Youth and islamic awakening2

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Discourse Analysis of Identity and the Elements of ...


Islamic Revolution. The Islamic Revolution rejected one the fundaments of modernism, that is, isolation of religion in societies or secularism and ignoring the role of religion in political, economic, and cultural issues. The emergence of the Islamic Revolution has had rapid and far-reaching impacts in the past three decades. This led to the rejection of this view and the age of termination of religion turned into an end to this view and this was the beginning of all Islamic discourses which were basically being destroyed by the ruling secularism and tyranny. In fact, the most principal influence of the Islamic Revolution in Iran must be sought in the discourse environment of regional nations rather than in the geopolitics of the region. Arab Nationalism and Leftists ideas were the dominant ideologies across the Arab world in 60s and 70s and there was no room for the emergence of Islamism due to the tremendous pressures from the ruling governments. But Islamic Awakening emerged following the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. Islamic Awakening discourse gets hegemonic The provided analysis includes descriptive function for the formation of Pan-Arabism discourse and obliteration of its symbols. In fact these are the reasons for ending Arab nationalism discourse. Setting out reason such as economic poverty, development of internet communications and ‌. that are used to define the reason of Arab uprisings can also be used to describe the causes of the failure of tyrant ruling regimes. In the meantime, people’s demand for Islam is one of the other several reasons behind the formation the developments in the region. But, a second question should be raised to define the main reason of the events

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