Working out has also been linked with helping people with insomnia sleep better at night.

In the winter months, when it’s next to impossible to do anything outside, take a quick trip out to the mall (no, not for shopping) and do a couple of rounds around the mall. In the summer months, an easy weekend hike out in the mountains will burn as many calories as a good couple of hours in the gym. A gym membership is great but not at all required to incorporate an active routine in your life; an active routine which can prevent a number of diseases, can help one look fit and also help to have a healthy and stressfree mind, now who wouldn’t want that?

Regular exercise is beneficial for the body as well as for the mind, and most people 14


It would have been more than half a century ago when the Muslims around the world started losing their position from world leaders to followers, and then to a place where they are merely scapegoats. From dissolving of caliphate to genocides, everywhere in the world, Muslims are set on a path of steep decline. If we look around from east to west, Muslims are those who are being displaced, having their lands taken from them, thrown out of their homelands, or treated as enemies. Why is that happening? What is the reason? Where are those who were the trailblazers of knowledge, wisdom, and humanity. Those, from whom, the world learned their ethics and morals. Where are those people who keep their promises and don’t alter their faith and humanity even when under immense pressure? Where are those who, when in-charge, people under their rule feel safe and heard. Who are those who uphold justice, even it negatively befalls on them or on their loved ones. Where are those whom don’t care about the loss and gains of this world. Who were they? It’s hard to sift through history for a layman and understand what the reason was, for all this regression. Maybe historians who have indepth knowledge of why this is happening,

can shed some light on it. Otherwise it seems that this ummah is set to self destruct from its own devices.

If we look through the lens of Quran, we will find out that many nations had been given punishments and many perished from this world without a trace. Many were those whose ruins were left to give heed—lessons for those who fear Allah. Allah wants us to notice and observe his signs with a keen eye and also to set the course of modern life on basis of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. What reminder should we take from the stories? If we look at the people of Saba. Who were led by a very just, powerful and democratic queen. After few hundred years of living in lavish luxury, dispersed by massive flood caused by the bursting of dams. The country which was oasis and agricultural heaven, has gone from the face of the earth without a trace. What was their sin? Was there any aggression from them? Quran is not silent about it. “[By] that We repaid them because they disbelieved. And do We [thus] repay except the ungrateful?” (34:17) (Continued on page 17)


replied: Love of the world and dislike of death. (Sunan Abi Dawud 4297, Book 39, Hadith 7, Grade:

(Continued from page 16)

Sahih (Al-Albani))

So, it was clearly stated that if a nation starts to disbelief and become ungrateful, either it’s replaced by others who are better or perished from the face of this earth. The point is that which path are we on.

What is Wahn? Wahn is a weakness which strike you in bones, body and mind. It is physical, mental and emotional weakness. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) defined it as love of the world and dislike of death. This weakness may affect individual or a society. Let’s ask ourselves, what would happen if we love this world? How does it affect us if we dislike death?

“And it is not your wealth or your children that bring you nearer to Us in position, but it is [by being] one who has believed and done righteousness. For them there will be the double reward for what they did, and they will be in the upper chambers [of Paradise], safe [and secure].” (34:37)

By and large, love of the world guides towards living well and forever. It also pushes us to make it a heaven for ourselves. Nonetheless, this world being mortal has a time limit and tends to be both beneficial and corrupt, not heaven. All the pleasure of this world has a time limit and it’s not forever. It also pushes people towards more worldly pleasures and perfections. Finding love in materials and people. Their endeavors are in worldly successes. Then again if it is added with dislike of death that twists the whole ideology. It adds self-indulgence and acquiring worldly benefits without being judged or having a consequence. The only way this moral and ethical decline stops is when the law of the land stops them. Otherwise the love of the world is carried on without fearing of any consequences.

“And the ones who strive against Our verses to cause [them] failure - those will be brought into the punishment [to remain].” (34:38) The above ayah made it clear that Allah doesn’t like ungrateful people, those who use his given provisions and then disbelieve. This hadith also points out what may be happening to us. Narrated Thawban: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah): He

This disease is dangerous. When a person is fully indulged in this world, without having regard for the consequences or any thought about next world, this can cause moral and ethical degradation of oneself and the society. It also creates complete disregard for the weak and vulnerable. In simple, the society becomes narcissistic. Be(Continued on page 18)


cause a person will not regard good deeds as beneficial since he doesn’t see any result in this world, no matter how much better is that for a greater good or hereafter.

believe the provisions given to us are only ours? Do we ever think about what we do or use in our daily life, and how does it impact the world politically, environmentally or socially? These are few questions to ask ourselves continuously. Maybe someday will come when Muslims are again considered just, trustworthy and truthful. May be someday when instead of relying on preachers or scholars our masjids and our homes become the powerhouse of knowledge and humility. Maybe someday because of our humility and modesty, poverty and abuse will become unheard of. Maybe someday our sujjood (prostration) will become the best thing in the world. Maybe someday we will despise dishonesty, lies, show-off and much more. Maybe someday instead of us or children or spouse centered society we will have a God centered society. Maybe someday this Wahn will leave us and our hearts will become true to Allah. Possibly, maybe, someday…

Usually people learn morals and ethics and apply them to their societies to fulfil the needs of their people. They erect laws to safeguard their people from moral, physical, ethical and emotional harm. That’s the teaching we have to revive. Just as a person without the soul is dead, in the same way, our worship is not a worship if we are worshiping without heart or worshipping ourselves in the guise of Allah. Indulging selfishly in ourselves is kind of worshiping ourselves. It’s time to take heed. Does our worship belong only to Allah? Do our dealings and business with the creation of Allah are based on humility and justice? Do we spend our daily life with truthfulness, by keeping promises, and by not hurting anyone? Do we keep an eye on ourselves when we are arrogant, ungrateful or obnoxious? Do we brag about our things and selves in open or inconspicuous ways? Do we spend frivolously because we

http://www.tyndalearchive.com/TABS/Lane/ 18

Tib-e-nabvi is the knowledge of medicine practiced by Prophet Mohammed (SAW) to cure illnesses of the body, mind and spirit granted by Allah Himself through revelations. These cures work like a double edged sword, cleansing the body from harmful agents while purifying the soul from evil intentions. INTRODUCTION:

Every Muslim who hopes to achieve the benefits of prophetic medicine must have full faith and practice in the sunnah and teachings of the holy prophet. The person should be spiritually in contact with Allah and submit to the supreme authority of Allah as the only Saviour and Healer. This means that the person should offer Salat, fast, recite Quran, do Zikr, make Dua and Ruqya, offer Zakat, display Husn-e-khulq in dealings with fellow human beings, and other noble deeds as prescribed by the holy prophet (saw), as best as he can. One food that is mentioned in the Quran for its healing properties is the use of the mustard seed and mustard oil. This herb has been widely used in Indian medicine for ages. Mustard is one of the blessed plants that have been mentioned in the Quran as a gift from Allah (SAW). It has also been mentioned in hadith. Allah (SAW) says in Quran: And We shall set up balances of justice on the Day of Resurrection, then none will be dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, we will bring it. And sufficient are We as Reckoners” [21:47]. Mustard has many health benefits including the ability to fight cancer cells, arthritis, headache and migraine, blood pressure problems and hair loss. It is a warming oil and is so very helpful in winter months in the case of flu or colds. But despite all the above evidence, science today argues that mustard oil should be banned for human consumption due to the presence of a toxic agent found in the oil discovered from experiments undertaken on rats. However, no such ill effect has been discovered in humans, as no one consuming it in different parts of the world like India and Bangladesh, has complained about having any health problems from mustard oil. In fact, mustard oil is one of the healthiest oils as it has optimum ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and is low in saturated fats. Still, mustard oil sold in the west is labelled ‘for external use only’. (Adapted from tibenabvi.pk) 19




Hajj Dinner Every year many Muslims, families and individuals, go for the annual hajj pilgrimage from Calgary. Every year, the Islamic Association of NW Calgary organize an event to honour and congratulate Hujjaj. This year again, IANWC arranged a beautiful dinner for the hujjaj and their families. The Ladies Council of IANWC took over the responsibility to host this year’s event and they did a splendid job MaShaAllah. Around 150 people attended the event including the hujjaj and their families. Senior Calgary Imam, Sheikh Jamal Hammoud was in attendance and spoke at the event. Some of the hujjaj also shared their heart touching and spiritual stories and experiences. IANWC board chairman, Dr. Hussam Bawa also congratulated the hujjaj and their families. The delicious food was catered by Jerusalem Shawarma. Hujjaj were given flowers on the behalf of IANWC. The dinner was a beautiful event with amazing decor and a very spiritually rejuvenating atmosphere. We ask Allah that may he accept the efforts of all those who attended and organized the event. Aameen!


This winter, the NW Ladies Book Club decided to read a biography. The title we picked was Trevor Noah’s latest book “Born A Crime”. This book is an account of his early life, spent growing up in South Africa, his understanding of life in his country and beyond. He light-heartedly, but impactfully discusses his views on racism, how colonization affected the locals, and the after-effects on the people, after the colonizers had long left. This book is full of laughs and cries and it gives a decent account of unwavering faith, dedication, wisdom and hard work of his mother. This book starts with the quote, ``For my mother. My first fan. Thank you for making me a man” Trevor Noah was born in the era of Apartheid where association between Africans and whites was a crime. Born to a black African mother, and a Swiss/German white father, that made his birth a crime. Many of those who have lived through the colonization can understand how it works. He light heartedly discussed the poverty and limitations of their family. As children, they have desires to have what others have, but they were constrained by poverty. Their mother tried to give them the best but her strong ethics prevented her to overthrow her conscience by her children’s frivolous desires. She made sure that her children understand to be content and grateful with what they have . “We always wore second-hand clothes, from Goodwill stores or that were giveaways from white people at church. All the other kids at school got brands, Nike and Adidas. I never got brands. One time I asked my mom for Adidas sneakers. She came home with some knock off brand Abidas. “Mom these are fake,” I said. “I don’t see the difference.” “Look at the logo. There are four stripes instead of three.”

“Lucky you,” she said. “You got one extra.” When his mother was shot by her abusive ex-husband in her head in front of her young children, she woke up in her hospital bed next day. Her heart-stricken children were devastated and were not sure what’s coming. She tried to calm them down with her un-precedented wit. “No, baby. Baby don’t cry. Trevor, listen. Listen to me.” “What?” I said, tears streaming down my face. “My child, you must look on the bright side.”

“Mom, you were shot in the face. There is no bright side.” 22

“Of course, there is. Now you’re officially the best-looking person in the family.” He discussed his mother’s faith in her God. When she was shot, she didn`t have health insurance. They were worried that they didn`t have enough money to pay the hospital bill. But she was completely content that she would be taken care off by her God, this is discussed in the book as following: “Trevor, I prayed. I told you I prayed. I don’t pray for nothing” “You know”, I said “for once I cannot argue with you. The gun, the bullets---I can’t explain any of it. So I’ll give you that much” Then I couldn’t resist teasing her with one last jab. “But where was your Jesus to pay your hospital bill, humm? I know for a fact that he didn’t pay that” She smiled and said, “You’re right. He didn’t. But he blessed me with the son who did” He also debated that societies work hard to educate their new generation different skills, so they become a productive member of the society. Although, societies are very good at teaching skills but what they forget to give them tools, to do their jobs. “People love to say, “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” What they don’t say is, “And it would be nice if you gave him a fishing rod.” That’s the part of the analogy that’s missing. All in all this book is going to give a fresh perspective about the lives of the people living in this world around us. It also helps us to understand that having a strong faith in Allah is an asset. It also gives you an idea that it is important to make this life not only better for us but more important is to make this life better for others and do things with understanding and wisdom instead of greed or hatred.



Lamb leg : 1 medium size Bay leaves: 3 medium Fennel seeds : 1 tbsp Cardamom black: 2 Cinnamon: 3 medium size

Take lamb, and poke it on every side with a fork or knife.

Cover the lamb with lemon juice and salt.

Marinade it for few hours.

Add all the spices and a little water, and cook on the stove on medium heat until tender.

Rice: as needed

Strain it and keep aside the broth.

Cashews: 1\2 cup

Cook rice in the broth.

Almond: 1\2 cup

Roast cashews, walnuts, almonds in pan until aromatic.

Raisins: 1\2 cup

Fry raisins lightly.

Saffron: few strands.

When simmering the rice add all the nuts and add some saffron (saffron in the 1tbsp milk ) in it.

Bake lamb separately for 20 to 25 minutes on broil until brown

Serve the lamb leg over rice with nuts.

Black pepper: 1tbsp Cumin: 2 tbsp Salt: to taste Lemon juice: 1\2 –1cup

Recipe by: Shahnaz Munir

Photo by Vitchakorn Koonyosying on Unsplash 25

On a cold day in Calgary IANWC welcomed the new arrival to Calgary; A family of Syrians. A team of dedicated volunteers organized and settle the houses for them in a week. They collected the items for the refugees family. From bedroom set to diapers, they have collected almost all the necessary items for two houses. The community rolled up their sleeves and get this project going and in few days all of the items were collected. A team of volunteers went to setup their houses on the snowing day of October. A sudden storm just hit Calgary a day before. Apart from that our dedicated volunteers also rushed back to airport on time to receive them. They also took jackets, gloves and hats for them because it was a freezing day and for them it would be brutally cold. It was a warm welcome on a cold snowy day. The Syrians are now settled and volunteers visit them regularly and help them in transition processes. There is a team of brothers who are taking care of them in this transition process. May Allah bless all of their efforts and accept it Ameen. 26

Our Volunteer Team!

Thank You! Calgary for Your Heartfelt Donations

Really Snowy Day!


German poet Christian Morgenstern wrote, "Home is not where you live, but where they understand you." A three part series covering personal account of a young woman’s trip to the Holy Lands to perform Hajj, the holy pilgrimage to Makkah during the sacred days of Hajj, to be performed by every Muslim who is able to, at least once in their lifetime. PART 1: UMRAH As we began the descent into Jeddah, I stared out the window. My eyes welled with tear. Ever since I started my first job, I had a goal to go to Makkah and perform the holy pilgrimage of Hajj. 10 grand is what it was going to cost. And a Mahram needed to be found. As I regained composure, Ruqaiya Aunty, the only other English speaker in our predominantly French group, advised - keep your tongue busy with prayer. Here recite this now. And so I recited, and repeated the zikr over and over. Now this. And so I dutifully repeated. Now This. And soon we landed. I felt this distinct feeling of coming home. Though traveling with her son, she took me on as her daughter. "You're my daughter. My daughter" I can still remember her voice. The first of my loving mothers at Hajj. LabaikAllahHummaLabaik. LabaikAllahLaShairkalaLabaik. Present I am O Allah, Present. Present I am Allah, No Partner Do You Have, Present I am. These words resonated in our voices as we recited the Talbiya on the bus to Makkah, now in a state of Ihram. But I felt the words in my heart. Here I was. Here I was. We arrived, checked into our hotel rooms (I was sharing a room with Ruqaya Aunty and 3 women who only spoke French/Arabic - funny story for another time), and made our way to dinner before we performed Umrah. And I have to say, when in Saudi, beware of the fitnah. The fitnah of the 5 star - double wedding sized - buffet meals. Our group leader took us to the Haram, which was right outside our hotel, and showed us where and how to perform tawaf. My brother and I, holding hands, performed tawaf on the top floor, with the cool night sky above us. It was a long walk, we were tired after two days of traveling, and our feet hurt. But we drank zamzam, performed Nafl, and our guide showed us to the place of Sa'i. I remember being utterly exhausted, and being thankful that I didn't have to run, or walk at a brisk pace, as my brother did, in the ramal zone (the area between the mounts of Safa and Marwa where male Hujaj walk at at a fast pace, or run). I thought of Hajar AS. How she walked 28

this long distance 7 times. We know that by #7, we are done. But she didn't know that. She was hastening from one mount to the next, desperately in search of water for her baby boy. She was hoping to spot a caravan in the distance, something, anything to ease her pain, but she didn't have much to hope for. In the middle of a desert. Abandoned at Bakkah. In a state of utter despair. Hoping in a hopeless situation. But Allah had mercy on her, and gifted her with Zamzam. “And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” (65:3) Subhanallah. Once we completed the journey, our guides took us back to the hotel. My brother had his head shaved. I cut off an inch of my hair (to exit ihram), took a shower to wash off the sweat and the heat, and went to rest. By the time I woke up, I couldn't speak. I had lost my voice and felt sick. The “Hajj Tax” as my brother calls it. The expected throat infection, egged on by the exhaustion of travel, exposure to a new environment, and a million or two other travelers all bringing their illnesses from there home countries. But Alhamdulillah, I was present. I was here. By the 3rd day in Makkah, I felt sick enough to have my brother take me to the clinic/hospital downstairs. The doctors were happy to see me. One of them had studied in Winnipeg and loved Canada. Very polite and kind, like all other Saudi staff I had met - customs and immigration, police, cleaning staff, waiters. I was prescribed the regular pain killers, antibiotics, and .... All of which I had brought from Canada on recommendation from my doctor, and had no intention of taking. Back at my hotel room, one of my french speaking roommates felt sorry for my severe illness, and made me Zatar (an Arabic herb) tea. And let me tell you, Zatar tea is some medicine. I went from can't get out of bed to, let's go pray at the Haram. Jumu'ah anyone? So we went to Jumu'ah. Ruqaya Aunty and I. We got there around 9, got a seat in overflow in the basement. And waited 3 hours for the Khutbah to start. Meanwhile, I admired the architecture. I had been here before. I could remember these pillars from my childhood. The woman next to me was a doctor from India. We shared our stories and chatted a while. Then she pulled out her Mina pack list, and sought my advice on if I'd forgotten anything. I thought of a few things, and then copied her list for my own trip. The Khutbah was in Arabic. But I understood most of it, despite being a non-Arab. I was finding that the language the Saudi's used was very intelligible to me. Maybe had to do with spending my childhood here. He asked us to be conscious of God and our responsibilities. To be brothers. And to honor the tenants of Hajj. 29

© Islamic Association of NW Calgary 30

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Articles inside

The Call Home

pages 28-29

Welcome Syrians!

pages 26-27

Recipe: Mandi Rice

pages 24-25

Book Review

pages 22-23

Hajj Dinner

pages 20-21

Tib-e-Nabvi: Healing Through Nutrition

page 19

Moral and Ethical Delemma of Muslims

pages 16-18


pages 14-15

How Many Sunnahs Can We Do in A Day

page 12

The Role and Responsibilities of A Husband & Wife in Marriage

pages 8-11

Surah Al-Fatihah

pages 6-7


pages 2-3
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