The Global Innovation Summit (GIVS Tokyo 2018) Official Conference Programme and Abstract Book

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THE SPIRIT OF INNOVATION Why Innovation and Value in Japan? Why Now?

イノベーションの精神: 日本からのインスピレーション なぜ日本でのイノベーションと価値創造なのか?なぜ今なのか?

Global Business Hub Tokyo, Japan | October 5, 2018 Toshi Center Hotel, Japan | October 6-7, 2018 Organised by IAFOR in association with the IAFOR Research Centre at Osaka University and IAFOR’s Global University Partners

開催場所・日時:グローバルビジネスハブ東京 | 2018年10月5日 開催場所・日時:都市センターホテル | 2018年10月6 〜7日 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 IAFOR 研究センター &IAFOR グローバル・ユニバーシティ・パートナーズ共同開催

Organised by IAFOR


ISSN: 2433-7544 (Online) | ISSN: 2433-7587 (Print)








SUMMIT GUIDE サミット・ガイド Summit Theme サミット テ ーマ

Symposium at a Glance シンポジウム・スケジュール

Advisory Board 諮問委員会詳細

Organising Committee 組織委員会

Moderators モデレータ

Letter of Welcome ウェルカム・レター

A Few Thoughts on Innovation イノベーションとは?

Directions & Access 会場アクセス



WHY INNOVATION AND VALUE IN JAPAN? WHY NOW? 「イノベ ーションの 精 神:日本 からの インスピレ ー ション」 なぜ日本 で の イノベ ーションと価値 創 造 なの か? なぜ今なのか?

Japan has been hailed as one of the world’s most creative and innovative countries, while simultaneously being maligned as a stagnant and lost economy that has lost its lustre. Yet as the world confronts the limits of Western concepts of innovation and the value that these bring, unique, sustainable and inclusive models of innovation developed throughout Japan’s long history may have important and globally applicable lessons and ideas that could guide the future of innovation and value creation in multiple industries and sectors around the world. The purpose of this Symposium is to explore innovation and value creation from the perspective of senior leaders in Japan who are guiding these efforts across government, business and educational initiatives and within three distinct categories to recognise and enhance Japan’s innovation ecosystems, including (1) heritage businesses, (2) multinational companies, and (3) young entrepreneurs and start-ups. Through a mature conversation between leaders across these fields and industries, we will address the questions of “What is innovation?”, “What is value?”, “What are innovation ecosystems?” and what we mean by these terms in context. This symposium aims to gain new insights into what truly drives innovation and drives value creation in Japan today and the most important factors that will further enhance the impact of these both domestically and globally. 深刻な人口減少問題を抱え、企業や学歴社会によるヒエラルキーが固定化している日本。もはやイノベーションは縁遠

い存在だと考えられているかもしれません。過去に数々のイノベーションを起こして経済成長を続けてきた日本の経済 も停滞し、もはやイノベーションの中心は、テクノロジーの進化著しい日本以外のアジア市場に移ってしまった、と思 われているかもしれません。

しかし、それは違います。200 年以上続く世界の企業のうち 50% 以上が日本企業であり、フォーチュン・グローバル

500 の企業のうち 52 社すなわち 10% が日本企業であるということ、世界において日本が一貫してクリエイティブな国 にランクし続けているという事実をご存知でしょうか。そして、日本では次世代のビジネスリーダーたちが新たな事業 を創出し続けているのです。

今では、スタートアップ企業の「ユニコーン企業の創出」や「ピッチング」「ピボット」などという言葉がイノベーショ ンにおける世界の共通語となっています。しかし、シリコンバレーが生まれる数百年以上前から、日本と日本のビジネ ス、そしてそのリーダーたちは、顧客や社会、従業員、パートナー、地球全体に対して新たな価値創出を模索し、そし てビジネスの持続性と事業の成功に着目し続け、今日まで事業を行ってきたのです。

「IAFOR グローバルイノベーション & バリューサミット 2018 東京」(GIVS 2018)では、これまで語られてこなかった 日本におけるイノベーションと価値創造をテーマとして掘り下げていきます。日本において創業 100 年以上の歴史を持 つ老舗企業や、多国籍企業、ベンチャー企業、政府や教育機関のトップリーダーたちと共に、そのインサイトとストー

リーを引き出し、日本の歴史を通じてイノベーションを牽引してきた共通要素について掘り下げ、明らかにすることで、 グローバルなイノベーション、価値創造の発展へとつながる教訓を導き出していきます。

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DR JOSEPH HALDANE Chairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) ジョセフ・ハルデイン

ザ・インターナショナル・アカデミック・フォーラム 会長兼 CEO

Dear Colleagues, It is a great honour for me to be able to welcome you to The IAFOR Global Innovation & Value Summit 2018 (GIVS2018), held by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR). The Summit will showcase the various strengths of Japanese businesses and industries in surviving decades (in some cases centuries) of changes in the international environment surrounding them, mindful of avoiding the trappings of treating Japan as unique and particular with no applicable lessons or wisdom to impart. In 2017, IAFOR collaborated with the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University in the opening of an OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre, which now houses the newly launched Global Innovation and Value Initiative, associated with this event. This public-private initiative was launched earlier this year in the hosting of a special session at the Third Annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum 2018) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The GIVS Summit is therefore the second event associated with the Initiative. Founded in 2009 in Nagoya, Japan, IAFOR has grown to become more global, welcoming more than 20,000 people to its academic conferences held initially in Osaka and Kobe, then in cities outside of Japan, such as Brighton, Barcelona, Dubai, Honolulu, Hong Kong and New York. However, this is the first time for the organisation to hold a series of events in Tokyo, and over the next couple of weeks, we will be welcoming some eight hundred delegates to the nation’s capital. Given our Japan-based history, it is befitting that our first event is a Global Innovation and Value Summit concentrating on what this country contributes to the discussion at the intersection of these concepts of innovation and value under the theme “The Spirit of Value”, where we look at inspirations from Japan. I would like to thank our partners for their contributions towards this event; J. Walter Thompson, JWT Intelligence, HarperCollins, The Wall Street Journal, and Edelman. I would also like to thank the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), for their kind support of GIVS2018. We could not have a more impressive line-up of invited speakers, and I would like to thank each of them for taking the time out of their busy schedules to be a part of this important conversation. I would like to thank the GIVS2018 Advisory Board, and Organising Committee for their work behind the scenes over the past year, in particular OSIPP-IAFOR Innovation and Value Initiative co-directors, Professor Haruko Satoh, His Excellency Dr Toshiya Hoshino, and most particularly Professor Philip Sugai, whose energy and vision have made this event possible. I encourage your active participation in what promises to be a great event. Dr Joseph Haldane Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 3





Conference Registration


Opening Announcements

09:05-09:15 09:15-09:40 09:40-10:15 10:15-10:45

Welcome Addresses


Session 1: Heritage Panel Intro & Individual Speeches Innovation in Japan’s Heritage Industries


Session 1: Heritage Panel Discussion, Q&A and Wrap-up


Short Demonstration: Innovation, Value and the Japanese Martial Arts


Closing of Morning Session


Lunch Break



Morning Keynote Speaker Session Keynote Panel Coffee Break


パネルディスカッション 休憩




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Opening of Afternoon Session

13:05-13:15 13:15-13:40

Afternoon Keynote Speaker Session 1


Session 2: Multinational Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up


Short Break


Session 3: New Ventures Panel Intro & Individual Speeches Entrepreneurial Innovation in Japan


Session 3: New Ventures Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up Entrepreneurial Innovation in Japan


Coffee Break


Session 2: Multinational Panel Intro & Individual Speeches The Multinational View on Innovation (Inbound/Outbound) 多国籍視点からのイノベーション



日本における企業家のイノベーション: パネルディスカッション 休憩

15:45-15:55 Afternoon Keynote Speaker Session 2 基調講演 15:55-16:15 Session 4: Government/Education Panel Intro & Individual Speeches Ecosystem Innovation and Value Creation 日本のイノベーション・エコシステム 16:15-16:55

Session 4: Government/Education Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up Ecosystem Innovation and Value Creation


Short Break


Session 5: Cross Panel Session (All remaining speakers)


Closing Remarks and End of Symposium


Networking Event

日本のイノベーション・エコシステム: パネルディスカッション 休憩



ネットワーキングイベント Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 5



Frank Bauer

Dr John C. Beck

Takako Ebata

Global Business Director, J. Walter Thompson

President, North Star Leadership Group

Head of Government Affairs & Policy, Johnson & Johnson, Japan

Frank Bauer

ノーススター・リーダーシップ・グループ プレジデント

江端 貴子

Frank Foley

Dr Joseph Haldane

H.E. Dr Toshiya Hoshino

Managing Director, HarperCollins Japan

Chairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)



Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Co-Chair of the UN SDG (Goal #9) Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

ジェイ・ウォルター・トンプソン Global Business Director

株式会社 ハーパーコリンズ ・ ジャパ ン 代表取締役社長


ザ・インターナショナル・アカデミック・フォーラム 会長

ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン 日本法人グループ コーポレートガバメントアフェアーズ&ポリシー 統括責任者

星野 俊也

国際連合大使、 国際連合日本政府代表部次席常駐代表

Hiroko Koide

Oki Matsumoto

Ross Rowbury

Board Director, Vicela Japan Co. Ltd. External Board Director, Mitsubishi Electric Company

Managing Director & Chairman, Monex Group

President, Edelman Japan

小出 寛子

松本 大

マネックスグループ株式会社 取締役会長兼代表執行役社長

エデルマン・ジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長

ヴィセラ・ジャパン株式会社 取締役 三菱電機株式会社 社外取締役


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Professor Haruko Satoh

Dr Sachio Semmoto

Professor Philip Sugai

Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University

Chairman, RENOVA, Inc.

佐藤 治子

千本 倖生

Professor, Doshisha University Graduate School of Business

株式会社レノバ 代表取締役会長

須貝 フィリップ

Megumi Takayama

Professor Douglas Woodruff

Kiyo Machida Woodruff

Unit Chief, Office of Global Communications, Prime Minister’s Office, Japan

Lecturer, Stanford Universit y Bing Overseas Studies Program & Columbia Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies

CEO, Miscellany Ltd.

高山 恵


大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

官邸国際広報室 Unit Chief

同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科 教授


株式会社ミセレニ 代表取締役

スタンフォード 大学の日本留学プログラム・ KC JS 京都アメリカ大学コンソーシアム 講師

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Professsor William Baber

Professor Sarah Louisa Birchley

Dr Grant Black

Dr Joseph Haldane

Professor, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management

Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo Gakuen University

President, Black Inc. Consulting

Chairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)

ウィリアム・ベ イバ ー


京都大学大学院経営管理教育部 准教授

東洋学園大学 現代経営学部 教授

ブラック グラント

社長 株式会社ブラック・インク・コンサルティング



ザ・インターナショナル・アカデミック・フォーラム 会長

Professor Tom Houghton

Marco Koeder

Professor James W. McNally

Professor Ted O’Neill

Director MBA (Oil & Gas), Curtin Graduate School of Business

Digital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson Japan

Research Scientist, University of Michigan, USA & NACDA Program on Aging

Professor, Faculty of International Social Sciences, Gakushuin University

Tom Houghton


James W. McNally




カーティン大学 ビジネス学部 准教授


Professor Haruko Satoh

Professor Philip Sugai

Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University

Professor, Doshisha Universit y Graduate School of Business

佐藤 治子

大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

ミシガン大学 NACDA Program on Aging

学習院大学 国際社会科学部 教授

須貝 フィリップ

同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科 教授

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Hiroko Koide

David Hajime Kornhauser

Ross Rowbury

Dan Sloan

Board Director, Vicela Japan Co. Ltd. External Board Director, Mitsubishi Electric Company

Director, Global Communications, Kyoto University

President, Edelman Japan

Founder, Nissan Global Media Center

今羽右左 デイヴィッド 甫


エデルマン・ジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長


小出 寛子

ヴィセラ・ジャパン株式会社 取締役 三菱電機株式会社 社外取締役

Geoffrey Wexler

Marco Koeder

Peter Landers

Chief, International Division, Studio Ponoc, Japan

Digital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson Japan

Tokyo Bureau Chief, Wall Street Journal



ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル 東京支局長



京都大学 国際広報室室長


ジェイ・ウォルター・トンプソン・ジャパン デジタル・ビジネス・ディレクター

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グローバ ルビジネスハブ 東 京


1. Take the Marunouchi Line from Tokyo Station towards Ikebukuro and get off at the next stop, Otemachi Station. 2. Walk to exit C2c to exit the subway station. 3. The Global Business Hub Tokyo is located on the third floor of the Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube. ADDRESS

Global Business Hub Tokyo Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube 3F Otemachi 1-9-2, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 〒 100-0004 東京駅から


C2c出口から出て、 The Global Business Hub Tokyo は大手町フィナンシャルシティ グラン




〒 100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1丁目 9-2 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ 3F

TEL: 03-4243-7100

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08:30-09:00 Conference Registration



Opening Announcements


PROFESSOR HARUKO SATOH: Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University 佐藤 治子 : 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

09:05-09:15 Welcome Addresses


DR JOSEPH HALDANE: Chairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)

ジョセフ・ハルディン : ザ・インターナショナル・アカデミック・フォーラム 会長兼CEO H.E. DR TOSHIYA HOSHINO: Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Co-Chair of the UN SDG (Goal #9) Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (Virtual Presentation)

星野 俊也 : 国際連合大使・日本政府代表部次席常駐代表

09:15-09:40 Morning Keynote Speaker Session



千本 倖生 : 株式会社レノバ代表取締役会長 OKI MATSUMOTO: Managing Director & Chairman, Monex Group 松本 大 : マネックスグループ株式会社代表執行役社長CEO MOTOKO IMADA: President and Founder, Infobahn, Inc.

今田 素子 : 株式会社インフォバーングループ本社 代表取締役CEO・ファウンダー Moderator: DAN SLOAN: Founder, Nissan Global Media Center モデレータ: ダン・スローン : 日産グローバルメディアセンター

09:40-10:15 Keynote Panel


The Moderator will facilitate a Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A with the Keynote Speakers before contributing a Summary and Closing.

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:00-09:05



PROFESSOR HARUKO SATOH Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University 佐藤治子

大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

BIOGRAPHY Haruko Satoh is Specially Appointed Professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, where she teaches Japan’s relations with Asia and identity in international relations. She is also co-director of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre and she was previously part of the MEXT Reinventing Japan project on “Peace and Human Security in Asia (PAHSA)” with six Southeast Asian and four Japanese universities. In the past she has worked at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Chatham House, and Gaiko Forum. Her interests are primarily in state theory, Japanese nationalism and identity politics. Professor Haruko Satoh is a member of IAFOR’s Academic Governing Board. She is Chair of the Politics, Law & International Relations section of the International Academic Advisory Board. 略歴 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科特任教授。1965年生まれ。成蹊学園中等部、英国 Roedean Schoolを経て、1988 年米国





Hopkins 大学 School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)での修士課程を終え、日本国際問題研究所、英国 チャタムハウスで研究交流活動。「外交フォーラム」編集員を務めた後、ケンブリッジ大学博士課程を経て、2011年 より大阪大学。国際公共政策研究科では2011年度採択「大学の世界展開力強化」事業の特任准教授として東南アジア

6大学との交流プログラムに5年間携わり、その関連事業として「ASEAN Career Fair with Japan in Singapore」を 2013年に立ち上げた。研究関心分野は国家論、日本のナショナリズム、日中関係など。

Recent publications include: 英文での主な論文は以下の通り。

“China in Japan’s Nation-state Identity” in James DJ Brown & Jeff Kingston (eds) Japan’s Foreign Relations in Asia (Routledge, 2018); “Japan’s ‘Postmodern’ Possibility with China: A View from Kansai” in Lam Peng Er (ed), China-Japan Relations in the 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); “Rethinking Security in Japan: In Search of a Post-‘Postwar’ Narrative” in Jain & Lam (Eds.), Japan’s Strategic Challenges in a Changing Regional Environment (World Scientific, 2012); “Through the Looking-glass: China’s Rise as Seen from Japan”, (co-authored with Toshiya Hoshino), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(2), 181–198, (July 2012); “Post- 3.11 Japan: A Matter of Restoring Trust?”, ISPI Analysis No. 83 (December 2011); “Legitimacy Deficit in Japan: The Road to True Popular Sovereignty” in Kane, Loy & Patapan (Eds.), Political Legitimacy in Asia: New Leadership Challenges (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), “Japan: Re-engaging with China Meaningfully” in Tang, Li & Acharya (eds), Living with China: Regional States and China through Crises and Turning Points, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:05-09:15



DR JOSEPH HALDANE Chairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) ジョセフ・ハルデイン

ザ・インターナショナル・アカデミック・フォーラム 会長兼 CEO

BIOGRAPHY Joseph Haldane is the Chairman and CEO of IAFOR. He is responsible for devising strategy, setting policies, forging institutional partnerships, implementing projects, and overseeing the organisation’s business and academic operations, including research, publications and events. Dr Haldane holds a PhD from the University of London in 19th-century French Studies, and has had fulltime faculty positions at the University of Paris XII Paris-Est Créteil (France), Sciences Po Paris (France), and Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (Japan), as well as visiting positions at the French Press Institute in the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (France), The School of Journalism at Sciences Po Paris (France), and the School of Journalism at Moscow State University (Russia). Dr Haldane’s current research concentrates on post-war and contemporary politics and international affairs, and since 2015 he has been a Guest Professor at The Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, where he teaches on the postgraduate Global Governance Course, and Co-Director of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre, an interdisciplinary think tank situated within Osaka University. He is also a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, a Member of the International Advisory Council of the Department of Educational Foundations at the College of Education of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and a Member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network for Global Governance. From 2012 to 2014, Dr Haldane served as Treasurer of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (Chubu Region) and he is currently a Trustee of the HOPE International Development Agency (Japan). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society in 2012, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2015. A black belt in judo, he is married with two children, and lives in Japan.

略歴 ジョセフ・ハルデイン(博士)は、IAFORの会長兼CEOです。戦略の策定、方針の設定、組織的パートナーシップの確立、 プロジェクトの実施、そして研究、出版物およびイベントを含む組織の事業および学術業務の監督を担当しています。 ハルデイン博士は、19世紀フランス研究においてロンドン大学から博士号を取得しています。パリ第12大学(パリ・ エスト・クレテイユ大学)(フランス)、パリ政治学院(フランス)、名古屋商科大学(日本)で常勤教員のポジショ ン、パリ第2大学(パンテオン・アサス大学)IFP(French Press Institute)(フランス)、パリ政治学院ジャーナリ ズム学部(フランス)、モスクワ大学ジャーナリズム学部(ロシア)の客員教員のポジションも持っています。 現在の研究は、戦後と現代の政治と国際情勢に焦点を当てており、2015年以来、大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 (OSIPP)の招へい教授です。そこでは、大学院グローバルガバナンスコースを教え、大阪大学内にある学際的シンク タンクであるOSIPP-IAFOR研究センターの共同ディレクターです。 また、ベオグラード大学哲学学部の客員教授、ハワイ大学マノア校エジュケーションカレッジの教育基礎学部の国際諮 問会議のメンバー、グローバルガバナンスに取り組む世界経済フォーラムのExpert Networkのメンバーでもあります。 2012年から2014年にかけて、在日米国商工会議所(中部地域)の会計役を務め、現在、ホープ・インターナショナル 開発機構(日本)の評議員です。2012年に王立アジア協会のフェロー、2015年にロイヤル・ソサエティ・オブ・アー ツのフェローに選ばれました。 柔道では黒帯で、結婚して2人の子供を持ち、日本に住んでいます。 Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 17

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:05-09:15



H.E. DR TOSHIYA HOSHINO Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Co-Chair of the UN SDG (Goal #9) Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure 星野 俊也


BIOGRAPHY His Excellency Dr Toshiya Hoshino is presently Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations in New York. Previous to his role at the UN, Professor Hoshino was on the faculty at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (Osaka University), serving as Dean from 2011​to ​2014, before being appointed VicePresident (International) of the University from 2014​​to 2016. From August 2006 to August 2008, he served as a Minister-Counselor in charge of political affairs at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (UN). At the UN, he was a principal advisor to the Chair of the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) when Japan assumed its chairmanship. He graduated from Sophia University, Japan, completed a Master’s Degree at the University of Tokyo, and received his Doctorate (PhD) from Osaka University. His previous positions​have​include​d​: Senior Research Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs; Guest Scholar at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Fellow at Stanford Japan Center, Stanford University; Visiting Fellow, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University; and S ​ pecial Assistant (Political Affairs) at the Embassy of Japan to the United States. He is a specialist in UN peace and security policies (conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding), human security and humanitarian issues, security in the Asia-Pacific region and Japan-US relations. 略歴 上智大学卒業後、東京大学大学院修士、大阪大学大学院博士を取得 2006年8月〜2008年8月 国際連合日本政府代表部公使参事官

2011年〜2014年 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科研究科長兼大阪大学総長補佐 2014年〜2016年 大阪大学副学長

その他財団法人日本国際問題研究所客員研究員、米コロンビア大学客員学者、米スタンフォード大学スタンフォード日 本センター研究部フェロー、米プリンストン大学客員研究員、在アメリカ合衆国日本国大使館専門調査員などを歴任

国連安全保障政策(紛争解決、平和構築)、安全保障と人道支援、アジア太平洋地域と日米関係における安全保障のス ペシャリスト

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:15-10:15



DR SACHIO SEMMOTO Chairman, RENOVA, Inc. 千本 倖生


BIOGRAPHY Dr Semmoto joined RENOVA as an External Board Member in 2014, becoming Chairman in 2015. Prior to RENOVA, he founded four leading telecom companies including KDDI and eAccess. He has served on a number of boards internationally, including NetApp, Inc. (USA), and Reuters (UK), the world's leading international news agency. Dr Semmoto has also been a full professor at Keio University, and a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California, Berkeley. He holds a BS in Engineering from Kyoto University and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Florida. Dr Semmoto is an IEEE Fellow and a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Science. 略歴 KDDIやイー・アクセスを含む4つの大手通信会社を設立。ネットアップ社(米国)、世界有数の国際報道機関である


塾大学大学院教授、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校、カーネギーメロン大学の客員教授を歴任。京都大学工学部電子 工学科卒業、フロリダ大学Ph. D取得。IEEEフェロー、スウェーデン王立工学アカデミー会員。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:15-10:15



OKI MATSUMOTO Managing Director & Chairman, Monex Group 松本 大

マネックスグループ株式会社代表執行役社長 CEO

BIOGRAPHY Oki Matsumoto was born in 1963. He graduated with a BA in Law from the University of Tokyo (1987), began his career at Salomon Brothers and joined Goldman Sachs in 1990. He was the head of their fixed income and currency business in Asia and became General Partner in 1994 at the age of 30, the youngest ever at the time. In 1999, he founded Monex which was jointly capitalised with Sony. In 2004 Monex integrated its business with Nikko Beans and established Monex Beans Holdings, Inc. (now Monex Group, Inc.) where he is presently Chairman & CEO. Monex Group, Inc. is a global online financial institution with operations in three major financial centers; Monex, Inc. in Japan, TradeStation Group, Inc. in the United States, and Monex Boom Securities Limited in Hong Kong. The group has about 900 employees worldwide with over half of its staff located in the United States. Oki Matsumoto served as Financial Counsel to the Prime Minister and also as an outside director for several companies including Tokyo Stock Exchange from June 2008 to 2013. At present he is an outside director of MasterCard, Incorporated and UZABASE Inc. He is also a councilor of International House of Japan and a Vice Chair of Human Rights Watch. 略歴 1963年生まれ。87年東京大学法学部卒業後、90年ソロモン・ブラザーズ・アジア証券会社に入社し、90年にゴールド

マン・サックス証券会社に転じ、1994年に30歳で当時最年少の同社のゼネラルパートナーに就任。東京支社の為替・ 債券部門の共同責任者としてリスク管理及びプロダクトを担当。1999年にソニー株式会社との共同出資で株式会社マ ネックス(旧マネックス証券株式会社)を設立、2004年8月には日興ビーンズ証券株式会社との経営統合により、マネ ックス・ビーンズ・ホールディングス株式会社(現 同社)が発足、代表取締役社長CEOとなる。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:15-10:15



MOTOKO IMADA CEO and Founder, Infobahn, Inc. 今田 素子

株式会社インフォバーングループ本社 代表取締役 CEO・ファウンダー

BIOGRAPHY Motoko Imada has served as CEO of the INFOBAHN Group, Inc. since 2015. She founded INFOBAHN, Inc., a digital agency, in 1998, as well as the online media enterprise Mediagene, Inc., in 2008. Motoko became a Dentsu Institute Fellow in January 2018. After graduating from Doshisha University’s Faculty of Economics, Motoko studied History of Art at Sotheby's Institute of Art before launching WIRED Japan in 1994, at Dohosha Publishing. She now oversees twelve online publications, including the business news medium for millennials Business Insider Japan, tech news outlet GIZMODO JAPAN, and Lifehacker Japan. In 2013, Motoko was an award winner at the First Annual Web Grand Prix Awards. 略歴 株式会社インフォバーン代表取締役CEO。同志社大学経済学部卒業後、イギリスのSotheby's Institute of Art にて History of Art course 修了。同朋社出版に入社後、1994年に『WIRED』日本語版を創刊。その後、1998年にデジタ ルエージェンシー、株式会社インフォバーン、2008年にはオンラインメディア企業、株式会社メディアジーンをそれ

ぞれ設立する。2015年株式会社インフォバーングループ本社代表取締役CEOに就任。2018年1月より電通総研フェロ ーに就任。ミレニアル世代に向けたビジネスニュースメディア「Business Insider Japan」テクノロジーニュースメデ

ィ ア 「 G I Z M O D O 」 お よ び 「 L i f e h a c ke r 」 の 日 本 版 な ど 1 2 メ デ ィ ア を 運 営 。 2 0 1 3 年 に は 第 1 回 W e b グ ラ ン プ リ W e b 人 部門受賞。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 09:40-10:15



DAN SLOAN Founder, Nissan Global Media Center ダン・スローン




BIOGRAPHY Dan Sloan has over 25 years in corporate communications and global media experience, leading teams at Nissan Motor and Reuters. Dan founded the Nissan Global Media Center, which yoked traditional and social media with corporate public relations, while earlier working as senior correspondent and bureau chief for Reuters. He is an author, frequent public speaker, and former adjunct professor of Journalism at Komazawa University. He served as president of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, and is a graduate of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and University of Virginia. 略歴 ダン・スローン氏は、日産自動車とロイター通信のチームを率いて、企業コミュニケーションとグローバルメディアの 分野で25年以上の経験を持っています。日産グローバルメディアセンターを設立し、そこでは、企業広報に従来の手法

とソーシャルメディアを加えた取り組みをしており、以前はロイター通信で上級通信員や支局長を務めていました。執 筆者であり、定期的に講演をしており、駒澤大学のジャーナリズム元非常勤教授でもあります。バージニア大学とコロ ンビア大学ジャーナリズム大学院を卒業し、日本外国特派員協会の委員長を務めました。

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10:45-11:10 Session 1: Heritage Panel Intro & Individual Speeches

Innovation in Japan’s Heritage Industries 日本のヘリテージビジネスにおけるイノベーション If the phrase “innovate or die” is true, then these shinisei businesses must be considered to be the most innovative in the world. This session will explore how innovation happens within heritage companies and what can be gleaned from these practices and applied to organisations that aspire to be similarly sustainable over the long term. MASAO HOSOO: President (11th Generation), Hosoo Corporation

細尾 真生 : 株式会社細尾 代表取締役社長 REVEREND TAKAFUMI KAWAKAMI: Zen Priest & Vice Abbot, Shunkoin Temple 川上 全龍 : 禅僧、春光院副住職 RUMIKO OBATA: Executive Vice President, Obata Sake Brewery

尾畑 留美子 : 尾畑酒造 専務取締役 SHUJI NAKAGAWA: President & Craftsman, Nakagawa Mokkougei

中川 周士 : 中川木工芸 木桶職人 Moderator : HIROKO KOIDE: Board Director, Vicela Japan Co. Ltd. and External Board Director, Mitsubishi Electric Company モデレータ: 小出 寛子 : ヴィセラ・ジャパン株式会社 取締役 三菱電機株式会社 社外取締役


Session 1: Heritage Panel Discussion, Q&A and Wrap-up The Moderator will facilitate a Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A with the Panel Speakers before contributing a Summary and Closing.

11:45-11:55 Short Demonstration


Innovation, Value and the Japanese Martial Arts YOSHIE SUGAI: Ryu Aikido Kyoto Dojo

須貝 圭絵 : 魚沼流合氣道 京都道場 師範代

11:55-12:00 Closing of Morning Session


PROFESSOR HARUKO SATOH: Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University 佐藤 治子 : 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 10:45-11:45



MASAO HOSOO President (11th Generation), Hosoo Corporation 細尾真生 ( ほそお まさお ) 株式会社細尾


BIOGRAPHY Born in Kyoto in 1953, Masao Hosoo graduated from Doshisha University’s School of Economics in 1975 and joined ITOCHU Corporation thereafter. After being seconded to Nortons in Milan, Italy in 1978, he returned to Japan and joined Hosoo Corporation in 1982. He took the posts of representative director and president of Hosoo Corporation in 2000. Mr Hosoo produced a kimono show at Japan Week in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2002 and he was involved in the planning of the Kyoto Premium project from its inception in 2005. He has displayed products every year at the Maison et Objet trade fair in Paris, France, from 2006 onward. He started a business in collaboration with the Yogyakarta Sultanate in Indonesia in 2005. 略歴 1953年京都市生まれ。1975年同志社大学経済学部卒業後、伊藤忠商事㈱入社。1978年イタリア・ミラノのノートンズ

社に出向。1982年帰国後㈱細尾入社。2000年 (株)細尾代表取締役社長に就任。2005年「京都プレミアム」プロジェク トに初年度より参画し、2006年よりパリの「メゾン・エ・オブジェ」見本市等に出品。海外市場展開を始める。2011 年から西陣織の技術と素材を活用した広幅織物の開発に成功し輸出事業を本格的に開始。2012年織物工房とショール

ームが一体となった「HOUSE OF HOSOO」を開設。2013年ニューヨーク・ソーホーにショールームを開設。織物の 可能性を追求し、様々な先端技術との融合により商品開発を進め、世界に展開している。(一社)京都経済同友会理事。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 10:45-11:45



REVEREND TAKAFUMI KAWAKAMI Zen Priest & Vice Abbot, Shunkoin Temple 川上 全龍


BIOGRAPHY Reverend Takafumi Kawakami is a Zen priest and the vice abbot at Shunkoin Temple in Kyoto. Currently, he teaches Zen philosophy and mindfulness to various groups, including business schools and corporations and conducts positive computing projects and developing well-being programs with biofeedback researchers and neuroscientists. He is also a devoted husband and father. His travels and talks have brought him to the likes of MIT, Brown University, TEDxKyoto & Ideo. 略歴 ビジネススクールや企業を含む様々な団体に禅の哲学やマインドフルネスの指導を行い、また、ポジティブコンピュー ティングプロジェクトを実施。そしてポジティブコンピューティングシステム、デベロピングウェルビーイングプログ ラムをバイオフィードバック研究者と神経科学者と共に実施している。良き夫であり父でもある。 彼の活動はMIT、ブラウン大学、TEDxKyoto & Ideoでも認められている。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 10:45-11:45



RUMIKO OBATA Executive Vice President, Obata Sake Brewery 尾畑 留美子

尾畑酒造 専務取締役

BIOGRAPHY Born in 1965, Rumiko Obata is a fifth generation sake brewer of Sado Island’s famed Manotsuru sake. After graduating from Keio University’s Faculty of Law, she remained in Tokyo to join Nippon Herald Pictures (now known as Kadokawa) in its Promotion Division and oversaw promotions for Hollywood films including Basic Instinct and Léon: The Professional. In 1995 she returned to Sado to work for the family brewery. She is currently the Executive Vice President of Obata Shuzo and is the mother of two daughters. In 2014, she started the School Brewery Project which has brought life back to an abandoned elementary school on Sado Island. In May 2017, she was nominated for Forbes Japan’s Local Innovator Award 2017. In December 2017, she appeared on NHK World’s Direct Talk. She is a Mistress of Sake Tasting (appointed by the Brewing Society of Japan), a member of the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association’s Demand Development Committee, and has sat on the The Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Area Policies (a temporary appointment). She is also the author of a book about the School Brewery Project titled, Gakko Gura no Tokubetsu Jugyou – Sado kara kangaeru Shimaguni Nippon no Mirai (Nikkei Business Publications). 略歴 1965年、佐渡の「真野鶴」蔵元の二女として生まれる。佐渡高校、慶応大学法学部卒業後は、東京に残り日本ヘラル

ド映画(当時)の宣伝部に所属。ハリウッド映画「氷の微笑」「レオン」などの宣伝プロデュースを担当。1995年、 帰郷し故郷の蔵を継ぐ。現在、尾畑酒造・専務取締役。二女の母。2014年から佐渡の廃校を仕込み蔵として再生させ た「学校蔵プロジェクト」をスタート。2017年5月『Forbes


る。2017年12月NHKワールド「Direct Talk」に出演。きき酒マイスター(公益財団法人日本醸造協会主催)日本酒造組

合中央会・需要開発委員。農水省食料・農業・農村政策審議会臨時委員。著書『学校蔵の特別授業~佐渡から考える島 国ニッポンの未来』(日経BP社)

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 10:45-11:45



SHUJI NAKAGAWA President & Craftsman, Nakagawa Mokkougei 中川 周士


BIOGRAPHY Shuji Nakagawa is a third-generation master craftsman of traditional wooden pails, called ki-oke, in Japanese. He is devoted to connecting this traditional craft to the future through the language of tacit knowledge craftsmen have handed down from one generation to the next. By collaborating with designers around the world, including creating champagne coolers for Dom Pérignon, he is continually exploring new uses for his craftsmanship. His remarkable works are currently stored in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, as well as the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. 略歴 木桶工房の三代目、職人が手から手へと繋いで来た暗黙知を言語化することにより木桶の技術を未来に繋ぐ事に尽力し ている。ドンペリのシャンパンクーラーなど、海外のデザイナーとのコラボにも積極的に挑戦、新しい木桶の世界を探 求している。ロンドンV&Aミュージアム、パリ装飾美術館など作品所蔵

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 10:45-11:45



HIROKO KOIDE Board Director, Vicela Japan Co. Ltd. External Board Director, Mitsubishi Electric Company 小出 寛子

ヴィセラ・ジャパン株式会社 取締役 三菱電機株式会社 社外取締役



BIOGRAPHY Over the last 30 years, Hiroko Koide has held various executive roles in marketing, brand development, and general management in international companies such as J. Walter Thompson, Unilever, Mars, Dior, and Newell Brands. Koide joined Unilever Japan in 1993 and was promoted to the Board of Directors in 2001 as Brand Development Director, in charge of marketing, media, consumer research, R&D, and packaging. In 2003, Nikkei Woman Magazine named her “Woman of the Year”. She was appointed the Asia Regional Brand Director for Dove brand, in 2005. Koide then served as COO of Mars Japan before being named President and Representative Director of Parfums Christian Dior, Japan, in 2010. In 2011, she was featured as one of the 10 top executives in global companies in Japan in a book titled English-Power of Global Company Top Executives, by Diamond Corp. In 2013, Koide was named the External Board Director of Kirin Company Ltd. In 2014, she joined Newell Rubbermaid (currently Newell Brands), US, as Senior Vice President, Global Brand Development, in charge of fine writing, baby, and technical apparel businesses, as well as brand positioning development across brands. Koide was appointed the External Board Director of Mitsubishi Electric Company, in 2016. In 2018, she joined Vicela Japan Co., Ltd as Board Director for Business Strategy and Marketing. Koide earned her BA in English/American Literature from the University of Tokyo (Japan), in 1980, and her MS in Advertising/Marketing from Boston University Graduate School of Communication (USA), in 1986. 略歴 1980年東京大学文学部卒、同年(株)音楽之友社に就職

1986年米ボストン大学修士課程(MS)修了(マス・コミュニケーション/広告専攻) J.ウォルター・トンプソン・ジャパン(広告代理店)を経て、1993年よりユニリーバ・ジャパン株式会社にてヘアケ ア、スキンケア等、幅広くブランドマネージメントと製品開発に従事。2001年取締役ブランド・ディベロップメン

ト・ディレクターに就任。日経ウーマン「2003年度ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー」受賞。2005年にはアジア地区リー ジョナル・ブランド・ディレクター兼ユニリーバ・ジャパン取締役として、アジア代表メンバーの一人となる。2006 年マースジャパン・リミテッドにてCOO、2010年11月よりパルファン・クリスチャン・ディオール・ジャポン株式

会社代表取締役社長。ダイヤモンド社「外資系トップの英語力」(2011年刊)に10人の外資系トップの一人として登 場。2013年1月、キリン株式会社 社外取締役就任。加えて2013年4月、アメリカNewell


Brands社)グローバル・マーケティング シニア・ヴァイス・プレジデントに就任。 高級筆記用具事業部門、次いで ベビー&ペアレンティング事業部門を担当。さらに、部門を越えて全ブランドのポジショニング策定に携わる。 2016年6月、三菱電機株式会社 社外取締役就任。2018年4月、ヴィセラ・ジャパン株式会社 取締役就任。 28 | IAFOR.ORG | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | Follow us on Twitter @IAFOR (tweet about the conference using #IAFOR)

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 11:45-11:55



YOSHIE SUGAI Instructor, Ryu Aikido Kyoto Dojo 須貝 圭絵

魚沼流合氣道 京都道場 師範代

BIOGRAPHY Yoshie Sugai is “Shihan-dai” (7th Degree Black Belt) in Iyonoma Ryu Aikido, and the main instructor of the Iyonoma Ryu Aikido Kyoto Dojo, where she teaches both adult and children’s classes. Yoshie gained her leadership and customer service skills growing up in a famous restaurant family in Niigata, Japan, where her father was a celebrated master chef and her mother a restaurant manager. Yoshie has studied both Japanese and Western cultures, having learned the Tea Ceremony, Ikebana, Japanese dance, and Kendo. She is certified as a secretary in Japan, is an instructor of Preserved Flower Arrangement, and is a Licensed Massage Therapist both in Japan and the United States. She learned Aikido overseas and in Japan over the last 18 years. For the past 16 years she has been researching how to effectively integrate the techniques and principles of Japanese culture and the Japanese Martial Arts into Leadership practices. 略歴 魚沼流合気道師範代であり魚沼流合気道7段。魚沼流合気道京都道場にて主指導者として大人、子供クラス共に指導。 新潟の日本料理店を経営していた両親の元、彼女はリーダーシップとカスタマーサービス精神を学んだ。茶道、生花、 フラワーアレンジメント、日本舞踊、剣道、フィニッシングスクールでマナーを学び、秘書、プリザーブドフラワーア レンジメントインストラクター資格保有者でもある。更に日本とアメリカの両方において認定マッサージセラピスト でもある。彼女は合気道を日本と海外で18年以上学び、この16年間は日本文化と日本武道の技術・技とその思想や理

論をリーダーシップ実践へ効果的に統合できる方法を研究している。そして道場の門徒達に、合気道の技だけでなく、 合気道や日本文化の思想や理論をどのように実生活やビジネスに活かせるかも教えている。

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13:00-13:05 Opening of Afternoon Session 午後の部開始挨拶 PROFESSOR HARUKO SATOH: Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University 佐藤治子 : 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 特任教授

13:05-13:15 Afternoon Keynote Speaker Session 1


Keynote Address on Big Companies YUZABURO MOGI: Honorary Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board, Kikkoman Corp. 茂木 友三郎 : キッコーマン食品株式会社 取締役名誉会長


Session 2: Multinational Panel Intro & Individual Speeches

The Multinational View on Innovation (Inbound/Outbound) 多国籍視点からのイノベーション

Japanese firms have been regularly regarded as inwardly focused, and averse to overseas business and competition. This session will explore how Japan’s leading companies define, measure, manage and inspire innovation both domestically and overseas. JIN SONG MONTESANO: Director, Senior Managing Director, Chief Public Affairs Officer, LIXIL Corporation

ジン・ソン・モンテサーノ : 株式会社LIXILグループ 執行役専務 広報・IR・渉外・コーポレートレスポンシビリティ担当 MASAFUMI ISHIBASHI: Senior Managing Executive Officer, Nestle Japan Ltd

石橋 昌文 : ネスレ日本 専務執行役員 チーフ・マーケティング・オフィサー マーケティング&コミュニケーションズ本部長 MANDALI KHALESI: Global Head of Automated Driving Mobility and Innovation, Toyota Motor Corporation トヨタ自動車株式会社 先進技術開発カンパニー主査・自動運転モビリティ、イノベーション担当 LUDOVICO CIFERRI: President & Representative Director, Advanet ルドヴィコ・チフェッリ : 株式会社アドバネット 代表取締役社長 Moderator: ROSS ROWBURY: President, Edelman Japan

モデレータ : ロス・ローブリー : エデルマン・ジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長

13:40-14:15 Session 2: Multinational Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up The Moderator will facilitate a Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A with the Panel Speakers before contributing a Summary and Closing.

14:15-14:20 Short Break


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:05-13:15



YUZABURO MOGI Honorary Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board, Kikkoman Corp. 茂木 友三郎

キッコーマン食品株式会社 取締役名誉会長

BIOGRAPHY Mr Mogi was born in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. He joined Kikkoman in 1958 after graduating from Keio University. In 1961, he became the first Japanese national to earn an MBA from Columbia University. He was appointed to the position of President and CEO in 1995, and Chairman and CEO in 2004. He assumed his current position in 2011. Outside of Kikkoman, Mr Mogi is currently Chairman of the Japan Productivity Center. He also serves as Chairman of the Japan - Midwest U.S. Association and Honorary Ambassador of the State of Wisconsin. He was Japanese Chairman of the Japanese – German Forum from 2002 to 2015, Japanese Chairman of the Korea – Japan Forum from 2003 to 2015, Vice Chairman of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) from 1995 to 2003 and Trustee of Columbia University from 1994 to 2000. He also worked for the government as Chairman of the Council for Administrative Reduction and Efficiency, Chairman of the Council for Comprehensive Review of Administrative Expenditures, and Member of the Government Revitalization Unit. He was awarded the Medal with Blue Ribbon of Japan in 1999, the Order of Orange Nassau from the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 2003, and the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2006. He has published a number of books including The Day Soy Sauce Made it to America’s Tables, Overseas Strategies Without Friction, Kikkoman’s Global Management, and Borders are Made to be Crossed. 略歴 千葉県野田市生まれ。1958年慶應義塾大学法学部卒業後野田醤油(現:キッコーマン)入社。1961年日本人で初めて

コロンビア大学からMBAを取得。1995年キッコーマン代表取締役社長CEO、2004年に同社代表取締役会長CEOに就 任。2011年より現職。

その他にも現在、公益財団法人日本生産性本部会長、日本米国中西部会会長、ウィスコンシン州名誉大使を務めてい る。

1999年に藍綬褒章、2003年にオランダ王国オレンジ・ナッソー勲章、2006年にはドイツ連邦共和国功労勲章大功労十 字賞を受章。 著書には


条件』、『キッコーマンのグローバル経営―日本の食文化を世界に』 、『国境は越えるためにある』などがある。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:15-14:15



JIN SONG MONTESANO Director, Senior Managing Director, Chief Public Affairs Officer, LIXIL Corporation ジン・ソン・モンテサーノ

株式会社 LIXIL グループ 執行役専務 広報・IR・渉外・ コーポレートレスポンシビリティ担当

BIOGRAPHY Jin Song Montesano is Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director of the LIXIL Group. She leads a diverse global team responsible for corporate communications, corporate responsibility, investor relations, and external affairs. Jin also pioneered and oversees LIXIL’s first global social business, called SATO, a unique, award-winning start-up that innovates and commercialises sanitation solutions for Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) consumers. In 2017, she was appointed to oversee LIXIL’s Tokyo 2020 Olympic sponsorship activities. Since joining LIXIL in 2014, Jin has built from scratch a global, cross-functional team in Tokyo, supporting HQ, and expanded LIXIL’s public affairs agenda with newly built teams in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Together, the global public affairs group has developed and delivered key initiatives such as LIXIL’s sustainability agenda, including its unique initiative to tackle global sanitation & hygiene, and the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and commitments into its corporate strategy and reporting. She is a Board Director of the LIXIL Corporation, GROHE AG Supervisory Board, and the Permasteelisa Group S.p.A. Prior to joining LIXIL, Jin built and held global and regional leadership roles in strategic communications, policy and government affairs for GlaxoSmithKline, General Electric, and Kraft Foods. She holds a Master in Public Affairs (MPA International Relations) from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, a BA (English Literature) from Columbia University, and a Certificate in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley. 略歴 株式会社LIXILグループ 執行役専務 広報・IR・渉外・コーポレートレスポンシビリティ担当、株式会社LIXILグループ

LIXIL Water Technology Chief Public Affairs Officer (CPAO)、株式会社LIXIL 取締役 専務役員 Chief Public Affairs Officer (CPAO)

プリンストン大学ウッドロー・ウィルソンスクールMPA、コロンビア大学BA、UCバークレー公共政策大学院公共政策 学科証明書取得。


ケーション担当バイスプレジデントなどを歴任後、2014年に株式会社LIXILに入社。機能横断型チームの創設、本社支 援、企業広報事業の拡大のためのアジア・ヨーロッパ・アメリカでのチームの新設を手がけた。これらの国際企業広報 グループは発展し、公衆衛生やESG(環境・社会・ガバナンス)を含む持続可能性事業を先導し続けている。また彼女

は、Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP)顧客の衛生問題の解決を商業化させたSATOと呼ばれる同社初のグローバルソーシ ャルビジネスを創始・監督した。2017年には東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック推進本部管掌に任命された。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:15-14:15



MASAFUMI ISHIBASHI Senior Managing Executive Officer, Nestle Japan Ltd 石橋 昌文

ネスレ日本 専務執行役員 チーフ・マーケティング・

オフィサー マーケティング&コミュニケーションズ本部長

BIOGRAPHY Masafumi Ishibashi joined Nestle Japan Ltd. in 1985 and started his career in the sales division. After two years experience at the Nestle Rowntree Div., Nestle UK, in 1992 he became Brand Manager in the Marketing Department for Nestle Mackintosh K.K (currently the Confectionery Business Group, Nestle Japan Ltd.). Subsequently, he spent two years in Switzerland at the Confectionery Strategic Business Unit, Nestle S.A. before taking the Marketing Manager's position in Nestle Confectionery K.K. in 2005, later making a success of the "KIT KAT Juken Campaign". In 2009, Masafumi Ishibashi took up the post of Managing Executive Officer, Communications & Marketing Excellence Division, Nestle Japan Ltd., and later moved to Chief Marketing Officer in 2012. From 2017, he has served as a Senior Managing Executive Officer. 略歴 ネスレ日本 専務執行役員 チーフ・マーケティング・オフィサー マーケティング&コミュニケーションズ本部長 1985年ネスレ日本に入社。営業本部、ネスレUK、ネスレマッキントッシュ(現コンフェクショナリー事業本部)、ネ


させた。09年にネスレ日本 常務執行役員 コミュニケーションズ&マーケティングエクセレンス本部長、12年チーフ・ マーケティング・オフィサー(CMO)に就任。17年より同社、専務執行役員。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:15-14:15



MANDALI KHALESI Global Head of Automated Driving Mobility and Innovation, Toyota Motor Corporation マンダリ・カレシー

トヨタ自動車株式会社 先進技術開発カンパニー主査・ 自動運転モビリティ、イノベーション担当

BIOGRAPHY Mandali Khalesi is Global Head of Automated Driving Mobility and Innovation at Toyota Motor Corporation, and General Manager of Toyota's Advanced R&D and Engineering Company. He is a former Chair of ITS Japan's Automated Driving Support Center working group, supporting the development of automated driving mobility to benefit local communities in the regions outside the Tokyo metropolis. Originally a Masters graduate in Astrophysics from University College London, Mandali moved to Japan in 1999 working in IT for local government and software companies. In 2005 he established Japan's first location-based mobile advertising business for luxury brands in a traditional Japanese house complete with moss garden in downtown Tokyo. After the receipt of multiple awards, such as being named one of the top tech entrepreneurs in Asia, in 2008 he moved to Europe to work on developing locationbased software products at groundbreaking companies such as TomTom NV, Binatone Telecom PLC and Nokia OY. He returned to Japan in 2014 to head up the Asia-Pacific Automotive products business for Nokia HERE, later acquired by a consortium of premium automakers Daimler, Audi and BMW. 略歴 トヨタ自動車株式会社 先進技術開発カンパニー主査・自動運転モビリティ、イノベーション担当 マンダリ・カレシー氏は、トヨタ自動車株式会社の先進技術開発カンパニーの主査であり、自動運転モビリティ、イノ ベーション担当です。ITS Japanの自動運転支援センターワーキンググループの前代表を務め、東京都以外の地域で、地 域社会に役立つ自動運転モビリティの開発を支援。

ユニバーシティカレッジロンドン大学院卒。天文物理学専攻。1999年に来日し、地方自治体やソフトウェア会社でIT分 野の仕事に携わる。2005年には、東京都心にある苔庭の日本家屋で、高級ブランド向けに国内初の位置情報連動型の モバイル広告事業を設立。アジアのトップ技術起業家の一人に選ばれ、複数の賞を受賞した後、2008年にはTomTom

NV、Binatone Telecom PLC、Nokia OYなどの先進的な企業で、位置情報を中心としたソフトウェア製品開発に従事す

るためヨーロッパに移住。2014年に日本に戻り、後にプレミアム自動車メーカーのダイムラー、アウディ、BMWのコ ンソーシアムが買収したNokia HEREのアジア太平洋地域自動車製品事業を統率。2018年より現在に至る。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:15-14:15



LUDOVICO CIFERRI President & Representative Director, Advanet ルドヴィコ・チフェッリ

株式会社アドバネット 代表取締役社長

BIOGRAPHY Ludovico Ciferri (MA, ETP) is President and Representative Director of Advanet, a leading provider of industrial embedded board computers and systems designed, developed, and manufactured in Japan. An Associate Researcher at Mobile Internet Capital, Inc., a Japanese venture capital firm, he teaches “Private Equity & Venture Capital” and “Mobile Business Strategy” at the International University of Japan. He is Vice-President of Italia-Giappone Foundation and sits on the Scientific Board of the Private Equity Monitor – PEM®. Before moving to Japan in 2001, he first worked for Microsoft edutainment products in Europe and was tasked with spreading “on-line” culture. In the mid 90s’ he moved to one of Italy’s earliest web-factories (B-Human). With two friends, he eventually established Wireless, a start-up company focused on disseminating awareness of wireless knowledge and its potential effects beyond the ICT industry; his company was accelerated and later consolidated into the Softpeople Group. Since 2008 he has been focusing on the subject of the “silver population” and the role that technology can play to address the issues that an aging society poses. In 2009 he promoted a Series of Workshops on the Ageing Society, launched in Tokyo under the auspices of the UN University. Since 2010 he has been Co-chair of the International PhD School “Ageing Society and Technology: Systems, Theories, Practices”. In 2015, along with the University of Turin (Italy) he won a major Horizon 2020 EU grant for a four-year international project that he designed – with thirteen partners from nine countries and three continents – on ageing and the importance of nutrition in adding healthy life years in today’s quest for an “Active and healthy ageing”. 略歴 ルドヴィコ・チフェッリ氏(MA、ETP)は、日本で設計、開発、製造された産業用組込みボードコンピューターおよ


社であるモバイル・インターネットキャピタル株式会社の共同研究員で、国際大学(IUJ)で「プライベートエクイテ ィとベンチャーキャピタル」および「モバイルビジネス戦略」を教えています。伊日財団の副理事長であり、プライベ ート・エクイティ・モニター(PEM®)の科学委員会に在籍しています。2001年に来日する前は、初めはヨーロッパで マイクロソフトのエデュテインメント製品に携わり、「オンライン」文化を広めることを任されました。90年代半ばに は、イタリア最古のウェブ工場(B-Human)に移りました。2人の友人と、最終的にワイヤレスの知識とICT業界を超

えた潜在的な影響への意識を高めることに焦点を当てた新興企業のワイヤレスを設立しました。その後、ワイヤレスは 発展し、後にSoftpeople Groupに統合されました。2008年以来、「シルバー人口」という主題と、高齢化社会が直面 する課題に取り組むために技術が果たす役割に焦点を当ててきました。2009年には、国連大学の後援のもと、高齢化

社会に関する一連のワークショップを東京で主催しました。2010年以来、International PhD School「高齢社会と技 術(システム、理論、実務)」の共同チェアを務めています。2015年には、トリノ大学(イタリア)とともに、3大陸

9カ国から13のパートナーを擁して、彼が設計した4年間の国際プロジェクトのjため、ホライズン 2020 EUの主要助成

金を獲得しました。今日の「活発で健康的な老化」を追求する上で、健康寿命を延ばすための老化と栄養の重要性につ いてのプロジェクトです。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 13:15-14:15


多国籍視点からのイノベーション : パネルディスカッション

ROSS ROWBURY President, Edelman Japan ロス・ローブリー




BIOGRAPHY Ross Rowbury is President of Edelman Japan. He was formerly the Senior Managing Director and COO at PRAP, Japan’s largest independent public relations firm. Fluent in written and spoken Japanese, Ross has worked in the Japan market for 40 years and has a wealth of experience in management training, strategic consulting and comprehensive communications disciplines. Prior to PRAP, Ross was Managing Director at the Tokyo Office of Gavin Anderson & Company (now Kreab Gavin Anderson) as well as Director at BZW Securities, Tokyo. 略歴 ロス・ローブリー氏は、エデルマン・ジャパン株式 会 社 の 代 表 取 締 役 社 長 で す 。 か つ て 、 日 本 最 大 級 の 独 立 PR 会 社 で あるPRAPで、専務取締役およびCOOを務めていました。日本語での読み書きと会話に堪能で、日本市場で40年間近


す。PRAP以前は、Gavin Anderson&Companyの東京オフィス(現Kreab Gavin Anderson)のマネージングディレ クターや、東京に拠点を構えるBZW Securitiesの重役を務めていました。

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14:20-14:45 Session 3: New Ventures Panel Intro & Individual Speeches

Entrepreneurial Innovation in Japan

日本における企業家のイノベーション Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pinned the future of Japan’s economy on innovation, and while heritage and existing businesses must play an important role in this embrace of growth and change, everyone is looking to Japan’s start-up sector as the key driver of Japan’s future growth. This session will explore the unique elements of Japan’s start-up culture, and how this is driving or dampening Japan’s future innovativeness. KEI SHIMADA: Director of Innovation, IBM Innovation & Incubation Labs

嶋田 敬一郎 : IBMイノベーション&インキュベーション ラボ(i3 Lab) イノベーションディレクター TAMAKI SANO: General Manager, New Initiatives, Kirin Holdings 佐野 環 : キリン株式会社 事業創造部 部長 DAVID MILSTEIN: Partner, Head of Japan, Eight Roads Ventures

デービッド・ミルスタイン : Eight Roads Ventures Japan 日本代表 DAVID M. UZE: Co-Founder & CEO, Trillium Secure, Inc.

ディビッド M. ユーゼ : Trillium Secure, Inc. 共同創設者兼CEO Moderator: MARCO KOEDER: Digital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson

モデレータ : マルコ・コーダー : J. Walter Thompson デジタルビジネスディレクター


Session 3: New Ventures Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up The Moderator will facilitate a Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A with the Panel Speakers before contributing a Summary and Closing.

15:20-15:45 Coffee Break


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 14:20-15:20



KEI SHIMADA Director of Innovation, IBM Innovation & Incubation Labs 嶋田 敬一郎

IBM イノベーション & インキュベーション ラボ(i3 Lab) イノベーションディレクター

BIOGRAPHY For close to 20 years, Kei has devoted his time to helping Japanese companies with their mobile product and service strategies in expanding across borders and has likewise supported international companies as an expert at their market entry in Japan. As a long-term Director of Global Business Development at Dentsu, he focussed on both initiating and leading a group-wide innovation, going beyond the traditional advertising business to cultivate new business models. In 2017, he joined IBM as Director of Innovation and now heads the Global Innovation & Incubation Labs. 略歴 IBMイノベーション&インキュベーション ラボ(i3 Lab)イノベーションディレクター


の実績を持つ。電通では事業開発担当ディレクターとして、従来の広告事業を超えた新しいビジネスモデルを構築する ためのイノベーションを始動し統率した。2017年にIBMに入社し現職。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 14:20-15:20



TAMAKI SANO General Manager, New Initiatives, Kirin Holdings 佐野 環

キリン株式会社 事業創造部 部長

BIOGRAPHY Tamaki Sano joined Kirin in 1994 and has spent most of her career in Marketing, and Product and Brand Development. In 2001, she developed the alcopop RTD brand “Kirin Hyoketsu” and played a key role in brand management and innovation. Sano managed the Hyoketsu brand for eight years, making it the number one alcopop brand in Japan. After completing her executive MBA at MIT, in 2009, Sano served in the Strategic Planning Department for Merger & Acquisition planning. In 2010, she was appointed as International Innovation Manager in Lion Dairy and Drinks (Melbourne, Australia), responsible for marketing and innovation in South East Asia and Australia. In 2013, Sano returned to Kirin Company’s Strategic Branding Department to work on corporate branding across Kirin Group. In 2016, she was appointed as GM of the Business Creation Department and was tasked with planning and starting new businesses for Kirin Group. Sano`s mission is to create new businesses for Kirin Holdings in the health and well-being industry across Kirin Group, including the pharmaceutical company, Kyowa Hakko Kirin Group. Sano received her BA in social psychology from the University of Tokyo, in 1994, and her MBA through the Sloan Fellows Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2009. 略歴 1994年東京大学文学部卒、同年キリンビール㈱に就職。

2009年米マサチューセッツ工科大学経営学修士課程(MBA)修了 1994年キリンビール株式会社入社、6年間の営業職を経て2000年よりマーケティング部にて商品開発に従事。キリン チューハイ「氷結」を開発し、2001年に発売。

8年間に渡りブランドマネジメントを行い、氷結のラインアップ20品以上を開発・上市。「氷結」をチューハイのトッ プブランドに育成。

2009年にマサチューセッツ工科大学MBA(スローンフェローズプログラム)を修了、戦略企画部にてM&A戦略立案に 従事。

2010年から3年間オーストラリア・メルボルンのキリン子会社「ライオン デイリー&ドリンクス」(乳業・飲料会社) に出向。イノベーションマネージャーとして東南アジア・オーストラリア市場のマーケティングに従事。 2013年キリン株式会社設立に伴い、ブランド戦略部にてコーポレートブランディングを担当。

2016年事業創造部をキリン株式会社に新設、部長に着任。協和発酵キリングループ(医薬・バイオ事業)を含むキリン グループ横断の部署として発足。健康領域におけるキリンの新規事業創出を担当。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 14:20-15:20



DAVID MILSTEIN Partner, Head of Japan, Eight Roads Ventures デービッド・ミルスタイン

Eight Roads Ventures Japan 日本代表

BIOGRAPHY David Milstein is the head of Eight Roads Ventures Japan, the venture capital and principle investment business for Fidelity in Japan. Early in his career, David worked for Asahi Glass and then was a founder of Japan Transaction Partners. He then joined the Walt Disney Company Japan where as VP of the Interactive Media Group, he was responsible for building and launching the Disney Mobile MVNO service. This business drove the division to its largest revenue and profit ever. He earned an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BS in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. 略歴 1995年よりM&Aコンサルティング会社を起業し、テクノロジー、金融系企業の買収のアドバイザリを行う。2000年、 フィデリティ・ベンチャーズ日本オフィス代表として主に国内IT企業のベンチャーキャピタル投資と海外投資先企業の

日本市場へのエントリ支援を行う。2003年より、ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社の日本・アジアパシフィ ックにおける事業開発のコンサルティングに従事。2005年ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン入社。ディズニー・モバ イルの携帯電話サービスを開始の責任者として事業計画からオペレーションを統括。2010年、ディズニー・インタラ

クティブ・メディア・グループ ゼネラルマネージャーに就任。2012年4月よりフィデリティ・キャピタル・マネジメ

ント日本支店 (現:Eight Roads Ventures Japan)の代表を務める。米国ペンシルバニア大学卒業。ハーバードビジネス スクールにてMBA取得。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 14:20-15:20



DAVID M. UZE Co-Founder & CEO, Trillium Secure, Inc. ディビッド M. ユーゼ

Trillium Secure, Inc. の共同創設者兼 CEO

BIOGRAPHY David M. Uze is the co-founder and CEO of Trillium Secure, Inc., a leader in cybersecurity and services for connected vehicles. Trillium provides a platform for hardening vehicles against cyber-attacks, and securely harvesting data from vehicles and fleets, then safely aggregating that data for multiple layers of downstream subscription value-add services like vehicle security as a service, digital forensics, UBI, preventative / proactive maintenance, telematics, car sharing and other services. 略歴 ディビッド・M・ユーゼ氏は、コネクテッドカーのサイバーセキュリティとサービス分野を牽引するTrillium


Inc.の共同創設者兼CEOです。Trilliumは、サイバー攻撃から車両を守り、車両からデータを安全に収集し、そして、 車両セキュリティーサービス、デジタルフォレンジック、UBI、予防的/積極的メンテナンス、テレマティクス、カーシ

ェアリングおよびその他のサービスのような、ネットワーク下流のサブスクリプション付加価値サービスの提供に必要 な複数層のデータを安全に集約します。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 14:20-15:20


日本における企業家のイノベーション : パネルディスカッション

MARCO KOEDER Digital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson マルコ・コーダー

J. Walter Thompson デジタルビジネスディレクター



BIOGRAPHY Marco joined JWT in 2015 as the Director of Digital Business supporting the digital business activities of the agency and its clients. Originally from Germany, while based there he was one of the core members of I-D Media, a start-up that went IPO and became one of Europe's biggest digital agencies. He then moved to Tokyo to become the head of Cybermedia, a small digital strategy agency. There he was in charge of the development and implementation of digital strategies for clients, such as Bosch, Lufthansa, Disney, Nestle and others. He then joined MRM//McCann Japan as the Digital Marketing Director. Part of his daily business was to develop, implement and supervise online strategies for global brands in the Japanese market including web, mobile and social media. Marco is a frequent speaker at industry events and has been teaching eMarketing and Social Media Marketing at the International University of Japan for a while. He is also the co-author of Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business, a business strategy guide published by Wiley in the US/Europe and Korea. In his spare time, Marco mentors start-up companies in Asia and Europe. 略歴 マルコ・コーダー氏は、2015年に、代理店およびその顧客のデジタルビジネス活動をサポートするデジタルビジネス ディレクターとしてJWT(J. Walter Thompson)に加わりました。

元々ドイツ出身であり、そこに拠点を置く一方で、IPO(株式公開)を経てヨーロッパ最大のデジタル代理店になった 新興企業I-D Mediaの中心メンバーの1人でした。その後東京に移り、小規模のデジタル戦略代理店であるCyber Media

のディレクターに就きました。そこでは、Bosch、ルフトハンザ、ディズニー、Nestleなどの顧客のためのデジタル戦 略の開発と実装を担当しました。その後、MRM//McCann Japanにデジタルマーケティングディレクターとして加わり

ました。日常業務の一部として、Web、モバイル、ソーシャルメディアを含む日本市場におけるグローバルブランドの オンライン戦略を開発、実装、監督を担当していました。

業界イベントで定期的に講演をしており、しばらく、国際大学(IUJ)でeマーケティングとソーシャルメディアマーケ ティングを教えています。また、Wileyが米国/欧州と韓国で出版したビジネス戦略ガイド、Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Businessの共同執筆者でもあります。 空いた時間には、アジアとヨーロッパの新興企業を指導しています。

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15:45-15:55 Afternoon Keynote Speaker Session 2


Keynote Address on Government and Education MINISTER YOSHIMASA HAYASHI: Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology & Member of the House of Councillors, Japan 林 芳正 : 文部科学大臣・参議院議員


Session 4: Government/Education Panel, Q&A and Wrap-up

Ecosystem Innovation and Value Creation 日本のイノベーション・エコシステム: パネルディスカッション Driving innovation and value creation across all previous panels are the laws, regulations and overall policies set in place by the central and regional governments. And simultaneously, Japan’s educational foundation is built on creating the proper environment and launching pad for innovative research and new entrepreneurs and innovators who will drive the future of innovation growth. This session will explore how the Japanese government as well as educational institutions are working to foster both the spirit and environment to develop future innovations. PROFESSOR YOKO ISHIKURA: Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University 石倉 洋子 : 一橋大学名誉教授 KOSUKE MOTANI: Chief Senior Economist, Japan Research Institute 藻谷 浩介 : 日本総研 調査部 主席研究員 GOVERNOR EIKEI SUZUKI: Governor, Mie Prefecture

鈴木 英敬 : 三重県知事 YOSHI ISHII: Director, Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau, Cabinet Office Moderator: DAVID HAJIME KORNHAUSER: Global Communications Director, Kyoto University モデレータ : 今羽右左 デイヴィッド 甫 : 京都大学 国際広報室室長

16:55-17:00 Short Break


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:45-15:55



YOSHIMASA HAYASHI Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology & Member of the House of Councillors 林 芳正


BIOGRAPHY Yoshimasa Hayashi is currently serving as Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a post he has held since August 2017, but his career in public service reaches back more than twenty years. He previously served as Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, from 2012 to 2014, and again in 2015. Under the Aso government, Mr Hayashi served as Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy (2009). In 2008, he was a member of the Fukuda Cabinet as Minister of Defense. From 2006-2007, Mr Hayashi was Senior Vice-Minister of the Cabinet Office. His first Cabinet post came in 1999 when he was named Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Finance under the Obuchi government. Mr Hayashi has been Member of the House of Councillors since 1995, and was a candidate for the Presidency of the LDP in 2012. Prior to his own election to the House of Councillors, Mr Hayashi served as Secretary to Yoshiro Hayashi, a Member of the House of Representatives (19921993). Mr Hayashi worked in the private sector, at Mitsui & Co., Ltd, from 1984-1989. Mr Hayashi graduated from Tokyo University in 1984, and completed his Masters in Public Administration at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, in 1994. 略歴 1984年に東京大学を卒業後、84年〜89年三井物産株式会社に勤務。94年にハーバード大学ケネディー・スクールで行 政学修士号を取得。衆議院議員



官、2006年〜2007年内閣府副大臣、2008年福田内閣にて防衛大臣、2009年に麻生政権で内閣府特命担当大臣(経済 財政政策担当)、2012年〜2015年農林水産大臣を歴任。2012年には自民党の総裁候補となった。2017年8月より現 職。20年以上の政務経験を持つ。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:55-16:55


日本のイノベーション・エコシステム : パネルディスカッション

YOKO ISHIKURA Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University 石倉 洋子


BIOGRAPHY Yoko Ishikura is an independent consultant for global strategy and global talent, she is currently serving as a director of Shiseido Group, and Nissin Foods Holdings. Previously, she has served as an independent director at several companies, including Japan Post, Mitsui OSK Lines, and Fujitsu. In addition, she is also an Executive Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy and currently a Member of the Global Future Council at the World Economic Forum. Previously, Yoko has been a professor at the Keio University’s Graduate School of Media Design, at Hitotsubashi University’s Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, and at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. Prior to her academic career, she was a consultant at McKinsey & Company, Inc., Japan. Yoko received her MBA from Darden School, University of Virginia and her DBA from Harvard Business School. 略歴 バージニア大学大学院経営学修士(MBA)、ハーバード大学大学院


ー、慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科教授、一橋大学大学院国際企業戦略研究科教授、青山学院大学国際政 治経済学部教授を経たのち、郵政公社、株式会社商船三井、富士通株式会社などで社外理事や社外取締役を歴任。現在 は株式会社資生堂、日清食品ホールディングス株式会社の社外取締役を務める。その他の活動には、総合科学技術会議 非常勤議員、世界経済フォーラムのGlobal Future Councilのメンバーなどがある。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:55-16:55


日本のイノベーション・エコシステム : パネルディスカッション

KOSUKE MOTANI Chief Senior Economist, Japan Research Institute 藻谷 浩介

日本総研 調査部 主席研究員

BIOGRAPHY Kosuke Motani joined the Development Bank of Japan in 1988 and currently serves as Chief Senior Economist at Japan Research Institute. Motani has been known as "The Top Figure in Japan in the Field of Demography and Regional Economy Promotion” in creating and presenting strategies for helping national and local governments, private enterprises and NPOs toward economic prosperity and business success. He is the author of such best-sellers as Defure no Shotai (Silver Tsunami or Nonmonetary deflation in Japan) and Satoyama Capitalism. Motani graduated from the University of Tokyo with a BA in Law and acquired an MBA from Columbia University. 略歴 東京大学卒業後、1988年日本開発銀行(=現(株)日本政策投資銀行)入行。地域開発調査部勤務を経て94年コロンビア大

学にてMBA取得。 財団法人 日本経済研究所 調査局研究員、日本開発銀行(現・日本政策投資銀行)情報・通信部 副調 査役、日本政策投資銀行地域企画部調査役を歴任し、2003年には日本政策投資銀行地域企画部参事役、2009年にDBJ

シンガポール(株)シニアアドバイザー 兼 IE Singapore (シンガポール政府国際企業庁) パートナー 、2010年に(株)日本 政策投資銀行 地域企画部 参事役を歴任し、2012年より現職。

著書には、ベストセラーとなった『デフレの正体』の他に、『里山資本主義 世界まちかど地政学 90カ国弾丸旅行記』などがある。


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:55-16:55


日本のイノベーション・エコシステム : パネルディスカッション

GOVERNOR EIKEI SUZUKI Governor of Mie Prefecture 鈴木 英敬 三重県知事

BIOGRAPHY Eikei Suzuki is the Governor of Mie Prefecture, a post he has held since April 2011 (with re-election in 2015). A native of Hyogo Prefecture, he studied Economics at Tokyo University, and later joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in April 1998. In recent years, Eikei Suzuki has served as a member of the Cabinet Office Declining Birth Rate Crisis Breakthrough Taskforce, as a member of the Central Disaster Management Council, as chairperson of the Special Committee for Risk Management / Disaster Control of National Governors’ Association, and as chairperson of the Japan Ninja Council. In addition, he was selected as one of the Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum in 2014. Eikei Suzuki is married to Miho Takeda, an Olympic medalist in synchronised swimming, and together they have a son and daughter. He was delighted to receive the Yellow Ribbon Award for Best Father in June 2016. 略歴 兵庫県生まれ。東京大学経済学部卒業後、1998年4月に通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。内閣府少子化危機突破タス

クフォース構成員、中央防災会議委員、全国知事会危機管理・防災特別委員会委員長、日本忍者協議会会長、子どもの 家庭養育推進官民協議会会長等に就任。2014年度世界経済フォーラム ヤング・グローバル・リーダーズに選出。2011 年4月より現職。

家族はシンクロナイズドスイミング五輪メダリストの妻・武田美保と一男一女。2016年6月「ベスト・ファーザー イエ ローリボン賞」を受賞。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:55-16:55


日本のイノベーション・エコシステム : パネルディスカッション

DR YOSHIAKI ISHII Director, Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau, Cabinet Office 石井芳明 博士(商学)

内閣府 科学技術・イノベーション担当 企画官

BIOGRAPHY Since getting his start at the government's Small and Middle Enterprise Agency, Dr Yoshiaki Ishii has shaped his career almost exclusively around supporting young companies and enhancing innovation. Now, he is the director of the Cabinet Office and responsible for determining how to execute the government's mission of supporting deep tech start-ups and creating an innovation ecosystem. Previously, he served as director of the New Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI. He has demonstrated expertise in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), and Venture Business Policy, Industrial Organisation, and Innovation Policy. Dr Ishii earned his PhD from Waseda University, in 2012, after completing an MBA at Aoyama Gakuin, in 2000. 略歴 経済産業省において中小企業政策、ベンチャー企業政策に従事。現在、内閣府において、テック系のスタートアップ支 援、産学官連携などのオープンイノベーション推進をはじめ、イノベーションエコシステムの形成を担当。 専門分野

中小企業・ベンチャー企業政策、産業組織論、イノベーション政策 職歴

2011年 地域経済産業グループ地域経済産業政策課

2012年 経済産業政策局新規産業室 新規事業調整官

2018年 内閣府 政策統括官(科学技術・イノベーション担当)付 企画官 学歴

2000年 青山学院大学大学院国際政治経済学研究科 卒業(国際経営学修士) 2012年 早稲田大学大学院商学研究科 卒業 博士(商学)

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 15:55-16:55


日本のイノベーション・エコシステム : パネルディスカッション

DAVID HAJIME KORNHAUSER Global Communications Director, Kyoto University 今羽右左 デイヴィッド 甫 京都大学 国際広報室室長



BIOGRAPHY David Hajime Kornhauser is the first director of Kyoto University’s office of Global Communications, facilitating interaction with media – both domestic and international – for the university community. Previously he headed public relations for KyotoU’s iCeMS and then KURA, gaining hands-on understanding of one of Japan’s premiere research institutions which he applied to the eventual formation of the university’s first globally-oriented communications office in late 2015. David has extensive international communications and media experience, having served with the United States foreign service in China, Austria, and Japan; Japanese television and government in Washington DC; and corporate and public sector communications in Japan. He is a native of Honolulu HI, and is fluent in English, Japanese, and German. 略歴 1967年、米ハワイ州生まれ、父は米国人(大学研究者)、母は日本人。母国語は英語。日本語、ドイツ語を得意とす

る。リード大学(物理学専攻)卒業。国際大学(国際関係学)で修士取得後、政策アナリスト、米国務省外交官、日本 テレビワシントン支局プロデューサー、京都大学 物質ー細胞統合システム拠点国際広報・企画担当、京都大学 学術研 究支援室シニアURAなどを経て、2015年より京都大学初めての国際広報室室長。

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17:00-17:45 Session 5: Cross Panel Session (All remaining speakers)


This final session will weave together the insights and discussions from all previous sessions, and will answer the key question under discussion throughout this entire Symposium: What is truly driving innovation and innovativeness in Japan today, and how will this develop and grow in the future? Moderator: GEOFFREY WEXLER: Chief, International Division, Studio Ponoc

モデレータ : ジェフリー・ウェクスラー : スタジオポノック国際部責任者


Closing Remarks and End of Symposium


PETER LANDERS: Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal

ピーター・ランダース : ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル東京支局長 PROFESSOR PHILIP SUGAI: Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business 須貝 フィリップ(スガイ フィリップ): 同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科教授 大阪大学OSIPP-IAFOR研究センター上席研究員

18:00-19:00 Networking Event


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 17:00-17:45



GEOFFREY WEXLER Chief, International Division, Studio Ponoc ジェフリー・ウェクスラー スタジオポノック国際部責任者



BIOGRAPHY Geoffrey Wexler leads the International Division at Studio Ponoc, continuing in the role he had at Studio Ghibli for over six years, including negotiations for distribution of the Studio’s films, music and publications worldwide, production of English-language subtitled and dubbed versions of the Studio’s films, acquisition of story and music rights, and support of the Studio’s various international initiatives. Prior to joining Studio Ghibli in 2011, and Studio Ponoc in 2017, Jeff was the lead, regional in-house counsel for The Walt Disney Company’s internet businesses for Asia Pacific, based in Tokyo, and for EMEA, based in London, after private practice experience in Tokyo and Silicon Valley. Jeff has a BA from Stanford University (1986) and a JD from Columbia Law School (1993). Jeff is the producer of the English-language subtitled and dubbed versions of six films and one television series, including the first film from Studio Ponoc, Mary and The Witch’s Flower (2017) by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, and the Studio Ghibli films From Up on Poppy Hill (2011) directed by Goro Miyazaki, the Academy Award-nominated The Wind Rises (2013) by director Hayao Miyazaki, the Academy Awardnominated The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (2013) and the classic Only Yesterday (1991) by director Isao Takahata, and the Academy Award-nominated When Marnie Was There (2014) directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi. Jeff produced the English-language dubbed version of Goro Miyazaki’s 26-episode animated television series Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter, based on the classic book by Astrid Lindgren (NHK in October 2014 and Amazon US and UK in January 2017). Jeff has served as an Adjunct Professor at Keio Law School and Temple University Law School in Japan, and is licensed to practice as an attorney in California and as a solicitor under the laws of England and Wales.

略歴 ジェフリー・ウェクスラー氏は、現在スタジオポノックの国際部門を率いており、6年間勤めたスタジオ・ジブリでの 業務経験を活かし、世界に向けスタジオポノックの映画、音楽、出版物の配給及び配信、映画の英語字幕版及び吹き替 え版の制作、原作と音楽の権利取得、その他スタジオポノックの様々な国際的取り組みのための交渉を担当。スタンフ ォード大学でBA(文学士号)を取得(1986年)し、コロンビア・ロー・スクールでJD(法務博士)を取得(1993年) 。東京とシリコンバレーで個人実践を積んだ後、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーの東京オフィスにてアジア太平洋 地域、また、ロンドンオフィスにてEMEA(ヨーロッパ、中東及びアフリカ地域)のインターネット事業の顧問弁護士 として勤務。2011年よりスタジオ・ジブリ、2017年よりスタジオポノックにて勤務。 6本の映画と1本のテレビシリーズの英語字幕版と吹き替え版をプロデュース。手掛けた作品はスタジオポノックの映 画初制作作品「メアリと魔女の花」(2017年/米林宏昌監督)を始め、スタジオ・ジブリ作品は「コクリコ坂から」 (2011年/宮崎吾朗監督)、アカデミー賞ノミネート作品「風立ちぬ」(2013年/宮崎駿監督)、アカデミー賞ノミネート作 品「かぐや姫の物語」(2013年/高畑勲監督)、「おもひでぽろぽろ」(1991年/高畑勲監督)、アカデミー賞ノミネー ト作品「思い出のマーニー」(2014年/米林宏昌監督)を含む。また、アストリッド・リンドグレーンの名文学作品に基 づき制作された、26のエピソードからなる宮崎吾朗監督のテレビアニメシリーズ「山賊の娘ローニャ」(2014年10月 にNHK、2017年1月にAmazon US、Amazon UKにて放送)の英語吹き替え版を制作。 慶應義塾大学法科大学院とテンプル大学ジャパンのロースクールで非常勤教授を務め、カリフォルニア州弁護士、イン グランドおよびウェールズの法律に基づく弁護士の資格を持つ。 54 | IAFOR.ORG | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | Follow us on Twitter @IAFOR (tweet about the conference using #IAFOR)

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 17:45-18:00



PETER LANDERS Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal ピーター・ランダース


BIOGRAPHY Peter has nearly 20 years of experience at The Wall Street Journal as a reporter, editor and bureau chief. He joined the Journal as a Tokyo correspondent in 1999, and moved to the United States in 2002. He served as a page-one staff editor in New York, and assistant bureau chief in Washington, among other positions. He assumed his present post in February 2014. Peter is a graduate of Yale, where he studied classics and Japanese. With colleagues, he shared the National Press Foundation’s online journalism award for coverage of the Supreme Court’s 2012 ruling on the Affordable Care Act, and the Society for American Business Writers and Editors explanatory journalism award for coverage of the Fukushima nuclear accident. He is fluent in Japanese and serves as a guest commentator on the Tokyo Broadcasting System Saturday evening program ShinJoho7days Newscaster. 略歴 ニューヨーク生まれアメリカ出身。1990年エール大学卒(専攻:東アジア研究)。AP通信東京支局記者、ファー・イ


派員、本社一面部デスク、ワシントン支局次長などを務める。2014年2月から現職。TBS「新情報7days ニュースキャ スター」のゲストコメンテーター。

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 | 17:45-18:00



PHILIP SUGAI Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business 須貝 フィリップ(スガイ フィリップ) 同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科教授

大阪大学 OSIPP-IAFOR 研究センター上席研究員

BIOGRAPHY Dr Sugai is a Professor of Marketing within Doshisha University's Graduate School of Business and a Senior Fellow at the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre at Osaka University. Dr Sugai also served as a Visiting Professor for Stanford University from 2015–2017, where he taught Innovation in Japan at the Stanford Overseas campus in Kyoto. Prior to joining the Doshisha University faculty, Dr Sugai taught at the International University of Japan in Niigata where he also served as Dean and Associate Dean of the IUJ Business School for six years. Dr Sugai is the author of two books, The Value Plan and The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business (John Wiley & Sons) and has published case studies with Ivey Business School Publishing on KITKAT Japan, AGL, Hatsune Miku and Walt Disney Internet Group. He received his Doctorate degree from Waseda University and his MBA in Marketing and Operations Management from New York University’s Stern School of Business. He has worked as a marketing executive at American Express, Muze, Inc., and Lightningcast, Inc., and currently serves as a marketing advisor and marketing strategy consultant to companies both in Japan and globally. 略歴 2015〜2017年にはスタンフォード大学の客員教授を務め、京都のスタンフォード日本キャンパスでもイノベーション

を教授。同大学入職前は、国際大学でIUJビジネススクールの学部長、副学長を6年間務めた。「The Value Plan」と「The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business」の著者であり、キットカット社、AGL社、初音ミク、ウォルトディズニーインター ネットグループの事例検討を発表している。


ューズ社.、ライトニングキャスト社の経営管理を務め、現在は国内外の企業に対し経営アドバイザーや経営戦略コン サルタントを務めている。

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IAFOR collaborated with the United Nations in the hosting of a special session at the Third Annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum 2018) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on June 6, 2018. Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO of IAFOR, co-moderated the Official Meeting, a roundtable session on Innovators and Investors, and focussed on questions at the intersection of innovation and value, including “Impact investing”; investments made into companies, organisations, and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. The chair of the meeting was Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations, His Excellency Dr Toshiya Hoshino. Dr Haldane said: “For IAFOR, impact investing is a particular area of interest in regards to the funding of research in higher education, and dovetails with the work we will be doing within the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, as part of our new Innovation and Value Initiative, and also with The IAFOR Global Innovation & Value Summit 2018 (GIVS2018) to be held in Tokyo later this year.” He added that “it is a great recognition of IAFOR to have been invited to collaborate, and we are honoured to have been asked to work with the United Nations at this important event, and look forward to working with the UN and other stakeholders in the support of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI-SDG).” Dr Haldane, who teaches on the postgraduate Global Governance course at OSIPP, and is an Expert Member of the World Economic Forum in this area, was also keen to raise the issue of governance and policy implications of the uses of blockchain technology. In his introduction to the panel, he suggested that the use of blockchain, given its verifiability and the transparency of transactions might have a positive effect on systems of governance. This might be especially important at a time when the rules-based international system, exemplified by institutions such as the United Nations, are being challenged. Image | Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO of IAFOR, co-moderates a roundtable session on Innovators and Investors at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

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INNOVATION AND VALUE INITIATIVE More than ever, solutions to the transnational challenges, from climate change, sustainability to refugee crises, are in need of radically new approaches that depart from the present institutional limitations of global governance. Interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration, between science/ technology and the humanities or public and private sectors, in search of new values and models of how we conduct businesses, produce food or even live, are recognised widely as the way forward, as has been demonstrated in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that usefully combines the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (public) and Global Compact (private sector). Moreover, as the world confronts the limits of Western concepts of innovation and the value that these bring, other unique, sustainable and inclusive models of innovation may have important and globally applicable lessons that could guide the future of innovation and value creation initiatives around the world. Even though global connectivity has been greatly enhanced, there are local or regional pockets of ecosystems with demonstrated capacities to survive over centuries, and yet these are hardly recognised or properly integrated into the theoretical underpinnings that inform international practices and policies. As a way to take part in this global endeavour to renovate the current international system and create new values, the IAFOR Research Centre is proud to announce the Innovation and Value Initiative that will start as a three nodes project in the following areas: Value and International Economy, Value and International Politics and Value and Social Innovation.

LEAD RESEARCHERS • Haruko Satoh – Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University, Japan • Philip Sugai – Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan • Toshiya Hoshino – Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations

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ABOUT THE INITIATIVE The purpose of the Innovation and Value Initiative is to explore the drivers, processes and outcomes of innovation and value creation across countries, markets, industries and sectors and identify the drivers that foster the most healthy innovation and value-creating ecosystems across (1) heritage businesses, (2) multinational companies, (3) entrepreneurial start-ups, (4) educational institutions, (5) governments, (6) NGOs and NPOs. This initiative will also foster mature conversation between leaders across these fields and industries, and will address the questions of “what is innovation?”, “what is value?” “what are innovation ecosystems?” and what we mean by these terms in context. The initiative will be comprised of the following elements: research, education, dissemination (working papers, workshops and conferences), and initiate collaborative implementation projects with businesses, local, regional or international NPOs and/or international organisations (for example, the humanitarian use of blockchain technology). The three nodes, “Value and International Economy”, “Value and International Politics”, and “Value and Social Innovation” will have each have its independent research component, but the researchers will also work closely to share findings, team teach for classes at OSIPP, integrate their works at implementation level or producing policy recommendations where possible and practicable, and plan new collaborative projects.


• Philip Sugai – Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan ASSOCIATED RESEARCHER

• John Beck – President, North Star Leadership Group VALUE AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS LEAD RESEARCHER

• Haruko Satoh – Professor, OSIPP, Osaka University, Japan ASSOCIATED RESEARCHERS

• Toshiya Hoshino – Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations • Peng-Er Lam – Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore VALUE AND SOCIAL INNOVATION LEAD RESEARCHER

• Toshiya Hoshino – Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations

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CONFERENCE GUIDE OCTOBER 6-7, 2018 Conference Theme Conference at a Glance Directions & Access Floor Guide IAFOR Journals General Information Presentation Guide IAFOR Membership Professor Stuart D. B. Picken (1942–2016)



Innovation has been defined as invention brought to market, which in turn generates value for a firm and its key stakeholders including its customers, clients, partners, society and the planet. While the models of innovation that have captured the attention of the global media tend to celebrate technical innovation and growth, other models and modes of innovation are equally if not more compelling in their scope and impact. The focus of this conference then is to push the limits of our understanding of Innovation within both local and global contexts, the mindset that drives Innovation within organisations, communities and countries, and the value outcomes that grow out of these efforts. Specifically, this conference will generate discussion and explore answers around the following six streams:

THE INNOVATION MINDSET While technical innovations in fields including Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, personalised medicine and many others are breathtaking, the overall societal and human impact of these innovations are being called into question. For example, Niantic, the maker of Augmented Reality hit game, Pokemon Go together with Japan’s Nintendo have generated in excess of $1.2 billion in global revenues since its 2016 launch. At the same time, researchers at Purdue University have estimated the total social and municipal costs resulting from traffic and other related accidents attributed to Pokemon Go to be more than $2 billion in the United States alone. This stream will therefore explore on the underlying mindset that guides innovation and innovative practices, competing models of innovation, and better or best practices related to fostering an inclusive, value-focused innovation mindset within groups, organisations, or societies.

ORGANISATIONAL INNOVATION From traditional organisational hierarchies to the diffused structure of holocracy, from traditional manufacturing to Lean and Agile practices, how organisations and their production processes are structured, and the impact that such structures have on how individuals within them behave is of fundamental importance to innovation outcomes. This stream will focus on innovation in organisational design, manufacturing design, human resources design, or other structural and operations principles aimed at fostering and optimising a culture of innovation, creativity and growth within an organisation and by its members.

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CUSTOMER INNOVATION Heritage firms have repeatedly re-imagined themselves by redefining the customers whom they serve enabling them to continue over multiple generations. And while heritage companies are the best examples of these practices, customer innovation is relevant even to new start-ups as they pivot and constantly re-evaluate market responses to their services and solutions. This stream will explore customer innovation in terms of models for redefining or reimagining innovation or innovative practices related to customer groups or segments, lifestyles, or worldview and explore better or best practices in ongoing customer innovation.

VALUE SYSTEM INNOVATION The network of partners that an organisation creates in order to amplify their innovation efforts influences the types of ideas, products and services that are included in both traditional and Open Innovation processes and the products and services that evolve from them. This stream will explore how the development and fostering of partner networks and the value systems that they create influence the process of innovation itself as well as the overall outcomes that ensue.

SOCIAL INNOVATION The Creating Shared Value initiative, building upon the mindset championed by the Omi Merchants from Japan’s Edo and Meiji Eras, propose that in addition to focusing on company and customer value, it is vital for an organisation to also empower and enrich society from its actions. This stream will explore the drivers of Social Innovation, better and best practices related to its development, and future possibilities for growth of Social Innovation practices and principles globally, and their overall impact on value creation and growth.

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION With the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016, the world ushered in a period of enhanced focus on reducing carbon emissions to ensure a future that avoids the most devastating effects of climate change. This stream will explore better and best practices in Innovation related to the environment, paying special attention to technologies, business models, and behavioural changes that will enable the realisation of a truly sustainable future. The stream will showcase leading theoretical advances and examples of innovative practices or approaches relating to the achievement of sustainability goals.

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会場アクセス 都市センターホテル

The Toshi Center Hotel Tokyo is located in the Nagata-cho business district of Tokyo. Access to the hotel is convenient by Tokyo Metro from Nagatacho Station, Kojimachi Station and Akasaka-mitsuke Station.


1. From Narita Airport (all terminals) take the Narita Express to Tokyo Station. 2. Transfer to the JR Yamanote Line (Clockwise towards Shinagawa) from Tokyo Station and get off at the next stop, Yurakucho Station (JY30). 3. From Yurakucho Station transfer to the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (Y18). 4. Get off at Nagatacho Station (Y16). 5. Exit the station at exit 9b and cross the street. Follow the walkway straight for about 100 meters. The Toshi Center will be on your right, and there are signs in both Japanese and English. BY AIRPORT LIMOUSINE BUS

From Narita Airport take the airport limousine bus to Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho. Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho is located across the street from the Toshi Center Hotel.


1. Take Tokyo Monorail at Haneda Airport Station for Hamamatsucho Station 2. Transfer to the JR Yamanote Line at Hamamatsucho Station to Yurakucho Station 3. From Yurakucho Station transfer to the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (Y18). 4. Get off at Nagatacho Station (Y16). 5. Exit the station at exit 9b and cross the street. Follow the walkway straight for about 100 meters. The Toshi Center will be on your right, and there are signs in both Japanese and English. BY AIRPORT LIMOUSINE BUS

From Haneda Airport take the airport limousine bus to Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho. Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho is located across the street from the Toshi Center Hotel.

FROM WITHIN TOKYO Take the Tokyo Metro to Nagatacho Station. Nagatacho Station (Y16, Z04, N07) is served by the Hanzomon Line (Z), Yurakucho Line (Y), and Namboku Line (N). Exit the station at exit 9b and cross the street. Follow the road straight for about 100 meters, walking past the Junior High School. The Toshi Center will be on your right, and there are signs in both Japanese and English. Family Mart is on the left.

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会場アクセス 都市センターホテル

ADDRESS Toshi Center Hotel 都市センターホテル Hirakawa-cho 2-4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 〒 102-0093 東京都千代田区平河町 2丁目 4-1 Tel +81(0)3-3265-8211

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フロアガイド 都市センターホテル



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IAFOR ジャーナル

The International Academic Forum’s journals conform to the highest academic standards of international peer review, and are published in accordance with IAFOR’s commitment to make all of our published materials available online. How are journal editors appointed? Journal editors are appointed by The International Academic Forum’s leadership, under the guidance of the International Advisory Board. The term of appointment is for one issue, to be renewed by mutual consent. How do we ensure academic integrity? Once appointed, the journal editor is free to appoint his or her own editorial team and advisory members. All papers published in the journal have been subjected to the rigorous and accepted processes of academic peer review. Neither editors nor members of the editorial team are remunerated for their work. Authors will never be asked to contribute to publication costs. How are papers selected? Journal editors may accept papers through an open call, and proposed articles may be sent directly to the respective editors. A small number of papers from the associated Conference Proceedings may also be selected by the journal editor(s) for reworking and revising, subject to normal processes of review. How are IAFOR journals related to IAFOR conferences? IAFOR’s journals reflect the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences and are organised thematically.

JOURNAL EDITORS IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities Alfonso J. García Osuna, Hofstra University, USA

IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship Richard Donovan, Kansai University, Japan

IAFOR Journal of Asian Studies Seiko Yasumoto, University of Sydney, Australia

IAFOR Journal of Media, Communication & Film Celia Lam, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China

IAFOR Journal of Business & Management Anshuman Khare, Athabasca University, Canada IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies Holger Briel, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China IAFOR Journal of Education Yvonne Masters, University of New England, Australia IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion & Philosophy Lystra Hagley-Dickinson, Plymouth Marjon University, UK

IAFOR Journal of Politics, Economics & Law Craig Mark, Kyoritsu Women’s University, Japan IAFOR Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences Shahrokh Shafaie, Southeast Missouri State University, USA Deborah G. Wooldridge, Bowling Green State University, USA IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences Tingting Ying, Ningbo University of Technology, China

IAFOR Journal of Language Learning Melinda Cowart, Texas Woman’s University, USA Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 67


REGISTRATION You will be able to pick up your registration pack and name card at the Conference Registration Desk. The Conference Registration Desk and Publications Desk will be situated in the following locations during the conference: DAY I VENUE | GLOBAL BUSINESS HUB TOKYO

Friday, October 5


Global Business Hub Tokyo – Field (3F)


Saturday, October 6 Sunday, October 7

09:15-17:00 09:30-12:00

Toshi Center Hotel – 606 (6F) Toshi Center Hotel – 607 (6F)

NAME BADGES When you check in, you will receive a registration pack, which includes your name badge. Wearing your badge is required for entrance to the sessions. You must wear your badge at all times during the conference. There are four colours of badges indicating the type of conference participant: Red: Presenters and Audience Yellow: Keynote and Featured Speakers Blue: Conference Exhibitors and Affiliates Black: IAFOR Staff

INTERNET ACCESS There is free Wi-Fi internet connection at both conference venues. However, this can be unreliable so we would strongly suggest that you do not rely on a live connection for your presentation. Instructions on how to connect to the Wi-Fi will be available at the registration desk.

REFRESHMENT BREAKS Complimentary coffee, tea and water will be available during the scheduled coffee breaks at the Global Business Hub Tokyo on Friday and at the Toshi Center Hotel on Saturday and Sunday. Light snacks will be provided once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Food and drink (excluding water) are not allowed in the presentation rooms. 68 | IAFOR.ORG | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | Follow us on Twitter @IAFOR (tweet about the conference using #IAFOR)


LUNCH Lunch on Friday will be provided at the Global Business Hub Tokyo. Lunch on Saturday and Sunday will be provided at the Toshi Center Hotel. Please remember to bring your name badge with you, as this will act as your lunch ticket. Lunch is available at the following times: Friday, October 5 Saturday, October 6 Sunday, October 7

12:00-13:00 12:30-14:00 12:30-13:30

Global Business Hub Tokyo Toshi Center Hotel Toshi Center Hotel

PRINTING For your convenience, we are able to offer a complimentary printing service of up to ten A4 sheets should you need this. Please ask for assistance with printing and be advised that printing may not be available at peak times.

SMOKING Smoking is not permitted in the Global Business Hub Tokyo or the Toshi Center Hotel. Please smoke outside of the conference venues in the designated smoking areas.

WHAT TO WEAR & BRING Attendees generally wear business casual attire. You may wish to bring a light jacket or sweater as meeting rooms are air-conditioned and sometimes cool.

PHOTO/RECORDING WAIVER Human interaction through networking and dissemination of this knowledge is at the core of what IAFOR does as an academic research organisation, conference organiser and publisher. As part of the archiving of the conference event, IAFOR takes photos in and around the conference venue, and uses the photos to document the event. This also includes the filming of certain sessions. We consider this documentation important and provides evidence of our activities to members, partners and stakeholders all over the world, as well as to current and potential attendees like you. Some of these photos will therefore appear online and in print, including on social media. The above are the legitimate interests of the organisation that we assert under the new European Union law on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under this legislation, you have an absolute right to opt out of any photo. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Read our full privacy policy – Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 69


CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS All conference abstracts are available online. Please visit for a searchable database of abstracts.

ORAL & WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS Oral Presentation Sessions will run from 10:30 on Saturday and Sunday morning. They are generally organised into parallel sessions by streams. Oral Presentations are normally scheduled in sessions comprising three presentations, lasting 90 minutes in total. In sessions with two Oral Presentations, the session will last 60 minutes, and in the case of four Oral Presentations, an extended session lasting 120 minutes will be scheduled. The time in the sessions is to be divided equally between presentations. We recommend that an Oral Presentation should last 15–20 minutes to include time for question and answers, but should last no longer than 25 minutes. Any remaining session time may be used for additional discussion.

EQUIPMENT All rooms will be equipped with a MacBook computer pre-installed with PowerPoint and Keynote and connected to a LCD projector or LCD screen. If you wish, you may directly link your own PC laptop, although we advise you to use the computer provided by plugging in your USB flash drive. We recommend that you bring two copies of your presentation in case one fails, and suggest sending yourself the presentation by email as a third and final precaution.

SESSION CHAIRS Session Chairs are asked to introduce themselves and other speakers (briefly) using the provided printouts of speaker bios, hand out the provided presentation certificates at the end of the session, ensure that the session begins and ends on time, and that the time is divided fairly between the presentations. Each presenter should have no more than 25 minutes in which to present his or her paper and respond to any questions. The Session Chair is asked to assume this timekeeping role, and to this end yellow and red timekeeping cards are used as a visual cue for presenters, letting them know when they have five minutes remaining, and when they must stop. Please follow the order in the programme, and if for any reason a presenter fails to show up, please keep to the original time slots as delegates use the programme to plan their attendance.

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PRESENTATION CERTIFICATES Presenters will receive a certificate of presentation from their Session Chair or a member of staff at the end of their session.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The Conference Proceedings are published on the IAFOR website (, and can be freely accessed as part of IAFOR’s research archive. All authors may have their full paper published in the online Conference Proceedings. Full text submission is due by November 07, 2018 through the online system. The proceedings will be published on December 07, 2018. Authors will have PDF copies of their offprints emailed to them by January 07, 2019.

A POLITE REQUEST TO ALL PARTICIPANTS Participants are requested to arrive in a timely fashion for all presentations, whether to their own or to those of other presenters. Presenters are reminded that the time slots should be divided fairly and equally between the number of presentations, and that presentations should not overrun. Participants should refrain from talking amongst themselves and ensure that mobile phones are switched off or set to silent mode during presentations.

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IAFOR provides an excellent personal and professional environment for academics and scholars of all ages and backgrounds to come together and exchange the latest ideas, and inform each other’s perspectives through their own cultural and disciplinary background and experiences. We are able to do this thanks to the exceptional network of individuals and institutions around the world who support our work and help shape our exceptional events globally. We emphasise the nurturing and supporting of young academics from different backgrounds, providing mutual advice and guidance, and offer more senior academics the chance to forge working relationships outside of their traditional networks. In a world where division and strife are underlined and played up in national and local contexts, and political posturing frequently seeks to ostracise and demonise, IAFOR is committed to working across cultural and national borders, and to work to bring people together. We believe that mature human interaction and academic and cultural exchange are essential to offering positive versions of the future, where cooperation happens with individuals and institutions who share a commitment to bridge divides, to being good global citizens, and to making the world a better place. By becoming a member, you will become a stakeholder in the IAFOR mission of facilitating international exchange, encouraging intercultural awareness, and promoting interdisciplinary discussion in the hope and expectation of generating and sharing new knowledge. Join us now in this growing global organisation, and help make a difference today. Membership is open to all those with a strong professional interest in education (scholars, professionals, policymakers, researchers, or students), and who share a commitment to the values of IAFOR, as expressed in our mission. To learn more about IAFOR membership, please visit:


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THE REVEREND PROFESSOR STUART D. B. PICKEN (1942–2016) The late Reverend Professor Stuart D. B. Picken began his distinguished career in academia as a Rotary Scholar on a research trip to Japan. A native of Scotland who had dedicated himself to religious studies, he immediately became fascinated by Japanese culture and the practice of Shinto. He was particularly drawn to the parallels and differences he saw in Western pedagogy compared to that of the East and began a lifelong mission to bridge the communication and knowledge gap between the two worlds. Picken was appointed Professor of Philosophy at the International Christian University (ICU) in 1972. Here he turned his Western theological and philosophical training to comparative religious and cultural studies of Japan, at a time when the country was emerging from the shadows of the Second World War. His groundbreaking and controversial work on suicide in Japan made his name within the country, but it was his subsequent work on Shinto that influenced the rehabilitation of the religion at a time when it was dismissed in the West as pagan and primitive, or unjustly caricatured for its wartime associations. Whether in his research or teaching, Picken devoted much of his life to increasing understanding between his adopted country of Japan and the West, and in 2007 he was recognised with the Order of the Sacred Treasure, an imperial decoration for his pioneering research and outstanding contribution to the promotion of friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and the United Kingdom. He also served as the International Adviser to the High Priest of the Tsubaki Grand Shrine, one of Japan’s largest and oldest shrines. From 2009 he was the founding Chairman of The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), where he was highly active in helping nurture and mentor a new generation of academics, and facilitating better intercultural and international awareness and understanding. Stuart D. B. Picken was a cherished friend and an inspiration to IAFOR and its community of supporters. In honour of Professor Picken and his dedication to academia, the ideals of intercultural understanding and the principles of interdisciplinary study, IAFOR has created the Stuart D. B. Picken Grant and Scholarship, an award supported by the Stuart D. B. Picken Memorial Fund. Awards will be made to PhD students and early career academics who are in need of funding to complete their research, and whose work demonstrates excellence in the core values of academic rigour, intercultural sensitivity and interdisciplinarity.

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09:15-10:00 Conference Registration & Coffee | 606 (6F)

10:00-10:30 Welcome Speeches and Coffee | 606 (6F)

10:30-12:30 Session 1: Organisational Innovation | 606 (6F) 1 – The University as Knowledge-Producing Centre of Innovation: A Framework for Shifting Management Models 2 – Cross Cultural Business Negotiation: How Negotiators Think 3 – The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Outcomes 4 – Four Innovations Toward Creating a Productive Culture of Innovation

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 Session 2: Social Innovation | 606 (6F) 1 – Intelligence Grouping in the Hyper-Connected Social Space 2 – Digital Co-Creation: The Case of Open Public Spaces in Vilnius 3 – Navigating an Older World: Embracing the Opportunities of Increased Population Longevity

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break | 606 (6F)

15:30-17:00 Session 3: The Innovation Mindset | 606 (6F) 1 – From Tradition to Innovation of Family Business 2 – Data-Mining Start-Ups and Algorithm Transparency: Innovation Paradox in the Age of Big Data 3 – The Seven Value Actors Like us on Facebook at | GIVS-Tokyo2018 | IAFOR.ORG | 75

10:30-12:30 | 606 (6F)



The University as Knowledge-Producing Centre of Innovation: A Framework for Shifting Management Models Grant Black, Black Inc. Consulting, Japan Over the last decade the Japanese government has been seeking to alleviate the burden on business by raising expectations for the contribution of Japan’s elite institutions of tertiary education. The reformist charge is to help the national economy by transforming universities into centres of innovation and producers of global human resources. On a strategic policy level then, Japanese national universities are going through a “globalising process,” which in part means shifting the function of the university in Japanese society towards an elite global model of the university as a knowledge-producing centre of innovation. This “globalising process” of university reform is ushering in with varying degrees of success a shift in the role of university management. This paper proposes a framework for understanding the strategic challenges to organisational management at the university. Using a continuous cycle of research and reflection to identify mechanisms operative at a case national university, the framework illustrates a contrast between a historic Groupist Civil Servant model vs an emergent Individualist Corporate Management model. Broadly speaking the shift in the management model is one of moving from a groupist perspective to one which is more corporate driven and more individualistic. On first reflection the key finding may seem counter-intuitive: The groupist civil servant model has higher individual freedom while the individualist corporate model has lower individual freedom. The paper helps inform and illustrate challenges to academic management when macro level policy gets translated at the institutional level of an elite national university. 43703

Cross Cultural Business Negotiation: How Negotiators Think William Baber, Kyoto University, Japan This presentation takes a new approach to understanding business negotiation through the thinking of individuals. This empirical research includes business people from Japan, India, Europe and North America. The research is a cross cultural comparison but within one industry – software. The research investigates the thinking of individuals to understand preferences regarding allies, empathic reactions, process, and win/lose or win/win approaches. The research sheds light on how matches and mismatches of thinking impact negotiations. The software industry is particularly suitable for this research because of its identifiable culture based on practices such as DevOps, crunch time, and the semiotics of casual work dress. Research within one industry removes a possible confounding factor. The findings will be of interest to business managers seeking innovative ways to understand, improve and train negotiation skills while developing better interactions with subordinates, partners, and counterparties from foreign cultures. Especially appropriate for GIVS, Tokyo-based managers with value chains extending from outsourcing partners in India to customers in Europe and North America will find this topic informative. Management Science and Organizational Behavior academics will be interested in this work because it sheds light on interactions between individuals and organizations through cognitive schemata and negotiation theory. Theory relies on works by Baber & Ojala, 2015; Bazerman, Curhan, Moore, & Valley, 2000; Casmir, 1985; Tsai, Compeau, & Haggerty, 2004; Nishida, 1999. 43456

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Outcomes Kin Kah Neo, Singapore Management University, Singapore Thomas Menkoff, Singapore Management University, Singapore Yue Wah Chay, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore This paper reports interim findings of an ongoing study aimed at empirically testing a model of entrepreneurial leadership in agediverse (project-based) start-up teams comprising graduate students of a Master of Innovation programme at Singapore Management University as driver of effective innovation outcomes. Three key hypotheses include: 1) The role of the entrepreneurial innovation team leader will have a positive effect on the ability of nurturing a positive team climate where age diversity is appreciated; 2) A high appreciation of age diversity will have a positive effect on team identification, a positive affective tone within the team and performance-related team effectiveness; and 3) The impact of a positive climate in an age-diverse team on outcomes such as a high degree of team identification, team effectiveness and innovation results such as novel ideas for products or services will be mediated by the degree of age-diversity salience, that is, the degree (high/low) to which diversity is indeed observed by group members. Based on our interim findings, the following recommendations for harnessing the innovation potential of age-diverse teams as well as creating more effective (innovative) capstone projects in higher education (masters level) emerge: 1) Ensure that age-diverse innovation teams are led by entrepreneurial innovation team leaders capable of nurturing a positive team climate where age diversity is appreciated; 2) Acknowledge that this type of leadership requires special entrepreneurial competencies due to the multi-generational nature of teams which need to be acquired and honed; 3) Ensure that team members understand the role of high appreciation of age diversity in the team and that they know what that entails in practical terms in order to generate positive effects on team identification and overall innovation outcomes; and 4) Be aware that team success correlates with the degree of agediversity salience, that is, the degree (high / low) to which diversity is indeed observed by group members and ensure that associated conflicts are nipped into the bud so as to avoid negative consequences for team success.

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10:30-12:30 | 606 (6F)



Four Innovations Toward Creating a Productive Culture of Innovation Dieter Georg Adlmaier-Herbst, Berlin University of the Arts, Germany The University of the Arts Berlin, Germany and the University of Zurich, Switzerland have developed four scientifically-based innovations aimed at fostering and optimizing cultures of innovation: 1) The Goal Pyramid deals with goals and strategies to achieve desired results. The Goal Pyramid enhances the common concepts of results and behavior to include a third: attitude. Studies show that work can be more pleasurable while producing the same results. 2) The Affect Scale seizes on positive and negative employee feelings about change in a result-oriented manner. It explores how individuals – even in difficult and uncomfortable situations surrounding resistance to change – can appropriately contribute and be challenged at the company while having their own personal values considered to the highest degree possible. 3) The Motto Goal is a new kind of goal, which may be incorporated into the attitudinal level of the Goal Pyramid. Motto Goals improve the long-standing company practice of exclusive, specific, concrete goals to free up goal-setting, which induces particularly motivational powerful effects: Motto Goals build the foundation for SMART goals. 4) Situation Category ABC allows the organization to rely on an internal attitude to process the unexpected when needed. This method provides security and control all around while ensuring the stability of flexibility and openness to change. The four innovations provide companies as well as employees with a powerful resource for mutual success: The company is equipped with a proactive, theoretically- and systematically-constructed tool to bolster employee willingness toward realizing corporate strategy.

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13:30-15:00 | 606 (6F)



Intelligence Grouping in the Hyper-Connected Social Space Sunju Park, Yonsei University, South Korea Lifang Zhao, School of Business, Yonsei University, South Korea There has been a rapid growth of social network services in the past decade. As a significant kind of online tool, social media are used to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself. It facilitates conversations and interaction online between groups of people. Social media has greatly changed our life pattern and also the way organizations runs. Individuals and organizations are interactive with each other, and the society is the hyper-connected. Collective intelligence on the social media platform is an emerging topic which receives concerns both from scholars and practitioners. The South Koreans Candlelight Rallies can be considered as a successful example of collective intelligence which based on social media platform. However, research on this field is still very limited, thus, more diverse research on this research field is needed. Our study aims to investigate the intelligence grouping on the social networks platform. We collected network data from 97 MBA students from their Facebook. We used the Microsoft NodeXL program to analyze our network data. Particularly, we compare the network differences, including that of degree, strength, distance, and centrality between individuals to identify how the network structure influences the grouping process within focal networks. 43606

Digital Co-Creation: The Case of Open Public Spaces in Vilnius Aelita Skaržauskienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Gintarė Žemaitaitienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Monika Mačiulienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania The paper presents the research results of international C3PLACES project ( for exploring the new dynamics of public open spaces as a trusted service for community. The methodological framework of C3PLACES is oriented towards proposing models for suitable co-creation with a community-wide participation making use of creative, innovative and cooperative applications of ICT (interactivity, augmented reality, pervasiveness, real time data mining, etc.). Although ICT relies on interactions among users, very little is known about behaviour of ICT-users in public open spaces. It should be also noted that society is still experiencing the phase, where research on ICT focus largely on the technology itself, placing very little emphasis on the practical implications of their use and broader urban development objectives. The paper expands the understanding on how meditated open spaces function, paying attention to stakeholders, local context and different social groups based on the empirical data collected in LivingLab Vilnius (Lithuania). The conclusions provide analyses of how ICT and spaces could be used in a more efficient way, and more specifically tuned to the local context and different community members’ needs. The following aspects were taken into consideration to transform public open spaces into open co-created places: socio-cultural contexts, multi-stakeholder perspective, diversity in needs, incentives for participation of different groups, digital literacy and cooperation capabilities. 43663

Navigating an Older World: Embracing the Opportunities of Increased Population Longevity James McNally, University of Michigan, United States Considerable research, policy planning, and discussion are devoted to the idea of an oncoming “tsunami” of elderly individuals and how we need to prepare for this population crisis. This thinking is misguided and has complicated necessary and appropriate responses to demographic change. There is no “tsunami” of elderly coming to impact the world’s population. We are not facing the specter of an “Aging World”, we are already living in an “Older World” where the population fifty-five and older has been playing an increasing role in the structures and behaviors of world populations for decades. Addressing the Summit Theme, "The Spirit of Innovation." this presentation contextualizes questions of innovation and value related to understanding how an Older World presents opportunities for national growth and development. Nations like Japan have been at the forefront of the longevity dividend and have actively incorporated their entire population into national economies, health systems, and social behaviors to reflect successful societies. Issues such as employment, healthcare, retirement, human capital, immigration, and housing are all integral to embracing and Older World. As all nations will inevitably reap the benefits of increased longevity, we need collective preparation for the benefits and opportunities offered by a growing population of older individuals. The presentation will offer a broad overview of how to effectively consider the benefits of an Older World proactively rather than treat aging as a threat that undermines economies and the well-being of nations.

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15:30-17:00 | 606 (6F)



From Tradition to Innovation of Family Business Chih-Ming Lin, Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan Shang-Jen Li, Xin-Hua College of Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan Economic activity throughout much of the world exhibits a family-related dimension (Morck and Steier, 2005). Many of famous and important businesses in the world are family-owned, thus the presence of family business in nowadays economic landscape is quite significant. Researchers and practitioners began to systematically explore the impact of family ownership and management about three decades ago. Many scholarly devotions have put into this field and thousands of papers concerning following discussions have produced: succession, uniqueness of family business, the effect of family relationship on business and the development of family business research itself (Sharma, 2004; Casillas & Acedo, 2007). Beneath these themes entrepreneurship is intertwined and highly recognized and pointed. Since family business is easily fixated on a previously successful strategy make it locked in a fixed business setting which hampers its further growing, entrepreneurship provides innovative infusing to family business that bring about creation and change for a positive outperformance. By narrative inquiry, we can get deepen insight from the entrepreneurial process and explore how a family business in traditional industry turns into a successful enterprise by innovative thinking. 43719

Data-Mining Start-Ups and Algorithm Transparency: Innovation Paradox in the Age of Big Data Jerry I-H Hsiao, University of Macau, Macao In the age of Big Data, the vast amount of data needs to be systematically collected, analyzed and managed. Data-Mining companies fills this need by developing algorithm to find patterns and correlations within data to predict a certain outcome. Nowadays, both public and private entities alike rely more and more on algorithms to assist them in decision or policymaking, which is referred as Automated Decision Making (ADM). For those whose rights have been affected by ADM, they often call for a more transparent algorithm to explain the process and reason leading to the outcome. Transparency in algorithm has also been recognized by scholars referring it as part of algorithm accountability and by governments, as mentioned in the European Union’s newly implemented General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, on the other hand, many of the data-mining companies are start-ups with the algorithm as their only competitive asset. Disclosure of algorithm might risk the peril of surrendering their trade secrets to larger and more capable competitors. Since start-ups are the reason for many disruptive innovations, this paper provides a forward looking proposal to balance the paradox between the call for algorithm transparency and protection for data-mining start-ups.

The Seven Value Actors Philip Sugai, Doshisha University, Japan With the growing importance of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and their realization through the Global Compact, business leaders across organizations of all sizes have begun to seriously focus on more holistic models for measuring and managing the value that their organizations co-create across key stakeholder groups beyond shareholders alone. Towards this end, a wide range of value measurement models have been developed across multiple disciplines. However, our research has shown that each published model contains only a subset of the seven stakeholder groups, or value actors (Vargo & Lusch, 2004), identified within the collective whole of this body of literature. Because of this, consensus has not been reached as to which stakeholders are ultimately influenced by the activities of the firm, and how these can be actively monitored and managed for optimal value for all stakeholders. To fill this gap in the literature, this presentation will first provide a theoretical foundation related to the concept of value and its measurement in business activities. It will then introduce seven distinct value actors that we have derived from the existing literature across multiple academic disciplines and fields of study. We then outline the perspective differences between value actors and the firm, how these differences can be accounted for, and finally propose a measurement framework that would enable the measurement and management of value across these seven value actors irrespective of the business sector, size or geographical location of the firm.

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09:30-10:00 Coffee & Networking Session | Room 607 (6F)

10:00-12:00 Innovation and Value Roundtable | Room 607 (6F) This roundtable will look at the key issues raised over the course of the event, including possible implications, and future research paths, collaborative endeavours and outcomes. This will include questions relating to innovation and value, including but not limited to reflections on: value and values; quantifying and qualifying value; conflicting perspectives on innovation and value; innovation activism and application.

12:00:12:30 Closing Session

12:30-13:30 Lunch

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CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS: THE PAST 12 MONTHS Since 2009, IAFOR has welcomed university presidents, faculty deans, journalists, national politicians, government ministers, diplomats, charity leaders, think tank directors, company presidents, documentary photographers, movie directors, members of the armed forces, actors, lawyers, doctors, jurists, artists, poets, writers, clergy, scientists, philosophers... Here are some highlights from the past twelve months, from our events in six cities, in five countries, and over three continents.

Above left: Dr Alex Aguilar, Vice Rector for Outreach and Internationalisation at the University of Barcelona (left) and Dr Joseph Haldane, IAFOR Chairman and CEO, welcome delegates to The IAFOR International Conference on the City (CITY2018) held concurrently with The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies (GLOBAL2018). The conference theme was “Fearful Futures” and the uncertain political future of the global city of Barcelona provided a stimulating backdrop for this conversation to unfold. Above right: Internationally acclaimed novelist and journalist, Liz Byrski of Curtin University, Australia, delivers a Keynote Presentation, considering her love-hate relationship with various cities in which she has lived, the reasons for fleeing from them, and the physical and emotional effects of being in any city. This address was a part of a “Cities we Fled” panel that also included addresses by Professor Sue Ballyn (opposite page above right) and Professor Donald Hall (opposite page bottom right). Below (clockwise from top left): Dr Bill Phillips delivers a Keynote Presentation on “Catalonia’s Referendum on Independence from Spain”, contextualising the political crisis in Catalonia as part of a panel on the subject. Dr Philips is head of the English and German Studies Department, and teaches English literature and culture, at the University of Barcelona, and also serves as a local councillor. Dr Cornelis Martin Renes delivers a thought-provoking keynote address, “¡A España no hay presos políticos! / In Spain there are no Political Prisoners!”, that looked at the way in which the Spanish government handled political and legal issues around the Catalan independence referendum. Dr Montserrat Camps-Gaset, a member of the Board of the University of Barcelona, and a Catalan native responds to questions on the issue of separatism and identity in Spanish politics, while Michael Strubell contributes a poignant analysis as a panelist in a Featured Panel Presentation “The Way and Wherefore of Spain’s Current Political Crisis: Catalonia… Again”.

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Above (from left to right): Professor Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz, Director of the Center for Global and Area Studies at the University of Delaware, after her her Keynote Presentation “Writing the City: Buenos Aires in New Millennium Crime Fiction”, which looked at true crime as inspiration for fictional explorations. Phil Ball delivers a thought-provoking Keynote Presentation on “Football, Politics and the City”. Mr Ball is one of the world’s foremost football journalists, who has written award-winning and bestselling books during his career as a sports journalist. Professor Emerita Sue Ballyn, Founder and Honorary Director of the Centre for Australian and Transnational Studies Centre at the University of Barcelona, responds to questions from the audience during the Featured Panel Presentation “Cities we Fled”. Below (from left to right): Writers Phil Ball, Gloria Montero and Liz Bryski on a very wide-ranging panel entitled “How Can Writers Respond when the Future Looks Fearful?”. Gloria Montero is a world-renowned novelist, playwright and poet, especially known for her play Frida K., which has been performed globally. Bottom right: Professor Donald Hall, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences & Engineering at the University of Rochester, delivers remarks as part of the “Cities we Fled” panel, where he talks of the societal, racial and generational fissures in the Deep South of the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Bottom left: Conference attendees pose for a group shot outside the Aula Magna of the University of Barcelona.

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Above left: Dr Thomas G. Endres responds to audience questions after his Keynote Presentation, “Classic Rock in the Year of Revolt: Using the Illusion of Life to Examine the Hits of 1968” at The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2018 (EuroMedia2018), held in parallel with The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 (ECAH2018), in Brighton. Dr Endres is head of the School of Communication at the University of Northern Colorado, USA, and Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery. Above right: Professor Bruce Brown of the Royal College of Art, UK, delivers a wide-ranging and powerful Keynote Presentation on “Design and Democracy”. Underscoring the “Fearful Futures” conference theme, Professor Brown presented ideas about how art and design intersect with politics and freedom, and how advancing technology impacts these relationships. Below left: Dr James Rowlins enjoying the audience discussion following his Feature Presentation & Film Screening at The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2018 (EuroMedia2018). Dr Rowlins is currently a lecturer in the Humanities and the Arts Department at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, which was established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. As Founding Director of the Brighton Rocks Film Festival, Dr Rowlins discussed the triumphs and challenges of starting a new film festival in the digital age before screening the “Best Short Film” of the 2018 Brighton Rocks Film Festival, Alexanderplatz, directed by Mark Nelson (below right), who is seen taking questions from the audience about his film. Bottom: Delegates line up for a group photo outside the conference venue.

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Above left: Dr Eddie Bruce-Jones, Deputy Dean at Birkbeck College School of Law, University of London, gives an engaging Keynote Presentation on “Contemporary Continuities: Racism, Populism and Migration” at The European Conference on the Social Sciences 2018 (ECSS2018) which was held in parallel with The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018 (ECSEE2018). Dr Bruce-Jones discussed ideas related to race in British colonialism, law, and populism drawing on his experience as a scholar of legal history. Above right: Professor Matthew Weait delivers a profound Keynote Presentation entitled “HIV – Environmental Phenomenon or Bodily Harm?”. Dr Weait, who is Professor of Law and Society, and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Portsmouth, in the UK, talked about societal and individual responses to the criminalisation of HIV and the stigma attached to the disease. Below (clockwise): A group photo of attendees outside the conference venue. Dr Tom Houghton has a relaxed conversation with other delegates at The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2018 (ECSEE2018) before giving his Keynote Presentation “Innovation for Low Carbon Energy: Are Power Utilities Ready?”. Dr Houghton, who has recently established a training program in Renewable Energy for Developing Countries with UNITAR, is Director of the MBA (Oil & Gas) at Curtin Graduate School of Business, Australia. The magnificent Royal Pavilion in Brighton, designed by John Nash and inspired by the Indo-Saracenic style of India.

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Above left: Dr George D. Chryssides, Honorary Research Fellow in Contemporary Religion at the University of Birmingham, enjoying discussion with the audience after his Keynote Presentation “Unchanging Truth? – Not in the Study of Religion” at The European Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2018 (ECERP2018). Dr Chryssides presented ideas on modern spirituality and the concept of change in the study of religion. Drawing on his vast experience, from completing his doctorate at Oxford, in 1974, to being Head of Religious Studies at the University of Wolverhampton, UK, from 2001 to 2008, Dr Chryssides was able to give in-depth analysis of how views on religion change through time. This Keynote Presentation underscored the conference theme “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change”. Above right: Held concurrently with ECERP2018, The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2018 (ECP2018) shared the same “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change” theme. Here, Professor David Putwain delivers his Keynote Presentation, "Surviving High-stakes Exams: Do Teachers Help or Hinder?". As Director for the Centre of Educational Research in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University and Chair of the Psychology of Education Section of the British Psychology Society, Professor Putwain is a noted expert on the psychology of education, and the audience showed a keen interest in the lively discussion following the address. Below: Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO of IAFOR, poses with conference scholarship award winners. Bottom: Delegates outside the conference venue enjoying the summer sun in a group photo.

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Above left: The Karl Mannheim Chair of Sociology of Education at University College London’s Institute of Education, Professor Louise Archer gives an insightful Keynote Presentation, entitled "'It's Interesting, but Not for Me’: Understanding what Shapes Student Subject Choice and Career Aspirations Age 10-18”, to delegates at The European Conference on Education (ECE2018), and answers questions from an engaged audience. ECE2018 was held in parallel with The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2018). Above right: Dr Annamaria Pinter, of the University of Warwick, answers questions following her Keynote Presentation, “Children Working as Co-Researchers and Researchers – Possibilities and Challenges”. Dr Pinter shared thoughts from her books and publications on second language acquisition in childhood. Below (clockwise): Professor Anne Burns delivers her Keynote Presentation at ECLL2018, “Teacher Tales: Context-Embedded Language Teacher Professional Development” in which she discusses sustaining teacher professionalism, and professional development accounting for location. Professor Burns, armed with scholarship and international teaching experience, shared insights into the value of learning in the context of where one works. Dr Björn Åstrand, of Sweden’s Umeå University, delivers his Keynote Presentation “Teaching in Times of Change – To Nurture the Essentials for a Thriving Education”, before a large and engaged audience. Professor Mario Novelli, from the University of Sussex, UK, enjoys the discussion after his Keynote Presentation, “Education, Conflict & Peacebuilding: Transcending Negative Peace, Peace Education & the Global Education Agenda”. Professor Novelli shared findings from his research for UNICEF on education in times of conflict and how it connects to peacebuilding. Professor Brian Hudson, Professor of Education and Head of the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sussex, and an Organising Committee member, addresses the audience at ECE2018.

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Above: Dr Megumi Rosenberg of the World Health Organization (WHO) engages with the audience in a “Health Across the Lifecourse” plenary panel at the Asian Conferences on the Social Sciences (ACSS2018), Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (ACSEE2018), and Aging and Gerontology (AGen2018), while Hiroshi Ishida, Professor of Sociology, in the University of Tokyo, looks on. Held in June, under the umbrella theme of "Surviving and Thriving”, Kobe is also home to the WHO Centre for Health Development, which although based in Japan, is fully part of the WHO’s headquarters in Geneva. The panel was chaired by James W. McNally, Research Scientist at the University of Michigan. Below left: Philip Sugai of Doshisha Business School, Japan, delivers a featured presentation titled “Towards a Universal Standard of Value through Blockchain” in which he speaks of his work creating and testing a theoretical model for the application of blockchain technology to marketing practice with the aim of deepening scholarly and practical knowledge of how value is created, measured and managed for customers, firms, employees, partners, society and the planet. Below right: Lowell Sheppard, Asia Pacific Director of the HOPE International Development Agency, delivers a featured presentation on “Surviving and Thriving”, drawing on his experience working in and writing about intensely dysfunctional communities, the result of war, disaster and extreme poverty.

Bottom left: Professor William Baber of Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Management, Japan delivers a workshop presentation introducing and review some general aspects of negotiating in professional contexts. Bottom right: Kathryn M. Lavender, a project manager at the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) at the University of Michigan engages with attendees of a featured data research workshop.

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Above: The Asian Conferences on Cultural Studies (ACCS2018) and Asian Studies (ACAS2018) were held concurrently under the theme "Fearful Futures: Cultural Studies and the Question of Agency in the Twenty-First Century" at the Art Center of Kobe in May. Here Haruko Satoh chairs a plenary panel titled “Fearful Futures: Rescuing Asian Democracy”. Professor Satoh is professor at Osaka University’s School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) where she lectures on Japan’s relations with Asia and identity in international relations, and co-director of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre. The panelists from left to right are Colin Dürkop, Visiting Fellow at Kyoto University, Japan and formerly of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS); Pavin Chachavalpongpun, a leading Thai public intellectual, who is also associate professor at Kyoto University’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies; and Takuma Melber, coordinator of the Master’s programme Transcultural Studies Programme at The University of Heidelberg.

Below left: Helen Gilbert, Professor of Theatre at Royal Holloway, University of London, delivers a keynote on “Indigenous Resurgence and Environmental Justice on the Global Stage”. Below right: Vinay Lal is Professor of History and Asian American Studies at UCLA, and one of the world’s foremost scholars of Indian history, historiography, and culture in India. In a wide-ranging lecture on “The Challenge of the Global South” he highlighted what he termed the challenge of Bandung, which is to try to understand whether the Global South can mount an intellectual and socio-cultural defence that would facilitate the conditions for an ecologically genuine survival of plurality. Bottom left: Poet and academic Tammy Lai-Ming Ho of Hong Kong Baptist University answers questions following her keynote on “Poetic Resistance and Empowerment”, which looked at how Western literature and culture are incorporated into the expression of a unique Hong Kong identity. Bottom right: Donald E. Hall, Dean of Lehigh University’s College of Arts and Sciences, delivers a keynote presentation titled “The Cities we Fled”, discussing the city of his birth: Birmingham, Alabama (USA), which encouraged the audiences to consider their own relationship with their own cities as sites of pleasure and pain.

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Above left: Professor Diane Hawley Nagatomo of Ochanomizu University, Japan, delivers the opening Keynote Presentation at The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL2018), held in Kobe, Japan. The conference theme was “Surviving and Thriving: Education in Times of Change”, and Professor Nagatomo reflected this in her address exploring questions of gender, and personal and professional identity among Western female English Language Teachers in Japan “Surviving and Thriving in the Gendered Waters of Japan: Ten Women’s Stories”. Above right: The second Keynote Speaker was Professor Bonny Norton of the University of British Columbia, Canada, who joined the conference by video link, and also tackled questions of identity in her insightful Keynote Presentation on “Identity and Language Learning in an Unequal Digital World”.

Below left: Professor Ken Urano of Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan, listens to questions following his Featured Presentation at ACLL2018, titled “Task-Based Language Teaching in an English for Business Purposes Program”. Below right: Professor Emerita Judy Noguchi delivers a Featured Presentation on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) entitled “A New Paradigm for English Language Teaching in Asian Contexts”. A Professor Emerita of Kobe Gakuin University, Judy Noguchi served as the first Dean of its Faculty of Global Communication. She served as Vice-President of JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) from 2015 to 2017 and as President of JACET Kansai Chapter from 2010 to 2015.

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Above left: Professor Umberto Ansaldo, Chair of the School of Humanities at The University of Hong Kong, delivers a wide-ranging keynote that looked at controversial questions of language preservation and conservation in “Heritage in Language?”, as part of a plenary panel on Language and Heritage. The panel explored issues surrounding the role of heritage languages in contemporary society and education, both from theoretical perspectives as well as practical solutions. Above right: Dr Lisa Lim, Head of the Department of English and at the University of Hong Kong and a noted scholar on the sociolinguistics of globalisation, delivered a keynote on “Heritage in Language: Nurturing Collective, Socially Relevant and Transformative Research in Education”. Here she is pictured in an exchange during the moderated panel which followed both presentations.

Below left: Professor Steve Cornwell IAFOR President, also Vice-President of Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan, takes part in a Featured Panel Presentation on “Language Learning in a Time of Complexity and Change” at ACLL2018, which asked and encouraged delegates to reflect and draw on their own experiences in language learning education. Below centre: Professor Ted O’Neill of Gakushuin University, Japan, and an IAFOR Vice-President, speaks as part of the same panel on his experience helping to found a new faculty at the university. Below right: Professor Jo Mynard, Director of the Self-Access Learning Centre (SALC) at Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) in Japan in a light-hearted moment engaging with a member of the audience in the same panel.

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Above left: Professor Eun Kyung Min of Seoul National University, South Korea delivers a Keynote Presentation entitled “The Prospect ... towards the East”: Reorienting Eighteenth-Century British Literature”. Her research interests include Enlightenment ethics and aesthetics, the history of literary canon formation, and early modern cultural history; she is also interested in Asian literature in English, Asian American Literature, and Asian cultural production in general. Her keynote was delivered as a part of The Asian Conference of Arts and Humanities (ACAH2018), where the conference theme was "Recentering: Asian Spaces, Cultures and Ideas in the 21st Century". Above centre: Professor Li Ou of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong responds to a question following her Keynote Presentation entitled “British Romanticism in China: Received, Revised, and Resurrected”. Li Ou is Associate Professor at Department of English, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Ou’s research interests include Romantic poetry and cultural/literary relations between China and Britain. Above right: Professor Georges Depeyrot of the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, and Director of the IAFOR Silk Road Initiative, introduces the scope of the programme to delegates at ACAH2018. Professor Depeyrot is a monetary historian and Board Member of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France. He is the author or co-author of more than one hundred volumes, and is the founding director of the Moneta publishing house, the most important collection of books on the topic of money. Professor Depeyrot is a member of the board of trustees of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique.

Below left: Dr Yutaka Mino of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan delivers a Keynote Presentation on The Ceramic Road as part of the IAFOR Silk Road Initiative at ACAH2018. Dr Mino is the Director of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, where the conference plenary session was held, and one of Japan’s leading museum curators, as well as a Chinese ceramic and art historian of international renown. Below right: Dr Shoso Shimbo is a leading exponent of Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement. Dr Shimbo was selected by Belle magazine as one of six “Australia’s top floral designers” and has won multiple awards including the Gold Award at the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. He is a director of the International Society of Ikebana Studies and he teaches “Japanese Aesthetics: From Ikebana to Contemporary Art” at RMIT. Here he is seen with his beautiful creation, following a demonstration at the ACAH Welcome Reception.

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Above: The 2018 ACAH Conference in Kobe hosted a series of IAFOR Silk Road Initiative associated presentations on the conference theme of "Recentering: Asian Spaces, Cultures and Ideas in the 21st Century", using this as the lense through which researchers associated with the Initiative discussed a range of topics, covering art and culture, as well as history, politics, and international relations, and a special symposium was organised with the cooperatIon of Kobe University and the Nara National Museum, both of which organisations IAFOR will work on a planned Silk Road Conference in 2019. Pictured here after the presentations (from left to right) are Dr Sakae Naito, Chief Curator of the Nara National Museum and expert on Buddhist art; Kiyomitsu Yui, Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of the Centre for EU Academic Collaboration at Kobe University; Professor Hiroko Masumoto, Dean of the Graduate School of Humanities of Kobe University; Professor Noriyuki Inoue, Vice-President of Kobe University, and Professor Georges Depeyrot, Director of the IAFOR Silk Road Initiative. For more information about the IAFOR Silk Road Initiative, please visit

Below left: Professor Ka-ho Joshua Mok listens to a response to his Keynote Presentation on “The Quest for World-class University Status: The Role of Liberal Arts University Nurturing Leaders for Uncertain Futures”. Professor Mok is the Vice-President and concurrently Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, and one of the world’s leading scholars in international higher education research. His recent published works have focused on comparative social development and social policy responses in the Greater China region and East Asia. He is also the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Public Policy (London: Routledge) and Asian Education and Development Studies (Emerald) as well as a Book Series Editor for Routledge and Springer. Below middle: Dr Xu Di of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA discusses issues of education and ethics as part of a plenary panel entitled “The Challenge to Survive and Thrive in the 21st Global Learning Space/Community: Technology and Ethics”. Xu Di is an educational philosopher and professor in the department of Education Foundations, at the College of Education in the University of Hawai’i-Mānoa whose research focuses on bridging Eastern and Western philosophy for educational practices. Below right: Professor Curtis Ho delivers a presentation as part of the same panel. Professor Ho is Department Chair and Graduate Chair of the Learning Design and Technology department at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, who is a noted expert in educational media research, interactive multimedia, web-based instruction, distance education, video technology, and computer-based education.

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Above left: Professor Dexter Da Silva, Professor of Educational Psychology at Keisen University in Tokyo, delivers a presentation as part of the Featured Panel entitled “Psychological Literacy: The Most Important Literacy for the 21st Century”, at the jointly held Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, and the Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy in Kobe. Dr Da Silva He has taught EFL at junior high school, language schools and universities in Sydney, Australia, and for more than two decades has been living and teaching at the tertiary level in Japan. Above right: Professor Ronald Mellado Miller of Brigham Young University, Hawaii, fields questions during the same panel. An academic psychologist, Dr Miller’s main interests are in the areas of applied statistical analysis and predictive modelling. He has led research in Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa, working with governments and NGOs to improve educational and other social outcomes. Below left: Dr James W. McNally of the University of Michigan, USA and the NACDA Program on Aging, in a lighter moment during his Featured Presentation on a serious topic; “Patterns of Depression Among Elderly Asian Immigrants to the United States Over the Past Decade”. Dr McNally is the Director of the NACDA Program on Aging, a data archive containing over 1,500 studies related to health and the aging lifecourse. He has worked extensively on issues related to international aging and changing perspectives on the role of family support in the later stages of the aging lifecourse. A Vice-President of IAFOR, he is the Chair of the Social Sciences & Sustainability division of the International Academic Advisory Board. Below right: Professor Frank S. Ravitch of Michigan State University College of Law, USA, is a constitutional lawyer with an international reputation who works across the fields of ethics, religion and law. He has authored several books, including Freedom’s Edge: Religious Freedom, Sexual Freedom, and the Future of America (Cambridge University Press, 2016); Marketing Creation: The Law and Intelligent Design (Cambridge University Press 2012), and Masters of Illusion: The Supreme Court and the Religion Clauses (NYU Press 2007), as well as amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court. Here he delivers a wide-ranging, timely and powerful Keynote Presentation entitled “Law, Religion and Authoritarianism: From State Shinto to Religio-Trumpism”, in which he draws some uncomfortable parallels between the present political situation in the USA with darker moments in Japan’s past.

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Dubai’s Festival City again hosted The IAFOR International Conferences on Education and Language Learning (IICEDubai and IICLLDubai), and attracted delegates from across the region as well as further afield as research and presentations focussed on the conference theme of Surviving and Thriving: Education in Times of Change. Both research focussed and more practical presentations and workshops were organised over the three days of the conference, and included presentations by representatives of the UAE Ministry of Education. Above left: Dr Christine Coombe of Dubai Men's College, UAE, responds to questions following her Keynote Address entitled Classroom Management: Empirical and Practical Perspectives. Dr Coombe is a widely published academic, a past president of TESOL International and sits on the IAFOR International Academic Advisory Board. Above right: Dr Deena Boraie delivers a Keynote Address, “Exploring English Language Education in the MENA Region Now and in the Future”, in which she drew on her experiences in Egypt. Dr Boraie is dean and professor of practice at the School of Continuing Education at The American University in Cairo. Below left: Dr Martin Spraggon of the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government expands on the local context, giving an overview of educational policy, in his Featured Presentation on “Key Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of Higher Education in the UAE”. Below right: Dr Sufian Abu-Rmaileh of the UAE University listens to delegates giving feedback after his engaging presentation entitled “Using Critical Thinking Techniques in the Classroom”. Dr Abu-Rmaileh is a past president of TESOL Arabia. Bottom left: Professor Mustafa Hashim Taha of the American University of Sharjah, UAE, examined entertainment education with an emphasis on the role of theatre in promoting political reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa in his thought-provoking and wide ranging Keynote Presentation. Bottom right: Dr Virginia Bodolica of the American University of Sharjah, UAE delivers a Featured Presentation that addressed the wider conference theme of Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change with her featured address on “In the Era of Disruptive Transformations: Embracing the Imperative of Dynamic Adaptation to the Evolving World of Work”.

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Some 250 scholars and educators from more than 40 countries came together for the IAFOR International Conferences on Education (IICEHawaii2018), and Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (IICSEEHawaii2018) at the Hawaii International Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii for an event held in partnership with the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and with the support of the East West Center, Brigham Young University, and the World Bank.

Above left: Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO of IAFOR chaired a plenary panel entitled “Educational Policy: Does the Democratisation of Education in Educational Systems Fuel Economic and Social Inequality?”. Above right: Professor Xu Di and David P. Ericson, both renowned educational philosophers based at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, delivered addresses first, giving both the local context and then drawing on examples from other countries, before Dr Haldane then opened the floor to questions and then a more general discussion of the topic.

Below left: Dr Xiaoyan Liang is a Lead Education Specialist in the World Bank, with a focus on educational development in Africa and East Asia. Her wide ranging keynote, “Education in a Changing World: New Partnership and Changing Paradigm for Education Development”, was sponsored by the World Bank. Below right: Dr Andy Curtis of Anaheim University, USA, a language educator with an international reputation, and past president of TESOL International, delivered a funny but stinging keynote entitled “‘Ignorance is Bliss’: The New Anti-Education Movement”, that looked at educators navigating a world in which political leaders often boast of their ignorance, rather than education.

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Above left: Dr Failautusi ‘Tusi’ Avegalio is the director of the Pacific Business Center Program and the executive director of the Honolulu Minority Business Enterprise Center at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa’s Shidler College of Business. Descended from a long line of Samoan chiefs, Dr Tusi was raised in the coastal village of Leone in American Samoa before receiving university education in the United States, and becoming a professor. Here he delivers a keynote address that looks at the importance of respecting indigenous knowledge and wisdom in the context of modern educational systems. Above centre: Dr Sela V. Panapasa of the University of Michigan, USA, addresses the “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change” theme of the conference in her excellent keynote address entitled, “Anticipating Educational Needs That Ensure a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workforce for a Changing U.S. Population”. Dr Panapasa is a sociologist who was born in Fiji, and who has worked extensively throughout the Pacific Islands. Above right: Dr Sheri-Ann Daniels is the executive director of Papa Ola Lōkahi, the Native Hawaiian health board, and chair of Nā Limahana o Lonopūhā, the Native Hawaiian Health Consortium. Here she delivers a keynote presentation entitled “Native Hawaiian Health: Opportunities to Develop A Healthy Leadership and Workforce”. Below left: Dr Richard R. Vuylsteke is President of the East-West Center, a renowned and unique institution that promotes better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue. His wide ranging keynote address introduced some particular East-West Center approaches to education, including “place utility,” “crosscubed” programs, and social media umbrellas, and he asked delegates of the ways in which they might be able to implement such approaches in their home institutions. Below right: Dr Hiagi M. Wesley, responds to questions following his keynote entitled “Pacific Indigenous Perspectives vs Global Ways of Learning”, which dovetailed perfectly with Dr Avegalio’s address, and looked at the value of indigenous ways of learning. A Rotuman by birth, Dr Wesley is Director of the Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Island Studies and Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Humanities at Brigham Young University, Hawaii.

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The Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film (MediAsia) 2017 was held in Kobe, Japan, with the conference theme of “History, Story and Narrative”.

Above left: Multi-Emmy Award winning filmmaker, and former NBC television producer, Gary Swanson, opens the MediAsia 2017 conference with a hard-hitting keynote on “Fake News and the Attack on America’s Freedom of the Press”, in which he outlined the hostility of Donald Trump and his administration toward the press, arguing that “the press is the enemy; nothing it says should be believed; and there is no role or need for the press in American democracy”. Above right: Professor Virgil Hawkins of Osaka University’s School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) describes the Global News View (GNV) research centre, dedicated to working towards the realisation of an information environment in which people can comprehensively and objectively view the world and the issues it faces, in the context of little or no information about certain issues or geographic areas of the world, leading to a lack of care and attention about events in these places. Below left: Professor Yoneo Ota of Osaka University of Arts, and founding director of Kyoto’s Toy Film Museum talks about the project to collect and restore privately held toy films to reconstitute a historical record and archive, and reappraisal of their value in documenting Japanese society. Below right: William Lindesay OBE is a renowned geographer, author and film-maker, celebrate inside and outside China for his long and steady commitment to the study and preservation of the Great Wall(s) of China, despite his earliest efforts falling repeatedly foul of the Chinese authorities. His keynote showed how diverse, personal, unconventional and “foreign” approaches have made significant contributions to the surprisingly narrow, Sino-centric and limited corpus of Great Wall knowledge, as well as popular understanding.

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Above left: Professor Richard Roth of Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism delivered a very personal keynote address on the year of his retirement, looking at how he has tried throughout his career as a journalist and educator to mentor and nurture young talent in an industry where it is said that there is no apprenticeship. His presentation talked about his own experience as a rookie reporter coming of age in a foreboding American prison called Attica, one part of an American system that holds more than 2 million people captive, more than in any other nation. Roth was one of two newspaper reporters inside the prison yard at Attica during the September 9-13 riots in 1971, serving on the Select Observers Committee, and his subsequent writing about Attica earned him a 1972 nomination for the Pulitzer Prize. Above right: Dr Yutaka Mino, Director of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (the conference venue), is one of Japan’s most sought after museum directors, and among the country’s most prominent supporters of the public and educational role of art. In this keynote address he describes how an art museum can strategically write (or paint) itself into the history, story and narrative of a city, or else consign itself to irrelevance.

Below: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film (MediAsia) 2017 was held at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art and attracted 125 delegates from 25 countries. Here delegates pose outside the Tadao Ando designed building, and in front of Kenji Yanobe’s Sun Sister. For more information about The Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film (MediAsia) please visit

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The Asian Conference on Education 2017 (ACE2017) saw more than 250 scholars from 38 countries come together in Kobe, Japan to look at the theme of “Educating for Change” from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, cultural backgrounds, and national contexts. Above left: Dr Charles Allen Brown of Hokkaido University, Japan, in a lighter moment following his featured presentation at ACE2017, which looked at, and questioned the hitherto unassailable position of the native speaker in language learning. Above right: Dr Paul Lai of Nagoya University’s academic writing center delivers a featured address on how his pioneering center has helped research students and faculty develop clear and convincing ideas in their research writing, thus improving publication chances and impact. Below left: Dr Connie Guberman of The University of Toronto, listens to questions following her featured address on an initiative using oral history as a means of educating for change by challenging traditional institutional structures of knowledge creation. Below centre: Dr Jack Frawley of the University of Sydney’s National Centre for Cultural Competence delivers a plenary address on leadership and intercultural studies. Below right: Dr Tzu-Bin Lin of the National Taiwan Normal University explains how professional development and leadership programs are developing on Taiwan to raise standards in secondary schools.

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Opposite Bottom: After an amazing taiko drum performance and interactive music workshop, delegates from around the world mix with local students from AIE International High School's drum club. Above left: Dr Joseph McClanahan of Creighton University (USA), and co-convenor of The Asian Undergraduate Research Symposium (AURS) delivered a wide ranging featured address on how mentoring undergraduate students provides tools for student success after graduation, and concentrating on the importance that educators continue to adapt and develop new approaches that create equal opportunities for productive educational experiences for all students. Above right: Dr Yvonne Masters of the University of New England, Australia, and AURS co-convenor, asks the conference to consider two simple but fundamental questions when we talk about change in Education, “By Whom?” and “For Whom?”. Below: A group shot of delegates, taken in the Art Center Kobe venue, reflecting the diversity of attendees at The Asian Conference on Education. The next ACE event will be held in Tokyo, Japan, from Saturday, October 13, 2018 t​ o Monday, October 15, 2018. For more information please visit

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IAFOR SILK ROAD INITIATIVE The IAFOR Silk Road Initiative encourages individuals and institutions working across the world to support and undertake research centring on the contact between countries and regions in Europe and Asia – from Gibraltar to Japan – and the maritime routes that went beyond, into the SouthEast Continent and the Philippines, and later out into the Pacific Islands and the United States. The IAFOR Silk Road Initiative is concerned with all aspects of this contact, and examines both material and intellectual traces, as well as consequences.



2018 MOSCOW ROUNDTABLE REPORT The first IAFOR Silk Road Initiative roundtable of 2018 was held in Moscow on February 21, and in partnership with Moscow State University. The event was hosted by the Moscow State University Institute of Asian and African Studies, and opened by the Director of the Institute, renowned scholar of politics and international relations, Professor Igor I. Abylgaziev. Attended by a group of invited scholars from both universities in Moscow and abroad, the Roundtable was organised with the kind support of the President of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Professor Svetlana Ter Minasova, and Dr Elena Mishieva, Academic Secretary of the same faculty, and IAFOR Silk Road Initiative Project Coordinator in Moscow. The roundtable was co-chaired by Professor Georges Depeyrot of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, and Board member of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO of IAFOR, and took as its subject, “International Academic Cooperation in Uncertain Times”. The topic was very timely, as this is a period of great global political uncertainty. Professor Svetlana Ter Minasova delivered the opening address, which set the scene by underlining that most senior academics had effectively lived in two separate countries in succession; The Soviet Union until 1991, and then Russia since that time. She described the Soviet times as the “Kingdom of Prohibitions”, where everything was governed by what could not be done, and by what was prohibited, and there existed an insularity and isolationism, making relations with countries outside the communist sphere difficult. With the fall of the erstwhile “enemy” of the USSR, the new Russia became suddenly very popular, as different Western companies, NGOs and universities, sought to quickly build relations with the country, and money started to pour in as people sought to gain market position and influence. Although that created funding pools that had until that point been non-existent, it also ushered in an era of inflation, and meant university lecturer wages were not enough to live on, and obliged many to engage in supplementary private tuition, with academics being underpaid and overworked. This has led to the familiar problem of a brain drain, and economic migration, as Russian academics sought higher paid opportunities abroad. Although there have been market reforms introduced, the state educations system remains slow and highly bureaucratic. A presentation by Dr Lubov Kulik of the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University spoke of the economics of education in a presentation that considered education as both a public good and a commodity.

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Recently, Russia has found itself more distanced from the west, as a result of, and resulting in, a context of increased authoritarianism and nationalism, and this has often made international research collaborations more difficult, and has seen cuts in funding from such programs as Erasmus +. For its part, the Russian funding bodies have continued to prioritise STEM subjects over the liberal arts, following a policy that mirrors most other countries. In the non-science areas of study, funding is more often directed towards internationally and internally sensitive issues that are often geared towards encouraging internal cohesion, nation building and so on, and in areas such as geopolitics, minority languages and religions; not surprising given that Russia is at once an old and a young country. The intellectual life of the country is heavily weighted in Moscow and St Petersburg, although there are attempts to ensure that other parts of the country are well funded, and there are well-respected state universities elsewhere in the country, such as Novosibirsk and Vladivostok, as well as satellite campuses in the former Soviet republics, where Russia maintains considerable economic, cultural and linguistic influence. The country also enjoys relations with many of the countries it now borders, and although these are historically weighted both positively and negatively, reflect a continued strong regional and cultural influence, where there are also large minority ethnic Russian populations. China has enjoyed a continued intellectual relationship with Russia, and there are frequent exchanges of students and professors alike, and Russian enjoys continued popularity in China, while Chinese is becoming a more popular language option. Professor Tatiana Dobrosklonskaya of Moscow State University, and a Visiting Professor at Beijing International Studies University gave a presentation which looked at the relationship and an overview of educational and cultural exchange between the two countries. Professor Ljiljana Markovic, Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade closed the symposium by speaking of the modernisation paradigms of education, and in a context of political instability, drawing attention to crises of identity, both individual and national. She underlined that we must seek ways to collaborate, to work together, and that this is both a philosophical and practical commitment. In all, the symposium was a great success, and we look forward to future IAFOR Silk Road Initiative events. Dr Joseph Haldane Chairman and CEO, IAFOR

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IAFOR SILK ROAD INITIATIVE As an organisation, IAFOR’s mission is to promote international exchange, facilitate intercultural awareness, encourage interdisciplinary discussion, and generate and share new knowledge. In 2018, we are excited to launch a major new and ambitious international, intercultural and interdisciplinary research initiative that uses the silk road trade routes as a lens through which to study some of the world’s largest historical and contemporary geopolitical trends, shifts and exchanges. IAFOR is headquartered in Japan, and the 2018 inauguration of this project aligns with the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration of 1868, when Japan opened its doors to the trade and ideas that would precipitate its rapid modernisation and its emergence as a global power. At a time when global trends can seem unpredictable, and futures fearful, this Silk Road Initiative gives the opportunity to revisit the question of the impact of international relations from a long-term perspective. This ambitious initiative will encourage individuals and institutions working across the world to encourage research centring on the contact between countries and regions in Europe and Asia, from Gibraltar to Japan, and the maritime routes that went beyond into the South-East Continent and the Philippines, and later out into the Pacific Islands and the United States. The IAFOR Silk Road Initiative will concern all aspects of this contact, and will examine both material and intellectual traces, as well as consequences. A series of round tables on the IAFOR Silk Road Initiative were held in Japan, the UK and Spain in 2017, and the initiative will become a central aspect of a series of conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops from 2018 in Asia, Europe and North America.

RATIONALE The occidentalisation of history and the grand narrative of European and American progress has consigned the Silk Road instead to historical quaintness, exotic literary caricature in the adventures of Marco Polo, or the sort of esoteric academic investigations that receive little attention. This largely ignores its huge historical and present-day importance and relevance to the routes and paths that continue to connect humans through trade and exchange. In a world of rankings, algorithms, unedited “news”, and self-referential “centres of excellence”, it is facile to conclude that the centre and pinnacle of all knowledge is held by a few pockets of venture-capitalbacked open-plan offices in Silicon Valley, or schools and universities in which the cloistered architecture does not even offer the pretence of openness. Globalisation, and the technology that has enabled it, has allowed an immense flowering of possibilities in communication and access to knowledge, while at the same time increasing alienation from self and society, encouraging “virtual” worlds, creating and cementing fissures, and encouraging fear of the foreign. It is only through encounters with difference that we are able to shape ourselves and our ideas, and physical human interaction is and remains at the source of all value. The international, intercultural and interdisciplinary meetings that lie at the heart of IAFOR and this research initiative have never been more important in our globalised world.


The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan OSIPP, Osaka University, Japan The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC), Japan Belgrade University, Serbia École Normale Supérieure (ENS), France DAMIN, France MONETA, France

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TOKYO, 2018

HAWAII, 2019

OCTOBER 9–11, 2018

JANUARY 3–5, 2019

The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (

The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii (

OCTOBER 13–15, 2018

The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii (

The Asian Conference on Education (

OCTOBER 14, 2018 The Asian Undergraduate Research Symposium (AURS) (

HONG KONG, 2018 OCTOBER 19–21, 2018 The IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong (

NEW YORK, 2018 NOVEMBER 7–9, 2018 The IAFOR Conference on Heritage & the City – New York (

TOKYO, 2019 MARCH 21–23, 2019 The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences ( The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (

MARCH 25–27, 2019 The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (

MARCH 29–31, 2019 The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (

MAY 16–18, 2019 The Asian Conference on Language Learning (

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TOKYO, 2019 (Cont'd)


MAY 20–22, 2019

JULY 5–6, 2019

The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (

The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (

The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment ( The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (

MAY 24–26, 2019 The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies ( The Asian Conference on Asian Studies (

The European Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (

JULY 9–10, 2019 The European Conference on the Social Sciences ( The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment (

JULY 12–13, 2019


The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (

MAY 6–7, 2019

The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (

The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (

LONDON (UK), 2019 JULY 19–20, 2019 The European Conference on Education ( The European Conference on Language Learning (

INTRODUCING THE IAFOR RESEARCH CENTRE AT OSAKA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) is a politically independent international interdisciplinary think tank based at Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), at Japan’s Osaka University, that conducts and facilitates international and interdisciplinary research projects. The main focus is to encourage mutual international and intercultural understanding and cooperation in line with IAFOR’s mission of encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness, promoting international exchange, and generating and sharing new knowledge. The IRC helps to nurture and capacity build by encouraging students to take part in international conferences and research projects, in line with the Osaka University’s Global 30 commitments from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). For more information about the IAFOR Research Centre visit: THE IAFOR RESEARCH CENTRE OSAKA SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC POLICY OSAKA UNIVERSITY

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