My Childhood Essay

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My Childhood Journey I can start anywhere but let's take it back to January 12th 1999, the day I was born. My mom told me the day she went in labor with me it was her and my step dad January 11th she started having contractions at around 12:45. She said she took it like a Queen because she was having a beautiful princess. At around eight o'clock the next morning January 12th she took a ride to St. Vincent. They admitted her put her in a room stripped her and prepped her to deliver me. I was delivered at 12:45 January 12, 1999. She knew right then & there she had the most beautiful little girl in the world. She then kissed me and held me for a long. Then came my real dad around 4:30 that after noon. She said it was one of the best moments of her life. Six Months had went by so fast that one night my mom had rushed me to the hospital, the doctors was just suppose to give me fluids because I was dehydrated but instead of them putting the needle in my vain the fluids were just pumping through my leg and infiltrated my leg so my leg was swollen for almost a week and two days but everything got back to normal and I was A okay. Three Months later it was time for my 1st Birthday party. It was humongous all of my grandparents, aunties, uncles, and cousins were there. Back then it was called Show Biz and the character was Billy bob. Now everybody knows it as Chuck E Cheese. But since it was my birthday my mom went all out for me and brought me my favorite characters, Mickey Mouse &

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My Journey Essay : My Childhood

My childhood was stuffed with the juicy taste of fresh blueberries growing from the shrubby overgrown park fence. To the chirping robins early in the bright dawning sun as the big yellow monster interrupted their song. And the best, the fragranced breeze of sweet, lavender, trumpet shaped flowers blossoming from the Jacaranda tree. The tree where I met Kaylee, my quirky full of life neighbor and best friend since I could remember. That was until the summer of 2010. I remember the day I played the best hide and seek game with kaylee and the obnoxious twin boys next door. I remember it so well because that was also the last game of hide and seek I'd ever play with them. My mom had told me to be home by 5 and I wondered why so early but still I came home. "Hey, mom so kaylee is going with her parents to the beach and they invited me to go, and oh! Also mom guess what today i..." "Candy , I'm sorry but you cant tomorrow" "Mom pleaseee.... I promise ill wash the dishes when I get home and hey I will even mop and take the trash out pleaseee.." "Caramelo..I'm sorry but tomorrow you're going to be busy packing" "For what?", I said as my heart raced for the answer I knew would come up. "We are moving!!!!! Didn't mom tell you already?"–My little sister said jumping of excitement. " No she didn't.....", I said looking down. "Hey prieta, hey codorito", my dad said as he sat down all tired from work. "Hey dad", I said in a quiet sad voice. " Im sorry but hey after you do finish packing

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Descriptive Essay About My Childhood

Autobiography Of My Childhood

In second grade, I finally figured out that something was wrong with me. There always had been, and it was only getting worse. For as long as I had been alive, I was never like other kids. As a baby, I never crawled more than a few inches. But one day, just for fun, my dad stood me up across the room from my mom. "Walk to Mama," he told me. Despite all expectations, I did. I got up and walked to Mama. I didn 't even stumble. It wasn 't that I couldn 't walk, I just hadn 't needed to. My mom carried me everywhere. It was a sign, albeit missed, of what was to come. I had also never spoken, not even baby babble. Many of my parents ' friends took this as proof that I was autistic. My parents, however, refused to believe them. more content...

The school tried to discourage my parents from thinking I was gifted, saying things like 'A lot of people think that about their kids,' and 'She's fine where she is.' Fortunately, my parents knew something was up. At Ms. Kafka's urging, my parents got me tested. The results came back positive. I was gifted. Very. The school resumed its rhetoric with even more force. They didn 't want me to leave. I was dragging up their test scores. My parents, however, did want me to leave, as did I. We started looking at schools. Two favorites emerged: Nova Classical Academy and Minnetonka Public Schools's Navigator program. Nova was a public charter school in Saint Paul, much closer to my house in Minneapolis, and was recommended by my IQ test proctor. The Navigator program was, unsurprisingly, in Minnetonka, and my parents had found it on their own. Due to my father's anxieties about me going to a charter, they decided to look more closely at Minnetonka. A little while later, I was pulled from my school to go to a Navigator orientation. As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I felt every pair of eyes on me. I was in the worst situation imaginable–I was the newcomer. I didn 't know anything about this strange new place, half an hour away from my school, my house, and anything and anyone I knew. Worse, in less than a year, these kids could be my classmates. I took a spot at the very back table. There was only one other student there–a blonde girl who quickly introduced herself

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Some people reminisce the past, live in the present, and dream for the future. My childhood is something to look back at. Some things could have been better, but for the most part they were exceptionally good. I truly wish I continue to focus on the good parts of my childhood.The teenage years are what the majority of people say to run from, but I say that you can learn from all the mistakes you made, and will continue to make. Although, I'm still in this stage of my life, there are things I can already say that I will remember until the day I die. As for the prime of my life there are only expectations and dreams of what I will or who I will become. I do have high expectations for myself and goals I plan on accomplishing, I can say where I see myself, but I will never truly know.

My childhood, the topic of not caring what people thought and how they looked at you. I was so outgoing in this stage I remember one time in elementary school when I talked to my crush. We were in the gym, and the whole school was doing our last big event before the end of the year. As we were sitting together he reached over, and said that he wasn't going to be in this school next year. I was so sad that I started to cry because I was more content...

I want to make a difference and help people accomplish their goals and strive with my own. I want to be happy with my decisions, I plan on opening a business or becoming a cosmetologist and maybe even both. My future is a big deal to me and it matters if I succeed. Overall, I strive to complete both my short–term and long–term goals. I see myself owning a business and having money that I can properly manage I would like to be exceptionally good with money. I find hair, makeup and nails interesting and want to pursue a life in style, but I do have other dreams I just don't know what direction their pointed. I believe that as long as I am on a path destiny will take me where I need to

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What Is My Childhood Essay

My Childhood

Every once in a while, something reminds me of my childhood – perhaps a name, a memory, a smell, a picture– who knows what brings the memories into my head? But recently, a memory came back with the sounds, smells, tastes, and sights that I hadn't experienced in about 45 years. Those memories comfort me, but now smoke clouds my treasured past. Almost two years ago, my last uncle passed away. That was the end of the older generation for me. I cherish the moments I spent with him the summer before he died. My brother and I visited him at our cousin's home. He was in bed but alert with his usual humor that I remember from childhood. Shortly after our visit, Uncle Roy passed away. On the day of his burial, the procession drove from the funeral home to the cemetery. Along the way, we passed the street on which he and my aunt first lived so many years ago. As we passed Yale Avenue in Johnston, I looked up to see the house, a bungalow with a bundle of memories. I ignored those memories and concentrated on the death of my uncle. Those memories didn't stay suppressed long. A year after Uncle Roy died, his son, my cousin Richard, passed away. As we traveled the same route from the funeral home to the cemetery, I again looked up the hill to Aunt Betty and Uncle Roy's house, the first one on the right. But the house had changed in a year. A short year ago I had noticed changes: the new driveway, the vinyl siding, and the white picket fence. But this Get more content

My childhood has greatly impacted who I am today because of the influences in my life. It has truly showed me a different incite on life. It has showed me what to expect and what path you can choose to go down in life to truly mess your life up. It showed me the good the negligent and struggles you can go through in such a short amount of time. For me the main three things that tremendously affected me would have to be divorce, drugs and death and they still tend to affect me till this day. You may be wondering well what is it that you have been through that has totally changed your incite on life. Honestly my mother is the one person that has affected my life the most. She left my life when I was only 4 years old and ever since then more content... Then one day something happened that changed my life forever it was Saturday January 14,2012. I remember my dads girlfriend running down the stairs crying and saying your nana has passed away the cleaning lady found her in bed and she wouldn't wake up. I remember just picturing that in my mind I was shocked I couldn't even comprehend at the time what was going on I didn't even believe what I heard. I remember going to my room and that night I remember I literally cried myself to sleep. I was shut down completely and I felt like I had no one to run to because the one I always ran to was now gone forever. Later on the autopsy report came and I discovered that she died of an overdose. This left me puzzled and left me wondering why and how something like this would even happen and would this happen to my actual mother one day. The memories from my childhood are something I will always go back to and reflect on because they will forever be implanted in my brain and will always be a part of the reason I become the person I am today. These things changed my incite on life because it showed me how crucial and addiction can be it showed me how it can honestly mess up your life and also the peoples around you. It has made me

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My Childhood

I was born in Long Branch, New Jersey and grew up in Middletown, New Jersey. I have an older brother and am lucky enough to have a twin sister as well. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and my mom was born in Pittsburgh. Very early in my childhood, I found a great passion for playing sports. I started playingbaseball, T–ball to be exact, as early as 4 years old. I played other sports growing up including soccer and basketball, however, baseball seemed to be the sport that interested me the most. When I finally moved to Holmdel, New Jersey, where I spent the rest of my childhood, I continued to play baseball. I continued to play baseball throughout my childhood into high school, as I soon started to think about whether or not to play ball in college. After receiving a few offers to play in college during my senior season, I still was not convinced that playing in college would be the best decision for me. It turned out that this tough decision became an easy one after April 8th, 2014, the last day I ever threw a baseball on the mound. Facing our cross–town rivals, I was called on to start the game on very short rest. I began pitching a phenomenal game, allowing zero runs in three innings. Then the fourth inning came around and the second pitch of the inning ended up being not only my last of the game, but the last of my career. That game I ended up straining and almost tearing my UCL in my elbow. I was devastated when I soon started to realize I was not

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My Childhood Into High School Essay

Looking back on my childhood, the experiences that have shaped and molded into the person I am today were immensely influenced from my mother. Women from vast cultures are expected to be subordinate and tend to be oppressed by the men in their lives, and this was no different in my mother's case coming from a Latin culture. Growing up, I witnessed my mother being subjected to the traditional gender role that handicapped her in gaining her own independence outside of my father. She was expected to be submissive, stay home, raise the children, clean the house, have dinner waiting when my father got home. She wasn't "allowed" to work because my father didn't want her interacting with other men, nor did he want her to earn her own money because this would make her less dependent of him. Yet it was common knowledge that my father had extramarital affairs and everyone turned a blind eye. She had to ask for permission before leaving the house and in the instances that she didn't, it always resulted in hostile arguments between them where I would fear for the safety of my mother. Growing up, I always questioned and wondered why my mother would choose to stay in such a one–sided relationship where she had no voice or power, where she wasn't given the respect she deserved, or the opportunity to be her own independent person without being shamed or punished for it. It could have been due to: wanting to keep her family together at any cost, being financially dependent on my father,

My Childhood :
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In addition, I have never forgotten my singular neighborhood which saw me when I was born, my first steps, my first words and so on. Hence, I had been living there for almost twenty years. There, I grew up with my family and unique neighbors who sharing unforgettable memories. My neighborhood was placed next to the principal port of my country, so everybody could get the most fresh fish and seafood at markets. Close to my house living people who had jobs in the port such as fish man, merchant marine, and captains. I remember that the community formed groups in order to gather money for any purpose. For example, the soccer field of my neighbor was old and careless. We made many activities as bingo, garage sale, and food sale. After more content...

February is the hottest month of the year in my country, so since children to adults play this kind of comic game outside homes watching who is "dry" and get "wet.

Finally, my first school during the elementary was one of the most important in my life. There, I met many friends whom I still keep their friendship. I was six years old when I went at this female school, so all of my friends were woman. Every class, I used to go late because my parents would work the entire day every day; therefore, my grandmother after cook, she got to take me to at school. One day when I was going to my school on bus, I saw in the same bus a black long hair girl also with her grandmother and I remembered have seen her in my classroom. That day, after finishing the class, I started to talk with that girl called "Vanessa". Coincidently, after a long talking, we realized living close to each other. Therefore, I used to go her home to do homework or play chequers. Sometimes, I came home from school with Vanessa and her grandmother when my grandmother could not. Vanessa and I sang popular songs or telling jokes on the back way home. As I met Vanessa, I talked with Sara, Giuliana and Emily also. We are five– girls, so we sat together everyday that my parents talked with their parents, and if some of us were absent in the school, one of the parents called to tell them the homework of the day. They were my first

My Childhood
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Childhood Memories Essay

When I was a young child I would love to hear my parents tell me that we were going on a trip. I would be full of excitement, because I knew that we would be going to a place that I had never seen before. My parents, my brother, and I would pack our luggage and venture out in our small gray minivan. Three of my most cherished memories in our minivan are when we went to Disney World, the beach, and the mountains.

When I heard my parents talking about going to Disney World I was so excited. It was a long trip down to Florida and I could not sit still, because I was so excited. We finally arrived that evening and decided to stay in a hotel near thetheme park. When it was time for bed I could not go to sleep for a long time, because more content...

Going to the beach was nothing like going to the lake or swimming pool. The ocean had large waves that would come crashing into the beach. I was so small that the waves would just throw me around. I also got to walk down the beach and find different objects that the waves had washed up on shore. I found seashells that had brilliant colors like the rainbow. I even found a creature that looked like pink jelly. I picked the creature up with a stick and took it to show my dad. My dad told me that it was a jellyfish that could sting me, so he made me bury it in the sand. I saw another creature that was gliding in shallow water. It was dark brown with a long tail and looked like it had wings. It was a horrible looking creature that I had never seen before. My dad came down to the water to see what I was looking at. He told me that they were called skates, and they would not hurt me. That was the first time I saw something living in the ocean besides a fish. My dad then showed me that there were little creatures called, sand fiddlers, which would wash up when the waves crashed into the shore. We sat down on the sand so he could show me how to catch them. The sand fiddlers would dig down in the sand fast as lightning, so we had to dig for them fast as we could. When I caught one it felt like it was trying to dig into your hand with what seemed like a million legs. After about four hours I was exhausted and starving. I

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My Memories Of My Early Childhood Essay

My earliest memory I remember as a child is around the age of two years old. My Mother would put me in the playpen but I refused to stay. I was able to climb out of it. I remembered my Mother's face expression that let me know that I better not climb out of the playpen again. This was one of my earliest memories of her setting her boundaries. When I got older, myMother told me about the situation. She needed to clean and/or cook so she had to put me in the playpen. At the age of two years old, I just wanted to explore and didn't want to stay in the playpen. This set the tone between us moving forward. During my early childhood, I had both of my parents and grew up with three other siblings from a different Father. Both of my parents were born in Belize in Central America. I was born in New York. They instilled many thoughts, ideas and traditions of the Belizean culture. My mother had an authoritarian style of parenting meanwhile my Father had an authoritative style of parenting. Looking back at it, it made sense because I was closer to my Father than my Mother. My Mother was the one to always saying "No" to everything and my Father was stern but we had a great relationship. My Father and I used to have our Father–Daughter days that we would go out. We would talk about a variety of topics that I wanted to talk about. I was able to be open with my Father. He challenged me to think with our deep conversations about life and his expectations he had for me. I loved the time

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My Childhood Memory

When I think of the most important memory that I have from my childhood, my mind goes directly to my childhood house to one specific day, the day I got my puppy! I was in my kitchen on a calm day. My sister pulled up into the very cracked black top that was in our driveway. I heard the car door slam close, then the sound of the squeaky kitchen door being opened. Eventually, I heard my name being yelled out by not only one person, but also my niece and nephew. As I ran down the creaky and very loud stairs I could feel that something special was going to happen. As I turned the corner my eyes went directly to one small fluff that was on the table. My sister had previously mentioned that she wanted a puppy and I even went to a run–down pet shop in a very sketchy town with her. But the dog that we were on a hunt for was not at all like the one that was on my kitchen table at that moment. I began approaching the counter, but trying to calm myself down. Previously I had owned a giant spotted pitbull named Yeyo and so I wasn't that familiar with tiny dogs. I was beginning to picture the amazing days I could have with this dog before even laying a finger on her soft fluffy hair. My sister must've surely seen the amazementin my eyes because before even saying anything to her, she began talking. Her words were a blur to me because I was so focused on the huge deep brown eyes that were sitting on the slippery white worn down counter in front of me. The dog was not meant to be mine Get more content

My Child

Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin. There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more content... Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own (Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230. After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all, communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page 194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not make any recognizable word sounds but

Essay about My Child
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Title The first thing I remember about my childhood, is the sound of my grandmother playing the piano in her house. I would wake up from taking a nap in her couch and she'll greet me with a smile, and then we would eat together with the quite large family that I had. The food that we usually ate together would vary from panamanian food to chinese food, as we had chinese heritage. Even though my family was pretty big, she was always capable of uniting the family together and we always had a good time, me and my siblings together with my mom, we would go to her house every friday, and that was the day everyone reunited to eat and to talk about our week and just spend time with everyone.

My grandmother was always very religious, her house was filled with paintings of Jesus and Mary, also with religious statues and images. She really liked Jesus, she would always say that he was her best friend, and I thought it was funny, but I liked that. She was very into religion, she would always donate to charity and help the others, if more people had noticed her, I would've said she could've been a Saint. She played the piano in the church and more content... She gradually got worse and she couldn't do the activities like she used to do, and we all noticed. It was cГЎncer. Everyone in the family was worried. The economic problems in my family had ended, and we thought that my grandmother still sending us food everyday with her health was probably a nuisance, and even though we asked her if it was, she said that it was no problem for her, and she still did. My grandmother refused treatment, some family members said that she got tired of living, and others said that it was God's will. As the months unfolded, my grandmother got weaker, her body was gradually getting thinner and her stomach looked inflated because of the cancer, everyone in the family was pained by this sight, but we couldn't go against her

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My Childhood

I was in a heavy sleep when the shouting of crude remarks and curse words penetrated my bedroom walls and woke me. I was accustomed to noise coming from my parents' bedroom late at night. They spent a huge portion of their bedtime arguing. Their arguments ranged from the most trivial things like the flushing of the toilet to more complex matters such as whether my mom spoils me. My parents also fought in the daytime. Basically, any time they shared a space an altercation was bound to happen. In some cases, I would be right there looking at them argue and other times I would fall asleep to their endless disputes. I spent a good amount of my childhood and teenage years trying to understand the nature of my parents' relationship and marriage. They have been together for nearly thirty–one years. After being a part of their marriage for eighteen years, I began to draw my own conclusions about their relationship: it was unhealthy. Rewind back to 1984, New Year's Eve, this marked the first time my parents ever met. My mom and her girl friends were dining at a restaurant on the Upper East Side. Coincidentally, my dad was also eating there with his co–worker. Apparently, they were regulars at the restaurant, and always ordered the most expensive dish on the menu. It's a pretty simple story of how boy meets girl or girl meets boy, in which my dad walked over to her table and asked for her phone number. As the story unfolds, my dad would not call her until two months later.

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And Teenage
My Childhood

My Childhood

The leaves would crunch beneath my steel covered toes and the fresh, cool forest wind would numb my cheeks. In my childhood years, several years after my parents' divorce, my dad would take my sister and I out to hunting camp on the weekends. It was usually deer hunting season when we would travel there. My sister and I would hunker down and stay quiet in the early mornings before the sun would come up and at dusk before it would get dark. These were prime deer hunting times. My little sister Lizzy and I passed the time with creative activities. Most of the time we would sit in the pull barn and find scraps of wood, old nails, and tools to build heaps of nothing. Other times, when we were bored enough, we would venture into the woods and pick out pretty rocks for great grandma Ryers, or look for deer tracks on the trails. When hunting hours came along, I would either whittle on a stick or silently color in my animal coloring book. Another activity that myfamily and I would partake in was shooting rifles at apples nailed to a tree, or paper targets. This was not allowed during hunting season because it would scare the deer out of the area. This time that I spent out at hunting camp in the nature gave me an appreciation for the earth that we live in. I loved the vast wilderness and all the wildlife. However, this was all just a cover for the events yet to come into our lives. I was naГЇve to our financial well–being, my mom's well–being, and my family relationships. I

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My Childhood Dreams

My Childhood Dreams As I take a look back on my life, I realize how great it has truly been. I had an absolutely amazing childhood and I am beyond blessed for it. I grew up in a home with two loving parents that have been with me through it all and now of days that is something to be truly thankful for. My parents taught me to strive to be anything that I wanted and that I could be anything that I set my mind to. These dreams changed throughout my life as I grew older and as I grew into the person that I am today. From the time I was able to walk I wanted to be a professional baseball player. I always fantasized it being game seven of the world series, with my team down three runs, the bases loaded with two outs, and I was up to bat. Of course every single time I fantasized about this, which was a lot I might add, I knocked a 400 foot home run in the left field bleachers to win the world series. I played in numerous amounts of wiffle ball games with my brother, sister, and my dad in backyard even when I was only two years old and would run the bases backwards. By the way, my family is super competitive, so there were some intense games in my backyard. Baseball has been my love since day one. The word "ball" was even my first word. I have played in probably a billion baseball games in my life and I have not regretted one second of it. I have had an amazing career playing and I am truly blessed for the ability I have been given, but I know I will never actually be able to

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Roars of cheering filled my ears as I watched the ball go into the goal. My teammates quickly surronded me to congratulate my accomplishment. AYSO soccer to a five year old might as well have been the olympics and scoring our only goal that game made me a superstar to everyone on the team. Jumping up and down in pure excitement I looked over to the sidelines to see the smiling faces of my parents looking at me then at each other proud of the human they created and gave each other a kiss. This was one of the few memories of my childhood where my parents actually looked happy to be in each other 's presence. Saturday morning routines went about as they usually do my father heading out for a bike ride to beat the afternoon heat. My father being gone meant the house was silent and gave my brother and I a break from the screaming between my parents that usually occurs. Working fifty hour work weeks meant the only time I saw my dad was the weekends. When he was home it was his time to unwind from the many stresses of work and often times he didn 't want to be bothered by family. My mother spent most of her time often organizing the kitchen or making sure the fridge was categorized by color. Our house was always neat and from an outsider looking in I'm sure everything seemed quite perfect. A beautiful 2,461 square foot Laguna Hills home, a mother involved in PTA and always at school related functions, a father who coached the sports teams and provided the money in the family. Two

On My
My Speech
Childhood Essay
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What do you think of when you think of home? Is it a place to sleep, a place to cry,or is it your hiding place. When most people think of home they think of it as just some place that they live at with their family, and or guardians.But when I think of home I think of it as my solid fortress,the only place where I am free to be 100% me.

My house, still very distinctive in my mind, so beautiful with vivid memories I can never forget,the place where all my family loved coming,and leaving with a light of hope, is the home of my childhood. It's almost mandatory to mention my childhood home, it is the place where I was at my happiest in my life. Talking about my childhood memories brings me such joy, every time I think of my childhood home,because it is such a vibrant place that made me so excited to grow up, while I had such a carefree life. Needless to say, my childhood home is a one story red and brown middle–class brick home, with a wooden fence surrounding its circumference,located in Carencro,Louisiana. My house, is the center of attention, because no matter which way you would turn within the subdivision you were bound to see the home that captured my childhood. Being that we had wood flooring, always confused me, because as you walked it would shift on some parts of the flooring, like leaves were crunching, so it kind of brought you on a journey as you were walking. At night I would creep in the dark on the pieces that would shift, and I would imagine myself outside

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Descriptive Essay About My Childhood

When you think of someone who is a product of their environment, you may think of someone who steals because they may have grown up in poverty, or someone who abuses women because that 's what they grew up watching happen in their own home, or maybe even someone who was raised in a very strict home may have grown up to be a very straight laced individual. My story is a little different. My story goes deeper than how I act on the outside, my story is about the inner workings of my mind and how growing up the way I did has directly affected me as an adult person today. My childhood wasn 't the perfect childhood that everyone dreams of having. My childhood was a broken family, neglect, abuse, and disappointments. My parents divorced when I was two years old, but I really don 't remember anything until I was four years old. My mother had full custody of me, my father would come get me every other weekend so I didn 't get to see him much. The relationship between my mother and I at that time was not what a normal mother and daughter relationship was. I can remember most nights after supper, she would start getting ready to go out, already a little tipsy from the few beers she 's had throughout the day. I would cry and beg her not to leave me, I would plead for her to stay home with me because I didn 't want to go to sleep on the babysitters couch. No matter how much a begged and cried, I still went to the babysitter and I wouldn 't see my mother again until she picked me up in Get

Story Of My Childhood
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