Buzzfit brand guidelines

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Because health is Everything.






Wellness Lifestyle


PRIMARY LOGO The Buzz.Fit logo has been handcrafted to create an original, dynamic and fluid identity. It consists of the brand name and a fullstop. It is important for the fullstop to stand out within the brand to emphise the .fit domain address. This can be achieved by highlighting the fullstop by using an accent color. In video and dynamic screen use of the logo the fullstop should be animated to make it stand out.

PRIMARY LOGO The use of the logo is flexible within the brand colour palette options. The logo can sit on a white background, or within a solid color icon square. The color combinations always need to emphasize the fullstop within the brand.

DON’Ts Please use the Buzz.Fit identity in its original form. Do not in any way skew, stretch, rotate or re-arrange the letterforms within the logo. The letters in the primary logo and the alternative horizontal version vary slightly, so please use the appropriate original version - do not try to arrange the letterforms yourself from one to the other. Do not use drop shadow.

ALTERNATIVE LOGO Alternative layout for the Buzz.Fit logo to be used in horizontal setting, such as in a website header. However, wherever possible the vertical/squared version of the logo is prefered.

BRAND COLORS The palette is kept bright and fresh and the color combinations can be mixed and matched within the brand palette options, and to suit the environment it is to be placed in.

RGB 0 - 171 - 171 CMYK 77 - 9 - 37 - 0

RGB 166 - 207 - 56 CMYK 40 - 0 - 100 - 0

RGB 255 - 115 - 120 CMYK 0 - 70 - 41 - 0

RGB 112 - 115 - 120 CMYK 58 - 48 - 44 - 12

SECONDARY COLORS This palette has been developed for other brand elements such as illustrations and other additional content or materials.

# 1C75BA

# 262160

# AAC699

# 00778C

# FCC835

# CE564F

# 87C4BF

# 3D3359

# 3D3359

# 511156

# FCC199

# A3283A

PRIMARY FONTS Primary fonts are associated with the main brand and are to be used in all forms of main communications.

NEXA LIGHT A aBbCc DdEe F fGgHhIi Jj KkLlMmNnOoPp QqR rSsTtUuVvXxVvWwXxYyZz Here at Buzz.Fit we believe that Health is Everything.

NEXA BOLD A aBbCc DdEeF fGgHhIi Jj KkLlMmNnOoPp QqR rSsTtUuVvXxVvWwXxYyZz Here at Buzz.Fit we believe that Health is Everything.

ADDITIONAL FONTS Additional fonts offer a wider palette for the use in illustrations and in sting screens for videos.

Thirsty Rough Bold Two AaB bCcD dEeF fGgHhI iJjK kL lM mN nOoP p QqR rS sT tUuV vXxV vW wXxYyZz Here at Buzz.Fit we beleive that Health is Everything.

ENRIQUETA BOLD AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPp QqRrSsTtUuVvXxVvWwXxYyZz Here at Buzz.Fit we believe that Health is Everything.

ADDITIONAL FONTS & COLORS An example of the use of the alternative colors and fonts in additional illustrative elements.

LOGO ON SCREEN The watermark version of the logo is used at all times for all Buzz.Fit brand videos. It is to be placed in the bottom right hand side corner of the screen.

MOBILE APP ICON A gentle gradient has been added to the mobile app version of the Buzz.Fit logo to make it look more lively and dynamic on device screens. This version of the logo is for mobile app icon use only.

© Buzz.Fit 2017 |

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