We Write Essays

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My Experience as a Writer

It all started when I was just a little kid. I began learning how to speak and use our language. I watched learning videos teaching me how to talk properly and use different words. Once I reached first grade, we began writing very simple sentences and learning the basics of writing. By the time I reached Elementary school, we learned about the sentence structure and we began making more complex sentences. We also started writing paragraphs and short essays. When I reached Middle school, we began writing longer essays and we learned how to write in more detail. We started learning more advanced vocabulary and different styles of writing. We learned mostly about fiction, non–fiction, and persuasive essays.

In my...show more content...

When I was eleven years old, I was asked to be interviewed on camera about golf. I was very nervous and I honestly did not want to do it. I did the interview anyway and it was a very embarrassing experience for me. The interviewer told me to answer in complete sentences because the audience wouldn't hear him ask the question. He asked me the first question, "Why do you like to play golf?" I simply replied with, "It's mostly fun." Thankfully it wasn't a live interview so I got a second chance. The second time, I answered in complete sentences and gave much better answers. On my birthday last week, my brothers came down from North Carolina to visit me and my family. My dad showed everyone the DVD that my interview was on. My family thought that I did a good job with the interview but I didn't agree. My brothers were giving me a hard time about what I said in the first take of the interview. The whole weekend they were repeating, "It's mostly fun." This was very embarrassing for me but I have learned a lot from this experience. I have learned how to write better and be more comfortable around cameras. I have written many non–fiction essays, and I really enjoy writing them. Persuasion is one of my favorite types of non–fiction writing. I have written persuasive essays throughout middle school and high school. When I was in middle school, I wrote letters to the principle trying to convince him to change certain things about our school to make it better. For example, I

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My Experience as a Writer

When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that "literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43) My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer, and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right" way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they

Who Are You As A Writer? Essay
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When I Grow Up..

Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do 'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood thinking of what we would do when we finally 'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of what it is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it finally comes for the picture to be taken off the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting. "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional."


We all have the choice...show more content...

"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once convinced ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we think back at our youth and laugh because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than ever, we crave for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was simple and we could imagine it any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it. "A grownup is a child with layers on."–Woody

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Essay Growing Up
'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up."

I want to be a writer when I grow up. Being a writer is hard. The success of your job is dependent not only on whether you have done it well but also on whether other people think you have done well. I would like to be a writer. I don't know if I can do it. It's like any other job; you never know until you try. But few other jobs are as dependent on the opinions of others and on something that has no basis in fact or logic. One word out of place can tear a whole work apart, and yet a few black and white words arranged just so can unleash a world of color and feeling. A spark of inspiration can create a new world from nothing, metaphorically speaking. It is the gift of God. He gives some people a story to tell and the ability to tell it. Like any gift from God, it is something to be used to His glory and not taken lightly. To use any gift takes work....show more content...

In college you can major in Creative Writingbut many authors recommend that you do not. Instead, they advise that you study Literature instead, the great works of authors past and present. If you don't know what is good, how can you write something good yourself? Or you can do this outside of college and simply read the great works of literature on your own, studying what makes these writers great, what writing tricks and techniques make up their style. The purpose is not to copy them; the purpose is to be inspired. To be awriter you must write. This is the most important piece of advice. Write anything, even if it's as flat as the floor. The more you use words, the more they become willing to be used by you. The more you write, the more you have something to write. Writing is both a skill and a gift. It is both acquired and

Why I Want To Be A Writer
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Most people remember one day that was special. Think about a special day you have had and write an essay explaining why that day was so special.

Special days are the ones that you spend with your mom, your dad, or your grandparents. Special days are when you have fun. In the Spring Break that has passed, I went to visit my step–mom, my step–brothers, and my dad in Houston with some of my grandparents, my cousins, and my aunt. After some days had past, more of myfamily came. Houston is a big city, and there are a lot of things that you can do. The first thing that you see when you are getting to the city are buildings. There is always a lot of traffic everywhere you go. To start off, we got to the rodeo, and we had to walk a little bit....show more content...

My dad told us that we could get on, and he also told me that they would all wait for us sitting down.The ride is kind of like zip lining, but it does not go fast. The ride goes really high, and when a person is on, they can see the whole place where the rides are. I was on the right side, Victoria was in the middle, and my other cousin named Allison was on the left side. The ride was almost over, and we were already getting close to the end. We saw people getting off; we thought that we did not have to get off because the ride went in two directions. My cousins and I thought that we would go the two directions only paying once. If a person wanted to go another time, they had to pay twice. Once it was time for us to get off, we had to go back to where we had started. We got to the spot where we had started, and my uncle was there waiting for us. My cousins and I had to tell him that in order to go the other direction, we needed to have more money to pay. He told us that he knew because when he was waiting for us, he also saw people getting off from where we started. He also told us that when he saw those people getting off, he knew that to get on the other side, the people need to pay again. Before leaving my cousins and I stopped at a food stand. When I was there, I could see and smell all the food. My cousins and I got some spicy apples; when we got

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What Is A Special Day Essay

My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the common doubts of "Am I doing this right?", or even the occasional midnight philosophical questions such as "Why are we here?", and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the factors that have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a visualization of my future. Factors that contributed to my current life choices include the desperate want to be something greater, as well as to experience the world in ways some could only dream of. I study hard, allowing for me to have the possibility of an early graduation. I dream big, allowing me with the imagination to draw up plans for myself and my future. I work hard, allowing me the strength and vision to execute my plans for the future. The way that I was raised has greatly benefited me. My parents have taught me that anything and everything is possible as long as you work hard for it despite the what others may tell you or even if the odds are against you. Another factor that led to my current life, is the amount of time I allow myself to think about my plans and refine them. This is extremely important because, without a solid, flexible, long–term plan, you could get lost in dreaming about the future, and end up not accomplishing anything. Hence, many aspects of my life have been planned out with not one or two possible alternatives

My Future Essay
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"Being frightened is an experience you can't buy." We are a society that adores fear. We thrive off of it; creating horror movies, shows like "Fear Factor", and the media in general are only a few examples. At the same time there are people who are afraid to leave their house and are possibly restricted to a single room. So what is fear? What is the purpose of being afraid? Why is it that some people will run and scream when they see a snake while others collect and breed them for their love of these majestic reptiles?

Fear is a feeling we have all dealt with at one time or another. It is something that we first experience as children, and are conditioned to respond to in many different ways. In a controversial experiment in...show more content...

Fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in Arachnophobia "fear of spiders" or Claustrophobia "fear of closed in areas." These fears occur not automatically from a present or looming danger, but instead a perceived threat, which to some can be just as scary. As said in a German proverb, "Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." For most people fear is a horrible and sickening feeling, which it can sometimes be debilitating.

Fear is what shows us how to be careful, because self–protection is primitive. Therefore, it is safe to suggest that we may be afraid to travel into an unlit cemetery for fear of being hurt by something unknown. What could this unknown factor be? A ghost? Perhaps, but these fears are unreasonable. Although this fear of ghosts and other things was established when we were young, the fear never goes away. For we fear being physically hurt in any manner. Fear is a natural thing; it is indeed what keeps us safe and secure. Fear is not a logical thought, but rather an irrational emotion.

When a fear is not validated by the presence of actual danger or a threat, or by a realistic cause, and when it is also associated with a continuing evading of the circumstances, which lead to it, it is called a phobia. Phobias occur in several forms. A phobia is a recurring, impractical, paralyzing fear of a specific

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Essay on Fear: Why Are We So Afraid?

You Are What You Eat It is indeed true that the quality of food that you take in will do a great deal to determine the quality of life that goes on in each cell of your body. Food has a huge effect on your health, and a diet rich in any one aspect would be an unhealthy diet, in the same way that a diet lacking in a certain nutrient would also affect your health. A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and water. Carbohydrate provides us with energy. Fats (lipids) with healthy cell membranes and an energy reserve. Proteins are essential for growth and repair or body tissues. Vitamins are needed to keep our cells working properly and minerals build molecules...show more content...

The averages for male and female are two thousand–nine hundred for males and two thousand–one hundred for females. Protein is recommended seventy grams for males and fifty–eight for females. Fat is ninety grams for a male and seventy for a female (Samuels & Henett, 1973). Although some amounts vary for male and female most vitamins are consistent for both sexes, like seventy milligrams of vitamin C. What types of food you eat determine whether your diet is healthy. By looking at the nutritional information of food packaging we can see what we get out of what we eat. Per one hundred grams of chocolate we are provided with four hundred and ninety–one calories, six point one grams of protein and twenty–three grams of fat. Where as per one hundred grams of cereal, such as corn flakes, we are provided with three hundred and seventy calories, six grams of protein and only one gram of fat. By comparing these two foods we can clearly see which one is healthier, as chocolate has and extremely high fat content. In this way could say that maybe what you eat is what you are because if you ate a diet rich in chocolate with few vitamins etc then your skin would not be as healthy and weight gain would be inevitable with such high levels of saturated and unsaturated lipids into your system. The absence of proteins, would cause weak bones, your cells would not operate so well as

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Essay on You Are
What You Eat

Tutoring Center Narrative

Last Sunday, I glimpsed at death's grotesque face, while also learning a valuable lesson. The day began normally, with me waking up and doing my normal routine. It all started, however, when I went to my Sunday tutoring center (I go there for preparation to get into a prestigious school). The center worked like a school, with many students and different tutors for different subjects. I had been going there for a month now, but no other day felt as unsettling as that day. When I arrived at the center, I opened the creaky door and walked inside. The center was about the size of an apartment and had a front desk and some dilapidated rooms. I went into my classroom, and, luckily, there weren't that many people, so I got a seat in the back. I then waited for my first tutor. The day went on as it usually did, with tutors coming in and out for different subjects. Suddenly, the writing tutor came in. She told us that she was handing back our essays (every week we write essays that she eventually grades). She called out names for people to get their essays. I kept anticipating my name to be called out next, but it never came. Confused, I walked up to her and asked her for my essay. She said she didn't have it, but that she would look for it during my next class. My math teacher then came in, signaling the start of math...show more content...

I took it, but before I got to glance at it, I got called outside the class. The owner of the center appeared before me and, with a serious expression, told me to go to his office. My heart dropped in my stomach, and, with a final gulp, I went to his office with him following close behind. My writing teacher was waiting in the office, holding a cold, accusing expression. She then looked me dead in the eyes and told me to look at my essay. My eyes slowly looked down and scanned the paper. There was a note written by my teacher: "this paper is

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Artificial Intelligence: An Overview

Artificial Intelligence

Computers are everywhere today. It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a computer. Cars, ATMs, and TVs we use everyday, and all contain computers. It is for this reason that computers and their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier and computers more accessible. Intelligent computer systems can and do benefit us all; however people have constantly warned that making computers too intelligent can be to our disadvantage.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that attempts to simulate characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include learning, reasoning, and adapting. This field studies the designs of intelligent...show more content...

Expert systems are also known as knowledge based systems. These systems rely on a basic set of rules for solving specific problems and are capable of learning. The laws are defined for the system by experts and then implemented using if–then rules. These systems basically imitate the expert's thoughts in solving the problem. An example of this is a system that diagnosis medical conditions. The doctor would input the symptoms to the computer system and it would then ask more questions if need or give diagnoses. Other examples include banking systems for acceptance of loans, advanced calculators, and weather predictions.

Natural language systems interact allow computers to interact with the user in their usual language. They accept, interpret, and execute the commands in this language. The attempt is to allow a more natural interaction between the computer and user. Language is sometimes thought to be the foundation of intelligence in humans. Therefore, it is reasonable for intelligent systems to be able to understand language. Some of these systems are advanced enough to hold conversations.

A system that emulates human senses uses human sensory simulation. These can include methods of sight, sound, and touch. A very common implementation of this intelligence is in voice recognition software. It listens to what the user says, interprets the sounds, and displays the information on the screen. These are

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What is Stress? Essay

Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less.

So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more focussed and energetic....show more content...

Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or anyone else who is significant in your life.

Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood isanxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any. People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population.

Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of

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Senior year in high school is one that people look forward to their entire lives. It is a year with many memories and the ending of a chapter in your life. Although I was excited about what was to come, I was more stressed about my classes. I was determined to get a high GPA and to finish strong. I was always a confident student and did fairly well in my classes. My confidence in myself quickly went away after receiving my schedule. As I was reading my list of teachers I noticed a name that I hoped wouldn't be on there, Mrs. Smiley. I was immediately stressed because her reputation wasn't the best. I was told by her past students that she was very knowledgeable but when it came to her grading she wasn't the kindest and her attitude was a reflection of that.

The time came to go to her class which was my last of the day. I already knew everything would be horrible because by the time our class started, she was already exhausted. Our first essay assignment was immediately given and we were told to write about a life experience that made a lasting impact. I was relieved somewhat because I didn't think I could do too horribly bad because I was simply telling a personal story of mine. As a week passed it was time to turn my essay in. I was very confident because the story I wrote about was rather lengthy and very personal. I automatically thought, the more pages it has, the better my grade will turn out to be. Our essays were returned back by the next class period. Everyone was

A Lesson with a Reward
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The story behind me is very long. Lots of stupid things have been done that are very very stupid. I would say it all began 17 years ago in a hospital but, that's going to be a lot of work to type a paper. I'm going to start this wonderful life, last year school year. Near the end so all the fun of my life begins. To present day where I continue to do the stuff that makes people mad but it is very fun for me. It was an early morning in the month of May near the end of the day and I was in my Civics class. We were working on our budget project and I was down in the library with a few other people. Believe it or not I got bored really really quick. When I was walking back I was walking on paper all the way back up to class because I was told do it so I did. When I got back to class my teacher gave me a very weird look and didn't say a word. I kept asking, "What I can't touch the ground." She didn't say a single word. Just a few days later within the month of May, it was a cool warm night. Where everything was perfect on how it was. No wind, a solid 78 degrees, all by a bonfire around 11 at night. We were sitting there talking and out of nowhere I just got up and decided to walk across the fire for no reason. Everyone looked at me very weirdly. All I asked was, "What?" My friend Owen just said, "You're dumb why would you even do that?" All I could come up with was, "Why not?" He just looked away and laughed. After walking over that fire over and over the bottom of the boots

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My Dream Story

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