Original Essay Topics

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Philosophy Of Ubuntu


With its origin in the Nguni language of the Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele people, the word Ubuntu can be loosely translated to mean "Humanity", but the true power and meaning of the philosophy can be found in the summary of the phrase "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu", which can be translated to mean "A person is a person through other persons." or "I am because we are."

The basic principal of Ubuntu is that a the success of a person is measured by the success of his community and the people around him, meaning that if your community is healthy and prospering than the individual is also healthy and prospering. Although the concept is a wonderful ideal and could have been more easily achieved in the past, the current social–economic environment poses many challenges to the cultures who find their identities in Ubuntu.


The origin of the...show more content...

The interconnectedness of all things is at the heart of the philosophy, the concept that all living things are connected and that the wellbeing and stability of the collective depends on the how the individual functions within the community, and how the community functions around the individual (Washington, 2010). A powerful idea in theory and an amazing ideal, if it could be put into practice in its entirety, it could have the ability to change the current socio–political landscape of the entire continent, if not globally.


Aside from the being a value system practised within Africanculture it can also be described as the essence of being human. A person who is generous, caring, hospitable, respectful and compassionate is said to have Ubuntu (Murithi, 2006). Ubuntu in a person is measured by their relationship with and their actions towards others in society.

Xhosa Culture and
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The Origin of Life When considering the many theories involving "How life began" You must not consider a few main theories but a few main theory groups. Because there are literally hundreds of theories on this subject which can be grouped in to three main categories and then in to various sub categories.

1) Creation science

This consists of about twelve theories that are based on the book Genesis all slightly varying in their interpretation. These can be split into two main groups, New and Old earth creationists.

Г New earth creationists believe that god created the earth its life forms and the universe less than a thousand years ago. They also...show more content...

3) Theistic evolution view

This group of theories is based around the idea that there was evolution and the earth is 4.5 billion years old but all of the scientific process involved in creating life were some how influenced or controlled by a divine power. This group of theories could be described as "a happy medium" it combines the ideas of creation science and scientific views to create in my opinion a more credible theory of how life began which could be believed by religious scientists like myself.

Scientific views – main theories

One of the main theories is that life started by chemical means in a rock where water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen were all present then with the added effect of lightening simple organic molecules formed the building blocks of life.

There was an experiment that was conducted in 1953 by Miller and Urey that supports that the conditions above could stimulate organic

Origin of Life

compounds to form.

"The Miller–Urey experiment attempts to recreate the chemical conditions of the primitive Earth in the laboratory, and synthesized some of the building blocks of life. .

The Miller–Urey experiment (or Urey–Miller experiment) was an experiment that simulated hypothetical conditions present on the early Earth and tested for the occurrence of chemical evolution (the Oparin and Haldane hypothesis stated Get more content


Comparing The Earth on Turtle's Back, When Grizzlies Walked Upright, And the Navajo Origin Legend When this world came to being, there was no single explanation of its origin. Many Native American tribes and other religious groups throughout the world created their own origin or creation myths for the earth on a whole or just the people of the earth. The basis of these myths was cultural and social beliefs of the many different tribes around the world. The Earth on Turtle's Back, When Grizzlies Walked Upright, and The Navajo Origin Legend are the three creation myths by the Onondaga, the Modoc, and the Navajo. Each of these myths are by far original and different, yet at the same time share many of...show more content...

Noticing right from the start that the lady that fell from the sky did not have webbed feet told the animals that they needed to find land for her to rest on, which could only be brought from the bottom of the ocean. They believe that everyone can make a difference, no matter how big or small; which can be seen when the small Muskrat was the only one who never gave up and made it to the bottom of the sea. Women were given much respect; they were not only given the power to give birth to people, but also gave birth to the earth. Sacrifice, shown by the turtle was a great example of cooperation and team work even if their may not be personal gain from it. When Grizzlies Walked Upright is an origin legend created by the Modoc. From the context of the myth, it can be seen that the Modoc gave great importance to nature and wildlife. Even at times of conflict, the myth does not jump out and yell in your face that there is trouble. It is written in a serene and orderly manner, from which it can be inferred that the people of this tribe have the ability to keep calm. When the daughter of the Sky Spirit decided that she wanted to let curiosity get to the best of her, it was her fault because she had been warned; the Sky Spirit understood this and did not feel the need for creating Get more content

One Stormy Night – Original Writing The sudden, swift, severe summer storm caught me totally unaware. I was walking down Old tree Road when the clouds started to build. I looked around as I huddled under a large, dead oak tree. Almost all of the houses on this abandoned street were too badly damaged for me to take shelter in, except for the one. The house loomed impressive and morbid in the greenish–black sky. A flash of lightning briefly illuminated the house. The windows were broken, but the superstructure seemed to be in good condition. I was becoming soaked as I pondered upon my dilemma. Whether to stay under the tree and risk getting hit by lightning or should I go into that old house,...show more content...

My lantern, my best friend at the moment, showed off ancient paintings of a red–haired man with angular features and a host of antiques. Over a marble fireplace, in the far side of the room, hung a silvered mirror with plump, little cherubs surrounding it. Crash. I jumped and almost dropped the lantern. My heart stopped as I listened for another sound. The silence throbbed in my ears. I stood at the bottom of the staircase. The sounds had come from upstairs. I swallowed my fears and climbed the stairs. On the second floor, I found a bathroom so obsolete that it didn't even have any running water. I left it undisturbed. I found several bedrooms laden with cloth–covered antiques, moth–ridden clothes that may once have been beautiful. At the end of the second floor, I found yet another stair well. This one was dark and coated with lacy spider webs. It led to what must have been a children's play area at one point. There was a play room that took up most of the space, along with two bedrooms with dainty furniture, and the nurse's room. What I mistook for a closet at first was really a narrow flight of stairs that lead into the attic. A giant rat scampered across my feet. Its beady eyes glowed red in the flicker in the lantern light. It hissed at me. I screamed and dropped my lantern. Suddenly, I was plunged into utter darkness. I took several deep

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One Stormy Night

Reflection Paper On Philosophy

This essay is reflection about my understanding from what I have learned during this class about what philosophy is. Philosophy is a broad topic and can be hard to understand. What we learn is class about philosophy defiantly makes me think and makes my brain turn all the time, but so far, my understanding is that philosophy is the study of knowledge. It breaks down what everything is. Examples used in class are chariness, deskness, and the main one sued in class "cupness".

According to Aristotle, philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of knowledge; it starts with wonder. Philosophy makes us ask specific question like "Why" why did this happen and how did it come to be. Philosophy had its origin in ancient Greece. Philosophy recognizes that everything is somehow connected.

Philosophy and 'science' are the same project; to do philosophy is to do science and to do science is to do philosophy. It is connected because philosophy/science was attempting to discover the fundamental unity principle that lies at the basis of all reality and all experience. This is why we refer to Garret Strong many times throughout our class discussions

The earliest philosopher/scientist are called Pre–Socratic philosophers. They came before the great philosopher Socrates. Thales is to be the first. Thales is referred to as the father or founder of philosophophy/science he lived in the sixth century BCE. Thales began to search for the unity principle, which is the ground of all things.

At the Get more content

Knowledge is generated through critical and creative thinking. Creative thinking is something new or original that is created with value. Critical thinking is a type of thinking that questions assumptions and validates or invalidates a current belief or something that is said to be previously true. Knowledge is created through the culmination of generally accepted assumptions and creativity. How do you separate general assumptions and creativity? These two types of thinking can be easily separated in regards to concrete or realistic ideas compared to abstract or original ideas however to generate new, acceptable knowledge critical and creative thinking must interact together. The questioning of established beliefs with the creation of...show more content...

Knowledge must have background facts to be considered true and mathematics must use reason to justify their formulas or methods. For example, memorizing the area under a bell curve is very different from understanding how it is derived. Proofs are useful when proving mathematical concepts although they are not concrete and harder to understand. Creative aspects must be considered when trying to derive a difficult proof. Creative problem solving involving mathematics can use sense perception as a way of knowing. In these problems, real life situations allow for the organization of ideas and require that the student's attention be focused on the actual understanding of the concepts rather than the usual memorization of facts from concrete problems. For example, calculating the replanting of trees in a forest would depend on the circumstances surrounding the problems and factors would be dependant on the situation. Is creating a personal solution to the problems more effective than searching for existing solutions? In regards to mathematics, if a solution is known to exist using methods already established, there is no need to search for additional or new solutions. There are always exceptions to any case and new knowledge could form from a completely new and personal solution. This could create new knowledge using creative thinking and could also create a more efficient solution to the one previously used. Applied mathematics uses both

Creative and Critical Thinking Essay
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The term "Family of Origin" refers to the family that you grew up in – your parents and siblings, your original family. It may also include grandparents, other relatives, or other individuals who lived with you during part of your childhood. From our family we learn how to communicate, deal with our emotions, and get our needs met. We also learn many of our values and beliefs from our families. We often develop our sense of self in the context of our family of origin. Our family of origin or our "family culture" shapes who we are, determines the thoughts that we have about ourselves and provides us with examples of how to behave as well as what to expect from other people in our lives, especially how to behave and what to expect in our relationships– including our intimate relationships. (Family of origin)Our family culture may not be problematic in itself; however, many individuals seek professional support and guidance, to help come to terms with the past and the impact it has on us in the here and now. Alternately, individuals or couples may seek support to learn to deal more effectively with their family of origin today, or to prevent previous dysfunctional inter–generational patterns of behaviour from continuing, in order to provide a healthy marital and family environment. Adult awareness will help you not to repeat negative patterns modelled during the formative years. Once you become aware of the patterns of your family of origin, you can change them.

Adoption is a

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Family Of Origin And Our Family Culture Essay

English as an international language Of the 4,000 to 5,000 living languages, English is by far the most widely used. As a mother tongue, it ranks second only to Chinese, which is effectively six mutually unintelligible dialects little used outside China. On the other hand the 300 million native speakers of English are to be found in every continent, and an equally widely distributed body of second language speakers, who use English for their day–to–day needs, totals over 250 million. Finally, if we add those areas where decisions affecting life and welfare are made and announced in English, we cover one–sixth of the world's population. Barriers of race, colour and creed are no hindrance to the continuing spread of the use of English....show more content...

Even in many countries where English is a minority language, there is at least one newspaper in English. In India alone, there are three thousand magazines published in English. In many countries, television news is broadcast in English. Because of the power of television, demonstrators in every country use signs printed in English for the benefit of the international press. English for Business, Diplomacy, and the Professions English is a major language of international business, diplomacy, and science and the professions. It is the language that an Iranian businessman and a Japanese businessman are likely to use to communicate. Important commodities such as silver, tin, and hard currency are traded in English. English is also an official language, or the official language, of many international organizations, including the United Nations and many professional organizations. It is frequently the language of international conferences, and it is the language of international athletics. Throughout the world, many professional papers are published in English. Even papers that are published in other languages often have abstracts in English. English for Entertainment Popular culture. Popular culture has also played an important part in spreading English. American and British popular music are heard all over the world. American movies are seen in almost every country. Books in English are available

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English in the World Today

Essay about My Core Values


ENC 1101

July 30, 2009

Example Essay

My Core Values

As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my "Core Values". This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial

The first...show more content...

To build responsibility as a child I volunteered to take care of my family dog. Even though she was the family's pet I took it upon myself to make sure she was properly fed, watered, and walked. My mother was very proud of my new development as an adolescent. She became very encouraging and would come up with other special chores around the house that I could be relied upon to handle. To some children this would seem like a punishment, but both of my parents were so supportive and persuasive that I looked forward to having the gained accountability. My father instituted honesty and respect as monuments for responsibility. I of course struggled at times with taking care of my dog, and handling some of my other chores. But my father always wanted me to not only be honest with my parents, but also with myself. He stated that a lie would not benefit anybody and it was disrespectful to tell a lie. He would tell me that a liar was the same as a cheater, and nobody liked either. If I knew how to respect others and be honest, than my responsibility would only increase. I asked why I would want added responsibility and my father told me two things that changed my perspective completely. First, it was that responsible people always tended to be more successful. Since I had always dreamed of growing up to be rich and famous, I guess I could accept the added responsibility. The second thing he told me was that one day I could possibly

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A very common question that often arises is 'When was the Internet developed or invented?" That is a good question, one that is hard to define as it has many multiple answers.

The Internet, including the World Wide Web (WWW), is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of our time. Without a doubt, it has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation and implementation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate, entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some innovated thinkers from the AdvancedResearch Project Agency, who created "ARPAnet."

The Internet began as a proposed plan to...show more content...

This development continued at a fast pace until an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners–Lee, for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) developed the protocols for the World Wide Web in 1989.

The Internet refers to the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP); is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite; provides, uses, or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure.

Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services:

В· Electronic mail (e–mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups.

В· Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there.

В· FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your computer.

В· Gopher. An early, text–only method for accessing Internet documents. Gopher has been almost entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but

History of the Internet Essay examples
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It was my tenth birthday. I woke up that day overly excited for my age to finally be in the "double digits." I didn't know that birthday would be one I'd never forget and turn out to be a day that changed my life forever. I come from your regular, working class family. My parents have been together since they were teenagers and they had two kids, myself and my younger brother, Taylor. My parents did (and still do) everything possible to make sure my brother and I were happy. I was also lucky enough to have my dad's mother, my grandmother, who would also do anything to make sure we were happy. I remember being at my grandma's house as a child and watching her make us breakfast, sitting in the poor lit kitchen, around a country–style table. I can still remember the sound of her voice, the way her house smelled, the way she smelled and how it felt to hug her. I was never called by my name, she only referred to me as "her baby." Which I was, there was no question about it. My grandma had four children including my dad. Of her four children, she ended up with seven grandchildren. My brother and I being the youngest, we were the apples of her eye. She was a Kentucky grown woman with Kentucky blood. She smoked cigarettes the entire time I knew her, even when she was wearing oxygen. The day of my tenth birthday, my mom told me I could do whatever it was I wanted. I chose to go see the new Adam Sandler movie playing at the local $1 theater in town. Afterwards, we spent the day Get more content

My First Birthday

It was just a couple months past my 6th birthday when I started to realize a separation within my house. Coming home every day from school and waiting for 4 o' clock to come around so I could see my dad walk in the door for dinner, or a quick game of tag with the neighborhood. Dad was still coming home but something was different. Then I started to notice that dad and mommy weren't sleeping in the same bed which struck me as odd. I was getting suspicious about was going on, so decided to talk to my older sister. We talked about how weird it was when mommy and dad were around each other. As weeks grew on we noticed more of the details, like mommy's closet starting to grow bare and how there were boxes lined up in the extra basement room. They thought we didn't notice, but we did. They finally sat my sister and me down to explain what was happening, but reassured us that everything was going to be fine. The fact that mommy and dad aren't living together set in the first weekend we spent alone with dad at his new apartment. It was on the second floor and from my room I could see the pool, which is pretty awesome. I startled everyone when I woke up in the middle of the night crying for my mommy and realizing she wasn't there. I saw the hall light flicker on and heard the footsteps as they walked across the tile floor. The door creaked open and I saw my dad stand in the door way asking what was wrong. I told him I missed mommy and wanted to go home. It was really dark outside

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My First Birthday

Original Writing: Short Story

It was the night of the year that few children can sleep. The night when everyone hopes that snow will fall and they will wake up to a garden of glistening diamonds grown by the morning sun. It was Christmas Eve.

As many had hoped, snow was falling. It slowly covered the houses and streets in a thick blanket. The moon shone her silver light down on the white world, and but for one, there was nobody to view the kind of beauty that things such as love and dreams are made of. The only one there to see the spectacle was a small boy of five, or six years.

This little boy possessed a beauty not of this earth, a beauty that surpassed even all that surrounded him. His...show more content... On the night that every other child wished for toys, and puppies, this little boy wished for love. And nothing more. Finally, the little boy came to a stop, not wanting to ever take another step again. He raised his downcast eyes, and in front of him stood a church. He remembered that he had been to church before, and the building that loomed above him stirred vague memories. The boy made himself stumble a few more steps, and pressed his face to the glass door he had arrived at. He looked in, and saw the church was lit up inside. There was light coming from behind a man on a big cross, and two huge Christmas trees shone in heavenly splendor. Looking at the man on the cross, he had a faint recollection. He half–remembered, a long time ago, that someone reading from a big book had said that the man on the cross would come on Christmas. That he came every Christmas.

The little boy supposed that if anyone would help him, it would be the man inside. He loved everyone. So, the little boy laid down in front of the church, and as he slipped off into sleep, a glimmer of hope, that the man would come and save him from the cold and loneliness, warmed his heart. The snow continued to fall, and bells jingled far in the distance. Presents were laid under trees, and visions of sugar plums danced in most children's heads. But not the little boy who slept on the church steps under the winter

Essay on Original Writing: Short Story
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Another fairy tale is decided to read from the blue fairy book was Beauty and the Beast, the original tale was written by the Grimm brothers and it tells a story of a man who was cursed by a witch and turned into a beast. He could only transform back into a human from the love of a girl, soon a girl comes to live with the beast in the exchange for the life of her father and soon falls in love with the beast. The fairy tale ends with the beast transforming into a human and living happily. In the modern adoption of this tale titled Beastly by Alex Flinn, the story is told of a rich, handsome teen Kyle that believes that a person's worth is based solely on their appearance. He is turned into a beast after he pulls a prank on a witch named Kendra who is disguised as a teenager. As the original tale, the witch gives Kyle two years of time to find someone to love him as a beast and with a kiss from his true love he would be turned back into a human. Kyle soon falls in love with Lindy and he takes her to live with him, she hates him at first but then begins to fall in love. At the end of the novel, Lindy kisses him transforming him back into the handsome teenager he was. In both of these versions, there were many similarities and differences, the similarities were that an attractive selfish man turned into a beast by a witch. In both of these versions, the curse would be broken by a woman who loved the beast for him and would not care about appearances also in the tales a father

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Summary: Writing Today

The second part of the book "Writing Today" discussed the importance of writing summaries, as well as how to go about writing them. Johnson–Sheehan, Paine, Shaw, and Stouck, begin by explaining that a summary's main purpose is to emphasize an ideas main topic by first carefully analysing it. It is important to know the approximate length a summary should be before commencing the writing process in order to know how much detail the summary requires. A summary, although condensed, must accurately explain the original text. If not, it might cause misunderstandings as well as "distortions" of the material. Summaries must also be original and should primarily be written in writer's own words, which would also their own ideas and thoughts to be present

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Reflection on Family

Family Reflection

"No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all."

Family means many things to different people, yet the word itself can bring about a host of emotions from anyone who hears the word uttered. As a child growing up in the 60s and 70s the family dynamic was defined by the people we grew up with were related to by blood, and extended to the many family members of the different generations that made up the family unit.

I have fond memories of growing up with love and compassion, by the people who I was surrounded with. The feeling of...show more content... The people may be different, but, the bonds will grow and develop in our existence.

I remember the feeling of completeness and security I had growing up with my mom, dad, grandparents, and extended family members. I always felt like I belonged and was accepted for me. People are not perfect, sometimes in actions and words, but, knowing the unconditional love that we are surrounded with by our families keeps us grounded in our true selves. Now that I am older, I feel the same security that I experienced while growing up. A familiarity of comfort that brings me to a place of peace and security. My own comfort zone where I am loved, happy, cared for and needed.

A family can be defined in many ways, but the common denominator in all is the love and fulfillment one gets by being surrounded by family members. Families can sometimes be at odds with each other, but the strain of this type of relationship usually creates an upsetting feeling to the people involved. People want others to rely on, talk to, do things with, share, love, embrace, and be part of. No matter what the family dynamic is the qualities the word family has will remain the same, as time goes by, and life evolves once again for every person living their

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Describe a time when you changed your mind. It need not be a life–changing event; you may have changed your mind about a book, piece of music, a political opinion, or a person you know. What made you change your mind? Was it an argument, or an encounter, or an epiphany, or something else? What happened as a result? From when I was ten until I was fifteen, I wanted to become a lawyer. I've always had impressive public speaking skills, a persuasive personality, and a knack for debate, so it seemed like the perfect fit for me. However, upon a taking a law class my sophomore year, I realized that lawyering might not be exactly what I expected it to be. As I learned about the different laws and the complexities of the court system I was...show more content...

When the other team members strayed from their position, or were confused on the task at hand, I was there to get them back on track and productive once again. For our specific scenario, we had to decide upon a database to use. Each of us researched a different database, and compared results as a group. When two members had begun to fight over which database seemed most beneficial, I stepped in and proposed that we logically examine each database together and vote on a final decision. Under my leadership, and the amazing capabilities of every student on the team, we thoroughly impressed the executives, receiving honors for our work. Describe an interest or passion. How did you become interested in this area? What motivates your passion? My most prominent passion is my desire to eradicate the problems of world poverty and hunger. The summer following my freshman year, I was accepted onto World Vision's Famine Study Tour, which took my through the Andes Mountains of Peru to observe the damaging effects of poverty and the way they are combatted. I learned all the methods used by humanitarian organizations to ameliorate these desolate communities, opening my eyes to the fact that, although the problem of global hunger is daunting, it can and will be solved. More importantly, I learned the true nature of the people affected by such grave situations and circumstances. The individuals I met and spoke to were some of the most generous and Get more content

Describe A Time When You Changed Your Mind Essay

The young boy rolls up his swag and puts it in the old wagon. He has parked in a secluded spot he has found to camp while on his travels in search of the perfect wave. He loves this car. It is old and starting to rust but like an old friend it has been with him on all his journeys. He doesn't bother to lock his car as no one else comes here. He comes here often and has found that the beach is always bare; free of surfers, swimmers or kids building sandcastles. Just him and the water. He inhales the fresh morning air and lets it flow through his body like a well earned drink.

He grabs his shortboard and heads for the water. The waves are perfect and beckon him. He runslight footedly across the hot sand that squelches under his feet. Although...show more content...

When he feels the wave getting closer he starts paddling faster and harder, in a strong rhythm. As he feels the wave on top of him and the water rising beneath him, he jumps to his feet just as he's done a million times before. His feet reconnect with the board and he regains his balance effortlessly. He is racing down the wave at top speed, the adrenaline rushing through his body like electricity. His heart is thumping in his ears, like drums at a rock concert. The lip of the wave slowly curls over to create a tube. The excitement builds as he crouches down low and braces himself. He feels the wind rushing through his hair and the wave envelopes him in a cocoon of cool salt water. He keeps his eye fixed on the end of the tube, and reaches out his hand, gently brushing against the wall of water that has formed around him. The water feels cool and refreshing on his fingertips and he finds it hard to imagine that something so calming could create such power. The pressure of the tube is slowly building, like a volcano about to erupt into an overwhelming flow of red lava. The best part of the ride is still to come. The moment that he lives for, the final rush of adrenaline, the climax of the surfing experience; the

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Sea Creative Writing

I can remember seeing that I had to take an English class my first semester of college. I was already overwhelmed with starting college, and having to write college essays made me get even more nervous. I sat down with my mom and decided to look at the English classes available, and I finally decided that I had to take an evening class to make it work in my schedule. The first day of English came and now looking back it was not as bad as I thought. It made me a better writer and be where I am today. It may have taken me some time to get where I am today, but at least I am on the right track. English Composition helped me realize that I am my own author and have strengths that I did not realize I had. When I first started college I did not know what to expect with an English class. I liked writing about topics that interested me, but high school did not allow me to do that. I took American History and we would have to write...show more content...

I learned many techniques from my professor. He helped me realize that it is okay to have your own opinion as long as you back it up. He showed me that I am an author when I did not think I was. He also told us to read our essays out loud when we proofread, and I always did this technique before submitting all my essays. I can remember having to write my first essay and I was scared, because I felt like I had to get a good grade. I started thinking about what tools I could use to help me, and I decided to go to The Learning Center to help with my essay. When I went there they would make edits to my essay and then explain what I should change. The tutor noticed I used multiple choppy sentences and commas in spots there should not be. Sometimes I would even go twice to make sure I did not miss any minor mistakes. Going there helped me feel more confident as a writer and I learned from my mistakes. I had many helpful techniques from multiple people that shaped me into the writer I am

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Essay About My English Class

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