Youth and islamic awakening2

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International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening this commitment is quite selective. Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Sadr proposed a "theory of the popular caliphate supervised by the religious authoritative Source. The theory holds that the people's political rights should be officially independent of the jurists and that the status of the jurists should be more liable to superintendence. On the executive level, the religious Source is selected by traditional methods, not by democratic elections." Al-Sadr demonstrated that khilafa (governance) is ‘a right given to the whole of humanity’ and explained it to be an obligation given from God to the human race to ‘tend the globe and administer human affairs’. This was a major advancement of Islamic political theory. Al-Sadr stated that the legitimacy of a government in an Islamic state comes from the people, and not from the clerics. Al-Sadr explained that throughout history there have been '…two lines. Man’s line and the Prophet’s line. The former is the khalifa (trustee) who inherits the earth from God; the latter is the shahid. Political Philosophy: Wilayat Al-Umma Al-Sadr also presented a practical application of khilafa, in the absence of the twelfth Imam. He argued the practical application of the khilafa (governance) required the establishment of a democratic system whereby the people regularly elect their representatives in government: Islamic theory rejects monarchy as well as the various forms of dictatorial government; it also rejects the aristocratic regimes and proposes a form of government, which contains all the positive aspects of the democratic system. Youths should be aware of the hypocrisy of western power mongers. If Muslim nation wants to be governed according


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