Effect Of Smoking Essay

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Smoking cigarettes can have such an harmful effect on the individuals who abuse it and the people who are in around them. A cigarette abuser is likely to become addicted to the drug resulting the person to face with lung cancer. There are many close people in my life who are trying their hardest to quit this specific addiction. Making it ridiculously easy for me to identify and choose the topic in which I chose. Although, before I chose my original topic I had to focus directly on "tools" and strategies that could possibly help individuals quit smoking. Instead of my initial topic thesis statement which was "Smoking cigarettes can be prevented and there are various tools to help quit smoking." My final thesis statement for the this specific final project is now "Smoking can lead to various diseases although a nicotine patch, nasal spray, and vaporizers are the best tools to help quit smoking."

My plan was to go in depth in my research and find valuable information relating to my topic. In the beginning, I was extremely confident in my abilities to learn which tools will help the best to quit smoking and had no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be able to get it all figured out. I've investigated several different sources. Some of the sources I checked out fit perfectly with my topic and a couple other sources we're awfully helpless during my research. After lots of tough thinking about what source I'm going to choose I decided to pick sources that have the most scholarly Get

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Smoking and Its Effects Essay

Smoking and Its Effects

Most people know that smoking is bad for your lungs and causes cancer. But few are aware of the effects of smoking on their heart. When you smoke, toxic chemicals from tobacco enter your blood stream. These chemicals send signals to your heart to beat harder and faster, causing blood vessels to constrict and forcing blood to travel through a smaller space.

Both of the effects cause high blood pressure. A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that the benefits of quitting smoking are enormous, particularly lowering the risk of heart disease by almost 50%. Besides causing lung cancer, it has been linked to bladder and prostate...show more content...

· The best way to reduce the risk of getting cancer whilst simultaneously improving your general health and appearance is to stop smoking.


Definition Asthma is defined as variable obstruction or narrowing of the main breathing tubes, the bronchi, in response to a number of different insults or stimuli. The variation in the airways can occur spontaneously or as a result of treatment.


The incidence of asthma is a increasing in the UK and Europe, a trend attributed to a variety of causes. Recent surveys have suggested an incidence of asthma in children of around 1:5 and 1: 10 in adults.

The cause of asthma is described as "multifactorial", which fact means that there are probably very many different causes including hereditary factors and no one simple way to deal with them. In some older individuals exposure to something at work can cause asthma this is termed occupational asthma. Asthma and all allergic diseases are clearly increasing. This is almost certainly linked to changes in our lifestyle,. Whether, however it is possible to reduce the risk of developing asthma in children


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Harmful Effects of Smoking

Harmful effects of smoking

Doan Thi Huong Thao


International University HCMC

Academic English 2 Bien Thi Thanh Mai Instructor

May 17, 2010


Smoking is known to be a primary cause of harmful effects on health, family, environment and society. However, scientist research in health and environment, that researches show that smoking cause many diseases, even lung cancer. An aim of my study has been to determine that smoking also effect on family and society. Results indicated that smoking was not only effect on environment, health but also effect on family, society.

Introduction In 1868, the smoking advertisements first appeared and Bill Durham became first leading tobacco to advertise at a big scale. Since ...show more content...

In particular, "the reduced brain size that we saw in smokers' babies could lead to impaired cognitive ability of the child" (Smoking during pregnancy, 2003). A study by Drews, Murphy, Yeargin, Allsopp and Decoufle (1996) looked at mental retardation in children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy and concluded that smoking during pregnancy increases by 50 percent the likelihood that a child will have mental retardation. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is also a recognized risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Teenage smoking has remained to be a serious problem ever since the 1970s. Until now, cigarettes are still recognized as the most dangerous substance being used by a great number of high school students on a daily basis. The impact of nicotine, the powerful drug contained in cigarettes, make for people addict and difficult to quit it. Therefore, adults should smoke as least as possible in front of teenagers because they are at an age when the curiosity

level is the highest, and the desire to try something new can affect his/her life.

Harmful effects of smoking on environment and society No one can deny the harm of smoking to the human body. The medical evidence for this is well established and overwhelming. Because of this, the law in the United States and many other countries requires including a warning on any smoking advertisement. Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to second

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Killing Society Softly Most people already know that smoking is bad for health. But do society really understand just how risky smoking really is? Cigarettes contains nicotine, a highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for smokers to kick the habit. Cigarettes products also contain many poisonous and harmful substances that cause disease and premature death. Smoking in teenagers is still a problem since cigarettes are so dangerous for society. Smoking can cause health issues, behavior issues and financial issues.

Teenagers need to stop smoking if they want a healthier life. Smoking damages one's body system, which turns into cancer. Society need to start making good decisions instead of wrong ones, but also need to make sure to educate the younger society about the consequences of smoking cigarettes. As related by the internet webpage, "because teenage's body is still growing, teens and youth are vulnerable to its deadly effects.''( internet webpage). Teens are vulnerable to any toxic habit and because they are still in a development stage, they can be in serious danger. Smoking causes deadly consequences as it says in the above sentences. Smoking in teenagers makes an individual have breathing problems because the lung is not healthier enough or not working the way it is supposed to work. Smoking causes adolescents lung function problems. Also if a teenager has asthma,tobacco smoke can trigger an attack or make an attack worst. Teenagers need Get

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What Is Killing Society Softly

Effects of Smoking on Health Smoking is the act of inhaling the fumes of burning substances. It used to be men who mainly smoked pipes and cigars which involve little inhalation. Now a days the amount of young women and children smoking is on the increase although the overall amount of people who smoke is declining in most countries.

There are thought to be around 4000 different chemical in a cigarette, many are toxic and 43 of them are carcinogens. The main substances in a cigarette are tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. It is these three substances which cause the greatest threat to health causing damage to either the gaseous exchange or the cardiovascular system....show more content...

In time the ciliated epithelia are replaced by scar tissue and the muscle around the bronchioles become thicker. It is the narrowing of the bronchioles which cause the difficulty in breathing.

Due to the constant infection of the lungs caused by the tar in cigarettes emphysema can develop. This disease is caused by the constant infection of the lungs that causes phagocytes to leave the blood and line the airways. Phagocytes release a protein digesting enzyme called elastase, which destroys the elastin in the walls of the alveoli so that it can reach the surface to remove the bacteria. The elastin makes the alveoli recoil when we breathe out. If this becomes damaged i.e. less elastin in present, then it does not stretch and recoil as it should. This causes air to become trapped in the alveoli because the bronchioles collapse as we exhale. Often the alveoli burst and cause large spaces in the tissue; this decreases the area for gas exchange. Eventually the blood vessels become resistant to the flow of blood and increase the blood pressure of the patient. A patient with emphysema may need a constant supply of oxygen when it becomes worse and will suffer from increasing wheezing and coughing.

Lung cancer is another disease caused by tar. Tar is a carcinogen that reacts either directly or through the break down of other substances, with DNA in

Effects of Smoking on Health Essay
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Harmful Effects Of Smoking Essay

Every year thousands of people die because of lung cancer or other tobacco related illnesses. Everyone in the world comes in contact with smoke from a cigarette at least once in their lifetime, whether it is at a restaurant or at work. Millions of people are addicted to smoking, and thousands more become addicted every year. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are everywhere. Most of the addicted smokers started when they were young (Roberts 18). The reason why people get addicted to any type of tobacco product is because all tobacco products have nicotine in them, which is the addictive ingredient (American Thoracic Society 22). Every time a person smokes a cigarette or chews tobacco, that person ingests nicotine. I believe...show more content... The statistics on the number of people that die each year in the United States from tobacco or tobacco–related illness is astonishing. Over four hundred thousand people die each year from smoking (American Thoracic Society 19). Also, a person age twenty–five that is a heavy smoker has a life expectancy that is

twenty–five percent less than a person that does not smoke (American Thoracic Society 19). more For something that is not a hazard to people's health, they sure do account for a lot of deaths that occur each year.

I do not see how my opponent can contend that secondhand smoke is not a heath hazard to the rest of the community. Secondhand smoke affects everyone because it goes into the air. We (nonsmokers) can not protect ourselves from other people's cigarette smoke (Garrision 44). Everyone breaths, therefore, if you are sitting next to someone that smokes, you are probably getting a some smoke in your lungs. This happens because when smoke goes into the air, it disappears into the oxygen. As you breath in oxygen, you also breath in a minimal amount of the cigarette smoke. In 1986, a surgeon general's report was released that stated smoke from tobacco products can cause cancer in healthy non–smoking adults (Garrision 45). It has been proven that secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer and other tobacco–related illnesses in people that do not smoke (Garrision 45).

Yet thetobacco companies continue to deny that the smoke Get

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Introduction Smoking has become a usual thing in our culture of recent. A person with a cigarette, E–Cigarette, Hookahs and Weed Cigarettes has become the norm in our society: we can see them on the streets, actors smoke in movies, there are also book characters who smoke, we have relatives, friends or someone we look up to who smoke. Starting as mainly as a part of a religious ritual a long time ago, smoking has become a routine thing for us in recent times, not giving thoughts to the many effects of smoking on the smokers. This research is aimed on bringing knowledge on some of these effects. It's a well known fact smoking is bad for our physical and mental health, but have you really considered how bad it is for your health? Almost...show more content...

Cigarette smokers not only hurting themselves when they smoke, but also others around them. Smoking can cause many horrible things to the body that most people are not aware of. Everyone knows smoking can cause cancer, heart disease, that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more, and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So, why do people still smoke? The answer is "addiction". Smoking is a hard habit to part because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. There are several long term after effects and causes of smoking; firstly, teenagers mostly smoke because they want to fit in. Teens see their friends smoke and they think it makes them look cool or independent. Secondly It reduces tension and it is also believed that it can have a calming effect on people who are anxious and worried. Although, people smoke when they are depressed, lonely or bored and it helps them to reduce the stress.

Social Effects Of Smoking

A smoking habit can harm the smoker's relationship with friends and family.

The social effects are the last consequences. Non–Smokers usually don't usually socialize well with smokers for a variety of reasons. For example, smokers often wake up with a dry mouth, and their non–smoker partners tend refuse to kiss them solely because of their bad breath.

Cigars, pipes, tobacco and weed smokers

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Effects Of Smoking Essay

According to the American Lung Association, there are an estimated 50 million people who smoke. For some reason people just do not fully understand the risks they take by smoking. Cigarette smoking is a frequent cause for many health problems with smokers. To begin with, there are many hazardous ingredients in cigarette tobacco. Some of the ingredients are poisonous or addictive. Cigarette smoke produces thousands of chemicals that are hazardous to a smoker's health. There are over 4000 chemicals produced by a burning cigarette. At least 200 chemicals are known to be poisonous to a persons health. Though filters help block some of the chemicals, they will not stop them completely. Nicotine is an addictive drug and...show more content... When a person smokes a cigarette the body reacts immediately to the chemical nicotine. Nicotine begins to effect a smoker's blood pressure, the flow of blood from their heart, the heart beat and breathing rate.

Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide, the same poisonous gases released from a car exhaust pipe. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless, highly toxic gas that reduces the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry. Combined with the effects produced by the nicotine, it creates an imbalance in the demand for oxygen by the cells and the amount of oxygen the blood is able to supply. Tar is another chemical produced from cigarette smoke. Tar contains at least 30 cancer causing irritants. Tar is a mixture of several substances that condense into a sticky substance on the lung. Tobacco manufactures have produced a cigarette that is low tar and low nicotine to reduce the chance of cancer, but these cigarettes are still hazardous. There are many deadly diseases related to smoking cigarettes. The respiratory diseases that have been linked to cigarette smoking are lung cancer, cancer of the larynx, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and coronary heart disease. The hazards of these diseases increase with the quantity of cigarettes smoked and the length of time the habit is continued. Smoking related diseases cause the death of more than 400,000 Americans in 1994. Almost everyone knows that

Essay on Effects of Smoking
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