Youth and islamic awakening2

Page 38

An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...


be achieved it needs to eliminate its rivals and enemies. It has found the main cause of its problems in Middle East region and Islamic world; thus with occurrence of Islamic movements in the region, their influence on global equations increases. Consequently, Imperialism , in order to reach dominance over Islamic movements, apply methods some of which are as follows: ●priority of cultural dominance over military dominance ●infiltrating Western agents to temporary transitional governments ●inspiring inefficiency of religious democratic system in controlling Islamic countries’ affairs ● creating social and cultural crisis as well as individual and cultural alienation ●making standards and presenting Western models ●creating more inequity and more social, ethnic and religious gaps ●focusing on new capitalist centers in Islamic nations for realization of colonialism ●increasing individualistic activities, seclusion of influential figures and minimizing social participation of committed elites ●creating economical dependence and expansion of market in Islamic awakening wave countries ●changing people taste and making them consume more ●managing public thoughts and changing their direction towards the benefits of Imperialism 3. stopping, deviating or slackening the Islamic awakening movement Onset of Islamic movements in north Africa and Southwest Asia, their passing from emergence phase to

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