Classification Essay

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Classification Essay Running

There are many kinds of runners throughout the running community, but the most distinguishable of these types are the Overly Dedicated, the Average Runner, and the #runner. All of these types help to create the great diversity of runners with their distinctive qualities and their imaginative views towards the running world.

Starting with the most fanatical of the bunch the Overly Dedicated comes into play. These runners are clothed in every piece of equipment from high–tech electronic gear to the newest shock resistant footwear. The masses of specialized gear that inhabit this runner mainly consist of top of the line clothing. This runner is even physically different from the others with their muscular, athletic physique. The Overly more content...

This is the worst type of runner to encounter. Although it is an extremely rare occurrence to find this runner out on the street alone, they can be found in hoards at any social running event. Being under these circumstances gives them the optimal amount of opportunities to take as many selfies as possible and post them all to every social media site imaginable. These runners live for the likes. In order to obtain the picture perfect photo the #runner must spend a large sum of their money on Nike apparel or any other name brand tank top, shoes, and shorts which just so happen to lay flawlessly upon their red carpet ready body. The outfit is frequently accompanied by a perfectly executed braid. This runner leaves no room for error regarding their appearance. The #runner commonly wears a band around their arm that holds their phone so that when the perfect opportunity arises they can be ready in an instant. Only participating in social events the #runner never runs more than three miles, which just so happens to be the average length of a fun run race. This runner has no desire to be remotely good at what they do, because that would require sweating which would result in an impaired appearance. Once the #runner finishes their race and obtains the perfect selfie the very next movement they make is tapping the "post" icon on their smartphone. This runner's eyes will not leave the screen until they see a notification stating that their post has

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Classification Essay Students

Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate. Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are underachievers, average students, and overachievers.

The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack more content...

Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance. They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who contain these characteristics make up the most common category.

The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists.

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Classification Of Cultures Essays

Culture is a hot topic. Scholars (Fukoyama, Huntington, to mention but two) disagree about whether this is the end of history or the beginning of a particularly nasty chapter of it.

What makes cultures tick and why some of them tick discernibly better than others – is the main bone of contention.

We can view cultures through the prism of their attitude towards their constituents : the individuals they are comprised of. More so, we can classify them in accordance with their approach towards "humanness", the experience of being human.

Some cultures are evidently anthropocentric – others are anthropo–transcendental. These two lingual coins need elaboration to be fully comprehended.

A culture which cherishes the human more content...

A culture can be described by using a few axes :

Distinguishing versus Consuming cultures

Some cultures give weight and presence (though not necessarily equal) to each of their constituent elements (the individual and social structures). Each such element is idiosyncratic and unique. Such cultures would accentuate attention to details, private enterprise, initiative, innovation, entrepreneurship, inventiveness, youth, status symbols, consumption, money, creativity, art, science and technology.

These are the things that distinguish one individual from another.

Other cultures engulf their constituents, assimilate them to the point of consumption. They are deemed, a priori, to be redundant, their worth a function of their actual contribution to the whole.

Such cultures emphasize generalizations, stereotypes, conformity, consensus, belonging, social structures, procedures, forms, undertakings involving the labour or other input of human masses.

Future versus Past Oriented Cultures

Some cultures look to the past – real or imaginary – for inspiration, motivation, sustenance, hope, guidance and direction. These cultures tend to direct their efforts and resources and invest them in what IS. They are, therefore, bound to be materialistic, figurative, substantive, earthly.

They are likely to prefer old

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The Classification Of Racism

The Classification of Racism

Racism has been around for as long as anyone can remember. It seems that like it will never go away, no matter how hard any person tries. Racism can be deconstructed into hate, ignorance, and fear. Understanding the core of racism is the only way to eliminate it. There seems to be a surge of Neo–Nazi's in today's post Obama society. Being a Neo–Nazi is taking all the values that Adolf Hitler tried to implement in Germany and the world during World War II (homophobia,racism, ableism, xenophobia, anti–semitism, etc.) and believing them and living based on them. Neo–Nazi's are all over the media saying how they have reinvented themselves and are no longer a hate group. This is utterly untrue. Take away hate from Neo–Nazi's and they're nothing. Being a Neo–Nazi is being fueled by hatred toward anyone who isn't white, straight, and not disabled. Obviously, being a Neo–Nazi can never be a group of white people not being hateful because then it's not Neo–Nazism, it just a group of white people. What if hate were to go away? Does that mean that racism will perish? No, but it will eliminate a lot of it. Of course hate won't just disappear, if people were waiting for that to happen, then they'd be wasting their time. Hate can be controlled with educating all people about different races, cultures, and people who live different lives than their own. Relating and empathizing with people is key to not more content...

It can always be classified into hate, fear, or ignorance and, more than likely, all three of them. Racism isn't going away anytime soon, but understanding these classifications is a big way to slow it down. Try to sympathise with people no matter theirrace. Accept people of color doing big things for our country. Teach your kids to be inclusive and teach them about heroes who are of color. Humanize people. Look at them and see who they are, not their skin color or religion, or any part of their physical

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All patients were diagnosed with a stage 2, 3, or 4 idiopathic MH according to the Gass classification system(17) and underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination before and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively, including measurement of the best–corrected VA (BCVA), binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy, and non–contact lens slit–lamp biomicroscopy. The SD–OCT examination also was performed in all patients on the same day as the clinical examination. Standard 3–port pars plana vitrectomy for MH repair consisted of a core vitrectomy with intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide to visualize the vitreous gel, surgical creation of a posterior vitreous detachment if it had not yet occurred, ILM peeling using Briliant blue G (BBG), and fluid–gas exchange followed by flushing with a mixed non–expansile concentration of 20% sulfur hexafluoride. Patients were instructed to remain facedown for 2 to 7 days postoperatively. Anatomic success was defined as the presence of a flat or closed MH 1 month postoperatively confirmed by biomicroscopy.(18) All patients provided written informed consent after they received a detailed explanation of the surgical procedure and SD–OCT follow–up examinations. Our retina specialist (SB) performed the surgeries. One of two experienced examiners performed the VA examinations, and experienced technicians conducted the SD–OCT examinations. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional

Classification System ( 17 ) Essay
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The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems interested in his subject and his students. The first thing a positive teacher does is try to learn all of the student's names. This kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in class and does not seem to mind if a student disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class as well. Not only is he available for conferences, but he encourages students to see him if they need help. The students tend to feel comfortable in the presence of this teacher. A good example of a positive teacher is my French teacher, Monsieur Poirrot. He always allows time during the more content...

The negative teacher is too often inflexible; in fact, he seems more like a machine than a human being. Fortunately, this group is in the minority. Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers. The type of teacher students get can directly affect how much they learn. Obviously, students learn more from a positive teacher; unfortunately, as we have seen, this type makes the minority. Since the mission of the university is to educate, administrators should try to get the neutral and negative teachers to improve their teaching methods and attitudes; otherwise, the administrators should consider dismissing at least the negative teachers and make every effort to hire those teachers who show promise of being positive ones. Unlike the positive teachers, the neutral teachers are not very agreeable. In general, the neutral teachers just do not seem interested in either the subject or the student. These teachers usually do not learn all of the student's names, though they may learn a few. Their classes tend to be more boring than the Get more content

Classification Essay

Hair Classification Essay

Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it? If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to different fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book? If you haven't or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not these are really worth the money.

There are so many different beauty tips that you can use, and so the more tips that you learn, obviously the better off you will be overall. We all care what we look like and we all want to look our very best, and this is why knowing about the most beauty tips that we can is such a great idea.

Hair stylists around the universe are trained in a variety of ways to create beautiful designs with a person's hair. There are many factors that make hair more or less difficult more content...

The way in which one wears their hair is a matter of personal preference, as there are thousands of hairstyles, both long and short to choose from. Black hair styles are as diverse as the people who wear them as well and are highly unique to the black culture. As the texture of a black person's hair is often very coarse and/or curly, different styles are used on their hair than a person of a different race. Beauty and style are an essential part of black hair, and great care is invested into taking care of one's hair within the black community, as in many others as well.

Blonde hair is normally associated with a femme fatale, Rebel without a Cause and one notices it everywhere and women are often found in salons begging for more bleach. Hair that is Blonde is characterized by low levels of dark pigment eumelanin as well as high levels of pale pigment phemelanin and is believed to be found in various hues of blonde in less than two per cent of the total population of the

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Classification of Organisms Essay

Taxonomy is the study of the classification of organisms, it is the organization (separation) of all the known organisms into groups based on their shared features, these groups are then organized into further, larger groups. These groups are all referred to as Taxa (Taxon– singular). The taxa used in taxonomy are: Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum and kingdom, each group getting larger going form species to kingdom.

Taxa Used in Taxonomy =====================


Organisms That are able to interbreed, producing fertile offspring are considered to be of the same species, this taxon can also be divided into subspecies and then strains (to give more content...

The first name is always a noun and the second an adjective.

The relation between Phylogeny and Classification

Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species, it is a valuable biological mechanism used to determine what genus a species may fall into, as species which have very similar (homologous) features can be assumed to have evolved from the same common ancestors, e.g. horses donkeys and zebras all have homologous features and can all be filed under the genus Equus.

Artificial selection

Humans have also had a hand in how many of the animals we see every day are the way they are. Take Dogs for example, they have been bred to produce a wide variety of qualities that we find desirable in them, and these can be behavioural, or physical properties. Guard dogs have been bred to have phenotypes such as broad shoulders, heavy build and they also have been selectively bred to be aggressive and territorial other dogs, such as terriers have been bred to be small and fairly docile, ideal qualities for a house pet.

In this case Humans have taken the place of natural selection for the dogs, to tailor them to our requirements. Desirable phenotypes which are recognized in the Get more content

English Comp 1

Fridays 1230


Classification and Division

The video game industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry, so it isn't hard to understand why they go through great strides to protect their image. They provide entertainment to all ages, genders, nationalities, and ethnicities. Contrary to the opinions of the industries opponents, video games are not destroying our youth, they challenge, educate, and provide an escape from an oppressive world. There are four main types of video games; RPG or role–playing game, RTS or real–time strategy, FPS or first person shooter, and sports titles. Of these the FPS is probably the most popular, allowing people to get together with their friends, or more content...

They must learn economics, politics, diplomacy, construction, military tactics, naval power, and siege tactics in order to survive for more than an hour of play. Rome: Total War has two different screens that a player must learn to master, the campaign map, where armies, navies, and diplomats are moved, and where cities are managed. Then there is the battle screen which changes every time a player attacks or defends a different location. It is on this screen that the game is truly won or lost. Gamers must fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of not only their units, but the units of their enemy. This is but one challenge for gamers, they must also learn how to confront elephants, chariots, siege weapons, and the naked fanatics of the Gauls. The next type of game is sports titles, which are probably the most popular for a group of people, rather than the individual gamer. Sports titles cover everything from football and baseball to golf and auto racing. These games are equally enjoyed by both players who are or were jocks, and for those who wish they were. A person learns the mechanics and intricacies, giving them a greater appreciation for the game overall. Sometimes the video game can create a fan of a sport where none existed before. It is obvious that video games are not all about sex, drugs and violence. While there are certain titles that are questionable, but most games are quite harmless. With school becoming less

Essay on Classification and Division
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October 11, 1999

Classifying Rocks

Rocks are classified to make it easier on people to identify them in the future. This can be done by a numerous amount of ways. Each rock type has their own specific ways, but there are two distinct characteristics that apply to all. These are texture and composition. These two, along with many others helps to classify igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks are classified first by texture. This is broken down mainly into grain size. First there are intrusive, or plutonic igneous rocks. These types of rocks cool within the crust and forms large, visible crystals. The opposite would be extrusive, or volcanic rocks. These cool at the surface rapidly, forming more content...

First you have limestone, which can be either organic or inorganic. An example would be fossiliferous or chalk. Next is dolostone, and it is formed from dolomite. Chert is next; and can be organic or inorganic also. Flint and jasper are some examples of chert. Rock salt and gypsum are what are known as evaporites. These form from the evaporation of saline waters in an arid environment. Finally there is coal, which is organic and forms from buried plant remains and carbon. There is one more type of rock that is classified the same way as the previous two.

Metamorphic rocks are pre–existing rocks that are changed by heat and pressure. The pre–existing rock is called the parent rock, or protolith. Metamorphism occurs in these rocks when the minerals become instable. There are two types of metamorphism, contact and regional. Contact is high temperature, low pressure. It is basically a massive rock that is baked. Regional is high pressure and low temperature. Strong fabric, or layering, develops from this kind of metamorphism. Along with metamorphism, you get texture changes. The first is recrystallization, which is where you get new minerals from old. Some of the new minerals that form are micas, feldspars, and garnet. You can also get foliation, which is a planar fabric in a metamorphic rock. Simply, this is the alignment of minerals within the rock that are platy. Types of foliation are slaty cleavage, schistosity, and gneissic layering.

Rock Classification Essay
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